Saturday, May 22, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 5/21/10 Don't You Just Love it When Plans Come Together?

Episode 66

Renato barges in on Leo and tells her that Woody refused his help because of Juan. Leo thinks he had good reason for refusing. Renato says he made a promise and he intends to keep it. Leo thinks it’s a shame that he favors Juan over his own family. She’s worried about the name Montes de Oca. Personally if I never had to hear that name again I’d be ecstatic. They continue arguing about it. What about Aimee? Aimee hates Juan. Leo keeps talking gloom and doom.

Amy is in her bed remembering her good times with Juan and how she has him wrapped around her little finger. She can have her cake and eat it too. Yawn…

Remi is trying to talk sense into Juan. Hey, good luck with that.

Back to Aimee who is trying to think of a way to delay things with Juan until she can get some money to live as she’s accustomed.

Remi is still trying to convince Juan to not go through with his plan of vengeance. Hey, don’t worry I’m so over it. Aimee and I are going to run away together. Because that will make it so much better-- NOT.

Puerto de Alvarado
A gypsy is trying to convince a couple to let her tell them their fortune. They are not having any of it. In fact they are just plain hateful about it. Jimena and Branco witness this and he says see--is that the kind of life you want? The white folks don’t care. They hate us. It’s better to be with me. Mena is sure that Gabe would defend her. Branco thinks that’s a hoot. He doesn’t love you. I love you with all my gypsy soul. R-i-g-h-t. And you’ve known her how long?

Woody is paying the snotty little man who demanded payment for the ring. Rodrigo insults the little worm and they leave.

Juan is telling Remi that he and Aimee can’t be separated. We will be together. Remi thinks he’s one brick short of a full load. You don’t understand Remi. You‘ve never been in love. You don’t know the passion I feel. If you could feel it you would understand. Remi says you are right. I’ve never known love. But I can’t let you do this. You know will have you kill me. You know it. You are my brother. You saved my life. Are you ready to take it away? Remi shakes his head no. Renato has everything. With his family, money, the finca, the name. But not Aimee. She is mine. No one can take her away from me. Not even you. They both pout.

Renato looks lost as always. He spies Regina. Have you seen your sister? Uh, no. It’s not my day to watch her. I just got back from Paradise. Maybe she’s in the garden. I’ll go look for her. Hey, Renato, try looking for a mirror. She’s probably gazing adoringly at herself. Regina says she ran into Juan. He doesn’t have any reason to be here so I wouldn’t let him enter. She’s not sure he belongs here. What’s the big deal? He’s a good man. He’s sincere, honest. Regina is not so sure. Renato says he just doesn’t get it. Why is everyone so bothered about him? FF>>

Aimee is waiting for Juan in the tack room. He surprises her as he comes barreling through the door. She is startled. Weren’t you just waiting for him you stupid cow? What are you doing here? I’ve come for you. Get a move on woman. Whoa Nelly. She loves him. He says you’ve told me that many times. Aimee says now they need to wait so there isn’t a scandal. Don’t believe her, don’t believe her! He gets angry. Damn it. You lie. You got that right buddy.

Renato is still defending Juan to Regina. She says she’s worried about Aimee. What the hell does she do all day? We’d like to know that too Regina. She’s not doing very well over the loss of her fortune. It troubles me to hear that. You don’t look happy. I’m really happy with your sister. I need her like I need air to breathe. Oh please. But now Aimee is nervous, violent, capricious. But that doesn’t affect my love for her. Are you saying you love her no matter what happens?

Juan grabs Aimee roughly because that is the way to win a lady’s heart and she tells him to let her go. You’ve deceived me again. Damn you. Duh. For this I would like to kill you. You need to be afraid of me. Very afraid. Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard that one before. I swear I will go with you wherever you want. She wants to get her grubby mitts on some money. He grabs her again. She begs him to agree to not leave now. He agrees. Dumbass. They seal the deal with a liplock. He looks happy. She looks relieved. He tells her they will live on Pennon del Diablo. She remembers the hut. That is so not going to happen she thinks.

Arcadio hot-foots it out of the finca. Juan sees this and heads off to visit MdR. He finds the cell but hides because he hears Mirta coming. MdR is wandering around looking for her hijo. He opens the cell and goes in. MdR goes in to the fake bedroom looking for something. She tears everything apart. Juan comes up behind her and wants to know what is going on. She has lost her hijo. Somebody stole my hijo. He tries to calm her down. She says Juan is her hijo. She grabs him and asks him not to leave. Mirta finds her hijo. She hands it to Juan who holds it with the letter that is stuck in the shirt. He finds the letter and wants to know what it is. MdR says it is hers. He doesn’t open it even though I was yelling at the TV to open.the.damn.letter. He grabs her and hugs her. She cries. He asks her to take off the veil and to never wear it again. Wow, that haircut is something else. He gives Mirta some coins to use for MdR. Mirta is thankful.

Orca is out in the graveyard looking for a suitable body to put in MdR’s tomb.

Leo comes in to find Noel at his desk working. She wants to talk about them. She is sorry for her errors. She sidles over to him and starts rubbing his arm. She tries to act all coy. She goes in for a kiss but Noel pulls away. Good man! He finally realizes what kind of heifer she really is. He can’t do it. He’s not falling for her tricks this time. He says something about her and Rodrigo and she turns around to smack him but he catches her hand. He pushes her away. He picks up his paper and leaves. Damn, it didn’t work.

Fed is in bed with Eloisa. I can hardly stand to watch that guy. She is worried about him marrying Regina. He needs to marry her to get her fortune. They are plotting and planning. He is so c.r.e.e.p.y. FF>> I can’t wait for her to get busted.

Woody has gone to visit Ful. He needs help. Everyone knows that but him. He needs to ask a favor. Since he is ruined he has no money to meet with Juan San Roman. So what are you going to do? Vengeance. Vengeance for everything that he has done to me. They talk some more and Fuly says ok. But remember you will owe me big time. I’m surprised he didn’t toddle over and kiss Rod on both cheeks. Oh sure. Fed has promised to help me with his fortune. Fuly shakes his head and you know he is mulling all this over and planning something dastardly.

Jimena is thinking about Gabe and Branco. She remembers the good times with Gabe. Swimming, riding, talking, the almost kiss. Poof! Suddenly Gabe appears behind her. How did she do that? He gives her a flower. He wants to know what she is thinking. She’s thinking about the times they’ve had. He hopes they are not painful memories. He kisses her hand. He looks deep into her eyes and tells her he loves here. Well, it’s about frickin’ time. That is what she’s been waiting to hear all this time. They have a real kiss. She pulls away and tells him that they can’t be happy. Huh? You looked pretty darn happy just a second ago. He keeps persuading her. Unfortunately for our two young lovers Gris shows up to ruin the moment. She tells her to get her sorry little but back to camp and reaches for her. Gabe says no way is she going with you and keep your claws off of her. Gabe tells her to leave her alone. Gris mouths off some more and Gabe tells her he’s not budging.

Back to poor Orca digging up some grave. I wonder on a scale of 1-10 how this rates with all the horrible things Leo has forced him to do. He starts picking out pieces of the skeleton. He reburies the coffin. Can you just imagine the conversation?

L: Hey Big Daddy. I have an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weensy job for you.
O: What kind of job?
L: Oh nothing too bad. I just need you to go rob a body from the cemetery who died around the same time as my sister.
O: Why?
L: Because my one-true-love wants to get the jewels out of the coffin that we buried with her.
O: Well, I don’t know. It’s kind of gross and on a scale of 1-10 it might rank around a 9.
L: I’ll give you some jewels.
O: Uh, nope.
L: I’ll give you some money.
O: Hmmmmm. Nope.
L: Mami will give you lots of sugar. More than you can imagine in your wildest dreams.
O: Well, since you put it that way. Ok.

Back at the finca MdR is finally reading the letter. For my daughters Regina and Aimee. She keeps reading. Leo is killing me. You can see her thinking.

Arcadio is back at the finca. Rod and Leo are waiting. Rod tells Arcadio this is really important and Leo assures him that Arcadio has been a loyal employee for many years. Well, get on with it then. Arcadio pries open the coffin.

Juan and Curly are having a boy-to-boy talk on the beach. Curly is afraid nobody wants him. Juan says don’t even think about it. Curly doesn’t understand why he can’t go with Juan. Because it is not a good time right now. Curly starts to cry. That kid is just so cute. I really feel sorry for him. You promised me you wouldn’t leave me. Believe me I won’t leave you. Do you swear? I swear. FF>>

Arcadio opens the crypt. They all cough and gag. Would there be anything left to make a smell after all these years? Rod tells Arcadio to get in there and look for the jewels. He looks at Leo like WTF that‘s not in my work description. She says go ahead. Reluctantly he takes a quick peek and says nope not in there. Rod decides to be a man and he pokes around in there. Nope you’re right there’s nothing in there. Where could it have gone? What to do, what to do? I’m laughing at him. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Back in Renato and Aimee’s room. Rento is lying on the bed fully dressed and Aimee is nervously looking out the window. He notices Aimee is nervous. What’s wrong? Why are you so nervous? Oh I’m just worried about my dad being a loser and having no money. You know, just the usual stuff. She pouts. He falls for it. He says you don’t have anything to worry about as he starts to kiss her neck. Aimee looks like she just threw up in her mouth a little bit. She doesn’t believe that Juan would abandon her. He can’t live without me.

Juan is on the beach waiting for Aimee.

Meanwhile Aimee is being ravaged by Renato. She pushes him away. He starts kissing her again. Looks like she’s going to be occupied for a while.

Juan’s getting pissed. He can’t understand where she is.

She’s in bed thinking that with Juan she gets passion and with Renato she gets gifts, jewels.

One of Juan’s synapses sparks and he realizes she’s not coming. She stood me up for the last time (today maybe). He puts out the fire and walks dejectedly away.

Connie 8(:-)


El Clon 68, Fri., May 21- The Naz is a biker babe; Said invites Marisa to his wedding and Albieri and Luisa finally leave

Kind of a weird choppy episode tonight BUT the previews show that the Clone is supposed to show up on Monday.

We open with Lucia's reaction to Fernando saying that Natalia wants to marry Alej. She is impactada and asks Andrea for confirmation. Andrea first denies and then admits that it is true but begs her mother not to say anything to Marisa or Nati will kill her.

Nati spins a fantasy life for Alej. She wants their own house with a garden and a pool where they can be alone. Alej doesn't want a pool because of the danger to the children.
Nati, estamos soñando, ¿no?
Nati, we're dreaming, right? says Alej.
She asks why he says that,
como si fuera una idea muy lejana, como si no fuera posible.
Imposible nada, pero lejana sí es. ¡Bastante!
as if it were a very distant idea, as if it weren't possible.
Nothing is impossible, says Alej, but it is distant, very distant. He says that he would need to get a job, get serious about his training and save, save, save (ahorrar). Nati suggests that her grandfather could give him a job but Alej nixes that idea. He says that Leo already gave him a job and from Leo's point of view he betrayed him when they got together. He wants to get a job on his own so that Nati's family don't think for a second that he wants to take advantage (approvechar) of her or them. Nati asks a favor of Alej, that he can take any kind of job,
menos el de chofer de una niñita malcriada
except that of chauffeur to a spoiled little girl.

The Naz flirts with Pablo from the balcony where she is watering plants.

Amin the snitch runs to tell Mohamed.
Tía Nazira está esparciendo la corrupcíon en el balcon.
Aunt Nazira is spreading corruption from the balcony. Mohamed chases her inside where she gives Latifa her usual diatribe about how her suitors are being chased away by her family.

Luisa gives final instructions to Alicia and takes leave of the lab staff.

Rosa gets a call from Enrique that they are back from Morocco. She goes to tell Marisa who is getting ready to go out. She tells Rosa that if Lucas up and left everyone including her,
la que se va ahora soy yo.
the one who is leaving now is me. Rosa shakes her head.
Lucas arrives on a stretcher. He and Marisa stare at each other without saying a word and Marisa goes upstairs.

Lucas is put in his bed and left alone with his witchy wife.
Yo me caí de las nubes y tú te caiste del techo de una medina.
I came down to earth (literally, fell off the clouds) and you fell off a roof in a medina, says Marina. Since he immobile, she can torment him. She says that he is pathetic at his age trying to escape on the roof from an angry husband. All Lucas can tell her is to go away and leave him alone. Finally, she does.
Lucas tells Rosa that he doesn't want to share a room with Marisa. Apparently, there is no room available in the giant house. Lucas says that he will go to a hospital. [Is Marisa going to get Lucas a bedpan 'cause he can't go to the bathroom on his own.] While Rosa is sure that Marisa and Lucas can get over their problem, Lucas says that he has made a decision. His marriage is over and better late than never, he is going to be with Jade.

Lucas and Jade want to call each other but apparently neither of them get beyond staring at the phone so we're spared another sappy conversation.

Meanwhile Marisa is meeting Said in what appears to be a fancy bar. This doesn't seem like the kind of place Fernando would go but he is there with a girl and sees Marisa and Said. Said gives Marisa more jewelry.

Fernando tells Andrea about what he saw. He wasn't positive but he thought there was more than a casual relationship.

Said is going back to Morocco for his wedding. He invites Marisa to attend and tells her that in Morocco when a man invites a woman to his wedding that means that he is interested in her. She tells him to come back soon.

Leo comes home and goes to see Lucas. He tries to find out what happened but Lucas tells him to forget about it. Leo asks how he can forget about something that may ruin their business deal with the Arabs. Then Leo tells him that Natalia has a boyfriend - the chauffeur that Leo hired. He also tells him that Marisa is not in favor of the relationship. He says that he doesn't want the same thing to happen to Nati that happened to Lucas - a summer romance that turned into a tragedy because he opposed it. He asks Lucas to not to try and split Nati and Alej up.

Since Said didn't have much time, Marisa goes to see Lucia after her date. She shows off her latest gift from him. Lucia says that Marisa likes Said more than she should.
¿Y a qué mujer no le gusta que la traten como a una reina?
And what woman doesn't like being treated like a queen?

Said is at Mohamed's house and Latifa says that the luggage is almost ready. Latifa interrogates Said about the gift that she saw him carrying. Very casually, Said tells her that it was for a beautiful, fascinating woman with whom he spent an unforgettable night. 'Just the two of you alone?' asks Latifa.
Sí, solos. Como ella no es muselmana, no hubo problema.
Yes, alone. Since she isn't a muslim, there was no problem, says Said and goes on to tell Latifa that the woman is Lucas' wife. [If we needed more evidence, here is the double standard writ large. It is a big problem if a muslim woman is with any man alone. And to be fair, this was also the case in Christian societies for hundreds of years.]

Mohamed comes in concerned that Nariza is missing. Latifa says that the Naz went out to buy some things. Said asks why Nariza went out alone. Mohamed replies that the Naz is a feminist like the women in Cairo (?). She is trying to get a husband on her own and Mohamed thinks that she might even take her veil off some day!!
Mi hermana sin velo. ¡Jamás! Eso nunca.
My sister without a veil. Never. That will never happen, says Said angrily.

The Naz emerges from a store, calls for a taxi but up comes Pablo on his motorcycle. He offers her a ride. She accepts but doesn't realize that means sitting astride the motorcycle seat and holding on to Pablo below the waist. [Haraam! you say for someone who wouldn't let Osvaldo touch her when they were dancing and isn't supposed to let a man into the house if her brother isn't present - but she does it anyway.]

Zamira is dancing to forbidden Western music on an ipod. Amin the snitch comes in and threatens to tell their father. Zamira says that if he does, she will tell that he goes and spies on Karla when she is naked. He replies that he will deny it and who will they believe - a man or a woman? Unfortunately, this is true and Zamira is reduced to predicting that Amin will burn in hell.

Naturally, just as Mohamed, Latifa and Said are going out to try and find the Naz, she and Pablo arrive at the house. Unaware that her family is watching, the Naz takes a fond farewell of Pablo.

Karla also witnesses their arrival and screams, Pablo!
Ramoncito, trae los platos porque creo que vamos a comer asado de Pablo deshuesado.
Ramon, bring those plates because I think we are going to eat boneless roast Pablo, says Gloria fearing Mohamed' reaction.

When Mohamed and Said try to scold the Naz, she gives her usual rant about how she has sacrificed everything for her family and she has nothing, etc.

When the Naz waves at Pablo from a window and he waves back, Karla asks for an explanation of what is going on.

He says that he is glad to see her. She slaps him and says that she won't accept his insolence (desfachatez). Pablo asks if she thinks he is an imbecile. He knows about her lies. 'Lies, what lies?' asks Karla uneasily. 'I know it's difficult for you, dear, but think, make an effort,' replies Pablo. Obviously hoping for a reaction, Karla says that she has had enough. It's over. 'Fine,' replies Pablo casually, 'today, next week, whenever.' Karla is impactada at Pablo's lack of interest. He rides off on his motorcycle and Gloria and Ramon laugh at Karla.

Hilda gives the Karla the, 'I told you so' lecture but Karla tells her to lay off the cantaleta (same old song). She stalks out and Hilda laments that Karla will end up giving massages in an old folks home.

Luisa takes another farewell of the staff at the lab this time on her way to go to Cancun. Julio asks Escobar if he has something going with Alicia. Escobar replies that he likes how attentive Alicia is to him. Julio warns him about where that path might lead.

Clara tells Fernando about Alicia. He asks if she thinks Escobar is having an affair with her. Clara says that she doesn't know. Fernando replies that his Dad never leaves the house. How could he be having an affair? Their conversation is interrupted by the appearance of a new character, Amalia [played by the same actress who played Luisana in Doña Bárbara].

Enrique asks Carolina to marry him.

It appears that Amalia is a journalist and an old flame of Leo's.

Nati goes to see her father. He says that he is a little concerned about her boyfriend. Nati says that the only person who is against the relationship is Marisa. She wants to know what he thinks about it. Lucas replies that he just found out about it. Nati says that they are very much in love and she might marry Alej. Lucas says that she is too young. He asks if she realizes what she will sacrifice if she marries this guy. 'Are you saying this because he isn't rich?' asks Nati, 'because you have thrown away a lot more than I have because of the Arab woman you are in love with.' Lucas replies that that is different. 'Why is it different?' asks Nati, 'because your feelings are worth more than mine? Because I am younger than you?' Before Lucas can answer, Marisa comes in and Nati leaves. Lucas asks Marisa for an explanation of Nati's relationship.
¿Ya ves la fuerza del ejemplo? A tu papá, a ti y a Natalia les encanta lo popular.
You see the power of example? Your father, you and Natalia love the riffraff.

Said, Mohamed and his family arrive in Morocco. The Naz suggests to Said that Mohamed should take another wife like him. When Said says that Mohamed must be happy as he is, Nazira replies that he has been influenced by the one wife customs in the US. When he sees Said marry again, he might feel differently. Said says that his fianceé has a sister who is looking for a husband.

Latifa passes on the news about Said and Marisa to Jade.

Marisa tells Lucas that her new earrings were a gift from a Moroccan named Said.

The credits roll.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Dinero #109 & 110, 5/21/10: A Promise Worth Breaking and A Pregnancy She’s Probably Faking.

Ale and Rosario tell Jorge there is a problem with the plumbing and they need to stay in an apartment until it gets fixed. Meanwhile, Rafa reminisces about his first day at the Siglo and Pepeto chats with him about the women around the office. Rafa shows off his new credit cards, business cards, and personal checks.

Marco takes two of Chavez’s magic green pills before answering the door for Rubi. It doesn’t take long for them to kick in…*cue cartoon “boing” sound* (Which will be heard frequently in the next hour.)

Rosario isn’t comfortable with Ale going to the cocktail party with Rafa but Ale assures her there is nothing to be worried about. Rafa prays he will be able to keep the promise he made to Jorge about Ale.

Rafa arrives at the party where Ale has been waiting impatiently for him. They make their way into the party, amongst some well-dressed and well-coifed couples. This is one ritzy party: complete with bocadillos and fine wines. Rafa makes short work of several cocktails after finding out they don’t have tequila. He notes the party is “a jungle full of lions” and can’t wait to mingle.

Rubi wheedles information out of Marco about his friendship with Chavez. Rubi is excited to go with Jorge to the hacienda; she likes working for him so much she plans to quit table dancing and move into the hacienda to dedicate herself to Gorgi’s care. Marco doesn’t like the idea but Rubi wiggles up close to get him to change his mind. Things turn sour when Marco’s controlling side comes out and he starts choking Rubi. She shrugs him off and makes a phone call.

Ale asks what went down between Beltran, Marino, and Clara. Rafa gives her a copy of the “incriminating” document that sparking the gossip. Ale finally believes Rafa never started the rumors and Rafa understands that the embargo against his house was Marco’s doing.

Marian Celeste, the owner of Grupo Celeste, makes a grand entrance. Rafa is entranced by Marian, which does not go unnoticed by Ale. Marian warmly greets Rafa; she was curious to meet him after getting three of his business cards. Rafa introduces Marian to Ale but Marian’s fondness for Rafa is apparent. For the most of the conversation, Marian’s back is turned to Ale.

Marian congratulates Rafa for being Siglo’s star salesman. She agrees to visit Rafa at work the next day to discuss a new line of trucks. Additionally, she invites Rafa to call her Marian because she hates being called “licenciada”. A waiter delivers some lobster bocadillos, which Rafa turns down because of how cruelly lobsters are killed. He and Marian chat about comdia típica, as she also loves traditional Mexican food. Ale is increasingly jealous as their small talk continues.

Back at the love shack, it turns out that Rubi called Quintana and Chavez. Quintana is an old friend of Rubi’s and knows that Marco and Chavez want to take possession of the hacienda by marrying into the family. Quintana already has a stake in the hacienda too, being a “close friend” of Rosario’s. Not to mention, he just had the embargo on the house stopped.

Marco swears no one, let alone Rubi, is going to take the hacienda away from him. Once Rubi and Quintana leave, Chavez and Marco bemoan their situation. Marco is furious Rubi double crossed him and is left to clutch a pillow in sexual frustration. He calls Ale in desperation but she is, of course, busy at the party. Instead of taking a cold shower, Marco nearly molests a couple young ladies on the way to Ale’s and even gets handsy with Rosario when he gets there.

Ale, tired of being ignored, slides in behind Rafa and insists they have to leave because of an early meeting the following morning. Marian asks Rafa to stay and promises to pull some strings with Beltran if he gets reprimanded. Ale, dejected, tells Rafa to stay if he wants and runs off for her coat.

Rafa follows Ale out to the lobby and asks why she told Marian they had to leave. Ale sticks with her earlier excuse. Rafa guesses Ale is jealous but she denies it. Rafa admits to being jealous anytime men get near her, a piece of knowledge Ale obviously enjoys.

She tells Rafa to be careful what he says since someone could overhear them. “I don’t want to watch my words. It’s too late and it doesn’t matter. Everything I said is true.”

Rafa asks Ale to remember the one night they spent alone together at Puerta Vallarta and all the things he said after Marco ruined the Refri agreement. “I said I loved you and I wanted to run away and live with you. After all this time, you haven’t thought about me like I’ve thought about you?” Ale claims to never think of Rafa or feel anything for him. “You’ve forgotten about me completely? Not even single thought?”

Rafa nearly goes back to the party but Ale stops him by saying she does think about him. All the time. Always. Even when she tries to backtrack, the damage is done. Rafa asks Ale about the beach but all she remembers is losing the deal. Rafa’s memories are far more romantic.

“All that I remember about the trip are the nights we had alone together, the smell of your perfume, setting the lobsters free, and dancing around the campfire. I remember every moment I spent with you. I still feel your lips, your skin, and your essence. Do you remember?”

Rafa sings a line from Amarte a la Antigua (*melt*) and swears he will never forget. His mind and skin will always remember those few beautiful days because they were the best of his life. Rafa would give anything to go back to those days.

He comes tantalizingly close to kissing Ale but remembers his promise to Jorge and pulls away. They compose themselves and go their separate ways.

Jaime and Julieta celebrate their novio-hood. Julieta gives Jaime chocolates and Jaime gives her some snooze-worthy books. Vicky shows up because she can’t find Rafa. She helps herself to Jaime’s chocolates while Leonor and Julieta reconvene in the kitchen; they come up with a plan to get VVV to leave. Vicky starts to wretch but tells Jaime it’s only because she is pregnant. Oh, and the baby is his. Jaime is all shades of impactado. Leonor interrupts to say Don Gaston called for Vicky. She hurries home and Julieta hugs Jaime in triumph.

Ale gets home, where a frantic Marco is waiting for her. Marco can’t keep his hands off Ale but she pushes him away.

Rafa also gets home around the same time. He recounts the night with Jaime, who hears almost none of it because he is still in Lalaland. Rafa thinks Jaime is nervous because of his relationship with Julieta. Rafa gives Jaime permission to visit Julieta anytime he wants. Later, Jaime has a dream that he is a suave caballero who all the women want. Julieta is furious when he smooches Vicky.

Ale cuddles in bed with Rafa’s shirt and thinks about all the lovely things he said. Rafa falls asleep thinking of her as well. The next morning, Rafa gives her a wake up call but it doesn’t upset her as much as before. As Ale leaves for work, a bunch of movers are taking all the furniture to the apartment. Rubi is in a snit they aren’t going to the hacienda and vows things in the casa are going to change soon.

Marco scolds Chavez for letting Quintana in on their plan for the hacienda. Chavez isn’t worried because gave Quintana a bribe to keep their secret. Marco is sure they’re up a creek without a paddle. A close friend/associate of Jorge’s plus the household nurse both have crippling information about their business.

Jaime visits VVV to figure out what they should do. After Jaime is thoroughly threatened by VVV’s biggest brother and his knife, Vicky tells Jaime her master plan. She’s going to sleep with Rafa and tell him the baby is his.

Beltran pulls Ale and Rafa into his office to hear how the party went. He’s thrilled that Rafa and Marian got along well. Beltran wants Rafa around Marian as much as possible because she’s deciding whether or not to buy the Siglo and become the owner.

Avances: Vicky starts her evil plan and Ale seethes with jealously when Marian pays a visit to the Siglo.


Corazon Salvaje, May 20th 2010 – Money VS Passion

Episode 65

Juan and Aimee are still at it in the steaming up their cave, betraying Renato and pushing Juan right back madness. Amidst heated kisses they murmur their love for each other. Juan declares they should be dead for being such hypocrites after doing this to Renato, while still kissing his Medussa passionately.

Suddenly he looks up and captures her face, his eyes piercing hers. He exclaims, “Let’s run away. Let’s go now!” Aimee looks impactada. “What?”

Rodrigo and Leonarda are in bed together -pukes a little in my mouth-. Leonarda looks blissed out while Rodrigo simply lies there. Leo is clinging to him. “I’ve dreamed of this for so long.” “Do you regret it?” Rod asks. “No, I don’t.” He notices the earrings she is wearing. “I gave you these, didn’t I?” “Yes, I wear them ALL the time.”

This train of thought jumps to Maria del Rosario’s jewels, which in turn makes a little light bulb appear at the top of his head. Of course! You buried MDR with her jewelry! Let’s open her casket and boom, all my financial troubles will be over.

That is so ghoulish but it makes perfect sense. Too bad you are so screwed, both of you. Oh poor Leo, her one night of passion is about to be over to never happen again. Leo panics. Not only are there no jewels in MDR’s grave, there is also no MDR in there. She’s got her in the dungeons half demented and treated like an animal.

“Rodrigo, to open a grave you need permission.”

Oh yeah because that little technicality is going to stop him. “No one has to find out. Tomorrow we will open it.” -ominous music starts playing-

Dear Clemencia enters Aimee’s chamber to bring her some gowns. Why at this time of night, I have no idea. I guess she is a night owl. In any case, she finds the room quite empty. Of course, Aimee is busy exchanging bodily fluids with Juan.

Clemencia looks around, disconcerted. “Where can she be at this time?”

Back at the caves, Juan is insisting on running away with Aimee. “Let’s go, far away. We betrayed Renato. It’s the right thing to do.” She informs him of her previous plan of using her inheritance to do exactly that. But now her money is gone, so that’s a boat that sailed. “Why does money matter so much? Being with each other isn’t enough?” Juan queries. “But we need money, to be happy to never want of anything.”

Clemencia runs to Regina, who is still wearing that ridiculous straw hat with a huge green bow. Eeek, I can’t wait for her to change. Regina is livid. “She is with that man again! I know it!” She rants about it a bit, calling Aimee a manipulator of men. Clemencia stops her there claiming her jealousy of Renato’s love for Aimee is blinding her. She needs to help her! Clemencia is determined not to let a tragedy like the one that happened two decades ago occur again but there is little she can do at this point and calling Regina jealous was a low blow. Just saying.

Juan is struggling not to scream at Aimee that he has money, more money than Renato and certainly more money than her dear old dad but instead he asks her, “Do you really think you would want of anything with me?” Aimee says she knows he might have a bit of money but not as much as Renato. Juan is understandably insulted. “Passion is important, but money is too, especially for a woman like me.” Yeah, a selfish, childish, spoiled cheating ho.

Juan is disappointed at this and gives her an ultimatum. “Tomorrow, I’m coming for you. Either you come with me or you will never see me again. Think about it. I have decided.” One last kiss and he exits the cave. Aimee is conflicted and is probably wishing she had her fan to chew on. She bites down on her thumbnail instead. “I need to find a way to convince him we need more time.”

Jimena looking lovely under the moonlight, perched on some rocks besides a bubbling creek. “Gabriel loves me! He said he loves me more than Estrella!” Flashback to yesterday’s happenings. They look so cute together. He was about to kiss her when stupid Branco pulled her off. He is so aggressive, I bet he is a woman abuser. She also thinks about what Branco said, about how gitanos and blancos can’t be together. “I can’t betray my mother. I can’t.” Oh dear lord, Jimena. Snap out of it! You finally heard the magic words and you are spewing this crap. Ugh.

In Rod’s room of sin, Leo is fixing her hair and trying to convince Rod that it wouldn’t be a good idea to open the grave. It would bring forth all kinds of hurt and memories. Yeah that is going to convince the greedy bastard, hun. He says it doesn’t matter. She leaves dejected but I’m sure this is not the end of this conversation.

Meanwhile, Clemencia is pleading with Regi. “I promised your mother I would take care of you both.” Can’t she see how inherently evil Aimee is and how wrong it is to keep asking Regina to lie for her? “You are strong, you have to help her.” “I’ve tried, I’ve tried so hard but she won’t listen to anything but her own dark desires.” Clemencia is getting a bit annoying. “You can’t give up. Think of your father, this would kill him.”

The guy who sold Rod and Federico the engagement ring shows up at Rod’s townhouse. It must be extremely late for a social visit. What the heck is wrong with this guy, it’s been what, two day tops? “If you don’t pay me what you owe me I will make an incredible scandal,” he screams loudly. Rodrigo doesn’t look so happy.

Aimee rushes into the finca and Regina finds her of course. She is like an Aimee seeking missile. Aimee acts like nothing is happening and Regi is crazy. “How can you be so cynical. I know you were with him.” Aimee claims she is tired of being judged. Regina calls her a ho. “Your behavior is an embarrassment to all women.” Amen.

“Juan is leaving tomorrow,” Aimee calmly tells her. “I don’t believe you,” Regina replies. Aimee has that shit eating grin on her face. She smirks and says, “I am going to keep both Renato and Juan.” !!!!!!!!!!!! I think Regina is going to slap her again. She didn’t , too bad.

Juan is back at his house and with clothes on. Gabriel is there to greet him and they very briefly talk about the Jimena situation. However, Juan quickly changes the subject and asks him to investigate Federico’s background (finally!). Then, he informs Gabriel that he is leaving tomorrow, to el Penon del Diablo. “For how long?” “As long as it takes for the scandal of my escape to die down and we can return.”

“We?” Gabriel asks. “Yes, we, I am going to take Aimee to live with me at el Penon del Diablo.” For some reason Gabriel smiles and they embrace smacking each other on the back. Doesn’t Gabriel know Aimee is a married woman who will eat up Juan inside out before she is done with him?

Aimee is smugly fanning herself in bed, mulling over how she finally got into Juan’s hot pants. Poor Renato enters the room and she immediately gets up, an exasperated look on her face. “Are you still upset?” he asks her. “Of course I am! I lost my fortune.” He logically points out she is being overdramatic, since what his is hers and he is loaded. He brought her a gift to make her happy. It’s a black box shaped as a heart that encases a beautiful black jeweled necklace. Now she is grateful. Her face lights up. She hugs Renato. “I can have both, Juan’s passion and Renato’s riches. Neither has to find out,” she muses. Wow, how clueless can she be?

Regina writes in her diary tearfuly. Her love for Renato is all that matter. She will defend Aimee even if it will incur in her downfall, for love.

“Are you happy now?” Renato asks Aimee. “Kind of.” She tells him that she loves him, its just that she is capricious and voluble and when she acts like that it’s because she feels strongly for him. He blurts out that Regina told him that she does not care for Juan, that she has no relationship with him.

Aimee gets all upset and yells that Regina is lying, lying! At the same time she is putting on her new necklace.

Do these people ever sleep? Clemencia and Noel are in the foyer conversing. Clem tells Noel that he had promised he would tell Renato the whole truth about Juan. “I will, I just need time. Juan doesn’t want help. First I need to wear down his resistance before I tell Renato about the whole story.” Good luck with that buddy. Clem is anxious for the truth to come out. She wants Juan to be happy, but it has to be away from the finca. Very, very far. It would fill him with bitterness and hate to be around people who obviously hate him.

Case and point, a post orgasmic Leo arrives home and blithely tells Noel she just came from Rod’s.

The next morning she is reminiscing. Thankfully, they were clothed so the flashback of their bumping uglies is not as disgusting, even though it still is eww. Sadly, it’s not all happiness for she is worried about the whole opening MDR’s grave thing, and muses about how she finally got what she wanted but Rod had to suffer so much for it to happen. Didn’t Griselda tell her this? I guess she has a short term memory.

Rod is acting like a bastard towards poor Renato. He came to offer his help and Rod screams at him he doesn’t need his help and that if Renato wants to talk to him, he needs to kick Juan out to the curb. Then he kicks him out. Ungrateful much?

Lenonarda pays MDR a nasty visit. “You should be dead!” “There is nothing I wish more, but I’m waiting for my son, I know he is close by and will punish you for all you have done.” Leo slaps her around a bit and leaves in a huff. Wow MDR stood up for herself and actually looked pretty lucid. Also, shocker, she wasn’t wearing that awful worn black veil.

Clemencia is pleading to Juan. All she does is plead lately. “If I leave, I’ll suffer, if I stay, I’ll suffer,” he explains.

“In the name of your dead mother, I ask you to please leave.”

Oh snap. “I will leave but I will be taking the most valuable and beautiful gem in this house.” She doesn’t understand what he means but still looks relieved. She wouldn’t be hugging her and calling him son if she knew his plans. Poor gullible fool.

Federico meets up with Rod and he aggressively tells his future son in law he needs to pay for the ring, ASAP! He can’t take more humiliation. Fed doesn’t look too happy but he grudgingly consents.

I don’t understand why Leo wears a veil every time she goes down to the catacombs. Is she protecting her hair from the dust, trying to disguise herself? Arcadio’s room is looking a lot nicer and even he himself is a bit less greasy than usual, his hair is even combed. Leo tells him what’s going on and that she needs him to take a corpse and stick it in MDR’s empty grave. As for the jewels, she’ll think of something later.

Arcadio is a bit agitated. Leo promises -wink wink- that she will make it up to him.

Regina is wearing a smaller hat, but I still don’t like it much. She yells at Juan that what the heck is he still doing there. “You are risking lives.” They start arguing back and forth about his presence there and his intentions. He was about to tell her about his charming plan when Colibri interrupts them.

Regina had promised Colibri a stroll around the finca. Juan sends them off and even says he is happy he got a chance to tell her farewell.

“Rodgrigo rejected my help,” Renato tells his mother, irrupting into her office. They argue about Juan’s presence. He won’t kick out Juan, he has made a promise. Even Aimee doesn’t want him here, Leo says.

“Aimee doesn’t like him because she hasn’t given him a chance. Once she gets to know him, she will grow to accept him.” Oh that was priceless, if only you knew how well they know each other, Renato.

Aimee is lounging in her bed, lustfully smiling over her victory of last night. “He can’t live without me!”

Remigio and Juan are horseback riding, why, I have no idea. Juan requests of Remigio to take care of Colibri. Remigio says doesn’t understand Juan anymore. “First you want revenge, then you want to leave, then you come here even though don’t need the work, you want to help the Pescadores (fisherman), you love Aimee, you want to build a house in the penon del Diablo, what the heck is going on?”

“It’s all about love, Remigio. I have finally made a decision. Aimee and I will run away today.”

Dun, dun, dun.


El Clon Thurday May 20: In which we see a broken but unbowed Lucas, a kinder, gentler Leo, and the revenge coupling of Said and Marisa.

In the hospital room in Morocco, the multiply broken but unbowed Lucas has just told Enrique that he doesn’t expect any trouble from Said. After all, he’d have come by to confront him by now. And in walks Said:
Lucas, tenemos que hablar.
Lucas, we have to talk.
Said tells him he got lucky, he could have died. Yeah, thanks, says Lucas. What did you want to talk about? Said is going to the US tomorrow and asks Lucas if he’d like him to bring something to Marisa. No thanks, answers Lucas. I’m going back myself. Yes, replies Said, but I’ll be there ahead of you.

After he leaves the room Lucas tells Enrique that he doesn’t understand why Said was so insistent about bringing something to Marisa. I don’t get it either, agrees Enrique. Perhaps it’s that he wants to keep me close to him so he can watch all my movements, speculates Lucas.
[Sidebar: This is a interesting scene. I think Said is trying to make Lucas feel humiliated at the idea of another man approaching his wife. Lucas honestly doesn’t care about that so the intended insult is lost on him, but the menacing tone is not.]

Dumbhead -- says the ever-maternal Hilda as she massages the sore back of Karla, recently injured in the studio brawl with her arch-rival, Diana. You ruined your chances at the audition. Well how did she even know I was going to be there? counters K. This fascinating colloquy is interrupted by a crash from outside. Peeping Tom Amin has just fallen from the ledge of the porch where he’d been spying on Ms K. This resourceful little liar tells H he came to tell her about new veils at dad’s store and how swell they’d look on a beautiful and elegant lady like H. Well, thinks H delusionally, maybe I should go over there for a dose of Mohammed magic – if Karla can’t get it done, maybe our meal ticket is across the street!

Said has just arrived in Miami. He phones Marisa and they arrange a rendezvous.

Said, now in Mohamed and Latifa’s place, is dressed to go out and carrying a red gift box. Tengo una cita, he explains. (“cita” doesn’t necessarily mean “date”; it can be just a business appointment) After he leaves, Latifa wants to know who the gift is for, but Mohamed says he doesn’t know. Must be for one of his Miami girlfriends, sniffs Latifa. Listen, says Mohamed, Jade and Said were unhappy, not blessed like us; that’s why he has a right to look for his happiness. Come, says Latifa, I have a surprise for you.

Meanwhile the Naz is asking Samira about this novio that Jadiya has found for her. His name is Enrique and he lives in Miami. The Naz is excited but she still wants to go out with her niece and look for Osvaldo in the street. Watch out for Amin, he’ll tell my dad, warns Samira. Yes, agrees the Naz, he has a long tongue, that brother of yours.

Ramoncito spots the Naz, runs to her with the latest: Osvaldo has moved in with his girlfriend. Then he asks for his earring as reward and instead receives a stream of curses – how dare you ask for a reward when you bring me bad news?

Latifa has clearly been practicing; she shows some impressive flexibility as she bellydances for the rapt Mohamed.

Marisa joins her new friend Said at a swanky restaurant and he gives her an expensive necklace which he puts around her scrawny neck. Then he runs his hands down her tattooed arms.[Sidebar: This gesture of man putting necklace on woman, in Said’s hands, reminds me of an owner putting a collar on a dog. It is tagging, possession.]
[Second point: I’m reminded of Marisa’s expensive gift to her escort, David, except in this scene she is the one for sale]

Nati is trying to persuade Alej to give her family another chance. He’s not so sure.
Tu mamá fue suficientemente clara esa noche. Si no me mató, fue porque no tenía una arma cerca.
Your mom was clear enough that night. If she didn’t kill me, it was because she didn’t have a weapon nearby.
No, no, come on, urges Nati, she was just upset because of the fight she had with my dad. When she knows you, she’ll love you. (le vas a encantar). Get ready and we’ll and see my grandfather.

Rosa mentions to Marisa that Lucas will be coming home soon.
Sí, muero de dicha
Yes, I’m so happy I could die.
Enter Nati, who wants to know if Mommy Dearest still feels the same way about Alej. MD lets forth her string of insults for this muerto de hambre (pauper, literally dead of hunger) and Rosa looks heavenward for guidance and alas finds none.

Marisa is at a café with her friend Lucia. How, wonders Lucia, are you going to explain that jewelry? I was just thinking about what underwear (ropa interior) I should wear with it answers Marisa. You’re going too far, warns Lucia.

Karla and Pablo are at the pool and he tells her that Alej is dating the Ferrer girl.
Están felices comiendo perdices, says Pablo.
They are happy eating partridges (literally); something like: they are happy as clams.
Pues rico por él. (well how rich for him) says K. [Nice sardonic echo of Marisa’s muero de dicha above]

Alej and Nati go to Empresas Ferrer; she introduces him to Clara and Carolina who are impressed with what a lovely couple they are.

Clara remembers she has forgotten to remind [!] Escobar about his grandmother’s birthday. When she phones him, he says no worries, that:
Alicia se encarga de todo.
Alicia is taking care of everything.
This makes her furious. Carolina urges her to calm down. Let’s go to dinner, she suggests.

And back in Fez…
When Jade finds out the coast is clear – Ali and Enrique are at the camel markets – in spite of Zoraida’s vocal protests, she puts on her black burqa and prepares to go to the hospital to say goodbye to Lucas.

While in Miami…
Said and Marisa are sealing the deal. They have so much in common: they have the hots for each other and they both want to get even.
Marisa: Siento mucho deseo, me atraes mucho, y siento deseos de vengarme.
I feel much desire, I’m very attracted to you, and I feel desire to get vengeance.

And Jade is saying to Lucas:
Tengo mucho miedo del destino, Lucas, miedo de perderte otra vez.
I’m afraid of fate, Lucas, afraid of losing you again.
All will be well, says Lucas. You’ll divorce Said, I’ll divorce Marisa and when I’m walking again, I’ll come back here for you. My worst error was leaving you but now life is giving me a second chance and I’m not going to waste it. But I’m so afraid, insists Jade, that your wife is going to do something to keep you trapped.
Lucas: Hace muchos años era joven, era muy inseguro, tenía muchos miedos pero ya no.
Years ago I was young, I was insecure, I had many fears, but not now.
Now, says Lucas, it’s different. I’m a man and I’ll do whatever it takes. Believe in me, Jade.

Clara and Carolina discuss strategies for dealing with the odious Alicia.

Okay, this is a sweet scene:
Leo meets with Nati and Alej. He interviews him: So Nati tells me you are boyfriend and girlfriend [he says novios but I can’t think of a one-word way to say this in English: you’re dating, you’re a couple, you’re seeing each other…?]
Tell me about yourself. What do you study? Have you always been a chauffeur? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Alej answers simply, tells him he lives with his mom, finished high school but couldn’t afford college, is a fighter (Lucha Vale todo), suffered an injury but is training and his goal is to be national champion.
[Lucha vale todo, according to Wikipedia, is a style of fighting where you can use the techniques of any martial art or contact sport; it is like on-the-ground combat]
Leo responds graciously:
El haber puesto la cara habla bien de ti.
The fact that you met me face to face speaks well of you.
I just love your daughter; I have no reason to hide, answer Alej. Then as long as you are a gentlemen with Nati, I’m not opposed to your relationship. But, he cautions:
Despacito. De la prisa sólo queda el cansancio.
Go slowly. The only thing haste gets you is fatigue./go too fast and you wear yourself out.
Leo shakes hands with Alej, hugs Nati.

In La Casa Escobar, the boys are bickering because Clara isn’t home and Fer and his dad don’t seem to know where the kitchen is. Clara comes in, says she was at her favorite restaurant and then went to the movies. Escobar starts in on his “I worked all day…” rant but she cuts him off at the knees. I don’t have an Alicia looking after my every need, she says. Who’s Alicia, asks Fernando.

Albieri is saying goodbye to his friend Ali who tells him he plans to go to Miami after Said’s wedding.

Jade is very nervous. She tells Zoraida she has a bad feeling. She knows Marisa is cozying up to Said just to make Lucas jealous. What if it works?
Zoraida says if Lucas is in your destiny, no one can take him from you.
Jade: Cuando sientes humillado el amor propio es fácil confundirlo con celos. A mí me pasó.
When you feel humiliated, when your pride is injured, it’s easy to confuse that feeling with jealousy. It happened to me.
Replies Zoraida: You’re afraid he doesn’t love you as much as you love him; you remember the times he left you, suitcase in hand…

In Miami, Rosa enters Marisa’s room and expresses surprise that she is up so early. You got home very late, didn’t you? When she sees the necklace Said gave her, Rosa says:
Debió costarte un ojo de la cara y parte del otro.
It must have cost you an eye of your face and part of the other eye /an arm and a leg.
Marisa says that yes, it cost a fortune, but it was a gift, and clearly I’m worth it.
Rosa says Lucas will need a special hospital bed and she’s having it set up in Diego’s room. No, says Marisa, Lucas will stay here.

Nati runs out of the house to the waiting Alej and Marisa is incredulous that he is back. Rosa explains that Leo has given him permission to visit. She tries to reason with Marisa, to consider that Alej might actually be good for Nati, but Marisa insists that Nati should be with someone like Fernando (ugh!), but who after all would look twice at her, dressed like a hippie from the 60’s [better than a hooker from the 90’s, Mommie Dearest!]
¡No, no quiero esa relación!
No, I don’t like/want this relationship.

And across town another mom is stamping her foot:
¡No, no acepto ese noviazgo de Alejandro!
No, I don’t accept this relationship of Alejandro’s.
Gloria is ranting to Pablo that she saw how hurt and humiliated her son was after the ‘cancelled’ dinner. Her son needs to find someone of their class:
Cada oveja con su pareja.
Every sheep with its partner. [This means you should find a partner similar to you , of your social class. Like with like? I couldn’t think of a comparable English dicho]

Warning: Nasty scene ahead
Mohamed tells the family that all is arranged, his cousin will watch the store while they are in Morocco for the wedding. The Naz asks if they are all happy to be going and Latifa says no, it makes her sad to think that a man is marrying a second wife. Samira agrees that it’s unfair. The Naz says it is proper and pious, and follows the prophet’s example, for a man to have several wives because it offers protection to the women. Mohamed nods in agreement. But the Naz isn’t finished. I always thought that Mohamed was the most religious of my brothers, she continues, but now I see that Said is following the teaching of the prophet more closely.

To the children she sneers: Your mother is selfish! [because she's unwilling to share her husband with other wives] It’s because of selfish women like that, that I’m still single. Well maybe your father will meet a woman he likes in Morocco and marry her.

The children are appalled. My father never wanted that, says Amin. Well maybe he has never met a woman who llenó sus ojos (filled his eyes/dazzled him).
[Every time I start feeling a little sorry for the Naz she does something so breathtakingly mean, that she goes right back in the bruja column]

Lucia is busy checking Roberto’s cellphone but quickly sets it down when he comes in looking for it. Lucas is coming home today, he says. They agree to go visit later, she to offer support to her friend Marisa. They are making out a little when Fernando – yes Fernando – wanders in, eating a snack. Lucia is embarrassed and apologizes to the little turd! He’s waiting for Andrea, he says. The subject of Nati’s new beau comes up. He takes the opportunity to stir up a little more trouble by saying that, oh yeah, he seems ok, Nati is thinking about marriage and everything… Andrea, who has now joined them, looks on with dismay. [I mean really, why is anyone still friends with this jerk Fernando?]

Credits roll.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dinero 107 &108- 5-20-10: Hopefully You Won't Throw a Vicky/Marco Sized Tantrum

All- I must apologize but this evening my boss informed me she wouldn't be able to attend a meeting with the President of our organization that is happening first thing tomorrow morning, and asked me to attend in her place. I need to spend the evening prepping (with one eye on the show of course) but can't spend the time recapping. I am so sorry, and hope to never have to bail on you again. Please feel free to comment with any details you remember from tonight's show.


I couldn’t leave you with nothing. The quick and dirty:

Two main things happened tonight:

1) Our not so dumb Love Nurse Rubi suggests to Rosario, Jorge and Marco that they move to the hacienda temporarily while the city house is having work done on it. That’s the lie they told Jorge, instead of telling him the house has been embargoed. This makes Marco nervous as heck and he and Rosario tell her to butt out. They say it won’t work because 1) The hacienda is embargoed and the administrator won’t allow it; and 2) It would be a 2-3 hour drive for Ale to get to work each day. Our smart Rubi suggests that she has many, patients that are well connected lawyers and judges and can help them. And as for Ale, surely she can stay with Marco (a no no for proper Jorge) or with a single amiga during the week, and come to the hacienda on the weekends. She makes a call to one of these connected clients later and gets the ball rolling on figuring out this whole hacienda mess. Rosario lets it slip that the administrator’s name is Chavez and our Smart Rubi has figured out that it’s the same guy who is Marco’s strip club buddy, and she confronts him about it. He’ll make sure that she and Jorge get to go to the finca, or else! Marco confers with his better half, Chavez, and Chavez suggests that Marco seduce Rubi to get her on their side. He provides him with some special pills to help him with his recent bedroom problem. Rubi accepts his invitation to his apartment, but thought bubbles that there is an opportunity for a lot of money in this whole shady deal. (I really believe that Rubi cares for Jorge, but hey, a girl’s got to live. And she sees an opportunity to con some con men.)
2) Rafa makes a huge effort to get to the bottom of this Ale/Rafa/beach/romance rumor, reclaim Ale’s reputation amongst the staff, and clear his name with Ale. He has each of the staff confirm that they did not hear it from him. Claudia admits that it was Marino who got hold of the receipt from the hotel that lit fire to the rumor. Ale is mortified by the whole conversation and still doesn’t believe Rafa had nothing to do with it. Rafa doesn’t give up. He confronts Marino and speaks to Clara in accounting directly, who confirms she provided the receipt to Marino. Rafa assures her she won’t get fired if she writes a statement saying what happened. Rafa gives it to Beltran and gets his agreement that this is grounds for firing Marino. Beltran almost fires Marino…until Marino dangles a big multi-million possible sale in front of his greedy face. Marino stays, and poor Clara (much to Rafa’s dismay) gets the axe from Beltran (jerk!).

Other happenings: Rafa and Ale must go to a cocktail party together to celebrate Siglo’s anniversary (Marco is not happy and neither is Vicky); the construction work continues to give Rafa his own office- the problem is everyone has to walk through Ale’s office to get to it; Rafa gets a company credit card and is forced to take on a car loan to have a company car (he's not happy about having more debt); and Pepeto has his first day, and matches Claudia in flirting skills.


Dinero # 105 & 106 05/19/10 Jorge takes a taxi ride / Ale gets a new wake up service

Chapter #105 Jorge takes a taxi ride

We start out with Jorge and Ruby. He wants to know if she has gotten his taxi. Ruby is not really certain about this. He tells her he is not asking for permission. Ruby is worried that Rosario will get mad at her. He tells her not to worry Rosario is out with Quintana and won’t find out. Ruby tells him she will go with him. He tells her to forget about that. It is something he has to do alone. She finally talks him into letting her accompany him at least until he gets to where he needs to go.

A very happy Susana tells Dandy she will wait for him in the car. He tells her he has talked to Marino and nobody will disclose details about their romance. Susana tells Dandy that Marino is the last person she would trust. Dandy agrees and warns her that they have to let Ale and Rafa know they have to be careful because Marino would do anything possible to get them fired. Susana tells him not to worry nothing will happen with them.

Rafa and Ale are in the conference room at Siglo working. Ale’s phone rings and it is Marco. He starts bugging her and wants to know if she is “with him”. He wants her to come home. We see Rafa listening in.
She asks Rafa if she can leave. She has an appointment with Marco. Rafa sarcastically wants to know if Marco is working on more embargos. Ale wants to know what he is talking about. He tells her about Marcos little visits. Ale assures him she had nothing to do with that, but Rafa tells her Marco said it was her idea. Ale looks quite surprised at this news and promises Rafa she will get to the bottom of it.

Ale insists she needs to go home. Rafa asks her what’s more important “your boyfriend or work?” Ale sits down and we get a flashback from the good ole days when Vicky would call and insist Rafa come home and Ale said the same thing to Rafa. Then she asks Rafa if this is revenge. Rafa asks her if she really thinks he is just trying to get even. He assures her it is about work. Ale says okay then lets get back to work.

We see Vicky getting ready to leave her house and the Brothers’ Grim are not having any of this. They want to be fed. She tells them to learn how to cook, calls them savages and leaves.

Jorge and Ruby have arrived at Rafas’ house in a taxi. Ruby is worried about leaving him alone in such an unsafe neighborhood. Jorge assures her he will be fine, he knows what he is doing. He gives her money for the ride back. Ruby is off to her “night job” and Jorge is off to have a man to man. He approaches the door and gets himself all ready to rumble with this ruffian if need be.

Lenora answers the door and sees a confused Jorge. He can’t quite seem to remember Rafas’ name and after a few attempts gets it right and asks if Rafa lives here. Lenora tells him yes but that he is still at work. Jorge decides to wait outside and Lenora insists he wait indoors. After all it is cold and she would not want him to get sick. Jorge coughing tells her “me get sick? No way.” She finally convinces him to come in.

Jorge introduces himself to Lenora. Lenora hearing his name wants to know if he has any connection to Ale. He tells her he is Ales’ father. Lenora is concerned that there is a problem and Jorge tells her that is why he needs to talk with Rafa.

Rafa and Ale are still hard at work when Ales’ phone rings again. She asks Rafa for permission to answer it. Rafa shoots her an Ale look and tells her to go ahead. (This was a cute role reversal scene). Marco now playing the part of Vicky is bugging Ale to get home. Ale is now playing the part of Rafa and trying to calm down an out of control jealous boyfriend. He tells her to get home now. He is not going to suffer a second betrayal. Ale hangs up and lays it on the line with Rafa. She tells him she is leaving now and that’s that. I think she says something about go ahead and fire me. Rafa stands and tells her he is not going to fire her. He tells her he needs her. Ale turns staring at him and Rafa stutters I need you for this work. Ale tells him they will talk in the morning.

Rafa tells her to drive carefully and of course Ale gets all snotty with him telling him she drives careful. It’s those who drink and drive you have to be careful of. (She will not give this a rest). She leaves Rafa with a very frustrated look on his face.

Lenora is worried about Jorge’s visit. She does not want any more problems with lawyers and police trying to seize her house. Jorge is surprised to hear this. He tells her he didn’t know anything about lawyers and such.

As Ale is about to get into her car we see Vicky pull up in a taxi. Vicky realizes this is the infamous Ale and walks over to Ale’s car and gets in. Ale looks like the devil has just got in her car. She asks her who she is. And Vicky tells her. Ale has to think about this for a second and says “ Vicky. Rafas’ girlfriend.?” Vicky answers “the same”.

An outraged Ale wants to know what she wants. Vicky tells her to quit messing with her life. Ale assures Vicky she has no intention of messing with her life. Vicky accuses Ale of trying to take her man and sleeping with him. Ale tells her wait a minute sister, is that what Rafa told you. Vicky tells her no, but wants to know what’s up with all the nice words and recites by heart the entire letter of recommendation Ale wrote for Rafa. Ale shoots her a look of disbelief and sarcastically tells her she has a great memory. Then she informs Vicky that it was just a professional letter of recommendation. She tells her she is wrong if she interpreted it any other way. Vicky tells her she has no right to say those things to someone who is engaged.

Ale tells Vicky she is tired of this and tells her to get out of her car. She starts to turn the ignition when Vicky reaches over to stop her and tells Ale she is tired of her. Ale tells her she is getting all worked up over a letter of recommendation. Vicky informs Ale that is not the only thing bugging her and whips out the ripped Ale photo and screams “This is what has me worried and you don‘t know what I am capable of.” (Run Ale run!!!) Ale looks terrified.

A now, more composed Ale asks Vicky what she’s doing with the picture and reaches out for it. Vicky snaps it away from her and says “why would you want it. As a memory of the time you had singing with my Rafa?” Ale continues looking at Vicky as if she was crazy. Then Vicky confirms Ale’s accusation of insanity and pulls out the picture of her and Rafa with his trophy and sticks it on Ale’s rear view mirror. She makes it very clear to Ale that she has a solid relationship with Rafa and to leave him alone. Ale tells her to get out of her car. Vicky continues screaming that they are going to get married and Ale isn’t going to take him away from her.

Ale rips into her and calls her a possessive, obsessive child. Vicky screams back telling her not to mess with her man and storms out of the car. Ale looks after her calling her crazy and muttering to herself this is all I need. Vicky rolls up her sleeves and goes over to Siglo and starts pounding on the glass screaming for Rafa to open the door. (It is a good thing she didn’t bring the bat).

Ale shows up at Marcos’ apartment. He is not happy about the late hour and they get into a big fight about Rafa. He is not happy that she is working with him again. Ale assures him it is only for a month. Marco tells Ale that Rafa is trying to mess up their life. He blames Rafa for all the changes between them. Ale assures him nothing will change. Marco tells her it already has. He tells her to look at today. She had to stay there all day with him. Ale tells him it is just work. Marco accuses her of making Siglo the center of her life. Then he says don’t tell me you were there all day just working. This sets Ale off and tells him they need to talk. Then she brings up the fact that he went to Rafa’s house and to his work place to seize his house. (Marco she knows!!)

Now Jorge is finding out as well from Lenora what Marco has been up to in his spare time. Jorge can’t believe his daughter would behave like that. No one told him anything about this.

Marco is offended that Ale is accusing him of doing wrong. Ale tells him what he did was wrong. He accuses her of being on Rafas’ side. He tells her he has been there for her and has done everything for her. Ale assures him she appreciates everything he has done for her. Marco feigning indigence tells her the only thing left to do is stop representing her case against Rafa.

Ramiro has an appointment with his sex therapist. This is not one of my favorite random scenes, so this is all I am going to say about that. You guys can use your imagination for the rest

Marco and Ale are still discussing the whole Rafa issue. Marco is still offended. Ale finally tells him all she wants is for him to talk to her first before he does anything else. He sarcasticly tells her she never consulted with him the fact she was going back to Siglo. He is on a roll and Ale, defeated, finally says to him “I have done what I could. I have tried to explain things to you and I can’t” and she goes to leave.

Marco screaming, wants to know where she is going. She tells him she is going home. He tells her they haven’t finished yet and she remarks that they have finished because he doesn’t want to listen. He doesn’t want to look for a solution. All he wants is for her to leave Siglo and she tells him she won’t do that. She won’t quit work so he can take care of her and walks out the door.

Marco goes after her and stops her. He tells her she doesn’t understand. He doesn’t know what to do, but he doesn’t want to loose her. He confesses his love and says all of this is making him crazy. He tells her Rafa is ruining his life. He is now down on his knees begging. Poor Ale distraught, stands there reluctantly allowing leachy Marco to cling to her.

Jorge tells Lenora that he will talk to Ale and Marco. He tells her that they have made an unjust mistake and needs to apologize for this. As they are talking Juliette bursts into the house and Lenora introduces her to Jorge. She seems a little surprised that he is there and wants to know what they are up to now. Jorge assures her it is not what she thinks. He just wants to talk to Rafa.

Lenora and Jorge continue to visit. They discuss the woes of raising daughters. Jorge tells Lenora his wife left. Lenora wants to know where. Jorge is no longer a part of this conversation and says huh? Returning to present time he tells her “she is no longer here” and points up. Lenora figures it out and confirms he is a widow (viuda). He wants to know about her husband and she tells him he left too. Jorge wants to know if he is dead and Lenora tells him he left the house along time ago and she has no idea where he is. She tells him Rafa now takes care of them. He tells him how hard Rafa works to make sure Juliette gets an education. He would never allow Lenora to work. She also reminds him of the huge amount of money he has to pay them every month. Jorge looks truly shocked and tells her he had no idea how much he was paying each month.

Ale tells Marco he can’t continue doing this to Rafa and his family. Marco sarcastically tells her “yea especially now that he is your boss.” She reminds Marco that it will be a long time before Rafa pays them off. They have to deal with this diplomatically. Marco is still fixated on the idea that Ale will be spending her days with Rafa. She tells him it is just for work and will be only for one month. She is pleading with him and asks him what she needs to do so he won’t be so anxious.

Rafa arrives home and is surprised to see Jorge in his living room chatting with Lenora. Jorge tells him he came to talk with him “Man to man”. Rafa takes Lenora aside and hands her money with instructions of what to do with it. Jorge is taking all of this in. Rafa asks Jorge how he got there and Jorge informs him he came in a taxi. He asks Jorge if his family knows where he is. Jorge lies and assures him they do.

Rosario has entered her house with Quintana. He tells her not worry about the taxes they owe on the house. Marco will take care of this. Rosario excuses herself to check on Jorge. Quintana advises her to not tell Jorge they were at his house. He doesn’t want Jorge to have another heart attack.

Jorge and Rafa get down to business. Jorge tells Rafa he wants him to leave Ale alone. Rafa is puzzled by this. He reminds Rafa that now that he is back at Siglo Ale will be working for him. He tells him this has caused big problems for Marco and Ale and he can’t allow that. Rafa confirms that Jorge is well aware of the entire situation and why Rafa was hired at Siglo in the first place. He tells Jorge he had no intentions of returning to Siglo but they made him a great offer. After all he has this huge debt he has to pay back to them.

Jorge tells Rafa that Lenora has told him all about Marcos’ shenanigans and promises this will not happen again. He tells Rafa that he didn’t come to talk about money or work. He came to talk about the relationship between him and Ale.

Rosario has now discovered that Jorge is not home. She is all worried. Quintana tells her to relax he is probably out and about with Ruby. Rosario doubts that he would be out this late at night.

Jorge tells Rafa he knows all about Puerto Vallarta and what went on there. Rafa looks surprised and asks if Ale told him. Jorge tells him he just found out and is indignant about it. He reminds Rafa that Ale is engaged. He tells Rafa that all of this business has really confused Ale and has caused much anguish with his family. It would be best if Rafa just left her alone. He pleads with Rafa to let her be.

Chapter #106 Ale gets a new wake up service

Back at casa Rafa, Rafa tries to explain to Jorge and Jorge cuts him off telling him he is not interested in what happened. He tells him he is not leaving until he promises to leave Ale alone. Rafa promises and they shake on it.

We flash to Marco and Ale where Marco is pleading with Ale to promise that what happened in Puerto Vallarta won’t happen again. He is all worried about her being alone with Rafa 24 hours a day. She promises him she will maintain the least amount of contact possible. She informs Marco that this isn’t going to be very pleasant for her neither. The look on her face tells us something different.

Rafa promises Jorge the same and tells him he will not insinuate himself in Ale’s intimate life. He will respect Jorge’s wishes. Jorge tells him he believes in his word.

Marco makes Ale promise him she won’t leave him. She promises. He goes in for a kiss and Ale is saved by the bell. Her phone rings. It is Rosario informing her that Jorge is missing. Ale tells her she will be right there.

Ale wants to know if he has the phone number of the nurse. Marco says no. Urdiales has that information. Ale is quite distraught and Marco tells her she cant leave like that and offers to go with her. She tells him to call Urdiales. We see Marco trying to think fast on how to resolve the Urdiales problem.

Jorge makes Rafa promise this will be between them. “Man to man“. Rafa tells him he can count on that. Rafa will not let him leave alone in a taxi. He asks Lenora to call for a taxi. Lenora thinks it is a little strange to call a taxi for him alone. Rafa tells her he is sure he escaped without telling anyone. He says he will accompany him.

Vicky returns home. The brothers have found some food. They tell her that papa has gone to bed with an empty stomach and there is no telling how he will be in the morning. Vicky tells them to not bug her now she‘s busy. They want to know what would be more important than their stomachs. She tells them that her boyfriend hasn‘t shown up and they know how sad that makes Vicky. (if not just a bit crazy as well) She gives them a very terrifying face.

Marco is lying to Ale and tells her that Urdiales’ cell phone is off. He doesn’t know the number to his house and that he is probably asleep. He promises her tomorrow first thing he will get all the information they need about Ruby. (Smooth). Ales phone rings and she takes a look and quickly turns it off. Marco is ticked thinking it is probably Rafa. Ale brushes this off and tells him it is the office.

Vicky now on the phone with Lenora wants to know if she knows anything about Rafa. He hasn’t called, he hasn’t shown up. Lenora tells her he is home but is busy. Vicky wants to know busy with what or who. At this moment Jorge starts talking to Lenora and nosey pants Vicky wants to know who is there. “Who is this Jorge guy?” Lenora tells her it is the Senor Jorge that has come to talk with Rafa. Vicky not as dumb as she looks, wants to know if he has any connection to Ale. Lenora very nervously says yes but she has to go. She says she will have Rafa call her later and hangs up.

Vicky wanders what he would be talking to Rafa for. The brothers are getting a little anxious as well. They tell her to spill the beans. She says Ale’s dad is arranging something with her Rafa. They want to know what woman is she talking about and what arrangement. She pulls out Ale’s picture to show them. The brothers start drooling over Ale’s picture. They are sure she is “worth her weight in meat.”

She screams at them snatching the picture back and tells them she is sure that Rafa is asking for Ale’s hand in marriage. Big brother tells her no way he saw her first. He corrects himself quickly and says this can’t be because he asked you to marry him first. Vicky screams at them and says “that’s what I am telling you idiot!!” She is not going to let this happen. The brothers agree and tell her they need to go check out what’s going on. They all storm off. Hopefully they are not packing any knifes.

Ale, Marco and Rosario are outside their house all worried about Jorge. They want Marco to call the police. Marco assures them that Jorge is fine and Ruby wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Ale and Rosario are not so sure about this. After all they don’t know anything about Ruby. Ale doesn’t understand why Marco is so calm about all of this. Her phone rings again. Marco wants to know who it is and Ale lies and says it is the office again. We see Rafa hanging up his phone. Jorge’s taxi has arrived and Rafa tells him he will accompany him. Jorge seems a little nervous about this and Rafa assures him he will leave him at his door and nothing more.

Vicky and the goon squad are just rounding the corner as Rafa and Jorge make a quick exit. Vicky is screaming and Lenora is left alone with them with a worried look on her face.

Ale is telling Marco to call the police as Rafa and Jorge pull up in a taxi. Marco is livid and goes off on Rafa. Jorge isn’t having any of this and tells him to calm down. He tells Marco Rafa has behaved very well. Ale wants to know where he has been. Jorge yells at Marco and Ale and says he doesn’t want to talk to them and walks past them into the house.

Ale asks Rafa what that was all about. Rafa tells her Jorge showed up at his house. He tried to call her but no one answered. Rafa tells them he couldn’t just let him come back on his own. Ale thanks him. Marco wants to know why they should thank him. He wants to know why Jorge would go see that jerk. Rafa excuses himself and leaves. Marco is ticked and says he is going to find out what’s going on and goes into the house. As Rafa leaves Rosario says “that’s Rafa?“ smiling. Ale smiling back says yes that’s Rafa. Marco comes back out screaming at them. As they go in the house he is alone outside yells “Rafa you are going to pay for this.“

Jorge is chewing them all out for treating Rafa and his family so badly. Marco can’t believe this. Jorge is defending the guy that caused all of their problems. Jorge continues scolding them and says they have no right to show up at his house at the end of every month like they have been. Ale agrees with him. Jorge tells Marco they need to give him at least one day of grace before they demand payment. Marco is indignant and accuses Jorge of being on Rafa’s side. Jorge says he is on the side of justice and bids them all good night.

Marco and Ale are now discussing the tax problems. Marco tells Ale that he has been working on it all day and hasn’t come up with a solution. He tells her they have to leave the house tomorrow. He will look for a place for them tomorrow.

Lenora is telling Vicky off. Her and Juliette tell her she is all wrong about why Jorge showed up. They assure her Rafa isn’t having an affair with Ale. Vicky isn’t buying this. What about the picture and the letter. Lenora is loosing patience and reminds them that Don Gaston told her the next time they showed up at her house pestering them to call the police. The brothers remember this as well and haul Vicky kicking and screaming, out of the house. After they leave Juliette says Rafa needs to leave Ale alone because these butchers are serious.

Ale is telling Marco to calm down. Marco says don’t tell me to calm down when your dad shows up at that Ruffians house. Ale tells him to quit messing with Rafa and his family. Ale wants to know if he is jealous. This doesn’t sit well with Marco. She tells him Rafa is not a bad man. Marco says he is trying to steal Jorge’s affections. She assures him he is not trying to take Marco’s place. Marco tells her “Rafa won’t take my place unless you let him“. Ale begs him to stop with all of this. Marco tells her to swear he won’t take his place. She does. He tells her he will see her tomorrow and they can figure out what to do about the house. After he leaves, Ale prays to God that they won’t loose the house.

Rafa has returned home and Lenora fills him in on the whole Vicky mess. She tells him Vicky thought Jorge was here to talk about marriage with Ale. Lenora warns Rafa about the problems he could get into with not only Vicky’s family but with Ale’s as well. Lenora wants to know what Jorge wanted to talk to him about. He tells her that he didn’t like the idea of Ale working with the guy that caused her accident. Lenora is worried that he will have problems working at Siglo. He tells her not to worry. He then says to himself it is only one month.

Cutest scene of the entire night, Ale is asleep and her phone rings. It is her new answering service. No not really. It is Rafa. Ale answers and wants to know why he is calling so early. We see Rafa all dressed and ready to leave. He tells her she needs to get moving they have work to do. This was so funny as Ale would do this to Rafa when he first started working at Siglo.

Rosario enters her room and wants to know who could be calling so early. Ale is rushing around getting ready. She tells her he is just paying her back for all the times she called him early in the morning. She swears it is only for a month. She promised Marco this.

We have a salon scene. Poor skinny guy has a migraine. He overdosed on chocolate. He ate a ton of it. (I do enjoy the salon scenes and I promise once these two hour marathons are over I will include more detail about them in the recaps, but sorry folks tonight this is all you get.)

Rafa has arrived at Siglo and is raring to go. Susan greets him. She informs him that Ale told her she will be his secretary. Rafa assures her he doesn’t need a secretary. He is use to doing things on his own. He tells her he has never had a secretary in his life. Susana smiles and tells him she could at least answer the phone for him.

I am sure when Susana said she would answer his phone she had no idea what she was getting into. The phone rings. It is Vicky. She gives poor Susana the third degree. Vicky wants details. She wants to know how old she is. Is she pretty? Does she have a boyfriend ? And on and on ….. Susana says look madam and Vicky corrects her “Miss” “Madam would be Ale.” She is Miss. Susana tired of all this but still polite says she will connect her with Rafa. Vicky informs her he is Mr. Medina. She tells Susana exactly how things are going to be. They will talk more letter and she will explain exactly what her functions will be with her finance. Poor Susana.

Susana goes to the conference room and addressees Rafa as “Licenciado Medina”. Rafa tells her she doesn’t have to address him like that. She smiles and tells him he has a call from Vicky. Rafa tells her to tell Vicky he is busy and will call back later. Susana begs him not to make her talk to her again and informs him about the Vicky inquisition. Rafa apologizes and tells her to pass the call to his cell.

Rafa answers. Vicky is on a roll. She tells him not to tell her he is busy. She accuses him of not having a heart. She is very dramatic. Rafa tells her not to exaggerate. He tells her he knows all about her visit to his house last night. She wants to know why Jorge was at his house. He tells her they were talking about the debt he owes Ale. Just like Lenora told her last night. Vicky hysterical now, says that better be all. And lets hope this new job doesn’t imply you need to be there 24 hours a day. You need time for yourself and for me. Rafa assures her they will have more time. A slightly calmer Vicky says okay, then what time will you be home today. He tells her when he leaves work he will go straight to her house. Vicky now all smiles says okay, and asks him for a little whistle. Rafa complies.

Vicky hangs up and goes ballistic. “This cant’ be this can’t be.” She is on one fine rant. There is no way she is going to permit that witch Ale to steal her Rafa. Be forewarned Ale!!!!


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