Wednesday, February 22, 2012

El Talismán #16 Tue 2/21/12 ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?

Folks, we’re pressed for time today, so we’re going to advance directly to the lightning-round of “¿Quién Es Más Tonto?” It’s not Telenovela Bingo, or even Cliché Jeopardy, but it’s what’s on. And remember the Univisión motto: “We know you’ll watch whatever’s on.”
Escenario #1: The Only Hotel Inn™ – Fresno
Elvira: Hmmm, these pills are supposed to stop Gregorio’s heart. But he doesn’t have a heart – better go get some rat poison.
Camila: Mamá, here’s the whole story – can I believe Pedro?
Elvira: Of course not. He’s just playing with you, like all men. Except Antonio. He’s a mensch.
Camila: Genoveva, we must go to the police station and check out the missing-esposa story.
Antonio (on telephone): Elvira, take Camila to the airport!
Elvira: Camila, let’s go to the airport! But not for two hours.
Camila: What will we do for two hours?
Elvira: I have to go to the, um, hardware store.
Genoveva: Did you hear something?
Camila: No. I never hear anything logical.
1. ¿Quién Es Más Tonta?
  1. Camila, for asking ElVeneno for advice
  2. Blue Lass, for shouting at the TV -- again
  3. Genoveva, for thinking that donning a giant dangly pair of earrings made out of oysters is going to quell those rumors about her
Escenario #2: El Tal
Pedro: Lucrazy’s here! Tía, be nice.
Tía (with a wolfish grin): Let me just put on my glasses…the better to see you with, my dear. Coffee?
Lucrazy: Sure! With fake sugar, please. Coz there’s not enough heavy symbolism in this episode yet.
Pedro: Camila and I are back together. Get over it.
Lucrazy: I’m already so over it I’m going to send you off to the airport to meet my friend Julia. Her daddy is a big ol’ compragranos and he wants to comprar your grano.
Tía: That girl is a snake.
2. ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?
  1. Lucrazy, for coming up with the story of the Giant Grain Factory in San Francisco
  2. Pedro, for believing the story of the Giant Grain Factory in San Francisco
  3. Tía, for leaving the room
Escenario #3: El ‘Traz
Antonio: Mama left us money. We need to find the real will.
Doris: Hiya, sweetie!
Antonio: ¡No me toques! [Got bingo?]
Lucrazy: Let’s go to the airport!
Doris: Never mind; in a few days I’ll be porkin’ papa.
Gregorio: We need to make sure they don’t find the real will!
Valentín: Where is it?
Gregorio: Not here! I just made you sit around guarding my office all day for grins!
3. ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?
  1. Don G, for hanging onto the real will
  2. Doris, for forgetting for the entire series that she comes from a rich family and doesn’t need to spend her time pawing at weirdos
  3. The writers, for introducing a plot-altering secret inheritance letter completely off-screen, presumably while the entire viewing audience was being held captive in some living/dining/drawing/hotel room by a zombie conversation that refused to die
Escenario #4: El Cine de Fresno
Armando: Let’s be novios!
Fabiola: Okey-dokey!
4. ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?
[Question pulled after expert review determined that it was unanswerable.]
Escenario #5: El Lizard Lounge de Meester Renato
Renato: Quiet there, kitten, or Tracy will figure out you’re not my sobrina.
Kitten: I’m jealous of that Elvira.
Renato: Just think of all the kitty treats I can buy you with her money.
Kitten: Purr.
5. See #4 above.
Escenario #6: Jailbait University Parking Lot
F1 or F2: Now that we have our own coches, sourpuss mama doesn’t have to drive us anymore!
F1 or F2: She’s a sourpuss in the morning coz she’s out all night.
F1 or F2: Some night Armando and I are going to follow her!
F1 or F2: Well, papa isn’t very nice to her anywayz.
F1 or F2: I think papa and abuelo both hang out with that Madame Brigitte!
F1 or F2: Time for my class on developing my own personality! Gotta go!
Armando: Guess I’ll follow the other one now! I wonder where I can find a Fresno School of Stalker-Friendly Hospitality Management grad to give me her class schedule?
6. ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?
  1. Armando, for taking ElVíbora’s advice
  2. Las Jailbait, for believing that these coches are anything other than a plot device to get them into more trouble [Note that the bingo square for “car accident” is still enticingly empty]
  3. Madame Brigitte (off-screen), for thinking she can successfully blackmail a man who has already gotten away with maiming/killing and/or threatening to maim/kill several characters with whom he does NOT have a totally secret relationship
Escenario #7: El Gran Aeropuerto de Fresno
Pedro: I’m looking for this cute, young Julia chick who’s traveling alone.
Waiter: Of course, sweaty agitated-looking total stranger guy! Right over there!
Pedro: Wow, am I lucky you went to the Fresno School of Stalker-Friendly Hospitality Management!
Julia: My daddy wants to comprar your grano. Let’s hold hands!
Elvira: See, Camila? There he is with what’s-her-name(s)!
Camila: Hey! PEDRO! Having fun with your WIFE?
Pedro: What wife?
Julia: Gotta go!
Pedro: Now would be a good time to call Tía on the phone!
Tía (on phone): Go after her and explain, numbnuts!
Pejdro: OMG this airport is soooo humongous that now I can’t find her! Let’s talk on the phone some more!
Camila: "Mariana," I demand the truth! Lucrazy, what are you doing here?
Lucrazy: Here’s the truth! "Mariana" and Pedro can’t have kids, so I’m the surrogate! Right, amiga? [Fake pregnancy alert: get out your bingo cards.]
Julia: Gotta go!
Camila: [LLANTO]
Antonio: Camila, babe, didn’t see you there with my indoor dark glasses on! You okay?
Camila: Hold me, Antonio!
7. ¿Quién Es Más Tonto?
  1. Camila, for not listening to Pedro
  2. The actress who plays Julia, for thinking this job would be her big break in television, instead of the matacarreras it will undoubtedly turn out to be
  3. Pedro, for…GOD…everything
AVANCES: In an unprecedented porquería, all the avances are actual scene cuts from the episode we just watched. Way to build suspense, guys.


La Que No Podía Amar #40 Tuesday 2/21/12 Idiocy, Rage, Despair, and No Puede Sers.

LQNPA - La que no podía amar for Feb 21, 2012, Capitulo 40: Idiocy, Rage, Despair, and No Puede Sers.

This was another painful, soul-crushing episode, so I'm going to do a semi-brief (well, what passes for "brief" with me) bulleted-style recap, with some dialogs or scenes expanded, and with, of course, ample screenshots.

A few screenshots to get us rolling.

Por qué? Rogelio looks at both necklaces (Gustavo's and the ugly necklace he gave Cupcake) and wonders what the heck is going on.

At the same time, Cupcake is looking at the rings that Rogelio gave her and also wondering por qué, because she was starting to fall in love with him.

An unsuspecting Rogelio tells Bruno that he is determined to get to the bottom of this whole murder accusation nonsense. Bruno gulps nervously, realizing that his deviousness may be eventually uncovered by Rohell, who at the moment does have a few functioning brain cells.

Tia drops the bombshell (after lots of hemming and hawing) to Fed. His long-lost hija is Ana Paula. No puede ser!

After overhearing Cupcake say for the jillionth time that he's a douchebag and she wants to get outta there, Rohell rolls in and brandishes his whip in a threatening manner, as Maria restrains him. EVERYONE IS FREAKING  OUT AND IT NEEDS TO STOP!!! But no, they won't listen to me, will they?

Cupcake goads Rohell by telling him to hit her, but at the same time she looks horrified.

After the commercial break, Rohell seems to have calmed down and tries to reason with Cupcake, but she's not having any of it. The look of despair on his face is heart-breaking.

After a few obligatory No Puede Sers at hearing the news about his other daughter, Fed smiles and recalls that he felt the "call of the blood" when first meeting Cupcake.

Gus doesn't realize that he's one corner of Sinthia's love triangle. AWKWARD.

Rohell gives Cupcake an ultimatum about her brother. Will Rohell still help with Miguel's legal troubles, or not?

An overview of this episode. NOTE: Some events are listed out of order but you should be able to follow along and figure out what belongs where:

* Cupcake goes on a steady "Rohell is a douchebag" campaign throughout this episode. No let-up. No calming down. No listening to reason. No desire to answer questions like where does she get the idea he killed her novio, what evidence does she have, where did she find this evidence. OH NOOOOO . . . she's right and she's gonna stay right by not listening to one other person! No matter what! Don't change her mind with the facts, no siree!

* Rohell fluctuates between freakin' out to sad puppydog eyes, trying to make her see reason. But since she is Miss Self-Righteous at the moment, it does no good. He waves his whip at her (I think this was mostly for effect) but of course this does nothing to help dissuade her of the notion that he is a violent douchebag. Well, let's be fair, he is a douchebag at the moment—just not one capable of murder.

From the beginning of the episode: Rohell sits at the edge of his bed and despairs over recent, crazy events.

* Sinthia keeps on working on Gustavo. Smoochy, smoochy. He isn't as enthusiastic as she is, but he likes her and is sticking around. Sinthia invites Gus to the Hacienda.

Sinthia invites Gus and his sister to the hacienda.

She views him as a MUCH better alternative to that Shady David.

Gratuitous eyelash shot: Gus and Sinthia talk about his visiting the hacienda. Her brother is "special," she says (she keeps on saying that). Gus doesn't want to be the cause of trouble between Sin and her "special" brother. Not to worry, she says. They talk about their relationship and how it's still in the developing stages. 

* Sinthia tells Vainessa that David hasn't stopped bothering her and isn't taking the hint that he's been DUMPED.

* Poor Maria is in the middle of this ridiculous nightmare, because she loves both Rohell and Cupcake. She tries, repeatedly, to reason with Cupcake but as usual, Cupcake is in Hyper-Self-Righteous Don't-Confuse-Me-With-the-Facts mode and is unreachable. Rohell is more receptive and looks to Maria for comfort, calling her the only woman he can trust.

Maria reminds Cupcake that she brought out the "old" Rogelio, and that he has a good heart and could never murder anyone. She also tells Cupcake that she was starting to fall in love with him. Cupcake is too full of bitterness and self-righteousness to pay attention.

Maria urges Cupcake to bend a little. Listen to Rohell. Don't provoke him more than she has to—don't wear the shell necklace and maybe wear some of the clothes that Rohell gave her? Cupcake won't budge a bit, and says that not only does the necklace remind her of her lost love, but also of the "evilness of Rogelio Montero." She's being insufferably sure of herself.

* Mersnotty wants to distance herself from Ernesto while he is going through all his stuff with his wife suddenly and conveniently dying, so she's going to take a few vacation days and stay with Sinthia at the Hacienda, along with Gustavo.

* Rohell is very paranoid about Cupcake and doesn't want anyone to see her. When Bruno visits, bringing some children's books for Cupcake to use with Margarito, Rohell intercepts him and has the books delivered by Consuelo. Then he has a conversation with Bruno where he says he's going to get to the bottom of all this idiocy. Bruno looks a bit uncomfortable by this, because Rohell has a few functioning brain cells.

Bruno has brought some fairy tale books for Cupcake to read with Margarito. But Rohell won't let Bruno deliver them to her directly, he asks for them and then instructs Consuelo to give them to Cupcake.

Bruno feigns incredulity when Rohell fills him in with Cupcake's theory that Rohell's a murderer. When Rohell mentions the boyfriend and asks Bruno if he knows who he is, Bruno says that he heard him mentioned, but "forgot" what the guy's name was.

Rohell vows to get to the bottom of this whole sorry mess!

* Some talk with Esteban and his love life. Mersnotty apologizes because when Vainessa found out that he was supposedly her "novio" (remember, this was a ruse set up to get Ernesto off her back), Vainessa dumped him. Esteban is resigned and not too upset. Things weren't all that settled yet between him and Vainessa, and none of this is Mersnotty's fault. FF>>

Gratuitous shot of Esteban (Marco Mendez) and his flashing white teeth.

* Mersnotty wrote a letter to Ernesto (about how she has to stay away during this difficult time, for his daughter's sake or whatever) and had Sinthia deliver it. Later, Mersnotty has an opportunity to clear things up with Ernesto about her supposed "novio" Esteban. She used Esteban so that Ernesto would stop sniffing around. She didn't think she'd have the strength to resist him otherwise. FF >>

Ernesto reads Mersnotty's letter.

* Gus visits Esteban in his office as they talk about needing paperwork (topographical maps?) for his upcoming work trip to San Gabriel.

Gus and Esteban talking about stuff in the office. Gus talks with Fermin on his phone and has an opportunity to out Juan as the traitor who was conspiring with David.

* Juan of the fishermen is outed as a traitor by Gus. Juan argues with Fermin and even insults Fermin's deceased son, which does not help. Fermin tells him to get lost.

* Cupcake tells little Margarito that Rohell has turned bad again, or rather, that he was never good to begin with. She wants to take Margarito away with her when she makes her escape. Margarito thinks this is for the best, even though he'll miss the cows and Maria, but he doesn't want to be hit by Rohell. Aw man, talk about poisoning the child against a man who was willing to adopt him, and, if many of the speculations of Viewerville are correct, may prove to be a blood relation.

Cupcake tells Margarito that Rohell is all bad.

* Sinthia tells Rohell that David is crooked and not to trust him. When David calls Rohell, trying to whine about his unjust treatment at the hands of Sinthia, Rohell pretty much gives him the cold shoulder and says that if David has been slacking off on keeping to regulations with the construction, Rohell will pull his money out of the project. He also tells David to say away from Sinthia.

David is doubly-dumped. Sinthia doesn't want anything to do with him and now Rohell is telling him to not count on Rohell's money, since David is Sir ShadyDeal (thank you UA for that!).

* In one of the several heated, miserable exchanges between Cupcake and Rohell, he is angered that she is wearing the shell necklace again. She defiantly says she won't do anything to please him. It just goes downhill from there. She "Usteds" him and calls him señor with contempt in her voice. (She's really good at the contempt.) He reminds her that he still is entitled to her nursing at least, and demands that she give him physical therapy. She at first snippily says that he should hire a new nurse for that—perhaps then he'll develop a crush (or fancy) on this nurse and leave Cupcake alone. BRUJA! The look on Rohell's face was heartbreaking.

Rohell comes to Cupcake's room, trying to get her to see reason for the hundredth time. He reminds her that he's paying for her aunt's support. He at least expects her to be his nurse and continue is physical therapy. Cupcake couldn't be more snotty or contemptuous of him. Now ordinarily I'd not feel that sorry for him, since so often he's been a douchebag, but since this time he's been punished for something he didn't do, I feel for the poor guy.

She dismisses his love for her as a whim or fancy, and contemptuously says that if he hires a new nurse, perhaps he can direct his affections towards her and leave Cupcake alone.  Man, that is COLD.

* Tia, after some lengthy delays and hemming and hawing, finally tells Fed that Ana Paula is his long-lost daughter. Obligatory No Puede Sers are uttered. But Fed seems happy for the most part, but now wonders how he's going to approach AP, since he was so rude to her at her wedding to Rohell. He also marvels that both his daughters have gotten involved with that douchebag, Rohell. Later, Tia shows Fed a bit of Cupcake's hair, which could be used for DNA testing. Fed says that a blood sample is best for DNA.

* Tia gloats to her friend Elena about how she's got two sources of money (Fed and Rohell) to try to milk.

* Elsa la Vaca and Vainessa gnash their teeth over this bastarda daughter that Fed insists on acknowledging. Vainessa is not told the identity of her sister, with the explanation that it's really better that way. Vainessa vows to never accept her sister and rants and raves for a bit. But she also admits that she's curious of the girl's identity.

Vainessa doesn't want to acknowledge that she has a sister, but is still curious about who she is.

* Elsa la Vaca and Fed have a dysfunctional conversation where La Vaca admits that she resents how much Vainessa has always looked up to her dad. Fed says that if Vainessa doesn't get along with him now it's because La Vaca keeps on fueling the fire of resentment. He then says he has to go off to work, despite it being against doctor's orders. Vainessa is showing no interest in work and heaven forbid La Vaca lift a finger to help.

La Vaca and Fed converse while Vainessa chats with Sinthia in the background.

* In another painful exchange between Rohell and Cupcake, Rohell rolls in, furious, and brandishing his whip. He warns her that she doesn't know what he is capable of and he smacks the edge of a trunk or something. She taunts him and challenges him to go ahead and beat her! He looks almost on the verge of doing it (but like I say above, I think this is mostly for show, because he doesn't have a history of whipping women. Even douchebags like him have their limits). Maria, who is in the room, restrains him and screams that he can't hit the woman he loves! But then he calms down and says that he won't, because he's not the monster that she thinks he is. He thinks that in time things can get back to normal and hopefully it won't be too late for them. (He clings to the hope that she can love him, poor guy.) Of course she tells him no way, no how, she KNOWS he's guilty (again, don't confuse her with the facts!). He's all thinking about the love and feelings that were developing between them and he pleads with her, with those puppydog eyes, to reconsider. But nope, no, no way, nada, no no no. She will not budge but keeps on with her infuriating all-fired assuredness that he's a murderer. The poor guy eventually gives up and rolls out of the room in defeat.

He won't live up to her low expectations. Of course he won't hit her. (But it sure didn't look good that you rolled in there with your eyes ablazing and waving that thing around. Dude! Anger management. Look into it.)

She's too full of smug self-righteousness to realize that the poor guy's world is falling down all around him and he just wants her to give him a chance to clear his name with her. But nope, no way, she knows all. No need for further fact-finding or actually, you know, listening to his side for a change.

He pleads with her, tears filling his eyes, to listen to him. He's innocent! Don't throw away what was developing between us, he begs.

NOT INTERESTED. Do not ask her to listen to the other side. She needs no further information because her mind is made up!

Defeated and heartbroken, he sees there is no use and no reasoning with her.

* Cupcake, Dani, and Miguel plot their escape from the hacienda. Miguel is not too keen to go off half-cocked (again, he seems to be the brighter of the two siblings at the moment, which is frightening, really). Cupcake castigates him for this. Cupcake vows to take little Margarito with them, as she refuses to leave him behind with that monster Rogelio Montero.

* Rogelio summons Dani to his office and asks her to give him some details of this supposed "murder" that he committed, so he can get to the bottom of things. Dani can't say much as she hasn't been given many details herself. She pointedly asks him if he did it. He swears by his love for Cupcake (the only woman he's ever loved, he says) that he is innocent. Dani seems moved by this and perhaps inclined to believe him.

He swears to Dani that he is innocent.

* Dani relays to Cupcake what she discussed with Rohell. She starts to question Cupcake's all-fired determination to believe the worst of Rohell. She even brings up that Cupcake was starting to fall for Rohell and that her feelings for him may not be so clearly all hate. Cupcake argues irrationally with Dani and will not budge an inch. You can tell that Dani is starting to see this for the bullsh*t that it is.

A fruitless attempt to reason with Miss Self-Righteous I-Know-it-All.

* Some idiocy in town between Miguel, Dani and Maripaz. Miguel introduces Dani as "the best friend of my sister." AWKWARD. Miguel, you are such a dipsh*t.

* Later on Cupcake is called to do Rohell's therapy. She "Usteds" him. He says he doesn't like it, but she replies that she wants to keep her distance. He's all puppydog eyes and again reminds her that it doesn't change what he—they—feel for each other. But she's rolling her eyes like a little snot. He lays back passively as she does the therapy. She looks so sullen and unhappy during the therapy that I'm surprised that she doesn't drop big wet tears all over his legs as she is flexing them. He shakes his head slightly as if this is the most insane thing ever.

Petulant schoolgirl eyeroll.

Oh he with the pleading puppydog eyes.

* The last scenes have Fed coming to visit the Hacienda, saying he's got lots of stuff to do. Then Bruno is consulting Rohell in his office, talking about Miguel's legal case. Things could still go against Miguel, especially if Rohell doesn't intervene with his big bucks.  Rohell, with a look of some triumph on his face, has Cupcake summoned to his office, and drops this bombshell on her: Is he to continue to help Miguel, as was agreed to in their marriage contract, or not? Cupcake looks impactada.

She hears about how things could go bad for Miguel without Rohell's big bucks. Rohell does not have a puppydog expression on his face now, does he?

The Cupcake pouts prettily.

Avances: Mal. Muy mal. But we see Gus at the Hacienda. Should be interesting.

SOMETHING FUN TO END THIS MISERABLE RECAP: Look at this video. Some of you may not have seen this already. Watch it all the way through. You will see someone recognizable there. I confess that I have this video (bought from iTunes) and have watched it more than a few times and it'll be going on my iPod. It makes me smile.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #131-132 Tue 2/21/12 Ikky dudes have more fun.

Sadly, I missed the first half hour, so could somebody fill us in?

  • Ana is moping for Freddy, and vice versa, she crossly soliloquys: Get Lost, You Traitor.

    Karin admits to Moni: she loves Freddy but is embarrassed to have stolen him from Ana.
  • Pepe gets home, the atmosphere in the apartment is stiff, Kari leaves. Moni went shopping with her mom. Pepe, disgusted: "You wouldn't be happy even with all the money in the world. Think about it."
  • Elena gets earrings from her ikky old dude. She would like to be his kept woman. Her old dud (I mean dude) tells her to strip.

    They are writhing on the couch, eeew, Elena is getting groped by the old dude, but his wife and kid bang on the door! Dud basically throws her out the window. (Wife came back because the kid has a fever.)

    The wife closes the window, Elena is on some sort of ledge and one of her earrings has fallen off. She goes down the fire escape. Such is the glamorous life of the "bit on the side."
  • Vince's lawyer has called in the technician from the DNA lab to offer a shifty job: a million pesos if he'll change the results of Fernanda's DNA test to NEGATIVE. "I am a professional, it is unethical," the tech bleats feebly, but when he is given a folder, many pages enumerating his debts, he caves, though: "This work will cost double what you've asked." Vince says he'll get the other half when the deed is done.
  • Speaking of people who don't need DNA tests, Chato's wife has had her baby and the sweet little creature is black. And doesn't have the huge nose Chato and his friends have been looking for. Chato (the mooing informs us) is wearing the horns.

    Chato confronts the wife. "It happens," she explains. She says it's his fault for being such a flirt and ladies' man (mujeriego). They agree a divorce would be in order. She has this hunky black guy in Los Angeles, after all...

    Chato's son, poor thing, hasn't noticed his new little sister is black. ("Dad, she looks exactly like you!") The wife will take him back to Los Angeles. Chato gives her the delicious kiss-off "hasta nunca." (Which reminds me of the famous song, "Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me (And You Never Will)."

    Pancho tells Chato he deserved it and warns him not to dare bother poor Adoracion again.

    Chato tells his hopeful kid he won't be going back to L.A. with them but "We can talk on the telephone." Until now he hasn't spared a moment to think about this poor kid.
  • Fernanda really wants to tell Pancho he's her son. Lupita says they should keep it quiet but she hates lying to evetyone.
  • Idiot Vince comes tomcatting round Amazon Barbie (whose cuerpazo annoys me). Violeta laughably calls Chela vulgar, pot meet kettle! Glamazon asks about Candy, Vince rolls her name in his mouth cheerfully, Glamazon sneers: "You were in love with a masseuse?" "Love is foolish."

    Meanwhile, Candy, whose idiocy now matches or surpasses Vince's, is calling him and calling him. He doesn't answer. He boasts to Violeta about helping Enzo rise from the ranks of the unwashed car washers. Violeta sends Vince away without even a kiss. Look, don't touch, moron.
  • Pepe now believes only money would make Moni happy. She denies it.
  • Freddy gets Karin shoved down his throat by his snobby mother, who notes Kari is "of your class."
  • Fernanda gets the faked negative DNA result from the crooked lab guy. I think this is all trumped up, what difference does it make really? But she's all, boo-hoo boo-hoo.
  • At breakfast Vince receives a call from the president of Ines' cosmetics company Belle Face, requesting a meeting with all the Avon execs in Acapulco that very day. Vince and the mystery president are obviously chummy.

    Since I haven't been watching (I can't take any more of these double-hour weeks!!) I don't know why Avon would even be considering a merger with their enemy competitor. Rebe and Panho are indeed skeptical. Vince won't say who the new president of Belle Face is but notes that their finances are "healthy."

    So they all go to the airport! Pancho's never been on a airport before. He's nauseated just anticipating it and clutches his sandwiches but Rebe takes them away. Who'll take are of his kids if he dies? He panics at length.

    Finally on the ground again, Pancho drops to the floor and kisses it. His team is all in white.

    The mystery president's assistant (in hotpants) gets a light spraying of drool from Vicente.

    Oh, what do you know, the famous "brilliant" president is Mike!

    Let's talk about this actor for a minute. He is so ugly, he never smiles, and he has painted his skin orange, and has never been anything but an enemy in any telenovela. What charm did Rebe ever find in him?

    While he stands there pouting (oh, and he's wearing pink lipstick), a video of his magnificent credentials rolls behind him. It's hilarious. He attended Harvard and Yale! Oh, I'm impressed, aren't you? Don't you find him amazingly ugly? Worse than Chato in my opinion. (But not as ugly as Rubberlips.)
  • Ana cries about Freddy; Lupita explains "you're crying because you love him." Ana wants to break his snout, and Karin's too.

    Freddy barges in with a yearning look. She resists and aims her blunderbuss of guilt at him: "When I met you I never thought you'd love me, you seemed so inaccessible.... you are the love of my life... but you failed me!"

    She grinds him down with guilt! She sends him away "forever!" She advances on him menacingly with a pool cue so he leaves. She sobs some more.
  • Candy and Chela are also in Acapulco too! Candy does not look good in a bikini IMO. Pathetially, she thinks having face-time (that's a euphemism) with Vince in such a romantic place will rekindle romance.
  • Writhing with boredom in that meeting, Vince wants to know when it's recess. OK, now, little Vincentito, Mike excuses them all and then he and Vince go out for drinks - but first, Mike leers at Rebe while congratulating Pancho for his good taste in women.
  • Fer: "I know Pancho is my son, a mother is never wrong." DNA guy: calls Vince for the other half of his dough. He tells Vine the verdulero is in fact Fer's son. "He's my COUSIN???!!!" Vince wails heavenward in extreme anguish!
  • Like any proper pouting pink-lipsticked orange-hided buzzard of an ex-boyfriend, Mike has flowers and cards delivered to Rebe, and he calls her and texts her incessantly - "you never answer me!" he complains when she finally accepts his call. "Have you forgotten what happened in Miami? Are we here for business or so you can make me miserable?" Rebe asks.

    He says he just wants to talk to her... Pancho was very jealous, but then cheered himeself up with the ocean and he kissed Rebe happily. Hotpants points out to Mike: "She hates you." "But I will never stop loving her."
  • Vince, a sucker for a mountain of shiny womanflesh, tells Enzo Violeta is a Monument. He doesn't care that she's crazy!
  • Back in the not very squalid apartment (remember Dolly Parton's old saw, "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap?" The props department didn't have enough money to make this joint properly awful) Moni dresses up nicely and Pepe makes hamburgers.

    Moni admits it was the raging neighbor who broke her car windows. In high dudgeon Pepe rushes towards the door to go do that bad neighbor. Moni yells: "If you leave, you won't see me again!" She doesn't want an escalation, she doesn't want more fear...

    ... Her snobby complaints start to grate on Pepe: "You think you're doing me a favor living here? You have to 'tolerate' it?"

    Moni, who right now is reminding me of that lady in Dickens who complains more than anybody else does about the cold and damp because "I feel it more!" complains: "It's hard for me to live here." "So why do you stay?" She stomps out.
  • Rebeka goes downstairs in the hotel to meet with Mike. She slugs him. He loves it.


El Talismán #15 Mon 2/20/12 You Are Not the Boss of Me!

I am so happy that tonight is my night. This was the best episode EVER!!!!!!

You’re not the boss of Me Dad!
El Alcatraz in front of the obvious Chevy product placements.
As you are aware, last week, Don G ordered his son to return the cars. Antonio told Don G that he wasn’t going to return a damn thing because of the letter he found from his mother. Don G told Antonio, he can shove that letter, because rock beats scissors, scissors covers paper, a will trumps a letter. He informs his son that the incestuous duo will be left nada, zilch, nothing, zip…

The Beauty Salon
After paying top price for a perfectly good hair do, Elvira decides to make it a hair don’t when she puts that stupid red hair band in it. Elvira doesn’t know if she wants to meet with Renato. His accomplice, his girlfriend, encourages her to meet him by saying it’s a public place. There’s no harm. Elvira agrees that she will see him.

You’re not the boss of me Renato!
Mr. Renato asks Tracy not to talk about him to Elvira. She agrees. Worst friend ever award.
Back at El Alcatraz in front of the obvious Chevy product placements.

Antonio and his father continue to have the will versus letter debate.

A. Of course my mama left us something.
DG. Prove it, but in the meanwhile, you’d best get these cars off my property.

Las Jailbait approaches the two men. They want to know why the cars have to go back. Their mother said that DG was going to buy them cars anyway. They don’t care who buys the cars. DG says that no one does anything without consulting him because he’s the boss of the family. They’ll get a car when Don G wants them to have a car. Antonio tries to go after his father when he turns to leave, but Las Jailbait stops their father and tells him it ain’t worth it. He should talk to his father when he’s calm. Anotonio agrees. But he’s pissed. He looks into the camera and thinks: I will have to eliminate him.

Los Angeles 107.5 Radio StationTwo DJs discuss how Marianna has been missing for years. They give a description of her.

The Beauty SalonAntonio calls Elvira and demands to see her right away. Elvira wonders if he knows that Camila is going to work at El Talisman.

You’re Not the Boss of Me, Mr. Smith!The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno? (I don’t know…the room looked pretty classy, except for the curtains. Could we be at The Only Otra Hotel Inn-Fresno?)

Camila is sitting on the bed recalling her encounter with “Marianna” in her head. Afterwards, she tells herself that Genoveva is right. Mr. Smith won’t make her work there.

El Talisman
Pedro is losing business because Don G is spreading rumors about his seeds. Pedro is frustrated and hangs up the phone on a client. One of the guys (I still don’t know which is which) basically tells him that he’s not gonna convince the clients that the grain is good by hanging up on them. Pedro agrees.

At Some Restaurant
Camila tells her boss that she can’t work at El Talisman because Pedro’s wife won’t let her on the property. The boss wants to know why no one in Fresno wants to work with Camila.

El Alcatraz
Don G wants to know how Antonio found out about his inheritance. Valentin says that he doesn’t know but suggests that Don G speak to Bridgette. Bridgette knows a lot of secrets and it’s not convenient, says Don G.

Back at Some RestaurantCamila continues to try to explain to her boss that she can’t work at El Talisman because “Marianna” doesn’t want her on the property. Mr. Smith tells her that if she doesn’t work at El Talisman, she doesn’t work for him at all. Camila looks worried.

Mustang Ranch-Fresno (My favorite place)

Bridgette and Doris are sitting in the garden having nice quiet afternoon tea (cuz that’s what all hookers do in their spare time). While displaying her thigh-highs and half of her behind to the world, Bridgette tells Doris that it will be very dangerous to make love to her father-in-law OR it will be very dangerous to make her father-in-law love her. Doris says that she has no choice. Antonio will eventually divorce her for Camila. She has to be prepared for that.

Back at Some RestaurantYou’re fired if you don’t work at El Talisman. Conversation over.

El AlcatrazThe new contractor tells Genoveva that Antonio wants Camila’s address in Davis. They don’t know that they are being observed by Don G and Valentin. They are temporarily deaf and unable to detect two men, who are not whispering and approaching on two horses. Don G believes that Camila is behind this and they will have to watch her more closely.

Pre-arranged meeting place:Antonio tells Elvira that he wants to eliminate his father without killing him. He hands Elvira some capsules to feed to Don G.

The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno (I’m sure this time. Armando hasn’t showered or left the room in a week, so that’s how I can tell).

While this brother and sister stand a respectable distance from one another, Camila informs Armando that the family will have to leave Fresno. Pedro is married, his wife thinks she’s flirting with him and won’t let her on the property.

Pre-arranged meeting place:Elvira agrees to give Don G the capsules little by little, but she wants more money. Antonio wants to know how soon she can start. Elvira says that by tomorrow Don G going to want to be with her. I don’t think she’s a match for the pros at the Mustang ranch unless there’s something we haven’t been told about her.

Back at the tacky room in The Only Hotel Inn-FresnoCamila is sitting on the bed and her brother is still standing at a respectable distance apart from her. There is definitely no hanky panky going on between these two. When it sinks down that Pedro is married, Armando rushes towards the door…he wants to kick some Pedro a$$ for playing with his sister.

Only then, in order to prevent her brother from doing anything rash, does Camila touch her brother. Other siblings (who shall remain nameless) on this can learn from them. Armando tells his sister that every time the family moves forward, they fall back.

El Alcatraz
Las Jailbait are sitting with the nanny, Alberta. They don’t understand why Don G won’t let them keep the cars. They’ve told all of their friends that they were getting cars. Oh well, Brunette Jailbait (Fabiola) wonders why she hasn’t received a call from Armando. Her sister teases her about being love.

Pre-arranged meeting place:Elvira wants to know how many doses she can give Don G without killing him. Antonio repeats that he doesn’t want his father to die. He just wants him to suffer. Antonio tells Elvira that he has to go home and deal with Las Jailbait. Elvira thinks this is a great opportunity for Armando to move in on the girls. She crazy because Antonio seems to hate everybody except his “las adoro” and he will kill Armando, his momma and their dog if anybody hurts them. Then Elvira tells him that Camila is working and living on El Talisman. Antonio tries to look shocked, but he just ends up looking “as sexy as hell” in those oversized glasses. Sorry, my clock is ticking and looking at him is not helping the situation.

El TalismanLulu calls Pedro and tells him that Don G is still after him. She will be over later on that night to explain it more to him. He agrees. Pedro is an idiot.

Pre-arranged meeting place
OK, for the love of all that is good…can we please end this conversation? Drug Dad. Got it. Camila is moving in with Pedro. Got it. The only good thing about this endless scene is that Antonio is in it and he’s been practicing his sexy poses in different spots. Now, if only he were shirtless. Elvira assures him that in the end Camila will end up with him and not with Pedro.

Mr. Renato’s?Tracy is listening to that crappy song and fantasizes about working for Epinoza Paz.

The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno
Elvira walks into the room and sees her son packing. He still has not groomed himself. He explains that they are leaving because Pedro’s wife said Camila can’t work at El Talisman.

El AlcatrazBlonde Jailbait hugs her father. He explains that he not returning those cars under any circumstances. His daughters thank him, but tell him that they would rather him return the cars than upset gramps. His phone rings. Elvira’ calling to tell him that Camila’s not going to work at the El Talisman because Pedro’s wife won’t let her. Antonio says that strange because she’s disappeared. He says he’ll call her later.

Mustang Ranch-FresnoDon G is confronting Bridgette. He wants to know why she blabbed to Antonio about his inheritance. I have a question. Why would you go to a hooker to find out about your wife’s will? Oh, I forgot, the Mustang Ranch provides legal assistance as well as tax advice. Those hookers multi-task. Anyway, she vehemently denies it.

El Talisman
With the help of Alberta, Lulu picks out a dress for her meeting with Pedro. Antonio throws open the door and tells the maid to get out. He needs to talk to his sister. Lulu tells her brother that he should have knocked because she may have been naked. Antonio closes the door so the two of them can be alone. Ummmmm she had a little sparkle in her eyes when she said it. He asks her what she had to do with Camila thinking that she spoke with Pedro’s wife.

Mustang Ranch-Fresno
Bridgette and Don G are arguing so loud that Doris/Catherine hears the commotion and hurries downstairs without her mask on. She yells “what’s going on!”

El Alcatraz-Lulu’s Bedroom
The incestuous duo are now all alone in Lulu’s bedroom. Mood music is playing and her clothes are strewn all over the room. OK, the mood music part is a lie, but the rest is the honest truth. At first Lulu denies having anything to do with Camila meeting fake Marianna. Finally she tells him the truth. It was her. Antonio, grabs his sister by her hair, pulls her closer and appears to stop short of giving her the most passionate kiss off her life. If you don’t believe me, roll the tape. She puckered her lips and looked down at his. Are these two actors only children? I don’t think they know what the appropriate space is between siblings of the opposite sex.

Mustang Ranch
Once Doris realizes that Bridgette is arguing with her father-in-law, she quickly puts on her mask. Now, to me it looked as if both Don G had a whole hour to get a good look at her without the mask; however, it seems that he did not see her face. I don’t know how he didn’t and I don’t know why he didn’t recognize her voice. What’s up handsome?

El Alcatraz-Lulu’s BedroomLulu sits on the bed and Antonio sits on a nearby chair. She explains how she did it. They want to ensure that Camila completely stays away from Pedro. Lulu thinks it will be impossible because Camila would have to see him together with fake Marianna for it to work. Antonio gets up and sits close to Lulu on her bed because she can’t seem to hear him from the chair he was sitting on. He says that all they have to do is have Camila see fake Marianna and Pedro together and she will believe it’s a real marriage.

Mustang RanchDoris slinks over to Don G. He tells her that he’s been telling Bridgette that he wants to spend the night with her. Doris doesn’t say on word. Don G looks into her eyes. When Doris walks off he says: without doubt she is the most beautiful. Bridgette looks worried.

You are not the boss of me, Pedro!El Talisman
Pedro tells Patricia that Lulu’s coming to visit. He asks her to be polite to Lulu. She says she can’t stand her and she’s going into the kitchen. The doorbell rings. Off-screen, someone is yelling a Pedro. When she enters the room, it’s Camila! She demands to talk to Marianna and Pedro. She tells him that she was humiliated when Marianna gave her the boot from El Talisman. He tells her that his wife doesn’t live there. She calls him a lying dog and tells him that she spoke to his wife whose mouth was full of insults towards her.

The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno
Armando has still not showered or changed his clothes. I don’t know how his mother and sister can continue to be around him in that state. Mommy Dearest asks if he’s contacted Brunette Jailbait. He’s says no.

El Talisman
Your wife insulted me and told me to leave. Ummmm my wife doesn’t live here. Listen to me. My boss says I’ll be fired. You’ll talk to him and you’ll tell him that it’s not my fault or give me my paycheck!

The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno
Mom, she’s jailbait, it’s an automatic ticket to the big house if I breathe on her. You have to help me get my revenge. I’m your mother. Get her before she gets you.

El AlcatrazLas Jailbait are discussing why Armando has not called yet. Surprise, Brunette Jailbait’s phone rings. She thinks she’s telepathic.

El TalismanCamila will not believe that she did not meet Pedro’s wife. She screams Marianna’s name. Pedro tells her that his wife disappeared and has not lived there in years. She scoffs.

El AlcatrazArmando invites his free ticket to jail to the movies. She’s all excited. He tells his mother that she accepted. Mom tells him never to forget that she is the grandchild of Don G and to never forget what Don G did to them. Armando looks like he feels bad. I think he really liked her. Both he and his mother had better leave those two little girls alone because Don G and his son are psychotic. Killing them would probably be a bonding moment for father and son. Jailbait are excited because brunette has a date and a boyfriend.

El Alcatraz Lulu’s roomWhile still sitting on the bed together, at least the incestuous duo are sitting further apart.
Someone at Univision must have read the viewer suggestion comments finally. Lulu explains that her friend Julia pretended to be Marianna, but she’s going back home tomorrow. Antonio says that all they have to do is get Camila to see Pedro and Julia together. He gets up from the bed. His sister gets up and stands closely behind him. They are going to visit Julia.

El Talisman
For the love of all that is good. They are still arguing. I don’t care unless this is going to end with him grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder (that is so sexy). Anyway, he is still trying to convince her that she was not talking to his wife. Frankly, I wouldn’t believe him either, but I’m bored. He blocked her exit. Finally, something happened. She’s going to listen. Praise Jesus!

Julia's Hotel?The incestuous duo stops by Julia’s room to see if she’d like to join them for a threesome? I think that’s what my cc says. I have to rewind the DVR. No, I guess that’s not what they wanted. Hmmm. OK, so according to the new ccs, Lulu tells Julia that she did a great job. Once Julia lets them in, Anthony grabs her and gives her a little smooch on the cheek. He introduces himself. He sits on the couch with Julia and Lulu sits on something else. Lulu asks her to do them another favor.

El Talisman
Pedro tells Camilla that he believes that Antonio is behind this. Once again, Camila scoffs and doesn’t believe him.

Julia’s hotel
The incestuous duo tell Julia that they just want her to be seen talking to Pedro. Nothing more. Boy rich kids have nothing better to do. Lulu is confident that she can get Pedro to the meeting place. Both of the siblings kiss Julia goodbye.

El TalismanCammie makes Pedro promise that he is telling the truth. He does. Then she says true or not, you are a married man telling me that you love me.

Car with Steamed Up WindowsThe incestuous duo is sitting alone, in the backseat, of blue car with steamed up windows. This time, I am not lying, nor am I exaggerating in any way. OK, you caught me. The windows weren’t steamed up and they were sitting in the front seat. I think Lulu told Antonio not to wait up for her because she was going to stay and sleep with Antonio.

El Talisman
Camila wants to know why Pedro married Marianna? Money? Love? He tells her for neither. He married her because she and her father helped him when he came to America. He loves her like a sister.

TheatreArmando is going to jail or going to die by the hands of Antonio. I can see the handwriting on the wall. Jailbait tells him that he makes her nervous. Armando likes that he makes her nervous. He has yet to change his shirt and comb his hair.

El Talisman
FINALLY! Pedro explains that Antonio knocked up Marianna because he wanted El Talisman. Don Bernardo asked Pedro to marry his daughter to keep that riffraff away from is kid. Once Don G figured out that Don Bernardo sold El Talisman to someone else, then Don G beat Marianna like she owed him some money and killed the baby. I thought we would never get to this point.

El Alcatraz
Valentin was chilling reading the newspaper with his feet up, when he was so rudely interrupted by Antonio. Side note, I did not realize it earlier (because he had his shirt off), but Antonio has dimples. Antonio bursts into the room and wants to know where is father is. Valentin tells him that he doesn’t know where Don G is. Antonio tells him that his father is not immortal. He walks out and takes his 12 pack and his dimples with him.

El Talisman
Pedro tells Camila that Marianna lost her baby, her memory and no one has seen her in years. He doesn’t believe that she’s dead. Patricia interrupts the conversation, introduces herself as Marianna’s aunt and vouches for Pedro.

El Alcatraz
Alberta, knowing that Antonio is KA RAY ZEE, tries to avoid telling him that his daughter is out on a date. Blonde Jailbait tells her father that her sister Fabiola is out on a date with a pert near 40 year old man. I don’t think Antonio heard her correctly because, he remained calm and in a pleasant mood. I think Antonio plotting to kill him in the morning because he said tomorrow he wants to meet the “boy”. P.S. Did anyone else notice the sound of thunder with Antonio entered the room in this scene?

Armando and Fabiola exit the theatre. He tells her that he likes her a lot. She tells him that she likes him too. Then Armando has a flashback to the conversation that he had earlier with his mother. Armando want to know if Fabby would have still went out on a date with him if he was poor.

El Talisman
Pedro says he has no way to prove that Don G is responsible for the disappearance. He doesn’t know whether Marianna is hungry, cold or sick, good or bad or if she has a roof over her head. Patricia chimes in the Marianna knew all about Cammie and that she planned on divorcing Pedro so that they could be together. Marianna and Pedro were only supposed to be married for one year. Marianna was going to help explain why they married, but she disappeared. Cammie smiles and asks, she knew about me. Pedro says he swears it. Patricia reiterates that the marriage was not for love and that Pedro is telling the gospel truth. She tells Cammie that she is Pedro’s only love. Patricia walks off knowing that she has done all that she can do. She’s handed Cammie to him on silver platter. It’s up to Pedro now. He’s kind of dumb, so we’re both a little worried that he may mess this opportunity up.

The Car with Steamy Windows
Antonio left the car no less than 8 scenes ago. I don’t know what Lulu was doing in the car all of this time, but for some reason, she has now decided to climb out. She is determinedly marching towards El Talisman. Great. She’s going to mess up Pedro’s game. She pauses long enough to tell us that tonight she will conquer Pedro.

El TalismanPedro says he doesn’t know how to show her that everything he says is true. Camila says that she needs time. She loves him, but she’s so confused. He asked her if she will come back to work in the morning. She agrees, but she’s leaving for the night. She gets her purse. He offers to walk her to the door. She says no, but calls his name, then walks over and rams her tongue down his throat. Right then, Lulu walks in on them. What is with the Negretes and their aversion to knocking or ringing a doorbell?

TheatreFabiola tells Armando that it doesn’t matter to her whether he has money or not. He tells her that Don G will probably expect him to have money. She says that it only matters what her father thinks and she is going to introduce him to KA RAY ZEE tomorrow. Armando looks a little nervous. And he should be.

El Talisman
Lulu leaves disgusted. Right afterwards, Cammie and Pedro take a break to rest their lips. Outside, Lulu ponders what kind of morals Cammie has that she would mess with a married man.

“Que clase de mujer es Camila? No respecta ni siquiera que Pedro es casado.”Lulu is kind of a big hypocrite since it doesn’t seem to bother her that both Pedro and her brother are married.

Pedro asks Cammie if she trusts him? You said that you love me and that’s what I want to believe. She turns to walk away. Pedro manhandles her and pulls her back to him. I know that I shouldn’t….but I love when he grabs her.It is so sexy. I’m sorry to all of the women’s libbers who came before me. I think she implies that she may not return tomorrow. He says that she will. Either that or she said will she regret it. I’m tired.

El Alcatraz
Gosh, this scene just shows that hot deranged people can show love too. He is so gentle with his daughters. Antonio tells blonde daughter that he has to plan his father’s demise with Elvira in the morning, but later on when he’s free, he’d like to meet Fabiola’s new boyfriend. Invite the “young” lad for dinner. A dark cloud (I mean Don G) enters the room and interrupts the loving family moment. Where has Don G been all this time? It took him 30 seconds to get to the Mustang ranch, but it he’s been gone for what seems like hours! His grand-daughter has snuck out of the house and watched a movie, his son has plotted his downfall, and his daughter has sat in the car doing who knows what for who knows how long. I think that if he would have slept with Doris, they would have shown it and he would have come back in a better mood. Last week she got a man to sign legal documents after he’d been with her. I'm positive that she could have taken his mind off of some stupid little cars.

Anyways, back to the story.

Don G barges in to the room. Alberta exits stage right in a hurry. There are one two many nuts in the room. Her limit is one at a time. Antonio asks blondie to leave. Did you take those cars back? Antonio humbly asks his father not to make him take the cars back. Don G keeps peeing on Antonio to show his alpha male dominance. Why did you buy those cars without my authorization and with my money? Antonio is trying to remain calm and humble. He mentally repeats to himself…My meeting to poison you is tomorrow, buddy…just 8 more hours to go! Don G says the girls can keep the cars, but he pees on Antonio a little more. I think his father told him that he owns him until he (the father dies). Antonio managed to keep a calm demeanor until Don G walked past him. Then his expression changed to pure hate. Let’s see how long you last, he said.

Credits Good Night Victor Hugo Cabrera wherever you are!

Be back Easter Monday!


Una Familia Con Suerte #129-130 Mon 2/20/12

An Episode Full Of Confessions

Before we get on with today’s two episodes, we have a bit of recap from last Friday. The recap included Doña Fer confessing to Lupita about her lost son, Freddy confessing to Pepe and Monica about his kiss with Karina, and Vicente confessing to Enzo about his interest in Violeta.

We begin today’s show with a short scene with Ana letting Freddy know, once again, that she never wants to see him again. Poor Freddy.
Next we have another short scene when Arnold asks Pina to take care of his office. He’s on his way to Rome for some kind of cosmetic convention. Pina doesn’t understand Arnold’s behavior, but it’s obvious that he’s sad to leave and will miss her. Pina still considers Arnold her girlfriend, while Arnold thinks he wants something else on a more romantic level.

Pina then goes to see Pancho and gives him some graphic designs and other campaign information. Pancho is impressed and encourages Pina to keep doing a great job.

In his office, Christian is worried because he can’t find some files in a folder on his computer and fears they’ve been erased. His very able and pretty assistant Elena tells him not to worry because she can find whatever he needs. As she looks, she reminds him of their upcoming dinner. Christian makes a deal with her. If she finds what he needs, he’ll take her to dinner at the best restaurant in the city.

At the Lopez house, Candy and Chela are talking. Candy lets Chela know that she’s planning on residing with Vicente in the new apartment. Chela tries to talk some sense into her, but she’s unsuccessful. Candy is warned that Pancho will go ballistic and might want to kill Vicente for messing with Pancho’s little sister!

Pancho and Rebe talk about and plan their wedding. I think they’re also working and strategizing regarding a new advertising campaign. When everything is perfect, Rebe steps out to grab some papers and leaves her phone in Pancho’s office. Pancho notices that Rebe’s phone keeps ringing, and it’s Mike.

Doña Fer goes to Lupita’s room to see if they could talk. Lupita once again lets her know that the secret is safe. All of a sudden, she sees Lupita’s medallion and begins asking, kind of worked up, where and how she got it. Lupita is taken aback but calmly answers the questions. She tells Doña Fernanda that the medallion was miraculous because it saved her from death. As a young child, Lupita was very ill, and her parents thought she wouldn’t make it. The medallion belonged to Pancho who gave it to his daughter. Pancho had the medallion since he was born. It miraculously saved Lupita. Doña Fer hears the story, recognizes the medallion and begins putting two and two together. Hmmm. She asks to borrow the medallion and leaves in a rush. We find out she goes to Octavio’s office.

In Pancho’s office, he’s not too happy and lets Rebe know. When Rebe returns, he asks for some explanations.

We then have some very realistic scenes with Pepe and Monica. I’ll consolidate these scenes.
Monica lets Pepe know she’s at her wit’s end and is having a bit of a crisis with everything that’s been happening to her. In a way, she feels Pepe minimized some things. She lets Pepe know that her car was broken into, and as expected, Pepe is furious and about to let the neighbor have it. This gets Monica worked up even more. Monica asks Pepe for security regarding always being together. Pepe lets Monica know that little by little, time and effort on both their parts will help things settle for them.

They continue to talk, and Monica lets Pepe know about Violeta’s proposal regarding the San Diego trip. Pepe can read the handwriting on the wall and sees an easy way of escape for Monica. Monica says it’s a vacation or a trip that would do both of them good…a change of atmosphere. Pepe lets Monica know that his life and problems are in Mexico alongside her.
They can’t seem to agree about anything, and Pepe finally storms out and lets Monica know she’s free to go.

Outside of Lopez home, Vicente is waiting for Candy. Doña Fer is going somewhere. Vicente seems concerned or intuitive that something is wrong…or that she’s up to something. Candy comes out and they talk. He apologizes to her and then lies to her about working late and not being able to see her tonight. I don’t know if Candy is fully buying it. Vicente has a date with Violeta.

Back in Pancho’s office, he and Rebe have a discussion. Pancho is not happy that Rebe hid the fact that Mike kept calling. Rebe justified herself by repeating the fact that she didn’t want to talk with Mike because she hated him for all he did to her. Pancho can understand that, but he wonders why she gets so worked up whenever the topic of Mike comes up. Rebe really doesn’t have a good justifiable answer.
The discussion goes on, and they even talk about how they each had a past and should accept it and move on. Rebe really wants to make up with Pancho, and they do, but Pancho is still a bit skeptical. He asks her to never hide things from him, no matter how painful.

Fernanda goes to see Octavio and relates what happened with the conversation with Lupita and shows him the medallion. She’s positive it’s the same one because she tells him how it was specially designed with a special inscription. “I will always love you.” She’s sure Pancho is her long lost son and wants to tell Pancho and the whole world. Octavio wants her to take things easy and do things right. He suggests a DNA test, and she agrees.

At the Lopez house, folks worry about Doña Fer. Lupita informs Pancho and Rebe what happened and how she rushed off with the medallion.

Vicente heads for Octavio’s office to see what is going on with his Dear Aunt. They all talk, and while Octavio steps out, he catches a glimpse of where Octavio has her DNA sample. Uh oh. Not good.

Monica goes to see Violeta, who is on her way out. Violeta cancels with Vicente. Mother and daughter talk and dine together. While that’s going on, Pepe is with Tomas talking and venting.

Flirtatious and troublesome Elena is having dinner with Christian. She puts the moves on him. Oh boy!

Vicente meets with the lawyer. Oh man…he wants Doña Fer investigated. What a jerk. He wants no questions asked from the lawyer. He just wants the job done. Of course, this is a secret. Why the DNA test?

Lopez home. Candy has decided to leave and go live in the new apartment. She knows Pancho will go nuts but keeps telling herself that she’s her own woman. Yeah…sure.

Pancho and Doña Fer finally see one another and talk. She’s thrilled to see him. Pancho lets her know that he and the family worry about her and wonder if anything bad is going on. Just when she’s about to spill the beans, Candy comes in and gives Pancho the bomb shell news.
She tries to justify her actions. Pancho and Doña Fer aren’t buying it. He’s furious! Chela joins in the conversation. Pancho continues to try to convince Candy to do things right and not be “the other woman.” Candy lets everyone know that she’ll be happy, no matter what, and asks for a family bear hug. At first, nobody is quite sure what to do. They relent.

Christian and Elena. It’s late, and Elena wonders if Christian is going to take her home or not. They end up spending the night together. Hmmm. What Christian’s wife doesn’t know won’t hurt him…yet.

Candy is sad about how she left the house. She lets Vicente know how much she needs him.

Another talk between Pancho and Doña Fer. She thinks about everything that’s happened and tells him that their meeting was destiny. He wonders where the conversation is going and alludes to the conversation they were having before being interrupted by Candy. Now they get interrupted by Pepe, who lets them know things aren’t going so well.

Elena gets home at 3:00 AM, and Tomas asks for an explanation, which she refuses to give. Christian feels guilty but continues to think back to the night he spent with Elena. Not so guilty, eh?

Doña Fer is in Pancho’s room thinking back to the conversation she had with Octavio. Lupita sees her and asks what’s going on. Doña Fer also has what Octavio asks of Pancho regarding DNA.

At Avon, everyone is meeting and very interested in what Pina has come up with regarding the new ad campaign for natural cosmetics. Of course, Vicente is not interested and makes fun of her and her efforts. Nonetheless, Pina shows her work and is congratulated by everyone. Pancho commends her for her efforts and puts her in charge of the campaign. She’s showing her stuff!

At Pepe and Monica’s apartment, Monica is greeted by breakfast made by Pepe. He lets her know that he’s been thinking a lot about everything and will do her very best to give her the life of a queen. She bursts into tears and leaves the room. She says she doesn’t deserve him. Pepe isn’t quite sure what to do.

Doña Fer leaves the house and is being followed by the lawyer. The lawyer informs Vicente that Octavio and Doña Fer went to a lab to match DNA samples. He hears her say that she wants to confirm what she feels…that Pancho is her son.
Vicente needs to do something and asks the lawyer to find out who is in charge of the lab. Of course, we know that Vicente will do something to tamper with those results. What a jerk.

Enzo wants to know what Vicente is up to, and Vicente refuses to divulge information. It would be dangerous because he’s in love with Chela. Can Vicente trust Enzo? After some persuasion on Enzo’s part, Vicente capitulates.

Pepe goes to Avon and talks with Pancho and Rebe about making more money to give Monica a better life. He says he’s willing to quit school for a while and get a better or a full time job. Pancho and Rebe get him to see that everything takes time and effort. They try to get Pepe to reflect on everything. Hmmm. Was it too soon for them to move in together? Should they go back to being boyfriend/girlfriend until they get some more money and life experience and finish their careers? Think about it, kids.

While Pepe is at Avon, Monica is talking with Violeta. She’s sewing the seed of doubt in Monica. She tells Monica that Pepe is the one who doesn’t deserve a person like Monica, because Monica is a queen while Pepe is just a good looking nice poor guy.

Elena and Christian talk in his office and make plans to have another night together before his wife returns from Cancun. Right about then, Pancho walks in and asks Christian for a work related favor. He also checks up on Elena.

Vicente is on the phone with Doña Fer and invites her out to dinner. She’s suspicious. When he hangs up, Enzo asks him why he is interested in knowing who runs the lab where the DNA results are being examined. Oh Enzo…after all these years of working alongside of Vicente, you should know what your buddy is planning to do if the results are positive. Tamper!

Karina goes to Freddy’s house and is greeted by Pina. They talk over a cup of coffee. Karina feels guilty and confesses she has feelings for Pina’s son. We have yet another confession, huh? Pina is thrilled and begins imagining what it would be like to have Karina as a daughter-in-law.

Violeta takes Monica shopping. She lets her know that it’s the best type of therapy. Monica doesn’t argue with Violeta’s way of thinking. While Monica tries on clothes, Violeta’s phone rings. It’s Vicente. At the same time, he gets another call from Candy. While switching between calls, he is careless and apologizes to Violeta for leaving her hanging. That’s all well and good, except for the fact that it’s not Violeta who hears Vicente’s apology.

Lupita visits Doña Fer in her room, and they chat. Again, Lupita asks to know what’s going on, and Doña Fer is dying to tell her. We end the show as she is beginning to tell it all! One final confession!


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