Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Abismo de pasió #32 4/24/12: Pesky Paulo Pursues Pulchritudinous Elisa, or; The Spaghetti Western Rides Again

Tonight’s episode has a few main themes:

·      Anguished Augusto Always Takes the Wrong Decision

·      Conniving Carmina Schemes To Make Elisa’s Life Even More Miserable

·      Pesky Paulo Pursues Pulchritudinous Elisa

·      The RESULTS of Augusto’s Paternity Test have arrived

·      Casa Arrango Guest Quarters
Our capitulo opens with Sabrina breathlessly rushing into Flo’s bedroom at the Hacienda Arrango. Huh? Flo looks surprised because she is enjoying a fantasy meeting with Enrique.  At this moment, a flustered Sabrina Tovar the teenage beech bursts out that Enrique needs to see Florencia, in the Plaza, at 7:00 PM. Will Flo meet him? Damian walks in at this inconvenient moment of tryst–making and asks Flo what is up and if she is going to meet Enrique. Although Flo is not yet a full-fledged villain, she has potential, this girl. She blinks her beautiful brown eyes, looks innocent and convincingly squirms out of the awkward situation with an “Obviously not!”. Damian doesn’t look convinced but he doesn’t challenge her either. Sabrina spends the whole scene with an, “OMG, what have I done?” look on her face.  ¡Que tonta!

Over at Antonia and Braulio’s place Antonia, Braulio and Horacio are eating. Braulio wants to know just how Horacio got the job in the Arrango stables. Horacio replies that his friend, Gabino Mendoza, recommended him for the position. Braulio’s eyes get wide as he asks unbelievingly, “Gabino y tu son amigos?” I know, Braulio. We in viewerville echo your surprise. Can swaggering bully and one-stop-village sperm donor Gabino HAVE any friends? Since we know that Braulio has just murdered innocent and beloved Blanca, I guess he’s just about sleazy enough for Gabino to like.

·      Casa Castañon
Outiside the Casa Castañon Damian rings the bell.  Carmina answers. Damian is looking for Elisa. Carmina looks delighted to report that Elisa is not at home and she insults her niece with references to her “loose’ reputation. Damian doesn’t believe Carmina—I love that Damian has Carmina’s number. “Is she not here or not?” Damian pushes La Ermita’s Orange Crush. But Carmina has met and beat down many others in her quest to ruin her niece’s life. She is not intimidated by Damian and, in fact torments him about Paolo and Elisa. Damian tells Carmina that Paolo is not a good friend for Elisa. He leaves Carmina with a message, “If you see Elisa, su padrino es muy mal.” Well, of course Lucio is muy mal, Damian. Someone just murdered his wife! After giving this lame message to  Carmina, Damian takes his leave.

·      Spaghetti Western
Meanwhile, back at the Hacienda Arrango Guest quarters, Florencia and Paolo meet and sit comfortably on Paulo’s bed. Florencia complains bitterly about Sabrina’s botched attempt at match making, “Tio, you won’t believe it. Stupid Sabrina.” Yeah, Flo, it’s rough when your henchwoman in arranging illicit meetings is a foolish and inexperienced teenage hairdresser who is both loudmouthed and stupid. Cry me a river. Tio Paulo continua’s to explore Flo’s crush on Enrique. Flo is faux indignant.
Flo- You know I am engaged to and in love with Damian.
Tio, Paulo- So? You know that Enrique is loco por ti.
Flo: Smiles to herself.  
Well, what do you know, viewerville? I think Flo actually has a thing for Enrique-qui-que. It is not JUST Paolo’s sh!#-disturbing going on. Hmmmm…All I can say is who would take Enririque when Damian was on offer?  There is no accounting for taste.

·      At Casa Tovar and Hacienda Arrango Flo and Enrique connect…
Casa Tovar - Enrique is fighting with his sister Sabrina about her failure to secure him a meeting with Flo. Begonia answers a  phone call for Enrique—It’s Florencia. They make an assignation for one half hour from now in the Plaza. Mobile phones anyone?

At the Hacienda- Alfonsina comes in and discovers Flo on the phone.
“Who are you talking to?’ the controlling Dueña asks.
Flo lies easily and says she is talking to her Dad. Alfonsina sends him her best wishes and
Flo opines that her dad is working too much, as always. Like I said before, if Flo keeps on practicing, she has real potential as a liar.

·      Don Lucio’s House
The writers are trying to convince us that Augusto may be a Grinch, but he has a heart, even if it is three sizes too small. He has brought the food that Dolores prepared for Don Lucio but Lucio is not hungry.  Augusto  says he understands—when Estephania died, there was great sadness.  He was grateful to Blanca and Lucio for comforting him then.
Don Lucio- “No es lo mismo.” It is not the same now, Lucio protests. to Augusto. You had a reason to live. You had Elisa.” Now Don Lucio waxes poetic about Elisa to her father. “You have a marvelous daughter, beautiful like her Mother.” Lucio makes Augusto promise that he will try to appreciate his daughter Elisa. Put away his doubts about her paternity. Augusto excitedly reports that the RESULTS will be back soon. Elisa is your daughter, says Don Lucio. Sorry, viewers, but I think there is fat chance of Augusto believing that. Augusto is incapable of taking a good decision about his daughter.

·      In the Plaza
Elisa and Gael talk about making her mother’s lands productive again. She is going to involve her Godfather, Don Lucio, in the project in order to secure her Dad’s permission to increase production. The happy habanero music starts up as they see Flo on the other side of the street tottering along on her sky-high tacones (heels).

·      At Casa Arrango
A testy Damian picks a fight with his Mother. “Where is Paolo?”, he snarls. Alfonsina answers that she does not know the location of her houseguests.  Damian, we imagine, is worried that Paolo is chasing Elisa’s skirt. But, instead of going directly at the problem he complains that Paolo has no interest in the work at the PRO_CES_A_DO_RA and is a parasite. I could see that, from Paolo’s perspective. La Anita work probably interferes with his time at the gym, pumping iron.  Later Damian challenges Paolo about whether he really wants to work at the procesadora. If he does, he had better show up for work tomorrow!

·      Meanwhile, In the Plaza.
Enrique and Flo meet and Rique-rique says he is sorry for what happened in the house.  I think he means to say that he is sorry for kissing Flo, but he is not, not really. Flo plays dumb, always a bad move for a blond, I think, by asking, “What happened?” Enrique admits his interest in Flo, he like her even thought she is engaged to Damian. Flo encourages him with some deft flirtation, a soft kiss on the cheek, and an innocent, “Me Voy.”  Well played, Flo. Dig those hooks in!

·      Casa Castañon
Another of Elisa’s suitors comes to the door. Paolo rings the bell outside and waits for Carmina to answer. He is looking for Elisa (just as Damian suspected). Paolo and Carmina exchange flirtation and Carmina says Paolo can wait for Elisa. Carmina has a surprise for Elisa, I think.

·      Don Lucio’s House
Lucio walks Augusto out to the street and thanks him for everything. He reminds Augusto to keep his promise to be nice to Elisa. R-i-g-h-t. For the first time in 16 years—that is not likely to happen. Augusto questions Lucio about what Blanca was going to say to Alfonsina and me? No Lucio does not know. The mystery remains.

·      Fourth Level Plot Point
Irritating Ingrid meets with Gabino. She starts working tomorrow AM in la procesadora. Gabino thinks Ingrid is a very mysterious woman. When Ingrid actually goes to the procesadora to start work, Maru gives her major eye-daggers. I don’t understand why we care.

·      Carmina and Paolo contrive counter intelligence
Conniving Carmina contrives to set Elisa up for yet another fall. The woman is a stupid  orange-colored harpy but she is relentless. So Elisa comes home from her o-so-innocent meeting with Gael to discus agronomy and the costs to do start-up on the fallow fields (and green houses). She goes into her room to take a load off and finally get our of the pirate boots.

But, whaaaaat? Carmina has let Paolo Landuchi, known seducer of young women, wait for Elisa in her BEDROOM???  Carmina, you are a hag. Elisa reacts with outrage at finding the Italian Stallion, Mr. Spaghetti Western himself in her ROOM.  She starts to throw the rascal cad Italian Cowboy out on his fancy a$$, when Paolo catches and kisses a furious Elisa.—just as Augusto walks into Elisa’s room to see what the fuss is all about. Naturally he has a dead-on view of Paolo planting a lip-lock on Elisa, in her bedroom. Carmina enters and tries to put the worse possible spin on things. This man is much older than you He is the age of your Mother! “Nothing happened!”, cries Elisa. Augusto interprets things as badly as he can—Elisa has no morals at all!  Augusto storms out without letting Elisa explain and with Camina pouring poison in his ears. So much for his reconciliation with his daughter.

Augusto fights with Carmina. He does not believe that Paolo Landuchi has good intentions toward his daughter.

At the Padre’s, Gael crunches numbers on Elisa’s pepper project while Father Lupe tries to find out how he feels about  Ingrid.  She is muy amable, according to  Gael.

Elisa is left to cry herself to sleep on top of the covers in her Mother’s bedroom. She remembers her mother comforting her and telling her she would always love her. Oh, this is so sad. Delores finds her still sleeping on top of the bedclothes when she enters in the morning. Elisa is still broken-hearted about Augusto’s lack of trust in her. She felt recently that she and Augusto might be reaching some understanding but after last night’s incident it all feels ruined to Elisa. Ah, she is very young. Delores does her best to comfort Elisa.

·      But Carmina is not done creating chaos for Elisa…

Now Carmina completes a series of machinations worthy of Machiavelli regarding the pending results of the paternity test of Elisa and Augusto. We remember that she planted the seeds of doubt in Estupido Augusto that Elisa was not his child many years ago. She fed that poisoned vine as it took root and grew in Augusto’s tiny little pea brain and withered heart.

She tried to persuade Dr. Tovar to switch the results to show that Augusto was not Elisa’s father, but El Gordo somehow grew a spine and a conscience and refused to change the results for her. She went to the Lab itself and tried to bully them into giving her results. No luck.

Augusto drops by the church and tells Gael the most scandalous gossip possible about his daughter, Gael’s good friend. What is he thinking? “Paolo was in her room last night,” Augusto tells Gael. I hope Augusto ends up with Begonia, for his sins. They can gossip there way together through the streets of hell for an eternity.

Don Lucio goes to La Procesadora and tells Damian he will not be coming to work for La Anita. Lucio says goodbye to Maru just as Ingrid comes in with Gabino to report for her first day’s work at La Anita.

Now two guys (who look a lot like Gabino and Horacio with ski-masks on their heads) ambush a postal truck and driver and intercept his letters and packages. We cut to a scene where Carmina has an interaction with Horacio in which she asks for and receives the intercepted letter from the lab. She gets copies made and the copy-meister compliments her on the ‘good work’ on the papers. She then goes to town with her false copy and pays Antonia’s no-good son to deliver the fake copy to Dr. Tovar’s office.

Paloma gives the mail to Tovar and tells him that Augusto is sitting in the waiting room. Augusto comes into the Doctor’s office, hat in hand, and thanks him for his help with a cringe-inducing hug.

Dr. Tovar announces that Augusto will now have the definitive results about whether Elisa is his daughter—or not! And all the anvils in telenovela heaven rain down on Elisa’s fair head.

My recording cut off the avances. Please fill in the blanks!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #221-222 Tue 4/24/12 busybodies and gossips make the world go round.

No time to proofread. Maybe tomorrow.

Vince will stay awake and watch while Candy sleeps. He is very tender!

There is a battle of the boobs in Rebe's dream. She and Isabella hiss and Rebe gets the worst of it.

Rebe is eating lots of donuts at Avon. Her babies will be built out of donuts. They won't be the first.

Sebastian comes to see Pancho? Is he dating Pina? He doesn't want to gossip which puts him in the .5% of Avon employees. He doesn't want to be friendly with anybody, he doesn't believe in it, his best friend betrayed him.

Tomas had a lab guy analyze some footprints (or maybe fingerprints?) and they are not Vince's or Candy's - they'll have to be compared to Napo's, sometime the next day.

Salome mocks Napo for still loving Candy, that's why they're in their current predicament. He denies it and threatens her for the suggestion.

Rebe is very crabby with Isa, who denies having anything to do with Pancho. FF>

Finally! Pancho succeeds in getting Sebastian to stop working and start gossipping! Now he fits in, as he wonders how Pancho and Rebe, such disparate souls, fell in together. They later gossip about Pina, Pancho says he likes her quite a bit and she's changed - and is even helping people with her foundation for broken families. And hours later they are still gossipping. Sebastian says, after his divorce he's afraid of getting involved. Pancho says he felt the same way after Laurita died. He pushes Sebastian to send Pina flowers. What a busybody!

Pina gossips with Ray, he appears to be her replacement gay confidante since Arnold isn't gay any more. "Sebastian won't talk about his son." "Pina, that means either he's divorced and the kid lives with the mother or he's dead!" He snoops on the internet (during work hours) and finds that the 8-year-old son drowned.

Moni tells her dad she wants to help Frida the way Vince helped Enzo himself. He says the difference is, he got an education and worked on huis financial career while he worked for Vince. PSA: Edúcate!

Candy's been taking an antipsychotic drug. She says it isn't working, she still sees Napoleon. She wants to go to a loony bin. While she and Vince are at the shrink's office, Tomas calls and tells her about the footprints.

Lupita is getting married at the end of the year. Nosy Ana tells Chela she should tell Enzo it's time to get married. Chela wants to get married in white at the end of the year like Lupe. Lupita asks Ana: if Freddy were to get independent from Moms, would she want him again? FF>

Isa and her sidekick gossip about Pancho - she'll have to finish her work and leave ASAP to get away from her feelings. Rebe whimpers and feels fat. FF>

Moni tells Frida that Pepe is a special guy and very good in bed. FF>

PSA: Ana tells Adrian that bulimia generally begins with depression. She tells him about the kissing lessons she took before kissing her first love Freddy. She & A. kiss, his daughters run up and ask when they're getting married.

Tomas visits Lupe on her first day back at the childcare facility. "Good news, Candy isn't crazy."

Vince, who broke up with Arnold when A. admitted to being ungay, tells A. they can be friends again if Arnold helps him destroy Isabella. He wants video of the Isa/Pancho grope on the floor of the warehouse.

After hours of gossipping with Sebastian, Pancho invites Isa in and they commence to gossip about Vince and about "lo nuestro" ("the 'Pancho & Auditor Barbie Show' "). Boring! FF>

Lupe and Tomas go to Chela's and tell her, Candy, and Rebe that the fingerprints found on the scene are Napoleon's, he's alive. The weird stuff is to drive her crazy and frieghten her.

Pina is very tender talking to Sebastian about his dead son when he comes to bring flowers. Her sympathy is a buzzkill, he leaves.

Vince rushes home to Candy, Tomas el ex-plomero explains he's now a policeman. They found a projector, good for making one's image disappear. Pancho and Rebe discuss: some catalepsy-inducing drug made Napo look dead and now he's out for vengeance. Pancho points out to Vince that his marriage to Candy isn't, since her previous husband is still alive.

The sidekick brings Napo a picture of Tomas, the investigating officer. "Simple - kill him," Napo rumbles cheerfully. She would rather they ran away to his place in Venice.

Adrian tells Ana about his wife, his first love, they never fought. She's amused that she, Ana, is so different. Ana tells him about how much she loves Freddy. He doesn't seem to notice and pours compliments on her and gets a big kiss.

Freddy takes a kiss from Kari but tells her he is going to fight for Ana's love so he has to split up with Kari. Kari doesn't advance her case by calling Ana a naquita, she also yells "you used me, you'll deserve it when Ana marries Adrian and you're left lonely as a dog."

Vince loves the movie of Isa and Pancho on the floor of the warehouse - it will be his revenge on Isa (who at the same time prepares to send Vince an order of embargo since his finances are so crooked and he doesn't pay his taxes nicely).

I love Pancho's proposed names for his future son: Maciosare, Heler, Eutinio.

Haydee will be Enzo's secretary in Monterrey. Candy nags Chela into calling Enzo to propose; Haydee answers. She is wearing a micro-skirt. Enza says his secretary is fat and ugly. Chela comes to visit (with the baby) and sees he was lying. They waste the day cuddling the baby and blabbing.

Today is the first anniversary of Sebastian's son's death so he doesn't accept Pina's invitation to dinner.

Freddy comes to Arnold to join the Avon publicity team.

Kari tells she had sex with Freddy, but now he's dumped her and is coming back to Ana.

Salome brings a suitcase full of money to Tomas: "forget about investigating Napoleon." He arrests her.

Napoleon hides in the ladies' dressing room and snatches Candy. He puts a gun to her head and plays loud opera singer music. He says his Japanese friends are standing ready to kill Vince, too. He may kill everybody she loves, or she can go with him to Venice or wherever. For now, she's kidnapped.

The picture of Isa and Pancho is on the first page of the newspaper. Vince had punched it up on photoshop. Isa screams at Pancho, who says they can undo the lie, but she says it's too late and her boss will fire her.

I don't think they usually let rookie policement interrogate mafiosi alone, but whatever. Salome says nothing except that Napoleon saved her life.

Isa and Pancho figure out Vince is behind all the mischief.

Barb brings the lurid newspaper picture to Rebe.


El Talismán #60 Tue 4/24/12 A Proposal, A Revelation, and Castigation

Previously on El Talisman:

Mariana is telling Tonio she must have had a complicated life and Tonio escorts Mariana from El Alcatrash.

Today on El Talisman:

El Viral and Maria are talking in Maria's office. Maria is telling the El Viral to calm down. Maria tells El Viral to think about giving that divorce to Rennie; it will be El Viral's chance to start anew. El Viral says yeah then I can look for a new man with postion and Maria says you should look for someone to love instead of another millonaire. El Viral says she'd like to be married again cause she hates being alone because Army and Cameela want nothing to do with her. El Viral is happy that Maria has taken her in. El Viral leaves.

Dr. Raul is showing Manuel around the Only Hospital in Fresno. Dr. Raul wants him to meet Maria, but she is busy right now. Dr. Manuel says Maria, huh there are alot of Maria's in the world.

Pedro, Cameela, Sarita and Gabe are all in the kitchen talking about Pedro and Cameela getting married. Sarita, Gabe and Cameela think it is too soon to marry after the deaths of Tia Patty and Claudio, but Pedro says we are getting married next week. The sooner the better. Pedro goes to find Margarito.

Margarito is in Claudio's room. He looks at a pic of when Claudio was little. He misses him so much. There is alcohol on the table in Claudio's room and Margarito eyes the bottle. He picks up the bottle and looks at it and just then Pedro comes into the room. He puts the bottle down and says he could just die. Pedro tells Margarito he needs another opportunity. Margarito asks what opportunity? Pedro says to come with him and he'll show him.

Valentin and Panchito are talking among the trees and he tells Panchito that Pigorio doesn't want to end up in the carcel.

Tonio has taken Mariana back to her apartment. She has so many questions does anyone else at Alcatrash know her? Mariana says you only tell me a little. Tonio tells her she is confused. She asks him if he is part of her past? I think Mariana asks Tonio about the ranch. She is very confused. After Tonio leaves she remembers seeing Pedro and Cameela in the garden and then hearing Pedro's voice. She is having a hard time beleiving Tonio about Pedro.

Pedro takes Margarito to the orphanage and has him wait outside. Pedro goes in and Santiago is still there. Pedro tells him he brought a friend with him for Sanitiago to talk to. He'll get the doughnuts if he does this. Santiago says oh, ok. Pedro wants Santiago to help Margarito. Santiago says oh, so many conditions, but he goes outside and introduces himself to Margarito. Margarito tells him he has lost his son. Santiago tells him he doesn't know if his Mom is dead or alive and he doesn't know who his dad is. Santiago has tears in his eyes. Margarito goes inside with Santiago and tells him he is happy to know him. Santiago digs into the donuts and gets chocolate all over himself. Pedro asks Santiago if he would like to live at El Talisman? Margarito tells him it is a great place. Santiago is for that, but he won't be going there today. Pedro has something to do, and Santiago says this time when you come back bring me glazed doughnuts. They laugh.

Fabi and Army are walking and talking at school. Angel sees Flor so to head her off he says hi to her and she asks what he is doing there? He blocks her view and says he is looking for his friend Andreas does she know him? Flor says no, don't know that guy. Flor sees Fabi and calls to her, while Army is hiding his face. Flor goes over and Fabi introduces him to Flor as her novio. Flor is really mad, cause she says this is Jose my novio. Army tells them he can explain that he is both Jose and Army. Well Fabi is royally pithed off and can't beleive Army did this to her and Flor tells Army she hates him. Both sisters take off and are royally pithed off at Army.

Tracy has come over to see Cameela at El Tal and Cameela tells her that she and Pedro are getting married next week. Tracy asks if it isn't too soon, but Cameela tells her Pedro is insisting on it. I think they are doing a Mexican wedding. Pedro calls Cameela and tells her to dress nicely cause he wants to say something alone to her, away from El Tal. She is worried cause she thinks it is bad, but Tracy the voice of Spanlish reason tells her he probably just wants some alone time with her. Cameela is worried cause Pedro sounded so serious. Tracy wonders if this is about the Negrete siblings.

Nana and Panchito are having a little confab and Nana is talking about Claudio and Flor and something about Don Francisco? If someone could fill this in.

Fabi has come home and is very upset. Flor has been given a ride by one of her friends. Flor goes in looking for Fabi. Fabi is crying in her room and talking to Nana. She tells Nana she can't beleive Army did this to her. She tells Nana what happened. Flor is in the living room and in walks Pigorio. Pigorio walks up to Flor and slaps her across the face so hard, she falls onto the sofa. Pigorio tells her this is her punishment for going with Claudio and accusing him of killing him. He is starting to take off his belt (this recapper was shuddering in horror and wanted him to have an infarto, jus saying) when Tonio comes in. Tonio shoves Pigorio away from Flor and asks him what the hell he thinks he's going to do to Flor. Pigorio tells Tonio his princessa had been seeing Claudio and accused Pig of killing him, and she was never punished for this. Tonio turns to Flor and the Pig leaves. Flor begs her father to forgive her and not to punish her. Tonio tells her don't worry I won't punish you. I am marrying Cameela and will have another girl. Basically he is telling her you are dead to me. Poor Flor doesn't know what to say, but she cries.

Army and Angel are back at the apartment and Army wants to call Fabi and explain everything to her. Army tells him to give her some time. El Viral comes in and asks about what is going on with Fabi? She tells Army you better be careful that Pig never finds out what you did. Army finally tells El Viral this is all her fault. This was her plan and look what happened. El Viral the queen of drama tells him she wants no drama from him. (Seriously with all your Screaming and High Drama you want none from your son)? Angel (and he truly is an angel) steps in and tells El Viral heck yeah this is all YOUR fault and you have a track record for it n'est pas? Angel tells High Drama El Viral that his Mama's heart was broken by High Drama El Viral and that she stole his Mama's boyfriend. She says it's not her fault that Tia Maria's boyfriend fell in love with her. High Drama El Viral ruined the lives of Army and Cameela for her own stupid venganza. Miss High Drama says she won't be insulted and Angel tells her to shut up already (this recapper was cheering him on). He knows all about her past and what she has done. High Drama El Viral is pithed off so much her headband is coming unglued. She exits the room and slams the door.

Flor comes into the bedroom and talks to Nana and Fabi. She tells Fabi what the Pig did and was about to do and then how Tonio saved her and that he is marrying Cameela and having more kids. Fabi and Flor and not happy and Flor says I guess we just have to accept this. Fabi says she will never accept this and that Cameela must be bad. Flor says no, she is nice. Fabi wants to know why Army did this to them? Fabi isn't interested in anything right now. She is too sad.

Cameela is all dressed up and goes to the Swankiest Restaurant in Fresno and has her car parked by a valet. She goes inside and asks if there is a reservation under the name Pedro Ibarra? The hostess seats her and there is Pedro. He gives her a rose, and their theme song starts to play. She looks at the rose and finds a diamond ring in the center, she gives it to Pedro who asks her to marry him and puts it on her finger. She has tears in her eyes and accepts his proposal. They dance and talk about what kinds of children they want she wants a girl he wants a boy. They say they will have lots of children. Mucho smoochies. The anvil awaits.

Doris comes into the living room where Lucrazy is and teases her about Pedro marrying Cameela and how do you feel about that. Lucrazy tells her to largate while snapping those fingers like leave now. Doris tells her poor little Lucrazy. Doris leaves. Tonio comes in and says he and Lucrazy have to talk. He tells her they will use Mariana to stop the wedding of Pedro and Cameela. All Lucrazy can think about is that her Mi Amor is marrying Cameela. Tonio says with Mariana's help they will stop this wedding.

Dr Raul has finally come to see Maria. He asks her how she likes her job. She tells Dr. Raul she loves it. Dr. Manuel comes in and Dr. Raul introduces him to Dr. Maria. They recognize each other immediately. They tell Dr. Raul they have known each other for years. Dr. Raul leaves and Dr. Manuel and Dr. Maria start talking. She asks how he likes Fresno, he says he loves it. He tells her she is beautiful, she is blushing a bit. Maria tells him she wants to keep their relationship strictly professional. He asks her if she has ever thought of him in all the years since they've seen each other? Maria says no not so much, especially after what happened. Dr. Manuel asks if she is married? She says no divorced. Manuel leaves and Maria thinks how could he be working here too?

Pigorio is in his office when Panchito comes to see him. Pigorio asks him about the investigation he is conducting over there at El Tal is going about the Mariana problem? Panchito has a sick look on his face, but tells Pigorio he hasn't heard a word about her or seen her either. He asks Panchito if this is really true? Panchito assures him it is true not a word or sighting.


Tonio tells Pigorio prepare to die. There is a loaded gun.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Abismo de pasión #31 4/23/12: The Sleazel knows Gab is a weasel

Another tough episode. I swear I have more trouble with the funeral/mourning episodes than the death episodes.

I sort of borrowed Blue Lass' organization. Big stories first and detailed. Not so super important stuff at the end.

Oh, and who knows how this is going to look when I hit "publish" and whether I will be able to edit it or not.

Dear New Blogger,
I hate you.
Love and kisses,

El Refrito Compliments of Cynderella's recap
Enrique and his sister discuss the death and explosion. Enrique asks his sister to call the Arango house and ask for Florencia. His sister tells him that she is insane, but she agrees to do it. Right before she calls, Dr. Whipped walks in and she is able to make her escape. He asks his son to sit down. His father asks how he likes his job. He tells him that his mother got him the job by asking Alfonsina to hook him up. He wants to know why his father is so against his mother. He had a battle getting jobs in Guadalajara. (I don’t know the rest of what Whipped says) Whipped tells his son that he wants to get along with him and be is friend. Paolo is waiting at the bottom of the stairs as Elisa exits the house. He wants to make is move at her most vulnerable moment. He wants to accompany her to the big funeral party. He heard the party is really jumping there! She finally agrees. Nemo pulls out her dead sister’s jewelry and tries it on. We flashes back to Blanca calling her everything except a child of God. Nemo is happy that whatever Blanca discovered went with her to the grave.
Lo Nuevo
Horacio loiters at the church. Lola notices him and comes over. He tells her he noticed the coffin going in and was curious. He asks if Lola knew the deceased. She sings Blanca’s praises. Blanca was like part of the family; Everyone loved and respected her; she never hurt anyone; she would help anyone. Lola hugs Horacio (just as Braulio exits the church and he sees it.) Horacio says he is sorry and Lola wants to know what he’s apologizing for. He claims it’s for being rude and making her cry. Lola says it’s ok. She really needed to get everything off her chest anyway. She asks him to come into the church with her. I’m sure he tinkled in his pants a little. He asks her to forgive him, but he can’t go in. No one knows him.

Cocina Harangue-o ™
Alfabitch comes into the kitchen for a midnight snack. Tonia wasn’t able to sleep and decided peeling beans would help. Alfie wants to know if they know yet how the fire started. Tonia tells Alfie that according to the authorities it was arson. Alfie wants to know who would want to burn a second-rate business like Blanca’s. Tonia thinks it was Gabino. Alfie doesn’t think Gabino would do such a thing, and besides even if he hates Lucio, why hurt Blanca? Alfie tells Tonia it’s the authorities' business and not Tonia’s. Tonia asks if she can take the day to go to Blanca’s burial. Alfie says no and that really pithes me off! To steal from 5ft Latina: TACKY with a capital T, which rhymes with B and that stands for BEECH! (With my apologies to Meredith Wilson)

Elisa flashes back to a childhood fitting. Sad, but at least we get to see Steffie again. In the church. Ave Marias, chanting and tsuris. Oh Elisa, you are a dear…but please throw away those pirate boots. Paolo and Damian exchange stink-eyes. Dam asks Flo why Unkahunk is there. Obviously he’s escorting Elisa, she explains. Hail Holy Queen and funeral procession with a side order of macking Unkahunk and stink-eyeing Dam and Gael. Brualio does a little stink-eyeing of Lola. Boys, boys! This is a funeral! Show some respect! Rest in peace beloved Blanca.

Pro Ce Sa Do Ra ™
I really hate Gabino’s bandana hand and stupid-big ring on his pointer finger. Akshully I just hate Gabino in general. I know I should hate Horacio for what he did to Blanca but he was so upset outside the church and now he’s freaking out about the investigation into the fire. Horacio is scared of being discovered. Gabino tells him to chill. No one will connect Horacio to the fire since no clues point to him. Horacio knows that, but you never know. Gabino has to help him 'cause he's not going to jail! Gag (at first a typo, but hey, it works) manhandles Horacio and I kind of feel bad for the guy. Horacio has every right to tell Gabino that it’s Gag’s fault and if Horacio goes down, so will Gag. Gag tells him he may have told him to kill Lucio, but not Blanca. POP! Goes the Sleazel ™! (This is getting to be a fun game!) Nem-ho says she knew Gag was scum, but no idea he was a murderer. Pause for the theme song... Holy crap, Nem-ho is doing fish lips tonight which has completely distracted me so I missed most of the dialogue. Fill in please. She takes note of Horacio and thinks he's going to be the one to intercept the paternity results. Poor Horacio doesn't know what the demented cheet-ho is talking about. Gag dismisses Horacio and tries to convince Cheet-ho that she misunderstood things. Gag wants to know why she's there. She says she *was* going to offer him the love shack, but it seems that now he will be paying her to keep her fish lips shut. Gag says no way since he knows all her secrets. Cheet-ho tells him about Blanca's appointment with Assusto and Alfie. Gag thinks that's great! He didn't say a word to Blanca, but if she knew the truth about Steffie, then Cheet-ho will be blamed for Blanca's death! Fight fight fight. Rapid fire mush mouth Spanish. Tickets to New York in your name. Lie! Gab says if you get me in trouble I’m telling everyone you were Rosie’s lover. Gag throws the Cheet-ho out on her self-tan keester. Horacio returns and he's worried about loose (fish)lips. Gag tells him Hem-ho is easy enough to handle. Keep her happy and she isn't a problem and to keep her happy they need to keep the paternity messenger from making his delivery.

Ha Ci En Da
Princess Poop returns to Hacieanda Harangue-o alone. Even though she told Dam he looked tired, Dam ignored her, dropped her Poopy-butt at the door and went to do some things at the Pro Ce. She tells Alfie all about Paolo sticking to Elisa and the Gab/Lucio confrontation at the wake.

Pro Ce
Gabino fusses at a security guy about the Sleazel popping in. Security guy reminds him Dam is the primer perro now, not Gab. A phone call from Alfie interrupts them. She wants to see Gab *snap snap* immediately.

La Casa de Lucio y Blanca
Elisa takes Lucio home. She makes him promise to call if he needs anything. She leaves, he cries. Paolo is waiting hoping to take Elisa home. He says he noticed that Gael and Dam were not too keen on Paolo’s attention to her. Elisa pops his ego balloon and tells him in light of the circumstances, she doesn’t think anyone was paying attention to him.) She leaves and he smarms on her (I know this because the “Paolo is smarming” theme started to play.)

Office of the Alphabitch
Alfie asks Gag why Lucio accused him of killing Blanca. Gab tells her he has witnesses that saw him at the Pro Ce…including her own son. Alfie tells Gag about Blanca’s visit and the accusation that she had been wrong about Steffie all these years. Alfie wants to know what Gag knows. He was the one who paid the rent on the love shack; he was the one that confirmed Steffie was the other woman; He blabbed about Rosendo leaving her. Gag swears he is her most loyal servant. Alfie agrees that Gag had no reason to kill Blanca but Lucio, yes. She saw how he reacted to Dam being back in charge and wanting Lucio back. Ok, Gag says that ticked him off, but to accuse him of murder is really too much. Alfie says if she finds out he had anything to do with the death of Blanca, she will wash her hands of him. Gag whines a little more and Alfie reminds him he’s been well paid. She then throws him out of her office.

Casa del Capón
Elisa comes home and she and Assusto almost share a moment when he tells her how much it hurt when her mother died. Then he goes on with the same “she betrayed me” baloney. Elisa reminds him how Padre Lupe, Ramona and Blanca always defend Steffie. Assusto still insists Steffie betrayed him. Assusto says Blanca wanted to talk to him and Alfie before she died. Did Elisa know anything? She didn't but suggests maybe Lucio did? Assusto says he's already asked and Lucio didn't know anything. Cheet-ho eavesdrops.

Ramona cleans Steffie's grave and tells her not to worry about Blanca being gone. Ramona will personally take care of Elisa AND do everything in her power to bring the truth to light.

Pro Ce
Gag apologizes to Maru about overworking her and mentions hiring a secretary. Maru spills the beans to Gag about Blanca's pre-death visit. Maru finds it mighty odd that Blanca came to see him and then ended up in the cemetery. Anvils for Maru?  Gag uses "tú" with Damián (who notes the use and says he doesn't care.) Gag explains he was talking to Alfie about the funeral fuss in the church and whether Gag had anything to do with it. Gag reminds Dam that he was with him when the explosion happened. Dam asks Gag if indeed the fire was set on purpose, does Gag know anything about it. Gag does seem to know most of the folks in town. Gag says after Lucio's scene everyone thinks it's him. Dam asks why Gag came to the wake. Bandanahand claims it was just a social nicety.

Harangue-o Stables
Cheet-ho asks Lola to find out info about Horacio (who Cheet-ho thinks works at the Pro-ce.) Later Lola goes to the Harangue-o to warn Horacio about Cheet-ho. While there she runs into Braulio, who tells her he wishes he had been the one to comfort her at the church. Lola warns Horacio about Alfie and Gag. Horacio has to talk fast to convince Lola he doesn't know Gag or has never met the Cheet-ho. Horacio has no idea why Cheet-ho was at the Pro Ce. Horacio pets Lola's face. Lola gives him a quick kiss good-bye (sort of on the lips?)

Other Scenes
Padre comforts Elisa. Time heals wounds and God doesn't give us more than we can take.

Irritatin Ingrid comes looking for Gag about a job. They make plans to "talk" later at the only inn in La Ermita. Gabino convinces Dam to hire a new secretary to help Maru.

Paloma fusses at Ramona for doing weird stuff like talking to Estefania's grave. (vocab: majadera-fool;idiot.)

Assusto offers to take Lola's fixin's to Don Lucio's. Elisa is so sad about Don Lucio, but wait! She has a fab idea and she's going to talk to Gael about it! (Music suggests it has to do with the Habanero fields)

Flo daydreams about her kiss from Quique when Sabrina barges in. Bro is so bummed about the kiss and feels terrible! Flo tells Sabrina to tell Bro ('cause you know, they are in Jr. High) to me her at the only inn in La Ermita at 7. Dam comes in and aks why Quique is freaking and why Flo is sneaking.


Una Familia Con Suerte #219-220 Mon 4/23/12 Bumbling Toward Christmas, We Might Put Our Emilia Beanies Back On

Warmed over: Ana and Freddy fight over their mutual jealousy that Julie described so well Friday. I agree with Anna that Freddy’s negation of having had sex with Cari is pretty lame. Cindy calls in tears and Chela runs off again to get to her sick baby son leaving the Lopez crew to fend for themselves for 15 minutes. IsaBella tells Pancho how nervous she is since Vice threatened her. Vice practices his threats on poor old buddy Arnold. Pancho spends too much time soothing Isa’s feelings telling her that a barking dog doesn’t bite and he knows Irabien who is a bluffer. Candi tells Rebe that she feels she should talk to Tomas. At least he believed her theory that Napoleon may be truly alive. Rebe interrupts Isabela’s platonic hand stroking and her complaint with Pancho’s defense sends our passive-aggressive auditrix out the door, someone is on to her. Chela interrupts Enzo’s very first board meeting at the new company in Monterey to tell him the baby has a fever. Wonder if the company officials are having second thoughts yet? He doesn’t exactly come from a culture where anything much gets done.

Arnold uses his wonderful bass voice to emphasize his non-gayness to an astounded Vice. Is Vice worried about having a heterosexual rival here? Vice and Arnold shove into Pancho’s room after arguing more about Arnold being gay or not, and Vice rather than being grateful that Pancho saved his sorrya$$ from jail, he berates him for abetting Isabella to find his discretions while he is entirely innocent. Moni calls the doctor while Chela lets baby Paco cry into Enzo’s worried ears. He says nothing is more important that their baby. So after, he suggests to the bored board that the board meeting start all over again.

Vice continues to act arrogantly in the face of his transgressions as Pancho reminds him that he could give up his obligations at Avon if they are too much but his wife (Candi) also knows that he (Pancho) only helped him. He also says more important, Candi is having visions of Napoleon again. Candi is beginning her talk with Tomas at the same time to discuss her so-called visions. Back and forth, Vice wants to play word games but Pancho at least cuts to the chase, what are we going to do about Candi?

Sebastian looks longingly at a picture of his son, Sebastian, as he arranges things on his new desk. The still gay human resources guy, Raimundo I think, questions him about the son and then whether he is married or not. He finds out that Sebastian is divorced so he licks his chops in thrilled anticipation glad that he has hot gossip to disburse to the staff or even better to Pina.

Baby Paco looks the picture of health as Chela tells Pepe and Moni she and baby are fine they should go home when Enzo calls ready to get on a plane from Monterey but Chela seems more sure of herself and baby’s condition has improved so she tells him to stay to try out his new job.

Raimundo goes straight to Pina to tell her about the divorce and the son of Sebastian.

Pancho and Candi discuss Napo but Sebastian comes in for introductions. Candi doesn’t flirt at all but is cordial and leaves. Sebastian wants to ask Pancho certain questions about his new post.

Freddy sees Pina and thinks she seems so happy, she plays coy about the new possibilities.

Vice acts cool and drinks all through Candi’s talk about her fears.

Ana tells Lupita she isn’t going to warm up to Freddy but she also tells about Adrian’s doubts about his daughters exposure to someone who may leave soon or not really get involved in their life. Yes, Ana we all think you should grow up for about 10 years before you plague anyone’s life especially those of tender young girls.

Tomas comes on the kissingest couple, Pepe and Moni. He thanks Pepe for his advice regarding Lupita. Vice versa, the guys have been helpful in advising each other to grow up and go for what they really want. Tomas is excited about his secret plans and cautions they must all be silent as the grave until it is time.

Pancho talks to Rebe while Sebastian waits impatiently for Pancho to finish his family business when Freddy and Pina come in and Freddy goes to greet his old friend Sebastian. Pancho and Pina look on as amazed as I am. The phone rang just then so I missed the explanation of how they are friends, anyone have gossip to add?

Vice continues to argue with Candi saying he really heard that the green grocer is having an affair with the sultry auditrix. Candi looks on in wonder, will she once again doubt her faithful bro?? After the break, Candi declares that it can’t be true, her brother is incapable of this infidelity. She accuses Vice of being annoyed because Isabella is after him for his accounting infractions. Vice takes a bit more rope around his own neck insisting that a woman as attractive as Isabella is sure to have made Pancho ready to betray Rebe or anyone else. Candi reasons if she was ugly, fat, had bad skin etc. would he still think Pancho capbable of this?

Freddy, Pina and Pancho explore how they all came together. Pina asks Sebastian to come for cena with them. Sebastian hesitates so Pancho says you should go, Pina is a great cook even better than my sister-in-law but don’t tell her. Sebastian is shy but accepts with encouragement from Freddy to spend time with them.

Rebe is in bed when Temoc runs in and declares that he had a nightmare (pesadilla) and asks can he get in bed with her to feel safe. She welcomes him warmly and Pancho finds them sleeping peacefully when he comes in much later.

Not to rest on his laurels, Napoleon along with his browed assistant Salome have rigged a holograph vision of him haunting her bedroom. How do they get access so easily. Candi wakes up Vice in hysterics with no one is there. The Nuncios truck outside must be broadcasting his menacing image as Napo and Salo laugh in the back of the truck that Candi is indeed scared pithless.

Next morning, Lupita and Ana who are sleeping or cuddling together are joined by Temoc as Tomas sings in front of the house with a serenade of Mariachis. Lupita goes to the door with all the Christmas decorated splendor and enjoys the romantic tribute. Remember when we couldn’t wait for Tomas to disappear. With his new Luke and new academy credentials, what a hotty. Anyway, Lupita’s birthday is off to an exciting start.

Chela calls Enzo to share the music and they tease that he is jealous that it might have been a serenade for her but she assures him it is Tomas and she really called him first just to tell him that baby Paco awoke all better. She is being the loving supportive wife on this venture of Enzo’s now. It shouldn’t take him as much time to decide he is missing too much happiness at home. Or maybe a few years in Monterey would be good for their little family.

Adoracion hears about the handsome Sebastian is coming for supper. Adoracion questions what his marital state is so Pina calls her Perdicion and says he is only divorced and besides she is not the type to go for married men like some people. Pina seems pretty cool about this working out or not doesn’t matter but at least he is coming to work at Avon.

Pancho notices Sebastian looking longingly at the picture of his little boy. Pancho wants him to come celebrate at his house tonight it seems it is the Virgen of Guadelupe’s holy fiest day (December 8 - 12) and her namesake, his lovely daughter Lupita’s birthday. Besides he is going to close the office at noon so they can all go to the fiesta at his house for his daughter. Panhco goes into Pina’s office to invite Pina too, they conitnue joking about making rhymes of each other names. But Pina is warming to it. Pancho says the whole world will be invited. Later as he is also inviting Isabella to his big family party for Lupita, Candi walks in, to tell Pancho what happened at this house. Isabella has to disappear before anything more suggestive happens around this invitation.

Meantime, Tomas and a crew of investigators are combing Candi ‘s bedroom looking for evidence that Napo was really there. Candi is coming unglued that she is really insane.

Part II, we pick up at the Templo de Guadalupe in Mexico City, then switch to the highly decorated party at Pancho’s with its’s own sacred altar to Guadelupe with lots of guests and food and endless music. Adrian enters with his girls who are rushed aside to play with Temoc who looks delighted with their arrival while Adrian gives Lupita a lovely necklace for her birthday.

Pina shows up with a sneer, is about to complain about the music after Pancho told her he was glad she came. She sees Isabella and her sexy soldier girls enter in stilettos but then sees Sebastian and warms up.

Tomas takes the mike and announces that he wants to ask Pancho who is like his father and Rebeca for the hand of Lupita. Pancho answers that they are so proud of him and his accomplishments and have no objection, Rebe agrees. Lupita comes up and he asks her to reach into the roses by the little altar with her mother’s picture. She finds the box and opens a ring while he kneels and asks her to marry him. Everyone claps so luckily Lupita says, wait for it…. She accepts with all her heart and he places the ring on her finger. Ana holding on to Adrian flashes back to Freddy giving her an engagement ring not all that long ago. Rebe and Pancho do really cute crying together and Isabella looks resigned to defeat on the sidelines. She is slowly getting the idea that this married man is not going to slobber all over her (except a little). Dona Fer says she has the best family in the world and Doc Oc says yes, WE have the best family in the world. Pancho takes the mike to celebrate his great luck with his beloved family and finding his true mother Dona Fer. Everyone is happy, Chela goes to find Candi who is reliving her nightmare encounter with batting at the Holo-Napo. Chela catches up with her whule Candi continues reliving scenes with the horrid Napo and the forced marriage, he is having reveries of the beautiful moments of their romantic life. When Salome comes in he says tonight we are going to leave Candi in peace and I want you to leave me alone here for now. Candi goes on telling Chela she is about to give in to the insanity of knowing whether Napo is real or is a phantasm.

Pina starts to trash talk about how lower class Pancho is to Sebastian who cleverly slides the conversation away from gossip. Pina and Sebastian continue to talk about each other when Pina asks how long have you been divorced. Who told you I was? A little bird she demures. So Raimundo is your good friend then? So he finally answers her that he has been divorced one year. The why is because he came home to find his wife in bed with his best friend. Pina is speechless for the moment.

Candi seems disappointed that Vice isn’t at her side in her moment of fear but at least Enzo flies in from Monterey to give Chela a big kiss. As Enzo and Rebe go off to greet Pancho, Candi tells Chela she really hit the matrimonial lottery prize. Rebe goes in to the dance floor followed by Enzo just when Pancho has dipped the sultry auditrix to the ground and they look ready to cobsummate the kiss from last week. Steam comes out of her ears and instead of confronting them, she runs off and Jimena grabs Enzo to dance so the sexy ones are all dancing with the married men when Chela comes in to ask Rebe why she is in tears again. Rebe complains that Isabella is seducing Pancho in her own house. Candi is remembering that Vice told her of the affair between Isabella and Pancho. Just then Pancho shows up to talk with Rebe and asks Chela, Candi and Rebe if they think him capable of betraying his wife. He gets a chorus of YES!! Chela and Candi get out but not in time to see Jimena putting the moves on Enzo and disregarding Isa’s advise that she is fooling with a married man. Jimena doesn’t care and keeps dancing until Enzo extricates himself. Isa and Jimena don’t seem like the capable auditors of a few days ago.

Pina and Sebastian decide they have had a lovely talk and enough for the first one. Sebastian rather thinks it is enough.

Rebe cries about being a fat dog again since Pancho was dancing with another woman and almost kissing her on the floor. Pancho tells Rebe he loves her more than anyone else in the world, then offers to make a confession if she won’t be upset. Our loving idiot then proceeds to tell her that he does like Isa. Oops, thanks Vivi, he did say Isabella me gusta which does mean SHE LIKES ME, not I LIKE HER. It was still idiotic so I am leaving it as is with this note.

Into the home stretch: Rebe, can’t believe it and screams that she doesn’t see why he was dancing with her. She will leave the company soon, her work is done is his lame excuse for inviting her. Then, she was in a corner all sad and alone he protests, so he had to dance with her. He continues that she is the love of his life, the woman of his dreams. Rebe’s solution is that she will return to the office to work tomorrow. Not a bad idea, Rebe.

Adoracion is questioning Freddy about Sebastian and imagining all kinds of wonderful things about him. Freddy admits that he doesn’t really know him well. Adoracion teases him a little about Ana Lopez. What a romantic is our Ado.

Chela and Enzo kiss, Enzo yawns, Chela gets up saying she will be right back.

Pina finally comes in and feigns indifference to her time at the party, kind of disappointing Adoracion. She admits to Nene when they are alone, that she met a GREAT man, when he opens his eyes wide in surprise, she adds, but nothing happened between us.

Candi gets home where Vice is solicitous and promises to go with her to the psychiatrist tomorrow. He promises to be at her side and care for her.

Chela comes back in like a chorus girl in sexy negligee to find Enzo deeply sunk into his pillow. She is so understanding that he is exhausted. Ahhhh at least one love is going on between adults here.

Candi swears she cannot sleep so Vice promises to keep his eyes propped open wide all night long so she can rest. He promises that he will be a good husband and never leave her.

Rebe’s turn to have a nightmare. She meets in the desert of Nevada in a western shoot out at noon with Isabella. They shoot slow moving bullets at each other and Rebe discovers she has a big blood spot on her chest and Isa is cooling off her gun with a blow. Rebe wakes screaming about Isa shooting her but Pancho lulls her back to sleep. Next morning Rebe eats in Pancho’s office. Sebastian comes in with paperwork and wants to talk to Pancho alone. Pancho uses the time to ask Sebe if he had a good time last night with Pina. He begins to talk about how sensitive the markets are when Pancho steers it back to Pina. Sebe says he can’t get over the betrayal by his best friend so still has fears of getting involved romantically.

Tomas hears from the crime lab that they found fingerprints not belonging to Vice or Candi in the bedroom and they can trace back to Napo’s records to see if they fit him.

Napo threatens Salo when she suggests how to continue with the Candi torture. He seems to be having second thoughts about how to proceed.

Rebe runs into Isabella on her way out and Isa sidles up to say she doesn’t want Rebe to worry about what she saw last night, it was nothing. Rebe says I know, things are perfect between Pancho and I couldn’t be better. So Isa says well is there something I can do for you? Yes, says assertive Rebe, you can stay away from my husband for ever! Henriqueta emphasizes complete agreement over at her desk.

Next episodes: Vice gets suggestive pictures printed in the newspaper of Pancho and Isa on the floor in the factory. Napo hold a gun to Candi’s head, we’re on a roll folks…


El Talismán #59 Mon 4/23/12 Accusations, The Plotting and Planning Continues

Previously on El Talisman:

Cameela and Pedro discuss in the kitchen with Sarita that Pigorio probably killed Tia Patty and Claudio.

Today on El Talisman:

Madame Brigette and another woman are talking in her office. I didn't get what they were saying, so if someone knows please fill in.

Tracy is asking Panchito again if Pigorio had anything to do with the deaths of Tia Patty and Claudio. Panchito is looking guilty, but he says its just gossip and his Papa wouldn't do a thing like that.

Doris is talking to Pigorio after their night of Amor (this recapper and the audience are trying not to hurl here) and she wants to come back to El Alcatrash. Pigorio tells her to come back with him but the condition is she is not to be near Tonio and don't provoke Pigorio again. She tells him of course Mi Amor.

Lucrazy is in bed sleeping (for once) and Tonio comes and wakes her up. She is mad cause she was enjoying her dream and she tells him to leave her in peace. She is accepting the fact that Pedro is getting married, but Tonio not so much.

Manuel and Mariana are at the apartment and she says she doesn't remember anything about Pedro, but he is very attractive. She assumes that Cameela is living with Pedro now and that she is very pretty. She would like to get her memory back so she knows what to do next. Manuel tells her he is going to the only hospital in Fresno to see about opening an office here. Mariana says that he hasn't moved on either, and he tells her he was in love with a woman named Maria years ago, and that he is still in love with her. He tells her what a wonderful woman she was. Mariana wants him to have another opportunity at love. She tells him he is still young. He tells her Maria was the love of his life. Mariana wonders if she was in love with Pedro? Manuel says if you remember then maybe if you were you could recapture that love. Mariana wonders if Pedro tried to kill her so he could be with Cameela? She wants to go see Tonio to find out more. Manuel says he is going to the hospital and to be careful.

Pigorio and Doris make a grand entrance back at Alcatrash and run into Tonio. He wants to know what she is doing back there? Pigorio tells Tonio that she is there because Pigorio wants her there. Tonio is way pithed off. Tonio asks Doris if she has something going on with Pigorio? She basically tells him none of your business. Tonio asks her if she wants money. She doesn't answer but gets in his face. Tonio ends up leaving the room.

Cameela and Sarita are worried cause they can't find Gabe. They think he went off to Alcatrash to confront Pigorio.

Pigorio wants Panchito to continue to spy at El Tal and to find out anything he can about the where abouts of Mariana. Panchito wants to know why? Pigoroio tells Panchito that he could end up in jail unless Panchito finds this info for him. Pigorio kind of tells Pancho what happened and Panchito is very upset. Pigorio reiterates he doesn't want to go to the carcel.

Pedro goes to the orphanage looking for Gabe. He finds a kid sleeping on that pile of blankets that were there last time he was there. The kid wakes up and tries to make a run for it, but Pedro catches him up and asks him what he is doing there. The kid struggles and is afraid Pedro will call the police on him, but Pedro tells the kid to calm down, he is not calling the police. The kid breaks free and runs around the corner but peeks out to see what Pedro will do. Pedro tells the kid I want to help you, cause I was once like you as a kid on the street. The kid tells Pedro his name is Santiago. He asks Santiago if he has seen Gabe. Santiago tells him no. Pedro thought bubbles that Gabe probably went to Alcatrash. Pedro tells Santiago he will come back later and bring some food. Santiago is very excited about that. He wants donuts (I think) with chocolate.

Cameela and Sarita are still talking. Cameela says they need proof that Pigorio did this. They are both worried cause they still can't find Gabe and now they can't find Pedro. The other woman (Suzi?) is praying that both men are ok.

Flor and Fabi are talking and Flor says she misses Claudio and is still grieving over him. Fabi feels very bad for Flor.

Geno and Tomas are working. The plant looks like a yucca plant (the bush of pain) to me. I guess they are checking it for plagues. They are talking about Claudio and Tia Patty, but are happy that Cameela and Pedro are getting married, and they see Gabe. He has been by the lake just thinking. Geno and Tomas go over and he says he is very upset that Claudio is dead. Geno says the police will get who did this to Tia Patty and Claudio.

Tia Maria is at the hospital. She thanks Dr. Raul for helping her find a job at the only hospital in Fresno. He asks her if she is divorced, she says yes. He is flirting with her a little bit.

Mariana has come to El Alcatrash and is on the front porch. Tonio comes out and asks her what she is doing there? She says she came to talk to him. Tonio hustles her into the house, they hear voices and he hides her around the corner. She wants to know more about Pedro and Cameela. She asks if Cameela is as bad as Pedro, Tonio tells her no, Cameela is very sweet. Flor and Fabi are coming down the hall, so to avoid them Tonio has taken her around the corner. They are about to exit, when here comes Lucrazy. She recognizes Mariana too and asks her what she is doing there? She can't beleive she is there.

Flor and Fabi go to the kitchen and are talking with Tracy and Nana about Claudio when Pigorio comes in. Flor had been saying something about Pigorio wanting to harm Claudio, Pigorio has a fit. He asks her what she is talking about and she practically accuses him of killing Claudio. Pedro is coming behind Pigorio while Pigorio is raising his arm to hit Flor. He makes Pigorio stop and and Pigorio tells everyone to largate already. They all leave and Pedro accuses him of killing Tia Patty and Claudio and then he hits Pigorio. Pedro has knocked him into the wall,and Pigorio threatens him and tells him to largate too.

Mariana in the hallway has heard Pedro come in but not the argument and Lucrazy wants to know if this is why she came to El Alcatrash? Lucrazy tells her Pedro is going to marry Cameela. Mariana says oh, I guess Pedro doesn't love me. Lucrazy and Tonio tag team her with their craziness and tell her Pedro is very bad. He was going to marry Lucrazy too, but she was dumped for Cameela. Tonio tells her that Pigorio and Don Bernardo were great friends and that Don Bernardo owned El Talisman and Mariana was his daughter. He says Pedro is a very bad man and only married Mariana for El Talisman and the money. Tonio tells her the rumor is that Don Bernardo died of cancer, but the truth is they think Pedro killed him. Mariana is very upset. Lucrazy and Tonio are backing each other up here and Mariana has tears in her eyes. She hears Pigorio and wants to talk to him, but Tonio puts a hand over her mouth so she can't speak and keeps her quiet until Pigorio has passed into his office. They tell her to be quiet. After Pigorio goes into his office they release Mariana and she says her life must have been very complicated. Tonio tells her that Pedro is a very bad man and to stay away from him. He escorts her to the door and she leaves.

Cameela has called Tracy at El Alcatrash to see if Gabe is there. Tracy says no. Sarita is very worried. Tracy has come over to El Tal to see Cameela and Cameela tells her they are looking for Gabe and Pedro. Gabe comes in the room and they are happy to see him, but ask about Pedro. Pedro comes in the room and says he went to El Alcatrash and Cameela tells him never to go back there. She is afraid something will happen to him. Tracy leaves.

Pigorio and Valentin take another meeting. He tells Valentin that Pedro accused him of killing Tia Patty and Claudio. He doesn't want to go to the carcel. He tells Valentin he better find Mariana.

Fabi and Flor go to school. They are still talking about Claudio.

Army and Angel have also gone to school where Army is waiting for Fabi. Angel tells him to chill out, alot has gone on and she'll get there when she gets there. Army tells Angel he is very in love with Fabi and is so sorry about the Jose/Flor thing. Fabi comes up and greets Army and Angel and tells them Flor is greiving.

Rennie and Rita are talking about the money again. They can't wait to get all that money from Pigorio. He tells her that when he marries Rita she will never want for anything. He tells Rita I think that he is divorcing El Viral.

El Viral is at the hospital not as a patient this time, but she is on another tear. Her high pitched voice is giving Maria's poor receptionist a hard time. El Viral wants to see Maria like yesterday. The receptionist tells her Maria is busy, and does she have an appointment? He voice goes up another screaming notch and says I don't need no appointment, I'm her sister and I am damn well going in. She stomps right into Maria's office and Maria says look I'm working what do you want? She says I came cause I'm mad as hell cause Rennie is divorcing me, I want to divorce him. Maria doesn't see a problem with that. El Viral is so mad I swear her headband was expanding from all the steam in her head.


Pedro gives Cameela an engagement ring.

Tonio and Lucrazy plot and plan.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #217-218 Fri 4/20/12 Dead Men Don't Bleed

Part One: Vice Freezes His Assets Off in Jail

Vice tries to book a flight to Mérida.

Pina is delirious. Fred appears. There's angel music. Is Fred real, or is Pina fading away?

Sandrucha is stunned but pleased by Chacho's offer to father a child with her.

Apparently, Fred is real. He explains how he got lost - he got distracted by something even prettier than Sergio. (Pina's sorry she didn't help, but she had an anxiety attack and fainted in the water.) Sergio found him somehow and shared his oxygen. Pina is starry-eyed and grateful to him for saving the life of her reason for living. Sergio is gracious but unassuming.

Karina squeals with joy to see Fred. Fred is not as annoyed by this as I would like. Sergio slips away discreetly.

Vice tells Candy he went to the airport but didn't have to get a flight because Fred called to say he was alive. He notices that Candy seems out of sorts. She admits to feeling tired but doesn't explain why.

Fred thinks Sergio seemed oddly serious and subdued. Pina wants to find him to thank him again. Karina teases Pina for the way she goggled at Sergio when they first met. Fred is amused. Pina, not so much.

Alone at a bar, Sergio ignores a pretty girl and flashes back to his first meeting with Pina, when she refused his offer of a piece of quartz.

Lupita wants to go to Tom's graduation.

Adrian tells Ana he can tell she still has feelings for Fred, so he's gonna take off. (Duh? Why now?) Ana tells Rebe she can't decide between Fred and Adrian, so she'd like to put the question on Twitter. That way a bunch of idiots she doesn't know can weigh in on this life-altering decision.

At home, Candy is dizzy from the meds and calls Chela to tell her she feels crappy. Napoleon casually enters the apartment. "He's right in front of me! NAPOLEON!"

Pancho to Isa (he no longer calls her "Bella" because Rebe doesn't like that): "I don't want to be disrespectful... but do you like me?" Isabella is mortified and offended. "I thought you'd be different! I thought we could have a professional relationship," she insists. (Who does she think she's fooling?) He admits he "felt things" when they were touring the warehouse. She denies that he should have felt anything. He apologizes and offers to take her out for a coffee. She ignores the apology and says this had better not happen again.

Isabella stomps out. Pancho isn't totally convinced that she meant what she said.

Sneaky Salome prepares to approach Vice in the parking garage, but then hides when several police cars screech in. She watches as Vice is apprehended. He resists arrest. They cuff him, but he still makes them chase him around the car.

Chela worries about Candy going quiet on phone. She calls back, but Nap makes Candy turn off the phone.

Candy: I never loved you, what do you want? You forced me to marry you.
Nap: No one can love you like I do.
Candy: Why don't you go where all the dead people go? To hell! Leave me alone!

Nap says she has to pay for what she did to him. She hits him. Scratches. Blood. "Blood? Dead men don't bleed!"

Isa and Jimena debate what to do about the man of Isa's dreams. She doesn't want to admit to him that she likes him. She doesn't want to break up a marriage. Jimena suggests that they focus on getting their work done and leave ASAP. (What would happen to the telenovela genre if more people did that?)

Candy: You're alive!
Nap: No I'm not; you saw me in the morgue not breathing. I was dead.

Candy knows he could have used his money to fake his death. Candy offers to re-kill him (with a lamp!) just to make sure. He takes out a gun and tells her to put down the lamp. He says it doesn't matter; no one will believe her. "If you tell anyone I'm alive, they'll die laughing." He leaves.

Pancho and family gather outside the house. Clean-shaven Pepe flips a switch, and the whole properly is lit up like one of those houses you see on the news where all the neighbors complain about the eyesore and the traffic. Rebe is dressed like a very thin (though pregnant) Mrs. Claus. Group hug!

Frida feels sorry for herself at home in her little shack. Why can't she enjoy this time of year that everyone else loves? (I blame that tiny Christmas tree with the seizure-inducing rapid-flashing lights.) Gramps, why aren't you here? Why aren't you here, Dartañán? Boo hoo hoo.

Enzo and Chela get Candy's place. "Dead men don't bleed," she tells them. Chela thinks the meds are making her worse. Candy shows them her hands and insists she's not loca. Enzo argues in spite of the evidence. Candy protests: yes, she saw him dead; but now she's seem him alive. The guy had plenty of money. He could have pulled it off. But she just sounds hysterical to them.

Salome tends to Nap's wounds. He was surprised by Candy's reaction and he pulled his gun. Sally says there can't be any doubt in Candy's mind now that he's alive, but Nap is sure no one will believe her.

At the police station, Vice wants his phone call. I think that guy who runs the police station has new glasses. They uncuff Vice and warn him to to run his sarcastic mouth or they'll have to put him in a cell. Eventually he gets to make his call.

Rebe tells Pancho of Ana's great dilemma. Vice calls to tell him about being in jail. (I guess with Pina and Fred out of town, Pancho's all he has left!) Vice accuses Pancho of conspiring with Isabella to get him thrown in jail. "You'll be sorry," he threatens unconvincingly. He complains to the jailer again. The jailer jokingly offers Vice a cell with an ocean view.

Pancho tells Rebe that Isa had warned about this. She is very sarcastic with him for choosing to protect Bella's job rather than warning Vice.

Ana rehashes Fred vs. Adrian with Lupita. Pollis calls. He tells Ana that when he was running out of air and thought he was gonna die, he thought about her. What frightened him the most was that he might never see her again.

Pancho tells Candy that Vice is in jail for tax evasion. Candy thinks Isabella did this. Pancho explains that Vice failed to report a bunch of taxable income. Candy wants to see him immediately. They don't think she's in any "condition" to go out alone this late, but Candy isn't willing to leave Vice alone in jail, so Enzo agrees to take her.

Arnold and Bárbara are out drinking tea. A tells B all about all his crushes, including Ana. Barb remarks that he seems to like Vice's women (Pina, Rebeca, Candy). Arnold says it's just a coincidence. Barb says it'd be a coincidence only if Vice were not also his best friend. Arnold says he doesn't exactly admire Vice and the way he treats women. Barb observes that Vice wrecks them and Arnold fixes them up. She suggests that he take an interest in some woman who hasn't been with Vice. "Like who?" clueless Arnold asks. "You tell me," she replies coyly.

At jail, Candy and an increasingly giddy Vice argue whether this was Pancho's fault or not. Vice is happy to see Enzo. But they can't do anything for Vice at this hour. He can't leave until he pays his fine, and the banks aren't open till morning. The jailer wants to go home too, and have his hot chocolate and cookies. More arguing about Pancho (and Chela, I don't even know why Vice mentions her). Vice wants to prove that Pancho and Isabella are having a thing and conspiring against him. Enzo says he sounds hysterical. (Someone needs to explain to Enzo that telling people they're hysterical doesn't calm them down.)

Sergio is at Pina's bedside again. She remembers being rescued by him when she fainted into the water. Now he's standing over her bed, saying she's hermosa. He just came by to see how she's doing. She doesn't know his last name or where he lives. He says it's better that way. Take care!

Mendoza goes to the jail. Pancho is going to pay Vice's very large fine. But the authorities are going to freeze Vice's assets.

Candy angrily confronts Pancho over the alleged conspiracy with Isabella. Moody Rebeca actually buys the story. Pancho says he had nothing to do with it. He would never do something so low and they don't know him very well if they think he could. He storms out. Rebeca cries.

Part Two: Bravo! BRAVO!!!

Enzo prepares for his trip to Monterrey. He'll only be gone two nights, but he's going to see Pancho first. He and Chela worry about Candy.

Lupe gets the green light from Doc Oc to go to Tom's graduation.

Ana phones Adrian. His kids are excited about the call. He steps away from the table to tell Ana he made a mistake involving the girls. They'll be so disappointed if things don't work out. He needs to think of them; they're a part of him. So Ana would be having a relationship not just with him, but all three.

Pina tells Fred and Karina that Sergio came to see her this morning. Or did he? She's not sure whether it was a dream or for real. She can't wait to go home.

At the office, Isabella and Enzo both need to talk to Pancho. Enzo gets to go first. Isa hangs around outside the door until Enriqueta coldly asks if she's okay. Isa takes off.

Enzo and Pancho rehash about last night. Then Enzo gives Pancho a folder with Enzo's recommendation for his replacement. We don't get to see who it is - but from the look on Pancho's face, it's someone interesting!

Moni picks up Frida for her physical therapy. Frida would rather take the bus. Moni is shocked by the shabby living conditions. (It must be cold in there, too, because Frida's always wearing her coat.) "Aquí nos tocó vivir," Frida says ("we were fated to live here"). "Oh, Cristina Pacheco," Moni replies. (Pacheco hosts a long-running TV show called "Aquí Nos Tocó Vivir." Frida doesn't get the reference. "Forget it," Moni says.) Moni feels guilty - not because Pepe prefers her, but because she has everything and Frida has nothing. But Moni wasn't born in a golden cradle - her mother didn't want her, and her father washed cars and he worked hard. Surprisingly, Frida agrees to let Moni take her to PT and tell her the rest of Enzo's story on their way.

Ana rehashes her problem with Pepe. Oh, the difficulty of choosing between two guapos who want nothing more than to make her happy. Fred's insecure, and Adrian is a three-for-one deal. She's not sure she's ready for that responsibility.

Candy tells Rebeca about making Napoleón bleed. (Rebe seems a little more receptive than Enzo and Chela were.) Vice calls from Avon - he had to spend the night at the jail, but he's out now. Pancho paid his fine. This upsets both Candy and Rebe - it will cause a scandal and make them all look bad. Medication-woozy Candy and hormone-ravaged Rebeca are now weepily ashamed of themselves for having thought the worst of Pancho. (Thanks, Vivi, for the correction!)

Pina, Fred, and Karina are at home. Apparently, no one told Ado they were coming, but she's happy to see them.

Tom graduates from the Police Academy. The head of the school singles out Tom for an effusive congratulatory speech for graduating in record time with the highest marks.

Pina goes to the office and tells Raimundo about Sergio the angel. Then Jorge Aravena shows up. Siiiigh. Raimundo beams at him. Pina gapes and drops her book. The mystery man picks it up for her and introduces himself as Sebastián Bravo. He's looking for Pancho. Raimundo offers to take him; Bravo says it would improper to leave the lady all by herself! Unfortunately, Pina snaps out of it and starts grilling the guy on why he wants to see Pancho. He's interviewing for Enzo's job as Director of Finance. He wasn't actually planning to take it, but now that he's met her, he'll let Mr. Lopez decide!

At the police academy, Candy still feels lousy on her meds. She tells Pancho and Lupe and Tomás about scratching Napoleón. Tom seems to take her seriously, but she starts getting loud and Rebeca and Lupita want to take her home to "rest." "He's alive," Candy declares, and stalks off. Rebe follows. Pancho is really worried. Only Tom finds her theory credible. Tom thanks Pancho again for supporting him like a father.

Isabella really wants to clear up her "misunderstanding" with Pancho. Jimena advises against it, since they both know that there was NO misunderstanding at all... she likes him. Why is she always falling in love with guys five minutes after she meets them?

Before this inane conversation tortures us any further, angry Vice bursts in with baseless complaints about the night he spent at the police station. He says she'd better not mess with him and asks why she picked on him. She didn't pick on him, she just did her job. Lambi had to spend a night in jail too and he paid his debts and fines, as should Vice. Vice says he won't pay a thing. In that case, Isa says, nothing will save him. His debts far exceed those of any other executive in the company. He owes millions of pesos, and if he doesn't pay, not only will he have to go to jail, they'll seize all of his assets. Vice vows to drive her out of the place.

"I told you so," Pepe tells Mónica. She still can't believe the miserable way Frida lives. Their little love nest was palatial by comparison.

Pancho is finally back from Tom's graduation and meets with Bravo. (There was a mixup, Enzo thought Bravo would be coming over in the evening instead of during the day.) Pancho says they can offer him a good salary. Bravo met Enzo years ago in school.

Pancho inquires as to Bravo's marital status (I don't think that's legal in the US). Bravo says he's divorced. Ominous music plays.

Recently divorced Pina is telling Raimundo that they doesn't even know if the guy is married - they just met. She pretends not to care. There are plenty of good-looking men in the world, but that doesn't mean she has to go chasing after them. But then she gives in and admits that she really likes him. Raimundo offers to find out if the man is available.

Fred approaches Ana. She asks if he's okay after being without air. (What? Fred doesn't need no stinkin' air!) The doctors checked him out and he's fine. Ana is cold to him and asks didn't he have Corny-locks with him? He explains that his mother set that up. Ana says she feels something for Adrian, and they kissed yesterday. And if Fred's jealous about it that's just too bad, because he kissed Karina first, and he didn't call her for months, and then he went on a vacation while she was having an operation. And knowing Karina, it's doubtful that he and she stayed in separate rooms. (He starts to weakly deny that anything happened, but she cuts him off.) He and Karina were made for each other, so go away and don't come back.

Bravo tells Pancho he doesn't care to discuss his personal life. (Maybe he's not a good fit for Avon, then.) Pancho offers to show him to his desk. They find Isabella waiting for Pancho outside his office. Pancho introduces them. (Maybe they'll hit it off!) Well, he sort of introduces them. He gets her last name wrong as usual (Ruíz instead of Rodriguez) and calls Bravo "Broncas." Isabella seems rattled and excuses herself. Enriqueta makes faces at her.

Tom, Lupita, Chela, Moni, Pepe, etc. are having champagne to celebrate Tom's graduation. Concepción calls to report that Paco is running a temperature. Chela and Moni rush out.

Ana comes home and tells Lupita that Fred went to bed with Karina. (As far as I could tell, he didn't admit to this, but I guess Ana knows him well enough to know better.)

Isabella tells Pancho that Vice threatened her. He basically tells her that Vice is all bark and no bite and won't do anything to her. He offers to talk to Vice - he owes him for that big fine, anyway.

And just when I think Isa's doing a good job of sticking with business, she puts her hand on Pancho's and coos, "Would you really do that for me, Pancho?" He gazes into her dewy eyes and wonders if this is another one of those misread signals.

Rebe and Candy make up with one another. Candy's even beginning to doubt herself, but agrees to talk to Tomás.

Pancho extricates his hand from Isa's and answers a call from Rebeca. Rebe whines about Isa being there with him. She wants Pancho to come home, but he still has to deal with his new Director of Finance. Rebe says she'll stop wasting his time, and hangs up on him!

In Monterrey, Enzo meets his new pals at the telecom company. (There are NO women in this boardroom!) Chela calls. He tells her he's in the middle of a meeting and can they talk later? (Which makes me wonder, why'd he answer the phone? I wonder that all the time when people answer the phone only to say that they can't talk now.) Anyway, Paco's still burning up with fever.

Arnold asks Vice if he ate a rooster, because of his crow's feet. (They call them "patas de gallo" rather than "patas de cuervo." I guess I should have realized that after seeing the Concha Creme commercial 10000 times, but it never sank in.) Vice drags Arnold into his office to finish a conversation that was interrupted some time ago... "are you, or are you not, gay?" Arnold really doesn't want to answer, but Vice is yelling and shaking him. He can't stand for his friends not to tell him the truth. "I want to know the truth!"

"I'm not gay," Arnold replies in his regular deep voice. Vice backs away. Then he grabs him again. "I'm not gay," Arnold repeats.

Looks like Vice can't handle the truth!

Next time:
Christmas! Adrian is there. So is Nayeli. Enzo dances with Jimena. There's a lot of food. Tomás and Lupita get married. Napoleón goes for Salome's throat. Rebeca has another attack of jealousy.


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