Saturday, January 08, 2011

Llena de Amor #103 (Mex. 108) Fri 1/7/11 Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?

Capitulo 108 in which el Lirio de Plato reveals his true identity

Having learned that Oliver is knocking at Heaven's Door, and not in a good way, Manolo, our effeminate little newshound has passed plumb out in the hospital waiting area. During a brief examination, Brandon notices a couple of things that prompt him to conclude that a bit of privacy is in order and sweeps the little guy up in his policeman's arms and carries him to an examining room.

As Vicky allows a green-eyed monster to nibble at her psyche, Manny is coaxing a passable performance out of a pouty prima dona, the increasingly irritable Ilitia... Hey! Is it the camera, or has she added a few pounds? Isn't this a shampoo commercial? What's with those split ends? Oh well, it's done, "That's a wrap, good job, isn't she the best, Victoria?" "Uh... yeah... best model ever... but maybe you should be careful..." "Be careful?" Well, maybe a bit of dieting... looks as though you've picked up a couple of kilos." Meow!

"What the heck happened?" Manolito has come to and is confronted by a suspicious Brandon. "Impostor? ¡Para nada!" But even as he tries to slide to a safer spot, our clever policeman removes Manolo's wig, strips off his mustache (memo to Doris: get better glue), and holds them aloft... "Long time, no see, Gretel Ruiz y de Teresa!" Remember how much trouble the old Gretel used to have getting out the simplest sentence? Well, the two years in the wine cellar has done wonders for her communicative skills. She clearly and quickly explains the reason for the ruse, why it must not be exposed, and doesn't even reveal Vicky's true identity. Well done, Lass. She is in danger, others would be in danger... works for me.... works for Brandon... just fill Oliver in right away... Next!

"If they do see you, they will murder thee." "Alack there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords... my life were better ended by their hate than death prolongued, waiting of thy love.."

Porcupine boy has moved in on Javi's gig and taken over Romeo's lines. Didn't you just hate it when the older boys would move in and take over and... oh... that's right, I'm the only guy here... nevermind. Well, Javi was doing just fine, but actually doesn't seem to mind Axel's intrusion on his little seduction scene... just wait a couple of years, kid. Dee, however, does seem to mind... OK... no she doesn't , but she's gonna play hard to get, "¿Que hace Ud. aqui, joven Axel?" "The same as Romeo, fighting for you." Ya gotta admit it, Axel's got game.

He explains that he played Romeo in school. Javi is impressed. He even pleads Axel's case. "Now run along kid, don't you have some Borges to read or some flowers to arrange? Let the grownups talk." Axel doesn't actually say this, but you know that he's thinking it. Javi telepathically gets the message and scurries off to finish the sonnet he's writing. Improvising on the Bard's script, Juliet picks up her broom and threatens to sweep the young Montague out of her life.

Now our vain princess is critically evaluating herself in the mirror of her dressing room and is not pleased with what she sees. (Vicky, you should be ashamed of yourself.) "Ay sí, I'm fatter. No puede ser." It's OK, sweetie, Daddy's here... he'll make it all better. "Of course not, Princess, you look, look for youself, divine and gorgeous... like always." Oops... not workin'.
That splat you just heard was Lorenzo's charm falling flat. Seems as though the introduction of a little brother into her life and all that it implied has crippled the fatherly magic that Lo once so deftly wielded. Nopis, not only does his soothing words fail to heal, she inflicts a few wounds on him. "I don't want your hugs or anything you have to offer... go be with your new son... I no longer love you..." Ouch! ... "Ah... and liar... yes, I do look fat"

Back in Verona, Juliet is threatening Romeo with a broom. Hey, I'm rather enjoying this version. He admits to being a jerk. She agrees. He pleads with her to come back. She thinks it over.

Meintras tanto, Vicky stews. She sulks. She pouts. "He doesn't matter to me... Oh heck, yes he does. He matters to me... Get a grip, Marianela, you have to hate him and his mother." I think I speak for all of us in saying that we are wearying of this behavior. She decides to place a phone call.

"Sí, the family Ruiz y de Teresa residence," Bernie answers the phone. Fedra asks who it is. "Marianela... Marianela." She snatches the phone and asks Maianela, "Who do you think you are?" I'm your conscience Fedra." This triggers a flashback to a phone call from a pretty dark-haired woman, "I'm your conscience, Fedra." Help! I don't remember this. But Fedra does. She momentarily loses her composure, damaging a pillow while shouting, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Bernardo encourages her to relax as Nereida escorts her to her room. Yikes!

Delicia declines Axel's request to return to his house and with endearing skill, sweeps him toward the door as she gently urges, "¡Sacale! ¡Sacale! ¡Sacale!" This is simply too funny and too cute for words. He understands if she doesn't want to return, but invites her to a publicity event for his daddy's agency. She's doubtful, "I'll be like a bean in a plate of white rice." She'll be his guest if she goes, but she rejects the offer and shoves him out the door... She sighs... She smiles... Oh no! She's charmed. Well at least get a haircut, Axel.

Doris is worried about Oliver. Andres is worried that Doris is more than a friend to Oliver. His cell phone rings. It's Jacki. She's worried about Andres. "Oops, gotta go. Hope your friend is OK. Doris looks thoughtful as Brandon approaches. "How's Manolo?" Oops. Jigs up. "Manolo? I know everything. I know what you did. You disguised Gretel as a man." Gulp!

Vicky enters Manny's office and seeing that he's absent, takes the opportunity to look for clues proving that he is squandering Marianela's fortune. Oh my! every time she bends over, her top falls open. Avert your eyes, Carlos, she's really not your type. Yikes! The safe is open and stacked full of cash. Double Yikes! We're not alone. Lirio de Plata has been here all along. Darth Lily speaks, "Here should be all the proof you need."

Vicky, look what you've done. Poor Ilitia is talking to the mirror. Oh, Nereida is there. "Do I look fat?" "Well sure, you put on weight, but it happens to all women when they get married." Thanks for that, Nereida, you've been a big help. "Well not me. I'm going on a diet first thing tomorrow."

Wellll, you can stop worrying. Here's Super Mau and he still thinks that you look spectacular. How sweet... he wants a kiss. OK, I know this isn't funny, but I saw the previews... and here she is, your BFF, now she'll see what a rapey-snake ole Rapey-Snake is. "¡Mauricio!"

But first, let's check on the Vickster and the Maninblack. Hey haven't we seen all this before. He seems to find it familiar as well. She always seems to be hanging around a safe. As she looks on, he sets about cleaning it out. After all, isn't she the one who suggested that he target Emanuel? She argues with herself as he busies himself loading his case with cash. There's a knock on the door. It's Lorenzo. The masked man gently covers her mouth and whispers, "Don't make me hurt this guy. If I have to, I'll lock you up."

"Kristal, tell your boyfriend to leave me alone because I can't stand him." Now, in her heart, Kristal knows what's going on here, but she asks Mauricio for an explanation anyway. "Hey, she threw herself at me." Well you little rat bastard. Kristal is desperate and turns on her friend. She slaps Ilitia, warns he ex-friend to stay away from her Bebe and warns that she will tell her brother just what kind of woman he married if she doesn't. Stunned, Ilitia rubs her jaw, but it's her heart that's in the most pain.

After having cautioned her to behave, eLdP drops his gloved-hand from her mouth and Vicky answers the door. At first surprised to see her, Lo softens a bit and asks why she's locked in his son-in-law's office. Initially uncomfortable, Vicky answers him with a sweetly seductive smile. Believing his luck may have finally taken a turn for the better, he flashes his best dirtyoldman grin, "Why wouldn't you open the door for me, eh?"

When we return from commercial break, Ilitia vainly wraps up her attempt to open Kris' eyes to her precious Bebe's flaws as a human being, "I tried to warn you, but the love you feel for this sleazeball has made you deaf. Mauricio is an imbecile, the worst scum on the face of this earth. And you can relax because if he were the last man on the face of the earth, I wouldn't go near him... never!" With that, she sweeps out.

Kristal turns on Orangy, "I don't like one bit this game that you have with Ilitia." His short rodential attention span expired quite some time ago, so seeking to end this unpleasantness quickly, Mau concedes a bit of guilt, and tells her that Ilitia offered herself, he's a man (I don't recall stipulating that) and was simply doing what men do. Shocked at his frankness, she wants clarification, "So you're willing to cheat on me with her then?" He reminds her what a choice hunk of lady-flesh her sister-in-law is. Harsh reality begins to set in as Mau goes on to confirm that he has no plans to marry her. "Why don't you respect me, Mauricio?" Fortunately, she is rescued from more self-inflicted humiliation by the appearance of Momma Grizzly, "Drop it Kristal, a woman of your class doesn't beg for the love of a man, much less of a man that's below you." She flees into the protective comfort of Fedra's arms.

Vicky tells Lo that she's just finishing up a project to be approved first thing tomorrow. He regrets that they haven't gotten better acquainted since she arrived and suggests that they go out for a drink. "Sure, but let me call Muñeca first so she won't be worried, because I'm not accustomed to going out with married men." Suddenly Lorenzo thinks another day might be better.

Relieved, she closes the door and is startled as she is once more face to mask with el Lirio de P. He flirts as best he can through the mask

but, for the moment anyway, she's not buying in. She doesn't want him to rob Eman so why doesn't he just run along now? He agrees to do just that, he'll give her the bag of money and leave... if she'll admit that she loves Eman.

Clinging to Fedra, Kristal whines that Mauricio won't marry her. He says that he loves Kristal but doesn't want to be tied down. "I'm going to die, Mama!" Fedra vows that Mauricio will be the one who dies if he doesn't marry her. At last, a voice of reason.

More tiresome, pointless, verbose foreplay between Vicky and the Lirio. She feebly tries to lift his mask. "Don't do that again." Blah, blah, and more blah. You guys settle this, we're going back to check on Fedra and Mau.

Basically Mau likes Kristal as a playmate but doesn't want a matrimonial noose around his neck and Fedra threatens to collect her loan right now if he refuses to marry her. He reminds her that he is the one holding the trump card. "Queen of the Night, remember?" As he leaves she shouts that she will have him at the altar on his knees, but realizes that he has already won this round.

An army of black ants toting guns swarms over the yard at Muñeca's mansion. The head ant, Comisario Tejeda, tells Muñeca that they are expecting el Lirio de Plata to show up and they want to surprise him. Yeah, a full SWAT team in combat gear? I'm sure he'll be surprised.

Over lunch in a barrio diner, Brandon (why isn't he with the SWAT team?) are discussing Gretel/Manolo. She tells him that it was necessary for everyone's safety and though peeved, he can't stay angry with his sister. He even admits that she did an excellent job on the disguise.

Finally outside, el Lirio de Plata has the suitcase of money in one hand and escorts Vicky with the other. They walk up to an appallingly inattentive plainclothes security agent who puts up no resistance as eLdP renders him unconscious with his magical zapper. He tells Vicky to ease up on Manny because he knows that she doesn't hate him. He handcuffs her to a lampost and places the key just out of reach. As he leaves he gallantly tells her that her eyes are the most beautiful he has ever seen. Vicky wonders how she'll ever explain all this.

Muñeca has called Ilitia to tell her that she needs her to look after Manzana and Cristian for bit since the cops have taken over her place. Ilitia can't believe that her mom thinks she even cares about those two. Undaunted Muñeca points out that it'll be an opportunity for her to get to know her little brother. Ilitia balks. Her mom says, "Like it or not, he's your brother." "Well, OK, but at the first tantrum, I'm shipping them back." Muñeca smiles along with us.

Andres rescues Vicky. She tells him that it was el Lirio de Plata and that he robbed Emanuel, "I tried to stop him but couldn't."

Licenciado Pacheco informs the ladies waiting that the surgery was successful and that he can only have one visitor at a time. Just then as they are squabbling over who it will be, Brandon struts in, and in a gesture sure to endear him to every woman watching, announces that it should be Manolo. I want to hug his neck. Manolo is grateful and hurries in. He approaches Oliver quietly, leans in, "I'm here, it's your Little Poison," and gently kisses his lips. Awww. I guess forgetting the one at a time rule, the others crowd in in time to witness the kiss. They gape. The silence is viscous.

At home with Muñeca, Manzana and Cristian are awaiting Ilitia who strolls in complaining. Manzana asks her, "Why are you in a bad mood?" "Why don't you shut up, Ciruela (plum)?" "My name is Manzana (apple) not Ciruela." They hear someone enter. "Flora, is that you?" a worried looking Muñeca calls out. Well, why not? I's el Lirio de Plata. What comes next stokes our worst fears. Iglitia swoons. Just like that... she faints. NOOO!

Gladiola tells Manolo,"Manolo, back up, you'll smother him. What lack of respect. Manolo, how dare you kiss Oliver?" As they all castigate him, Doris rushes in with the news that Brandon had to leave because there is a police operation in progress in which el Lirio de Plata is about to be captured. Before leaving, Netty chews on Manolo some more and then tells him that he is expelled from her guest house.

"Ilitia just passed out." It takes a moment for those low pitched words to reach Muñeca's brain, "Who?" He points to the crumpled heap at her feet. She finally reacts. eLdP kneels and gently lifts Ilitia in his arms, "Is her bedroom upstairs?" "Are you a hero?" the little Apple asks. "Yes, but it's a secret." As he carries Ilitia's limp body to the stairs he orders Muñeca, "Get my bag."She and the children follow.

Vicky paces, Andres calls the police. "Yep, it was el Lirio de Plata." As proof, Vicky holds up a silver lily.

eLrP settles a still unconscious Ilitia into her bed and instructs Muñeca to open the bag. He tells her it's to help with all those that she helps. He affectionately stokes her face with the gloved hand. This tender moment is jarred by shouts of Comisario Tejeda from downstairs, "We know that you're here, Lirio de Plato!" We see that Brandon ha put on his cop clothes and joined in the manhunt. The police begin their search as Fidel attempts to slow them up. Brandon sternly insists.

Señor Plata has Muñeca promise that she will use the money to build a hospital for the children. He contemplates an escape route. Manzana suggests that he open the window and fly away. He tells her that, unfortunately, he hasn't learned to fly... yet. He kneels before Manzana. She offers to hide him under the bed. He liked the idea of flying out the window better. As he is gazing at her, she lifts the mask gingerly and beholds his countenance,

"I know who you are," she whispers.

As the police are taking a report at the company headquarters, Fedra swoops in like a tornado. This is the second time that her family has been victimized. Andres apologizes for inviting her. Lo thinks it strange that he robbed Emanuel's office while Vicky was there and notes that Vicky seemed awfully nervous before he left to go to the restaurant. Andres jumps to her defense, "Of course she was nervous. She was confronted by the thief." Fedra also thinks it more than coincidental that that Vicky was a witness to both burglaries.

Ilitia suddenly comes and begins shrieking. "I saw him!" Brandon heads off in hot pursuit. Muñeca tries unsuccessfully to quiet and soothe her. "He's a good man and I won't let you do harm to him." "That man is a criminal." Manzana speaks up, "That's wrong, I lifted his mask. I know who he is." Uh oh.

Outside they've spotted el Lirio de Plata on the roof. He jumps off.

They surround him.



Triunfo del Amor #5 1/7/11 Temptation Station! All Aboard!

Capítulo 5 (USA)

As Viewerville settles in a little past the evening repast and makes itself comfy in front of the screen for another vicarious experience of the trials and tribulations in the lives of the rich and famous (and those not so much), the pool party at Victoria and Osvaldo's multi-millions of manse is still going full blast. (Now this is a slice of life after the beautiful fairytale bodas they never show us!) Oz has followed Vicki outside to get the kids to take it down a notch or two. They find randy Fernanda enjoying life in the fast lane with Fernando?, aka Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy, making-out like they're auditioning for a porn flick. When Vicki and Ozzie call their teen-aged tramp-in-training on that kiss’s being more than just a “simple kiss”, Fer sasses back. "What world are you guys living in?" If she was going to have sex it wouldn't be there in the driveway for cripes sake! Teenage prejudice to the contrary, Ozzie and Vicki didn't fall off the proverbial melon truck yesterday and Vicki begins to heatedly object. Fer, a bitchin' beauty with a personality to match, is apparently an ace with the snide comebacks. "-- Don't tell me you were a virgin before getting married!" Oz tells her to keep quiet. Fer won't of course and accuses Vicki (I think) of getting pregnant herself from some dirt bag before ever marrying Daddy. Vicki lets loose with a well-deserved smack across Fer's mouth and tells her never to speak to her like that again! (As I've always said, there's a reason prematurely graying parents are best friends with Clairol.) She drags Fer out of Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy's car and back to the house. Ozzie, the quintessential Mr. Cool, tells Scuzzy never to darken his door again until he "learns how to behave like a real man." (Hubba-hubba hubby!!! Excuse me while I re-insert my tongue into my mouth here. I want to package this guy up!)

At Maria's new apartment, meanwhile, there's a discussion about who should be her roommate. Maria decides to spin a coin heads or tails, though' we don't exactly know who goes if the butt-end comes up.....

Inside Vicki's manse, Fer keeps up the smack talk. Vicki wants to allow Fer to enjoy her youth, but at the same to make her realize when her actions violate the “rules” in the Mother’s Good Girls' Guide to Respectability. Fern snidely tells Vicki she has no place to talk because everyone knows she came from the wrong side of the barrio. Vicki takes it in stride and reminds Fer that she did overcome those obstacles with a great deal of effort to "make it" and so she knows what she's talking about. So she's got nothing to be ashamed of on that account. "--Girls can get carried away and not think of the consequences." Fer sneers at this and tells her mama that she knows very well--thank you very much-- how to take precautions against getting pregnant! She struts her stuff back to her party-pals and leaves Vicki talking to the four walls.

Back in the barrio, the coin Maria spins refuses to fall on its side. It’s miraculously stuck upright. Just then Milagros rings the doorbell and surprises the girls with a pan of her torta specialty. The girls explain what's happened with the coin so Millie does a little mystical mumbo-jumbo thing and determines that it means both girls should stay as roommates. Everybody's happy. Problem solved.

At Vicki's again, Ozzie comes in and says he's thrown out Tattoo-Boy. Vicki complains about Fer's obnoxious behavior and says that she couldn't get a word in edge-wise with the girl. She blames her daughter's attitude on Ozzie's spoiling her all the time. Ozzie says it's a mother-daughter problem and blames her for never being around ever. He gets into a huff and walks out the door -the first sign that Victoria's fairytale is about to fracture. Outside, Fer has called back Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy to tell him she still wants them to see each other. No, she tells him, she doesn't give a rat's patoot about what her mother says because she always does whatever she feels like and nothing and nobody is going to stop her this time either!

At the same time, pious Juan Pablo is remembering Vicki giving him hell for the way he treated her all those years ago prior to entering the priesthood for really reals. He humbly asks God for forgiveness and to bless her even though she now hates him.

That night, Vicki is alone in her bedroom with the box of Maria memorabilia she kept and sobs pitiably (ala Mejiiii-aaaaa!) for the loss of her child. "Mi hijaaaa!" (CS2009 aficionados feel free to insert cringe-face here.) She flashes back to her early days at the dress factory where she met Antonieta and became fast friends with her. Young, pregnant Vicki is telling Toni that she's going to take some of the scraps of material [retazo] home to make baby clothes from. Toni promises not to tell anyone because Vicki might lose her job. Toni and Vicki become roommates because Toni is worried about Vicki living alone while she's pregnant. Later we see Vicki getting ready to give birth in the middle of a tree-filled park somewhere while panicked and praying to the virgencita for help. She collapses on the ground. But never fear! Some Good Samaritan or other must have found her in time because the next scene shows her in a hospital bed with the baby in her arms and Toni coming in to visit her. Vicki names her baby Maria after the virgencita who didn't abandon her in her time of need. Toni promises they'll both look after Maria together. Back in the present, Vicki sobs that she failed her daughter.

It's now dinnertime at Bernarda's palatial domicile of the devoutly deviant. She grouses at Tomasa for not being respectful enough toward Juan Pablo now that he's a priest. This gets Tomasa chatting on about how it seems that just yesterday they were having JP's going away party --needless to say, the last thing that either Burnie or JP want to be reminded of.

Back in the barrio, Maria's new roomies are schlepping their belongings along the sidewalk and Linda (the pretty, sassy one) bumps into Juanjo. Nathy, the homely one, and JJ momentarily brush hands as the two kneel down to pick up Linda's things for her. These two seem to share a momentary, meaningful glance and a wow! effect.

After dinner at Priestly Manor, Burnie bitches out Tomasa for bringing up Victoria’s name during dinner. She has warned her time and again, she rails, that she never wanted to discuss the matter! Tomasa can't understand why since the girl was carrying her grandchild. Burnie yells back. "--I did what was proper and I don't care a whit to hear anything more about her or her daughter!!" (Duhn-duhn-duhnnn!) Tomasa is suck-it-in impactada to learn that Burnie knows Victoria had a little girl. (Damn! Got to admit that nobody does imperious better than Romo.) "--How did you find out that she had a little girl??!!" Burnie stutters angrily and shoos her out of the room. Tomasa thinks to herself that Sra. Bernarda must have seen Victoria again but never said a word to anyone about it.

Back at Maria's, the girls are discussing their families. We find out that Linda comes from another country and remembers the boy who broke her heart. Nathy comes from a large, hard-working family. She's studying to become a geneticist (the closest I can make of "genetics engineer/degree"). Linda doesn't have the head for studying she says. She's interested in being a mistress of a good-looking rich guy who will keep her up to her eyeballs in luxuries. Maria tells the others she's an orphan.

Vicki now puts away her keepsakes and hears Fer coming out of her room. Fer says snootily that she's going out to a nightclub [antro]. --And yeah, she's meeting Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy there. Vicki avoids another argument. Fer insists she's all grown up now and has a right to hang around with whoever she likes! Vicki gives in and says she's going to trust her, but to be careful. She tries to give Fer a hug but Fer snubs her and let's out with a disgusted sigh as she heads out the door. Vicki is obviously all out of answers. (Viewerville figures even Dr. Phil would steer clear of this one.)

The next day Linda and Nathy turn on the t.v. Ozzie's on the screen. (A scene from CS2009 is playing.) The girls swoon. Maria tells them she actually knows the guy as the scene shifts to Max telling Vicki in her office at the design studio that he's back and mission accomplished. We beam back to the barrio as the girls go ape-nuts over their grape nuts. They are thrilled to hear Maria knows Osvaldo Sandova-a-a-a-l! A ticket for the theater that Nathy can't use falls out of her textbook. She offers it to Maria, but Maria has other things to do. Linda grabs it up and says she'll take it and then races out of the room.

At the design studio again, Oz walks in and asks Vicki to join him at the theater tonight since he's got a plaque to unveil afterwards. She can't go because she's got to go over the books with Oscar this evening. Oz takes her to the side and tries to make her see that she's spending too much time working day and night. She objects and says he acts as if it's fun for her. He agrees and politely suggests that she seems to find it more entertaining than her wifely and motherly duties. She tells him it’s a sacrifice, but he tells her she isn't fooling him. Her whole life she's only cared about success--the success of her work and not at all about his. She politely refuses his invitation again and he says fine, then he'll go himself. He sighs and says he'll see her later.

Max goes to the orphanage's half-way house looking for Maria and Doña Berta tells him that the cleaning lady swept the piece of paper with the address on it into the trash. Well, Max is a bright boy and we know that eventually he'll know enough to go back to the orphanage and ask the nuns.....

That night, Vicki is reviewing the accounts with Oscar. She appreciates his willingness to stick around (like he'd really say no to the boss?) He admits that being single has its advantages in that he's not got family responsibilities. He makes a big deal about wanting to be of service to her and it seems he's got a major crush on Vicki.

Across town at the theater, Linda sits down and then finds out a moment later that the seat belongs to somebody else. Oz stands up and offers her the empty seat that would have been Victoria's. Linda takes his offer as she suddenly she realizes she's just been offered a seat beside Ozvaldo Sandova-a-a-al! More wow! effect.

Meanwhile, Maria confides in Nathy that she's planning to go into modeling. Nathy asks if she's got a boyfriend. Maria has to think this through. She tells Nathy about meeting "Fabian", a guy who works at a big modeling concern. She loves his smile and can't wait to see him again. Nathy says it sounds like Maria's in love the way she talks about him. They giggle about that as Maria goes to answer the doorbell. Speaking of the King of Rome..... Maria answers the door and there he stands, smiling broadly and holding a gi-normous bouquet of flowers for her. The world lights up for the both of them. (Viewerville lets out a gi-normous sigh.) She accepts the flowers but refuses to let him in the apartment or to take a walk outside with him. "--No, it wouldn't be all right. It’s late!" He says fine, how about I come by for you tomorrow morning? She doesn't say no to that and so he says then it’s a date. She asks him how he got her address and he chuckles about Berta's losing it and him having to pry it loose from the nuns at the orphanage. They refused at first, he explains, but then after getting to know him a bit they realized he meant her no harm and just wanted to get to know her better. "So, that's it. We'll see each other tomorrow." She nods. Max tries to politely kiss her good-bye on the cheek, but she avoids this. He smiles nervously. This is definitely not the kind of skittish female behavior Max is used to and he's feeling awkward. Once outside, Max climbs onto her window ledge and tries for a last peek. He starts to knock like a love-sick boy might have, but then stops himself. He thinks to himself that she's very pretty and very different from the other girls he's met. He gives up and climbs down. As he walks away he sighs to himself. "Ah Max, Max! Don't go falling in love! No! Don't fall in love!" He heads for his car.

At the theater, Oz and Linda formally introduce themselves. Good thing for Oz he's so used to star struck admiring females. He takes her gushing with style.

Nathy tells Maria it would have been fine to have let "Fabian" in to get to know him better. Maria says no, the nuns told her to be careful and she wanted him to know his place. Anyway, she promised them and she's simply doing what she promised.

It's getting late and Vicki can't concentrate any more. Oscar, apparently her friend and confidant for lo these many years, tells her she seems upset about something. Vicki admits to the scene between her and Fer and the argument with Ozzie. (Anybody else get the feeling Vicki avoids home because she can't stand being around her snide-tastic daughter and the downer it always brings on?) Oscar says he can't understand her hubby ever getting upset with a woman like her. (Well, we know Oscar's never had to fight over the way the tube of toothpaste's been squeezed, let alone the guilt trips when the kiddies play daddy against mommy to get their way.) Vicki figures Ozzie's right to complain about her not spending enough time at home with him and the family. Oscar says what's Oz got to complain about? He's a movie star and lives in the clouds. Oz has given her nothing, he says. Vicki says not at all; he's given her a beautiful life and is as faithful as the day is long.

Wellll, that may be about to change..... Linda continues chatting flirtatiously with Ozzie over a couple of glasses of wine at intermission. Ozzie is not unimpressed, either. (Vicki had better get a clue and fast or the fairytale is as dead as a dodo.)

Millie brings Juan Jose, aka Juanjo, aka JJ, up to meet the respectable prospects. He tells the girls that he's a fireman and teaches the kids in the neighborhood how to play soccer. Nathy is on cloud nine. "A total hero!" Millie proceeds to list all her son's finer than fine qualities –including the fact that he bathes daily. (It’s the little things, you know?)

Back at the theater, Ozzie tells Linda they should use the familiar "tú". "--Whatever you say. (Insert flirtatious giggle here.) I couldn't deny you ANY-thing." (Insert second flirtatious giggle here.) Ozzie asks her if she isn't a rather mischievous miss. She bats her eyelashes and says yes, but he brings it out in her. Must be fate that they met, she adds. She whispers in his ear that perhaps they should go somewhere else. Ozzie's resolve is wavering as we break for Uni to cover the tremendous overhead for this production.

When we return we are back at the mega-manse with Vicki and Max. Vicki wonders why he never came back to work. Max had a problem to solve, he says, and has had to think things over. He’s really happy, tho’, Ma. Vicki says she's not sure what gives with him but she's sure he'll tell her eventually. Vicki asks where the others are. He says nobody else is home. She's worried about his sister, tho' she has no doubts about his father.

Of course, we see that maybe Vicki does have a major tempest brewing in her teapot as Linda and Oz continue to schmooze and ooze. Ozzie asks Linda for her phone number. Ruh-Roh!! He sneaks the number into his pocket as Linda continues coquettishly batting her lashes at him. She whispers in his ear that she'd like to get better acquainted someplace where there aren't so many people around. She tells him she knows he has numerous admirers but from now on she's his #1 fan. He laughs a bit nervously. She gives him a kiss on the cheek. It goes through him like an electric shock. Just then Alvaro appears out of nowhere to remind Oz to hurry up. The group is waiting for him. Oz says of course he'll be there and nervously introduces Linda as one of his fans. She greets Al and tells him she admires him also. Al frowns like uh, yeah, ri-i-ight and walks off. Linda begs off for the evening saying she's tired and has to get home. Oz promises to call her later on. She looks back flirtatiously over her shoulder and says good-bye. Ruh-roh! (Somebody snap Vicki out of driven bitch mode cuz Ozzie has just been thunderstruck by a woman who is definitely everything that she is not!) He smiles back and then considers that 2nd come-hither peck Linda just planted on his puss.

Meanwhile, back at Priestly Manor, Burnie is giving thanks to Dios for Victoria and daughter not having come back into their lives. She asks to keep it that way—just a bad memory. She begins to think back to the time she ran into Vicki on the street and offered to buy her child from her. "--With all that money you could stop living in squalor and buy yourself a new house. You would be free to start a new life." Vicki insists her child is not for sale. Burnie says she'll take that child from her willingly or by force. Vicki protests. "--Don't you even dare!!!" Back in the present, Burnie offers herself up to righteousness and says whatever she's done it's been in obedience to His law. "--Everyone has to confront their destiny." (Hmmmm. Privleged Piety of the Sanctimonious Select shall we say…..) She continues praying.

Linda gets home and says she's in love. She's met the man of her life. Who???? The girls are excited over the news. Maria asks his name. "--Osvaldo. Osvaldo Sandovaaaal!" Maria is muy negatively impactada. (All together now! "¡No puede ser!" Now give me another! "¡No puede ser-r-r-r!" ) Yep, it's a small world in telenovelaland.

A while later, Alvaro and Ozzie are having drinks. Ozzie is going on rather guiltily ad-infinitum if not ad-nauseam about how he's always been faithful to Vicki and doesn't see a need to change now, tho' gawd knows he's had plenty of opportunity. Al is all sympathetic ears, not that he would know one way or the other if he had, he says… and blah, blah, blah. They toast a hollow toast to "Fidelity".

The next morning, we see Max kayaking on the lake as a female voice moans and groans suggestively to techno-bop in the background. (Ok. Ok. She was groaning while he was grunting and it sure didn't sound to me anything like the typical aerobics tunes I workout to! Hmmm. Maybe I go to the wrong gym.....) He's apparently practicing for the Panamerican Games. Ok.... Fabulous Fabian comes by to check on him. He asks why Max didn't return to work the day before. Max admits he left after dropping off the fabrics and went looking for Maria Desamparo. Fab chuckles a bit. "--Yeah, Bro. She's going to be just like the rest. You’ll seduce her and then you'll forget her." Max says he's not so sure. "--I keep thinking this girl is really special." They kid a bit more about it and then head back to the mega-manse for breakfast.

At Maria's, she and Nathy are finishing up with the breakfast dishes. They talk about their lives growing up. Maria comments pensively that although the nuns and her "family" at the orphanage were great, nothing and nobody ever takes the place of real parents.

At the mega-manse, Vicki’s getting ready for work. There's a bit of friction over her working late with Oscar and we find out that he and Oscar don't like each other much. It's because he knows that Oscar is in love with her and she doesn't realize it. Vicki says he's mistaken. Ozzie backs off a bit and then tries again to tell Vicki how much he loves her. She accepts this and they kiss. Her fairytale is fracturing but Vicki is totally oblivious.

Down in the dining room, kid sis arrives and flips on the technorock as she struts her stuff for Fabian who, apparently, appreciates the view. Max gets up and flips the music off. She screams at him. Max explains they're talking business and need to concentrate. Fer brattily screams at the cook next to take away the dish of pineapple she's just brought her. Typical 90210 family fare..... Fer takes a call from Tattoo-Boy and heads out. Max complains about what a pain she is and how she drives him crazy. Fab only sees the beauty in this bratty beast and comments on how pretty she is. Max is oblivious to Fab's fawning looks. "--Yeah, but she's an airhead. She's going to get into really big problems someday and it will be my dad's fault for spoiling her so much."

On the Televisa lot now, Al and Oz drive up and park. Al quotes a bit of Hamlet (from Act 3, Scene 2 to be exact) while getting out.

"Give me that man
Who is not passion's slave, and
I will wear him In my heart's core..."

Oz gets ticked by the reference to losing one's head on a whim. Al says he's only trying to warn him not to lose his head with the ladies. "--Don't play with fire, man!" Ozzie takes offense and insists he's not that kind of guy. (Well, up to now at least. Never say never.....)

At Marias, meanwhile, Linda wakes up all smiles and asks the others if she's not gotten any calls yet. Nathy shows signs of beginning to choke on Linda's sugar-daddied smiles. Linda curls up on a chair to gloat and glow. "--You'll never guess!" Nathy says give. "--Last night I gave Osvaldo my phone number and he promised to call me!" Maria turns back to the dishes to hide her disgust. "--He won't call you." "--And why not?" "--Because he's married. That's why." Nathy picks up the daily paper and shows a spread with Vicki and Oz together. They all look. Maria says look at her: she's a beautiful and elegant woman with a lot of class [porte = distinguished bearing, demeanor]. Linda won't argue the point, but adds that the woman is lovely, but she's got her own charms, too. Maria gets distracted by the notice that Televisa is looking for models. She's got a chance to realize her life's dream.

Al and Oz run into Ana Martin who tells Oz she's going to look up Vicki to get a dress for some upcoming function. Al asks Oz if he isn't a bit jealous over his wife's fame. Oz doesn't see why he should be. (Personally, neither do I.) He's totally in love with her and resents the question. He thinks Al's problem is that he's never truly been in love before and wouldn't understand. Maria D. yells over to him as she comes up the walk. Maria asks Ozzie if he remembers her and he says sure! “--How could I forget a pretty girl like you?” Al looks on from a distance like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, New Year's, and Easter to boot as Ozzie and Maria smile and greet each other. Al's expression turns sour. He thinks to himself that this is something Victoria needs to know about.


La Verdad Oculta 79: The ONE Ring…uh, TWO…wait, THREE Rings to Rule Them All!!

Never one to turn down an opportunity to kick a man while he’s down, Adolfo has just delivered a series of body blows to David after throwing the paralyzed young man from his wheelchair to the floor. David is left moaning in agony and Adolfo stealthily sneaks out of the Genoves house, like the rat that he is. He checks in quickly with his new BFF Edgar before speeding off in his car. Edgar waves off the concern of the two other guards, who had been conveniently posted to the back of the house. Inside the house, Dora and the maid Ramona have both heard the shouting and moaning and come rushing to the study. David won’t allow them to touch him or move him, but has Dora call Gabi, while Ramona calls Abelardo and the doctor.

Gabi and Juli, meanwhile, have decided to visit and bring flowers to the grave of their newly discovered mother Marta. They are shocked to discover that the tombstone (lápida) has been smashed. Being totally in the dark about why anyone (especially their father) would have any reason to do such a thing, they can only conclude it must have been Bertha. But, since Bertha doesn’t know Marta was their mother, they are still left baffled. Juli wistfully wishes that they had an image (retrato) of their mother. (You’re staring at her Juli.) Gabi thinks that Yolanda probably has one, but it’s better that Juli contact her since she and that woman aren’t exactly on good terms. Gabi receives a panicked call from Dora, with David’s pain filled groans in the background. David’s fallen from his wheelchair, and the doctor and an ambulance have been called. Gabi and Juli rush to the house.

A bit later, outside of the Genoves house, the servants and the family watch David being loaded into the ambulance, where Gabi accompanies him. Dora explains to Juli and Abelardo that David told her the culprit was Adolfo Avila, who not only threw him from his chair, but also kicked him (lo patear). Abelardo questions Edgar, but he claims he didn’t see nutin’, but he’ll be sure to question his men. Juli wants them to tell Don Mario, but Abelardo assures her he’ll inform the sickly Mario later. The three rush off to the hospital.

Adolfo’s back at home and gets the update from Edgar. David’s been taken away in really grave condition. Adolfo just wants to make sure no one saw him. Not to worry. His boys saw Adolfo’s car drive off, but he’s got them under control. None of the maids saw him enter. “Muy bien.” Adolfo tells him to keep him informed and hangs up with a self satisfied smirk. He then greets Bertha who’s making her way out the condo, and also seems to have retrieved her skirt from Elsa. Before she leaves, he’s got a favor to ask her. If someone asks about his whereabouts that day, tell them that she’s been with him since the morning. They had breakfast together, ate together, and later came back to the condo. The concierge did not see him enter and exit the building, so that’s not a problem.

Bertha wants to know what he did, but should know by now that Adolfo doesn’t answer questions. He gives her some BS answer that, although he didn’t do anything, someone’s always trying to blame him for something. Bertha doesn’t look like she’s buying that answer, but she’s picked up quite a few new tricks since living with Adolfo. She’ll be his alibi, IF he buys her a “depa” (short for departemento- apartment/condo) in Playa del Carmen. Adolfo looks pleased that his favorite student is excelling so well in Amoral Behavior 101. It’s a deal. She can start looking at brochures for her beach condo.

At the hospital, David’s doctor comes out to inform the family of his condition. Continuing his approach to not pull any punches, he tells them point blank that David’s in really bad shape. They’ll keep him in observation and then start him on a rehabilitation regiment. He does believe that he’ll recover (recomponer). What he’s really concerned about is how this happened. When he hears David was attacked by someone, he tells them they’ve got to press charges (una demanda) against this person. While he gives the ladies more details about David’s condition, FaustiMario arrives and is given the rundown by Abelardo. Fausto, to say the least, is ticked off. “No puede ser! Cuando va a terminar todo esto?!” (It can’t be! When is this all going to end?!) He calms himself down enough to join the ladies and play his Mario role.

We go from anguish in the hospital, to despair in JJ’s house. He and Limon are throwing a pity party for two. Limon thinks that sooner or later Caramelo will forget about him. JJ tells him not to say that since he’ll be able to see her everyday. But Limon thinks it’s possible since she’ll make new friends at school, and when Elsa marries Mauricio, they might move to another country and take Caramelo with them. “NO!!!” JJ won’t permit it! Limon doesn’t know how they’ll be able to prevent it, since legally they’ll have no rights. “Maldita sea!” JJ laments that he can’t do anything about this stain (mancha) on his life, for a crime he didn’t commit. But he will, he MUST, find the guilty ones. He can’t take anymore (ya no puedo mas). The death of that girl has ruined his life. First he lost his mother, and now they want to take the little one away from them. He swears that he’s going to get revenge. The two men crumble into each others arms in inconsolable tears.

At the hospital the next morning, Dora and Gabi stand by David’s bedside as Dora explains he didn’t really sleep the whole night, due to the pain. Dora points out to Gabi that this is precisely why she can’t go make a statement to the police. This is why she’s scared. What if it happens again? David opens his eyes and Gabi goes to him. With great difficulty speaking through the pain, he asks his mama to let him speak to Gabi alone. He tells Gabi he didn’t want to talk in front of Dora, because they’re going to speak about JJ. He asks Gabi to call JJ so that they can ask him to loan them his hotel manager, Urbina. Urbina will help her so that she can take control of the Genoves hotel chain (cadena Campo Real) right away. They need her; otherwise the business will soon be in trouble. Gabi doesn’t understand why Mario can’t take control of the business, as she’s seen him looking much healthier lately. David says it’s just for show. His dad is actually really sick and tired (sick and tired of playing two people). He also wants to talk to JJ about Dora’s letter, and seeing how scared Dora is, he didn’t want her there to hear the conversation.

Adolfo and Edgar meet on the street. Adolfo wants a rush job on bumping off Mario. Edgar is worried that after the David incident, it will be much harder and more dangerous to pull something off. Adolfo knows Edgar is taking a risk, and that he’ll be interrogated, but he’ll be paid very well. All he has to do is ensure no one enters that house when the time comes. He’ll be in contact.

Gabi puts JJ on the phone with David, who tells JJ what happened and who did it. David wants to press charges, but there are no other witnesses. He asks JJ to loan them Urbina and he gladly agrees. Gabi cuts the conversation short as David is so weak and in so much obvious pain. JJ assures her he’s there for whatever she and David need. They are going to make sure that those jerks pay for everything they’ve done. After she hangs up, a groggy David comments on what a good person JJ is.

In their apartment, Leo is busy working at his dining table-desk, and Paulita is busy working at her coffee table-desk. He puts his work aside to have a serious daddy-daughter talk, and he doesn’t want her to laugh at him. They both put on their serious faces, arms crossed, as Leo makes his announcement. “I have a girlfriend.” Paula approaches him smiling. She already knows who it is—Julieta. “She told you?” Silly Daddy, of course little Nancy Drew already knew. She sits down across from him to lobby for Phase 2 of plan Get a Mommy. “And when are you getting married?” Well, Leo thinks that will require more time, but Paula wonders what’s the hold up. Leo tries to explain the complex world of adult courtship. He and Juli have to continue to get to know each other, and getting married right now would be a difficult/complex issue.

They’re interrupted by the doorbell. Speak of the lovely devil, it’s Juli. Paula runs excitedly to the door. “Here comes your girlfriend.” Leo tries to suppress a smile as Paulita greets Juli, “Hola futuro mama!” (Hi future mom!) They are even already wearing matching mommy-daughter outfits—Juli in a white top and short denim skirt/Paulita in a denim jacket and white skirt. Juli looks bemused at Leo, but he admits that Paula already knew. Juli wants to know what Paula thinks; is she ok with it? “Of course!” The only thing she doesn’t like is Juli’s noodle soup (sopa de pasta). LOL! Juli’s ok with that.

Juli begins to tell Leo what happened to David, and Leo decides to send Paula to her room so that he can speak to Juli alone. With an, “adios mama”, she’s off. After Juli finishes recounting what happened to David, Leo runs off to see about bringing charges against Adolfo. Juli’s mom senses are already working, and she sniffs out Paula eavesdropping behind the corner. She gives her little cheeks an affectionate squeeze for spying on them.

At his apartment, Adolfo and Yolanda are having tea, when his jeweler arrives and they go to Adolfo’s office. Adolfo takes Roberto’s ring from his safe, where we also see stacks of American $100 bills. The jeweler has Adolfo guess which of the two rings he brought is the real one. Adolfo guesses wrong and is impressed by the extraordinary copy the jeweler has made. Carlos will never know he’s been given a fake. Only an expert will be able to tell that the jewels in the copy are fake. “I’ll put the real one here in the same box with its pair. And the false one here, which I’ll give to Carlos. No expert will be looking at that one anyway.” The jeweler refuses payment because Adolfo is such an important client. While Adolfo is hatching this little plan, Yolanda is listening intently at the door. They are both interrupted when Leo and Ramon come barging in with a warrant for Adolfo’s arrest on suspicion of assaulting David. Adolfo’s not going anywhere until he speaks to his lawyer. “What lawyer? Garnica? We suspect he’s either been murdered or fled the country. You’ve got a lot to answer for and a lot of declarations to make.” Leo’s in no mood for Adolfo’s sanctimonious posturing today, and roughly ushers him out the door. “Shut up and walk!”

The jeweler quickly makes his exit, the maid looks like she really regrets taking this job, and Yolanda scrambles to find another lawyer in Adolfo’s rolodex. But she pauses long enough to make sure her muñeco isn’t shortchanged, and switches the fake ring with the real ring. Ha!

At JJ’s, Chicles’ mom, Lucha, is trying to convince Limon that everything will work out. Limon is determined now to get some education for himself and not remain a dolt. That’s the reason why all of this is happening. She thinks he’s being a bit of a drama queen. He’s not losing Caramelo. He’ll get to see her all the time. That’s what Elsa says, but who knows. Today they’re going to finalize the paperwork. Lucha tells him to cheer up. Elsa isn’t a bad person. Limon is afraid that because she’s so upset with JJ, she’ll use Caramelo to get back at him. Lucha has to admit that when women get ticked, they can do some pretty ugly things (a woman scorned…).

Caramelo comes barreling in, dragging Elsa behind her, jumping and yelling that Elsa is now her mama! “And this paper says so, right Tia Elsa?! I mean, mama.” She excitedly shows Limon the document that he cannot read, as he struggles to hold back tears. Caramelo then insists that Lucha pack her bags right now. Elsa, who has not taken her eyes from Limon’s face, gently tells them that it’s a requirement of the process that Caramelo live with her from this point forward. Caramelo rushes Lucha out of the room to pack. Limon tearily asks Elsa if he can indeed see Caramelo every day. Elsa tells him naturally, he doesn’t even have to ask that question and he doesn’t have to worry. And besides, the parental rights (patria potestad) she’s been given are provisional. The adoption process is much longer. (Meaning, he could still have the opportunity to adopt her if things change.) She gives him a hug and tells him he can come to her house whenever he wants. Right now it’s important that they do this, for the good of Caramelo. Limon is too lost in his own pain to listen and he flees the room.

At his hotel, JJ gives Urbina his assignment to help Gabi run the Genoves hotel chain. No problem. Urbina knows the Genoves business well and is happy to help. Ale arrives and is greeted with kisses and compliments. They quickly update each other on David (horrible), Garnica (still no info), and Caramelo (Ale is pleased Elsa stepped in to help). But JJ is not happy about being separated from Caramelo. Ale tries to show him that there was no other real choice. Did he want them to take her to an orphanage? Like a chastened puppy, JJ shakes his head and admits, no.

Over some delicious looking shakes and chocolate dessert, Bertha tells her fellow skank, uh, friend, about Adolfo’s request of an alibi. Given that the family may or may not be involved in smuggling, and other shady business, Bertha’s friend wonders what problems Bertha may be getting herself into. That beach condo is tempting, but Bertha looks like she’s starting to think of the consequences of getting too involved in shady Avila business.

Roberto has returned to his apartment after a long day of…what, I don’t really know. He listens to David’s message to get in touch and decides to get in touch with Adolfo instead. The scared maid informs an impactado Roberto that Adolfo’s been hauled off to the big house.

At the hospital Gabi is reluctant to leave David’s side to head to his business office to meet Urbina. David feels it’s important that she starts heading the business right away; otherwise they’ll be in trouble. She kisses him farewell and he tells her he loves her.

At Roberto’s, he’s doing exactly what rats do on a sinking ship, fleeing. He’s pulled out his well used suitcase, a stack of clothes, and stacks of US money. We know how well this worked out for him last time….

Adolfo, on the other hand, can’t be caught. He’s returned home to a pacing Yolanda. He spins a tale of falsely being accused by David of assaulting him, and he doesn’t know how the cops came to the crazy conclusion that he had something to do with Garnica’s disappearance. He goes to his office to put the “real” rings away, and returns to the living room with the fake ring. He gives Yolanda the fake ring, out of the goodness of his heart, to give back to Carlos. She feigns surprise and gratitude. He’s just doing it to make them happy, plus he doesn’t need it. Before she leaves to take the ring to Carlos, Yolanda asks Adolfo if he really had nothing to do with what happened to David. Given how much he detests David, he would have loved to. But, no, it wasn’t him. Yolanda is obviously not buying that.

At his apartment, Leo’s assistant, aka Paulita, answers the phone. It’s Ramon, who has a very shamed faced looking Roberto, with his open suitcase and stacks of money, sitting in front of him. They caught him trying to flee the country at the airport. Leo rushes off to work, and Paulita and Doña Gumen commiserate over how ugly Leo’s work is.

At the Club, Yolanda’s happy to see Carlos back where he belongs, managing the business. He tells her she’s the only one who’s ever understood him. (Maybe he should tell his shrink that.) He’s implementing a new management system that he hopes will impress his father. (Oh, Carlos. That is such a lost cause. I see more time on the doctor’s couch.) Well, Yolanda has brought a surprise from his father. She hands him the ring, and his eyes light up like it’s Christmas and his birthday and he’s just received the best present ever. He slips it on and admits how much he likes his ring. Yolanda knows. She tells him to enjoy it and leaves with kisses and hugs. Carlos sits and admires his only visible proof of fatherly affection.

Gabi returns to David’s hospital room from a long day of work at the office with Urbina. Urbina is patient, all went well, and she loves it. David and Dora have no doubt she’ll succeed. Gabi relieves Dora of her guardian duties and Dora heads home. Dora’s happy because the doctor’s given David a good prognosis. She gives the kids kisses and heads to the house to rest. Ale soon enters the room and Gabi takes the opportunity to get something to eat.

David is relieved that Gabi has left the room because he wants Ale’s help getting JJ to come there. When he arrives, he wants Ale to make up some pretext for getting Gabi out of there. Although she doesn’t know what he’s up to, Ale promises to help. At that moment JJ is getting an update from Urbina, who suggests that JJ tag along as he teaches Gabi the Genoves hotel business so that he can also learn. When Ale calls, he agrees to go right over to the hospital. Ale is worried about David. She can see he’s really tired and he hasn’t been sleeping much. He admits he’s in too much pain to sleep, plus he’s really worried about everything that’s been happening and wants to resolve things before anything worse occurs. She's really worried now, and urges him to tell her all.

At AFI, Roberto also looks pretty worried, and he should be because Leo has just entered the room. He tries the arrogant Adolfo approach. “I want to know why you’ve detained me!” Leo’s not having it. He’s the one who asks questions! He wants to know where Roberto was going. He was just taking a trip to NY. What? He’s now prohibited from leaving the country? Ramon shows Leo Roberto’s ONE WAY ticket. Well, Roberto hadn’t decided if he was going stay abroad (al otro lado). Leo then asks about the stacks of American bills. “What? They’re mine. I didn’t steal them, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Ramon points out that there’s $20,000 here. That’s a lot of money and Leo wants to know where Roberto is working. No job. Then where did he get this money? “I’m really lucky.” He won it in a football pool (quiniela). As far as he knows, that’s not a crime. Plus he has his savings (ahorros). In what bank? Roberto claims he guards his saving the old fashioned way—in his house, likely under a mattress. Leo’s had enough of Roberto’s idiotic smugness. He’s done playing “good cop”; it’s time for a dose of “bad cop.” He throws Roberto’s role of setting up Gabi’s false wedding in his face. Roberto claims that is was a joke, David’s idea, and anyway, Mario fixed everything. Leo wants to know if these are the typical kind of favors he does. Does he know Adolfo Avila? He admits he knows Adolfo, only because he knows his son.

Leo asks Roberto if he’s ever done a “favor” for Adolfo. To help loosen the truth from Roberto’s tongue, he gets in his face, grabs him, and gives him a good shake. “Be careful with telling me a lie!!!”


Friday, January 07, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of Jan. 10

ELENA - the finale - part 2

I suppose there could have been a bigger waste of an hour but it's hard to imagine. Here's what happened - nothing. La Gemela went to a mental hospital/prison designed by Elena that looked like the poster child for cruel and unusual punishment and then, not surprisingly for someone kept in those conditions, she died. Everyone else lives happily ever after and Elena has another baby.

To answer Canuck Fan's questions:

Laura went on a cruise to Alaska, met and married a guy. She was depressed because she couldn't have children but her experiences with Elena taught her to enjoy whatever life brings and she's come to Florida to adopt a child. She has followed what has happened with Elena through her friend, Martín. I guess Elena couldn't ever call on the phone or send an email to find out what has been going on with her best friend.

Walter was already in the chicken raising business but in the 'años despues' he apparently became very successful.

That was about it.

I agree with Hombre that this wasn't the worst novela I've ever seen but it just fell apart at the end.

Onward with Los Herederos del Monte. I'm watching this one. At least it has a bunch of hunky guys, especially, Mario Cimarro.

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Eva Luna #44 Thu 1/6/11 Bride of Psycho, Death Row Madame, Mr Mice Guy and a JollyOldMan plan their moves

This was sent to me by Marta...

We see psycho Bimbutt knife and all all over Dano while he sleeps. Dano wakes up and jumps up from bed… He is very anxious with deer in headlights focus.
PB: I love you, Daniel, so much that I can’t live without you! I love you!
Dano: But if you love me so much why do you want to harm me??
PB: Because you don’t love me!!
Dano: I do love you! I love you! But let go that knife!
PB: You are lying!! You don’t care about me!! You don’t love me as I love you!! (we got that already, psycho, any other words in your vocabulary?)
Dano: Yes I do!
PB: No its not true!! (he finally gets to grab her hand with the knife)
No!! Its not true!! And I prefer to see you dead before I see you together with her!!! ( and begins to wrestle her… get get jumped out to the boarding house…) LET GO!! LET GO!!

Pea-Brain Ali: Jiji!! I knew it! Ever since I met Daniel, ever since I saw him with you, it showed that he was crazy about you!! I loved him as a prospect for you! Didn’t I tell you??
Eva: Yes. You always were certain he loved me. And now we will be married!! I will be his wife in 2 days!!! (she is in la-la land)
PBA: I don’t want to rain on your parade, but what are you going to do about your job?
Eva: I have to go, Alicia. I need to talk to Don JollyO. I don’t want to quit before he knows it…. I will tell him how it was that we fell in love. I feel that he needs to hear it from me. I feel like I should tell him.
PBA: And why the secrecy of the marriage?
Eva: SO that noone will stop that train.

Back to Psycho and prince charming…
Dano: Let go before you hurt yourself!! … What the heck is wrong with you?? Did you really want to kill me?? Are you THAT Crazy??
PB: (crying loudly falls to floor desperate) I am so in love I don’t know what I do…forgive me!
Dano: How can I forgive you when you do something like this??
PB: Understand that I go crazy knowing you don’t love me!! Seeing you with another makes me crazy! Makes me lose control !! It blinds me!! It makes me crazy!!
Dano: Victoria!
PB: I am crazy of anger, of desperation, of rage!!
Dano: Calm down! … take it easy.. I know after all I am partly to blame for what is happening. I swear that I did not mean for you to suffer this way! It hurts me to see you feel that way!
PB: But for me you are the most important! The most important being!! Why, Daniel?? Why could you not love me as I love you??
Dano: I don’t know, Victoria. The only thing I know for sure is that it would have been worse if we married and then you came to realize I don’t love you as you deserve!!
PB: NEVER!!! I will NEVER settle to not having you!! NEVER!!

Back to the boarding house… PBA lies to Eva again about her studies and this morning’s exam… PBA Repeats she is so happy Eva is marrying Daniel. Eva says she is completely happy to hear again that Alicia is doing so well at school.

PB makes a visit to her dear Death row mother… DRM is surprised but not really freaked to see her dressed in her wedding gown…

Loser Tony gets in Alicia’s room, she is mad he came in her room and she does not want more trouble with Eva. Tony protests he does not want to hear about Eva again, he is fed up with the theme of Eva!!

PB tells DRM she could not resist the temptation of putting on the wedding gown and feeling like she is still going ot marry Daniel… But she realized the wedding is off and the dress is stained with deception and betrayal. PB admits to DRM she tried to kill Dano and Eva… first with the gun and then with the knife… DRM says she has ot control herself. PB says she feels alone, neither Leonardo nor her have done anything to help her. DRM promises her she will have a solution to her problems tomorrow morning… To that one and another one that affects the family, Claw’s pregnancy.

Alicia keeps rejecting Tony and she yells at him all the ‘ways he loves her’, except that this time Eva got to hear about her being ejected from school, so her secret is out. Eva is mad…
Eva and Tony shout insults and ‘YOU are to blame for Ali’s troubles’… Tony curses Eva.
Alicia defends Eva and yells at Tony she is to blame for having let herself be tricked by him. Eva reprimends Alicia for lying to her all this time.

DRM calls Claw and arranges for Claw to come to the office early tomorrow. Claw asks if she convinced her dear son to accept the baby. DRM says she wants to come to an agreement… Claw is not willing to get rid of the baby. DRM says she wants to arrange how they will deal with the issue of the baby in public. DRM convinces Claw this meeting is to settle how her relationship with the Arizmendis will go once the baby comes. Claw swallows the bait hook line and sinker.

PBA promises Eva (for the Nth time) that she will never listen to Loser Tony again.

At the gym, Tony waltzes in with excuse Leo called for him… Tony behaves very nasty to the gym employee then begins to whistle to the pretty girls around. Leo wants Tony to call Dano and gives him a name to use… (we don’t’ hear details yet…) Apparently Tony does not recognize Daniel’s name… Leo says it is important he follows his instructions exactly.

Justa has called for Beatriz. She tells her what she remembered in her dream last night. And this time she remembers almost all the details of the dream, including the name of the town and the name of the doctor that attended her. Beatriz agrees to go with her to Santa Rosa to look for the hospital and/or the grave where they put her daughter’s body.
Beatriz volunteers to drive, Justa thanks God for sending Beatriz back into her life.

DRM is still reprimending PB at breakfast… PB is impatient… DRM says that is why she is in the situation she is in, for lack of patience and acting on impulse instead of planning what she will do. DRM already thought of something to get rid of Eva legally… It will send Eva to jail for many years.

Don JollyO receives Dr Garcia, who brings him the results of the lab tests on the bottle of ‘medicine’… Dr Garcia does not look like he carries very good news…

Daniel tells his secretary Maria that he is marrying Eva, she is really happy for him. She says his happiness showed always. They celebrate, she will take care of arranging all the details. Dano tells her to call the boutique he and Eva were a while back and order several dresses for Eva.

Dr Garcia gives JollyO the bad news… initial tests did not reveal anything but some vitamin supplements but there was a weird component in the formula… HE did further testing and there is a lethal component. In other words, that medicine was fatal. Whoever prescribed that medicine for you wanted to kill you.

Daniel continues telling Maria about all the details they have to plan. Maria asks when he will tell DRM about his trip, he says not until we are about to board the plane to avoid any surprise moves on her part.

Tony calls Daniel’s office and says he is Mr Lozano regarding the part he was waiting for for the sports car (the red one). Dano at first is a bit suspicious given his facial language (that is to be expected since Tony does not mention any details of the shop Dano left the car at, and also says he is not really linked to the shop, he is an independent trader of rare collector parts LOL!!), but eventually buys the story and arranges for them to meet. Dano makes the mistake to tell the guy he is about to go on a trip. Tony then arranges for them to meet today, with the excuse he is also about to go on a trip.

DRM tells PB she is making all the arrangements for her plan to send Eva to jail. And once she has a document she needs, she will let Vicky send Eva to jail personally.

Jolly O asks Dr Garcia what would happen if someone got drops of it regularly for a year. DrG says that person would be suicidal if they knew what they were doing. JollyO asks if they took that for a year, would it be found they were poisoned at an autopsy? DrG says no, it would seem they died of old age when in fact their death was by poison.

Leo gets to the office and Tony texts him that the first step was completed. Leo is happy.
He tells Lucy the receptionist that today will be a very good day, full of events.

As JollyO escorts DrG out, he has a small heart failure, DrG yells at him to go see him asap after he learns JollyO has been taking that ‘medicine’ for months, almost a year.
DrG left the lab results on JollyO’s desk.. As DrG leaves, JollyO thinks that DRM wanted a slow death for him, but she failed, now is his vengeance, Marcela…

DRM is practicing copying Dano’s signature from a document he signed.

At kitchen, Eva is fixing JollyO’s breakfast, she is waiting until JollyO’s visit is gone.
Aurelia asks Eva what is wrong, Eva looks very anxious/nervous. Eva tells her today is her last day there… but don’t tell anyone… and she tells her why, Eva asks Aurelia how she knew where PB had taken Eva. Aurelia tells her she overheard Leo tell Armando where to find her, and Eva tells her Dano proposed that night.

DRM signs a check in Dano’s name, then congratulates herself on her skill copying his signature. IT is a check for 25K written to Eva’s name. Then DRM shows it to PB, PB is curious and surprised her mom could copy Dano’s signature that well. DRM tells PB her plan is that she will ask Eva to go to the bank to cash the check for her. They will then accuse Eva of stealing the money and noone will believe Eva. DRM tells PB she has to be REALLY nice to Eva, has to convince her she trusts her and will have to confess something very important to Eva… (what could that be?)

Eva goes to see JollyO and right now feels very sad, discuraged… Then he tells her Max his loyal dog died yesterday. Eva gets really upset. He says we burried him in the garden. Eva tells him how sad she is… JollyO notes to Eva that he has seen more of a reaction in her than in any other person who lives in his house. Eva says she knew how much he loved Max. JollyO says Max gave his life for him… She asks why, he says will tell you later. Eva tries to tell him what she came to tell him but he won’t let her tell him anything, he has a lot of things to think about

Justa and Beatriz get to Santa Rosa and to the place. Justa recognizes the place… They speak to a man. He says yes, the clinic was here but was destroyed by an earthquake… Justa immediately remembers briefly the earthquake… In her memory some lady named Mercedes helped her out, then fell over… She also wants to go to the cemetery, want to find my daughter’s grave, it is the only thing that will make me at peace

DRM is at office, tells her sec to get Giorgio to bring a pot of decaf coffee (her favorite way to kiss someone off…)

PB follows DRM’s plan and gives Eva the check to take to the bank to cash… she confesses to Eva that her wedding is off, Dano replaced her with another woman. Eva is shocked… PB continues saying she does not blame anyone, not him nor her. We have to go on… It is hard for her to stay around, so she wants to leave town for a few months to be able to start over later. Leaving tonight… Take the check to the bank and cash it for her. Will send her in a taxi because Armando is busy with her mom. Eva should not run into problems since at bank they are used to doing this for the company. Just use your own ID, I wrote the check in your name.

Giorgio brings the pot with the coffee. Bruno shows up with excuse to get Marcela to finalize the designer and makeup artists they will hire… and the wardrobe of the show. Marcela has no time. Giorgio offers to take care of it for her, DRM likes the idea, but Bruno protests ‘Marcela!!’… Giorgio repeats his offer. DRM is happy to delegate to Giorgio… Bruno again protests… DRM replies ‘the time to speak against me is over!’ (la hora de llevarme la contraria ya se acabo!’ LOL!) DRM is told that Claw has arrived at reception.

DRM drops about an ounce of the ‘medicine’ in the coffee pot.

Eva arrives at the bank and is in the process of cashing the check… Several bank employees see her (From the slomo and camera angles we are made to believe this is important)

Previews show that this was the episode of the calm before the storm… Leo follows his plan to reveal to Eva that Dano was the owner/driver of the car that killed Eva’s dad… while Eva cashes the check at the bank and we see DRM shouting to someone that Eva stole money from the company and she wants to accuse her!!


Triunfo del Amor #4 1/6/11 Levy's lips, Maria's braids and a new girl on the block.

Hola Gente! So, I'm the new girl on the first recap. I'm slowly warming up to this novela...Levy's lips and the deceit at every turn do help to keep it interesting however.

 JP and Vicki have seen each other again after 20 yrs and boy, does she have plenty to say to him! She is more P.O.'d than ever and when he says they need to talk, she vehemently calls him a cobarde. She accuses him of having fled to the seminary w/out so much as an "adios". He weakly insists that she doesn't understand. Frankly, my dear, she is uninterested and She then warns him that she will not stop coming to the church, even though it is his. She leaves him stunned and having to face his mother who convenientely stepped out during their encounter.

 In another part of town, Maria receives her coin purse and kindly thanks the messenger Mr.Vicki. It comes to light, she must leave and make her way in the world. Alas, her life-long dream of becoming a model is sadly, no longer possible? She is encouraged however by Victoria who made herself out of nothing....leaving room for a perfect segue. She is assured that w/hard work and effort, she will obtain all her heart desires.

Cut to Vicki crying to her blond girl Friday and suffering over the fact she saw JP again. She cries again and vows to continue to attend that church. The blond, true to form, fills in the audience on the fact that she had to abandoned the love child she had by JP. I wonder if she hates her own lines too?
 In speaking with his mother, JP tries to tell her who "that woman" was, but instead is satisfied with condeming her dismissively as "una pecadora". The pot calling the kettle black, much? He, wisely, says we are all sinners- including myself! Back to Vicki, who insists through tears that she really does want to find out what happened to her daughter. We learn she had an accident and during the confusion the child was lost and she never found her. In that, the phone rings, Vicki shows little understanding with the person on
the other end- she is all business and the blond reminds her that burning bridges may not be the best.
 Speaking of lost children and broken dreams, Mr.Vicki highly encourages Maria to seek out Vicki and that if not for her haste she would have been there turning in the purse. He again, encourages her to be strong to get her dreams accomplished. Meanwhile, at the Sandoval offices, Fabian and Maxi are discussing Maxi's latest discovery- the woman of his dreams?!?! And, she lives in the orphanage to boot! Fabian marvels at Maxi's determination and wonders aloud how he plans to see her again. In that, the phone rings and it appears to be La Senora who summons Max to her office.
 Back at the church, Bernie and her son Cura JP are privatly discussing love, life and the pursuit of happiness. She says there was no exception for her reaction and she should have responded to her son differently. She, emotionally, admits that she dreams with her dead husband and that the reason is due to the fact that she is responsible for his death! Cue, "impending doom" music.
In other news, Maxi receives word from Vicki that he is to go to Nueva York ASAP. He must leave today for a couple of days to get fabric. She tells him, he must pack and go- he is on a schedule "tienes el tiempo contado". Before leaving, he makes sure to inquire about a "linda" chica he saw at the desfile de modas. Vicki, quickly ushers him out and comments to blondie how it is just what she needs to think that father and son would be interested in the same girl! Her trusty girlfriend says she is just inventing problems
where there are none- silly girl!
 JP starts to question his mother about her admission and she basically says she is guilty of not having been on top of his condition and there ot help him. JP, assures her that his death was an accident. BTW, Eduardo Santamarina's character was killed off pretty quickly!
 Driving down the road are Fabian and Maxi (presumeably en route to the airport) and it appears their first stop may not be the airport as Fabian and him disucuss how for "un momentito na'mas" they are going to see the girl. As they pull up to the curb, Maxi is warned he is on a tight schedule. Always the joker, he assures him, boat is an option. Fabian seems very interested in Maxi going to NYC and beeps. In that, out comes Maria and Maxi turns around to see her. Their eyes meet, music swells and they both smile widely.
 In continued discussion Blondie and Vicki discuss whether or not vicki should tell Osvaldo. Blondie advises her and says he has always been honest and has never hid anything from her. Wow, she is sure. Another great segue and we meet Oslvaldo in the car as he admits he must admit to his wife the secret that has tormented him for so long. Vicki is sure he is honest and then begins to reminise about their meeting...assuredly, this is how we learn about their marital past. Vicki, in her nostaligic voice, reminds the audience that Ossie was a widower when they met, Maxi was very young and they bonded very quickly- for that reason, they are like a real mother and daughter. Vicki says that is why she is so concerned with his reputation and his person- she wants him to be "intachable" like his father. let's see, shall we?
 Back to Levy Lips and Maria D where they are mooning over each other some more and discussing where they met. He tries to convince her to hitch a ride to her new house w/him, but she denies. What a good girl. He assures her he is good people and that in fact, he is there looking for her. He wants to know her better- she impressed him when they saw each other.Again, she mentions she will walk. He insists in carrying her suitcase and gestures to his boy that they are going to hoof it. What a gentleman!
 At the church, Bernarda and Jp continue with drama. He blesses her to calm her down. She is overjoyed to have gotten to this blessed moment where his hand will bless and absolve her. She is striken and thankful- she cries with joy that everything she did was worth, kililng 5 people was worth it?
 Maxi and Maria are talking. He is talking pretty to her and mentions he is not goint to stop so in seeing her. She is flattered and says she must consult as she has never had a boyfriend. they exchange names....she tells how the inventive nuns came up with her unique name. He decides to use his friends name and tells her, Me llamo Fabian Duarte and that is my friend Max. In that, Maria is summoned to go inside. Maxi buys some candy and explains he must got away for a couple of days on a business trip and that he would like to see her when he returns. He gives her the candy and they say goodbye.
 Back at the office, an opinionated seemingly Italian designer is ruling the roost. He is hilarious as the artistic, stylish designer. Blondie enters and questions the rumor that he had been drinking. He dramatically agrees and explains that this was the reason for his absence. He did hear it was amazing however. Blondie did admit there was one little problem with the bride's bouquet.
In that, he inquires if it is true that Vicki wants to do a pret-a-porter line of clothing. He seems disgusted and says, how is this possible. My designs are not tortillas. Antonietta says things will stay exclusive, but vicki wants to make clothes accessible to all types of women. Pepino Pichone is not thrilled and rather embarassed at the thought!
 Fabian and Maxi are now rushing to the airport. Fabian warns him, watch out when Vicki finds out about this. Maxi laughs if off and says, naw....Fabian adds, yeah, she loves you like a son. Maxi goes on to inform us that after the early loss of his mother, he and vicki grew close and it really is like a mother/son relationship. Fabian inquires about Fernanda and if she is Maxi's sister by the same father and his mother, if she is jealous. Maxi says, Fernanda understands the arrangement and I'm going to get jealous if you keep asking about her.
 Maria is getting ready in her new home and then enters Dona Berta the main lady. She reminds Maria D that she may stay up to 1 month. Maria shyly, but excitedly turns to ask if a boy may visit her there. Is it possible? Dona Berta says, no problem, I must be present and he must visit you here. I want you to be safe. She blesses Maria D for her birthday and gives her a hug. Maria sadly confesses, that it really isn't her birthday. She doesn't know which day she was born.
At the airport, Maxi and Fabian learn Maxi has missed the flight. Maxi decides Fabian should lie to Vicki and say they missed the flight due to traffic delays. Fabian refuses to lie anymore and reminds Maxi that he already helped him lie about his name with that girl. He says, wait and see what happens when she discovers your real name and that you are son of Victoria Sandoval. Maxi calls his mother and begins to explain- he decides to take over and fix everything and reminds her that he has never failed her.
Antonietta/Blondie helps the audience understand what is already obvious, Maxi is her weak spot. Fer, however says Blondie...Vicki explains that she is just too rebelious. I try to get close to her, but she prefers Osvaldo. He gives her the attention, you don't.
vicki gets a bit upset as it stings to hear, but Blondie doesn't back down and warns her that she is dedicated her life away to the job as if it were a replacement for the daughter she lost so long careful or you will lose it all she predicts and leaves.
 Another great segue brings us back to Maria D explaining how the nuns pick birthdays- they day they find you is they day they celebrate. how intersting. Maria D tearfully explains it is her birthday, but the day she was abandoned by ther mother. Back at the Sandoval house, we find Fernanda and Ossie playing a game? He is blindfolded and she is tell him him hot, cold, cold,cold....seemingly they are engaging in a rousing game of ??? Vicki watches on and hears Antonietta's voice. She breaks in on the fun with a Buenas
Noches and invites her daughter to hug and kiss her. She suggests they dine together in the bedroom watching movies together. Vicki says, we will dedicate this evening to the favored child of the house. Fernanda is thrilled. In her own bedroom, Maria holds a heart candy and dreams of 'Fabian'. Levy's lipls appear again as she conjures up his face and smiles sweetly holding the heart and then kissing it. In the same instance, we see Maxi also thinking of her an saying you have something muy especial.
Back to the Sandoval household, we find Vicki, Mr.Vicki and Fer all in bed eating popcorn and being scared by a slasher movie- it must be a real classic since it is black and white. Ferna has falled asleep and Mr.Vicki and Vicki are mooning over the 'fruit of their love' and getting mushy over the brady bunch type of familky they have formed. She says she wants to make him a winner and they will do it!
Ferna wakes up crankily and decides to go to her own bed. Although they ask her to stay, she leaves with the popcorn- they all say goodnight and Vicki wonders how Mr.Vicki doesn't scare easily. Quickly, we see Ossie in his car, again mentioning his secret thatdoesn't allow him to live in paz!
 At the church, JP is teaching how to avoid a fight. Ossie shows up and demands to speak with JP, ahora mismo. JP is willing to chat and Ossie says it is private and personal. At her house, Vicki is remembering the inspiring words JP said to her- how she could do anything she wanted. She is proud to say she has. We see some flashbacks of how hard it was for her to find work and 'make it' after Bernarda kicked her out. Montage of her begging and doors being closed in her face. She finally finds a job as costurera/seamstress and is given a chance by a seemingly scare man. She wants to work as much as possible and again the man
interveiwing her seems interested in the fact that this PYT has no family and is desperate enough to work two shifts. As present day Vicki, she vows to also make him pay for everthing....Padilla.
 Another young girl making her way in the world, Maria is circling ads to look at apts. She is thinking of how to make rent cheaper, bargain, get a roomate? She certainly is motivated to get the heck out of dodge...perhaps the thought of constant supervision and chaeroning was a factor?
 Cut to Milagros advising a student about an old apartment. she generously shares some bread w/ him for his journey to school and goes on her way singing "el dia que me quieras". Victoria is speeding through a neighborhood as the passenger replaying her encounter with JP- over and over and over again I bet. She asks herself the questions we all want to know the answers to: what is going to happen now that we have seen ea. other again? and if Ossie tells him everything? Antonietta was right, I should have told the truth, now my past is coming back to haunt me.
 In confession mode, JP is intently listening to Mr.Vicki as he says he doesn't dare his family the truth. The suspense is building- it better be good! He feels a burden, but JP understands. He says he understands that while a relationship built on a lie is not great, he understands Ossies reasons for keeping quiet. JP consoles him, understands him and absolves him off all wrong and sins.
Ossie is virtually in tears and accepts the absolution.
Milagros back at home is preparing lunch for her darling sun and decides to do a reading. She pulls out the the death card and grows a bit scared. She begins to pray and says her son is in danger. Next seen, we see smoke, firefighters and hear lots of screaming. the fire is raging and everybody is in emergency mode.
 Maria D tells Dona Berta that she found a place to live and now only needs a roomie (starts grabbing her things) and says she will leave her fowarding address. wow, that was fast! Dona Berta asks if she should share Maria's 'datos" with the young man and Maria shyly says yes. she assures her chaperone that she will be wise and behave. she receives the bendicion and packs up her few things and leaves. Dona Berta just looks to sky and accientlally drops the new address she was just entrusted. I wonder if she cares for her
girls' virtue with the same attention?
 At the fire, things are bad. CPR is being performed by Juango and the victim is finally taken away by medics. Juango and Don Apo discuss the difficulty of the fire and the heroism displayed on the job. Bystanders cheer and applaud.

At the office, Vicki and Antonietta discuss the family movie night- it was a success. The two of them begin to read the papers and reveiws on her desfile. In one foto, vicki sees Maria D and says, here she is again....Antonietta inquires what she doesn't like about her, but Vicki doesn't understand either she admits. she says it is weird- she wants to see her again, but at the same time she feels a strange sensation when she thinks of her. She is not sure what goes on w/that girl.
Maria D is now w/ the nuns rejoicing in her good fortune and sharing her datos again. She thanks them and fervently vows to remember them now and always.
As Juango and Don Apo are waited on hand and foot, they both enjoy the pozole that Milagro has made. Milagros assures Don Apo that he is like part of the family. MIlagros begins to sing and invites Don apo to dance....he obliges pretty willignly if you ask me. Again they go into, 'chipmunk mode'....and they both fall down. haha...hope no hips were broken!
Back at dona Berta's place, as the cleaning gets done, the little paper is gingerly swept up to be put in the bin! Don Apo and Milagros are saying goodbye...he grabs a handful of food and leaves, hasta luego! Juango scolds her that she is very obvious and she is after him "tirando los perros". He warns her that Don A will not want to come. She laughs him off and says she will have him rendido a mis pies (falling to my feet) and dragging behind me. Juango gets scared of her description.
 At Televisa studios, Ossie arrives to greet another female acress (was most recently in Corazon Salvaje I think!) who congratulates him on his latest project. He then, runs into David Zepeda (actor from STuD) and this is I guess to show he really is an actor, not just playing one on TV! this is to add to his credibility....He is then summoned to wardrobe...thankfully!
Maria is unpacking (what? all she had was a suitcase) and arranging furniture...where did all that come from? wow, she is productive!
Remind me to call her next time I move. She is satisfied and happy to have a place of her own. As she takes out the trash, she runs into Milagros. They exhange niceties and she learns that a magic elf boy comes to take the trash away for a few pesos....Milagros insists that whomever moves in with her should have a buena vibra and a good aura like she does. She is taken with her and says she is a good person. They each are at each other's service and we end tonight with a friendship forged. I imagine Milagros will kind of adopt her and perhaps guide her through what will be a dramatic love story filled with lots of ups and downs....aren't they all?

Ok, buenas noches a todos. Sleep well.



Llena de Amor #102 (Mex. 107) Thu 1/6/11 Interruptions 'R Us

We start off with Gladiola interrupting her "shameful" son and friend playing octopus in the hallway. She goes on about them being the scandal of the house, flaunting their “amajuje” whatever that is. Must be some made up word for affair or some such thing. Any ideas? When they fail to be shamed she plays hardball, advising Consuelo to consider her poor kid who has never gotten over not having a dad around. As I recall Javi thinks his dad is alive and at sea or something like that. Might be time to tell him the truth that daddy abandoned them.

Kristel tells Ilitia she may be dumb but she ain’t stupid. She knows Ilitia has the hots for that naco policeman. Ilitia begs Kristel to understand that she is going through a rough patch and all she wants to do is fix things with Eman. Kristel threatens that Ilitia had better do as she says or she’ll make sure Eman knows the real Ilitia.

The fresas emphasize their feelings by speaking English. Ilitia says Kristel is her “BFF, Best Friend Forever and ever.” She pleads, “please por favor” she really loves Eman and the naco polis forced her. Kristel laughs that she knows that Ilitia has the hots for the super naco. OK you win, says Ilitia, I’m your slave, just don’t tell Eman.

El Comis, Oliver and Manolo are in a car staking out some dirty business between Maur-on, Dandy and some other bad guys. El Comis snipes at Gman for not having his camera ready to record the details. Gman decides he needs to get closer so, disguised in his bullet-proof vest with a big “POLICIA” stenciled on it, s/he creeps closer. Dandy notices the “little bumble bee” sneaking up on them and they peel out, leaving the other two guys behind. Of course they see Gman and whip their guns out. Oliver puts himself between the bad guys and Gman and gets shot. Again.

Over at the R y d T business there is some sort of tribunal going on. Emiliano, Fedra, Emanuel, Lorenzo and Muñeca are discussing Vicky’s employment with Vicky in the room. Eman insists Vicky is creating disharmony. Lowrenzo, leering at Vicky, thinks Eman’s making a mountain out of a molehill. Fedra is, well, Fedra and she has numerous nasty comments to make. Muñeca says the most important thing is that the customers are very satisfied with her work. You’re absolutely right, says Eman, so if she stays I quit.

They are interrupted by the secretary bringing in an important envelope. It’s notification that Marianela has named Victoria to be her legal representative on the board of directors and as an agent of her shares in the company. This ought to stir things up.

Gman freaks out over our favorite target while the S.W.A.T. team throws him in one of the SUVs. Gman puts the pedal to the metal and leave El Comis shouting that they forgot him.

Vicky swears she didn’t know about this but Fedra calls her a damn liar, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. When Muñeca says Mari is within her rights Fedra turns on her and points out that when Muñeca appointed Lowrenzo to be her agent he rewarded her by giving her a son…of another mother. Vicky happily tells Fedra that she is fully prepared to represent Mari on their board of directors. So there.

Gladiola is still wailing at Bernardo and demanding to know his true feelings for Consuelo. Consuelo is hiding behind the door eavesdropping and crossing her fingers. Gladi tells Brandon that if he really cares then he should man up and marry Consti. Consuelo smiles and gleefuly nods her head.

Another interruption, this time by El Comis who radios Brandon that Oliver has been shot and is on his way to the hospital.

After a bit of chest puffing between Fedra and Vicky Fedra leaves in a snit and Muñeca promises Vicky her complete support. When Emiliano is alone with the brats he tells them to work it out like adults. He thinks with their bickering they are acting like a couple of lovers. They both turn away and smirk.

When Vicky tries to leave Eman grabs her and, face to face, demands to know what’s up with her.

Netty is in the makeup chair getting beautified when her lawyer Eugenia brings her the latest copy of TV y Novelas, complete with a cover shot of Emiliano and Netty kissing in public!

Emiliano is listening to Fedra dish it out about that vile Vicky. He tells her she’s seeing Moors with knives (imagining things), she says, no, she’s seeing a fatty with a knife. He scolds her for insulting her “best friend” Muñeca, and when she gets home please tell Nereida to pack his bag as he’s traveling to the United States on business…ALONE. It was fun watching Fedra get all exciting about going to the U.S. then get her hopes dashed, all within two seconds.

Lowrenzo skips in with A MAGAZINE in his hands. Fedra sneers “here is the happy daddy of a 2-yr old.” He gets instant gratification by sneering back that he’s not the only one with problems, they too have a scandal. He grins as he throws the magazine on the table and Fedra gets an eyeful of her public shame, her husband kissing a fifth rate actress.

Across town Netty is also freaking out about the publicity and Eugenio helps out by telling her it’s her own fault. With so many available men around (ahem) why does she have to go out with old Blue Eyes? She looks at the magazine and sighs, “what a kiss” and gets all hot and fluttery. Probably not exactly the reaction Eugenio was looking for.

More posturing, sputtering and sueltemes from Vicky and Eman. He accuses her of coming there to destroy him. She accuses him of destroying Mari. It’s all more of the same. They end up glaring into each other’s eyes from about an inch apart.

Oliver is rolled into the operating room while Gman weeps openly. Gladi, Consuelo and Brandon run up just as El Comis yells at Gman for putting Oliver at risk. Gman cries not true, Oliver is the love of his life.

Clearly my wish to not witness the Queen of Surl has been denied. Vicky is in full high dudgeon as she grabs Eman’s collar and pronounces that she knows exactly who he is. They push each other around the room playing insult ping-pong. They are saying mean things but the kissing music starts so get ready. He’s prepared to open his chest to reveal his love for Mari. (Take your shirt off and prove it!) He tells Vicky she’s beautiful but she’s dry and empty inside. They both jut out their jaws. They glare. Doh, and we go to commercial.

And no kiss. He calls her dead and she throws a vase at the door, muttering he’s the one who killed her.

Now it’s Andres in the makeup chair with Doris doing the favors. Their mild flirtation is, guess what, interrupted by a phone call informing Doris of Oliver’s situation. Andres volunteers to drive. I wonder where Jackie is?

Over at the hospital Gman is weeping that s/he’ll die if Oliver dies. Brandon reminds Gman that s/he’s NOT Oli’s novio, but Gladi and Consuelo think s/he’s truly in love and Gman’s tears are making their hearts break.

Back at the studio Netty is acting her heart out. The shoot is interrupted by Eugenio with the bad news about Oliver. Netty faints for reals this time.

Fedra is ranting at Emiliano while Lowrenzo happily stands in the background hoping to watch the fur fly. But Emiliano’s tired of playing this game. He held back from Netty for two years because of Fedra’s alleged heart problems but no more. Then I think he says that Fedra doesn’t need to worry because Netty doesn’t want to see him, but that doesn’t really make sense, does it?

After Emiliano stomps out Fedra lashes out at Lowrenzo, a new father who is the age of a grandfather. He points out they’re about the same age, and well past her best years. She starts seducing him and they end up with their hands around each others’ necks. Hooray, it’s a tandem strangling! After getting all gaspy and red-faced they release their grips and move on to the inevitable kiss. They are, you guessed it, interrupted. This time by Kristel who is aghast at the sight, and in daddy’s office!

Fidel visits Eman and they high-five Eman’s success in retrieving the money. Eman announces he’ll deliver the money and it will be in Fidel’s honor and that of their partners who, after all, are getting the best return. Is he talking about Mauricio and Dandy? Can’t tell.

Lowrenzo falls all over his words trying to explain to Kristel but she pronounces that their brains are running on hormones, not neurons. Kristel excuses Lowrenzo, claps her hands, sighs “Mami” and defines her terms. Either Fedra helps her get Mau for a husband or she tells daddy.

Andres being absent from the studio holds up a shoot and Vicky gets all over Jacquie’s case for it. Ilitia arrives and Vicky is unpleasantly surprised. Ilitia is even more unpleasantly surprised when Emiliano breaks the news that Vicky is the artistic director AND on the board of directors AND Ilitia’s boss. Vicky tells Ilitia she’d better discipline herself or they’ll have a problem.

Over at the hospital the ladies blame Gretel for Oliver’s desire to keep jumping in front of bullets. Gman weeps to Doris that they’re right. Netty arrives in a swath of high drama.

Brandon announces that the doctors are going to operate but if they can’t remove the bullet Oliver could die. Gman faints in his arms. While the ladies dither Brandon decides open Gman’s shirt so he can breathe. He gets an eyeful and exclaims “Que the hell?”

Ilitia’s shampoo commercial is not going well. Vicky tells her to be sexier, make love to the shampoo as if it were a man, and smile. Their commercial is INTERRUPTED by Eman who knows he can make Ilitia smile. He feels the frost and asks what’s the problem? “She is” they answer in stereo.

Vicky, Ilitia and Eman try to shoot the commercial but instead they waste time by acting sarcastic and know-it-all. I’d love to know what’s going on in the cameraman’s head.

Over at the pension Javi recruits Delicia to act out his favorite play, Romeo and Juliet. She recites her lines and is sweetly surprised when Axel arrives and knows Romeo’s lines by heart. Yeah I know, he interrupted but it was sweet so I didn't say it.

At the hospital the ladies wonder why Brandon is acting so weird all of a sudden. He thought bubbles that there are a pair of very good reasons hiding under Gman’s shirt. He tries to carry Gman to a room while Doris tries to pull Gman out of his arms so she can take him. They play tug of war for a few seconds until Brandon wins and disappears down the hall with his haul.

More stupid commercial and Ilitia smiles for Eman, it’s a wrap. Vicky agrees that everything went well but Ilitia should be careful, she needs to go on a diet, something something, but everything else is fine. Did anyone get what she said?

Brandon and Gman are alone in an exam room. He taunts her briefly before s/he jumps up and heads toward the door. Brandon pulls off the wig and moustache, “Long time no see, Gretel Ruiz y de Teresa!” Busted!

Mañana: Kristel sees Mauricio manhandling Ilitia so she slaps her. This is SO wrong! More heat between el Lirio and Vicky.

abejorro = bumblebee
cambio y fuera = over and out
El me obligó = he forced me
Estás viendo moros con tranchetes = you are seeing trouble where none exists. (Lit. you see Moors with knives.)
Hacer una tormenta en un vaso de agua = to make a mountain out of a molehill (Lit. to make a storm in a glass of water)
Junta directiva = board of directors
mosquita muerta = someone who plays innocent but who is out for themselves, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Tiren las armas! = Throw down your weapons!


La Verdad Oculta EP78 01/06/2011 – Kramer vs. Victoria & Limón

*Fausto firmly protests against David’s idea of telling everything to Gaby because he can’t risk the love of his daughters. He’ll do it but please give him more time. However, David is afraid that if keeps holding back the truth he may lose Gabriela’s trust.

* While Leonardo is at work Julieta takes care of Paula. He’d like to spend the day with Juli, too, and the lovebirds share an extremely long and sweet goodbye kiss at the doorstep. In the Ávila condo Adolfo gives Édgar money for his services then he asks him to put poor, dying Mario out of his misery.

*At AFI’s Juan José finally confesses to Leonardo about the blackmail, the video tape and the helicopter that proves it was Javier Garnica who stole 10 million pesos from him. *Viewerville: Leo, that’s a cute shirt… err, JJ, what was you talking about?*Medina and Elsa are also discussing Garnica’s strange disappear, they have to find him or look for another invest. While Elsa is looking for Zaida’s phone number Leonardo arrives at the architect studio to ask a few questions about Garnica and he tells Medina about the blackmail.

*Yolanda calls Gabriela to ask her about Susana but her nice words are interrupted by Gaby, who’s completely fed up with hypocrite liars who help criminals. David, who heard the entire conversation, is very proud of his girl. In the neighbouring house JJ and Asunción try to find a solution for their custody problem. JJ’s newest Nobel prized idea is taking Caramelo out from school and she’ll be tutored at home by private teachers. And if the social worker shows up again they’ll tell her a relative of Caramelo took the girl away. *Viewerville: headdesk*

*Julieta and Paulita talk about their love life. Paula has a boyfriend, and what about Juli? Well, she has one but she won’t tell her his name. When Leo arrives at home Paula immediately tells her daddy the news. Oh, really? It’s kissing time again. In JJ’s house he tearfully tells Caramelo she can’t return to school, however, she’ll be tutored at home and it’ll be great fun. Cara hates the idea.

*In the hospital the English Patient’s is in the same condition. The nurse shows the doctor Susana’s stuff. She has no identity card, but look, here’s a pair of shoes and the photo of a woman! Alejandra visits Juan José and learns from angry Caramelo about JJ’s cunning plan. She tells pumpkinhead he’s about to commit a crime, Asunción will lose the child and he’ll end up in jail again! Be reasonable and let the lawyer do his job.

* Back in the design studio troubled Alejandra tells Mina about Garnica’s blackmail and Caramelo’s problem. When Mina asks her why doesn’t she adopt the kid she gets freaks out at the thought. She wants to raise her own children, and anyway, maybe it would be the best if Elsa adopted her. Leonardo visit FaustiMario to talk about Julieta. Julieta? What happened to her?! I’d like to… WHAT? I’d like too… TALK ALREADY! He’d like to ask Fausto’s permission to court her. Well, okay.

* Carlos visits Freud himself, I mean, a psychologist to talk about his good old daddy issues and his low self-esteem. Does he have any idea why his father hates him so much? What’s his relationship like with his mother? He never knew her and he was never allowed to ask questions about her. After realizing that his plan was stupid Juan José is ready to give Caramelo to Elsa and he asks Asunción to call her. At the psychologist Carlos keeps talking about his father and his job he loves much. His job is the only thing that makes him happy, it makes him feel respectable. After sharing his thoughts on trust and life the psychologist has one question left: does Carlos love his father?

*In her lovely bedroom Caramelo and Elsa talk about their future. Naturally they won’t lose each other, they’ll meet regularly. However, Caramelo wants everything, she wants Elsa to be her mother. Doorbell. It’s the social worker who tells Asunción it’s high time to legalize Cara’s situation. Juan José admits Asunción’s never attended school, and he… he has criminal records. The social worker is sorry but the child can’t stay in the house. Everyone cries, the boys in the living room, Caramelo and Elsa in her bedroom. Asunción won’t survive the loss of the child and asks JJ to flee with the girl. No, it’s impossible. More crying.

Elsa shows up in the living room and learns about the social worker. The girl will be spent to an orphanage. No way! She’ll adopt her! No, YOU won’t, shouts JJ. *Viewerville: dude, ten minutes ago you wanted her to adopt her* While Asunción is crying on the couch the kids quarrel (as usual) and insult each other (as usual), but eventually they agree that Elsa may take the child. Caramelo loves the idea. You’ll be my mother? Really? Really!

*With Édgar’s help Adolfo sneaks into Mario’s where he confronts David. Mark his words, he won’t break the contract because the Genovéses have no proof against him. Adolfo pushes David on the floor and he kicks the defenseless boy several times to make him understand: nobody can threaten Adolfo Ávila. Nobody!



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