Saturday, September 03, 2011
Teresa Fri 9/2/11 #130 Mayra Channels Dr. Phil and Mariano Channels Rhett Butler
PENTHOUSE: Teresa tries to convince Arturo to take Fernando’s offer. He’s sure to give them a fair price on Luna Turqueza. Arturo still feels it’s best to wait. Fernando then offers to loan him money for a new firm. Arturo thinks he means a firm for both he and Teresa. Fernando clarifies that Teresa should no longer be his partner. Teresa’s happily following the conversation until this last part. Her eyes bug out!
CASA GENOVENOM: Aida gets off the phone with Martin – he’s agreed to sell her his shares because he doesn’t want to return to Mexico for a long time. Geno assumes correctly it’s because of Aurora. Aida lets the thought of Aurora go by without another word and then brings out a gift for little “Paulito”. She’s excited to finally meet the little guy! Ruh-roh!
PENTHOUSE: Fer explains he doesn’t think it’s prudent considering how things are. Teresa assumes it’s because of Odiosana. Arturo doesn’t care what anyone thinks. If he and his wife want to work together, that’s how it will be. Well, Fernando says, it was just a suggestion. Teresa thinks it might be best for their relationship if they don’t work together. Fernando proposes that Arturo set up his practice to manage all the businesses he’s inherited and Teresa, she can be his power of attorney (apoderada) for one of his businesses. She appreciates everything he’s offering to do for them but asks that he let them discuss the matter. Arturo agrees and Fernando gives him the wolf look! Arturo looks like he smells something rotten in el D.F.!
CHEZ GENOVENOM: Geno is ever so grateful for Aida’s gift but the baby is out with his nurse right now. Ruben plays along saying darn it, he also wanted to see the baby but they’ll have to wait for another time. Geno offers to show them the nursery and promises to take him to visit Casa Caceres so Mayra can meet him too! Ugh, what a snake! Ruben pretends to be bitter that she’s lucky to have her baby while he does not have his. Aida assures him he’ll win his fight.
PENTHOUSE: Arturo thanks Fernando again for all his help. Teresa sends her regards to Luisa and remembers this is their monthly anniversary. Fernando leaves and Teresa runs to Arturo. He wonders why she’s so happy. She thinks it’s great that Fernando is offering him a chance to set up a firm to take care of his legal business both here and in Spain. Not so fast, Sharky girl. Arturo’s not too sure. He needs to think about it.
VECINDAD: Juana tells Jughead she needs time to think it out. He doesn’t seem to think it’s so difficult -- she only has to decide yes or no. She tells him she’s going to take Teresa’s advice and think it through carefully. He objects and she says he acts as though Ter is such a bad influence on her. He knows Teresa is set on Juana marrying Hector. He wants to know what it is that Juana wants. He kneels before her and tells her that if she loves him, they should be happy together and be done with it. She repeats it’s not easy and besides she hasn’t ended it with Hector, blah, blah, blah. Blahberto’s had enough. He feels she’s treating him unfairly. He loves her and knows she loves him. He’s decided to go back to Zacatecas. He hands her a paper with the address and tells her if she changes her mind that’s where she can find him, but only to marry him. He warns her not to wait too long or he might be married himself by the time she goes looking for him.
PENTHOUSE: Teresa doesn’t understand Arturo’s reluctance. It’s almost as though he prefers to stay in his current situation. He tells her it looks as though she’s keen on returning to their previous lifestyle. (Well, duh! He wins the prize for the understatement of the evening!) She rolls her eyes behind him and then asks what’s so wrong with wanting what they had before? It’s not a sin to want to improve. Everything’s so good with them now. She loves him and she knows he needs her so why not speed things up? Does he intend to continue to test her? No, he knows she loves him above all else: Mariano, money – absolutely everything.
CASA FERNANDO/PENTHOUSE: Mamá O is waiting when Fernando gets home and tells him they need to talk. He assumes it’s about the inheritance but she tells him it’s about Teresa! Dun, dun, DUN! Just then, Teresa’s sneaking around the penthouse dialing up Fernando who doesn’t answer because Oriana looks worried. Teresa starts to leave him a voicemail but Arturo comes back into the room ready to go to work.
HOSPITAL: Hector admits to Juana he’s agitated about the Mariano situation but he doesn’t feel that should affect their relationship. He loves her and they shouldn’t continue to postpone their wedding. I-Don’t-Wanna-Juana deflects this by saying they should talk about Aurora and Mariano, repeating for the umpteenth time that she thinks of Aurora as her daughter. Hector thinks Maurora is a separate issue. He doesn’t understand why Aurora didn’t mention anything while he was visiting her. Juana figures Aurora was afraid of his reaction. Hector makes it very clear he doesn’t accept the thought of Aurora having a relationship with Mariano. Pati interrupts them and says she’s here to visit her sobrinito. Juana takes this as an opportunity to escape but Hector tells her he’ll come by tonight to discuss the wedding.
CASA FERNANDO: Oriana demands to know why Fernando offered the penthouse to the Barreras. Was it for Arturo? Or Teresa! Oriana feels Fernando should have just let Arturo test Teresa. They shouldn’t have moved out so quickly. Fernando, of course, disagrees and can’t believe she’d say that. He tells her Arturo mistreated Teresa who loves him so much she put up with his drunkenness and abuse. Oriana sees he’s now defending her! Fernando feels Teresa was in the right but Oriana counters this by saying Teresa is a manipulator! Oriana now tells him that Teresa said she can manipulate any man, including him! Fernando can’t believe Teresa would say that. Oriana says it’s fortunate that he fell in love with a woman like Luisa and will be married in two weeks.
Luisa and Lucia are talking wedding stuff. Lucia doesn’t know where she can get a dress on such short notice and Luisa offers up Juana who can surely whip up something in time. Luisa misses her mother at this time when she surely needs her advice on marriage. Lucia’s never been married but she has lived with someone. She advises Luisa to talk to Fernando to make sure he’s ready to take this step. Luisa assures her they’ve talked about it (ad nauseam) and he has no doubts. Lucia suggest they talk about what they expect from the marriage, like children for example. So many things can change.
HOSPITAL: Mariano sends Aurora what appears to be one of many e-mails. He tells her he’s ready to leave for Zacatecas. He may be far away physically, but his heart will remain with her. Hector walks in and looks like he’s loaded for bear! He understands Mariano went looking for his daughter in Cuernavaca. Mariano knows this upsets him but he assures him his feelings are sincere. He loves Aurora. Hector explodes: “LIES! You’re still in love with Teresa and will never stop loving her despite the fact that she dumped you to marry another!” Hector doesn’t believe him when he says he loves Aurora. He warns him to stay away from her, he will not allow him near her! Mariano can’t promise he’ll do that when what he desires most is to be with her. He’s been after her all this time and will continue to do so until she returns his love.
CASA FERNANDO: A huge bouquet of roses has arrived for Luisa. She tells Lucia Fer always remembers their monthly anniversary. He loves her, of that much she’s sure. (Ah, but did he order the flowers before or after Teresa mentioned the anniversary earlier?)
Arturo and Teresa have arrived. Lucia and Arturo head to the den to discuss business. Luisa tells Teresa that Lucia is going to be in the wedding. Teresa’s not pleased but says what’s important is that Luisa likes her. She admits she didn’t like that Lucia seemed so chummy with Arturo until she realized they’ve known each other since childhood. Luisa assures her she’ll like her and encourages her to get to know her and she’ll soon realize Lucia is super buena onda (really cool).
In the den, Oriana asks Fernando and Lucia to step out so she can speak privately with Arturo. Uh-oh. She hopes Arturo doesn’t misinterpret this, but she was disappointed to hear they moved out of the vecindad. It would have been the perfect opportunity to see if Teresa truly loves him. He admits he had the same thought. Oriana says she knows how jealous he is and knowing what happened between Teresa and Mariano, anything Teresa does will hurt him and he’ll be suspicious. She asks if he’ll be able to live tormented by the green-eyed monster. He tells her that’s precisely why he left the vecindad. He treated Teresa unfairly. Oriana repeats it’s a shame he didn’t stay longer because he’ll always have that doubt of whether or not Teresa would have hung in there. He admits he was very uncomfortable there. She reminds him she only tells him all this because she loves him. If she insists, it’s because she’s sure that given the opportunity, Teresa will set her eyes on someone else. Arturo appreciates that Oriana set him straight but he’s decided to remain by Teresa’s side for a reason. As he’s said before, they’ve decided they will not allow anyone to interfere again in their marriage. Well, you can’t say he wasn’t warned.
In the meantime, Lucia, Teresa, Luisa, and Fernando are having a nice visit. Lucia is happy to see how well he treats Luisa. Teresa is looking a bit uncomfortable with the conversation and leaves to supposedly make a call.
CASA CACERES: Aida is in her rrrrrrrrata de vecindad zone again, swearing to her mother she must seek revenge!!! Mayra strongly rejects this idea saying vengeance is never good for anyone. Furthermore, she will not authorize the use of her money to buy Luna Turqueza shares if it’s only to harass Teresa. (go Mayra!). Aida wonders that Mayra isn’t aware their family has been ruined because of that maldita rrrrrrata! All her problems can be traced back to Teresa. Her problems with Paulo, Mariano, and even that gata Esperanza is Teresa’s friend. She even convinced Amadeo to turn against her father. Mayra isn’t so sure she should believe everything Ruben says. This is surely his version of the story and this doesn’t change the fact that he cheated on her. (woohoo again for Mayra! )
CASA FERNANDO: Fernando and Teresa get a moment alone and he asks if she’s ok. She’s fine but it did bother her to see the roses he sent Luisa, the talk of the wedding. She feels so guilty. He admits he feels badly too. She hopes Arturo accepts her proposal to move away from here especially after that altercation she had with Oriana. Fernando admits she mentioned it. Oriana walks in and Teresa suggests that Oriana can tell him what they talked about yesterday. Oriana says she told Fernando that Teresa is sure she can capture him. Teresa says that’s right, that’s what she said.
CASA CACERES: Aiiiiiiiiida continues to plead her case, saying Teresa has sworn her vengeance against her for years after Aida started dating Paulo when he left Teresa. Mayra remembers that things didn’t quite happen that way and advises Aida to leave it in the past. She repeats that vengeance is not a good thing. She urges Aida to forgive and forget and start a new life. That’s the only way she’ll be happy. (wow, looks like Mayra got a good dose of Dr. Phil while she was gone) Aiiiiiiida refuses. Mayra’s very sorry but she will not help her and won’t give her money to buy Luna Turqueza shares. Aida says she won’t rest until she gets her revenge. She wants the world to see Teresa for what she is, a hypocite and a liar. Wow, what a Bitter Betty our Aida has turned into.
CASA FERNANDO: Teresa admits she told Oriana that she could manipulate him but that was after she’d had enough of Oriana’s insults. She repeats Oriana accused her of eventually leaving Arturo for another man with money. Fernando can’t believe it and Oriana tells him she was only stating her opinion. Teresa continues, saying she knows many men have been after her and desire her. In addition to being rich, Fernando is handsome, intelligent, charming but it’s obvious nothing can happen because she’s a married woman! She loves her husband and he’s engaged to her BFF.
CUERNAVACA: Dario and Magda have come to visit Aurora and they tell her they are now dating and they’re on their way to visit her parents so they can meet him. They also ask her a huge favor – to travel to Zacatecas to help Mariano on his project. Pretty please, they can’t go because they’re visiting her parents and can’t let him go alone. He’s kept her informed of the project through all his e-mails but she wants to decline and suggests Aida. Nothing doing, Aida’s not a doctor. They plead with her to please do this for them.
VECINDAD: Juana is explaining to Hector that Mariano finally opened his eyes and realized he loves Aurora. She tells him not to say anything to Aurora and let her try with Mariano if that’s what she wants. Hector’s not sure. He changes the subject to the wedding. He has some ideas about the menu, the music, etc. He wants to know when she wants to get married. I-don’t-wanna-Juana starts to fidget. Ugh.
HOSPITAL: Mayra is there looking for Esperanza who doesn’t see her at first because she’s so worried.
VECINDAD: Poor Hector is chatting along about wedding plans. Juana finally admits she’s not sure she wants to get married. He quickly assumes she’d rather live together. He’s very conservative but he loves her so much he’ll do whatever she wants. He just wants them to be together, travel, and be a true couple. Juana keeps trying to tell him she has doubts. Hector understands if she needs more time but she should consider that he doesn’t want to wait any longer.
HOSPITAL: Mayra assures Esperanza she’s not here to argue. She’s decided to forgive Ruben and begin a new life, just like Esperanza has. Esperanza says it hasn’t been easy and she realizes she’s been very lucky. Mayra tells her she’s written about what happened and in the process came to the realization that she can’t move forward with her life because she hadn’t forgiven Esperanza. Esperanza is impactada! Mayra is very serious about it. She knows the baby she had with Ruben is ill and if anything were to happen to him, she’d just die. As a mother, she understands Espe and sincerely hopes her son will recover. Esperanza admits that what she did was wrong by starting an affair with a married man. She’s very sorry for having been the cause of Mayra’s suffering.
Meanwhile, Dorkberto is telling Mariano that although he loves his Juanita, he’s fed up. Mariano tells him it’s good that he’s realizing this. He shouldn’t waste so much time like he did with Teresa. Twithead repeats that if she goes to him in Zacatecas it will be to marry him. Either he marries Juanita or he stays in Zacatecas. He asks Mariano to deliver his goodbye letter. Mariano suggests he deliver it himself face to face. He wishes he could do that with Aurora instead of sending all those e-mails.
Esperanza sincerely apologizes to Marya who says she forgave her long ago. At one time she thought she hated her. She’s learned everything happens for a reason. She’s also learned she can stand on her own. She doesn’t need to have a man by her side and Ruben was one bad cookie. She thinks of the irony in all this that neither of them is with Ruben.
CASA CACERES: La Odiosa Oriana is visiting with Bitter Betty (aka Aiiiiida) who can’t believe that rrrrrrrata had the nerve to say she was going after her son. Oriana’s only too happy that the wedding is only two weeks away and everything seems to be going along very well. Aida reminds Oriana of everything she said about Teresa and how she swore revenge simply because she had stood up in front of their classmates and told everyone of Teresa’s true origins. Aida pouts that Mayra won’t give her the money to buy the Luna Turqueza shares. Not to worry, says Oriana. If it will help Arturo realize what a shameless hussy he has by his side, she’ll help Aida with her plans. Oriana will buy Martin’s shares so Arturo will be left with nothing and Teresa will leave him. Arturo can then find a good woman who deserves him and Teresa will be far away from Luisa……and her son!
CASA FERNANDO: Fer doesn’t understand why Arturo rejects his help. Doesn’t he trust him? Completely, says Arturo. If he weren’t married to Teresa he would have already accepted his help. Arturo is back to having doubts about Teresa marrying him for his money and if he accepts Fernando’s help, he’ll be in a good financial situation. “¡Es el colmo!” shouts Fernando. “My mother talked to you and that’s why you’re like this. That’s it. If you’re not going to honor the woman at your side then divorce her and set Teresa free!”
CASA CACERES: Aida warns Oriana that the money she invests in Luna Truqueza could be lost. Oriana responds that the millions she puts at risk won’t matter if it rescues Arturo and keeps her son from risk. Because even though Luisa and Fernando are getting married, Teresa isn’t the type to respect the sanctity of marriage. No argument from Aida who says that rrrrrrrata didn’t even respect her own marriage. Oriana clarifies she doesn’t want the shares to be in her name. She doesn’t want Arturo to find out she was in cahoots with Genovenom and Bitter Betty.
CASA FERNANDO: Arturo wants to know how Fernando can think he’d leave Teresa. Fernando points out how he’s still doubting her, testing her. Teresa loves him, she will not cheat on him. Arturo wonders how Fernando can be so certain. He already spoke with Oriana and asked her not to interfere but she was right. He’s doubtful because Teresa is so anxious for him to recover his financial status. Fernando sees nothing wrong in this. Arturo should start again with Teresa, maybe even move away. If he won’t sell him the Luna Turqueza shares, then perhaps they can go to Cancun and handle it from there. Arturo doesn’t want to run away. He wants to confront the situation and he’s determined to find out if Teresa truly loves him. There are times he feels she does and he would do anything to avoid losing her. But then there are times that he’s tormented by doubt and this confuses him. He can’t forget the past. Although his head tells him he should retaliate and get away from her, his heart tells him to continue to fight to keep her by his side. In the midst of this conflict he feels he’ll go mad. Fernando pleads with him to listen and dedicate himself to being happy with Teresa or he’ll lose her.
LUXURY APARTMENTS: Teresa runs into to Mariano at the elevators and tells him she now lives here and soon she’ll return to her life of luxury. He certainly hopes so because that seems to be the only thing that will make her happy. Oh, he knows that’s not true, she says. They shared such beautiful times together and he didn’t have any money. Mariano sarcastically says she stopped sharing those moments with him and went after someone with money. He tells her not to worry. He’s sure Arturo will be happy to hear that he’s not one to visit with neighbors. She finds it incredible that they’re once again living in the same building. He says the difference is that he’s improved his lifestyle to arrive here while she’s come down a peg since she got married. If she had waited for him they’d be here…together. She doesn’t like to think about yesterday. She prefers to think of the future. He thinks always thinking of the future keeps her from living in the present. He accuses her of always calculating her next move and how she can have more without enjoying what she has. That’s not true, she says. She enjoyed their time together. She knows he misses their time together because he enjoys living in the past -- the past he had with her. It used to be painful for him to think of his past with her. But now he only asks himself how he could have been so stupid, so blind. That’s not blindness (ceguera), she says, that’s love. And even though he continues to deny it, he still loves her. “No Teresa,” he says “and if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll take the stairs.” Before he can get away, she calls after him, “accept it, you still love me. I know it.” She’s sure of it.
VECINDAD: Twerpberto visits Johnny/Pati and tells them how Gramps told him about Juana’s infertility and this is how he came to understand her. It’s now up to her to choose between him and Hector. YAWN!
PENTHOUSE: Arturo arrives just after Teresa. She greets him warmly and tells him he’s her present and she loves him. Guess Mariano’s little speech struck a nerve. He wonders if she’s going to try to talk him into accepting Fernando’s offer because this is how she always acts when she wants something. This upsets her and she walks off in a snit.
CASA BARRERA: Fernando explains to Luisa that the best thing that could happen to the Barreras is for them to move far away and this way they can all be happy. This will help them strengthen their marriage but if they stay here……Luisa interrupts him and says she’ll talk to Arturo. He adores Teresa and he has to come around. She knows Teresa loves him and will be patient. Besides, she thinks Teresa might be a little jealous of Lucia. She’s convinced they just need to talk things through. She doesn’t want the same thing to happen to them. If there’s ever anything that could jeopardize their own relationship, she wants him to promise her he’ll tell her. (be careful what you wish for)
PENTHOUSE: Arturo thought-bubbles Fernando’s words about divorcing Teresa if he won’t trust her. Teresa comes to him but changes her mind and goes to bed. He then goes to her but changes his mind and goes back to brooding on the couch. In the morning, he wakes her and she realizes he didn’t sleep with her. He wonders if she would have liked that and she wonders if he would have believed her if she asked him to. They embrace and she asks what it will take for him to believe she loves him. They begin to smooch.
CASA FERNANDO: Dumberto is taking his leave of Doña Oriana saying he’s figured out she only used him to get the goods on Teresa. Since he’s already told her everything, he’s resigning. She tells him not to feel bad about Teresa, he was only telling the truth. She tells him not to hesitate to call her if he is ever in need of employment.
VECINDAD: Mariano drops in on Juana and hands her the card from Jughead and tells her he knows the whole story. He knows Buttberto really loves her and Hector does too. He hopes she’ll choose the one that makes her happy. He asks about Aurora and she tells him she’s fine but Hector doesn’t want him near her. Mariano knows this but won’t let that stop him. She wishes him luck and he leaves.
Luisa stops by with Lucia to talk about her dress for the wedding.
CASA FERNANDO: The Barreras arrive and Teresa quickly looks for Fernando who tells her she was right in her suspicion that Arturo had Jacinto spying on her. She can’t believe he continues to doubt her when all she wants is to get away from Fernando to avoid being unfaithful. He tells her Arturo will definitely not accept his help. He then blabs that Arturo is determined to continue to put her to the test. Now that’s a loyal friend for you. Friggin’ Fickle Fernando!
Labels: Teresa
Friday, September 02, 2011
Alborada, 9/2/2011. Cap. 68.
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 67 start at this link.
Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Tia Isabel - Gotta' love 'er!

Susanlynn's caption: Yes, Gasca. That's what I said....where the sun don't shine."
Labels: Alborada
Teresa Thu 9/1/11 #129 Lots of slaps on the face, Fernando gets played some more
Complete recap is finally all finished!
Teresa is playing Fernando, saying how she thinks about how it would feel to be in his arms, but backs off and says that she thinks Professor Hottie suspects. Fernando is following her around and leaning in, drooling all over her like an idiot.
Professor Hottie walks in on their conversation and doesn't look like he suspects anything at all, but Fernando looks guilty. Fer talks business and Professor Hottie says he looks nervous. Fernando makes some excuse. Prof. Hottie thanks Fer for the use of the apartment. Fer asks him about how it's going with Mariano. Prof Hottie says much better and that it's so nice to not have the shadow of another man hanging over them. Fernando looks muy uncomfortable about that.
Aeeeeeda is bothering poor Mariano at work in the hospital. She tries to kiss him but he won't let her. She's just not getting it. He doesn't want to give her false hopes. She still wants to work around him and he sighs wearily.
Teresa visits Juana at home. Basically Teresa is all hot for Juana to marry Hector the Director, but Juana breaks the news that she loves Cutberto.
A pretty young woman is waiting at Professor Hottie's old house (where he still works). He uncertainly asks her what she's doing there. She coquettishly asks him if he doesn't remember the last night they spent together. He looks impactado.
Juana explains that she has been meaning to break up with Hector, but something always gets in the way. After some discussion, Teresa reminds Juana that her lovely relationship with Aurora will not be the same if Juana dumps Aurora's dad, Hector. Juana looks very sad at the thought of this.
Turns out coquettish girl is an old friend of Luisa and they haven't seen each other since they were like 9 and I guess the girl (Lucia) stayed at the family home. Hence "spending the night together." Professor Hottie looks relieved.
Mariano and Aeeeeeda talk for a little bit about Aeeeeeda's hermano, the ill baby of Esperanza. Apparently Aeeeeda is concerned about the kid.
There is this scene where Lucia (Luisa's friend) is helping Professor Hottie in the translation of a legal document. That's why she's there, to translate German. Professor Hottie and Lucia are poring over a document, their heads close together, as Teresa comes in and looks jealous and puts on an icy act. When she finds out the real story (German translator, friend of Luisa) she lightens up a bit but makes it clear that Lucia will be working with BOTH of them.
Rubigote and Geno are canoodling over their plot to steal Esperanza's kid. Complaining that Fito always wants more money. Kiss kiss. Then Mayra walks in and catches them! OH MY GOODNESS! I really didn't see that one coming!
Mayra rushes over to Geno and gives her two hard slaps and chews her out. Es el colmo (it's the limit) that she pretend to be her best friend while doing this! Then light dawns and she says, Now it's so clear why you were always visiting him in jail and asking me to pardon him! Mayra then goes on to say that it is Geno's betrayal that bothers her the most. Of course Geno and Rubigote try to make feeble excuses. Mayra says she went to Europe and got some nice goodies for Geno there, to thank her for all her help and support. And now she finds out this. As she is walking out she says, watch your money, don't trust this particular gentleman (meaning Rubigote). Geno is worried that Aeeeda will find out. Mayra says of course she'll tell her; she deserves to know the truth.
After Mayra is gone, Geno is worried and (I think) is telling Rubigote that if everyone knows that they (Geno and Rubigote) are a couple, then they'll suspect when the baby is kidnapped and Geno suddenly turns up with a baby.
A quick scene with Hernan the Galán, Refusio, and Esperanza. The baby is in a delicate way. Refusio has been praying for him. Esperanza is beside herself with worry and grief.
Professor Hottie is kinda thrilled that Teresa was obviously jealous of the German translator chick. Teresa denies it of course, but Professor Hottie has a smug look on his face. Teresa kisses him and says that she knows he only loves her.
Rubigote is doing damage control and is telling Aeeeeda that Mayra misconstrued a hug given to Geno (because she's so broken up about the death of Paulo) as something more. Aeeeda listens and looks thoughtful, like maybe she's not buying it.
Fernando is talking business with Professor Hottie and Teresa. I didn't get all of this. (The caffeine hasn't kicked in enough yet.) Something about an uncle taking over for his father, liquidizing a business? Sorry that I missed something here. Professor Hottie prepares to leave and gives Teresa a long sloppy kiss (which you know, is sort of tacky to do in front of anyone, even an old friend). Fernando looks away with his jaw all tight like he is totally jealous. (Idiot!)
Luisa is talking with Lucia and Lucia says she senses something is off with Teresa (or something?). Luisa explains about all the money troubles. Lucia makes some speculation about the pain that couples go through when they are separating. Luisa looks shocked at this. I think this is supposed to mean that Lucia senses that things are not normal between Teresa and Professor Hottie. (And that's an understatement!)
Professor Hottie has left the building. Fernando wastes no time and swoops in on Teresa and gives her his own sloppy smoochy kiss as the sharky guitar music plays. Teresa goes along with this for a while and then pulls away when he gets more ardent. She starts in with the whole story about we can't do this, think of Luisa, think of Professor Hottie, yadda yadda yadda. When Fernando says but do you want me, she says yes and just strings him along. He's actually kind of following her around, hovering, hoping to cop another feel. Sexual frustration, thy name is Fernando.
One of the things Teresa says to a panting and frustrated Fernando is that he is used to getting any woman he wants. Yes, she's got that right! When Fernando isn't looking, she's rolling her eyes like he's the biggest idiot that she's having to endure. But she tells him that she thinks she's falling in love with him. Oh boy, he looks a bit shell-shocked by that one.
Okay I think I missed something here. With the conversation between Luisa and Lucia, I think Lucia is talking about her own unhappy love life and how she's now single but determined to be happy. Or something.
More smooching between Fernando and Teresa. Teresa's rolling her eyes as Fernando smothers her neck with kisses. He says he's never felt this way before. She reminds him that he's on the verge of getting married, what about Professor Hottie, yadda yadda.
After more heavy breathing between Teresa and Fernando, she delivers what I think was the whole point all along—if Luna Turquesa goes for a good price (I think?) then she can start anew (meaning she can run off with him, right?).
Rubigote sees that accountant guy in a restaurant and confronts him in a big yelly scene. Accountant guy says it wasn't him who ratted out Rubigote and caused him to go to jail, it was Teresa. Rubigote is yelling "Teresa Teresa Teresa!" as he holds poor accountant guy by the collar and shakes him.
More with Teresa playing Fernando.
More with Rubigote yelling at the accountant. He still blames him and says he betrayed him.
Back and forth with Teresa and Fernando. They can't see each other. But if Luna Turquesa can get a good price . . . Fernando is in a position to do that.
She says that it's better if they not be alone anymore. Fernando looks absolutely devastated and is the epitome of sexual frustration.
There's a conversation between Teresa and Oriana (sp?) in Fernando's apartment (I think). I'm obviously missing something again. Teresa has a photo she took on her phone which shows that Oriana and Aeeeeda talking to each other, establishing that they are in cahoots, I guess. Then there's something about how Fernando has offered many times for her (and Professor Hottie?) to stay in his apartment. Still a bit confused by this. Oriana seems to understand what's going on and severely says that they have to talk.
Lucia is drawing swans in a sketchbook as Professor Hottie approaches. She says that she thinks that maybe it would be better if she not work for them (I think because she can tell Teresa is not totally okay with it) and she can recommend someone else. He says no way. It's hard to find someone (you work with) that you can trust. She smiles sweetly at this.
Weird sharky exchange between Teresa and Oriana. Teresa says she knows that Cutberto the chofer was the one who told her all the gossip that messed things up between her and Professor Hottie. Oriana says that she only told Professor Hottie the truth. Then I think Oriana makes some snipe about how Teresa will leave him for an otro hombre (another man) some day. Teresa slinks in for the kill. She says something about how she can get any man she wants, and she then says she can have Oriana's son (Fernando)! Oriana wastes no time and gives Teresa a resounding slap across the face. You're not going to mess with my son! Oriana proclaims.
Brief scene where Lucia says she's loyal, and that they are friends. She's happy to sign a confidentiality agreement and get to work. It'll be nice to work with the brother of her friend, Luisa. Smiles all around.
Teresa says to Oriana that if she will just accept Teresa that things will be okay and there won't be any trouble. Oriana says that she tried to help Professor Hottie financially, but his pride kept him from accepting. So she doesn't think that she can get him to accept it now(?). Again I apologize because I'm missing something. Then there is something about how Teresa says that Oriana won't accept Teresa only because she was born poor. Oriana corrects her and says no, it's because you're too ambitious. She then says (I think) that because she (Teresa) is smart and has a career, she could be successful, but she wanted the fast track, so she married money.
Teresa replies that she loves Professor Hottie, and then says, "You have no idea what I've been willing to do to help him!" Oooooh. I think the part she left out was, "You have no idea what I've been willing to do TO FERNANDO" (Or "with Fernando").
Lucia and Professor Hottie working together. I guess it's getting late. He asks her if she's tired. She says it's okay, now that she's signed the confidentiality agreement, she can take the paperwork home and work on it there. She says something about how she doesn't think that Teresa would like to see her having dinner there. Prof. Hottie says that they only work at the house, and that Luisa and Fernando live in it now.
Fernando comes in and Luisa makes small talk about the upcoming wedding with him and Luisa. Fernando looks less than thrilled.
Oriana isn't getting it and thinks that Teresa couldn't do much to help Professor Hottie. She thinks that Teresa would just run off with a richer man. Teresa makes some veiled comment about how that might happen (i.e. Fernando will be the richer man). Oriana doubts that Professor Hottie will recover from his financial upset quickly, but if he does, she doubts it'll be due to anything Teresa did. She then leaves by saying something about how if Teresa did leave him, she'd be doing him a favor, and that she'll stop being a threat (?) to Luisa and Fernando. I tried but I'm not getting this completely. Teresa has an angry, tight, determined look on her face, anyway.
Fernando is talking with Professor Hottie and he's saying he's thinking about what he wants to do with his inheritance. He wants to help Prof. Hottie and Teresa and get Luna Turquesa (I think). Professor Hottie thanks him, says he knows that Fernando wants to help, and says that his situation is not so critical that he's going to give up the only real valuable thing he has left. (I think his pride? Self-respect?)
Rubigote is telling Aeeeeda about his troubles with Teresa being behind him getting into trouble with the law.
Yes, I guess it was Professor Hottie's pride he was talking about. He says that if the time comes when he needs help, he'll let Fernando know. Luisa comes in and after Prof. Hottie leaves, she's talking about wedding plans. Fernando says whatever she decides is fine with him, but she says no, she needs him for this.
Aeeeeda is sufficiently angry at Teresa's involvement, and vows that they'll (her and Rubigote) will get revenge.
Teresa's rooting through her jewelry-laden Teddy Bear, apparently making sure she's set in case she's got to leave Professor Hottie. Professor Hottie arrives home at this time. He says that Fernando offered a good price on Luna Turquesa. She says take it! Oh, he's not so sure. She then ups the ante by saying that she's been thinking about it and she'd love to have his hijos. If they could start again, then it could happen. Kissy kiss.
Some brief conversation between Mariano and Cutberto. Both talking about their hopes to see the ladies in their lives and get things rolling.
Juana has a semi-argument with Hector the Director. He doesn't want that Mariano guy sniffing around his daughter. He'll never forget Teresa and he's just going to keep hurting Aurora. Juana sticks up for Mariano and says she thinks he's for real this time. Blah blah blah. Hector the Director gets adamant and animated in defense of his daughter. Juana is seeing both sides to things, but she doesn't want to fight with Hector the Director.
In the morning, Fernando comes over for breakfast and hears that Professor Hottie isn't, apparently, going to take his offer. (I think.)
Geno and Rubigote are ranting about how that darn Teresa is to blame for all their troubles. Aeeeeda comes in. She's got some plot where I think she's going to buy the shares(?) of Martin on Luna Turquesa, thus screwing things up for Teresa and Professor Hottie, leaving them with nothing.
END OF EPISODE! Sorry if I got things wrong, I know I did!
Labels: Teresa
La Pola - September 1, 2011 - Discussion Page
Pola narrowly escapes being caught by the royalist army. The Almeida brothers tell her to go to Santa Fé with Juliano. She is to go to Mrs. Recaute’s (sp?) house. She stops at Doña Matea’s house on her way and learns that Matea’s husband has returned from Spain and that they will remain in America. When she arrives at her destination, she finds none other than Col. Rodriguez who looks unnaturally baby-faced in civilian clothing. She accuses him of cowardice and treason, and he tries in vain to explain. Meanwhile Alejo has lead an ill-fated charge against the royalist army and against the advice of Arcos. He will not be called a coward. His forces are outnumbered and overrun and what remains of his troops are captured and taken to Popayan to jail. Pedrito and Vivianito who have miraculously survived will be set free because they are minors. General Sámano is in charge and he recognizes Alejo in the cell. According to the laws of war, Sámano orders the prisoners to be set apart by quinto – every fifth one will be executed by lots. Alejo is among those who are to be executed. Gaspar and Eusebia go to the convent to beg the Mother Superior to plead with Sámano to spare the lives of their nephew and of Alejo. Sámano has already ordered the execution and Alejo and six others are lined up and ready to be shot. Their heads will be cut off and displayed for all to see what happens to traitors. Iglesias, who was also imprisoned, has convinced Sámano to set him free and let him rejoin the royalist army. To test his fidelity, Sámano orders him to be a member of the firing squad.
Labels: LaPola
La Fuerza del Destino #22 Thu 09/01/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's sexi sexi kisses
Ivan apologizes to Lucia and says it was a conversation they needed to have. Wait, did he just say he's sorry for throwing their lunch on the floor and kissing her like there's no tomorrow? Cause I'm pretty sure she was already finished with lunch, and she didn't look like she minded the kissing so much. He's going to call her tonight after he talks to Maripaz, but they're going to keep it from her that they're…together? item? scenes from adult films in his as-yet-decorated kitchen? And she lets him know that she's planning to meet David after class, just so there are no misunderstandings. So I guess she's going to play amateur sexologist after all.
Maripaz and Judith are looking through decorating mags. Maripaz is definitely a "form over function" gal. She points something out to Judith, who says "What makes you think that man would like a piece of furniture like that? And besides it looks uncomfortable!" ("mueble": piece of furniture) "But it's pretty." Just for that, I hope Judith makes her own proposal, independent of Maripaz, and Toni likes hers better and she sets up her own interior design firm and moves out of her dad's house. Judith is tired. They've been at this all day, and I'm guessing all day Maripaz has been making ridiculous suggestions. Maripaz tells Judith to just pick out whatever she likes while Maripaz calls Ivan. Now Judith is pissed at being treated like a secretary. Ivan isn't happy she's calling his cell instead of leaving a message with the hotel like he asked her to. Maripaz tells him not to be so "gruñon"(grumpy). She wants to meet him at 9 at a bar, but he'd rather meet earlier and somewhere less "concurrido" (busy, popular) so that people won't see them. She asks why he doesn't want to be seen with her…"Do you have a girlfriend?" Ivan gives up and agrees to meet her at the bar. I bet he's giving serious consideration to getting a new cell phone. With a different number. In Antarctica. Maripaz turns her attention back to Judith.
Celia tells Camilo that his sister went to go give her notice at work. Before he can leave to go back to work, she calls him back to ask him if it's true that Ivan is getting back together with Maripaz. Camilo says she tried her best, but he thinks "a el se le cayó la venda de los ojos y la vio tal cual es" (the bandage fell off his eyes and he saw her just as she is). Celia is glad. Not that she listens to gossip about those shady, shady rich people, but she certainly hasn't heard anything good about Maripaz! Camilo says she's kinda nuts and she's already divorcing David Mondragon. Celia wonders if it's because of Ivan. Camilo doesn’t think Ivan cares--he's into Lucia now. Camilo agrees she's good looking. He tells his mom that he knows because Antolín told him…and he told him about the fight yesterday too. Celia thinks JJ is gonna flip. Camilo thinks Ivan is protected by Toni's money and by his unfortunate relation to JJ.
Camilo has nothing to report to Toni on the Maripaz front. He and Ivan haven't had a lot of time to sit around chatting. Camilo isn't worried, though, because he doesn't think Ivan is stupid. Ivan walks in and Toni and Camilo start talking to him about hiring employees. Speaking of which, Ivan asks Camilo to help him find a good administrator for the Curiel ranch. He tells them he talked to Lucia about it and Toni laughs. The problem, according to Camilo is not finding a "good" administrator, but finding an "honorable" one. He's willing to help finding one, though. Camilo shows Ivan resumes for the employees he has in mind and tells him that he and Toni would like to hire women to work in the packing plant since they're more efficient. In the stack of resumes is David Mondragon's, which surprises Ivan. "Doesn't he work with his dad?" Ivan is willing to hire him as long as Camilo and Toni agree. Camilo just worries about JJ getting upset, but to Ivan that's not so much a problem as a bonus!
At the bar that night, Maripaz tries to deny telling the ENTIRE WORLD that she slept with Ivan. He tells her to quit bullshitting…he knows she told her mom. "Well, fine, I did it so she'd leave me alone. So she'd understand that she can't keep you and I from being together! Because we've got a serious thing, here!" "Do you really think I could have something serious with you after everything you've done? You didn't just look down on me when we were kids, you also used me. And then when we saw each other again, you lied to me--telling me my son was dead when you knew full well he'd been kidnapped and you didn't do anything to try to find him!" He cuts her off before she can tell him any more lies. She tries to whine and pout and blame Lucia, but Ivan tells her to leave Lucia out of it. Maripaz blames Lucia for getting between them. Ivan tells her she's the only one responsible for him not loving her anymore. "If I ever loved you, now I regret it. There's nothing between us and there never will be, so quit shouting to the four winds that we're engaged and we're going to get married." Maripaz blames Lucia again and gulps her drink, calling Lucia a bad sister and a traitor. Ivan tells her it's over and she starts blubbering and begging. He takes her drink away and tells her he's taking her home. Maripaz won't go. She swears he'll regret treating her like that. OMG, I just got a look at her dress! Who is perpetrating these crimes against fashion? No, wait, she just bought a bunch of that stretch sequin trim and wrapped three different colors of it around herself, right? Right? Please tell me that dress is not sold in stores! Ivan wants to get her a taxi instead of letting her drive home, but she takes off. Well, if she walks home I'm sure she'll be very, very visible!
She runs into Antolín outside and he walks her to his car as she whines that no one can help her.
Lucia gets to David's place and asks her driver to wait, saying it won't be long.
Judith gets home, finally. She tells her mom Maripaz is nuts and gets a foot rub for her trouble. She tells her mom that she's helping decorate the McGuire house. But no worries, her dad can't get mad at her for having a job since she's doing it for free. "Besides, you know how he keeps trying to get in good with them." She complains about how they walked all over the place today.
Maripaz whines that she only accepted Antolín's offer of help because he's a friend of her ex-brother-in-law. Antolín asks the whining drunk what the hell Maripaz wanted if she didn't want to be married. Maripaz tells him most of her history with Ivan and Antolín pretends to be surprised that Ivan is a hometown boy. Maripaz whines that Ivan doesn't care about her anymore now that her sister has gone after him. "I'm sure she'll even sleep with him to get her hooks into him!" Antolín tells her any man would give her anything to be with her. Now she spills the rest of the frijoles and tells him about the baby. "You had a kid?!"
So, basically, yes, David is aroused by women, he's capable of having an erection, but he…um…okay, so he can call Congress into session and, um, assemble the, ah, Congress, but he can't bang the gavel…yeah, that's it. This is awkward for Lucia, as well, because she actually knows him. She'd really rather he go to a specialist, but he's too embarrassed. "WTF, dude, this is your sex life, here, what's a little embarrassment compared to that?!" She clarifies that although any woman would be happy to have him, neither she nor her sister is into him. And no she doesn't prefer Saul cause he's not terribly understanding or much of a companion. Plus she's not submissive, like his mom.
Submissive Mom herself at least has enough of a brain to have figured out that Maripaz is using Judith to try to get closer to Ivan. Judith knows it's true, and it's been true for years! Esther dismisses the maid so she can hear the gossip. Ivan is, in fact, Ivan. Oh, and BTW, Maripaz knocked boots with him back in the day. "Did Lucrezia know?" "Who knows?"
Maripaz continues telling Antolín about the baby. Antolín now realizes that's the reason Lucrezia ordered Ivan to be beaten. Maripaz whines some more about Lucia stealing her baby daddy! Antolin grins like he's figured out some way to make money out of this knowledge.
Maripaz squees with her grandma that she just luuuuuuuurves Ivan. Carlota is thrilled. Lucia is a little worried, though, that he hasn't forgotten Maripaz completely. Carlota says he may be bitter because of all the crap he's lived through, but he's also a smart guy. He's not going to tell her he loves her without meaning it. Lucia knows this is gonna suck when her mom and her sister find out, but at least grandma is on her side! Ivan calls her…from bed! Grandma gets the hell out of there ASAP. "Where are you?" "In my bedroom." "All the more reason for me to want to be there!" "Ivan!" "Aw, come on, just so we can cuddle and maybe kiss a little…." "I want to too, but…ni modo…" (nothing to be done about it). She changes the topic to Maripaz. Damn, Lucia! I feel like you just dumped a bucket of ice over my head! I don't wanna talk about Maripaz! I want more sexy Ivan in bed with his hands out of the frame! What? I didn't shoot the scene! Go complain to them! Ivan says it wasn't pleasant. He told her to quit saying they're engaged and she can just imagine how Maripaz took it, considering she'd already been drinking. "Did you tell her about me?" Ivan says she tried to imply it, but he shut her down. He's made his decision. "I love you and I'm convinced of my love for you and whatever everyone else thinks or doesn't think or does doesn't matter to me!" "I love you too. You know I've always loved you. Although now I love you just a little bit more."
Antolín gets Maripaz to her front gate, but he has to ring the bell since she can't find her keys. Cleto comes to let her in and Antolín jokes that she's had just a few "cucharadas" (spoonfuls) too many. Antolín hands her off to Cleto and tells him where to find her car tomorrow. Well, that's awfully decent of him…I mean, as far as I can tell he talked to her, cheered her up, got her home safely, and let someone know where her car was. Other than what he's planning to do with the information, and assuming he didn't shag her in her drunken state, he's been a perfect gentleman.
So now Antolín goes over to The 9 Ball to meet up with "Gordo," who's been waiting for him for hours. Antolín says he got some really good info off a gal…not that he'll say who…except that he does say…it was Maripaz and she had the baby of a servant's son. Antolín's just waiting for the family to actually have money before he blackmails them. That's sound business sense.
Maripaz comes into Lucia's room and confronts her about Ivan. She claims Ivan was eating out of her hand and they even "made love." Then she turns right around and says he dumped her and it's all Lucia's fault. She grabs Lucia by her injured shoulder and makes me scream at the TV. Lucia's screams bring Lucrezia running. She screams at both of her daughters for acting like bitches in heat. Carlota is sick of Lucrezia's screaming and her granddaughters fighting with each other. Lucrezia throws Maripaz out of the room, then turns on Lucia, but Carlota says it's time they talked. "What about? The shame that's fallen over our house?" Carlota tells Lucrezia to wait for her in the "estancia" (the great room) and Lucrezia complies without arguing. Carlota asks Lucia if she was hurt and says they'll take her to get checked out by the doctor tomorrow, despite Lucia's protests. And if Lucia won't go to the doctor, she's at least going to call the school and tell them she's not coming in to work. Lucia starts to whine, but like a good grandma, Carlota says "You're not going!" and tells her to get in bed and go to sleep.
Then she goes to deal with Lucrezia. "I know what you're going to say--that Ivan is Teodoro's grandson." "No. The only thing I'm going to say is that if you won't put this house in order, I will." Lucrezia laughs, saying both girls have become "alebrestadas" (overexcited) and "encaprichadas" (crushing on)…Carlota is sick of her calling Ivan the son of a servant. He's Teodoro's grandson. "I know the song, mom!" Carlota begs her to realize that Maripaz is an alcoholic. She's doing things she shouldn't. Getting divorced just a few weeks after getting married, going after her sister while she's injured…. But Lucrezia doesn't know what to do. Carlota says there are institutions. I'm screaming at the TV again when Lucrezia is more concerned about "everyone" finding out her daughter's an alcoholic than anything else. "You think the people who see her at the nightclubs don't know it?" Grandma's right. Lucrezia says she's always tried to be strong and in charge, but she realizes everything has gotten out of her hands. Carlota acknowledges it's been a tough job and she admires Lucrezia, but it's time to leave her pride and snobbery aside…"If you think I'm going to let one of my daughters get involved with the son of that bastard…." "See?! That's what I'm referring to! Ivan and Lucia are in love." Lucrezia won't hear it, but Carlota says she'll keep saying it until the last day of her life. "Now let's talk in your terms. No one knows that Ivan is the son of a servant, much less that he's your father's grandson." "You told Maripaz." "I don't think she'll tell anyone. But let's talk about business, since that's what interests you. Antoni would love for Ivan to marry Lucia. The kids are in love. And if that love is formalized and they get married, with even more reason Antoni will help us get the ranch back on its feet. Toni adores Ivan and he'd never leave Lucia's family unprotected, no matter how much Ivan dislikes us." Lucrezia starts to feel the pull of the pesos.
At the hotel, Camilo, Benito, and Toni have dinner. Benito tries to make friends with Camilo's dinner, then cuts the joking and says he doesn't really know much about Camilo. Camilo says he was married, but his wife left him when he lost his job. Benito says he'll find another girl soon, as handsome as he is. Ivan joins them and they all joke about Benito's hearty appetite. Toni is glad to see Ivan happy. Ivan says he's ready to get married…to Lucia. He's not interested in Maripaz anymore. Toni is happy for him, but wants him to take his time. Camilo asks what happened with Lucia and Saul. Ivan grins and rubs his nose.
Lucia stayed home from school after all, and she's agreed to go to the hospital. The driver is going to take Lucia and her grandmother, and he agrees not to tell Ivan.
Lucrezia and JJ go hang out Lucrezia's ranch. He brings up the way her girls are making his sons look less manly than he'd like. He tells Lucrezia that she owes him. He wants her to talk to Lucia and convince her to convince Ivan to install the hydroponics in Lucrezia's and JJ's ranches. He says they don't have the money to do it in all the ranches, but they certainly have enough to do it in just two. And she'll do this why? Oh, because if she does maybe one day he'll owe her a favor. Whatever, loser. Can't she see he's just grasping at straws here? Lucrezia says she'll think about it and JJ cautions her not to think too long. "If Ivan likes your daughter so much, I'm sure he'll accept."
Camilo lets Ivan know that they're ready to start interviewing employees. Ivan is worried that Lucia isn't returning his calls and her phone is saying that it's off. He calls the school and the gossipy principal tells him that Lucia is taking a sick day. Ivan gets even more worried and ends up at the hospital, yelling at the driver about not telling him she came to the hospital. He tells Ivan that her shoulder is hurting and Ivan tells him that from now on, he's to be kept informed.
Ivan goes into the hospital and sees Carlota in the waiting area. She tells him to chill, the doc is checking out her shoulder. Before he can find out how she got hurt, Lucia comes in and tells Ivan it was just a checkup. The doctor says she's fine, but she really needs to quit bumping into furniture or the injury won't heal properly and she could have serious consequences. Ivan asks what piece of furniture she bumped into and Lucia just says it was just something…in the bedroom. He wants her to stay home until she's completely healed, but Lucia won't agree. Ivan goes to pay for the visit, but Lucia doesn't want him to. "Do you really want us to argue here?" He goes to pay and Lucia gripes to Carlota that he's being high-handed. Carlota thinks he's just showing he loves her and she needs to quit being so "quisquillosa" (fussy) about it. I agree with Lucia. He is being high-handed. But unlike Saul, I think if she points out his behavior he might actually calm down and quit acting like a caveman.
Olga the Gossipy Principal calls Esther to tell her about the phone call from Ivan. "I don't get it! Now it looks like the guy's after Lucia! He calls her every day!"
Lucia is trying to talk to Ivan about his behavior. Ivan is trying to defend himself. He begs to see her later and says if he takes her for a ride, she can still rest. They hear Lucrezia Borgia coming home and Lucia rolls her eyes expecting the worst. Lucrezia comes in with a big smile on her face for Ivan and I nearly gag. Ivan is civil to her and Lucrezia invites him into the living room.
Toni and Benito are going over some paperwork when David arrives. Benito goes to keep watch on the door. Toni reviews David's sparse resume and compliments David on his grades. Toni's like a crazy cat lady, except with grown men in need of a father figure.
Back in the bizarro world, Lucrezia pretends to care how Lucia is feeling and offers Ivan a drink. She coos over how Ivan and Toni have been sooo nice to them! "I don't know how to repay such kindness!" "And we don't have anything to repay you with, so we'll just have to do it with thankfulness." Carlota cracks me up! Her delivery of that line, the way she mocked Lucrezia…just priceless! Ivan takes advantage of the situation to announce his engagement to Lucia and ask for permission to visit her at the house. Lucrezia starts to complain about how Lucia was engaged to Saul just a minute and a half ago and damn these kids these days move fast. Lucia defends her decision to break it off with Saul. Ivan tells Lucrezia that Toni likes Lucia, but this is a decision for him and Lucia. Lucrezia nearly breaks her face grinning at them, then switches into desperation mode. "Are you thinking of getting married soon?"
Lucia finds her mother's behavior suspicious. Ivan agrees, but he doesn't think there's anything she can do but accept it. Lucia thinks she's working an angle, but Ivan reassures her that he and Toni were planning to help them, regardless. No, Toni was planning to help them…you were plotting revenge. Lucia can't believe they're engaged already. Ivan wants the whole world to know! Smoochies in between talking about what a wonderful, enchanting, stubborn woman! "Is this about the hospital?" "Well, I just didn't want to get into an argument there. Besides, the doctor said you have to rest." Lucia tries to insist that going to school doesn't tire her. Ivan tells her she has to follow doctor's orders, and besides, it's just for a week. "Fine, but when we're married, you're not going to forbid me from working, are you?" He hesitates for comic effect, then says he could never fobid her anything. Smoochies! Damn, they do that well!
Lucrezia plays innocent to Carlota. She fills her in on her meeting with JJ…or at least the first part. Oh, never mind, she spills all the frijoles. They both realize they don't know where Maripaz is or why her car isn't outside, but they go right back to talking about JJ. Carlota can't figure out why JJ would think the McGuire's would agree to install the hydroponic equipment at Rancho Soledad AND on his own ranch. Lucrezia says that's JJ for you--trying to get whatever he can.
Lucia walks Ivan to the door. Ivan's going to take the driver, since Lucia's not planning to go out. Cleto sees them and Ivan asks how he is. "Oh, I'm fine. I won't ask how you're doing…I can see you're doing really well!" Ivan kisses Lucia goodbye and she stays to talk to Cleto. He hasn't had a chance to tell anyone, but last night Maripaz came home late and a friend brought her home. Lucia goes to tell her mom and grandma and lets them know that Maripaz's car is still at the bar. Lucrezia goes to yell at a presumably badly hung over Maripaz. Carlota tells Lucia that Maripaz drinks too much. "Do you think it's my fault?" Carlota says of course not.
Maripaz is still asleep. She doesn't remember leaving her car out at the bar. Lucrezia swears if Maripaz comes home late and drunk again, she's going to tell Cleto not to open the gate for her and Maripaz can consider herself kicked out of the house. That doesn't even make a dent. Lucrezia tells her to go shower and go get her car. "My heeeeead," Maripaz whines.
Toni and David have moved from the formal part of the interview to talking about David's personal life--crappy dad, crappy wife, divorce. Toni doesn't really want to hear about it. David keeeeeps talking. Toni cuts him off again, but agrees that his dad is an ass. He's going to hire him as "Gerente Administrativo" (Administrative Manager…I think it's really more like Operations Manager), not just because he has the requisite education, but because Toni likes him. David is concerned about his dad's reaction, but Toni says his dad's not an idiot, and he'll talk to him. "Do you think Ivan will object?" "Why would he?" "Well, I've heard he's interested in Maripaz." "Well, he's not, and even if he was, we don't mix business and personal, so consider yourself hired!" David is grateful.
And tomorrow: I don't know because my DVR cut off during the credits.
Labels: Fuerza
Cuando Me Enamoro #97 Thursday 9/1/11 The jockettes of Ensenada - La Doctora goes fishing, Berta climbs a tree and Renata wrestles jerks
Oh snap, without missing a beat Nata retorts she’s not there for him but to support Kari, now step aside.
Renata offers her condolences (pésame) to Kari and they hug. I’m still blown away by how great Renata looks. Did Augi buy that outfit for her? Nice hair too. Everybody stares at Nata as she tells Kari that when someone treats you well you never bury them from your life (don’t forget them), but when someone easily causes you pain you can bury them far away from your life and your heart .
Jero stands just behind them hearing all of Nata’s words. But does he feel bad or guilty? Does he realize she could be talking about him? Not at all. He pipes up, “I totally agree with you Renata, now take off.” Nata firmly explains she doesn’t like being there either, she’s done what she came to do and now she’s leaving. Jero, still not content that he has proven what a jerk he is, grabs her arm, pulls her away from Kari, and escorts her toward the door. Nata shakes him off and proudly exits. Doc Tata watches. Do you like what you see doc? Because you could be on the receiving end one day. Or maybe you’re one of those chicas who think they can change a man? Nopis, never gonna happen.
Manuela stops Renata and tries to explain Jero’s bad behavior but Nata will hear none of it. She’s in a rage and snaps at Manuela (I think SN really made Manuela jump) that Jero is a bum. Everyone says she should understand him but who ever tried to understand her? Manuela speaks of their great love and Nata is all “Excuuuuse me, you call the way he spoke to me a great love?” Errrr, not exactly, admits Manuela, she adds that Jero is acting out of pain and jealousy. Nata corrects her, Jero never loved her and the jealousy is only his bruised ego. Manuela insists she has seen with her own eyes how he’s cried over Nata.
Augi discovers Nata has gone to the funeral without him and he’s in a right snit. Yep, there go his bottom teeth jutting out. (Thanks RLO for pointing that out.) Berta, hanging out by the pool which is her favorite pastime no matter where she is, gloats and giggles that Augi has a meltdown.
Doc Tata enters Jero’s study to console the brooding cretin, She kneels at his feet and pats his knee. Oh gag me with a spoon. He gripes about Nata showing up but Doc Tata wisely tells him that when he agreed to have the velorio at his house he opened it up to all people, including Renata. He behaved badly in front of a lot of people and had no right to humiliate her. Jero scowls and sulks that Renata humiliated him more, ending up with his worst enemy, boo hoo. DocTata reminds him they are divorced, plus an engagement doesn’t mean she loves Augi. She could be seeking refuge. Jero whines that he doesn’t know if Renata ever really loved him.
Manuela tells Nata she can’t keep quiet when she sees someone making the wrong decision, like Nata becoming engaged to Augi for example. Does Nata really think she can be happy with Augi? Nata’s not sure but she hopes so. Besides, one nail drives out the other, right? Manuela warns her that can also leave you with a wall full of holes (hoyos). Manuela knows that Nata and Jero love each other. Nata tells her that sometimes love isn’t enough.
When Nata returns to Cruz de Amor Augi jumps up and demands to know where she was. Nata snaps it was a last minute decision and she doesn’t need to ask his permission. He backpedals and uses the “I was worried for your safety” excuse. He wisely changes the subject, how about they go to the beach tomorrow? She wiselier* tells him she can’t marry him and wants to leave forever. Augi is all “Wahhh, stay with me.” She rolls her eyes. (*made up word)
It’s a full moon (as always) over the wine country and Laz visits the Padre, still clad in his colorful, purple robe. Laz wants to confess something right here and now. He feels bad because he’s happy about Alvaro’s death. The Padre stops him right there, “Me too bro. That guy was evil incarnate; may he rot in hell, God willing.” Hee, I made that up. The Padre stops Laz and suggests that what he’s feeling is liberation because Alvaro is no longer an obstacle for Laz and Kari. The Padre absolves Laz, no penitence.
Jero calls Regina to offer condolences. I wish Gonzo would be there to grab the phone, tell Jero he’s not welcome and then hang up on him. I wonder how Jero would like it? No such luck. Jero tells Gina they have lots to talk about and he’ll see her soon.
Gonzo visits Honorio in jail and fills him in on Cata’s death. He says Gina’s all torn up because she and the metiche mama were on the outs and Cata died before Regina could shut her pie-hole, er...I mean before they could reconcile. Hons says that’s why you have to tell your peeps you love them when you can. Gonzo reveals to Hons that today they are going to entrap BSCBlanca and Hons will be free.
Regina tells gal pals Cons and Inez that she is doomed to be alone. Um, they remind her about Gonzo. Oh yeah, that guy she's supposed to marry. Gina is still whining about mom not forgiving her (for what exactly?) and adds that Cata said something about Pepa and Gonzo’s wife. Cons repeats "about Pepa and about Fina". Why did she say that? Gina says they were Cata’s last words. Think Cons, think!
Creep me out, Augi is playing a little game with Nata. He’s covered her eyes and is leading her into a room. It doesn’t seem like she’s enjoying the game. Probably because it’s just a lame excuse for him to manhandle and clutch her. He’s got a grand surprise for her...LOOK!
He uncovers Nata’s eyes and she sees a huge mock up of his new Renacer (or something like that) label featuring Nata’s silhouette, she’s his muse. Big whoop, say Renata's eyes. Roberta spies and skulks off with her lips curled in a snarl.
Over at La Bonita Kari thanks Jero and he tells her she is a beloved by the entire hacienda. She says finally it’s all over. “Not all,” slips Jero. “Que????” ask Kari and Manuela. “Err, your life continues,” he ad-libs, “and all your friends are here to surround you.” Mati offers up her room since she and Carlos are moving out right after the wedding. Mati’s headband is too tight and she can’t see the big gigantic anvil hurtling towards her.
Oh HO, I see Dr. Tatarrific has decided she won’t be outdone by Nata’s hotness. Her exuberant bosom threatens to burst from her dress as she tells Jero today she discovered not only is he generous but he’s got the most noble heart she’s ever known. Maybe she didn’t agree with how he treated Renata but it showed he has passion. He has been a great surprise in her life. Wow, she’s good. She baits her hook, she casts her line, and he bites!! Her reward is a big mouth bass beso from Mr. Passion. Be careful what you wish for honey.
Nata tepidly tells Augi that of course she’s happy about his label. Mutual thanks back and forth,yawn. He says after they are married this will be the first picture they have in their home. Nata’s smile disappears. She sighs that her divorce with Jero wasn’t easy and she doesn’t want to experience the same with him. Augi gives his word (hack hack) that will never happen.She’s uncomfortable with him always speaking of her as his woman, his wife, and she asks for his patience. He responds, “All that you need...just so long as I can lock you in my prison palace, control your life and boink your sister until the end of our days.” (I made up everything past the dot dot dot.)
After Marina leaves Jero berates himself for the kiss. It’s not fair for him or for her. She deserves better than to be in his failure of a life. I believe he's talking about Marina even though he flashed back on kissing both Marina and Nata. I'm going to set my stopwatch to see how long it takes Jero to go sniffing after La Doc.
Laz sees Kari in the vineyard and he makes his move. Turns out his move could have been as easy as passing gas because Kari jumps on him. Falling into his arms she declares she needs him more than ever.
As they stroll happily through the vineyard Mati steps out behind them and comments at last they’re together, and she’s with Carlos, and they can all live happily at La Bonita. The anvil continues to hurtle toward La Bonita.
Elsewhere in the vineyard Alfonsina and Carlos inspect the vines and determine that the combination of insecticide and their mysterious neon brew is doing the trick. Now they need to get the word out to the other haciendas. Alfonsina is worried because they haven’t invited Cruz de Amor to play, what with all the bad blood between Augi, Jero and Renata. Carlos sets his jaw and says they have to do what’s good for the valley and not get wrapped up in personal problems. Give the plant cure to Ezequiel.
Coni asks Regina if she has any pictures of her daughter. When Gina dashes off to get more pictures Coni tells Inez she’s interested because Gina saw Pepa close by her house. She wants to be on high alert. Inez says thus far all she and Isidro have had are red herrings.
Regina shows Coni some age-progression drawings and Coni gasps. Regina already knows why, they look like Gonzo’s daughters don’t they? But the family investigated and they could be projections of thousands of girls.
BSCBlanca meets Daniel in a cafe. She tells him to open his computer and send her the info she requested. Daniel looks guilty and the employees look like suspicious plain clothes cops.
Matias visits Adri to stop by with a burrito and steal a kiss while the coast is clear (sin que hay moros en la costa). Unfortunately he has to rush back to work to monitor the BSCBlanca sting operation. He tells her that Daniel went to the dark side for Adri, so he could be rich and deserving of her. Adri feels sorry for Daniel and says he’s not really a bad person. I'm sorry Adri, but he's not really a good person either.
Blanca gets the information and Daniel tells her she’s a genius. She admits she’s got a bit of experience at this, more than he knows. The plain clothes cops hover closely to catch every word. Blanca becomes frustrated while waiting for some sort of confirmation to load on her laptop, glances at the suspicious behavior around her, and warns Daniel this had better not be a trap.
She pretends to go to the bathroom and makes her escape while Daniel kvetches ineffectually. Once again BLSBlanca’s big bazongas carry her forward at lightning speed and she leaves the cops in the dust.
The La Bonita ladies are happily cooking and discussing the upcoming familial fun when wet blanket Kari informs Mati she won’t be doing any partying for awhile. It wouldn’t be prudent since she’s in mourning (de luto). Manuela confirms that it’s tradition. Mati’s bummed that Kari won’t be able to meet her in-laws tonight. FF>>
Jero and Carlos are in the vineyard inspecting the vines. They are happy to note that their cure is fixing the plant plague. Carlos says something about meeting his parents to go on a wine tour before dinner. Jero wants a lift into town to “clear up” something with Marina. Yeah, right. Thirteen minutes including commercials.
Nata and Augi are looking all over for Roberta. Ezequiel runs in to say Berta borrowed a horse, one of the Aztecas that nobody but Augi is allowed to touch. Nata is surprised, Berta doesn’t even like to ride. Augi yells first at Ez and then at Nata, doesn’t she understand about someone being under his protection? No, well, yes of course, she says, staring inquisitively into his crazed eyes.
Roberta is fine and doing her own tour. She wanders over to the love tree, sees “Renata y Jeronimo” and laughs that this heart is roto, roto, roto! (broken) She made me laugh, too, as she whacked it with her little stick. She moves up the branch (Hey Berta, I think your sister had sex on that branch!!) and sees the “Berta y Rafael” heart. She flashes back to yet another sexy but scruffy galán who professed that he wanted to shout out his love for her to the four winds.
Roberta sheds bitter tears and reflects that Rafael should be by her side. Instead she is lonelier than ever. She’s not like Renata, whom everybody adores and wants to marry. She hugs the branch and cries how much she misses Rafa. Truly a sad scene. Luckily I plan to hate her again in about 2 seconds.
BSCBlanca disguises herself by donning a baseball cap (cachucha). She skulks around town hiding from cop cars.
At the same time the police and Team Monterrubio are getting a debrief from nervous Daniel. Blanca is now more dangerous than ever. They need to find her soon so that Hons can get out of jail.
The Comandante yells at someone on the phone, if they lose Blanca now they’ll never find her. Daniel says he has an alternate address for her, she lives in Parish (parroquia) 3-0. The Comandante puts out an APB. Car 54 where are you??
Jero and Carlos arrive in town. Jero tells Carlos not to wait for him and to wish him luck. Blech.
Jero knocks on Doc Tata’s door and they make goo-goo eyes at each other. They’ll meet soon. Marina asks her grinning patient, “now where were we?”
Fina paces and soothes her headache by abusing and insulting the maid. I think I’ve used this line in at least three recaps. Surely this poor maid can find another job? Oh well, times are tough.
Fina asks if Berta has called. Of course not; Fina wonders where her daughter has gone. She demands the phone which the maid picks up from right next to Fina and hands to her. I wonder if she chews Fina’s food too?
Fina dials Berta but gets voice mail yet again. She demands that Roberta return immediately. She mutters something about very little time left to give the final blow to Regina.
Berta strolls the Ensenada plaza enjoying her ice cream cone when she runs into Jero. She rubs it in that she’s staying at her future brother-in-law’s. She casually comments her sister changes boyfriends more frequently than her socks. When they like her she gives them the boot. Jero retorts that Berta is no paragon of virtue (dechado de virtudes). Surprisingly Jero sticks up for Renata and says she never had it on with his brother Rafa.
This charming conversation is interrupted by Tatas. As in Doctor. “Doctora?” says Roberta, muy pero muy impactada to recognize the woman who could blow her lies out of the water.
Avances: Pride before love, betrayal before heart, and spite before reason.
cachucha = baseball cap
dechado de virtudes = paragon of virtue
de luto = in mourning
hoyos = holes
metiche = nosy, buttinsky
pésame = condolences
roto = broken
sin que hay moros en la costa = while the coast is clear (Lit. without Moors the coast)
Repeat dicho of the day:
Un clavo saca otro clavo = there are other fish in the sea (lit. one nail drives out the other)
Labels: Cuando
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Alborada, 9/1/2011. Cap. 67.
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 67 start at this link.
Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures.

Novelera's caption: Isn't it too early for the trick or treaters to be out?
Labels: Alborada
La Fuerza del Destino #21 Wed 08/31/11 Merry Piece is still delusional while Lucia has a hot date with Ivan and Saul becomes more cowardly.
Labels: Fuerza
La Pola - August 31, 2011 - Discussion Page
Nariño’s army is devastated and separated and retreat is ordered. Nariño removes his general’s uniform and presents himself to the pastuños. He tells them he is able to tell them where to find General Nariño. In Pasto he reveals that he is Nariño whereupon he is jailed and told he will be removed and sent to Spain where he won’t live a day. Ambrosio and his brother, with Pola’s help, store munitions and supplies in Domingo’s house. Cata and Bernarda continue their quest to find Joaquín. We see soldiers entering Domingo’s house. Pola, who is in the kitchen preparing shot, hears something. Before she can react, a hand reaches out and covers her mouth.
Labels: LaPola
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