Monday, February 21, 2011

Eva Luna #74 Fri 2/18/11 Leo Lies to Dan; Eva Starts Cracking the Whip; and Jackie and Franc Get Together

Cap. #73

Confusion is the name of the game for Daniel in this next face down with Eva. Dan walks into Eva’s office unannounced and Eva rudely tells him to knock or be announced next time but he insists he’’s an associate and expects to speak freely whenever he needs to. He smarts off about then keep the door locked if you’re having a “private moment” in here. She says she’ll do whatever she feels like it and teases him about being jealous. He gets angry and asks if she’s waiting for him to kiss her (cave-man style or something, I guess). Eva teases him with a near kiss and he resists. She asks if she frightens him now because she’s not the same stupid fool of an Eva he knew before. He’s hurt and confused by her attitude --but as turned on as ever.


Dan gives her what for about leaving him waiting at the church and then fooling around with Leonardo while he was totally faithful to her, then forging signatures and running off with his money. She angrily denies it all and says he lied about her to make her look bad to the authorities and never deserved her love, but soon he’s going to pay dearly for all the hurt and harm he’s caused her! Dano asks what in the world she’s talking about. Doesn’t matter she says, but as far as she’s concerned the only guy who deserves her love is Leo! Just then Alicia bursts in and excuses herself. No problem, says Eva, Sr. Villanueva was just leaving.


Downstairs in Mad Marcela’s new cubby-hole of an office, Deborah’s there having to listen to Marci’s tirade about what low-lives Eva and Ali are. Deb gets muy uncomfortable but has to hold her tongue. Deb asks if Marci should have fired Ali. Marci screams at her for defending her, but Deb coolly covers her tracks and says the girl’s possibly the best make-up artist she has and it would be a major loss to the modeling division, is all. Marci warns her against betraying her and though Deb tries to calm her down, Marci just gets angrier and angrier. Marci won’t take suggestions about the business from ANYONE! She’s fed up with Deb’s control and good sense, she says, and kicks her out of her office.

Upstairs Dan leaves; Ali wonders what’s going on and if Eva’s still got the hots for Dan. Eva denies it and says she’s totally over him. Ali obviously thinks otherwise but she doesn’t dare say another word! She changes the subject to her getting fired by Marci. Eva plans to correct that error in Marci’s judgment!

At Don Julio’s Hide-away House, Dr. Garcia tells him that Justa is in fact alive and that Renata herself has now told him. Julio is surprised and upset that Ren lied to him all these years. He and the doctor decide she’s his only link to finding Justa now. DJ has something tricky in mind.


Dan goes to Leo’s office to discuss Eva. Leo puts him in his place hinting that the “relationhip” between Eva and Leo shouldn’t matter considering he’s a married man. Dan agrees, but says he knows the two of them discuss so many things that he wonders if he knows what in the world he could have done to make her hate him so much. Leo says he knows, but it’s not his place to say. Tuff nuts for Dano. Leo reminds him of the pictures he showed him of them in bed. How can he forget? Dan didn’t mention them yet to her because he wondered what she’d say if he threw the relationship in her face. (Bad choice cuz otherwise he might have actually gotten somewhere.) He says the shameless wench had the nerve to deny it all! Leo gets him to agree to keep those photos just between the two of them. He knows she deny it all, and that’s the only reason he took them, so he could prove their relationship to Dan. Dan is disgusted and says they are one in the same. Leo agrees with a chipper smile on his face. We are made for one another. Dan storms out of the office and Leo chalks up another win.


Eva visits Marci and tells her she can’t fire Ali. Marci says DJ didn’t put a dime into this business and so it’s hers to do with and to whom whatever she has a mind to! Eva says no, not really! Has she forgotten that after DJ’s death she had Arismendi, Inc. purchase the modelling agency? So therefore, the whole enchilada belongs to Eva! If Marci doesn’t take Ali back then Eva will shut down the modeling agency. Tuff Nuts for Marci!

That night Jackie visits Eva at her new mansion. Jackie asks if Eva still feels the same about Daniel, but she quickly denies it and asks Jackie to change the subject. They talk about Laurita and the way Victoria threatened and tricked her into asking her father to be sent away to boarding school. Ick-toria somehow made her believe that something bad would happen to her father if she didn’t accept her as her step-mother. Eva remembers back to the scene at the house when Laurita snuck over to visit and Icky came to take her back home. Eva says she’s sure she’s been manipulating Laurita and wants to visit her at the school.


Bimbutt de Icky, is giving hubby Dan back rubs and whatever after he’s admitted that Eva started throwing her weight around at the office. He’s bummed, but not about that--more about what Leo’s been feeding him. Icky thinks to herself that she’s got to get pregnant before he finds out that Eva’s child is his.

At the strip club, Damian tells Marisol that he read about her singing in the papers and threatens her the next time she misses working to do a thing like that again, he’ll cut her face and then fire her!

The next morning, Eva visits her fathers grave and cries about how much she misses him and his good advice. She is upset that Leo’s (tall) tales were the truth and Dan’s going to pay! FF>>

Bimbutt finds out she’s got an underdeveloped uterus and can’t carry a child. (Well, at least she doesn’t have to worry about losing the model figure of hers, so what’s she got to complain about?) There are other options, but Icky says the baby has to come from her body! No way that will be possible, says the doc. Icky goes home and has a tantrum in the bedroom over it. “Damn that Eva and that kid of hers!!”

At Justa’s, she and Don Ricardo find out from the police that there’s been a bulletin put out against Tomas. They’re going to the church to pray about it later. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Renata. She tells Justa she’s inherited DJ’s house in Mexico City and wants to share her inheritance with her. It would only be right. Justa suspects she’s only trying to clear her conscious after all the harm she’s done to Justa over the years. Ren swears it has nothing to do with that. Ren explains about the letter the doctor friend of Julio’s left for her after Julio saw her a few days before his death.. Justa’s not interested now that she has a new life with her new husband, Ric. The only link between her and Julio now is their daughter who she still wonders about. FF>>


At the motel, Tomas comes back with a bottle of booze and starts beating up on Adrian. He runs into the bathroom to escape him. Tomas stands banging on the door and somehow Adrian bangs the door open and it catches Tomas on the nose. Tomas falls backward and hits his head on the wall. He falls to the floor. Adrian sneaks out and see him on the floor, possibly dead. Unfortunately, he’s starting to stir. Adrian high-tails it out of the motel room.

Jackie and Francisco get ready for their date. FF>>


Deb and Eva come to terms on her new publicity campaign. She confides that Marci has been very openly negative in her remarks about Eva, but she has determined that none of what Marci says could possibly be true. It’s very apparent to her that Eva is in fact a very decent person. Eva admits that besides Ali, her Tia Mathilde, and her son, Pablito are all she has left of her family. Her father died in a terrible auto accident when he took her to show her some place. What about her mother? The woman deserted them when they were little and merits nothing from them. She confesses that because she has the same name as her mother, she treated her suspiciously at first and apologizes. She meant no disrespect. Deb asks if she might be mistaken about why her mother left. Eva says this is what her father told them and she has no reason to doubt what he said. She changes the conversation back to business and Deb tells her she’s impressed with her professionalism. Discussion over.

Mari admits to Giorgio that despite all the lies between her and Franc, she may very well want to get him back. FF>>

Eva has sent for Tony. She tells him she was surprised to see he works for the agency. He pretends not to remember the blackmail he tried on her the last time they spoke. She reminds him about his threats to harm Ali if she didn’t pay him $10,000. He tries to argue with her but she shuts him up immediately and fires him. “--Get your things and go down to get your severance check. You’re fired!” Leo hired him, he yells back, and only he can fire him! No, she says, I own all of this and I’m the one who can fire you. She has too many things going on with the business to have to worry about having a crook like him wandering about! He threatens to get even. She tells him to get out--out of her sight and her life!!


Tony slams the door and runs to Leo to complain. “--And that’s the way she is!” Leo wonders what he means that that’s the way Eva is. Tony leaves a few of the more truthful details out of his explanation that Eva never liked him dating her sister and they were always fighting over him going out with her. Leo is incensed to find out that Tony knew Eva and where she was the entire time he’d been hired to find her. Tony is forced to admit that he did and that he lied to Leo about it. He blames it on Ali, saying she asked him to be discreet and say nothing to anyone. Tony says well, by that time she’d gone and he really didn’t know where she’d gone. (He conveniently leaves out the part about tracking her down to the country house and blackmailing her.) Tony begs and says not to forget he knows all of Leo’s business and needs a confidant. Leo says fine, he’ll talk with Eva. In the meantime, Tony’s got to lay low and stay away from the agency and out of Eva’s sight.


Ali walks into Leo’s office after and starts trying to seduce him. He pushes her off and says they have to be more discreet around there, especially with Eva running things now. Ali’s honked off at him, but when it comes to Eva she says she has to admit that she can’t stop thinking about Leo anymore than Eva can stop thinking about Daniel. Leo asks what she means. Well, it’s so obvious that even tho’ Dan is married to his sister, he’s still in love with Eva and Eva with him, says Ali. Leo gets a taste of his own medicine possibly when Ali adds that the last time she went to see Eva, she and Daniel were standing so very, very close together..... Doesn’t take much for Leo to guess what that means and what he’s got to do.

Dr. Garcia calls Ren up and tells her to come over right away. He’s got something important to discuss. She’s on her way, she says.

Jackie and Franc spend time together and flirt with one another. She uses all her charms on him. He tries telling whoppers again. She reminds him he doesn’t have to. He agrees it’s more comfortable not having to lie. He moves in for The Kiss but Jackie dashes away. A bit later they discuss how this is the first time he feels fine being himself. She starts to share an apple with him. He starts to take a bit and then looks into her eyes. She’s looking into his and he forgets about the darned apple and they kiss. He pulls back, and seeing there’s no one else around, he lays the most sincere lip-lock on her that he’s ever given anybody. Jackie goes with the flow.

Bruno plans his strategy to bilk the last bit of money from Marci that he can. He enters her office. She is sopping drunk and tries to seduce him. He fights the gag attack and tries talking her out of drinking so much at the office. He figures he’s got her where he wants her, drunk as a skunk and easy to control. He tries to take her back to her place, but she talks him into going to his apartment.


Icky calls up Tony and arranges to meet with him to see how far he will go to make some quick cash.


Leo walks into Dan’s office for a chat. Dan’s not in the mood and tells him to leave. Leo says he’s not to blame for what’s eating at him and he’s got something important to tell him. Dan is looking like “what more stuff about Eva is he going to rub my nose in?” Leo says he knows he’s upset that he and Eva spend time together, and that Dan’s trying to be a good husband, but he’s afraid that Dan’s letting himself get carried away by the past and is thinking too much about Eva. As his happens, he and Eva were together a second time. Dan doesn’t believe him. Leo says, oh it’s true! That’s the reason he was allowed to continue to live in the mansion after Eva took it over. They spent that first night she was back together. Dan’s frown reaches the ground.

Renata arrives at the address Dr. G. gave her. She’s faint-away impactada when Julio appears and says he’s the one needing to speak with her.

Ick-toria and Tony meet at the bar. She asks him how much it will cost her to have him kill Eva. (Tony talks tough, but I don't think he's got what it takes to really murder.  Bimbutt's made the wrong choice, IMHO.)

Leo insists to Dan that he and Eva are very much in love and always have been. In fact, there’s a very strong link between them that she told him about just last night: that Eva’s child is Leo’s!


Eva Luna #74 Fri 2/18/11

Sorry guys. Another one of my bad headaches. Thought I could wait to do it tonight, but these news meds are making me sleepy. So if someone can summarize for me I would appreciate it. I've been laying down all day hoping to get better later on to do it, but I should have asked for help a lot earlier. I apologize. Thanks to whomever can do this for me.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #34 2/18/11 Revelations and Confessions -- Forced, Faked and/or Otherwise Useless

Capítulo 34

We take up as Bernarda and Maria Desamparada (chug-Hic!) are discussing the fact that Padre JP is Burnie’s only son when the doorbell rings. Maria brings in Max and introduces him. After the introductions, he admits he remembers Burnie from the nasty arguments at the house and her recent telephone threats.  Maria thinks he must be mistaken but Max never forgets a face, he says.  St. Burnarda has threatened to ruin his mother’s reputation and he asks her what she meant by that phone call.  Burnie replies imperiously that she’ll tell all in due time and then assures him it is something very painful that “all of them should know about,” not only for his benefit but for hers as well.

Maria doesn’t understand. Max says he doesn’t either and doesn't need to. Max isn’t impressed with either Burnie’s rotten taste in Elizabethan frocks or her imperious mannerisms.  He locks eyes with the bruja and tells Maria that the Sra. might wear the veneer of Padre JP’s mother on the outside, but she is someone--or something--else on the inside. “--There’s nothing sacred here, only evil.” And with that, he nearly drags Maria out of the place.

At Casota Scandal-val, meanwhile, Victoria and Osvaldo have just finished the marital mambo and she is in the mood to finally discuss her past. She weeps uncontrollably as she tells Oz she is pained by the way she always seems so indifferent to what happens with his job.  Oz is sympathetic, and tells her he needs her greatly--more than ever--then hugs her close.  She’s wants to tell him what’s been the cause of it, but she’s too embarrassed to see the look on his face once he hears it, she says. She has him turn away from her in bed. If he doesn’t, she explains tearfully, she might lose her courage.  Oz says fine, but admits he’s pretty tired (and with good reason, considering he’s been shtumping Linda-Ho all evening). Vicki says she’ll be quick about it and starts her story about the long ago one-night stand with a young seminarian; their love child and being thrown out to fend for herself after; about being raped by one Rudolfo Padilla; and then, how she lost her daughter after being run over in the street.  It takes all of about five minutes, but when she’s finished and asks Oz what he’s thinking, Vick sees Ozzie has already followed the Sandman off to Dreamland and apparently never heard a word of it.

At the firemen’s fair, Nathy continues to enjoy herself.  FF>>

Vicky goes downstairs and gripes to herself about Oz falling asleep on her and hearing nary a single word; she’s not sure she’ll have the courage to try telling him again.  Just then, Burnie phones to threaten her again. “--I warned you, but you thought I was threatening in vain.  Now you’re going to find out just what I am capable of.  Your step-son was just here and very soon your husband will know your real story.” Vicki is worried and fretfully asks her what she told Max, but Burnie simply hangs up on her.

At the same time, across town, Maria Magdalena makes a late evening visit to Mother Superior (Sor Clementina) as JP prays for guidance (and courage?) to be able to officially recognize his daughter. 

Cruz sings for the crowd at the fair and is cheered.  FF>>

Back at the Sandoval manse, Micaela gives Fernanda grief about Scuzzy Tattoo Boy not calling her and --of course-- not being worth Fer’s time.  Fer throws a pillow at her from the bed and shoos her out of her room.

Speaking of Scuzzy, he’s waiting for Papa Rudy to make it home.  Rudy limps in and tells him he was making a payment to that other vermin, Fermin, his loan shark.   Scuzzy tells his papi that he’s worried  about their plans with Fer considering what her mother told Rudy the other night.  Rudy says he doesn’t think she’ll follow through with her threats and, no matter what, Scuzzy will marry Fer. They’ll just lay low for a time and then they’ll start visiting again.

Maria and Max are now having coffee out and Maria wonders if Max is correct about his assumptions cuz Sra. Burnarda is a priest’s mother after all.  Max says just because she’s the mother of a priest doesn’t mean she wouldn’t hurt his mother; he is curious about her reasons.  Maria asks what he plans to do about it.  Max says he’ll ask his mother and if she won’t tell him, he’s determined to find out what’s going on by himself.

Nat comes home to a dark apartment and, once the lights are on, she finds lascivious Linda-ho (barefoot on the counter and dressed like the floozy she is in a flashy, faux silver and leopard-print mini) listening to tunes on her i-pod.  Nat angrily pulls the ear buds out of Linda’s ears and starts giving her grief.  Linda got home earlier than expected because Ozzie had to leave early so no one would suspect.  Ohhh! But it was di-vi-i-i-i-ne.  Linda makes the mistake of asking how things went at the fair and Nat goes off on her. “--If you’d gone you wouldn’t have to ask!!”  Linda yells at her to stop acting like such a little nun cuz she’s not in any mood for sermons!  Nat asks if she’s really so proud of being somebody’s lover? Linda says it’s an honor, and that there are scads of other’s --including Nathy--who’d love to be in her place!  Sensible Nat reminds her that she’s only getting the wife’s left-overs while Linda’s stuck in the shadows getting second billing; and that the woman’s husband can only offer a few hours and then only uses her as if she were some sort of thing or other!  “--And afterwards what?  He leaves for his home and the woman he really loves.  Is that what makes you feel so proud?” [enorgullecerse] Nat goes to her room totally disgusted while Linda is left in tears to cry alone. (Sorry, but Viewerville’s sympathy meter isn’t budging off zero.)

JP leaves the parish to speak with Maria-HO.

Juanjo stops by to check in with Linda while Cruz and Napo the Naco wait in the hall.  Nat listens from the bedroom hallway as Linda lies to Juanjo that she’s been crying because she’s so angry she couldn’t go to the fair with him that evening. The dummy swallows it whole and  then plants a big mushy macho smooch right smack dab on her mouth.  Linda, after an evening of bedroom bliss beso-ing Ozzie, is disgusted enough to try to push him away, but fights the urge. (Trust me when I say Viewerville feels her pain!)  They exchange a few turtle-dove coos after and then JJ tells her he wants to get married right away.  She flirtatiously asks if he serious.  (Viewerville’s gag-o-meter is at +9 and rising.)  JJ says yes; and if he’s never had a fiancee before it’s only because he’s never found a woman like her before.  (Like hubby always says, even a homely guy never thinks of himself as a loser.)  Naco and Cruz are watching this from the hallway, rolling their eyes in disbelief.  Juanjo calls her his queen and says he wants her to be the mother of his children.  (The Viewerville gag-o-meter has just gone off the scale! Retch alert!!  Retch alert!!)  Linda giggles flirtatiously and says they’ll discuss it in the morning.   It’s late.  JJ leaves.  Nat comes out and gives Linda a disgusted look.  Linda asks if she heard.  JJ wants to get married right away!! Now what’s she supposed to do, she asks.  (I suppose handing him back that rock is a good place to start!  Yeah, maybe when pigs fly!)

Vick gets another late night call from Burnie, despite the late hour, asking her to come see her the next day. Again Vicki demands to know what she told Max when he was there.  If Burnie doesn’t tell her then she’s not bothering to come!  Burnie says that would be a shame since she has something important to discuss with her concerning her daughter.  Vick takes in a deep breath at that.  Burnie abruptly hangs up on her again.

Back at Maria’s apartment, Cruz and Naco come back for a little heart-to-heart with Linda. 

JP arrives at Maria Desareglada’s for another chat. She’s still not gotten back.  He enters her room--uninvited--and calls out to her.

Naco and Cruz tell Linda they aren’t there to beat around the bush.  They know she’s been cheating on JJ and they threaten to tell him the truth if she doesn’t do it first.

At Sor Clementina’s, Maria-HO tearfully whines that she’d give anything to be able to live with Sra. Victoria if she’s her daughter, but that her “significant other”, that “scorpion” [alacrán],  won’t let her leave.  Sor Clem tells her he has no right to force her into that life, that they raised her right and tries to convince her to give up the trade.  She even offers to talk to him herself and to set the police on him if necessary.  Maria--HO insists that she’s too frightened of him.  The mother superior assures her that with Vicki she’ll find the love she’s never had and the strength to change her wanton ways.

Back at Maria-HO’s place, Pimp Guy boyfriend ambushes JP and beats him up.  JP is knocked unconscious and falls to the floor.  Maria-HO returns and sees JP lying on the floor, bloodied and down for the count.  She screams at Pimp Guy that he’s there because she’s supposed to be a daughter of some wealthy woman and they could be rolling in dough if he doesn’t muck it up.  Pimp Guy is all ears.  He’ll clean him up himself in that case!

Back at the apartment house, Cruz dreams of his first kiss with Fer.  He wakes up with a start at the slap part and knocks his head on Milagros’ curio cabinet.  He thinks back to his dream as he looks out the window, and then says to himself something like she’s made him a believer.  [Me traes hecho un reverendo.]  Whatever.  He knows he’s got it bad for Fer. FF>>

The next morning Vicki’s getting ready for work and asks Oz if he would stop loving her once he knew she wasn’t the woman he thought she was. (Now, by my standards, that’s a heck of a loaded question.  If he were smarter than the average bear, he might have said ‘Whatever you were, I know what you are now, and that’s the woman I will continue to love.’ Unfortunately, Oz has nothing on Yogi The Bear.)  Oz says well, yeah, he would.  He was totally in love with the woman he met and he wouldn’t appreciate getting some big surprise after twenty years.  (WRONG. ANSWER. DUDE!)  Vick gets her back up.  What about him, she asks.   You haven’t changed any?  You’re still the same as you always were?   Yeah, he’s the same as ever, he tells her.  (Viewerville wonders if he isn’t fibbing ju-u-u-u-st a tad there, or if he’s such a machisto at bottom that nothing he does or has done would count against him to his way o’ thinkin’.) Oz is tired of playing twenty questions here and asks what’s going on with her.  Vicki gets a bit feisty as she explains how she was trying to tell him the heartfelt truth about everything that’s been bothering her, which she’d never been able to discuss with him before, and then he had the gall to fall asleep on her!! Oz obviously is still recovering from his marathon mating session with lusty Linda the night before.  His answer is less than considerate. “--I warned you I was really tired last night.” “--So sleepy that you couldn’t stay awake to listen to what’s been torturing me all these years?”  Max of the bionic ears walks in and rudely interrupts to ask if what’s torturing her has anything to do with Padre JP’s mother.      

Ozzie’s asks Max what either the padre or his mother has to do with Vicki’s worrying.  Vicki lets Oz have it “--That’s what I was telling you last night but you were asleep!  So I am not going to repeat it now!  Your thoughtlessness drives me crazy!!”  Oz goes into defensive mode and gripes that it seems she’s the only one around there with problems!  She angrily tells him he hasn’t a right to say such things!  Oz says well, you know something?  I’m tired of it!  I’m fed up with this life we lead!! A life without  love!  A life that nobody wants--that I don’t want! He walks out of the bedroom.  “--Osvaldo!!”  Max prevents her from chasing after him.  He lends her his shoulder to cry on instead and asks her to please calm down.

Outside, Fer gets ready to drive off in her mini-vertible but stops as she sees a red rose lying on the car seat.  She looks around for Cruz and smiles, but then has second thoughts and starts to throw it away.  Suddenly she changes her mind and decides to keep it.  As she drives off, Cruz comes out of his hiding place in the bushes and nods with a big smile. “--What a night, Auntie!”

Back inside, Vicki tearfully tells Max she doesn’t know what to do about his father.  She tried to open up to him and he fell asleep.  She even suggested to him that she’d leave her job if that’s what he wanted--anything so as not to lose him!  Max wonders what his answer was.  She says he didn't want her to be unhappy by having to quit work, but she’s even more unhappy because of the disdainful way he acts and speaks to her.   Max says he could see this coming, and they thought a vacation would help.  Vicki says he’ll refuse and he accuses her of having no time for loving him!  Max says not to worry because things will work out.  (Yeah, but as  Viewerville knows, it won’t be any time soon.)

Linda arrives at work and is bothered by what Naco and Cruz threatened the night before.  She runs into Fer and they start chatting.  Fer tells her to use the familiar “tú” with her now since they’re both young and get along so well.  Fer reminds her when Linda offered to help her with her boyfriend if she ever needed it.  Well, that time has come.

At the same time, Papa Padilla, model father that he is, advises Scuzzy on how to insure Fer and he get married: just get her pregnant. Scuzzy doesn’t think it will be that easy and says she takes precautions. “--Don’t ask her permission!  Only eunuchs ask permission!  Just do it!  Take her to a fancy hotel, buy a bottle of champagne, and seduce her--or you’ll lose her for good!   Now you either get her pregnant or you look for another place to live!!”  Scuzzy asks Papa if he’s really capable of kicking him out of the house.  Rudy says just try me!

Once again at the Scandal-val’s, Vicki heads into the dining room for breakfast.  A chastened Ozzie is there waiting for her.  He asks her to sit down with him.  She does.  She sighs and then asks what he plans on doing. He takes her hand and answers. “--To ask your forgiveness.”   He apologizes for falling asleep while she was trying to open up to him and he also apologizes for the mean way he just spoke with her.  Vicki’s still upset, but they manage to get through breakfast, anyway.  FF>>

Back in the barrio, Nat and Millie are having a heart to heart.  Nat tells her she’s pretty much resigned to the fact that no guy is going to be interested in her.  Millie tells her what we’ve all been dying to:  “--You have to help yourself along!  Spruce yourself up! [acicalarte] Do something with your hair, start wearing some blue contact lenses instead of those owl-eye things if you want some nice boy to cuddle up [apapachar] with you.”  Nat gets a little giggly.  Millie wonders if she’s still a virgin.  Nat giggles again. Of course she is.  Millie is relieved.  Good girl! The two hug with mutual affection. 

Cruz runs into Naco on the jogging track. There’s some discussion about the love letters he’s gotten.  Cruz almost lets the cat out of the bag.  Naco jogs off.  (If somebody could give a decent translation of the slang and what it was all about, all the better.  I was lost with the specifics of this conversation.)  Afterwards, Cruz wants to kick himself because if Naco and his aunt realize what he and Juanjo have been doing exchanging those made up love-letters between the two, he’s in deep do-do.

A bit later, Nat’s walking alone in the park and sees two lovers kissing.  She wishes Juanjo would kiss her that way. 

JP is recuperating in the hospital.  His superior is there visiting and he tells the other priest that he feels Dios has not forgiven him his past sins from his youth.  The old priest tells him not to blaspheme.

Nat is now eating out with Fab Fabian.  He laughs and says they’re both in a fix cuz both of them are in love with the wrong people.    The difference, she says, is that he at least has a chance with Fer where as she doesn’t have a sliver of a hope with Juanjo.  Fab thinks she’s wrong.  He tells her she’s got plenty of great qualities. (We notice he doesn’t mention her looks.)  She sighs and says everyone tells her the same thing, but no guy ever gives her a second look.  She realizes she doesn’t have Linda’s physical attributes, nor Maria’s beauty, and wonders why guys have to be so interested in the physical.  Fab does a poor job at explaining the intricacies of the male and the way one’s sexually wired.  He gives up and offers to buy her dessert instead.

At the office, Vicki nearly catches Maria and Max smooching it up in the hallway.

Back at the hospital, JP’s superior is disgusted to see that Maria-HO and Pimp Guy are there visiting him.  The man could have killed him he beat him so badly and needs to be locked up!   JP is more forgiving.  (and way too naive for a priest, doncha think?)  He wants to listen to what they have to say.  Pimp Guy says he’s very happy JP isn’t reporting him to the police and he’s very sorry for what he did.  He just misunderstood JP’s intentions toward Maria-HO.  JP says he understands and was only trying to help her reconnect with her mother.  Maria-HO starts to plead her case to both priests and says if she finds her mother she would be happy to leave the life.  She’s not a bad person, really she isn’t and ...yada, yada.  Pimp Guy admits to rotten parents and says they’ve both lived like animals. They beg for forgiveness and JP blesses them.  He and his superior talk the two of them into going into the chapel and making confession if they truly want to change.  They follow the old priest to do what’s necessary to make the hook-up with Sra. Victoria’s dinero.

Vick, meanwhile, is over at Burnie’s now.  Eva is listening behind the closed door, natch.  “--What did you want to tell me about my daughter?”  Burnie replies that if her daughter has become a hooker it’s because Vick is a bad, bad person and she will not let Vicki destroy her son! Vick reminds Burnie that she’s not exactly as pure as the wind driven snow herself, considering the way she threw Vick out of the house years ago to starve.  Burnie sneers back that she’s well aware of Vicki’s game to steal her son’s tranquility just to find her bastard daughter!  Vick gets incensed and yells back that she won’t allow her to speak about her daughter like that.   She blocks a would-be slap from the old dame.  “--I will hit, too, to defend myself!!”  Vicki suddenly notices the diamond watch Burnie’s wearing and demands to know who gave it to her.  Burnie doesn’t see why it matters.  Vick says well, it does because it belongs to her daughter!! “--My husband gave it to her on her birthday and the same day somebody stole it!” 

Rudy walks in on the two of them unannounced and greets Vicki.  Burnie asks if the two know each other.  He answers that they do and says with a toothy smile that he didn’t realize the two of them were friends.  Burnie says no, they’re not friends, but Vick is extremely interested in her watch and how she came by it.  Would he be kind enough to explain it to her?  Vicki doesn’t really need any explanation.  One look at Padilla and she is certain she knows.  Viewerville awaits to see how Padilla wriggles his way out of this one as Uni cues the kayak.


La Verdad Oculta 109: Two Damsels in Distress, Saved by One Letter

Vivi has gone out to play in the beautiful spring-like weather! The recap will be up sometime over the weekend when she’s tired of being out in the sun and the 60 degree weather. Want more? Well, ok. Here are the highlights: JJ and a kind bystander save FaustiMario (of course); everyone thinks Bertha was part of the plot to do him in, but she swears she's innocent; Adolfo is not pleased; Tia Yolanda visits the kiddies at Casa Genoves (aka enemy territory); JJ shows the gang the “mai” he received from Garnica- they decide to give “Garnica” an identity test; Yolanda begs “Mario’s” forgiveness, admits she switched the rings, but refuses to say why she can’t free herself from Adolfo; cracks form in the partnership between the Three Goons and Edgar and Valentin decide to make some trouble on their own; Ulises finally remembers Zaida’s letter, which tells all about Adolfo’s and Dante’s dirty dealings- he informs JJ; Gabi tells “Mario” that he can’t take Fausto’s place, although she’s accepting the idea of his being her bio dad- at times he really reminds her of her dad; Dante orders Carmelo to find Garnica; the two sisters decide to reach out to their brother Carlos and make plans to see each other; Adolfo orders his henchman to “liquidate” Zaida for betraying him and letting Garnica escape alive; JJ (stupidly) goes to Adolfo’s condo alone, and threatens to give Zaida’s letter over to the cops if Adolfo and Dante don’t find a way to set Elsa free, immediately; Adolfo rushes to stop Zaida’s liquidation, just in the nick of time.

Full recap: FaustiMario is hanging by a thread, or rather a finger, from the railing over the lobby of the hotel Mirador. Our hero JJ, and another heroic bystander, pull FaustiMario up and safely onto the stairs. After assuring that the very relieved and breathless FaustiMario is ok, JJ and Ale begin to wonder who was the guy who pushed him, if what just happened was an accident, and what was Bertha doing here. When Fausto explains that she was there to meet him, Ale narrows her eyes in suspicion. She heads up to the restaurant to find out what her sister is up to. She thinks her little sis’ excuse about wanting to mend fences with their uncle is bs, and informs her of “Mario's” near death experience on the stairs. Why did Bertha run off? Bertha says she just headed to the restaurant because that was where they agreed to meet. Ale takes Bertha to check on their uncle, since Bertha is so concerned for his welfare. After asking how he is, Bertha decides it’s best if they save their discussion, particularly the subject matter of Adolfo, for another day. She quickly rushes off under the suspicious gazes of Ale and JJ. JJ and Ale accompany a still shaky Fausto to his car.

At JJ’s house, Lucha wants to know how Limon is dealing with Abelardo’s custody of Caramelo and her staying at Casa Genoves. Turns out he’s not freaking out as much as he did last time because he knows Abelardo isn’t trying to take Cara from him. Yolanda calls wanting to speak to Caramelo, and is encouraged by Limon to cross over to enemy territory at Casa Genoves to see the kids in person. Limon and Lucha stamp and certify Yolanda as “good peeps.”

Bertha returns home to Adolfo to inform him about what happened. She didn’t get to speak to her uncle because someone pushed him on the stairs and almost killed him. Adolfo is clearly upset about the ALMOST (casi) part, and not about the killing attempt. Then he gets more upset that it was JJ who saved the day. “How fortunate. What luck that nothing happened.” Bertha seems to pick up the hint of irony in his tone, and looks at him suspiciously. (Is her brain finally starting to function?) “Adolfo, you told me that you weren’t going to expose me (exponerme) to anything dangerous. And you try to kill my uncle by pushing him over the stairs!?” Adolfo gets indignant. “How dare you say something so stupid! No way!” He storms out demanding not to be disturbed.

Yolanda arrives to Casa Genoves. FaustiMario is regaling Limon with tales of the near death experience and JJ’s heroics in the back yard. He greets Yolanda with suspicion, but she gets a much warmer reception from the kids. Caramelo rattles off the list of all her new uncles and aunts. Chicles says he’s doing the usual, which Yolanda knows means he’s up to no good. Big hugs and kisses for the formerly kidnapped trio. David and Gabi arrive and greet her with awkwardness, but understand why she and the kids would want to see each other after their terrible experience. Yolanda asks to speak to Mario privately, and shortly after they leave for the home office, JJ and Ale arrive. Gabi and David learn of the staircase incident and they all agree that it was done on purpose. They are all sure that Bertha set the meeting up on Adolfo’s orders. Gabi suggests the logical—bring Leo into the loop. But JJ nixes that idea. He still prefers the go it alone (well, with his BFFs David and Carlos) approach. He pulls out the “mai” he received from Garnica. David and Ale think they can’t be sure it’s Garnica. Gabi once again suggests that Leo could help them figure out the true origin of the e-mail. Nope. JJ doesn’t think that will solve anything. Plus he’ll just scold them about their latest cowboy antics. David thinks that there is likely a link to the appearance of the lawyer with knowledge of Gabi’s shoes (Carmelo) and this reappearance of Garnica. (Gold star for David!)

Mientras tanto (in the meantime) in the office, Yolanda is telling “Mario” about all the guilt she feels for being part of so many injustices. “Mario” is forgiving, especially since Yolanda has been a victim of Adolfo’s evil herself—most recently with the kidnapping. “Well, we all have our crosses to bear. And it seems that destiny wants Adolfo to be mine.” She begs “Mario’s” forgiveness for all that has happened, but knows it can’t change anything. Mario doesn’t think it’s her that needs forgiveness, but Adolfo. And the things that he’s done are unforgivable. For this reason Yolanda wants to tell him about something she did to right a wrong—something that can help prove that Santiago didn’t kill Marta.

Over at Goon Central, Carmelo is laying out the next steps of the plan. He’s going to tell Dante that he couldn’t find Edgar. Valentín needs to get back to work so that no one will become suspicious. Annoyed Edgar wonders what he’s supposed to do. Give him the shoes and sit tight is Carmelo’s reply. NO WAY! It cost Edgar his job and nearly his life to get those. Carmelo urges him to calm down and stick to the plan that will benefit all of them. Edgar decides to go along for now, but he doesn’t like to take orders from anybody, and if Carmelo decides to betray them, he’s got a photo of him with the shoes that will get him in deep doo doo with Dante. Carmelo reminds him that they are all in this together. All for one and one for all, and all that. Edgar doesn’t seem convinced.

Yolanda continues her explanation about how she switched Carlos’s real ring for the fake one Adolfo had created. “Mario” wonders wouldn’t it have been easier all around if she had told the cops what really happened at the very beginning. Yolanda thinks Adolfo would have killed her had she done so. “But the police would have protected you!” “But it’s not about my safety, it’s about…about…I can’t denounce (delatar) Adolfo. I can’t” “But why Yolanda!? Why?! What ties you to him?!” “I can’t tell you anything.” She flees the office leaving Fausto more baffled than before.

Carmelo better be careful because Eddie’s got that crazy look in his eyes that we all know so well. He wants to know when they’ll get to see all the cash (lana) they’ve demanded from Adolfo and Dante. Carmelo doesn’t know since he hasn’t received an answer from either of them yet. He’s demanded 10 million pesos from each of them. In exchange, Adolfo will get the shoes, diamonds, and the letter Valentin spoke of; Dante will receive info about how Adolfo is trying to double cross him. He’s sure they’ll have an answer tomorrow.

At Casa Genoves, Fred and Daphne (aka David and Ale) are trying to convince Scooby Doo (aka JJ) that there is no proof that the e-mail was actually sent from Garnica. JJ thinks he’s probably just afraid to show his face to him after his blackmail scheme. David thinks it best that they send “Garnica” a few questions to first prove his identity. Questions like: How did they meet? (David and Abe are shocked JJ trusted a guy who just turned up at his door saying he was a lawyer who knew JJ had a lot of money. JJ knows now that it was dumb.); Who was with them on the plane?; and Who was at the table when they signed the contract in Puerto Vallarta? Ale writes the message as they all look on.

Ulises returns to his apartment to find a stack of junk mail and bills at his door. As he throws them all in a drawer, he suddenly remembers an important piece of mail—Zaida’s letter! After a bit of hand wringing about what to do, he rips it open. “No manches!” (No f-ing way!) He calls up JJ right away with a quick explanation of the letter and a promise that it will knock his socks off (ir de espaldas/to fall to one’s back/be surprised). JJ explains to the group as best he can (Zaida, letter, Elsa, Ulises) and leaves.

Edgar and Valentin are having a stroll and a heart to heart. Edgar is not comfortable with Carmelo having his hands on everything. Valentin casually says that Carmelo doesn’t have EVERYTHING. Say what?! Valentin explains that there were a few other things in Garnica’s safe that he kept. Edgar is impressed. He obviously was in agreement with us that Valentin was not the sharpest assassin knife in the drawer. “Knowledge is power”, says Valentin.

In the back yard, Gabi and FaustiMario are having a chat about the baby and what Gabi wants- girl or boy. If she’s as sweet as Caramelo, then she wants a girl. No way in heck she wants a boy like Chicles! And what does she want to name the baby? If it’s a girl, then she wants to name her Gabriela, since she loves the name and it’s not her real name. If it’s a boy, then she wants to name him Fausto. FaustiMario can barely contain his proud tears (where’s David with a bear hug when you need him?). Gabi can’t wait to tell her father he’s going to be a grandfather. He’s going to go crazy and start buying baby toys and clothes. She can already picture him walking the baby in the park. FaustiMario really has to work hard now to not start bawling. Gabi continues that she doesn’t know if one day she’ll see him (Mario) as a father, but for her, Fausto, the man who raised her, will always be her father. FaustiMario understands perfectly, but would love for them to continue communicating the way they are now. Gabi agrees. Sometimes he even reminds her of her father! (Ahem…) FaustiMario thinks it’s because they’re both old dudes. Gabi wonders how her father is, and wonders why “Mario” is so quick to answer that he’s fine. Now that she’s pregnant, and feeling more emotional, she particularly wants to be surrounded by her people/family. “I understand. Your father won’t be far away for long.” Gabi gets up to go, and plants a sweet kiss on “Mario’s” cheek before she leaves. Fausto’s working overtime by this point to not let his tears fall.

Valentin shows Edgar the additional documents Garnica has—account books of Adolfo’s restaurants; a black book of important people, including Mario Genoves; info sheets of various people including Elsa and Marcos; and a pic of the famous helicopter. Turns out Valentin did not destroy the helicopter as he was ordered to. He hid it away. They both think JJ would pay pretty well for that info.

JJ at that moment has just arrived at Ulises’s. He immediately reads the letter. JJ figures Zaida wrote the letter because she thought they were going to kill her. This letter can help free Elsa! He runs out without explaining to (eager) Ulises what he intends to do.

Carmelo brings his apologies to Dante for not being able to find Edgar. No worries, says Dante, he has a new person for him to look for—Garnica. He thought the guy was dead, but it seems he isn’t. Dante thinks Valentin, one of Garnica’s men, knows the deal. He wants Carmelo to use his special skills to get info out of him about whether Garnica is alive, and where he’s hding.

At the Guillen apartment, Juli is having a Luis Miguel moment—singing the theme song while sorting beans. Gabi comes to visit and the two have some sisterly bonding over the baby on the way. Neither have heard from their father, but Leo assures Juli that Fausto is safe. Speaking of Leo, he’s been working a lot, but Juli is super excited about the upcoming return of Paula in two weeks (maybe Paula Drew can help our slow adults solve this case). Juli gives Gabi her first baby present- a unisex yellow and white sweater. They hug, and Gabi gets emotional and starts crying—so many things are happening, and their dad isn’t even there to share in the news of the baby. Juli thinks there’s plenty of time for him to enjoy the baby and for them all to be together. Gabi knows she’s right and that she’s being affected by pregnancy hormones. Juli concedes that their lives haven’t always been normal, and especially not lately, so it’s understandable. Has Gabi spoken to Carlos? Not recently. They are both now excited about the idea of having a big brother and think they should all get together. Gabi calls hard working Carlos to set something up. He’ll try to wrap up work early enough to see them that evening—if not, he’ll meet them tomorrow. The siblings end the call sweetly with terms of endearment. Carlos smiles from ear to ear. Juli is pleased to learn Carlos is working for JJ. They wonder how their father is holding up.

At the local internet café, computer novices Edgar and Valentin are getting the pretty employee to help them check their G-mail (Garnica mail) account. They see that there are responses to each of their three messages. The first they read is Adolfo’s. He’s already deposited the money to the account indicated. Now he wants his stuff. “That idiot Carmelo lied to us when he said he hadn’t heard anything about the money!” Uh oh! Eddie has that look in his eyes again.

Carlos and Urbina speak restaurant biz. Carlos thinks thing have been working well, but he has some ideas for modernization. Urbina’s down with that. He knows Carlos is experienced and thinks his ideas will be beneficial for the hotel.

Dante storms into Adolfo’s condo, with two armed goons at his back, and demands to speak to Adolfo. Adolfo, meanwhile, is in his office checking in on Zaida with one of his goons. She’s down at the beach, being watched by two other goons. When she comes back, Adolfo wants him to “liquidate” her!

He goes out to see what Dante wants. Dante refuses to send his goons out. The two old devils are just gearing up to have a verbal showdown, when JJ breezes in. Now they both turn their ire to their mutual thorn in the side. JJ pulls out Zaida’s letter and begins to read it aloud:
“I, Zaida Castellanos, in possession of my full faculties, declare that I was obligated/forced by Señores Dante Sevilla and Adolfo Avila…” Dante bids his goons to leave before they learn more than he’s comfortable with them knowing. JJ continues:
“…to become involved in shady/serious business. I was forced to become involved in serious crimes. These two individuals are…” This time Adolfo has him stop. JJ continues again:
“These two individuals are smugglers of precious jewels and archeological pieces, and responsible for other crimes. Among them, dealings with a criminal named Javier Garnica, whose cadaver, on Adolfo’s orders, was thrown in the sea in Puerto Vallarta. For all these reasons, I want to make clear that if something happens to me, or I disappear, the guilty ones were the men I just mentioned.”

Lies! All Lies. We’ve just been in communication with Garnica. “You don’t say?” (No me diga!) So why don’t you take this letter to the cops? “Because I want to do everything possible to demonstrate the innocence of Elsa Rivera!” JJ leaves the two with a copy of the letter, and a promise of the original IF/WHEN they find a way to clear Elsa of the charges against her and set her free immediately. As JJ makes his cocksure exit, Adolfo runs to the phone to stop the itchy finger of the beach goon, who has his gun cocked and pointed at the forehead of a bound and gagged Zaida. “You want to hear the gunshot boss?” “NO!!!”


Llena de Amor #132 (Mex. 137) Fri 2/18/11 Time for an Intervention... or Two

How nifty is this? We begin tonight's romp, not in DF, but in a dive on the Vera Cruz waterfront with a young pre-rictus Bernardo looking after the health of his much-adored Capitán ,

"No one touches my Capitán Sevilla as long as I'm alive."

as he takes down a ruffian who dared to defy and attack the youthful sea-dog.

An adolescent hooker is impressed,

" ¿Así que eres Capitán (So you're a captain)?"

"José Maria Sevilla, a tus pies (at your feet )."

Well, there you have it, Maggie, they've just met... haven't eaten off of each others' plates... and tutearing like old chums. We're not in El Salvador anymore, Toto.

Turns out that she's just been hanging out waiting for the man of her life, and Shazam! Here he is! Juana Felipe welcomes the man of her life with a beso.

Fedra remembers, "Ay, Chema, I surrendered to you like to no other man."

An old Captain remembers too as he shares a Tequila with his old friend.

Meintras tanto, well actually, many years ago, the young captain and an even younger trollop are basking in the afterglow as Juana F continues Fedra's thought,

"Te di, Te di mi amor (I gave myself to you, my love)."

"You're the only woman, Juana, there is no other."

"Make love to me Chema, amamé, leave your mark on my skin, I want to be yours now and forever."

Yikes! Mind if I smoke?

Chema tells his friend that this memory is all he has.

Netty is certain that the poison has left Mari so thin and that she is responsible since it was her duty to watch over her. Marianela assures her that she slimmed down for health reasons and at the moment, she is smiling for a change. Thanks to Netty's adoring attorney's less than noble self-sacrifice she now holds in her perfectly manicured bony little talons the forged documents that will enable her to recover the creepy castle and considerable fortune her mother left her. Let's hope she has the good sense to bulldoze that malevolent mausoleum of misery and replace it with a Chucky Cheese franchise or perhaps a Bob's Big Boy. Netty is happy for her but wants to resurrect the chunky cheery cherub that this scrawny screwloose Spaniard once was. She thinks that a good start would be to get in touch with Emanuel and level with him.

"Buenas noches."

Right on cue.

Manzanita is feeling her sugar rush from all that ice cream our Judy allowed her to eat during Wednesday's episode. She bounds into the parlor and begins springing about the furniture like a Mexican jumping bean about to be refried... someone forgot to take
her Ritalin this morning. Poor Ilitia is discovering that perhaps this little adoption scheme might not be the best plan after all. She raises her voice,

"Don't jump on the sofa (sillón), especially with your shoes on! Sit down!"

In a desperate attempt to take control of the situation as she snatches away the dish that the little apple has now targeted for destruction.

"Don't stick your tongue out at me!" .

"Don't scold (regañar) me! You're not my mother!"

Ilitia smiles a conspiratorial smile and suggests that if she plays her cards right, however, Emanuel could be her daddy. This is where Muñeca joins the conversation,

"Ilitia! What are you proposing to Manzanita?"

Manny wants to know what truth he needs to hear. Netty tells him that Marianela and Jorge will be divorcing, Vicky confirms this as they are joined by Jorge who proclaims his love for Victoria. Eman doesn't like this betrayal of Marianela by her husband and best friend. Helpfully, Netty points out that Marianela's only true love has always been Emanuel. Unfortunately Marianela has destroyed any love that he once had for her although Netty doubts that he could fall out of love so easily.

Now... it's looking as though this could all work out, Victoria + Jorge ... Marianela + Emanuel... Just one tiny problem:


Paging Dr. Solomon!

Manzanita is not in the market for a new momma.

"My mamá is in heaven!"

Muñeca tells her no one is wanting her to forget her mother and the sugar appears to have worn off because our familiar sweet little apple has replaced the hellcat that was here just moments ago,

" I want you for my mamá, Muñeca."


Meintras tanto, little Cristian is consuming his own MDR of sugar as he spreads sticky around the parlor with a large lemon lollypop.

Kids... gotta love 'em.

Flora rounds them up and hurries them off to bed.

Ilitia reminds Muñeca that she has Cristian,

"...that piojo (louse)."

"That piojo is your brother."

A fact that Ilitia is painfully aware of. Muñeca observes that Ilitia is trying to utilize Manzanita to shore things up with Manny. Well duh. More importantly, she wants to know why, if Ilitia loves Emanuel so much, did she deceive (engañar) him with Brandon?...
don, don, don.

Meanwhile Netty's pleading a powerful case for Marianela and Emanuel to pick up where they left off two years ago,

"A love so great (un amor tan grande) can't be allowed to die."

but Manny, in so many, many, many words tells her that his love for Mari was killed by none other than Mari herself. Vicky helps him out by pointing out that he is married. Eman tells her that he plans to fight for love as she suggests... his love for Victoria that is.

Poor Netty. Vicky stomps off, closely followed by Netty who still thinks this can be worked out, leaving behind George to declare to Eman that he too will be free and is prepared to fight (luchar) for Victoria's love... and win (ganar).

Ilitia wants to know who put such an idea into Muñeca's head.

"He did!"

Ilitia is now worked up and shouts,

"How can you say that I'm involved with this ignorant penniless nobody (pelado) who is so beneath me (no me llega ni a los talones)?"

This is met with a slap from Muñeca. A little late, but...

"You shut up! Have you already forgotten where you come from?"

Courtesy of a boozy Fedra we are treated to another flashback of the dashing young capitán fighting to preserve the honor of the teenage slutlet, Juana Felipe.

Her toast to her youthful protector

" 'Una dama (a lady).' He's the only man who ever made me feel as though I am... a lady ."

is interrupted by Bernardo who has developed a sudden concern for her level of alcohol consumption. He attempts a solo intervention without much luck. She is already deep in her cups, but at least she is using a glass.

"No, I'm a lady. leave me in peace."

She pouts. She tears up. She cries.

"It's because of him, verdad? Emanuel?"


He asks again and she tells him that Emanuel is all that matters to her.

"Because you had him with the only man you ever loved, Capitán José Maria Sevilla, verdad?"

She remembers....

"I will never forgive him for denying (negar) his own son, Bernardo... never."

another flashback...

A youthful Juana F. announces her pregnancy to a less-than-thrilled Capitán Sevilla
who observes that it could be just about any other sailor's child.

Gee, and he seemed so gallant.

"I brought you aboard ship to be my woman, not to impregnate you (preñar)."

They tussle on the bunk.


Fedra tells Bernardo that the two things she will never forgive Chemo for were that he allowed her to be miserably poor and that denied her child."

Back in Vera Cruz José M tells his old friend Santiago that God wouldn't give a son to someone condemned to die such as he. Santi encourages him to drop anchor (tirar ancla) here, where he's loved and adored, among the people he's helped. Nopis. Cap'n Joe is indulging in a major pity party and plans to leave this all behind and return to the big city where it all began, la Ciudad de México.

Well, of course you are, and we're all bettin' that you end up in la Mala Noche on a night that the Reina is performing. Later Cap'n.

Ilitia tells Muñeca never to slap her again. Muñeca's sorry. What's in a person's heart is more important than what's in his pocketbook. Actually Ilitia knew that all along. They make up. Do a little bonding... Huggies!...Next!

Cripes, now it's Marianela (or is it Victoria? Who cares?) and Netty talking in Vicky's room. Basically, Netty thinks that to be fair, Emanuel needs to know that Vicky and Mari are one and the same. After all, Jorge has the advantage of all the facts. Manny's getting a divorce and will be free to... at this point Marivick delivers a low blow.

"How long has Emiliano been saying he will divorce Fedra?"

"It's not the same thing... oh crap... you're right ... it is."

Maybe those weren't her exact words, but let's see a show of hands of those of you who think that Netty is right... that Emanuel should get a look at all the cards as well.

And now for a little dose of Delicia and Axel. We've been missing you guys. This is cute. Delicia is worried that Fedra is drinking so much. She's gone through all the decanters (licoras) and is working on the whisky.

"She's already asked me for more ice."

Axel thinks that she must be hatching another evil plot but Delicia hits him with a dicho,

"Where I come from they say, 'Madre es madre aunque sea vinagrera (your mom is mom even if she's pure vinegar, ie, a bottle of vinegar).

Just one more reason for Axel (and us) to love her. What a sweetie!

Manny drives up and Fidel is awaiting him. He's brought Ilitia back from her parents' place and stuck around to give Emanuel a heads up. Strange comings and goings of shady looking people at Fonseca's place. He dropped Lorenzo by there and thought that el Lirio de P might like to know. Emanuel grins a sincere Cheshire Cat grin.

OK, first Bernardo tried now Axel is prepared to launch his own little intervention for his mom. He gets right down to it... just in case, he's brought the ice.

"No matter what the problem... alcohol is not the solution."

And he is correct. Water is considered the universal solvent.

She politely tells him to get the Hell out. Not easily deterred, he invites her to open up to him,

"I'm your son."

"No, my son is Emanuel."

He reminds her of the problems alcohol caused for Aunt Eva. Of course she resents being compared to Eva and tells him so. This is starting to get ugly. He raises his voice, whether she likes it or not,

"I am your son!"

"For me, my only puppy (cachorro), my only son is Emanuel. Now, why don't you run along and pluck your little guitar strings or play with the little servants? Por favor, I don't want to look at you."

Poor Axel, he wilts and exits.

"Thanks for the ice."

And that's why we love her.

In tears, he runs into Manny,

"Hey bro, are you OK?"

"Our mother is in the study drinking out of control and I'm an imbecile for thinking I could approach her ... and get a little affection."

Not exactly Wally and the Beav.

Manny's turn.

"Mamá, please stop drinking."

"Leave me alone. I'm fine."

Well, actually, Axel got off light. She accuses Manny of turning her back on her in favor of first that fat girl and now the little Spaniard. Then in an amazing display of lucidity, puts two and two together and discloses to her puppy that Marianela and Victoria are one and the same. Now here's some information he could really use...

Manny, haven't you heard it said that children and drunks speak the truth?... Guess he hasn't.

Half-heartedly he tells her to quit drinking as he leaves.

Fedra mutters,

"Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa, I'm going to unmask you, you filthy (inmunda) ex-fatso."

Gladiola is upset that Brandon and Oliver are working late preparing for an operation tomorrow. She's vexed that Oliver and Manolo, who is really that young woman, carry on with their merry-making (jolgorios). Netty wants a word, alone, with Jorge. Gladiola asks Doris to join her in going up to visit Victoria, who she now knows is really Marianela.

"Next thing I expect to learn is that you are Jairo disguised as my Doris."

Jorge would like a chat with Marianela but must settle for a frank talk with Netty. She tells him that Mari loves Emanuel and she wants Emanuel informed of the truth about Marivick.

"You told me, you should tell him. Do it."

He promises to think about it. He leaves. She consults with San Antonio.


Yippee ki yea! Police action! The SWAT team moves into place just in time. The bad guys arrive at an apparent municipal structure. A young man gets out of a black SUV and approaches a black car. He and two men from the SUV begin removing wooden crates from the back of the SUV. Oliver checks with Manolo,

"Are you taking photos?"

"Sure thing!"

Well I'll be switched! El Lirio de Plata gets out of the SUV...Hey! I recognize that stance,... it's Lorenzo. Oliver and Brandon rejoice.


Not sure exactly where, Dandy and Mau await Lorenzo's return. Dandy frets. He hopes that Porta López does his job. Mau is confident... Lo needs the money. Dandy has a briefcase filled with money. They rejoice over the dollars and joke about how all the police are going to end up with are bottles of water. Ha ha... Lorenzo joins them... he sure got back quickly... oops.... that voice....sounds like the real Lirio. He picks up the pistols and deftly drops out the clips.

Lorenzo de Plata is wrapping up the phony deal, the cops are waiting for Brandon to give the go-ahead... Oliver looks around...

"Venena? Manolo? ... Where is Manolo?"

"Brandon gives the order,

"Move out!"

"Put the guns down! There's no escape. So here you are, Lirio de Plata."

Well, here's Manolo. He emerges from behind the SUV with a pistol pointed at his head. Brandon reacts,

"Guns down! Don't shoot!"

The bad guys, including Lorenzo de Plata, begin escaping. Oliver manages to move in from behind and pulls Manolo free, shooting his captor in the chest as they fall to the ground.

Brandon checks the downed bandit, as Oliver checks Manolo.

"This guy's fried, Oliver. El Lirio de Plata escaped again."

Super Mau is not happy to see el LdP but recognizes his skills and offers him a job. Mau doesn't work for the likes of Orangy and tells him so. Mau then suggests that he seek employment with either St. Peter or Satan because he's about to ship him off to one of those other worlds. Sadly, Mau is more clever with words than physically nimble, nevertheless he attacks el LdP, When this doesn't work out as planned he decides that talking might be best after all.

Garduño and a pistol arrive. LldP grabs Mau and uses him as a shield. Gard orders the masked one to release his associate. eLdP replies,

"Better drop your gun if you don't want to lose your friend."

No problem for Garduño, he'll just shoot them both.

Clara Bella (the corrupt judge's secretary) bursts into licenciado Pacheco's office just as he is

about to have his way with with a plump donut. He didn't hold up his end of the bargain. As he looks on in horror, she crushes the innocent pastry with her bare hand and says (I promise, I am not making this up),

"If you're not going to eat me, you'll eat nothing!"

She leaves one donut intact as a prop for Judge Pantoja who awaits in the outer office. She ushers him in and leaves. The judge wants his documents back or he'll,

"... leave you exactly like this donut."

Super Mau is disappointed that he means so little to Garduño. El LdP tosses the pumpkin at Garduño, takes his pistol and drops the clip.

Brandon, Oliver, and Manolo have returned to the station and are debating what just happened. Brandon says that this proves that the lily is dirty. Oliver says that things don't square since the bottles contained water, not alcohol. Manolo says that wasn't the true lily.

Three blind men feeling up an elephant.

Brandon answers the phone, looks puzzled , then announces,

"That was el Lirio de Plata... he says that the site of the sale (venta) was elsewhere,
that he is with those who are truly guilty."

Oliver gives him his best "well there you have it" shrug.

Netty and Marivick are seated on Netty's sofa doing a little strategic planning, when in strolls Pacheco... he's not alone. He brought Judge Pantoja along. No coffee and cookies for you. Victoria asks the obligatory,

"¿Qué hace aquí?"

Somehow, Garduño, Mau, and Dandy are all securely tied as el LdP inexplicably wanders about the premises tidying up and hiding the briefcase full of cash. Can someone explain why he isn't already out of there? Crikey, he takes the opportunity to give his captive trio a lecture on morality when we spy a shadow on the stairway behind him. It's...

el Lirio de Plato

who sneaks up behind...

el Lirio de Plato,

conks him on the head with a pistol and is suddenly Lorenzo sans mask. As he unties his pals, he negotiates a promotion with Garduño. Since Fonseca has proven his ineptitude, Lo thinks that now he should be number 2. Garduño agrees as he kneels to unmask...

el Lirio de Plato.

The judge wants the papers which betray Fedra's guilt. His secretary assured him that it was Pacheco who robbed his office.

"Your secretary is crazy. Didn't you see what she did to my donuts?"

Victoria argues with the judge but he vows that he'll recover his papers... whether they wish to return them or not.

The police interrupt the unveiling of...

el Lirio de Plato.

Lorenzo frets over the money, he really needs it you recall, but Garduño says screw the money and they flee. Super Mau takes the opportunity to deliver a kick in the ribs to a a prostrate youknowwho. For some dark reason, I find this oddly satisfying.

Crooks vanish. Cops squeeze in with weapons drawn. Brandon orders everyone else to search the place and examines the dark figure on the floor.

"He's alive!"

he shouts to no one in particular since everyone else is off searching the place as he ordered. As he goes to remove the mask a gloved hand grabs his wrist,

"Not so fast, amigo."

Brandon orders him to surrender but of course his foe is much more agile and pushes him away, leaping to his feet. They are face to... umm...mask.

Victoria apparently doesn't understand the negotiating power a loaded pistol confers and orders judge Patoja to get the Hell out. She admits that she has the papers that he wants so he pushes Pacheco aside.

"So you know where those receipts (pagarés) are, eh, eh?"

"I've got them, so what are you going to do about it, shoot me?"

He cocks his gun and to my horror I find a part of myself thinking, ummm... OK... why not? Just make it quick and merciful.

Brandon and el LdP have a brief debate over morals, Brandon is slugged and el LdP picks up his pistol and briefly points it at Brandon.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Nopis... he ejects the clip and hands him the pistol.

"No, I would be incapable of harming anyone, much less one of the most honest people I know. Ordinarily, I dump the bad guys guns into an oven, but not yours, you need it to trap criminals."

He reaches into his belt then poof! he vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

In the other room, Manolo has found the money. El Lirio de Plato tells him that he needs to take it where it'll do some good. He trades a machine gun for the briefcase.

He tells Manolo to say hey to his sister Victoria for him.

"Tell her I'm anxious to be with her again... On second thought, don't say anything..."

"I know what I have to do."



El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of February 21, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves!

The big news on Telemundo is the announcement that La Reina del Sur starts February 28 and it will take over Alguien’s time slot.


A month passes. A veneer of normalcy covers the friends’ lives.

Rodrigo helps Valeria through her latest relapse. Valeria’s love and gratitude toward him is such that she would do anything to keep him from suffering. And right now he is tortured by the knowledge that Piedad and baby Sofía are in danger from Julián. Valeria makes a last-minute attempt to convince Piedad that Julián is a menace; she tries to tell her what Vidal’s cellmate has said and explain about the old photo of Julián’s mother, Fabiola, in the black dress. Piedad looks uncomfortable but unconvinced.

Tatiana is functioning normally enough to keep her business running -- even if she has lost some customers. She seems on the verge of telling Piedad about her and Julian’s ‘indiscretion’ but then, uncharacteristically, holds her tongue.

Benjamin is trying to keep his nose clean. He hasn’t forgiven Tatiana or Julián for betraying him and he refuses to go to the wedding. He has seen Camila a couple of times. Camila – who has made the cleanest break from the past with her job, her education and her new-found self-sufficiency -- has made it clear that their romantic relationship is over. We, the viewers, know, (and Tati knows too) that Camila is in love with Benja. But Camila lets Benja believe that she is over him.

Pedro Pablo and Lola have reconciled. The blot on their happiness is Lucía’s disappearance with her (and presumably) Pedro Pablo’s son.

Newborns are quite fragile. It’s hard to imagine how Pablito, let alone Lucía, could survive on the street. If they’re alive, it’s because someone took them in. With what intentions? Who knows. Does Lucía’s mother remember that just before she delivered Pablito, Luci was checking out Indianapolis as a place to live?

Matilde is ever more eloquent with facial expressions, blinks, tears and hand squeezes. It’s hard to accept that no one has figured out how to communicate with her. Unless she has an enemy we are unaware of, she should be safe while Julián is away.

Once the telemédico passes his magical scalpel over her, she will recover completely. And she’ll be able to expose Julián for the monster that he is. If only they’d do the operation before Julián comes back….

Julián and Piedad continue with their quiet wedding preparations. Just before the ceremony, Julián’s son, Emilio, surprises Piedad with a gift: the family tree project he was working on for school. Only now it is complete. The famous photo of Fabiola in pearls and black dress and labeled by name takes pride of place on the chart. Julián and Piedad agree to keep the gift their secret. (Will someone else find the chart, realize its importance, and turn it over to Carvajal?) Again, Piedad looks uncomfortable but still not ready to admit that her faith in Julián is tragically misplaced.

We see Rodrigo running desperately, breathlessly through the streets. Is he hoping to stop Piedad's wedding at the last minute? If so, he arrives too late for Piedad but not too late to hold his daughter in his arms. But Julián and Piedad have already exchanged vows. And we see them leave for their brief honeymoon. And then we see the absolute misery on Piedad's face as she braces herself for an intimate moment with her new husband.

Knowing that Matilde’s recovery means the downfall of the Cazador:
Will Julián come back to kill Matilde before she can betray him?
Or will he make a run for it?

And if he runs:
Will he kill Piedad first?
Will he take her with him?
Or will he let her go?



I guess I’m watching this alone, DVRing the daytime episodes and trying to catch up on the weekends. This Colombian comedy is like Yo Soy Betty La Fea – sweetly funny, sharply observed and beautifully played. I guess it is just too regional for prime-time showing. Too bad because it’s so much better than just about every primetime comedy I’ve seen on the two major US Spanish language stations. (Or maybe I just prefer the Colombian to the Mexican take on comedy.) Right now Andrés, the nuevo pobre, is becoming a better person and learning a little about empathy and love; while Brayan, the nuevo rico, is letting himself be led by appearances and getting more callous and less likeable every day.


Okay. Te toca a ti. Your turn!

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Friday, February 18, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #219-220 2/18/11 A Jouney of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step.

Capitulo 219.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Gui joins the meeting. He’ll approve the project if Aldo is put in charge. Fernando throws a tantrum. Lety shuts him down and accepts Gui’s condition. Marcia approves of how Lety handles things.

2. Saimon brings Ali her bills and she tries to ignore them. Isn’t that why she lost her car?

3. Gui leaves. Fern says it’s ridiculous to have some taquero (taco vendor) running their ad campaign. Fern asks where Lety found him. Caro steps in, “She met him in Acapulco when I took her there after you (uds) fired her.”

4. In Lola’s fantasy at the court, Efren declares his love and begs her back. In reality the judge’s priority is the children. Lola gets custody, and Efren’s support will be 3K pesos monthly, plus school fees. Efren earns 15K pesos per month; Lola 4K. But Efren hasn’t paid school fees so she raises the support to 5K. Efren objects forcefully, so she raises it to 7K, almost half his salary.

5. Fern proposes that he and Omar travel to NY and London to get distributors to invest in the project. Omar proposes Marcia go, and she’s sure it’s because Fern wants to get rid of her. So Fern says he’ll go. Aldo likes the idea of getting Fern out of the way. Lety doesn’t!

6. Marcia objects, saying Fern is needed at Conceptos, but it’s actually because she can’t keep him under surveillance if he travels. Aldo flatters Fern, pointing out his great knowledge, skill, and authority (as what? ex-president?). Fern sucks up the flattery.

7. Marcia offers to travel with Fern, and he panics and finds an excuse why she can’t. Then she’s offended that she doesn’t have an important assignment, and Fern suggests that one go to NY and the other to London. Checkmate! Lety finishes the meeting depressed because Fernando will be gone. Isn’t that what she says she wants?

Capitulo 220.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety tells Aldo she needs him there. He invites her to lunch again. She begs off again because she has plans with the cuartel, so Aldo gets aggravated with the cuartel and asks, “When’s it my turn?”

2. Fernando accepts that he’s paranoid and frantic. That’s why he needs to get away and put his life in order. It hurts every time he sees her. Lety tells Aldo that she’s gotten used to having Fernando around, and she’ll suffer again when he’s gone. But it’s better that he’s gone so he can do what he wants with whatever woman he wants.

3. Aldo briefs Caro. He’s amazed that Lety doesn’t see that he loves her, and she tells him about her broken heart. Caro says Lety has a lot on her mind, between the presidency and Fernando. Caro is surprised that Fern drives him nuts, since Aldo is the most mellow dude she knows. Aldo says that mellow dude stayed behind like a dream in Acapulco.

4. Tom tries to buy Alicia’s embargoed car. Ali calls the agent to demand the remaining balance from any sale. During the call her cell service is cut off.

5. Fern tells Aldo he has ulterior motives for wanting Fern to travel. Aldo says they would avoid conflicts. “You must be fleeing (huir) something.” Fern says, “You’re invading my territory and I don’t like it.” Aldo answers, “Y?” which is like saying, “What ‘cha gonna’ do about it?”

6. Marcia summons Caro to talk about Lety. See the transcript. Luigi accepts blame for the conflict with Ruli because he’s fallen in love with another. Efren has to tell Jazmín about the judge’s order.

7. Fern wonders where Aldo got the idea that Fern is fleeing. Omar suspects that Lety told Aldo everything. Not good news. He says, “Then Aldo thinks I used her, deceived her, and never loved her.” Omar suggests that Aldo is poisoning Lety against him. Fern says, “No, your letter was enough to make me her enemy for life.” Fernando finally takes the US embassy call, and he and Omar actually work!

8. Ali asks Marcia for a “loan.” Marcia turns her down flat. Ali tells Lety she needs a raise and an advance right away. When Lety refuses, Ali is convinced that it’s revenge.

9. Tom tells Aldo he doesn’t like Fern because he takes advantage of people and doesn’t care about others. Aldo says the both dislike Fernando. Tom says they also both like the same woman. Aldo thinks he means Lety.

Jaime and Angelica host Premio Lo Nuestro 2011, 17 February.



Spanish Lesson, Marcia and Carolina.
Loose translation.
M: What is your relationship with Lety?
C: I hired her as assistant when she was fired.
M: That woman put me through hell.
C: I don’t want to get tangled up in those things. I came here to work on the food expo.
M: I suppose you’re happy Lety is the new president. (IOW Marcia is determined to drag Caro into the conflict despite what Caro just said. You can’t be my friend if you’re gonna’ be her friend! Wahh!)
C: I don’t want my relation with Lety to destroy our friendship. But if it’s that important to you, I’m sure you can hire someone else. (IOW, if you tell me to choose, you lose!)
M: Oh, no, I didn’t mean that at all. (Especially if you don’t yield to my threat.)
C: Please remember, my support of Lety is not a position against you.
(Tu servidor recapper says, “Pay attention, Marcia. You should take dignity lessons from Carolina.”)


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