Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teresa Wed 4/13/11 #11-12 The many faces of Teresa

We open with Teresa talking to Rosita, aloud, while walking through her house. She says she will do anything to get out of the poor neighborhood. Mariano overhears and calls her out on it. Uh oh.

She recovers quickly and explains that she means she has already sacrificed to much, like the time she has with him. She'd rather be with him than work all the time. He would like that, too. But they can't because they are poor. Dinero, siempre dinero! He agrees that getting where they want to be will be difficult but it worries him that she might be capable of 'lo que sea.'
He continues on saying there are limits. "What do you mean?" She asks. "You know very well, mi amor. You're so so beautiful and men will try to take advantage." "You're jealous. Again you want to talk about the prof when you said--" "No, no. Not just him, anyone else. Those insipid rich boys you know from school." He goes on to say he's poor, all he can give her is his love, support, and all his strength every day. He hopes that for now that's enough for her.

Well, I think he got his answer. Or at least we all did.
More talk about how they want to work through everything and be together forever. He means it, she.... prob thinks it'd be perfect if he got to be a super rich doctor and they could be together, but for now she's keeping her options open.
The doctor Ledesma takes the gifts from Aurora and agrees to give one to Mariano and to look out for him.
Luisa asks Teresa why she didn't say anything to her about what happened yesterday with el profe. At first she plays dumb, but quickly explains that she can't break el profe's confidence. Luisa agrees, but that's her brother. Teresa asks if he really is an alcoholic, Luisa says no, you saw him at his party. He can have a drink--but when it comes to Paloma, watch out. Teresa says between the both of them, they are going to protect him. She goes into Arturo's office/library. Right off the bat, he tries to apologize about yesterday but she cuts him off saying he doesn't owe her an explanation. She plays dumb about the whole thing, he says Paloma is the person who hurt him the most in his life.
Oh, it's Aida. Blah. Anyway, her, Paulo, and Genoveva have arrived and are checking in. Aida is on the phone with her mother, who is not happy about the trip. They'll be in separate rooms! Maira wants to speak with Genoveva. Gen swears that Paulo is a good kid, and is dedicated to forgetting his old gf and dedicating himself to Aida. Maira still doesn't like the trip. Gen: "Tell me the truth, you just don't want to be my consuegra, right?" I wouldn't.
Profe is telling the story to Teresa who is listening dutifully, as if it were the first time she heard it. "So you never saw her again?" "She never searched for me, and I definitely didn't look for her." He explains that he couldn't forgive that she didn't support him, his parents, or his efforts to clear their name. She says one who loves you has to give you unconditional support. He says after that, she left him just before the wedding. Teresa goes off, how could she be so dumb, to leave you, a man so marvelous...uh...
Did she do that on purpose? Did the words just come out? Or is this Teresa playing another one of her games? She did the same thing when she was talking about staying up all night thinking of the profe....uh, and his book. What do you think?
She apologizes. Sorry, I just can't understand how this woman could leave you when you were at your worst. He seems to be taking to her compassion and...
He puts out his hand to her, she looks at it, he curls it back up and she pulls her hands away. Interesting moment.
Acapulco: Gen leaves the kiddies to their own devices.
Back to Teresa and the prof. She agrees with Luisa. "You need to confront her." To say the rest of this, Teresa walks behind his chair and speaks almost directly into his ear. Do it when you are ready, Teresa says. Change your number and let everyone know she is not allowed in this house. Let me help you, she says, leaning forward. Together we will find the solution.
Pablito and his mom come back from the hospital and run into Mariano. Mom says they met someone at the hospital who was asking so many questions, Refugio appears and they continue the conversation. Mariano says the woman was conducting a socio-economic study.
More Acapulco. Paulo's never seen her in a bathing suit before. Like what you see? Me encanta. She hands him sun tan lotion. He kisses her neck.
Profe is leaving but oops, almost leaves without the pen Teresa gave him. She clears her throat. He says, Touche, and takes it, saying he swore it was the only one he'll use and he's gonna stick to that.
He leaves and Teresa immediately rifles through the desk looking for Paloma's number. Not necessary. The phone rings and it's her! Luisa watches Teresa nervously. Teresa makes an appointment with her and the profe, but she will show up instead.
Jaws music. And Teresa makes a Shark/Predator like face.
Pablito's mom says that they may have to wait to get his treatment. He is not feeling well. His stomach hurts a lot. He wants to see the angel that kissed him the other day, but Mariano says she can't come because she is preparing for a trip while he carries him to his bed. Pab's mom is trying to be strong, but she can't. She's terrified her son might die.
Acapulco: Aida finds out that he went to see Teresa at the vecindad. Is it me or is she always the one bringing Teresa up first? Anyway, she is not happy about it.
Teresa tries to find out about Paloma online. She tries to get Luisa to call Fernando (Luisa likes him) to get info--Teresa thinks this is a great way for Luisa to get a chance to contact him--but Luisa says they stopped being friends so it is useless. Luisa asks if Teresa really will see Paloma. Claro. Luisa doesn't know what Teresa is capable of when she sets her mind to something. She repeats her mantra creepily.
Acapulco. More fighting. Aida walks over to another guy.
Paloma is putting on the old perfume that Arturo liked, that she hasn't worn in ages. Whoa! Photographic evidence that the profe is capable of smiling:

Teresa is now outfitted in Luisa's things, looking like a hot rich trophy wife. Luisa says she is scared what Teresa will do. What will she say? Depends on Paloma's attitude and what she wants. Luisa thinks they should tell Arturo. Teresa ain't havin' that.
Espe is on the phone with Rubigote. She thought he wouldn't call. He's all, how could you think that?! They make up and he says he will arrange to give her money for Pablito.
Aida's plan works. Paulo is jealous of the other guy, kisses her.
The profe listened to Teresa and has changed his number.
Teresa spots her prey and prepares for the meal:

She is the mujer de Arturo. She happily tells her that Arturo won't be coming. She was the one on the phone. She won't let Paloma see him. Paloma says it's just something personal she needs to tell him. Anything she needs to tell Arturo she can tell Teresa, or did she not understand that she is his mujer?
El Bigote calls Arturo-somehow he already has his new number. Ruben needs a favor.

Teresa gets Paloma in her teeth. She repeats everything that Paloma did. Says she never really loved him. Asks her if she really thought Arturo was still in love with her, after everything she did? He's happy with Teresa now. It's too late to ask forgiveness.
Arturo is surprised by the amount of money he is supposed to give Espe. And he doesn't like that he is doing a favor like this for him, nevertheless he agrees to do it. Mrs. Bigote walks in and asks who he is talking to. He says Arturo and practically shoves the phone in her face. Dead give-away that he's a liarrrr. Trying too hard to prove he is 'innocent.' But she falls for it. And the profe seems muy pissed that he has to lie directly to her.
Acapulco. Aida pushes Paulo out of her room so she can shower.
Overkill at the meeting:

Teresa says she is pregnant with Arturo's child. Paloma is devastated, like seriously. I feel bad for her! I was expecting someone a la Ximena on TdA. Not so. She runs away crying. Teresa is pleased.
Luisa wants to know what she said, Teresa says it's not important. What matters is she won't bother him again.
Ay, Acapulco again. Aida talks with Gen. Her plan is working!
Luisa says Art will be pleased to know that Teresa got her to leave him alone. Teresa say NO WAY. Tell him you did it. Luisa doesn't like this idea. It was Teresa's idea! I want to protect him from afar. I don't think it would be good if people knew I was involved in something so personal in his life. Like my parents!
We see the after effects of Palomas visit with Teresa. Tears. Paloma is crushed.
Teresa lets it slip that she querers the prof. Then covers, saying she means because she is muy agradecida. (Very grateful.) And she really doesn't want to give the profe any reason to ever be mad at her. Ever.
The Chavez house talks about money, and money for Pablito.
Johnny talks with Espe about how much he has been working lately. Espe gets a call from the prof about the money. They make a plan to meet each other, he is impactada to learn that she lives in the same place as Teresa.
Refugio is finished with the sweater. It's a cute red/pink cardigan like thing. She is proud of it. Juana says it is great and she will like it. She and Teresa talked about it and... Teresa shows up. They notice she is still wearing Luisa's duds. Where did it come from? Unfortunately borrowed. Juana says, speaking of clothes, your mom's done the sweater. Teresa tells the Madrina that she has no interest in that sweater. Ref looks crushed. She flips at her mom, saying that she needs clothes like the ones she is wearing for work. Papa walks in and listens in the background. Pops breaks up the argument, and mama and madrina go to cook dinner. Then papa gives Teresa a bunch of money from his wallet, the money he promised her. I should have added that she asked for it first.
Aurora is looking around, packing for her trip to France and comes across a photo of her with her mother. Her dad comes in and they talk about how much she should pack. She hides the photo of her mother.
Mariano is coming home and sees Teresa dressed all spiffy. She flaunts it, dancing down the stairs. He says she looks beautiful. She explains they are borrowed, but some day she'll be able to afford stuff like this. They talk a little more and kiss.
The next morning. Teresa's parents sit down to pay the bills. Refu notices that some money is missing.
Arturo meets with Espe and gives her the money. She recognizes him as El Profe and they promise to keep this meeting/money/relationshipwithBigote a secret. Mariano walks up and greets the prof by throwing his shirt on the ground. He is ready to throw down. "Professor, what are you doing here?" "I'm here for Teresa." Close up on both of their beautiful eyes.
AND that ends Episode 11.
Episode 12:
Mariano's all, what you don't have enough time with Teresa working with her? Teresa shows up and is happy to see the Prof. Why are you here? To see you. Has something happened? Nothing bad, don't worry. I just want to talk with you and your parents. (Prof is a good liar. Or good at planning ahead, knowing he would be in her vecindad. Maybe he made up the lie ahead of time.)  She says, sure, come on up to the casa. Mariano says he'll go get her pops at work and tell him that the prof is there to talk to them. Teresa looks at Mariano like, relax. You're supposed to just be my friend, remember?

Mariano goes. She explains that no one has privacy in this neighborhood. Everybody is all up in everybody else's bid-ness. Refu and Juanna are cooking and talking about the fact that Armando totally gave Teresa money. Refu says that Pab needs the money way more than Teresa needs it for dresses, belts, whatever. Juana says to understand where Teresa is coming from. Teresa walks in and announces that the prof is there. Ref looks as if Teresa just said she invited a terrorist into their home.
Mariano tells Armando the prof is here. And he thinks it is strange that he keeps coming to her house. He thinks the prof wants to control her. He doesn't understand the prof's generosity. Armando, like Juana, is under Teresa's thumb and defends her. I trust Teresa, don't you? Sure, Mariano says. Armando says those in love are always jealous. He swears that the prof is only there to help Teresa. Nothing more.
Prof, Teresa, and parents talk. He says he is pleased with her work. She thanks him for the compliment. Now for the reason he came. He wants to buy her a cell phone.
Un cellular?? She loves this idea! The parents do not like the idea of him giving her gifts. He assures them it is in instrument for work.

Yeah, totally! She says. For work. She wants to be a lawyer right? Well she shall be a wonderful one. She makes her case splendidly. She explains that public phones, as her mother suggested she use, waste time. She can't have important clients waiting! She needs to ask the prof questions, etc.
Mariano and Dr. Ledesma talk about Pablito. Then he pulls out the gift that Aurora left for him, but doesn't say who it is from. Mariano's all, a present? For me? Gosh, you shouldn't have. Well, his face says that.
Teresa is on the phone with Aurora. She's talking about how difficult it is to pack. Teresa tells her about the new cell phone.
Mariano thanks him, but says the gift is so expensive. He didn't have to get him anything. The doctor says it wasn't from him. From who, then? He doesn't say. He just says times are hard. Accept the gift. My bro isn't the only doc who wants to help you succeed!
Acapulco. Aida and Paulo are at her door. She says call me when you are ready to go eat. Then they are kissing. She asks "me quieres?" and he tells her "claro che te quiero" and "quiero che estamos juntos." All I can focus on is how pretty the ocean looks through the window behind them. He goes into the room with her.
Paloma shows up at Arturo's looking for him. The maid says he isn't there. Paloma sees a car pulling in. She sees him get out of the car. Smiley face. Then she sees him help Teresa out of the car. Frowny face.
Paulo and Aida in bed. She seems to be sleeping. He says something but I can't make it out. Ominous music, though.
Espe is in at home and when she is alone, she hides the money in Pablito's room--which looks like it might also be her room. And the other brothers room, too. Knock on the door. It's Mariano. He checks in on Pablito. He's gonna use his cool new medical supplies.
Teresa is in the prof's house and tells the maid she did good not letting Paloma in. She does seem pissed, however, that Paloma came to seek him out after their talk.

Jaws music.
Paloma looks at the photo again and says, "the woman was right. I have no reason to keep you close to me. I am going to go on with my life... Alone. It's my punishment (castigo) for all the mistakes I made."
Acapulco. Gen sees Paulo and Aida leaving her room and smiles. Does anyone else get the feeling she had a cup to her ear on the wall while all this was going on? Eugh. She calls him in his room and pretends that she has no clue what is going on. Then she says something about all she suffered for Ruben and now his daughter will suffer for her son.
Mariano shows Teresa his new medical supplies, and says they are top of the line. She likes them. They come onto the topic of el Licenciado. He asks why he came this morning. She says he wants her to start leaving earlier because the camión (bus) can sometimes be late and it is dangerous. Mariano agrees. He also said how pleased he is with my work. That's all? Nope. He also wanted to give me this cell phone. She holds it up and smiles. Mariano is not pleased.

Her smile fades, (did she really not see this coming?). Mariano says she shouldn't be taking gifts from him. She explains it is for work. He cant believe her dad permitted this. "He understands my work! He trusts me. How quickly you broke your promise." "Teresa, it's--" "You promised not to mettle in my work. He got a gift, too, remember?" She walks away. He calls after her.
Prof and Luisa at their casa. He says he didn't see her when he got back. She had a headache and was in bed. She lets it slip that Paloma called again. "But relax, she'll never bother you again. Never."
Teresa and Espe talk about Espe's novio. He called. He's gonna divorce his wife and leave her for Espe! Teresa says: "obras son amores y no buenas razones." Actions speak louder than words. Teresa can't believe that the Prof knows her novio. Who is he?
Arturo is not pleased that Luisa messed in his life. He said he wanted nothing to do with Paloma. She hoped he would be happy that the problem was fixed. He's not happy she went to see her. He apologizes and says he is just surprised that she faced her alone. What'd she say? She doesn't want to give details. He knows her. Something happened. Tell him, please. He isn't scared, so please, tell him. She says that Teresa was the one to talk to her. She spills about Teresa looking for her number and looking her up online.
Teresa and Espe are in her casa. There is a knock at the door. It's a rose! Or Mariano holding a rose. Espe leaves.
Luisa tells Arturo that Teresa talked to her, but she sat a table away. "So you didn't hear what they said?" "No. And when I asked Teresa, she didn't give details." She assumes it was so that the prof wouldn't be hurt by what was said. He asks what she wanted. Luisa doesn't know. All in all the prof is glad he didn't have to see her. "But why did Teresa do this?" Luisa says because it hurts Teresa to see him suffer for Paloma.
Mariano wants Teresa to forgive him. She plays coy, but eventually gives in and says she forgives him. He promises to control his jealousy.
Kisses pero besos interruptus. The cell phone rings and she has to answer. It could be something important. It's the hottie prof, but he doesn't get much out past hello. Luisa take the phone from him and hangs up. He can't say anything to Teresa. She promised she would keep the secret. Now what should he do? She says to say the line got cut off and that he was only calling to give her his new number.
Teresa makes her fingers walk on Mariano's shoulder while she gets the new number from the prof. And here is the first piece of proof! He is controlling his celos. She says, clearly the call is something for work. But she had hoped that Mariano would be the first to call her on her phone. He takes it from her, calls her, and asks if he can forgive him for being second. She says yes but she has something very important to do. They hang up and kiss.
Luisa explains why Teresa didn't want him to know she helped. It's personal stuff. And she tells him that Teresa querers him. He tries to say it's just, like, respect. She says, yeah she respects you, spends all this time with you, she cares for you. He talks about the relationship between prof and alumna. And her parents. They are so worried about his intentions. You can't imagine how difficult it was to convince them to let him buy her a cell phone. He is holding her pen while he says all this. "So then," Luisa asks, "you won't tell her?" "No, but I will always be grateful." "Gracias," says Luisa. Tomorrow he will go to the cemetery with her to visit ma and pa. Luisa goes to bed. He holds Teresa's pen still, and pours himself some tea. Then looks at it pensively and whispers, "Teresa... gracias" and holds it to his chest.
Refu massages Armando, tells him not to work himself to death, to not give Teresa so much money, and to live many years with her.
Juana is sewing, Cutberto comes in. He tries to hug her, she says not to touch her, and in fact, it'd be better if he left. He tries to get her to eat dinner with him. She's not having it. He asks her to come with him to see Pablito. She goes.
Teresa is folding her borrow clothes and puts them into a bag. She puts the jewelry Mariano gave her on the scale, then the cell on the other. Love for Mariano vs Money and Power. The cell is much heavier.
Mariano and El Johnny talk about life and work and responsibility. What's more, they are friends and Mariano is always there for him. Johnny is fixing something on the taxi for Mariano and Mariano says to call him when he is done.
Luisa and Arturo are at the cemetery with flowers. She's happy he's there. He hasn't been in a long time. They talk to the grave about how much they love them, and that Art has only stayed away because the memories are so painful. Luisa says she is there to support him and she wants the best for him.
Teresa and her mother talk. Mom asks about the money dad gave her. They need things in the house that the money should be used for. Teresa says they are going to give it to Pablito. Mom says, "that's different! He could die!" "Like my sister," she says. "No one helped her. Sure they cried, but no one gave her money. That is what she needed to live." Mom says the dr said there was nothing they could do. Teresa flips and yells at her mother.

Yes, literally yells. "Why are you always going against me mom? You're supposed to support me! It seems like mom would have preferred Teresa died rather than Rosa!"
Refu looks heartbroken. Oh, maybe literally. She drops a glass and holds her chest. Me das miedo, she repeats.
Teresa is in a snit. She practically kicks a child's bike out of her way. She runs into Aurora. "Why are you so mad?" Had a fight with mom. Aurora asks her to come with her to give Pablito a coloring book. Teresa calls her Saint Aurora. That made me laugh. Pablito is thrilled with the gifts and is really happy to hear Aurora is his friend. His mom thanks Teresa for her friend. She hopes he enjoys all he can because... Teresa cuts her off, tells her nothing will happen. His mom is sad, says she is scared, and cries on Teresa's shoulder. She can't be bothered to put a hand on the woman's back and makes this face instead:

Classic. She could get poor people coodies! Well, from other poor people.
Acapulco. Aida talks to Genoveva about things going well with Paulo. Genoveva has some sort of plan in the works.
Teresa is helping Aurora pack, and talking whimsically about Paris. Aurora is trying to lighten her load of clothes and gives a few things to Teresa. Then she asks a favor, she wants her to watch over the house in Cuernavaca. Visit every once in a while to make sure things are in order. She hands her the keys and hugs her.

Can you see plans forming in that little head of hers??
Teresa runs into Mariano outside the casa de Pablito. The doc shows up and has good news. They found a way to get him back to the hospital to treat his tumor. Seriously? Mariano asks. Yep. He thanks the prof, then spins Teresa around, while the doc watches. Happiness all around.
And there we end for today! Woo. I'll be back to comment and stuff later... gotta run. My dog is about to chew a hole in some furniture because I haven't taken her for a walk yet!
Sorry this took so long!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #90 4/13/11 The Beast Awakes

Part 1

Re-hash of Lonso waking Maria with the flower. whatever....

Mini-Max (who is really Mini-Gui): The Prognosis
MamaRox is literally pointing the finger of blame at Max. The doctor says the reasons for Ximena’s problems are alcohol and pill popping. Ximena is not going to be able to have children (while sad, I think this is really a blessing….for any future fetuses.) MamaRox fusses at Max and Vic tells Rox that Xi is very responsible for what is happening too.

Sadly, the baby is also in a very delicate condition. His lungs are not fully developed (due to the mother’s abuses.) They baby will be incubated and under observation for the next 24 hours. The doctor is very frank: No sabemos si su hijo morirá…o no. (We don’t know if your son will die…or not.) Recapper’s note: Ximena better meet a spectacularly painful and humiliating end.

At Alonso’s  Hideaway
Meanwhile, in Valle de Bravo, Edo. de México. Lonso is asking María if his turn at “amo de llaves” (in this context-caretaker) was acceptable. They were impeccable according to the lady. María loves the house. She hates that she'll be sleeping all comfy and Lonso will be sleeping in the chair. Lonso is fine with it. The chair small but hogareña (like home.) He goes on about slumber parties in the past. They start clearing the table. Their hands touch. They look at each other (background soundtrack: Abrázame by Camila.) Lonso looks pained, María looks miserable for loving Max while Lonso feels so much for her. Lonso says there is nothing better in the world than the two of them here, alone. He goes on to talk about taking a walk to enjoy the naturaleza (nature) that’s surrounding them. María doesn’t really want to, but Lonso doesn’t take no for an answer. He takes the plates away and María is left to make facial expressions.

Percussionist’s Paradise
Vic is trying to calm Rox down. She tells her not to be so pessimistic. Rox asks God why. She says Max no tiene perdó lo tiene (won’t be forgiven.) Vic asks Max what really happened. Even Os wants to know. Max doesn’t really know.  He was driving away. He never realized Xi was being dragged along. He never saw her (remember, Max is slow. He didn’t even realize Mariá had a real baby bump...even when it kicked him.) Rox calls BS and says he did it to avenge himself. Vic is all “Dudette, what reason does he have to avenge himself?” Os  says perhaps he found out Xi knows María Desamparada (chug *hic*) is preggers. Percussion and impactados. “That woman is expecting your child?” Vic asks. “Dude…you knew?” Max asks. More percussion. “Yes” Os answers. More percussion. “And you stayed quiet? Well look at the results, dude. I’m about to lose my child AND the woman I love. I never would have expected this from you.” More percussion.

Napo and JuanJo
Pretty sure JuanJo haz a sad ‘cuz he can’t provide for his jefa (mom.) Not gonna break my brain listening. FF>>

Back at the sala de impactados
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Max is berating his dad (did Os get a haircut?) Orderlies wheel by with Xi on a stretcher.

Back to JuanJo and Don Napo FF>>  Seriously, Cuauhtemoc is annoying.

Nature Walk
Why oh why does the costuming dept keep Maite in those heels? The character is preggers for pity’s sake! Needless to say, she has a little trouble keeping her balance on the narrow path. She finds everything to be very pretty. Lonso makes commentary that the baby will be born healthy. Lonso has María close her eyes and waxes artistic about all the nature that is surrounding them.

Vic is a Be-yotch
Vic is berating Os (nothing new.) She wants to know why he stayed quiet. He says he’s a man of his word and María asked him not to say anything. Vic of course, says María was just keeping her little trump card a secret and wanted to use it at her convenience. No, Os says. María didn’t want Max to know because she knew that if he found out, he would do anything to be with her. Vic is skeptical. Os goes on to say that María sacrificed her own well being for the sake of Xi’s child. Again, Vic is skeptical. Os just lays it out: I’m telling you the truth and one day vas a arrepentir (you’re going to be sorry for) the bad way you’ve treated that girl (and this recapper wants a front row seat and hot buttered popcorn to enjoy the show.) Os leaves.

Back at the Nature Walk
Lonso is reading something artistic. I’ve tried to figure out what it is. Whatever it is, Maria thinks it’s beautiful.

Oh for heaven’s sake more Don Napo and JuanJo. They are looking at want ads and talking about job qualifications. You might want to FF>> ‘cause El Cuau chipmunks to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”. There’s also some slo-mo and Papi ChuIo by el chombo. It isn’t pretty. And criminey it goes on for at least 2 minutes. Recappers—We’re watching the crap so you won’t have to.

Who’s the biggest Be-yotch: Vic or Xi? Xi by a mile! Or wait… maybe Vic.
At the hospital, Rox runs into Xi’s room and Xi is regaining consciousness. Rox asks how she’s doing. Xi is more concerned about a scar and not being able to model. And it’s all Max’s fault ‘cause he tried to kill her. He’s a murderer. Max says she knows it was an accident. She says he thought to deshacer de (get rid of) her and her child. Max looks a little annoyed. (He’s annoyed? What about all of us in Viewerville that have been watching her berrinches and locuras for months?) Xi finally starts asking about the hijo. Funny, when she didn’t realize Max was in the room it was all “scars and my modeling career.” Then she realizes Max is there and it’s all “the baby where is it?”  I am shaking with fury. She pops pills and downs booze for months and now wants to know where the baby is. B*TCH!!

In the sala de espera (waiting room) Vic is explaining to Pip and Toni that the baby’s condition is very delicate and is in an incubator. There isn’t a lot of hope that he will live. Pip says there’s so much bad luck. They can’t seem to leave the hospital, You (when was Vic in the hospital?) Fer, and now Ximena. Oscar asks what happened. Vic says a regrettable accident. Then she goes on to explain that Max found out that María Desamparada (chug *hic*) is expecting his child. You can tell she’s getting angry. (You know, after 3+ months, I still don’t get why Vic hates her so much. Don’t forget, she started the hatred the minute María stepped off the elevator with Os.) Vic has the unmitigated gall to say all her problems are María’s fault. Pip is giggling. He seems really happy about the pregnancy (and making word plays with “desamparada” and “embarazada.” Sorry, Pip, Viewerville came up with it a long time ago. We win.) Vic tells Pip to quit making jokes. Her grandson is dying. Toni tells her that the other child is also her grandchild. Vic has a hard time with that.

Whew! I was wondering when we’d get our flashback!
María is sewing. As she looks for something in her basket, she finds the sparkly heart Max gave her all those months ago, when their love was new. We hear Max’s “I’ll come back for you. I promise. ” voice over. We flashback to the confrontation in the apartment: Xi’s berrinche, Max’s goodbye kiss, “the death of my child is going to weigh on your conscience.” Back to now: María thoughtbubbles “I don’t want the death of the child to weigh on me.”

Do we *have* to watch more of Xi?
Xi is wondering why no one is answering. What happened with my child? Max? Victoria? (who has just entered.) What happened with my child? Where’s my child? Why is no one telling me anything? Victoria finally tells her she has to be strong. The child is in a very delicate condition. Xi starts wailing, cursing and blaming María, saying she hates Max and never wants to see him again (good!) She wants to die. She tells Max to get out. He leaves. If they need anything, he’ll be outside. Vic and Rox fawn over her. Blech.

Max meets up with Os in the hallway. He asks Os what he’s doing there. Os has been waiting for Max. He wants to explain why he kept quiet about María. Max says María asked you to, isn’t that it? Yes, Os explains. She preferred to sacrifice for the good of your other child. Max says everything that is happening is increíble. They were a pretty happy family and then suddenly all this crap happened. Os tells him it’s not fair that Max sacrificed so much for the child. Max says he's losing everything. Os tells him not to say that. Bear hug. Oh! Cruz is somewhat shaved and coiffed! (He just walked up.)

Wow! Mark Tacher talks fast!
María is still sewing and Lonso comes up. I believe the caldera (boiler) in the bodega (cellar) needs some work. Rapid fire dialogue. Lonso is going to clean up before he fixes dinner. María appreciates all he’s doing but says it’s a lot of work.  Lonso says not at all. It’s all good! Don’t worry about it. María shows off the shirt she is working on. Lonso takes her hand and we get more meaningful stares and Camila. After a while María pulls her hand away and Lonso haz a resigned sad. Lonso says perdóname and gets up to leave. María is left to contemplate the sparkly heart and a repeat of the “I’ll come back for you. I promise” voiceover.

Max and Cruz
Max asks Cruz if he knew María was expecting his child. Cruz barely nods. Cruz says he didn't say anything so Max wouldn't suffer. Max asks Cruz to go to the vecindad and to tell María not to go. Cruz says of course! He leaves. He’s on a mission from Max!

A nurse comes up and says he can see his son.

For the love! No more Ximena!
<rant>Oh c’mon, Ximena! She’s whining (no surprise.) She’s saying she’ll give lots of children to Max. She will find a way for him to love her. She is either in denial or just evil and wants to make his life miserable. At this point she knows the business is not that lucrative so why the heck is she sticking around? She begs Vic to talk to Max, to help her get María out of his mind. I.hate.her.</rant>.

Vic actually talks some sense and says Xi will have to accept that Max doesn’t love her. Xi  says María came between her and Max (if that’s what she wants to think. I’m not convinced Max EVER loved her.) More whining. Max wants to leave her; he’s going to leave her for esa Desamparada (that Desamparada chick.) Vic tells her not to talk that way. Xi goes on- If that damn woman uses her baby to trap Max, to get a commitment from him. Whine whine whine. “I want to die. I don’t want to continue to live.” I am so tired of this song. Please. Do it and get it over with. For all our sakes. More whining. “I’m begging you. Don’t let him leave me.” Recapper's noteVic your are just as guilty in all this mess! Criminey! More Xi whines “We’ll have lots of children! A family! We’re going to be very happy.” Basta, be-yotch.

Rox drops the bomb (and the sound crew goes crazy with the echo machine again): “That will never be, Ximena (Ximena Ximena Ximena.)” Xi, being the delusional heifer that she is says “I can be a good mom” (Yeah, in whatever universe where pill-popping and drinking is considered “good mothering.”) Rox informs her tú no volverás a qudar embarazada (nunca volverás a quedar embarazada nunca volverás a quedar embarazada) she will never be able to get pregnant again. No! No! No! ¡No es cierto-o-o-o!

Mini-Max…er Gui
These are the healthiest, biggest preemies I’ve ever seen! 

So Max is entering the NICU and trying to get through the scene while a very PO’d baby screams “Let me out of this thing!!” Underdeveloped lungs my left foot. Max cries. He looks to heaven.

Part 2
Napo and JuanJo at the employment agency. FF>>

Back to Max. Doctor enters. They are asking him to leave so they can check the baby. Baby continues to scream…despite his delicate lungs.

Back at Lonso’s pad
María carries around the Virgin María and looks at herself in the window. Xylophone music plays indicating a baby is nearby. She talks to her belly. Soon, you'll be here my dear. What will you be like?

Cut to Max in the chapel praying for baby. Don't leave my son. I feel so bad for Max suffering so much over a baby that isn’t even his. Te suplicono me lo quites and por favor. (I beg you, don’t take him from me and please.) Let me get to know him.

Napo and JuanJo are still waiting to be chosen for work. A call comes in for a mayordomo (steward) and mucama (housemaid)  with great personalities. Napo offers his services as mayordomo. JuanJo’s “sister” will be a great mucama. Oh gawd. This does not bode well. 

Back to María who is still schlepping the Virgen María and talking to the baby. She’s going to give baby all her motherly love. She prays for strength, courage and patience for the bad times. She prays it’s a happy child full of love. She prays for orphans, for Juan Pablo…and Alonso…and Nati…and Milagros…and Don Napo…and Cruz…and JuanJo…y (por fin!) Max. Split screen-Max and María.

Moon over the Vecindad
Napo and JuanJo argue. They flip a coin. JuanJo is mayordomo, Napo the mucama. Napo laments the loss of his beard. I lament this plot line. He’s pretty sure he was born with the beard.

Nati is flipping. She doesn’t know where María is. No note, nothing! She thinks something terrible has happened. JP tells her to chill. Cruz enters and asks where María Desamparada (chug *hic*) is. Nati says she’s not here. Cruz gesticulates wildly. He tells JP that Max asked him to ask María to not leave. Cruz fills them in about the baby.

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?
A comical husband and wife are preparing for a fancy dinner party (Tchaikovsky's Overture to the Nutcracker plays...which seems odd to me.) Both are awaiting the arrival of the mayordomo and mucama. Oh. Boy. The doorbell rings. Cue the chipmunk and Vivaldi. El Cuau enters as the mayordomo and heaven help us Don Napo enters as the UMIAOM (Ugliest mucama in all of Mexico.)

Visiting Hours are Hell
Max is watching the doctor examine Mini-Max-who-is-really-mini-Gui. Vic comes up and they share a hug/cheek kiss. Max gushes about his child and Vic tells him she can imagine how he’s suffering…but he can’t feel guilty for what the accident. Maybe so, but he still feels guilty. Vic says the fault lies with María Desamparada. Max gives Vic the stink eye. He fusses at her for insisting on badmouthing the woman he loves. (Wowzers, thanks to the soundtrack, crying babies and computer speakers, I’m missing a lot of this dialogue.) Vic looks defiant. Seriously. I’m missing so much of this. Someone fill me in, please? Vic asks “are you sure she’s going to leave?”  Max confirms it. He says something about “sacrificing for me.” (Ok, I’m gonna go cold hearted here—someone tend to those crying babies…I am not keen on the idea of the crew ignoring the needs of the babies for the sake of a scene.) Vic says she’s willing to humiliate herself to ask María to wait ‘cause no one has the right to take his child away. Yo iré y la detendré (I’ll go and stop her.) Max is “you’ll do this for me?” Vic says for her children she is capable of everything.

JuanJo the Mayordomo and El Feo más Feo. FF>>

Vic prays in the hospital chapel. Save the baby. She’ll stop Mariá from leaving. Save the baby. Enter Doña Dementa who asks “don’t you see that God continues to punish you?” (The music is perfect. Very menacing.) Staring contest.

What the Avances didn't show us.
Remember the Avances from Tuesday? If you think about it, if you watched the avances, you've seen this episode. Except for this...

Os paces in the waiting room. His facial expressions look more like gas than worry. Gui comes up behind him. I foresee a screaming match and a lot of missed dialogue. Os leads with overused telenovela line #32  “¿Qué haces aquí?” (What are you doing here?) Gui claims he came to help his friend when he found out what happened. Os says you are not my friend… you are a damn traitor. (Gui kind of smiles.) Heated talk about the court case. Os has a witness who is going to testify. A bit more I didn’t catch…but I DID catch the most important: The baby isn’t Max’s IT’S MINE!! (And the most evil smile ever. *shudder*) Carmina Burana-eque music plays in the background.

Part 3
Night has fallen on Valle Bravo, Edo. de México
Camila continues their serenade....and Lonso has come upon María as she completes her nightly toilette. He grabs a camera (creepy.) He takes a quick shot. He asks if María is ok. If anything happened. María tries to act like she's fine, but Lonso ain't buyin' it. She's realized that her baby will be the half sibling of Ximena's baby. Lonso is Well, as we allll know ('cause María has said it a squillion times), María has always wanted a brother or sister. Lonso wonders why she is sad. Her child will have a sibling. María says it doesn't matter since the child will never know/meet said sibling. Lonso asks about looking for her mother. María says Burnie knows, but won't tell her who it is. Really María thinks it's probably best she not know who her mom is. The woman abandoned her. Lonso asks if she's reeealllyy sure mom abandoned her. Of course María is sure. She's a woman who left a defenseless child in the street (hmmmm...can soberbia trump DNA?) Lonso asks about dad. María doesn't know. Surely some irresponsable (irresponsable person) one of those scuz-buckets men for whom love is just a game...a diversion. Oh, she's gonna regret these words. (PS: If that's JP, then I'll be his plaything any time!)

If Max is a stupid Apple, then Vic is the stupid Tree
Vic is telling Burnie that at su empresa (your business) tenemos la obligación de aguantarla (we're obliged to put up with you), but not here in the chapel and tells her to leave. Burnie says in her business she can do what she wants and that's why she brought in María Desamparada (chug *hic*)-- to bother her with her presence. Vic wants to know how she knew she was preggers with a Mini-Max (who really is a Mini-Max...despite not having a doll to prove it.) Burnie smooths her ever-errant brow and says "She is so much like you and you didn't realize ... You should have treated her like a daughter." I don't know if Burnie could have been more obvious. You have to watch it. Such a nano-second of a pause between the "you didn't realize" and the "you should have treated her like a daughter."  Dumb Vic takes it as a reproof. Not as the "she *is* your daughter dipsh*t" statement that it was. JP enters behind Burnie.

Hellz Yeah!
Ximena is sleeping. But not for long! There is a knock at the door. It's Os. Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong! He wants a minute alone with the XXX-factor.  Rox protests. Os insists. Hmmm. I don't know, though. Xi looks like she's in a stupor...well, more so than usual. She tries to play the pity card. Osvaldo...mi hijo está muriendo (my baby is dying.) Os asks that for the life of the youngun' that's just been bornded that Xi answer truthfully:  Is the child the Gui's or Max's. I'm not sure Dominika is capable of  "impactada" but she tried. He presses for an answer. She says "Sí...sí es de Guillermo

Well, I was hoping for more of a fit from Os, but it will have to do.

Moon over María
Now Lonso the Creeper is watching her sleep. I now fear that Anon 6:27's prediction will become a reality. Dude could get seriously evil if he can't have María. He hits his head on the glass window thingy. He thinks María is real purdy, though. Yeah. Seriously creepy. He watches her sleep...and keeps leaning closer and closer. Ew. He holds himself back and emotes a bit. Then goes back to leering (Mark Tacher reminds me of Viggo Mortensen...another hottie...who speaks Spanish...Televisa? Are you listening?) Oh god. It's getting uncomfortable. Lonso keeps leaning in. Hubadub is sleeping so I'm silently screaming "don't do it!" María awakes with a start. She's a little QTH? Lonso pleads with his eyes. Really! I'm NOT a creeper.

Cutie Patootie Patrol
Max (Cutie Patootie #1) is looking at Mini-Max-who-has-just- been- outed-as- Mini-Gui (Cutie Patootie #2...despite his father.) Max is telling him that he's the reason why he sacrificed everything (jeez, Max, wait 'til he's a  teen to lay that guilt trip on him.) Tears and get wells. Are tears and moco sanitary? Quit leaning on the incubator, Max!

What? Cue the kayak? That seemed abrupt.

-Xi lies!
-A new business is born!
-Lonso begs!
-JP worries!


Llena de Amor #168 (Mex. 198-199) Wed 4/13/11 Once again the she-donkey's in the wheat

Greetings all. Judy and I traded nights this week. This is most likely my last Llena recap and I just want to express what an extreme pleasure it has been recapping with this entire team of recappers and commenters. The telenovela started off slowly, then got absolutely delightful in the middle, somehow lost its way partway through, got better again, then was nearly destroyed by Loonivision's horrendous editing. That was definitely not fair to the talented cast nor to we, the viewers. Ah well, these shows are roller coaster rides in the best of cases and that's exactly what we've gotten. Bad things are still happening but I'm hopeful that we will come to the end seeing one, two, three, possibly four, maybe five, could even be six or seven or eight weddings before this one is over. I wouldn't be surprised if we get rewarded with one or two well-deserved demises as well.

Tonight's title is in the recap originally for Gretel but it could also apply to most all of our characters who relentlessly insist on banging their heads against the wall, withholding crucial information, keeping self-destructive secrets, and doing the same stupid crap over and over. Heck it could also apply to those of us who gripe about recapping yet can't seem to give it up for whatever reason. My friends, I raise my glass (a California Rhone-style from the Central Coast) to the human condition. Let's see what our beloved characters are up to tonight...

Capítulo 198 - The window, the window, the second story window.

Usually I find the mini repeats from the previous night annoying. However we get to see a bit of Brandon’s avowal of love for Ilitia and this is OK by me. Also not annoying, Fedra is aghast that her legs have no feeling. Serves her right that her long-suffering lap dog is torturing her like this, whatever his reasons are.

Fedra rubs her legs in despair while her Saint Bernardo feigns sympathy. She still doesn’t want him to touch her. Ha ha Bernardo. She wails she’d rather die than spend her life in a wheelchair. Bern wiggles his eyebrows diabolically.

I love this next scene. Brandon admits that he’s been in love with Ilitia for more than two years but don’t worry LydT, Ilitia’s not in love with him. Uh, actually she is, corrects Emanuel, she loves you man. Ilitia becomes sad and tells Eman she was his girlfriend, then his wife, but no matter what she did it was never enough. She only wanted a little love. Even cranky Mari appears touched by Ilitia’s words. Brandon whips off his jacket and invites Eman to punch his face in half, he won’t even try to stop him. Eman gives him a man-hug, thanks him, and jokingly calls him delinquent (what Brandon always calls El Lirio, hee). Eman tells Ilitia at least he never hid his feelings for Mari and Vicky, blah blah their marriage was a joke.

Gack. At the hospital Axel grabs Dee and fervently kisses her. He’s such a schmuck. She pushes him away and says they are over! He grabs her face and refuses to believe. She pushes, he grabs, she whacks, he defies and says they will end up together. The happy couple music plays and I despair.

Ilitia turns on Mari and tries to blame her but Mari reminds Ilitia that she used lies and trickery to get Eman. Ilitia played dirty and should accept it. Eman puts his arm around Brandon and asks Ilitia, is the baby you’re expecting mine or my compadre’s? Mari who has to butt into everything begs Ilitia to tell the truth for once. So what if Brandon isn’t rich? He’s a great guy with a good job, he loves Ilitia and will take care of her. The father of the baby deserves to know. Eman agrees, they all deserve to know. Brandon asks, did you get pregnant to keep your husband? Could you do such a thing? Is the baby mine? OK Ilitia, they’re all ganging up on you. It’s truth time.

Emiliano and Netty are having coffee or dinner somewhere and he admits to her that for a moment when they were in hospital he hoped Fedra wouldn’t survive surgery. He wanted the nightmare to be over. Netty gets it. Emi we all get it. More lamenting about Juana Felipa the prostituta, he finally understands all the torment she caused the family. Netty pipes up about Gretel, poor girl, who has had to put up with so much and who is now in crisis about everything that’s happened. Emi is all “que?” what doesn’t he know about Gretel? Dude, you know she was locked in the cellar for two years, isn’t that enough?

Uh...Netty replies that Gretel needs everybody’s love more than ever, especially Paula, Tio and Oliver. Yeah sure, agrees our dense papa, especially Oliver. She also assures him she has a Very Good Reason for protecting Jose Maria Sevilla’s secret. Emi’s little hamster is trying really, really hard to run. Emi asks Netty, does Eman know what JMS and Fedra are hiding? Ask him, she replies, she can’t say anything. It’s the law of telenovelas, what can be revealed in one simple sentence must remain hidden for no good reason.

Now Brandon is getting on Ilitia’s case. He gets a brief smile out of Eman when he accuses her of just using him to “bump cars” and use his body to have a good time. Ilitia’s in tears and admits she didn’t mean to lie to them but Fedra put her up to it to keep Eman. Fedra wanted the world to think she was pregnant with Eman’s baby and paid a doctor for a positive test. But when Eman carried her in to another doctor she was as shocked as everyone to find out she was pregnant. Eman is fatigued to hear yet another rotten story about his mami.

Fedra is still in a panic about her legs. Lowrenzo arrives and yells at Bernardo to “Move it, get out!” She takes a time out to spit some venom at Emi and Netty who have just arrived. She wants them Out! Raus! She calls Netty a liar, hypocrite...bad actress! This last one gets a raised eyebrow out of Netty. Emi says he’s sorry for what happened and he hopes someday he can forgive her. However the woman he married doesn’t exist so he doesn’t need a divorce to be a free man. She'll be in good hands with Low. Goodbye forever Juana Felipa Perez. She hurls epithets his way but alas, nobody cares.

Ilitia tells the group that the way the dates add up the baby is Eman’s, so sorry for him. Yep, I’m sorry for me too, Eman says. And when the baby is born he’s going to have a DNA test done. Fine, says Ilitia, hitching herself up, but until then Byeee divorcio because she’s not going to sign anything. You never loved me, not even a little? asks Brandon. He looks tortured and so does Ilitia.

The phone rings. Mari tells Eman that a terrible thing happened to Fedra at the hospital. He and Mari run out leaving Brandon and Ilitia to gaze painfully at each other.

Back at the hospital Fedra rants, Lowrenzo tries to soothe, and the shady doctor tells him that Fedra will never walk again.

Eman and Mari rush into the hospital. Bernardo tells Emi and Eman that Fedra needs them now more than ever. She’ll never walk again.

Brandon is tired of being jerked around by Ilitia. She tells him playing around with him was her favorite pastime. He asks her how does it feel to destroy the heart of a man like him? He had a stupid dream that one day she would realize all this money is nothing when there’s no love. In Acapulco he thought they were in love but it was a lie. She says she wasn't born to be poor. He brings up that she was an orphan. She says nope, she has a name because her dad is Lowrenzo. That guy? laughs Brandon, he’s a delinquent, a loser, a playboy and you’re the spitting image. And worst of all Ilitia Porrrta Lopez is that you’ll be alone; you've lost your husband and you’ve lost me forever. He wipes a manly tear from his eye and says this is the last time she’ll see him.

Ilitia sarcastically says, thanks a million, I’m shattered, and the one who is leaving is me. Which she does with her best Top Model sashay.

“Whoaaaa whoaaa whoaaa, Brandon Brunette Moreno,” we hear Kristel slobber as she stumbles down the stairs, bottle of wine in hand. With her best drunken baby voice she mocks his frowny face. So he’s got a broken heart, she has one too, she puts his hand on her chest and heaves up and down, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, see? Another Kristel tour de force, edited out.

Brandon insists he’s there to see Gretel, he brushes her aside and is on his way upstairs when he is stopped by...Hooray!! Doctora Chelatina! S/he shakes her finger at Brandon and a flummoxed Kristel and chimes “Heyy heyyy, I've come to talk to MY patient, hokay?”

Eman kvetches about Fedra and Mari tries to comfort him. “Hypocrite!” Bernardo shouts at her. “Bad dog!”, retorts Eman. (OK, so I paraphrased that last part.)

Paula kvetches to Maximo about Gretel. She’s afraid she might be going craz... “Shhh!” commands Maximo, “my daughter’s not crazy!” Well not with Doctora Chelatina to the rescue. She enters and Max the old goat coos it’s a pleasure to meet a lady so distinguished, so refined, so cultured, and he is (drum roll) Maximo Ruiz y de Teresa at her service (kisses hand)! Paula stands by giving him the stink eye. He kisses Chelatina’s hand once or twice more before Paula manages to push him out.

Chelatina sweetly comforts Gretel, tell Chela what you’re feeling. Gretel says she wants to die. Chela assures her there are solutions to every problem. “Help me Chela,” begs Gretel, “save me from this darkness.”

Eman and Mari mope by a sleeping Fedra. How will they tell her? Low enters and mutters that Mari has no business there and his mother needs him now more than ever. Fedra awakes, happy to see Eman, Mari not so much. Low kicks Mari out. Eman kicks Low out. She asks Eman why can’t she feel her legs? He starts crying and tells her to be calm. I don’t know about you but when I see someone crying over me “calm” is the last feeling that comes to mind. In short, “You’ll never walk again Mama.”

Chela tells Gretel that she must be completely honest and tell her everything. Gretel starts off by saying she took Chela’s advice and got back together with Oliver, the best guy ever. “Yes you make a beautiful couple! Uh, I imagine,” gushes Chela, nearly sobbing at the news. But Gretel weeps that she’ll never be happy with anyone because she has to pay for everything she’s done. It’s her fault that Fedra is in the hospital on the verge of death. Chela insists no no no, sooner than later something bad would happen to Fedra. I think Gretel says something about doing nothing about her uncle’s death and now he’s going to punish her.

Fedra rants and rails against the injustice of it all. No way will she be a useless! Low runs in and she tells him she can’t walk, she wants to die. Eman reminds her that he once had an accident too and he couldn’t walk, she needs to be strong, they’ll see the best specialist, he’s there with her.

Axel and Dee are in Licenciado Eugenio’s office. Axel has changed his mind and wants to retract his signature. Eugenio, speaking with his mouth full of Danish, announces his congratulations or his condolences, the divorce is a done deal. Dammit, Dee looks stunned.

Gretel is having a breakdown, sobbing that she saw Fedra kill him but she can’t say who. Chela keeps urging Gretel to tell the entire truth until finally Gretel starts blubbering the story she’s been hiding all her life. “I was in the closet. My uncle was with her, said he knew all about her. She attacked him and attacked him and threw him out the window. Fedra killed Marianela’s father, she killed my uncle and I saw it all!”

Capítulo 199 - She'll never walk again. I need/she needs you more than ever. Get out! All said about 50 times tonight.

Gretel continues her melt down and cries that when murdere Fedra found out Gretel knew everything she threatened to harm her father and Oliver. She couldn’t tell anyone.

Chelatina slips up and, in Oliver voice, tells his venenito that everything will be OK. Gretel looks around in a panic, Oliver where are you? Paula comes in, Gretel is still sobbing and Chela is also in tears. Paula and Chela try to calm hysterical Gretel.

Axhole follows Dee around begging and whining like a prat for her forgiveness. Why is she crying? She wanted the divorce. She says it still hurts. He begs for another chance. She’s all no way, it hurts too much. OK how about just friends then, he suggests, then maybe someday... She relents and reluctantly nods. He hugs and looks hopefully over her shoulder. Blech.

Eman and Low stare at Fedra as she sleeps. Eman says he doesn’t know this woman, she lied all the time but in spite of it he doesn’t want her to suffer. Low says she’s your mother and she gave you life. Eman says little by little she destroyed everything. “Why is there so much bad in you mama? You're paying for all you did. A woman like you, so vital, not being able to walk will be like a prison sentence.”

Eman asks Low does he really love Fedra? If so please don’t leave her alone. Low says he promises not to leave Fedra but Eman has to promise him the same thing, that he won’t leave Ilitia.

Eman sez sorry Low, but your daughter’s happiness is not by my side. Your daughter doesn’t love me and our marriage was just her whim, a fantasy. When I married her I loved another woman and she’s in love with another man. Low knows it’s that imbecile policeman and tells Eman to forgive her because there’s a baby on the way.

Eman firmly states that this baby is likely Brandon’s, not his. Iliita, with his mother’s help, tried to manipulate his life. To clarify, the marriage if over and nobody can change that. Low makes an evil face like “Oh yes I WILL change that.”

Ilitia comes home all mopey and weepy and tells Muñeca that her marriage is over. She’s lost Eman forever because he found out about her slip up with Brandon.

Muñeca is, “Uh, I’d hardly call him a slip up because you’re in love with him.” She urges Ilitia to use this opportunity to be happy with him. Never, says Ilitia, because she worked too hard to be the most famous Top Model and be married to Eman. She doesn’t want to be poor. I’m thinking if she’s such a famous Top Model why doesn’t she have a little money in her bank account? What happened to having a career and paying your own way? But I digress. Muñeca tells her to stop playing this stupid game with the baby. Brandon should know that he is the father and Eman deserves happiness. Ilitia listens to the devil on her shoulder and vows that she will do whatever it takes to separate Eman from La Flacucha and La Gorda. She flounces off for daddy who will help her make Eman pay for what he’s doing to her.

Jairo visits Brandon at Netty’s, he’s looking for Oli and Gretel for an exclusive on ELdP. Brandon advises that something went down at the RYdT casa but if Jairo wants he can cooperate with the police and get his exclusive when they capture Mexico’s Most Wanted.

Gretel wakes up and Oli is at her side. He tells her that everything’s fine and Chela took off. Was he there when she told Chela everything? He says he heard her horrible admission, that Fedra killed Mari’s dad. No no, Gretel denies it, she wasn’t herself. Please don’t repeat what he heard because it isn’t true. Ay! Otra vez la burra...

Speaking of otra vez, Eman is at mami’s side again. Mari is still hanging around lending her support. She says some stupid stuff, the usual platitudes. Eman hugs her, thrilled to have her support that means so much to him. She’s the most noble woman he’s ever known in his life. Gag. He moves in for a kiss. Sure, great idea in your mother’s hospitable room. She pushes him back, it’s not right. He doesn’t care because he loves her and Ilitia is expecting Brandon’s child. Mari steps away for a private thought bubble: “If you only knew that I’m pregnant too. So many times I wanted a baby with you but here I am, expecting another man’s child.” No Mari, if YOU only knew.

Eman’s all “whatcha thinkin’?” Oh, just thinking of Vicky, lies Mari. Eman sez, funny how I love both you and Vicky equally, don’t you think? No, she thinks it’s a disaster because the same sort of thing happened to her.

Gladi comes home crying to Brandon about Doris who is more foolish than ever. She pleads for him to save his sister from That Man. So glad they edited this out.

Eman wants to know who the other guy is and don’t say it’s Jorge because he’s convinced they are only friends. Mari changes the subject, says they’d be better off keeping their distance, and then does that thing she always does, exits.

Fedra wakes up and moans she needs Eman more than ever, never leave her.

Mari joins Axhole and Dee and gets Axhole all upset about Gretel. He’s about ready to hothead over to La Mala Manse when a terrible yowling permeates the room. It’s Kristel, staggering through the halls and bouncing off the walls with her bottle of wine, headband slipping down over her eyes. “Wau, que cool, it’s a fiesta, a family reunion!” She’s not leaving before she visits mami and gives her a little snort of wine. Dee scolds her that’s no way to act when your mother is an invalid. Kristel’s all what’s that stupid servant talking about? Eman confirms it, mom will never walk again. Kristel cackles drunkenlyand proposes a toast to the eternal rest of mom’s legs.

Jose Maria grabs his chance, he thinks, by bringing Netty roses and proposing marriage. He wants to spend the rest of his (very short) life with her. Oopsie, Emiliano’s in the house and informs JMS that he should congratulate them on their impending marriage. Emi twists the knife, it should interest him to know that soon he’ll find out all he wants to know about JMS hoe he's connected to Juana Felipa. Oh, by they way, she took a header off the balcony is now in the hospital and paralyzed.

Kristel babbles some more that her entire family are a bunch of fakers. Fedra is really someone else just like Marianela! Eman says he wants to go hook up with Vicky, everyone else leaves, and Mari mutters Ay Dios she’s got to get to Netty’s before Eman gets there.

Bernardo tries again to tell Fedra he’ll be by her side always. She asks for Eman and Lowrenzo. Bern lies and said Low left at the first opportunity. This dismal conversation is saved by drunk Kristel who s-turns into the room waving that bottle, “Helloooo mami!”

Doris is in a morgue cheerfully promising a corpse that she’ll make it very handsome. She pulls back the sheet and it’s Andre with cotton stuffed in his nose and ears. Yikes, bad dream. Andre rushes in to comfort her. Yikes, not a bad dream, it’s Brandon yelling and pounding on the door.

Low meets with Orangey to tell him he has a little job for him and he’d better not fail. Eman wants to divorce Ilitia. Mau laughs, you don’t say, she deserves better than Eman and I’m the man for the job...after I kill him. Not exactly what Low had in mind. He opens a case full of money, he wants Mau to kill Brandon Moreno. And right on cue Ilitia as come into the room and hears the whole thing. Cara impactada is an understatement. Low adds that because of Ilitia’s affair with that policeman her marriage is in jeapordy. He wants that infeliz out of the way as soon as possible, is that clear? Mau nods his head and Ilitia, unseen, shakes hers.

Eman arrives at Vicky’s room first and starts a conversation with the dolly that holds the secrets. He immediately finds the documents about the investigation by Tio Felipe. No puede ser! He knew that Fedra was Juana Felipa Perez! A sailor’s prostitute! A dancer and stripper for the pleasure of men!

Mau is pressing his case, let him protect Ilitia, but the stupid Top Model pipes up “No! No!” Mau grabs her as she implores daddy not to hurt Brandon. She's a huge big mouth lets slip that she is pregnant by Brandon. That’s great info for Mau and he runs to shut the door to keep things quiet.

Brandon busts through the door, pistol aimed at Andres, shouting threats and pounding his chest. He doesn’t care for words so he punches Andres in the face then drags Doris out the door. Something tells me this isn’t going to have the desired effect.

Mari rushes in and Consuelo tells her that Eman is already upstairs. She sneaks upstairs to Doris’s room to change her disguise.

Ilitia is fighting with dad about Brandon. Low insists that Brandon will die. The doorbell rings and Low passes her off to Mau for hiding in the bedroom. Oh Low, if you only knew. It’s Mayela at the door; great timing!

Eman continues reading the documents. The 15 years that Juana Felipa knew him JMS was a Spanish smuggler in the Caribbean. He recalls Fedra telling him that JMS killer her parents. “Lies, all lies!” sobs Eman, “That man was your lover.” He read that JMS’s boat was El Lirio de Plata. All the stories that Bernardo told him were about his father. (Did we ever hear those stories?) El Lirio de Plata burned up with the Curiel’s aboard. Eman mutters that his mami robbed the Curiels.

Eman recalls Mari accusing Fedra of killing Tia Carlota. Eman’s little hamster is running a marathon and the pieces are falling into place. Who are you mami? Did you kill anyone? That's something I can never forgive. He also recalls Jorge saying he was trying to find Juana Felipa and he knows Fedra killed Tia Carlota. Quick change artist Vicky finds Eman sniffing and snorting in despair.

Mau’s got Ilitia right where he wants her with daddy’s permission. She begs him not to hurt Brandon. Mau is incensed that she would let herself become preggers by that low life. She says she’ll pay anything. Guess what? He doesn’t want money, but her body yessssss. He starts with a kiss and tells her to convince him that she likes him. No? Then Brandon’s a goner. Mau repeats himself, this kiss had better convince him. OK she’ll do it, if she kisses him he won't hurt Brandon. He lays a slimy one on her and she can’t help but pull away. That’s it, he says, you just killed Brandon Moreno.

Mañana: Wow, looks like Andres comes through with an impressive door kick to save Ilitia and she admits that Brandon is the father of her baby.

Otra vez la burra al trigo = Once again she’s up to her bad habits (Lit. Once again the she-donkey’s in the wheat)


La Fea Más Bella #295-296 4/13/11 A New Lety, a Renewed Fernando, an Improved Luigi, and the Same Old Alicia.

Since Alicia is Leaving on a Midnight Plane to .. Geneva??, Aldo and Fernando synchronize their steps; they want to be Pips, Region 4. The picture on the left is Gladys Knight and the Pips singing Leaving on the Midnight Train to Georgia. Why, you almost can't tell the difference, huh?

Capitulo 295A. Read k-Fuego’s original recap.

1. Jax gives Lety the first payment for CCA, a check for $1M. Ali hears it and speculates that with that money she could buy jewelry and shoes for life, and not need her husband.

2. Luigi’s father, Luis, is in the vortex, but Luigi refuses to see him. Luis tells Irma Luigi’s mother is dying and wants to see him for the last time. Irma tells Luigi.

3. Humberto tells Fernando how proud he is of his son. Even Ariel recognizes that he did a good job. Amid the success, Fern sees Lety’s sadness. He goes to the cave and calls Aldo’s publisher to get his contact info. He speaks to Carmina, so he knows she lied about moving in with Aldo.

4. Lety tells Fern she’s very proud of him. He says he has recovered his old confidence. Today could be the happiest day in his life, but he’s still missing half of himself. He takes the plunge and asks Lety to marry him. He once thought he could do everything, but he failed at everything. He lost the company, the respect of his family, and Lety. Now he’s recovered two out of three, and all that’s missing is Lety. He says, “The time has arrived that we can be happy together. Marry me, okay?” She says, “I can’t.” He asks her forgiveness and runs to the cave.

5. Fern tells Julieta what happened. He shouldn’t have asked because he knows she loves Aldo, but he can’t stop loving her. Still, he knows he has to help her be happy with Aldo.

6. Luigi tells Lety someone needs to see him but he’s afraid. Lety offers to go with him.

7. Ali drools over the $1M check.

Capitulo 295B. Read Alma’s original recap.

8. Marcia tells the cuartel she got another love note from her secret admirer. She requests his picture. It’s a very scary-looking guy.

9. Luigi sees Luis at the hospital. Luis tries to put the past to rest; the important thing is Luigi’s mother. But Luigi insists on airing all his frustrations against his father. The doctor comes and says mama’s critical. Her heart won’t hold up much longer.

10. Lety asks God to help Lui’s mom. Mama asks Lui’s forgiveness for not protecting him from Luis, nor changing Luis’s mind. She says she accepts Luigi as he is. Lui says if she accepts him, he can accept others as they are. Moments later she is miraculously cured.

11. Alicia breaks into the Conceptos account from Tom’s computer.

12. Lety asks the mirror who she is. Luigi now sees Lety’s luminescence and he loves (querer) her. He wants to do something for her because she freed him form the rancor with his parents. He does a makeover and asks what she’ll do now. Will she hide again like she did with Aurora, or will she make herself Aurora?

Capitulo 296A. Read Julie’s original recap.

1. Presumably, Ali’s papi gives her the green light to embezzle from Conceptos. She makes an airline reservation on Tom’s credit card.

2. Fern goes to Acapulco and tells Aldo that Lety played Aurora because of her love for Aldo. Aldo asserts that it was so she could be with Fernando. Aldo says Lety loves Fern. Fern says no, they’re just good friends. He proposed and she said no. All he wants is for her to be happy, and that means being with Aldo. Aldo observes that Fern loves Lety very much. He invites Fern to be his compadre in the opening.

3. The Conceptos clan presents New Lety to her parents. Pop is impressed. Lety says she’s learned that anyone can attain beauty. To prove it, Lety gives Mama a plucking.

4. Tom finds Ali packing. She says she has to travel for a treatment. She seems to almost regret what she’s doing to him and invites him to sleep with her. He decides not to, for the sake of their baby.

5. Fernando cries over his diary and says he was a fool the day he let Lety go. He would’ve sworn they’d end up together, but that’s not what happened. Meanwhile Aldo remembers Fernando saying that Lety’s happiness is at Aldo’s side. Aldo says, “The last word still hasn’t been said.”

Capitulo 296B. Read 5ft Latina’s original recap.

6. Fernando loves looking at Lety’s new look, and Lety enjoys it. Aldo walks in and breaks the news that Fern went looking for him. Aldo says they should get married right away, and Lety agrees. Fern is anxious to get Aldo paid so he and Lety can leave, because the longer she’s there the more it hurts.

7. Alicia makes the bank transfer. She cries for real when she leaves Tomás. Soon after, Tom reports to Lety that $1M is missing. Then he tells the board. Ariel says he’s going to jail. Aldo and Fern practice to be Pips, Region 4 (see the pictures at the top). Tom says someone made the transfer from his computer.

8. Alicia is turned back at the airport because her passport is expired. She faints. The nurse informs her that she’s pregnant, and she faints again. She goes back to the apartment. Tom and Ali cry a lot.

9. A dichoso (so-called) computer salesman wants to see Marcia, but in her office he admits he wants to ask her out. His name is Octavio. Marcia can’t decide between him and the phantom e-mailer.

10. Lety admits that she wants to marry Aldo as soon as possible. Fern admits that he wants the same because he quit dreaming that he has any chance with her anymore.


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