Saturday, June 05, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 6/4/10 The Body Count Rises

Episode 76

Juan is sleeping in the love cave waiting for Aimee. Hell must have frozen over because she actually shows up. She wakes him with a rose. She’s lucky he didn’t shoot her. Juan wakes up and is surprised that she is there. She is a slave at his feet. She is his and no one will separate them. Kissing ensues. Don’t do it Juan. She professes her love. We’ll see how much she loves him when she sees the shack awaiting her on Penon del Diablo. More face sucking. Suddenly he pushes her away. You tell me you love me but why didn’t you go with me? Just like all the other times. She tries to sweet-talk her way out of it. He doubts her sincerity. But Juan, mi amor…Aimee, just shut up already. If you don’t want to come with me. She wants him to listen to her. He doesn’t feel like it. What more does she have to say? She says ok, I’ll go with you. He is so happy. Me--not so much. She will go with him to the ends of the earth or wherever he wants. Uh huh, right. He still is skeptical and she tells him to look into her eyes as she swears to him that she will go with him. He turns into a moron thinking with the wrong part of his body. She just wants the money with a little passion on the side. We have to get ready.

Leo is chewing out Orca for not killing Rosenda. I hit her with all my strength. Well, you must be a real girlie man because she’s still alive. Then she tells him that MdR is the mother of Juan del Diablo. Orca looks stunned. He didn’t know that little tidbit of information. (That’s why it is a secret.) Leo says Rosenda knows all this stuff about her and that if anyone found out they would all wind up in jail. Only Leo and Woody know what’s going on. She tells Orca to kill her. She leaves but pops her head in again and says kill her. He scrunches his face.

Juan and Aimee are doing the deed in the love cave. They look so happy. I’m getting pretty darn sick of it really.

Back at the Finca, Orca is drinking and listening to MdR cry out Juan de Dios about a zillion times. I think it would drive me crazy too. He can’t take it any more. He stomps into MdR cell and starts smacking her around telling her he’s going to kill her. She cries out in pain.

Juan is looking for Curly who’s out on the beach. Isn’t it a little past his bedtime? He’s ready let’s go. Curly wants to know where they are going and Juan says Penon del Diablo. Oh goody, a field trip. He cautions Curly not to say a word to anyone. We are leaving and won’t return. Curly is worried about not seeing Regina again. Juan says to forget her. We’re leaving.

Orca is ripping MdR’s dress. He has a knife. Before I kill you, you’re going to give Papi some sugar. Gross. What a pig. He holds her down on the bed and she’s still fighting. That little bastard has to sleep sometime. I’m just saying….. She’s screaming for help. Poor thing. I can’t watch. FF>>

Aimee is back at the Finca sneaking in. Regina walks in. You are so busted! Regina accuses her of being with HIM. Aimee says she was just out in the garden. You lying little heifer. Regina doesn’t believe her. And neither do we. She chastises Aimee for not having more discretion. Oh, like you did when you ran out of the church and didn’t marry Fed. Not marrying Fed has made you crazy. She thinks Regina should leave the finca. Go back to the convent or wherever she wants. Regina says she’ll do it on one condition. After she leaves Aimee has to leave Juan forever. Just then Renato walks in. Does that guy have timing or what? Aimee looks guilty. Really, everyone looks guilty.

Mirta finally hears MdR’s cries and rushes in to help her. She hits Orca over the head with a bottle. It stuns him. She gets MdR and turns for one final blow but she can’t do it. They run out of the cell.

Aimee tries to charm Renato but I think maybe he’s getting sick of the same old song. She tells Renato that after what happened today Regina thinks it is best for her to leave the finca. Renato looks surprised. I’ve told you many times that this is your home too. Aimee starts to tell another lie and Regina says whoa Nellie, you misinterpreted my words. I’m not leaving the Finca. If you permit me I will retire.

Mirta and Mdr are trying to get the gate open. Hurry, hurry! Remember that guy has 9 lives. He grabs Mirta and takes the knife from her. He stabs her. Noooooo. Her expression makes me so sad. Where’s a freakin’ anvil when you need one?

Renato is worrying about Regina. Aimee is getting sick of it. He tells her to calm down. Regina didn’t want to marry someone she didn’t love. I respect that. Aimee thinks she was just thinking about Juan. Renato doesn’t think that is true. He doesn’t have as much confidence in Juan as he used to. He could be very dangerous for us. Very dangerous.

Back In the dungeon Orca watches Mirta die. He curses her and has to now figure out what to do with her body.

Back in the house Renato couldn’t sleep and is smoking a nasty stinking cigar. Regina walks in and wants to know why he is still up. She wants to know what he’s thinking about. Various things. He tells her he’s not as confident in Juan as he was before. He wants to know what she thinks of Juan. What were his motives to come into this house? He gets angry. Regina wants to know what his problem is. He apologizes. She tells him that Aimee needs him now more than ever. She asks him to spend as much time with her as possible. He wonders where all this is coming from. She says she’s tired and it’s been a bad day for her. She tells him they will talk in the morning. She urges him to try to get some sleep.

Meanwhile the little ho is up in her room thinking about Juan and his passion and his--money. Juan climbs through the window. Does he ever use a door? She is surprised to see him. He says he has to see her one more time tonight before they meet. He is so happy. She tries to talk to him but he turns to leave. As he’s climbing out the window he admonishes her to not fail him. At 12:00 he will meet her at the church. She can’t be late. Not even one second late. He leaves. She thinks about how much she loves him.

Curly is at the finca. He hears a noise and tries to hide under a bench. It’s Regina and she spies him instantly. What are you doing here? Don’t you want to answer me? Don’t you have confidence in me? I have confidence in you but my captain said not to tell. He said it was very important not to say anything. Not even me? Not even you says Juan as he walks in. Curly is worried that he is in trouble but Juan says not to worry. Aren’t you ashamed to deceive the boy with your smile and your false words? You misinterpreted my intentions. Juan hustles Curly out and says they have to go. Where are you going? To sea. I thought you’d be happy that I was leaving. I’m just interested. The only thing you are interested in is Renato. I’m leaving. He turns and leaves. Regina thinks about his leaving. For once Aimee didn’t lie. He really is leaving.

Over at the Can Can’t Club Felipe is talking to the girls about Rosenda. They are not going to open the casino tonight. The doorbell rings. It’s Remi looking for Malu. Remi starts to go into the kitchen. Felipe intercepts him and asks him to wait. He tells Lulu that Remi is looking for Malu. Felipe is just too funny and I love his toile vest. He’s one of my favorite characters. Malu thinks the flowers are beautiful. Remi has come to tell her that he is leaving for a while. This is goodbye then? No. I love you. I don’t have much to offer you but he asks her to marry him. Of course she accepts. He is so excited. I’m so happy for Remi. He tells her he loves her and they kiss a very sweet kiss. If he only knew.

Orca is walking around the finca with a pounding headache. Good. He’s looking for Leo. He barges into her bedroom. He wakes her up. I was hoping she’d have a heart attack but sadly--no. She tells him to get out. Something has happened. Tell me quick. The crazy tried to escape and I killed them both. Leo is shocked.

Lulu tells everyone the good news. They are all so happy for her. They are worried about what will happen if he finds out what she really does. Madame shows up from the doctors. She says things are bad. The doctor isn’t sure she will regain consciousness. They want to help her. She needs money now more than ever to help her daughter.

Doctorcito is thinking how beautiful Rosenda is.

Leo is in a panic. What to do? What to do? She wants him to hide the bodies.

Noel and Clemencia are having a pow-wow about Juan. They are worried about him. He could lose everything in this whole pirating deal. Aimee is listening to all this as she tries to sneak out of the house. She hears the part about Juan having nothing and starts to panic.

Leo is going crazy. I killed my own blood.

Aimee is waiting for the maid. She wants her to meet Juan and tell him she’s not coming. Tell him that I am sick. Really sick. Listen to what I tell you. Tell him we will have to postpone our plans. The maid suggests she write a letter and she will bring it to him. She asks the maid to swear that she only deliver the letter to Juan. No one else. This could be good.

Leo is beside herself. I don’t know why she really cares. Orca grabs her and she slaps him. She tells him to get out.

Aimee finishes the letter and gives it to the maid. She tells her to find her immediately when she gets back. The maid leaves to take the letter and Arcadio sees her. He wants to know where she’s going at this hour. She comes up with a lie. He grabs her arm. She gets up in the coach. He grabs her hair and throws her down and she gets knocked out. He sees the letter and reads it.

Aimee is pacing in the living room. Leo finds her and wants to know what the deal is. Arcado comes in saying he found the girl lying in the driveway. They rush out to help her. She wakes up saying she has to get to the church. Aimee makes sure she knows she is there. The maid starts babbling about the letter. The letter. Where is the letter. Aimee gets worried. She looks at Arcadio. He looks at her like he knows what’s up.


Friday, June 04, 2010

Dinero #126, 6/4/10: Where Are The Smelling Salts When You Need Them?

*Give Vicky a whiff and a good healthy dose of reality while you’re at it. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Vicky passes out during dinner, which sends her dad and brothers into a frenzy. The brothers scoop her up and take her in the bedroom.

Susana and Ale have a girl’s night out at a small bar. Ale tells Susana how romantic it was in Cocoyoc with Rafa. Susana wants to know the down-and-dirty: “Did you spend the night together?” Ale’s giggles suffice as a definite yes. Susana is so happy for her mejor amgia but wonders if Marco is still going to be hanging around. Ale says Marco hasn’t tried to contact her but he probably still talks to Rosario and Jorge. Susana worries Marco might know Ale is with Rafa. Ale doesn’t think Marco knows but it would be horrible if he did; she promised Marco she would never get involved with Rafa and Marco has always been jealous of him.

Susana thinks it over and decides Marco must not know, considering the scandal he caused the last time he thought Ale and Rafa were together. Ale lays some of the blame for that on the Siglo employees; someone had to have told Marco the name of the restaurant where they were meeting the Refri executives.

Ramirez gets a phone call from an “amiga” named Raquel. Marino gives Ramirez the third degree when he overhears him set up a date. Turns out, Ramirez met her at the bar after Marino gave him a shiner. Marino drapes his arm around Ramirez, undoubtedly about to give him some sleazy advice, but Ramirez shrugs him off and run over to help a client.

Rafa lets Pepeto know he is heading out to Vicky’s house. Pepeto is impressed with Rafa’s ability to juggle two ladies at once. “You spend the night with your boss and now you spend the night with your girlfriend!” Rafa tells him to lower his voice, which offends Pepeto. “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? Do you not trust me?” Rafa comes clean: he strikes his signature pose and admits he is Alejandra’s novio. Now he has to go convince Vicky they are over for good. Pepeto asks what VVV’s brothers think about it but Rafa is through with playing games. He is going to make it clear to all of them that his relationship with Vicky is done. Pepeto shakes Rafa’s hand and says it was nice knowing him. (LOL)

Ale decides her mission for the night is going to be telling her padre about the split with Marco and about her new relationship with Rafa. Susana is supports her 100%. “You can’t negotiate your happiness with your family.” Ale hopes she can convince them; Rafa is the best man for her, no matter what they might think of him now.

Speaking of discussions that aren’t going to go well, Rafa has arrived at VVV’s house. Biggest brother Felipe drags Rafa Vicky’s room to show him the damage he caused. A doctor takes Vicky’s blood pressure while she whimpers and moans. Rafa is concerned when Don Gaston tells him about VVV’s fainting spell. The doctor can’t find anything wrong and asks if Vicky might be pregnant. A chorus of “No!” breaks out with Rafa protesting the loudest.

The doctor says it’s probably just stress brought on by depression. Vicky whimpers her love for her pajarito and VVV’s family stares at Rafa. He tries to comfort Vicky but the hermanos toss Rafa out so as not to upset her even more. Once everyone has left the room, Vicky dries her tears and chows down on a bag of chips. She vows it isn’t going to be that easy for Rafa to get rid of her.

Chavez hands over a bunch of paperwork to Marco including the deed to Leonor’s house and Rafa’s debt deposit. They plan on meeting at seven the next morning to show off their handiwork to Ale. Chavez reminds Marco to fulfill his promises to Carmela or else they will both end up penniless and in jail. Marco is sure once he has finally squashed Rafa, he can end their business with Carmela.

Rafa joins Julieta and Leonor as they write up a plan for what to do with all the money Leonor won from the radio contest. Rafa asks Leonor if she is sure the contest was legitimate; she is positive but Rafa calls the bank to make sure. The bank confirms that the money is in Rafa’s account. Leonor wants Rafa to keep the winnings and use it to pay off his debt to Ale. Rafa refuses but Leonor and Julieta agree that he deserves it for his hard work. Rafa is firm that the money is Leonor’s alone and leaves to get ready for a date. This peaks Leonor’s curiosity since she knows Rafa broke up with Vicky.

Ale frets about what’s going to happen with the hacienda now that Marco’s gone. Susana tells Ale needs to be rid of him once and for all. “You and Rafa can’t have a successful relationship if your exes are breathing down your necks!” After Ale promises to have a talk with Marco, she squeals like a teenager when Rafa calls. He relays Vicky’s illness but assures Ale that the relationship is over. Rafa asks for the address of the bar so he can pick her up for a surprise date.

Rosaura and the General stop by a local bar to let off some steam. The naughty poet (I think his name is Tadeo) from Ramrio’s party just happens to be there and he wastes no time in reciting a few stanzas for her. Rosaura is also introduced to Mario (a painter), Rodolofo (another salesman), and Victor (a lawyer for ‘poor folks’). Rosaura is, as usual, out of her element around the blue-collar crowd.

Julieta is short with Jaime when he visits but he is desperate to talk to Rafa. Rafa tells everyone about Vicky’s fainting spell and Julieta thinks VVV must be pregnant. Jaime is horrified but Rafa says it would be impossible. Jaime starts hyperventilating.

The General explains Rosaura’s situation and the naughty poet freaks her out with some more choice verses. Everyone gets up to dance while Rosaura and the poet stay behind. They chat for a while and Rosaura ends up thrilled to have someone to talk to. He promises to be a devout listener as she starts telling her life story to the poor guy.

Don Gaston tries to get a dour Vicky to eat some soup. She moans for Rafa and Gaston’s heart breaks for his hija. Once he’s gone, Vicky breaks out the chips again.

Rosario calls Ale because Jorge refuses to go to bed until Ale gets home. Ale tells them not to wait up but Rosario won’t be waiting anyway: Quintana invited her to the movies. Ale is delighted for her Tia and tells her to have a good time. Rafa arrives for Ale and the two of them flirt and tease each other. Susana loves seeing them so happy and refuses to let Rafa pay for their drinks.

The General notices Rosaura boring the poet to death so they dance over to rescue him. The poet retreats to the bathroom so Rosaura sets her sights on the other guys.

Rafa brings Ale to a restaurant with a live Mariachi band. Their banter and playful flirting carries on as usual. A Mariachi guy notices Ale and starts to drool over her. Rafa mentions he brought his mother to the same restaurant for her birthday; he had wanted to treat her to something special because she misses his father. Rafa’s father left the family and they don’t know what happened to him. Rafa had to take on the responsibility after he disappeared. Ale loves him for being so honorable but her kiss is interrupted by the Mariachi hovering by their table.

Rafa invites Ale to his house the following night so she can meet his family. Ale would love it but she’s afraid to go because of how rudely she behaved in the past. Rafa promises they will welcome her. Their kiss is yet again intercepted by the Mariachi. Ale is also going to tell her family about Rafa the following day and she wants him to be there. Rafa says it’s a very different thing for him to be at her house than vice versa. Ale understands but is sure her family will accept him. (Seriously? Has she met them?)

Rafa loses his cool when the Mariachi interrupts their third try at a kiss. Ale reins Rafa in to avoid causing more of a scene. She doesn’t want him to be so jealous. They hug and Rafa exchanges ugly looks with the Mariachi over Ale’s shoulder. I predict a Mariachi sing-off on Monday.

Avances: Rafa and Ale dance at the restaurant and Chavez stakes out Ale’s house the next morning.


El Clon #78, Friday, May 4 - One divorce final; one divorce initiated; one suicide threatened and one diamond necklace missing

Marisa tells Rosa that her diamond necklace had better show up or she is calling the police. The maid wisely sees where the blame is likely to go and protests her innocence. When Rosa says that no one has accused her, the maid says,
Rosa, tú sabes que la cuerda siempre se revienta por el lado más flaco.
Rosa, you know that the chain breaks at the weakest link (literally, the cord breaks at the thinnest side.) Marisa describes the chain for Rosa and says that it is like a choker (una gargantilla (a little throat).

The sight of a street party at Gloria's nearly brings on a heart attack for Tío Abdul.

Having now seen the wicked ways of Westerners, Abdul says that he was wrong to let Said marry someone who was raised in the US. While Ali protests to Abdul that the world is greater than their Fez, the Naz slips out to participate in the wickedness.

Osvaldo asks Miguel the bartender to help him get a pass for a beach club for Karla. He says it's not what Miguel thinks but it is a matter of life and death.

Leo has finally found a hotel room. He keeps apologizing to Amalia. Then he gets a call from a weepy Cristina who pretends to know nothing about the cancellation of the hotel reservation. She says that she is calling to bid him farewell. She is leaving this world. Cristina tells Vicki that she has a better plan than screwing up Leo's travel arrangements. She says that if it works, Leo will be back in Miami right away. [If it doesn't work, she will have to commit suicide or forever lose any credibility with Leo.]

Cristina furthers her plan by giving Enrique a note for Leo and continuing to appear to be depressed.

It's time for Jade to go to Mohamed's. Zoraida says that she is afraid for Jade but Jade replies that,
Lo peor que me pueda pasar va a ser lo mejor para mí.
The worst that can happen will be the best thing for me. Jadiya asks her mother to reconcile with Said.

At Mohamed's house, there is a knock at the door. The women and children are cleared out. Jade and Zoraida come in.

Ali and Abdul, as the oldest members of Said's and Jade's families state that they will resolve the problems with this couple. Amin is listening from hiding.

Jade gets to present her quejas (complaints) first. She says that she wants a divorce because she isn't happy with Said. Abdul goes through the bases for a divorce that a wife may claim and that we already know: husband doesn't provide enough food or clothing; the husband beats his wife severely enough to cause bruises (magulladuras) or bleeding (sangrado); husband lets wife sleep alone for more than a month. Jade admits that none of those causes exist. Jade says that Said kept her a prisoner in his house and wouldn't let her see her family or use the telephone. Said says,
Lo hago para que no llenes mi casa de vergüenza.
I did it so that you wouldn't fill my house with shame.

Jade denies this. She says that he did it to humiliate her because he has known from the first day of their marriage that she didn't want to be with him. Said replies that Jade had an opportunity during the ceremony to get out of marrying him and she didn't take it. He says that he did everything he was supposed to do and she did none of the things that Ali promised for her. He dares her to deny it and of course she can't because he is right.

Said accuses Jade of betraying him. Ali says that if Said can prove that Jade betrayed him with another man, he will wash his hands of her. Jade and Said accuse each other of adultery but neither of them have the required witnesses. Jade says that all she wants is to get a divorce and be free. Said finally says that he wants a divorce, too.

Just like the last time Jade and Said got divorced, she has to wait for 3 menstrual cycles to make sure that she isn't pregnant. Ali goes through the rules and both parties agree. Ali announces that they are divorced. Nobody says anything about Jadiya.

Enrique calls Leo to tell him about Cristina's visit and letter. Leo blows it off. Later, though, he gets up from bed with Amalia, calls Enrique and has him read the note. He buys the suicide threat and decides to return to Miami the next day.

Nati is not as astute as the maid. She takes the news of the missing necklace lightly and tells her mother to search her things if she wants to.

It appears that Lucas wants Enrique to act as his divorce lawyer. That is a really bad idea. If anything would drive someone to drink, it would be dealing with Marisa in a divorce. Enrique doesn't want to do it either. Lucas tells him to give Marisa whatever money she asks for. He just wants to be free of her.

Zoraida wants Latifa to call Lucas and give him the news about Jade's divorce. Latifa makes Zoraida place the call. Lucas says that he will wait for Jade forever.

Jade tells Rania that she is Said's first and only wife.

The Chump tells Malicia that Luisa's candidate got the job in the bar. Malicia tells him no worries. She will get the job for herself.
Yo no creo que puedas ablandarle el corazón a tu tía.
I don't believe that you can soften your aunt's heart, says the Chump.
Hay muchas maneras de convencer al la gente.
There are lots of way to change people's minds, replies Malicia.

Fernando goes to see his dad. He wants the Chump to tell him why he left Clara and took a lover. The Chump says that Alicia isn't his lover. He manages to convince Fernando that his relationship with Malicia started when Clara threw him out of the house and that was when he realized that he was very much in love with her. Fernando buys this but asks his dad to come alone to the launching of his band since Clara will be there.

Alej tell Ramoncito that the encouragement and moral support he is getting from his girlfriend is what he was lacking before in his fight career.

Nati tells Andrea and Rosa how happy she is and that the only thing missing is for Leo to give Alej a job so he doesn't have to worry about money. Andrea says that Alej will be more successful than Oscar de la Hoya . Nati replies that there is one difference - Alej is much handsomer. [Nati may be showing her prejudice here. Oscar de la Hoya was pretty handsome.] Everybody is laughing and having a good time until Marisa comes into the room and and spreads a pall over everything like a corpse at a feast. She asks if Rosa has found her necklace. Rosa says not yet.
Bien. Haré lo que tuve que haber hecho desde un principio.
Fine. I will do what I should have done from the beginning, says the bruja.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje June 2, 2010- Regina said no no no!

I cannot believe Jimena and Gabriel finally kissed again and now they are planning on running away together. Of course, this isn’t going to actually happen but the moment was very romantic.

At the casino the lustful men gaze after the can can ladies, idk y, they are extremely boring and never change their routine, really.

Splendid Juan del Diablo in his awesome tux -drools- shows up and everyone now knows he is actually SOMEONE WITH MONEY. Fulgencio greets him as he always has, for he always respected him, even when everyone thought he was penniless. Rodrigo approaches the table to ruin the party. Booooo.

Orca tells Rosenda that he always held some affection for her and then leaves her for dead on the ground. Bastard.

Jimena and Gabriel gaze at the same moon as they vow their eternal love to each other separately. No one will separate them. Sadly, I’m sure something will.

Orca and Leo speak about Orca’s latest crime and he shows her the letter he’d thought he’s lost, Clemencia’s letter and also points out that Rosenda is dead (allegedly) so she is even more indebted to him than ever.

Oh there goes the doctor in shining armor with his white horse to save Rosenda. For some reason I feel very sympathetic for her even though she kept playing everyone against each other. She was actually very masterful at her thing. And besides, she played people who deserved to be played. Maybe she can mend her ways after she smooches up to handsome Doctorcito -I am sure he will enjoy her boobs- and finally meets and hopefully forgives her mom.

Fulgencio, Juan, Federico and Rodrigo play cards. Juan taunts Rod and it’s very funny. He ups the stakes after Loser woody wins a round.

Doctorcito saved Rosenda, it seems she is alive for her head is wrapped in gauze and she is lying on a white bed. Yay! You go Doctorcito!

Nasty Rod muses about how he will see Juan dead soon. Riiiiight. I wouldn't hold my breath, buddy. He folds the game rudely and Juan taunts him again. They argue. Juan reminds him he is the socio mayoritario and gives him his winnings so he won’t starve. How humiliating. I love you Juan -blows kiss-.

Juan walks out into the night with his stylish cane, chuckling at his own wit. The hired ruffians go for the kill but Juan wields his cane and knocks them over before they can say ay ay ay, canta y no llores! And Yo sigo siendo el rey! Pathetic, ptth. Is this the best Rod could come up with? Juan uses his cane as a sword and it’s pretty awesome. I wonder how long it took to choreograph that scene.

“Who sent you!” he demands.

The ruffian hits our hero him and escapes before replying but Juan knows the obvious answer. Rodrigo Montes de Oca.

Dr. Miranda receives Madame Marlene in his office/clinic. She is distraught and crying. She does crying well. Why must she paint that god awful heart on her cheek? At least make it smaller it would be much tasteful. Ok, now that I can focus away from the monstrosity… oh yes she cries, “Que paso, ay dios mio! I came as soon as you called me!”

She gazes at her daughter dramatically and pats her bandaged head. They wonder why she was all alone in that road when she was attacked. MM gets indignant.

“The crime could have a double purpose… Rosenda is expecting a child.”

Oh my what will be of her as a single mother… oh never mind, Miranda will be there to raise him/her, ok sorry I’m just liking this couple.

MM swears she will see what’s what. Haha I’m looking forward to some arguing.

The ruffians all bruised and defeated are letting Rod know they failed and he angrily insults them and tells them they won’t get a cent. They weren’t going to get anything anyway haha.

Jimena and Mariella are together. Jimena is all happy and skipping around the room. She notices her mother has a fever. Oh oh, is this a bad foreshadowing?

It’s daytime. Wow, Marlene added 2 plus 2 very well, because she storms into Leo’s study and accuses her. “She is expecting Rodrigo’s child! You tried to kill her!”

Leo realizes she was about to kill her love’s son and their own blood. Um, doesn't she want to kill Juan, and he is of their family's blood too? I guess it doesn't count because he is her "skanky" sister's son.

Regina and Juan are together the day of Regina’s wedding, a tragic events. Her dress is much prettier than Aimee’s was.

“You cannot get married, you will die without ever knowing true love. Your dad is just guilting you into this, using you. Don’t get married. Don’t do it. Don’t sacrifice yourself.”

These words seem to really make an impact on Regina. She looks distraught.

The wedding… Only the family present. I wonder if there was even a party planned. Wow they really think little of Regina, don't they? The minister is saying the words. Promise to love her blab la bla. Fed is looking oily and fruity as always. Ok now that Regina donned that veil and gloves she doesn’t look as pretty anymore. Still, I kinda like it.

Regina looks she is about to barf right on Fed’s shoes. Rod, Leo and Aimee are sending her daggers with their eyes. Jeez, y don’t you press a gun to her head. Clemencia lowers her head and Renato looks like he doesn’t know where he is or what’s going on.

In the meantime… Juan and Colibri are at Luzbel. The guards arrive to interrogate him. They accuse him and they all point their guns at him. They have someone who was a witness to their previous hijack. Oh oh…

We go back to Jimena and Mariella. Jimena tells her Gabriel asked her to run away. They express their feelings of fraternity to each other. “I wish that when I find my daughter, she is as good and kind as you.” Awww. You know they really resemble each other. Are they mother and daughter in real life?

Juan bravely faces to the guards. What will happen now? Why isn’t he at the wedding. Crap, he tries fighting them but they are too many. He is just going to get hurt. One of them is thrown into the water, lol. Gabriel and all the Pescadores show up to the rescue! “Juan is a very powerful man.” Yay!

“You haven’t responded, Regina, do you accept this man?” Hell no! No, no, no, no, no, don’t do it. Oh jeez, another round of commercials. What torture. -bites nails-

“No, no father. I do not accept. Sorry Federico I cannot accept you.”

YES! Yes Regina you tell them. Rod slaps him right in front of everyone. What a bastard. Regina turns away and Clemencia hugs her. Leo tells Rod he cannot let this happen. Noel shakes Rod and tells him it has been enough as it is.

Aimee is all upset and angry. Think about someone else for once! Oh sorry, that is like asking for there to not be spring showers in May -rolls eyes-

Los Pescadores are defending Juan. They mention Juan’s father. He tries to charge but the Pescadores pull him back. Arguing back and forth. Juan decides to go to la comisaria. Ok how did Noel get there so quick, wasn’t he at a wedding? How did they let him know to come to la comisaria to defend Juan? -scratches head-

They are going to take away everything from Juan if he can’t prove all his stuff isn’t from ill gains. Jeez whizz. O_O Noel is permitted to keepsake all his positions while they find this “proof” for being so honorable.

Noel pulls Juan aside to ask him if its true that he was the one who attacked that boat. He tells him yes, it was us, we were helping our friends who were being unjustly treated.

Then Noel lets Juan know Regina didn’t get married. They get some chuckles out of that. He is going to go back to help Regina since she is going to be persecuted by everyone.

Gabriel gives them a letter that contains some information about fed. Whoooo

Fed, Rod, Leo and Aimee rage against Regina’s horrible, horrible act. Fed says he cannot believe this is happening and he is sooo angry. It’s horrible. Juan shows up, yay! Partay time for the Montes de Oca. Here it goes.

Poor Regi and Clem are at Constanza’s grave crying. I feel so bad for her. She asks for forgiveness. Please girl, you are too good. Clem tries consoling her. “My dad will never forgive me for what I did.” Clemencia says Rod is the only responsible one for his problems. Amen sister. Regi sadly reminds herself that her only love is lost for her. She swears she will face up to Juan so he won’t further ruin his family.

“I came to prove that Fed is a fraud, the authorities are after him for several crimes, he is penniless.”

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahah Finally!

Rod reads the telegram and starts insulting him and slaps him. Really, isn’t it very gay to slap another man? He kicks him out.

Juan tells Ren that he is disappointed in him for almost letting Regina married. He accuses Juan of being interested in Regina and of lying to all of them since the begging. Didn't he always tell him there was more to him that met the eye and he had his secrets yada yada? Boy you are slow Ren. He also alleges Regi was the one he pursued at Aimee’s ridiculous wedding.

Juan denies being interested in Regina but his eyes say otherwise :P

Regina walks into the room and everyone turns to look at her. Poor child.


Dinero #125 6/3/10: WWJD: What Would Jaime Do?

From last time: Beltran barely lets Rafa and Ale celebrate their success in Cocoyok (the business deal, not the personal one) before he’s on them about the Celeste contract and threatening to kill himself with his necktie. Susana shares a conspiratorial smile with Ale and tells her they have a conversation pending. She then warns Ale to try to hide the mega watt smile of hers, or everyone will know what’s up.

Tonight: Rafa continues to give Jaime a hard time over the phone about whether he followed the rules with his baby sis, meaning kept his hands off and slept in separate beds. Jaime stutters and sputters, but soon enough Rafa lets him off the hook, saying “I know you were a total gentleman. How could I not trust you?” Poor Jaime is feeling even more like a slimy traitor. His only two bed notches consist of Rafa’s baby sis and Rafa’s girlfriend (he thinks).

Rafa tells Jaime how happy he is because he is the novio of Alejandra Alvarez de Castillo! He’s practically singing, he’s so happy. Jaime, on the other hand, is having a mini heart attack imagining the wrath of VickyVickyVicky. He tries to convince Rafa to rethink things. “What, are you her lawyer? Whose side are you on?” Jamie assures Rafa that he’s on his side, he just doesn’t want to see Rafa’s, and his own, blood run down the streets when Vicky’s family kills Rafa and all those associated with him. Rafa’s had enough. He yells into the phone, loud enough for it to become clear to Jaime, and loud enough for Ale in her office next door to hear, that his heart and soul belong to Ale. And he is going to talk to Vicky and her family tonight to make sure they get the message. He hangs up on Jaime, promising (threatening?) that they’ll talk later.

Ale approaches Rafa’s desk looking concerned about how upset Rafa appears after that conversation. She wonders if he should call Marian Celeste, but then asks him what’s wrong when she sees how upset he is. He explains about Vicky’s playing deaf when he broke up with her and not accepting it. Ale’s clearly concerned as she thought both she and Rafa were free and single. “For me, it’s over”, Rafa explains. He asks about her ex-novio and Ale says it’s as clear as a bell for Marco.

It’s so clear, in fact, that at this moment Marco and Chavez are wrapping up their business deal with Frank. The deal that will result in Rafa and his family in jail and/or on the streets, and in Ale returning to Marco (supposedly). Frank gives Marco a final bone crushing squeeze and makes his exit. Marco wants Chavez’s assurance that they’re rid of Frank for good and that no one will be able to trace the scam back to them. Whatever the costs to get this done, it’s worth it.

We leave our loveable scoundrels, for a not so lovable slimeball. Marino has somehow managed to convince one of the lovely floor models to go out for a drink and a meal with him. I’m thinking she’s not so smart to even give him the time of day, but when she orders a VIRGIN piña colada, I figure she has some common sense. Marino begins his sales pitch. He wants her to be his baby mama. She wonders what about love and marriage, before the baby carriage. He tells her that comes AFTER she gives him a baby girl. He has her stand and tells her she would look great pregnant, and then has a fantasy of her very pregnant, dressed in white (and she does look lovely), and him caressing her baby bump. “Wouldn’t you love to have my baby?” She looks at him like she’d far prefer to have a hernia. When she makes it clear she’s not going to give him baby # 10, he decides that he’s not going to pay her half of the tab. Jerk!

Back at Siglo, Ale’s urging Rafa to call Marian already when Susana comes in to announce that she’s on the phone, wanting to speak to Rafa. Uh, oh! Rafa wants to put her on speaker phone so that Ale can hear every word and there won’t be any misunderstandings. Rafa doesn’t quite understand the concept of a speaker phone and, despite Ale’s coaching in the background, thinks he needs to yell at Marian to be heard. But it doesn’t really matter what tone of voice Rafa uses, because Marian is mad. Mad about being stood up. Twice! It’s a lack of respect. Rafa begs pardon, but Marian claims she’s too busy to talk now, tells Rafa to call her at 5pm, and ends the call. She looks like she regrets hanging up on him though.

Rafa is desperate, but Ale knows what’s up. She says Marian’s furious, like a girlfriend that’s been stood up. “She wants you on your knees, so that she can get what she wants.” Rafa doesn’t think Marian’s like that, but Ale assures him that all women are the same. Rafa thinks Ale wouldn’t do something like that. Ale assures Rafa that she would, to get him (her principe). This pleases Rafa and for a moment he forgets all his problems and tells Ale, “te amo.” Ale rewards him with a smile, but gets back down to business. They need to deal with Marian. Rafa is sure she will take his call at 5. Ale is even more sure that she will not.

Rafa’s chomping at the bit to call exactly at 5, but Ale makes him wait a while (and we see Marian sitting anxiously by her phone). When Ale finally lets him call, Marian hesitates, but doesn’t answer. Ale won’t let Rafa leave a message. She understands this game. “Don’t let her know you’re suffering. Wait. Approach with a cool head.” Beltran comes in and Rafa quickly hides. His poor little heart won’t be able to take it if Rafa doesn’t get that Celeste contract signed. Ale lets him know the signed contract is on the way. “Santa Claus!”, exclaims Rafa after Beltran leaves.

While Rafa’s evoking Santa, Jaime’s chatting with his buddy Jesus. He confesses that he doesn’t know what road to take. He loves Julieta now more than ever after their romantic getaway, but he has a responsibility to Vicky and their baby, now more than ever that Rafa is in love with Ale. This is really Jesus’ fault, given that he knows and sees all. “What would you do Jesus?”

Jesus is probably too busy getting ready to celebrate his birthday to listen to Jaime’s problems, and Susana, Trapito and the floor models have been tasked by Beltran with putting up the (tasteful but not costly) Christmas tree. Susana wants them to keep in mind that the tree is a symbol of faith and renewal. She leaves it in the hands of the models because they have good taste. Trapito wants to know if Susana thinks he has good taste. Susana is sweet, but honest. Nope. But sweetheart Trapito points out that he’s crazy about Susana, so that must mean he has good taste. Awww!

Rafa and Ale attempt a third call with Marian. Ale has Rafa wait till just the right moment. She is sure Marian will pick up this time. When she does, a surprised and impressed Rafa yells out “bruja!” at Ale. Luckily, it doesn’t seem that Marian hears this (that would make an already bad situation worse). Rafa does nearly blow it again though when he tells Marian he will send someone over to pick up the contract. Say what?! Marian’s not pleased with this, and when she thinks about it, she’s not that pleased with one aspect of the contract. Siglo needs to take her old trucks off her hands. Rafa brings up Siglo policy, but Ale coaches him to negotiate the point. Rafa offers to talk it out via PHONE. Rafa is really blowing it now. Marian demands to see him, in person. “I’ll be waiting for you at 5 pm tomorrow.”

Ale seems jealous of/annoyed by Rafa’s date with Marian. Rafa offers to cancel, but she insists that business comes first and they’re in this together, “hasta que el dinero nos separe.” A little while later, Rafa can see that something is still bothering her and asks if she wants to come to the Marian meeting with him, so that she’ll have no doubts. Ale apologizes and asks Rafa to forgive her. She trusts him, and she doesn’t want him to take that worry into his meeting with Marian. What’s really bugging her is this business with Vicky and her family not accepting that Rafa has broken off with her, and his meeting with Vicky that evening. Rafa assures her all will be well, and offers to pick her up after his talk with Vicky, and her talk with Susana, to take her home and sneak a few more kisses. They lean in for another tender kiss just as Beltran busts in to their office. All of a sudden, Ale’s playing dentist and examining Rafa’s teeth with great interest. Beltran doesn’t much care what they were doing, he just wants the Celeste contract and his money, money, money. If not, Rafa’s going to be out on his butt. (Santa Claus!)

Jamie enters the lion’s den, Casa Vicky, to face up to the worst mistake (he thinks) he’s ever made in his life. When he tells Vicky that he is going to take responsibility for her and their baby, and break the news to her family, Rafa and Julieta, the only response she can muster up is, “Qué!” This was NOT the plan. The plan, if Jaime doesn’t remember, was to convince Rafa to sleep with her so that she could pass the baby off as his (well, the real plan is to get pregnant for realz with Rafa’s baby). Jaime breaks the news that Rafa and Ale are now an item. This earns a slap from Vicky, big enough to knock both Jaime and his glasses to the ground. He insists on taking responsibility. She runs him out of her house warning him to NEVER come back. (Does that sound like the actions of a desperate pregnant woman?)

Marco has also guessed the truth about Ale and Rafa when his little spy Claudia tells him that Ale and Rafa arrived together and Rafa was wearing the same clothes. Marco starts to have a meltdown. “She promised me!” Chavez tries to reason with him by pointing out that he hasn’t been so loyal. Marco counters that he ultimately was faithful. Since he couldn’t really seal the deal with anyone…

My dvr cut off just as the Brothers Grimm and Don Gaston appeared, so feel free to fill in what happened and what previews were. I’m sure there’s some Vicky craziness to be seen.


El Clon Thursday June 3: In which the elders from Fez convene in Miami to decide the fate of a family...

... Leo and his Boiled Fish are adrift in the Medina; and Marisa, bored with pulling wings off flies, explores a new way to torture

Los hijos pertinecen a los padres; es la ley
The children belong to the fathers; it’s the law.
Ali reminds Jade (and us) that regardless of the outcome of her marriage, Said has the final say about who keeps Jadiya. Jade insists that Jadiya will stay with her. When your father died, says Ali, I made the mistake of allowing you to stay with your mother instead of insisting you come back with me. Today, I would act differently.

Enter Mohamed and his family. The elder (men) of the family will decide what happens with Said and Jade, announces Ali.
Hay que convocar un consejo de familia.
We have to convene a family meeting.

Yo no tuve la culpa.
It wasn’t my fault, says Zoraida when Said returns to the gilded cage with Rania and Amina in tow only to find his prize specimen has escaped.

The Schadenfreude Sisters, Rania and Amina, manage to contain their delight until they reach Rania’s room where they celebrate Jade’s departure and their own sure ascent to the throne.

Said questions Miriam and Zoraida closely and concludes that Jade (mujer endemoniado – woman possessed by the devil, demon woman) must have put sleeping pills (somnifero) in the guards’ coffee so she could escape their vigilance.

At Casa Mohamed, Latifa asks Jade why she is fighting against her destiny; I fear for you, says Latifa. Jade welcomes the opportunity to tell the Consejo how Said has been mistreating her. Anyhow, she says, I had to come here because I had no money. Why, she wonders, couldn’t I find Lucas? He would have helped me get away.

Te ves decepcionado
You look disappointed oozes the pustulent sore that is Marisa when she and Lucas return to la Casa Ferrer. You look even more disappointed than I was that Jade wasn’t at Roberto’s house, rejoins Lucas. I am, agrees Marisa, but there will be other chances, she smirks. Exit Marisa and enter Rosa who complains to Lucas that the shameless Jade actually showed up at the house while he was gone. Whoa… Jade was here? He looks … concerned but pleased.

Yo no quiero el divorcio
I don’t want the divorce, says Jadiya. She wants her parents together and offers to talk to her father to patch things up. Children should stay with their mothers, asserts Samira. After all, a mother carries the child in her belly for nine months, she nourishes the child. But that’s not what our religion and customs dictate, says Latifa. Well. says Samira, if you and my father get divorced, I’m going to stay with you. And if I get married, it won’t be to a Moslem – I don’t want the same fate as my Aunt Jade.

A furious Said arrives at Mohamed’s house and accusations fly. Ali tells them they will have the opportunity to air their complaints (quejas) in the Family Consejo. If you can’t reconcile your differences, there will be a divorce.

Jade and Jadiya return to the gilded cage with Said and he sends Jade to bed (without her supper?). Zoraida lingers behind and tries to reason with him. You’re not happy together so why don’t you let her go? she asks.
Porque mi corazón no deja. Mi cabeza quiere, pero mi corazón se opone.
Because my heart won’t allow it. My head wants to but my heart is opposed.
Jade es mía. Jade me pertenece a mí.
Jade is mine. Jade belongs to me.

Perro Amor (no, I’ve got the right show – it just fits!)
Love bites!
Said opens the door to Rania’s room; she senses his presence and smiles. Then she hears him retreat and her face falls. He goes to Jade’s room, looks longingly at her; she is turned away from him and appears exasperated. He thought bubbles:
Si no vas a ser para mí, no vas a ser para nadie más, Jade, nadie más.
If you’re not mine, no one else will have you, Jade, no one else.
And Rania reflects miserably:
Ya no viene, a pesar de todo la prefiere a ella.
He’s not coming, in spite of everything he prefers her.

¿Dónde estabas, Daniel?
Where were you, Daniel, asks Estela when he wanders in at daybreak. Where’s my mother, he wants to know. Told that she is with clients, he says: Just tell me when she gets home.

And at Albieri’s house, he and Luisa are trying to make sense of Alicia’s behavior. Alicia seemed like a different person when she came here to pick up her luggage, remarks Luisa. When she first came here, she was so sweet and soft, but it was a lie. I never trusted her, says Albieri.
Hay gente mala en el mundo.
There are bad people in the world, he adds.
Escobar, aka The Chump, shows up, tells them he and Malicia are living in a hotel. looking to buy an apartment. Our relationship just happened, I didn’t look for it. Anyway, my marriage was in trouble already.
Luisa tells him that they will continue to treat him as they always have but that Malicia is never, ever to darken her doorway again.

Malicia tells the Chump that she knew Luisa would react like that, resentful, jealous old biddy that she is. Oh how she used me and then threw me out in the street! My whole life has been like that, but it’s my own fault for always trying to help people. But you are special, the Chump assures her. And I know a guy who knows a guy – an Arab – who’s opening a bar. He’ll find you a job there. The Chump then surrenders to passion while Malicia looks around in vain for the barf bag.

Fernando and Clara discuss Escobar’s perfidy. Maybe it’s a middle-age crisis (la crisis de los cuarenta) suggests Fernando. What will you do, he asks Clara. Seguir adelante (just keep going ) she answers. It may just be the lighting, but Fernando looks as if he feels sad for his mother. But maybe he just ate some bad guacamole.

Ramoncito tells Gloria that the rich girl is helping Alejo with his training. Gloria’s not pleased. Just then, Ali, always one with an eye for the pretty ladies, shows up and greets Gloria warmly. His gallantry is cut short when he catches sight of Samira and shoos her back into the house.

The Naz is talking on the phone to Amina, trying to arrange un encuentro de casualidad (a chance meeting) between her and Mohamed. Samira overhears this and runs to tell her mother about it. Latifa is steaming. Samira pleads with her to calm down, reminding her that whenever she speaks ill of the Naz, her father gets mad. Fortunately, Mohamed is asleep and Latifa has a bit of time to cool down. Mohamed is dreaming of two beauties, Latifa and Amina, undulating in gold in a dance just for him, then startles awake exclaiming:
Gacela, ¡tuve una pesadilla terrible!
Gazelle, I had a terrible nightmare!

Pablo and Vicki are running together. When they take a break, he asks her whether Cris has a boyfriend. Vicki swallows her disappointment at his interest in her friend and offers to help him with her, if he wants.

At Empresa Ferrer, Lucas tells Enrique that, according to Rosa, Jade was at his house and he’s sure she came there looking for help. Enrique says that is unlikely, Rosa must be mistaken. No, Lucas insists, something bad is happening and I feel so impotent, so helpless; I can’t do anything.

Enrique takes a swig from a hip flask. Lucas is shocked to see him drinking. Enrique justifies himself by saying Leo has lost confidence in him as a lawyer, that he asked his advice and then asked the whole legal department the same thing over again (You remember the question: How do I wrest my son’s legal inheritance away from him?) only to get the same answer. He keeps me on out of compassion! I’m nothing but a clown.

Just then Carolina enters and catches a glimpse of Enrique drinking and gets a whiff of alcohol. He denies it, but she looks dubious.

In a more modest neighborhood, Dora comes home and finds Daniel waiting. I know that Osvaldo can’t father children, he says flatly. At first Dora tries to deny that, and counterattack but finally gives up. And what about Albieri? continues Lucas.
In an uncharacteristic outburst Dora says: I should have left you with Albieri. I gave up everything for you.
Lucas counters: You were so selfish you gave up everything to separate me from Albieri.
How dare you call me selfish! she cries.
Well if Albieri’s not my father and neither is Osvaldo, then who is? If you don’t tell me:
te juro que no me vas a volver a ver nunca más!
I swear to you that you’re never going to see me again!
Enter Estela: You didn’t stay with Albieri because you were just a toy for him and he got tired of you. Period.
Lucas: Abuela, ¿Albieri es mi papá?
Estela: Sí hijo, es tu padre.
I knew it, says Lucas, I knew Albieri was my father.
How could you tell him that? Dora asks her mother. Better that than the truth that his father could be anyone; and better he have a certainty than a doubt. [huh? a true lie?]

And in a land far away…
Leo and Amalia show up at a tony Moroccan hotel and inquire in Arabic, English, French and Spanish after their reservations. Doesn’t help. Seems someone has cancelled them. And now there’s not a room to be had in all the city. ¡Pobrecitos! [Can you hear that? The world's tiniest violins playing?]

Es el comienzo de mi venganza
It’s the start of my revenge, Cris tells Vicki, just the first surprise awaiting Leoncito and that boiled fish (pescado hervido ese) he’s with in Morocco.
Vicki tells Cris that Pablo has confessed his interest in her (Cris), but she blows this off saying: No es mi tipo. He’s not my type.

And Leo and his pescado hervido are wandering through the Medina looking hot and bothered. What now? she asks. First thing, he says, I’m going to call Clara and fire her! How could she cancel the reservation!

Jolly old Tío Abdul is met at the Miami airport by his nephew Mohamed. He says Said should have corrected his wife’s behavior long ago.
No hay que dejar el muro bajo porque las personas lo brincan.
You shouldn’t leave the wall low because people will jump over it.
Said left his wall low and if we don’t take a firm stand, Rania will soon do the same (as Jade).

Abdul is scandalized by the festivities at Gloria’s when he arrives at Mohamed’s house.

Karla accosts Osvaldo and tries to extort her monthly payment and threatens him with jail if he doesn’t pay up by the next day.

Broomstick alert!!! Bruja crossing!!!!
¡Mi collar de diamantes desaparecío de mi cuarto!
My diamond necklace disappeared from my room, announces Marisa. Rosa says there’s never been a theft in their house, she must have misplaced it. Well lately, smirks Marisa, there have been some undesirable people, people we don’t know, in the house. [indeseable: undesirable, i.e. Alejo]
O aparece mi collar o llamo a la policía.
Either my necklace shows up or I call the police.

Credits roll.


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Corazon Salvaje June 2, 2010 Discussion

Jeri is on vacation this week and I'm not sure if someone is covering for her. I'll post this for now as a place to comment.


Dinero #124 6/2/10: “The pitch, the mark, the hook and the sting”

No mice were harmed in the writing of this recap but I wanted to do bodily harm to a couple of rats. (Chavez and Marco). After our last night of cositas, possible cositas, definitely not cositas, and two roomies getting to know one another, we start oh so slowly to unravel.

It all starts with Chavez and Marco. Marco wants to know more about the radio contest. Chavez assures him he has the perfect guy for the job. He calls his buddy to make sure he still has a good Radio voice. We hear a loud yell on the other end of the phone. Good enough. Chavez tells him he has a gig for him and gives him the directions to Marco’s apartment. We hear Marco’s dark thoughts to himself “With this plan I can finish off Medina and get Ale back.”

We switch to Rafa checking in with Lenora. Lenora informs him about the call she received from a supposed client (Chavez). Lenora doesn’t quite remember his name but says he told her he would call Rafa. Rafa admits to having to turn off his phone because Vicky had been calling over and over. Lenora tells him she was over to the house and very upset that Rafa wanted to break up with her. Lenora reminds him that she doesn’t believe Vicky agrees with this (Duh ya think?) Rafa tells her to turn the phone off and he will deal with it when he returns to the city. The he inquires after Jaimie and Julieta.

Susana is telling Rosaura and the General there will not be a meeting today. The General wants to know if neither Ale or Rafa are there. She wants to know if they are at the beach again. Susana tells her not to start up with that. Rosaura in her own little world lets Susana know she had to take a cold shower this morning.
The General escorts Rosaura off and Susana gets a very strange call. It is Vicky disguising her voice wanting to talk to Rafa. Susana smiles and tells her he isn’t there. Vicky hangs up quite disappointed.

Back at the Rats apartment, we get our first look at Frank. (Who says Dinero doesn’t have hunks). Chavez introduces him to Marco. They both give each other a look over. Marco goes for a hand shake and a “how do you do“. The hand shake is very firm and Frank gives a “fine and you?” Marco checking out his injured fingers tells him “fine until you busted my hand.”

Frank wants to know what he needs to do. Chavez tells him, “one phone call and one visit.” He gives him a phone number and tells him he has to make the call as if he were calling from a radio station. This seems to be a little bit difficult for Frank to comprehend. (I said he was a hunk not a brain). Marco insults him and tells him to concentrate. Frank is offended and stands ready to rumble. Marco backs down and tells Chavez just to get on with it already.

Rafa is waiting for Ale outside of a cathedral. He asks her if she has finished her business and sealed the deal. Ale smiles and says yes. He asks her if she was happy with the commission and she corrects him and says “our commission” . He reminds her if he takes any he will just have to return it to her as part of the debt he owes her.

There is a sweet kiss and Ale says “Should we go my love?” Then she asks him if he wants to drive. Rafa is taken by surprise with this and Ale not one to miss a sarcastic moment even when she is happy says “well I know it’s not as nice as Marian’s” Rafa has a great comeback. He says this one is better because he can take his girlfriend to all sorts of places. Then he asks her if she is sure she wants to let a delinquent drive. She smiles and says but you’re my perfect delinquent. (or something like that.) The happy couple are off but not before they have a moment to say a quick prayer at church.

Chavez is explaining the plan to Frank. He tells him he has all the information he needs and to go Lenora’s house. Frank interrupts and says to kill her. Chavez says no no no, Then tries to explain in simple Spanish what this guy needs to do. He tells him he has to call first. Frank wants to know how much money he is going to get. Chavez thinks about this for a second and says 20,000 pesos. Marco is not happy with this amount. Chavez then adds that they can’t pay him now but will pay him on the week end. Chavez assures him he is a man of his word. Frank assures him that if they don’t pay he would wreck their apartment with out any trouble. Then he says he needs to prepare his voice. Marco suggests water but our dear Frank wants Whiskey a double. Chavez is more than generous with Marcos whiskey. Marco takes him aside and voices his concern about whether this guy is the best for the job. Besides he is drinking his whiskey. Chavez tries to calm him down. Marco is concerned about the money they have to pay him and also the money they will have to give Lenora. Chavez tells him not to worry the money will come from Medina. (I am not sure but I think it has to do with the profits from the house.)

Frank makes his call to Lenora. He is very smooth and Marco is impressed. He tells her this is her lucky day. She has a chance to win a fortune. All she has to do is answer one simple question. Who discovered America. Lenora has to think about this. Frank helps her out a little bit. It starts with Co and ends with on. Lenora guesses Colon, Cristobal Colon. “ Correcto!! You win thousands of Pesos”. Lenora is jumping for joy and Chavez and Marco look at each other in disbelief that their plan is working.

Zetina is back, looking sadder than ever. He just wants a job. Bebe is the only one who greets him. Everyone else is worried that if he gets a job there someone might get fired. He goes to Susana who still can’t remember his name. She tells him he will need to talk to Ale or Rafa but neither one are in. Sardina, I mean Zetina decides to wait. In the meantime Vicky calls again with a different disguised voice. Susana still not fooled, smiles and tells her Rafa isn’t in. This is not going how Vicky planned as she slams the phone down.

Marino is off chasing skirts again. He is on the lookout for a fine young thing that can give him the one thing he has always wanted. A baby girl. He has cornered one of the sweet floor models and asks her out. He won’t take no for an answer. (Disgusting maggot!)

Back to our sinister sting. Frank is on the phone with Lenora who is all excited. She wants to know if she really won. Frank assures her she has. Now all they have to do is get some information. He asks her if she has a bank account. Lenora doesn’t have one. Guess who does? Rafa. Frank tells our rat bags that Lenora doesn’t have a bank account but Rafa does. Marco says “perfect” get the bank account number. Frank tells her fine give me the number. Lenora is looking around frantically for it and finds it and relays the number to Frank. Frank tells her that someone will be around later to have her sign a few papers and give her the prize money. He wants to make sure she is still alone. Lenora confirms this. He hangs up and Lenora is so happy she can’t believe her luck. (and all I want to do is drown a couple of rats!!)

Chavez says we did it. Marco tells him to wait a minute they still have a few important loose ends to tie up. She has to sign the papers. They have to have the money ready and put it in Rafa’s account. He tells Chavez he needs to accompany Frank to the corner of Lenora’s house and to not let any one see him. He tells him to hurry and to take the whisky away from that jerk. We see Frank enjoying Marco’s fine whiskey. Marco wants to make sure that Frank knows exactly what papers need to be signed. The deposit has to be cash and Marco and Chavez can’t be associated with it one bit. He tells Frank you don’t know us and you have never seen us in your life. Chavez and Frank are off. Frank goes to shake Marcos hand, but Marco isn’t having any of this as he does a “by pass” on the hand shake. Once they leave Marco checks out his almost empty bottle of whiskey.

Beltran is asking about Ale and Rafa. Susana informs him they are not in yet. Zetina spies Beltran and attempts to talk with him. He is given another brush off and told to wait for Ale and Rafa. They do all the hiring.

Rafa and Ale have finally arrived back at Siglo. Rafa is concerned that there will be some gossip especially with him showing up in the same cloths. He also has the biggest cold sores on his lips. I can’t quite decide if they are real or make-up. They are discussing how they are going to handle this. Ale suggests she quit. After all her month is almost up. Rafa says if someone has to quit it should be him. Ale is not keen on this. She will resign. She will deal with her family. She tells them they need to get going. Rafa has more important issues. He wants to know when he will get to kiss her again. She does a cute little Rafita goal and he does it back blowing her a sweet kiss.

The whole crew are inside. They start up the gossip mill. Rafa is in the same clothes. Ale isn’t. The general makes a good observation and says Rafa doesn’t have a lot of different clothes. But she still concludes that they must have spent the night together. Claudia asks Dandy what he knows about this. Dandy tells her that he was told not to ask anything about the intimate life of Ale. They remark about how Rafa has been driving around different ladies in different cars. Referring to his little ride with Marian. Pepito says Rafa is pretty lucky. He would be happy with either one of the cars. (And I don’t think he just meant the cars) .

Ale and Rafa are walking inside and Ale asks Trapito to park her car. Of course it isn’t free she has to give him a little something. (Ale is always bribing Trapito with treats.) She pulls out an apple and this isn’t going to cut it. She hands him something else but I wasn’t sure what it was. I think she told him to wash the apple and threw him a handy wipe. (go figure).

Ale and Rafa have now entered Siglo. The crew all try and disperse, backing up slightly, but then getting closer. Ale wants to know what’s up. She asks if they don’t have any work to do. They scurry off. Except for Ramiro. He wants to know what’s up with the mouth pointing to Rafa’s sore lips. Rafa blames it on the cold weather and takes off. Ramiro thinks it looks more like he “bumped “ into something. Marino remarks to Ramirez (bow-tie guy) that they have been up to no good. Of course he thinks this is the perfect opportunity to get them both fired. Ramirez tells him first you have to prove it (Comprobable) and walks away from him in disgust.

Our happy couple check in with Susana. They are all smiles and glowing. She informs them Beltran has been frantically looking for them. Lots of call for Ale. Lots of calls for Rafa, as Susana rattles off a long list of women’s names. Ale pretends to be a little jealous. Susana reassures her that they were all probably from the same women and Ale gets it and gives a little “Pajarito” whistle. He tells Ale he isn’t available for any woman. Susana tells him that Marian called as well. Again Ale feigns a little jealousy and Rafa assures her it is just business but he needs to call her.

Then Susana points out that Zetina has been waiting for them. Poor Zetina tripping over his own feet goes to shake Rafa’s hand. Ale wants to know what “he’s” doing here. Ale then approaches Rafa and says “he is all yours” and goes to her office. Zetina tells Rafa he only needs a couple minutes of his time. And Rafa tells him to wait in his office. Before he goes in he asks Susana if he has gotten any calls from his house. When Susana tells him no he gets a worried look.

Lenora is trying to call Rafa when Frank shows up at her door. She still can’t believe she won. Frank says yes indeed you have. (And I have some swamp land in Miami I want to sell you as well.) He gives her the deposit slip showing the money he deposited in Rafa’s account. All she has to do now is sign a few papers. But she has to hurry. He has all kinds of other prizes he needs to hand out. As she heads off to get something he congratulates himself for getting this “old dumb women to fall for this” .

Zetina is singing his sad song to Rafa as Ale has fallen asleep at her desk. He knows that Rafa and Ale are the people he needs to see. He inadvertently says “Ale de Castigo“ ( literally meaning punishment) instead of Ale de Castillo. Ale looks a little shocked to hear this Freudian slip. All he is asking for is a chance. Rafa tells him there are no sales jobs. Zetina says he will do anything. It doesn‘t have to be in sales. Ale is in the background shaking her finger no to Rafa. Rafa tells him right now he is really busy, Zetina understands but he will wait for his call. Rafa says okay he will see what he can do. As Zetina leaves he tells Ale thank you and she says we will see you Mr. Sardina.

Ale asks her Prince (Rafa) why he would give Zetina false hopes. She reminds him there are no openings. Rafa tells her not to ask him to be indifferent with him. He reminds her it is the first time he has ever been in the situation where someone would be asking him for work. He says he knows what it is like for Zetina. He says at one time that was him. Ale assures him that he is much better and we get a cute little tandem Ira Ira Ira.

Rafa tries to call Lenora again. His cell phone rings. As he answers it we see Ale on the other end disguising her voice (this was cute) with her nose plugged asking for Mr. Medina. Rafa looks confused and says “this is him” then Ale using her normal voice sweetly tells him she loves him. Rafa giggles and like a little boy runs over to her desk . He tells her he never thought he would hear her say this. Then he goes to lock the door and we have sweet short little kisses to start then one long nice one. And for just a little while we can forget about all the nastiness taking place at the Casa Lenora.

Our little while is up. Lenora is signing the papers. (My stomach is turning.) She thinks this is an awful lot of signatures. As she signs one page after the other. When she is finished she is all smiles. Frank congratulates her again. Lenora is so happy she offers him a coffee. Of course he is too busy handing out other prizes. She gratefully escorts him to the door.

Rafa has finally gotten through to Lenora. She tells him about her good fortune and the money she won. Rafa inquires how she won it and she tells him. She also tells him the money was deposited in his bank account. This seems a little odd to him, but she says he was the only one that has a bank account. She asks him if he wants to call the bank and check it out. He tells her he probably doesn’t need to. He congratulates her and they discuss what she will do with the money. He tells her it is hers and she says we will decide what to do with it together.

Than he asks about Jaimie and Julieta. She tells him Jaimie had to turn his phone off because Vicky was harassing them. He says “me too” . Lenora tells him he has to clarify things with Vicky. Rafa promises that he will do this.

Ale has also checked in with the family. Tia Rosario tells her Jorge has been asking for Marco. Ale wants to know if Marco has called. Rosario tells her no. Then she asks Ale if she has thought things out carefully regarding Marco. She assures Rosario she has thought things out and has made a decision. We see Rafa listening in as Rosario asks what decision she has come too. Ale tells her it is best if they talk this over at home. But she assures her she is very happy and hangs up. Rafa rushes over and asks her how things went. She tells him everything went well. He reminds her they need to go see Beltran. They have one more sweet kiss before they are off. Ale quickly reminds Rafa to wipe the lipstick off his face first. Rafa uses his necktie to do this.

Frank returns and Chavez tells Marco to get the whiskey out they are about to celebrate. Marco want’s to know how things went. Chavez shows him the papers. Frank is only interested in the whiskey. Marco begrudgingly tells him it is where you left it. Chavez is pleased with his handiwork as he shows Marco the signature where Lenora has sold the house. He also points out the page where it shows that the house does not have a single lien against it. (Free and clear of debt, however we all know this is false as Ale as a lien on it as collateral if Rafa misses a payment. This I think is how they will get Lenora into trouble.) And finally the receipt for the deposit of the sales in Rafa’s bank account. Chavez says "How about that lawyer” as he congratulates Marco . Marco is also admiring his handiwork. Chavez wants to know what they are going to do next. Now they need to get Frank to sign papers that (And this was tricky and I am not certain if I got this right) he did this on his own. Chavez tells him with a little more whiskey he will sign any thing.

Julieta and Jaimie have arrived home. Lenora is full of questions about their trip and they are full of lies. Lenora tells them she just won a lot of money. She also tells them that Rafa has been trying to get in touch with them. They tell her they had to turn their phone off because Vicky was harassing them. Lenora assures them that Rafa will take care of this. He will fix the problem. Jaimie has just about lost his cookies. As he stutters Rafa is going to do this. Lenora assures him that Rafa does not want to have anything more to do with Vicky. Julieta is very pleased. Jaimie is in a panic.

Rafa and Ale finally make it to Beltran’s office. He wants to know where they have been. They tell him they were in Cocoyoc. Ale tells him she made a great sales. Beltran is a little concerned that they were both there and that rumors might start up again. He doesn’t want any more craziness from Marco and Vicky. Ale confesses she broke up with Marco. Than Rafa confesses he broke it off with Vicky. Beltran doesn’t like where this might be leading to. They are just asking for complications. Now he wants to know about the Groupo Celeste deal. He wants it done and wants it done now. As they are leaving he pretends to hang himself with his tie. Once they are gone he starts smiling to himself.

Outside the office Ale tells Rafa he has to call Marian now. Susana grabs Ale and tells her they have a long talk ahead of them. Both smiling equally grand smiles.

Julieta has finally called Rafa. She spins him a good tale about all the fun they had with their friends. Rafa is all smiles and then asks to talk with Jaimie. Oh oh more cookies tossed in the wind as he stands in a panic and wants to know what Rafa wants to talk with him for. “What did I do?” Julieta says how should I know he probably just wants your version of the trip. Jaimie is very reluctant to talk with him. Julieta forces the phone on him and says talk to him or he will think things happened that didn’t. He reluctantly takes the phone. Rafa the big protective brother says “what’s up you wretch, how did you behave with my sister. Did you adhere to the instructions I gave you?” Jaimie doesn’t look so good.


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

El Clon 76, Wed., June 2 - Jade and Escobar leave home; Osvaldo ties the knot but his time as a father is short lived

Escobar, si te vas de esta casa, te lo juro que no vuelves a entrar.
Escobar, if you leave this house, I swear to you that you won't enter it again, says Clara after objecting to the Chump 'lending' their savings to the supposedly homeless Alicia. The Chump makes his choice and leaves. Clara reinforces her position by throwing his possessions off of the balcony much to the amusement of Alicia and the neighbors.

Zoraida arrives at Said's house and Jade hustles her off to her room. Jade tells Zoraida that Said has made her a prisoner and she can't go out or call out. Zoraida replies that she knew something was wrong. Jade hatches a plan to have Zoraida pretend to call Ali when in reality she would call Lucas and somehow pass the information about Jade's circumstances. Just as well that this plan doesn't materialize because Lucas would be too dimwitted to figure out what is going on.

Rania tells Amina about Jade's promise to make her first wife but Amina warns Rania not to trust Jade.

Osvaldo and Dora have gotten married and are having a reception in Cristina's club. Daniel looks very sullen but Dora and Osvaldo are happy.

Cristina and Vicki are running late for the party. There's a knock at the door and it's Pablo who is going to the party with Vicki. Cristina and Pablo seem much taken with one another. Back at the party, two old homies of Osvaldo who have come to the party discuss the fact that Osvaldo can't father a child in Daniel's hearing. [These are the same guys that gave Dora the same information.] Daniel confronts Dora with what he heard.
Por el amor de Dios, no me vayas a arruinar el matrimonio, ¿si?
Mamá, tú me estás arruinando la vida.

For the love of God, you're not going to ruin my wedding, right? says Dora.
Mother, you are ruining my life, replies Daniel, who like most young people, is totally self centered.

Ay Mamá Rosa, sentí como una mezcla de sentimentos: tristeza, rabia, ansiedad.

Ah, Mama Rosa, I felt such a mix of feelings: sadness; rage; anxiety, says Lucas as he picks up Daniel's emotions the same way he did Diego's. Rosa thinks it might be Diego's spirit but Lucas doesn't believe that.

Daniel leaves the party [before Vicki and Cristina, who would recognize him as Lucas] arrive.

The Chump tells Alicia that his marriage to Clara is over and they kiss.

Fernando's concern upon learning that his parents have split is who will come to the launch of his band.

Alicia tells Luisa that she is going to live with Escobar.
Escobar es casado y su esposa es Clara.
Era. Porque quien está con Escobar ahora soy yo.

Escobar is married and his wife is Clara, says Luisa to Alicia as if she were slow on the uptake.
He was. Because the person with Escobar now is me, replies Alicia with malice.
Poor Luisa never seems to have heard of adultery or homewreckers. She is impactada.

Said catches Jade and Zoraida trying to make a phone call. Zoraida says that they are trying to call Ali. Said dials the number and gives them his cell phone. Zoraida indicates to Ali that there is a problem and he needs to come to Miami at once.

Said refuses to let Jade go to Mohamed's house with Zoraida and the rest of the family. Zoraida asks Said why he is treating Jade badly. Said replies that Zoraida is aware that he always treated Jade like a queen but she never appreciated it.
Hay mujeres que son así. No les gusta lo bueno.
There are women like that. They don't like good things, says Said.

Jade tells Zoraida that she can't take any more. Zoraida counsels waiting until Ali arrives. Jade justifies her behavior by saying that it wasn't a secret that she didn't want to get married and was still in love with Lucas. [And Said spent 20 years trying to win her love and all she did was treat him like dirt, secretly use a contraceptive and finally cheat on him with Lucas and now she's upset that he's had enough?]

At Mohamed's house, the Naz is spreading her usual sweetness and light. She compares Latifa and Jade unfavorably with Rania and then launches into the usual diatribe against her selfish brothers. The guests arrive including Amina.

Dora and Osvaldo return home after the wedding reception. Osvi says how happy he is to finally be the father of her son. Dora doesn't tell him what happened and asks to be left alone to think. She wonders where her baby is. He has apparently slept on the sidewalk.

Enrique tells Leo that there is no legal way for Leo to get control of Lucas' shares in the company unless Lucas gives them to Leo or Leo has Lucas declared mentally incompetent to manage them. Leo isn't accepting this and calls a meeting of his legal staff.

Everyone at the lab is shocked that Escobar and Alicia have shacked up.

Luisa calls Clara and commiserates. Clara is shocked to find out that Escobar is with Alicia.

Ali arrives in Miami and goes to Mohamed's house. Latifa pours out her troubles and Ali replies that he has come to put this house in order and he will do that.

Cristina is flirting with Pablo. When he goes to the bathroom, Vicki asks for a chance to get Pablo for herself before Cristina snares him. Cristina protests that she would never take a man from one of her friends.

Carolina confronts Enrique with his strange absences and asks if he has another woman. Enrique denies it and says that he just likes to be alone [with a bottle???] sometimes. He protests that he loves her a lot and wants to start a new life with her.

When Amina finds out that Said never lets Jade leave the house, she deduces that there are problems between Said and Jade and advises Rania to lock the door of her room so Jade can't use her telephone and get Rania into trouble.

When Said leaves with Rania and Amina for the dinner at Roberto's, Jade sees her chance to escape. Zoraida wants her to wait until Ali arrives but as usual she can't say no to Jade. Jade drugs the coffee for the guards, waits until the maid has gone to bed and escapes in a taxi with Jadiya.

At Roberto's Lucas greets Said cautiously. Said warns Lucas to be careful running on roofs in Morocco because he might be taken for a thief and in Morocco there are severe penalties for those who take things that don't belong to them. Lucas, of course, has no comeback to this and he just stares at Said.

Jade goes to Lucas' house and is told that he went out. Rosa, who evidently confined her sympathy for Jade to the past, has the guards tell Jade that Lucas has gone to New York. Then Jade shows up a Mohamed's house. Ali is there. When she tells him that Said is mistreating her, he says that he can take her back but not Jadiya. She isn't part of his 'blood.' She is of Said's blood. Even though she has been told this many times, this news appears to come as a shock to Jade.

The credits roll.

[I know, I know that for purposes of the story Jade has to behave like an idiot but here is what I would have Jade do: take her box of gold that Rania admired so much and go to one of those gold buying places. Now she has cash and both she and Jadiya are US citizens. She and Jadiya check into a hotel. The next morning she calls a lawyer, files for divorce from Said, gets a restraining order and informs the authorities that Said is a polygamist and has held her in his house against her will. Maybe Said would be deported. The downside is that there would be an ugly custody battle for Jadiya but at least it would happen in the US where women have rights.]


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