Friday, February 25, 2011

Eva Luna #78 Thu 2/24/11 The quiz games... everyone questions everyone else even if they dont like the answers they will get

[posted for Martaivett by Jardinera]

Eva tells Julio what told Dano. Julio tells her she does not need his help to feel bad, she already does.
Veekee teasing Tony in her bedroom
LiLeach teasing Dano in yacht
Deborah teasing Eva about what if your mom came back? Would never forgive her.
Tomas pointing gun at Ricardo, Why should I love him?? He is not my son!
Claw teasing Eva, you must know all VeeKee did against you.
Voice over: It is time to put everyone in their place. Time to pull out your last cards.

LiLeach and Dano at Misery Manor.
LiLeach: Are you really happy with Vicky? … it shows there is a huge valley between you, a wall bigger than the wall of China!
Dano: How can you tell if you just met me? How did you get to that conclusion?
LiLeach: In your eyes. Veekee’s eyes show a lack of happiness, and in yours I see a huge valley between you two.  Am I wrong?

Julio is apologizing to Eva for everything Veekee did to her, since she just told him. Eva says he is not the one to blame for any of that. He says he always thought Veekee’s obsession for Dano would twist her reasoning. So much that she accepted that her crazy mother would put a ton of sleeping pills in her coffee.

Eva: What are you saying? Then Veekee did not commit suicide?
Jul: No, it was a Machiavellian plan by Cruella to make everyone believe Veekee tried to kill herself. And the worst is that when Cruella told Veekee, Veekee was in agreement with the whole plan and continued on playing the role of victim.
Eva: And I felt so guilty, I even gave up on Daniel.
Jul: I too was horrified when I heard Veekee and Cruella talk about it. At that moment I realized how monstrous Cruella is and how obsessed Veekee was in retaining Dano by her side.
Eva: Yes, even trying to kill me. Now I regret having given in and even letting Dano convince me to let Cruella stay at the office. That woman is nuts!
Julio: You have to be cold as ice (implacable). Only being that you can succeed against your enemies.
Eva: Why had you not told me what Veekee had done?
Julio: You can’t always admit about your own child’s wrong acts.

Cruella is having some men bring furniture to make her office functional again.  Bruno tells her they are gathering strength again. Then he puts pressure on Cruella about opening the new modeling agency. She says be patient, dear, my dear son in law achieved to get her to stay and she wants to enjoy the moment. Bruno wants to know what is it that she wants to enjoy. She says to sabotage that arpia/harpy, to make her life miserable.

At the boarding house, Justa happily tells Marisol Ricky will be released tomorrow. No news about Tomas, only police are still searching for him. Justa says when she saw Ricky unconscious and wounded on the floor, she feared she would loose him and felt she would die too, at that moment she realized how much she loves him really. Marisol tells her she wishes them all the happiness with Ricky. Loud door knocks are heard.

At agency, Veekee is wearing a pretty light aqua dress, she will wear that for her commercial gig tonight. She loves her dress. She is with Bruno and Giorgio at the wardrobe room…Eva comes in and asks Bruno and Giorgio to leave.  Veekee does not want them to, whatever you want to tell me you can do so in front of them. Eva says ok, as you wish. And proceeds to spill her entire coffee all over Veekee’s dress. (all of viewerville is screaming at unison YESSSSS!!! Chupate esa!!!) Giorgio jumps and wants to go after Eva but Bruno holds him back. Veekee goes on tantrum and asks Eva why did she do that.

V: Are you crazy? Why did you do this??
Eva: It is the same thing you asked Claudia to do on the day of the awards. Remember?
V: What are you talking about?
Eva: And this is for having taken me to the woods and having tried to kill me. (SLAP!!!, Viewerville is jumping for joy again)
Giorgio holds Veekee back.
V: Let me Go!! Don’t you realize she is crazy?? She just wants to say stupid things…
E: It is not stupid things. You know I am telling the truth. (at this Giorgio looks back at Bruno as if doubting for just an instant that Eva would be lying).
V: IT is a lie! What you want is to ruin my reputation! But you will regret it! I will sue you for defamation!
E: Do whatever you want, Veekee. I have evidence.
V: Ah yeah? You don’t say! What evidence could you have??
E: Nothing less than a witness, your own accomplice, your ex-BFF Claudia! She told me everything!
V: Claudia could not have told you anything!
E: She came to my house and told me everything!
V: (to the men) Don’t listen to her! She is lying!!
E: The only liar here is you, Veekee! You made me believe you were helping me… and for what? So that I would not get to the awards show? Then you took me to the woods with a made up gig filming… so that you could kill me??
V: It is obvious you and Claudia have teamed up against me! But neither of you will be able to prove anything you are saying!
E: I don’t care. What I care about is knowing the truth. And if before I felt remorse that I was taking Dano away from you, I feel very at ease now, because he does not deserve a viper like you! (wait, Eva, this does not sound like a woman who does not want to even see Dano in a magazine ad, does it?)

Tony meanwhile somewhere else in agency is telling Alicia he wishes he were born again as someone else so she would trust him and notice/love him again. Alicia wants to leave but he grabs her again and says whether you want to admit it or not, I would be the only one that can make you happy.. Ali says don’t waste your time, I want nothing with you. Tony insists in saying he is sure, and is about to kiss her to convince her when Leo makes his entrance asking if he had bad timing… (do you need an answer to that?) Leo threatens Tony not to even look at Alicia again… When Leo begins to push Tony around, Alicia runs in between them and seems to be feeling things for Tony, she begs Tony to leave. HE leaves not exactly happy about it.

Ali: You have no right to demand anything of me!! You feel like you are free to propose marriage to my sister, but I can’t go out with whoever I want??
Leo: Here the problem is you are my woman! And I don’t feel like letting you make me look like an idiot out there!
Ali: What is the problem?? The only ones that know about our relationship are you, me and the wall!
Leo: Alicia!! The walls have ears!! And I don’t’ want you near Tony! And I want you to begin behaving like a decent woman, that is IF YOU CAN!

LiLeach arrives at the office and flirting greets Dano.

Justa opens her door and immediately puts a deer in the headlights expression, there in front of her is the ghost of Christmas past in the flesh!! (FINALLY!! the ROCK HAS COME BACK to THE BOARDING HOUSE!!)

LiLeach has come with her pictures and portfolio DVD for Dano. HE likes the pictures… she flirts with him, walking around to his desk and leaning in front of him, she wants to get stranded at sea again and this time she wants the two of them alone… no wife, no daughter, just you and me… (Eva opens the door and is not happy with the picture in front of her eyes)

Justa is still having a hard time processing the image in front of her. When he tells her he is Julio Arizmendi, she begins to scream that he is dead, she went to his grave.. he tries to talk to her but she begins to scream NOO NOOOO!!! And runs away.

Eva tries to keep a straight face to talk business with Dano and LiLeach, Dano tells Eva he just hired LiLeach for the shampoo commercial. Eva wants to override saying he can’t hire LiLeach all by himself, he says yeah I just did.
D: I am the creative lead and she is just the image I was looking for for this campaign.
E: She has the right image, but I am not sure she has the required talents. Even if you are an associate/stock owner, I am the majority owner so I have to respond for your stocks as well.
Lileach tries to make her exit, but Dano will walk her out, telling Eva ‘we will talk later’.

Julio tells Marisol and Adriancito that he has come back to return her past to Justa. They show questioning faces. Marisol and Adriancito take Julio to the living room, he gives them his fake name Vicente Olmos after almost slippign his real name to them. After insisting that he needs to talk to Justa, Julio learns from Marisol and Adriancito that Justa and Ricky are like Adriancito’s parents, that they got married recently and that Ricky is in the hospital. Julio is very impactado when he learns that Justa is married. That she finally agreed after Ricky begged and begged her. Julio tells Adriancito that he has not seen Justa in many years.

Veekee gives her ruined ‘perfect’ dress to Giorgio and asks both men for discretion. She says to Bruno that from now on Eva and her are official enemies, if I wanted to harm her before, now it has become an obsession. Bruno asks her if all Eva said is true. Veekee says yes.

Eva walks into her office smoking mad, mocking Dano’s words about LiLeach being perfect for the campaign… tells herself  ‘  Of course, since your marriage is not working, you are looking for a replacement… all men are the same’. Then she coaches herself that she cannot be feeling jealous of Daniel.. She is really anguished thinking about this.

Meanwhile Dano has taken LiLeach to go meet and greet Cruella. Cruella makes a good play asking for LiLeach’s parents,etc… they briefly talk about Julio’s death. Dano wants to take his leave, Cruella first thanks him for all his help and kisses him on cheek (YUKK!!) Isn’t my son in law wonderful? And very handsome! LiLeach agrees and says he is her angel because he got her a job. When Dano leaves Cruella asks LiLeach if she already saw Leo. (from the familiarity it shows LiLeach and Leo have known each other for a long time).

Alicia barges into Leo’s office to give him a tantrum about not allowing him to mop the floor with her (guess what girl, he has done that from the get go! Suck it up or leave!!)
Alicia warns Leo to be careful, there will be consequences.. she hates him!!

Eva is meeting with Deborah and is looking for a picture she wanted to show her first, but is so nervous and anxious about what just happened with Dano that she makes a fool of herself. Deborah says you are not at your best moment, we can always see this later. Eva volunteers info about her state of mind/emotion… and tells Deborah that Daniel hired a new ‘modelito’ without her consent. Deborah gets it right away from Eva’s facial expression… and as if her ears were ringing, LiLeach makes her appearance and asks Eva to talk to her… Eva says she is busy in a meeting, but Deborah makes a quick exit. Eva tells her she does not know what Deborah thinks of the pictures yet, Deborah says what I saw, I love… you have my complete approval… Bye…

LiLeach tells Eva she can sense she is in the middle of something (between Dano and Eva) so she came to show Eva her pictures and qualifications. If you know who is who in this industry, you should know who I am. Eva approves her hiring. But warns LiLeach that models come to the agency to work, not to flirt with other staff. LiLeach says no problem with me, I am used to see my lovers after hours, not during work hours. With that she leaves Eva biting her lip defeated.

Justa is in her bedroom looking at the pictures in her little necklace pendant asking very anxiously Julio… my only love… what is this my GOD?? He is alive!!... the great love of my life… he is alive!...

In living room, Julio has been looking at a photo of Ricky, Justa and Adriancito happy together and he tells Marisol and Adriancito that now he understands many things. And he finally gives in. but not before asking Marisol to tell Justa that he has spent the last 20 yrs of his life thinking about her.

Justa keeps talking to the picture and tells him she can’t come out at this moment, she does not want to see him, she is too impacted, too confused… besides, I believe it is too late for us… yes it is too late.

LiLeach makes it to Leo’s office to greet him. They greet in very smooch mode… The whole stranded at sea was planned ahead by them. Leo reminds her noone can suspect that he is paying her for being here and making a mess for Dano. She says she does not want either that her best friend Veekee find out, Leo says he does not see that friendship lasting longer, she says sure, but by then she plans on taking Veekees husband away and will have also helped Leo to get Eva to choose/accept him. They toast to their plans.

In wardrobe room, Tony alone is admitting to himself and reprimanding himself for loving Alicia… calls her his little queen.. he wishes he could start all over with her again. Veekee comes in… he gets really nervous, asks her when she wants him to take her to go record the commercial. Veekee asks Tony if he has thought about her proposal. Tony asks which one, to sleep with you or to kill Eva? Veekee says both… what do you respond? Tony says he might be a crook but not a killer. He can’t help her there, even if it costs him the joy of sleeping with her. Veeke sees he won’t bulge so she insults him calling him stupid and saying he will never be more than a simple driver and to carry her wardrobe. She orders him to take her friend to the hotel. Tony says didn’t you want me to drive you to the commercial shooting? Veekee says not anymore.

Eva goes to see Dano to tell him she approves his hiring LiLeach… She is sort of sarcastic telling him she approves…  He pulls her string saying the clients had already approved her.
E: So even if I had been against it, there would be no way to reject her anymore?
D: Exactly.
E: Don’t dare me, Daniel! Because next time I will not allow you!
D: Know what? In all this what I am not clear about (walks to her) is whether you are professionally offended or if you are just jealous.
E: Me jealous? Its been long since I felt anything for you.
D: Good! Because I don’t either.
E: Good!
D: Beyond good! (this in your face stare down looked like one that could happen in a high school hallway)

Veekee asks Bruno to take her to the commercial shooting, she is not so subtly insinuating herself to Bruno.

Marisol offers to go to the hospital herself to care for Ricky so Justa can calm down, but Justa says she would rather Marisol stay caring for Adriancito. Marisol tells Justa that from her conversations with Julio and herself, she knows there is a story with them that goes many years back. Justa tells Marisol she still is having a hard time believing he is alive. He is part of that past she has been trying to put behind her. And when she finally was able to, he comes right back.

Veekee invites LiLeach to have lunch at her house.. LiLeach is more than happy to oblige. At the house, LiLeach tells Veekee she is finally divorced… Veekee begins to admit that when you are newlyweds things look peachy but with time things change.  LiLeach admits to Veekee she is back in the market. ‘you know I am hot blooded, I need to be active’. Veekee jokingly asks LiLeach if now she is looking at Dano. LiLeach says no, but she is looking. Veekee wishes her luck (I would not be so quick to it Veekee)

Leo comes to Dano’s office… he congratulates Dano on hiring LiLeach… and begins to insinuate to Dano that he should pursue LiLeach, saying Dano has lost his ‘touch’ since he got married… Dano won’t have any and just says ‘see you tomorrow’.

At lunch, LiLeach turns the questioning on Veekee… don’t you have someone else? Veekee denies there being anyone… LiLeach asks wouldn’t Dano have an adventure here and there? Veekee says of course not… well, he did before we got married and that is the karma that follows me… that past is very close to him right about now… it is Eva… LiLeach wants details… Dano arrives. Veekee makes her exit… LiLeach does not waste time and tells Dano if Veekee does not make it back by dinnertime, won’t he go out to dinner with her. Dano tries to pass with excuse of work, will not finish until late, she won’t take no for an answer, she ‘always eats late’.

Leo comes to see Eva at the house… puts his moves on, plays the good friend and tries to get her to agree to go out to dinner with him by telling her she looks depressed, that he wants to see her smiling and happy. He is willing to play a clown act, tell jokes, recite poems, anything, as long as he sees her smile… She finally agrees and he is happy. (Darn Eva!!! You will be screaming later on… HE SLIMED ME!!! And you are no ghost-buster!)  Once Eva leaves to change clothes, Leo talks to himself that the 2nd step of the plan is on, tonight I will make you hate Daniel much more and I will convince you to marry me.

Veekee and Bruno are in car, she is recruiting him to join her team against Eva. At first Bruno says he is indifferent to Eva except Eva is peeking too much into his business. So he finally agrees to join Veekee’s team. Then he turns on the charm and asks if Veekee needs him just to work against Eva or for something else.

Justa keeps suffering, this time talking to an unconscious Ricky, that she needs him to help her get over this temptation/anguish.
Julio is thinking to himself that he needs to go see Justa again, they still have much to talk about.

At hotel, Bruno tells Veekee the commercial shooting has been postponed until morning but they don’t have time to go back home only to have to turn around and be here again by 6am. So they have to stay at the hotel tonight.

At dinner, LiLeach is poking Dano, telling him Veekee is jealous, but they have been friends for long, asks him if he is jealous, would Veekee be unfaithful to you? Would you be unfaithful to her? Dano wants to know where she is heading with the questioning…

Bruno has walked Veekee to her room… she at first rejects his moves… but as she is closing the door, she does not close it all the way and they turn on the moves…

(end of ep)
Previews show that Leo and Eva (with a stunning royal blue and black silk/satin strapless dress) show up at same place (part of Leo’s plan) where Dano and LiLeach are… LiLeach gets all over Dano, Eva suffers and they stare each other in the bathroom (they do look alike!)… Also that Veekee and Bruno turn horizontal.


Llena de Amor #136 (Mex. 141) Thu 2/24/11 Extra, Extra! Socialite Fedra Curiel Behind Bars!

Capitulo 141



A repeat from yesterday where the ladies run into the captain at the pension and think he’s a thief.

At RyD mansion we start where we left off the previous episode. Victoria flanked by Jorge and Brandon have come to accuse Fedra of fraud and stealing the mansion from Marianela with Fedra emphatically denying the charge. Emanuel recites a litany of Fedra’s crimes - at least the ones he knows about. “I have proof in my hands” says Emanuel. “You have no idea how much it hurts me to say this, but you if you committed fraud, mama, your place is not in this house” Emiliano says to a weepy pouty Fedra who replies “I didn’t sign anything! Don’t let them arrest me like a common criminal!” Accusations, disbelief, insults and histrionics ensue. Emiliano tells Brandon he can take Fedra. After Fedra pushes Brandon down when he tries to handcuff her, Eman himself takes the cuffs and puts them on a chastened (not!) Fedra. A truly poignant moment - and nice acting VL! Brandon escorts the witch out of the mansion.

“Wow - I can’t believe it!” declares Axel, “with what else can our mother surprise us!” “ I’m only here doing what justice demands.” declares VM. “This is something only Marianela herself can resolve and she should be herself” complains Emanuel. Victoria claims Marianela will be there very soon.

Benigno runs down to tell Tio Maximo the great news! The general orders his dress uniform be made ready: “I’m going to dress how I should to meet Marianela’s husband who along with Victoria de la Garza finally brought justice to this family!”

Back at the pension where the ladies were alarmed to meet a mysterious stranger. “So - you are really not a thief?” breathes Netty as she saunters towards el capitán. “No. Well, not until you appeared, beautiful lady” he responds and introduces himself simply as “José”.

Back at Muñeca’s - thank goodness Oliver only has a flesh wound. “How could this all happen just when Fidel and Flora has a free day?” wonders Muñeca. “What a coincidence, no?” She picks up the card with the address of Lorenzo’s supposed bachelor’s pad that Garduño gave her as a “consolation prize” in their game. She’s ready to take Manzanita and go check it out. Wait - it could be a trap warns Oliver and arranges a police escort.

Lorena brings Christian to Muñeca’s. Muñeca asks her to stay with Oliver while he waits for the ambulance. She’s going to drop the kids off at the children’s home. Lorena starts giving Oliver coquettish looks.

Back at la mansión RyD: “When exactly is Marianela returning” demands Emanuel. “I need to talk to her.” Victoria shamelessly hedges while Jorge looks around at the ceiling. Ilitia doesn’t believe these people, they must be pulling a fast one on Marianela. As a Señora RyD she’s ready to put the house in order and calls the servants. While Eman hides his embarrassed face behind the papers as Ilitia declares herself the lady of the house while Fedra is gone.

Back at the pension, Netty expresses amazement that after all this time José would return to his birth place. “Life is a cycle” explains el capitán. “I’ve returned to my birth place to close the cycle.” “Wow - did Mauricio really stand up Kristel at the altar?” asks Manolo. Doris and Gladiola are delighted to explain VM’s brilliant scheme. The captain overhears all the talk about the wedding. “Fedra Curiel again? I need to find out who this woman is!” he thinks to himself.

“Where is Victoria de la Garza!” demands Mauricio as he walks right into the pension (again!). “She’s not here and you leave immediately” says Netty. “You heard the lady - out of here!” says the captain. “Who the hell are you?” asks Mau. “I’m here to see Victoria whether you all like it or not!” Jose takes physical charge, mashes BOM’s (Big Orange Meanie’s) head against a post and then physically throws him out of the house much to the ladies’ delight. “Wow - what a man!” breathes Netty. “Just what I was missing in my pension!” “Of course, for when I’m not here” says Pacheco proudly. “Oh, of course, of course.” the ladies murmur very politely as they smile at each other.

Back at RyD mansion. “From now on I’m the one who gives the orders in this house. Understood?” declares Ilitia. Victoria countermands - “Marianela is the owner of this house, not you. Until Marianela returns I’m the one taking the reins of this house and tells the servants to retire.” “I’m the senora RyD - I have much more right than you!” challenges Ilitia and you’re just a trepadora (social climber). “Control your wife!” Jorge tells Emanuel. “This is my wife’s house and Victoria is her legal representative.” “If you want to be the lady of the house,” declares Victoria, “tell your husband to buy one and move there! But here, you don’t give orders. Understood?”

“Are you going to let that girl come her and talk to me however she wants?” demands Ilita. “Ilitia - recognize that this house doesn’t belong to us” explains Emanuel. “I don’t care anything about that disgusting fatty and her husband. I demand you kick this woman and her lover out of here - because that’s what they are.” “Be careful of what you say” warns VM. Ilitia starts obnoxiously listing all the men that she imagines Victoria must be sleeping with while Jorge and Emanuel looks at her in amazement and then Ilitia declares how VM doesn’t respect anybody. (LOL! - kettle: black!)

Oh wow - Kristel and Lorenzo are lounging in a huge jacuzzi - covered with bubble bath bubbles everywhere! Kristel is still bummed, but Lorenzo is doing his best to comfort her. Sure - he can spoil her, bring the champagne glass to her lips while he croons all sorts of declarations of adulation. But to prove his true love for her, she wants him to break with her mother. “WHAT?!?!” Lorenzo falls back in the tub in shock - soap in his eye LOL! But he tells Kristel - “dalo por hecho (consider it done)”. Kristel can ask him for whatever she wants. “Really?” says Kristel. “Then divorce Muñeca and marry me!” This leaves Lorenzo speechless.

Bernardo is at a distance, watching the door Lorenzo’s apartment building. “Now your days are numbered Lorenzo Porta-Lopez!” Bernardo cackles evilly. “Fedra is going to turn into a wild crazy woman when she finds out you brought that innocent little girl to your apartment. Finally, finally I’m going to destroy you. I’m going to do a great service to society. Definitely!”. Then he sees cop cars pull up at the front door. It’s Muñeca and her police escort including commissioner Tejeda. Oh - Bernardo loves this! “It’s over for you, Lorenzo!”

Back at RyD mansion. “No excuses Emanuel - kick her out of this house!” demands Ilitia. “I can’t do that.” answers Emanuel. Ilitia doesn’t buy this. “Oh - right, you want that Españolita here so she can crawl in your bed whenever she wants.” “Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” says VM. Then Ilitia goes off on a bender reciting a litany of all the men’s beds Victoria is likely to hop from one into another. “If you mess with me you’re going to end up losing.” threatens VM, “And there is nothing between Jorge and me.” Oh - Ilitia isn’t buying that either. Emanuel: “Ilitia, enough already!” “But look at these two, Emanuel’ declares Ilitia. “First this gal arrives and takes control of the agency, and then Jorge shows up, and here they are taking over the house! And look - a handsome man like Jorge who could have any woman he wants. He couldn’t be married to a disgusting fatty worth her weight in gold and owning all these businesses. So of course those two Spaniards are lovers. That’s perfectly clear to me! They’re robbing not only Marianela, but the whole family!” Ooops - rusty wheels start turning in Eman’s dense head.

On with the raid! The police enter Lorenzo’s apartment, with Muñeca behind them.

Back in the jacuzzi de bubbles. “Well you promised me before making love.” says Kristel. “Did you forget already? Is it Alzheimer's? You say you were willing to leave everything for me! Carry out your promise to me!” “Don’t manipulate me!” counters Lorenzo. “Listen - if you don’t do what you promised” taunts Kristel, “then this one time in the jacuzzi is it for us! You know how many guys my age would die to be with me like this?” She’s ready to be out of there. “No, wait my love!” begs Lorenzo. “It’s just that you are an improved version of your mother (yech!) and you drive me wild!” and smooching commences again. Perfect moment for the police and to burst into the room guns drawn. Muñeca follows them - “Lorenzo!”

VM meets with Eman in his study. (that dress top is a little small, girl!, you’re about to bust out) “Ilitia’s concerns are logical.” says Eman. “You two are taking over all this stuff, and where is Marianela? Neither you or Jorge are able to tell us when she’ll be here - give us an exact date. All our doubts will be gone if Marianela will just return and show her face. She better come as soon as possible, because if I discover that you and Jorge are stealing stuff from our family behind Marianela’s back, I’ll have no trouble sending either of you to jail!”

“Excuse me, but I don’t understand why Emanuel had to lock himself up with that idiot!” complains Ilitia. “What’s wrong with that girl - she wants to keep everything! The house, Marianela’s money, Brandon, you Jorge, my husband. But la golosa esa isn’t going to take him - nuh-uh!” Jorge is fed up with Ilitia’s endless rant and looks on in superior disapproval. “Will you just calm down, please!” he implores. “You don’t gain anything with these types of tantrums. If you don’t learn to control yourself, you could definitely lose Emanuel and that’s not good for either of us.” Ilitia starts to vamp: “Jorge, you can tell me the truth, are you Victoria’s lover? Are you cheating on la gorda with her? I can’t see how you would be in love with that disgusting fatty.”

“Listen, Victoria is nothing more than a friend right now, but that could change and it depends on you!” answers Jorge. “I don’t know what to do!” cries Ilitia. “We need to become allies”, says Jorge, “but if you keep acting so impulsively without thinking before acting, if you are unable to plan a strategy then you are of no use to me!” Ilitia: “But I’m desperate!” Jorge: “Look with these esthenas de thelos (jealous scenes) and tantrums you don’t gain anything. In fact, you lose more. If you don’t want to put your marriage in danger, from here on out, you need to do exactly what I tell you.” Ilitia is impressed with this intelligent dude! These appear to all be new concepts to her. Oh Sneaky Jorge, you’re really showing your true colors now! (and notice how Jorge never has anything nice to say about Marianela?)

Back at Lorenzo’s pad. Kristel and Lorenzo, dressed and somber, come out of the bathroom. Kristel is in her wedding dress again with veil draped over her arm - LOL! “Well, no police investigation needed here,” says comisario Tejeda, “but if Garduño contacts you again, please let me know immediately.” And over Lorenzo’s protests leaves with his policemen. “How shameless you both are.” says Muñeca. She can’t believe this nightmare. Kristel can’t believe Muñeca is in shock because she knows her husband perfectly well! The usual recriminations and excuses ensue with Muñeca upset about being Garduño’s victim while Lorenzo is off partying and Lorenzo getting a good slap for everything. Kristel doesn’t see what the big deal is that Lorenzo saw her grow up as now she’s a spectacular gorgeous woman. This super-flojera celosa business is too much for her - she’s out of here!

Teary discussion ensues between Muñeca and Lorenzo with a long litany of all the bad things Muñeca has had to put up with over the years and he earns another slap. He didn’t do this to hurt her - he just couldn’t help himself. Well Muñeca, hopping mad and ready to switch into revenge mode, heaps threats on Lorenzo while he looks dazed and mumbles “forgive me.”

Back at RyD mansion. “Until Marianela returns you both are not staying in this house!” declares Emanuel. Emanuel head spins in shock when Ilitia does a 180 and declares that she now understands - they can’t do anything against this. They need to accept it. “What did this guy (Jorge) say to you - eh?” Emiliano is totally suspicious. He’s not having any of this. Victoria and Jorge need to be out of the house. “Sorry Eman, call your lawyers or whomever, you won’t be able to make us leave. The law is on our side.” says VM smuggly. “Things are changing from this day forward, Emanuel, whether you like it or not.” “What’s wrong with you?” asks Emanuel. “This is not the way to do things Victoria. This is not in good faith.” Victoria turns into Nazi-VM, summons the servants and dictates orders above Emanuels protests. “Take everything of Fedra’s out of Fedra’s room and throw it in the trash!” Oooo - Delicia likes that!

“Are you sure of what you are asking us to do?” Paula asks Victoria. Victoria is not worried about the witch returning - she’s going to be in jail a looooong time. “Don’t do things this way Victoria!” begs Emanuel. Jorge explains condescendingly to Emanuel - “no, Victoria’s not doing it - the servants are the ones doing it” and tells the maids if they don’t do what Victoria says, they can leave. “Oh, right away señor”, answers Paula. “Con much gusto!” “So we’ve come to this have we?” asks Emanual. “Until the end.” answers Jorge. Nazi-VM declares that Fedra will pay for all the hurt she has caused this family! Ilitia asks Emanuel to let it go and how they’re only doing Marianela’s will and we have to respect la gorda now. “Now what’s wrong with you, Ilitia?” asks an amazed Axel. “She’s nuts!” answers Emanuel. “Wow - you changed ‘boom”’ just like that!” observes Axel. Victoria gets an inventory of who’s staying where and assigns bedrooms, assigning Fedra’s to herself and Jorge to Marianela’s room. “Hey, wait a minute, that’s been my room since....” yells Emanuel. “You two are married,” lectures a prim Nazi-VM while Jorge nods approvingly, “and your place is at your wife side.” “I’ll take care of it!” volunteers Ilitia excitedly, “I’ll move your stuff.” Everyone runs off to fix respective bedrooms.

“Not so fast!” Emanuel grabs Victorias arm as she tries to run off too. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what you are trying to do. What’s going on Victoria? Are you wanting to end our relationship? Marianela would never have done something like this.”

Fedra is behind bars still dressed for the wedding that wasn’t while Emiliano is reading her the riot act about all the shame she has brought to the family. Fedra goes into teary mode and denies all wrongdoing. “Everything I have ever done has always been for my children.” “¡Basta con la justificación! (enough with the justification!)” yells Emiliano. “You should always have been the owner of that house. Your parents should have left it to you, not to Luis Felipe and his wife.” wails Fedra. “You’re always pretending. Don’t you realize that I don’t believe you anymore!” yells Emiliano and calls for the guard to let him out. I’m going to pay for the services of a lawyer, he says, beyond that I’m not moving a single finger to get you out of here. “No Emiliano, please no! Fedra begs and cries as Emiliano leaves and then of course curses him once he is out of earshot. “Where’s Bernardo? - I need him. Well, even if the world abandons me and leaves me alone, it doesn’t matter.” - she saunters over to the cot flouncing her skirt like the queen she imagines she is.

Emanuel is still holding onto Victoria’s wrist. “If you don’t agree with how I am doing things, Emanuel” Victoria lectures “pack and get yourself and your wife out of this house.” “I’ve lived all my life here with my family - I’m not leaving.” he answers. “Are you really capable of kicking me out of this house after everything that has happened between us?” he asks her. “This is not your or your families house anymore Emanuel,” she answers. “ And if you don’t follow my rules you leave!” “Hmmmm - no! I need to speak to Marianela. She needs to know what you are doing because I’m sure my lovely gordita would never approve of what you and Jorge are doing.” Emanuel answers.

“I forbid you to call her ‘my lovely gordita’!” cries Nazi-VM “Don’t be such a hypocrite You have stopped loving her.” “Because I fell in love with you!” Emanuel yells repeatedly. And we’re back to the same, old, same old. “Don’t you dare to repeat all that stuff you told me in the hacienda and make me fall in your arms and take advantage of me” spits back VM. “It will never work between us.” Emanuel repeats his history of how he loved Marianela with his whole heart and soul and now he can’t believe it, but he has fallen even harder for Victoria. Of course VM doesn’t believe a word and insults Eman, and he responds with how he put everything into their hacienda encounter, while she was just messing around. “So, was I just another lover on you list, like Jorge?” That earns him a slap! Nazi-VM is mad now! “That was a mistake at the hacienda!” she cries. “Don’t you ever talk to me like this, I don’t believe a word you say. I don’t love you and you don’t love me!” ad nauseum. Emanuel - “I don’t believe you, you feel something for me, I love you like a mad idiot” ad nauseum. And since words don’t work of course has to go in for the forceful “convincing kiss” which, um, Marienela doesn’t stop right away....

A little break in the sturm und drang while Axel steals a kiss from a smiling Delicia. Delicia asks him if he is OK about his mom. Well the good thing in this is that we don’t have to hide our relationship anymore smiles Axel. Back to their smooching...

Hospital room with Oliver whose arm has just been patched up but he is waiting for the doctor before release. Lorena is in the room with him. “Are you still here Lorena?” asks a bewildered Oliver. “Oh - Muñeca told me I had to be with you all the time” answers Lorena. She has no where to go, doesn’t want to see anyone because of her shame in being Mauricio’s cousin, starts to cry, whining about how Alex and Delicia have been deceiving her lying about how they were going to get married. Gets a shoulder to cry on. And then, of course, she’s all over Oliver!

“Errrrh!” VM finally pushes away from Emanuel and demands he never do that again! “I love you, I love you, I love you!” responds Emanuel, “and from the way you just kissed me, I realize you’re the one who is lying. You’re just not brave enough to tell me to my face that you also fell in love with me.” A furiously mad VM pushes his shoulder out of the way as she leaves.

Back at the pension. Netty just gets off the phone. “Oh - you’re not going to believe this!” she crows to the ladies, “my niece and Jorge have just taken possession of the RyD house and Brandon arrested Fedra!” The ladies are delighted. “Today is the beginning of the end for Fedra Curiel!” declares Netty. José watches, curious. “I need to do an article for tomorrow’s paper says Manolo, and I have just the photo”. Jose overhears: “I am hearing so much about Fedra Curiel that I have the urge to meet her!” “Oh no you don’t want to meet her Jose, that woman is the incarnation of evil!” declares Netty. Manolo shows Jose the photograph. “Oh no, it’s not possible!” thinks the captain, “it’s Juana Felipa! She’s not dead!” Jose stares into space, impactado. “Are you OK Jose? you look pale.” the ladies ask. “No I’m fine, I think I’ll just go out for a walk and get for some air.” and the captain leaves. “Oh - that man gives me the shivers” says Gladiola. The ladies start raving how virile, etc. José is. “Gosh - he reminds me of the star of that telenovela” blah, blah, blah.....

Fedra posing in all her finery on her throne (prison cot) doing her Shakespearean Tragedy monologue. “I can’t believe my own son would every betray me like this! I should have died in the burning shipwreck with you in my womb along side your father José Maria Sevilla, rather than see this day. I’ll never forgive your betrayal.”

Emiliano walks in the pension to talk to Netty. “Who was that man who just left?” “A new renter.” “I want to ask your forgiveness as all the stuff you told me about Fedra was true.” asks Emiliano. He’s so sorry he couldn’t stop Fedra. “Don’t blame yourself, she was very able, she had even bought a judge!” replies Netty. They commiserate over the sordid family history of Fedra’s offenses. “And you know what, Emiliano, what hurts me the most, is that you never would believe me, but that’s all under the bridge.” Netty tell Emiliano. “That’s what I’m here about, Netty, now my children are well out of Fedra’s reach, and I’m going to start the divorce proceedings. I want to marry you as soon as possible!”

Avances - Jose comes to visit Fedra in jail and calls her Juana Felipa Pérez!


escenas de celos - jealous rants/scenes (or as Jorge says - esthenas de thelos)

berrinche - tantrum

dalo por hecho (dar algo por hecho) - consider it done; also can be to take something for granted.

flojero/flojera - boring, worthless

pasar el rato - to mess/fool around; to hang out (like with friends)

los escalofrios - the shivers

la golosa esa - that sweet tooth (person)

un aliado - an ally

las lonjas - love handles (rolls of fat)

Que descaro - what cheek, insolence, effrontery

Que poca vergüenza - what little shame


La Verdad Oculta EP113 02/24/2011 – Beware of the angry lion

* Hernández doesn’t understand a word that Juan José babbling so he rather leaves. Inside Leo’s flat JJ shows the photos and the letter to the cops and Leo recognizes Gaby’s shoes. When JJ mentions David’s disguise, Leo doesn’t understands anything either, but he gets angry at Blondie’s temerity. I told him it’s dangerous! Why can’t you two do follow my advises? JJ leaves hurriedly and Leo orders Ramón to ask Mauricio about the people who they met in Puerto Vallarta.

* In the study Julieta and Gaby assure their relieved father everything is okay, they love him. Group hug! *Viewerville: Awwwww.* In the meantime Ramón tells Leo the information he got from Mauricio. How strange, Édgar López showed up in Vallarta, then later JJ had problem with him when he and Zaida manhandled Caramelo, but he was the one who helped Yolanda and the kids to escape. Qué?

* Since the Genovéses have to decide what to do if Adolfo finds out what they did, David is going to meet a friend, a lawyer friend of his. After he leaves the enthusiastic girls say they would love to see the tunnel and their proud daddy shows them the secret door. There’s one tiny problem: Chicles followed them in stealth mode.

* Yolanda tells Leonardo how they escaped and she isn’t sure that poor Édgar survived the attack. Now Ramón has a new task: he has to investigate after beaten up Eddie.

* After learning from David and accepting the fact that EVERYONE, including Alejandra have known about the scam, Gaby asks him what the lawyer said. Well, he, Abe and Fausto will have to face charges, but don’t worry, they won’t end up in prison. He tells Gaby again that Fausto just wanted to protect her, and David asked him many times to tell her the truth. She admits she felt like a fool but she likes very much that David respected her father’s wish. Asunción shows up in the hall and the young couple tells him Mario died. Again, qué? Limón is shocked, but he doesn’t have to worry, “Mario” isn’t a ghost, Fausto took over his place.

* Julieta tells her father she always felt like she’s less important than Gabriela. No, no, no, he convinces Juli he loves both of them muchísimo. In the meantime little Hansel and Gretel enter the long, dark and scary tunnel. They are about to freak out when they arrive at the headquarters, where they discover and ruin the make-up room. In the bedroom Juli tells Fausto she wants to continue her studies. Proud daddy hugs her.

* Adolfo calls Mario and tells Abelardo he wants to speak with him in the villa. Great, this means Fausto has to disguise himself again. Since Gaby isn’t used to the Adolfo-FaustiMario battles yet, when she learns Adolfo is going to visit them she gets frightened. Fausto calms her down and asks her to accompany him to the tunnel house where they discover the mess the kids made. While Gaby helps Fausto she asks him about his acting skills and she’s very curious about his past in the theater… and her mother.

* Alejandra calls David, who tells her Gaby knows the truth at last, then she asks him about his El Feo outfit. What? David doesn’t understand anything either. *Viewerville: You all should create a Clueless Club.*In front of the Genovés villa Juan José warmly greets Jorge and Dora, he invites Jorge to accompany him, then thanks everything to Dora and kisses the old woman.

* At AFI Ramón tells Leo a strangled corpse was found by the police, and it seems the dead man is the one who was on the photo JJ gave them. Édgar was brought into a hospital but he wanted to leave despite his ugly injuries. And guess what who he met there? Susan Gómez, and they left the hospital on the same day!

* In the Genovés villa Abelardo tells Adolfo they are very tired with his visits and he’d better don’t make them call Leonardo. Dolphie smiles: calm down, Gordito (Fattie), calm down. In the study he asks Mario since when does he know about Fausto’s real identity and why didn’t he call the police? Mario laughs at his anger and tells him justice will defeat him soon.

* Hernández The Berserker breaks into Leo’s flat and since he doesn’t find anyone inside, he shoots the photo of Julieta and Paulita. Juli hears the shots and she hysterically calls Leonardo.

* When Leo discovers Hernández’s threat first he runs to check Julieta and to ask her to lock the door. When he arrives back at his flat he meets confident, amused Adolfo at his doorstep who came to talk with Faustiago. But what happened to Leo? Doesn’t Adolfo know? Somehow attacked him again! When Adolfo starts to call Santiago a murderer and fugitive Leo tries to attack him and tells him Fausto Guillén is out of harm’s way. And now get the hell out of here! After Dolphie finally leaves, the calm, cool policeman becomes a frightened, crying, raging animal. He’s fed up! Julieta could’ve been killed!

* In the Genovés casa Asunción discovers the kids are wearing make-up, wigs and a prosthetic belly, moreover, Chicles tells him a strange story about a tunnel. When Limón wants to scold him for lying, laughing Abelardo steps in and explains him the situation.

* Leo tells Julieta she has to leave the flat. And who wanted to kill him, Adolfo Ávila? Honestly, he doesn’t know. Speaking of our favourite Sith Lord, late in the evening Anonymous Ruffians have a secret meeting in a dark warehouse, where Édgar and Valentín want to negotiate Adolfo. Don’t be ridiculous, you are here to confess! He calls his gorillas, but instead of them a much uglier creature enters the warehouse: Hernández, his gun and his insanity that makes Psycho Eddie look like a soft, purry kitten.



Thursday, February 24, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #227-228 2/24/11 Tom's Smart Lunch, Omar's Stupid Lunch.

Capitulo 227.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Marcia chews out Fern for the photo with her cut out, and she says he’ll never grow up. Fern tells Omar to send him a picture of Lety.

2. Aldo goes to Lety’s office. She hides behind the desk and he chases her, so she hides behind the chair. He wants Julieta to teach him about mole poblano (Cd. Puebla claims to be the birthplace of mole).

3. Fern sits on a stoop and wonders what he can give Lety so she’ll see how much he loves her.

4. Fernando and Carla want the same cab. She offers to share. He puts her into the next cab. She prays that God would give her that man. Fern gushes to the cabbie about Lety in English.

5. Aldo says Fern distrusts him because he himself is untrustworthy. Omar asks Aldo to a business lunch.

6. Tom takes Marcia her tickets, etc. Marcia says it’s his fault she had friction with Lety (and who could she blame the last 11 months before Tom arrived?). Marcia charges Ali with spying on Lety while she’s gone.

7. Ali is hungry, so Tom tempts her with food. She agrees, as long as they’re not seen in public. The cuartel takes Lety to lunch and demands chisme. They want to know why Fern and Aldo fought. She says it’s because they’re both in love with her.

8. Fern’s new phone records voice so he pretends to be a radio dude. He says he met a beautiful woman and put her in another taxi. In other times, he would have not just joined her in the same taxi, but in the.. well, now he doesn’t want those complications. He prays to God to keep all the beautiful women away. He says, “I should’ve been a radio announcer.” Camil actually started in radio.

9. Omar asks Aldo to join him for a business lunch to close a contract, but there are no contracts and no clients. Aldo asks why he’s really here, just as two honies join them.

10. Carla joins the meeting, and Fern apologizes for his bad manners about the taxi. He finds out that she will be in charge of her campaign. She needles him, saying she hopes that the next time, he’ll be willing to share a taxi with her.

Capitulo 228.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The cuartel doesn’t believe that neither galán is interested in Lety, nor that both are, nor that just one is. Sara, Lola, Juana, and Paula abandon the table because they think Lety is holding back. They tell Marta and Irmita to desert Lety too. Marta leaves with them.

2. At the stupid lunch, Omar picks up Aldo’s cell by mistake. Fern calls, Aldo picks up thinking it’s his phone, and Fern sputters about Omar’s mission to keep Aldo away from Lety. Aldo hangs up. The NY executives are getting impatient for Fern to return.

3. Tom and Ali share a huge lunch in his office. Ali and Luigi realize Aldo’s not interested in them. They ask who Aldo really likes, but Tom won’t tell.

4. Omar tells Aldo he needs to travel to get Sr. Lara to sign the contract.

5. Not only did we have to listen to the stupid lunch. Ten minutes later, Aldo rehashes it to Tom. Tom tells Lety of Fern and Omar’s plot to keep Aldo away. Lety informs Omar she’ll travel with Aldo. Omar tries to hustle Aldo away, then tells Lety he’s already left.

6. Carla calls upon her psychology training and asks Fern if he’s stressed because he’s afraid of something. She offers to show him NY.

7. Luigi flatters Alicia into finding out from Tom who Aldo likes.


Eva Luna #77 Wed 2/23/11 May old acquaintance be forgot, and be forewarned of new ones

I did a lot of condensing and tried to keep the plot lines together. It is so hard to jump all over the place. I hope I didn’t miss anything. It was quite the night. Feel free to add or correct.

Eva and Julio are talking about the agency. He tells her if she lands this big account it will be a great achievement in her presidency at Arismendi. Then he asks her about her personal life and how things are going with Dan. She tells him she had to lie to him. She told him that Leo was Pablito’s father. Julio looks quite shocked at this news.

He asks her why she did that. Eva tells him she was afraid that Daniel would feel he had rights over the child. Julio asks her what she will do when her son asks him who his father is. Will she lie to him again? Eva looking sad says “Please don Julio don’t make me feel bad.” Julio tells her it isn’t him who is making her feel bad. She is doing that by herself. Eva with tears in her eyes says “You are right. I was acting very egocentric with Daniel and the boy. They both have the right to know who the father is. But for now I want to keep it a secret.”

Don Julio tells her he imagines that Leo was overjoyed to assume the paternity in front of everyone. Eva tells him she knows he has told her to be careful with Leo but he has been very good to her. He even offered to marry her. (see above picture for repeat look on Julio’s face.) He doesn’t agree with this one bit and tells her so. Eva tells him not to worry she told him no. Julio is relieved.

Daniel has gone to the school to get Laurita. As they are walking she asks him what is wrong. He looks sad. He tells her nothing his wrong. She smiles and warns him he will turn into Pinocchio and his nose will grow for telling lies. He smiles and thanks her for making him smile. Then he tells her he hasn’t been having a very good week.

They continue walking and Laurita tells him she hasn’t had a very good week neither. Dan looks concerned and asks her if something has happened at school. She tells him no, but she has really missed him. Very sweet little scene. She tells him he is the most beautiful father in the world. He tells her she is the most beautiful person in the planet. She asks them if they can take a trip and if she can bring Adrian. He tells her sure. Than she asks if Eva can come. Dan looks at her sadly

Jacky is doing something with a potted plant and Fran happens by. He offers to help her and Jacky isn’t having any of this. He starts to walk away and I think she cuts her finger or something on the leaf and Fran walks back to her aid. He grabs her finger to take a look and uses his lips as a band aid.

Marisol and Alicia are poolside. Marisol can’t believe that Leo has asked Eva to marry him. Alicia is all ticked and tells her she is the same stupid person as always. Marisol asks if she has talked to Leo or Eva about this. Alicia tells her she can’t talk to Eva what would she say “Hey Eva are you and Leo lovers?”
Marisol tells her that probably would not be the right thing to say but she needs to tell Eva that she cares for Leo. That she has been seeing him and that she loves him. Marisol is certain Eva would understand.

Fran continues is “first aid” with Jacky and Laurita rushes up smiling and greeting them. They both seem a little nervous as they awkwardly greet her. Laurita tells them to never mind her and continue with what they were doing and starts backing away telling them she’s just a ghost and was never there and splits.

Dan and Laurita are now in her room with Chico. Dan asks her if she is sure she wants to stay at the boarding school. She looks sad and tells him yes, it is for the best. She changes the subject and says “Don’t get mad but guess who came to see me?” She tells him it was Eva. Dan tries to appear neutral about this. She asks him not to be mad about this or get mad at Eva. He tells her he isn’t mad with her or Eva. Laurita smiling tells him they had the best time. Then she looks sad and says “There are days I feel all alone at school.” Dan asks her if she has friends at school. She tells him of course, but she misses home, Jacky Fran her dog and him. She tells him she misses the good night kisses he use to give her. He sweetly kisses her head and tells her he has an Idea “Lets get away and go out on the yacht.” And Chico is even invited. Next thing we know they are out on the water with Laurita as “First mate.”

There are some really cute bonding scenes with the three of them having a great time.

He reminds her about the time when she was little and took her life jacket off and fell off the boat. Laurita laughs and tells him she remembers how she saved him like Tarzan. She tells Dan she is very happy because Eva is back and that she came to see her at school. He tells her that Eva really cares about her. Laurita says “And I care for her. It would have been great if you guys got married.” Dan tells her she is right “It would have been great, but it never happened. And it never will.” Laurita rolling her eyes now asks Daniel if he could divorce Victoria and marry Eva. Dan tells her that Eva has a child and has made her life somewhere else. She tells him she knows he cares for Eva. Dan firmly tells her to stop, this story no longer exists. Laurita does the cute little lock the mouth with a key and says “Okay I won’t say any more. If it makes you sad I won’t talk about Eva any more.”

Tony (Who I guess is no longer fired) is carrying packages into the house for Victoria. He asks her where he should put them. How about the bedroom.

Laurita is taking a little nap and Dan is looking out at the water as he says “Laurita is right. We all feel alone. Her at school and me married and more alone than ever. Victoria and I are growing further apart. Victoria does her own thing. This is nothing more than one sad family.” (or something like that)

I am going to condense the next few scenes. Dan spies a stranded boat in the water. Some hot looking women just happens to be all alone in the middle of no where and has run out of gas. Dan being the great guy that he is becomes her guardian angel and happens to have a gallon of gas for her. Dan wants to know why a woman would be all alone in the middle of the ocean. They chat. She flirts. Her name is Lilly Solis. They have drinks. She toasts destiny for putting him in her path. They discuss how hard it is to find true love. She notes that he is married and he nods his head yes. They are interrupted by Laurita and Dan calls him over to her. Lilly comments on how pretty she is and Dan introduces them. Laurita introduces Chico. Lilly sweetly approaches them and starts petting Chico. She tells them she loves animals and is studying to be a veterinarian. Laurita asks if she could check Chico out. More chat and it is time for Lilly to go. But not before she lets Daniel know where she is staying and to call her if he should need anything.

We also have interspersed scenes of Tony and Vicky in the bedroom. She has become all seductive and asks him what he would do to go to bed with her. He hems a bit and tells her he would do anything. He asks her where he should start. Her price is to help her destroy Eva. (Or end her)

Deb comes bearing gifts for Pablito.

Every one is happy to see her except Tia Matilda. They have a short knowing look with one another.

Alicia continues her rant about Leo. She tells Marisol that she feels like Leo likes Eva. That’s what makes it so awful that what they have is nothing more than a fling. (Actually what she said was “Nothing more than a game played in the bed“) Marisol “the wise one” tells her that a man doesn’t go out with some one for that long and not feel something for her. Alicia tells her she wishes that was true but she doesn’t know. Marisol asks her what Eva said. Does she want to marry him? Alicia tells her no but “What if she accepts? I will go nuts. I love Leo. I Love what I have lived with him. How can I continue to live here with out him”

Leo calls Dan’s house and Jacky answers the phone. He asks for Dan and she tells him he is on the yacht with Laurita. That’s why he couldn’t reach him. He tells her he will call him later.

Deb gives Eva the gift for Pablito. Tia continues to look upset. Eva tells Deb she shouldn’t have gone to all the trouble. Deb assures her it was no trouble. She tells Eva her child is endearing. Tia is thought bubbling “Oh my god, make this woman go away.” Eva tells Deb she loves her son a lot and has never been separated from him. Furthermore nothing on earth would cause her to leave him. Tia continues the dirty looks and evil thoughts as she thinks to herself “ Don’t you dare tell Eva that she is your daughter.”

Deb returns the look as if she can hear Tia’s thoughts.

Eva tells Deb that Aunt Matilda knows how much her and Alicia have suffered because their mother abandon them. Deb staring at Tia tells Eva “I can just imagine.” Tia stares back. Eva says she would never leave her child and she wouldn’t let anyone take him from her. Deb tells her she is in total agreement and there is no pain greater than having a child taken away. Tia is looking quite uncomfortable at this time as she continues feeding Pablito. Eva asks Deb if she has children. She tells her she had two. Eva asks where they are. Deb stares very hard at Tia who is sporting a very guilty looking face.

Eva asks again, what happened to her children and wants to know if they live in Los Angeles. Deb tells her they do, but sadly they are distanced from one another. She shoots a look at Tia and Tia has turned a bit green around the edges. Eva tells her she is sorry and wants to know if she can be frank. Deb tells her of course. Eva then says “Why don’t you look for them and see if you can work out your differences?” Tia is quite nervous now. Deb asks “Do you think I should do that?” Eva tells her “It is your responsibility as their mother to get close to them no matter what has happened in the past. Don’t you think?” Deb shakes her head sadly in agreement.

Ricardo is telling Justa that they will get a social worker to help them out with the Adrian situation. At that moment Adrian pops his head out and excitedly asks them if they want to play bingo.

Deb asks Eva if she would forgive her mother if she came back. Eva tells her no. Their case is very different. They weren’t fighting or having disagreements. Her mother left them as if they didn’t exist. Deb tells her that surely her mother has an explanation. Eva tells her that her father told them what happened. And even if she came back crying and begging she would never forgive her. This causes Deb to break down in tears. Eva looks up and asks her why she is crying. Deb says all of this makes her very emotional and suddenly leaves. Eva gets up to go after her but is stopped by Tia who tells her it is Pablito’s bed time.

Laurita knocks on Fran’s door. He seems to be doing crosswords. She asks him if he would mind taking her to see Adrian. He tells her he doesn’t think that is a good idea. He tells her Dan might get upset. Laurita tells him Daniel gave her permission. Fran reluctantly agrees grabbing his jacket and wondering why women are as they are.

Eva is telling Tia that she feels like instead of helping Deb in finding her children that she scared her with her own story about her mother. Tia is brushing it off telling her it is probably best if she doesn’t bring that subject up again with Deb. Besides she is a good friend of Marcellas and she could tell Marcella their intimate details. Eva tells her she isn’t worried about that. Deb seems very professional and respectful and would never share Marcella’s evil ways. She tells Tia that she likes Deb. Tia looks away and is at a loss for words.

Fran makes one final attempt to dissuade Laurita from going to the pension. He makes up a story about having to do an errand for Dan. Laurita calls him out on this lie and tells him he just doesn’t want to run into Marisol. She calls him a coward. He tells her he isn’t a coward and he isn’t afraid. She says, than lets go. Fran reluctantly opens the door for her as mutters “I don’t know why women treat me like this.”

The happy bingo game is interrupted as Thomas comes swaggering in saying he is looking for a little brat. Adrian looks petrified.

Brave Ricardo tells Thomas that he won’t permit him to take Adrian. All he wants to do is exploit and abuse him. Thomas yells back “What’s it to you. I can do what ever I want to this brat. Get over here now!!” as he yells at Adrian. All the ruckus has caused Marisol Alicia and Tony to come rushing in. Ricardo tells Marisol to take Adrian while he straightens this mess out. Thomas is huffing and puffing and reaches in his pocket and pulls out a gun as he yells he is taking the kid.

Pandemonium breaks out as everyone starts screaming. Ricardo yells “You will have to take him over my dead body,” Thomas yells back “That’s okay by me you idiot.” Even Tony gets in the action as he yells at Thomas to stop. Ricardo tells him to let the kid stay with them because he doesn’t love Adrian. . Thomas yells “Why should I love that brat. He is not my son!!!” Justa and Ricardo both looked shocked to hear this.

Justa wants to know what he is talking about. Thomas says “Just what you heard. My woman was stepping out on me. This brat isn’t my son. That’s why I hate him and want him to suffer.” Ricardo shouts back “Well now more than ever I won’t let you take him. You will have to kill me.” Thomas taking aim shouts back “Well you won’t be the first one I’ve sent to the devil” and shoots Ricardo in the chest.

Justa is hovering over Ricardo’s body and Adrian crying goes over to Thomas shouting “Why did you shoot Ricardo?” Uncharacteristically Tony is between the two of them bravely trying to keep Adrian from harms way. Then Thomas freaks a bit and starts aiming the gun randomly around the pension.

Just when things don’t look like they could get worse, Fran and Laurita walk in and spook Thomas as he turns now and aims the gun at them.

Marisol finally approaches him and pleads with him to not cause any more harm and put the gun down. He continues waving the gun and shouts “Don’t any one move!!” and splits. We see Justa lying beside Ricardo and everyone else hovering in shock. (Some one please dial 911)

Someone must have finally dialed 911 as we see Ricardo being carted off by the ambulance. Every one is now off to the hospital. Justa in the ambulance and Tony tells Alicia and Marisol they can ride with him. Fran asks Marisol if she wants to go with and she turns and tells him politely no thank you. Fran says okay then and grabs Laurita’s hand to leave. Poor Adrian is left alone crying.

Laurita stops Fran and looks over at Adrian. Fran tells him everything will be all right and he can go to the hospital with them.

Good news. Ricardo will make a full recovery. We see everyone from the pension hanging out in the hospital waiting room. Tony approaches Fran and says “You’re the millionaire that married Marisol. Right?” Fran replies “You’re the guy that invited Jacky to the movies. Right? You never called back,”
Tony remarks what a small world.

Renata tells Eva she has a visitor. Eva finds Claudia waiting in the living room. She curtly asks her what she wants. She tells Eva she needs to talk to her. She has a lot to tell her. Things that Victoria did against her. Eva tells Claudia that if she remembers correctly she is Victoria’s friend. Claudia says she was her friend. Their friendship is over. That’s why she is there. Eva wants to know why now she has decided to come and tell her about the things Victoria did to her. Claudia tells her that she just found out she was back and “Oh by the way congratulations on the perfume thing and the agency presidency.” She tells Eva she also knows about the inheritance Julio left her that should have gone to Marcella. That’s why she is there. Eva is suspicious and asks if she wants money for her information. Claudia assures her that is not the case. What she has to tell her is free of charge. “You will be very surprised to hear what Victoria did to separate you from Daniel.”

Eva tells Claudia to sit down. She asks her if she came because she was sorry or if wanted vengeance against Victoria. Claudia tells her it is for both reasons. She continues, not only against Victoria but her entire family because they all caused her a lot of harm. Eva asks her why she thinks she would believe her.
Claudia tells her it is because she simply wants to tell her the truth. She continues “From the first moment that Victoria suspected you had something to do with Daniel she did a lot of stuff to harm you and to try and separate you from him.” Then she brings up the night of the awards and informs her that it was her that ruined her dress because Victoria told her to. We get a flash back of the disguised Claudia throwing juice or something all over Eva’s dress. Eva has a hard time believing this because she was so kind to her.

She also tells her about the bogus modeling shoot when Victoria drove her out to the woods. Eva can’t believe that she was in danger all that time More flashbacks as Eva remembers Victoria’s strange questions about fidelity. Her intention was to kill her. Eva asks if they were all alone how come she didn’t kill her. Claudia starts to tell her that just as she was going to shoot her someone intervened. At that moment who should walk in but the lying lizard Leo.

Claudia looks quite spooked, but Eva tells him it was a good thing that he is there. Claudia greets him coldly and Leo tells her he is surprised to see her there. She snidely smiles and says “I can imagine.”
Leo says he didn’t know they were friends. Eva tells him they aren’t but she came to tell her all the bad things that Victoria did to her while she was working at the house. Leo looks a bit concerned. Eva tells him she told her about the time in the woods when she was alone with Victoria. She tells him that Victoria had every intention of killing her but something stopped it. Leo has a flashback of this incident. Eva then tells Claudia to finish her story. Claudia now shaken says someone intervened but she doesn’t know who it was. Leo gives Claudia the stare of death.

Tia Matilda interrupts and tells Eva that Pablito is ready for bed. Claudia is surprised to hear that Eva has a child. She tells her yes and now she has to go see him. She asks for Claudia’s phone number so they can continue their conversation. Claudia is more than happy to give it to her. Leo stands with arms concerned and eyes crossed. Oh I mean arms crossed and eyes concerned as Claudia gives Eva her card. Leo tells Eva to go to Pablito, he will see Claudia to the door.

Claudia attempts to leave and tells Leo not to bother she knows the way. Leo quickly grabs her and tells her she isn’t going anywhere. Leo is strong arming Claudia and telling her she is about to enter the mouth of the wolf. Claudia is trying to free herself telling him she is not afraid of him. Leo quite angry asks her why she didn’t tell Eva it was him who intervened with Victoria in the woods. She tells him because she knew he was still living there and Eva trusts him. For the right price she will keep her mouth shut. She tells him to meet her at her house and they will negotiate the fee. She tells him if he doesn’t she will tell Eva everything. Leo is not pleased as he kicks the chair after she leaves.

Renata shows up at Julio’s place. He thanks her for coming. Julio tells her Justa hasn’t shown up yet. She informs him that she passed his message on to Justa but she had no interest. Julio tells her if she won’t come to him he will have to try a different tactic. Renata looks worried and asks him what he thinks he might do. He says if the mountain won’t come to me then I will have to go to the mountain as he picks up his address book. He hands it to Renata and tells her to put Justas address and phone number in it. Renata backs away and tells him no way. He looks at her and tells her he isn’t asking her he is ordering her to do it. He tells her not only can she but she has to do it. She continues to refuse and Julio is not taking no for an answer. He asks her if she would rather continue to feel responsible for her mistakes. She finally takes the book.

Renata tells Julio not to go see Justa. If she didn’t come there it was because she had no interest. He tells Renata that he has the address of the woman who he has loved most in his life. He tells her that her and Marcella destroyed the happiness that they had. At that very moment we hear Eva coming in Carrying Pablito. She sternly looks at Renata and asks her what she is doing there. Julio tells Eva to calm down as he pats Renata as he walks by. He tells Eva she is there because he asked her to come by as he goes over to Pablito to play with him. Renata is taking all this in. She finally says goodbye and leaves.

Eva is concerned that it might be a bit dangerous that Renata knows he is alive. Julio assures her that Renata has to long of a tail to go stepping all over it (tiene demasiada cola que le pisen,) and it isn’t convenient for her to say anything. He knows what he is doing. He continues his sweet playfulness with Pablito. Eva puts him down and he is standing. Julio is pleasantly surprised to see that he is walking.

Eva now tells Julio about her visit from Claudia. She tells him that she told her about all the awful things Victoria did against her. Julio can’t believe that Victoria would try and kill her. Eva tells him that jealousy makes people crazy. Eva admits that she knew from the beginning that Victoria was Daniel’s girlfriend and she should have never gotten involved with him. Julio tells her that nobody steals some one else’s love. If Daniel was interested in her it was because he was not in love with Victoria. Eva tells him “ For all the damage he has caused me it would have been better if I had never met him.” She says the best thing Daniel did for her was to give her Pablito as she gently touches his head. Julio asks her if she has finally gotten Daniel out of her heart. She tells him the love has turned to hate and all she wants now is for Daniel to pay for the death of her father.

Tony and Alicia chat. He tells her it is times like these that bring people together. Alicia tells Tony that there is nothing between them. Tony tells her they can start over. Alicia says no way. Tony tells her he is crazy in love with her. He tells her he is so in love with her that he is willing to forget all about her and Leo. Alicia walks away. Tony reminds her about the first time they met on the bus. The Alicia that came to the pension. The Alicia that was his. She tells him that Alicia no longer exists. Tony tells her she owes it to herself to find her. He tells her he really misses her. She walks away from him.

Marisol and Fran have a moment together. They discuss the bad luck at the pension. Fran tells her he didn’t come just for Laurita. He was curious to see her. Fran tells her they still have something to deal with. She tells him she knows. That’s why she went looking for him at his house. Fran is surprised to hear this. She tells him Jacky said he was at work, didn’t she tell him. Fran tells her no.

Dan and Victoria are at home. Victoria wants to know how his day went. He tells her he was on the Yacht. Victoria tells Daniel that she spent the day with her mother trying to calm her down. She was really mad because Eva kicked her out of the agency. She tells Dan her mother told her he was there when all this went down. Dan tells Victoria that he told Eva he didn’t agree with her but Marcella wasn’t doing anything to help matters. She was insulting and disrespectful. Victoria can’t believe that Daniel would be on Eva’s side. Daniel with drink in hand and an exhausted look on his face tells her this wasn’t the case. The deal is Eva has all the power now. They have to accept this. Her mother continues to goad her and confront her and these are the results. He tells her that he did talk with Eva and insisted that she let her come back. He tells Victoria that he thinks he convinced her.

Victoria doesn’t look pleased but fakes it as she smiles and tells Daniel thank you. She then says “Don’t you realize how much she hates us and is trying to destroy us? But I know we will all be united and will put an end to her.” Daniel continues drinking and looks very forlorn.

Victoria tells Dan she has a great idea so they can spent a few days away from the city. She has a commercial a few hours away from LA and afterwards they can spend a few days alone in a hotel. Daniel tells her that is impossible he is very busy and can’t get away. Victoria continues to beg and Dan tells her with all the changes now he can’t possible get away. She smarts off and says “Your right, probably when you got back your office would be vacated as well” (I think that is what she said.) Daniel has a look of shock on his face.

She quickly changes the subject and tells him she is going to take a bath and tells him she invited a friend over for supper. She hopes this isn’t a bother. Dan tells her of course it isn’t a bother. Guess who Vicky’s good friend is. Lilly Solis. She happens to be a model and is in town. Dan is quite shaken to see her.
Victoria is clinging to Dan and smiley proudly telling Lilly she told her he was handsome. Lilly smiles back and agrees. Victoria tells her she is very jealous and won’t let another woman near him. Lilly tells her she understands perfectly. An uncomfortable Dan offers her a drink. Victoria doesn’t miss a beat and asks Dan if everything is all right. Dan lies and tells her that her friend looks like some one he knows. Victoria tells him that it has to be someone else and that Lily is a model from New York and is looking for work.

Victoria is selling all of Lily’s fine points as a model. Daniel’s sold as he tells them they are looking for a model for a shampoo commercial. He tells her if she is interested to come by the office for an interview. Of course Lily is interested. Victoria smiles and thanks him calling him an angel. Lily is also smiling as she watches Victoria walk over to Dan.

Dan, Victoria and Lily are now in the living room. I think Dan is telling them that Eva has the final word about her working there. Lilly wants to know who Eva is.

Dan and Lily are alone now and Dan asks her why she didn’t tell Vicky that they knew one another. She tells him she knows how jealous Victoria gets and didn’t want to make things difficult. Besides the important thing is that they are together once more. “You helped me out before and now your going to help me find work.” Dan thinks about this for a second then tells her it will be a pleasure to help her out. She gets up and moves closer telling him. What ever happens happens, but the pleasure is a guarantee. Lily asks Daniel if he is really happy with Victoria. Dan wonders why she would ask such a thing. She tells him she noticed the coldness between them. It’s like the great wall of china is between them. (una pared del tamaño nurall china/ literally, a wall the size of rural china.) Daniel asks her how she could say something like that since she only just got there. How could she know he is not happy with his wife.

That’s where we end but I have one more interesting picture for everyone. So are we coming to an end soon?


La Verdad Oculta #112: So much clearer from the bottom of a bottle

Adolfo's goon drags Bertha from her hotel-room party before anything happens. In their bedroom suite, David soberly assures Gabriela that tomorrow a lot of things are going to get cleared up. In the penthouse, drunken Adolfo's just scolding drunken Bertha, when he suddenly can't resist her plea that she feels so terribly lonely.

When she cries on his shoulder, he's forced to point out that Bertha misses Carlos -- which she tearfully admits. She misses Carlos's loving care; which Adolfo, gently patting Bertha's face, sadly acknowledges is something he himself can't provide, especially lately.

At Bertha's question, Adolfo reveals he has loved someone in his life; bitterly he tells her even though he seems like a monster, he can care. He thinks she wouldn't understand, but Bertha begs him to explain. Choked up Adolfo explains with difficulty that he wound up like this because of a very hard life.

Bertha rubs his shoulder and murmurs softly in sympathy, as Adolfo wipes away tears, remembering since he was a child he lived in a cruel, perverted atmosphere. He turned into something awful, and it just did not have to be that way, Adolfo grits out.

Encouraging him to continue, Bertha caresses the back of his head to calm him down. Adolfo regrets things like that ever happen to anybody, to turn them into something like him. When Bertha asks if Yolanda has anything to do with it, he explains she is just another victim, like he. And to ask whether Yolanda was his lover is a ridiculous question.

Adolfo reaches for another glass of wine; and Bertha wraps a friendly arm around him and pulls him back into her embrace, where he touches her face and then gruffly insists his abuse led him to fight everyone who was out to harm him, to beat them and be in control of his life himself. Do what he himself wants!

Whether someone believes it or not, he doesn't like being that way; he just has to do it. And Yolanda stayed with him because she's good -- which tipsy Bertha acknowledges -- and because her spirit wasn't broken by the same abuse.

Repeating Yolanda's name, sobbing, Adolfo declares she is the woman he loves most in life! Bertha sympathizes and rubs his back reassuringly when Adolfo continues more brightly that Yolanda loves him back, too! Even though he doesn't deserve it. She loves him -- and just for that he's going to leave her all his money!

Bertha laughs and responds, hey, wait a minute! She thought he was supposed to leave all his money to her! Both laughing they fall back on the sofa, with Adolfo admitting, well, yes. He is going to leave Bertha a whole lot of money, so she can do or have anything she wants.

They have a good drunken chuckle, their heads together, Bertha's arm around his shoulder companionably. Next morning, Adolfo's ready for business, drinking hair of the dog, when he comes downstairs to take a call from Édgar, who feigns loyalty and promises he has proof of who stowed a corpse in Adolfo's back seat.

Édgar claims he only broke into Garnica's email account to spy on Dante, who ordered "Silverio" killed -- who was in fact, Carmelo. Édgar can offer Adolfo some other goodies, if he agrees to meet him at the warehouse. Back at Mario's, Gabriela has her fateful meeting with both Santiago and "Mario."

She unwittingly provides the catalyst for Santiago's courage to rise by shouting a fevered testimony to the power of Santiago's fatherhood, that Mario will never take that place! Immediately, Santiago stands and begins to remove his disguise to amazed Gabriela.

Gabriela takes the news very well, with Santiago the more tortured, as he explains the entire story finally to her. However, the notable thing Gabriela takes away from the revelation is a renewed insecurity that Mario forced David to marry her -- and that she's not sure David really loves her and wanted to.

Back at the penthouse, Adolfo receives Édgar's second DVD, showing Dante's town car entering and exiting the Sagittarius parking deck. Over at Dora's hotel room, something has moved her to finally talk and tell her story; and Jorge convinces her to go to David's and speak to him first.

Outside Mario's office, Gabriela braces David with her doubts; and though he tries to convince Gabriela he sincerely loves her, she exits with her doubts intact, with David left to worry he's lost his wife now that she knows the full truth. At some penal institution, the big gates open and a pair of legs shuffle through.

Panning up, it turns out to be the real commander Hernández, heading across town to his first stop at a tavern. Coincidentally, Édgar and Valentín patronize the same establishment and recognize him immediately. When Édgar braces Hernández at the bar about how he got out so soon after the fight with Juan José, of course the real Hernández has no clue.

Back at David's he fills Abelardo in that Gabriela knows everything, but now doesn't trust him again; and he could lose her. At the bar, Hernández explains that due to a prison attack, he has had problems with his memory. He doesn't know who Adolfo or Dante are, but is definitely interested when Édgar mentions Leonardo.

Hernández is surprised to hear he worked with Adolfo from the penthouse and crossed paths with Leonardo. At David's, he and Abelardo grill Santiago over what he could have told Gabriela to make her doubt David; and Santiago strenuously denies he told her anything but the truth. He didn't badmouth Mario, but didn't sugarcoat it either.

When Gabriela appears at Julieta's with yet another revelation, Julieta can hardly believe there's something more. She's shocked when Gabriela explains what she just learned from Santiago. At the bar, after learning Édgar and Valentín's respective stories, Hernández decides he'll hang with them and do some crimes together.

He may have forgotten Adolfo, Dante and Genovés; however, Hernández menacingly vows, he'll never forget Leonardo! Back at Julieta's, she can't convince proud Gabriela to just tell David she loves him; but does get her to agree to dwell less on the past and go on about her life with him, loving him as before.

At David's, he's ecstatic to see Dora and happy she wants to come forward finally; but informs her things have changed in regard to Carlos, and her testimony would implicate him -- so she shouldn't give it now. He also fills Dora and Jorge in that Gabriela knows everything.

On a busy street, Édgar reports phone confirmation to Valentín and Hernández of the warehouse meeting with Adolfo that night. At Alejandra's architectural studio, Mina gushes her total infatuation with that sweet hunk Carlos; but reports they haven't done the deed yet.

Meanwhile, down in the apartment parking lot at Leonardo's, Hernández is keeping photographic tabs on the policeman's comings and goings. At an elegant restaurant, Carlos and Mina share dinner, and Mina looks even more fabulous than usual. They converse companionably.

Carlos is enjoying his new job out from under Adolfo's thumb and wonders at all the years of abuse he endured just to have work and things. When he points out he's just doing what he can to help Juan José & Co. -- and Mina offers in turn to help Carlos in any way she can -- Carlos wistfully ponders why she couldn't have come along before.

She's so pretty and classy and kind, he observes. When she asks if that's different from Bertha, Carlos looks off into the distance and says he can't deny that he still thinks about Bertha; but when he does, he feels a deep hurt. Bertha is a good person at heart, Carlos says; but ambition has caused her to lose everything.

Carlos admits he still loves Bertha -- and that he felt something very strong for her. But he's not going to see her. Then he quickly assures Mina with a smile he's there with her now. He wants to be with her and she with him, as they kiss. Later in a darkened bedroom, shadowy figures of themselves make love while the sexy theme song plays.

At Juan José's, he and Alejandra cuddle in the sack and murmur about Dora's happy return, but realize she can't spill her story now. Next morning, Juan José runs out after telling Lucha he's meeting with Leonardo. Presently, slightly ahead of Juan José, smarmy Hernández hulks around Leonardo's apartment door, fingering his revolver.

When whistling Juan José approaches and greets him familiarly -- wondering why he's in his killer disguise -- Hernández is confounded and taken by surprise.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #37 2/23/11 A Truimph of Revelations

I started nodding around 7 tonight, so I will be recapping in the "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" style. (Often ignored in college Lit classes, but well worth the study.)

  • Os is revealing to JP that Leonela Montenegra is indeed alive.
  • Vic and Toni (not to be confused with Cagney and Lacey) are still on the trail of Maria Desarreglada. They are disgusted to learn she works at the seedy bar in which they are standing. RandomHO comes up and says she knows where Maria Desarreglada is.
  • JP mentions that if Os is still married to Leonela, then he isn't married to Vic (hmmm. JP has been reading our comments.) Os says, no. A divorce was granted immediately. She's in jail...for killing her lover. I told Max she was dead. She's never going to get out. Jamás (which means either someone is releasing her right now or she's escaping as we speak.)
  • Vic and Toni have found María Desarreglada and she's pretty beat up. (But her hooters are fine. Whew!) Mi hija! and sobbing.
  • Os asking JP: "now do you understand?" His cell rings and OMG it's NOT LindaHO. It's Burnie with a follow up threat. Vic's got amantes! Os is all "nuh-uh" and hangs up. 
  • Burnie thought bubbles: Stupid! You will both get what you deserve.
  • Eva is climbing a dresser of doom looking for evidence. Way at the top she finds a black box of...crap. Nuthin'.
  • Os is wondering aloud to JP "Qué the hell con tu mamá? JP says something in defense of Victoria and Os says "You talk as if you've known her for a long time."
  • Back at the hovel, it's decided that María Desarreglada will go back with
  • JP recovers quickly and mentions that Vic has confided a lot to him at confession (?) so of course he knows a lot about her. "Besides", he says "who are you to judge?" (I think he may have said "Mr. I can't keep it in my pants" but I can't be sure.) Os leaves and JP prays that peace returns to the family.
  • At the Casa de Modas Max and Maria share hallway smoochies and Pip catches them. But it doesn't matter 'cause they've "gone public."
  • In comes Jimmie and she is super PO'd. She practically attacks María. Max steps between them. Jimmie tries to convince Maria, Max (and probably herself) that Max still loves her, Jimmie. He's just trying to get revenge for her supposed (psh! REAL) cheating. Jimmie will do anything to keep Max.
  • After Max and Maria (M&M) leave, Pip tells Jimmie to just quit. NO! She says. Max is mine!
  • Max comforts Maria.
  • Eva is still looking around and finds of a picture of JP's bio dad and the wife (Burnie's first victims.) Turns out Eva is the sister of the wife and she has sworn vengeance.
  • Burnie goes on about flames of hell, sinners, blah blah. She gives Fausto important instructions.
  • Jimmie is throwing stuff around and cursing "that damn Orphan" (The working title of that broadway hit "Annie".) Ofelia enters and I'm pretty sure there was talk of working together to control or do something concerning Gui. (I need some gap filling here.)
  • We are magically transported to Acapulco where M&M are enjoying a romantic dinner. She wonders what will happen. Max says they will get married and be happy of course (yeaaahhh, riiight. Eventually, but there will be some interruptions.) Love talk and a brindis "to our love." (Enjoy that wine Marí're gonna be preggers soon if you aren't already.)
  • At Toni's house, they are caring for Maria Desarreglada. Vic asks Toni how she felt when she hugged the girl (since, you know "the call of the blood" is sooo much more accurate than DNA. Twit.) Toni says she felt something at that they probably have found the right girl.
  • Gabi and Fer are discussing the gardener and Fer wants to teach him a lesson.
  • Vic and Toni decide they don't need to call a doctor, but they'll watch her tonight. Vic says she needs to take care of a few things, but she'll be back. After she leaves Toni thought bubbles: "All I felt for the girl was pity." Methinks Toni doth doubt.
  • Fer and Jardinerito are talking about horses and riding and such. Something about her wanting to learn to ride a horse. She set him up for an insult. I pretty much missed the whole conversation. I'm thinking the conversation was a very double entendre kind of thing. Cruz fusses at him self for being so stupid (bruto.)
  • Milagros and LindaHo are shopping for the wedding dress. LindaHO has on quite a monstrosity. She wants a Victoria Sandoval. Milagros balks at cost and JuanJo isn't made of money. LindaHO doesn't care...of course.
  • Fer still complaining about Cruz. RTSB shows up.
  • Millie and LindaHO on the way home. Millie can't believe LindaHO didn't like any of the dresses. LindaHO says she's going to get married in a dress she likes. Napo and Cruz show up. Cruz asks LindaHo if she is sure about getting married. She says she is. They vaguely threaten her.
  • Fer is whining to RTSB that all he ever wants to do is know...She wants romance. Maybe a rose or a serenade. RTSB laughs. How old fashioned! He invites her to his apartment. The two get in Fer's car and leave.
  • Fausto meets Pimp on the street and beats him up as payback for JP's beating.
  • Maria Desapmarada daydreams. Jimmie comes in and tells her Maria will not take her man. She calls her an orphan and says even her parents didn't love her. ouch.
  • Max at church FF>>
  • Jimmie and MamaRox show up at Vic's office. Jimmie whines that M&M when public and they are going to marry.
  • Boxing lesson with church kids. FF>>
  • Jimmie, MamaRox and Vic still pow-wowing. Vic asks Jimmie "Did you cheat on Max?" Jimmie says "May my mother die if I'm lying...I didn't!" (priceless look from MamaRox.) Vic tells Jimmie that Max is very sure there was some cheating and that if that turns out to be true, Vic is gonna be her worst nightmare.
  • Max visits JP at the Cruz Roja and tells him he finally came clean about the romance. He says mom wasn't happy, but that he loves Maria and no one will keep him from her. 
  • Cue the kayak
  • Vic encourages Jimmie to use her womanly wiles to seduce Max. (I hate Vic a little more each episode.)
  • Os visits LindaHo and is shocked to learn Maria lives there. At the same time Max is coming to call , too! 


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