Saturday, May 21, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #120-121 5/20/11 P. 1. A Stab In The Back From Mama!, P.2. Bound To Be Found?

A Stab In The Back From Mama! P.1
Capítulo #120 

Rudy Padilla makes a phone call to Dona Demente de Iturbide to inform her that he’s just seen a billboard with a picture of some lady holding the baby they took the other night.  Burnie races down to see for herself.

Across town, Lush-ous Leonela tries ordering up another bottle of booze for herself and finds out that Max has left orders that she’s not to get a single drop more.  She complains to the night clerk.  Don’t they know who they’ve got in this room?  It’s the great Leonela Montenegro!  Sorry.  They’ve never heard of her, click!

Max, Alonso and Maria are at her place in the vecindad and all out of ideas.  Max says thanks for your help Lonnie Boy, but we don’t need you here any longer, and since Maria needs to rest why don’t you make like a tree and leave?  Lon says nope, I’m sticking around till Maria tells me to go!  Maria tells them both to stuff it. She’s sick and tired of their arguing every time they’re in sight of each other.  The baby’s missing and they’ve got better things to do and to worry about --at least she does!

Since she’s run clear out of the booze Guillermo brought her, Looni-ella flies into a drunken rage and starts destroying the tacky furniture. 

More territorial quibbling between Max and Lonnie. Lon’s sticking around out of friendship and duty; that kid means just as much to him since he took care of Maria all the time she was carrying it--just in case Max doesn’t remember cuz Max was AWOL all that time.  Max says thanks, but I’m where I’m supposed to be now!  Lon sticks to his guns and says nice, but I’m not goin’ anywheres and you can’t make me. 

Max gets an anonymous crank call from Scorpion Dude and Rudy, who start yucking it up in a park somewhere once Max hangs the phone up.  Rudy says he’s gettin’ some of his own back from the Sandovals by taking it to Marvelous Max over his missing kid. (Morons!)

Maria comes back out from the bedroom and finds out about the crank call.  She loses patience with evil morons having so much fun at her expense.  Another call comes in to Max.  This time it is about his bio-mom and her alcoholic tantrums.  Lon is surprised to find out that Lionela Montenegro is Max’s real mother; he remembers the sexy photos he took of her for her portfolio.  (Please tell me she didn’t go to bed with him, too!)  Max leaves to see about Looni.  Lonnie stays to lend Maria emotional support.

Meanwhile, Pepino’s nemesis comes over to Casa Victoria to give him grief.  FF>>

Fabian and Fernanda meet with handsome Dr. Heriberto Rios Bernal at the P.T. clinic to discuss the facilities Fer would use after her operation if she decides to have it.  Handsome Heri also learns that Fer and Fab are not an item, just good friends still.  (Man-oh-man!  Does Cesar Evora still have “it” or what?  I could listen to that voice and look into those smiling, deep, dark eyes forever and a day.  ¡Hiiiiiiijole!)    

Max arrives at the hotel Looni’s staying in and is upset to find out that guilty Gui got by the guy at the front desk by telling them he was Osvaldo Sandoval’s BFF and that he apparently brought booze up to Mama as a house-warming gift.

Gui is, meanwhile, fingering a 7” dagger and cursing out his Lush-ous.

Max has found the empty booze bottles and sees the overturned furniture.  He tells Looni that she’s got a drinking problem and he’s going to take her to a place that can help her get cured, because otherwise she will lose her career (not to mention her liver).  Looni panics at the thought of being locked up anywhere again and begs Max not to do it. Help her get cured, but don’t lock her up!

A bit later, Lon gets another crank call on his cell phone while he and Maria are in the park watching the kids playing with their mothers.  Lon lends his shoulder to the forlorn Maria.  FF>>

Burnie arrives at Mama Lulu’s and tells her that her picture’s up on billboards and she’s not to go out of the apartment for any reason or she’ll end up in jail for sure!  Mama Lulu whines that Burnie told her they weren’t doing anything illegal.  (Apparently Lulu is also a few bricks short of a full stack.)  Something must have gone wrong, says Burnie.

Padres Jeronimo and Juan Pablo are in the sacristy discussing JP’s mother’s devilish acts, now confirmed by Fausto.  PJP says he hasn’t the strength to deal with his mother’s errant and murderous soul and he’s too filled with shame.  Nothing he’s said to date has touched her heart or changed her mind.  She remains unrepentant. Padre Jerry offers to try talking to her one last time.     

While Mama Lulu goes to change JPito’s diaper, Burnie notices the blue blanket and grabs for it.  She’s determined that, despite the pain it might cause her son, nobody will ever see little JPito again!  Once she’s back in her limo, she tells the driver to take her to Children’s Hospital.  Lulu, afterwards, can’t figure out why the blue blanket is missing and has her two grandsons help her look for it.

Back at the PT Clinic’s Doctor’s Building, Handsome Dr. Heri looks at a picture of himself with his beautiful wife and children and then fights back the tears.

At Casa de los Scandal-val that morning, Fernanda tells Oz that she’s a candidate for an operation that hopefully will help her walk again.  Oz notices that she’s a bit hesitant and asks if she isn’t worried about it a bit.  Fer says she’s afraid to get her hopes up.  Oz thinks there’s something else and she admits to not being able to decide between Cruz and Fabian since she is interested in both of them. 

Fab tells Lucy that as long as Max and Maria’s son is still missing that he’ll have to postpone the surprise he has for Fer that she devised for him to use to win over Fer.  He also mentions the operation that would allow Fer to walk again.  Fab lets loose with a long sigh and says he hopes that Lucy would never have to suffer like he has for unrequited love.  She just smiles and looks wistfully at him over her glass of Chablis.

Back in the bowels of the barrio, Milagros tells Napo she doesn’t feel like working at the cantina with the baby still missing.   Nathy and Juanjo show up and tell the two of them about their being engaged while the Wedding March is trumpeted in the background by imaginary musical elves.  FF>>
We beam to the Children’s Hospital where Burnie is conspicuously trying to look inconspicuous, sporting a black coat and a hideous, bright orange Jack-o-lantern scarf, complete with a Halloween witch perched on the back of it.  Burnie overhears a doctor tell a nurse there’s a sick six-month old baby that someone left abandoned in the park.  It’s in some room down the hall and so Burnie sneaks down to it and leaves the blanket on the baby while nobody’s looking.  Then she calls Maria from a pay phone, disguises her voice like an electronic distortion device, and tells her that there is an abandoned baby at the Children’s Hospital with a blanket on it that looks like that abandoned baby on the billboard.

Word spreads around the vecindad and back at the Scandal-val’s that J Pito has supposedly been found. 

Handsome Dr. Heriberto, aka Handsome Heri, meets with Oz and Fer regarding the possible operation.  Oz asks him about his family and Heri replies sadly that his family died many years ago in an accident.

Back at Casa Victoria the Redux, we have another shameless plug for Sedal hair products from Pepi and some model who seems hot to trot for him.

Back at Handsome Dr. Heri’s office, we get a bit of sermonizing that “pain is what humanizes us”.....  Finally we get to the meat of the matter: Fer has compressed nerves at the site of the injury......

Padre Jerry makes his promised visit to Burnie’s to try once more to get her to repent for her murderous past.  Burnarda says that she knows which way in life is proper and doesn’t need Jerry’s divine guidance to find it, let alone follow it.  She then makes a veiled threat on his life.  He says he’ll go with a clean conscience if and when the Good Lord takes him.  Too bad she won’t be able to enjoy the glory of Heaven when she dies.  One more thing, says Jerry.   “--I am certain that you have Maria Desamparada’s son!  Only you hate enough to do such a despicable thing, but the time is coming that Dios in His glory will punish you by getting you right where it hurts you the most!  Then you will know what it is like to suffer the same way you’ve made others suffer!”  He’ll pray for her and she takes another sip of her sherry.  She screams for Eva and has her contact Scorpion Dud for another job.

Mama Lulu and her grandsons take a nighttime walk to the nearest payphone. 

Burnie orders Scorpion Dud to do a hit on someone.  He swears Dios Himself won’t be able to save the poor sucker.  By the time they find the doomed party, it will have been too late.

Later that evening, Padre JP is lost in prayer in the candle lit sacristy--supposedly sooooooo dark that El Alacran can’t tell white hair from black when he tiptoes in, pulls his knife out and stabs him in the back.  Down goes PJP and El Alacran realizes he’s just killed Padre Juan Pablo!

End P.1.

Bound To Be Found?
Capítulo 121  P.2.

Mama Lulu has just called Padre Juan Pablo.  She hears the commotion as he’s stabbed and Scorpion Dud realizes he’s just stabbed and probably killed PJP.  “--I killed Padre Juan Pablo!  I killed Padre Juan Pablo!” 

Max and Maria suit up and walk into the room of the abandoned baby, uncover its face, and cry into each other’s arms when they realize it’s not their child.  It was the right blanket, but the wrong baby.  They sadly discover that their son isn’t the one in the hospital.  

Bernarda congratulates herself and tells Eva that eventually all her enemies will be out of the way.  Eva smiles but inwardly thinks to herself it won’t be long till it’s Burnie’s turn to face the fires of theirs and Victoria’s revenge.  

Padre Jerry finds Padre JP seriously wounded, but still breathing.  For once in a telenovela he’s got the good sense to call for an ambulance first and then linger over the injured party! He also makes note of the bloody knife used to attack PJP and that PJP’s cell phone is lying next to him.  Jerry even tries calling back the last number to see if anybody answers on the other end who might have heard something.  (You’ve done G.K. Chesterton  proud, Jerry.)  Unfortunately, it’s a payphone and none of the passersby want to answer it. 

Scorpion Dud meets up with Rudy at the local cantina and tells him about killing Padre JP instead of the other person Burnie had told him she wanted sliced and diced.  Padilla grabs him by the collar and tells him what a very fine mess he’s gotten them into now with the fermented Dona Demented.  “--It was dark and there were only a few candles lit.  He was kneeling down and praying and I took advantage of the moment.”  Padilla is even more disgusted.  “--You killed him while he was praying??”  Dona Burnarda is going to kill you, but first I’M going to kill you!”  El Alacrán talks him out of it by reminding him he’s the only other one who knows the combination to her safe.

Poor Mama Lulu now realizes Burnarda’s gotten her into a lulu of a mess, now, too. She doesn’t know whether to tell Burnie or the police what she heard on the phone when she made that call about the baby boy.  She prays for answers.  (Viewerville can only hope the virgencita’s phone doesn’t go over to voice mail this time.)

El Alacrán tells Rudy he needs a place to hide out.  Rudy says he knows a place.  Alacrán says he first needs to stop by the vecindad to get some of his things.  Rudy warns him against drawing attention to himself [hacerse el interestante] and asks him what’s so important. Alacrán says that’s his business!  [eso a mi me incumben]  

Burnie is in the middle of a bad dream where she reviews most of the murders she’s committed over the years while Padre Jéronimo tries reaching her by phone.  She wakes up with a fright and has a premonition that Juan Pablo is in danger. 

At the same time, JP is being wheeled into the operating room.

At the Children’s Hospital Maria and Max tell Lon and Nat that it wasn’t their baby after all.  Nobody understands how it could be the right blanket and the wrong baby.

Back at the other hospital, the ER doc in charge tells Padre Jerry that fortunately, there were no injured internal organs, but JP has lost lots of blood.  They need to stabilize him.

Fausto is outside the vecindad waiting and watching as Alacrán tries sneaking away.  Fausto accuses him of stealing the baby boy, but again Alacrán denies it and tells him to keep out of it.  He realizes Fausto’s interested because he’s in love with the baby’s mother and mocks Fausto --not a wise thing for Scorpion Dud to do. There’s a deep-doodoo discussion between the two regarding free love, love freely given and not so freely given, but taken.....Alacrán suggests Fausto go off with him and he’ll help him get Maria while he takes Nathy.  Fausto accuses him of being Nat’s masked stalker. Fausto tries choking him, Alacrán pulls Fausto’s knife out of his waistband, there’s a scuffle and Alacrán gets stabbed.  He runs away in the nick of time.  The neighborhood hears the commotion and starts to come out to see what’s what.  Fausto hides the knife back in his jacket pocket. 

Padre Jerry comes to tell Burnie the bad news.  She flies into a panicked rage.  She had a premonition!  They head to the hospital where she insults all the attendings and the nurses.  Take her to her son!  She has a right to demand anything she wants and she wants to see her son!  The head nurse tells her to calm down first.  (I’d have been ready with a needle and a straight jacket myself.  This gal did it without --just a stare and a steady voice!   I found myself admiring her nurse’s nerves of steel.)

At Casa Scandal-val Max calls to tell Oz and Vicki the bad news.  Vicki loses it cuz it’s been three whole days and no news!  Now this!  First her daughter and now her grandson!  She demands to be left alone and then goes back to the box of little Maria’s trinkets and picture.  Maria is disconsolate and weeping also.  Two mother’s repeating the same tragedy of sorts at the hands of the same evil woman.......  Vic starts praying again and is hit with an attack similar to Burnie’s, but with no idea why.  She prays that Dios doesn’t take her before she has one last chance to find and reunite with her long lost Maria.

In Padre JP’s hospital room,  he’s begun to regain consciousness.  Padre Jerry starts telling him what happened and how he was stabbed.  Burnie immediately realizes it was the hit meant for a different priest--for Jerry!  Fortunately for Burnie, JP admits he never managed [alcanzar] to see his attacker.  
More Max and Maria crying to each other.  Lonnie and Nat leave to give them their space.  FF>>

Lon tells Nat that he’s going looking himself for the baby cuz he’s tired of no results and seeing Maria at her wit’s end with worry.  He’s not coming back, either, until he’s got the boy in his arms.  He figures out the general area the baby must be in and then starts brainstorming. 

Jerry wonders aloud why PJP would have been attacked since he has no enemies.  Suddenly it hits him that he does, though!  Burnarda!  She turns around and yells at him for insinuating that it was her.  At the top of her lungs she threatens Padre Jerry with going to the arch bishop. (No, Burnie, it doesn’t work that way!  The louder and longer you scream does not correlate inversely to the amount of criminal activity they can blame you with.)  JP tells Mama it’s not the time or place for arguments like this.     

Burnie’s screaming so loudly that the doctor and the nurse come into the room to remind her there are other sick patients in the hospital besides her son.  Burnie tells him to pretty much stick it where the sun don’t shine.  What right has he to tell her what to do?  Zippo!  Zilch!  Nada!! What’s more, she’s taking her son out of their care and out of that hospital immediately!  Like they could care at this point, but they give it the old college try for “Las Reglas!” [the rules]  She tells them she could give a rat’s furry patoot for “Las Reglas!”  It’s her son that she’s more worried about!  (Damn!  We can only imagine what life was like growing up in her house and who really wore the pants in that place.  Sheesh!)  The doc in charge has told her what she risks by taking him out so he washes his hands of the mess and of her. 

Meanwhile, Lon goes looking for PJP.  He realizes that Maria won’t ever fall in love with him. 

Oz stops by the vecindad to give Maria and Max more emotional support.  M and M worrying about living through what Victoria lived through, and Vicki prays that Maria doesn’t, either.  

Outside Cruz is crooning as the payphone starts ringing.  Fausto mentions that El Alacrán has run off like the snake in the grass that he is.  Cruz answers the phone.  The guy on the other end tells him he’s in the final 10.  There’ll be a sing-off to determine the winner.  “¡Aye Yay Yay!”

Later that night, Fer rolls into Vicki’s room with Maria’s old dolly and the two commiserate and we all share another keep-the-faith moment.

The next day Lonnie ends up at Ste. Burnarda’s looking for Padre JP. Yes,he’s ill but is staying there and since Lon is Casa Bernarda’s official photographer and isn’t yet on Ste. Burnie’s “Eat sh!t and die!” list, she lets him visit.  Lon tells JP about his idea to find his grandson and gets the go-ahead from him.  (Viewervile notes that a priest that looks that good in his jammies is sinful!)

Back in the vecindad, Max, Maria, and the rest of the neighborhood light candles for Maria’s missing baby boy.  FF>>

In the meantime, Lon puts his idea to work.  He has a bunch of baby blue balloons with JPito’s picture from the flier blown up and starts giving them out to the kids on the street in the neighborhood he believes the lady in the billboard picture must live.

Sure enough, Mama Lulu’s grandsons show up wanting a balloon.  They get scared when Lon notes that that’s the baby staying in their home.  He runs after them and manages to grab them.  They take him to their home to speak with their grandmother.

Mama Lulu has just seen the plea on tv that Oz made for his grandson’s return and realizes that’s the little boy she’s been keeping.  (Thanks for nothin’, Burnarda!)  The only one with her nose dirty is Mama Lulu!  What will become of her grandsons?  Suddenly, there’s a knock on Mama Lulu’s door.  When she opens it with J Pito in her arms, there’s Lonnie with her grandsons.  As for Lon, he’s all smiles!


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of May 23, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hóla a todos! Thanks for all the great comments and recap-ettes.

AURORA- Gran finale. I'll leave that to Urban Anthropologist. I tuned in a few times and it looked pretty conventional to me but then I have never watched the show.

REINA- One full week left and then the gran finale on Monday. Super episode last night.
Ratas really has cleaned up his act. The old Ratas never could have pulled off the assassination of the presidential candidate or had the discussion afterwards with Don Epifanio where although nothing was said outright, it was clear that DE was perfectly aware of what Ratas had done.
"Rey muerto, rey puesto," says Ratas, "the king is dead, long live the king."

Teo tells Teresa that Patty's death has a positive side. She asks him what that would be. He says that now she is completely blindada 'armored' and no one can infiltrate her organization. Not really the best moment to say something like that even if it were true and Teresa tells him to shut up or she'll kill him.

She goes out on her yacht.

DE is chosen as the next presidential candidate! Ratas and his mother are excited; Willy is gobsmacked.

Oleg summons Teo and tells him that Juarez died from a bullet, not a heart attack. He asks where Teo was when Juarez died but Teo refuses to answer.

Teresa tells her top staff, Dr. Ramos, Conejo (Marcela), Alberto and Teo about Verónica. They all deny having anything to do with her. Teresa says that if any of them betrayed her, she will kill them.

The American Ambassador to Spain comes to see Willy. Flores tells them that he thinks that he has enough evidence to open a judicial proceeding against Teresa. Willy tells him to wait on that.

Teresa asks Teo if he has a lover. He doesn't answer the question but goes off on Oleg from whom he assumes that Teresa got the information. He says that Oleg loves Teresa and is just trying to break them up. He denies having a lover.

Willy comes to Teresa's office and tells her that his visit has nothing to do with her activities in Spain. It has to do with her past and with her country, Mexico. Willy tells her that Guero was a DEA agent and that was why he was killed. "Cuentame algo que no la sepa," Tell me something I don't know, replies Teresa.

Meanwhile, Oleg gets some information that presumably confirms his suspicions about Teo.

Some things have happened. Now everyone but Rosa and Miguel know that Julieta has cancer. But Paula is still around and the only thing that seems to have changed at La Arboleda is that Juan no longer keeps asking what is going on with Julieta.

Jose is doing evil to everyone but his threats prevent anyone from doing anything about it. Lupe overheard Jose and Paula talking about their financial arrangement but he had sent guys to beat up Lupe's father to keep her quiet.

The custody battle for Simon is the most boring story ever! How many times will Beatriz beg Jose not to try and get custody of the kid and how many times will Jose tell her that the kid is a delMonte and should grow up with him. I've lost count.

Emilio a/k/a Pablo is hanging around trying to find out who was behind his kidnapping. Paula confesses to him that she might not be Emilio's daughter.

Rosario still won't put out for Lucas and now we find out that she was raped. Of course, she can't tell Lucas this.

That was about it. Now over to you.

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Teresa Fri 5/20/11 #61 “Just When I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” – Michael Corleone, and now Mariano.

OMIGOSH!!!! Tere has just seen Mariano and Aida sharing a kiss. ¡Guau! She’s so impactada by what she’s just witnessed that Aurora asks if she’s ok. Tere tells her she just needed some air. She can’t believe she’d run into Mariano here. Aurora’s not surprised. Mariano’s coming up in the world, he’s becoming a VIP (Very Importante Papacito). As Mariano and Aida seem to be enjoying each other, Aurora tells her he’s a gifted doctor whose calidad humana (human quality) has garnered him the respect and admiration of many. Tere sees that he’s learned to network and now even has office space at the hospital, who knew a 3 peso clinic in the vecindad would grow into all this. Aurora proudly tells her that his low-cost clinic project has opened doors for him and authorities are very pleased with it. He’s realizing all his dreams. Tere is ready to cry as she looks again at Mariano and Aida getting close. Aurora steers her back to the subasta (auction).

Aida tells Mariano that kissing him made her feel as though she were cheating on Paulo, the loss is still so fresh. It’s still difficult for her and at times feels as though she can’t even get out of bed. He encourages her to keep trying to overcome her grief. She thanks him for being there for her. He tells her that inside esta niña mimada (spoiled) there’s a woman with a big heart. He holds her face in his hands. She apologizes for the kiss and hopes it doesn’t cause him to keep his distance. He tells her they both let themselves go and besides, he kissed her. They share a few more pecks. Wow.

Casa Caceres: Speaking of smooching – Rubigote has Mayra on the couch. She pushes him off telling him she feels like such a fool, the one everyone points to as the wife who’s husband was cheating and she had no idea what was going on. He tells her that’s not true and besides the only ones who know are Arturo and Genoveva (um…and Teresa, Mariano, Dr. Ledesma, Aurora, Juana). She can’t stop thinking of him with that other woman. He keeps trying to minimize everything, saying it’s all in the past. She’s tormented, not knowing when he’s lying or when he’s telling the truth. She thinks of all the times he probably came home after being with “her”. He gives up. He realizes no matter how he tries, she’ll never forgive him. That’s right, she says. She’s insecure and feels that he’s deceiving her. Then she tells him to leave. ¡Vete! He gives it one more try, telling her it was a stupid mistake, he didn’t know what he was doing, blah, blah, blah, you know the drill. And if you don’t, lucky you! Then he has the audacity to tell her it made him valorarte más (appreciate her more). He reaches for her and she steps back. He realizes that it’s inútil (useless), he’s lost her. He leaves and she’s a wreck.

Fundraiser: Art wonders what’s wrong with Teresa cuz Tiburoncita is looking a little glum around the gills. And I’m wondering why of all days, she is wearing skin tight jeans. She wears cocktail dresses to work but jeans to a cocktail party—what gives? Before she can reply, Aurora walks up all cheery and happy the event was such a success and she’s happy for the foundation and happy for Martin—hell, she’s just happy. Tere, taking a page out of Refugly’s rulebook, takes this opportunity to ask if Aurora is truly happy with Martin, has she already forgotten about Mariano? Aurora tells her she’s decided to move on and give Martin a chance because Mariano will never be able to forget Teresa. She can’t go through life waiting for him. Tere’s happy for her. Then she admits she and Martin started off with el pie izquierdo (left foot=on the wrong foot). She promises she’ll make an effort to put things right for Aurora’s sake. She also realizes she hasn’t been very nice lately. She’s been under so much pressure but promises to change her ways. Aurora reminds her of the promise not to keep things from her and Tere never told her about Paloma. Tere thought Martin had told her, then proceeds to tell her the Paloma/Arturo/wedding-that-never-happened story. She also fills her in on Paloma’s threat to do the impossible to get Arturo back. With Martin being Paloma’s apoderado, it puts Tere against the wall because he’s also dating Aurora.

Arturo is talking to Martin and tells him Teresa is besties with Aurora. Martin didn’t have a clue. Arturo also asks about the artist of the painting Aida bought in the auction. Tere loved it so much he’d like her to see more of his work. He thinks Tere let Aida buy it out of kindness, knowing Aida really liked the painting. Paloma overhears and tells him the artist is Santiago (didn’t catch last name), a good friend of hers. They chitchat about him wanting to please Tere, he not wanting to hurt Paloma, she being hurt anyway. Then she does it again – she doesn’t want him to marry Teresa. The name Paloma fits her, dignity and self respect have flown out the window!

Vecindad: Espe tells Hernán el Galán she’s not comfortable going to Tere’s wedding because she might run into Ruben and ruin the whole fiesta. She can’t stand the thought of seeing him with his wife. Hernán agrees she shouldn’t go and Tere should understand her situation.

Fundraiser: Mariano is standing alone looking at the painting Aida bought. Tere walks up to him and sarcastically says she’s impressed to find the esteemed Dr. Sanchez here and recognizes that he’s rising rapidly. He asks if she regrets her lack of confidence and asks why she’s talking to him. She tells him he should be grateful for everything she did for his career (the nerve!). He acknowledges that thanks to her, he resumed his studies; however, he achieved everything else on his own. She feels that if she hadn’t split with him and stung his pride, he wouldn’t be where he is today. He disagrees saying he would have achieved everything no matter what because unlike her, he doesn’t manipulate others no matter the cost to their feelings. Controlling everything is the only way to guarantee results, she responds. That may be her opinion, he says. But he appreciates what life offers him. At this point Aida rushes up to him and hugs him from behind. Tere is speechless and storms off, leaving them standing there smiling at each other. Tere goes to Arturo, who is still talking with Paloma, and tells him it’s time to leave. She’s very tired. She makes sure to tell Paloma they’re very busy with wedding plans. After all, the wedding is on Saturday.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana and Hector the Director arrive home from dinner. I must say Juana looks very nice and I’m so glad she got rid of that braid! They chit chat about dinner and look at a photo they took together – very nice. He’s so nervous, it’s cute, stammering and stuttering about this being a memorable evening and possibly doing something again soon. She eventually asks him to accompany her to the wedding. Yay! I’m sure these two won’t end up together but I so want them to. My offer still stands Hector! I’ll date you!

Geno’s house AKA any port in a storm: Ruben playfully asks if she’ll let him stay tonight or is she very angry because he went with Mayra to the subasta? Of course she’ll take him, no matter where’s he’s been. She’s not going to give him drama like Mayra does. Ugh.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana and Tere are talking about their dates. Tere is very happy Hector is to be Juana’s date for the wedding. Juana steps away and Tere runs to her nightstand where poor Teddy has been relegated to a drawer! She lets him out for air and begins speaking to Mariano via Bear: he can’t possibly be with Aida, especially now that he’s almost where she always wanted him to be. No worry, their paths will cross again. They may be apart for now, consiguiendo lo necesario (achieving what’s necessary), she’ll divorce, and then their paths can be reunited. What a wack job! At least she didn’t suffocate Teddy this time. I was worried for him.

Casa Caceres: Aida arrives all bubbly and cheerful. She wonders why she didn’t see mom there. Mayra explains she didn’t feel comfortable with all those people and fingiendo (pretending) everything is ok. Aida thinks she did the right thing considering Mayra’s always told her to play hard to get. Mayra notices Aida seems awfully chipper. Aida confesses it’s thanks to Mariano. He’s not the naco she thought him to be. Gee that’s nice. Anyway, she says she was very wrong about him. Mayra agrees he’s a nice guy. Aida seems sincere, at least I haven’t seen anything to think she’s using him even though that’s what she set out to do.

Tere’s bedroom: Juana’s giving her an update on the bridesmaids’ dresses. Juana wonders if it’s such a good idea for Espe to attend considering she’s likely to run into Ruben and his wife. That’s precisely what Tere wants. It’s not right that Espe have a child without a father. She’s determined to help Espe and doesn’t care if there’s a scandal at her wedding. Juana’s worried this will cause a problem with Arturo. Tere doesn’t know how she’s going to manage it, but Ruben has to do right by Espe.

Morning at Casa de la Barrera and an envelope has arrived for Juana. It’s a large homemade card from Cutberto and looks like a collage of flowers. He’s written, “These flowers will never die, the same as my love for you. With all my heart, Cutberto.” She sighs, “ay, Cutberto.”

Clinica: Aurora says Martin told her the auction recaudó (collected) more than expected. She tells Mariano she saw him with Aida. He’s decided to move on and give it a go with Aida. He thanks Aurora and tells her she has no idea the part she played in getting him to reaccionar (react). When he saw that she was novios with Martin he decided to….. “To what?” asks Aurora. To do the same and try with someone else. Aurora sarcastically remarks he decided rather quickly to try with Aida. She’s a little huffy and takes off her lab coat. He’s all, duh? She wishes them both well and rushes off. Mariano’s left wondering QTH?

Casa de la Barrera: They’re at the breakfast table when Armando walks in reporting for duty and announces that Refugio has agreed to attend the wedding. Armando gives credit to Arturo who says he wanted to try because he knows how important it is to Tere. (gag) Tere smiles but isn’t jumping for joy.

Clinic: Ramon is excitedly showing Mariano travel brochures saying it’s been ages since they’ve taken a vacation. Mariano’s not fooled and knows dad’s just trying to distract him on the day of Tere’s wedding. He tells him he’s been on a date but not with whom. Aida comes bouncing in and gives Mariano a peck on the lips and Ramon is very happy to see this. She announces she’s going to give the clinic a makeover.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere’s ogling over all the gifts they’ve received and plans to thank everyone personally. She’s even ordered thank you cards with her married name. Arturo’s a bit underwhelmed and tells her he’s concerned over the whole Ruben/Mayra/Espe affair and the perfect storm that could ensue at their wedding.

Casa de Geno: She’s fussing with Ruben’s tie and he’s talking about the wedding, saying it’s turning into one big headache. She doesn’t want to pressure him but she’d sure like to go with him to the wedding. She tries to downplay his concerns by saying Aida wouldn’t be caught dead at that wedding and Mayra is too dignified to create a scandal. She thinks it’s best he not reconcile with Mayra just yet…so they can go together. Smoochies

Casa de la Barrera: Discussion of how to avoid the perfect storm continues between Arturo and Tere. She’s pouting that apparently her friends aren’t as important as his business partners. She feels this is due to that “lie” invented by Aida and Ruben. Since Tere is sure it was Espe who sent the divorce papers, he thinks it’s likely she’ll cause a problem. Tere reluctantly agrees to uninvite Espe and pouts.

Clinica: Aida says the makeover won’t cost a cent. One of her mother’s businesses is donating all the paint. Mariano tells her she’ll have to learn how to paint cuz it’s all DYI at the vecindad. He wonders if her mother’s ok with all this. Mom’s fine with it. After all she’s grateful Mariano stopped her from jumping off that bridge. Mariano kisses her.

Ruben accosts Espe outside the vecindad, throwing her against the wall. He warns her not to even think of going to that wedding or she’ll know full well who Ruben Caceres is. At that very moment, Mariano and Aida are walking out arm in arm. Holy Moly!

Casa de la Barrera: Tere agrees that Espe shouldn’t be at the wedding. After all Ruben is his partner, his friend. Tere’s sooo accommodating.

Showdown at the Vecindad: Luckily, Aida is so into hugging Mariano that she doesn’t see Daddy Dearest attacking Baby Mama. Mariano quickly steers her back into the vecindad on some pretext just as Espe breaks free from Ruben, telling him he’s hurting her. He says he’ll hurt her even more if she doesn’t listen to him. Eek! Tere’s her friend and she wouldn’t think of ruining her wedding. He could care less about that and forbids her to attend the wedding. He doesn’t want to run the risk of her causing a scandal in front of the whole world. They’re at a standoff, sizing each other up.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere agrees to rescind Espe’s invitation even though it pains her to do so but after all she is the amante. She accepts Arturo’s offer to speak with Ruben. She wants him to tell Ruben she’s uninviting Espe as a show of faith to prove to him she wasn’t the one who sent those divorce papers. Art suggests they do something nice for Espe to make up for it and offers to help her in any way he can. So they’re all set. Now, on to more important business: it’s all about Tere, Tere, Tere. Look at all the wonderful gifts they’ve received. They’ve received everything she put on the bridal registry and more. Everything is so posh and so expensive. She’s sure they would’ve received a car if they had asked for one.

Clinica: Aida wonders why Mariano brought her back inside. He tells her he wanted to spend more time with her and then starts kissing her.

Casa Chavez: Juana will put the finishing touches on Refugio’s dress and tells her Teresa and Arturo are both very happy she’s coming. Refugio prays they’ll have a good marriage and that Tere truly loves him. She asks Juana to make up with Cutberto who walks in just then. Juana reminds him she no longer wants to have anything to do with him. Just because he sent her a card doesn’t change anything. Juana tells him to leave because Hector’s coming to pick her up. He’s a real gentleman who knows how to win over a woman. Cutberto reminds her he won her over once and will do so again. She chases him out.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo is meeting with Ruben telling him about his conversation with Teresa agreeing that Espe will not attend the wedding. Ruben’s grateful but doubts Mayra will go with him. He’s tried unsuccessfully to reconcile with her. Arturo’s didn’t believe he’d be able to patch things up with Mayra so quickly. By the way, he’s confirmed with Teresa that she didn’t send those divorce papers and he believes her. Otherwise, why would she have agreed to uninvite her friend. Ruben says they’ll just have to disagree. Arturo will always believe Teresa and he’ll always believe his daughter. In the end, time will tell who was right.

Vecindad: Tere’s visiting with Espe putting her own spin on the invitation or un-invitation. She tells Espe that it was Ruben who asked that she not attend the wedding. Espe tells her about Ruben’s earlier visit and is actually afraid of what he may capable. Tere assures her they’ll find a way to get even with him. Espe’s not interested. She just wants to be left alone and doesn’t want him to find out about her baby. Tere raises her eyebrows.

Casa Caceres: Ruben wants to know if Mayra plans on going to the wedding with him. She prefers to stay home with Aida. They are both in agreement that may be best given Aida’s depression. Mayra fills him in on the new BF. Some guy named, Mariano Sanchez!!! WHAT, WHAT? Ruben goes ballistic. No way is she going to keep dating ese tipejo (character).

Vecindad: Said tipejo and Aida are leaving the vecindad again but not before he makes sure the coast is clear. She’s excited about the clinic makeover. She’s really feeling that life has given her another opportunity.

Casa Caceres: Ruben’s describing Mariano as that one-time messenger from his office. Mayra reminds him he too was once a regular employee at her father’s business. That was different, he says. He worked very hard to get ahead. Mayra: So has Mariano and now he’s a doctor. Is he afraid history will repeat itself? Ruben won her dad’s confidence. Why couldn’t Mariano do the same? Ruben says he doesn’t know, there’s just something about him he doesn’t like. It’s not like Aida’s a solterona (old maid) that jumps at the first man that comes along. Mayra says it’s not like she’s getting married. Mariano’s been a good friend and has consoled her, helped her – nothing more.

Casa Chavez: Tere thanks Espe for being so understanding about having her invitation rescinded. Espe thinks it’s best and takes this opportunity to voice her opinion that Tere not marry Arturo when she’s in love with Mariano. Speak of the devil, Dr. Mariano is at the door wanting to speak with Espe. Aurora also arrives to pick up her dress for the wedding. She and Tere rush off. Mariano asks about Ruben’s visit. Espe explains he doesn’t want her at the wedding. He tells her about the close call with Aida. He doesn’t want that infeliz coming around and run the risk of seeing Aida. Aida’s going through enough without running into Espe too. He immediately apologizes, saying that didn’t come out right. She understands. She doesn’t want to hurt Aida either.

Juana’s: Tere and Aurora arrive at Juana’s. She’s not there and Aurora asks Tere how things are going. Thinking she’ll make Aurora jealous, she tells her all about the kiss between Mariano and Aida at the fundraiser. Aurora knows because he told her. She’s come to the realization that nothing will ever happen between her and Mariano. He sees her as just a friend. Tere can’t believe she’d give up so easy. Aurora is dating Martin. She’s happy if Mariano can find happiness with Aida. Tere’s just not getting it. Aurora tells her if you love someone you want them to be happy. [Sharkitas are lone hunters, if someone you love is happy with someone else, you attack.] Tere insists Aurora should’ve tried harder. Aurora thinks things happen for a reason. Tere’s happy with Arturo and she and Martin, well, they’re getting there. She’s not going to lie and say it doesn’t hurt but if Mariano is happy with Aida, then…. Tere almost jumps out of her little bolero sweater. Aida can’t end up with Mariano! She’s always hated her and she just can’t end up with Mariano, not that she’s jealous or anything.

Clinic: Ramon’s off to Acapulco and tells Mariano he’s much happier leaving him after seeing him with that muchachita, Aida.

Juana’s apt: Juana’s fitting Aurora for her bridesmaid’s dress and is commenting it’s too bad Esperanza has decided not to attend but it’s best that she doesn’t see “that man” again. Aurora wonders what Ruben would think if he knew Aida was working at the clinic and so close to Mariano. Oops! She shouldn’t have said that out loud. Tere’s wheels are turning and suddenly decides she needs to go see daddy. She thanks Aurora for being her Dama de Honor (maid of honor). Aurora gets nostalgic and remembers how they talked about their wedding day when they were still in la prepa. Tere remembers saying that she would go to Aurora’s to get ready for her wedding. Juana thinks that’s still a good plan so Arturo doesn’t see her before the wedding. Tere agrees but I think she’s cooking up another scheme.

Mariano’s apt: Ay Papacito! We get some eye candy with Mariano answering the door wearing only a towel. Hubba, hubba! Teresa appreciates the view as well and takes it all in. I’m glad he isn’t polite when he asks what she’s doing there. She doesn’t appreciate his attempt at provoking her by kissing Aida when he knew she was watching. [egads, for such a smart girl, she still acts like she’s in la prepa sometimes]. He denies it all – it wasn’t planned and he didn’t know she was standing there, and to tell her the truth, he liked it! He liked kissing Aida! Teresa is muy, pero muy impactada!

Ruben’s office: Ruben has become aware that Aida donated her wedding gifts and thinks that was a nice thing to do. What he’s not happy about is her going to that vecindad and hanging out with that tipo Mariano. Aida feels she’s a bit grandecita (diminutive form of grande) for him to tell her who she can hang out with. His little princess has grown up and is starting a new etapa (stage) of her life. He should be grateful to Mariano. He’s been the best of friends to her. Ruben scoffs. Aida informs him she has no plans to stop seeing Mariano. Well, daddy’s not scoffing now.

Papacito’s apt: Tere insists he knew she was standing there. He’s got news for her, the world doesn’t revolve around her. Aida’s a very cute chava who could attract anyone. Our self-centered sharkita thinks this is just another ploy to make her jealous. Well, she could care less about Aida. Mariano’s glad to hear that because then it won’t bother her to see them together. No, no, she says, he’s the one who’ll be bothered seeing her. She’ll be here often visiting her parents and they’re destined to run into each other very often. Well she’s wrong, he tells her. The days where all she had to was snap her fingers and he’d come running are over. She tests him by running her fingers over his fabulous abs then walks away. She still sees in his eyes the love he has for her, his desire for her. Is he going to tell her he no longer loves her? Cue the Jaws theme as she approaches him. Whew! Great time for a little break!

Chavez home: Refugio and Armando are embarrassed, but they ask Aurora to help them. They show her the etiquette book Teresa gave them and would like her to give them lessons. Aurora agrees and has an idea.

Papacito’s apt: Tere is running her hand over Mariano’s chest. He stops her and admits he still loves her and likes her. However, she left him for another and he has the right to go out with Aida or anyone else. That can’t happen, she says, because he loves her and only her. Then she grabs him and starts kissing him and he kisses her back of course as the Teresa/Mariano, Teresa/Arturo theme plays. He maneuvers her over to the couch and they continue.

Juana’s apt: Hector the Director has come a-callin’. He’s so cute and appears to be so nervous. He knows he may appear to moving too fast but he’s too old to waste time. What he wants to know is, will she agree to be his novia? Novia? At their age? Well, whatever. She’s a fool if she says no.

Restaurant: Sweet Aurora has arranged for Martin to provide instructions to Cutberto, Refugio, and Armando at his restaurant. Armando explains they’re very interested in proper table manners.

Papacito’s apt: ruh-roh! They’ve moved to the bedroom. Teresa is moving in for the kill, the floosy!
Casa de la Barrera: Arturo (the cuckold) and Luisa chit-chat about Fernando staying in touch via computadora. He wants her opinion on a surprise he’s getting ready for his bride. Not as good as the surprise she’s cooking up at this very moment with papacito.

Speaking of which, they’re now under the sheets taking a break. She tells him he’s the only man in her life and she’s never (jamás) stopped loving him. He tells her how much he’s missed her, “ay, Teresa, mi Teresa. Cuanto te amo.” Then they start again and we see several shots of her left hand sans engagement ring. Ay caray, Mariano just when I thought you were out, she pulls you back in!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #22 Friday 5/20/11 You can't miss him if he doesn't leave and you can't dance at the funeral if she isn't dead.

Skipping the retread from yesterday, we pick up with Gonzalo literally picking Regina up to carry her into the casa. Antonio strolls over just in time to see Gonzo holding Regi in his arms. The rest of the group is left to share awkward glances as Doña Cata explains that Regi was stabbed but Tony's gift ended up saving her life. "You and my granddaughter saved Regi from that thug!" Cata pointedly tells Gonzo that Tony is Regi's novio.

Gonzo introduces himself to Tony and hands Regi over to him like a sack of potatoes. Guys, stop man-handling the stab victim! Tony carries Regi into the house. Gonzo tells Cata that they (meaning him and Matias) didn't mean to be imprudent, they were just stopping by to see if Regi needed help. Doña Cata thanks them for their concern. Coni tells hermano Gonzo just how close Regi was to death but thankfully the attacker failed. (And will be livid when she finds out.) Gonzo gives Coni a hug, grateful that everyone is out of danger. Normally I wouldn't have mentioned it but that statement feels like such an invitation for doom. Especially since Fina's lawyer has been spying on the entire charade from across the street.

Regi rests in bed and can't rap her mind around why she was attacked. Maybe the stabber was after her purse or wallet and never got the chance to take it. Cata all but calls Tony a saint because his gift was in the right place at the right time. Regi thanks him for his constant support.

While sitting in the airport, Gonzo thinks about Regi and their song plays. Matias comments that Regi has a very sweet look about her. A lot like Renata. D'oh!

The theme song plays as Jero starts to text Renata but chickens out. I love that everyone reads their texts aloud as they type them in TelenovelaLand.

Coni visits with Regi and assures her that everything will be under control at the center. She and Chema will take care of it. Regi hopes she can return the favor one day.

Jero calls Agustin to tell him that he plans to return to Spain that same day. His attorney will be in touch to go over the details of the sale of the vineyard and the hacienda. Just stay away from the land and my workers until the deal is sealed. Augie will check on his investment whenever he likes, plus Jero's workers were not very pleasant people. Regardless, Augie agrees to respect them and leaves an open invitation for Jero to visit if he ever returns. Jero doubts he will ever will.

Alfonsina and Karina walk along the docks, eating ice cream and chatting. Alfi would love to live where Kari does, since the Doctorcito has everything. (Except manners, class, and the ability to turn down a drink.) Karina shrugs and agrees. She also mentions that the Doctor admires Alfi for all her hard work. Alfi looks pensive.

Matilde and Amelia (I think?) chat about Lazaro while whipping up a cake. Laz has been working himself to the bone since he was a boy, so it's about time his work has paid off so well. They both hope Laz can get a better job now that he has a degree. Amelia asks Mati what she's going to do with all of Rafa's things. She wants to keep them, unlike Jero El Horroroso. "He will regret selling the hacienda. Mark my words."

Daniel calls Renata out for not paying attention during their business chat. He tells her she should get some rest since she looks tired.

Jero leaves a message on Regi's voicemail that he's leaving on a jet plane for Spain. "You are right, Regina. I can't go on with this revenge. (!!!) Renata interests me too much. But if I don't leave now, I might lose the courage to do it."

The maid tells Roberta about Fina's run-in with a knife at her cooking lesson. "Since when did my madre take cooking lessons?" Rob asks. The maid says today was Fina's first and last lesson. Ha!

Jero calls Rob to tell her he's leaving. Renata overhears Rob's indignation that Jero is fleeing the country. He apologizes but just can't stick around any longer.

Meanwhile at Centro Regina, Constanza hangs up the office phone in frustration. Apparently people have been calling for information all day but Coni has no idea what to tell them. Chema cheers her up by saying "Hey, at least they know they'll be able to get more answers tomorrow!" Coni gets another call and recognizes the voice on the other line but can't place it.

Regi tells Tony that it would be pointless to go to the police about her attacker. She never got a good look at him and will never be able to tell who it was. Tony wonders if it could have had something to do with the mysterious woman who had called Regi for help. Regi shrugs. She just wants to move forward now that she has a renewed desire to find her hija. Tony says his bullfighting match in Spain went well, he just wishes Regi had been there. Regi apologizes for how mixed up her life has become. "You're also very mixed up with the Monterrubios." Says Tony. Kisses, well-wishes, hasta mañana.

Fina gives an award-winning evil glare as she remembers trying to kill Regina. I can't help but include a screencap.

*Shiver* Good luck sleeping tonight.

Fina replays the stabbing in her mind, obviously things did not go according to plan. "If it hadn't been for Constanza!" She thinks. "No, no. I can't doubt myself. I'm sure I killed you (Regina). And news of your death will be public soon enough." On that happy thought, Fina gets a call from Lic. Soto - he has very interesting news for her about Regi but wants to tell her in person. Dude, why? I wouldn't touch Fina with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole if I had to tell her that her bloodlust went unfulfilled.

Regi hears Jero's voicemail and then hears a sweet message Gonzo left her too. Doña Cata does not approve of Gonzo. "That man has an interest in you."

Gonzo lights up when he gets a text from Regi on his phone. Matias asks Gonzo if he liiiikes Regi. "I have never seen you so anguished as when you found out about her accident." Gonzo neither confirms nor denies but the look on his face gives him away.

Fina assures Roberta that the cut on her leg is nothing serious. Rob has a serious sad face as she tells Mami that Jero has flown the coop. "I told you so." Fina scoffs. "When will you realize that I am never wrong?" Rob asks why all the men in her life eventually leave her. "Because you don't know how to choose. You pick guys who can't commit or guys who prefer your hermana." The latter riles Roberta. "At least Jero didn't set his sights on Renata. Or at least he didn't have time to." Oooh, we're in for some ugly confrontations about this.

Jero is just about to board the plane when Renata turns up behind him in line! "What are you doing here?" Jero asks. "I don't know." Ren says honestly. "I heard you were leaving and wanted to see you."

J: How did you know I was leaving?
R: I overheard Roberta talking to you.
J: Why are you here?
R: To see you. To say goodbye.
J: Matias wouldn't like it very much if he knew you came to say goodbye to me.
R: Matias and I broke up.
J: And you think I believe that?
R: Of course. It's the truth. We broke up this morning. You can ask him if you like.
J: You didn't break up because of me?
R: No! I did it for myself. But yes, you did have a part in my decision.
J: I would love to believe you but you lie so much I never know when you're telling the truth!
R: It was never my intention to lie to you. If you want to tell Matias what happened between us, do it.
J: So you never told him?
R: No, it was unnecessary. I want to wait until things are calmer and it won't hurt him. But if you want to tell him, do it.
J: You are incredible. You sound honest but nothing you say or do makes any sense.
R: You have no idea how much I regret that you have that impression of me. Maybe this is the price I have to pay for telling you my name was Adriana.
J: I *hate* liars.
R: Jero, let me talk! Sometimes people lie to protect themselves or to get through a difficult situation. But, of course, you never lie, Don Perfecto.
J (sincerely): Why did you come?
R: To tell it to your face that nobody has made me feel like you do.

Renata leaves and Jero makes to follow her but falters.

Constanza is doing much better at offering advice over the phone and Chema congratulates her. Chema wants to stay late and help out a little more before he heads out for dinner and a movie with his madre. He and Coni flirt and discover they have the same taste in movies. Maybe they'll see one together sometime. *Wink, Nudge*

Antonio monologues in his library. "I don't like Gonzalo. I don't know what his intentions are but mine are serious and I want everyone to know."

Regi ponders what her madre said about Gonzo. "Could it be that what he feels is more than admiration?" She is still unsure how she feels about it.

Honorio meets with a guy named Captain Quiroz and lays down the law. Hon wants to know who ordered a helicopter for the past Saturday. Captain wants to keep the identity of his clients confidential but Hon is playing hardball. "Who ordered a helicopter with a false name and paid in cash? If you piloted that copter, you are an accomplice. It would be better for you if you cooperated." Honorio offers an envelope full of cash in exchange for a name.

Padre Severino and Lazaro stroll the dock and discuss the dire situation at the hacienda. Once the place is sold, Lazaro and Matilde will have to find new jobs and a new place to live. Padre wants to discuss it with Augie and Dr. Nesme to get them to reconsider. Padre assures Lazaro that Aug and the Doc are upstanding gentleman who will surely be flexible. Karina bumps into Lazaro and they chat uncomfortably. She laments that he has to leave. "It's your husband's fault, Señora." Lazaro says coldly.

Ezequiel tells Agustin the crops are growing splendidly. He compliments Augie's drawing, which is a design for a pair of earrings Augie is having made especially for the woman who is to be his wife. Zeke is thrilled they will get to know the new Patrona soon. She must be a knock-out. "She isn't my novia yet," says Agustin. "But she will be." Err...Mr. Inappropriate candidate?

Jero restlessly flips through a magazine at the airport. He calls Matias and asks-without-asking about his relationship with Renata. Matias tells the cold, hard truth. "Renata does not love me. She was very clear and never led me on. But every day it hurts. Now that I have found the love of my life, it is unrequited."

Adriana happily offers Renata a cup of coffee and can't wait to get back to work the following day. They have some good, old fashioned girl talk. Ren tells Adri about meeting Jero. She poured out her heart but he left anyway. Renata admits she is profoundly in love.

Ay, dios mio. I hope you still have a few leftover tissues from last week. Ines and Isidro sit down with the doctor in hopes of good news about Andres's health. The doctor tells them the exact opposite: Andrescito has leukemia. Ines sobs and refuses to believe it. The doctor recommends that they get a second opinion and consult a specialist. Isidro holds Ines as she desperately cries that it can't be true.

Fina and Soto sit in her eerily dark office. Soto tells Fina that Regina is alive. Fina nearly jumps out of her seat in surprise but the cut on her leg forces her to sit back down. Serves her right! Anyway, Soto heard that Regi survived because Constanza called for help and Regi was rushed to the hospital. He saw Regi's happy homecoming. "Your marido, Don Gonzalo, was there. He was waiting for Regi and he carried her out of the car." Steam practically rises off of Fina.

Constanza arrives home to find that Honorio already took care of dinner. She asks what happened about the helicopter but we quickly cut back to Fina.

Soto understands that Regi is a threat in Fina's life. In tears, Fina furiously tells Soto that Regi is dangerous. "She is seducing my marido with her compassion and generosity." Soto leaves Fina in peace but gives her some paperwork from Jero. Fina, full of malice, cries that Regi should be dead and buried by now.

Gonzo tries to cheer up a hang-dog Matias at dinner. Mat knows he needs to move on and, in time, will feel better.

Renata returns home and a maid tells her about Fina's "cooking" accident.

Roberta runs to the bathroom to throw up just as Fina enters her room. Fina looks at Rob's cell phone and sees an incriminating text from Selene. "Are you pregnant, Roberta?!" Fina demands.

Avances: "After this monday, a crucial stage begins!" So sayeth the voiceover. Fina slaps Rob, Fina pulls a gun out of a safe, Renata and Jero run into each other in traffic, and Rob and Matias catch Ren and Jero kissing (though they might be tricking us with the editing on that one).

malviviente - thug/punk (What Doña Cata calls Regi's attacker)
Tiene una mirada muy dulce - She has a very sweet look (Matias about Regi)
levantar cargos - to press charges (Regi doesn't want to do it)
salir de un apuro - to pull through (One of Ren's reasons why people lie)
sumamente hábil - highly skilled (What Soto says Regi is)


Cuando Me Enamoro #21 Saturday 5/21/11 Fina the asesina plots to stab Regina in her abdomina

Last episode we left Fina phoning Regina as an unwed mother. Regina agrees to rendezvous with her and scary Fina packs a bag, I think it’s her disguise? Not sure.

Nata meets Adri in the hospital cafe, how’s mom? Adri says her mom’s doing OK and she’s encouraged, miracles do exist. Nata advises Adri to be realistic but notes that for now mom’s not in anguish or suffering (anvil alert) and that’s a good thing. Adri, proving she’s a good person because it’s not just all about her, asks Nata how she’s doing? “I broke up with Matías” Cara impactada de Adri. BTW, Nata hair report, curly and stylishly brushed, we are all happy about this.

Jero visits Regina who says she met Renata and Nata does not seem to be as unscrupulous as Jero suspects. Jero agrees that it’s easier to see Roberta as the mala but all evidence points to Nata. Too bad because what he feels for her is strong and uncontrollable, she makes him feel more alive than ever. He loves her but he hates her. Regina advises that these are contradictory feelings, one either loves or hates. Not in this case, he whinges. He’s so confused, if only the bad that went down with his brother hadn’t happened then he could love her without reservation blah blah blah. Regina asks what he’s going to do now that he has also fallen in love with this woman?

Over at the office Matías sadly recalls Nata breaking it off with him. What or WHO is keeping her from loving him?

Nata tells Adri she can’t describe what she feels for Jero but when she kisses him it’s indescribable. I say indescribable because I couldn’t understand exactly what she said although “super cool” was part of it. Unfortunately with Matías her feelings don’t approach that and it’s not even fair to compare them. Adri tells her that a relationship with Jero seems impossible. Tres cosas, first Matías is his friend, second Jero is Roberta’s galan, third something about him thinking the worst of women. Nata can’t change the way her heart feels. Adri agrees, the heart rules. She’s probably thinking of Matías.

Regina tells Jero the same thing, he can’t control his heart. He wrings his hands some more and agitates around a bit in his seat. He acts like he needs to go to the bathroom. He can’t reconcile his feelings for this woman who destroyed Rafael. She suggests he distance himself from her since he can’t fight his feelings. Regina says if he remains for vengeance think of the possible collateral damage to others not to mention to himself. He will turn into his...own enemy! He says if he goes he won’t be able to make good on his promise to Rafael.

Fina is yet again terrorizing the help, this time by walking around the house with a BIG LONG knife. She lies that she’s going to cooking class in case anyone asks. “Oh right,” mutters the maid, “since when has she gone to cooking class?” With a suitcase I might add.

Roberta goes to the clinic and tries to get an appointment for that day but the nurse says she’ll call her.

Jero tells Regina whether or not he returns to Spain he needs some legal assistance with the hacienda. Regina suggests Isidro and they call him.

At the hospital the doc tells Adri and Agatha that he will release Agatha to go home because she’s doing so well. She doesn’t look so good to me but I’m no doctor. A nurse interrupts to say some guy is outside for Adri. Agatha tells her to go outside so she can go over her meds with the doc. As soon as Adri leaves Agatha doubles over in excruciating pain. She tells the doc she needs something stronger for the pain. He expresses concern that she shouldn’t keep lying to Adri. She’s just “shut up and give me something for the pain!”

Looks like Constanza is over at the lovely Regina’s Hope kitchen standing in for Inez. Oh helloooo, some stud has arrived to deliver a bag of oranges which he promptly empties onto the floor. He’s Chema. She’s Constanza. They shake hands. Eye contact. Love anvil? Heck, if that little stud muffin was my delivery man I’d be cooking in spike heels too.

Adri’s visitor is Matías. He supposes that Renata has told Adri about them and he wants her help. A new song starts playing which I suspect will be Their Song. There is hope for these two! Adri tells him that although it pains Nata she was pretty clear that she doesn’t want to lie to Matías. He begs Adri to help turn Nata’s affection for him into true love.

Chema happily picks up oranges from the floor so he can get a good look at Coni’s bodacious gams. He tells her he’s been bringing fruits and veggies for a couple of years and he really fell in love with what they are doing here at the center. Cata shows up and Chema gives her something that he brought just for her, looks like strawberries. Coni looks at Chema’s watch and says she’s got to run. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and says “pleasure to meet you Cons.” Cons, she likes it.

Best Scene Of The Night: Oh goodie, we are at the hacienda. Oh baddie, Augie and Dr D have arrived and are already trying to push their weight around. Augie is obnoxiously condescending,doesn’t she know he is going to be the new dueño? In fact, they are all, including Karina, going to move in right away. Mati is so not on board with this. “Just a minute Guapo, oh excuse me I mean Don AugustEEN, but until Jeronimo gives the orders I’m not letting anybody into this house.” Augie gets nasty, she’s just a servant and can’t keep him off his new property. Uh, this property, she says, still belongs to Don Jero and nobody is allowed on it unless he sez so. Dr D tells her to get out of the way, they’ve come to inspect the property. Meanwhile all the help is coming out of the woodwork to stand up for Mati. She tells the baddies to bring it on. Lazaro steps up and inflates his big chest, says Don Jero pays them to protect his house and land and they will allow nobody to pass. Augie tells Dr D that he’s going to fire all the help because their loyalty to the old boss is inconvenient to him. Such an empty threat as Lazaro already knows Augie planned to fire them all. Now beat it and good afternoon. Mati steps up to Augie, “you know the way out, no?” Dr D approaches her in a threatening manner but she stares him down and he leaves with his teeny tail between his legs.

Lazaro and Matilde sadly acknowledge that their happy life at La Bonita is likely to end.

Nata dolefully cogitates in her office. Matías joins her to tell her he’s leaving for Monterrey in the afternoon and he’s already thinking (sniff sniff) about what he no longer has. Renata gives him a big hug which he turns into a smooch fest. Oops, ill-conceived I think.

Scary music. Watch out Regina! She leaves the safety of the center and is being stalked by you-know-who. Some guy stops her to give her a package, it’s a sketch that Antonio has framed of Regi and her daughter with a note promising he will make sure that finding her daughter becomes a reality. Awww. Suddenly someone all in black approaches her brandishing a long, hate to say it, carving knife, and plunges it into Regina. Gah! So soon? Regina crumples to the ground cradling her stomach.

Just then Cons exits the center and sees Regina. The Fina figure in black makes her escape. Cons calls for an ambulance and yells for Chema. Seems they can’t tell what happened to Regina, just that she’s on the ground. I don’t see any blood.

Back at the office Matías is in anguish over his caddish behavior. He’s just feels so desperate about losing Nata; and thus he leaves.

Spy vs. Spy Black Version, who has been running down the street brandishing her big shiny knife, not at all conspicuous, jumps into her car and wipes off her blade. OK there is definitely blood there, darn it. She’s throws the knife into a trash bag along with the bloody tissues, her hat and gloves. Maybe her coat too. She discovers blood on her black pants. Oh well no matter, at least she’s finally finished with Regina Soberón, bwahahaha!

Back on the sidewalk Cata has joined the furor. Cons mentions something about seeing someone next to Regina but they ran away. The ambulancia arrives and jumps into action. So far Regina is alive.

Fina dumps her expensive (trust me on this) knife and other stuff into a trash bin. OK now here is a big problem for me. This knife is probably part of a set and I can assure you someone is going to miss that knife. Or maybe telenovela characters aren’t as anal retentive about their expensive kitchen knives as I am.

Isidro tells Jero that it will take at least a week, maybe a month or two, to process Rafa’s estate. To start with they’ve got to go see the documents that are with the notaries in Baja. Jero doesn’t want to spend much time there, what’s the solution? I think Isidro says if Jero gives him the authority (power of attorney) he can go down to Baja for him and keep him apprised.

Rob and Sele are at the Country Club AGAIN, this time lounging by the pool. Rob’s in a snit because she’s preggers by a guy she hates and the guy she likes is avoiding her. They talk about when Sele saw Renata and Jero together but that was before the photos. Sele still thinks there is something fishy about them. Rob says she she made an appointment for an abortion which Sele doesn’t like. Rob makes Sele promise not to tell anyone that she is pregnant with Rafa’s child.

Well here is a new turn of events. It looks like Fina must have stabbed herself in the leg because her thigh is all bloody and the maids are helping her tend to her wound. Could it be? Asesina Fail? (Yep, I rewound to the slasher scene and Fina accidentally slashes her own leg, hee.) Fina gripes that’s the last time she takes a cooking class, then she screams the poor maids out of her room. I’m imagining them closing the door and laughing hysterically at the stupid clumsy jefa who now also has to spring for a new carving knife. Ooh, can’t wait to tell the rest of the staff.

Cons, Cata and Chema are at the hospital waiting for news of Regina. The doc tells them miraculously the knife did not puncture any vital organs. He says thankfully it somehow deflected off of something metal. Anyway, she lost some blood and is in shock but will be OK and can even go home. Chema comforts Cons...ahem.

Jero call Mati and tells her he won’t be back to La Bonita, it’s all too sad for him. His licenciado will be there instead to arrange the sale of the property. He says as regards Augie and Dr D, nobody is to take posession of anything until Licenciado del Valle hands it over. She sticks it to him that el Patron Rafael would never have sold his land.

Honorio meets with Nata to tell her they have the name of the helicopter pilot. Whoever chartered the copter had to have paid a lot of money, for the copter and also for everyone’s silence. He tells her to think about who could have done it. He promises her that he has never doubted her innocence.

Cata visits Regina and tells her that the picture Antonio sent her, minutes before her attack, deflected the knife and saved her life. It’s a sign from God that Tony’s her man. Regina hates to think she could have died without finding her daughter and she’s thankful to Tony for saving her life from someone who would attack her without any motive. Cata thinks it’s odd, first they saw that woman hanging out on the corner, and then later Regina gets assaulted, they must be related. Ah well, for now Regina just needs to recuperate. Note: Mama is almost always right in these shows.

Augie, wearing a hat he saved from his Sound of Music gig, calls “the most beautiful woman in the capital”, i.e. Renata, and comments that her voice sounds melancholy. He says he’s coming to the DF tomorrow and wants to make an appointment for 1:00 p.m. the next day. She agrees then thought bubbles how could he tell she was melancholy?

Augie orders Ezekiel to get a lovely basket and fill it with the most beautiful grapes he can gather. Augie thought bubbles he can’t wait to see Renata and he has a great desire to kiss her.

While walking along the streeet Gonzo asks Matías what’s on his mind, got a problem? Matías admits that he and Nata are taking “un break” and Matías doesn’t like it or understand it. Gonzo advises that relationships don’t always work out. In fact he’s having problems with Fina, little by little he’s fallen out of love with her. They are interrupted by Honorio who has brought Gonzo some folder for the convention that he forgot. Honorio’s phone rings and it’s Coni with the news about Regina. Gonzo hears Regina’s name and freaks out. Honorio explains what happened and tries to calm Gonzo down but it looks like the Gonz is about to hyperventilate.

Oh no, please say it ain’t so. The lovely Adolfina slinks down a hallway and knocks on a door. “May I enter Doctor?” Seems she’s heard about the new boss and has come to work on her continued employment. After all she has her niño to think about. Dr D promises to give her every consideration, even more than before. (Before what?) Great she says, let me give you a hug. Blech!

A knock on the door and they spring apart. It’s Karina looking all happy and friendly while Dr D and Alfonisa look guilty as heck.

Over at La Bonita Mati is bumming about losing her dream of marrying the patron or some such drivel. Lazaro runs in excitedly waving a paper. It arrived! His Preparatory Certificate (high school diploma or equivalent?) and now he can go to the university for an engineering degree. Amelia says she’s going to bake a cake to celebrate. Mati’s glad there is some good news amongst all the bad. Lazaro asks what bad news? The news that Jero’s not coming back but sending his lawyer instead.

Kari’s come to deliver some papers that Dr D needed. Alf congratulates her on her new digs at La Bonita but Kari doesn’t seem too thrilled. Some conversation about everyone having their own skills, not sure what that’s all about. Alf says she’ll go get some ice cream with Kari, then secretly blows doc a kiss behind Kari’s back. Double blech. He gets a stupid, pathetic, confused look on his face.

Regina arrives home and, to Coni and Cata’s surprise, Gonzo and Matías are there to greet them. Gonzo wants to help, more or less brushes Chema aside and picks Regina up to carry her inside. Oopsie, just then Antonio walks up, “Good afternoon!” Caras impactadas between Antonio, Gonzalo and Regina.

Mañana: Jero calls Roberta to tell her he’s returning to Spain and she wonders why every man leaves her. Fina suggests they prefer her sister.

Some useful phrases:
Al fin acabé con tigo = I’m finally finished with you.
El corazon no se manda = One can’t control the heart/The heart rules.
Me deja darle un abrazo = Let me give you a hug.
Tengo tantas ganas de besarte = I have a great desire to kiss you.


Triunfo del Amor #118-119 5/19/11 A triumph of the elder statesmen of Televisa.

The barrio gets organized to look for baby JP. Everyone takes off with flyers to post. Actually it's a very nice baby headshot they've all got copies of. Maybe while they're at it they can find him an agent.

Padilla wants a raise. Bernarda isn't happy about it, but she agrees. If he screws up even once…he promises not to. Once he leaves, she talks to herself about needing to get rid of him.

Padre G is going to say all his masses today with the intention of Maria D getting her baby back. He tells PJP to buck up. PJP asks God for mercy and for MD to find her baby quick. And to not let MD suffer any more. "She's already had a crappy life, God…maybe she could catch a break, huh?" Bernarda overhears and gets pissed off.

Max vows never to abandon Vic.

Burnie is pissed that he was talking like that with the door open. She tells PJP that Os vowed to publicly tell PJP's terrible secret. PJP wants Burnie to vow that she didn't kidnap the baby. She won't. She also won't tell whether she killed Octavio or why she's afraid of fire. When he says he's going to accept his parental responsibilities, she smacks him one. She screams at him about how he's leaving God's path and she's glad MD is suffering so she can wash herself of sins. PJP thought bubbles, wondering if Burnie did steal the baby. Has he not seen this show before?

Fer shows up at the barrio. She and Maria cry together. She insists on going with Cruz to help him post pictures.

Os goes to Televisa. Whatever dumbass he's talking to doesn't suggest putting Os on the air. He has to ask. At least the guy says yes right away. Even if he's not doing it altruistically, what took him so long to figure this for great publicity?

Leonela and Gui are also at Televisa. Gui's trying to get Leonela to get back together with him. They struggle and as she gets away from him, she ends up in the path of an SUV. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

Oh, damn, she's ok. The car drives off. Sorry, it was just a car. She demands Gui get away from her. He convinces her to get into a taxi with him.

MD cries to PJP and Alonso. Max walks up and she lets his jacket have a turn at getting soaked.

Bernarda visits Mama Lulu. The baby's been behaving, just like Burnie when she was young. That doesn't bode well. Mama Lulu talks about how nice and sweet Burnie was as a baby. She asks about Tomasa and Burnie says Tomasa stole from her and ran off.

Max has hired some PI's but no one has any info yet. PJP begs MD to keep the faith. F faith. How about turning in your psycho mom to the cops instead? MD insists on going out to look for the baby.

Burnie keeps up the pretense that BJP's mom is a big 'ol sinner. She gives Mama Lulu some money. Mama Lulu gives BJP to his crazy grandma while she fixes his lunch. "Your mother is a sinner, but I'm going to take care of you."

The hosts of whatever show is being taped are all thrilled to see Os, but they put on their serious faces real quick when he says his grandchild had been kidnapped. The female host gets to comfort Hot Grandpa for a second.

Crazy Grandma is doing her crazy quasi-religious babbling about how this new JP will be perfect like the other one hasn't turned out to be.

Oscar passes the news of the kidnapping on to Pip and Toni.

Fabian helps Fer start spreading the news of the kidnapping online, on el Tweeter.

Max passes out headshots in the park. A woman points out a baby, which will probably turn out to be the wrong one. Max, Maria, and Alonso all run after the taxi.

MD ends up crying in the street while Alonso takes pictures. He'd better be getting the plate and not pictures of MD crying.

Leonela doesn't want to be controlled, damnit! Gui wants her to quit drinking and realize that her life has been crappy since she broke up with him. Leonela suggests that if she digs deep enough she'll find out he's not so innocent…maybe he's even killed someone! Gui remembers la pobre de Ofelia.

Alacran gripes about how everyone's all fussed over the baby. Fasuto thinks Alacran knows who took the baby…or maybe did it himself. Fausto insists that he'll get the truth out of Alacran, the easy way or the switchblade way.

Leonela thinks she's got Gui's number. He goes back to talking shop. He wants to put Leonela on stage at his new theater. In Othello. She likes the idea and agrees…on one condition. Osvaldo plays Iago. "Leonela Montenegro at the side of her two great lovers." Why does Gui look like he's going for it?

The dudes aren't fighting. Alonso commiserates about losing a kid and how it feels like your soul's ripped out of you, your heart's in pieces, and you know your life will go on without having any meaning. Max is like, dude, totally. Alonso is like, I dig your chick cause she had the baby. Not like your crazy ass wife who aborted my baby. Max is like, dude, that sucks.

Xi tells Rox she couldn't resist making MD suffer. Rox wants her to chill out and let everyone else live in peace already. No, Xi's not ready to let go of that bone. "Her child has to die, like mine did." Rox insists the baby is still alive. Xi insists that Rox is only saying it to fake her out. Rox drags her to go see the baby and prove he's still alive.

Alonso's like, dude, she's a bad, bad woman. Max is like, yeah, man, crazy bitch hates me. Max's cell phone rings and he braces himself. Gui tells him that Leonela had "a little accident." She got hit by a car, but she's fine. Gui's just calling because Leo asked him to. Max leaves.

Rox tries to show Xi the baby, but Xi is fixated on having heard the train. Rox finally convinces her the baby is alive. Xi now things it must have been a nightmare. No, those pants are the nightmare, Xi.

Max comes in and Leonela plays up her nonexistent injuries. She weeps pitifully. Max is pissed that Gui didn't take her to the hospital. He says he's taking Leo home with him, but Gui insists he can't.

Maria cries to Alonso. She's sure her Spideymama sense must have been tingling and she ignored it. Alonso tells her to have faith--his baby's dead and hers isn't.

Gui tells Max he loves Leo and he's the only one who knows how to take care of her. Max says he's just a coward and he's glad Gui's not really his father. And he says Gui isn't Baby Os's dad either. Cause he doesn't have the balls to be a dad. Max is the one who stayed up with him, etc., etc. Max carries his drunk-ass mom out of Gui's place.

Mama Lulu's grandkids come running in scared because a strange man with a scarred face wanted to talk to them. She goes to put BJP down for a nap while the grandkids go wash their hands, thus missing Os's plea on the TV show they weren't going to watch anyway.

Max rented a suite for Leonela to live in. She whines about being rejected by everyone, including her own son. Max says his son is more important right now. He tells her BJP has disappeared and he'll be back when they've found him. He leaves her in the suite. She cackles with laughter that she finally got what she wanted--Max will set her up like a queen and she won't have to answer to anyone.

Max asks the hotel manager to keep an eye on his mom and keep her from drinking. Dude, this ain't rehab, it's a hotel! The manager promises. Dumb. Ass.

Vic tells Toni that she told Max the truth and they had a good cry over it. She's having flashbacks to losing Maria. And it makes her understand Maria. She kept asking the Virgen for a miracle (like Maria D is asking now), she kept blaming herself for being with a man she shouldn't have (like Maria D is doing right now), etc. Vic cries over not being able to remember who Bernarda told her her child is. Gotta start bugging those hospital rooms, people.

PJP hears Maria D crying for her baby. He's moved and wishes he had the answer to "Why?" He would give anything to keep her from suffering. He won't give her the frickin' truth…but, hey, anything else. He asks God not to let them down and help them keep their faith, which they need more than ever. More, apparently than they need the truth.

Vic is allowed to go home until they get some more test results back. She can stay there in between treatments. He advises her to rest, stay calm, etc. Don't send her home, then.

Maria and PJP find Fausto outside crying. He blames himself and says it was his fault the baby got taken. He left the baby alone, and he shouldn't have. He failed to protect MD and the baby. He knows Burnie well and she's a bad, bad woman. He's sure she had something to do with stealing the baby. He screams that Burnie is a murderer and PJP knows it. MD assumes it must not be true, and PJP lets her think Fausto was just upset.

Vic is happy to be back home. The house has been decorated, including rose petals up the stairs. Os gives her flowers. Vic asks what's going on with the kids. She's surprised, but happy, to hear that Fer is helping with the search for BJP.

PJP asks Burnie if she has the baby. She's pissed he would even think that. Every time something bad happens, everyone blames her! Well, that's cause it usually is you, you crazy bat! "If Maria D had handed over the baby like I asked her to, this wouldn't have happened. It must be a punishment from God!" PJP gives her the update that God's not all Old Testament fire and brimstone anymore. He's more of a hippie tree-hugger, who's all about peace and luuuuuuurve. Burnie's not diggin' it.

Max runs into Xi and asks her where the baby is. She denies knowing. "Where did you get the stupid idea that I know where the baby is?" Um, cause you told MD you did. Xi blames it on being crazy. She shows him all the drugs she's taking to keep calm and blames him for being crazy in the first place. "See, see how you upset me!"

Os and Vic go to see MD. She invites them in. Os, ever the gentleman, pulls chairs out for both the ladies. Vic says she's worried about her grandchild. MD is grateful for her being there, but there's no news. MD cries and Vic comforts her. MD misses her mommy. Vic understands. She knows what it's like to lose a child and the hope of finding her daughter is what kept her going. Os promises her they're doing everything they can. As MD cries "Why?!" Burnie obliges her with an answer. "Because you deserve it." Why am I still shocked at some of the petty, spiteful, tacky-ass shit that comes out of her mouth?

Leonela orders a bottle of whiskey from room service. The concierge tells her she's basically a prisoner there and she's now going to detox without any medical supervision, on Max's orders.

Burnie says it's all MD's fault. She says PJP told her to go console MD, but she can see MD is being consoled by a sinner. Os marvels at her being the mother of a priest. Vic accuses her of serving the devil. Burnie taunts her. Vic comforts MD, calling her "hija" which sets Burnie into another fit of mocking. She says that Maria isn't Vic's daughter. Os attacks Burnie with the accusation that she's being such a bitch because no one ever loved her. He says he feels sorry for her for being so alone and so far from God. He grabs her by the arm and escorts her out. Once she's gone Os, Vic, and MD hug.

Leo calls Gui to beg him for a favor. "I don't do favors; I make deals." She wants alcohol. Gui says he'll bring her a drink if she gets back together with him. He grins at her insistence that she'll do anything, but she needs a drink ASAP!

Padilla and Alacran commiserate about being sick of Burnie. A ho hits on Padilla…I assume, because I can't imagine someone sleeping with him voluntarily. Padilla and Alacran plan to rob Burnie's safe.

Gui brings Leo a bottle. He had to bribe someone to let him in. The guy even asked for an autograph. Gui starts lobbying to spearhead Leo's triumphant return. Leo agrees, if he'll stop ordering her around. Gui says he's got to go and after they suck face for a minute, he pries himself away and leaves.

Os and Vic tell MD she's got all their support. More MD and Vic hugs.

Fabian wants Fer to go to the clinic, but she's over it. Fab says today will be a very important day for her therapy, but he doesn't know why. Fer agrees, on the condition that they get right back to the search as soon as they're done.

Vic is keeping an eye on baby Os. He's in a camo hoodie. Seems like a bad idea. One kid's already missing and you're encouraging the other one to blend in with his surroundings?

Alonso shows MD and PJP his surprise. It's a picture of BJP and Mama Lulu blown up billboard size, with contact info.

Fer and Fabian in the pool. Fer either felt something or moved. She gets excited.

The doc at the clinic says Fer is a good candidate for another operation. She's not sure she wants it. She's more confident than she used to be. They try to convince Fer to meet with the surgeon.

Nathy and JJ look for the baby. JJ takes the opportunity to give Nathy a little soccer ball…that's actually a ring box with a ring inside. Ugh, ugh, ugh! She accepts, the twit! Ewww…they're sucking face!

Fer meets with the surgeon…yay! It's Cesar Evora! Dr. Cesar wants to know what Fer wants to do with her life. Fer says she's not sure she wants an operation.

Pipino tells Oscar that he's worried about the Sandovals. He's afraid when he thinks of them getting out of one scrape and into another. He thinks that witch Bernarda has something to do with it. Luciano Ferreti comes in, further upsetting Pip.

Dr. Cesar asks if she doesn't want to walk and run and dance again. Fer admits she would, but she's afraid of having her hopes dashed again. He tells her life is a challenge and we have to meet it with courage. He says he'd like to tell her up front if she'll be able to walk again, but he can't. He can assure her that she's got a good chance of the surgery being successful. Pues, si lo dice Dr. Cesar.

Vic is feeling bad. This situation is bringing up so many memories. She wants to light a candle.

Burnie doesn't want to look at designs. She needs a cold head to make decisions. She's tormented by her son being distracted from his priestly duties.

Vic prays to St. Joe and the Virgen.

Eva suggests leaving MD alone, but Burnie insists it's her job to punish sinners. Neither MD nor Vic deserve to find their children. Eva can't figure out what draws PJP to MD. Burnie says he considers it his mission to get her away from the sinful life. Well, then, isn't Burnie afraid of driving PJP away by getting between him and his alleged mission? "I can't figure out why a saint like you, who had a child by the man she loved, would insist on being close to those sinful women. Or is it possible that Padre Juan Pablo is also the son of a forbidden man?" SLAP! Ooh, that Burnie…props to Daniela Romo, no matter how much this show sucks, she just keeps bringin' it with the crazy!

Alacran and Padilla plot to do away with the old bat. Fausto asks what they're planning. Padilla worries that he heard them and says they should get out of there before Fausto tells PJP.

Burnie is pissed that Eva would suggest she's a sinner. "I'm a decent woman who deserves your respect!" "Then get away from that girl." Burnie says she will, now that she knows that BJP will be raised in a moral environment and she will teach him how to be good and virtuous…not that she knows where he is, but she'll find him. Eva says Burnie seems very sure. "Because God will guide me to him!" Burnie sends Eva to find Padilla.

MD, PJP, and Alonso come back to the apartment. MD tells PJP about the visit from Vic. "What if the same thing happened with you as with little JP?" Alonso doesn't get it. MD fills Alonso in about how her evil grandma kept PJP from telling her the truth about her mom. She doesn't want to see her evil grandma ever again.

Padilla tells Alacran to be careful with the "pollo rostizado" (roasted chicken) because he's sure Fausto already went to go rat them out to PJP. Alacran notices the billboard. Padilla doesn't think Burnie will be pleased. He calls her. She's shocked to hear that it's BJP on a billboard with some woman.

Sweet, sweet William Levy in a kayak. How we've missed you.

Tomorrow: more wacky shit goes down; Burnie messes with people's emotions; there's an attempt on PJP's life. Or so we're led to believe.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Teresa Thu 5/19/11 #60 Going once, going twice.....Arturo is sold (on Teresa's lies)

Hola amigos! Disclaimer: I am traveling this week, so I am pre-capping off the internet. Since I haven’t seen the episode just before this one, there might be a little confusion, but we’ll muddle through. And thank the telenovela gods we are back to one hour! Let’s see what those wacky kids in the DF are up to today, shall we?
Aida is telling Arturo that Teresa sent her and her mom the proof of Rubigote’s affair/divorce intentions, etc. Arturo can’t believe that T would be so mala, but it looks like Aida has successfully planted a bit of a seed of doubt.
Martin and Mariano discuss Aurora. Marty thinks that Mari is bothered by him dating Aurora, but Mari is all “we’re just friends”. Coolio, says Marty, cuz I sure like that gal.
Cutberto and Juana are having an argument. She found out that the flowers were from Hector and not Cutie. She tells him to get lost. He tries to defend himself and can’t believe that she would forget all about him for some nice presents. She tells him it’s not about that, it’s that: 1) something I didn’t catch; 2) he lied; 3) he tricked her. So smell ya later mariachi.
Mariano and Aurora: he apologizes about being a schmuck re: Martin. He is a very good apologizer, in that he is sincere, doesn’t makes excuses, and takes full responsibility. Good for him. They move on to doctor-y chat. He wants to go together to some meeting with Paloma (probably the auction), but Aurora says Martin is going to pick her up. Mari looks bummed.
Hector is chez Juana checking the phone for defects. Oooh, good verb action here: H: “Espero que todo este bien” J: “Pues no, pero estarlo”. Subjunctive, then infinitive used to indicate future, unless I missed a ‘va’. OK, back to the action. Hector couldn’t reach Juana by phone yesterday. They make a dinner date. Hector sure is a nice guy.
Rubes and Geno are saying goodbyes. She wants Rubes to move in, but he reminds her he plans to get back with Maira. She demonstrates her tips for lady-snagging. Ewwww.
Mari and Aurora talk shop and Teresa’s wedding comes up. Mari pretends to be getting used to the idea. Aurora thinks he needs to move on with his life like Teresa is obviously doing with hers. Mariano says that he doesn’t know when he’ll be ready to love someone else, but that it’ll have to be someone for whom he really feels something. So Aurora is like, ‘well, sounds like you haven’t met this person yet.” Poor girl. This guy is so oblivious that he then asks her if she thinks she will ever get over her own mysterious impossible love. She says that she sure as hell is gonna try.
Aida and Maira: Aida does not want to go to Paloma’s auction and encourages her mom to go with El Bigote and make him buy lots of expensive stuff for her.
Arturo asks Rubes if he thinks it was Teresa that sent the divorce papers to Aida/Maira. The stache says “si”. Arturo is pissed.
Juana is crying to Teresa about Cutie. Not only did he lie to her, he also, gasp! took advantage of her in a moment of weakness. Teresa accuses C of rape (abusar) and wants to go to the cops. Juana quickly and firmly corrects her that it wasn’t rape. Teresa is soooo disappointed in her madrina ”te caiste” (you fell). Why, I ask, is Juana not allowed to have any fun? But she’s not. She assures her judgmental goddaughter that she is done with Cutie forevah.
Cutie is bummed and Johnny can’t pep him up. His heart tells him that this time, Juana’s goodbye is for realz. But he’s gonna fight for her.
Oooh, Arturo has just arrived home to Teresa and he is major enojado. He confronts her with the Ruben amante unmasking. Never did he think her capable of such a thing! (“jamas te crei capaz de algo asi!”)
Aida is at the dispensario checking out the ubiquitous exposed brick walls. Aida and Mariano chat about being sad and keeping one’s self occupied to avoid said sadness. She offers to paint the exposed brick (finally someone does!), but no, she is going to snoop through his personal papers, errr, organize the desk. She finds his invite to Paloma’s auction, and convinces him to go with her.
Teresa and Arturo are at high volume, and I think we are getting the volcano that has long been predicted here at CarayCaray. For this, I am going into more detail because it is a fab argument. She is offended that he would believe these accusations of her. He says that he knows that she and Aida are enemigas, but schoolhouse gossip is one thing, and destroying a marriage is another. She correctly points out that the marriage was not exactly rock solid, what with El Bigote’s adventures. She thinks he deserved to be found out, the unjust part is her being blamed for it. Artie says that Rube also thinks she did it, so that sets Teresa off on him talking to everyone but the accused. Now that she has her moment in court, so to speak, she totally denies all, says that she has kept quiet all these years, she is incapable of betraying her friend (Espe), and to top it all off, how could Artie think such horrible things about her? He’s losing some steam as he asks her why Aida would accuse her falsely. She goes on about how Aida blames her for everything, including Paulo’s death even. Besides, remember how she hid Espe when Maira and Rubes were here for dinner? She did it “por ti!!!!” She grabs the phone and starts dialing, presumably so that he can talk to Espe and see that it wasn’t Tere who sent the papers, but Arturo unwisely does not call her bluff. Tere sees that she has won, and so she goes the extra mile—if Rubes weren’t Arturo’s pal, she would have gladly helped Espe deliver the papers, because Rubes deserves it for betraying his wife and her friend. Game, set, match. Arturo asks her forgiveness for doubting her. But he thinks it’s only normal to have doubts. That’s why he wanted to hear her side of the story, to give her the benefit of the doubt (conceder el beneficio de la duda used here, more of a bestowing connotation than dar, even though in english we use give. It seems that the use of conceder bothers Tere a wee bit). “Que???” she says “yo no necesito que me hagas el favor de conceder me nada.” (I don’t need you to do me the favor of giving me anything.) “if you don’t trust me, it’s over. The wedding’s off!!!” And she’s gone. Arturo says nothing, but his look says ‘oy vey’.
Whew, how about a little sorbet. Luisa and Fernando. Why is Luisa crying? Oh, she’s going to miss Fer. And he will miss her. Aww. And he is going to bring his mom to meet her next time he comes.
OK, back to Tere and Arturo. Is he ready for this? I mean she’s got her song playing already. He is begging forgiveness, he was wrong, she’s the only thing that matters, etc. She says he doesn’t trust/believe in her. Not as a socia, but as a good person. She gives him back his ring. And, that, folks, is what we call ‘ the ultimate bluff’.
Back from the break. As the price of forgiveness, Teresa makes Arturo swear that he will always trust her and, most importantly, that he will talk to her before anyone else if he ever has any doubts again. That is a key victory for our little tiburoncita, who keeps so many balls in the air at once. He gets the ring back on the finger and gives it a smooch for good luck. It’s gonna need it. The icing on the cake here is when Teresa says that he is taking advantage of her, because, even though she shouldn’t forgive him, she can’t bear to be apart from him. Cue tiburoncita theme as she thinks to herself “sabia que ibas a caer” (I knew that you were going to fall, i.e. for my little ploy).
Refusio and Armando are chatting. Seems like ol’ Refu has come around to El Lic, but she just hopes that Teresa really loves him. Really? I had no idea that she was worried about their relationship. Anyways, she is going to go to the wedding and maybe even read the stupid etiquette book just for his sake. Cutie pops in and checks out the book, but he’s taking classes from Aurora anyway.
Martin gives Paloma a pep talk, seemingly about seeing Ter and Art together.
Ter and Art who are making up the old fashioned way. Art would like to really, really make up, but Ter says the wedding is only a few days away, let’s hold out. But seriously folks, I am totally on team Mariano (not so much for Teresa as in general), but it’s not exactly a sacrifice to, umm, prove your love for this guy.
Downstairs, Cutie has come to give some flowers to Juana (that he took from outside, natch). She kicks him out, then is sad and lonely on the stairs.
Ooh, looks like the fancy pants auction. Arturo is schmoozing, leaving Ter alone to harass Martin. She is dissing Paloma’s fundraising techniques to the effect of she shouldn’t spend so much on fancy auctions when the money could be spent on the poor (first of all, like she actually cares, second, this is totally the sentiment conveyed by Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar; coincidence?). Turns out Martin is not just the poor assistant of Paloma, as Teresa thought. In fact, he is rich enough to own whatever fancy place the auction is taking place in.
Rubes picks up Maira for the evening. He tries to sweet talk her and gives her a necklace. Que the hell? She’s all smiley and falling for it. He goes in for the smooch.
Aurora arrives at the auction and greets Teresa. Aur tells Ter that Martin is her novio, and Ter is none too pleased.
Maira makes out with Rubes a bit, then says we gotta go. Ugh.
Ter still can’t believe that Aurora is dating Martin, who walks up and confirms that he is smitten. The happy couple looks frankly perplexed as Ter refers to Martin’s boss as her worst enemy, and we see Paloma give a hello. Ter smiles and says that this isn’t the moment to get into it.
Juana and Luisa are sad and lonely at the Casa de la Barrera. Juana admits that she loves Cutie, even if she complains about him. She waxes nostalgic about him.
Arturo and Paloma are being friendly at the auction, and talk about her charity projects. Awkward moment when they acknowledge that the dead baby inspires her work with children.
Raul and Aida chat. She only thinks of him as a friend. Too bad for him. Her dress is a giant flower. Too bad for her. Geno comes in and gives Raul Paulo’s tennis racket as a remembrance. Weird. Raul looks longingly at Aida and leaves. Aida hates to leave Geno alone, but she’s just gotta exact revenge on Teresa by going out with Mariano. Geno understands. Mariano shows up to pick up Aida, and she balks at the idea of his taking her in a taxi. How low is she willing to go for this revenge?
Ter joins Arturo and Paloma, some guy drags Art away so the ladies can sharpen their claws. Threat and counterthreat re: who will win Arturo and who can make him happier. Oh, the game is on.
Looks like Luisa and Juana are having a girlie night. Juana has tried on one of Luisa’s pretty dresses and Luisa is playing with her hair. They have cheered each other up. Luisa confesses that she is envious of Teresa—Luisa’s mom died, while Teresa has 2 moms, Refusio and Juana. Juana looks touched, and quite frankly, this is a relationship I would love to see develop. These two are gonna need each other when they realize the extent of Tere’s treachery.
Espe and Refu are having their own girlie night, but this one looks like less fun. But they share their mutual admiration for one another just the same. Ledesma the younger shows up and joins them for dinner. Oh, he is so smitten.
Back to the auction—Ter/Arturo talking with Maira/Rube. Ter has the bad taste to bring up the divorce papers and deny sending them. Maira would rather not discuss this just now and runs off. Ter plays innocent to Arturo, and he is kinder than she deserves. While he understands that she wants to clear things up, maybe, just maybe, this isn’t the best place to do it. He gets dragged away again so that Tiburoncita is free to smile her little shark smile at the damage.
Hector picks Juana up and is muy impressed by her makeover. They are going out to have a good time.
Aida shows up at the auction and Ter harasses her about already being out of mourning. Ter lets her know that, despite Aida’s accusations about the divorce papers, she and Art are better than ever. I just noticed that Ter has a v. large floral ring. Now, we all know that she always wears a flower of some sort. Is Aida’s giant flower dress supposed to be an attempt to beat the Tiburoncita at her own game? And will it work? Or maybe the Televisa stylist just likes flowers. Anyway, Ter tells Aida the secret of her success: “entre ser o no ser, yo soy”. Aida asks the question that has been on everyone’s minds lo these many weeks: “Tu eres que Teresa?” well, she’s Arturo’s fiancee, the only woman Paulo ever loved, and now a socia of Aida’s dad. And furthermore, Aida is so pathetic, she has to come to parties with her parents now. Oh snap! Here comes her date right now—and it’s Mariano!! Point Aida.
Aurora, Martin, and Paloma talk about charity stuff.
Mariano invites Teresa to a toast with him and Aida. Ter takes the toast as an opportunity to dis Aida for being so lonely that she invited Mari as her guest for the auction. Aida lets Ter know that Mari got his own invitation, which surprises Ter, and Mari says “see? Ter never believes in me”. Paloma comes up to introduce Mari to some fancy pants director type as Ter looks on and fumes at Mari’s success. Arturo walks over and delivers another TN classic line “que hace este tipo aqui?” (what’s this guy doing here). Aurora explains that Mari is in charge of one’s of the projects in Pal’s foundation. Arturo loudly says that he is the last person he thought he would see here, and Mari turns around so that they can shoot daggers at each other. Ter distracts Art with the news about Aurora’s noviazgo.
The auction is called to order, and everyone sits down, but Maira and Rube have apparently gone home because she was too upset. She can’t deal with his advances tonight, but he tries the “let’s just be united as parents” angle, and they discuss Aida’s weird behavior since Paulo’s death. Then it’s back to Rube trying to seduce Maira. Once again, ewwww.
Auction in progress: Arturo wants to buy Ter something. Uh oh. Aida and Teresa both raise their hands to bid on a painting. You just know this is going to get ugly. Probably good for the kids though, as the price is likely to be high.
Dinner chez Refusio: Ref, Espe, Ledesme, and Johnny. They discuss the Patty situation—Johnny is planning a jailbreak as soon as she is of age. Espe is quite level headed and points out that they really don’t know each other much, he has no money, nowhere to live.
Back to the auction: Aida vs Teresa. Aida wins. But wait; was this all Teresa’s plan? She leans over and tells Arturo that although she liked the painting, she didn’t want to provoke another fight with Aida. Arturo laps it up.
Back at the Chavez manor, Ledesme and Espe are laughing over Johnny, the fun dinner, baby booties, etc. They are generally hitting it off like mad. Totally rooting for them.
The auction is at intermission. Teresa does her best to not provoke another fight with Aida by insulting her. Ooh, this is good. When Aida says that she will be enjoying the night with the painting and with Mariano, Ter asks her how it feels to always have her leftovers. Then Aida says that Teresa thinks she has everything now, but the day will come when her luck will change and Aida will do everything she can to make that happened sooner than she thinks!
Maira and Rubes: he wants to spend the night. She looks like she might say yes.
Mariano finds Aida off by herself and upset. She sucks it up and puts on a happy face. They flirt and, oh my god, they kiss. Already? Of course, Teresa passes by just then and is muy, pero muy, impactado.


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