Saturday, December 22, 2012

Amor Bravío #89 (Uni 84) Fri 12/21/12 In Which The Land Deal's A Steal and Leads To The Not So Big Big Reveal; Dio Can't Believe D'Andres Is DDA For Real; Yago Proves He's Still A Heel; Bruno Cops a Feel; Everyone's Still Convinced Alonso's El Gran Schlemiel

Cap #89 

Part 1~~~

As the title suggests, with a few naive no puede ser denials, a few arrogant callate’s, a couple of virgencita mia’s and a big “who shot JR”-style surprise, you’ve got the night in spades.  However, Viewerville, I must first admit celebrating the demise of Mayan mystics and un-deserving Yucatan deities with a somewhat liberal period of libation and besotted babbling along with munching Xmas goodies towards midnight.  Jingling of bells will not be permitted for the next few hours.

Lo Del Pasado:
Alonso-Kimodo-Dodo and HIssadora have a major blow out in which she threatens to blow his brains out if he doesn’t call Daniel and threaten to blow the kidnapped Camila’s brains out in exchange for the deed to La Malquerida and pronto and how!  Of course Boozer-Loser Lon gets a large charge by revealing his own secret to Mami Dearest:  I know you are not my baby mami and life with you was a living Hell; and you undoubtedly killed my doddering, decrepit, tho’ doting daddy who was old enough to have been our great-granddaddy--cuz even tho’ he could still shoot bulls-eyes, it was all in vain cuz you, Mami, were “esteril”!  Oh yes, a barren b!tch in current vernacular.  He knows what he knows and won't tell how he knows (at least till she threatens to blow his brains out over that, too).

Al has fallen for Cami’s love charm like all the other goofy guys at the M.Q.  (Viewerville notes with our resident medico, Carlos, that Al’s still got his h-h-h-hot tamale de Ximena. So, Al’s a real celluloid pendejo cuz his “accesorio” no longer pumps or jumps for any impending humps while in traitorous Ximeana’s presence.)  It’s like go figure, Mami, while I have another temper tantrum at 39 and holding, cuz it’s all only been to save Camila from your vexing, venomous, vixendom as my murderous mother. (Viewerville notes that to a sociopath like Hisssadora, one more tantrum from the Kimodo-Dodo is like water off a duck’s back.  He’s all she’s got, tho' we agree with her that more’s the pity.)  

Meanwhile, Dionisio’s henchmen come up empty and so do the M.Q.’s cowhands.  Xi points the finger at Al per the plan and Francisco points another fickle finger at Isadora as the second kidnapper to politely plant the tiniest seed of doubt now that he’s wise to Dio and Isssa’s sexual con-exion. 

Lo Del Nuevo:
The Scoobie-doo’s and Mariano are out the door.

The house help are praying to the virgencita for a miracle.

Back in the kitchen, Luzma lets loose with the Alonso, DDA, Camila frijoles.  It’s not like everybody thinks: Sra. Camila isn’t the real owner.   DDA is the real owner and “--Don Daniel left the rancho to him to protect her from Don Alonso who married her for her money, [interés= lit. money matters/self-interest, which amounted to her supposed inheritance of La Malquerida].”  Who is this guy, DDa?  Does the sra. know this guy and all this? Shouldn’t she tell people what she knows so someone in authority could do something about it or whatever??? “Yes, Sra. Cami does know all this.  But they both asked me to keep it a secret. Sorry.”  --Thanks a lot, Luzma!  (Luzma just broke telenovela rule#100 something which demands that if you tell a secret you can only tell half of it and must leave the rest to mischievous conjecture.)  Please don’t tell anybody that you know this.”  Frustrated frowns attach themselves on faces all around the kitchen.

Mariano catches up with the Scoobies and reveals he knows who DDA really is, courtesy of Camila.  Can’t he come with them and join the gang?  For Camila’s sake you see.  By Anteing up a crass comment regarding Al’s likely criminal intent towards Cam, he’s accepted as a new/joint member of the gang.  They jump in and race off.

Meanwhile, dastardly Bruno, still in his black ninja stocking cap and leathers, finds the bound, passed out female lying at his feet, “more beautiful than even her sister Ximeana”, is too much of a temptation for him.  Butt-head decides to go with the rush in blood flow.  He starts rubbing his hands over her limp body.   

In town at Vivi’s place, Licenciado Osvaldo Becerra, arrives since he’s been summoned by Daniel.  Dan explains he has heard from Alocolonso who claims he’s got Camila (and thus him by the shorts) and that he’ll only return her for Dan’s ceding ownership legally of La Malquerida to Al.    Dan’s the Man and agrees to anything in the way of The Unlucky at Love de Lying Lonnie’s devilish demands.  Praise be and pass the peas!  Dan agrees!!  Os is all “por supuesto no puede ser”.  He may never get the rancho back legally once he crosses this Rubicon rivero.  Dan doesn’t care because Camila being back safe and sound is all that matters to him!  

The M.Q. doesn’t matter a whit to Dan’l.  (Cam and some of Viewerville might want him to think this through with the others first, and let cooler heads prevail with a real plan like the Mission Quite Possible Gang’s done up to now.)  Aaron mentions wisely that Aloco can’t be trusted cuz everybody knows he’s got more than a few screws loose and not just in his caboose.  Dan says he realizes this now but hasn’t a choice in the matter.  Only Camila alive and well does so he’s gonna give the geek what he wants!  Dios knows best and agrees is Padre Anselmo’s two centavos’ worth and he accentuates the positive with a skyward-pointing pointer finger.    Os doesn’t have a choice either, says Dan, so Os says fine, it’ll be ready in his office in half an hour for Dan to sign.  (If Os doesn’t have a legal trick or two up his “manga” [sleeve], half of Viewerville’s going to be doing a midnight shuffle on his grave!)  

Across the way at La Buenaventura, Yago heads for bed after Daddy Cayetano complains about people feeling impotent when it comes to being kidnapped.  Rocio walks in and gripes at the time of night it is.  He’s become distant towards her and not at all supportive. This just proves it.  Blah, blah, blah…..Cayetano tells her he’s not been distant and is the same as always; he’s been gone longer than usual because Camila has disappeared and nobody found a trace of her anywhere.  So before she starts in on a rant, learn what’s what first.  Good night!

In Yago’s bedroom, he’s got Natalia calling him to reveal the news about Daddy dearest being really alive but also a really real meanie.  Yago would like to give her a hug and be supportive, but because of the search for the missing Cami, he’s bushed, he lies, while busily looking at his photos of the beautiful blond Vivi, his supposed next conquest, whom I now (correctly?) assume he imagines in a come hither request.     

Part 2~~
Downstairs at Amanda’s B&B meanwhile, dear and newly abused Amanda remembers Dio sneaking in and pulling her hair nearly out of her scalp and yelling in her face while threatening to off both her and Natalia should she try to run away with their daughter again!  Yes, he’s got her watched 24-7, along with Natalia, but she’s got to just find a way to take Nat with her again without Dionisio Ferrer being any the wiser.  Uhhhhh…..Os and Dan will certainly give her a hand with absconding.  "--Dan is from Chile and can give me a few heads ups about it.  Tomorrow I’ll head over there to talk it over with him."

Back across town at Viviana’s place, Rafael and Vivi walk through the door with Mariano right behind them.  They all stop talking and stare.  What’s he doing there?  Mariano reveals that he’s known for a while, courtesy of Camila, about the real DDA and only wants to help them find her.  That’s good enough for Padre A since he and Mar are BFF’s from the old days.  He tells the three of them that Al kidnapped Cam.  Aaron adds that in exchange for Daniel’s signing over ownership of La Malquerida he will give them back Camila in one piece, safe and sound. Aaron adds that Al took advantage of Dan’s feelings for Camila just so he could get his own way [salir con la suya.]  So, Dan’s decided to sign it all over and has a scream fest with Rafa about that.  He loves her and he won’t risk her life for that piece of land.  Mariano fingers the locket in his pocket and realizes that Dan and Cam are back together again.  He asks if they’re back together just to make sure.  Yes they’re back together again, says Dan and they’ve got a relationship going. 

Back at the M.Q., Dio, Xi, Frankie, and Agustina sit and wait for word.  Nada.  Bupkes.  Dio is disgusted.  Camila is very important to him…er…being Gussies’ little girl and all.  His men haven’t found a thing, either.  Gussie gushes at Dio’s er…fatherly preoccupation for her daughter and remarks how unbearable the situation would really be if he weren’t there at her side.   Whaddaman!  Featherbrained Frank chokes back a sly laugh at that and fakes a cough.  Gussie flashes “the look” and notes her distaste forthwith.  Dio frowns, too frustrated to give a crap, I guess.

In town, Mariano offers money to back a proposition to Al to take the money, pay his penalty, stay out of jail and leave them La Malquerida.  Dan says okay and leaves a message on Al’s voice-mail to call him back.  Will he return the call or not?  They don’t know.  Much nail biting ensues.  Vivi hands over the medallion she found and tells Dan she knew Cam wore it today and asks him to hang on to it for when she comes back.  He looks at the medallion with the virgencita on it and he says a prayer to her to lend a hand in Cami’s return.  Anselmo prays along which makes it o-fficial. 

That night at the dining room table nobody has any appetite.  That’s when Isadora walks in too cheerfully.  Dio jumps up and demands to know where she’s been all this time.  Why looking for a house in Metepec like she told them she would be.  They tell her Allocolonso’s kidnapped Cam cuz she’s gone missing and everything points to him as the culprit.  Ok.  So what’s that got to do with her she so innocently asks. “--You call him right now and tell him to hand her over without a scratch right now or he’ll be dealing with me!”  “--Okayokayokay!  Cool your jets.  I don’t’ think he did it, but okay.”  Gussie whines that her daughter’s in danger and she is begging her to help do something for her.  

Xi is pacing in her bedroom praying for help out of whatever jam she’s gotten herself into.  (I don’t think that’s the purview of this particular deity.  Try a few floors lower down.)   

Dan and Rafa are in Os’s office to sign the papers.  Os and Rafa ask if Dan’s sure of this.   Ay!  He’s definitely the handsomest man on the rancho, but he is also now the stoooooopidest as well, according to Rafa and Os, when he signs his name on the dotted line. 

A bit later, Muy Guapo Stoooopid Man returns to his room at the rancho and finds A-locked’n loaded loco de lonso.  "--Sorry." KABLOOIE!  Dan flies through the air with a shotgun blast to the stomach and lands dead as a door nail.  Bwajajajajajja!  Then Camila wakes up from her drug-induced dream and enters into a living nightmare of memories of Louis’s death. 

As Butt-head de Bruno starts pawing her with major intent Cami fights back vomit and offers him money in exchange for letting her go.  He’s not interested this time in the cold hard… cash.  “Try it; you may like it and stick around for good.”  (Not in this lifetime, Butthead Buster!)

At the M.Q.  D’Andres races in with his signed documents and demands to know where Alonso is hiding??!!!  He’s gone.  He left a couple of days ago, answers Gussie aghast. Why and how dare you demand to know after toying with my daughter’s affections and then abandoning her?  He’s come with the documents that he demanded in exchange for Camila’s safe return alive—the deed to La Malquerida!!  What?????  Dio watches as D’Aaron, Viv and Rafa line up behind Daniel.  “—Daniel?”  No, says D’Aaron.  I’m not Daniel.”  He dares because HE is the real DDA!  Finally D’Andres tells the remaining five on the stairwell that he’s the real DDA!  Oy vey.  Gussie is confused worse than Viewerville now and Dio is a close second this time. 

Shock and disgust from Dio. Dio walks down the stairs with both hands firmly on the stair rail. “—You can’t be!  You tricked me!”  Os pops up next. (Where the hell’d he come from, the little bugger?) “—He’s the only and one true heir and owner of La Malquerida and I can prove it!”  “—Pahleese!! and it’s what all of you deserve for going to Chile and trying to kill me so I couldn’t get here to accept my inheritance.”   Gussie reverts to stooopid b!tchdom and calls him a bastard and a murderer, tells him he used and abused her daughter, had her fall in love [and into bed with him] by pretending to be somebody else.  “--What a creep!”  No, says Vivi, in Cami’s defense, she knew all about Daniel.  

So does Alonso, adds Becerra.  That’s why he wants the ranch in exchange for letting her go.  Gussie’s still stuck on bedding her daughter with her first cousin, but Dan assures her he did the DNA test and they are not related in any way.  (Ok.  Ok, except by marriage of her Mom to his Daddy, I suppose, which is just too icky by half for me to want to consider right now.)  “--Then why bequeath the ranch to you instead of my daughter, his only family who he idolized?”  “—Or why did you lie to me, your real father?”  Dan sniffs.  Really?  Really?  “--You may be blood, but don’t come at me with that sob story.  You never worried about me!  The only thing that ever mattered to you was money!”  Xi points out that then he’s her brother and not the other guy.  Dan ignores her and asks Isadora where Alonso is.  She lies that she hasn’t a clue.  “--Then locate him, he says, cause he’s not answering his cell and tell him I’ve got what he’s asked me for. But I won’t hand it over till I know that Camila is alive and well.”

Dorotea walks in and tells the kitchen crew that the real DDA just arrived and revealed himself to the others, but he’s not who they thought.  Nope.  It’s Andres!!  He’s the heir but not the son.  Why?  “--To protect her from Alonso.”  “--Not very good at it since she’s been kidnapped and all, huh?”  (He’s got a point there, I must admit.)  That’s why she’s been kidnapped and unless he gives him the ranch, he’ll kill Sra. Camila!!”

Issa tells Xi to go out and make a call to the imbecile of a son of hers and make sure he surfaces with the instructions.  Xi slips away unseen while DDA threatens Dio that it doesn’t end here and Isadora won’t get her way.  Dio objects and insists it’s Al who’s doing the blackmail, not them.  Os pipes up again that they conspired to kill Daniel to keep him from arriving to claim his inheritance.  Isssa tells Os to shut it and avoid the libel and slander.  Gussie asks why he’s accusing Isadora and her hubby of such crimes.  Because, Madame, your husband is part of a tourist development, and together with Alonso, he gave this property as a guarantee for the project.  Dio asks how he could give the property as a guarantee if he didn’t own it.  Rafa explains they know that he thought Cam would inherit it and they would easily get rid of her and take possession of it.  That’s why Don Daniel left the rancho to Daniel.  Vivi explains further (for Gussie’s sake) to protect Cami from them.  Gussie asks Dio to swear to her that it’s all a lie.  Of course he lies to her and tells her none of it is true.

Daniel calls Dio a liar and a coward.  The wolf huffs and puffs and demands he watch what he says about him or he’ll make him eat his words.  OK.  Dan plays his information card.  “—Oh, so are you going to deny that you ordered me to kill DDA when you thought he was Aaron?  Or did you forget you sent me to shooting lessons so that I could kill him?”  “—The only thing I did was to want to protect Camila and my wife from a fugitive of the law accused of murdering his wife!”  “—You could have called the police.  That was sufficient.  You didn’t need to kill anybody!”  “—For everyone in this house you were a criminal and I wasn’t going to risk their lives.”  Issa jumps in and warns Dan that unless and until he has proof of what he’s accusing them of to keep his little trap shut.   Dan is left with the urge to shut her big trap but simply smiles and crosses those beefcake arms of his. 

Xi begs Al to call Dan and do what she asks cuz she’s no murderer either and she doesn’t want this to go any farther than it has to.  Her sister is involved and Isadora will kill her for sure if Al doesn’t do exactly what she wants.  Al gives in and calls.

In the kitchen Luzma gripes that Piedad is always calling attention to her pregnancy.  She can’t stand the thought of having this baby because he isn’t normal and his life won’t be a normal one either.  She races out and heads to her room where she prays to the virgencita for forgiveness and tells the baby it’s not his fault or hers.  What has she got planned?

At La Buenaventura Ana finds Roman’s note that says he’s run away again.  She tells Nana.

Pablo and Mariano have a chat about the news at the M.Q.  Pablo learns that Cam and Dan are on again and Mariano is too much of a gentleman to follow his own advice.  Pablo talks him into it, though.  Ana comes in and tells Mariano about Roman.  Mariano promises that he’s going to find Roman.  FF>>

Back at the M.Q., Dio wants to know if Nat was knowingly involved in the cover up.  Nope.  Dan says he planted the picture where she found it online.  Rafa reminds Dio that Dan’s a computer engineer and can do just about anything with computers.  (Is that an implied big “Duh” from Rafa to Dio I heard?)  Alonso calls.  Dan answers and in front of everyone gets the directions he’s been instructed by Mami Dearest to give Daniel.  Dan reminds Al that he’s not handing over a thing till he is certain that Camila’s alive.  He demands to talk to Camila now to be sure that she’s still alive.  Bruno gets a text from Xi and a few minutes later he dials Dan and puts Cami on the phone.

Dan thinks it’s real strange how quickly Al got his message and called him back.  Isa says it wasn’t her doing.  Vivi remembers that Xi is gone.  Xi comes back and says she went to the can.  “—Is that a crime now?” 

Cami tells Daniel that it was Alonso who did this to her.  He says he knows and is signing over La Malquerida which is all he cares about.  She screams not to fall for his blackmail.  Bruno knocks her down, and then clicks off.  Yes, she seems to be okay.    He’s going to go meet Alonso now, alone, just like he demanded.  Rafa and Aaron object cuz he can’t trust the guy.  Rafa can’t come along or follow.  He won’t risk Cam’s life that way.   Dio says at least take a pistol.  Os says yeah, to show him he means business.  Gussie gets one of Don Dan’s old guns.  (Hope it’s been cleaned recently and reloaded cuz she didn’t give him any cartridges that I saw.)  Gussie begs him to bring her daughter home alive to her.  Dan exits stage left (?) and Isa fakes shortness of breath due to Alonzo’s crazy antics.  “—My son’s lost his mind!  Kidnapping Camila is unimaginable.  I’ve got to get a breath of air.  I feel I can’t breathe.”  Everyone else is caught up with Gussie and beautiful, concerned Vivi.

For Bruno, the fun stuff’s over since there’s  obviously no more time for the perverted pr!ck (to pretend) to put the moves on Cami.  He hoists her drugged-out dead weight over his shoulder and leaves the hidy hole.   To be continued Christmas Eve……..per the “avances”.


Amores Verdaderos #31 Fri 12/21/12 Out Of Touch or Private Eyes Are Watching You They See Your Every Move


I love Daryl Hall and John Oates, and for those of you that like them, Daryl Hall has a channel on Youtube called Live at Daryl's House. It is fantastic and he does all of his hits with other artists and also with John Oates. Fantastic channel and look it up sometime if you like them. The titles for this recap are of course ,courtesy of Daryl Hall and John Oates, Out of Touch and Private Eyes. Now on to this recap.

We start this epi with Chris' jealous streak and her telling the Angel to just go back to work. He has a cuddle with his daughter, who thinks she caused the whole thing, but they promise not to mention these things in front of Chris again so it doesn't set off her jealousy. Lili also tells her Papa that of course Chris isn't likin' Ms Vikki. But her Papa Angel tells her we owe so much to Ms Vikki and she saved my life, doncha know.

So Nabila still has poor Guzmancito in her clutches and wants to dance with him, but Guzmancito sure ain't feelin' it or that well either. He's just a clutchin' his tummy and the world is spinning round and round, what goes around comes around, I'll tell you why, round and round, courtesy of Rat, big hair band of the eighties, anyhoo, he's still lookin' for Nikki as he is seeing double and grabs the wrong girl. He is clutching that tummy..
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Por ella soy Eva #109 12/21/12: Fire..When You're Hot, Your Hot, You're Dynamite or Jealous Lover

Sorry this recap is late. Title courtesy of The Ohio Players, Fire; and also the big hair 80's group Rainbow, Jealous Lover

We begin this epi with Angie leaving Santi.

Next we are in Ixtapa with Helena and Pluti at the pool. Pluti has got a shiny shirt on even at the beach, who knew, when they are suprised by Rebe, who knew they were there, she can't beleive it, liar, liar pants on fire, jus' sayin'.Now she tells them about the anniversary party for G.I and then she has something to say about Pluti in front of Helena, what you ask? I'll tell you, seems Rebe is going with the flow and remarks to Helena that Pluti is a great guy, big heart and Helena is lucky to be marrying the snake, er , nice guy. Pluti tries to play it off by being modest, hand kissing and hand holding ensue as Rebe continues to spew this soup. Rebe congrats them both on the up coming nuptials and goes.

Now we are at Fern's and Marcela's where Daniel has taken Jennifer and Kevin home. Kevin goes in the house giving alone time to Jennifer and Daniel. Jennifer is still pithed at Daniel as he tries to talk her into not telling anyone what happened between them, in other words, the hurtful things he said. He begs for forgiveness from Jennifer. He is really laying it on thick, she doesn't seem to be caving, and is about to go in, when he stops her and begs her once again. She thinks what he did was not nice at all. Yay, she didn't cave and he is pithed. She goes in her house.
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekend Discussion: Novela Violence; Has it been escalating?

Tonight's perverted torture of Camila in Amor Bravio has driven me to initiate this discussion.

In the nearly two decades I've been watching telenovelas I have noticed that the sexual content has increased, which I have no problem with.  Has the violence also increased overall or is it just Televisa's programs?

Rape appears to be more explicit in most novelas I've seen in the last few years that have this plot element and now we have physical and psychological torture which is just as evil.  The narcotrafficante sub-genre is more violent by its very nature, but are other countries' more traditional novelas getting more violent?  If so, why do you think this is happening?

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El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of December 24 - Discuss among yourselves

Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad

Best wishes for the season to all our posters, commenters and readers.

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Amores Verdaderos #30 Thu 12/20/12 The little painter that could float… Mother-GooseEggs still unbearably jealous, Dances is locked up, Robo-Hunk sees the world go round and round

* Big Angel with Hugs is hugging Little painter that didn’t know she COULD float in the water as he teaches her to float in the water at her house pool.  She is freaking out and several times makes him almost drown… but he always recovers in time to save her from drowning herself… Dances with Sunglasses sees from the window and wonders ‘what in the hayride is going on here?!?’ … Little orchid solecito  also sees them and concludes her mother is right in her jealous rages after all.   Handy-Sina comes out a while later, after little painter realizes she COULD float in water, and little painter tells her how good a swim teacher Big Angel with Hugs turned out to be… Of course Little painter and Handy-Sina leave and Little orchid solecito comes to pool side and confronts her dad in what she interpreted happened in the pool… (nothing we have not seen before in this novella and thousands others)…  he says have enough with your mom’s rages. You don’t know what I go through here, that I can’t wait for the weekend to be with you and jealous mother goose…(wasn’t there a rock song in 80’s ‘everybody’s waiting for the weekend’?) Little orchid apologizes and swears she won’t tell mother goose…  Dances with sunglasses without sunglasses admires Arriaga’s ability to woo the Senora, ‘or is it the Senora who is getting enthused with Arriaga? We will have to find out’...
* Cristina, a.k.a. mother goose, is busy socializing with Pau-Whiner, admiring her piano playing skills (?)… Pau-Whiner admits she does not socialize much at all… Mother goose, still babbling admiration, opens the door and is face to face with her sperm donor…
* Little painter goes to her studio, is babbling about her new swim teacher with Handy-Sina, she trusts him so much she can’t get over herself. Smiles ear to ear. Handy-Sina reminds Little painter that Odette Longoria, a.k.a. the wicked witch of the west … is still waiting on phone. Little painter refuses to answer the call, Handy-Sina hangs up on WWOW off with some silly excuse as to why LP can’t come to phone.
* Sperm donor tells Pau-Whiner how nice Mother goose is… Pau-Whiner is irate, she wants to know if he likes MG so much, why didn’t he tell her he and Pau-Whiner have been an item for 20 yrs. (Does this woman know of any other way to talk to SD than to change his mood from totally happy to totally annoyed?) he says because she is Big Angel with Hugs’ wife, Little painter’s bodyguard, and don’t want that to get to little painter’s ears who you really are. Pau-Whiner argues that is just excuse no. 543 of why he won’t recognize Pau-Whiner in front of Little Painter et al. SD says that was the deal from the get go. There were no promises from me. It is as it is. Pau-Whiner whines she is so lonely and she can’t share anything of her life with the man she loves, her feelings, her troubles,… she is tired of living a fake life.
SD asks… ok, what is this REALLY all about? You should take a tranquilizer… Pau-Whiner shouts that it is over, she wants to live ALONE!!!... alone? Replies SD, you want me to leave my own place?... yeah, that is what I said! (of course she gets even more upset when he quietly walks out the door, she walks to her bookcase and gets a picture, apparently of Guzmancito at about 13 yrs old, yeah its him)… she hugs the picture ‘my son!..’
* At some disco somewhere, jumping Nicky is trying to get some reaction from Guzmancito…to no avail. He claims he is fine. She says if that is fine, I wonder how is it when you are tense/stressed.  Nicky’s friends arrive, notices she is with her ‘guero’ bodyguard, even though he looks stiff…  They join Nicky, she says she is having fun with ‘Robocop’ (ok I will take that nick for today, well, how about Robo-Hunk). They laugh when he insists he only will drink water. Ok, orange juice.. (ouch, that is an easy beverage they can ‘kick up a notch’ with alcohol, and so they do… they even tell Nicky she will see an ‘guzmancito de impacto’, a shocking Guzmancito)
* At the arriaga(leased) guest house, Bea is thanking her good fortune she has a job thanks to Little painter.  Mother goose tells her she is trying to play matchmaker with Sperm Donor and Pau-Whiner. (Bea walks away, I haven’t watched last week so not sure if Bea knows who Pau-Whiner’s new potential match is really).
* Mother goose follows Bea to living room, tells MG the truth, my mom is alive,  but for Robo-Hunk, it is as if she were dead, she abandoned us to go with a lover, it was very painful. I forgave her, but Robo-Hunk never did, and never will.
* Back at karaoke club, Nicky sings some song that says ‘I want you to leave…’ while Robo-Hunk begins to see the whole world go round and round around him…  how many Nickys do you see, Robo-Hunk?
* In her painting studio, Little painter has made lots of progress with her painting… Handy-Sina asks how is it going with the picture of the Latin Bruce Lee? .. almost done, … Handy-Sina leaves her alone again to get inspiration.  Little painter gets a phone call, it is Nicky from the club… She puts her mom at ease saying Robo-Hunk is there with her. Then she insists to her friends that Robo-Hunk does not turn her on… her friends are not in agreement. She insists she would never look twice to anyone like him, but she does not like it when a girl is slurping on his cheek since he can’t really do anything but laugh it off. She gets annoyed and goes to dance, but is still not liking it when one of her friends is dancing with Robo-Hunk…
* Big Angel with Hugs is at the apartment having merienda with family, Bea and son. They are telling Pepito jokes at table. Little orchid takes him to bed, she will tell him a story she was told when she was a kid.
* Big angel asks Bea how she is treated here. Very good. Bea tells Big Angel that she got a job at Meta Imagen as personal assistant of (?) Angel asks how did you end up there? Mother goose admits she was heading there to apologize for the last jealous scene she caused. Big Angel is fine with it. Tells Bea go ahead and take the job, I will talk to Robo-Hunk so that he won’t be angry about it.
* Sperm Donor is with Little painter at the house, TestosHubby arrives, he has no problem with SD staying. They bring up the police investigation of the last kidnapping...they all get very excited about facing the guy that was caught. Little painter wants to insult him face to face. TestosHubby wants to know how they are doing to get to the intellectual authors of the crimes. SD says they are working on it. 
* Dances with S enters the painting studio… Walks around, sees the covered painting and uncovers it. Is intrigued and observes it for a good while.
* GamblerDad shows up at Paula-Whiner’s house. She argues with him about showing up whenever he wants but she has a hard time connecting to her children… She begs GD to talk to their children on her behalf. He gets angry. How come our children believe me more, me who am nothing more than an irresponsible gambler than in you, who are…  your guilt complex must be very heavy… You gave it all up for nothing!  (She won’t hear any more truth sermons.) He feels pity for her, but he admits they both are responsible for their current fate.
* Back at the karaoke disco, some guy named Oscar approaches Nicky-tweety. She asks about Robo-Hunk and calls him a ‘gorila de quinta’ (no good ape). She walks away to look for him, finds him kissing off with her friend Nab-ila and doesn’t like the movie one bit.
* In the kitchen, Jean Marie and Polita are having the blues… Handy-Sina wonders what is up with them. Little painter comes over and tells her Sperm Donor is coming to stay, seems he broke up with his boo… Handy-Sina is surprised that they broke off after 20 yrs… that is a bad omen.
* Back at disco, Nicky is talking to her friends about the jerk Robo-Hunk. She whispers through teeth that she hates him and leaves in a huff. Her friends conclude she either does not like him or she is head over heels for him.
* Back in painting studio, Dances concludes Little painter likes her bodyguard. This is very juicy gossip… VERY valuable. I have to see how I can benefit from it. At that moment Little painter arrives to room and Dances hides. She notices the painting is uncovered and thinks she herself left it uncovered. She whispers with a smile  ‘the paint artist will decide when the world will see her work’.  She locks the room behind her… Dances breathes relief.. ‘that was close’. Then realizes he is locked in… (rats! Now how do I get outahere?)
* Ken-Drat is taking a bath, thinking aloud that with the rescue of Nicky, she has TestosHubby eating out of her hand, it is just a matter of time before she is his Goddess… for now I am getting VERY well paid … ay Kendra, you are genius!!’ But I don’t need Dances anymore… from now on I will not roll again with him. Espanto calls her cell. She gets mad. He blames Jonas (the young thug) for the spoiled kidnapping. She won’t buy any, but he has been caught, is at pol station and is getting offered tons of moolah to reveal who hired him. Ken-Drat warns him he can’t mention her, or he will die, you worm. He tells her along with the money he was offered a good lawyer to minimize the sentence. She swears they can improve on the offer he got. He says you better, or I will sing like a canary. Then hangs up on her. Next call on her cell is Dances. She needs to talk to him ASAP.  HE says shut up, my issue is even MORE ASAP… she asks ‘you need me to do WHAT??!!?’
* Back at Arriaga leased apt, another family gathering at the table… (when was the last time the Balvanera family had a dinner like that?)  Little Orchid brings up a joke about a drowning… (seems she wants to bring up the little painter/Big Angel scene at the pool as a funny story)…  Big Angel tells Mother Goose that Little painter does not know how to swim. Little orchid ads that when little painter was a kid, she almost drowned. Big Angel saved Little painter from drowning, he had to grab her by waist from below so she would come up to surface… No matter how funny they made it sound, Mother Goose is mad as heck… she was in a swimsuit, right? No, she had a full Marie Antoinette outfit, which helped her float (eh… more like drown)… Mother Goose is angry as heck and comments with sarcasm ‘now I realize how DANGEROUS your job is!!’ Big Angel tries to soften the moment up… he is sad that every time he gets to come home, she brings a jealousy rage scene. Don’t be silly childish. No, the childish one is you!, who can’t help but carry your ‘Senora’ in and out of the water!
* Back at disco, poor Robo-Hunk is still wavering with everything and everyone around him going round and round. This Oscar guy takes Nicky right out of his hands and takes her away. Robo-Hunk finally succumbs totally to his intoxication.
Previews: Dances and Ken-Drat comment that they have to let TestosHubby find out about Little painter’s infatuation with Big Angel with Hugs.
Mother Goose whines/begs God please no! please no!
Dances asks TestosHubby, you have never gone in your wife’s paint study, have you? No. If I were you I would go in there and find out what it is she does in private.


Por ella soy Eva #108 12/20/12: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Renato tells Lucia that no matter what he does it doesn't help because he's gay.  She looks shocked.

Helena and Plutarco are meeting lawyer Mendoza at a resort in Ixtapa.  Pluto reminds her that she wanted to know who he was implicating in the phone call she overheard, and it is her.  When the Playa Majagua project is finished she will end her job at GI.  She acknowledges this and is feeling uncomfortable.  But... Pluto has arranged with Mendoza to reinstate Moreno Travel for her when that happens.  "All this time with the mystery, you have been thinking of me?  Planning for my future?" she asks gratefully.   Boy, is he slick.  Just then JC passes, disguised as Juan Perez with that ridiculous mustache and a paunch.  He is dressed as a bellhop and carrying a load of towels, and he motions to her with is head.  Helena excuses herself and goes after him.  "What are you doing here?" she demands.  He says he followed Rebeca here, and Helena says don't be ridiculous, she's in Acapulco.  "Now go, before someone recognizes you in that terrible disguise."  He complains about Pluto, imitating a vulture, and Helena says he sounds like Eva.  "Pluto has nothing to hide.  He's only thinking of me."   They fight with a chemistry she never has with the Putz.  Can't she see that?

Renato tells Lucia he's had to pretend to be something he's not because of prejudice, especially in this homophobic agency.  He's sorry to have hurt her.  He says she's perfect and marvelous.  She says sadly that the only man to find her perfect and marvelous is... gay.  With tears in his eyes he begs her not to tell anyone.  She asks him to leave her alone.
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Amor Bravío #88 (Uni 83) Thu 12/20/12 Amor Desesperado

Buenas noches on the last night of the world!  Or the last night of this age, anyway :)  I've got a cold beverage and some nachos on the way, so let's get this party started!

Camila gets chloroformed and dragged away, leaving Daniel's necklace and la pobre de Maja behind.

Snotty Bitch wants to leave ASAP…she can't stand seeing Pablo with Luzma.  Cayetano won't back her play.  If she wants to go home, she'll go alone.  Snotty Bitch makes her apologies to Agustina, who offers her a pill for her headache, but she declines it and leaves.  Cayetano moves over to sit near Yago.  Agustina notices Dionisio staring at Isadora and asks him why the hell he keeps staring at her.  Dio gets pissed and says if he did like Isa, he would have married her instead of Augie.  He asks if someone's putting ideas into her head, but Augie denies it and glares at Francisco.

Alonso, like me, is getting his drink on.  But his is pure liquor and mine is something fruity with maraschino cherries.  And I'm in a much better mood than he is.  It's probably the cherries.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Amor Bravío #87 (Uni 82) Wed 12/19/12 "Camila is Kidnapped"

Old news in town

Dio and Isa have just been caught making out in the wine cellar by Ximena.  Dio frets about what Ximena will do with this news.  Isa tells him not to worry, Ximena isn’t going to be a problem.  Isa has her under control.  Dio is not so sure. They carelessly kiss goodbye; this time they are seen by Father Franky who puts that card up his sleeve.

The gang is all up at the balcony overlooking the bull corral admiring El Duende - Camila, Mariano, the kidlets and Yago.  Pablo and Luzma wave to them from across the way.  Adorable Ana ask, “Is that the novia that grandma doesn’t like?” when she hears the name Luzma. Embarrassed laughter ensues and the gang changes the subject to congratulate the happy couple.

Dio is in the rancho office thought bubbling to himself.   Hmm, he realizes that, indeed, the Buenaventura is worth more than El Malquerida.  Isa’s idea to seduce it out of Cayetano’s, er, hands may not be such a bad plan.  He worries about Ximena keeping quiet about seeing him kissing Isa in the wine cellar.  After all, she’s a bold one (atrevida), that Ximena.  Imagine if Dio’s secret fantasy girl Camila were to find out.  Que horror!  No, Dio decides he must do something bold to keep Ximena under control
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Amores Verdaderos #29 Wed 12/19/12 My Eyes Adored You; The Friendship Cake; The Late Night Swim

I am taking a break from baking Christmas cookies to write this recap. I have been making a traditional German Christmas cookie called Lebkuchen with a touch of the Italian (one side dipped in dark chocolate) and of course Snickerdoodles. I only mention this cause Chrissie gives Ms Vikki something in the baked good department. What you ask? Please read on. Title of this recap courtesy of Frankie Valli.

We start this epi with Nikki down for the count. We also have a meeting with Ms Vikki and Chrissie in Ms Vikki's office.

In the outer office, Gilda has taken a delivery of a package. She reads the card that comes with it and of course it is, wait for it, a package from Odette Longoria containing a product she represents and she wants the employees of Meta Imagen (henceforth known as M.I.) for them to enjoy. The nerve of her, Gilda says to Lucinda, who is lookin' mighty verklempt! Gilda calls for the Angel, who has come back with those copies. She is trying to stop him from going into the office where Ms Vikki and the Angel's wifey pooh are. She gives him what looks like two binders to make more copies to keep him busy. Three copies of one, four of the other. The Angel is like, hey wait a minute, I am Ms Vikki's bodyguard and I should be watching over her. Well, there seems to be noone else to do this, so the Angel has gotta do it. So Angel is gonna go, but notices the box of stuff Odette sent. Gilda opens the box and it's another La Vaca product just like the cheese, but this time it is drinkable yogurt. Gilda wants to toss it before Ms Vikki sees it, but the Angel manages to get a bottle of it to try, and tells Gilda all about that wonderful cheese he tried from the same company. Gilda warns him not to let Ms Vikki see this or else he'll be in trouble. No worries he says, hides the bottle in his suit jacket and goes. Gilda has put the box back under the desk.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #107 12/19/12: Eugenia vs. A Mega Actress; Renato Comes Out of the Closet


Pluti is in Helena’s office talking about the fraud file that he looked at on her desk yesterday and how Eva is in the middle of everything.  He doesn’t’ trust her, but Helena says that Eva is the only person that she trusts.  Pluti (for once) shuts up about Eva because she is Helena’s friend.
Pluti is on the phone with Raul Mendoza who is already at Ixtapa.  He will see him soon with his fiancée.  Raul is poolside, rubbing some unknown young lady.

Eugenia is saying her role but she is not too happy with the other actress, who is the protagonist.

Renato is telling Helena that Rebeca is planning a 25th anniversary celebration for G.I.  That is why she went to Acapulco.  Renato shares with Helena- Between you and I she works hard but she is a pest.  Helena changes the subject- I don’t’ want to be a busybody BUT what’s happening with my best friend, Lucia.  She is a wonderful girl, you won’t find anyone better but she seems to be a jerk magnet.

Lucia asks Eva, what type of woman is Renato attracted to? Someone like Rebeca.  Lucia and Renato have not shared any nookie and Eva tells Lucia in a roundabout way that she is not the problem.  Speak of the devil- he comes Renato.  Eva’s cell phone rings.  Renato will have a long talk with Lucia later.

Eva runs into the bathroom to answer her phone. It’s Helena.  She wants to meet in their usual place.
Helena shares with Juan that she is confused and that she suspects everyone.  Juan is happy that she is recouping the confidence that she had in him.  She doesn’t want him to misinterpret what is going on, (but let’s read between the lines).  If it wasn’t for Eva, she wouldn’t be doing this.  Eva is like her guardian angel, who will never deceive her.

On the novella set- Eugenia cuts the scene again and the other actress has a hissy fit because she is the major star and no one should call cut when they feel like it.  The other "mega" actress according to Eugenia lacks talent and Eugenia excuses herself from the set.  Ms. "Mega" Actress has a million Twitter followers, so she is the real star, not the crazy, old woman with an attitude, next!

Helena still doesn’t think that Pluti is involved.  Juan lets her know that for ambition and power he is capable.  Helena throws it back to Juan, that a man can deceive a woman and her family for ambition. (She should listen carefully to her own words)  Juan says that love transformed him and he will prove it to her.

Tomorrow Pluti is going on a business trip, he can’t give Helena any details but he wants her to accompany him.  Pluti arranges for Helena to get time off.

Helena explains to Eva that she is going to Ixtapa with Pluti.  She has a doubt in her mind about his involvement and she is checking it out.  Eva is not to tell Juan- LOL.  Please be discreet, Eva.

Eva wants to go, but since this is a secret trip, her appearance at the beach wouldn’t be wise.
Eva gives Helena a list of recommendations:
1.    No sleeping together
                      2. Go to separate rooms
                                3. No stowing away

Mimi volunteers to keep Adriano busy in Eva’s absence because he will die without her.  

Helena tells Lalito that she will leave early tomorrow for Ixtapa.  He will stay with Silvia.  He is sad that Mad Dad lives alone, but Silvia says that he will be fine.

Mimi shows up at Adriano’s house, because Eva sent her.  Adriano doesn’t like this one bit.  Eva calls him dressed up as Juan (cowboy, big moustache).  Her aunt choked on a chimchanga and died.  The man behind Juan is watching the whole conversation in disbelief.  Adriano wants to be with her, but she is boarding and it's too late.

Silvia is still a little hurt from Mad Dad's rejection but she is feeling strong and will proceed with her divorce.  Helena is going to support her.

Eugenia is very upset about what went on at the TV series. The protagonist is not an actress. She was terrible.  She wants to talk to the producer.  The protagonist is only a pretty face. The role of Minerva is not for her.  She’s been fired.  They would rather have an inept actress than an international star. The brat girl is eavesdropping and laughing.

In Ixtapa at the hotel Juan tries to get info at the front desk but is sent to the employee’s entrance and should pick up his work uniform.  Rebeca comes up to the counter and inquires about the arrivals of Mendoza and Pluti. Juan (the cowboy) bumps into a French girl who was the same girl getting rubbed down by Raul Mendoza at the pool. She requests a room near to Pluti's because they are such good friends.  Rebeca starts bad mouthing Helena.

Eugenia’s agent tells her to be patient that acting has changed since she was in her prime and that other roles will come forth  or not.

Silvia and Lalito share a public announcement for milk.  They compliment each other and share milk and cookies.

Mimi is at Adriano’s house feeding him dinner.  He asks if Eva cooks as well. Mimi tells him, no.  Since Eva can’t cook, maybe Mimi can teach her.  Mimi suggests that he learn how to cook or is he too macho to do so.

At the Escudero’s apartment- Angelica is painting herself to go out.  She thought that Santi was going to work late.  He tried to trick her and ask her if she was going out with her BF Rebeca, but Angelica tells him that Rebeca is away, he should know that, so will be going out with her male friend from “work”.  He is not to talk to her in that tone. Is Santi jealous?

Mimi has a play with words with Adriano, on whether she should stay or go home.  Adriano hugged Mimi and had a strange feeling. (a woody-hmm??)

At Grupo Imperio-Lucia is whining about going out to eat or even going out for a coffee.  Renato rips her a new one and lets her know that work is his priority and he has made sacrifices to get where he is.  He is saying it with tears and fire in his eyes.  Lucia tells Renato that she gets it.  His priority is work, hers is love.  She goes on about life being empty without love.  Renato apologizes and says that tomorrow they can go wherever she wants.  She leaves him.

Mimi tells JC that she is making strides with Adriano and Juan wants her to focus on what he is telling her.  First he arrives in Ixtapa and then Rebeca arrives, she is supposed to be in Acapulco.  The Mendoza arrives.  Why is Rebeca there?  Is she involved?

At The Contrera’s house- Fernando is going to wash the dishes before he goes to work.  Huh??  Just as I thought, he doesn’t have a job.  He too bothers the Virgencita to help him find a job.  

Lucia asks Santi if he has straightened out things with his wife.  He confesses to Lucia that he is not happy.  Santi is not lucky with women because he goes for the easy ones.  Santi asks Lucia about Renato and she says that they are going to have dinner and talk and she is going to make him a very romantic, Hollywood type dinner with candles and the works.

Ixtapa- Pluti and Helena arrive.  Surprise, surprise, there is only one room, Pluti blames the secretary or the mix up.  Helena isn’t too happy and hopes that Pluti isn’t tricking her into a night of the horizontal mambo of course not, so they sign into two rooms. (It’s eye-rolling time for me)

Santi is sitting at the computer supposedly working and Renato comes up and asks about Angelica.  Renato tries the – hey we’re boys and you can tell me anything, but Santi isn’t feeling Renato.  He is still bitter about the way that he broke up with Lucia.  He tells Renato that Lucia is wonderful and he treasures her.  Does Renato feel the same?
Ixtapa- Rebeca calls Angelica to give her the 411 on her trip and Helena, they basically talk about nothing and Angelica hangs up on Rebeca because she is soooo busy.  Rebeca needs to find a better type of friends.

Renato comes into Helena’s office where Lucia is actually working, but Renato needs to speak to her and he doesn’t know where to begin.

A frustrated Santi calls Angelica and she tells him about another assignment that she has.  She better be at home when he gets there and she better be awake.   She tells him goodbye and laughs and it sounds like someone else is laughing in the room with her.  Does she have a jump off???  Uh oh- Santi is going home.

Lucia thinks that Renato has another woman.  She wants to know, who is she???  What does she lack?? Breasts, change her hair color?? You are perfect but it doesn’t move me because I am gay!!!!!

In Ixtapa- Pluti introduces Helena to Mendoza.  He is going to help her restart her agency- Moreno Travel.  Juan with the moustache passes by and wants to see Helena. 

Coming attractions-
Pluti discovers that Rebeca is in Ixtapa and Juan gets caught with the french girl being in his personal space


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