Saturday, August 27, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #18 Fri 08/26/11 Dead End in Guaymos: Ivan Chases Wild Geese While Tony Chases After Carly

Cap. #18 

We make it back to Sonora just as Alex and Ivan meet for the first time at Geraldo’s.  Turns out they have the same interest (Surprise!) in Soccer and Mathematics and the same winning personality.  Viewerville waits for the earth shattering and overpowering “call of the blood” but is sorely disappointed.  We’ll just chalk it up to Van’s biorhythms being out of sync.   

At the restaurant across town, Anthony starts discussing business right away.  He asks who owns El Socorro.  Carlota mentions that she inherited it from her dead husband and proudly states (gawd knows why) that her daughter, Lucrecia, runs it.  Juan Jaime puts in his two cents worth--and that’s all it is worth!  “--In the state the ranch is in, it just goes to show that women have no head for business.”  Carly turns out to be a real Comeback Queen, though.  “—If that’s the case, then why are you in the same straits we are here, begging charity [limosna] from Anthony also?”  “—Oh, my situation is not the same!”  Yeah, just like a man, she clucks.  Tony interrupts the verbal sparring and says he has the utmost respect for the feminine intellect.  Juan Jeil-me is quick to agree then (see the brown on his nose there?) and asks Carly to lighten up; it was just a little joke [chascarrillo]!  Tony allows himself a mini roll of the eye and things simmer down.

Back at Grandpa Gerry’s, Van and Lucia have just left.  They should have stayed for dinner, she says.  Van didn’t want to cause a bother for them, although he did like seeing Gerry again.  He chokes up suddenly.  Seeing Alex got him thinking about his son and that they’d be practically the same age now.  Lucia then gets a peck on the cheek and he asks if she’s still going to meet him as planned.  She says of course.  He drives off.

Lucia goes back inside Gerry’s and explains why Ivan didn’t stick around for supper.  She mentions how the tragedy with Merry Piece and losing his son had destroyed his life and broken him in two.  Gerry asks what about Mari Paz?   She told Ivan all sorts of stories—none of which were true.  BTW, the news is that she’s left the Meandragon Stalag to move back home and is getting a divorce. 

Van is waiting for Tony when he returns from the Curiel business lunch and tells him about meeting Alex who is bright and very likeable.  He’s even the same age his son would have been.  Tony reminds him he’ll have other children. Van agrees, but says it doesn’t necessarily make the pain stop.  Tony says it’s about time he realized that his son may have never been born or that he died.  True, but the need to know is what’s driving him now, says Van.  Anyway, he’s also got to speak to Celia about what she knew concerning his mother’s pregnancy.  He was certain the baby-daddy was JJ Mondragon, cuz he never knew Mama to date or to discuss another man in all the years they lived together.  Tony suggests that there were times she probably did spend away from him, either on her days off or while he was at school or with friends.  She just might never have thought to discuss this with him.  Van naively considered that she’d always have spent that time with her friend, Celia.  Tony sniffs as if to say get real!

Talk turns to Tony’s business lunch with Carlota and Lucrazia.  He’s decided to help them out despite Van’s being against it, especially since Carly offered her house as collateral. 

LuScreechia, meanwhile, is giving Mama holy Hell for putting their house up as a loan guarantee, especially since Sr. McGuire wasn’t asking for any guarantees.  Carly says she wouldn’t take advantage of his easy-going nature that way.  She couldn’t accept his financial support as if it were a gift!  Lucre-zia says hey, if the guy wants to give away his big bucks then let him?  What’s the big problem?  Carly says she’s too decent to play that way!  Lucre-zia is quick to remind her mama that she wasn’t so decent when it came to letting her boyfriend knock her up all those years ago!  Carly tells her to can the trash-mouth for a change.  Speaking of smart-asses, in walks Merry Piece wanting to know what the yelling was all about.  Lucre-zia says it had to do with her abuela offering the house as collateral for the ranch.  She adds then that they had lunch with the senior McGuire and that he’s going to help them out with a loan for improvements.  Happy, happy!  Joy, joy! 

Of course, says Lucrazia, Juan Jeil-me arranged the business lunch and he had  requested that Mari Paz would return to David until the McGuires went back to The States. It ain’t a gonna happen—not now, not never!  Fageddabowdit!  MP says she’s already seen a lawyer and started the paperwork [tramites].  She’s way smarter than Mama, she brags, cuz instead of begging for money from Old Man McGuire,  Merry Piece is planning to marry El Guapo de Ivan who, seemingly, is now eating out of her hand! LuScreechia refuses to even hear of it!  It’s not her choice, says Merry.  She’s already decided and that’s that!  

Back at the hotel, Ivan’s discussing the possibility of marrying Mari Paz now.  Tony warns him against giving her false hopes.  He says naw, he only wants her to get divorced in order to embarrass the Meandragon’s socially.  Sure it will be a nasty thing for David since he likes the guy, but poor ol’ Dave isn’t able to consummate the marriage anyway, so….  As for MP, when she had the chance to marry him, she refused to marry the son of a servant and now that he’s got money and social position, he refuses to insult his mother’s memory.  Well, asks Tony, if Van doesn’t care for her, why did he say she could decorate their new digs then?  Oh, she offered to on her own, he explains, and in any event, he let her know in no uncertain terms that Tony would be the one to say yay or nay about it.  Van doubts her tastes and Tony’s will mesh anyway. 

Speaking of the Queen of Roma, Mari Paz calls the suite looking for Ivan but he tells the desk to tell her he’s not in.  “—Darn!  See?  She’s after me every time I turn around!  Whatever I felt for her isn’t there any longer.  I’m wise to her now!”  Tony says, well, he’s interested in helping Carly.  She’s nice, intelligent and he likes her.  Besides, he is interested in what she’ll tell him about her granddaughters. Van chuckles and Tony blushes.  (Riiiiiight.)  “--Oh, so you don’t think I can handle it, huh?”  Van tells him to go for it and then they hug.  Tony then has a question for  ivan: if he learns that another good man has adopted his son, knowing that the boy would consider the other man his father, would Ivan take him away from that adoptive family? Van says he hasn’t a clue, but what is certain is that the boy doesn’t stop being his son also. 

Meanwhile, Saul and Antolin are shootin’ the breeze.  Saul is griping about Lucia having the nerve to dump him after he’d deigned to make her his girlfriend—even with her family’s financial social standing a few rungs above ground floor level, too! whoever the sorry son of a buck she’s got her eye on just better watch out!

Over at Gerry’s, Carolina is worried that he’ll tell Ivan the truth about Alex.  Gerry doesn’t know what he’ll do at this point.  Carolina reminds him that it’s Alex they need to consider first.   He’s been with them his entire life!  He’s always known Gerry as his father.  Ger says seeing Ivan again has made him think about Alicia and why she never told him she was pregnant.  “—that she would rather die than cause me problems!  It still hurts like heck!”  Carolina tells him not to dwell on it cuz all he’ll do is torture himself and there’s nothing to be done for her now.  He shouldn’t blame himself like he does.  Besides, he’s done a great job with Alex.  Gerry’s sense of guilt is overwhelming, though.  He’d like to tell Ivan Alex is his son, and not to worry; that he’s fine and doesn’t lack for anything, and that his life is brimming over with love.

At the same time, on his way to Arcelia’s, Van watches boys playing soccer in the street and remembers the day when he and his mother first arrived in Alamos. 

He shows up at Celia’s and tells her he’s there to ask about his mother’s love life [vida sentimental].  She clams up and says Alicia never mentioned anything to her, ever!  Best to leave it alone.  What’s to be gained? Justice, says Ivan.

Back at Gerry’s, Carolina’s figures that the best thing is to leave things as they are in hopes that Ivan manages to resign himself to never knowing anything more about his son. No good to tell Lucia the truth either because she’s attracted to Ivan.  Yes, answers Gerry, lost in thought.  He was always interested in Mari Paz rather than Lucia, though’.  Well things change, says Carolina.  If Lucia ends up with Ivan then perhaps they’ll have their own family.  Ivan would be near his son without their need to tell either of them the truth.  Gerardo isn’t really convinced that’s a good idea. 

That night, Juan Jeil-me wants to know if Esther spoke to David and got him to agree about sticking it out with MP.  Nobody knows if she agreed or not or, if he’s moving back in or not.  He calls up Lucrazia to find out.  Lu tells him Merry Piece can’t be persuaded.  She’s already seen a lawyer and put things in motion.  He   threatens to wreck Lucrazy’s financing with Tony McGuire if Merry Piece goes ahead with her divorce plans.  Lucrazy snickers and says she doesn’t think so; McGuire’s too taken with her mama and a divorce probably isn’t going to make or break either of them; after all, he’s an American with such liberal ideas that he even adopted an illegal, didn’t he?  JJ asks what the heck she’s talking about.  Lucre-zia chuckles at herself and hangs up on him.  She’s just dumped a percussion grenade under his belligerent backside and she can’t wait for it to explode!  

At the other end, Juan-Jeil-me puts the receiver down, barks for his dinner, and walks out of the room without a word.  Saul and Esther heard the conversation.   Saul can’t believe MP’s actually divorcing David (not to mention defying their bad-ass Papa Bear that way). He’s also curious to know what illegal Mexican his dad was talking about.  Esther doesn’t know and doesn’t care and goes back into the kitchen in a huff.

Lucia now tells Carly about her plans to go with Ivan that weekend to Guaymas to find their old housekeeper.  Carly doesn’t approve of the two of them going up there un-chaperoned.  Lucia, if she wanted to help, could just as easily give him the names and addresses and let him go himself.   Just then Lucia gets a call from Saul.  He’s trying to get back together and wants to see her the next day.  She lies and says she’s going with some gal pals to one of their houses in the country.  He starts giving her the third degree about how she’s getting there and who with.....  He offers to take her and she snidely says thanks but no thanks.  He snidely suggests it’s probably a group of guys and girls!  She yells back that it’s none of his business who’s going or not and slams the receiver down.  Carly dislikes Lucia’s making Saul jealous.  Lucia asks what’s it matter?  They aren’t anything to each other now!    

Afterwards at supper, LuScreechia also has a fit about Lucia leaving for the weekend with her “girlfriends” and wonders whether Saul knows or not.  Lucia politely says she’s old enough to do what she wants and Mama knows that she and Saul have broken up.   LuScreechia wants Carly to back her up but she won’t.  “--The girl’s grown up.  She has a job and she earns her own way now.  Time to let the young ones fly away from the nest.”  Lucrazy says, yeah, wasn’t MP a perfect example of that?  Lucia reminds her Mama that she’s NOT Merry Piece.

Saul walks into one of Antolin’s favorite watering holes and offers to pay Anto to spy on Lucia. 

Antolin plays P.I. for pesos and watches as Lucia gets into a taxi.  He follows her and, with a sh!t-eating grin on his face, sees her meet up with Ivan, who takes her bag and stashes it in his trunk while she gets into his car with him.  “—Jo-joooo!  Saul won’t like this one itty-bitty bit!”

Camilo meets with Tony to discuss his working for McGuire Import/Export.  He presents a contract to Cam who is completely blown away by the salary he’ll be getting.  Tony points out that he will be Van’s right-hand man and will earn every bit of it.

Arcelia is so excited when she finds out.  They do a happy dance.  Cam suggests buying her some new furniture or a stove, and possibly even a new house.  She says furniture’s fine, but she’s not moving.  Sylvestre bought her the house when they were first married and she couldn’t possibly sell it.  He should move out and live somewhere really nice if he wants.  Cam doesn’t want to leave Mama’s.  They decide to eat out to celebrate since he has the afternoon off.

Tony gives Carly an unexpected call and invites her out to eat.  He’d like to chat.  It’s pleasure, not business—unless she’s afraid of town gossip.  She glances up at the picture of her dead hubby and decides she’ll ask him to eat at her house.  He wants to talk to her alone.  She says no problem.  Lucrazy’s at their ranch since it’s payday [el día del raya] and MP’s on her way out and will be leaving in a little bit.

Merry Piece tries calling Ivan’s hotel suite again, in the meantime, but is shot down by the desk clerk.  She decides to call David instead.

Meanwhile, on the way to Guaymos, Lucia (in a muffled sound-track that sound-editing should have caught and is irritating to the max) tells Van about missing school the year when her sister was pregnant, and that she was forced to stay there with her.  She also mentions her parents’ divorce.  It wasn’t her daddy’s fault.  He and Mama just never got along. (Puhleese!  Nobody but nobody gets along with your mama!)  Mama never had any respect for Gerry and always put him down. He couldn’t stand country living and eventually had to sell his parents’ house in Mexico City, but than eventually bought a small construction company.   Ivan and she both agree he’s a great guy, and that Carolina is a terrific S-I-L who takes wonderful care of the house, and both Alex and Gerry, despite not being able to see. 

Merry Piece has a quick chat with Grams before leaving for the club.  Carly asks how she’s paying for all the stuff she does.  MP brags that she’s still got David’s credit card and his car, but then, as far as she’s concerned it’s fair compensation for the rotten state of affairs-–both literally as well as figuratively.  Carly tells her it’s a bit shameful.  (Ha!  Might as well speak to the hand.)   Carly wants to know if she’s got designs on Ivan now.  Merry Piece isn’t about to give her the satisfaction of telling her just so she can race back to gossip about it with catty Lucia!!  Carly knows when she’s been bested and gripes under her breath once MP struts out the front door.

Back at that dive of a corner bar Anto likes so much, Saul sits down to get the goods on Lucia.  Anto couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he told him she left town with a guy!  Yeah, who? Anto drags the telling out about as far as it will stretch without snapping:  “--she took a taxi.  She waited for the car of all cars.” Saul’s patience does snap!  “--With who? A new beau????”  “--Calm down!  Calm down!”   She got out with her suitcase and greeted the guy with a kiss, he threw her suitcase into the trunk and she got in. “--On the mouth?  ON THE MOUTH?????” He couldn’t tell.  “That damned two-timing wench!”  “--Who’s the dude?  Do you know him?”   He sure does!  It’s the gringo.  “--Gringo?  What gringo?”  “—Ivan.”  “--Anthony McGuire’s son?”  “--That’s what they say.” 

Saul is WTF impactado to find out lovely little lame-brained Lucia would actually trade him in for that moron [papanatas = simpleton, dupe, dope]!  Saul’s got to stop it somehow.  Anto asks how he figures to do that, cuz if he complains to the dude his daddy’s financing is likely to go down the drain along with the family jewels.  Nope.  Ol’ Saul is screwed seven ways from sundown [entrampado=stuck in muck to the eyeballs].  Saul refuses to accept that.  He starts banging his fist on the bar.  No way is he going to stand around and let this happen!  Antolin hides a sly grin behind his shot of tequila.

Tony shows up.  Carly asks if he’s there for the deed to the house.  He says there’s no hurry for that.  He’s only there to chat.  They talk about why neither of them got married again and the fact that she was widowed back when Lucrazy got married.  Tony gives her a quick backgrounder then on how he first met Ivan.

Meanwhile, Merry Piece meets David at the country club.  He tells her that the bank called to tell him his credit card was maxed out [hasta el tope = full up to the brim].  She goads him.  In her best baby-talk impression she says he could get money from mami and pay it off, right?  No.  Better--he gone to a headhunter with his degree in business [licenciado en administración] and handed them his resume.  He dutifully asks her again if she’ll give him another opportunity.  Not. A. Chance.  She’s already seen her lawyer and started the paperwork. 

David, still very slow on the uptake, thought Merry Piece would do what his papi had ordered them both to do.  Ha!  No. Way. In. Hell.  Merry Piece is not keeping up any front for Daddy-Dearest. What’s more, if he doesn’t want the truth coming out about what happened–or rather, what DIDN’T happen on their wedding night--then he’ll get off his duff and meet her at the lawyer’s office to sign the papers ASAPP!  Why did she agree to marry him then, he asks. He was the only one with money, position and a family name, she tells him, and she really liked him, bottom line: who cares about a family name if the family’s flat broke and his dipstick is too?   David insists it’s only a psychological hang up.  MP doesn’t care and she doesn’t believe him, anyway.  So, now when is he coming to the lawyer’s office with her?   We see a touch of anger display on those babied baby cheeks of his.  “--Whenever you want!!”  Victory.  Time for a celebratory cerveza or, better yet a “—Martini, please!!”

Back at Casa de las Curiel, Carly discusses Mari Paz’s willful ways, the unexpected pregnancy, Lucrazia’s and MP’s wanting her to abort it, Ivan’s fight to change her mind and offering to marry her with All-Ears Tony.  Carly knew, though, that MP wasn’t about to marry a servant’s son or allow herself to become a single mother in a small town to be humiliated by her friends.  Lucrazy wouldn’t have allowed it either, but she swears she knew absolutely nothing about the brutal beating her demon-seed daughter paid for!  Then came the baby and it’s disappearance.  Ivan has always talked lovingly about her, though, says Tony.  Yes?  Well, she cared so much for Ivan when he was a young boy, she starts, then realizes she was about to confess the secret that Van’s Teodoro’s grandson and thinks better of it at the last moment.  Tony tries to get her to tell her what she’s holding back.  She says one day she will.  (That definitely will be Must See T.V.!)   

Lucia and Van arrive at the hotel (and get two different rooms, BTW).  First they’ll eat and then they’ll start their search for Asuncion he says.  FF>> 
Cam tells his mama what a bad seed his bro, Antolin, is.  Celia knew he hated school, but she never thought of him as a killer.  That and more, says Cam.  He pimps out women for rich guys, sets up poker games, and even sells drugs!  Hush your mouth!  Cam says Mama’s too bright not to have realized it before.  She agrees, but then admits she wondered about the cars and apartment and such, and just didn’t ask because he was always good for a few much-needed pesos.  Couldn’t Cam put in a good word with Ivan for his brother, to get him a decent job?  Cam refuses.  “—A leopard never changes its spots.”  [Un árbol torcido nunca endreza = literally, a twisted tree never rights itself.]  She can ask him, if she likes, but he’s not going to!

On the way to dinner, Lucia finds out how Alicia really died--from a botched abortion in the barrio, and not from some serious illness like her abue, Carly, told her.  Ivan asks if she was ever aware of his mother’s going out with anyone, or if Cleto or Gloria or anyone else ever mentioned it.  Lucia draws a blank.  He explains then that with his mother dead and Merry Piece giving him the cold shoulder there was nothing keeping him in Alamos, and so, with Lucrazy ready to blame him for the murder of the worker she sent to beat him up, he decided to run away to the U.S. and start over.  Lucia says she understands his anger towards her family now.  (He looks skeptical—or maybe that’s anger.  Hard to tell.  Note to director: tell DZ to work on skeptical expression.)

Back in Alamos, Carly and Tony flirt a bit.  She then feels brave enough to ask Moneybags McGuire why, if Ivan hates them so much, would he take Lucia to Guaymos with him to look for that servant?  Tony is surprised to hear Van actually decided to go after all, and says he thinks Ivan obviously thought that her knowing the woman would help him somehow.  Carly says Lucia is a beautiful, goodhearted, hard-working, and intelligent girl who has always been in love with Ivan.  She hopes he’s not got bad intentions, because if he does, Carly is simply not going to allow him to hurt her.  Tony tells her not to worry about that.  He will make sure he talks to Ivan about it! 

Merry Piece comes back home at that point and introduces herself to Tony.  She immediately asks him to let her decorate his new house.  Embarassed, Carly says she doesn’t have any background in decorating.  MP says Judith has her degree in decorating and she says she has wonderful taste and a real knack.  Tony tells her to present him with some formalized design ideas and that then, he’ll consider it.  (If Judi has her degree in interior design, then he’s way better off with Judi instead of that pain in the patoot Merry Piece.  Carly better be worth the ride!)   Mari Paz flits back out again and Carly has to apologize.  Tony doesn’t mind and chalks it up to youth.  He does admit to MP’s being a little bit of a “free and easy spirit” [desenvuelta = also brazen, daring, forward –all of which Viewerville agrees apply] Time for dessert!  FF>>

Back up in Guaymos, Lucia and Van find Asuncion right off the bat. (What an unexpected relief that is!)  Lucia tells her she’s Carlota Curiel’s Lucia.  Asuncion   invites the two of them in with a hug and a huge smile and immediately asks how the baby is.  Lucia and he exchange disappointed, knowing glances.   It obviously wasn’t the housekeeper that took his son.


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of August 29, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hello from the disaster central - the Northeast. We had an earthquake on Tuesday and are now battening down for a hurricane. But back to the crisis-ridden world of telenovelas.

FLOR SALVAJE - viernes

Flor reunites with Sacto. He tells her that he never went far away. He tells her that he sent Pablo to Nueva Esperanza to give her the message that he doesn't care what happened with Urrieta and he never should have left town. He asks Amanda to marry him. Then he tells her that the postcards he sent were provided and written by Pablo. Amanda is impactada. She tells Sacto that it is too late. She can't marry him. Sacto concludes that Amanda has fallen in love with Urrieta.

Pablo meanwhile is having breakfast with Rafael and Catalina. He finds out that Rafael has a beef with Sacto. Rafael promises him a better position in the company. Catalina concludes that Pablo is a spy for Rafael. She decides that she has to go see Sacto and tell Rafael that she is going to Brigida's house to plan for the celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin. Rafael is suspicious of Catalina's sudden devotion to religion but he lets her go - warning her not to lie to him.

Pablo sees Amanda in town and gives her a cheery greeting. She attacks him for lying to her about Sacto. CC appears and warns them not to behave this way in public - someone might gossip to Rafael. Does Pablo want to join the "companía al descabezado" (headless company)?

Sacto is in a funk and Raimundo tries to get him to take his medicine. He gives him the advice of an old man: "Las mujeres de la mala vida sólo tren eso: ¡males a tu vida!" (The women of the bad life only bring one thing: bad things to your life.) Sacto says that he should know that already: his mother lived on 'Consolers Street' and she abandoned him right after he was born. Raimundo asks her name. When Sacto says that his mother's name was Penélope, Raimundo flashes back to an sexual encounter with her, which, in novela terms, is as a good as a DNA test showing that Sacto is Raimundo's son.

Amanda tells CC that Pablo lied to her. Pablo isn't traveling the world with a good job. He barely escaped death from malaria. When CC asks how she knows this, Amanda replies that she heard it from Sacto's own lips. CC is impactada.

Catalina, meanwhile, is trying to convince Sacto that Pablo has switched to Rafael's side. He won't believe it. She then tells him how, in his delirium, he confused her with someone else and kissed her. She puts her hand on his and Sacto looks uncomfortable. Catalina asks who the woman is. Then she gushes about how Sacto set her free from the dungeon and was so brave to face Rafael's wrath. Sacto says that she helped him too so they are even (a mano).

Brígida sees Catalina caressing Sacto's face and goes running to her husband who is looking at a picture of him and Sacto's mother, Penelope. She accuses him of turning her house into a bordello. He asks her how old she thinks Sacto is.

Amanda won't tell CC where Sacto is. When CC asks if she wants all the men for herself, Amanda replies that she is trying to save his life.

Rafael has called Enrique to his office to get publicity from the fact that his company is going to donate money to build a small hospital in NE with qualified medical personnel. He insists that Enrique take a picture of the 'chequezote' .

When Enrique is gone, Rafael tells Peter that he would like to put a bullet between his eyes. Peter changes the subject to the gossip in the bar that Rafael had sex with Zahra. Peter asks if Zahra is exclusive to Rafael like Flor. Rafael says to go ahead and try to get Zahra to have sex with anyone but him.

Zahra tells Olga that she threw Pablo out. Olga replies that Amanda is in love with Pablo and reminds her of the crazy things she did when she was love with Rafael. She also reminds Zahra that she has kept the reason that she and Rafael broke up a secret for many years. Only Olga knows what happened. Zahra tells her to leave it way it is: dead and buried.

Pablo gets into Amanda's room. She accuses him of lying to her about Sacto. He tries to defend himself but Zahra comes in, hustles him out, walks arm in arm with him on the street and makes him pretend to pay her. Malicia asks if Zahra is taking clients again. "Only with special clients," she replies.

Rafael tells Peter that he wants to promote Pablo in the company and get him in charge of the newly forming union so that it doesn't do anything management doesn't want.

Raimundo's daughter, Manuela, (and maybe Sacto's half sister) tells Sacto that he can trust her. He says that he wants to get out of the hacienda to find out what is going on. She agrees to help him.

Catalina tells Luisa that Sacto is the 'elegido,' the chosen one, who will kill Rafael for her.

Manuela give Sacto some of her older brother's clothes. Her brother is studying medicine in the capital. She notices that Sacto looks like her brother and even has some of the same gestures.

Amanda decides to leave town with her sisters. She says that Zahra told her to obey her or leave so she's leaving. Bebe actually speaks and says, "mala Amanda." Zahra comes in and reminds Amanda of all she has done for her and her sisters. Amanda goes to Clara's house without her sisters.

Pablo gets CC to arrange a meeting with Amanda. Sacto is in town and he finds CC. She is disgusted that he is only concerned with Amanda so he takes him to see her.

Amanda and Pablo reconcile at the river. Rafael comes to town looking for Flor and Ana tells her that Zahra kicked her out. CC takes Sacto to the river and shows him Pablo and Amanda kissing passionately.

I spend way too much time on this one. I will try and do a recap of Mi Corazon later.

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Teresa Fri 8/26/11 #125 Not one, but TWO tipsy Hunkasauruses and one very cunning Tiburoncita!

CUERNAVACA: Mariano admits to Aurora he’s made many mistakes but he loves her and will prove it to her. She walks away and he leaves only to find Teresa waiting outside doing her best Captain Morgan impression. She knew he’d forget this stupid idea of going after Aurora because he still loves her.

Inside, Aurora looks at the rose Mariano left and knows things would have been so different if he had only figured it out a long time ago.

Meanwhile, Mariano tells Teresa there’s nothing to discuss, isn’t it obvious he is no longer interested in her? He tells her he no longer feels anything for her. Teresa’s convinced that this thing with Aurora is just a passing fancy. Mariano swears that’s not how he feels. Teresa speaks of her long friendship with Aurora and warns him not to hurt her as he did Aida. He says he’d never hurt her. He only wants a chance to show her what he feels for her. Teresa tells him to get real, he’s only doing this out of spite (despecho) because he’s still in love with her. She closes in for her signature move and…he backs off! Again, he tells her he no longer loves her. She doesn’t believe him and moves ever closer and again, he backs off and tells her it would be best if she did believe him. She notices how he gets when she gets close, when she touches him. She’s now on him, like a shark on its prey. She says what they have is very strong.

DANG! We interrupt this very Sharky scene for an update on doofus Grumps, like anyone cares! Hernan has come to check on him. Old fart is complaining about his diet and Johnny.

BACK IN CUERNAVACA, Mariano admits Teresa is a very beautiful, sensual woman but he now has eyes only for Aurora and pushes her away! She claims she’s happy for him and hopes this is true so her friend doesn’t have to suffer anymore. (Methinks she doth protest too much cuz there’s murder in them thar Sharkita eyes!) Mariano takes his leave and Teresa tries to bum a ride with him saying she didn’t have a chance to get the car from Arturo. Mariano wisely refuses, saying it wouldn’t be prudent for them to travel together. Wow! I like this new and improved Mariano! She can’t believe he’d leave her there alone! He offers to help her get a cab, going so far as paying for it cuz she has no money. Teresa is mouth-open-QTH-impactada and Viewerville can be heard cheering “¡¡Bravo Mariano!! ¡Por Fin!”

HOSPITAL: Stupid scene where Hernan explains to Gramps who he is and his connection to Johnny. He and Espe invite him to Rodriguito’s baptismal fiesta. Definitely FF>>>>

CUERNAVACA: Mariano drives Teresa to a taxi stop. She’s furious and can’t understand why he can’t drive her to D.F. since he’s going there anyway. No way, he says, he doesn’t want any problems with her hubby. She gets in the cab and pouts as she hears him ask the taxista for the closest florist.

Aurora calls Johnny asking after the old curmudgeon. Johnny hands the phone to Juana and she frantically confesses she’s the one who told Mariano of her whereabouts and pleads with for forgiveness. Aurora calms her down, saying it turned out for the best because they were able to talk and she was able to tell him a few things and she feels better now. She tells Juana she didn’t give in to him because she really needs to be alone but she admits she was very happy to see him. She can’t believe he no longer loves Teresa, who also came by. Juana explains she asked her to go because she felt so bad about telling Mariano. Aurora explains Teresa’s no longer there and they really didn’t have a chance to talk after she told her to leave.

Mariano is at the florist ordering a ginormous bowl of white roses that will be delivered today. Meanwhile, Teresa’s cab drives by and she points out his car to the taxista. She asks the taxista if he’d like to make some extra cash and he won’t have to drive all the way to D.F. She’s talking to the driver when her phone rings, yup, it’s Arturo, but she doesn’t answer. He’s in a bar (collective Viewerville gasp) with a drink. He leaves her a voicemail and then has a succession of quick flashbacks: Odiana telling him about Teresa doing the horizontal mambo with Mariano, Teresa swearing she loves him, Armando telling him she went to Cuernavaca, Johnny telling him Mariano is in Cuernavaca. He’s distraught and downs his drink. He next calls Refugio who doesn’t know where Teresa is but she’ll go check in their apt and call him back. Fine. Arturo orders another drink! No, Arturo! NO!

ROADSIDE: Now we find out what Teresa is up to! The cab driver is changing a “flat tire” on his cab on the side of the road and she waves down Mariano. She’s soooo happy he received her message! Imagine, the cab has a flat and he’ll have to double back to repair the tire. What to do? Mariano relents and she runs to his car but not before giving the taxista a thumbs up!

HOSPITAL: Juana and Hector talk about how happy Aurora is. Hector’s happy to know that Juana would go visit her as a favor to him. Of course, she says, Aurora’s like a daughter to me! Hector hopes she can convince Aurora to come to Rodriguito’s baptismal fiesta.

VECINDAD: Mariano and Teresa arrive. She notices he said very little during the drive. He tells her there’s nothing left to say. She thanks him for rescuing her. He wasn’t about to leave her there but he also tells her it’s best they avoid each other and tells her to get out. She can’t believe he’s not going to drive up to her building. He doesn’t want anyone to see them. He’s doing it for her, to avoid any problems with Arturo. She agrees, sarcastically saying she’s soooo happy with Art even though they’re living in the vecindad. Mariano tells her that since their relationship couldn’t work out, he’s happy she can love her husband even though he doesn’t have any money. Then he says, “Adios Teresa!” Ha-ha! She’s pissed but as she’s getting out of the car who should drive up but our hero Arturo, who thankfully isn’t actually driving. He asks his driver to stop. He sees Teresa get out of Mariano’s car, but she doesn’t see him. He jumps out of the car as Mariano pulls away and yells after her. His driver stops him from doing something stupid and talks him into getting back in the car.

HOSPITAL: Ugh, Johnny/Pati and recovering Gramps. They chit-chat about his demeaner. YAWN –FF>>

VECINDAD: Refugio finds Teresa in the courtyard and tells her Arturo was looking for her. Teresa tells a half-truth about having to go see Aurora in Cuernavaca. She tells mom her trip to Cuernavaca didn’t turn out as planned. She realized she’s losing something she considered hers – she fibs about this being about a case. She goes back to her little hovel and finds the ensemble Arturo left for her on the bed. YES! Happy dance time! She rushes to the dress, checks the label first as any fashionista would, then reads Arturo’s note. He tells her to get gussied up because tonight they’re going out to dinner before going to their new home! He’s come through at last! Arturo walks in and she’s so excited she doesn’t notice his gloomy demeanor. She rushes to embrace him and tell him how much she loves him then realizes something’s wrong. He yells at her, “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” She notices he’s been drinking. He shakes her and demands to know where she’s been!

CASA CHAVEZ: Armando and Refugio talk about Teresa. She’s worried about Teresa’s attitude. Armando hopes that’s the only thing amiss. He tells how Arturo didn’t know about Teresa’s trip to Cuernavaca before he mentioned it. Refugio’s surprised she didn’t tell Arturo since she just mentioned to her that she went to see Aurorita.

BATTLING BARRERAS: Arturo is still manhandling her demanding to know who she was with! TERESA: “Let me go, you brute. Look how you get when you’ve been drinking. I don’t want to be with you when you’re like this.” ARTURO: “Of course I have to drink and it’s all your fault because you continue to cheat on me!” TERESA: “What? Are you plumb loco?” ARTURO: “I looked for you and couldn’t find you, not even by phone.” TERESA: “Cell signals are really bad on the highway. I had to go to Cuernavaca.” ARTURO: “Oh, so you admit you went to Cuernavaca.” TERESA: “Yes, to see Aurora.” ARTURO: “MENTIRA, MENTIRA! I just saw you getting out of that imbécil’s car!” He shoves her down on the couch and she’s all, “ruh-roh” Arturo is furious and standing over her, panting. Eeek!

HOSPITAL-DOUBLE YAWN I’ve combined all the boring Hospital scenes. You can really skip this section, only semi-important item is that Grumps tells Idiotaberto that Juana is infertile. I took one for the recapping team and watched the whole thing and here’s what happened: Buttberto is in grampa’s room talking to Pati. She’s staying to spend the night. Doofus tells her he’ll stay until he goes to his mariachi jig. He has the day off because his rich old lady is off to Cuernavaca for a few days – he brags she’s still paying him. Pati wonders if that lady might not have an interest in him. No way, says our erstwhile gigolo-in-his-dreams, she’s real sangrona (nasty, uppity) and calls him igualado, confianzudo (cheeky, overfamiliar). Even stupid Pati thinks it’s strange this woman should treat him so well. The old bugger starts to stir and asks for the doctor. Buttberto says he’ll take care of grandpa while she goes for the doc. The old codger puts him in his place, reminding him he should be addressed as “Don Porfirio”.

Later, Dumberto is attempting to read the paper to gramps (such a prize, Juana, he can’t even read). Gramps asks him to stop because he does it so poorly he should be in la primaria. Instead, why doesn’t he explain why he messed with his maid? Dumberto tells of the plan to make Juana jealous, of how he wanted to help Johnny and Pati, etc, etc; there’s no using talking about it anymore (please don’t) since everything turned out for the best and Johnny and Pati are happy. Grumps wryly wonders for how long. Ugh, he starts to talk about Juana. Sick as he is, Grumps spells it out for him, Juana is s-t-e-r-i-l-e. Clueless-berto has an aha moment, which we must admit is really hard for him. Ugh, gramps and Buttberto discuss Juana’s sterility. The doc finally comes to discuss Grump’s convalescence. Doc thinks it’s a good idea for him to go live at the vecindad with his granddaughter. The clinic there would be ideal for any medical attention he may need. Yawn, stretch.

BATTLING BARRERAS: Arturo dares her to deny it! She admits she returned with Mariano but didn’t say anything because she knew he’d react this way. ARTURO: Don’t you think I have a valid reason? What story are you going to come with now to justify what you’ve done? TERESA: I swear it’s not a lie. I went to see Aurora because she’s so broken up over Martin. ARTURO: And that’s why you returned with Mariano? Did you just “happen” to run into each other? TERESA: No! I didn’t have a car because you used the insurance money to pay off debts. (oh, so now it’s his fault). Arturo interrupts her, “You were together, JUNTOS!!!” TERESA: I asked him to take me to a taxi stand. I didn’t want to come back with him, you can ask him. Then the taxi got a flat and if Mariano hadn’t come along, I’d still be there at this hour. “¡BASTA!”, he screams at her, “I don’t believe any of your lies. (Now, technically, she is telling the truth. She’s only leaving out the intent behind the visit to Cuernavaca). Teresa says he can confirm this with Aurora. She’ll tell him Teresa was never alone with Mariano. He hands over his phone for her to dial Aurora’s number.

Aurora’s cell is off. Teresa frantically suggests they drive over to Cuernavaca now to speak to her. Arturo leaps over the sofa to slam the door shut before she can get out. He actually grabs her by the hair (this is getting scary now) and says he can no longer believe her. He’s more angry (rrrrrabia) than hurt that she sees him as a fool. He shoves her into the kitchen. She’s scared and crying now and asks him to think that if she didn’t love him, would she have moved back to this maldito vecindad? He grabs her again and holds her over the sink and wonders if that’s why she went looking for Mariano. Does she think she can now have everything she’s ever wanted from Mariano? He feels like such a fool, having arranged for them to move into Fernando’s apt tonight! He shoves her and she stumbles but recovers enough to ask if that’s where they’re going. He grabs her again and asks if she thinks she deserves to be taken out of here again!

Teresa screams at Arturo. “Es el colmo!” They’ve finally found a way out of this pocilga (pigsty) and now he says she doesn’t deserve it. She’s stuck by him through thick and thin and has even had to bear living here when he knows this is the worst thing that can happen to her. No, that’s not the worst, he says. What is worse is being married to someone you don’t love, isn’t that it? She tells him that’s not true. She loves him, she really, really does. Oh, really? He hopes that’s true because she’s his wife. This gets really ugly now as he attempts to prove that she’s his wife. He’s got her in his grip and clears off the kitchen table and throws her on top of it. He tells her to look at him. He’s not Mariano! She fights him off and they both fall to the floor. He chases after her, first barring the door and then into the bedroom where he traps her on the bed. She’s screaming the whole time begging him not to do this. He finally comes to his senses and backs off, telling her this is what she’s turned him into. She makes her escape out the door and he chases after her. She jumps into a cab as he yells after her. Whew, heavy duty stuff.

ELSEWHERE at the hospital, Magpie-Magda asks Mariano about his trip to Cuernavaca, did he find Aurora? Even though he didn’t mention it, Magpie says it was only obvious he was going after Aurora. Since Aurora started avoiding him, he’s become a different person. Mariano doesn’t understand why it’s not obvious to Aurora. She tells him he’s never aware of what goes on around him. There are so many women who are hot on him that she’s tempted to start an I Hate Teresa Club. Seriously, she doesn’t understand how he didn’t realize Aurora’s affection for him. He admits he was an imbécil. He never thought he’d feel this way about Aurora. He knows she cares for him but she also thinks he’ll never forget Teresa. He doesn’t know how, but he’s determined to show his love for Aurora. He plans to shower her with gifts and attention. Magpie drills him on Aurora’s favorite things. He knows them all since they share many of them. He can’t believe he hadn’t noticed this before.

CUERNAVACA: Aurora places a bowl of white roses (her favorite) on an outside table. His note reads, I’ve just left you and already I miss you. If you miss me in the slightest, call me. Te quiero. Cute scene, they shot the scene with Mariano leaning over her as if he’s reading the note. Awwww. She smiles and picks up her phone but puts it back down. Riiiiight, make him wait. Seldom used Chica rule #5.

HOSPITAL: Mariano confirms to our addle brained Dumberto that if Juana is sterile, this means she can’t have children, duh. Duhberto doesn’t understand why she would keep this from him. Mariano thinks he should discuss this with Juana; Gee you think?

JUANA’S APT: Hector and Juana talk of how much they miss Aurora. Hector talks of living in Cuernavaca once they marry and he wants Juana to redecorate the place to her taste. Of course, Juana puts him off, saying it would be best to wait until Aurora comes back and they can do it together. As usual, Hector agrees. Poor sap. She’s really ticking me off. She needs to let him go.

EVENING IN CUERNAVACA: Odiosana and Luisa are settling in for dinner when Luisa gets a call from Fernando telling her he misses her terribly. He’s been taste testing wines for their wedding and he’s had maybe a tad too much but he’s chosen the white, rose, and champagne. (Uh-oh, tipsy and la Sharkita is on the loose!) Reina comes in to clear the bottles but he dismisses her saying she can go to her room. As he says this, Teresa lets herself in the front door. Ruh-roh! She rips open her blouse (sorry guys, she’s wearing another shirt underneath) then makes a re-entry, shouting frantically for Fernando. He quickly embraces her as she tearfully tells him of Arturo’s abuse and how he tried to force himself on her. He’s shocked and she tells him Arturo was drinking and crazy jealous. Ay, Caray!

HOSPITAL: Mariano and Aida are discussing clinic business. He asks if she’s serious about continuing her work here. She annoyingly asks if he’s so bothered by her presence. She’d already told him she would continue her work to remain close to him, even if it’s just as friends. PATÉTICA!

CASA BARRERA, um FERNANDO: Teresa tells Fernando she was so frightened. She needs a drink and grabs one of the wineglasses on the coffee table. Neither of them would have expected this of Arturo. She complains he wouldn’t let her explain. He’s obsessed with the idea that Mariano is her lover. If she didn’t love him, would she have agreed to live in that place and have people jeer at her? Fernando agrees Arturo’s in a bad place and says he’s going to talk to him right now! She stops him, pulling him back and holding him, telling him she’s afraid to be left alone. Ha-ha – he’s falling right into her trap, and of course it will all be blamed on the alcohol. Hunkasauruses can’t handle their liquor when faced with a she-shark.

HOSPITAL: Mariano feels Aida shouldn’t be doing this work just to be near him. He knows that deep down she’s hopeful they’ll reconcile but that’s not gonna happen. He doesn’t want to hurt her. Aida says he shouldn’t believe she feels he’s the only man in the world. She hasn’t stop living her life. They should continue to conduct business as usual and the future will tell whether or not they will get back together. (oh, she’s so dense) Mariano sets her straight that it’s not a question of time and he knows there are things she won’t be able to bear. Delusional Aeeeeeeeeda says that’s not true. Mariano tests her by telling her he saw Teresa today. Aeeeeeeeeeda reacts just like that old joke, “slowly I turn, step by step”, no puede seeeeeeeeerrrrrrr, Marianooooooo!

CUERNAVACA: Aurora arrives at the same restaurant where Odiosana and Luisa are dining. Luisa makes the introductions. They chit-chat and Aurora ends up joining them.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, Aeeeeeeeeda continues her rant. Honestly, it’s comical. Mariano finally stops her, telling her nothing happened between them. He went there looking for Aurora and that’s when he ran into Teresa. He admits nothing happened between him and Aurora either but he’s telling her now that he intends to fight for her love. Aeeeeeeeeda the Pathetic wishes it had been she that he wished to win over (conquistar). She appreciates his honesty and is beginning to realize she’s lost him (duh).

CASA BARRERA, um FERNANDO: Teresa tells Fernando that Arturo refused to even listen to her suggestion that they go to Cuernavaca to talk to Aurora. Fernando comments about Arturo’s intense hatred of Mariano. He agrees she couldn’t have stayed on that lonely dark highway alone. Teresa says no woman should be forced into intimacy against her will. Fernando agrees and can’t believe Arturo would lose control in that manner. She blames it all on his problem with alcohol. She’s distraught, whatever shall I do?

CUERNAVACA: Luisa tells Aurora about her wedding plans. They talk about venues and it ends with Aurora offering her garden as a possibility.

OH NO THEY DIDN’T!!!!! Teresa doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. She’d like to just forget it happened. She’s sorry she barged in on him like this but he was the first person she thought of. He caresses her cheek as he says she did the right thing. She knows she’ll be safe here with him. They stare at each other intently. She tilts her head and they ever so slowly start to smooch. It starts with a peck and then it’s a full on smoochfest. No Puede Ser!!!!! I hope Reina interrupts them…..or ARTURO! They can’t go any further than smooching, or can they? Guess we’ll find out Monday! Yikes!!!!

Oh man, previews show them hugging and she’s wearing a nightie kinda thing! And she asks Arturo for a separation!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #93 Friday 8/26/11 Three (Impending) Weddings and (Hopefully) A Funeral.

Alfonsina is on the cusp of telling Karina the truth about the blanks that Doc has been shooting but we cut away to the argument between Jero and Nata. In his frustration and bitterness, Jero walks out on Nata in disgust. She hits her knees in tears.

Alfonsina tells Karina that Doc is sterile. Kari is impactada. She hyperventilates and hurries out of the room.

Matias and Julieta chat over coffee. She wants to meet Adriana and make amends. He agrees to introduce them.

Chema carries Adriana into the kitchen and offers to teach her all of his cooking secrets. She is bummed out because of Honorio's situation but Chema is determined to cheer her up. He dons on an apron, puts a chef hat on Adri, and they start baking a cake. They toss eggs and flour at each other - a scene reminiscent of the Chema/Coni food flirtation from several weeks ago.

Lazaro finds Karina crying and comforts her. Kari openly sobs about how Doc always blamed her for being a bad wife because she could not have children. In reality, it was his fault all along. Laz says Kari doesn't deserve all the tears Doc made her cry. She vows to give Doc an earful.

Constanza clutches a letter and cries as she waits for the police to bring Honorio in for a visit. He turns to leave as soon as he sees her but Coni cries that she needs him. Hon is embarrassed that she has to see him there; he wrote it in the letter that he doesn't want her or Adriana to see him locked up. Coni needs Hon's advice: she thinks that Fina is the woman who ruined Regina's life and kidnapped her daughter. (Hooray! Coni discovered that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.)

Coni figured out that the dates that Pepa was in Oaxaca coincide with the dates that Fina was supposedly there as well. One of Fina's daughters might be Regina's. After all, both Coni and Hon have seen how awfully Fina treats Nata. Hon assures Coni she isn't crazy for thinking such a thing about Fina. (Lets just hope this development doesn't eventually earn Coni the number one slot on Fina's hit list.)

Regina gives Gonzo an invitation to the gala. The Monterrubios are in no mood to party but Gonzo wants to go so he can be with Regi. She tells Gonzo that she wants to invite Jero to the party. Gonzo has no problem with it as long as they steer away from the topic of Nata.

Speaking of changing the topic, Gonzo thinks he and Regi should announce an engagement at the gala. He makes a big show of telling Regi that he is finally divorced from the Fina Monster. He scoops her up into a big hug and Regi has stars in her eyes.

Agustin pours Nata a glass of wine and listens to her complaints about Jero. Nata is now officially divorced. Augie says that Nata can move on and begin a new chapter of her life now that Jero is gone for good.

Jero takes a nighttime walk with Gitana. He strokes her mane and wonders how he could have been so cruel to Nata.

Constanza arrives home and spies Adriana and Chema goofing around in the kitchen. It reminds her of her own flirty food time she spent with Chema. Coni crashes the party and the temperature in the room drops a few degrees. Chema wipes an icing mustache off his face and takes his leave. An awkward silence passes between the two ladies.

Honorio broods in his jail cell. He swears that once he gets out of jail, he will forgive Constanza for everything that happened between them and help her figure out how to proceed with the PepaFina problem.

Alfonsina tentatively asks to talk with Ezequiel over breakfast. She tells him that her baby is his. Alfi leaves it up to him whether he wants to be in his child's life or not.

Augie has business to attend to but hates to leave Nata. She assures him she will be fine on her own.

Over the phone, Regi tries to convince Jero to come to the gala. Jero is too down in the dumps. Plus, Jero is furious with Gonzo because he (Gonzo) had Nata sent to hide at Augie's hacienda. Regina is shocked but believes that Jero is reaping what he sowed in regards to Nata. Nata is treating Jero the way he used to treat her.

Carlos shows off his new digs to his parents. His madre sticks her nose up in the air and criticizes everything. It isn't good enough for her hijo.

Jero replays Nata's words in his mind and Marina interrupts his hair-tugging and self-kicking. She invites him to her uncle's birthday party and Nata wanders over. Jero agrees to think about it and makes sure Nata seems him kiss Marina's hand.

Marina excuses herself and Nata starts a fight with Jero over Gitana. She wants her moved back to Augie's ranch. They argue and Jero asks Nata what she was doing in his room the other night.

Carlos is all excitement and smiles while thinking about the wedding. His parents want to meet their future daughter-in-law that afternoon.

Jero refuses to believe Nata when she denies having been in his room. He felt her presence and smelled her perfume. He grabs Nata and says that dreams do not wear perfume. Nata makes Jero let her go so she can collect her horse.

Karina prays for strength in her situation with Doc. She suffered for so long because Doc blamed her for not being able to have children. Kari feels so resentful and furious; she doesn't know what to do.

Jero trails Nata into the fields. Nata is tired of opening old wounds about La Bonita and tells Jero to scram.

The bells of doom chime as Constanza comes in to work at the centro kitchen. Chema asks her why she has been so distant lately. She crumbles about feeling overwhelmed, sad, and alone. Chema hops over the table and offers to help. Coni says there are some things in her life she does not want him to get involved in. Chema pulls her up and gives her a hug.

Regina, Ines, and Cata make plans for the gala. Regi wants everything to be perfect for the donors. Cata has a hissy fit about Regi mentioning the Monterrubios and leaves to look at glassware. Ines and Regi squeal in excitement over Regi's upcoming engagement.

Matias tells Gonzo that he plans to start going out with Adriana again. Gonzo hopes the news will cheer Honorio up a little. Gonzo tells Matias that he is going to propose to Regina. Both fellas are ridiculously happy.

Blanca, incognito in an ugly track suit, meets up with Daniel in a mall. She checks him to make sure he isn't hiding a microphone. Too bad she's a crummy detective and doesn't notice that they are being watched. A cop in a nearby store has them on camera. Blanca is upset that Nata got away. She vows that Gonzo will be the next to fall for getting in the way of her plans.

Fina is surprised to hear that Roberta left the house with her luggage earlier that morning. Hija dearest answers the phone from the airport. She tells Mami to deal with all the trouble on her own. Berta is going out of town for some fresh air.

Augie does some business over the phone and a huge dude meets up with him at a cafe. Augie slides him an envelope of cash and puts the hit out on Doc Nesme. (Oh, Christmas has come early for viewerville!)

Carlos gives Matilde the gift from his parents. It's a traditional dress from where he is from. She will get to wear it that very night at dinner. Mati is deliriously happy.

Nata remembers bumping into Marina at the airport. How could Jero move on so quickly after having gone to such lengths to prove his love for her? She cries at her own stupidity for believing him. It's over. Never again will Nata be the same sentimental and romantic girl who believed in eternal love.

Jero vents to Carlos and vows that Renata is never to set another foot on La Bonita soil.

Marina wonders how Nata and Jero could have ended up so resentful of each other. She noticed a great passion between the two of them.

Nata tells Augie that she has decided to live her life in a different way. Augie admits that he has been in love with Nata since the first time he saw her. "Now that you are a free woman, I don't want to waste anymore time. Will you marry me?"

Nata recalls all the nasty things Jero did to her while she was married to him. She stares at the ring and says yes. (!!!) Augie puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

Avances: From what I could make out, the gala will be a hotbed of activity. Augie swears that Nata will be his. What else is new?

harina - flour
descabellado - crazy/wild
agobiada - overwhelmed
alucinando - hallucinating


Alborada, 8/26/2011. Cap. 63.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #24, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 63 start at this link.

What a pair of pictures today, Carlos! The moment we've all been waiting for!


La Fuerza del Destino #17 Thu 08/25/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's willpower

Happy Independence Day, Uruguay!

Carlota isn't happy that the girls are arguing. She's afraid that Maripaz will try to get her "garras" (claws) into Ivan now that he has money. She likes him, and she'll tell Lucia why one day. Lucia claims she's not in love with him anymore, she just feels affection for him, that's all. Carlota says if Ivan makes a play for Lucia things are gonna get ugly in the house. Lucia says on the off chance that he has a thing for her, she won't let anyone get between them. Not even her mother! And in walks the bitch herself. Saul is there to see her, and he's brought a bouquet of flowers with him. Lucrezia demands that Lucia reconcile with him immediately and set a date for the wedding. It's such a bizarre little universe inside Lucrezia's head. She tells Lucia that JJ is getting her a meeting with Toni McGuire and she doesn't want Lucia's stubbornness to get in the way of it. Wow, Lucrezia's an idiot. If she wanted a meeting all she had to do was go to Toni herself and get one. The guy's been in her house!

Lucia goes downstairs to talk to Saul. She mechanically thanks him for the pretty flowers, but resists his efforts to kiss her, reminding him she wanted them to have a few days apart. Um, he waited 2 days. "That's not enough?" He says he's crazy for her and every minute that passes is like an eternity. Lucia thanks him, but says she's realized they don't have much in common. He says he's sure about what he feels, it's her who has doubts. "What's going on? Is there another man?" Lucia says it's not that. They spend all their time arguing, they're very different from each other…"That's what gives our relationship spice!" Claims Saul. Lucia tries saying she doesn't like his "forma de ser" (way of being; the way he behaves). He'd rather she just say she doesn't like him anymore, but she elaborates that he's "grosero" (rude), "prepotente" (overbearing), "egoista" (selfish) and she feels like he's always trying to imitate his dad. Saul takes offense at that. "As if your family was so perfect!" He throws her parents' divorce in her face, that her dad couldn't stand her mother and her sister is a drunk and a slut. "Well, if you dislike my family so much then why do you want to be with me?" Lucia says he only wants to be with her so his dad won't get upset and so his friends won't make fun of him. She offers to let him say he broke up with her. Saul says he still wants to be with her because he likes her. "Well I don't like the way you like me!" Yes, Saul, she's breaking up with you, catch a frickin clue! "Pues, 'ta bien. Pues tampoco te voy a rogar" (Well, fine, then, I'm not gonna beg either!). A little late for that, Saul. He tells her to be careful, cause if he finds out she left him for another man, it'll go for her "como chango en feria" (ummm…all I can think of is something about poop-slinging monkeys…someone clarify this one for me!)

Lucia goes into the dining room and says she broke off the engagement and she's not going to stay with him just because it's convenient for her mother. Lucrezia tries to convince her that it's also convenient for Lucia, but Carlota tells her to leave it alone. "But I'm her mother!" "And I'm YOUR mother and I'm sick of you using my granddaughters for your own convenience." And she says no, it's not doing Lucia or Maripaz any good. "Do you think your eldest daughter is happy? After what happened with Ivan, she became more rebellious than ever. Going from party to party! Then you made her marry David and now she wants a divorce. And now you want to beg that boy's father after you looked down on him and tried to have him killed!" Lucrezia says she just wanted to give him an "escarmiento" (lesson). Carlota says she ruined Maripaz's life and there doesn't seem to be anything to do about it now. But she better not mess with Lucia, she warns! "Que duermas bien, hija…si puedes!" (Sleep well, daughter…if you can!)

Ivan meets Maripaz for dinner. She complains she's late because she fought with Lucia. She'll tell him in a minute, but she needs a drink first…a double whiskey on the rocks. Ivan orders a tequila. Maripaz turns on the little-girl-voice and says Lucia told him a bunch of lies. "So it's not true that a maid stole our baby and you didn't do anything to find him?" Maripaz claims not to know why Lucia said those things and asks if he really thinks she would be capable of being such a heinous bitch. Ivan says of course not. He tells her to just forget about it. Maripaz says she's still upset. She knows that Lucia has always been after Ivan and because she was thwarted, she became boring and a liar who makes up stories and then ends up believing them. "And now she's worse than ever. Every since she found out you're back, she's gone crazy! I can tell she never forgot you. She even broke off her engagement with Saul. Of course, how could she pass up the opportunity to go after you? The idiot thinks she has a chance, but it's obvious you'd never pay attention to a bitter woman like her!" Ivan tells her again just to forget about it and asks about her divorce. Maripaz laughs that it's a done deal. "You should have seen their faces when I told them all I wanted a divorce because David is gay! As if they didn't know it. You can tell just by looking at him! I can't believe I doubted it. Oh, and if I told you about my wedding night! So, we go into this gorgeous room…." Maripaz is so tacky I could use her to get all the cat hair off my couch. And those of you who enjoy the privilege of being on the staff of one or more felines know how difficult that is!

Toni agrees to a dinner with Lucrezia. JJ says he'll make a dinner reservation. Toni asks for Carlota to be present, since he knows she's the owner of the ranch. JJ says it's true, but Lucrezia is the one who makes all the decisions. Toni insists on both of them being at dinner. JJ agrees and asks if tomorrow is fine. When they get off the phone, JJ calls Lucrezia to give her the good news. She thanks him and he tells her to bring her mom to dinner. Lucrezia doesn't want to, but gives in, if Toni insists. JJ asks if Lucrezia Borgia convinced Maripaz to stay with David. She whines that Maripaz is just hurt and needs a little time. JJ agrees, as long as it's not too much time.

Esther comes in to ask if JJ wants some dinner. JJ asks where David is. Esther tried to call him, but he's not answering his phone. She doesn't think he's interested in talking to them. JJ has finally been too offensive…not that he thinks so. "So he's gonna cry like a girl now?" Esther tries to argue with him, but "no está el horno para bollos" (the oven isn't ready for rolls; now's not the time). Besides, David had the chance to prove his manhood and he failed. And it's her fault for "making" him gay. Estela accuses JJ of never loving David. JJ, of course, blames her, because he wanted a real man for a son. He tells her to get David to show his face "like a man" and deal with things "like a man." He wants David back home by tomorrow at the latest, cause sooner or later Maripaz will be back.

After their dinner, Ivan asks for the check for him and a taxi for Maripaz. The principal (?) at Lucia's school sees Maripaz and Ivan together and comments to her dinner companions that Maripaz is up to her old tricks again. Gossip, gossip, gossip, blah, blah, blah, he's American, she's a drunk, etc. Maripaz wants to go dancing with Ivan and even offers to do a road sobriety test for him, but he tells her he's already gotten a taxi for her. She whines at him to go back to his room, cause she really, really, really, really…and did I mention really?...wants some sex. Well, with Ivan no means no. He signs the check and escorts her out. The look of disappointment on Maripaz's face is so pathetic. Ha! She tries to finish off her drink, but he puts it back down and physically walks her out. Puh-leeze, she would have fallen over if she'd tried to walk on her own!

Alicia's tomb is all fixed up now. Gerry comes to visit and hides to avoid Ivan. Ivan is bragging about how he's starting to get revenge. Somehow I don't think she'd be happy about that. Ivan won't forget, as Anthony suggests, because it just wouldn't be fair. If he lets things go, it would be like letting "those people" get away with their savagery. He knows she wouldn't agree, but he just has that need for revenge stuck deep in his heart. The caretaker, Don Thomas, comes up to help Ivan with the flowers and Ivan tips him. Ivan does the secret handshake with his mother's tomb. Once Ivan leaves, Gerry comes over to ask Don Thomas who he was, but the caretaker doesn't know Ivan's name. Gerry asks him, if Ivan wants to know who he is, to just say he's a friend of the dead woman's.

Camilo and Carmen talk about her working for Ivan. He assumes she'll be working as a maid and getting maid's wages. She's a little miffed that she's not getting a better job or better wages. Celia, ever supportive, says what else can Carmen expect, since she never finished high school or even tried to take any kind of typing or computer classes. Carmen says even being a waitress is a step up from being a maid. Celia tells Camilo to just tell Ivan thanks (implying that it's "thanks, but no thanks") and Carmen relents and tells Camilo to tell Ivan that she'll talk to him. When he leaves, Celia says it's better to work for someone who actually knows you and likes you and respects you…and not somewhere where drunks paw at you and you have to come home practically at dawn and make your mama worry. Carmen asks why he didn't at least ask her to be a receptionist. Did I miss something, or didn't he ask Camilo to ask Carmen if she would be in charge of the house, or "run" the house for him and his dad. Making her more like a housekeeper, or at least Head Maid.

Camilo goes over to the hotel and he and Ivan start looking at the proposals for the warehouse equipment. Ivan also wants to start talking title and salary. He'd like Camilo to be "Gerente General" (General Manager) which surprises Camilo, but according to Ivan, he's qualified, has the right education, and Ivan trusts him. "Even though I've killed a man?" Ivan says they're not going to talk about it anymore. Part of Camilo's compensation package will be an office, car, cell phone, credit card…Camilo is surprised again. He'd prefer a truck, though, and Ivan agrees. "So, how much do you want to make?" Camilo doesn't want to name a number first, so Ivan will discuss it with Toni. Who walks in and asks the guys what's up. Camilo passes the proposal paperwork to Toni and apologizes for not getting him a driver. He just didn't trust a lot of the guys he talked to and others didn't have letters of recommendation. Camilo didn't want to risk Toni. Toni's not worried and the car rental agency will apparently give him a driver if he needs one. Ivan gets a call on his cell from Benito. He's gotten deported. Again. What's this, the 3rd time? Benito's having trouble finding a job and he's considering trying to go back to the US, but it's getting harder to cross. Ivan tells him to get to Alamos and they can talk about a job for him. Well, at least now they're doing outdoor stuff, so Benito might agree to work for them.

I hate Camilo's plaid hoodie. Just saying. Ivan tells Camilo about Benito and about crossing to the US. Maripaz sees them in the street and comes over to talk. Ivan gets roped into showing her the house, since they're right in front of it. Ivan introduces Maripaz to Camilo. They give each other dirty looks and Maripaz goes into the house. Camilo asks Ivan what's up and he says they've only gone out a couple of times. Maripaz oozes all over Ivan and Ivan asks Camilo to go look at the "office" part of the house. Maripaz offers to decorate the house for him. She decorates? Or did she just mean "decorate it with the clothes I'm going to leave on the floor as I shamelessly throw myself at you in a futile effort to do the nasty…with your bank account!" She latches on to Ivan as he starts to give her the tour.

Celia lets Antolín know that Camilo isn't going to tell the truth. But what he did was very wrong and he doesn't have "perdón de Dios" (forgiveness of God; even God won't forgive him). Antolín says he saved Ivan's life, and things went really well for him in "el gabacho" (the states) and who's that thanks to? Thanks to Antolín! Wow, check out the size of the ego on that guy! He gripes about Ivan coming to play the hero, saving all the farmers. "If only they knew they were licking the boots of Ivan Villagomez, son of a maid!" Celia tells him to shut up. "I didn't say I was going to do it!" "You didn't have to. I know you." She forbids him to say anything or she'll disown him. Antolín swears he'll keep his mouth shut and tries to get frisky with his mom. No, he doesn't, he just wants her to forgive him and say he's her favorite and let him give her a little kiss on the cheek, but if you didn't know better and only saw that one bit, it would look like he was trying to mack on her.

Maripaz struts through the house and declares that even though she didn't study interior decorating, she just has a knack for it. And good taste. No comment. Ivan's phone rings and he refuses to ignore it. It's Lucia and he lets Maripaz see his grin. Lucia agrees to go to Guaymas with him. Maripaz asks who it is and Ivan avoids answering her. They make plans to talk further to decide where to meet, since he can't pick her up at his house. Maripaz is dying of curiosity, but all Ivan will tell her is he was talking to "a person" and that where he's going tomorrow is "a un asunto" (to go do something). He asks her if she'd like to see the other bedrooms and she gets all excited. He tells her while she's looking at them, he'll go look at something else I can't make out. She gets huffy and wonders if he thinks she's an employee or something.

The school principal or whoever sees Esther and Judith having coffee and comes over to gossip. She tells them Lucia is working at the school as their child psychologist. Judith thinks she might like to work too, but Esther says her dad would never let her, so she'd better not even think of it. Olga, the principal, tells them they saw Maripaz with Ivan. She says they were talking and drinking. Then she takes off cause she's got to get back to warping young minds. Esther says "Maripaz! No lo puedo creér." (I can't believe it!) Yes you can, Esther. Yes you can.

Ivan sees Camilo over on the "office" side of the house. Camilo says there is space for offices for Ivan and Toni, but his will need to be somewhere else. Ivan says his dad is hardly in the office, so Ivan and Camilo can share an office. Ivan starts talking about furniture needs and says they'll definitely need computers and internal wiring. And another bathroom. "Did you get rid of Maripaz already?" Ivan says she's looking at the house and she wants to decorate it. "You're going to let her?" Ivan says his dad will decide. "Yeah. She might want to fill it up with modern furniture and I don't think your dad will like that." Ivan says he prefers a conservative style. Camilo asks Ivan what his plans are. Well, she wants to get back together, but…Ivan says he thought of her for years, loving and hating her. He couldn't wait to see her again and he wanted to "make love" to her again (oh, please, don't try to dignify it with pretty words), but something stopped him. And he has this constant pain now and he wants justice. Ivan tells Camilo both Maripaz's and Lucia's version of events. Ivan can't imagine Maripaz having maternal feelings, but he doesn't get around to saying whether he believes Lucia before Maripaz comes out of the house. She wants to get coffee and talk about her decorating ideas, but Ivan says he and Camilo have to go to the warehouse. And no, he can't do it in the afternoon, because he has other things to do in the afternoon. She whines about how men are all work, work, work and never think of anything else. What the hell kind of gold digger are you, Maripaz? Don't you know if he doesn't work, work, work, you can forget about the spa and the gym and new clothes and a new car? Make up your mind, you shallow twit! They ignore Maripaz and Camilo tells Ivan that Carmen accepts, but wants to talk to him about the job. "Sure, tell her to call me." Maripaz gets all worried and asks who Carmen is. "My sister, ma'am." Maripaz is pacified. For now.

Esther goes to yell at Lucrezia for Maripaz's behavior. Lucrezia Borgia tries to write it off as Maripaz just being polite to someone they're trying to do business with. Esther's not buying it. She tries to beg Lucrezia to do something to halt the divorce, but Lucrezia claims there's nothing to be done, Maripaz has made up her mind. Judith agrees that Maripaz is willful. Lucrezia says she'll give it another try. She'll suggest JJ's idea that Maripaz stay with David until they have a contract with the McGuire's.

Maripaz goes to a lawyer's office and admires the décor before the lawyer comes in. Horacio somethingwithaV. She tells him she wants to get divorced. "Didn't you just get married? Sorry, it's a small town." Maripaz says it's just not working and she and her husband agree. Their marriage is "por bienes separados" (they didn't mingle their assets…not that either one has any!) so he thinks it'll be fast and easy. Hey, kinda like Maripaz. *rim shot* The lawyer asks for some documents and a meeting with her and David. Maripaz flashes her megawatt smile as she asks what documents.

Ivan meets up with Lucia outside the school. He invites her to lunch, but she's planning to go have lunch with her dad. He sort of kind of invites himself along, just to say hello. He lets her know that he already knows about her parents' divorce. Camilo told him. Lucia says her dad would love to see him. They start making plans for the weekend.

Lucrezia gripes to Carlota that Ester always makes a big deal out of everything. After all, she got over her divorce. She does plan to pass on JJ's suggestion to Maripaz. She's worried that Toni just agreed to lunch to humiliate her. She knows he must have found out about the thing with Ivan. Carlota thinks if he was going to complain he would have done it in private. But she's glad Lucrezia finally realized what a crappy thing she did to that poor kid!

Ivan and Lucia pull up at Gerry's house. They chat about how he's living in a smaller house now, and how his car isn't there so he must be dropping off his son at school, and how he's a good dad, and how he got re-married but his wife died, and how he's got a small construction company, and how he lives with his sister-in-law. The go in and the maid announces them to Carolina. When Lucia introduces her to Ivan, Carolina freaks out and tries to hide it.

Toni tells JJ that he does plan to get some kind of collateral for the loans he's making. He is a businessman, but he doesn't want to take advantage of other people's misfortune. He laughs at JJ for saying that, as the Americans say, "bizness are bizness." People might have a run of bad luck, but they might also waste the loan money. Lucrezia and Carlota get to the restaurant. Toni says the ladies are both very attractive. JJ agrees and says he and Lucrezia were together until she found some other loser she liked better, not that he's lost hope. Carlota and Toni are happy to see each other again. JJ introduces Lucrezia and they sit. Lucrezia gripes at Carlota for saying she hasn't been out to eat in a long time. She smiles at JJ for hitting on her. Lucrezia orders a lemonade, but Carlota and Toni opt for tequilas. Good times.

Judith and Estela confab. They're sure David's the one who's going to suffer if Maripaz goes forward with the divorce. Estela goes running when she hears him come into the house. He tells her he just didn't answer his phone because he didn't want to talk to anyone. He doesn't know if he's coming home. Estela tells him JJ's idea that he and Maripaz should stay together while the McGuire's are there, and then get divorced after. "What does Maripaz think of that?" Estela dismisses Judith so she can tell David that Maripaz has been seen around town with Ivan. "You have to talk to her and demand that she not make you look like a laughingstock!" David says all she does is make fun of him; he can't tell her to do anything! Estela says even if Maripaz does have a thing for Ivan she just needs to cool it for awhile.

Saul almost runs over Judith on his way into the house. She tells him that Estela and David are having a private conversation. Saul is grumpy because Lucia broke up with him. Judith is worried about what her dad will think. "Don't you say anything to him!" He says he tried to make up with her, but she said it's off for good. He thinks she's got her eye on someone else, but he doesn't know who. Judith advises him, instead of trying to find out about his supposed rival, he should be figuring out what he's going to say to his dad. He's sick of living with his dad. Judith mocks him, telling him to move out already…"Oh, but I guess that whole 'looking out for yourself' thing would just be too much to ask, huh?" "Look who's talking!" He says she's mooching off her parents cause she can't find a husband to mooch off of.

Ivan continues his story. The ice cubes in Carolina's glass are clinking away furiously! Carolina asks about business, so they fill her in on that. Gerry comes home and is shocked to see Ivan. He and Ivan hug as Lucia says hello to Alex. Alex and Ivan introduce themselves and shake hands.

Tomorrow: Road trip to Guaymas! Antolín spills the beans and Saul's not happy.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #92 Thursday 8/25/11 Attack of the Vicious Vine Monster

Fun stuff from last night: The good Doctora Marina discovers that the e-vile Doc Do-Nothing is sterile! Bwahahaha!!

BSCBlanca visits Hons and gives him an ultimatum. Be her lover or his niece Renata will soon be in jail followed by an infinite list of his loved ones. She just hasn’t decided whom she’ll hurt next, Gonzo, Matias, Adri and even the sweet Cons. She tells Hons she is his only option, a statement so absurd I don’t even know why he got upset.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio (EM) Gonzo, Matias, Daniel and some Comandante plot to use Daniel to entrap Blanca. Apparently she covered her tracks so well they need incriminating evidence against her.

Ensenada now has big block letters in the bay announcing it is the wine country.

Laz tells Padre he’s in town to pick up some insecticides for Alfonsina. I guess that means La Bonita is no longer an organic vineyard, eh? Laz mentions he went to see Doc Ick at the jail, the only thing he wants is what’s best for Kari. Padre reassures him that one doesn’t leave this world without paying their due (Doc) and that Laz will see that God will someday reward them (Laz and Kari).

Kari is in a nice tienda making a deal with the shop owner to sell her embroidered tablecloths. The shop owner is so impressed she wants Kari to sell her items exclusively through her tienda. Kari is happy to be supporting herself.

Matias visits Hons to tell them they are going forward with entrapping BSCBlanca to get Hons out of jail. Hons gives Matias two cards, one for Cons and one for Adri. They do a fist touch against the dividing glass, awwww.

Doc Yellow shows Padre the results of Doc Desert’s fertility test. I was just about to make a crack about telling Padre being better than an email blast but the Padre one-upped me. Before I finish the thought he grabs Doc Marina and they rush off to La Bonita to tell Alfonsina.

Regina continues her physical therapy with Adri while Cons looks on. Regina even advises Adri to get a little sunlight to help heal her bones (Vitamin D). Matias shows up with the cards and carries Adri out to the garden to read hers.

Regina tells Cons that she saw Pepa yesterday when she was leaving Consti’s place. Pepa must live around there.

Ack! The shrill yelling tells me that Roberta’s in this scene. She’s in Gonzo’s office working on her “Will-Shriek-For-Money” plot. She demands that Gonzo intervene on her behalf with Matias. Gonzo yells right back that she’s in no position to demand (exigir) anything and he refuses to help. She wonders what’s up (que onda) with him? That’s his very question to her. What’s up with her that she bothers him with this stuff while he’s trying to deal with much graver issues. Her capricious problems are directly the result of her bad decisions so don’t count on him. If he intervenes it will be not for her but for his son! Thus endeth an extremely satisfying scene.

Regina tells Cons she’s really bad at describing car makes but Pepa’s was black and had four doors. Coni is muy impactada and gasps at this completely generic description. Come on Cons, whip out a picture of Fina and put us out of Nata’s misery!

Speaking of misery, Fina has just received the divorce order rom a gleeful Soto. He smugly announces that as of now she’s no longer Gonzo’s spouse and he’s free to marry tomorrow if he likes. Soto admits that after the way she played him he’s thrilled to be part of putting her in her place. He trusts everyone she’s messed with will have the same opportunity. “Justice might come late,” he warns, “but it does come.” He actually giggles as he leaves. She beats up the papers. Wow, yet another satisfying scene. Thanks writers!

Cons wants to hear more about this Pepa. Gina says Pepa was her late husband’s assistant, they were lovers, she had his child and then disappeared. When Gina next saw her, Pepa tried to poison her in the hospital and then showed up again yesterday. The investigators have never been able to find her. One was close until he died at the heads of a Oaxacan ex-mayor. Cons looks thoughtful but Regina thinks his death had nothing to do with Pepa. Tony was heading up the investigation and wants to continue looking for the kid but Gina wants to stop his involvement. Cons thinks hard about all this new information. Didn’t Coni help Fina leave Oaxaca and get her job at EM?

Later, after Regina leaves, she tells herself “No no no I can’t think such a thing, It would be terrible.”

Adri and Matias kiss and flirt in the garden. He tells her “Te quiero” but ACK! Here comes the shrieking harpy again. Berta’s not happy to see her husband kissing on Adri and tries to destroy every one's eardrums in revenge. Berta yells that she’ll go after Matias for infidelity. Matias says go for it, nothing would please him more. Adri sticks up for herself too, the difference between them is that Adri actually loves Matias. Matias yells at Berta not another word against his girlfriend. Adri taunts and Berta stalks off flinging her favorite insult, “Estupidos!” What? Satisfying scene #3? Now I’m worried the writers are setting us up.

Adri and Matias laugh together that they were able to piss off that harpy by telling her that Adri is Mat’s novia. Adri feels bad that he’s stuck between the spider tag team of Berta and Fina who take advantage of his goodwill. “No more” he says. Adri wishes she could tell Renata how they got the best of Berta. Adri imitates Berta, “MamA!”

“Mama! MamAA!!”, yells Berta as she stomps into the house. She tells Fina she found the idiots Matias and Adri kissing. Fina sighs and tells Berta now is not a good time. Berta harps on some more about Mama’s brilliant plans not working out. Fina tells her to calm down, soon things will turn to their favor and they’ll get everything they want. Berta says if things don’t change soon she’s leaving. “And where will you go where you can have everything you like?” inquires mom. Berta smiles to herself.

Big block letters on the lawn say Hacienda La Bonita, just in case there was any doubt - Herminia has gossip for Manuela and Mati. Augustin is hiding a woman at Cruz de Amor and he went to Tijuana to buy expensive clothes for her. Alfonsina sidles in, hears the discussion and reveals that Ponchita saw the woman and she was so beautiful he confused her with...Renata.

Renata helps Control Freak Egoist Augie (CFE, thanks daisynjay) with his label project while he stares at her. Yep, I always work well when someone sits across from me staring unblinkingly and gushing over my smile. Oh gross, she teases him with her paintbrush and he chases her around the desk.

Jero reads the results of the writing analysis to Carlos. Roberta did NOT write the La Bonita letter. In the midst of their teeth gnashing Matilde runs in with the super chisme. They say Augie keeps a woman hidden in his hacienda; he treats her like a queen, buying her gifts and more. They say that this woman looks a lot like...Renata.

CFE’s cellular rings and it’s Roberta. She’s tired of her life and she needs a little action. If he doesn’t come to the DF she’s going to... “NO!”, says Augie, no visitors, not right now. He tells her not to push, don’t call him he’ll call her. Click. (Hee hee.)

Nata teases CFE that his phone call sounded like one of his conquests. He says he’s not a womanizer; Nata tells him he could have any woman he wants. She asks him seriously why he never married. “Because I had never met you,” he coos. She laughs him off, asking how many times he’s used that line. Whew, saved by the commercial break.

Regina visits Tony to tell him to stop his involvement in finding her daughter. He makes a wisecrack about her love for Gonzo coming before her search for her daughter. Nice mature behavior there Tony. He says until her daughter’s in her arms he’s not going back on his word. Regina kindly tells him to back off and not to worry, she’ll continue the investigation on her own. “You AND Gonzalo.” he muses bitterly, to which I would say No s**t Sherlock, but Regina is kinder, “You’re a marvelous man but it simply is not working out.” She wishes him the best with all her heart. Tony, do you feel the slightest twinge of guilt for your current perfidious activity?

Adri tells Cons that Berta went crazy just because she saw Adri and Matias talking. (Heh, she left out a small detail.) Cons cautions her about becoming Berta’s enemy. Adri asks what else is bothering Cons? Cons asks if she knows where Renata and Berta spent their childhood? Yes, in Oaxaca confirms Adri. Coni asks Adri to help her with an internet search.

Cons is afraid to read Honorio’s letter. She’s afraid he’ll ask her not to visit him and forget about him while he’s in jail. He won’t want to shame her and will tell her to stay far away. Adri observes that Cons knows him well, that’s almost exactly what he said in his letter to her.

Tony calls Fina to tell her about the setback (contrariedad) that Regina sacked him from her daughter’s search. However he did get a look at the amount of the trust, there were a LOT of zeros. Fina loves his sweet words, but he says there is a problem. In order to collect, Gina’s daughter can’t just present herself, she must provide irrefutable proof.

Carlos confirms to Jero that their vines have the plague. Alfonsina bounces up to tell them she has the proper insecticides, she informed all the other haciendas and they are taking action. All except Cruz de Amor that is, problems with Ezequiel and all that. She asks Carlos if he would do the honors. Carlos suggests Laz should go talk to Zeke.

Alf gives Jero a basket of grapes for defending her. Jero asks her about the woman at CFE’s hacienda. She confirms that Ponchito saw her yesterday.

Kari runs into the La Bonita kitchen to excitedly brag about her new job providing exclusive tablecloths. She also has the fabric (tela) for Mati’s wedding dress.

Doc Marina and Padre reveal to Alfonsina that Dr. Dried Up is sterile. He’s not having kids with her or anyone! Alfonsina prays in relief.

A very perturbed CFE strides into the jail. He’s not happy about being summoned by Doc. Doc whines that Augi’s got to get him out of jail pronto. It’s all Augi’s fault that Doc’s in jail, he’s the one that made Doc dispense with Rafa’s autopsy. CFE points out that nobody believes a drunk. Doc says maybe, but Jero Linares would be interested to hear that Augi is a thief, basically robbing the grapes of La Bonita. When Augi found out Jero was going to terminate their contract Augie introduced (lanzar) the plague into Jero’s vines. We are introduced to a flashback of Augie going to his special infected vine, locked and caged as if it were a savage beast. He snips off a branch. Honestly, I laughed out loud at the idea of chicken wire managing to keep an infected vine separate from other vines growing right next to it. “Now the vines of La Bonita will know the rancor of Cruz de Amor!” cackles Augi. Hey folks, I don't make this stuff up, I just report it.

UPDATE: Commenter Güera had a different take on this scene:

"I had a totally different take on the "theft" at the vineyard. I had trouble with the vocabulary & so am not sure I understood it all but here's what I heard --

Auggie & Dr. Nasty snuck into La Bonita and broke into the cage which had Rafa's special imported vinestock locked in. Auggie stole a cutting from the valuable vine which until then had been the exclusive property of Rafa. (Maybe that's why he only contracted to buy the entire harvest of that grape for three years -- after that he would have his own harvest of this wonderful new grape.) The doc is saying that not only was it theft but also a motive for murder since it would be better for Auggie if Rafa never discovered the stolen vine on Auggie's property. There was also something in the dialogue about the "plaga" but I didn't understand that part."

Augie snaps back into the present, shakes his finger at Doc and croaks, “You wouldn’t dare because that night you were just as guilty as I.”

Nata calmly does her graphics at Cruz de Amor. We hear scary music as someone sneaks up behind her. “So it is you,” accuses Jero, revealing his glaring hateful face. Nata of course looks stricken.

Doc Ick is not affected by CFE’s threats. He says there’s nothing left to lose and Jero, who hates Augi,is dying to pin Rafa’s murder on someone. Get him out or he’ll open his mouth. Doc, we believe you, now shut your gaping maw.

Jero coldly says he came to see Augi’s mystery woman and of course it’s Renata. Then he gripes about the divorce. He accuses, blames and jumps to conclusions. He says she is doing all this just to hurt him. Why Augi of all people? Is she blind? She doesn’t know the real Dunant. Funny, even when Jero’s right he sounds wrong.

Augi sags and agrees to let his lawyer defend Doc Ick. Doc says if he doesn’t see the lawyer within two days he’ll tell Jero everything.

As Jero calms down somewhat Nata hears her father’s words, that nobody must know where she is or why. She tells Jero he’s right. She wanted to get away from her problems and when Augie invited her she... Jero covers his ears and interrupts, it doesn’t matter because he and she are nothing.

Mati, Kari and Manuela gush over Mati’s fabric. Alfonsina busts in (pun intended) with the happy news that Doc Marina told her that her baby isn’t Doc’s. Kari looks stricken as Manuela scolds Alf for blurting the news in front of Kari. Alf says there’s more, “Kari the news is for you too. The doctora said Alvaro is sterile. You can have children! He was lying to you all this time.” Kari stumbles out weeping.

Aw jeez, aren’t these two done yet? Jero asks Nata why she made him believe there was hope for them? She asks him why he asked her to marry him when all he wanted was revenge? He accuses her of being cruel and tells him at least she kept it short. She waxes about Augi’s loyalty and honesty (hack hack) and Jero practically loses it.

As he leaves she asks him a favor. Could he please not tell anyone he saw her there? He says no worries, he’s not about to tell anyone his ex-wife is Dunant’s lover!

Damn you, you bitter bastard, for making our Renata cry...again.

Avances: Renata sees Jero kiss Doc Tata’s hand.

araña = spider
contrariedad = setback
exigir = demand
giro = turn, twist, rotate
lanzar = release, introduce, launch, etc.
que onda = what’s up? What’s happening?
tela = fabric

Dicho if the Day:
La justicia tarda...pero llega = Justice, however delayed, will be served.


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