Monday, February 13, 2012

El Talismán #11 Mon 2/13/12 The Sociopath, the Drunk, His Wife and Her Lovers (ahem...her Johns)

Elvira, with her son Armando arrives at the Fresno bus station. Elvira calls her daughter Cammie.

The incestuous duo is still standing at the front desk of The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno. It occurs to Tony that Cammie doesn’t know that Pete is married.

Cammie picks up her cell phone and is surprised to learn that her mother is in town. Elvira wants to know what hotel Cammie and Ginnie are staying at. Cammie drops a bomb and tells her mother that she is staying at El Alcatraz.

The Mustang Ranch-Fresno
Don G speaking talking to one of the hostesses. He wants to know why Catherine wears a mask. Is there a problem with her face? Oh my gosh! He’s got his nerve! If that’s the case, Don G will you put a mask on? The hostess assures him that Catherine is very pretty and that she will get William’s signature. I guess at this Mustang Ranch division, the hostesses are also notaries/paralegals? At what point during the hot sweaty love session will she whip out the pen and the seal? I’m just trying to picture a butt-naked hooker asking a John to sign near the X? I can’t wrap my mind around it. Where is she gonna put that pen and seal? Anyway, we are told that she simply wears the mask to be incognito. It makes her more interesting. Don G is getting turned on and has an urge to possess Catherine. The hostess gets a “oh boy” look on her face.

Seriously, I am back to on the hooker notaries. I can’t let that go.

Back at the hotel, the incestuous duo are in bed (Excuse me sitting ON the bed. They are on top of the blankets. Folks…this is how rumors get started.) Their strategizing on how they can keep Cammie and Pedro apart. As she lies (sits) on the foot of her brother’s bed with back arched and legs crossed, we learn that Lulu doesn’t want Cammie to know that Pete is married. She thinks that should save that information for a rainy day. They may need it just in case Cammie decides to forgive Pete. Side note: Lulu is still wearing less clothes than the women who work at the brothel. The hostesses are wearing what appear to be aqua musical bathing suits with floor-length lace robes and thigh high stockings (circa Ester Williams) from the 1940s and 1950s. They almost look decently dressed. What kind of brothel is this? I wear less clothes when I go to church. Tony disagrees with he sister, but he goes along with this reasoning that makes absolutely no sense.

Back at the Mustang Ranch, Doris is in her boudoir and has removed her mask. Bridgette, the madame, tells her that Don G will pay a lot of money if she can get William to sign the papers. Doris says that won’t be a problem. At this point, I take out my pad and pencil. I haven't dated in a while, so I am gonna take notes on how to drive a man so wild in bed that he will not be suspicious when a hooker hands him a legal documents to sign. Bridgette tells Doris that she’s always admired her for being so cold-blooded. Doris looks in the mirror and says she’s gonna drive (I think she was talking about Don G) Don G so wild that he will be addicted to her. Oh my gosh! I can’t wait for the seduction scene. I need some tips.

El Alcatraz Teens giving words of wisdom to one another. Gosh, I almost couldn’t say that with a straight face. Long story short. If you don’t like Claudio. Don’t try to make yourself like Claudio.

Back at El Talisman-Sarita tells Gabriel that the nun who runs the orphanage has died and Pedro doesn’t have to send any money to the orphanage anymore. Forget the other orphans, let them starve. Their parents died or abandoned them for a reason. How are we gonna tell Pedro?

El Talisman (Livingroom) Pete tells Tia that he has to go back to the hotel to get the fat envelope of money. Tia tells him that he’s been bamboozled (thank you Malcom X) and the milk doesn’t smell right. I really don’t care about this conversation. I am obsessed with the paralegal hookers who have magic body parts that make men lose all sense of reason. My writing pad is still beside me.

El Alcatraz (Cammie and Ginnies bedroom?) Lulu knocks on the door. I THINK she is going to try to get Cammie fired by saying she stole Lulu’s clothes? Normally, I would say something obnoxious about Lulu’s clothes, but I can’t stand the way the Cammie dresses. Lulu's clothes would be an improvement. Anyway, she knocks on the door. Ginnie’s had a long day, she’s tired, her feet hurt and she ain't in the mood for LuLu’s nonsense. She tells Lu that Cammie’s not there. Lu doesn’t believe her and insists on entering the room where she proceeds to scream out Cammie's name several times and does a perimeter check. Ginnie tells Lu that Cammie’s with Pedro. Later she takes it back and says that she doesn’t know where Cammie is, but if she is with Pedro she would be making out with him. I would too.

Bus Stop Cammie demands to know why her mother and brother are back in Fresno. Elvira says it will be easier to have more sex with (I meant take vengeance upon) Don G now that Cammie stays El Alcatraz. Armando comes over, he’s been putting the luggage in the car. Cammie wants to know why he brought his mother there. He says he couldn’t stop her once she gets something in her mind. He reminds Cammie that she has been living with her mother for well over 45 years and she should know this by now. I am anxious to get back to the hookers. The suspense is killing me!

Yeah! We are back at the Mustang Ranch-Home of the Very Chaste and Completely Covered Hookers! Doris has her mask back on. Bridgette introduces her as Catherine. I wrote step one down.

  • Step 1. Wear a mask and a church lady negligee covered by a floor-length gown. You will be intriguing to men. They don’t really wanna see what they are paying for. Got it.

Don G tells William that Catherine is his gift, but Don G is a (racist derogatory name) giver. He can’t seem to let the gift go. He wants the gift to take off her mask. Bridgette intervenes and says that we will lose the surprise if she takes of the mask. She suggests that he sleep with Catherine instead. Don G says no, he can wait until next week to get his sloppy seconds. He wants an appointment with Catherine.

El Talisman (Downstairs) Antonio’s more dangerous than his father. Pedro was set up. Antonio lied to Camila. El Talisman (Upstairs) How are we gonna tell Pedro those little orphans have been using him for all these years? Selfish orphans. Do they really need clothing and shelter? They’ve been taking advantage of him! They can get jobs. They don’t need the money.

Hotel-Fire the interior decorator immediately if not sooner! Elvira and Cammie are still arguing. Antonio hears them from his room and opens the door. "Why is Camila’s family here?", he asks himself.

Hotel Elvira’s room Camila, if you don’t give me money, I’ll go ask Don G for some. Armando takes Cammie’s side.

El Talisman OK. We got it. You don’t think Camila likes you. She won’t listen to you. Bring on the hookers!

Dammit we are back at the hotel! Armando says Cammie’s right! Everyone, raise your hand if you thing Cammie’s right. I finally find an episode where I can actually learn something and they keep showing these stupid hotel scenes.

Yeah! We are back at the Mustang Ranch-Home of the Hookers who dress like nuns!

  • Step Two. Cover the John’s eyes with red scarf.
  • Step Three. Take off your mask and robe.
  • Step Four. Kick the John in the chest

Hotel Cammie leaves in a huff. Meets Antonio. He asks her to give him a chance. She says hello no. He’s married and she loves Pedro. She leaves in a huff again. He tells us that “she will be mine”. He’s goes to her mother’s room and says he will help her get her revenge if she will help him get Cammie to marry him. He’ll pay her a lot of money. Elvira makes a deal with the devil. A good looking devil, but the devil never-the-less.

El Alcatraz Ginnie tells Cammie that her best friend LuLu stopped by and that she told Lulu that she was with Pedro. Speaking of Lulu and Pedro. Lulu went to look for Cammie at Pedro’s house. At one point he asked her to leave. But as usual, they continue talking. But at least he’s got the bull dog Tia to defend him this time. At the hotel, Cammie figures out that Antonio was lying to her when he said that his sister was with Pedro. Unfortunately, Pedro is now with Lulu and has yet to throw her out of his house. I think Lulu offers to help Pedro get Camila back. I don’t care. You all know what I’m waiting for.

Elvira and Antonio are at a restaurant strategizing.

Yeah! We are back at the Mustang Ranch! Home of the hooker notaries and call girl paralegals. Bridgette offers Don G a session with Lucy, but he is still stuck on Catherine! I. WAS. ROBBED! Doris is now putting her robe back on and William is fully dressed! They didn't show me anything that I can use! I still don’t know what to do to change a man’s brain to silly putty. Dammit! All I know is that whatever she did, she took out the legal documents and the pen. This man actually signed a legal document handed to him by a hooker after he had the best sex of his life! I have got to find out her technique! He’s not even suspicious. I would be at least a little concerned that I was being scammed. I think I might have even ask for an attorney or maybe my mother to review the paperwork. He didn’t even read it! What kind of voodoo acrobatics was she performing on him? Folks, you saw this! I can’t make this up!

Hotel Again! Tony wants to destroy his father.

Pedro calls for news of Marianna. No news.

More talk of revenge discussed excruciatingly by every character on the show.

Well, at least we get to see Pedro kiss Cammie speechless again in the flashback. Now I’ve gotta kiss him! It’s been years and she’s still hooked! God forbid he does anything more that kissing her. She might just follow him around like a puppy for the rest of his life.

Hotel Again! Lulu has Camila’s clothes. They can convince Pedro that Cammie slept with Antonio. Antonio just wants to tell Cammie that Pedro is married. Antonio is still drinking and his sister is dressed like she should work at the Mustang Ranch.

El Talisman. Tia tells Pedro to be careful of LuLu. Claudio, Gabriel and Sarita still have not told Pedro that he should abandon the orphans. Let's make sure to completely traumatize them for the rest of their lives. Throw the little moochers in the street.

Hotel Pedro went to the hotel to get the money anyway. He’s cute, but he sure is dumb. Oh I finally get it. They are going to set the room up so it looks as if Cammie slept in the hotel room with Antonio! Now I feel so dumb. I finally get it. The clerk calls Antonio’s room. That’s why they stole her clothes!

Elvira tells Armando that she and Antonio are working together.

Cammie calls her boss and tries to get off of the Fresno assignment. He says it will be months before he can get her another position.

Hotel. Antonio is shirtless again! I must remember to send his parents a thank you card and roses on his birthday. He is just D Lish US! Pedro is at the room to get the money. Of course poor Pedro sees Cammie’s jacket. Pedro shoves Antonio onto the bed. They are both hot. It’s like Team Edward vs. Team Jacob all over again.

Armando tries to talk Elvira out of working with Antonio.

Lulu pays the desk clerk.

Tia tells the boys that Lulu is trying to trap Pedro.

Don G sees Lulu at the hotel. She tells her father that Camila is working at his ranch.

Antonio and Pedro are fighting in the hotel. Cammie comes into the room. Antonio tells Cammie that Pedro is married.

Credits. Good night Victor Hugo Cabrera wherever you are!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #34 Friday 2/10/12 The Grand Kiss-Off

capítulo 34

Lo del Pasado:

In the hot ‘n happenin’ mini-metropolis of San Gabriel, Michael and Maripaz enjoy their first—and their second—kiss together, leading Viewerville to assume that M&M are now an item and marked for each other.  Rogelio and Ana Paula share a moment of cordiality as Rosaura must explain to the two of them what old, dear friend is in the hospital at death’s door she needs to see back in Tuxtla.  Speaking of Tuxtla, Gustavo is walking through the same parking lot as Cinthia just as she’s about to be assaulted.  He immediately intervenes and stops her attacker—wouldn’t you know—the same thug with the worm-shaped scar on his neck who, under Bruno’s orders, beat Gus up and left him for dead.  

Lo del Nuevo:

Gus recognizes the thug.  “—Miserable dirtwad!!”  Thug Dude is surprised by Gus but pulls a pistol out of his pocket and shoots.  Though he misses Gus, he buys enough time to escape.  Sin screams at Gus to just let him go.  He returns to Sin who, except for a nasty sprain and scrape on her arm, is safe and sound.  The two pairs of eyes lock and it’s Gus Galahad all over again.  ‘—You recognized him?”  “--Yeah, they beat me up and nearly killed me.”  Sin admits she’s lucky he showed up when he did or she’d be up Spit Creek without a paddle about now.  Gentleman Gus absorbs the warm words of praise and gallantly offers to take her to Big Sis, The Nurse, to get Sin’s arm cleaned up and bandaged.  The two finally remember to introduce themselves.  Sin and Gus are mesmerized by each other.  (I guess when you got “IT” you got “IT”.  Right, Gus?  --That sighing sound is actually Team Gus deflating.)   El Destino takes over and there’s an immediate attraction for each other which is made obnoxiously obvious by the uber-long screen shots of their googly-eyed grinning from ear to ear at each other. 

Back at Hacienda del Fuerte, aka Hell-Fuerte, Tía MentiRosa, is playing long and loose with the truth as she explains that the person is a man she could have married.  (Something tells me Rosie was never even on Feddy’s radar screen!)  Rosie says he’s now at Death’s door and is quick to refuse AP’s offer to go with her to Tuxtla by suggesting that now that AP and Ro-Hell are getting along so much better her job there is done, and Pau's place is with hubby. It’s best she return home since Rogelio already thinks of her as a meddling mother-in-law [suegra metiche].  Oh-Hell smiles politely but doesn’t disagree with her.  Rosie leaves to start packing.

Mikey and Maripaz kiss a third time.  He’s all for getting to know Maripaz much better, if that’s the way she wants it….

Ro-Hell asks if Pau is sad to see her aunt return to Tuxtla.  Yes, she says, she will be.  She mentions she knew there used to be a man in Tia Rosie’s life.  She sacrificed that “love” for Mikey and her, though.  Oh-Hell says he finds it hard to believe.  Rosie doesn’t come across as the benevolent kind to him.  BUT, if Pau says she was, then she was.  Pau adds that after all the years of sacrificing for them, now that MentiaRosie is ill and cannot work, she wants to take care of her.  Pau’s dimples sparkle naively and as appreciatively as ever that again Ro-Hell doesn’t demand the last word on the subject.  Oh-Hell smiles knowingly but says nothing.

At TOHIT, Gus fills Big Sis in on how he and Esteban are trying to stop Big Dave’s hotel from being finished because of the numerous building violations.  The only thing that bothers him now is that bribery charge David’s held over him.  Sure it’s his word against David’s, but right now the fishermen believe David’s version of things, so legally it looks bad for Gus.  Sin comes out of the ER and is hungry.  She invites Mercedes and Gus to eat on her peso, but Mercedes has to work.  Mersnotty’s tells the two of them--Sin, having passed Big Sis’s snoot’n smell test--to go without her. 

Sin tells Gus her best friend was going to meet her for lunch.  He says fine, but he wants to stop at the police station first to report her assault.  Sin gets all starry-eyed and says she’s sure her friend “will enjoy meeting the man who saved my life.”  Gus looks like he’s seeing Sin through his own set of hearts and flowers--something which Big Sis is happy to see.  (Too bad Viewerville can’t appreciate it more.  Bleh.  JR had his best on-screen chemistry with pretty charming pretty Carmen.) 

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte, Rosie tries talking Pau into trying to make the best of the situation with Ro-Hell.  Rosie purrs encouragingly at Paula. “--He’s not such a bad sort.  He’s anxious to teach you to ride and even gave you that pretty horse!”  Pau gives that irritatingly spoiled, bored, complacent teen-aged-girl look.  “—Let him love and spoi-i-i-l you!”  “--Well, he did say he was hoping we could be friends.”  “--Wonderful!  There are many others who would want to be his friend!”

Gus meets Vanessa when she joins him and Sin at lunch.  He can’t stop staring at Nessa and he doesn’t exactly know why.  They all sit down at the table.   Suddenly Sin’s cell starts ringing.  It’s Big Dave but she ignores it.  (Damn it’s as annoying as he is!)  Gus asks if she isn’t going to answer it.

At the same time, Margarito wanders into Ro-Hell’s study to ask him if, since Rog and Pau are married, they might adopt him.  Oh-Hell is at a loss for words for once and Viewerville’s inquiring minds want to know why.

At the restaurant, Sin finds a quiet spot to blow off Big Dave who tells her he’s free now and is coming to join her and Vainessa at the restaurant.  She says they’ve already eaten and Nessa is into girl chat and discussing her daddy’s depressing state of health.  She’ll see him tonight and they can go out then.  Fine.  Click.  Sin sits back down to enjoy the new view and lies that it was just a friend who’s gotten her a copy of her father’s will.  Oh, says Nessa.  You have one now?  Yep.   

At Hell Fuerte in the kitchen, AP tells Mikey that MentiRosie’s going back to Tuxtla and why.  AP leaves to take a phone call and Mikey takes the time to ask Consuela all about Maripaz's favorite things.  The love-bug has apparently bitten him bad.

In town, Maripaz is getting the 3rd degree about Michael from her ma.  Maripaz doesn’t admit to half the stuff they discussed--not that any girl in her right mind ever would—or to how serious things have gotten between her and Uni-brow Boy.  She tells Mama only that while Efrain’s out of town, Mikey’ll be in charge of the rancho—more like fetching for the rancho, which in my book, translates to being Effer’s gofer.  (Dunno. Sounds pretty risky even giving Mikey that to do!)  Well, aren’t they dating now?  Maripaz says not particularly and if and when anything major happens, Mama will definitely be the first to know!  In the meantime, stop playing 20 questions!
After lunch, Nessa and Sin head down the street and giggle about what a good looking dude Gus is.  “—Don’t forget you’re engaged now!”  “—No harm looking at the menu!”  Sin totally ignores Effer who’s there as her personal chauffeur, scratching his dirty, sweaty neck or his balls for all Sin cares.   She is totally oblivious to him on the way out of the restaurant as Vainie and she giggle like teenyboppers over the length of Gus’s eyelashes [pestañas].  (His best and only good feature IMNSHO).

Across town, Mersnotty’s and Gus arrive home.  She’s all Chatty Cathy over this new, very attractive, elegant female friend of his.  Definitely upper crust!  Yes, Sis, and they’ve even exchanged cell phone numbers.  Good, cuz Gus, you’ve got to try going out with new girls!  He suddenly frowns.  Big Sis has stepped in it again.  Gus deflates and is very negatively sigh-and-frown-impactado.  

Back at the hacienda, Dani is on the phone with AP and has told her about the nasty firing kerfuffle with Vainessa. Pau blames herself for all Dani’s problems, and says she’ll try helping.  Dani remains emotionally strong, and emphasizes she doesn’t want or expect a thing from AP.  Once Pau hangs up, Ro-hell asks her who she’d thought to help.  Pau mentions how Vainessa threw poor unsuspecting Dani out on her asset-less backside.  (Yeah, after being dumped by Doofus at Pau’s wedding, no less. Let’s hope the diosito has a reward of a real man and an even realer wallet in the not-to-distant future for Blondie.)  Oh-Hell offers to send Dani cash and give her a recommendation to a buddy of his there. It’s not her fault he married her best friend instead of the boss’s daughter, he says.  Pau says money won’t be necessary (I say speak for yourself, sister!) but the reco will be very welcome.  The two of them start to open up a bit and talk about their friendships with Dani and Bruno.  Bruno’s relationship changed over time, Rog says.   Bruno was once his friend, later a marriage prospect for his sister, and then he ended up Rog’s employee.   Why did they become so distant, she asks.  Rog explains that Bruno resented his buying their family’s hacienda.  His father was in a bind and had to sell because he’d lost all his fortune gambling. 

At the same time in Tuxtla, Thug Dude calls Bruno on his cell to tell him how he ran into Gus and that Gus recognized him.  Bruno’s pissed and reminds Thug Dude he was supposed to stay out of sight.  “--Well, it’s not that easy! I needed money, man.  Can’t you lend me a hand [o’ cash]?”  (Now that’s rich.  The crook needs money and is reduced to purloining purses to get his pesos, but yet he can afford a cell phone?  Something’s wrong with this picture.)  Bruno, stingy attorney, apparently hasn’t paid the poor felon what he promised?

Rog asks the Cupcake if she’d tell him what her boyfriend was like, now that they’ve started to get to know each other a bit better.  Our dimpled dollop of frosting on sweet-buns demurs and says it’s really too painful, that she’d rather not.  Oh-Hell, a bit embarrassed, says sure, he can understand and changes tack.  “I can imagine, but perhaps by opening up to me the memory will become less painful.”  Pau says she’s not so sure.  Ro-Hellio has officially turned into Ro-Mellow Yellow.  One look into the poor dude’s deeply pained eyes and you can tell how much pride he’s swallowed in choking out the next couple of sentences.  “—Awww, tell me.  Mmmm, w-w-what was it about him that won you over?”  Ana Paula’s expression doesn’t give him (or the rest of us) a clue.  Poor Ro-Hell.

In Daddy’s big office, behind Daddy’s big desk, Big Bad Ass Nessa has Sin hand her over the copy of the will.  Afterwards, she confides in Sin that the man she’d always thought to be the picture of perfection turns out to be no better than the rest of manhandling mankind.  He had a lover and cheated on Mama!!  (Gawd, I can’t imagine!! Why would Feddy be so cruel and thoughtless, after marrying the epitomy of matronal compassion, benevolence and spousal selflessness?  Hmmmm.  Anybody wonder what Elsie La Vaca might have hidden away in her gigantic walk-in?)  Sin lends Nessa a sophomoric shoulder to cry on.

At Hell-Fuerte, AP now has an answer for Rog.  She is reluctant to discuss the man she loves.  Despite the fact she’ll never see him again, she will always love him.  He is with her and will be till her dying day.  Rog politely asks her how long they dated.  Not long, she admits.  Oh, he says, from the great emotion she’d shown he thought surely they were engaged.  No, she admits, but what they shared was enough to know that she’ll never forget him and she could never love anyone else ever again.  A small chuckle escapes from Rog, and he excuses himself with a smile.  “--Sorry, but you’re so very young, Paula.  You say that now, but with time—“  “—No, I don’t believe so….My feelings won’t change.”  “—Alright.  But, could it be that you’re  saying this because he died and you idealized him?  Look, that usually happens when loved ones pass away.  We remember all the best things about them; we put them on a pedestal and we forget their defects.  I’m just saying.  You don’t think?”  She looks as if she could be thinking it through.  (What a salesman!  I am not worthy!) Rog allows himself a secret, knowing smile.  He’s seen the first crack in her armor.
Meantime, Sin tries to tell Nessa to forgive and forget.  After all, her daddy didn’t leave her mama and he does adore his little girl. He is also still alive!  She should take advantage of it. Sin sure can’t but wishes to gawd she could! Nessa tearfully insists that she can’t do it.  She feels emotionally pulled between supporting Mama and forgiving Daddy.  (Yep.  Sucks to be you, babe.)

That night, on her way back to the hotel (we suppose) Sin run’s into Effer who is trying his best to shower her with compliments and win back her lagging affections.  No luck.  She gives him grief over not being around when she nearly got attacked and robbed earlier.  What else is he there for, anyway? He was told to bring the truck around and drive her, he says. Doesn’t matter, she says, just as well he wasn’t there at the time.  Anyway, she’s going out with Big Dave tonight and enjoy the sites.  Effer reminds her she can go to all the fancy places she wants, but she’ll never have as good a time as in bed with him!  Just then Dave calls to say he’s working late and will have to cancel.  She gripes about him working so much.  He reminds her it’s to be able to spoil her more, all of which she repeats for Effer’s benefit.  She hangs up.  “--I will never be yours.” He brings up the “little engineer” she met. “--Guess I should just think about my Consuela.”  Yes, she snaps back.  “--Think about Consuela while you drive.  I’ve got to leave.  Let’s go!”   (Damn, is she cold!  She can be just as brutal as Bro-Hell!)

It’s dinnertime at Gus and Mersnotty’s.  She mentions over coffee that Esteban has gone back with his ex-wife.  Too bad, says Gus, cuz they’d have made a great couple.  Naw, they are just friends.  Just then Gus gets a call from Sin inviting him to dinner. Guau!

As for AP, she’s finishing up the exercise session with Rog.  (For the umpteenth time I’ve got to deflect my eyes as he arranges himself in bed.  The dude really needs to try some more fashion-worthy skivvies.  Anywhoo….) Rog now tells Pau he hopes she didn’t think that what they chatted about a while ago had an ulterior motive.  She quickly says she didn’t.  “--We agreed to be just friends and I appreciate and value your words” (of grizzled wisdom, dare I say).  In fact, she was happy that he’d brought it up.  It means he’s worried about her.   “—You have no idea just how much,” is his serious reply to which she is totally oblivious.  Yes, Cupcake’s actually in a good mood now.  She thanks him again for the book on riding because it’s been so interesting.  He mentions then that Margarito wants them to adopt him.  “—He’s such a bright little boy and so loving.  I would adopt him if I could.”  Well, then, says Rog, why don’t we?  Pau is wide-eyed impactada. “--What are you saying?”

At the same time, in the kitchen, Margarito is asking Maria if she knew his mother and father.  She knew his mother, but never learned who his daddy was.  (And this is important because????)  FF>>

Upstairs in Rog’s bedroom again, Cupcake says it’s just that she never thought he’d be one to protect Margarito.  Oh-Hell’s expression turns deeply serious as he flashes back to the day he (notably dressed in faded blue-jeans, pale blue shirt and off-white ten-gallon Stetson)  fell off his horse while trying to rescue the toddling two year-old M-grito from stampeding cows, only to be trampled himself and left paralyzed from the waist down.  (Viewerville still wonders how the toddler managed to escape.)  Oh-Hell returns to the present.  “—I have conflicting emotions about Margarito.”  “—But why?”  “—That’s not important now.”  His voice cracks just a bit.  “--So, what do you say. Do we adopt him?”

Turns out to be a double-date for Gus and Sin.  Esteban and Vainessa arrive and the girls are surprised to find out that Gus and Esteban are old friends. 

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Pau confesses that she’s begun to see Rog in a different light, now that she realizes he does care about others.  Ro-Hello is becoming Ro-Jello again.  He looks down at his legs sheepishly.  He opens up to her in a way he never dared to before.  His eyes mist up.  “—Paula, help me.  Help me to be the man I once was.  I don’t want to be the beast that everyone fears anymore.  Help me to achieve it.”  The hellacious Beast-Man looks emotionally beaten and physically drained—so totally weak and helpless, sitting alone in that wheelchair.  AP is drawn to him.  She lifts his chin and forces him to look into her eyes.  She smiles back and says she’d love to help him become the generous and happy man he once was.  Maria has told her what he was like.  No, he says, Margarito describes him better: a big ogre!  No, Pau says, you were a very angry man, but you’re not that way now.   It makes me happy to see you like this, but we definitely can’t adopt him.  He takes her hand and says he doesn’t understand.  She pulls her hand away sharply.   “—We can’t lead him on when in a year we go our separate ways.  We can’t let him get his hopes up believing in a family when there really isn’t one.” 

Back at the restaurant, Nessa corners Sin in the restroom and says Sin should talk!  She’s got two guys on the line here.  Shouldn’t she tell Gus she’s engaged?  Well, admits Sin, Dave’s got to work.  And, she’s lost out on so much in life, having to take care of her brother, that now she plans to make up for lost time.  She’s going to enjoy herself when and where she can till the wedding.

In his room again, Oh-Hell tells Pau she’s right.  Pau suggests they look for his mother or any of his relatives that might be around there.  Maria walks in at that point with refreshments and Rog mentions that Maria was the one who took the boy in when they left him at the hacienda. 

Esteban asks his ex why so sad.  Oh, all the crap about her daddy, says she of the heavy-handed husband dump.  Gus looks over at Sin and remarks that relationships can be a real downer.  “--Sounds like you’ve been really hurt by one.”  He says yeah, but he’d rather forget her.  Sin says she’d like to help him forget.  Gus smiles mischievously when the double-entendre finally gob-smacks him between the eyes. 

Maria tells her story: Mgrito was barely a baby.  She thought the mother was a friend of Nessa’s since it was their engagement party and a big celebration.  The mother left him with Maria while she supposedly went to the bathroom.  She never came back for him and she never returned.  AP says well, with a description perhaps somebody around there in town or the area would know something.  Too difficult.  Anyway, Maria had Ulises put a notice in his store window, but nobody ever responded.  Oh-Hell gripes and moans to himself.  “—Why did that woman ever have to come to my hacienda?  Why?”  AP looks over at him and ask why he sounds so enraged?  “--Because—!”  He stops himself.  “--Nothing.  It just gets me why she would abandon him like that.”

At the restaurant, the double-date is so much fun they decide to do it more often.  Sin wants to go dancing.  Nessa begs off.  She and Gus agree to go themselves, then.

Back in Rog’s room, he gives Pau a book he got as a boy from his daddy and tells Pau he wants her to give it to Mgrito.  Pau is touched by the gesture.  Rog then asks her if she thinks there could ever be anything more between them.  What do you mean, she naively asks. (Oh. Come. On.  You mean you really have no clue?)  He rolls over and looks her in the eye.  He confesses that he’s in love with her.  (How can you deny a set of dimples and dark brown puppy-dog eyes like that, girl?  Are you NUTZ?)

Esteban and Vainie return home.  He likes Sin, he says, but he can’t get over that she’s still Rogelio Montero’s sister.  Vainie says yeah, but she’s nothing like that jerk.  However, the company still has a contract with him and it can’t be undone.  Still have to do business with him.  Stevie looks like he isn’t so sure he believes that.

Meanwhile, Paula starts to dance around the subject. “--It wasn’t something I expected—“  “—It’s very simple.  Just a yes or a no.”   She can’t promise Rog anything right now.  Why, he asks, frustrated as all get out.  “—Why?  Because of my paralysis?”  No, she says.  Not at all!  The problem isn’t with him!  It’s with her!  What’s the problem, he asks.  She’s just so sure she’ll never love again, she answers.  “--But why don’t you at least try?  I am just as hurt as you, but even so, I am ready to do anything—even the impossible—because of all of the splendid nobility you bring out in me.” “—I don’t know what to say.  I didn’t get married thinking we’d ever be a couple.”  “—I never thought I’d ever feel anything again for anyone, but you made all of that change!”  Tears begin rolling down her cheeks. “—I guess then that I should tell you about me.  I never have forgotten the man I loved.”   “—It could be like I told you, that you did idealize him.”  “—No, he was really very special.”  All right, he says.  But, he’s not here now.  “—On the other hand, I am!  I am here, here opposite you.  Paula, I love you.  You can’t live for a memory of a dead man.”  “—I don’t know.  I need to think about it.”  (Holy frijole, Cupcake!  Get with the program already!)   Rog snickers a tad and then looks guardedly into her eyes once more.  “—What can you lose?” 

At the club, we are treated to a bit of Tuxtla-style Fred and Ginger ala 2012 as Gus shows us he can really bust a move.  Sin shows she knows how to follow his lead.  They flirt throughout.  He compliments Sin on her dancing prowess.  Sin says it’s all in the company she keeps.  Or maybe it’s vice verse.  Anyway, they are taken by the moment and the moment screams, “Mouth-meld!”  They do and suddenly for Gus it’s Ana Paula who??

Ro-Hell continues trying to persuade AP to give him the green light.  “—You ought to give yourself a chance to dream and hope again, to feel a reason to smile, like I smile because of you.  And if it doesn’t work out, then, at the end of the contract we each go our separate ways.”   Well, for all Pau knows, Gus is dead and done for.   She thinks it over and all that Rog has just said to her.  (I love this guy’s maturity.  --Awww, who am I kidding?  I love those dimples and dark brown eyes!)  “—Ok.  Let’s give it a try.”  Ro-Hell rolls up, caresses her face and assures her she won’t regret it.  He bends in for The Kiss.  Neither set of dimples can resist the magnetic pull of the other.  And…..Viewerville, we have contact!  This kiss is not to miss!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

El Talismán #10 Fri 2/10/12 Belle de Jour – the Tal*Mart edition.

♪♪It’s in his kiss♪♪
The smooch is staged.
Camila’s enraged.
Will Pedro ever disengage
from Lucrezia?

Pedro finally pulls back from the living thighmaster but the damage is already done. He doesn’t know Camila was watching. Now Genoveva shepherds her friend back to the lobby.

She’s just not that into him ...
Fabiola goes off with Gabriel so Florencia, the Troll’s blonde nieta, can have some alone time with Claudio. Flo wants to let Claudio down gently. She likes him but she’s not in love with him. He thinks she’s brushing him off cuz he’s just a poor boy and she’s from a family of rich degenerates.

And speaking of degenerates ...
The Troll suddenly materializes, grabs Fabiola roughly and, dragging her to his camioneta, threatens to kill Gabriel the next time he catches them together.

Excuse me, Mister Renato, you’re ... um ... drooling on the check.
Rennie calls a friend to get the skinny on Elvira Nájera. Never heard of her? What about Mariana Aceves? Aha! Now there’s a story! So she’s Pedro Ibarra’s wife, the one who disappeared – and rumor has it he’s behind her disappearance? Oho!

Renato knows one thing -- this (and here he pauses to kiss the check) will be mine!

Tracy the mail-carrier from hell
Tracy, having dropped the envelope with the bazillion dollar check in Mister Renato’s house, is now in the kitchen at El Tal to deliver a bunch of years-old junk mail and chew the fat with Domitila. She’s not buying the story that Camila is back in town for vengeance. That doesn’t sound like the Camila she knew. And a Pedro-Camila romance? Not gonna happen, says Domitila.

Certainly not if the bunch of avocado pits at Alcatraz can help it.

To wit:
The plan concocted by Tony&Lu is playing out to perfection...

Back at the Only Hotel Inn-Fresno (™ Julia), Pedro yields to the Thighmaster’s squeeze. Yes, he’ll give her money to keep her safe from her ogre of a father – the same ogre who has him on the brink of ruin.

Camila has recovered from the shock of the staged smooch and now, with Genoveva at her side, she walks up to Pedro’s table. While Cam and Lu are exchanging barbs, Antonio enters on cue and feigns alarm at seeing his sister and Pedro together. What was she thinking? Is she cruising for another bruising like the one daddy gave her earlier?

Credulous Camila thinks Lu must really love Pedro if she’s willing to risk the wrath of the troll. Pedro wants to set the record straight: “She’s a tad ... er ... obsessed with me” he says sheepishly and then babbles about it all being a malentendido.

And lest we forget what daddy Troll is capable of ...
We cut to Alcatraz and see the Troll dragging young Fabiola inside and whipping off his belt. The nanny, Alberta, shields Fabiola from the beating. Her reward: She gets Trumped. (“You’re fired!”).

Not to worry, says Fab once the ogre is gone. Mommy Doris will stand up for her.

Not tonight, sweetcheeks.
Doris has other fish to fry right now. If it weren’t for the suitcase she’s shlepping, in her dark hoodie and sweat pants, she could be getting ready to knock over a 7-Eleven. She tells herself:
Tú vales mucho, Doris – y una vez más te lo voy a mostrar.
(You’re hot stuff, Doris – and I’m gonna show you that one more time)
So is that self-esteem seminar paying off or what?

Fabiola (who may be the only Negrete with an IQ in the triple digits) catches sight of her mother trying to sneak out the door. Where is she going at this time of night? And for that matter, where does she go on the weekends? Doris refuses to explain herself. She’s the mother. She’s the one who gets to ask the questions. And as for Fabiola’s insinuations:
Yo no engaño a Antonio con un hombre, de eso puedes estar segura, lo juro.
(I’m not cheating on Antonio with a man, you can be sure of it, I swear).

In a narrow sense, Doris is telling the truth. But Fabiola knows her mother is hiding something and she’s determined to discover her secret.

Renato, the kept man with no one to keep him, grills Tracy about Elvira. She was her boss and her best friend’s mother – that’s all she’s got to say. Renato wants to know if she’s good-looking.

Well. The actress may have her fans but the character, now sitting on a bus that speeds through the night towards Fresno, Armando dozing at her side, is a nasty bundle of teeth, malice and entitlement. She reads her horoscope aloud and sneers at its promise of love.

Back at the Only Hotel Inn-Fresno™, our inarticulate and ineffectual galán is still trying to get away from the Negrete tag team. When the Thighmaster suggests that Camila may have, you know, a boyfriend, Pedro sputters idiotically:
Un beso habla más que mil palabras.
(A kiss speaks more than a thousand words.)

With that, he rushes out to Camila (why oh why is she still there?) and says they have to talk.

Lucrezia thinks the plan has failed. Antonio is more hopeful:
Ya el daño está hecho, coqueta
(The damage has been done, my little flirt. Coqueta=flirt. Doesn’t quite work as a vocative in English, does it? The context makes it creepy in both languages.)

Camila’s not interested in anything the P man has to say – he can go back to his lover Lucrezia and ...

...He shuts her up by grabbing her and slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of so many unripe avocados. (Has a decent actor ever had to humiliate himself more than this? Oh I weep for you and your wasted hotness, Rafa!). Dramatic chords sound. Antonio – he of the belt buckle qua codpiece and the permasmirk – ANTONIO – comes to the rescue. “¡Suéltala!” he commands. (Unhand her!) And Pedro does.

“So you’re living with him in El Alcatraz” says Pedro accusingly. Camila corrects him on two counts: she’s not living with Antonio and she’s WORKING at Alcatraz. Well Pedro thinks the whole “plaga” story is a crock. Camila is obviously back in town to get even. “You know what?” sputters Camilla. “I do want to get back at you for what you did to my family!”

Antonio just stands back and enjoys the show.

Gabriel and Claudio have delivered Florencia back to Alcatraz. Claudio steals one last kiss before Flo runs into the house.

Fabiola tells her sister the Troll fired their nanny.

Tracy can’t figure out why Renato is so interested in Elvira:
Elvira no le conviene – no tiene dinero, no tiene “money”.
(She’s not right for you – she has no money.)
And she’s not exactly young either. Renato is undeterred. He’s in looove with Elvira Nájera, he insists. Now where is she?

The object of his affected affection is still on the bus thinking about how she and Armando will mooch off Camila in Fresno ... she has to be in Fresno ... she has to get even with Gregorio Negrete!

How to Succeed in Business – if you’re a Troll
The Troll is at a restaurant table with a black-shirted guy named Arturo, apparently one of his henchmen. Arturo, per instructions, has made reservations at Madame Brigitte’s. The plan is to take a rich land owner, and under the influence of drink and Mme Brigitte’s ladies, get the guy to sign a contract favorable to the Troll.

Cut to Mme Brigitte’s casa de citas. We see a lady of the night, an exquisite figure in black stockings and bustier. She is Catherine, the darling of the establishment. She is also ... Doris de Negrete. And tonight the lady is happy, as always, to oblige. Who are the clients? Ah well, they all use assumed names – and the women hide their identities too.

Mme Brigitte is very protective of her girls, especially of Doris. Hells bells, it’s Fresno and you never know who might walk in the door. Doris points to an elaborate mask and says:
Por eso tenemos el juego de la gallinita ciega.
(That’s why we play blind man’s buff)

“Catherine” is the choice when the clients are “special”, the one who can be counted on to drive any man wild. (Any man but her own husband. Sigh. Well one day ...)

Oh God. The Only Hotel Inn™ gang are still at it. Now Antonio is using Pedro’s generosity against him, claiming he gave the Thighmaster money to buy himself time with Camila (does that make sense on any level?) He waves a presumably incriminating paper in Pedro’s handwriting. And Camila is saying she knows Pedro is a jerk and a womanizer. Finally it is Pedro who breaks up the party by leaving. He can’t resist telling Permasmirk: “You’ll never get El Talismán!”.

Genoveva grimaces ruefully, Camilla looks like she’s gonna cry, and Antonio – well, he smirks.

Renato the omniwhore is enjoying himself. He thinks:
Si supieras, Tracy, que la mamá de su amiga es una mujer muy rica ...
(If you only knew, Tracy, that your friend’s mom is a very rich woman ...)

He unstops his carafe of whiskey with a satisfying "pop" and thinks again:
...¿o sería mejor si yo conociera a su hija?
(or would it be better if I met her daughter?)

The Troll tries to get the land-owner, Guillermo, to sign a contract but the guy wants to meet some beautiful women first.

Brigitte is mustering the troops. We see regal Catherine descend the stairs.

Camila and Genoveva leave the hotel.

Antonio and Lucrezia are together when the hotel receptionist hands him an envelope full of money. He tells her she’ll be rewarded for her honesty – and for another little favor he’d like her to do for him. (She looks like she’d be willing to pay him for the privilege of doing him ... a favor.)

Of trysts and tristeza
The Negrete nietas reassure Alberta – they won’t let their grandfather fire her. Alberta isn’t worried – she thinks the Thighmaster is going to protect her.

When Gabriel gets home, Sarita is waiting for him. Yay! They like each other! They’re not related to each other. I forget what the problem is – does she work at the ogre’s house?

The Troll arrives at Mme Brigitte’s burdel, Arturo and Guillermo in tow. He takes the lady aside and hands her the papers he wants to con Guillermo into signing. If Catherine can get his signature, she’ll get a generous tip.

Brigitte tells Doris her suegro is in the house. Cue the ominous background chant.

Pedro drags his sorry trasero back to El Tal just in time to get a phone call from the hotel receptionist. He left an envelope full of cash there, she tells him. (She is following Antonio’s script and he and sis are watching the performance.) Pedro says thanks, he’ll pick it up tomorrow. (If Antonio won’t let his sister accept the money, that’s fine with him – he really needs it.)

“You think the plan will work, coqueta?” Antonio asks the Thighmaster.
Claro que sí” she assures him.

Camila and Genoveva are back in their quarters at El Alcatraz. Camila’s going to call the boss tomorrow and ask him to send someone to replace her so she can leave Fresno. Geno agrees it would be best to put some distance between her and Pedro.

Camila’s phone sounds. Don’t answer, I tell her. Do. Not. Answer. Nooooooooo! But she does. And it’s Elvira: “We’re here in Fresno at the bus station. You have to come and pick us up!” (Don’t blame me. I told you not to answer.)

Antonio makes a stunning realization: Camila doesn’t know Pedro is married! Why didn’t he think of that before? (Seriously. Why didn’t you? You make up a story about a fake noviazgo when all you had to do was tell her the truth: the guy is married.)

Avances: A bunch of sleazy characters exploit the credulity and stupidity of some pretty dimwitted pretty dimwits


Una Familia Con Suerte #119-120 Fri 2/10/12 Here comes the son…but there’s fog in the forecast.

I have no captions so this will probably have more errors than usual. Mil disculpas and please offer corrections.
Rebe and Arnold sip wine in Rebe’s Jacuzzi courtyard and Rebe says she has a hard time seeing a future with Pancho; it just seems dark and cloudy.
Temo sasses Chela and Pancho and whines that they aren’t thinking enough about him. They get their wits together and tell him their novios and his running away are separate matters, no one is going to abandon him, and he has to just accept that they respectively might and will get married.
Rebe says she thinks they should make peace with the Brat Pack and then plan the wedding, but she’s getting tired of the battle. Arnold says she’ll just have to be patient, and she knew Pancho was a package deal when she met him.
Temo whines about his feelings and Pancho assures him love isn’t a zero sum game. There will be enough to go around. Chela promises she’ll never leave him. Ha ha, he’ll really appreciate that in a few years when she insists on chaperoning his dates and medical exams and going to work with him. Temo asks forgiveness and it is readily granted.
Moni stands on the bed and screams because there is a rat in the room. Pepe chuckles at her and heads calmly off to get the broom to murder it.
Sin Ton Ni Son practices their new song. Ana seems happy with their progress. I think she should bring the music ringing from her chest and not her nose, the way the Aristocats taught us.
Kari gets chummy and sympathetic with Freddie over drinks. As usual, he has Got Milk.
Upstairs, Pina uses the telescope to spy on Vins and Candy playing Tongue Twister in the yard. Some sneakiness and discretion. Pina calls Arnold Flowers.
Pepe is awfully perky considering the rat seems to be winning the battle. He chases it with the broom while Moni freaks out that the rat is going to climb in bed with them and munch them in their sleep.
Next morning, Candy interviews a single mother who was abandoned by the child’s father for her radio program.
Rebe goes to work in Barbie’s sundress and boohoos her frustrations to Pancho. He talks too much.
Interviewee woman tells Candy and the listening audience that she’s worked hard to make do without the dad’s help, but she can’t take it anymore. She needs help. Candy says okay; what is the father’s name? “Pancho Lopez.” Candy is shocked while the woman talks about how she fell in love with the dude. Candy very calmly says she and the audience will help her make things right. She points out that whatsername must know Pancho is her brother. Yep. So has she talked with Pancho yet? No. Of course not, that would be silly. But now her son is very sick, on the verge of death. Candy says her brother is incapable of abandoning one of his children, and if he had known about this kid he would absolutely have done the right thing.
Vins interrupts Pancho and Rebe hard at work. Hahahahahaha, no, they were just snoozling in the office as usual.
Mystery woman gives Candy a photo of her son (young adult, dark hair) but time’s up, part two of this scintillating program next time. Suddenly the captions are back and the woman’s name turns out to be Ofelia. Off the air, Candy lets the woman know what she really thinks. How can she accuse Pancho of abandoning his son if he never knew the kid existed? If Ofelia tries to take advantage of Pancho, Candy will personally see to it she pays dearly, in prison if necessary. Ofelia says she’d like to put Pancho in jail for being irresponsible. {Well, if we’re going to start putting people in jail for that now…it would be like jailing people for arguing with their siblings, which I seem to recall was a reason for jailing someone in a recent telenovela).
Arnold goes with Pina to a detective’s office and she tells the snoop she’s getting divorced. He knows; it’s been in all the gossip pages. Pina is not happy about that. Anyway, she wants the guy to get photos of Vins in bed with Candy.
Pancho and Vins do their usual tiresome headbutting and Vins wants to know what Pina’s job is at Avon. Something about marketing management, and she reports only to Pancho. Furthermore, it’s Vins’s own fault that Pina is a shareholder and also owns most of their other assets, so there.
Meli and Temo say a teary goodbye. Let’s send Temo to Brussels and keep Meli. Do you think that would start a war between Mexico and Belgium?
Enzo and Vins bicker. Enzo thinks Vins is letting business and friendships suffer because of his obsession with Candy.
Pina’s handsome lawyer clarifies to her that for adultery to be a factor in the divorce, they need actual proof of criterion behavior. A kissing video isn’t enough. Was this scene supposed to happen before the visit to the P.I.?
Vins talks to his lawyer about custody of Abejo. Lawyer says whatever; he’s found out about a certain video and he specifically warned Vins to stay away from Candy. If he keeps this up, he will lose custody of the doggy.
Chela and Candy storm Pancho’s office and ask what he knows about Ofelia Avalos. Some novia of his from a long time ago, why? They tell him why.
Record exec is alone in his office with Ana critiquing the sexiness of her moves. The choreographer will help her learn to skank it up onstage. Ana wonders how she’s going to have time for composing, practice, magazine interviews, glitzing up, school, family, AND sexiness classes. Exec says she has to forget everything else and devote herself to just the music stuff. No way, she says. And what about her novio? Well, then, she isn’t cut out for this business. Too bad she already signed the contract, bwahaha.
Tomás and Pepe time Freddie at the autodrome and look gross. Tom is annoyed by how friendly Pepe is with Freddie.
Lupita seems to be going for more of a covered-up peasantish style since she was widowed, and less little girl.
Pancho dashes away and Candy and Chela won’t tell Rebe what’s going on. Chela thinks she needs to rush home to help Temo cry over Meli but Candy wisely thinks she’d have more fun smooching Enzo.
Moni recounts the Tale of the Rat to Kari and Kari thinks it’s hysterical. Moni has to head home because the new washing machine is being delivered. Kari teases her about being a Cinderella.
Tomás tells Pepe his plan to make Lupita happy. Pepe thinks Tom’s courting is the last thing Lupita needs. Apparently they do some super mechanic work and the car goes fast.
Pancho and the ChaCha Chamigos look for Ofelia’s house.
Candy tries to visit Vins but Sandra won’t permit it. Pina passes by and insults her.
Chela and Enzo are so formal. It’s awkward. They spend forever talking about wanting to kiss. Finally they get to it.
The washer is delivered and sitting in the living room. Kari says it needs to be connected but neither of them has a clue how to do this.
Freddie tells the mecánicos he’s in love with Ana but he’s depressed because she’s too busy to see him or talk to him. What a bummer, dude, but Pepe doesn’t have time to listen to this because he has to take a call from his Sirenita to discuss their plumbing in the home they so blissfully share together all the time. Pepe tells Moni one calls a plumber to connect a washer, but he and Tom can do it, be right there, sweetums. They dash off and Freddie looks more depressed.
Pancho and the Chamigos find Ofelia’s family’s house/business. What a dump. A young guy greets them and is stunned to see Pancho. Papa! They do have matching haircuts. Father and son for sure? The kid clutches his chest and gasps for air. Ofelia runs in with an inhaler. He recovers enough to hug Pancho and exclaim that he didn’t want to die without meeting him.
Pina natters about how low-class and tacky Candy is. “This from the woman who usually goes around in tutus?” Candy snarks. But they’re expensive tutus, so way classy, obvio. Sandra cheers at Pina’s putting Candy in her place and gets smacked.
Pancho asks Ofelia why she never told him she was pregnant. Rebe calls and Pancho won’t tell her what is going on, which bugs her.
Vins tries to make Candy feel better. They very discreetly cling to each other while Sandra makes Vins sign stuff.
Ofelia says she thought about telling Pancho, but she was only 17 and went to her parents’ place in Colima for help with the baby, and then she found out he was already married to Laurita. He’s annoyed that she slandered him on the radio. But what about the kid? His name is Francisco and he’s very sick.
Candy and Chela tell Lupita about her supposed half-brother. Why did the woman wait so long, then bring it up now? Something is very odd.
Francisco has bad lungs.
Pepe and Tomás are in the apartment parking lot, where Moni’s car is up on blocks.
Pancho tells Francisco if he’d know he existed, he would have taken care of him all this time. Francy sobs his life would have been so different with such a great daddy.
Moni can tell something is wrong and Pepe finally tells her that her tires were stolen.
This new kid is really annoying me already. What a pitiful dweeb. Pancho takes him off somewhere.
Down in the parking lot, Pepe says he has a family meeting to go to, and Moni has a fit and yells at him fine! Go! She’ll just deal with everything herself! Of course Pepe offers to stay with her instead and they smooch a lot. She sends him off and Tom will take care of things. What Tom is mostly taking care of is flirting with Kari. He asks if she has a novio. No, why? Oh, no reason. Okey dokey, but just by the by, she wouldn’t live in a place like this even if she were dead.
Vins proposes another meetup with Candy in the hotel suite. She agrees. The detective listens in on their conversation.
In La Burra, Pancho shows Francy the pictures of the other kids.
The detective takes pictures of Vins leaving the office and follows him.
The family is gathered. Pancho walks in with the overwhelmed gaspy dude and introduces him as his son.
Moni cries and calls Enzo and begs for help. She can’t take it anymore.
Francy is introduced to the whole family and is beside himself. By beside himself I mean I’m not sure his spirit is firmly attached to his body. He seems at risk of keeling over any minute. Everyone looks concerned.
The detective follows Vins to (I think) a florist and a bunch of shops, taking photos all the way, then back to the office. Inside, Vins unpacks the loot. Perfume, tiny sexy undies for himself, everything is set.
Once they’re alone, Rebe is all “what the heck?” and Pancho explains how Nancy Francy came to be, and that they need money for his lung treatment. Rebe thinks he’s too trusting and this woman and her kid might just be swindling him.
The kids all hang around the table and observe Francy uncertainly while he shoves food down. Temo snootily says he doesn’t see any reason to like him, but then he freaks out with worry when Francy starts gasping for air.
Chela and Lupita have taken their freaking out to the kitchen. Chela also suspects this is a swindle, but she says even if Pancho suspects he won’t say anything to avoid hurting the poor kid.
The band records songs. When they finish Ana checks her phone; she’s missed LOTS of calls and messages.
Freddy is still achicopalado but won’t talk to Pina about it because it concerns Ana. Pina still tries to lead him in the ways of proper snobbery. Freddy says love matters more than social class, but Ana is so busy with her music career he’s afraid he will lose her.
Vins and Candy sneakily and discreetly shriek at each other and kiss in the lobby of a swanky hotel. The detective doesn’t miss it. They head upstairs.
Pancho takes his airless new heir back to the hood. He asks if he needs anything and the kid says no. Pancho gives him his phone number. After Pancho drives away, Sobby tells his mother it was like a dream, thanks so much Mommy for letting me meet my new family! Mom doesn’t like that so much.
Vins and Candy sneakily and discreetly kiss at the elevators. The detective notes the floor.
Arnold Flowers brings flowers to Pina at home. Ado appreciates them more than Pina does. Pina and Arnold sit down to work on some Avon graphics. Vins makes eyes at Pina and weirds her out.
Pancho tells Rebe what a sad state Ofelia’s home and business are in. He says he’s going to do the responsible sensible thing and get a DNA test. But he thinks the kid is very sweet and needs help. “Okay, I believe you that he’s a good person. But what about his mother?”
Pina asks Arnie what is going on. He says he is going to confess something.
Monday, the moment of truth arrives. Francy isn’t Pancho’s son after all?!?!


Friday, February 10, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of February 13, 2012 -- Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hola a todos!

Novelera continues her brilliant chronicles of Flor Salvaje, now in its últimas semanas and Corazón Valiente starring Adriana Fonseca is in the wings, waiting to step in. By the promos, it looks as if Ximena Duque hasn't quite worked the Carola Conde out of her system. Might be worth checking out though ...

For a while, Novelera and Hombre de Misterio were hanging out with me at El Talismán. Now that ET is generally agreed to be a serious contender for the worst telenovela ever made, (Ever. By anyone) they are back here. A clear win for Telemundo fans and a loss for Talismaniacs. Oh well. De gustibus ...

Una Maid and Relaciones Peligrosas both have their fans here -- here's your page, amigos. Enjoy!

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La Que No Podía Amar #33 Thursday 2/9/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Do "Subtle" If Her Life Depended On It

Well, Ana Paula…are you in love with him or aren't you?

Rogelio invites everyone to enjoy their dinner. Efrain interrupts to inform Rogelio that the vet is coming to vaccinate the cattle tomorrow. David comes to dinner late and Cinthia tries to make a big deal about them not waiting for him, but Rogelio cuts her off, saying he was late, so what gives? Still pissed off about Ana Paula and her family's mere existence on this planet, Cinthia says now that the *ahem* entire family is here, she and David have an announcement… they're getting married! Efrain bumps into a noisy light fixture. Rogelio says not only does David have his permission, he's welcome to take her out of there right away…"What? Isn't that what you wanted? Don't you have a sense of humor? I was kidding." Rogelio says they'd better talk money and get things in writing. David promises to care for Cinthia like the queen she is. Cinthia is ready to start putting her trousseau together, but Rog won't let her go alone. He sends EFRAIN to go with her. Oh, there will be hanky-panky.

Vanessa wonders why no one told her about dad's affair. She now realizes why her mom has been such a bitch to him for all these years. Mama says if he'd cheated on her with someone of their status, at least…but noooo, he had to cheat with a lowly secretary! And it wasn't just some affair…oh, no, that woman nearly STOLE Federico from her. She ruined her life forever, the brazen hussy! *roll eyes* Sorry, lady, but I think it's your crappy attitude and your propensity for shopping in the juniors department that has ruined your life forever.

Cinthia doesn't want to go, but Efrain does. Bruno toasts to surprises and to Cinthia's happiness. Cinthia says the thought of the long trip just exhausts her. They decide that Efrain should drive David's truck to Tuxtla and Cinthia and David will take the helicopter. Rosaura, who has possibly had too much wine, praises Rogelio for having such magnificent servants. And oh, isn't it funny that one of his brothers-in-law is Miguel and now David will be his other brother-in-law, and David accused Miguel of stealing his truck. I mean, wow, what turns life takes right. Right? Ummm…anyway, ah, we're going to wipe the slate clean now, because we're all family. She toasts to David and Cinthia.

Van's mom says she wouldn't let the other hussy stay with Federico, cause she loved him. And also for Van, who loved her dad so much. "It was a different time. One had to put up and shut up." She talks about seeing them together in the office. She says she forgave him, but never forgot. "The most important thing is you. I wanted to guarantee your future. That's why your father gave me the shares in the company. He's been the best father in the world, but the worst husband." Mama's got the crazy eyes.

Efrain lost his appetite after the scene in the dining room. He tells Consuelo that he's gotta drive the truck to Tuxtla tonight. He doesn't think the marriage is going to last. He pretends to be upset because the long trip will take him away from Consuelo. Smoochies.

Cinthia leaves the table when only Ana Paula, Rosaura and Miguel are left. Rosaura chirps happily that it's good Cinthia will be leaving and Ana Paula won't have to put up with her. Ana Paula feels like she's driving a wedge between the siblings, but Rosaura says their relationship sucked before she got there, so don't sweat it. Miguel scandalizes his aunt by clearing the dishes from the table.

Rogelio explains to David that his father asked, in his will, for Rogelio to take care of Cinthia's portion of the hacienda until she married a man who would be able to manage it for her. Because he was apparently a big macho schmo. David says, "No worries! I am that man." Rogelio says he doesn't think so. "With all the mess around the hotel in Boca del Cielo, I'm not convinced you'd be able to manage her portion of the hacienda. I'd rather you not be able to touch any part of her inheritance." David is offended and claims he straightened out the thing with the hotel. Rogelio hopes so, because it's not too late for him to withdraw his investment in the shopping center. David looks worried. And this is before he's even found out what Cinthia is really like. I wonder what he'll look like then.

Consuelo asks for permission to go help Efrain pack and Maria gives it, as long as they do it inside of 10 minutes, with the door and the windows open. Um…cause she wants to make sure they get plenty of fresh air since she only gave them 10 minutes in which to have their illicit nookie? Why not also tell them they each have to have one foot on the floor the entire time, make them really get creative.

Cinthia asks David to promise to get her inheritance back, but he says she'll never want for anything by her side. Cinthia says it's not that, it's that if she's married to him, he's the one who should be managing her inheritance. David breaks it to her that he's talked to Rogelio and Rogelio isn't going to hand it over until David has proved that he's "worthy" of Cinthia. "And how long before he decides that?!" David says he didn't say. See, right there, that proves that David's too stupid to manage anyone's money. He didn't even bother asking for an operational definition of "worthy" and a deadline by which he had to prove it. What? He thought he could just waltz in with his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, give Rogelio a big smile and say "trust me" and Rogelio would hand over his sister, half his hacienda, and his stash of top shelf tequila? Pfft! Cinthia is pissed, but David soothes her, saying she can confront her brother when they're married and things will be different.

Ana Paula gives Rogelio his physiotherapy while they chat. She doesn't think that Cinthia should be marrying David if she doesn't love him. Rog points out that they're married and she doesn't love him. AP says that's different, they have a contract. If Cinthia doesn't love David, she'll be miserable with him. "Are you miserable with me?" "No, but you and I are different." AP says they both know what to expect from each other, they won't go looking for more, and they won't get their hopes up. Except we all know it's too late for that on Rog's end.

Vanessa gets a call from Cinthia, informing her of the engagement. "Awww, you did the convenient thing!" "How well you know me." Van hopes that Cin will move to Tuxtla after. "Together we'll get back what Rogelio doesn't want to give you." Van tells Cin that her dad's in the hospital.

Rog questions AP's assertion. She says there's no love between them..but, yes, she is expecting more from him. She hopes at the end of the year, they're at least friends. "You're that interested in being friends with me?" She tells him not to take in the wrong way. She thinks he has a lot of good qualities. Rog says they should start her riding lessons tomorrow, but AP has already started her "lessons"…she asks him about some things in the book that she doesn't understand.

Cinthia meets up with Efrain in her bedroom. Or rather, he sneaks up on her and scares her. She tells him to say whatever he has to say and get the hell out. Efrain says this thing between them can't end like this. "Well, you have your little Consuelo." Efrain suggests breakup sex and Cinthia, predictably, can't resist. We're treated to some odd jazz music as they get it on. Cause muted trumpets are sexy. Well, actually, yes, muted trumpets are sexy, but I still don't understand where that music came from.

Rog tells AP that early morning is the best time to ride. She loves his enthusiasm. She brings up the subject of Cintha's fear--that AP will take away her part of the inheritance. She asks if he isn't planning to hand it over to Cinthia already. Rog is surprised she's so concerned about someone who doesn't treat her well. He finishes his coffee so they can start the riding lesson.

David sneaks up on Cinthia now and says he was tempted to sneak into her bedroom last night. Good thing he didn't, too! He would have gotten quite an eyeful. Cin tells him to quit the smooching so he doesn't provoke Rog. Cinthia says when they get to town, she needs to check in with Van since her dad's in the hospital. She thinks there's more than that going on, though and David figures it's the whole being left at the altar thing. He leaves to get his luggage and Bruno comes in, saying Rogelio told him to play driver. Cinthia says that's awkward, but since they never got engaged, there's no reason for it to be. Bruno says he has an early wedding present for her, in memory of the good times they had together and without Rogelio's permission. He hands over a yellow folder containing her father's will. She gets a little teary and Bruno smiles his smarmy smile.

Cinthia now believes Bruno isn't harboring resentment towards her. Bruno says hey, they were young, it's no big. Cinthia thanks him again and gives him a big hug that David walks in on. She explains that Bruno was congratulating her on the wedding. Bruno also congratulates David and says he's glad Cinthia found the man of her dreams. David grabs Cinthia possessively and snogs her to mark his territory. Cinthia tells him not to be jealous. "If I didn't marry him before, why would I want him now?" David's cell phone rings and he goes off in search of the elusive signal. Bruno comments that David must be awfully insecure to be so jealous of him. Cinthia hopes they'll get along, because she'd like Bruno's help getting her inheritance. Bruno thinks it would be better to leave David out of it, since he and Rogelio are such good friends. He has a list of everything her father left, including lands in other states. Cinthia had no idea. "How soon can I get the info?" Bruno says soon, but he needs a favor. Cinthia figured that would happen. Bruno says he's always wanted to get his hacienda back. He wants Cinthia's help. He doesn't know how, but he thinks it's a fair deal--"I help you, you help me."

Rogelio shows Ana Paula the sweet gentle horse she'll be riding, Rio. I'm guessing she doesn't dance on the sand or Rogelio wouldn't have picked her. He says that her being so good with children and animals points to her having a good heart. He's noticed the affection between her and her brother. "Well, that's just how my mama raised me." AP says she and Miguel pretty much only have each other. Her dad died when she was young and he was never very close to her. Rogelio wonders if it was because Miguel was the boy and the favorite. Maybe, says AP, but her father is a big mystery to her.

Vanessa comes by for a quick visit to her dad, but says she's gotta go, she'll see him later. She tells him that her mom told her "everything" about the secretary and that she stayed only for Vanessa. The machines start beeping like crazy and he starts to tell her it wasn't like that. She tells him it's not going to do him any good to talk about it, but he's worried about losing her affection. So she starts yelling at him about how she always thought her mom was such a bitch to him and now she finds out it was completely justified. Oh, please! "You were going to abandon me!" The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy tree.

Rogelio talks to AP about how his dad was totally old school, wanted only boys, and got along better with him than with Cinthia. AP says the macho apple didn't fall far from the apple tree. Rogelio says he thinks women are perfectly capable, but his sister just never bothered to get an education. "She says you didn't let her." "No, it was my dad who didn't let her, and she complained for a couple of days, but that was all." Rogelio says Cinthia took the "easy" way out and has neither studied nor shown any interest in learning how to manage the household. Hm. How's the weather in your universe, Rog? He suggests they start the riding lesson.

Fed and Van cry. He says he wouldn't have left her. "You'll always be my daughter." Fed says things weren't going well with her mother, but he's no victim. "I didn't cheat on her. When it happened, we were separated." "Oh, she didn't tell me that. So you had abandoned me already? I can't believe it! So if you'd gotten divorced, would you have taken me with you or left me with her?" Fed says there's no point talking about it, since he did stay. "But what if?" She brings up the possibility of him having children with that other woman. "But that didn't happen!" Fed says he tried to be a good father, but Vanessa says he's completely disappointed her. So, let me guess…they were separated, they hadn't worked out custody yet, and she threatened to never let him see his kid again if he didn't come back to her? And then he comes back and she spends the rest of her life making him miserable, spending his money, and shopping in the juniors section? Great plan.

As one of the workers holds a rope so the horse can only go in a tight circle, Rogelio plays riding instructor.

Maria has packed Cinthia's bags and Cinthia laughs that Maria didn't need to pack so much, since she's only going shopping and then coming back. Cinthia can't wait to get the hell out of the hacienda. Maria asks her why she never took more of an interest in the running of the hacienda. "Gross! Cows!" Cinthia says all she wants is to live a cushy life and do whatever she wants. "And you think your husband's going to let you? Be careful you're not trading one prison for another."

Rosaura wants to go into town, but Bruno says no way is he going to drive her and Cinthia in the same vehicle and have to listen to Cinthia bitching about it the whole way. "If you're so bored, why don't you go back to Tuxtla?" "What? And leave my niece who's too stupid to properly hook my meal ticket? No way!" Bruno's not buying her concern for her niece. "Tell me something. Do you think Paula could fall for Rogelio?" Rosaura says it would be the best thing that could happen for her…um, for all of them. But in the next breath she says she'd be happy to have her niece happy with Rogelio OR with him. She reminds him that AP thinks Gustavo is dead and the shit's gonna hit the fan if she finds out the truth.

Esteban tells Gustavo…who is not dead…but who I like to imagine is wishing he was as he listens to Esteban whine that he can't live without Vanessa. Gustavo says that's how it goes. His life isn't the same without Ana. Fermin's daughter-in-law is ok…and the kid's cute…but he's not ready to date yet.

The riding lesson is finished and AP thanks the horse and Rogelio (the horse's ass…ja, ja, ja!). Rog says she's a good student, but he wants her to take it easy. He kisses her hand and says he hasn't been this happy in a long time and he's different around her. "We were destined to meet. If we've come together here and now, it's for a reason, don't you think?" AP just gives him a big smile.

Rosaura asks Bruno about the relationship between himself and Cinthia. Bruno says he's got nothing going on with her and he wishes her well, that's all. And what about Macaria's daughter, Maripaz? Bruno says she's pretty, but not his type. He's only interested in Ana Paula.

After a brief plug for some contest to make the family millionaires, Macaria and Maripaz get down to gossiping about the Monteros. Miguel walks in and Maripaz lays the flirting on thick. Macaria offers him a beer, but he turns it down in favor of some…chia water? Macaria fishes for info about his sister's marriage, but Maripaz tells her to back off.

Rosaura tells Bruno she's advised AP to get a copy of the contract for him to review. Bruno thanks her and says he's got to go. Rosaura fishes for info about Vanessa's family trying to get revenge on Rogelio. Bruno says she's just starting to take the reins of the company. Rosaura thinks that's not good and the farther away she stays from Rogelio and AP, the better. Bruno says Vanessa's going to take over the company because of Federico's health problems. "But he's not going to die, is he?!" blurts out Rosaura.

AP tells Maria and Margarito about her riding lesson. Margarito thinks she must have looked like a princess on top of the horse. Rogelio is listening at the door as Margarito says "They say the boss was a great rider and that's why ever since his accident he's been an ogre." He wonders if Rogelio would give him lessons too. Rogelio loudly clears his throat and Margarito realizes he's been busted. "So I'm an ogre, huh? Listen, if you do really well with the lessons MY WIFE is giving you, then the ogre…will teach you how to ride." Margarito gives him a big hug and promises not to call him an ogre again. Rogelio breaks out his best smile.

Bruno wonders why Rosaura is so worried about Fed, since he's the father of Paula's rival. "No! They can't see each other as rivals, or enemies. My niece hasn't done anything to her!" Bruno says when AP married Rogelio, it was on. Rosaura says Vanessa and her dad both have to know that it wasn't AP's fault.

Federico tells his wife the story she told was unfair. The short version is that Fed worked too much because his wife is a sinkhole of money, she never wanted to be with him and was the one who suggested they separate, but it's still all his fault and she's glad Vanessa knows about it so she can hate him too. Shopping in the juniors department for inappropriately sequined clubwear and wearing it during the day, optional.

Bruno is suspicious about Rosaura's interest in Federico. She says she's just thinking that if Vanessa gets hold of the business, she'll get on Rogelio's nerves and he'll take it out on all of them. Bruno says that there's no worries. Rogelio is sure there won't be any problems. Rosaura continues making noises about it not being fair what Paula's putting up with and now there's people mad at her for no reason and it's all her husband's fault. Yeah, Rosaura, that's smooth. I'm sure Bruno doesn't suspect a thing.

Cinthia comes to visit Federico but he tells her she's got nothing to do there. Cinthia says she's Vanessa's best friend and doesn't think what Rogelio did was right. She tells him she's in town doing her wedding shopping and Fed nods. "I hope it goes well for you and that what happened to my daughter doesn't happen to you."

The secretary who was away is asking Dany for an update. Vanessa now finds out that Dany works in "her" company. She fires her and the other secretary tries to speak up, but Vanessa's having a "Yo soy la dueeeeeenaaaaaaaaaaa!" moment and tells Dany to hit the road.

Miguel is helping Maripaz move a box and the heart he made for Dany falls out of his pocket. He stops for a minute, but puts it back in his pocket without saying anything. Maripaz wants to help him forget Dany, but Miguel tries to brush her off. She makes a deal with him that if he gives her a chance and it doesn't work out they can still be friends. Miguel agrees. Dumbass.

Rosaura visits Rogelio in his office to tell him that AP had a great time at her riding lesson. She's glad they're getting along better and she thinks it's time to go back to Tuxtla. She has a dear friend in the hospital and she wants to see her. She doesn't want her to die before Rosaura has a chance to see her. Rog tells her to tell Miguel to drive her into town the catch the bus. "But I don't want to go without a copy of the contract between you and my niece." Rogelio says that's between him and Ana Paula. "But it was supposed to include how much money I'd get every month." "All you care about is money, as usual!"

Miguel is taking Maripaz to dinner. She complains about her mother not giving her permission to do stuff, like tell Miguel she likes him. And snog him. So she snogs him. Jackass snogs her right back.

Ana Paula brings Rogelio a drink. She's surprised that her aunt is in there talking to him. And that her aunt has a friend in the hospital.

Cinthia talks to Vanessa on her cell as she's walking through the parking garage. She gets assaulted. The dude grabs her purse and is stopped by Gustavo, who recognizes him as the guy who tried to kill him. Busted!

Tomorrow: Gustavo faces death again; Rogelio admits he's in love with AP.

And hey, Ana Paula never did answer the question, did she?


Una Familia Con Suerte #117-118 Thu 2/9/12 What suerte? They miss another chance to be rid of the bratling.

Pancho confesses to Chela that he’s been totally selfish wanting everything to revolve around his needs but he wants her to be happy, even with Enzo. Pancho also tells her how the little terror took the discussion of post-wedding living arrangements and says he needs to have his spiky head shrunk. Chela throws a tantrum about this because it must have been Rebe’s idea. Maybe Pancho can get a two-for-one deal.
Pina tries to comfort Ado but she’s not too optimistic these days regarding love. She isn’t much help really but Ado seems touched that Pina says she’s pretty, sweet, and without malice. Ado’s tears don’t seem to agree with Pina that it’s better Chato left her sooner rather than later.
Rebe is shocked that Arnold now thinks he’s in love with Pina, but even more jaw-droppingly horrified agog impactada when ArnOLD confesses he also had the tingles for Ana and was her personal coach and mentor at the Arnold Academy of Amorous Arts. But back to Pina. Arnie sighs blissfully and Rebe thinks it’s a terrible idea.
Vins accuses Arnold of betrayal and Arnold stands by his defense of Pina. He raves about her in such glowing tones that Vins begins to suspect the gent doth protest too much. Arnie amps up the flamer affectation as a smokescreen and continues reaming Vins out. Later, alone, Arnold gives himself a stern lecture in macho voice.
Pancho tell Lupe that Rebe and Chela together is like “rudo contra técnica.” We know which is which. Lupita offers to help Pancho tame the brats. She suggests Rebe hang out at the house more before the wedding, so the demons get used to having her around and get over it.
In the record company office, the band ogles Ana’s hot new fotos. The exec guy (Manuel’s dad) likes them, too, but refrains from creeping about Ana’s sensuality and sexiness this time. He tells them to work up ten new songs and prepare for criticism and hard work.
Sandra tells Vins to stop trying to drown his problems in whiskey; he’s just going to make everything worse.
Pina can tell Arnold is being weird but he claims he’s just tired. He shows her what he’s been working on for the new campaign and she drapes herself over him to look over his shoulder. His eyes roll back.
Freddy tells Kari about his problems with his divorcing parents. She’s all empathy; her parents divorced when she was 12 and it was horrible; her dad even got her mom thrown in jail. She advises Fred to convince his parents to settle it ASAP so things don’t escalate more.
Chela and Lupita study geography and Candy whines at them about Vins. They’re almost as sick of it as I am.
Temo and Meli play Monopoly or something like it. Meli’s cleaning up but Temo gets an early start on turning into a sleazeball by wheedling her into accepting a kiss as payment in lieu of the rent he owes. Pina calls and demands Meli get home to talk to Yuyis on the phone.
Meli talks to her mother and has a fit because the family is now moving to Brussels. She refuses to leave Temo. She should go to the shrink, too.
Enzo and Moni say more dramatic goodbyes. Pepe and Moni leave with perhaps the last of Moni’s suitcases. Enzo’s sad. Why so sad, Enzo? You’ve found yourself a novia who cries even more than your daughter. The apartment will be full of sobs again in no time!
Ana has the show logo pillows on her bed, too. Freddy nervously visits her lair and admires her sexy new photographs. They almost get to smooching but Chema interrupts to say dinner is ready and chastises Ana about having a gentlemanish caller in her bedroom. After Freddie leaves Ana brats about Rebe’s presence in the house but Chela points out the rest of the family doesn’t like Ana’s novio, either, and most of them don’t like Enzo. But they all have the right to make their own choices and they should respect each other and not be so resistant to change.
Pina has had lasers installed in the bedroom marking a dotted line down the middle. If Vins crosses to her side, alarms go off. This happens during the night when he flails his arm, to both of their intense irritation.
Meli sobs and Fred is really nice to her because he’s a good guy now.
Pepe and Moni break in their new bedroom. The next morning, they wake up immune to morning breath. It’s all lovey dovey until Moni’s in the shower all shampoo-lathery and the hot water runs out. Pepe tries to fix the boiler and it blows up and leaves his face all blackened and much of his facial hair missing. Moni laughs.
Pancho and Rebe grope each other inappropriately in the office.
Chela cooks breakfast for Enzo. He praises her cooking and said he hasn’t felt this way in a really long time. What, gassy from the cheese and chorizo? No, all twitterpated. He asks her to be official novios. Chela is afraid that Temo won’t like it, and she is his slave after all. On the other hand, if it weren’t for Enzo, Temo wouldn’t still be irritatingly in the land of the living. She says she likes Enzo, but if she had to choose she’d always side with Temo. {Think hard, Enzo. Do you really want to be stuck with that pest forever?}
Tomás and Lupita take flowers to Alex’s grave. Tomás thought-bubbles to Alex a promise to somehow eventually make Lupita happy.
El Insufferable climbs over the wall and escapes from school. He finds Meli and they run away with the dogs. They take a bus to the old neighborhood, which is quite new and exotic for Meli, and on the sidewalk some punk guys shake them down for their lunch money (REALLY, losers?). They have to walk the rest of the way but eventually get to the casa popular and break in to the old apartment. Somehow Temo manages to serve snacks in that unoccupied home.
Freddy passes on Kari’s advice to Pina, bootlessly because Pina would love to see Vins behind bars. They wonder where Meli is.
Freddy goes to the studio, where Ana is frustrated because success has killed her muses. She whines that she’s got no creativity now, life is so different, wah. Freddy asks why she’s so unhappy with things. Is Rebe awful to her?
Pina and Vins threaten each other with throwing food. They stop short of doing it.
The school calls Pancho with news of Temo’s escape. Pancho calls Chela. Ado alerts Pina and Vins that the kids left with the dogs. They’re very worried about Abeja. Everyone calls everyone else.
The adults stand around and fret and fight for awhile. Finally they kick into action, although they don’t have a plan. Vins convinces Candy to go with him. Pina picks up Arnold.
Pancho and Rebe ride without seatbelts in La Burra and Rebe thinks this is her fault and they should cancel the wedding. Yeah, that would be a great lesson for Temo.
Vins smooches Candy on a public street and tells her they need to be sneaky and discreet. They make up and make out.
Pancho realizes where the kids must be. He calls everyone and they descend on the casa popular. Pancho yells at the kids a lot and Rebe plays good cop. Vins claims to find Candy’s former residence charming. The whole clan yells at Temo. I do enjoy that part.
Later, Freddie interrupts band practice to invite Ana to dinner. She says she can’t; they have tons of composing and rehearsing to do so she’ll probably be on a tight schedule for the foreseeable future.
Pina reads Meli the riot act about running away, but Meli is mostly just giddy about the thrill of having ridden the bus. Pina tries to instill some transportation-specific snobbery in her. Pina does agree to talk to Yuyis about Meli staying.
Chela and Pancho tell Temo if he runs away again, they’ll have to ditch their novios. BRILLIANT, IDIOTS.


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