Thursday, March 24, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #71-72 3/23/11 Stuff Happened, But I Was Distracted By the Cruz and Stripping Priest

Short, sweet and sans snark tonight, folks. Again, I've organized more by plot-lines more than actual order of the episode.

From last night:

  • Cruz sings to Fer. Fer smiles. I swoon for the first time. 
  • Vic and María stand off. María sees the-doll-that-trumps-DNA.
I shall begin with the minor players:

Fausto and Eva- "Tenemos que vengarlos" (We have to avenge them!)
  • Eva is concerned about Fausto's growing crush on María. As she tells him to get his emotions in check, Fausto continues to touch the cheek that María touched. (I suspect he will not wash it any time soon. I'm having a Marsha Brady/Davey Jones flashback.)
  • Eva tells Fausto  not to get his panties in a wad about Vic's mistreatment of María. Eva thinks Vic will be a help to them in their plan to avenge his parent's death. Poor Fausto is looking more and more like a pawn to me.
Fer and Cruz- "Por qué le pasó a ella y no a mí?"(Why did it happen to her and not to me?)
  • As Fer was getting on her horse it just took off like the devil was chasing him. Cruz finally rescued her, but her ankle suffered a minor injury.
  • Cruz takes her back to Casa Sandoval and berates himself for letting Fer get hurt. He fears she will never forgive her. (I swoon a second time.)
  • Jimena bad-mouths Cruz. Fer gives her an "eat mierda and die" look.
  • Vic, true to form, wants to fire Cruz. Fer asks Max to intervene. Cruz is given a reprieve, but Vic tells him "one slip up and you are outta here!"
  • Later that night Cruz, in full Charro gear, serenades Fer (I swoon a third time.) Vic sees it, but doesn't go nuts like I thought she would.
  • Oh. Fab serenades her later that night. (I puke the first time.)
Nati and Fabián- "Necesitaba hablar contigo" (I needed to talk to you.)
  • They tell each other that they are just friends. Nati loves Juan Jo. Fab loves Fer. (I puke a second time.)
Napo and Milagros/JuanJo and the bottle/Nati and JuanJo-"¡Es un niño!" (It's a boy!)
  • La viuda de Israel (Israel's widow) comes to visit Milagros and hear all about the resurrection. While there, she goes into labor. Nati knocks on the door and is ushered in. She is to take care of JuanJo while Napo and Milagros go to the hospital.
  • While at the hospital, Israel's widow pants and screams. 
  • Napo and Milagros play the part of comic relief. I'm sure they say a lot of funny things, but the surgical masks impede my comprehension. 
  • When Nati leaves Juan Jo's bedroom to take the call from the hospital, Juan Jo sneaks into the living room and grabs a bottle (Qué the hell? Why is it still in the house?) He locks himself in the bedroom and drinks the whole bottle.
  • Later in the episode, he has made a near miraculous recovery and he tells Nati to forget about him. 
  • Nati says she will wait for him no matter what. (Book smart, yes. Emotionally smart, hell no...and I puke a third time)
  • I'm pretty sure Nati and JuanJo have a theme song. Fab and Nati never did. I am really mad.
Guest Appearance-María Magdalena
  • I thought it was random, but during the episode Vic was talking M. Mag on the phone. If I understood correctly she is now working in Tija and has a new man. She can't wait for Vic to meet him. Vic warns her about being used and abused again.
Now, for the important stuff:

María Desamparada/Embarazada
  • She gets a new job attending to the ladies bathroom at a restaurant. She cleans. She hands out paper towels for tips. She slips, falls and is knocked unconscious as she cleans the mirror.
  • She is discovered by Padre Juan Pablo. Nati had given him the address of María's new job and wanted to assure himself she was ok. He holds her and prays and monologues. Please someone, tell me this reminds you of a famous picture. I thought La Pieta by Michelangelo, but that's not quite it. I know I've seen this tableau before. Heavenly lighting from above.
  • She doesn't lose the baby, but she is woefully lacking in nutrition and she does risk losing the baby which brings us to....
  • Nati begs María to tell Max about the baby.
  • Soberbia, thy name is María Desamparada
Padre Hottie and his Madre-"Qué has hecho?" (What have you done?)
  • Because of María's accident, JP decides to leave the priesthood. He dramatically removes his priestly garb and I am sorry, but I just found it hot. Lord, forgive me I swoon a fourth time (I may have panted a little, too.) 
  • Bernarda comes in and sees her son without his robes and flips. She needs him to pray for him she says. "¡Para salvar mi alma!" (To save my soul!...too late, bruja.) She yells that he prefers that bastarda over his own mother. She threatens him, but he says nothing will stop him from helping his daughter.
  • Later he has an interview with the bishop, who grants him a temporary vacation from his vocation so he can help his daughter.
Padre Hottie and his Hija- "Mi madre miente." (My mother lies!)
  • María tells him about her conversation with his mother and how Burnie won't reveal who her mother is, but that she abandoned her blah blah blah.
  • Padre assures her that is not true.
Burnie- This portion of the recap brought to you by the letters B, S and C
  • She confronts Padre Jer. 
  • Padre Jer says SHE pushed JP to this decision. He tells Burnie Maria Desamparada needs JP now more than ever. 
  • At some point Padre Jer says "I never burned anyone alive" and gets slapped twice for his troubles.
  • Jer begs Burnie to bring herself closer to God and she spit out that she will never help a sinner. They are all to be punished. 
  • Later at her house she is flashbacking and spouting the same maniacal, biblical blah blah as always, but this time there is a more sinister air to it all and Eva is worried. She ask Doña Dementa what she's up to. Burnie only replies "Eso es un asunto mío" (That is my business)
Max, pobre Max-
  • Cruz begs him to make María tell him the truth. She needs him now more than ever.
  • Max discovers María's new job was working in the bathroom...and that she had an accident and didn't show up for work.
Max and María
  • Smoochies and love talk
The Cliffhanger
  • Soon after the rent man leaves the apartment (Nati and María are two months behind) Max shows up.
  • He looks pretty mad. "Why didn't you tell me things were so bad?"
Cue the Kayak

  • Burnie spills the beans about Octavio and lights matches!
  • Vic slaps Max and tells him "María or me" !
  • Is Jimena going to run over María with her car?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Llena de Amor #155 (Mex. 172-173) Wed 3/23/11 Blood And Secrets A'Plenty Are Spilled But Hope Springs Eternal

(...but you missed half those secrets if you only watched the Univision version.)

Dicho of the Day: Lo que es para ti, nadie te lo quita; lo que no, simplement se aleja.”
No one can take away that which is truly yours; anything else will fade away.

And that's basically our story, isn't it? The Human Condition(Sorry Balzac, you said it better.) These confused, often annoying Llena de Amor characters are fighting against their Destiny. Striving for what is not to be, ignoring and mistreating that which they are destined to embrace. Turning away from the good and true; running after the false and harmful. But keep hope, readers and viewers. If we can survive this two-fer-one marathon 'till the end, we'll see Virtue rewarded, Evil punished and a big lovin' spoonful of Happily Ever After.

In the meantime, we still have to wade through a whole lotta dreck so let's get started. (And don't expect different colors for deleted parts. I'm in nooooo mood.)

Lowrenzo is advocating the abortion, adding helpfully that Fedra will rip the whelp out of Ilitia with her bare hands if she finds out the bebito isn't Emanuel's. Strangely, this doesn't change the Princess' mind. Don't make me lose it, papa, por favor, she pleads.

Back to the Estrogen Mob in Brandon's office. This time it's Oliver barricaded behind the desk. With a whole lot of “Orales” he herds them out one by one, with sassy Fedra being the last to go. Leaving Gretel, his carmelito de limón, and another stab at reconciliation. Which bombs because next Kristel sashays in the door, clutching and sniffing (what IS it with these olfactory scenes?) Oliver's jacket and chortling that she slept with it all night so her pillow would smell like HOMBRE. Gretel storms out leaving Kristel to gush that Oliver is so sexy when he's mad. Oh my.

More Estrogen Wars outside Emanuel's cell but the troops have shrunk to Fedra, Muñeca and Netty. Fed is claiming her rights to see him as M.A.D.R.E. Netty sniffs that she's not worthy of the name (a ti te queda grande). Brandon arrives, is dismissed by Fed as having not enough authority to even direct traffic. But our boy rears up and fires back that he's just learned there's been a homicide and el Lirio de Plata may be implicated.

In the holding room, Emanuel's having one of his interminable thought conversations with Vicky (forgive me flaquita linda blah blah) when Gretel arrives to tell him she believes in him, she loves him but hey...are you actually el Lirio?

Meanwhile, stupid annoying idiotic dopey self-righteousVicky is still hanging around the judge's office, murmuring" no puede sers" and getting her fingerprints all over the evidence. Even Brandon can't help pointing out how she's contaminated the homicide scene. Surely you can't suspect me, she whimpers. No, but it looks like you're an accomplice and that you arranged for the judge to be killed to hide the secret of your dual identity, he and Oliver warns. (Throw her in the clink forever! With a gag. I side with Fedra on this one.)

Back at the mansion, Low wants to exit but not without providing Ilitia with some sisterly companionship. Make up girls, he pleads with Kristel and Ilitia and settle into that true blue friendship you once had. (Best part of the scene? When Kristel starts to hug him and he jumps back like he's scalded. Yep, incest can really kill the mood.)

And speaking of mood killers, Mauricio appears. Sitting beside Fedra at the jail, he informs her that Lorenzo sent him to see if she needed anything. And to plot together on bringing down Victoria de la Gartha.

Meanwhile Boss Low has a park rendezvous with “dar su merecido a esta persona (Brandon)”(give him what he deserves) for daring to sully his daughter's womb.

Brandon has hauled Vicky into his office and is fending off a fluttering indignant Netty who KNOWS her niece is innocent. Fedra waltzes in.
B: Señora, you can't just walk in like that!
F: Oh...I just did. And I don't need your permission escuincle (kid). Now bust my son out of jail. Clearly he's not el Lirio de Plata. Lirio killed the judge. And SHE (pointing at Vicky) ordered him to do it.

While Kristel and Ilitia continue to squabble, the former suddenly realizes that the baby isn't her brother's but rather Brandon's. Uh oh.

More uh oh's. The bad vibes in Brandon's office has brought on a Vicky asthma attack. Fedra, mockingly wheezing herself, exits in triumph with further proof that Vicky is actually Marianela. And while the latter sucks on her inhaler she manages to stammer out that la Gorda must return. (Can't wait.)

Fedra has finally bullied her way into to seeing her chiquito Emanuel but the reunion isn't going well. He refuses to let her implicate Vicky in Judge Pantoja's murder and notes that José will back up his innocence. Mamita wants him as far away from Chema as possible but without a “razon de peso” (good reason) to back that up, Emanuel refuses.

Mientras tanto, Chema's having a heart to heart with Bernardo over drinks at the cantina. Not sure if he can trust his old buddy. Of course he can. Bernardo is a “perro San Bernardo” (ah, symbolic name) and he'll stand by el Capitán “hasta la muerte” (yikes, foreshadowing for sure.) THEN TELL ME WHETHER OR NOT EMANUEL IS MY SON. To twist the screw a little further, Chema reminds him he spent 25 years in prison for a crime Bernardo committed.
Lord! Brandon's office is a busy place. Mauricio now storms in, vowing to sue Vicky for defamation of character, alienation of affection and false promises. No one escapes the “largo brazo de la ley”. Vicky calls him a patán (jerk) and an imbecil and slaps him a good one. Fine, now he'll add assault and battery to the charges, with Brandon as witness.

Mientras tanto, Emanuel's little hamster is taking a few test runs on the wheel. Mom, you tremble and get nervous whenever you hear José Sevilla's name. I know you. He must possess some secret about you. Fed automatically pulls the Mother Card and sniffs about how unjust and undeserved these vile suspicions are.
E: Stop using Love as an excuse for everything.
F: I suppose you'd rather have someone like Muñeca (insert sneer) for a mother.
E: Mom, you're talented and intelligent...but you've used that talent and intelligence to hurt others.
F: How?
E: Marianela.
F. Pshaw! She always plays the victim.
E: Well how about Gretel? Axel? Tio Max? Papa? Do you want me to go on? Yes, “me da mucha pena ser tuyo.” (yes, it really hurts me to be your son.)
Brandon brings Vicky into the holding room and Fedra makes her exit with a baleful glare and the hope that Vicky will rot in prison. (I'll drink to that!)

Vicky's her usual sweet self. Rejects Eman's offer of family lawyer (I don't your help, I have my own) and Brandon leaves the two lovebirds together, hoping that one of them will say something incriminating. Instead, it's the same old drill. Eman talks about how much he loves her (querer). She says he only cares for himself. Let's compress these scenes and get 'em over with. They storm some more, then the love talk begins. She caves. Admits she loves him too and since he's promised to be the best father in the Universe even if divorced from Ilitia, she jumps on board and wants to be married as soon as possible. Above discussion ends in smash-mouth kisses. With a lot of squinching by Eman as he suddenly remembers Ilitia's threat to harm the baby if he leaves her. So he backpedals and sez no can do on Marriage until after the baby is born. And Vicky returns to Rant and accuses him of deliberately seducing her into admitting her love so that he could then reject her.

I'm sooooo sick of this. Aren't you? Honestly I just want to vomit, every time I hear the Vicky/Eman plaintive violin theme music.

And I wish that were all the ugliness of the evening but it's not. There's still the Axel-hole Delicia Alfredo Fettucine mess to deal with.
Delicia is down in the kitchen acting very Lord of the Manor and ordering Nereida to do her laundry. Nereida's refusing naturally. Alfredo arrives, Delicia grabs an iron frying pan (shades of Emilia!) and wants to know how he managed to get those filthy photos and write those incriminating lies on her back. More on this later.

Kristel and Gretel are having a sisterly spat over Oliver. The latter warns that Olly will betray Kristel at the swish of a skirt. No way, Not with the super-hiper-mega wild love we're making, simpers Kris. Doorbell rings. Doctora Chelatina to the rescue! (is there some play on the slang word for “beer”? It seems to crack up everybody when they hear it.)
Whoops. We're back in the kitchen where Alfredo is sneering that De shouldn't regret the ruin of her marriage. All he did was save her from that inútil Axel. (y'know, he has a point.) She wants to know how she slept through the staged seduction. He gives her credit for being intelligent in addition to being pretty but regrets that her drug-induced stupor kept the encounter from getting any more interesting. And moves in for a kiss. Lots of “suelteme's” and an indignant Axel-hole who arrives to huff that he's caught them at it again!

With Gretel and Paula barely suppressing grins, the Doctora quickly gets to work, dismissing Kristel as an chronic schizophrenic rabid autistic hysteric (take that girlfriend!) and herding Gretel to a chair. Firmly placing her hand on his knee (physical contact is important chula!) Olly/Chelita then insists that Netty is very worried about Gretel.

Back to the kitchen. Axel-hole is dismissing De as a “cualquiera”. Alfredo sneers that he should leave them in peace. I don't give a damn about your relationship (me vale) but at least respect my house and take your cositas to a hotel. But Axel, I'm your wife! begs De. Don't remind me! Worst mistake I ever made, sneers the little snot. And pushes her back into Alfredo's arms.

Much more affectionate tussling going on with Gretel and the Doctora. Every time she tries to get up he pulls her down. So then she suggests they go to the boarding house. Oh no...with that “olor a comida casera...guacala...que asco!” sniffs Chelatina. Better here. Lots of stroking and hugging and “just get it out, honey” and clearly Gretel is having a hard time playing this straight. Grins keep slipping out as Oliver fools with her hair and reminds her he's not charging a thing for this psych session!

Suddenly Axel and Alfredo burst into the foyer, trading punches. They break apart and Alfredo throws Delicia over his shoulder, evidently ready to make good on Axel-hole's hotel suggestion. In a split second, Chelatina rolls over the coffee table (this one is worth rewinding the tape), pulls a gun out of his purse and assumes the stance.

Caras impactadas all around. Mine included. That roll over the table was sensational.

Okay, we're now slogging on to the next episode. I've already covered the Vicky/Emanuel tiff so let's get back to Gretel and Doctora Smallbeer. “She's” explaining her firearms skills with a class she took to protect herself in manicomio (insane asylum) work. Whatever. De just wishes her husband had the “pantalones” ….er...”falda” to defend her like Dr. Chelatina did. Olly does a little friendly meddling, assuring Axel she can see he has an anger problem but that little gal really loves him. Axel brings up the lover on the eve of the wedding calumny. Chelatina opines that his dysfunctional family spends too much time believing groundless gossip and closing the door to Love. Gretel hauls her therapist off to Netty's boardinghouse.

And at the pensión, Netty is lamenting to the hungry lawyer that her angel of a niece couldn't possibly be guilty of the judge's murder. Pacheco points out that being found at the scene of the crime with a corpse looks kinda bad. Chema and pirate music theme arrive. Pacheco exits. Tender reassurance that José himself will keep Fedra from harming Netty's niece. Ready to seal it with a kiss, the rascal! Which is interrupted by the arrival of Gretel and Doctora Chelatina.

A better interruption back at the mansion. Fedra arrives, finds De in the foyer thinking things over and goes about sending her back to the servant's quarters with the rest of the hoi-polloi. And while you're at it, move my things up to my room, she tells the assembled staff and throw all of Vicky's crap (tiliches) in the garbage. She's going to rot in jail for the rest of her life. No way! A new stronger Emiliano has arrived. And he'll throw Fedra herself out if she makes trouble. Nereida, who sticks up for Fed, is invited to leave as well if she's not happy. Way to go Emiliano! Now please keep it up! (no pun intended).

Lots of hand signals, eyebrow wiggling and mouthing of words back at the pensión to make Netty understand that she and Chelatina are old friends and the psych has indeed been hired by Ernestina Pavón Romero to straighten Gretel out. Gretel, in a little sidebar conference, wants to ask Netty if Chelatina is gay. Netty assures her Chelatina is a babe, practically a runway model, who's had a slew of lovers.

Pacheco drifts back in, gets a glimpse of Chela's backside and is beset by Desire. Que Hembra (what a female!) er...Mujeróna (bodacious woman), he amends. Hand-kissing and invasion of “espacio vital” ensues. Brandon arrives and Gretel wants to know if he's acquainted with the therapist also-- her being such a great, long-time friend of Netty and all. Hasty pantomime and Brandon plays along. Right up to admitting Chelatina was his first lover and might have been his last, had he not learned she'd been sleeping with every bozo in the neighborhood. He gets mauled and pinched and hugged a bit for old times sake and thank God. Without the wonderful physical comedy of Oliver in this one, this episode would have been dreary indeed.

Some other scenes in between enjoying the Chelatina by-play.
  1. Fedra muses, after Emiliano's righteous exit, that no one will depose her from her throne. Much less you Emiliano.
  2. Vicky snipes at Jorge, whose lisp seems more annoying than ever. He proteths that he never betrayed her, he just used those papers to get the fingerprints and then nasty ol' Fedra cheated him. She wants him to get on the next plane to Madrid; he insists that he's staying in order to save her and besides, he really really luuuuuves her.
  3. Vicky has another dreary soliloquoy about how every man she trusts betrays her in the end.
  4. In his cell, Eman thought bubbles that even if the whole world perishes, he and Vicky will be together.
  5. Brandon and Oliver are in their room now with Olly kicking off the shoes, peeling off the fake nose and fretting about how to get Gretel back. Brandon recommends staying out of Kristel's bed as a start. But they have to hang onto Kristel so she'll tell 'em all she knows about Mauricio's dirty dealings.
  6. Emanuel and Vicky communicate through bars. He wants her to understand why he can't abandon Ilitia right now and how much he needs her support. She whines.
  7. Ilitia arrives with a sandwich and drink for her baby and “hasta en la sopa” (even here!) she's dismayed to find Vicky lurking nearby.
  8. Vicky opines that Ilitia is insupportable now that she's pregnant. Eman tells Ilitia to go home. She fakes a faint. He relents and they play kissyface through the bars. Vicky reminds herself to imprint this painful picture on her brain so she can stop loving Emanuel forever!

Let's have some fun, shall we? There's a great scene between Fedra and Kristel. Will the Univision Hacks delete it? (Yes, indeed they did.) Kristel, in a very hawt peach-colored skimpy frock, is set for another night of rape and pillage among the hombre set. Mom wants her to stay home and guard her reputation so some young man of good family will consent to marry her, in spite of the barren womb. There's always adoption, after all. And she wants her to have a happy marriage like Eman and Ilitia. Kristel snipes back that their marriage is as phony as this cheap purse. And by the way, Ilitia was thinking of aborting the kid. Whaddya think of that? But if you want to know more, you'll have to ask Ilitia. And she waltzes off. WELL AT LEAST WEAR A SWEATER! wails Fedra.

God, I love that. A sweater and mittens and boots as well, Kristel, 'cause guess who's waiting outside the door ready to slime all over you? Yep, the omnipresent Mauricio. He's talking sex, punishment, more sex, more punishment and after he gets her back to his pad, hits on the winning argument....Victoria seduced me by promising me control of the agency. That's the only reason I dumped you, mi amor. So together we can get her back. Just the turn-on that Kristel needed. Passionate kisses are the order of the day.

Extended bloody scene of Brandon being pummeled by a series of thugs while Lorenzo watches from a parked car in the garage. Enough of that. No need to linger.

Short scene of Gretel overhearing Ilitia and Fedra's discussion of Vicky's incarceration and Emanuel's imminent release. She dismisses them both as “viboras”. (Can you tell I'm getting tired after slogging through my second full episode. Jeez! Of course you're probably getting tired of reading this.)

Now Fedra gets down to business with Ilitia. Her daughter-in-law (nuera) is a fraud. How dare she think of aborting that baby and doing away with Fedra's “blood”. It's not your blood! stammers Ilitia. And now she's really in for it.

Have to admit I rather enjoyed seeing Fefdra knock her around, pull her hair and just generally scare the bejesus out of her. (And Univision drastically cut this scene also.) The pummeling and tussling follow them up the stairs to Ilitia's room, with the princess bleating that she was lonely, Eman was obsessed with Victoria after all and....well.... he didn't take care of her.

Fedra's not impressed. What good is that body of yours if you don't use it to seduce your husband and drive him wild? she sneers. My son could have had anyone but you didn't know how to win his love. And know why? “Cause you're a stupid, bratty little ninny of a “maldita zorra” who's just prey to her instincts. (Not a bad summary after all.)

Ilitia swears that her affair with Brandon is over. And gets a lip-bleeding smack for her pains.

Meanwhile, Vicky tosses and turns on her lonely jail cell cot and dreams of Ilitia and Eman (inexplicably attired in a fur-trimmed parka) billing and cooing over their baby's hospital crib. She lurches up, horrified, and suddenly Eman is behind her. He's filched the keys from the guard's pocket and is ready to bust out of there. Taking Vicky along. She refuses to go. But wants to know if he's really el Lirio de Plata.

Back to Ilitia and Fedra. Peace is being negotiated. Ilitia wants to keep the baby. It's Low who's insisting on an abortion. Fedra backs her up. No one can make you lose the baby. But if you ever...ever...let Emanuel know the child isn't his, I'll make sure you and your whelp are both six feet under.
Well, okay. What I like about that is the clear communication. Actions. Consequences. You choose, Ilitia. Works for me.

Final scene is of Benigno swilling booze in the cantina, lamenting Emanuel's incarceration and spilling major beans to Chema (Fidel has left. Chema's in charge of pouring Benigno into a taxi to go home when he's finished polluting himself.)

Prefacing his boozy speech with “no es panza, es puro corazón” (this is not a paunch, it's pure heart) Benigno opines that el Lirio de Plata could not have killed the judge because he's a good, noble fellow. And besides, he was in jail at the time of the killing. Whoops. Chema, puts two and two together and hits the jackpot.

Emanuel is his son. And he's the Lirio de Plata. Gangbusters! And we're done. Screw the previews. Vocabulary is embedded.


La Fea Más Bella #265-266 3/23/11 Funny Running Into You Here.

Capitulo 265.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. MamaJ concludes that Lety has a third suitor.

2. Fernando rebukes Omar for such a self-centered apology. Klaus calls Fern about a retro fashion ad campaign, a big contract.

3. Ali wants Tom to buy her a new dress to meet his mother. She says no nookie before the honeymoon. At the store, “a” dress becomes six. Lety gives Tom a wedding gift, an apron, to show her support.

4. Lety’s on a walk with Aldo, so MamaJ talks to Fernando. She asks him, off the record, whether he’s gone out with Lety the last few nights. They agree that Lety’s been acting strangely lately.

5. Aldo suggests that Lety support Tom’s marriage (Julie! Grammar alert!) GSNAK.

6. Fern asks Lety about last night and what Julieta said. Lety dodges, he catches her, and she runs into him. They both like it!

7. Omar says his troubles are Fern’s fault. Fern went and fell in love and abandoned Omar. Fern reminds him it’s his fault Fern lost Lety. Fern says, “My loss is the biggest one in the story.” Fern tells Omar he fell in love with something that doesn’t exist. They decide to give up on love, but neither is convinced. They bring three babes to the house, but the boys would rather watch Karate Kid.

8. Ali meets Tomasa and Mama dislikes Ali from the start. Ali leaves in a huff. Tomasa agrees to give Ali one more chance. Ali sees Tom’s pay stub and decides it’s worthwhile to marry him.

9. MamaJ demands to know what Lety’s up to. Lety says she was giving Omar a taste of his own medicine.

10. Lety invites Aldo to her house for something tonight, and his dad too, while Fern listens at the door. GSNAK. Aldo presses for a hint, but she refuses to tell. Fern tries to invite himself, but Lety advises him that he wouldn’t like it.
11. MamaJ suggests that Lety is rushing things with Aldo. See the transcript.

Capitulo 266.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi visits Manuel Vera’s office to find out about retro fashion. The associate, Claudio, accidentally shows Lui the Aurora photo, and Luigi decides she’s the model he wants.

2. Omar suggests that Lety’s big party could be to announce her engagement.

3. Aldo tells Aldad that he trusts Lety’s love for him, but he’s jealous because Lety works closely with Fern and she’s been acting strangely. (Aldo has a contorted definition of “trust.”)

4. Fern crashes Lety’s party just in time to hear her say, “Aldo and I are novios.” He pulls himself together and congratulates them. He’s already crying when he excuses himself with a smile plastered on.

5. Ali dresses modestly and tries again with Tomasa. Mama says she has to pass three tests. First she has to make crescent rolls

6. Lety tells Aldo she wanted to make the announcement in front of everyone to show how much she adores him. GSNA.. no kisses.

7. Omar suggests that Fern crashed the party because he’s dying of jealousy and wanted to make Lety feel bad. Fern insists that he came to show his support and that he’s not bothered. He asks Omar’s help to convince himself. In that case, Omar suggests that it’s a little cold to be standing around outside.

8. Aldad pressures them to set a wedding date. Aldo says they need to pay off the debt. Lety adds, “And later we can think about lo demás (the rest – can refer to a thing or a person).” Aldo explains, “Get married, live together in Acapulco, right?” He kisses her and she pulls away.

9. Fernando writes that maybe he needs to accept that he’s lost her forever. Lety dreams she and Aldo have six feo kids.

10. Fern and Omar contract for an apartment.

11. Fern asks Lety’s forgiveness for last night. He sweetly promises that he won’t interfere in her life anymore. She says, “Ay, Don Fernando, don’t say that. You, you’re Don Fernando. You’re one of the most important people in my life.” He says that the truth is, that’s not enough for him, but he’s resigned himself to her decision.

12. Luigi tells Lety and Fern that he won’t unveil his designs until the meeting with the client.

13. Tom announces to the cuartel that he’s marrying Alicia.

Spanish Lesson. Julieta Counsels Lety
J: Lety, after we talked last night, I was thinking about it.
L: About the favor I asked of you?
J: I believe that you’re doing this too soon/fast (precipitar). I believe you could think about things more carefully.
L: You’re talking about my relationship with Aldo, right?
J: Yes. You’re still confused. In this state, it’s bad to make decisions because later you could regret it.
L: You don’t have to worry. I swear. I know very well what I’m doing.
J: Lety, please. Take notice. Barely two months ago, you thought Don Fernando was el hombre de tu vida. You’re still confused. Accept it. Maybe you are mistaken to think that you’re in love with Aldo??


Triunfo del Amor #69-70 3/22/11 Fer & Cruz take a dip in the drink and JuanJo wants one*

Since as far as I know, we have no scheduled recap today, here’s what I remember from last night’s show and a place to talk about it and fill in the blanks: *(Thanks to Ixv for composing the perfect title!) JuanJo Comes Home – and brings a new theme: Addiction! You’d have to be pretty stony-hearted not to be moved by Millie’s joy at having her only child back. [Still. I couldn’t help but hope that what Napo and Cruz were pouring over JuanJo’s filthy head was Kwell. And I was grateful they removed his clothes off-camera.] So now JJ is an alcoholic and is now in acute withdrawal. I’m sure we’re going to hear a whole lot about the subject. Parallet Plotlet: Domingo, Juan Pablo’s odd little sexton, turns out to be a recovering druggie. He has gone missing with the most recent carpentry earnings of the workshop. Osvaldo Leaves Home -- Destination Unknown Guillermo convinces Os he had nothing to do with Linda’s Jacuzzi Ambush. Gui is thrilled to get rid of Os. Os tells Max he is now the man of the house. Max suspects that Os is never coming back. Fer is devastated by her father’s leaving. Victoria can’t forgive him – it wasn’t just a one-night stand, it was a relationship and she thinks about all the times he must have lied to her and been with her after being with Linda. Ewwwww. Fer… … seeks solace in Federico (aka RTSB) and finally realizes, chinbraid or no, he’s a jerk. She breaks up with him. Cruz tries to comfort her. They go riding together and hijinks ensue. Beautiful country, horses, wet clothes. Stay tuned. Max and Ximena… …continue to fight. He moves into the guest room. She attacks a pillow with a pair of scissors. She tries on her new maternity clothes, looks in a mirror, and talks about how much she resents her pregnancy. María D… …is now back in simple clothes and hair (is that a braid I see?). She looks in a mirror and thinks about how much she loves her baby. Bernarda calls and says she wants to talk about MD’s ma. But when she gets there, B refuses to name names. She tells MD her father is dead and her mother is a bad woman who abandoned her, and wants nothing to do with her now. She was a sinner, just like MD herself. B also tells MD to leave JP alone – he’s a priest, not her father. B leaves in tears and Fausto is comforting her -- he's an orphan too, he says -- when Victoria shows up holding THE CLOTH DOLL. Vic and MD look at the doll and each other. Okay, fellow TdA junkies -- please add what I forgot. If someone puts up a real recap later, we can take this down.


Eva Luna #96 Tue 3/22/11 Shocked expressions abound

Eva Luna Episode 96, March 22, 2011.

RECAP IS UP!! It starts below the bulleted highlight list.

Here's a brief bulleted list of the highlights:
  • Carlos invites Alicia over to his place. He seems harmless but he has revenge on his mind. He starts to attack Alicia but can't go through with it. Much regret and shame from him. (I am glad he couldn't go through with it but am still unhappy with what they've done to this character.)
  • Deborah, Eva, and Don Julio are connecting the dots and deducing that Marcella murdered Daniel's parents.
  • Don Julio is still putting the moves on Justa and she seems to be wavering a bit. Don Ricardo does some snooping and figures out that Señor Olmos is really Julio. Uh-oh.
  • Gallo locates Bruno and pretty kissin' cousin in Florida. Marcella follows close behind and (apparently) hastens them to the next world via a gun. She later seems very pleased with herself. Boy did Bruno have a shocked expression on his face when she appeared.
  • Alicia finally pulls the plug on her dysfunctional relationship with Leo.
  • Alicia discovers that she is with child. Uh-oh.
  • Marisol finally does something smart and tells cute young music label guy about her past as a table dancer. He is understanding.
  • Daniel visits the pension with Laurita and stumbles upon Don Julio (who is there borderline sexually harassing Justa). Major shocked and impactada look from Daniel, and that is the photo I present you with below: Daniel's face upon discovering that Don Julio is ALIVE! ALIVE!!!

Daniel's shocked expression upon discovering that Don Julio is ALIVE!!! (Click on image to see larger version)
Episode 96—Full recap.

Once again I'll be combining the short-cut scenes so we don't all go nuts!

We start in Miami Florida, where Bruno is sunning himself. Pretty cousin joins him and they lock lips. Gallo watches them from behind some palm trees and says to himself that Bruno is a "dead man."

Alicia comes to visit Leo. As usual we get a gratuitous shot of the actor wearing nothing but a towel and showing off his hot bod and tattoo. She pulls the plug on their relationship. She won't be the lover of her sister's husband. "Eva deserves better and I can't stoop so low" she says. Leo tries to dissuade her but she is resolute.

Marcella is talking to Eva at the dinner table. She's pretending that she wants a "truce" with Eva, since Eva's going to be her daughter-in-law. Eva says she'll have to think on it for a few days. After she leaves Marcella wonders if Eva has heard something about Daniel's parents' deaths and is waiting to hear more info from Deborah.

Deborah, meanwhile, has done her homework and discovered that Marcella couldn't have burned her hand in the manner that she told Don Julio. (She said she'd burned it in a fire at a hotel.) "She must have burned the hand in the fire that killed Daniel's parents!" Deborah thinks.

Deborah's finding out more about Daniel's parents' deaths. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Marcella visits Deborah. They have this fakey-friendly conversation. Deborah thanks Marcella for spilling the beans about her being the girls' mom. Deborah says she knew Marcella didn't intend for it to be done in kindness, but the result was that it hastened things and now Deborah is reunited with her kids.

Marcella also "thanks" Deborah for looking after her the other day in her bedroom when she was "delirious." Marcella tries to pass off the stuff she said about killing Daniel's parents as a delirious meaningless rambling. She plays up that she couldn't do anything so horrible! But Deborah is not buying it. Marcella then warns Deborah to not tell anyone. She doesn't want her reputation besmirched because of a "misunderstanding."

Marisol tells the cute music label guy that she was a table-dancer and prostitute. She tells him how she's being blackmailed by Damien. The cute label guy is very understanding. Marisol is expecting that he'll tear up the contract but of course he won't do that. He thanks her for letting him know so they can prepare. Cute label guy says that they'll do something to show Damien. (Wonder what that will be!)

Gallo calls Marcella and tells her that he's discovered Bruno and the pretty cousin. Gallo watches from a distance and we see Bruno and cousin recap all their betrayal of Marcella and drink a toast.

Ictoria is talking with Lileach and telling her how she saw Daniel kissing Eva. She couldn't make a scene when she saw them because that would tip off Daniel that she wasn't off her rocker.

Leo is at the office and wants to know where is secretary, Lasura (kissin' cousin) is. She didn't get authorization to take any days off!

Filler scenes of Bruno and kissin' cousin shopping in Florida.

Deborah talks to a detective about Daniel's parents' deaths. He had suspicions but couldn't prove anything, he says. Deborah thanks him for his help and tells him she'll be in touch if she discovers anything. She then calls Eva and Don Julio.

Alicia has been given a bouquet of flowers. She looks at them with delight, looking for a card, perhaps hoping they're from Leo? But nope, they are from Carlos, who appears behind her. He talks about the "innocent girl who thought she could tour Los Angeles in one day" and she scoffs and says that that girl was dead a long time ago. Not to him, he says. He invites her for dinner at his house. She reluctantly agrees after he tells her that he told his mom about how badly he treated her when he got out of jail, and now mom wants to fix her a nice dinner. But Carlos is thought-bubbling that tonight he'll finally get payback for all the time he spent in jail because of her! Uh oh!

Carlos presents Alicia with flowers. (Click on image to see larger version.)

A meeting between Deborah, Eva, and Don Julio, where they talk about what they learned about Marcella's involvement with Daniel's parents' deaths. There are a series of scenes but I'll condense them down: Marcella had told Don Julio that she burned her hand in a hotel fire (which happened to be the same time that Daniel's parents died). Deborah has discovered that the hotel reported no fires at that time, and they certainly would have known had there been a fire in the hotel. Therefore, Marcella lied to Don Julio about how she burned her hand.

Deborah then reports that the official story on Daniel's parents' death was that dad lost control of the car when he was trying to park it. Anyway, the detective always suspected that this was not how it happened but he couldn't prove anything and the case was closed.

The detective thought that both parents were in the car and someone pushed the auto and it went into a tree? And the parents were already dead when this happened. (Or whatever. I'm losing it here.)

Anyway they all deduce that the parents' death was likely a murder and they also figure that Marcella did it. Marcella's hotel room was only four hours away from where the parents were killed. She probably burned her hand when she was dousing the car with gasoline and the fire got to her hand. It all adds up. But wait, what about a motive? Don Julio supplies the reason: Turns out that Daniel's dad wanted to sell his share of the company. Rather than let that portion of the company go to strangers, Marcella had him killed so that Daniel would inherit. Then Icky was pushed onto Daniel with the hopes that she'd marry him. And so forth and so on. We know the rest. Don Julio also mentions that Marcella was very displeased when Daniel married his first wife. Presumably because she had planned for him to marry Icky.
Deborah, Eva, and Don Julio put their heads together and figure out how Marcella was able to murder Daniel's parents. (Click on image to see larger version.)

After hearing all of this, Eva thinks that Daniel needs to be told! But the others think it's better to wait until they have more concrete evidence.

Bruno and pretty cousin start getting busy in his hotel room, still celebrating how they ripped off Marcella. Up comes Marcella up the stairs. Uh oh. She has a key and opens the door. There is Bruno and pretty cousin in bed, very busy. Finally they notice that they have company. Marcella says "Buenos noches Bruno." We hear a gunshot which we presume kills the cousin, and we see Bruno's shocked face, but we see neither dead body. (I wonder if maybe Bruno isn't dead yet—we still need to know why he was calling himself "Bruno Arismendi"!)

"Buenos noches, Bruno," Marcella says, right before she shoots his cousin (and we are led to believe she shoots him too). Bruno looks a tad shocked. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Alicia has visited Carlos at his house. They are both very nervous together. They drink wine. Mom is nowhere to be seen, however. Alicia admits that she's uncomfortable being alone with Carlos. Carlos explains that his mom has a headache. Let's go see her, he suggests. As soon as they go into "mom's" bedroom it is discovered to be empty. Carlos quickly throws Alicia down on the bed and descends on her as she screams and struggles. He tells her that because of her he rotted in jail. She reminds him that she didn't force him to do anything. But he says it was wrong for her to use him, knowing how much he felt for her. Finally after more struggling and screaming, Carlos loses steam. He realizes what a jerk he's been. He tells her that he loved her and just wanted her to love him back, but that this was not the way. Apologetic and ashamed, he admits that he was horribly wrong and he is so sorry. He'll not bother her again. She scuttles out of there fast as Carlos looks horrified at what he almost did.

Daniel is thought-bubbling about Eva marrying Leo. Francisco comes in to say goodnight. They chat a bit about Francisco's marriage. He doesn't think either of them are happy. Francisco is a simple man, he says. He wants a wife to tend to him and give him hijos. Marisol is busy with all her singing career stuff. Daniel points out the BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS: "You pretended to be a big producer when you met her!" Francisco acted like he wanted a busy career woman, so what would he expect? Daniel then advises that Francisco talk with Marisol about all of this.

Gratuitous Guy Ecker shot: Daniel offers marital advice to Francisco. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Marisol has just finished a song and it went well. Cute label guy invites her to a great dinner out. But she can't—she's got to get home to fix Francisco dinner. Cute label guy reminds her that soon she'll be busy with touring and stuff and won't be home at all. Marisol looks thoughtful at this. Then she says that Francisco was going to be her manager. After some discussion she admits that he probably wouldn't have the experience to do it.

Alicia arrives home after her traumatic evening with Carlos. She becomes nauseated. Because we are in ultimós captitulós, Alicia's brain cells kick in, and instead of it taking her WEEKS to figure it out, she figures it out in a few minutes: She's pregnant. She has to know before Eva and Leo marry, she thinks. A visit to the doctor confirms the pregancy.

Marcella's obviously traveled via Transporter or something back to L.A. from Florida, because here she is, back in L.A., calm as can be, the same night that she presumably killed Bruno and cousin. Renata is in her jammies and with her hair down and wonders where Marcella has been. Marcella gives some excuse but says that her evening was "great for her self-esteem." She then tells Renata to remind Leo to give her five thousand dollars—"I donated it to the fire station." (Remember how Marcella always donates money to charities after she kills someone?)

Don Julio is visiting the pensión and is watching Adrian play with his computer/x-box or whatever it is. Adrian wonders how Don Julio knows so much about computers and video games. "I'll tell you some day," he replies.

Justa comes in and wants to know what he's doing there. He says he came to give something to Adrian. (Or whatever. I'm losing it again.) Justa is all drama-queeny and goes into the kitchen, her eyes all wide, and wonders what's going on and what she's gonna do, blah blah blah. She's so fluttery and nervous when she sees Don Julio. Don Ricardo wants to know what's going on but she covers it up.

Don Ricardo wonders more. We are shown a series of flashbacks as he remembers more about when Mr. Olmos came around and all the stuff he said and Justa said. He really starts to get suspicious, so he snoops in Justa's stuff, finds a box and sees Don Julio's picture inside. Looks like the same guy as Mr. Olmos! Don Ricardo connects the dots. He now wants to confirm that Mr. Olmost and Julio are the same guy.

Eva comes over to Daniel's house to visit him. But he's not home. He has come over to the pensión with Laurita.

Don Julio has a moment alone with Justa. He puts on the smooth moves as usual. She doesn't want to talk to him just then. But he's so smooth. She seems to be weakening. But then Daniel and Laurita arrive. Justa answers the door. She is hesitant to let him in because Julio is there. But Laurita is there and Adrian will want to see her, so what can she do but let them in? Julio quickly removes himself to a different room, but is waylaid by Don Ricardo who has a lot of questions. Before Julio can escape, a very impactado Daniel discovers that Don Julio is still very much alive!

I also add on a personal note that Daniel looks mighty fine in that black shirt. I include a photo below as evidence:

Daniel and Laurita have come to visit Adrian. Behold how fetching that black shirt looks on Guy Ecker. (Click on image to see larger version.)

FINAL SCENE OF EPISODE AND AVANCES: Video clip is streaming Flash (like what you see on YouTube). Right click and link opens to new window. If playback stalls, wait for entire clip to load.


Llena de Amor #154 (Mex. 170-171) Tue 3/22/11 The drama’s so moving, Judge Pantoja gets all choked up.

Episodes 170 & 171.
We rejoin the family in the foyer at the big house. Emanuel, in good spirits and handcuffs, denies he’s El Lirio de Plata. His family backs him up. MariVicky assures Brandon that if El Lirio were Eman, she would have known. The others take turns defending Emanuel. Jorge bucks the trend and urges the police to aim for the maximum punishment. Emiliano tells him to stay out of it. Oliver tells everyone that the call to the police station from El Lirio came from Emanuel’s cantina. Now the family is surprised to hear that he owns a cantina. Ilitia shakes things up by claiming that Brandon only wants to pin the crimes on Emanuel because he’s jealous that Ilitia loves Eman and not his naco poli self. Eman is startled and highly amused to hear that Brandon has the hots for Ilitia.
At the rapey snakepit, Mauricio throws Kristel onto his bed. He’s ready to rekindle their passion. Kristel claims she has a headache. Mau cares not a whit. Kristel changes tactics and says she wants to make it extra fun and special. She sends Mauron to fetch drinks while she gets ready to provide sexy entertainment. The idiot falls for this and leaves the room. Kristel frets and pulls out her phone.
Brandon protests that Ilitia is just making up this jealous crush bit for drama and to delay Eman’s arrest. Well, it won’t work. Emiliano tells everyone to calm down; he’ll call the lawyers to get Emanuel out of jail. Brandon tells him not to get his hopes up. Eman just laughs as the boys in blue put him in the car and drive away. Bernardo walks up the driveway as they’re leaving and asks Oliver what’s going on. No puede ser, he says when Oliver tells him. Oliver answers a call from Kristel and she begs him to come rescue her.
Fedra and Lowrenzo lounge in bed and she catches him up on her failed attempt to have Capitán Sevilla murdered. Bernie calls and tells her about Emanuel’s arrest.
Malicio returns to the bedroom. Kristel stalls a bit. She has Mau turn on some music and starts dancing. Mau gets into the slow striptease, too numbskulled to notice that Kristel is dragging it out as long as possible. Kristel thought-bubbles that Oliver had better zoom on over right quick.
Delicia is sad that she’s spending her wedding night alone.
At the nightly meeting of the Young Oxygenwasters Club, Alfredo regales the nasty crowd with the tale of his mean prank on Axel. Lorena and the others laugh. Alfredo says he wishes he could have seen Axel’s face when he found out about the little maid’s “betrayal.” “Uh, just turn around,” Lorena says, wide-eyed. Axel has walked in, as furious as Alf could have hoped for. The snotty punks cackle and ask why he didn’t bring his servant with him. Axel grabs Alfredo and POUNDS him.
Let’s rewind and watch that again. BAM! POW!
And again.
Okay, one more time.
All right, moving on. Low assured Fedra that the chango Brandon is just jealous and getting revenge because Ilitia loves Emanuel. He fills Fedra in that Muñeca thinks Ilitia is in love with Brandon, but that’s crazy, because in her right mind (cabales), she’d never have anything to do with a loser like him. Fedra says at least now Ilitia is pregnant, which should keep the chango away, and it’s definitely Emanuel’s baby, RIGHT?
Axel continues to enjoy beating the snot out of Alfredo. Alfredo is to wimpy to get a single hit in, but that doesn’t stop him from insulting Delicia, claiming she was always after him. Axel breaks a bottle and holds the jagged glass to Alfredo’s throat, demanding the whole truth.
MariVicky goes to visit Emanuel in the interrogation room at the station and asks him if he is really El Lirio de Plata. Brandon and Comisario Tejeda watch and listen at the one-way window. MV praises El Lirio up and down, what a man, so noble and selfless, so brave. Eman says she seems to not only think he’s a hero, but to also be attracted to the man behind the mask. MV says it would explain a lot if Eman were El Lirio. “And what if I were?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
Mau is tired of the slow striptease and tries to get down to business. Just in time, Oliver bursts in, firearm first. Kristel clings to him and begs him to throw the creepy pervert back in jail where he belongs. {Side note…Kristel has learned from Victoria’s wardrobe malfunction and is wearing pasties, which are totally visible. Neither here nor there, but kind of funny.} Oliver and Mau yell threats at each other, Mau calls Oliver an allanada morada, and Kristel wraps herself around Oliver and drags him out.
Emanuel is now annoyed and asks MV if she’s just here to help Brandon get a confession. He hollers to Brandon that his stupid trap is not going to work. Mari says she was a fool to believe he might be the noble Lirio. Brandon and MV leave, and Eman mutters, “Nice try; I’m not going to fall into your trap, Moreno,” not realizing that Tejeda is still outside listening.
Fedra tries to tell Lowrenzo that Eman can’t possibly be El Lirio de Plata, but he’s too distracted by the acrobatics she’s performing on the bed to listen. Fedra mentions the “gordiflaca” in her rant and then has to explain to Low that Marianela and Victoria are the same person. No way, says Low. That gross fatty couldn’t possible have turned into that lush, sexy…words fail him as his hormones kick into high gear, and Fedra is annoyed. Low offers to call the mob lawyer for Eman. Judge Pantoja calls Fedra and they agree to meet to discuss the results of his investigation.
Axel accuses Alfredo of setting the whole thing up with Fedra. Alfredo claims that Delicia has always been chasing him, and he took the photos and was delivering them to Axel to save him from marrying that zorra. That’s the Alfredo we know and love, all right, always looking out for Axel’s interests. Unfortunately, he says, he arrived at the house after Axel had already left for the wedding, so he gave the photos to Fedra to rush over.
MV is furious at Brandon for trying to use her to trap Emanuel. Also, she’s mad that he’s hunting El Lirio at all. Brandon says El Lirio de Plata is a delinquent who takes the law into his own hands, and that isn’t right. MV says Brandon knows very well that the legal way to do things doesn’t always work, and Brandon is not even a small bit of the manly man El Lirio de Plata is.
An officer brings Fidel and Chema into Brandon’s office and says they were in the cantina and admit Emanuel was the caller.
Still in the interrogation room, Emanuel thought-bubbles that he isn’t ready to confess. Brandon comes in to hassle him some more and Eman just laughs and says he has no proof. Brandon announces that he does in fact have witnesses, and brings in Chema. Chema verifies that he saw Emanuel using the phone, but he heard nothing suspicious in what Eman was saying. Chema says he used the phone, too, so why doesn’t Brandon arrest him, too?
Oliver escorts Kristel into the house. She’s wearing his uniform shirt. Oliver warns her that she’s putting herself in danger partying and bouncing from guy to guy. She agrees she’s in super danger and wants to hire Oliver as her bodyguard. Her gestures suggest that he should leave no inch of her top model skin uncovered. Oliver tells her to put an ad in the paper. Kristel starts stripping again. Oliver tries to stop her, but she leeches onto him and of course Gretel comes downstairs.
Low and Fedra drop by Pantoja’s office. Pantoja tells them he burned the fingerprints and the investigation results. He wants a bigger piece of the hotel pie to give up what he knows. They fight and Fedra chokes him with his tie and goes into a rage, yelling at him and the absent Bernardo. Low finally stops her but it looks like the judge is dead. Oopsie. Now Low is worried about who will marry them.
Oliver and Gretel have their usual fight. Kristel tries to get Oliver to switch his allegiance, trying again with the stripping to sway him. Gretel storms away. Oliver yells that he hates Kristel, and bats pleading puppy dog eyes at Gretel’s back.
Fedra asks Low to call one of his goons for body disposal, but he doesn’t do it. New plan. They wipe their fingerprints off everything and leave a silver lirio on the judge’s chest. Fedra writes a note and needs help with the spelling. Low rolls his eyes.
Emanuel sympathizes with Brandon’s frustration. Brandon swears he’ll get him.
Bernardo stealthily watches Fedra and Lowrenzo leave Pantoja’s office. He goes inside.
Gretel, Delicia, Marianela, and Doris all commiserate and cry about their man problems.
Bernardo finds the judge’s corpse and the note pinning the blame on El Lirio de Plata (and thus throwing suspicion away from Eman). Clever, Fedra, he thinks. But the note is trillado (hackneyed), so he crumples it up and rewrites it: “I came for vengeance and to do justice.” Then he notices the judge’s cell phone, which was set up to videorecord the proceedings. Aha. He takes the phone.
Jorge visits Eman and says he called Mari and she was glad to hear that he’s in jail where he belongs, but feels bad for his kid. Jorge and Eman needle each other, all fakey smiles. I think Jorge says something about getting a cheap Lirio costume to keep up the fiction, but I can’t tell who he thinks should do this. Anyway, he tells Eman “You are the WORST.”
The ladies slumber party in MV’s room. Delicia is afraid of what Fedra will do to her. Mari says she and Gretel have a plan to get rid of Fedra forever. They think Chema knows about Fedra’s past. Doris asks about the old investigation and Gretel says she had to burn the papers. Doris remembers helping inept Jorge pack (hard to believe prissy Jorge would be so terrible and sloppy at folding clothes, but maybe he’s always had someone do it for him) and finding an envelope containing Luis Felipe’s evidence in his suitcase. Doris describes to the others what she saw. They are impactadas.
Eman tells Jorge that he may be disgusting, but at least he’s honest, not sneaky like Jorge. Ilitia always knew he was in love with another; he didn’t lie. He yells at Jorge for taking advantage of Victoria when she was drunk. But, haha, that’s the only way she’d have anything to do with him; she’d rather have El Lirio or even Brandon as a replacement if she’s giving up Emanuel for the sake of the baby. Never Jorge. Emanuel tells Jorge to go back to Marianela and never return.
Slumber party. Doris thought Mari knew that Jorge had the papers. Delicia thinks Jorrid seems very suspicious…first sleeping with drunk MV, now hiding papers? Mari naively says the getting drunk and nekkid was no one’s fault. Doris says it certainly is a big coincidence, that Eman just happened to see the two of them together, and he went back to Ilitia and now she’s pregnant. Could it all have been a trap? Doris points out that Netty doesn’t trust the guy, either. Dee observes that Jorge and Ilitia would have a mutual interest in keeping Emanuel and MV apart. In fact, why is Jorrible here for so long, doing so much for Marianela, if there’s nothing in it for him? Mari doesn’t want to believe it. Gretel points out that Jorge could be after Luis Felipe’s considerable fortune. Mari confesses that he did get Fedra to make him a partner in her investment. The ladies all urge Mari not to trust Jorge.
The next day, down at the station, Ilitia demands Emanuel’s release. Brandon mocks her for only playing the role of Eman’s wife when she feels like it, and other times… She hisses at him to keep quiet about their cositas. Lowrenzo barges in and says he knows about their relationship and accuses Brandon of raping Ilitia.
Nereida serves breakfast to Mari, Delicia, Gretel, and Doris, and Delicia takes the opportunity to be super fussy about the service. Jorge appears and tries to be chummy but they are cold and ask him to leave. He does. The others think Mari should have asked him about the papers, but she wants time to think about it. Emiliano overhears them and asks MV what she knows about Fedra’s past.
Alone in the office, MV tells Emiliano that Mari asked her not to give him the information until she gets all the proof. Emil vows to help get rid of Fedra. MV mentions that she doesn’t know if they can trust Jorge. Emil comments that it seems like such a strange marriage. So much time apart. MV asks him to make sure that Jorge thinks they trust him. She gives Emil the papers about Luis Felipe’s money and the hotel investment.
Brandon threatens to throw Lowrenzo in jail. Ilitia and Brandon claim there is nothing between them. Low doesn’t believe them and suggests Brandon is just planning to blackmail Ilitia. Muñeca swoops in and drags Low away. Brandon asks Ilitia what’s going on. What was Low saying about a secret that could ruin Ilitia’s marriage? She plays innocent.
Chema talks to Netty about her star appearance at the cantina. She heads off to visit Emanuel. Chema kisses her hands and helps her into a taxi, all flirty-like. Across the street, a thug follows Chema.
Bernardo joins ranty Fedra in his old bedroom. Fedra tries to throw him out. He says he knows all about Pantoja, and he has video of the murder. It will stay a secret if she leaves him and Chema alone.
Delicia brings Mari a letter from Pantoja. It says he has proof Mari and Vicky are the same person. But Jorge destroyed the prints!, says Mari. Delicia says that’s just more evidence that he’s playing dirty. Pantoja says in the letter that he’ll sell to the highest bidder, either Mari or Fedra.
Fidel, Benigno, and Emiliano go to the cantina. Chema shows up while they’re admiring a sign advertising Netty’s performance on the sidewalk outside.
The thug screws a silencer onto his gun. His phone rings.
Emiliano’s mad about seeing Chema everywhere and doesn’t want him associating with his son. “Your son? We need to have a serious talk about Emanuel,” Chema says.
The thug aims the gun, but answers his phone. Fedra calls off the hit. Well, maybe. The thug says he’s about to shoot. The target is with Emiliano. Fedra and Bernardo fuss about what to do.
Emil tells Chema not to mess with Emanuel. Chema tells Emil not to threaten him—he was in prison more than 25 years and found a purpose in living.
Bernardo tells Fedra that if she has Chema shot, the police will find out that she killed Pantoja. Fedra reluctantly cancels the hit.
Emil says Chema must be a murderer to have been in prison so long. Fidel says Chema is a good guy. Emiliano says criminals never change. He grabs Chema and demands to know why he’s hanging around the Ruiz y de Teresa family.
Fedra spits at Bernie. He reminds her that he knows her past, saved her life, and made her what she is today, and she BETRAYED him. He agrees to leave, but creeps that he’ll always be in the shadows watching her. He also warns that Lowrenzo will destroy her.
Lowrenzo wants to hush things up about the little baby. Muñeca thinks one can’t build a happy life on lies. Lowrenzo’s mostly worried about what Fedra will do when she finds out Ilitia’s baby isn’t also Eman’s. Muñeca tells him to control his amante.
Inside the cantina, Emil asks again why Chema is interested in Emanuel. Chema says he was the same once, helping the less fortunate. Emil scoffs that he seems to believe Eman is El Lirio de Plata. Emil KNOWS Emanuel isn’t eLdP. Chema disagrees, and says Emil should be proud. Emil hopes Eman will fire Chema.
Ilitia, Gretel, Netty, Fedra, Muñeca, Jackie, and the secretaries from the agency all harass Brandon, wanting to visit Emanuel. Yes, Univision thought THIS scene was important enough to spare.
MV goes to Pantoja’s office and finds him dead with the lirio and the note. No puede ser.
Brandon threatens to lock up all the shrieking women. Ilitia gets Brandon to let her see Emanuel, because of the baby and all, as if that makes sense. The others throw more of a fit.
Mari wonders if El Lirio killed Pantoja to keep him quiet about Victoria’s identity. Could he have known about that? No, no, El Lirio would never kill. What to do? She calls the police.
In the interrogation room, Eman asks Ilitia how she could think of aborting their baby. She says she was desperate. She just can’t do it alone. Emanuel says he won’t abandon her, but he won’t let her blackmail him, either. She says if he leaves her or cheats on her, bye bye, baby. Brandon watches them through the one-way window. Emanuel forgives Ilitia and they smooch. Brandon gripes that she has a heart of stone and he has a jealous fit.
At the cantina, Chema tells Bernardo to choose—Fedra or him. Bernardo says Fedra threw him out, but he’s made sure she won’t try to kill Chema again. But he won’t let Chema destroy her, either.
Back at home, Lowrenzo yells at Ilitia. How dare she fall in love and get knocked up by that trash? Ilitia says he’s hardly one to talk. Low slaps her and explains how it is: It’s totally okay for him to tomcat around, because he’s a MAN. However, when she does the same thing, she’s a slut. Not okay. She has to stop and save her marriage to el money, er, Emanuel. Ilitia tries to explain to Low what Brandon offers her—attention, affection. Low says she will do things his way. She is NOT having this baby.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #263-264 3/22/11 It’s only impossible until it happens.

Capitulo 263.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Today we saw four impossible things: Alicia accepts Tom’s proposal, Omar regrets his sins, Lety grows some backbone, and MamaJulieta has a new suitor.

1. Lety challenges Aldo, “Why do you want to answer my phone?” and he backs off. She turns off her phone and he doesn’t like that either. So much for “El amor es libertad.”

2. Girls ask for Aldo’s autograph in a park. GSNAK.

3. AnaL wails in the vortex and Tomy offers a shoulder to cry on. She’ll gladly take more than a shoulder. Alicia watches with celos y chinches (bedbugs). Ali eavesdrops while Tom offers nouveau pauvre AnaL use of the apartment he just bought.

4. Fern looks for an apartment and Omar says they should share one. Omar asserts that he’ll never let Fern meet Aurora. Fern ponders that all this talk of Aurora makes him curious to meet her.

5. Aldo’s publisher gives him the first royalties check and wants Aldo to write another book.

6. Ali begs Marcia to not cash out and become poor. Marcia tries to make her see that it will pay off in the long run. It’s safe to say that Ali doesn’t understand delayed gratification.

7. Aurora calls Omar. He feels like she’s punishing him. For her he’d pay for all his sins. She sets up a date for tonight. Fern eavesdrops when she calls Manuel for a dress and tells him she has a date.

8. Aldad scolds Aldo for working instead of asking him for money (What parent would ever say that?).

9. The boys can’t find the keys. They look around the office and almost see Lety Aurorafied.

10. Ali complains to Marcia about Tom and AnaL. Marcia asks what she expects, since she never gave Tom any encouragement. Ali and her chinches try to sleep there, but Marcia kicks her out.

11. Omar again asserts that if Fern saw Aurora, he couldn’t resist and he’d steal her. Fern can’t wrap his mind around Omar really being in love. While Omar cleans up, Fern takes a call from Aurora and imitates Omar. She says she has a surprise for him. Fern reports it to Omar, amid much teasing.

Capitulo 264.
Read 5ft's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando helps Omar get ready for his big date.

2. Aldo’s boss fires him for taking a walk over lunch hour, attending to personal guests over dinner hour, and talking on the phone the rest of the work day. Not really, but I would if I were the boss!

3. Ali summons Tom to the restaurant of many names. She rages at him for offering her apartment to AnaL. Ali tells him AnaL is not a natural blond, she’s superficial, she only cares about money, and she’ll ruin him (el burro hablando de orejas). She accepts his proposal and he goes into convulsions. Tom says Ali needs his mother’s permission.

4. Aldo goes to Casa Padilla. MamaJ says Lety’s working late. Marta says she went with Fern to see clients. Son of Marcia asks, “What clients?”

5. Fern spies on Omar’s date with Aurora. Omar tries to kiss her but she slips away, into the arms of her novio. She only went out with Omar to make her novio jealous, and she sneers at Omar. He whimpers, “Then you were only using me? This isn’t possible! A woman using ME???”

6. Fern sees Omar drowning and tries to rescue him. Fern reminds him he’s the great Omar who never gets attached. Omar says he found his soulmate and was thinking about marriage. He realizes that he’s a piece of crap because he uses women and makes them suffer. He calls out for Aurora to forgive him for being a pig. When he passes out, Fern says, “Now you understand how hard love is, and how wrong you were to mock my love for Lety.”

7. Lety tells her diary that Aurora won’t return (4 times). Mama wants to know where she was tonight, and Lety says she had an errand. Aldo is far from mellow, wondering where Lety went tonight.

8. Lety arrives at work, and Aldo reads Marcia’s script. Where were you? When did you get home? Lety says she was doing something for Caro, and Aldo says, “I don’t believe you.”

9. Fern suggests to Aldo that maybe he’s not a good match for Lety. Aldo isn’t about to step aside. Fern bears down on him and says, “If you make Lety suffer, I swear, you’ll have me to answer to.”

10. Tom tells Lety that he’s engaged to Ali. She warns him he’s making a big mistake. He’s disappointed that his best friend can’t support him.

11. Omar begs Lety to forgive him for how badly he treated her. He needs her to forgive him so he can stay out of Hell and be at peace with himself. Lety tells him he still has a lot to learn.

12. Carol tells Lety that Omar is a mess. The revenge went too far. Lety regrets it now, but she says Aurora won’t appear again (5 times).

13. MamaJ answers Aurora’s phone. Omar says, “I don’t care if you have a boyfriend. I love you. I need to see you tonight. I beg you, Aurora.”


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