Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Teresa Mon 5/2/11 #37 A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted--Especially If His Honey Is Teresa Chavez; #38 The Right Answer Is: For Love AND Money

Capítulo 37 

Teresa is shocked and embarrassed to see her daddy working as a janitor at the hospital.   She lights into Armando about it in front of everyone. “--When I told you to get a job, I meant something better! “  Armando says well, at least it’s a job.  She says yes, but as a janitor!  She storms out and Juana follows her.  Tere tells Juana she is mortified to have Arturo see her father in a job like that, but Juana says work is work and worries what El Licenciado must be thinking.  Tere sees her mistake in behaving like such a b!tch in front of Art, and races back to apologize to Daddy--apparently only to ensure Art doesn’t get the wrong impression.  Disappointed daughter, take two!   “--Daddy, I’m so sorry for raising my voice at you, but it just infuriates me knowing that you are such a good mechanic.”  Art tries making him and Tere feel better about the situation by commenting that any job is worthwhile. Armie appreciates the effort, but he has to work so he leaves. Tere blames it on their being poor.   Art tries to physically comfort her as Tere moves pointedly out of his reach and runs to Juana to throw off suspicion.

In another part of the hospital, Ruben and Esperanza are discussing El Bigote’s coming to the vecindad and getting to know her family better, especially if he plans on marrying Espe.  (Unfortunately for Espe, they threw away the mold when they made Art de la Barerra, it seems and Tere’s already got dibs on him.)  Rubegote deflects again, telling Espe that she’s old enough to make her own decisions in life now and she ought to.  Besides, he adds, he’s thinking of buying her a new apartment and wants her to live there.  He reasons that that way they’ll have plenty of alone time while he supposedly works through his divorce.  He asks her to consider it and walks off, leaving a bedazzled Espe smiling from ear to ear.

Magda comes in to the doctor’s lounge to fill Mario in on Refugio, but he wants her to handle the case.  Another blow up with her?  She warns Mario he’d better wise up, because if he has another fight in the hospital he’s sure to be fired. 

At the same time, Juana and Tere are in the waiting room.  Juana mentions that she’s noticed how much El Licenciado seems to care for Teresa.  Tere smiles and agrees.  He feels badly for all the troubles she’s going through, she says, and has really behaved wonderfully around her.  Juana says it’s obvious both men care for her.  She says yes, so now Juana understands the problem she faces.  Just then Magda shows up to inform Tere that her mother is stable but can’t see visitors.  Tere sneers back that she’d like her in a different hospital because she can’t stand the personnel in this one.   Magda ignores the snub and Juana steps in.  “--Thank you, Doctora.”   Teresa whispers that Magda is after Mariano.  Juana warns her that Art is coming.  He comes to tell her that he has an appointment and wants to leave her some cash so she isn’t left without something for emergencies.  Tere refuses, saying that it would be too humiliating at this point.   He says fine, but he’ll send his chauffeur back for her at least.  She’ s fine with that.    Juana and she share a knowing smile as he walks away.

Armie tells Mariano that he knows Tere is upset with him for taking janitorial work.  Mar says work is work, taking the opportunity, then, to apologize for arguing with him the night before over Tere.  Armie says it’s better that if Mar and Tere don’t see eye to eye that they find out now instead of after a wedding.  A minute later, Tere comes racing down the hallway after Mar to complain that he got her daddy a job as a janitor just to make fun of her.   Or, maybe Mar thinks a janitor’s job is such a big deal since his world is so small, she sneers.  Mar is all like where did this come from?  He tells her that at least Arm has a job and is bringing in some money which beats not having any at all!  Tere says it won’t be enough to get them out of debt.  Mar says he’ll still have time to find mechanic jobs outside of work and she should support her parents to avoid Mama having a relapse.  “--Not if they are going from bad to worse!”  Mariano starts to say something negative about Art then but she cuts him off.  “--We’re done here!”  and walks off before he can finish the thought. 

Across town, Aida asks her daddy to invite professor de la Barrera to her wedding as a witness. He agrees to, but thinks it’s a bit strange considering how poorly they have got on the past few years.  Having him as a formal witness for the ceremony will be pretty prestigious, tho’ they agree. That’s the idea, since Aida apparently is thinking of one-upping Teresa x 2 that with her wedding.

Tere tries talking Espe into accepting El Bigote’s apartment and taking advantage of his generosity instead of “wasting valuable time together should his divorce take a long time.”  Espe is uncomfortable this time around with the idea of living in sin.  Tere hints that she should take Rube at his word that he is divorcing his wife.  Espe then changes the subject and asks Tere if she isn’t happy her dad has a job now. Tere looks like she’s just smelled a Pamper’s full of poo.  “--As a janitor???”  Espe says the H.R. man says he could progress after a bit to carrying stretchers and so on.  Tere’s not having any of it, but realizing it was Espe who got him the job and thought she was doing them all such a big favor, Tere nixes the tongue-lashing.
That evening Rubigote meets with Art at the manse and cynically admits he’s never going to divorce Maira for Espe since that would force him to give up half of his inheritance.  He’d rather enjoy her charms and continue the lie.  Art says he must have married for money rather than love, then.  Rube says he considers marriage contracts in which both parties come out winning something.  Before he leaves he invites Art to Aida’s wedding and asks him to be the “witness of honor.”

Back at the vecindad, Espe lies to her parents about why Ruben isn’t going to come for dinner.  He’s on a business trip. Pedro insists he better show up like any decent boyfriend does and speak with him.  Johnny walks in and wants to know more about this ”boyfriend.”

At dinner that night at Aurora’s, she and her father argue over his asking Dr. Ledesma to put her on another project than the one working with Mariano at the free clinic. (I’'m combining two scenes for time’s sake.)  He doesn’t want her getting hurt by having to work with an unrequited love.  Aurora says she can handle it, and anyway, she and Mariano are going to be thrown together often because of being Pablito’s godparents.  Eventually, Hector gives in, figuring she’s old enough to make her own mistakes and learn from them.         

Upstairs at Art’s Luisa and Tere discuss Fernando.  Lu admits she’s still interested in him, but no, she doubts he’s interested in her.  She thinks he still sees her as only his best friend’s kid sister.

Espe tells Johnny that her boyfriend is divorced with a daughter but won’t say more.  He admits he’s got a thing for Pati, his nasty old boss’s granddaughter.  FF:>>

The next day, Fernando stops by the house to tell Lu that they’re taking a trip to Cancun—apparently for business.  Lu says she’ll tell her brother Nando’s there and then get them coffee.

Meanwhile, Aurora and Tere run into each other on campus.  Aurora is upset with Tere for giving Mar back his ring.    She tries talking Tere into going back with Mariano.  Tere says she’s confused and can’t say if she will or not.  Then she admits she’d rather Mar leave her alone once and for all;  she reminds Aurora that she left the way clear for Aurora if she is still interested in him.   She’d rather it be her best friend who “consoles him” instead of anybody else.

In another part of campus, Raul tells Paulo to stop harping on Teresa, especially if he’s marrying Aida in a couple of months.  Paulo says no way because he’s got to get back at her for playing him for a fool.  He suddenly sees Tere walking towards them and goes over to chat her up.    

Back at El Profe’s manse, Art tells Nando not to be too hard on his sis because he knows that he can be a workhorse at times and doesn’t stop to either sleep or eat when he gets really involved in his job.   Nando mentions he’s leaving that day but will send his private plane back to pick her up the next day and gives Lu a dazzling smile.

Paulo tells Tere that he’s going to marry Aida and that will give him the kind of money that she’s always said he’d need with her.  Tere tells him she could care less, and she really feels sorry for him having to choose between money and “freedom”.  He tells her that he doesn’t think the marriage will last long, so afterwards…. (He lets her fill in the blanks, but we can assume a divorce settlement). She wrinkles her nose.   “--Don’t waste my time.  I told you a long while ago that you are useless.”  He grabs her arm to try stopping her from walking away and she hisses a threat to ruin his wedding if he doesn’t let her go.    He snickers that he doesn’t think Aida would allow it.  Tere says maybe not, but what if his future F-I-L finds out he’s a drug addict?   

Nando swears to Art that he’ll look after Lu like she was his own sister.

Paulo tries to deny his addiction to Tere, but she says well, it’s easy enough to prove; so wise up and   leave her the heck alone from here on out!  She won’t say a word to anybody, though, but her best revenge will be his having to marry somebody he doesn’t love.  “--Imagine!  How terrible!  There you’ll be on your honeymoon with Aida and you’ll be thinking only about.....me!”  She lets out a spite-filled cackle  and saunters away. 

That evening at Arturo’s, Luisa tells Tere about the business trip to Cancun and admits that she’ s nervous.  Tere says it will be a great chance to hit it off with him [ligarse].  Lu says so, she doesn’t think he’s ever going to pay attention to her.   Tere tells her again that she’s very pretty and then talks Lu into going shopping for some new dazzling clothes for her trip. 

At the same time, Genoveva visits Rubigote and suggests they buy a group of condo’s in a tourist area together.  He says he doesn’t have the kind of money it will take.  She insists he always has a way of getting what he wants without Maira being any the wiser.  Rube says fine and agrees to the deal.  He is a bit worried that she knows so many things about him, tho, he says.  She says she keeps quiet about them for Love’s sake, and that’s why he will continue doing business with her.  Gen walks over and plants a sensual kiss of thanks.  He pushes away from her.    She goes in for a second lip-lock and the two begin seriously sucking face.  It would seem that Ruben is now going to need to be juggling three women and that he feels he’s up for it……

Arturo informs Tere that he’s been invited to be the witness of honor at Aida’s wedding.  If she never saw either of them again it would be too soon, she says.  He suggests that since it will be after her graduation date, that they can go together as a couple.  She wonders if he’s planning to introduce her as his girlfriend.  Art says absolutely not!  She’s going as his fiancée!  He explains that he feels no need for them to go through a long engagement since he’s not a young kid unsure of what he wants.   He knows he is in love with her and that he wants to marry her ASAP.    He hopes she doesn’t mind getting married without a long engagement, he adds.  She says if it were up to her she’d marry him the very next day!  But, of course, considering their situation, they will have to wait a bit.  For the wedding yes, he agrees, but not for certain other things.  Tere’s eyes go wide.  Art explains that since she’s going to be his wife anyway, he wants to give her an allowance in addition to her salary to cover her and her family’s expenses.  He doesn’t want either her or his future in-laws to have to worry about money.  No arguments, he says.  None from her, she says.  Oh! He is such a generous man!   She lays a major lip-lock on him but then secretly opens her eyes as she kisses him!

The next morning, Aurora runs into Mar on campus and learns that he’ll be helping Dr. Ledesma with his classes.  She’s excited that he’ll be around campus regularly. 

Mariano releases Refugio from the hospital.  Ref says it’s a shame Tere doesn’t know how to appreciate him more.  Mar says she always wanted out of the vecindad and it looks like she finally managed to get what she wanted.  Ref laments that her daughter always prefers money over what counts most in life: love.   

Art surprisesTere at breakfast by handing her a blank check.  He says it’s to cover all her mother’s hospital expenses and to reimburse Aurora what she and her father have spent on them.   Once he leaves the room she smiles and says to herself that that’s exactly what Arturo is going to be for her, also: a big blank check! 

At the vecindad, Cutberto and Juana grouse some more about Teresa and her high and mighty attitude.  FF>>

Arturo tells Tere that he hasn’t said anything directly to Mariano because he realized he was one of the doctors caring for her mother, but he really doesn’t want Mar anywhere near Tere.  She says she feels likewise.   If he does give her grief, Art tells her, he’s going to have problems with him!

Pablo meets up with Fito, meanwhile, and gripes that Fito told Tere about him buying drugs off him.    Because of his big mouth, Pablo refuses to buy from him any longer.    Fito says she didn’t find out from him, but maybe word is just getting around.  Pablo says he’s giving it up anyway.  Well, says Fito, he knows where to find him if you Paulo does want more.  No, says Pablo, he won’t.  Fito snickers.  “--That’s what they all say.”  Paulo walks off. 

Art takes Lu to the airport while Aurora and Tere head for the hospital.  Tere, though, suggests Aurora try on a couple of things at the dress store while she first makes a quick stop at the bank.  After Aurora leaves, Tere gives the check over to the bank clerk.  She is opening her own account with that check, she tells the clerk. 

Ref is being let out of the hospital that morning. Teresa and Aurora have come to take her home.  Mariano gives her her discharge and leaves for her meds.  Tere runs out into the hall after him saying she wants to know about how to give her mother her medicines.  Once she’ out in the hallway,  though, she admits it was only an excuse to have a chance to apologize for her nasty behavior before when she thought he was the one who’d gotten the janitorial job for her dad. They hug and he immediately complains that she’s got no business with “that man”. He’s apparently too close to resist her charms and they kiss passionately.   When they come up for air, Mar assumes all is returning to the way it was before.  He says it’s great that she is coming back home now and will forget this craziness with “that other guy.” 

Tere turns ice cold at that and reminds Mariano that it’s still over between them; that there’s no way she’ll ever come back to the vecindad or with him. He doesn’t understand the 180 she’s just done.  Why did she kiss him like that then, and make him believe something that she didn’t mean, he asks.  Money must be all she really is interested in, then!  He knows she still loves him, though, or why else did she respond like that to his kiss?  He’s totally disgusted with her.   Though still knowing this, she lets herself get involved with that miserable jerk!  “--Open your eyes, Teresa!    Once he gets bored with you he’ll leave you.  That man is going to hurt you!”  She angrily insists that Arturo is magnificent and that Mar is the one hurting her, not him, by what he’s saying to her.  Teresa then breaks free from Mar and goes back into the hospital room.  She fights back the sniffles and barks orders at her mother.  The others wonder what’s upset her.  Mario comes in to say he’s got a taxi waiting to take them back.  She yells at him that that’s what Aurora’s there for and they’re going back with her.  He can take the taxi himself!   Mariano stands there wondering what hit him again, a sniveling glutton for punishment!  

Art gives Lu a present that Nando left for her the night before, and kisses his sis good-bye.  She opens it up once he’s gone and sees it’s a box of fancy chocolates. 

Back at her parents’ house, Armando tells Tere excitedly that he’s going to be fixing Dr. Magda’s car for her.  Tere harrumphs as she helps her mother into bed.   Ref begs Tere to return to home.  Teresa tells her mother she is never coming back.  She should just rent out her room and be done with it.  She’d rather not argue with her over it, Tere says, or they’ll all blame her again if she gets sick again because of it. Tere then returns to the living room.  Aurora wants the scoop on what happened between her and Mar out in the hall.  Tere says that he wanted to go back with her again and kissed her.  This doesn’t surprise Aurora at all. 

Juana walks in from the kitchen and asks about Luisa.  Aurora mentions to Juana that Luisa will be gone on a business trip.  The fact that Tere will be alone in that house with El Licenciado isn’t lost on Juana or Refugio, who immediately gets out of bed to yell at Teresa about it.

Paulo and Aida discuss pre-marital jitters.  FF>>

Back in the vecindad, Cutberto is coming to Ref’s with a bouquet of flowers, but stops in the open doorway, when he overhears Ref yelling at Tere and the others that Arturo probably planned to have his sister go of on that business trip purposely so he could get Tere alone.  Cutberto runs over to Mariano’s clinic with the gossip.  

Aurora offers to have Tere stay with her at her house.  Tere doesn’t want to but Aurora ignores her.  So,Tere  out of the blue mentions that she was going to have Juana stay with her instead.   Juana hides her surprise but goes along with Teresa’s suggestion.  Ref sees no problem then and calms down.  Problem solved. 

Mariano knocks on the door at that point.  Tere opens the door. He says they need to talk.  She angrily reminds him it’s over between them.  Besides, she’s in the middle of an important and touchy discussion with her mother that is none of his business.  Slam!  She shuts the door in his face.  Cutberto has seen it all and tells Mar, who is fuming, that Tere’s gone too far!  Mar hands him his backpack and heads down the stairs.  Art just happens to be walking towards him with a huge bouquet of flowers.   He sees Art walking towards him, rushes over, and knocks him flat on his assets with a right hook across the jaw. 

End P.! 

The Right Answer Is: For Love And Money -- P.2.
Capítulo 38

(Well, If you were half asleep before, you certainly shouldn’t be now!)

Mariano flies at Arturo like a bat out of Hell.  “--Come on!  Stand up!  You’re the big man, aren’t you!  Get up!   Get up, Arturo, come on!”  He lunges again and Art knocks him over with a well aimed left hook.  (Ooooh, I luv southpaws--especially blond ones with square jaws and perfect hair.)  “—What’s up with you, you imbecile!!??”  Art shakes the cobwebs off.  Mariano screams back at him. “--You’re not going to take advantage of Teresa!!”  Art shakes his head. “--Don’t you get it?  She doesn’t want you!”  Mar yells at him that he knows he sent off his sister to the beach just so he could get Teresa alone.  Mar’s dad comes running up at this point and Cutberto holds Mar away from Art and screams at the both of them. “--This isn’t something a doctor and a lawyer should be fighting over!”  He is ignored, of course.  Art snarls back at Mar.  “Don’t you come near Teresa again!  She wants me! “  “--Lies!  She loves me!” Mariano breaks free and strikes him again. “--Repeat that and I’ll split your face in two!”   “--A little late for that!”  They both get another good punch in before Mar’s dad pulls him off Art.  “--Enough, Mariano!”  

Cutberto advises Arturo to leave, which he eventually does, but not before looking over at Mariano and shaking his head in disgust.  Mariano’s dad yells at him to calm down and to control himself, as hard as he knows it is for the kid.  Mariano howls back at his papa like a wounded animal.  “--Don’t ask me that, dad!  I have to defend her from that idiot!”  “--It’s over between you and Teresa!  Forget her already!!”  “--He’s got her dazzled!” His dad tells him that Tere is old enough to know what she’s doing.  Mariano moans that the guy is taking advantage of her hopes to sweet-talk her into something.  His dad begs him not to fool himself.  She’s chosen her path and he has to try to do the same now.  There’ll be plenty of women for him who’ll want him.   Mariano is totally inconsolable and he looks it. (Although Viewerville loves a good knock-down, drag-out, seeing Mariano like this really does tug at the ol’ heart strings.)  The pain he feels at losing Tere is tearing him apart inside--and out. 

Refugio decides that Juana shouldn’t be forced to leave her clientele here in the vecindad just to babysit Teresa.  Tere gripes at her for mistrusting her like always.    Just then there’s a knock at the door.  Tere answers and there’s Art looking like he just got run over by a speeding train.  “--You and I have to talk!”    “--What happened to you!!??”    “--That idiot, Mariano, hit me.”    Ref gets up.  “--What have we come to?”  Aurora takes her into the bedroom to get her back into bed and Juana goes for ice from her house. Tere clucks. “--Now you see what the people are like here and what I’ve had to suffer in this neighborhood every day.”    Art angrily asks where the uncouth lout got the idea that he’d sent his sister to the beach so he could stay with Tere.  She says it must have been somebody confused when they heard Aurora mention she was leaving on a trip this morning.  (Well, considering the doors are open and the walls are paper thin in a place like that….)  She worries over Art’s owiee.  He looks totally disgusted with the whole vecindad set up.

Juana, meanwhile, comes down to check on Mariano and asks what his problem is.  Why did he beat up on the professor?  “--Because he deserved it! He’s a crafty s.o.b.!”   Cutberto seconds that and says he himself heard Refugio clearly say he wanted to be alone with Teresa.  Juana shoves him back for sticking his nose in where it’s never wanted. So, he says, he went to give the heads up to Mar.  Juana slaps him a good one across the chops.  “--You gossip-monger!   Just an FYI all of you!  I will be going to live with Teresa at the lawyer’s house!  She won’t be alone with him for a single minute!”  She storms off and the others are left looking at each other like “WTF?”

During all this, Aurora calls up her daddy to see what to do since Ref’s blood pressure has gone sky high again.  She gets the informaton she needs, but only after he asks where Mariano is.  She makes some excuse to cover for him and hangs up.

Juana returns and goes to keep Ref company with Aurora in the bedroom.  Art wants to clarify things to Tere’s mother, but she says not to bother, especially right now.    She fudges and says she has no choice but to stay at her parents’ house now.  Art asks her if she really wants to return.  She says no, but it would be best.

Outside, Cutberto apologizes for causing the fracas.  Mar says well if he’s going to pass along information, make sure he doesn’t leave anything out next time.  His daddy reminds Mar again that he and Tere are through and says Mar’s got to respect her wishes.  Anyway, if she really loved Mario, then why did she move in over at the professor’s house?

Art asks Tere if she doesn’t trust him.  Tere smiles and says it’s herself she doesn’t trust.  She’s afraid of being so close to him while Luisa’s away.  (Major eyelash bat.)  She flirts and inflates Art’s ego by a factor of 10 at least.  He smiles and tells her she has him bewitched.  She smiles back and suggests letting her godmother stay with her while Lu’s gone if he wants her not to stay.  If it keeps her mother satisfied, he says, then fine by him.  He still wants to talk to her Mama, though.  She’ll let him know when it’s a better time, she says, and kisses his owie again.

Tere goes in to speak with her mother and the others.  She tells them that the professor wants to speak to her.  Ref gets upset and says she’s got a few choice things to say to him, too.  Ref’s not going to let him ruin her daughter’s life like that!  Tere tells her not to get so excited.  He only wanted to tell her she’s asked permission to allow Juana to stay with her.  This shuts Mama up, FINALLY!  However, Tere goes back out and tells Arturo that Mama won’t trust her with any man but Mariano.  Art says then they simply cannot wait any longer to tell her about their wedding plans.  Tere warns him that won’t work because she’ll think they’ve not been working together at all, but using the time instead to go out together and fool around.  He says keeping quiet makes sense still at the school, but it makes no sense where her parents are concerned.  She says then wait till Mama’s pressure’s gone back down. 

Luisa calls to say she got there safe and sound.  FF>>

In Cancun, Fernando flirts with Luisa as he gives her a tour of her suite and then tells her he’ll be in the adjoining room.  He invites her to eat and she begs off to get changed first. 

Meanwhile, Ref complains to Juana about Tere.  Juana says she knows how to take care of herself, but Ref still wants her there at home with them and back with Mariano.   She doesn’t think the professor has any good intentions where Tere is concerned and rue’s the day she agreed to let him cover her daughter’s college expenses.  Juana tells her she should respect Tere’s decision.  She can’t deny that it’s a very good chance in life.  Ref tells her to look after Tere then, and not to let her be undone by simple greed with a bad man.

Aurora apologizes to Tere and Art for the hassle her big mouth caused everyone this morning and then leaves.    Art asks Tere to stay close to home to avoid running into Mariano again.  He will come back for her and Juana that afternoon. 

Aurora heads over to Mariano to do her volunteer stint for the day at the free clinic.  Mar tells her he feels like he’s had a herd of elephants run over him.  He’s glad that at least Tere’s having Juana stay with her, but he still doesn’t trust the guy as far as he can throw him.   He’s only using Tere, and Aurora as her best friend has got to open her eyes and make her see reason! Aurora promises to do her best.  She tells him then that he’s got to take care of the cut on his face.  He tells her as a future doctor she can clean it for him.  She tries but, can’t handle being that physically close to him and has him do it himself

At the restaurant, Nando seems to be more interested in flirting than getting down to work.  Luisa seems nervous –and probably with reason.  She pulls out her laptop and suggests if it’s a business trip that they should start talking shop He asks if she perhaps doesn’t like his company.  How could she not, she asks?  It’s just that they haven’t done a lick of work since she arrived.  He tells her to relax and if they organize things properly they will have time for everything.  Then he hands her a beaded necklace as a welcoming gift.   He then flirts with her for real, telling her that he loves the way she blushes at everything he says.  If she only had a mirror to see herself the way he does.  Luisa gets flustered.

Armando finally gets home and tells his wife that she’s exaggerating.  He sees nothing wrong if Juana will be Tere’s chaperone.   She angrily tells Armie that no, the man has nothing to lose, whereas Teresa has already lost Mariano!   He tries to make Ref see that if Tere decided the professor is suitable, then yes, she’ll end up marrying the man.  Ref tells him not to be so blind.  They made a mistake letting her be a part of lifestyle that isn’t hers.  Armie says what’s the harm if it’s a better life?  But at what price, she asks him.  He gets angry to think that she blames him now for Tere’s wanting to leave.  They blame each other for having spoiled their daughters, Refugio with Rosita, and Armando with Teresa.  She insists they should never have let her move into his house.  Armando has had enough.  “--Then you shouldn’t have hit her!  That’s why she left home!”

Mar insists that Teresa is getting involved with the professor and, he adds, the guy even told her father he wants to marry her.   Aurora says no, she still loves Mariano and, in any event, she’d have had to be going out with the prof for a while now; but Tere and Mar just broke up.   She’s sure the two of them will get back together soon.  FF>>

Art comes into speak with Tere’s mama later that afternoon.  He swears he loves Tere and has only the best intentions towards her.   Ref tells him he didn’t keep his word that this was only going to be a matter of her daughter working for him till she paid off her debt to him.  He apologizes and says the last thing he thought was that he would fall in love with her daughter.   Refugio doesn’t believe him.  He says that’s why he came, to show her proof of his good intentions and then pulls out an engagement ring.  If she still isn’t satisfied, he’ll marry Tere the very next day!  She sort of throws him by asking him if he’s certain that Teresa really loves him the same way. 

Aurora is still trying to buck up Mariano.  She tells him he still doesn’t know for certain if El Profe really is after Tere, and even so, it’s one thing for him to be interested, but quite another for her to accept.  Mariano insists that she left him for Arturo.  Mar is dumbfounded.  “--Didn’t you know this?  You’re her best friend!  How could you not know?”  He’s really angry and frustrated, but all Aurora can do is hug him and tell him how much she understands what he must feel. 

Art tries to explain that lately the attraction they felt for each other got to be so great that they couldn’t fight it any longer. This gets Ref in a huff till Art explains it wasn’t like that, and that they’ve not done anything improper.   Refugio zings him good by asking him if a teacher pursuing his student isn’t improper. 

Back in Cancun, Nando and Lu explore the construction site and discuss design ideas.  He seems to be extremely pleased with her ideas.  Nando helps her down a little drop and the two come eye to eye and look as if they might kiss.  She catches herself and lets herself down.   

Art admits that Refugio is right and says that because Tere is his student, he decided to wait until after she’d graduated.  She needn’t be worried, he says, because if it were up to him he’d have already married by her daughter by now.   So, says Ref, you really do love her.  Yes, a lifetime’s worth.   She asks him if then, if he is sure that her daughter really loves him.   El Profe looks like he’s just been hit with a bucket of ice water.

Juana mentions that Ref is upset that she prefers having her chaperoning her instead of her mother, and, no she won’t be smothering Tere the whole time.  Tere says she’s confused because Mariano has disappointed her, but Arturo, on the other hand…..  Tere has a look on her face as if she’s just stepped off Cloud 9.  Juana says the time at his house will be useful to see things more clearly and if she’s still in love with Mariano or not.  Juana then mentions that she’s upset that Tere never asked her directly to join her.  It seemed that it was only an afterthought to avoid problems with her mother.  Tere seems quick to sidestep the issue and to sweet-talk Juana past that little speed bump.

Back in Refugio’s bedroom, Art continues to explain that though they wanted to wait to say anything until she graduated, yes, Tere loves him the same as he loves her.   No, says Ref, he’s wrong.  Her daughter loves only Mariano.  The camera pans on Art’s clasped hands.  It looks like he’s fighting the urge to strangle Refugio.   “--With all due respect, Sra., it’s Teresa who has to choose.”  She says, in effect, yes, but she doesn’t want her daughter to make the wrong decision.  Arturo, totally frustrated, says he cannot understand why she still rejects him.  After all, he’s an economically sound and established professional without vices, and above all, totally in loved with her daughter.   “--That may be, but I must warn you that my daughter is only dazzled by you, not in love.” 

Cutberto, meanwhile, is in the living room telling Armie that Tere shouldn’t be allowed to live away from home like this. (What a know-it-all busybody!  Like what would he know about it?)  Precisely because he does love her, says Armie, he has let her go.  He doesn’t see the harm, either.  Ref doesn’t seem to see yet that she’s a grown woman and is beginning to live her own life.   Yes, says Cut, but she needs a guide.   Armie says it’s more like Ref has become too possessive and controlling since Rosita died and she doesn’t want to let go of Teresa now.  

Art wants to know why Refugio keeps telling him this.  She says she knows her daughter and she has been in love with Mariano since they were children.  Art says he realizes they dated, but still, that ended and the boy doesn’t want to understand. He looks Tere’s mother in the eyes.  “--Forgive me if I say this, but you don’t either.  I am sorry--I didn’t’ mean to upset you, only to make you aware of my position.  I hope that we might get along, because Teresa and I are going to get married.” She suggests he take some advice from an old woman.  “--Before you get married, take your time and don’t rush into things.” 

Back at the free clinic, Mario apologizes for losing his temper with Aurora.  They get back to work and discuss getting padlocks for the drug cabinets because the next day they’re going to be receiving controlled substances. 

Armando suggests that Teresa needs to try to be respectful around her mother, considering how much she misses her.  Tere tells him again to rent her room and to make sure Mama gets used to the idea that she is not coming back there to live again.  

Cutbertho begs Juana not to leave him alone in the vecindad. FF>>

Tere gets angry at Art for telling her mother that they were planning to get married, since they agreed to wait until she’d graduated.  He asks her why it bothers her so.  “--Is it because you aren’t really sure about marrying me?  “Teresa is wide-eyed impactado by his sudden suspicious attitude and raised tone of voice.   She holds it in check and sweet-talks him down off his perch.  He got ahead of himself by speaking to her when they’d agreed to wait, she cajoles, and besides, her mother is ill.  He apologizes and says he just wanted to prove to her mother that he was serious and wasn’t trying to play around with Tere.   Tere gently scolds and says that he should have taken her feelings into account as well since it is her mother.  He is used to doing what he wants when it comes to his job, but that’s not what she wants in her significant other, she says, with wide-eyed innocence.

Juana makes plans to have Aurora eat dinner the upcoming week with her and Refugio, since she’ll be by daily to see about her and to make meals for Mar and his dad.

Pablito sees Johnny and Pati kidding around and rushes to get Aurora to come with him back to the mechanic’s shop.

Juana gets after Mariano for fighting with Tere’s boss and making her the gossip of the vecindad.

Arturo apologizes to Tere for his presumptive behavior and says it won’t happen again.

There’s a discussion at the mechanic’s shop about how people shouldn’t be prejudiced over the socio-economic background of a possible boyfriend or girlfriend.  FF>>

Refugio asks to speak to Tere alone.   She tells her to stop with the hypocrisy.  She now knows that she and her teacher are supposedly in love with each other.  Why did she leave the man she loved for this one and not bother to tell her about it?   Was it for selfish reasons, i.e., for money?  Tere says she was so disappointed with Mariano, but then Arturo has behaved so well with her.  “--And so generously, right?”     Ref begs Tere not to do something this crazy.  There’s still time to change her mind.  Teresa insists her mind is made up. Ref tells her she is doing this in spite of her true feelings.  She loves Mariano. “--Mariano is my past and Arturo is my future.”  Her mother says do her a favor then.  “--I realized today that the man is a good and decent man.  Promise me that you won’t do to him the same thing you did to Mariano.”   Tere blows her mama off.  Mama does nothing but rain on her parade all the time!  One of these days Mama is going to be very thankful for all Tere’s done for her.  Ref starts bawling.  Tere rolls her eyes and struts out.

Everyone’s ready to leave. 

Armando asks Art to be good to his daughter and to respect her.  Juana says not to worry; she’ll be there to look after her.  Tere comes out.  “--Take care of my mother, daddy.”  Juana leaves with Cut to get her sewing machine. 

The shop owner scolds Pati for dressing like a streetwalker and for flirting with the help.

Tere and Art walk out onto the street and stop by his car.  Luisa calls to chat about Cancun and Nando, but since Tere’s with Art she says it can wait.  She just wanted to thank her for all the advice and help with the wardrobe she says—and that she is so happy!   Any time, says Tere. 
Art tells Teresa he can’t stand the thought of her still being mad at him.  Just then Mar and Aurora come walking around the corner a ways up the street.   Their eyes go big as saucers from watching Tere and El Profe setting the sidewalk on fire with their kisses.

End, P.2 


Triunfo del Amor #102 5/2/11 María Breaks PJP’s Heart; Victoria Goes Shopping; and Osvaldo’s Life Hangs by a Thread

Padre Juan Pablo tells María Desamparada that he is her father for real. No kidding. Pinky promise.

She rejects him bitterly. Now she understands why he always tried to defend her mother: It’s because he’s the one who abandoned her in the street. And all to avoid scandal – a priest with a child!

Osvaldo has been shot. He lies bleeding on his back outside the gate to the mansion while his androgynously black-clad, red-gloved assailant drives away in Os’s camioneta.

And now tonight:
Padre JP pleads with María not to speak to him so cruelly. But she just keeps twisting the knife. Now she demands to know who her mother is – the poor woman he deceived! She rejects his argument that his lips are sealed by the secret of the confessional. He has lost the right to call her ‘hija’. You’re not my father, she spits at him.

While inside the apartment, María is busy skewering this gentle soul who has shown her nothing but kindness, outside Victoria arrives on a mission: She’s there to claim baby Juan Pablo for the Sandoval clan. For once in his irritating life, Alonso, holding the baby while JP and MD talk, makes himself useful. He won’t let Victoria barge in on JP and MD. And when she tries to take the baby, he holds on tight telling her she has no right to him. She’s not Max’s mother and she’s certainly nothing to María!

The raised voices reach JP and MD. María runs out and snatches up her son protectively. She orders PJP to leave and he does so submissively.
Alonso is surprised at how roughly María is treating the padre but for Victoria it just confirms what she knew all along: María is an ingrate. The women detach Alonso’s suckers so they can go inside to talk. Alone.

At Casa Sandoval, Max’s lawyer explains that the only way to get custody of little Osvaldo is to demonstrate that Ximena has a severe mental illness that makes it impossible for her to care for her son.

Their conversation is interrupted by screams coming from downstairs: No puede ser! (It can’t be!)

Cruz and Fer are in her room and they hear the screams too and rush out on the landing in alarm. The maids tell them that Osvaldo has been shot and he’s on the way to the hospital. Cruz, Max and Fer set out to follow the ambulance.

Back in María's place, Vic is sneaking a peek at the photo album Alonso made for María – you always were a good model, she acknowledges bitterly. But she gets right to business: I came here to offer you money for little Juan Pablo. How much do you want?

PJP is devastated by MD’s rejection. Padre Jero reassures him that he did the right thing. He needs to give María time. Eventually, she’ll hear the whole story and know that he never abandoned her.

MD is enraged by Vic’s offer: My child is not for sale! Vic is undeterred. Everyone has a price, she insists. Besides, it would buy you your freedom and give your son a shot at a better life. How dare you, retorts María. You are just like your worst enemy – or worse! Now it’s Vic’s turn to be enraged at the comparison with Doña Demente. She slaps MD hard: How dare you compare me with her! One day, says MD, that slap will hurt you more than it hurt me!

Things aren’t looking too good for Osvaldo. The bullet seems to have punctured a lung and he is being prepped for emergency surgery. Max goes to call Vic while Cruz tries to comfort Fer.

Os’s assailant drives up to a gate and puts the gun on the passenger seat of the camioneta.

MD is still locked in combat with Vic. Her only sin was to fall in love with Max, she tells her. Vic claims to love him but to María, it seems like he’s just another thing she owns, part of her inventory. How else can she explain why she was so hot to have him marry Ximena?

María will never be separated from her child. Do it for Max, says Vic. If you love him, give his child a good life! It’s precisely because I love Max, answers MD, that I would never part with his child. Then she orders Victoria to leave. Leave and don’t come back, she says. “Thank God my child doesn’t carry your blood”! “¡Hasta nunca, sra Sandoval!”

When Victoria finally leaves, María tearfully replays PJP’s recent revelation and all the times he took the role of father in her life.

Outside the vecindad, Victoria paces and grudgingly admires María’s tenacity: “She’s just like me”. But before she can follow that train of thought, she gets Max’s call about Osvaldo and she rushes off to the hospital.

PJP is also replaying the tender moments he spent with María during her pregnancy and after her baby’s birth. He kisses the little carved crucifix – the gift from young Victoria – and then falls prostrate on the floor and prays for forgiveness.

Bernarda walks in on his misery. She wants to hear about his visit to the bishop. PJP says he asked permission to tell MD he’s her father. You can’t do that! cries Bernie. Too late, says JP. I already told her. And now we get the second bofetada (slap on the face) of the evening: Bernarda slams her son so hard, she knocks him down and leaves him bleeding.

Don’t look at me like that, she tells him. I gave you life and I can take it away. You’re wrong, says JP. God is the one who gives us life and only God can take it away. Mad Bernie insists that God himself has given her permission to give out punishment. And besides, she loves her granddaughter and she loves the child. How can JP think she would ever hurt them?

Says JP: Um. You tried a few times already.

Bernie has a perfectly good reason: She felt she had to destroy María because she was coming between him and his ma and because she’s the daughter of the woman she hates most in the world.

Fortunately, for the moment María is safe in the vecindad. Alonso has rejoined her and wants to know the scoop. He is outraged when he hears that Vic tried to buy little Juan Pablo. Then he has to try to make things look even worse by suggesting that maybe Max himself was behind the offer.

The operation is taking a long time. Osvaldo’s condition is critical – he may not make it. Fabián is there now and Fer is flanked by her suitors.

Alonso has baited the hook but María isn’t biting. Max wouldn’t be capable of such a thing, she tells Alonso. Alonso (who never, ever, shuts up) muses that a woman who thinks a child is for sale is the worst – but wait, he corrects himself, there are worse women – the ones without the slightest maternal instinct, the ones who are hollow and empty…

Cut to the exemplar: Hollow, empty Ximena, drunk as a skunk, ranting about how she’s the best model, she’s better than that slut, that’s why she’s so envious…

Pip and Toni get to the hospital. In the OR, the medical team talks about blood expanders to stabilize Os so he can withstand the surgery. (Will they ask for donors and discover that Max is not his son?)

Vic arrives on the scene and the doctors come out to talk to the family: Osvaldo’s condition is critical and they aren’t sure they can save him.

Alonso is blabbing platitudes to María: Caras vemos, he begins…
and María finishes: corazones no sabemos. (We see faces, we don’t know hearts: you can’t tell a book by its cover)
It’s true, agrees MD. She never dreamed sra Victoria would be capable of doing all those things to her. And then MD addresses her child: Don’t worry, she tells him, you’ll always have your mother’s love – what PJP kept me from having.

Alonso’s ears perk up. Now he wants to know just what she and PJP talked about.
He told me who my real father is, says MD.
Well that’s excellent news, says Alonso. Who is it?
El padre Juan Pablo.
You heard right. Padre Juan Pablo is my father. He abandoned me – and I’m sure he tore me from my mother’s arms to hide his own sin!

Alonso clasps her hands comfortingly.

And PJP – who appears to have learned nothing, nada, zip, zilcho -- clasps Demente’s hands as HE TRIES TO REASON WITH HER. He tells her María has nothing to do with Bernarda’s hatred for Victoria – why she doesn’t even know that Vic is her mother!

And Demente shoots back: She’ll never know! You committed the heresy of telling her you’re her father but you’re not going to tell her that that whore is her mother! You can’t break the seal of the confessional!

JP feels that he is losing his daughter for the second time and in both cases it is because of his mother’s silence. He begs her to speak to MD on his behalf (abogar) and tell her the truth – that he never abandoned her. But Bernarda refuses, even in the face of his pain (it’s fitting that a priest follow the path of thorns trod by Christ himself, she tells him) – speaking the truth would leave an opening for Victoria. And she’ll never allow that.

Now JP reaches for the secret arrow in his quiver: Either you tell her willingly or I’ll oblige you to tell her – if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in jail! Because I’ll force SOMEONE ELSE to talk – someone who knows your crimes very well!

Padre Jero pokes his head in the door at just that moment and Demente looks at him with hatred. Has PJP just signed his old friend’s death warrant?

Cue the kayak


Monday, May 02, 2011

CME Monday 5/2/11 Pre-empted Tonight

El Fin de Bin Laden:
Good evening Caray Caray amigos. As the world spins out real life events of princes and demons, we will NOT retreat for an hour of respite to consider our little telenovela fantasy life. Due to the earth rattling news of El Fin De Bin Laden program on Univision the regular transmission of Cuando Me Enamoro will not be airing at my usual recap time of Monday at 6:00PM. I will check a later transmission to see if C.M.E. will show up later.
Buenas noches a todos.
Cheryl New Mex


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Teresa Fri 4/29/11 #35 Old boyfriends and old boyfriends; #36 Arturo is shark bait!

Capitulo 35 – Old boyfriends and old boyfriends

We open with a scene of Rubigote and Espe smooching at the hospital and bam! Daddy Pedro walks up: What are you doing besuqueandote(smooching)with that man! Espe tries unsuccessfully to calm him down. Daddy tells Rubigote that Espe is a decent señorita (ahem). Espe tells daddy Rube is her novio. The look on Rube’s face is priceless: wh.wh.what?! She goes on telling Daddy a whopper about Rube having wanted to talk to both her parents but she wanted to wait, right Rube? Daddy is seething.

Sweet Mariano is explaining to Hermoso Hernan he intended to pay for Refugio’s hospital bills. He doesn’t want Teresa beholden to anyone. He knows it’s not Hernan’s fault someone else paid but is grateful nonetheless with all he did to help.

Armando visits Refugio. She can’t wait to get better and go home. Wasn’t it nice of that old meanie Porfirio to allow him to be by her side these past few days? Armando doesn’t let on that he’s been fired and just wishes her to get well. She can’t wait to get home and sleep beside him again as she has for these past 23 years.

The kiss that almost was:
Tere and Arturo walk into his house. She’s savoring the moment that she’s opened the door for the first time using his keyring, that is now hers. He tells her it’s all hers, the house and everything in it. Oh, he’s got it bad. He doesn’t know she’s gonna take him at his word. She thanks him for dinner, she had a wonderful time with him…and Luisa. He tells her she was great company. Well, she better get to sleep…..she leans in toward him and then slips up the stairs saying good night. He looks after her longingly (lustily?) and then walks away. NO KISS! Waaaah… After he’s walked away, Teresa peeks over the stairwell, smiling. Mission is on track.

Pedro says Espe’s the light of his eyes. She’s a good girl from a good family. If Rubigote wants to court her, he’d better be serious. Rubigote agrees and thinks now’s a good time he leave so they can have a father/daughter talk and Espe can ‘splain everything to him. He excuses himself and slithers away. Espe begs daddy to understand. Whoa, here comes Nachita. Pedro asks her if she knows about Espe’s BF and that he’s old enough to be her father. At that age, he’s old enough to be married and with children of his own. You guessed it old man! Espe confesses Rube has a daughter in University. Pedro: he’s married??!!

Aurora tells Armando Refugio should be ready to leave intensive care by tomorrow. Armando confesses he’s lost his job and didn’t have the nerve to tell Refugio. How will he pay for the hospital now? Aurora’s surprised Teresa hasn’t told him she’s taken care of the bill. Mariano walks up just then.

Nachita can’t believe Pedro would think of such a thing. Espe with a married man? NUNCA! Right, Espe? Espe tells yet another lie – he’s divorced. Hermoso Hernan walks up to say hi. Espe takes this opportunity to escape making excuses that she has to get to work. She runs off faster than you can say, "Florence Nightingale".

Oh lordy, we cut to el profe’s house and he’s sitting at his desk burning the midnight oil. Upstairs we see Teresa tiptoeing up to the balcony in itsy, bitsy camisole and panties gear. As an evocative electric guitar is playing somewhere over telenovelandia, Arturo heads upstairs and runs into Teresa who’s standing there with a book in her hands. Nothing is said and Arturo gives her the once over. They just stare at each other.

Mariano agrees with Armando’s decision not to tell Refugio about his job status. Any distressing news could endanger her health. Aurora is also in agreement telling him it should be easy to find a job. [Yeah? When was the last time she looked for a job?] Armando is pulled away by Pedro. Mariano and Aurora are left to talk amongst themselves. She confirms she paid for Refugio’s hospitalization saying she’s always seen her as the mother she would have wished for herself. He’s only happy that infeliz licienciado didn’t pay. Aurora can’t believe he’s still jealous of him after all these years. He just can’t believe she went off to live with him. Aurora assures him it wasn’t like that. Luisa invited her and that trip to Cancun? Business. Mariano asks her to convince Teresa not to go on that trip. Aurora is confident Teresa wouldn’t do anything wrong.

Back at el profe’s Teresa claims she couldn’t sleep and didn’t realize anyone else was up. She was only returning a book to the library. She goes on to say she came to live here not only because of Luisa but because of her feelings for him. Arturo’s all: ¿Que? Tere tells him her feelings for him have grown but she must keep her distance because she works for him. As she turns to leave him, she “accidentally” drops her book. Whoopsie. Being the gentleman that he is, he goes to pick it up and as he’s getting up he gets an eyeful of our tiburoncita’s loveliness. [Hilarious, before he can get straighten up completely, she fluffs her hair] The electric guitar starts up again, they stare at each other as he gives her back her book. Then he straightens his tie and backs off, then turns to leave. Jaws theme kills the guitar and Teresa is left looking after him, knowing her prey is well within her reach.

Next morning Paulo is still in his rumpled suit and bien crudo (hungover). Geno is disgusted that he would consider going to work that way. He breaks the news of his betrothal. She offers to go shopping for the ring and also to pay for anything he needs for the wedding.

Tere is talking to Espe on the phone telling her it was a good idea telling her parents he’s divorced. After all, it will soon be true. She’s sure her parents will soon come to accept him and suggests she call Ruben and tell him she’ll wait for him to resolve his “situation” because it’s obvious he really does care for her. After they hangup, Teresa is reviewing some documents and says to herself: Yeah, he cares for you so much, he forged his wife’s signature on the supposed divorce documents. Arturo walks in just then and they chit-chat about work and she points out what a beautiful signature Mrs. Rubigote has, ¿qué no?

Back at the vecindad, all the neighbors are helping Mariano prepare his clinic. Juana is still angry with Cutie-berto about the way he spoke to Tere. Cutberto stands his ground, saying Tere provoked Refugio’s illness. Mariano breaks it up, saying Refugio had been ill for some time. Cutiberto then tries to make up with Juana. I see myself doing a lot of FF>> in future episodes when these two are on screen.

Arturo informs Tere that Fernando has agreed to let her see confidential documents. Tere is grateful for their confidence. She can’t wait to meet Fernando. Arturo has told him she’s his right hand and that he hopes that in time she will his socia (partner).

Back at the clinic-to-be, Espe breaks the bad news to Mariano that she’s reconciled with Rubigote and that he is getting a divorce. She runs off. Aurora and Mariano are talking shop. Mariano says the only thing missing is Teresa. He wishes she were here to see this project through with him. Aurora feels she’s only stressed out about her mom. She’ll come around once Refugio’s well. Mariano’s not to sure. Every day she seems to be moving further away from him. Aurora hasn’t forgotten about her promise to convince Tere against the Cancún trip.

Tere is excited about a partnership with Arturo. It’s always been her dream. They give Luisa the good news. Luisa says that partnership is only the beginning, maybe you can be his partner for life. Tere ignores this remark and asks about the trip. Luisa and Arturo both understand she’s concerned for her mother and have cancelled the trip. Tere acts shocked

Nachita wishes Espe had ended up with someone her own age. After all, when the years pass, he won’t have the same energy. Espe gets upset at this and tells her she loves him and doesn’t care about the age difference. One never knows what can happen. She can end up with someone her own age who will end up dumping her after a few years. Nachita gets sad at this and comments just as Epe’s dad did with her. (Pedro’s not Espe’s dad) Espe’s sorry she brought that up. She just wanted to point out that anything could happen. We also find out Pedro isn’t Johnny’s dad either. Pedro just wants what’s best for her. Nachita promises her support and asks that she invite Rubigote to dinner on Friday.

Tere urges Arturo not to cancel the Cancún trip. She tries to sacrifice herself and urges them to go along without her. Nothing doing they both say. They want to stay with her during her time of trouble (mom’s illness). Oh brother! These two are like sheep coming to slaughter.

Geno congratulates Rubigote, “íconsuergo!” (mother-in-law or father-in-law of one’s child) and tells him Paulo is out buying the ring. She notes not only will their children be united, but their fortunes as well. Rubigote likes that because he’d like to ampliar (expand) his business. He’s always wanted to have more money than Maira. Geno points out Maira has always let him manage everything and will continue to do so as long as they’re together…..that is what he still wants, right? Yes, but he also wants to diversificarme (diversify his business). She asks if he’s purchased a new apartment for Esperanza. He says that’s all over now.

Aurora talks to Teresa about volunteering at Mariano’s clinic and asks that she volunteer also. When Tere says no way, Aurora starts pleading Mariano’s case. He still loves her and he’s very worried about that trip to Cancún with Arturo. Tere couldn’t possible go on that trip even though her mother is out of intensive care – she’s cancelled her plans. Aurora says Mariano’s concerned about Arturo’s intentions. Tere waves that off as his petty jealousy. Aurora wonders why Tere doesn’t tell Arturo about Mariano. Tere doesn’t think that’s necessary now since she’s done with Mariano – he’s all yours. Aurora is hurt at this insinuation.

Pedro and Nachita argue over Espe’s BF – he’s divorced, he’s too old – Pedro just doesn’t have a good feeling about him (me da mal espina) Pablito overhears the whole conversation.

Tere doesn’t believe Aurora is no longer interested in Mariano. Aurora refuses to listen to her tonterías (nonsense). She knows Tere and Mariano love each other. Mariano adores her. Tere: “Too bad for him. The sooner he forgets me, the better.” Her only goal now is to get ahead and rise above la pobreza. Aurora doesn’t understand her attitude. Ambition shouldn’t come at the cost of love. Tere feels it does in her case. Mariano doesn’t have the same drive. Aurora disagrees, citing the hard work he’s putting in to get his clinic up and running. Tere feels it’s not enough and she’s not going to give up everything she’s worked for. Mariano wants her to give up el licenciado and she’s just not going to do that. She tells her he’s offered to make her partner one day. Aurora says that’s all fine and dandy but what good does that do if you can’t share that with the man you love. Tere: even if she wanted to share it with Mariano, she’s fed up with his opinion of her and el licenciado. Aurora continues to fight for Mariano, suggesting Tere tell Arturo of her love for Mariano. Tere tells her to get over it, she has no plans to reconcile with Mariano. Aurora then tells her to reconsider. After all Mariano is super-buena onda (slang: really cool, nice), handsome, intelligent, detalliz (thoughtful), hard worker, but above all he loves her. Ok, I think she went a little too far there, making her feelings obvious to Tere.

Mariano tells Refugio even though she’s doing better, she needs to be careful. She asks about him and Tere. He doesn’t want to talk about that now. She knows he still loves her.

Eew! – Rubigote and Espe in bed. I think I’m blind! – I love you’s all around. Espe’s so happy that he’s finally getting divorced and is glad the end is almost here. She’s glad her parents know about him. He doesn’t know why she told them he’s divorced. Well, it’s almost true, it’ll happen soon enough. He wants more discretion lest Maira find out and cause a scandal. Espe then hits him with the news her parents expect him for dinner on Friday. Of course, he doesn’t think that’s such a hot idea. Mariano and Ramón know who he is. Forget about it. They start smooching again (blech in the blecheler pad).

Tere passes Mariano on her way to Refugio’s room. He reminds her Refugio’s still fragile and shouldn’t be upset. Tere doesn’t need reminding and goes past him. Aurora tells him Tere cancelled trip. She thinks that instead of being to jealous, he should talk to Tere to fix things. Mariano’s convinced that she won’t be happy until he has money. She tells him not to give up so easily and fight for her.

Tere visits with mom and puts on the good daughter act. She only has their best interest at heart. She will get her out of the vecindad. Tere doesn’t want to hear anything about mom’s illness or the possibility of her passing away. Refugio apologizes for hitting her and only wishes for her to be with the man she loves. Tere assures her she will eventually be married with a man who loves her. (See how she switched that around? Real slick.) Momma assumes she’s reconciled with Mariano. Tere reminds her she needs to be calm and promises she’ll at least listen to what Mariano has to say.

Out in the hallway, Pablito runs into his padrinos, Mariano and Aurora. They talk about Refugio’s health for a bit and Aurora agrees to take Pablito along with her to lunch with her dad.

Lusa runs into Arturo’s office to tell him her project won the competition. She takes the chance to tell him to take advantage of the fact Teresa’s in the house to spend more time with her. Arturo’s thinks that’s a great idea and thinks he’ll invite her to eat with Fernando, Luisa, and himself.

Aurora and Pablito are having lunch with Hector the Director. Pablito’s being all cute, talking about his illness, thanking Mariano for his recovery. Then they talk about how wonderful Mariano is. Pablito lets it slip Aurora is helping Mariano with his project. Hector isn’t happy she’s spending time with him without Teresa. He sends Pablito off with the maid so he can speak with Aurora alone.

Paulo gives Aida her ring in a restaurant. He says he wanted to wait for a special occasion but didn’t want to appear cursi (tacky). Actually, he didn’t want to deal with it and just wants to get it over with. He shoves it on her finger and he’s done with it. She talks of how this is a symbol of their lifelong commitment bebé. He tells her not to get so cursi over it and suggests they just drink a toast. She has a better idea and suggests they go somewhere more intimate to celebrate. He’s ok with that but he needs to make a stop to “buy something”. Oh no, our Paulo’s headed on a downward spiral.

Aurora says she agreed to volunteer to work in the clinic before she realized it was Mariano’s project. Hector’s not pleased because he knows she still cares for Mariano. Aurora denies this and besides she knows Mariano and Tere will make up soon. Hector feels this is more the reason she should stay away from Mariano. She swears nothing could happen between them and she only wants to work with the children of the vecindad. Hector tells her she doesn’t know how difficult it is to work alongside someone who doesn’t return her affection. He’s concerned she’ll only end up hurt. She disagrees and says she won’t quit the clinic and asks him to please understand.

Maira is talking to Aida on the phone and is happy to hear about the ring. They discuss setting a date for Paulo to officially ask for her hand in marriage. She gives Ruben the good news and they talk about setting up some time with Geno to go over a timetable, expenses, etc. Maira and Geno have already made plans for Geno and Pablo to come by Friday night. Ruben doesn’t bat an eye, just smiles and says good, good. Guess Espe and her parents are out.

Tere comes by Juana’s to visit. She tells her Refugio is getting better even though she continues to stubbornly ask her to return home. Juana suggests she return home to make mamá happy. Tere feels it’s no use. They’ll only continue to argue and she’ll get sick again – at least that what Cutberto thinks. Juana says family is family and breaks the news Armando lost the job. Tere is not sympathetic and says serves him right for not listening to her but then agrees with Juana finding better jobs isn’t so easy.

Espe and Armando are at the hospital talking about his employment woes. She says she may have a job lead but doesn’t seem anxious to tell him about it.

Mariano runs into Tere as she’s leaving vecindad. He tells her he found out Arturo didn’t pay the hospital expenses. Tere tells him he doesn’t know how difficult it was for her to swallow her pride when Aurora paid it. Really? How hard was that? They squabble a bit over how unrealistic it is for Mariano to think he could have covered that expense himself. Mariano is basically begging her to give their love another chance, saying as long as he lives he will continue to insist their love is worth fighting for. Tere tries to resist him then gives in and kisses him and their theme song begins.

Aida is in the car admiring her ring when she notices Paulo giving some guy (Fito) money. She wants to know what he’s buying from that tipo. He shows her a packet of pills. They’re only para alivianarme (take it easy, be cool). He offers her some so they can celebrate a lo grande (big time) Just this one time. Just say no, Aida!!!

Teresa and Mariano break from their embrace. He’s assuming this is it, they’re back together. Not so, says Tere, this was the last kiss. Tearfully, she tells him to leave her alone now and stop trying to contact her. The look on Mariano’s face is so sad :( He can’t believe their love is over. She’s never denied she loves him but she needs more than love. She needs comodidad economica (financial security/comfort), a life filled with comodidades. He’s stunned, asking if she’s ready to throw away everything they have together. She’s made her decision! That’s a sacrifice she’s ready to take. She then dramatically removes her engagement ring and places it in his hand. He puts it back in her hand, “This is ring is yours. Save it as a symbol of un amor desinteresado (indifferent)” Oh yeah? She doesn’t want this ring with its sad glass, not when she can have one with real brilliantes (diamonds). Then she holds it up and lets it drop at his feet. She tells him not to waste his time, it’s over! Oh boy, she is mean and heartless. She leaves him and he picks up the ring and has a really sad, depressing look on his face.

Aida is telling Paulo no way. She has no need for those things (pills) and neither does he. Ok, bebé? He’s all, duh ok mi amor. Egads, he’s such a doofus!

Luisa arrives at an office introducing herself when she runs into Fernando – wow! She doesn’t recognize him at first and introduces herself to him. He tells her who he is and can’t believe how beautiful and grown up she is.

5..4..3..2..1 KISS!
Tere arrives at el Profe’s. She’s sad and crying, looking at her hand sans ring. Arturo walks in asking if mamá has had a relapse. [Boy, he is clueless]. She says no, it’s just so difficult putting up a front so she won’t get another attack. It’s just that mamá keeps insisting on a relationship with Mariano. She doesn’t understand que yo amo a ud....she breaks off mid-sentence. He says “Teresa” then they lock eyes, she grabs him by the neck and we have our first full on kiss!!!


Capitulo 36 - Arturo is shark bait!
Tere breaks away from Arturo apologizing for letting herself get carried away and runs upstairs.

Fernando continues telling Luisa how beautiful, grownup she is, etc. etc. She tells him she’s there to discuss a proposal for a project in Cancún using Bamboo. He’s surprised, telling her it’s his project. She immediately assumes she only won the competition because Arturo put him up to it. Fernando tries to tell her she’s wrong when they’re interrupted by the receptionist telling them they’re ready for them at the meeting. Luisa first says she’s not coming but Fernando says they will attend.

Tere is in her room tearfully acknowledging that Arturo’s kiss didn’t make her feel the same as Mariano’s. There’s a knock at the door and Tere kicks into action, getting out her suitcase. Arturo walks in insisting they talk. Tere insists she must leave, this isn’t right. Arturo says she can’t leave, she loves him and he confesses his love for her and feels it’s time they stop disimulando (pretending). She acts all innocent, can’t believe he feels the same way she does. She never dreamed this would happen. He suggest they drop the formal “Ud.” and speak with each other in the more casual from of “tu” (dejar de tutuearnos). She turns away from him saying that’s impossible, he’s her teacher, her boss. They should just forget about what just happened.

Fernando is trying to convince Luisa the competition was completely anonymous. She’s not buying that and wants to talk with Arturo first. He says fine but in the meantime she’s gonna leave all the involucrados (those involved) plantados (stranded). Instead she should be a professional and come with him to the meeting.

Arturo is pledging his love for Teresa, telling her there’s nothing wrong in acknowledging their love. They’re not hurting anyone. Teresa says that’s the last thing she would want—to hurt someone. She wouldn’t want to be a target for gossip like what happened with Luisa’s apartment. She doesn’t want to ruin his reputation, he’s always taught her to do what’s right. That’s why she – dramatic pause – fell in love with him. He never thought he’d feel this way. He never imagined this would happen. She feels the same way but – he stops her mid sentence and begins kissing her. The steamy electric guitar music starts up again. In between kisses she breathlessly tells him, “te amo, te amo” As he lowers her to the bed, she starts telling him she’s afraid he’s confusing their closeness for love. He assures her he loves her and isn’t playing games. So they’re on the bed smooching when……knock, knock, knock…..it’s Reina telling her Armando’s at the door. She starts to go back into the room then changes her mind and closes the door behind her. Armando is there asking her for money, telling her Gemma is threatening to take everything out of the house again. He’s looked everywhere for work but no one will hire him due to his age. She lays into him again that he should’ve listened to her about getting a better job to begin with. He asks if it’s possible to ask for an advance from el Profe. Tere tells him this would be the worst time to ask him for money. She wouldn’t want him to think she’s only after him for his money (por interes).

At the garage, our favorite meanie Porfirio is snarling at Johnny, him telling never to mention that Armando again. He’s on his way to the airport to get his granddaughter when an inspector arrives wanting paperwork on the hazardous materials kept at the shop. Porfirio has no choice but to send Johnny for his granddaughter Patricia.

Armando reminds Teresa that Arturo has offered his help in the past. Honestly this family is turning out to be a bunch of moochers. Teresa takes some money out of her wallet and tells her father that under no circumstances are they going to ask Arturo for money. This is all the money she has and she suggests that he ask Gemma for a few more days and she’ll come up with more money. Right now she needs to finish up with a “meeting” (is that what they’re calling it these days?) that could determine her future. She smiles at this. Her dad isn’t so sure about this. Tere further suggests he consider renting out her room. He protests, reminding her of her things. Sell them. He asks if she is never planning to return? “Jamás” (never), she responds.

Espe comes to Mariano’s to talk about her novio. Awww, his eyes are still red from crying, so sad. She tells him her novio has shown her his divorce papers and furthermore Tere has confirmed they’re legit. Mariano stumps her by asking if he’s promised to marry her once he’s divorced. Meanwhile Nachita is trying to reason with Pedro to go along with Espe’s noviazgo to avoid Espe seeing him in secret. This will allow them to check him out and see if he’s a good man. Mariano tells Espe it would be best to confront him regarding marriage. She’s assuming if he’s getting a divorce it’s because he wants to marry her. She asks him to please cover for her and not let on that he’s married. Then she asks him to tell his dad he just found out Ruben is getting divorced. Oh no, he refuses to lie to his dad. She’s gonna have to handle that one on her own.

Back at el profe’s house, Arturo and Tere are no longer on the bed. She’s telling him her father came by to ask her to return home and she almost, almost said yes because what’s going on here isn’t right. But she realizes Arturo loves her and she just can’t give him up. She knows it’s selfish of her but she just can’t be apart from him. Arturo feels if it’s bothering her, they can go speak with her dad right now. No! uh, that’s not necessary, now’s not the time. He tells her he already told Armando he loves her but they agreed he wouldn’t declare his love for her until after she graduates. She acts surprised at this news and is all wide-eyed. More the reason not to tell them now. Her mother would never agree to this. They’re both adults, he says, and know what they’re doing. And as such, shouldn’t they be able to confront everything?

Espe is running off to the hospital and Pedro tells her of his talk with Nachita. He’s agreed to allow her to date Ruben and wants her to invite him over so they can get to know him. But if he doesn’t like him, she’s going to have to stop seeing him.

Aurora comes to Mariano so they can start shopping for the clinic. She sees he’s still so upset. He tells her Tere threw the ring in his face and it’s over. She tries to console him, telling him he just needs to put it away, he’ll need it again soon. Tere’s just angry because her mother hit her and he didn’t come to her defense. Mariano tells her this time it’s over for good.

Back in Tere’s room, they’re back on the bed. She wants to tell the whole world he loves her but knows she can’t do that just yet. He tells her to be patient, she’s almost done with her studies. More chit-chat about her mom then she says he will make her happy at last. They begin to smooch and this time an acoustic guitar accompanies the smoochfest.

At the project meeting, Luisa is told her project was picked because it not only met the standards but surpassed them and that Fernando’s company will be the one to see it to its completion (paraphrasing here) Fernando says it will be a pleasure to work with la Srta. De la Barrera.

Back at Tere’s bedroom, they’re still smooching on her bed. Tere says she’ll only tell Luisa of their love because she’s her BFF. Arturo confesses Luisa knew about his feelings awhile back. They continue smooching, Arturo gets a little frisky and Tere stops him. They agree to go back to his library even though they both want nothing more than be close to one another.

Armando is pleading with Gemma, who has a gang of thugs behind her, to give him just a little more time. Super Mariano comes up just then. Gemma’s done giving him more time, either he pay her off or she goes and gets all his belongings but she’s not giving him more time. Mariano gives her the ring telling her this time he won’t want it back. Armando and Aurora both plead with him not to but he says it’s no use. He no longer needs the ring. Gemma’s appeased but says she’ll be back if Armando doesn’t keep up with his payments.

Fernando congratulates Luisa on the outcome of the meeting. She still thinks Arturo had a hand in her project being selected. He tells her fine, talk to Arturo and then call so they can celebrate and begin working together.

Aurora meets up with Mariano outside the vecindad very concerned about him. He tells her no worry, it’s just a lump of gold and glass that has no value for Tere and she has assured him it’s over.

Rubigote finds Espe at the park. She’s glad he showed up and tells him her parents are pressuring her for him to come over for dinner. He acts very concerned that Mariano and his dad should tell her parents he’s still married. Ok, he’s a rat but he does have a point here. She needs to see reason here and make up a story that he can’t come on Friday due to business or something. They hug and she’s very unsure. --- wake up Espe! Egads.

Johnny’s at the airport with a sign for Patricia. There’s a bit of a doofus moment when he sees her and she realizes he’s there to pick her up. She’s a cute little thing (too cute for him, anyway). He’s all agog when he meets her.

At the Chavez home, Armando is telling Mariano that Tere just doesn’t want him anymore. He sees that Mariano is coming to grips with it and should just accept it already because…..he trails off. Mariano asks him to be frank with him. Armando feels Tere is confused about her feelings. Mariano is sure it’s due to that licencieado! He only wants to have his way with her. Armando tries to break it gently that no, Arturo’s serious about her and only waiting for her to graduate before he marries her. Mariano is muy impactado!

At the airport, Johnny wants to make sure Patricia doesn’t tell her grandfather he didn’t recognize her right away. She laughs it off, saying of course not.

Mariano is very upset telling Armando Tere can’t possibly marry el licenciado. She doesn’t love him. Armando thought Mariano understood their relationship was over. They go back and forth like this a few times and Armando finally tells him Tere is done with him and has the right to be with whomever she pleases. He storms out of the room, leaving our hero standing there with his mouth open.

At Arturo’s office the flirting continues with him telling Tere he can’t believe they’ve gone on this way but now he can kiss her anytime he wants and he wants to right now. They kiss and she reminds him she needs to finish her thesis. They both say stuff about her needing to graduate, blah, blah, when Luisa barges in asking to explain why he fixed the competition. Tere and Arturo are both impactados.

Johnny and Patricia are walking through the airport getting to know each other, he telling her about his mechanic/taxi job and she telling him she’s there to go to the best prepa with a bunch of monjas (nuns). Another future candidate for FF>>

Arturo is offended that Luisa would think he would fix the competition. Tere defends him telling her she needs to be more confident in herself. Luisa catches on that she’s called him Arturo instead of licenciado. She asks what gives. Arturo put his arm around Tere and smiles abound.

Armando is in Refugio’s hospital room. He tells her it would be a good idea to rent out Tere’s room to make more money. She starts overreacting as usual saying Rosita’s things are in there they couldn’t possibly rent out that room. They need to convince Tere to return home otherwise she’ll end up falling for that licenciado.

Luisa congratulates Tere and Arturo and agrees to keep the relationship a secret until she graduates to avoid any gossip. But she’s still mad that Arturo set up the competition. Arturo swears he knew nothing of it and that she won based on her own merits.

Patricia and Johnny arrive at the garage. Pedro is miffed they’ve arrived so late. She blames it on traffic and he orders Johnny to close up shop. (yawn)

Luisa and Tere are having girl talk in Tere’s room. Luisa is muy emocionada with meeting up with Fernando. He’s more handsome than ever but Arturo says he’s a womanizer. How could she compete when he’s surrounded by beautiful, famous women. Nevertheless, she’s happy they’ll truly be sisters now that she’ll be her sister-in-law. When Luisa runs off to her own room, Tere pulls out the photo of Mariano and her and rips it up, leaving it on her nightstand. The following morning there’s a knock on her door. She hurriedly picks up the torn photo and goes to the door. Reina brings in a huge bouquet of roses. After she leaves, Tere reads the card. It’s from Arturo, “you’ve made me the happiest man in the world” Somehow I think she expected they were from someone else? She still has the torn photo pieces in her hand and throws them in the trash (bad move-evidence!).

Arturo arrives at his class and Tere is noticeably absent. As he’s calling roll Aida points out that she saw Tere at the university but apparently, she’s skipping his class. Everyone laughs.

After commercial break we see Tere waiting outside class as everyone is filing out. She and Arturo make eye contact and go back into the classroom as the electric guitar begins to play. She was afraid her feelings for him would be evident and everyone would notice. He suggests they go talk now. She has another class. He asks her to lunch with him and his friend Fernando. She needs to visit her mother. She’ll see him at home. She makes sure no one is looking and she leans in, “te amo”. He replies, “yo más”. Oh brother. She acts like she’s going to kiss him then walks away leaving him all hot and bothered.

Aida tells Paulo she’s dying to show Teresa her ring. She wants him to know they’re getting married. This is news to Raul who happens by and hears the news. He congratulates Paulo but is evidently upset at the news.

Arturo and Fernando meet at the club and the two hunkasauruses look mighty fine in their polo shirts. Art tells Fer neither he nor Tere could hold back anymore and declared their love for each other. Fer hasn’t seen him this happy since…. “Paloma” says Art says. He’s not afraid to say it anymore. They discuss Luisa and Art doesn’t understand where she got the idea he fixed the competition. They talk of Luisa’s talent etc. etc. Art asks Fer to take care of his sister. Fer promises as a brother because they’re that close. Then the two hotties are off to play a round of golf.

Juana, Aurora, and Pablito come to visit Refugio and the little guy lets it slip Armando was fired. Speaking of which, Porfirio introduces Johnny to the new head mechanic, Ezekiel. Patricia comes by to say hi to her grandpa and she and Johnny make eyes at each other. Grandpa is pissed that Johnny says hi and forbids him to speak to her again.

Predictably, Refugio is upset (of course) and tells Aurora of all their financial problems and just doesn’t know how they’re going to make it with her unable to work.

Musical chairs at the restaurant. Aurora, Tere, Fernando, and Arturo had made arrangements to celebrate Luisa’s success but apparently the director thinks it’s better to have a more dramatic meeting between Tere and Fernando. I’m guessing she’ll go on a feeding frenzy when she meets him. Aurora calls Tere as she and Luisa are being shown to their table. Tere excuses herself telling Luisa it’s her mom and refuses Luisa’s offer to come with her to the hospital. Fer walks in as Tere leaves, just missing her. Art meets Tere on her way out and agrees to accompany her to the hospital. Fer and Luisa end up eating alone. Wait, the four were supposed to eat together yet Luisa and Fer are sitting at a table for two, just sayin’. Art and Tere arrive at the hospital arm in arm. Tere pulls away from him reminding him they can’t let her father see them this way. It would only upset him. She walks up to her dad, Juana, Pablito, and Aurora. She hears Pablito confess to blabbing about Armando getting fired. She yells at him. Aurora tells Pablito it wasn’t his fault and offers to take him home. Tere kind of half-a$$ed apologizes as they leave. Tere wants to know who the devil is going to explain what’s going on with her mom. In walks superMariano: “yo.”

Back at the restaurant Luisa and Fernando are celebrating her success and their finding each other again. She tells him of her profound appreciation for his help in proving her father’s innocence. She tells him she has no BF.

Tere is assumes her mother’s relapse is due to malpractice. So many doctors and no one is watching over her? Mariano affirms they all do their best. Armando blames himself because he lost his job. Juana tells everyone to calm down. After all, Refugio is doing much better. Mariano says they will need to keep her sedated. Arturo enters the conversation and the tension mounts. Tere tells him her mother is to remain sedated. Mariano explains her relapse was not serious and if there are no other questions, he excuses himself. Juana suggests Art and Tere go and get something to eat seeing as their meal was cancelled. Armand politely refuses Arturo’s invitation to join them. Juana offers to stay so Refugio can go look for a job. Espe comes in just then saying her friend has found him a job if he can start immediately.

Fer can’t believe a girl as beautiful as Luisa has no BF and invites her to go out dancing. She declines saying she prefers to visit with Teresa and get started on the Cancún project.

Tere and Arturo come back to Juana in the visitor’s lounge. Tere knocks over Juana’s coffee and guess who comes by to clean it up? Armando! ¡Tere se queda mortificada!


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of May 2, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves


We had to content ourselves with three new episodes this week. I don’t have much to say about Friday’s “Twenty Favorite Moments” except that most of the sequences included were the ones I could have done without. I’m not a big fan of graphic violence and cruelty. My favorite moments all along have been writer- and actor-driven. Small scenes that reveal larger truths. But I suppose action sells. And all of us agreed that the scenes with Teresa and her two loves were superb.

We’ve wondered before whether this show would be perceived as a glorification of the narco world especially at this moment in history when Mexico is suffering its consequences en carne propia. (As many of you already know, Televisa began airing the series in Mexico on April 4.)

And here I have a confession to make. I don’t exactly tweet – who cares what NovelaMaven had for breakfast? -- but I do have a Twitter account and I follow a few people I find interesting. I guess you could say I ‘twalk’ (twitter+stalk); or maybe I ‘twurk’ (twitter+lurk).

So anyway, the other day, Roberto Stopello, writer of the tv adaptation of our novela, posted an intriguing tweet speaking to this question. He wrote on April 28:
Pa' que les voy a decir no, si sí? Alvaro Cueva es como Teresa Mendoza! Al pan pan y al vino, vino! | http://t.co/Rv27Goj

Following that link will take you to a piece by Alvaro Cueva: Cambios, extrañamientos y cosas peores: El pozo de los deseos reprimidos. (Changes, reprimands and worse: the well of repressed desires.)

[I had some trouble with the word ‘extrañamiento’. It seems to mean, literally, something like ‘exile’ but here I think it means ‘reprimand’.]

Anyway, here’s a quick and dirty translation of the parts of the article that referred to “Reina”:

Did Héctor Villarreal, Undersecretary of Regulations and Media of the Ministry of the Interior really send a written reprimand to Televisa for its airing of the telenovela “La reina del sur”?

I prefer to think it’s untrue, that it’s just a rumor, that it’s a publicity gimmick – because if it’s true, it’s obvious that the gentleman isn’t watching this Telemundo production; nor does he have people capable of reporting the truth about what is happening on our screens.

“La reina del sur” is very far from promoting organized crime in this country.
Moreover, weeks go by without any scenes taking place in Mexico; and in contrast to what happens in other national melodramas, it is full of basic values

Didn’t ‘Teresa Mendoza’ (Kate del Castillo) just go to Morocco to defend a mother’s right to be with her child?

Didn’t the hero of this telenovela just give us a lesson about defending children in the face of human trafficking occurring in different parts of the world? Is this what they want to censor?

It looks like he just wants to cause trouble. He’s attacking something without taking the trouble to know what it’s about. He’s not a savvy tv viewer.

If Don Héctor and his colleagues were really interested in what is happening in our industry, they would be investigating other cases which really are shameful like “Pequeños gigantes”….

Unlike “La reina del sur”, “Pequeños gigantes” is shown in the family hour … and let’s not even get started about the “talk shows”

That’s why I think that this scandal is a lie. It’s just a smear campaign that the social networks came up with to make the folks at the Ministry of the Interior look bad. Because if it were true, it would be scary.

Now it seems that a telenovela that tells the story of a woman who falls in love with the wrong man is dangerous; on the other hand we don’t need to do anything about the tons of garbage we “shoot up” every day.

It’s not for real, right? It didn’t really happen, did it?

If you want to know exactly what Cueva wrote, check out the link. I also found another discussion of the theme here: http://tinyurl.com/3okqumd


When I watch La Reina, I often think of The Sopranos, another brilliantly written series that sometimes made us squirm because we were rooting for the bad guys. But I don’t remember anyone worrying that Tony Soprano’s real-life counterparts would be swamped with eager recruits. I suppose that in the case of the drug cartels in Mexico, the wounds are open and bleeding – and even an artistically integral treatment of the theme can be painful, even insulting. Thoughts?


Does anyone know anything about the novela Marina that will be shown at 1pm eastern/12 noon central as of May 9? I thought it might be worth recording because it stars two actors I like, Sandra Echeverría and Mauricio Ochmann. But then I read that after the first few episodes, Mauricio was replaced by the Colombian actor, Manolo Cardona.

Herederos and Aurora watchers – the floor is yours!

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Triunfo del Amor #101 4/29/11 The Lowdown Before the Showdown: Maria Gets Her Come to Daddy Moment

As we peek in we see that Padre Juan Pablo is arguing with his mama over how she’s made others suffer by silencing him through the means of the confessional.  Well, JP’s got news for Mama!  Today he’s off to see the Bishop to ask permission to be released from his vow.  No, not the priestly vows, but a dispensation.  It’s time that the others’ suffering should end and that her soul is saved.  Mama demands to know what he is talking about.  She’ll find out soon enough, he replies.

At Casa Victoria The Redux, Victoria is gritching to Antonieta about how she walked in on Maria Desamparada and Alonso as he was kissing the shameless slut.  She figures that Maria has gone on to greener pastures since Max didn’t pan out for her.  ”--I was right!  That girl is a tramp!  [cualquiera=floozy, hussy]"  Toni and Fernanda disagree.  He’s only a friend!  Maria’s shown them a thousand times that she’s totally in love with Max!  Vicki disagrees.  Then why did she run off with Alonso to live with him the whole time she was pregnant? (Hmmm.  Dunno.  It’s just a thought, but could be that she might have felt forced to hide from anyone involved with los Scandalval?  Maybe she was tired of putting up with the abuse and harassment--or should she have stuck around and deferentially taken whatever Vicki felt like dishing out whenever she felt like dishing it? Even Victoria crawling on her knees over shards of glass while wearing a hair shirt could never make up for the way this maven on a mission made persecuting Maria priority numero uno!)   Vick says she wouldn’t be surprised if perhaps JPito really isn’t Max’s after all!

Fernanda, who’s been listening silently throughout to Mama’s tirade, can’t keep quiet any more.  Fer tells Mama to get real!  How could she think that JPito isn’t Max’s!!?? This wouldn’t be the first time a girl has done that to him, either, Vick pontificates.  Toni agrees with Fer and asks why Vicki is being so hard on Maria?  Vick says she has her reasons and that she’s never wrong.   Fer puts a bit of a speed bump in Mama’s rant by reminding her that she blew it big time with Jimena, incessantly defending her to Max and then forcing him to marry her when he was in love with Maria!  “--That was different!  Jimena changed.”  (Query: Was it before or after Ji learned she had Guillermo’s bun in the oven, hmmm?)  Vick is adamant that Maria is two-timing Max and that’s that!

Ji finally makes it back to Burnie’s.  Burnie wants to know where she’s been.  “--Oh, I was just out for a walk with ‘my son.’”  “--You say that as if you actually cared about him.” Burnie then explains how it’s gonna be from here on out.  “--You may have born him, but you’ve lost all rights over him.  If you want me to continue supporting you, you’ll have to accept that I will be in charge of him and I will raise him to be a good Christian. Give him to me!” Jimmie only has to consider a couple of seconds.  She gives the baby over and Burnie dismisses her.  “--Get out!” 

Fer has heard enough and has Fabian take her home.  She can’t stay there any longer.  It’s obvious, she says, that she and her mama are never going to get along together [entenderse]. Toni can’t understand why Vicki is being such a hothead [arrebatada].  Vick admits she’s just so very frustrated because she’s surrounded by hate and now her whole life and family are falling to pieces around her.   (Hmmm.  I suggest a discussion of Proverbs 11:29 the next time Padre JP or Jerry come by.)  She tells Toni that she’s wondering what the next shoe that drops will be.

Napo and Juanjo, meanwhile, take the orphanage boys to the soccer field for a practice.  Padre JP comes by to ask Padre Jeronimo to go with him to see the Bishop.  He’s got to discuss something that concerns his daughter, Maria, and needs his support.

Back at the office, Toni asks Vicki what she meant about this not being the first girl to trick Max.  Vicki finally confesses (dun-duhn-duhhhn!) that Gui is Osguito’s baby daddy.  Toni is OMG!-I-was-that-close-impactada.  

Burnie, meanwhile, is telling little Osguito how she’s going to keep him pure as the wind-driven snow and then make him into another of her personal priest-confessors.  She won’t let him fall from grace like the last one.  (Has she got plans to make a eunuch out of him first or what?)      

Toni now tells Vick that Maria and Ji are two different situations, and it seems that Vicki’s turned really abusively combative lately.  Vick admits she’s saddened by the realization that nothing she has done has been worthwhile or lasted.  “--It all was for nothing!”  Toni tells her not to exaggerate.  Vicki feels she’s jinxed for life and confides that she thought she might have a new start in life with Max’s two kids; but now she sees that was a mistake.  She calls herself a loser and claims that Ozzie, Jimmie and Maria are all alike: all treacherous!  

Maria and Alonso head for the television studio to film her commercial.  Lon tells her he’ll never give up hope of stealing her heart to make it his own.

Milagros and Nathy (post Extreme Makeover) are at the market.  Mili tells Nat that she’d love to have JJ fall for her.  Nat says JJ won’t even take a second look at her.  Mili says now that she’s dropped the ugly duckling look for the beautiful swan, JJ is sure to change his opinion.  However, a man is won through the stomach, so Mili is going to teach Nathy how to cook for JJ.  FF>>

Fab brings Fer home.  She’s thrilled by Cruz’s surprise in the garden: purple flowers all arranged in a huge “F.”  Fabulous Fabian can only see green, though, so he leaves for home, not wanting to be the third wheel.  Fer  thanks Cruz and suggests they should study for his entrance exams. FF>>

Later in the day, Nat brings lunch to everyone at the soccer field.  Nat flirts with JJ by telling him she’s trying to prove his mother’s theory that a man falls in love through his stomach.  JJ and the others like what she’s cooked.  The guys notice that JJ’s cheeks have turned red and tease him that they’re the color of luhhhvvvv..  JJ looks over and gives Nathy a sheepish smile.

Fab gets back to work and gripes to Max about Fer’s reaction to Cruz’s surprise. Max complains that he’s got the same problems.  He’s sick of having to put up with Lurking Lonnie and has come to think that maybe Maria really does want Lon instead of him.  Fab tells him that’s a lot of hooey considering, and that he shouldn’t doubt Maria’s love for him. Max says he doesn’t doubt Maria.  It’s that the guy is there at “Max’s house” every single day!  (Say what?  Max’s place?  Maria’s the one paying the rent, buying the food, and putting up with the peeling paint and the cockroaches!)  Every day, he moans, the guy’s there to see his woman, call her “Ternurita”, and then to top it off, he claims he wants to take her love and his son away from him!  Max, really agitated now, tells Fabian to stop the Don Quixote crap and go after his impossible dream!  Fight for Fer if he really loves her!     

Back at Ste. Burnarda’s, Padilla has been summoned.  Over some shared sherry she tells Rudy that she’s decided the time has come to eliminate all their enemies.  She says they must silence Max and Oz. She’s going to start with Oz and says they’re going “to make him regret having threatened” her. 

The bishop agrees that there needs to be an exception made regarding the truth about Maria Desamparada’s parentage.  It can no longer be postponed [es impostergable].   He gives Padre JP a dispensation to speak and says he hopes this helps to purify his mother’s soul.  JP is puzzled.  The bishop tells him that Mama has been excommunicated.  Mama cannot enter the church again until she is truly repentant.  JP is beet-red-impactado. 

Rudy tells Burnie that he’s got a couple of excellent ambush sites in mind.  They’ll need to be pretty cautious [sigiloso = stealthy] to avoid suspicions, though. Burnie sees no problem. “--Whatever’s necessary.” 

Vicki interrupts Oz in the music room and mentions what she saw at Maria’s apartment earlier.  [Did anyone bother yet to ask her why she barged in without bothering to knock?]  Oz defends Maria’s honor.  Anyway, says Vicki, she knows what she saw and gripes again that nobody wants to believe her.  Besides, she grouses, who’s he to talk about moral rectitude?  She’s going to see about taking JPito away from her. Their grandson is living in the dumpy vecindad when he could be living like a king!  (And whose fault is that?)  Oz is adamant.  Vicki has no right to grab Maria’s son away from her like that!  Before he can say anything more, Oz gets a call from a producer buddy of his who asks to see him right away. Vicki forgets she’s divorced from the guy and demands to know where he’s going.  Oz hasn’t forgotten.  He refuses to say; she immediately accuses him of having another lover, which he of course denies.

Fer and Cruz go over possible test questions.  (Yawn.) They share a few giggles and smoochies. FF>>

Back at the soccer field, the guys tease JJ about “declaring” to Nathy, the first step towards their going steady.  Nat is enjoying the attention.  FF>>

Outside the gates to the manse, we see a red leather glove menacingly aiming a gun at Ozzie’s SUV on his way out.  Then Vicki drives off to the office and we see that same red-gloved hand holding a gun and taking aim as she is chauffeured out of her gate.

The commercial goes like clockwork for Lon and Maria.  The clients are super satisfied.

JP leaves the bishop’s offices and wanders around the streets of the city, clutching nearby tree trunks and painfully remembering his mortification at the bishop telling him that Mama had been excommunicated.  FF>>

Max comes storming into the manse and runs into Vicki on the way out.  He asks her if it’s true that she saw Maria and Alonso kissing.  Definitely, says Vick, but he should ask Maria himself.  Max says he has and that she denied it.  What’s more, she ran him off when he did. “--Sure she did. How convenient for her! Now that you’re useless to her she runs you off.”  Max is certain Vicki must have misinterpreted things.  She says not to worry, that she will have JPito back with Max at the mansion that very day.  (Let’s get this straight: she doesn’t believe JPito is really Max’s bio-baby, buts she is determined to take custody of him anyway? Is it really the call of the blood or just another persecution power play??) Max asks what she’s got in mind.  Vick says not to worry; she’s not going to do anything foolish. She smiles and thinks to herself she’s only going to give Maria Desamparada what she’s been looking for this whole time.  Max’s divorce lawyer, Medrano, arrives as Vick heads out the door.   

The producer buddy offers Oz a terrific part in a terrific movie, but he’ll be filming out of the country.  Oz turns it down in favor of sticking close to the family since they need him more right now.  

Padre JP shows up to speak to Maria and Lonnie leaves to babysit JPito outside.  JP gets nervous and is tongue-tied. 

Oz drives up to his gate at the manse, but it’s locked.  He gets out and starts to put the keys in the lock.  Somebody off-camera that he recognizes walks up. The red gloved hand shoots the gun and Osvaldo takes a bullet at close range in the gut.  He collapses onto the sidewalk. The shooter, dressed in a black trench coat, steps over his body, takes the keys then drives off in Oz’s SUV.  

Back inside Maria’s cuartucho [hovel/dark and tiny little room], Padre JP fights back the tears. “--You’re scaring me, Padre. What is it?”  Finally he stutters something.  “—I-I-I’m your father.” “--Sure, that’s how I see you, like my father.”  Finally he spits it out.  “--I am your biological father!  You are my daughter.  You are flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood.  Maria, I am your father.”  The camera pans dramatically back and forth between the face of anguished, chagrined, and tearful Padre JP to Maria’s confused, concerned and consternated cara de impactado.   


Cuando Me Enamoro #8 Friday 4/29/11 The Bearing of Bad News

We start with *lots* of rehash from Thursday, so I'll spare you the leftovers and get to the goods.

An ever-tearful Matilde tells Jeronimo that his brother Rafael is dead.

Jero: No puede ser! How did he die? Why did no one tell me?!

Mati: We didn't have your phone number, so we had no way to tell you that Rafael died because of a woman!

Jero: A woman killed him?!

Mati: In a way, yes. Rafael killed himself because of a woman!

Lazaro cuts into the conversation and introduces himself as the capataz (foreman, overseer) at the hacienda. He tells Jero the straight truth: Rafael committed suicide yesterday morning. Dr. Nesme said they should give Rafa a decent burial right away. Jero asks to talk to the doctor as soon as possible. Matilde tells Jero how much she loved having Rafa for a boss and leaves him to grieve on his own. Jero crumbles.

Roberta is still clutching her pillow and sobbing over Rafael. Fina waltzes into the room and notices Rob's luggage sitting in the corner. Roberta tells Mommie Dearest that she had plans to run away with Rafa the night before but he stood her up. Fina jumps at the opportunity to make Rafa look like the bad guy. "He stood you up because he knew I was going to disinherit (desheredar) you if you married him! He only wanted you for the money and the status." Roberta sobs because she doesn't want to believe it. Fina comforts Rob and tells her that in time she will realize that Rafa was only playing her for a fool the whole time (burlarse = to mock, make fun).

Ines and Isidro drop by Regina's place. The three of them plus Doña Cata and Antonio are getting together to celebrate Gina and Tony's budding relationship. Tony gives Gina a bouquet of flowers and a kiss, which makes her uneasy. A little while later, Antonio claims he doesn't want to pressure Gina but would love to make her his wife. This makes Doña Cata and Ines happy but Gina leaves to check on the food without commenting on Tony's proposition.

Continuing their tour of the town, Matias buys a necklace and a new bracelet for Renata. They eat lunch and flirt with each other some more. They romp around a fountain and encounter a group of Mariachis. Matias dares her to sing with them, which she does with lots of enthusiasm. In the throws of post-singing excitement, Renata pulls Mat close and they kiss.

Roberta is wallowing in her PJs still, so now it's Selene's turn to try to get her to snap out of it. "What if something happened to him?" Rob wonders. "Tomorrow morning I am going to the hacienda to find out what's going on once and for all!"

Matias is bowled over by how strongly he feels for Renata. She pulls away to clear her head. "We're step-siblings! We live in the same house, we work together, we are so attached (apegado) to each other already..." Matias doesn't share her misgivings but he understands. They'll get to know each other a little better before rushing into anything serious.

Antonio tells the lunch-party about his plans to return to the world of taurino (bullfighting). (No doubt a reference to Guillermo Capetillo's own history as a bullfighter.) Ines can't stand that they hurt the animals, but Tony manages to convince her to come to one of his fights with the group.

Renata escapes into the bathroom to let her feelings out. "I dreamed of this moment for years and now that it's happened...I felt nothing when he kissed me." But she certainly felt something when Jero kissed her, since we're treated to a flashback of it. "Why won't you (Jero) get out of my head?! You mean nothing to me! But your kiss was...incredible." *Cue Enrique and Juan Luis*

A solemn Jero asks Mati how she knew that Rafa killed himself over a woman. She shows him the pinnacle letter from La Bonita. Jero gets increasingly worked up as he reads it aloud.

Jero (furiously): Who is this woman?! What is La Bonita's real name?!

Mati: Nobody knows! The boss never brought her here. They talked a lot on the phone and we only just found out about their wedding.

Jero: I need to find out (averiguar) everything about this woman!

Mati: We don't know! Just that the last time Rafa talked to her, they were fighting. But then Rafa told the Padre that he wanted to get married here next Sunday. La Bonita is from the capital, Rafa was supposed to go pick her up last night but must have gotten the letter just before he was going to leave.

Once Jero sends Mati away, he cries as he holds a family portrait from when he and Rafa were kids.

Renata and Matias stumble home and are greeted by Gonzo and Fina. Ren asks if she got any messages and Fina pointedly says that Rafa never called to explain why he stood her up. Gonzo pulls her aside to question her relationship with Rafa yet again and warns her about spending time with guys who are so undependable and dishonest. Poor Rafa. He's barely even cold yet and it seems like everyone wants to make him the bad guy.

Dr. Nesme meets Jero and laments Jero's loss. Rafa was like a son for Dr. Drunk. Jero want to know all the details about Rafa's death. Doctor paints himself as Rafa's best buddy and explains that Rafa's novia spurned him and he killed himself over it. Jero pops his top. "My brother was much more valuable than the life of any woman!" Doctor agrees but Rafa obviously didn't feel that way. "I feel guilty that I couldn't have done more. I did what I thought was best by burying Rafa quickly. To save him the embarrassment of an autopsy and the humiliation of town gossip about his death." Doctor says.

"He was so young and full of life." Jero grieves. "He didn't deserve to go out that way."

After the commercial, Fina sets in on Renata for flirting with Matias. "I wasn't born yesterday! (No nací ayer!) I saw how enthusiastic you were to have Matias out with you. What's your angle? Are you trying to lure him like so many others?" Renata denies wrongdoing and precariously asks, "What if I were interested in Matias?"

Fina cackles. "Gonzo's money isn't enough for you, huh? You have to seduce his son to secure your future." Of course not! Renata doesn't care about social position and if she got married it would be for love. "Be careful, Renata." Fina warns. "Mat is Gonzo's pride and joy. If you toy with him like you do with other men, Gonzo will have to choose between his son and you. If that happens, I assure you he will pick Mat. Do not risk the stability of the family."

Meanwhile, a decidedly happier conversation on the same subject is happening downstairs between Gonzo and Mat. Gonzo thinks there's something special between Mat and Ren. Mat admits it's true. "I am fascinated by her. It is so easy to fall in love with her. Renata has all the qualities I looked for in a woman." Gonzalo is overjoyed. Matias and Renata are the two people he loves most in the world, he wants to see them happy.

Jero tells Matilde that he plans to visit Rafa's grave with Padre Severino the next morning. He wanders alone in the dark hacienda with the letter in his hand. Finally arriving at Rafael's room, he asks Rafa to forgive him not knowing how desperate he (Rafa) was. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I promised Mamá that I would." (The song in the background is beautiful. I think it's Cuando Un Amigo Se Va, but I don't know the singer...)

Dr. Nesme gives Agustin a debriefing on Jeronimo. He didn't seem at all interested in an autopsy or the money or the crops. But he is a business man, so they'll have to tread lightly for a while. Agustin is going to make sure no one "interferes with his plans". All of them nefarious, no doubt.

At Empresas Monterrubio, Adriana squeals when she finds out that Matias kissed Renata. She tells Ren not to worry what Fina says about Mat, what matters most is Ren's happiness.

Roberta narrowly makes it out the door but makes the mistake of telling Fina that she's going to the hacienda. Fina stalls Roberta and tells her to wait a couple days. Conveniently, a letter arrives from Rafael! Fina feigns surprise as Roberta rips it open happily.

Jero kneels at Rafael's grave.

Jero: Hermano, in front of your grave, I swear I will find that woman who rejected and toyed with you. I swear that woman will suffer for what she provoked you to do. I swear to avenge your death through her.

Avances: Jeronimo finds a picture of Renata and Roberta in Rafael's stuff. "Adriana?!" He says confusedly. Let's hope for fewer tears on Monday.


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