Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Duelo Monday Feb 19-Grouchy Emilio pouts and rants while Gaspar and Tonki save the day!

Orlando is talking to the recuperating Emilio who is seated in a chair. Emilio demands to know where Flor is and why he can't see her. Orlando puts him off saying that the doctor wanted her to stay away until he was totally better and that maybe today or tomorrow…but right now he (Orlando) needed to go to meet with the civil engineers from the construction company who had arrived on the site for the new highway yesterday. Emilio is ticked that he can't go and do his job and he can't see Flor.

Santos, Flor and Gaspar are sitting by the river. Santos gets up and says goodbye, he's going to try to get a job building the highway. Flor and Gaspar plot to escape from Sierra Escondida. Gaspar frets that the bus routes are too far away, maybe a horse? Flor suddenly remembers that Don Max promised to help her escape. Gaspar is doubtful, he doesn't trust Don Max. Flor says, what the heck, might as well ask. And they set off for La Rinconada. (For all the drama of being kicked out of La Riconada, Flor has certainly been able to come and go as she pleases, right under everybody's noses). Gaspar says my munequita! and jumps up to go. Tonki comes too.

Frank and Orlando are walking through the hallways of La Rinconda, chatting about Emilio. Orlando's in uniform and Frank is in his civvies. Frank is lamenting that Emilio still thinks he's married to Flor, not Thelma and also shouldn't they be telling General Ochoa about what happened to Emilio? Orlando puts him off saying, I'm taking care of it and he orders Frank not to do anything on his own to tell Emilio or alert the authorities. Frank says he and Jaime are going into town and he leaves Orlando in the Great room.

Orlando sits down and smiles wickedly to himself. " I'll go see Flor. I have to make her mine now that Emilio is not my rival."

At Don & Dona Loco's hacienda Adela is greeting Blanca, with her roll aboard suitcase. Blanco asks if Soledad is at home, or Alina. Adela says that Soledad is unwell and then gets very nervous and says she'll tell Don Loco that she's here.

On his way out, Frank has stopped to talk to the convalescing Emilio. Emilio tries to pump him for information about Flor but Frank says he doesn't know anything and his buds are waiting for him in San Mateo and he has to go. Emilio says not to tell General Ochoa anything about what happened. Frank says no problem, Orlando already gave the order. Frank leaves and Emilio is left, still confused.

Blanca and Don Loco have a cordial meeting. She tells him that Elias is heading up the construction team building the highway. Don Loco is impactado to know that Elias is nearby. Blanca says she's supposed to stay with him at some temporary shacks built for the workers but she was wondering if the Locos could put her up at the hacienda instead. She says that she knows that Soledad is unwell. Don Loco says, here, let me get you a drink and explain things to you.

Meanwhile, Adela is doing some cleaning in Soledad's room and they are talking. Soledad says, "so Blanca is here?" Adela tells Soledad that she told Blanca that her mistress wasn't feeling well. Next thing you know, Soledad is getting that pleading look in her eyes that she always gets when she wants Adela to do something against Don Loco's wishes. Yes, she wants Adela's help to help her talk to Blanca so that she can tell her what Don Loco has done to us (i.e. Soledad and Alina). Adela doesn't even try to argue this time. She's says she'll do what she can, even though she knows that Don Loco will make this difficult.

Flor makes a run for it into la Rinconada. She orders Tonki to stay behind and Gaspar waits for his chance to sneak in and see his munequita.

Emilio is with Angel and Nurse Susi who is trying to get him to take his medicine. Emilio complains that the meds make him sleepy. Angel says good, you should be resting. Emilio is still upset that Flor is not around. Angel says, we've already explained to you why she can't be around. Emilio pouts.

Another scene with Thelma bitching to her Auntie about the nausea and discomfort of her belly. Ends with her flopping on her bed yet again.

Gaspar is down in the kitchen of la Rinconada whining that he wants to come in to see his munequita. Vera and her husband are alarmed and tell him he should go away but he just keeps whining that he wants to come in.

Back at the other Hacienda, Don Loco and Blanca are talking about Soledad. Blanca asks, what does the Doctor say? Don Loco says that Soledad's madness has no explanation. "Does Alina know?" asks Blanca? Don Loco shakes his head. "Alina's still in Europe. Her life is there now." Blanca asks if she can do something for Soledad. Don Loco says that there's nothing to do, Adela takes care of her. In fact, its better that she not get any visitors, it just freaks her out. Blanca asks if she can at least see her. "Maybe she'll snap out of it if she sees me." Don Loco says he'll think about it and talk to Soledad. But in the meantime, he'll ask the servants to prepare a room for her. He wants to know more about the highway.

Don Max is messing with his bullwhip when Flor comes in. " I was told that you wanted to see me," he says in that oily way of his. Flor says, I need your help. I want to escape from Sierra Escondida. Not only is Don Max impactado but he starts choking on his cigarillo. Flor is a bit taken aback but she says she can't take it anymore. Her Dad hates her, Emilio is married, there's nothing to keep her there. Don Max says, you'd leave your Mother? Flor says, that's why I want to leave. I want to end her suffering. Flor says all she wants from Don Max is a horse to get to San Mateo where she can pick up the bus. Don Max says yes. Smiles all around, Flor leaves and the plan is for Gaspar to come very early in the morning to La Riconada to pick up the horse. As soon as Flor is out the door, Don Max starts having second thoughts. He's worried about what Don Alvaro will say.

Now for a stint in Mexico City with the Marianita-Mariana storyline. In her hospital bed, Marianita is laughing at a puppet show with a puppet doctor being put on by Dr. Love, aka. Dr. Fonseca, aka Dr. Chirin (the clown doctor). Dr. Fonseca even has a clown bowtie and a fake red nose to accompany his usual hospital whites. He is really getting into it. Mariana enters the room and Dr. Fonseca makes time with her using the puppet, which I find a little creepy actually. Mariana plays along. Marianita is so well recovered that she sits up to wave the puppet goodbye but first she tells the puppet "a secret" (which is audible to both of the adults) "I wish I had a Daddy like him (meaning Dr. Fonseca). Dr Fonseca and Mariana look at each other a little uncomfortably.

Of course the next stop is Central America where shirtless Jose, sweating like a mule is chopping firewood for the rebel/drug runners with Arcadio. They stop for a minute and two of the rebels come to rebuke them about taking a rest. (Sidebar #1: Man, I want no part of their revolution.) ( Sidebar #2: Jose appears to be wearing a scapular, which is like a religious medal made of cloth. I don't remember him wearing it before and it looks awfully clean and fresh if he's been in the mountains chopping wood from dusk to dawn for months. I don't think the rebels would be stocking them.) Felicia shows up and tells the men to leave Jose alone, which they do, grudgingly. She hands him a bag with some bread inside and asks him if he wants to see her tonight. Jose says, you've been very nice to me…"Yeah yeah," says Felicia "I know, you've got a woman waiting for you. I never said I wanted you to marry me…But we're both alone right now." Jose isn't really interested in anything else either, he says. He thanks her for the food and sets it down and gets back to work. Felicia stands there looking pensive.

All the way back at Luba's cave, Flor is packing her few items. Luba is cross. She's afraid of what Don Loco will do to her when he finds out she's gone. Flor says just to tell him that she escaped. (Like she's done a zillion times already.) Luba then admits that she is unhappy that Flor is leaving, because she will miss her. Flor says she'll never forget her nor Gaspar, and she asks her to take care of Tonki. Plus she's coming back soon, she has to save her mother. When she gets to San Mateo, she'll stay with Santo's mom Carmen and then it's off to Puebla to find her godparents Blanca and Elias. (Uh Oh!)

Don Max is talking to Emilio. Emilio asks about Coral. Don Max explains that she's still living at the hacienda, but she's working at the Meson de Eldelmira as a dancer. "And doing quite well," says Don Max laughing. "She'd like to see you." Emilio says no, he doesn't want to see anybody…except Flor. Don Max says Flor isn't at la Riconada. Emilio says he knows this but he wants to know why not. Don Max holds him off saying, "You're not well enough to know the truth." Emilio immediately becomes agitated and says "What truth?!" "Max hastily beats a retreat, saying he has to go tell Coral that she can't see him." Emilio fusses over this "truth" that nobody is telling him.

Back to Soledad. She's wrapping a bunch of sheets together, whispering to herself that she's got to make Alvaro think she's really crazy. When he enters the room, she picks up the bundle and cradles it, like a baby and calls it Alina. Don Loco tells her that Blanca is there and Soledad pretends not to remember Blanca and when he tells her to be careful not to tell her anything about what's going on, Soledad says "about what?" Don Loco seems satisfied by these answers and leaves.

Don Max and Coral are hanging out together in Don Max's study. Don Max wonders aloud what will happen to Emilio when he finds out that he's not married to Flor, he's married to Thelma. Coral is impactado. I guess she's been out of the loop.

Orlando is over at Luba's cave, asking after Flor. Luba gives the standard answer. She doesn't know where Flor is. Orlando complains that he's been there a bunch of times and she's always gone. Luba says, yeah well, she's always out. Orlando leaves in a huff while Luba puts another hole in the table with her knife. Flor is actually around and is glad Luba covered for her. ( I just noticed that the shirt she's wearing has something in handwriting on the chest. I can't make it out though. It looks like "Guyababellisima"? "Gringobellisima"? No clue. Maybe somebody else with a better TV than mine can. ) Flor just wants to get out of there.

Blanca enters Soledad's Room. Blanca looks ready to be convinced that Soledad is nuts. She's holding her fake baby. Without a word, Soledad goes to the door to check if someone is watching and closes it. She rushes back to Blanca and says, "I'm not crazy!" and hugs her.

Meanwhile, Emilio, sleeping, has an orange flashback of what happened, how he got shot at the wedding by Don Loco. He is agitated again that he can't figure out what happened after that. He has to find out. He goes back to sleep sighing about Flor.

Back at the cave, Flor is thinking of Emilio and crying. It's one of those telenovela telepathy moments.

Soledad has just finished telling Blanca her story. Blanca is impactada. She can't believe Don Loco would accuse her of such a thing. Blanca is ready to help her old friend. In the meantime, Soledad says, she'll continue to fake crazy until she and Blanca figure out a way to stop Don Loco, save Alina and free Soledad.

Don Loco at the same time is trying to make his own plans. Blanca is trouble. She'll figure out what's going on eventually. And Elias, "he was always after my wife." "I've got to find a way to get rid of them." He says, puffing away at his long cigarillo. There's knock at the door. It's Don Max who has come to fink on Flor, that she's going to try to escape Sierra Escondida tomorrow. Don Loco is impactado and chokes on his cigarillo. He says that she's going to be sorry for disobeying him again.

The next scene is tomorrow. Gaspar has gotten the horse and he and Flor are riding across a little stone bridge and a beautiful arch covered with purple bougainvillea. Vera's husband wishes them well on their way.

Cut to Emilio who is yelling at Nurse Susi that he's not going to take any more of that disgusting stuff (referring to the medicine). He uses one of my favorite descriptive words in the Spanish language, "porqueria." It just sounds so awful. He tells Nurse Susi to leave him alone. He decides to get out of his room and go for a walk.

Flor and Gaspar are continuing to try to escape from SE, when they meet up with her Dad's henchman, Sergio (guess he's not needed to guard Soledad anymore, since she's supposed to be crazy). Sergio points a shotgun at them and says "Where do you think you are going?"

Emilio starts poking around in the various bedrooms and finds Thelma in her nightie and robe. Thelma starts in with the "what are you doing walking around, my love…"yaddah yaddah but Emilio will have none of it. He wants to know what Thelma is doing there in his house. "I thought Orlando had already told you," says Thelma. "Told me what?" replies Emilio. "I came here to talk to my wife." "Your wife?" says Thelma, "But I'm your wife, honey!" Emilio should be impactado but instead he just looks grouchy. He insists that he remembers being married to Flor in church by the padre. Thelma tells him that before they got to finish their vows, Don Loco shot him. "And then I showed up and Flor convinced the padre to let me marry you on your deathbed."

Back to Gaspar and Flor, with Sergio brandishing his weapon. Gaspar dismounts and tries to grab the gun from Sergio. After a brief struggle, Sergio hits Gaspar on head with the butt of his gun and takes off looking for Flor. Gaspar has sacrificed himself so that Flor can get away!

Emilio is having it out with Thelma. He's supremely P.O.'d at her for taking advantage of him while he was unconscious. He yells at her that he's going to anull the marriage. He grabs her and starts shaking her. Thelma cries for help. Auntie rushes in and tries to pull Emilio away. Next Don Max and Angel. They convince him to leave and tell him to calm down, that this was the reason they couldn't tell him in the first place. Meanwhile, Aunt Rebecca comforts Thelma. Don Max gives them a strange look. I wonder if he's thinking what I'm thinking. Lady, like you didn't KNOW this was going to happen eventually.

Blanca is having Breakfast with Don Loco. Blanca agrees that Soledad is completely off her rocker. Don Loco says, really she shouldn't see her anymore and it would be better if she would go stay with her husband. Don Loco gives in for the time being and says he has to hurry off to the coffee fields but he asks that she not disturb Soledad "Because she was really upset from your visit yesterday." After he leaves, Blanca says to nobody in particular, "Alvaro is completely crazy. And Alina, What my poor godchild must have suffered."

At that very moment, Alina/Flor is making her way though a thicket trying to evade Sergio and his shotgun. Maybe she should have found something else than a white shirt to wear. Eventually he finds her.

Orlando is back bugging Luba about Flor's whereabouts. Eventually, she gives it up that Flor has left the Sierra and probably won't be back. Orlando is ticked. Luba slyly hands him a bunch of marigolds to help him change his luck in love, or something like that. Orlando taking it as the insult that it is, throws the marigolds on the table and leaves.

Thelma is in bed complaining of pains and nausea from the shock that Emilio gave her. Auntie tries to comfort her. Don Max is less gracious. "Why'd you have to tell him?" Thelma sticks out her chin, "He had to know sooner or later." Don Max slips out to go call the doctor. Thelma continues to rant that Emilio will just have to resign himself to being married to her. She's going to be his wife until she dies. (Oh Ho, Lady, be careful what you wish for! I can see where this is headed. The only question is now is how?)

Angel is still trying to calm Emilio down, back in Emilio's room. Emilio is ranting about how can he calm down, he's married to THELMA! Angel goes to check on when the Doctor is getting there.

Alina/Flor manages to break free from Sergio and takes off. Sergio fires a shot at her and misses (what is it with these guys?) and she continues to gallop down the road.

Back in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, Emilio is stewing about Flor and why she lied and said that she was married to him. Angel comes in announces that Dr Vasquez has arrived. Emilio says he doesn't want to see anyone.

Sergio is catching up to her, so Alina/Flor jumps off her horse and tries to cross a creek. But it's not a creek, it's some kind of muddy hole. She cries out to Sergio to help her but Sergio just tells her to go to hell and leaves.

Blanca is with Elias at his "shack." It's actually pretty nice, albeit spare with rattan furniture and Ikea type lamps and furnishings. Blanca fills Elias in on what's going down at Hacienda Loco. Elias agrees that they've got to do something to help Soledad and Alina. He's ready to rush over there right now but Blanca stops him and says that he's got to wait while they figure out a plan, otherwise they'll expose Soledad's trick of faking madness.

Flor is sinking fast in the pit and crying out for help. Along comes Tonki, she tells him to go find Gaspar.

Back in Mexico city, in the hospital Malena is visiting Mariana and Marianita (who is asleep). Malena prods Mariana about Dr. Fonseca and how "that" is going. Mariana dismisses her lurid speculations. Mariana insists that Dr Fonseca knows that she is engaged. Malena sighs and says she's going to end up waiting…and Jose is probably already hooked up with some other woman. Mariana says she doesn't believe it. She has an orange flashback of her and Jose getting it on in secret and making plans and promises for the future. Malena tells her to wake up, that years have passed and she hasn't heard a word from Jose.

Every time there is a Mariana scene, we are getting a Jose scene, so here it is. Jose and Arcadio are sitting down eating. Jose is lamenting his fling with Felicia. Arcadio says he has nothing to worry about with that. Men have needs…And this chick is flaunting herself at you and saying she just wants an affair. The only thing you need to worry about his that Felicia is the big guy's sister. And if he finds out… Jose says, he knows, and that's why he's got to make another attempt at escaping soon. Arcadio shakes his head and tries to argue with him that he's tried and failed to escape many times. All he does is make his life harder with these guys.

Emilio is chastising Angel. "How could you all let Thelma do this to me?" Angel begs off, saying he had nothing to do with it. He was sick in his cabin, away from the Hacienda. Angel says there's nothing that can be done, he might as well get used to it. Angel says he'll talk to him later about his own feelings about what went down.

Orlando is out looking for Flor on horseback. Tonki finds the unconscious Gaspar and tries to wake him up. Flor is still sinking in the mud.

Don Loco, wearing a white hat for once is stewing about the highway. He's now combining his hatred for Elias, "who was always in love with my wife" with his hatred of the new highway, since Elias is there helping to build it. After awhile he tells Rutilio that he has something to do, he's got to go somewhere. Just then, Sergio rides up and tells him that he's got Flor trapped in a mud hole, sinking. Don Loco blows a gasket. He doesn't want her dead, just back with that old witch in the cave. They go off to try to save her.

Thelma is having pains and she says she hopes that she miscarries "esa maldita esquinkle." Don Max brings the doctor in.

Tonki manages to wake up Gaspar and he gets up to look for Flor

Emilio and Angel are still arguing. Emilio insists that he is going to annul the marriage. Angel asks him about the child Thelma is carrying. Emilio still doesn't even believe she's pregnant. "We'll see in a few months." Just then Doctor Vasquez enters and confirms that Thelma is pregnant and what's more she was in danger of miscarrying. He gave her something and now has ordered her to rest. And Emilio too should get some rest. Emilio looks grouchy again.

Flor is now up to her neck in mud and is still crying out for help, she's got Don Loco and Sergio, Gaspar and Tonki and Orlando all out looking for her. Who will get there first?

It's Gaspar! Even though he is supposed to be an idiot, manages to rip off a branch and she grabs hold and he drags her to safety. He tells her to calm down and she is worried that her father knows where she is so they have to get to San Mateo before he finds them.

Orlando, who had apparently given up searching for Flor is back at la Rinconada and is complaining to Emilio about some problems with the highway project, getting machinery up the mountain. Emilio only wants to talk about how everybody screwed him over by letting Thelma marry him while he was unconscious. He calls Orlando "amigo," with sufficient irony. "What I still can't understand is why Flor let them do it." "What did Thelma do to convince her? How much money was she paid?" Orlando looks disapprovingly and shakes his head. I agree with Orlando this time. What a jerk you are Emilio, to blame Flor for this fiasco.

Gaspar and Emilio are on an overlook viewing San Mateo from afar. Gaspar says that he can't go on, he has to take the horse and Tonki back. But there's the road. "The road to your freedom," says Gaspar, in a moment of peculiar eloquence. They hug each other and Flor starts down the road, completely filthy from the adventure with the mud hole. Tonki barks and Gaspar holds him back. Flor turns around and waves. She's on her way!


Monday, February 19, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 02/19/07 Juan Cristobal esta muy grave

Juan Cristobel esta muy grave!!!!! I have been waiting to say that since my trip to Mexico. It became the code word when I was stuck on the ranch with no television; all my in-laws would say "Juan Cristobel esta muy grave"; knowing that I was seriously jonesing for a media fix.

Our tale begins with the gang at Otillas talking to a guy about clothing totally designed in Mexico with I assume Mexican fabrics...This is the last we hear of this, but I am throwing it in as a "Hey wouldn't it be great if Otilla hooked-up with the Comida Expo down the street at Conceptos?" Oh wait a minute then Aldo would not be the total center of attention....ooooppsss my bad

Meanwhile back at JC & Paulina's the cat is outta the bag....JC knows she knows about his dire health. JC gets wobbly, he has a sheen of fine sweat on his pale yet burnished skin. Paulina has him sit down, but no of course not, he must stand. He promptly slides to the floor, careful not to damage his fine facial bone structure. Paulina calls 911.

Nic the Narc is on the phone, talking to an agent, plans are proceeding.

JC is being wheeled down the hall at the hospital with Paulina at his side, he is taken back to a room. Regina & Delores arrive and start getting the details from Paulina. Leo arrives JC esta muy grave, meaning without an immediate transplant his time is up.

(Seriously I don't know how the Dude's spleen hasn't exploded, but apparently that little side effect has been overlooked).

Regina is all ready to give up her marrow. JC can not know she is the donor or he will refuse the transplant. JC believes it is an anonymous donor. It seems Regina is a some risk, due to her earlier heart problems, suffered after Demian shoved her down the steps, but being the devoted Mother and all round good person, Regina will donate despite the risks.

Regina goes in to talk to JC. He is shocked she is aware of his condition. They have a good Mother/Son crying jag, where both ask for forgiveness from the other, both swear the other is the best mother/son in the world. etc... etc... etc..., actually it probably would have been a pretty good tear jerker scene, but I am no longer enamored with these people.

The cops come to Demian's house of evil and accuse him of shoddy work practices and bad construction. They take Demian down to the station....the phone rings...but alas no one answers.

Gabe arrives at the hospital & he looking his normal confused self. I guess he is trying to be the calming voice of reason.

Nic arrives at the police station and evil looks are exchanged between he and Demian...Demian is thought bubbling exactly where he would like to put the next stick of shoddy dynamite. Demian's cell phone rings....it is Delores, informing him that JC is muy grave. The police let him go to the hospital.

Delores calls Tiberio, to tell him about JC, she is sorry she won't be able to celebrate his 47th birthday with him. Ti acts all okay with it, but really he is hurt.

Paulina, Delores & Gabe all go to the chapel, to pray to the Virgin Mary to save JC & Regina.

MA arrives back at the manse with lil Luis David, I must say I liked MA turtleneck sweater, she was looking rather Breck Girl circa 1970. Joselyn came in to spred her nastiness and carried on a semi-conversation with MA. It was a semi-conversation cause mostly she looked at herself in the mirror and twirled her extensions. She told MA, too late, Gabe is mine. MA is all like, you are one nasty mujer, whatever.

MA takes off and goes to see Candleabra, Candy is all pleased to see her, when the phone rings....It is Delores (Delores is an all round great gal, if I ever have an emergency I want her right there by my side). Candy & MA take off for the hospital.

Demian arrives at the hospital and enters JC's room; JC is not in there and a nurse is making up the bed. Demian totally berates the nurse and then moves on to spread his venom elsewhere. The nurse rolls her eyes, haaaa wait till she meets Joselyn.

Demian finds Regina who is lying in a hospital bed. He is all concerned, but she tells him she is fine, but JC has Leukemia....Demian es muy impacted....
Regina tells him she will give JC a marrow transplant. Demian is like no way woman I forbid it. Regina is like JC is our son and I love him and I will sacrifice anything for him. No woman I forbid it...you are my life...I can't lose you.
Alas Demian's little tirade is for naught. Regina stands firm, she will donate marrow and there is nothing Demian can do about it. Well she does tell Demian she loves him, but she is a mother.

JC is in the operating room and trying all kinds of ways to find out who the donor is, but Leo won't give up Regina. Actually I think JC must have been pretty groggy cause one look at Leo's face woulda told the secret. JC is given some happy gas, well happy for him, not so happy for us. We are force to hear the JC/Paulina happy song at full volume...& relive happy heart hands, weddings, & every other "Gay", not in a homosexual way, but in a corny way, moment the happy couple ever shared. More cheap filler time. **** I had my appendix out two years ago & once they put the happy gas on you, that's it, until they rudely wake you up to ask how you feel, AssHats****by the by, the morphine was seriously the best part.

Regina gets wheeled in to the operating room, she and JC are side by side. She says she is ready and holds his hand. Regina gets happy gas & Leo makes the sign of the cross not once, but twice. The operation begins...

Demian comes in and talks to Gabe and goes into a full blown temper fit...how dare Regina give her marrow...Regina is his life, without her he has no direction. Demian loves only Regina. Should anything happen...Demian will make everyone pay for it. Gabe tries to reason with Demian, but to no avail. I can understand Demian's dismay, Gabe would be the last person I would want advise from, under the best of circumstances the guy rambles on and on and on...in a crisis he is even more lame than normal...lame as in not helpful, not lame as in bad leg Demian.
Gabe & Paulina take off for the Cafeteria.

Karen arrives at the hospital, she is greeted by all. Candy makes the observation that Karen has changed that she isn't a fiera like her mother and grandmother...Candy mentions a benediction, but to my disappointment she doesn't do one of her patent benedictions. ****I must insert at this point the eyeliner on Karen's right eye, bottom lid was doing this funky thing where the line just went off the corner down her cheek...maybe this was supposed to make us think the suddeness of the muy grave news took her by surprise as she was applying her eyeliner****

Flash over to the Evil Mansion...Tiberio is making paper airplanes and launching them from behind Demian's desk. He is thinking, how if JC croaks, he will be the sole heir to Demian's fortune. He is all shades of happy about that, but wait he thinks of Delores and it looks like he may have a little remorse.

In the operating room...Regina suddenly has an irregular heartbeat....OH NO...the doctor gets it back under control. ****Neither Regina nor JC have happy gas on their faces, aren't people supposed to be like sedated while being operated on? For the Love of God, don't these people watch Grey's Anatomy? No wonder Leo never gets any, McDimbulb****

Demian walks into the chapel, he looks at the Virgin Mary, I'm thinking time to humble yourself Demian, but no he just strolls on through...Demian I have watched enough TeleNovelas to know, that was a Big Mistake.

Leo comes out into the waiting room to tell everyone that the operation was a success..JC & Paulina are doing fine. Actually in real life, while I believe they are both stable, I believe pronouncing the operation a success maybe a bit premature. I think surely there must be some follow up tests that will have to be run to ensure the new marrow is working...but what do I know?

And so we end on this happy if somewhat vague medical miracle.


Acorralada - #25 - Friday 2/16 - Go Grannies Go!!!!

Well, Diana and Max survived the elements and are now getting back onto the boat, which miraculously survived the storm and didn't get swamped with water. Diana and Max are both exhibiting the "high-pro glow" and have completely forgotten how scary the storm was. Ah, sweet love. Their love theme plays in the background.

Aunt Yolanda is chastising Larry for being such an idiot. He needs to step up to the plate and confront his mother about making Gaby sleep in the servants' quarters. The dolt can't bring himself to confront his mother right now. "Suck it up, Larry. Gaby doesn't deserve the treatment she's been getting. Like it or not, she's your wife!" He keeps whining about Pilar and making excuses for her. I never thought I'd say this, but I've had enough of Larry and his sniveling and have zero sympathy for his plight. What a tool!

Max is dropping off Diana at her house. I noted that the Corvette apparently was not flooded in the deluge. Max must have remembered to put the top up. He and Diana are all smiles as he points out he got her home safe and sound. Lot's of "I love you's and I'll call you laters." Max, still frisky, wants a parting kiss. Diana tells him "Not here." ***My husband happened to walk into the room at this point and was disappointed to see that a guy with as much money as Max didn't spring for the Z06 Corvette.***

Diana's happiness is short lived. Just after Max drives off, who should crawl out from underneath a rock but Andres. He tells Diana "Now I understand why you stood Doc Evil and me up."

Cut to Paco's bar. F/G is still spewing venom about the Irascibles. Larry is going to pay for what he did to poor Gaby. Paco tries to reason with her and convince her to not bring Gaby into F/G's personal plot for vengeance. F/G turns on Paco. "Don't tell me what to do!"

Andres' is continuing to threaten Diana. She has two hours to show up at the hospital.

Gaby has a brief reunion with Granny. Granny tries to talk Gaby into staying home, but Gaby says she needs to return to the Irascible Mansion. Larry needs her. What Larry needs is to be hit upside the head. In walks Diana. The two sisters share a tearful hug before Gaby heads back to the mansion. Granny chastises Diana for not mentioning Gaby's wedding. "What could I do? She was already in Vegas. Granny tells Diana that F/G showed up spewing hatred and trying to suck Gaby into some sort of plan for revenge. "I'd love to talk but I've got to run." Granny—"Where have you been?" Diana makes up some lame excuse that Granny would have to be dumber than Larry to believe. And that's hard.

Max is back at the mansion and facing the Inquisition. Octave and D/M are firing questions at him about his whereabouts all day. He says he was with clients; there was some distribution problem in Los Angeles and San Francisco. D/M says she heard he was at the beach. He said met the clients at a restaurant at the beach. Max asks why all the questions. Octave tells him Peyote is a drug addict and Octave wants to send her to rehab. Max doesn't believe it. He excuses himself to go talk to Peyote. D/M tells Octave she doesn't believe a word Max said. Octave says "We'll just have to be super vigilant."

Peyote is telling Rene she can't meet him at the bar because of her mom. Rene says there's always something going on with your mom. "This time it's different" says Peyote.

Andres escorts Diana into Doc Evil's hospital room. "How kind of you to visit me," says Doc Evil. Andres says he will wait outside the room. Doc Evil says Diana can't be stupid enough to think that Max loves someone like her. Diana, who truly is stupid (but for different reasons) tells Doc Evil that Max does, in fact, love her. DE – "Do you think he would actually marry you?" D—"Yes, I do. Please don't destroy my life over some lie." Please tell me she doesn't actually think Doc Evil will say "My bad" and stop his blackmailing. Diana really is too dumb for words. Doc Evil continues to threaten Diana and Diana continues to grovel. Enough said. Did I point out that Diana shows up for her meeting with the Doc wearing a very tight fitting top and low-rise jeans with her stomach and back exposed? I guess I forgot that part. If I was her, I'd meet Doc Evil wearing curlers, no make-up, and frumpy clothes. But that's me. Diana really is rowing with one oar.

It's dinner time in the happy household de Irascible. Gaby is sitting next to Larry at the table. D/M says she refuses to sit at the same table as Gaby. "Just wait until your mother shows up." Enter Octave. O—"What is she doing here? Go back to the kitchen and eat with the staff." Lame Larry doesn't say a word. Peyote and Yolanda try to stick up for Gaby, but Octave tells them to shut up. Gaby, who has no self-esteem whatsoever, leaves the table. Max enters the room and wants to know why Gaby is leaving. Octave says Gaby is going to eat with her own class of people. Larry is a loser.

Back to the hospital room. Andres and Doc Evil are discussing Diana. There's a knock on the door. "You rang?" asks Camila who waltzes in with Sylvie. What the heck is Camila wearing? Alex, I hope you got to see this episode, since I can't begin to match your descriptions. Camila has on some sort of black tube top with an attached chain that goes around her neck, Daisy Dukes that are denim on the bottom and red on top, and FM sandals (possibly animal print) that lace up to her knees. She makes Sylvie look like Jackie O. "I see you figured out the bracelet is real." Camila has been summoned to get dirt on Diana. Sylvie squeals with delight at the thought of hearing Diana's secrets. Sylvie has a new wig. This one is a normal color at least (the last one I saw was pink); however she's got a tight white tank top and striped suspenders, an extremely short denim skirt and red tights and tall black pleather boots.

D/M is having breakfast with Octave poolside and gloating about what happened to Gaby at the dinner table the previous evening. All is going well in D/M's little world when----WHAM----up walks an attorney who says Max has filed for divorce. Guess Max has huevos after all!

Doc Evil apparently tells Camila and Sylvie that Diana tried to rob and kill him. Camila and Sylvie couldn't be happier if they'd won the lottery. "What are you going to do?" asks Doc Evil. As if he didn't know. "Run and tell Max, of course!" After they leave Doc Evil tells Andres they may not have gotten what they wanted from Diana, but at least Diana will suffer after Max dumps her.

D/M refuses to sign the divorce papers.

RM (the real Marfil) calls Max's cell phone. Granny DS happens to be walking by when it rings and answers the phone. RM tells Granny DS she needs to speak to Max. "You're both at the house, why are you calling him?" M—"The woman at the house is an imposter. You've got to tell Max." Granny DS is impactada.

Diana is plumping pillows when the doorbell rings. It's Camila and Sylvie. Sylvie points out that Diana's house is marginal. This coming from a pair dressed like a couple of slutty clowns. Yes, they sure know about class. They announce to Diana they know her dirty little secret and are on their way to tell Max. Diana gets this vapid look on her face. Come to think of it, she usually has that look on her face.

D/M and Max are fighting about the divorce papers. Octave tries to put in her two bits worth and Max tells her to stay out of it.

RM is still engaged in a conversation with Granny DS, who just doesn't quite get what's going on. Marfil is starting in with her shrill wail. Granny DS tells Marfil she's confused and puts the phone down and walks away.

More accusations and denials among Diana, Camila and Sylvie. Camila says now she knows why Diana looks so familiar. She was with Max the night Diana was arrested. Diana proclaims her innocence. Diana asks Sylvie what she's got to do with this. Sylvie tells her my cousin hates you, so I hate you too! Sylvie delivers this line with a flourish. Diana tells them they are both stupid. The squabbling continues.

D/M and Max are still fighting about the divorce papers. Granny DS walks up and tells Max he has a phone call. Max says he can't talk right now. Granny DS says the person calling says she's the real Marfil and that the other person is an imposter. Max tells Granny DS she must be mistaken. Granny DS insists she's not mistaken.

The fight among Diana, Camila and Sylvie is escalating. Granny M comes in from the kitchen carrying a broom. She calls Camila and Sylvie vampires and chases them out of the house with a broom. Shouting and insults continue to fly. Granny M turns the hose on them. Go Granny Go! Diana and Granny M share a laugh about Granny's feistiness. Granny calls Camila and Sylvie wet chickens!

Granny DS finally convinces Max to follow her to the phone. D/M is fidgeting. Octave tries to convince Max to stay and discuss the divorce, but he walks away. Octave then walks away. I'm not sure what she says to D/M. Can anyone out there help me with this? I don't know if she believes Granny or not.

Lala and Diego are gossiping in the kitchen about Octave accusing Peyote of doing drugs. Diego says he's not surprised. Lala gives a public service announcement about the evils of drugs. Diego tells Lala that Pancho and Peyote are acquainted. Lala can't believe it.

Diana and Granny M are discussing the incident with Camila and Sylvie. "Now they're going to be mad at me and tell Max I'm a bad person."

Max follows Granny DS to the bedroom. Lo and behold his phone is in pieces on the floor! Octave and D/M (who apparently is cured and ready to run a marathon after a week) are in hot pursuit. Granny DS doesn't know what happened to the phone. Octave and D/M accuse Granny DS of breaking it. D/M tells Granny DS she's senile. Granny DS swears she's telling the truth. Granny DS wants Diana to come back to the house. Did I mention Octave was at the pool wearing some gaudy black necklace and dangling earrings? Now THAT'S pool attire!

Bruno is now plumping pillows when D/M walks in. Guess who broke Max's phone?! Lots of back patting at Bruno's ingenuity. "Speaking of ingenuity, " says D/M. "Convince my sister to stay where she's at and not return to this house."

Pancho and Caramel are at the beach discussing the upcoming marriage. Caramel wants to by sheets and towels for their new life together. Pancho is humoring her. He then asks her to sneak out of the bar early tonight; they have a new shipment they have to move. Caramel wants out of the business because "one day we're going to get caught." Pancho—"Don't say that, it's bad luck. Now go and freshen up." No sooner does Caramel leave than Pancho's phone rings. It's Peyote. Pancho is delighted!

RM is mewling in that horrid voice of hers, about how Debora has taken her place and she's never going to be able to get back to the mansion. Isabel tells her with therapy, she'll be as good as new. "How long is it going to take?" cries RM.

Pancho and Peyote are saying how hot they are for each other. Peyote tells Pancho she's stuck at home because of her mom. "Call me when you're able to leave." At this point, Caramel walks out of the ocean. "Who's that you're talking to?" asks Caramel. Pancho--"Oh, just some people about tonight. I'm firming up the details." Caramel looks cranky.

Granny DS is talking to a new doll. She misses Diana. In waltzes Debora and Bruno who yell at her for telling Max that the real Marfil called. If she says one more word about it, they are going to put her in a nursing home. Debora was waving her cane as if she was going to hit Granny DS. Debora storms out and Bruno pinches Granny DS's arm. Bruno—"Yeah, like she said. Don't you dare say another word about that phone call!" Granny DS cries.

Camila comes to see Max. She tells him she has some info that's going to make him forget all about Diana.

F/G comes to Paco to apologize for being a wench and trying to stir up Gaby. Paco says Gaby doesn't have it in her to take revenge against Larry. She's young, naïve and doesn't have the strength. F/G says she understands. She is going to protect Gaby.

Octave is ranting on and on to Yolanda about her problem children. What has she done to deserve them? Wah, wah, wah. Me, me, me. Yolanda tells Octave that Peyote is the one to be most concerned about. She's doing drugs. She needs help. More public service announcements. O—"What do you know about children?"

Doc Evil has finally returned home with Andres. They are gloating about Diana's impending downfall. Andres asks Doc Evil if Camila will actually tell Max about Diana. "I'm sure she will!"

Max tells Camila he doesn't want to hear anything Camila has invented about Diana. Diana is a good woman. Pure. Camila asks him if he remembers the night they watched a woman getting arrested. That woman was Diana. Blue flashbacks to that fateful night. Max now remembers! "I told you Diana isn't the woman you think she is. You remember that night yourself!" Max asks Camila what Diana was charged with—"Attempted murder and robbery!" Max is impactado.

Roll that delightful credits footage.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Duelo February 16

Flor sits in the edge of the forest watching Sergio, trying to figure out how they can get past him, he keeps a strict vigil of Soledad. Just then, the answer comes by in the form of Nora. I think it’s Nora, right? The cute girl who gave him the drugged cocoa before? She is carrying a large jug of water and Sergio asks if he can help her with it. Yes, Sergio is a helper. As long as you look like Nora. She turns down his help at first and while he flirts she tries to back him down, but then sees Flor gesturing from the trees. She rightly assumes that Flor wants her to get Sergio out of the way so she can get in to see Soledad, so she changes her mind and lets Sergio help. He says something to her that I didn’t quite understand, something about people yelling if something happens, then he leaves with the jug. Nora frantically motions to Flor for her to go into the house.

Thelma is still puking all the time apparently. Singing Aunt offers to get the doctor but Thelma just starts yelling about how she is carrying the baby of an idiot. Singing Aunt says it isn’t his fault but Thelma just starts ranting some more. She is sure that the baby will be defective or deformed. She keeps saying she will give birth to a monster.

For some reason Flor is standing there talking to Nora and calls her by name, so my memory wasn’t completely gone, instead of just getting up into the house already. Nora tells her that Don Loco is still locked up, then tells her to hurry up before Sergio comes back. I think now what Sergio said before, since Nora is still standing here, is that he wanted HER to yell if anybody came near the house and he would hear her.

In Soledad’s room, she is playing her catatonic role while Don Loco rants. Uh oh, Flor is about to bust in on them together here, that will be today’s action. Don Loco tells her that he said a thousand times that Alina is alive, he came to see how she was before he left. She snaps out of her coma to tell him that he is a killer and she hates him. She repeats it over and over, I hate you! He grabs her head and says, “Listen – I did not kill your daughter.” I wish he had just said it to her, he would have sounded like Bill Clinton, “I did not kill your daughter, Miss Lewinsky.” Flor opens the door at the other end of the room and sees Don Loco there. Don Loco says “Adela, don’t come in.” Whew close call. Don Loco says one more time that he didn’t kill Alina and gets up to leave while Soledad keeps calling him “Killer! Maldito!” on his way out. Flor tries to hide in another hallway, Don Loco calls for Hugo to come get ready to leave. After he goes the other way, Flor runs up the stairs to Soledad’s room.

Angel is out of bed but coughing, keeping watch over Emiliooooo. Thelma barges in, Angel tells her to get out, Emiliooo is doing better but if he wakes up and finds her there he could freak out and die. She insists that she can stay, he finally says do what you want, but keep your mouth closed, your voice might kill him. Ha.

Soledad and Flor hug, they are glad to see each other, etc. Flor says she was about to marry Emilioooo when Don Loco shot him. Soledad says he is capable of anything. Soledad says she will help Flor, but Flor says what can we do? They pledge to stick together.

Thelma, who had very clearly been told to shut her mouth, is babbling on to Emiliooo when he moans. She says, out loud, “I better do what Angel said, he’s right.” She gets up and leaves while Emiliooo starts moaning for Flor.

Luba is in the room with Singing Aunt, waiting for Thelma. Singing Aunt keeps telling her to leave, but she says she’ll wait. Finally, to spare us from any more of this amazing verbal sparring, Thelma walks in. She asks what Luba is doing here, Singing Aunt answers like a kid tattling on a sibling, “I told her that you were looking in on Emiliooo but she insisted on waiting here.” Thelma tells her to keep her voice down, she might wake Emilioooo. OH sure now you care, a minute ago you were chattering on straight into his left ear. Luba tells Thelma that Gaspar told her what happened and about the baby. Thelma tries to say it isn’t true, but Luba yells at her. Thelma looks away and looks slightly impactada.

Mexico City – Mariana is having coffee with Doctor Love (Great name). She is telling him about her missing boyfriend and how Marianita keeps asking for him and it breaks her heart. Dr. Love asks if she knows where Jose is, she says she doesn’t want to talk about it any more. He graciously accepts and offers her more coffee. If she knew that Jose was off bonking drug runners, she might accept a little more than the coffee.

Speak of the devil – Jose is telling Felicia that it was a mistake and he shouldn’t have done it, she tells him what is done is done and it can’t be changed. She says she knows that Jose doesn’t love her, but she loves him.

Thelma is all worked up. Luba tells her to calm down, does she feel all right? Luba offers to bring some herbs to help her feel better. Thelma actually accepts the help. She says sorry, but just hearing the name of Luba’s son gets her all worked up. And sorry, but he didn’t really impress her much. Luba says he is considerate and good. They agree, I think, for Luba to tell Gaspar that the baby is Emiliooo’s. After that, Luba starts telling about Gaspar’s story, does she know of the Devil’s Cave? Gaspar thinks that Thelma is his munequita from there. Thelma says she wouldn’t go there, but she has heard of it, uh yeah, you know, I’ve heard of it. She looks extremely guilty, I’m not sure that Luba is believing her. Luba says that Gaspar gets obsessed with all the pretty girls he sees, she promises that he won’t come back to bother Thelma any more. Thelma begs for him to not come near her, she gets so nervous. Luba tells her to take care and leaves. Out in the hall Luba takes a deep breath and says, “It’s her! I saw it in her eyes! She is the munequita from the Devil’s Cave.” Ok, I guess she wasn’t believing it.

Thelma is getting ready to leave for some reason, Singing Aunt says “How can you go out like this, feeling like you do?” Thelma is worried about Gaspar showing up after Emiliooo wakes up. She is going to get an abortion. Or she said she’s going to go ride a horse to damage the baby so it won’t be born, something like that. I got a bit lost here but I think the deal is that Thelma wants to be rid of the baby. She is married to Emiliooo now, so I guess it has served its purpose.

Don Loco and Hugo are drinking at a bar. Hugo wants to party all night but Don Loco says he doesn’t want to stay here around these miserable poor people, this place sucks, so does this town. Hugo says not for long, rumor has it that there will be a military base here soon, they are going to build a proper road, now Sierra Escondida won’t be so far away from everything. Hugo is thrilled with the news. Don Loco is not. Just then Granillo the gay waiter comes out and says “Ladies and Gentlemen-well more men than ladies, right? Hee hee. I present a goddess, a woman of fire, the one the incomparable, Coral!” Unfortunately, we don’t get to see Coral dance this time either. When they show her skimpy outfit I’d certainly like to see more but they always cut away. Ah well.

Alina tells Soledad that she hopes Luba can cure Emilioooo. Soledad reminds her that he is married now, Alina doesn’t care, she loves him. Yada yada yada. Adela comes in to warn them that Don Loco is returning soon. The ladies hug and Alina runs out.

Thelma is riding a white horse through the forest in the dark. Of course, who shows up, but Gaspar. He starts going on again about “munequita” and she tells him to let her go, you imbecile. Not very nice. What do you expect riding around the forest in the dark?

Alina just went next door to visit Emilioooo I guess, not back to the cave. She watches Emiliooo while Luba goes for some more herbs or something. She whispers all sorts of lovey crap to him while he sleeps. He wakes up a bit and says “Flor are you there?” She says yes and he says “I knew you would be here, you are my wife. You’re my wife, aren’t you?” She doesn’t answer, he says he remembers the padre about to marry them, he wants a kiss. She says no, you’re sick. He says whatever give me a kiss. He has a dream that he was married to Thelma, she tells him to forget about that. He wants a kiss again, so she kisses him. His breath must be on a whole new level of stink, but she doesn’t seem to care. He is glad to have her by his side. She tells him to rest and sleep. He realizes that his dream was the truth. He would rather die. She tells him it was a dream, that she is his wife. Oh great, nice work Flor. He proclaims his love for her again.

Thelma beats Gaspar with her riding crop, he wants her to kiss him again like in the Devil’s Cave. They struggle and she passes out. He picks her up and carries her off. The camera focuses in on her jewel that fell on the ground, it is the same one that Emiliooo gave her waaaay back when, the one she talked about to her aunt.

Back at the club, everyone is loudly applauding Coral’s dance. Again, unfortunately, we don’t get to see Coral in her skimpy outfit. Hugo tells Don Loco, why don’t you have a little fun? There are lots of pretty girls here! Don Loco tells him no way. He is still upset about the highway. Hugo says it will be good, but Don Loco says not for him. He will lose his tight grip if the place isn’t so remote. He is worried about Soledad, she has gone crazy. Hugo says to send her to a doctor in Mexico City, but Don Loco won’t do it because she could tell about everything he has done to her and Alina. He says he wants to keep Soledad here, if she is crazy that’s fine, but she’ll be crazy here with me. This guy has a whole box of screws loose.

Gaspar rides the horse, holding Thelma, swearing that he will cure her, she’ll be all better.

Alina’s aunt Blanca and uncle (I can’t remember his name) in Puebla discuss the same highway. They think it is great news. They think that Don Loco won’t be happy, now that his workers can easily get to San Mateo to work. They decide to go tomorrow to see about Alina.

Alina and Emiliooo lay in bed and kissy kissy etc. Luba overhears and clears her throat to break them up. She tells Flor that her kisses healed him better than her herbs. Flor says not to tease but Luba is serious. However, now that he is better, they don’t have to come at night any more, they have to leave. He wouldn’t be happy to find out he was in the hands of a medicine woman. Flor, of course, doesn’t want to leave. Luba wants to give him one last potion, Flor asks to do it herself, Luba tells her to hurry up already, she gives it to him.

Don Loco has the look on his face that he gets when he’s about to have a flashback, but nothing happens. Hugo notices too, he says what’s the deal? Don Loco says nothing. Edelmira asks if he liked the show, he says yes, where is the dancer? Edelmira offers an introduction but Don Loco says he’s not in the mood, it’s time to go. Hugo whines, he wants to stay.

Max gets his coat on, he is going to go look for Thelma, Singing Aunt thanks him for helping. As he goes to leave, Gaspar walks in with Thelma in his arms. Singing Aunt says, “What did you do to her?” He says nothing and amazingly they believe him. Max tries to take her away to put her in bed, Gaspar insists on doing it himself. Singing Aunt must not have really believed Gaspar after all, she keeps asking him, “What did you do?” on the way up the stairs. Gaspar puts her on her bed. Max asks where he found her, Gaspar says at the river. Max thanks him and says he can leave now but Gaspar says no, he won’t go. Gaspar still has the bandage on his arm where he got shot. Singing Aunt wakes up Thelma with some smelling salts. The first thing Thelmas sees is Gaspar, she starts screaming at him to get out and then she says she’ll kill him. Jeez get grip lady.

Luba has some thoughts while Flor fusses over Emiliooo in the background. Luba decides that she has to find out if Thelma is the woman from the Devil’s Cave.

Elias is his name! The uncle, that is. He is visiting part of the construction zone for the new highway. Apparently building a highway consists of walking back and forth with pieces of wood on your shoulder, because that is what everyone in the background is doing. The guy in charge says that the military engineers will be on site tomorrow and then he says Emilioooo’s name. Elias says he knows who that is, he didn’t realize that Emilioooo had a hacienda here.

Luba tells Flor to go get the ‘teniente’, is that Orlando? They hope Thelma doesn’t come in before then. Flor leaves and immediately through the other door comes Thelma. Luba tells her that he is all better. Luba tells Thelma not to come visit him anymore because he thinks he is married to Flor and if he finds out the truth he’ll die. Thelma actually just says ok and leaves.

Flor arrives at Orlando’s room and tells him that Emiliooo is better. Orlando is very nice to Flor, is he trying to get her for himself too? I can’t remember now. I think yes, just to stick it to Emilioooo. She tells him not to say anything about being married to Thelma, Orlando agrees. I’m sure he’ll tell Emiliooo right away, now, to try and kill him. Oh, in fact when Flor leaves, Orlando tells the empty room just that. He can’t wait to see his face when he finds out he’s married to Thelma.

Flor seems to have the run of the place, now she runs into Angel, who invites her into his room. She seems uncomfortable to be around him. He feels better, tomorrow he’ll leave. She tells him that Emiliooo is better, he asks then why does she look sad? Because she can’t come back, of course. She says bye, he says why goodbye? When he feels better he’ll come see her. She just looks at him and says “Goodbye, Angel” and walks out. Jeez you bitch, you don’t have to marry him but you don’t have to be rude. Angel thinks that he has to find a way to get her to forget her love for Emiliooo.

He workers are discussing how glad they are about the new highway. Don Loco arrives and cracks the whip for them to get back to work. Max rides up and says that Emiliooo is better, he wonders how he’ll greet Don Loco when he sees him? Don Loco, full of bravado as always, basically says “whatever.” He says that every man will stay away from Flor. Max says Emiliooo is out of the way, he’s married to Thelma, and that woman is a fiera! Ha ha ha! Max is a great villain, he has the moustache, the way he talks, everything. He even has the laugh. Max says he has two things to talk about. First, if Santos comes looking for work, turn him down. Don Loco says ok. Second, he wants to discuss the new road. Don Loco says he needs to go to San Mateo and see who approved this stupid idea. Max says it isn’t from San Mateo, it is federal. There is nothing Don Loco can do about it. Don Loco says “We’ll see.”

Thelma is packing, again. She wants to stay with Singing Aunt in case Gaspar comes back, and also she is supposed to stay away from Emiliooo. She tells how Emiliooo thinks he is married to Flor. She goes off to lie down. I wish I had as much free time as these people do. They are tied up with their personal dramas, but for the most part nobody has any responsibilities at all. It makes me sick. I’d love to be able to say in the middle of the day “I need to rest” and then just go lie down.

The little bald boy brings Marianita a flower. Marianita is asleep the whole time, but wakes up to say thank you. She feels bad but Juanito gives her a rousing speech about how they have to get better and run and play. He doesn’t want he to die, but he also doesn’t want her to get better and leave and forget about him, he wants to go with her. Hey, how does this kid just get to walk into a dying girl’s hospital room anyway? Mariana comes in and asks what he’s doing there, he said he came to see Marianita. Mariana sees that he is crying and gives him a hug.

Santos is going to join the road construction crew but Rosita doesn’t like the idea for some reason. She is basically being whiny, she thinks Max can hurt him somehow even on the road crew. Santos says that if Max does anything at all to him or her, he’ll kill him. He swears it, he will kill him.

Flor walks with Donkey. All right I noticed something – when she was in Emiliooo’s room and had a blue shirt on over her t-shirt, the t-shirt was way low cut to show lots of great cleavage. Now that she is just wearing a t-shirt, the collar is way up at her neck. Didn’t she say she only had the one shirt? This shirt is pleasantly tight and all, don’t get me wrong, just that the difference between shirts is obvious, are we to believe they are the same shirt? I need answers. She says she’s going to go away with her mom and forget about Emilioooo forever. Right, whatever. Just like a smoker who will quit tomorrow.

Elias tells Blanca that they have to wait a couple days to travel to Sierra Escondida, then the new cabanas will be built and they’ll have a place to stay. Right now, Don Loco won’t invite them to stay with him, right? She agrees.

Don Loco is back in his office ranting about the highway. He calls for Sergio, who runs in. He asks why Sergio didn’t tell him about the highway, Sergio says he was on his way to tell him right now. Suuuure you were. Don Loco says he pays him to tell him what every fly on the hacienda is doing. Don Loco tells him to find out everything he can about the highway, they have to find a way to interfere with the construction.

Emiliooo is sitting up and has some pajamas on, the doctor says the danger has passed but Emiliooo needs to take care of himself. On the way out, the doctor sees Angel and tells him to take care too. Orlando is also there, wearing a very manly pink shirt. Emiliooo says, “Where is my wife?” Orlando says, “Your wife…..” Emiliooo says, “Yes, my wife, where is Flor? Isn’t she my wife?” Angel says yes, of course, but the doctor said he had to rest up first, right Orlando? Orlando says of course, Angel is right. Emiliooo says they are up to something, he wants to see Flor. Ominous music plays as Angel and Orlando look at each other with trepidation.

We see on the preview for Monday’s show that the secret wedding to Thelma doesn’t stay secret for long.


Mundo de Fieras: 2/16/07 "...Of Madmen, Mad Men, Saints, and the Sane"

Gabe is about to cross the street. El Mastin is waiting, it seems, to run him down in a hotrod blue Mustang. Nic and Dolores are walking toward the same intersection from a different direction. Pau is waiting in the car and sees things from a 3rd direction. Gabe begins to cross the street and enters the crosswalk. At the last moment El Mastin peels rubber, but just before El Mastin is able to knock Gabe into the Great Beyond, Jos comes rushng towards him like an NFL line backer and goes in for the tackle (all high-heeled 5'2", 110 pounds of her).

Gabe falls down with Jos on top of him, just out of the way of the car. Jos pretends to be hit. Pau runs up to them and starts screaming like a rock groupie to Gabe that Joselyn offered her life to save his. Gabe gets up and then helps Jos up. He is stunned and in complete shock!! Why, she has saved his life!!! "Why did you do it?" She blushes and says with a girlish grin, " I didn't think. It was impulse. I--I did it because I love you."

Nic and Dolores see the whole thing from a different angle. When they approach they tell Jos to stop faking it because they saw the whole thing and know the car didn't touch her. “Gabe, she's pretending to be hurt but the car never even touched her!” Pau is screaming back at Nic and Dolores that she saw it all and Jos did too save her daddy's life! Jos hams it up and screams back at Nic and Dolores in between her crocodile tears, "How dare you? How dare you!” Sniff, sniff. “Oh, Gabriel! I just can't take it anymore.......I should go."

Gabe continues to look from Jos to the three of them. It's obvious he is again completely bewildered by the whole thing. (This guy is a captain of industry?) He thanks her and gallantly offers to take her to the hospital to have the doctor look her over, but she says she'll go herself. So, grateful, gullible Gabe takes the word of his scheming, suicidal and certifiable, devious ex over either that of his trustworthy lawyer bud or the wrongly accused, legally exonerated, Dolores. (We wouldn't have expected any less -nor any more- of Gabe, now would we?)

Gabe ends this. "We'll talk later more calmly. Now I have to take Paulina and meet Regina at the hospital." He leaves.

Once they all have arrived at the hospital, Leo waits with Reggie, Gabe and Pau for the specialist to inform them about the results of the studies. They will find out who will be the best possible donor of bone marrow for JC's transplant operation. Pau takes a minute to ask Gabe if he is sure he is all right. He says of course since it was Joselyn who took the hit from the car. Reggie gets a puzzling look on her face as she listens to them.

Back at Demian's place, Dem is agitated and griping to himself that he probably wrecked the construction merger and his chance to run the whole shebang, along with the love of his wife, for agreeing to play along with Jos by pretending to be a cheating, scheming version of his twin. "I didn't think of the consequences. I was an idiot! Damn it all! All of this was her fault!" (Uh-huh. The devil made him do it.......)

The specialist returns and advises the group that Reggie is the only one who can donate the bone marrow to JC in order to save his life. Leo doesn't think there will be much trouble from her earlier heart problems. Reggie again demands they keep her name out of it for fear JC willl refuse the transplant if he finds out what she's planning. Leo assures them all that "Discrete" is his middle name and his lips are sealed.

In another part of town while having coffee that evening, Dolores tells Nic that Gabe can say whatever he wants, but that car incident was a total set-up. Nic agrees and wonders along with her just what Jos has in mind. Dolores also mentions to Nic that earlier Gabe had told her how Mariangela had left in a hurry and hadn't bothered to tell him she was going. In fact, she'd left him a puzzling letter telling him how disappointed she was in him and that she would talk to him about it after she returned but didn't bother to explain further. Dolores said she read it but couldn't understand what was behind it either. She tells Nic that she feels like Jos may have had something to do with it.

Gabe comes by the manse after leaving the hospital to check on Jos. She's upstairs in something that looks like a skier's long-johns, reading a magazine in bed. Not a hair is out of place and the day's make-up is still perfect. She hides the magazine under the pillow when she hears him approach. "How are your feeling?" "Oh, fine," she manages to squeek out. -"What did the doctor say?" (Jos didn't see any doctor, of course.) "Oh, just to get some rest." (Weak, kindly smile here.) Just then Miriam rushes in, hears what happened from Gabe and exclaims, "Daughter!”

Miriam turns to Gabe. “Well, Joselyn may have all the defects you want, but you cannot deny she still loves you!" Gabe tells Jos he doesn't understand her, and never will. He says he simply came to make sure she was fine and to thank her. He excuses himself and leaves. Miriam waits till he's gone and says, okay, now tell her the real dirt. Jos gives her the juicy details and says she's not certain she's won his trust back, but she's smoothed things over now. She smiles to herself.

Miriam asks Jos what would she have felt if he'd really been turned into road-kill. Jos answers in her sociopathic way that it would have wrecked her plans, but then Mariangela would have lost Gabe forever also. So then Miriam offers her some árnica (leopard's bane) tea. They giggle at that. (Hmm. Note: The tincture from the leaves is used for sprains and bruises. In the RAE under árnica is a reference to “asking for compassion” when somebody feels inferior either because of actions or ideas. Ok. Now I get it.......)

Rogelio ponders what he learned from Coyote: Miriam and Jos were the ones who got Rog falsely accused of drug possession and put into jail. Miriam and Jos also put the poisoned snake in Reggie's van. He thinks to himself about how he'll find more money so El Coyote will let go of more details about the rest of those dastardly dame's deadly dangerous deeds......

Pau fixes JC his favorite meal for supper and he continues to stare at her with love in his red-rimmed eyes while she serves him dinner and mothers him.

Leo and the specialist agree there is no reason to keep JC waiting for his transplant. They agree to keep “the donor” anonymous. The specialist then asks Leo to assist him during the operation as he admires Leo tremendously. (You knew this was coming, didn't you?)

Reggie tells Dolores later that evening at home about now being cleared to give bone marrow to her son in order to save his life. Dolores worries about her heart, but Regina fudges a bit about that possibility and says now her son will be able to realize his life's dreams. Demian walks in on the two of them and asks his wife where she's been until now.

Regina tells Demian she's been to see the doctor and he worries about her health. She assures him she's fine, but he insists that he would go crazy if anything happened to her. He says he wishes he could turn back time and make up for all the nastiness of the past. Reggie assures him that she's forgotten all of it and loves him whole-heartedly. They hug and she thinks to herself, "If he only knew what I am planning to do......."

The next morning, Paulina fixes JC his favorite breakfast. They kiss and hug again.

Gabe comes back in to the Manse with Luis Gabriel as Jos immediately gets into character and limps a bit coming down the stairs. He asks her why she doesn't just stay up there and rest. She feins a need to take care of her son as "he comes before all else." (Even Mother Theresa can't compare with this Joselyn.) Mayeya rolls her eyes as she listens to the line the Señora Cervantes Bravo is feeding her ex and thinks to herself, "If he only knew it's an absolute lie! When he's not around she totally ignores the little boy!"

Tiberio can't find his briefcase again and Dolores hands it to him. She wishes him a happy birthday. He's surprised and says "Thanks. Only you remembered it." She explains how every year in jail she celebrated the day and prayed he would have the best. He says he's uncomfortable hearing all this. She tells him it's about time he gets used to accepting a mother's love. He tries to hug her but gives up and leaves feeling and acting as awkward as any teenager (blech).

Leo comes by especially to tell JC that they have an anonymous donor for him now. Leo says his operaation can take place in a few days and then JC will finally be certain to get to know his son. JC is elated. He asks God to bless the donor.

Demian really got out of the bed on the wrong side this morning and Tiberio is acting like an awkward, fumbling teen around him, too. Demian yells and screams at Ti at the top of his lungs about everything and anything. He is especially mean when Ti mentions to him it's his birthday. Demian kicks him out of his office and screams at him to let him work in peace. "What does he want? A cake and a piñata?" (I guess Miriam's little scolding the day before really got to him.)

Gabe and Regina chat about the upcoming transplant and then about Mariangela's continuing silence. He mentions that Dolores thinks Jos has done something to cause it, but adds he doubts that now after her saving his life the other night. Regina has no other advice but for him to fight for Mariangela's love. He'd like to but asks her what is he supposed to do if she won't talk to him?

JC and Regina wish Ti a happy birthday. Ti has a sad and sudden realization that his daddy really doesn't care a whit for him. Only JC and his mother remembered and bothered to congratulate him.

Back in Demian's office he and Jos are snipping at each other about her idiotic tricks. She tells him he can say what he likes, but they've been working. He laughs and says he can't understand why. Then he shows her Mariangela's picture on the front of a prestigious women-in-industry magazine. He tells her that if she really wants Gabe to respect her as a capable business woman she will have to conduct herself on that level. She says she can and he asks how. She smiles and says "You'll find out!"

JC tells Karen about the anonymous donor. He says he won't tell anybody about his problem until he's tried this last treatment. Later Paulina fakes anger over Karen and stomps out of JC's office. Ti (another master of the obvious) reminds JC that those two can't stand one another.

Jos goes in to see Gabe and tells him he'll be happy to know she's won a valuable contract for the construction company. He looks at it, seemingly impressed, and asks how she was able to get it. Just then Regina interrupts and says they're going to be late for the ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the public housing project, Casa Sara. He tells Jos he'll continue with her later about the contract's conditions and leaves with Reggie, Pau and her.

At the same time Demian is going nuts trying to find a contract he thinks he has misplaced. It seems this is the very same one that Jos has told Gabe is hers. (Yep. She stole it out of Demian's office while he wasn't looking.) Jos smiles to herself saying that by the time Demian finds out it will be too late. She then calls the client and tells them that she is now their contact at the construction company and will handle his account and the contract from here on, per Demian's instructions.

We go back to Miriam's design studio. Miriam has gotten the exclusive contract to use European fabrics as an exclusive in her designs. She has Ingrid rush to call all Otilia's clients to grab her business from them. She says by the time Otilia finally has found a willing distrubutor she'll be too far behind to get new clients and catch up to her.

Otilia has had Diana and Soraya invite over the best designer in all of Mexico. They explain how Miriam has played this last dirty trick on them. He agrees that colleagues must remain ethical in their dealings with each other. They tell him Otilia's idea about using Mexican products and artistry for their design collection instead of copying Miriam's pro-European product line and designs. He agrees and begins advising them.

At Candy and Leo's house, Mayeya's parents listen to Cortito stumbling through stage fright to finally ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. Tee-hee, tee-hee. Budda-boom. Budda-boom.(Reynaldo Rossaro does have great timing, but even he cannot help the plotline, the script, or the actress he's had to play opposite.) FF > >

Rog visits El Coyote, who is looking and acting more like a Charles Manson wanna-be every trip back. He tells Rog that for such a miserly little sum he will only give him a tiny bit of information. Rog gets upset because he thought it was actually quite a bundle. (I'm wondering who Rog swindled this time to get it.)

Crazed Coyote gives a maniacal, Manson-like laugh and hints that Rog should look into who had his dead mistress killed, the one he used to share, because he'll be in for a great big surprise! Rog (no doubt blinking at the bad breath escaping through those little audio holes in the bulle-proof glass, and figuring with all the cash Coyote's squeezed out of him he could at least have bought a case or two of Altoids) starts to consider El Coyote's riddle.

Paulina invites Karen to have lunch with her and Gabe. They sneak out of the office at different times because it is important that JC still think she's jealous, so he doesn't realize they're both aware of his illness and have become friends.

Gabe is surprised to see his daughter arrive with Karen at the restaurant. Paulina and Karen explain how Karen has had a change of heart and is trying to succeed in turning her life around. Pau tells her father how Karen had given emotional support to Juan Cristobal before anyone else was aware he was sick. Gabe is glad to hear it and offers her all the support she might need.

Later, back at the apartment, Paulina gets worried about JC's sudden weakness and coughing. She forgets herself and gets carried away while pressuring him to see Leo for a check-up. He refuses and she warns him that they cannot continue living like this. He says that's why he asked her to go away before. She gets angry and accidentally slips up when screaming back at him about expecting her to just leave so that he's all alone when he gets another attack. He realizes Paulina now knows the truth and she has to admit it. She runs to him and hugs him. He is visibly upset, though, and his eyes are darting everywhere. --Roll Credits.


Marycelis Pacheco's English translation of Jaime Camil's ESMAS chat (interview)

Marycelis sent me this! Please thank her for all the work she's done! And by the way, do visit the link. See "ver video" next to his picture and you can watch him and follow along as you read this translation - very good practice!!! Plus he's adorable as she says!

Finally and without further delay, here is the transcript from the videochat with Jaime Camil taken from esmas.com and here is the link. Just scroll to his picture and click on the video link and you can see him on the phone chatting. (There are pictures too.)

I kept some of the words from his responses in Spanish because it sounded cute and you can just picture him saying them. Welcome all to the chat of Jaime Camil

Jaime Camil interprets Fernando Mendiola: He's an intelligent, sophisticated, tenacious and impulsive man. Ambition has lead him to commit large errors in his life. He longs to have the control of the business, where his family is a shareholder. He is an innate conqueror, love and the sex do not get mixed up for him. Let the Questions begin!

[Jaime Camil] Thank you very much for being in the chat.

[Isela] I have the sneaking suspicion that these are used to your fans shouting at you that you are hot, that you are the best, etc., but what would really please you to hear from a woman or would draw your attention or make that woman interesting in your eyes?

[Jaime Camil]No, no those are prefabricated phrases.

[aby] Hey, you're a great actor, I didn't know the funny part in you, did it take a lot effort?

[Jaime Camil]I didn't realize it in myself, It has been very fun experimenting with comedy. It is a genre that I love and definately will not leave it. I have a lot of fun and I love that people have fun with my doing it

[Diana7]hello jaime..I want to ask you when you coming to los angeles CA so that all your fans will be able to see you

[Jaime Camil]I would love to travel soon to LA, it's been a long time since I've traveled due to work on the telenovela
[Jaime Camil]But please keep an eye on my webpage, jaimecamil.com - In the extras selection are all the dates


[Jaime Camil] Ehh... I have been in this business for more than 18 years and I began wanting to sing, I have two albums and some Grammy nominations, but life has taken me to acting and life is wiser than I am

[DANNA] hello jaime I want to know if you will pass by the carnaval in Brazil?

[Jaime Camil] No, I won't pass by the carnaval in Brazil because March 1 I am filming for eight weeks, upon finishing the novela I am traveling to Ensenada to film


[Jaime Camil] Thank you very much laura, thank you for your words

[GABYTOVAR] You should enter Aventurera

[Jaime Camil] I have been invited to participate en Aventurara but the timing hasn't squared

[Jaime Camil] perhaps for the summer in the theater I will be in El diluvio que viene con Fela Fábregas


[Jaime Camil] I haven't visited but I am dying for the chance to know Punta del Este and I visited my mom in Brazil, I hope to do it

[Luciauruguay] jaime, what does it feel like to have the privilege living day to day the vocation that you love very much like acting and singing

[Jaime Camil] It is a gift of God, Freud used to say that the man has to feel the same satisfaction with toys in his job and I appreciate that everyday I feel that

[lizet]Why do you have two nationalities

[Jaime Camil] My mom is Brazilian and my dad Mexican. That way the laws permit you to have two nationalities, like in my case

[lizbeth]How old are you?

[Jaime Camil] My age is 33 years old, the age of Christ, it's been manajed I am 37, it is a lie, I was born on July 22, 1973


[Jaime Camil] I get along with everyone, of course, much better with Agustín Arana and Angélica Vale and with Juan Soler who is my friend of many years, we all have a great relationship

[thais]I am from brazil and over here we love the telenovela la fea mas bella

[Jaime Camil]Thank you very much for watching the novela

[question removed because it contains a spoiler]

[Jaime Camil] How great that in Brazil it's had great success

[Jaime Camil] How little sense of emotion, you have to see it and let things happen

[Aly0716-forito] I hope that none has asked this question. But in your next album, what kinds of songs are you going to sing? Will you continue with pop music?

[Jaime Camil] No, A third album isn't in the works Arturo Frozán commented it in the event Oye, but there is no plan, Although I would like to do it soon

[140140] What is your favorite hobby

[Jaime Camil] motorcycling

[Colette] Jaime do you like that we your fans flirt and say come-on lines when we see you and want to be near you?

[Jaime Camil] I like it lot and it is a honor that you say them, it doesn't bother me at all, I appreciate it

[Especialista_Alva-Guerra] Hello Jaime, you have interpreted many characters, if they gave you the opportunity, would you interpret the role of a latin american soldier?

[Jaime Camil] Yes, of course, it's my work as an actor to have a diversity of characters and experiment with different roles, if you don't get typecast I believe that the actor should always seek to cultivate diversity in his projects

[giselebrasil] Jaime, you are Brazilian, you tell me how much of Fer is you?

[Jaime Camil] A lot, I believe that Fernando has a high percentage of my personality


[Jaime Camil] Normal, common and like everyone else

[Miguel13] How does it feel to be famous? Is it hard to have a private life?

[Jaime Camil] I believe that my profession is to be artist, not famous, it is different, a consequence of my work is if it is done good and the project is successful it gives you fame, and yes, is a little difficult not to have privacy, not to have a private life like you would like to have from time to time yes you feel exposed

[vicky] what has it meant to you to work with such great personalities?

[Jaime Camil] It has been marvelous, they are Vittori Storaro, el de Zapata, it was a gift of God, with José José, i admire him so much, everyone in latinamerica is a fan, you always learn and it is a blessing working and learning from them


[Jaime Camil] My idol in the whole world, my parents

The video stops here...it looks like there was a break in connection or something...

[Jaime Camill] Ready, Ready, now start sending me questions...It's fine, don't get mad, I was waiting for you, what a mood

He laughs, so cute... insert picture here

[Host] munequita907 asks what role have you enjoyed the most up until now and what what you consider the best forum you''ve been in

[Jaime Camil] definitely, doing musical comedy has been the best forum and the best role was when I was the first mexican to be selected to form part of an original musical on Broadway, NY... he scatches his nose, insert pics

[tamara]Hello jaime, do you consider yourself as conceited?

[Jaime Camil] Truthfully, yes, i am honest, not to great lengths but what's necessary for mi career.... he scatches his hair.. insert pic

[susy]jaime, was it difficult at any moment interpreting the role of fernando?

[Jaime Camil] Never, thank God the directors always had confidence in me being able to do this character the best way I thought it could be done

[sami] hello jaime I want to tell you that in my school you have a fanclub and we love the way you are

[Jaime Camil] Thank you very much, and greetings to Samy's club...

[moes62] do you like that people want to talk to you to the point of overloading this...

he laughs again...he looks so cute, insert pic.

[Jaime Camil] It doesn't please me that this be overloaded, but yes that there are people that want to talk to me... I would love to be typing but the workload was too great and I had to stay in San Angel and not in the esmas.com (instalaciones) installations/studio?.

[Jaime Camil]
i think that's burning, hey the soundboard won't burn out?

Greetings esmas. What greetings, they are yelling at me, they're treating me badly, send questions already.. no, no more greetings to Esmas. (insert pic)... what? HOLA (insert pic).. it's that we have a lot of fun when we do it there, okay.. tell me you have questions over there... esmas says that they are only waiting for you (referring to the host)


[Jaime Camil] the gift, hijole... did you know that no, all have been sane
(cuerdos)..nothing uncommon

[jenny88] after everything that you have been through on la fea mas bella what you will do you remember the most

[Jaime Camil] Ayy.. look that is a difficult question, with so much satisfaction it is difficult to say one particular thing, it was an accomplishment and a great project that with great difficulty will be erased from heart

[picagrima] All the gestures and comical movements that you do in the novela belong to jaime or fern

[Jaime Camil] half and half, some are mine and others were created for the character

[Rocio] Hello Jaime I am Rocío from Cuitláhuac, and I want you to tell me how do you consider yourself as a human being?

[Jaime Camil] I consider myself to be honest, hard worker, noble and transparent

Jaime scratches his head, he sractches all the way to the back of his neck, must be itchy.. end of video feed..

[Jaime Camil] Greetings to the people of Esmas, in Santa Fe
[Jaime Camil] Greetings to the forums and members of the phorums for la La fea mas bella, to each and everyone of them, greetings and thank you

[mabel_bg_peru] what character in the history of movies would you like to interpret?

[Jaime Camil] In national movies i to have liked one of Cantiflans, in the international one.. I do not know, as of right now nothing in particular

[ay] What would you change in yourself as an actor?

[Jaime Camil] nothing, would always seek projects that would make me grow more, that gave me experience and position


[Jaime Camil] Many, but some personal others professional, life has been good with me, there have been various

[{ninitamozha}] how has it been working with angelica vale? because on tv you both project chemistry and friendship

[Jaime Camil] She's a great friend Angélica, many people insist that we are or were a couple, it is not true, this great friendship that have is projected on screen, it's noticeable in our acting

[chio] Jaime please tell us (cual el peor oso que hallas hecho) the worst ridiculous thing you have done(?). gotta love these idioms

[Jaime Camil] One day, I was on my show, on a balñada (could not find translation) the bench was moved on "para estar contigo" anyone familiar with the song knows that you can't fall

[tamara] how do you feel now that the end is near on la fea mas bella

[Jaime Camil] Satisfied, happy, sad, it is a swirl of feelings difficult to explain, but I am more than anything satisfied and happy


[Jaime Camil] Acting, isn't that it
[Jaime Camil] They are the same as the fight scenes, they have to be perfectly choerographed


[Jaime Camil] I couldn't say, I don't have a crystal ball, love is born through sight, whoever says different is lying, I wouldn't be able to tell you, the opportunity has not presented itself but I won't rule it out

[tu-alma-gemela] what is most attractive to you in a woman?

[Jaime Camil] what attracts me is perfect balance is the face, yes it is physical, intelligence, honesty

[carobasket] here in Chile I am cordinadotor of your fans club that was created this year and all the girls send you many but many kisses

[Jaime Camil] Greetings with a lot of love and kisses to the fan club en Chile

[maritza]How was it that you were told you were given the role? ??????

[Jaime Camil] My broadway muscal was just cancelled, I was in NY and Rosy Ocampo called me. she told me that it wasn't official but I was being considered for the role of Don Fernando, two hours later she called me back to tell me that yes, she saw me in a movie and she wanted me and here I am

[RAFAEL]Even though you are FAMOUS, is there an ARTIST that you would like to meet?

[Jaime Camil] Ehh..
[Jaime Camil] Of course yes
[Jaime Camil]I know many national and international celebrities
[Jaime Camil]I love to meet people, famous or not
[Jaime Camil] you learn a lot from everyone


[Jaime Camil] I don't imagine it, the truth is that I don't imagine dedicating my life to something that isn't this

[marly] What is the first thing you see in a project before deciding whether to accept it?

[Jaime Camil] The screenplay, read the script
[Jaime Camil] read it completely, know that it interests me as an actor and develop the character that they are offering me

[loreargentina31] jaime, what do you miss the most from your life before being famous

[Jaime Camil] I belive the ability to walk freely through life in a supermarket or go out in the motorcycle
[Jaime Camil] walk through the towns you visit
[Jaime Camil] to be able to do it, now I can't do it so easily


[Jaime Camil] Of course yes, I love kids, I hope it's soon because I am too much a babysitter
[Jaime Camil] very family oriented, I love to be at home


[Jaime Camil] Este, ehh, normal, Don Fernando is a dramatization, in real life yes I am ...

[giselle] what does it mean to you to act in movies?

[Jaime Camil] It facinates me, what i like the most is to do theatre, then movies and television
[Jaime Camil] to be in the seventh art is a privilage, making mexican movies is an accomplishment

[Doreli]jaime, that tatoo on your arm, what does it signify?

[Jaime Camil] It has a private significance that is shared between my brother and me

[Johanna_Mty] What was the most difficult chapter to do?

[Jaime Camil]perhaps functionally speaking
[Jaime Camil] when I had to dress as a Drag queen
[Jaime Camil] It was two hours and a half in makeup and walking in platforms
[Jaime Camil] I learned to never rush a woman in heels and to have patience in everything

[Patty_Camil05] What don't you like about yourself?

[Jaime Camil] I don't like to remember my defects, it depresses me, let my traumas stay inside, they are fine there


[Jaime Camil] Ay don't be so dirty minded, my brazilian paisanas, 11 american, 8 mexican


[Jaime Camil] Ayy, hij, in third, how old was I
[Jaime Camil] perhaps 14 years old
[Jaime Camil] Her name was Adriana Mondragon, she was my first girlfriend


[Jaime Camil] Very spiritual


[Jaime Camil] Well, I don't drink alcohol, if I was, red wine or Jack Daniels
[Jaime Camil] a drink I cannot stop taking
[Jaime Camil] is a tea that's sold, it's a chain

[erika] are you in love presently 100% enough to get married

[Jaime Camil] I feel very happy, very much in love, but how do I tell you, the future no one can predict it, I have taken all of my relationships seriously and this is one of them

[cristina]jaime when do you plan on making more theatre plays in the US

[Jaime Camil] Fíjate, This monday I was going to be in NY for an audition for the musical Carmen, I didn't go because the date conflicted with my fliming in Esena, for another occassion, but it is in my plans

[susy] do you have plans to do another novela

[Jaime Camil] When I was younger I feared them and now I can't stay away
[Jaime Camil]no, just kidding,my girlfriend is going to kill me
[Jaime Camil] i was shy but I lost it with time, although I still am

[TE_AMO_OSWALDO_Y_JAIME] Jaime do you like exercising, because you are very strong and muscular haha I know this?

[Jaime Camil] I go to the gym everyday, not only for the physical but for mental health

[cesar] What do you think is missing in the mexican telenovelas to make them more succesful?

[Jaime Camil] This one, caray as far as I know they are very succesful, they are the highest sellers in the world, I believe they should change the format, they are getting boring, this is the success of La Fea, not the conventional that we are used to

[lore000] how do you do a sad scene?

[Jaime Camil] I act
[Jaime Camil] I do my work and act
[Jaime Camil] Like the professor jimenez used to say
[Jaime Camil] I act what I can, and I try to transmit sadness so that it does not appear
[Jaime Camil]nothing more than crocodile tears (fake tears)

[giselle]how is it that you wanted to be an actor?
[Jaime Camil]I always wanted to be and
[Jaime Camil] all that the word covers
[Jaime Camil] Acting honestly is what pushed me to be an actor
[Jaime Camil] i never swam against the current
[Jaime Camil] I prepared myself and let myself go

[jaimeteamo9]hello jaime my name is leslie and I want to ask you what is your goal???

[Jaime Camil]lots, not one in particular, because if I had only one and accomplished it perhaps then I wouldn't have anything to fight for
[Jaime Camil] therefore i always to try to set constant goals and continue fighting and growing for the things I want


[Jaime Camil] well no I don't have one, no

[gulemba] would you like to do american movies?

[Jaime Camil] and I will do it

I think the video/chat may have gotten disconnected at this point, the site got overloaded as you read earlier and esmas.com lost contact with Jaime Camil. Oh well..I hope you enjoyed reading.... he's so cute ...


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