Friday, April 29, 2011

Teresa Thu 4/28/11 #33-34 Teresa flies the coop, torments Professor Hottie

Teresa Apr 28, 2011 Cap 33 & 34.

RECAP IS FINALLY DONE! And just in time, too! LOL.

This is going to be another "type as I watch" recap. I know there will be errors! Please speak up and correct any you find! Thanks!

We start with a rewind from yesterday, starting at Mariano's grad party. He's dancing with pretty blonde associate. Juana is talking with Refugio and gets the eye from Aurora's dad. Can't figure out if it's recognition or attraction or "oh cr@p, it's her/him!" We shall see!

Aurora's dad gives Mariano some good news. Mariano announces to the party-goers. He's been given a budget? (?) Presumably something to do with the clinic or practice he's setting up.

Back at Teresa's home, Aurora is hearing Teresa rant about Mariano's letting her down. Aurora wants to know is Teresa done with him? Teresa seems to think if he can't come up to snuff, then that's it.

Nice doctor (can't remember his name yet, sorry) has given Esperanza a ride back to the hospital and they're chatting in the hall. The conversation strays to the novio and she says something about being ashamed. Nice doctor says that we all do stupid things in the name of love. She asks if she can help him, and he says no. She then looks like she's embarrassed that she had the nerve to ask and walks off quickly. Nice doctor looks so disappointed, as if he wanted to keep the conversation going.

Disappointed jefe looks on as Esperanza rushes off. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Back at Teresa's house, Refugio comes in to Teresa's room, wanting to talk. But she notices Teresa's starting to pack. Where are you going? Mom asks. She first thinks it's to Aurora's place, but Teresa clues her in: She's going to Professor Hottie's place!

Mom is horrified. You don't love him! Teresa scoffs at love. She's getting outta there! Mom and Teresa start to struggle over the suitcase that Teresa's been packing.

Paulo's giving Aida a bouquet for her birthday. She makes a big fuss over the few flowers he offers her. Many annoying "bebes" and smoochy-faces. They start to have an argument about marriage and money. She wants to be married, but he's got no money. FF>>

Refugio comes to Armando's work to tell him that Teresa's flying the coop. Of course Mean Old Garage Owner gives them a bad time. Armando's got to close of the garage. So what if Refugio says it's an emergency.

Mariano barges into Teresa's house. They start the same old argument. "We're over!" she cries, and proceeds to remind him again of what a loser he is. He's not wanting the insults. He is mediocre and she wants more. He doesn't want to always be thinking about money. Blah blah blah. They get all fired up and then he grabs her and gives her an impassioned kiss as their theme song swells in the background.

Impassioned kiss. (Click on image to see larger version.)

As expected, Teresa responds enthusiastically to the kiss, but then Mariano pulls away and says "Good Bye Teresa." And then the CCs went out. I think he said something about how getting more? I don't know. I assume it has to do with choosing money over love or giving up love. Teresa looks at him with big, limpid, tear-filled eyes.

Tearful Teresa. (Tough luck, you can't have it all your way, bruja!) Click on image to see larger version.

At the garage, Armando tells Mean Old Garage Owner that he needs his job to live, but his family comes first. Mean Old Garage Owner says go take care of your emergency, the boy (Johnny) can close up the garage. He's pretty snarly about it, though.

Teresa struggles in Mariano's arms and yells at him that he's got an ego, that he thinks she could only ever love him? That he expects her to live a life of sacrifice for love? Basically they say the same thing over again about love, ambition, sacrifice, etc, and conversation ends and he walks out. Teresa cries.

A short conversation between Aurora and her dad about the financing of Mariano's new clinic(?).

Teresa is sitting on the floor, holding Rosita's picture and saying to her, "Mariano and I have lost it all, Rosita." At least I think that's what she said, the CCs were confusing. Madre and Padre come in. They want to know if she's leaving, oh yeah, she's leaving. They have chosen this life together, but if she stays she'll die, she cries.

Teresa pleads with her parents to understand. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Mariano goes back to his darkened room and re-lives all the really crappy things that Teresa has said to her about what a loser he is. He cries.

Teresa is still trying to explain to her parents why she has to get out of there and how she wants more from life. She realizes that they raised her and educated her but she wants a better life. Much crying and angst all around. Then Professor Hottie is brought into the conversation. What is going on between them, Madre wants to know. Armando explains that Professor Hottie has already declared his honorable intentions towards Teresa. But Madre (Refugio) doesn't like the sound of this at all, as she clutches her chest ominously.

There's a quick conversation between Cutberto and Juana where they talk a bit about what's going on with Teresa and Mariano. When Cutberto is critical of Teresa's antics, Juana kicks him out and says no one talks that way about Teresa.

More discussion between Refugio and Armando. He again assures her he's talked to Professor Hottie and Professor Hottie is on the up-and-up and his intentions are good. But Refugio just doesn't want this for her Teresa at all.

Armando goes into Teresa's room, where she's finishing up packing, to try to reason with her some more. Here we have more impassioned explaining of what she's feeling: Mariano hasn't fulfilled even one of his promises. Professor Hottie is a Hottie, he's rich, he's nice, and he's nice to her. Mom doesn't understand any of this, Teresa says.

Cutberto is trying to comfort a distraught Mariano. Mariano laments that he had these dreams, but Teresa wasn't willing to wait for him. He also says he's not willing to betray his principles. Mariano's dad comes in and says he hates to see Mariano hurting like this. Teresa does not merit this amount of pain. He also reminds Mariano that he's a wonderful man with a lot going for him and basically, he can do better than this. But Mariano wants Teresa. He'll never forget her. Mariano's dad hugs him.

At Professor Hottie's place, Luisa is reassuring an anxious Professor Hottie that the bedroom is ready for Teresa's arrival, and she's sure she'll like it there. They want to help Teresa in this strange situation with her parents, which they don't quite understand. (I didn't get all of the conversation here.) Professor Hottie does get an angry look when thinking about Mariano, though.

Hopeful Professor Hottie. (Click on image to see larger version.)

A little chat between Mariano, Mariano's dad, and Cutberto, talking about how to lay out the clinic—what will go here and there.

Teresa is on the phone with Luisa. She's still packing and the CD playing is her's and Mariano's song. She gets the CD out of the player and puts it in a case. Then she looks at the photo of herself and Mariano in a frame. She then sees the Teddy Bear that he gave her on her bed. She throws said bear in trash. Jaws music plays.

Refugio and Armando are in the middle of an argument about Teresa staying with Professor Hottie. Armando explains that Teresa's mad because Refugio slapped her, but Refugio says that's just a pretext. Then Armando says that Professor Hottie is an okay guy and can help them out. And there's nothing they can do, anyway. But Refugio doesn't believe this. She's fixed on Teresa staying with Mariano. Teresa walks in with her stuff and announces that she's going now. Professor Hottie's chofer is waiting. She hugs her father and says she loves him, then gives Mom a cold BRUJA-esque look and says "Adios Mama." BRUJA BRUJA BRUJA!!! Mala indeed! Out she goes, dragging her luggage behind her. Mom sits down and does the ominous chest-holding thing again.

As she's struggling down the stairs with her suitcase, along comes Drug-Dealer guy. Weird conversation that I didn't completely get. (Please someone fill me in!) He offers to help her with her luggage but of course there's no way. Then he asks something about Pablo. Then basically she says she's getting out of this horrible neighborhood and he mockingly talks about how he won't bother her again, her highness, or something like that.

Rubigote is talking with Aida and I think she's hitting on him to help out her and Paulo some more.

More of the argument between Refugio and Armando. She just won't get it through her head that this is how it's gonna be for Teresa, and that Professor Hottie isn't a bad guy. She gets so agitated that she collapses. Armando rushes out to get help.

Teresa enters Professor Hottie's house as Professor Hottie and Luisa welcome him. Teresa gets all verklempt (crocodile tears) about how she wishes circumstances could be different. Luisa welcomes her again and they both tell her how happy they are to have her there. Teresa then says she'll work hard on looking for another place to stay, but Luisa nixes that and says there's no need. Oh, she doesn't want to be a bother, Teresa says. Professor Hottie is totally going for this and takes her hand and assures her that he's just fiiiine with her being there.

He is so totally buying her act. Poor sucker. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Armando bangs on Armando's door and pleads him to come look after Refugio.

Luisa is showing Teresa her room. She sees that she left her cell phone at home. Then she notices that there's this huge vase of red roses there for her. "You don't forget any details" she says. When Luisa gives her a hug, Teresa has this total gold-digging bruja look of satisfaction on her face. She says that Luisa can be like a sister to her. Another fakey hug as Teresa steals a look at her new digs with a smug and covetous eye.

Refugio's in a bad way. Mariano says to get an ambulance right away!

At the hospital, Esperanza meets up with a distraught Armando, who fills her in on why he's there. Mariano comes up and says good news, we got her stable. He then explains that she has a pulmonary embolism (I think that's right) and they need to thin her blood. She'll be in intensive care and they'll be doing more tests. Armando is so upset and worried that she'll die. His life is over if she dies! Esperanza tells him not to think that way. He asks to visit her.

Professor Hottie visits Teresa's room. She plays him oh, so well. She feels so bad about being away from her parents. She always thought that when she left that home it would be wearing a white wedding dress. Professor Hottie drinks it all up. All she wants to do is cry, she laments. This gives him the opportunity to hold her close as he tells her to cry, get it all out. Teresa is folded into his comforting embrace and develops this sneaky gleam in her eye. Shameless!

She has no shame. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Armando is in Refugio's room, wearing a full gown and mask. She's unconscious and he pleads with her to fight to live. He loves her, can't lose her, etc. etc. Poor Armando.

Teresa at her shameless best: Professor Hottie, totally getting into this comforting of Teresa thing, says that maybe she can talk to her mom about their differences. Teresa cuts that off quickly. No, her mom is very angry. Thinks that Professor Hottie is up to no good. Mom won't listen! Professor Hottie says he can tell she's very fragile. (COUGH!!! LOL!) He holds her hand and lovingly caresses it as she looks up with her "innocent" look and says that it's such a comfort to be there and to know she's not alone. Professor Hottie is a total goner. The poor sucker!

She's a genius at playing him. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Armando is being told by Mariano that Refugio is in a delicate way. Better get Teresa in here. Armando says he can't reach her by cell. And, she's left home. Mariano is not pleased by this. Mariano assumes she's staying at Juana's, but Armando breaks it to him—she's at Professor Hottie's. There's a look of hurt and disappointment on Mariano's face.

A disgusted and disappointed Mariano finds out she's moved into Professor Hottie's place.  (Click on image to see larger version.)

A very telling scene where Teresa is lounging on her bed and the friendly servant lady, Reina, comes in to bring food. Teresa bosses her around and wants her to fetch and carry for a bit. You can tell that Reina is taken aback by this, since she's known Teresa for years. WHAT A BRUJA!!! I think I hate Teresa in this scene.

Teresa orders the nice servant lady to fetch and carry. (Click on image to see larger version.)

There's a book on Teresa's bed and she opens it. Out falls a photo of her and Mariano at the amusement park. Teresa starts to rip it in half but stops herself, caresses it a bit, and carefully places it back in the book. Then she tucks the book back in a drawer, sort of hiding it. Soft tender music plays. Then the Jaws music starts up again as she lounges back on the bed and eats some fruit with a selfish gleam in her eye.

More disgust displayed by Armando at the news that Teresa's staying with Professor Hottie.

We go to a new scene at some darkened bar or lounge, where a hot guy we haven't seen before is kissing a hot blonde woman. There's talk of her needing a "personal guide" and it sounds like she's a model of some kind. She leaves and the guy has a sh*t-eating grin on his face. He walks off and in walks Professor Hottie. Professor Hottie makes some joke about this guy always having the most beautiful and famous women. Other guy jokes that Professor Hottie and he will always be single. But Professor Hottie has some news—he's met the perfect woman! (HA! If he only knew!) Friend congratulates him and asks what the "fortunate victim's" name is. Her name is Teresa. Professor Hottie explains that she's his student and his employee and he hasn't said anything to her yet. Friend thinks this is stupid.

Meet Fernando. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Mariano has come to the house and wants to tell Teresa about her mom. But Teresa and Luisa avoid him and don't answer the door, because Teresa assumes that Mariano is just there to make a scene. He yells that it's about her mom, but she doesn't hear. He leaves without talking to her.

More with the chat with Fernando. He's got some big project coming up in Cancun. He's going to be at the beach. He invites Professor Hottie and his future esposa to come along. Then he asks how Luisa is doing. Does she still have the glasses? Sounds like Luisa was a bit of an ugly duckling the last time he saw her. We know where this is going! LOL. Professor Hottie says she's doing great etc etc and he'll see her soon.

Luisa and Teresa are talking more about Mariano coming up to the door and then Teresa asks where Professor Hottie is. He's visiting with Fernando, Luisa tells her. There's some excited talk about seeing Fernando again, as Luisa had a major crush on him when she was a kid and always dreamed that she'd marry him. Ah, the silly dreams of a girl. But things are different now—and much better.

Juana, Armando, Cutberto and Mariano are at the hospital chatting. Mariano says he couldn't reach Teresa. Cutberto, as usual, puts his foot in it and says that likely Teresa is to blame for Refugio's attack. Juana gives him the stink-eye.

It's morning and Teresa wakes up in the luxury of her bed. She's happy as a clam. "The life that I deserve" she whispers to herself. BRUJA! She is such a bruja.

Breakfast at the Professor Hottie House. He talks about how Fernando is going to Cancun and has invited them. Teresa looks very interested in this.

Refugio has awoken in the hospital. Mariano explains what she's doing there. She grasps his arm and with breathless urgency makes him promise that he'll look after Teresa and not let her take the wrong path. She is so desperately urgent and distraught. Mariano promises and we see tears in his eyes.

The conversation continues as Mariano tells Refugio she's got to rest and get better. She promises to do so, because she's got to fight for Teresa. She's got to stay alive!

More explaining of this trip to Cancun. All three of them are invited. Teresa and Professor Hottie will be working, though. Something about construction (?) and if they get this job it could lead to others (?). It sounds very important, anyway.

A sweet but sort of filler scene between Cutberto and Juana, who are waiting in the hospital waiting room. Everyone's been napping as they wait for news. Cutberto talks about what a nice guy Mariano is, and so forth. He offers his shoulder for Juana to sleep on.

Cutberto and Juana (Click on image to see larger version)

At the Professor Hottie breakfast table, there's more talk of this important work. Professor Hottie is off to see Fernando about some documents that are confidential. Only he has been authorized to deal with them. I think Luisa asks if they don't trust Teresa to work on them? No, that's not it, it's just very delicate business. Teresa doesn't seem vexed by this but she does wonder why she even should go on this business trip. But Professor Hottie says she'll be needed there. (Or something.) Then as he goes to leave, he gets out his keys and offers them to her. Wow, she is impressed with this. His keys! She's got the keys to the castle, it seems like she's thinking.

Mean Garage Owner is angry that Armando isn't back at work. No amount of explaining that poor Armando's wife is in the hospital sways him. He's going to advertise for a new head mechanic. Poor Johnny looks so upset by this.

Luisa goes off to work (I think) and leaves Teresa alone in the house. She proceeds to boss around Reina the friendly servant lady around some more. This time she complains about the greasy foods. Doesn't matter that Professor Hottie loves the food that way, Teresa has the keys now. Shark music plays and I am hatin' the bruja in this scene. In the middle of her bruja-scene, Aurora comes to visit and tells her about mom being in the hospital.

A quick conversation between Juana and Mariano at the hospital. I think they're worried about hospital bills. I think (?) that Mariano is willing to sell his taxi to pay for the bills?

Aurora is telling Teresa about Refugio's delicate condition. Teresa seems genuinely concerned, but then has a little outburst about what rotten luck, just when she was going to go on this trip! Aurora reacts like "What the?", astonished at Teresa's heartlessness. Teresa quickly recovers and says it's for work, for work, but obviously mom comes first. Funny how I am not sure I believe that! LOL.

Professor Hottie is at the tennis courts with Fernando. Fernando says that if Professor Hottie thinks that Teresa is trustworthy, that's good enough for him, and she can see the delicate documents that they're working on. Professor Hottie admits that he knows love is blind and all, but honestly, Teresa is very smart, efficient, and capable. Fernando remarks that he's never heard Professor Hottie talk that way about a woman before.

As Teresa and Aurora leave, Teresa says that she left the house because Mom hit her. She also says that Luisa was the one who invited her to the house, not Professor Hottie. She seems unforgiving of mom but Aurora is disapproving of this.

Paulo is visiting with Rubigote. In essence, Rubigote will raise Paulo's salary because he wants his princessa to be happy. But he wants a date for the boda and if she is ever hurt then Paulo will answer to him, Rubigote! Paulo looks properly frightened as he leaves the office.

He with the large mustache. (Click on image to see larger version.) 

A quick scene where Mariano visits the garage and Johnny tells him that Armando is out of a job. Mariano looks distressed.

Armando's blonde doctor associate is tending to Refugio. Refugio recognizes her from the graduation party. She tells blonde doctor that Mariano is a good boy and too bad Teresa can't see that. She looks so distressed and blonde doctor looks on like what a bruja Teresa is for upsetting her mom like that. Or something.

Teresa finally shows up at the hospital and is greeted by dad, Cutberto and Juana. Immediately Cutberto upsets her by implying that it's her fault that Refugio is in this state. Teresa walks off in a snit after chewing him out. Juana whacks him and chastises him but he says to himself, But it's the truth!

Teresa sees Mariano in the hallway and immediately rushes up to him, crying "is it true about my mom" and hugging him for comfort. He just looks sad.

Comforting Teresa. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Probably the worst, most ungracious, unromantic marriage proposal ever. Paulo is half-baked at a restaurant and swilling down booze as fast as he can to fortify himself. He rushes through the most unenthusiastic proposal to Aida who seems elated and thrilled, effuses with many smooches and "bebes." He doesn't have a ring so he gives her some wire or something as a placeholder for the real thing, and she even seems thrilled with that. The screenshot I've attached pretty much shows how the proposal went down.

The happy couple. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Mariano is explaining how mom is. It'll take time and ideally, she shouldn't work and she shouldn't have any stress. Teresa quickly jumps on this and says "So you blame me too for what happened!" He explains that he is not here to find blame, but just to say what needs to happen to make her better. Teresa whines that mom hit her. He says she was desperate. Then he asks about this Professor Hottie guy. She sharply says it's none of his business because they're no longer together. Then Esperanza comes in from Intensive Care to tell Teresa she can see her mom now.

Aurora tells Armando that we're all going to pray for Refugio. He thanks her.

Teresa is all suited and gloved to see mom in Intensive care. I was distracted by her mask almost falling out of place a few times. Basically the discussion is the same old, same old. Come back home, stick with Mariano. No, can't do that. Lather rinse repeat. Mom thinks nothing good can come from Professor Hottie. Things will be different this time. Teresa cuts that short and says there's no way, and never is she going back to that neighborhood. Jaws music plays.

Aida comes home and enthusiastically tells her parents that she's gonna get married. Whoop whoop whoop! "BODA!" She yells as her parents indulgently smile.

More discussion with Teresa and mom, as the blonde doctor listens in outside the door. More about love vs. money. Teresa lays it on the line: All of the woes we've had have been due to lack of money. Rosita's death, and so forth. I'm getting out of here and will look for a solution. I'll do what I have to. She sounds cold hearted and blonde doctor woman has a shocked expression on her face.

Brief meeting between Paulo and drug dealer guy. I guess he doesn't have enough money to pay for drugs and drug dealer guy is pretty angry and throws him to the ground. Paulo looks totally baked and out of it.

Teresa is walking along the hallway with Mariano. She thanks him for looking after mom. He says he loves Refugio, that's why he looked after her. He asks her again, is she really going to stick with Professor Hottie? She says coldly and deliberately that Professor Hottie is rich, he's a hottie, and he's completely in love with me. He's my perfect man. Unlike YOU. Oh that is COLD. Poor Mariano looks absolutely shattered.

She goes on to say that when it came to love, sure, Mariano was the ideal, but he didn't have the ambition. Mariano drives home the amor, amor crap. But Teresa says that Professor Hottie can give her what she wants and by the way, he's invited her to the beach! This seems to really be twisting the knife in for Mariano.

Blonde doctor is saying she hates Mariano's novia and (I think) she's going to fight for him? Not sure.

More recycling of the same old crap between Mariano and Teresa, who seem to have no trouble fighting at the top of their lungs in the middle of a hospital hallway. Don't go with this tipo (guy) to the beach. He says come back to me and be patient and it'll be great. "Castles in the air" she yells. She doesn't believe any of this. He says that they love each other. Blah dee blah. Lather rinse repeat. Both of them have tears in their eyes. Amor amor but what about dinero?

Then dad walks up. Mariano has her by the arm but lets her go when she yells that she doesn't want Mariano. Papa wants to know is there any chance of reconciliation? No way. Then Juana comes up and she cries on Juana's shoulder. Dad says, think about it. Come back home. Forgive your mom. She continues to cry on Juana's shoulder.

There's a brief scene with Lidia (blonde doctor) where she says something about maybe Mariano should consider that Teresa is not for him? But he doesn't seem receptive to this.

Mariano looks at the hospital bill for Refugio. It looks like it's going to be a lot.

Professor Hottie comes home and immediately wants to know where Teresa is. She's gone with a friend to the hospital, her mom is in a bad way, Reina the nice servant says. He wants to know where!

Juana and Teresa are eating at a cafe. Juana wants to know how come Teresa won't come live with her. Teresa explains that she wants to get out of the neighborhood, and besides, mom would never leave her alone. She assures Juana that she knows that she'd never let her down. Teresa then gushes about Professor Hottie's house, and also the planned trip to the beach. She's hoping that the trip can be put off until mom is better.

Juana mentions something about Mariano selling the taxi to help pay the hospital bill. Teresa looks impactada.

Nice doctor is telling Mariano about their plan to have a clinic where they can dispense medicine. There will also be volunteers, including Aurora. Mariano thinks this is great news. Then Mariano asks Nice Doctor if he knows of a place to get a good price on his taxi. He's selling it to pay for Refugio's hospital bill.

Armando walks up to the garage and sees a help wanted sign for head mechanic. Uh oh. He calls Johnny over to explain but before Johnny can say anything, Mean Garage Owner takes great relish in explaining what the sign means, just in case Armando can't read. WHAT A JERK!

It goes from bad to worse for poor Armando. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Luisa and Professor Hottie are at the hospital looking for Teresa, but can't find her. Luisa tells Professor Hottie that that taxi boy (Mariano) was making a scene again. Boy does Professor Hottie look unhappy about that.

More explaining from the Mean Garage Owner, in painful detail, how Armando doesn't have a job. After Mean Garage Owner leaves, Johnny asks Armando what he's gonna do. He doesn't know—his wife is in the hospital and he doesn't have a peso.

Professor Hottie and Luisa ask at the desk about Refugio. They want to make sure that she gets the best care. The desk nurse direct them to Doctor Sanchez Suarez. Uh oh.

When they encounter Doctor Sanchez Suarez, he turns out to be, of course, Taxi Boy. IMPACTADO Professor Hottie! He is astonished. Mariano says it doesn't matter if he's a taxi boy or a doctor, he's not going to allow Professor Hottie to abuse Teresa. Or what? Mariano asks. They get into near blows. This is the second fight that Mariano has gotten into at the hospital. Drama follows him wherever he goes! "Your love for Teresa is blind!" the deluded Professor Hottie proclaims. "She loves me!" Mariano yells, as Teresa and Juana rush in to pry them off each other.

The boys get into it. (Click on image to see larger version)

Teresa and Luisa hustle Professor Hottie out of there, as Juana tries to reason with Mariano, who is under the delusion that Professor Hottie is all bent on seducing an innocent Teresa on their trip to the beach. Juana tries to clue him in that the sister will be there, blah blah, but Mariano is just as deluded as Professor Hottie when it comes to Teresa.

Professor Hottie and Luisa are alarmed at what (they think) Teresa has been putting up with all this time. She spins some B.S. yarn and just says that she's glad she's got them around. Luisa and Professor Hottie look sympathetic.

Rubigote finds Esperanza and shows her a document for divorce from his wife. Esperanza is very skeptical. Rubigote says it'll take time for the divorce to go through. He gives her a cell phone so he can contact her. She only accepts if he is not lying and the divorce is valid. She won't tolerate any more lies. He assures her he's sincere. I don't think he is.

Armando is pleading with loan shark lady for some mercy. Mercy is in short supply with her. She doesn't care if his wife dies, he has 24 hours to cough up the money he owes or she'll go to his place and take anything of value.

Esperanza shows Teresa the divorce papers Bigote gave her. Teresa seems to think they look okay. No telling how long a divorce will take, though.

Luisa sees Mariano at the hospital. She asks him to leave Teresa in peace, and that her brother Professor Hottie is not going to do Teresa any harm. Mariano tells her that she doesn't understand, but Luisa says she does—Teresa doesn't want him in her life and he needs to accept that.

Professor Hottie is at another nurse's desk and is impactado to learn that Refugio's account is settled. The nurse can't find out more details, but Professor Hottie knows who settled the account. He doesn't say it but he's thinking it's Mariano. This displeases Professor Hottie.

I'm a little confused by this. Mariano is talking with the nice doctor and it looks like the account was settled and I'm not sure but I think Mariano thinks that Professor Hottie paid it? Who really did pay it?

Oh, we find out. Aurora's dad paid it! Aurora is telling Teresa this. Teresa is of course very grateful.

Professor Hottie approaches Teresa and she's able to tell him that Aurora's dad paid it all. He's glad it wasn't Mariano. Then he asks her about Mariano being a doctor. Then she says something about it doesn't matter that Mariano is a doctor, that another man had opened her eyes to a new world. She gives Professor Hottie a meaningful look as she says this. As usual he is totally buying into it.

Rubigote accosts Esperanza in the hospital. He plants a big kiss on her just as her dad walks in and asks who is this guy? Impactada looks.



Más Bella People from Teresa, Triunfo, Eva Luna (with clip and pics)

Blanca Soto, Sweet William Levy, and Angelique Boyer

Hello everyone, for some reason I was motivated to capture this special on Univision and thought I'd share some of the eye candy. We have people from Eva Luna, Triunfo del amor, Soy tu Duena, and Teresa.

First, a rather long interview with Sweet William Levy of Triunfo del amor and Angelique Boyer of Teresa. You can download it in real HD (1280x720) or view it as a streaming high quality clip. There's a download link on the page I set up: William Levy and Angelique Boyer interview.  This link goes to a barebones site I set up for this blog.

Plus here are a few high quality screenshots of various stars. CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO SEE LARGER HD VERSION!
David What-his-name from Soy tu Duena and Blanca Soto.

Blanca references Teresa's famous line.
David whats-his-name, the guy from Soy tu Duena

Blanca Soto of Eva Luna
(I still miss Eva Luna! *sniff*)

Gaby Spanic with red hair. (Ivana from Soy tu Duena)

What's her name from Triunfo del amor.

Sweet William Levy y familia.
(I'm going to get the Teresa recap up, promise! Maybe later in the morning...)

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #7 Thursday 4/28/11 Matilde cries a river and the doc destroys his liver

Capítulo 7

My advice, get ready with your finger on the mute or volume buttons because there is a whole lot of high volume wailing going on tonight.

Last night it looked like Rafa “stretched his leg” (Estirar la pata = to kick the bucket, to die) but we know from the previews that he survives long enough to endure a botched or at least unsuccessful operation. Our doomed Romeo passes out in maid Matilde’s arms prolonging his agonizing death for our viewing pleasure.

Meanwhile brother Jero continues to leave voice mails for Rafa.

The drunk doctor staggers into La Bonita sans medical bag, wrings his hands, and nervously gives orders to everyone on how to prepare for an emergency operation. Get my instruments, prepare the patient, oh dear oh dear. This goes on for a couple of scenes.

Roberta and her friend Selene are parked on a street outside the house. Roberta gripes to Selene about Rafa being with Renata. Why won’t he answer? What’s he doing with Ren? What if he tells her our plans? Why does sis always have to stick her nose in my life?

Fina calls Renata on some buls**t pretext and is relieved to hear that Rafa stood Renata up without contacting her at all.

Regina sobs and gazes at the “various ages” sketches of her daughter. She tells the drawing that she’s going to give Antonio a chance but that she (the kid) will always be the most important thing to her. Wow, this actress is a very convincing crier, well done.

Let the operation commence - we have a montage of split screens, concerned faces, bloodied rags, sweating nervous doctor, his shaking hands, lots of bloody digging around in the wound, and at last the bullet is removed complete with bits of flesh hanging off the forceps. (At least I think that’s what the instrument is. Carlos will correct if necessary.)

Roberta and Selene see Renata’s car approach and they duck down. Come on, like they’re not allowed to sit in front of the house? Or Renata’s not going to recognize Selene’s bright red convertible VW? Oh, maybe she didn’t recognize it because the VW logo is blurred out, that explains it.

Doc says Rafa is a peaceful guy, no enemies, why would anyone want to shoot him? (If he’s so peaceful why did he have a big revolver lying around? Cleaning it maybe.) Matilde says when Rafa regained consciousness he mentioned his girlfriend, La Bonita. Augustin looks pensive.

Renata calls Adriana who is in really cool pajamas and tells her she’s worried about Rafa, something very strange must have happened to him. Then she tells the story about running into Jero and him accusing her of swiping his wallet. Renata recalls the long kiss between strangers and takes a big bite of the forbidden fruit, er, I mean apple.

Jero becomes increasingly worried because Rafa doesn’t answer his phone and he never showed up at their rendezvous.

Hired hand Ezequiel (Alejandro Ruiz) calls Jasmin from La Fea Mas Bella but she says she never heard anything strange during the day, certainly not a gunshot. Oh, her name is Alfonsina in this show; she was also Gardenia in MEPS. Lázaro and Ezequiel ponder the accident, nothing about it makes sense.

Matías shows up and Renata tells him she had a rather odd night and refuses to give any more details. He invites her to play tourist with him tomorrow. I think Matt’s got a bit of a crush on his step-sis.

Rafa awakes in a panic and promptly croaks. Matilde wails and cries and drunk doc tries CPR for about 5 seconds then gives up. Everybody wails loudly and that darn angelic choir that sang for dead Roberto also sings for Rafa.

You’ve got to be kidding. Roberta and Selene are still in the red bug griping about Renata and Rafa. Roberta gets all hyper about all of the what-ifs. She’s driving Selene and me crazy with her ranting and Selene tells her to chill, she knows Rafa loves Roberta.

The Sturm und Drang at Hacienda La Bonita continues with Matilde giving the performance of her life. Doc says he did everything possible, Rafa just lost too much blood. Everybody is all torn up except Augustin whose cogs and sprockets are working overtime. He glares at the doc.

Fina is creeping around dark bedrooms again, muttering she hopes Rob learned her lesson and that everything she (Fina) did was worth it.

Now the padre joins the mourning. Looks like he arrived too late for last rites. He is cara impactada to hear that all indications point to suicide. Matilde’s not buying it, what was his motive? Padre agrees and recites the Trinitarian Formula.

Augustin joins doc who is sleeping it off, er, praying in the Hacienda chapel. Sez he’s just resting his eyes, the excuse I stopped using when I was six. Augustin asks the doc if he remembers what happened, that Rafa just died. I think the Doc’s in deep doo-doo and will do-do whatever Augustin wants in the future.

Renata wakes up, still worried about Rafa. She wonders whom Jero was waiting for, split screen of both Ren and Jero with insomnia, “their” song CME plays. I think Juan Luis Guerra’s voice is the more romantic one, IMHO.

Doc tells Augie that Rafa built the hacienda and vineyards with Jero’s money. Also that Jero is due any time. Augie’s not liking this, says Rafa was just a kid starting out so he could do things his way (a mi modo), meaning he could probably do a bit of cheating. Augie says they’d better get ready because if Jero thinks he’s coming there to do his own sweet will (su santa voluntad) he’s very mistaken. Not sure what he means but it’s definitely a threat or warning of some sort.

Back at the deathbed Doc wants to bury the kid and Matilde says not until the bro gets there. Doc points out they don’t know when the bro will get there, if he arrives tonight or tomorrow then he can decide, otherwise they will proceed. Hard to believe that nobody can figure out how to get in touch with Jero but whatever. Doc says he’ll prepare the body for burial and Augie announces that the doc has decided to dispense with an autopsy. Matilde seems to think an autopsy is a bad thing so she’s cool with letting the preparations begin. Clearly Augi doesn't want an autopsy, not sure why.

Good lord, Roberta, now in her room, is STILL writhing and wailing about Rafa standing her up, she’s working herself up into quite a lather. FF>>

Doc is pissed at Augie for announcing there would be no autopsy. Augie says it’s because the doc was drunk when he operated and he could lose his license. Augustin tells the doc he (doc) drank three bottles of wine, is an alcoholic, and he (Augie) won’t tell anyone that doc operated under the influence if he agrees to dispense with the autopsy. It’s for the doc’s own good. Doc is stricken. Time for another drink, eh doc?

Fina calls a number and gets a busy signal.

The doc makes a call from the house phone and exempts Rafa from an autopsy, he wants to save the family from further anguish. The phone rings, Augie answers and Fina asks for Rafa. She makes up some cock and bull story about interest in Rafa’s product. Augie says sorry, in the first place it has all been sold, in the second place Rafa’s dead, suicide. Oh come on, like someone’s going to give that info over the phone? And I’m not even going to get into the issue of tracking phone calls and that Rafa got numerous calls from a cell phone that resides at the same location as this “innocent inquiry” call. Anyway, it seems Augie wants to bury the kid and rush his deal through before big brother arrives. He unplugs the phone in case the brother tries to call.

Fina does a quiet happy dance that Rafa’s dead. She has a gleeful satanic grin that scared the hell out of me.

Matilde finds the crumpled “Dear Rafael” letter. She runs downstairs shouting that she killed him! It was La Bonita that caused the boss to take his own life. The doc, desperate to divert any blame away from himself, makes a big show of reading the letter and exclaiming profusely how this caused Rafa to kill himself. Lazaro kind of rolls his eyes and says “Kill yourself over a woman?” I’m liking this Lazaro a lot, he seems to be the only one with any sense. Doc gives the letter to Matilde and tells her to guard it carefully. She must give it to the brother, he has a right to know that This Woman caused Rafa’s death!

Later, the doc is outside ruefully recalling the bloody operation in gory detail. He clutches his little flask between his fists and takes a swig. Man, the doctors sure get a bum rap in these shows.

The next morning Rafa’s in his coffin and Matilde is still crying a river over her boss. Lazaro gives her a look like “Yo, Waterworks, shut the hell up already”. The entire hacienda staff is there, the women are crying and the men are stoic.

Alfonsina says something about the boss being such a great guy, he gave her a job even though she was a woman and didn’t have an engineering degree. Some other woman points out Alfonsina knows more about vineyards than anyone and el jefe knew the value in that. I only mention this conversation because it might be important somewhere down the line.

They’re ready for the burial but Matilde makes another big scene about not wanting to let go.

Roberta runs into Renata on the Stairway of Doom where Renata tells her that she never saw Rafa last night because he stood her up and wouldn’t answer his cell. This bit of info perks Rob up but she still Hates Not Knowing.

Jero is still trying to reach Rafa but the hacienda phone is unplugged. He calls the hotel lobby but nope, no messages from his brother for him. He books a flight to Tijuana.

The doc tells Augustin that it’s obvious Rafa killed himself over a woman. Augie thinks it’s odd because Rafa seemed like such a balanced person with a great future. Short PSA about all Rafa’s hard work to create his organic pesticide-free vineyard. Augie tells the doc he’s never loved anyone enough to take his own life, life is so precious he wouldn’t give it to anyone. Something tells me something’s gonna happen down the line to make Augie change his tune.

Augie tells Doc he’s not going to the burial, he can’t stand all that stupid crying. Anyway, he has an appointment with the notary, he’s planning to proceed immediately with the harvest, blah blah blah before the brother arrives to mess up Augie’s program. Then he makes a dig that neither the bonita nor the doc are responsible for Rafa’s death, “Or are you?” he pointedly asks the doc. Doc freaks and says don’t discuss this, I’m not responsible, is that clear Augustin? Is that clear? Augie gives doc his evil smile. (Note: I have a hard time understanding Augustin and my closed caps were terrible so if I missed something important please tell me and I’ll add to/correct the recap. Thanks.)

Oh HELLO! My reward for recapping just arrived. Matias is ready for a ride and he’s all decked out in tight, white, bun-hugging jodhpurs, white polo shirt and riding boots. I know, I know, it sounds like a dorky getup but honestly on this guy it’s positively smashing. Rewind. Pause. He wants to ride with Renata and he gets to ride a horse named Borracho (drunkard) which I find amusing.

Jero fishes Renata’s bracelet out of his pocket and recalls the stolen kiss.

Montage scenes of Renata and Mat playing tourist in the DF, lots of sibling-on-the-verge-of-not hugging and kissing. Looks like a fun day.

Cut to Rafa’s funeral. Lazaro cogitates, Doc looks guilty, Matilde’s, you guessed it, crying.

Roberta cries and keeps trying to reach Rafa via cell phone. She doesn’t understand what’s going on with him.

Over at Hacienda La Bonita they are cleaning up and notice the house phone is unplugged.

Jero is at the airport recalling the day his mami died. Little Rafa is weeping uncontrollably and so loudly that I can’t hear what mami’s last wish is but I imagine she’s tasking Jero with taking care of his little bro. She “stretches the leg” (dies) and grownup Jero thought bubbles that he promised mom, Rafa just has to be OK. He checks his watch nervously.

A local taxi drops Jero off at La Bonita. Jero hears the mournful death knell and spies the black funereal bow tied to the entrance gate. Uh oh, big brother’s got a bad feeling. He spots Matilde dressed in black. She doesn’t know how to tell him but...but...the boss Rafael, Jero’s brother, is dead!

Mañana: Renata and Mat kiss? Renata thinks of Jero. Matilda tells Jero that it’s the fault of A Woman. Jero clutches the letter and vows to find out about This Woman.

a mi modo = my way
su santa voluntad = his own thing, his own sweet will (lit. his sainted will)
estirar la pata = to kick the bucket (lit. to stretch the leg)


Cuando Me Enamoro #6 Wednesday 4/27/11 How to loose your life in 2 (so far) episodes and how to loose a date in 2 tries…

[Posted for Martaivett]

We get a repeat scene of Roberta at the cell phone store getting another cell phone. She is still in a hurry to speak to Rafael, insisting last night phone was just perfect.
Fina is driving to airport, remembering how she drowned Roberta’s cell phone and then put it back on her night table.

‘There is no way back now… I ended up killing your boyfriend… as I killed your dad.’

(remembers pushing Roberto through glass window)

Matias is impressed at the latest technology and organization at the company… Gonzalo hopes he will be just as proud to work there as we all are… Matias says I already am.

Gonzalo introduces Matias to Adriana, Renata’s right hand assistant… Adriana is obviously attracted to Matias immediately.

Jeronimo leaves Regina’s charity place not before witnessing her receiving roses from Antonio. The card appologizes for his demeanor last night, he tells her in the card that she should forgive herself for having loved so deeply… he loves her.

Roberta gets home and opens her new cell phone, calls Rafael but only gets his voice mail.

Meanwhile said almost-dead man's cell phone is receiving a voice mail message from Hero, who is excited to let him know that the company he worked for belongs to the family of one of his dearest friends.

Poor almost-dead-man is reaching for his cell phone which is about 3 feet away, but it’s a case of ‘so close and yet so far’… (why doesn’t he yell for someone to come help him???)

Constanza comes to Matias new office to welcome him for the Nth time… She mentions to him that at the new charity place she found she met Hero… ‘el profe’.

Gonzalo comes in at the middle of the conversation and asks if it is the same guy Matias had told him. Turns out Hero was indeed a hero to Matias, helped him when he got mugged on the street… Matias tells Gonzalo that seems like Hero will be in Mex at least for quite a while. Gonzalo wants Matias to invite him over, want to thank him personally for what he did for Matias.

Gonzalo wants the whole family to go out for lunch to celebrate Matias arrival at the company. Gonzalo asks Matias if he doesn’t mind if he invites Witch-ina. No prob.

Regina and her friend are looking at info and photos of the Monterrubio company online (they want to see what Matias looks like, aren't these ladies a bit old for him anyway?) and Regina mentions that for the charity dinner event they will invite the whole Monterrubio family…

Gonzalo calls Witch-ina and she is still driving to airport so she comes up with the excuse that she is meeting some friends for lunch already.. Gonzalo does not insist.

Matias tells Gonzalo he is feeling more welcome and comfortable than he expected. Gonzalo says he is just getting all the love they all reserved for him.

Adriana comes back to Renata’s office and Renata notices Adriana was particularly impressed with Matias. They all gather together to go to lunch… they invite Adriana but she says have too much work. As she walks out past Adriana, Renata calls her ‘party pooper’… Adriana thinks to herself she cannot fall for Matias…

At the airport Witch-ina is only over an hour late for her flight back to Mex City. The airline lady says there is only another flight back today but its got two layovers. Fina is not happy but seems she has no choice.

The receptionist at the company reaches Roberta on phone but Roberta passes on joining the family for lunch. She is anxious. She tells herself that everything has to turn out right. She tries reaching Rafael but only gets his voice mail. She gets even more anxious.

Back at town… doctor Alvaro is seeing some patients… Aparently Alvaro is very generous, lets the patient go without paying for the consult or for the medication. Agustin comes to visit and to invite Alvaro to go celebrate together the deal with Rafael. Agustin says went to La Bonita to find Rafael but Alvaro tells him he went to Mexico to get his brother. Will come back tomorrow. Agustin is surprised Rafa has a brother. Alvaro says from what have heard he is an important man who has lived the last few years in Europe. Agustin points out that he doesn’t hope the brother get involved in the deals with Rafael, he only wants to deal with Rafael… Agustin convinces Alvaro to go celebrate. Tells assistant to call him at Agustin’s hacienda if anything comes up.

Witch-ina is at airport restaurant… remembers when she was copying writing from one paper to another (possibly trying to copy the handwriting of someone).. she is visibly worried… then remembers when she recorded the conversation between Roberta and her friend, and when she shot Rafael… She asks waiter for paper and pen.

At the celebration in the Mex City restaurant, Gonzalo notes the absence of Fina and Roberta… and gets cheesy on Matias telling him how proud he is of Matias making a great business man of himself… Misses the years missed of love and interaction, but is proud that his company now has someone to lead it on… names him Commercial/Marketing VP… Renata is excited to celebrate his appointment… Matias is happy too…

At La Bonita, the almost-dead man is still kicking, reaches his phone but has no strength to call (if he could call, seems the phone is in pieces on the floor)

At airport, Witch-ina is entering a post office in-house (perhaps to mail the letter she was working on) notices her blouse is stained in blood… runs to buy another top.

Regina I and Hero are meeting for coffee and wine (interesting combination)… Regina tells him about Antonio’s flowers and shows him the note… He agrees with Antonio that she should give herself another chance… this woman is beginning to tire me with her constant martyr pittiful me attitude… She tells him she wants to forgive herself and move on… Hero says she was and is the best mom in the world and she should give herself a chance… let go the shell, allow yourself to love again… if it works, great, but at least try…

Witch-ina is making a whole ceremony in the ladies room to just get rid of her stained blouse… (washes it in sink, watching over her shoulder and gripping her teeth when a woman comes in… then puts it in a plastic bag and throws it in the trash…)

The priest of town and Lazaro and his sister meet… the priest needs to talk to Rafa asap… The others are surprised Rafa was planning to marry in town chapel next Sunday. They are taken aback. Padre says he feels Rafa is rushing it. Now she understands why Rafa wanted to fill the house with flowers. Padre asks them to let him know when Rafa is back from Mex City. Lazaro pokes his sis, don’t tell Rafa (that they know about his wedding plans).

Back at the celebration lunch… we learn that Constanza’s husband and Gonzalo each had their own companies but when Constanza married him they merged the companies… Matias states that that combination was DA BOMB!! But Gonzalo states that Matias is more prepared/educated than when they started out, and he wants to toast for the new Monterrubio generation. Renata notices its already night and she has to bail out first because she has a commitment… Matias walks her out.

At La Bonita, Lazaro and sister finally make it back. She notes that Agustin left a note for Rafael… Lazaro reprimends her for saying that el Patron had to tell them about his plans… She grabs some of the flowers and heads to Rafa’s room… When she goes in and turns the light on… SURPRISE!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Renata arrives (nice BMW 325i)… as she gets out of the car and heads to the restaurant two guys follow her and begin to harass her… she hurries up the pace and sees Hero… ‘My love, I am so glad you are here!’… and plants a kiss on him..

Back to La Bonita, The girl yells for her brother… She sends Lazaro for the doctor.

Back to the kiss… Renata again appologizes and when she pulls back she realizes he is the same guy…

R: Forgive me, ok? … really… you are the guy I fell over at the airport, right?

H: The one and only. (they both laugh)

R: Forgive me, please!!

H: No, but why? First you run me over at the airport and now you give me a kiss… how wonderful! Welcome to Mexico!

R: No! It was just that two guys were following me, I thought they were going to mug me, and the first thing I thought of was to make it seem you were my boyfriend so…

H: Ah now I am your boyfriend? Good! Its going very good!

R: No, well, I did it so they would believe that I wasn’t alone… forgive me!

H: It was a true pleasure…

R: Forgive me..

(he taps around his jacket…, she is stepping away…)

H: Ay… wait… wait… it was great the kiss and all but… give me my wallet back…

R: What?

H: Give me back my wallet… Surely you were following me at the airport…then later everything…

R: (she is not happy anymore) Lets see… hold on a sec. I was not following me and certainly did not take your wallet. What are you talking about? What is wrong with you?

H: Good strategy...(by now he is grabbing on to her arm to not let her run away) Airport, kiss, incredible story and then you steal my wallet.

R: You are crazy!...(again tries to walk away…) Listen!!...

H: (grabs her and turns her around) Give me back my wallet. IF not I wont let you go.

(she gives him a killer piercing stare)

R: Let go of me.

H: Lets see, if you don’t give me back my wallet, I will call the police…

R: DO IT but RIGHT NOW!! Call the police right at this moment to see if I really stole your wallet. Who do you think you are??

H: You were following me at the airport! I am sure of it!

R: I was not following you anywhere!!

H: Then why did you take my wallet??

R: I don’t look like a burglar! Forgive me but I am NOT

H: You don’t look like a burglar but you are… Very pretty by the way…


(the driver that brought Hero there comes to give him his wallet, he forgot it in the car… Hero is very embarrassed…

R: Your wallet!... see??

H: Forgive me!!! Forgive me… You don’t know how sorry I am for making you go through a hard time… How do I go about remedying it?

R: (killer stare) First, move away… Take a distance… and dissappear. I don’t want to see you ever again. I am no burglar!

H: Of course you are!

R: What?

H: You just stole a kiss from me. No? … another!...

R: (floored) What?

H: Give me another kiss!...

(she just walks away mad, he stays there hands together as in wondering if he just let a great chance slip by… or maybe still embarrassed and mad at himself)

At Dr Alvaro’s office, Lazaro reaches his assistant… he asks her to contact the Dr immediately to come to La Bonita.

Matilde is really upset, the patron cannot die!..

Regina comes to see Antonio, came to thank him for the flowers…

Matias tells Gonzalo that Renata went to meet some guy called Rafael… Gonzalo is very surprised that she would go to meet Rafael Gutierrez, just the other day she denied to him that she had any relationship with him.

At restaurant, Renata and Hero are sitting at separate tables. Waiter comes to Renata telling her Hero wants to invite her to a wine or any drink she likes… She rejects it… Waiter tells Hero and Hero takes things in his own hands… comes over to Renata’s table and invites himself to sit with her, she is visibly still mad at him… (who wouldn’t be?)

R: Lets do this. Lets make believe nothing happened…

H: Then lets sit and wait at least for the person you are waiting for.

R: Yes I am waiting for… my boyfriend… And I don’t think he would like to find you sitting at my leave.

H: No, it would be expected that a beautiful woman like you would have company. Can I ask what is your name?

R: Adriana.

H: Adriana… Jeronimo Linares. (shake hands, she is softening up…)

At La Bonita, Matilde and another girl are attending to Rafael. They think he was cleaning or playing with the gun and it shot by accident. Lazaro will run personally to Don Agustin’s hacienda to get the doctor.

At Antonio’s Regina tells him he has made her aware of this guilt load she has carried for so long. Antonio says everyone is responsible for their own happines… She has decided to take a chance and open her heart… as a woman… She is not sure it will work out, don’t want to hurt you… Antonio says just giving him the chance to be with her and love her is enough… She insists she has not been with anyone for many years, be patient with me… (CS memories anyone?) … She thanks him… he is very understanding with her… but will be honest. I don’t love you. I love spending time with you but… Antonio says he will take care of winning her heart…

Roberta is putting her suitcase in the car… not sure what 5 inch heels will do at La Bonita… but… its her problem… she keeps trying to reach him on cell… thinks if he left in the morning flight he should be here now, if he did not leave till night flight, he should have called her. Rafael, what is happening?

Back at restaurant…

H: You finished your glass and your boyfriend is not here… so I came to rescue you and brought you another one…

R: As it looks, your company did not show up either.

H: Nope, but he won’t be long.. were you able to contact your boyfriend?

R: No, but everything is fine.

H: Know what I was just thinking?... that we will have to see each other again.

R: (again floored) what?

H: Yes.

R: I still say you are crazy. I don’t have the least intention to see you again ever again!

H: Maybe you will change your mind if … if you find out I have something of yours.

R: (figures it out) I knew it!... you have my quartz stone and my bracelet. Right? You have them!

H: (nods yes smiling/laughing)

R: (elated) So happy to get them back!! Thank you!!

H: There is just one little problem. I don’t have them here so you will have to accept an invitation of mine to see you again. I mean, to bring you your quartz and your bracelet!

R: Hmmm! You are inviting me out?

H: Maybe your boyfriend will stop being it because it is a true disrespect to stand up a beautiful girlfriend like you. What do you say?

R: (playful) What do I say?

H: Yes… Adriana?

R: That… I prefer to lose my bracelet and my quartz before I go out with you.

(she stands to leave, he jumps to stop her, realizes he grabbed her arm and pulls back again with embarrassed face)

H: Adriana!... Adriana…

R: Let it not be that now I will steal your watch… or maybe your wallet again.

H: OR perhaps you will steal another kiss…

R: Until never, baboso!! (jerk)

At Agustin’s hacienda, called Cruz de Amor… the assistant med reaches Alvaro, but he is totally wasted in alcohol… he is very slow reacting to her urgent message… go to La Bonita right away… he gets dizzy when he stands up, Agustin comes over, Alvaro is telling Agustin about the message from La Bonita when Lazaro comes running to get the Doctor… Agustin rushes Alvaro to go there… they all head out…

Regina has brought Antonio home to see her mom Cata… Cata is totally floored when Regina tells her she and Antonio are an item now… She is very happy for them. Antonio tells Cata he will take them both places and to have fun… Regina brings work as a deterrent for that, but Antonio says have to give love some time too… Antonio and Regina have a kiss goodbye…

At Monterrubio Manor, Roberta is coming down stairs, heading out to meet friends… Matias tells her maybe next time you will come along with us. Roberta says surely.

Fina also comes in the door, Roberta notices Witch-ina’s blouse (not her style). Witch-ina says she is just tired. She says she had a good time with her friend but is tired. Witch-ina asks where Renata went. Gonzalo says seems with Rafa Gutierrez.

Witch-ina skips a beat… so does Roberta. Matias asks why it is so surprising to them? Witch-ina claims neither she nor Roberta know Rafa well… Apparently he and her daughter (implying Renata) care very much for each other…

We have one last scene at La Bonita, Rafa is trying to speak, says to Matilde ‘la bonita’… Matilde yells at him not to die!...

In previews we see all of them Hero, Renata, etc wondering what happened to Rafa to skip their appointment… (sorry my dvdr did not record previews so this was what I remembered)


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