Monday, January 23, 2012

El Talismán - Cast of Characters

Roberto Vander is Esteban Nájera

He is father of the protagonist Camila and her brother Armando, husband of Elvira. He is a charming man but a compulsive gambler. His character is weak. His wife is the one who holds the reins of the house while he spends his time gambling it away.

Thanks to Elvira he succeeds, for a time, in becoming the owner of the rancho El Talismán, but in spite of his therapies he once again falls into his vice, instigated by Don Gregorio. He loses El Talismán in a poker game and his family must leave the ranch.

Julieta Rosen is Elvira Nájera

Mother of Camila and Armando, and wife of Esteban. She is a beautiful woman of much character, and the lover of Gregorio for a while. When Esteban loses everything due to his gambling vice Elvira becomes bitter about life and bitter towards her children.

When they buy El Talismán Elvira becomes Gregorio’s lover to get money from him, but Gregorio doesn’t fall for her trap and dumps her. When she loses everything Elvira swears vengeance and, years later, uses her own son Armando to avenge herself against Gregorio via his granddaughters.

Elvira disregards the fact that Pedro has deposited the value of El Talismán in Esteban’s bank account.

Pablo Azar is José Armando Nájera

Brother of Camila, son of Elvira and Esteban. He loves his sister Camila and is willing to do anything for her.

He is impulsive and vindictive, but malleable. When his family owned but then lost El Talismán he developed a hatred for the world and has vowed revenge.

Driven by his mother, and using two names, he loves Don Gregorio’s two granddaughters and enjoys watching them fight each other.

Sergio Reynoso is Don Gregorio Negrete

Antagonist, father of Lucrecia and Antonio, grandfather of Fabiola and Florencia.

He is a hard man, heartless, who has always wanted El Talismán but has never been able to obtain it.

Rich and powerful, he has just about everything but he wants El Talismán, so it becomes an obsession and he becomes capable of killing to get it. Years ago he was about to take it away from Esteban, the father of the protagonista.

In the beginning he was in love with Matilde, Mariana’s mother, but Matilde loved Bernardo and married him. This makes Gregorio such a bitter man that he marries una cualquiera (so maybe a nobody, maybe a tramp?).

It is Gregorio’s fault that Mariana has gone mad.

Lola Ponce is Lucrecia Negrete

Antagonist, daughter of Gregorio, sister of Antonio and sister-in-law of Doris.

She is very beautiful but obsessive, and accustomed to having what she wants when she wants it. She is a bold woman who, because Pedro has denied her his love, decides to get it at all costs. She knows Pedro is married but she doesn’t care and so keeps sniffing around.

Her father supports her because if Lucrecia can conquer Pedro then Don Gregorio will have El Talismán. Lucrecia hates Camila ever since she arrived, and she knows Pedro likes her, but Lucrecia is a hypocrite a pretends to be Camila’s friend to keep an eye on her movements.

She will make life impossible for Camila

Aarón Díaz is Antonio Negrete

Antagonist. Son of Don Gregorio, husband of Doris, brother of Lucrecia. He is a daddy’s boy and used to getting whatever he wants. He is bad, selfish and cruel.

As a young man he seduces Mariana and leaves her pregnant. His father wants Antonio to marry Mariana in order to get El Talismán, but Mariana doesn’t want to marry him because she knows he’s only doing it because he wants her ranch.

Antonio doesn’t care about Mariana or his son and finally his father marries him off to Doris, the daughter of a friend. Doris and Antonio have a hate-filled marriage. When Camila returns to the ranch Antonio falls in love with her and wants a divorce from Doris in order to be with Camila.

He always looks after his own interests. He is the father of Fabiola and Florencia and is good to them in spite of everything else.

He doesn’t admit it, but even though he hates his wife he sure likes making love to her.

Blanca Soto is Camila Nájera

Camila Nájera is the daughter of Elvira and Esteban, and sister of Armando.

Protagonist, a beautiful woman, and positive in spite of much suffering as a child thanks to her father’s vice. She has moved on. She is an agronomist, lover of nature and a very positive person.

She is direct, sweet, and enchanting but she is not a wimp. She’s strong like her mother and gets what she wants through kindness. She tries to be fair in everything and always finds the bright side of things. She is in love with Pedro Ibarra and is, at first, unaware that he is married.

Camila is always in conflict because she love Pedro, but she believes he is guilty of her father’s ruin. Camila does not know that Pedro paid her father in full for their ranch, and believes he took it in bad faith.

Camila never doubts the love she feels for Pedro, but she does doubt she can live with someone who, she believes, has done so much damage to her family.

Rafael Novoa is Pedro Ibarra

Protagonist, husband of Mariana. He married her to help keep Don Gregorio from taking her baby. He is handsome, manly, and although he seems cynical he is basically a good man.

He was raised in an orphanage and he helps the orphans whenever he can. He came to the country as an undocumented worker; Mariana and her father help him succeed.

Pedro tries to regain el rancho El Talismán for Mariana. He loves his wife like a sister and married her as a favor, however he falls in love with Camila. He is afraid of love and uses his cynicism as a shield.

Pedro is considered a bad guy but in spite of this Camila falls in love with him. Pedro is a man who is fair, direct, simple and foolish.

Karyme Lozano is Mariana Aceves

Mariana Aceves is a complex character who suffers the consequences of her mistakes. 

Despite knowing the hatred between her father Bernardo and Gregorio Negrete, she carries on a clandestine love affair with Gregorio's son Antonio.

She marries Pedro Ibarra in order to protect herself from the opportunistic Los Negrete, who wish to take her child (by Antonio) from her. Will Mariana allow Pedro to lose what is most important to him in order to regain El Talismán?

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #89-90 Fri 1/20/12 The Wrath of Khandi

Caption Alert! I don't know when this started, but I first discovered on Monday night that English captions are now available on CC3!

Not all TVs support CC3, and even those that do aren't always user-friendly about it, but do give it a try. Sometimes the translations are really good and sometimes they just seem like machine translations, but they should be a huge help for a lot of people who are trying to follow along.

A week ago, Pancho broke up with Rebeca, quit the Avon presidency, and then Rebeca quit too, and Fernanda was getting sick. Now, all of these things have been undone and we are back to normal, with the addition of a few new people.

For the life of me, I don't know why Nico's replacement had to be named Chato. That's just going to further complicate the existing confusion over "Ch-" names. To review: The maid is Chucha (nickname for Jesusa). Pancho's friend who looks like Kojak is Chacho, which is also a nickname for something but I forget what. The new guy is Chato. Vince is sometimes called Chente, which is a common nickname for Vicente. And then we also have Chela, although she's less likely to get mixed up in the name confusion.

Okay, so, back to the story.

Part One: Inappropriate Kisses

Pancho goes to Ana's room and tells her to stop being so disrespectful to Rebeca and to especially stop referring to the woman he loves as "la tísica." She's going to respect Rebeca and above all, she's going to respect Pancho! Ana says Rebeca has divided the family and turned Pancho against her. Pancho says nobody is turning him against Ana or anyone else in the family. He's just asking her to be nice. He loves her more than his own life, but he loves Rebeca too.

So Ana stomps out of her own room to grump to Temo about how la Tísica has turned Daddy against her. Hey, way to turn Temo against Rebeca and Daddy! The girl is irony-proof.

After accepting Pina's slap and accusations with calm mortification, Vince admits that he's friends with Candy but not lovers, sheesh, how can she think he'd have a lover like Candy Lopez? She asks him about the underwear (I'm not sure what she's referring to) and he says it was a scheme on Pancho's part, he's the troublemaker. Pina rather doubts that Pancho would be in favor of his sister having an affair with Vince. Vince says Candy is the height of vulgarity and he could never sink so low, how could Pina pay heed to some dopey secretary?

Pina's evidence is Vince's telescope and the smell of Candy's cheap perfume. Vince admits that he spies on the neighbors, but Sandra is a liar and she's on Pancho's side. He says he's sick of this war with Pancho that is screwing up his happy wonderful solid marriage with Pina. How can she doubt him after their hot interlude last night?

Chela matriculates at night school or whatever.

It's night, but everyone's still at the office. Rebeca feels badly that Pancho has to confront his kids about her. Pancho says he should have done it a long time ago. Arnoldo shows up with some print ad mock-ups. Vince is supposed to review them, but he's gone home, and anyway Pancho is Ana's father so wouldn't he like to see them first? (I note that only her face is in the ads, so there was no need to put her in a short-short dress for the photo shoot.)

Vince waits outside for his secret date with Candy. Popeye gets to him first, wanting Vince to make good on his agreement for a meeting with Abeja and the kids, but Vince blows him off. Candy shows up and he starts tell her about the disaster with Pina and Sandra, but he's interrupted by a call from Enzo, who is drunk and miserable. Vince blows him off too.

Ana waits by the roadside for Fraud to pick her up for their secret date. He's still at home, though, and Pina is looking at the ratings for her timeslot. Candy's show is in first place! Argh!!

At the restaurant, Vince is asking Candy's forgiveness. Again. But he panics when he sees Pina's friend Cathi come in with her husband Erasmo.

"Come on, Freddie, you can do it," Fraud encourages himself as he pulls over to pick up Ana for their date. She is wearing a T-shirt over a long-sleeve shirt, along with her finest overalls. Fraud looks nervous and ready to either throw up or run away. "You look very... very... special, Ana," he manages to squeak. Ana is very excited. They get in the car, but they don't go anywhere. Some date. He insists that he likes her, that she's very pretty, he likes her singing. He kisses her. Instead of being thrilled, she looks confused. And surprised.

Fraud pulls away and makes a face. It turns out she isn't as experienced as he expected. (This seems to be a recurring problem for him.) Ana confesses she's never kissed anyone before. But she promises to learn. She gets out of the car. He asks her not to be that way. She says they'll get together some other time, and bolts. Fraud grins like a doofus and lolls his tongue around thoughtfully. (Thank you, Julia, for laying all that groundwork regarding Fraud's tongue. I think we know what surprised Ana during the kiss.)

Vince asks Candy to hide under the table. (You can see where Fraud gets his suave dating skills.) He doesn't want Cathi to see them together and make things worse with Pina. He tells Cathi that he's here for a business meeting and he's waiting for a client. She thinks they should keep him company until the client arrives, but actually he thinks they should all get out of there entirely. Last time he was here, there was a giant roach swimming in his soup. So the three of them leave the restaurant, leaving a VERY angry Candy to crawl out from under the table and find her own way home.

Enzo, who is still drinking, asks Mónica if he isn't enough for her. She wants to know why she's never met her grandparents. Fortunately, he's feeling chatty. He never met his father. His mother was a single woman. She made her living doing other people's laundry. She'd dead now, "and why are we talking about your grandparents?" Moni says she just wanted him to think would it would be like not to have known his mother. "My mother was a good woman!" he roars, throwing his very heavy yet surprisingly breakable glass. (It appears that Happy Nostalgia Hour has ended.) "And what about mine? Is she a bad woman? Why did you fall in love with her?" Enzo says she changed a lot, and please just drop it.

Candy is walking home when Vince pulls over and begs her forgiveness... again. Again. Again. She smacks him with her purse and says he has to stop doing things that need to be forgiven. He has an idea. "Divorce Pina and marry me?" No, he wants them to go out as Cyrano and Mata Hari again. Yes, that will solve all their problems.

Chela walks in on Ana saying "I have to learn...", so Ana says she wants to learn how to ice skate. Um... nice save? Anyway, she tells Chela it's been an exhausting day. First the photo shoot with Arnold, and then a fight with Dad. It's all Rebeca's fault, she claims. Chela seems only too happy to take this at face value.

Ana isn't at breakfast next day. Arnold called her in to Avon early. (I'm starting to think he lives there.) Pancho tells the family she's been in a snit ever since he told her yesterday that she - all of them, in fact - need to be more respectful to Rebeca. "Why are you looking at me?" Temo asks. (Some kids wear smart-alecky well. Temo does not.) Chela disingenuously tells Pancho he can't make the kids like Rebe. "I'm not asking them to like her, just to respect her." Yeah, put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chela!

Candy wants to drive herself to the gym, over Gonzalo's protests that she doesn't know how to drive. She nearly gets rear-ended by Pina and decides this is a great time for them to have their talk. Pina rolls up her window, but this barely makes a difference, only muffles their voices slightly. Pina calls Candy a traitorous home-wrecker and lots more things, but Candy says Sandra only said those things because she's jealous.

This prompts Pina to roll the window back down so we can see her shocked face. Candy says Vince and Sandra had a thing a while back, and if she's making trouble now it must be because she's having some sort of problem with Vince now. Candy, for her part, has never slept with Vince, and why would she lie about that? Pina accuses Candy of using Pina's show to get her own show, but Candy says fine, don't believe me, whatever. Pina drives off.

Chela overhears (or at least sees) the end of this and Candy isn't happy with herself at all.

Ana is daydreaming about Fraud's disappointment in her lack of kissing experience. Arnold notices her distraction. He encourages her to talk about her feelings. She asks if he's ever been in love. He says yes, in fact he's in love with someone now, but she, er, HE is in love with someone else. Well, she's in love too, and he asked her out, but it went badly because she didn't know how to kiss. She had a boyfriend before, Manuel, but they didn't kiss on the mouth.

And here's where it gets weird: Arnold offers to teach her how to kiss. Okay, I know that being out of the (imaginary, in his case) closet must really cramp his style when it comes to getting some action with the ladies, but this is ridiculous. He tells her it's perfect because he doesn't even like women. (Not sure if I can follow that logic.)

Meanwhile, Rebeca is telling Pancho Arnold's secret. He's not gay, and he's in love with her.

Arnold continues to urge Ana to let him "teach" her how to kiss. First she has to close her eyes. Picture the boy she likes. Imagine they're dancing. Imagine his face gently approaching hers... and they are kissing. It's good for a couple of seconds, but then she bites his lip. Now he says her love should flow like electricity from her lips. "Gently, delicately, no biting." They try it again, and she pictures herself and Fraud kissing while bathed in pink light. Meanwhile, Arnold pictures himself and Rebeca kissing in lavender light.

Ana happily thanks him and runs away. Arnold nearly swoons into a chair and asks himself what he was thinking.

Now Pancho is worried that nongay Arnoldo will seduce Rebeca away from him. She says Pancho is much more handsome. He is skeptical and quotes Lamberto's dicho that they're too close to see each other's defects.

Candy admits to Chela that she should have told Pina the truth, but she and Vincente aren't lovers. Chela says sure, but you're that close. Chato and Chacho show up wanting breakfast. Chucha and Goya vie for Chato's attention. Candy tries to get Chela to go to the gym with her.

Arnold goes to Pancho's office with the proofs for Ana's ad campaign. Didn't Pancho just see these the night before? Well, now he's seeing them again. Pancho keeps looking at Arnold suspiciously, and he doesn't even know the half of it!

Chucha and Goya go to the market with Chacho and Chato. Adoración is there too, asking Jessinia for some herbs to deal with Pina's afflictions. Jess watches in amusement as Chato and Ado meet for the first time and fall in love at first sight.

Part Two: Wooing and "Woooo"ing

Candy and Chela go to the gym. Chela complains that the outfit she borrowed from Candy is too tight. Candy reminds Chela that she wanted to change. Enzo, who's been rippling his best muscles in their general direction, says hello to Chela. She is offended by his attention and the fact that he's looking at her. She's even more offended when he says that he was taken by surprise at how attractive she is. Yeah, the nerve of some people.

Chato helps Adoración home with the groceries. They would seem to be on the fast-track to matrimony or something. Ado lets on that Pina is a bit nervous. Pina comes down and does not like the looks of Chato, and likes him even less when Ado says he's one of Pancho's minions. Pina kicks him out and tells him never to come back. (I predict he will save her life within the next week!)

Meli plays outside with her friend Ramona. (This must be Daniela Castro's other daughter. Recapper Jim predicted we'd see her soon.) Temo comes along with a letter he's written for Meli, but Pina tries to bust up their little lawn party. Meli gets lippy with her and Pina threatens to send her back to her mother. More lip from the kid, who doesn't think it's fair that Pina won't even let her go outside. Pancho joins the fray, and Pina is snotty with him about Temo trying to make friends with girls of a different "level." Pancho takes her aside for a chat.

At the gym, Chela is doin' it wrong. Candy shows her how to use the overhead press machine and comments on Enzo's super-fine bod. Chela really doesn't want to discuss that, but can't stop stealing glances at him. You know, because she hates him so much, she wants to get a good look at all his big stupid muscles. But she keeps catching him looking at her, and then she looks away in embarrassment, and he does NOT look away because he's so horrible and shameless and muscle-icious.

Pancho tells Pina that kids and dogs don't know about social "classes," so why get them all worked up over that, why not let them have their fun. Pina whines about all the problems that his family has caused her family. Her radio show, her precious dog, and her poor "My Husband." He says he had to take the presidency for Fernanda, because she's like a mother to him. He doesn't mean them any harm, but they've had a lot of trouble, leave the kids out of it, because he and his family are good hardworking people. And she's a good person too and should have more self-worth. Pina looks like she's taking this last part to heart.

Candy is telling Chela again that she's never done anything with Vince. Chela asks what's the worse betrayal - sex or love? Candy plays dumb and says she feels sorry for Sandra who will be getting in a lot of trouble for this. Now Enzo comes down a hallway with no shirt on. He looks like an anatomy chart. A mean, evil, horrible, hatable, luscious anatomy chart. "Goodbye, Graciela, Candy." Chela is staring at him speechlessly with wide eyes.

Chato is still charming the heck out of Ado and asks her to give him a call next time she has a day off. He leaves, googly-eyed. Ado is googly-eyed too. "He's so ugly... and so gorgeous!"

Vince rehashes with Enzo about Pina. Suddenly Vince notices that Enzo looks different. Hey, it's only been like 15 episodes or something. Celeste comes in, saying that the car company has some questions for Enzo. Enzo asks her to call Pepe.

I guess things are going well with the Avon racecar. Enzo calls just as Fraud shows up with some other dork. The car company execs want a demo tomorrow, so the car has to be ready. The new dork is Fraud's mechanic Walter. Fraud whines that he's putting his life on the line with Pepe's car. Didn't they already have this conversation? Yes, I quote Julia from Thursday night: "I don't know how this delicate petunia manages to drive a racecar without having the vapors. Or biting his tongue off." Well, there's always tomorrow.

Fraud is sooo sure that Pepe hates him. Pepe says he doesn't think enough of him to hate him. Hee! Fraud thought-bubbles that Pepe will have plenty of reason to hate him.

Lupita helps Chela with her homework and remarks that Chela looks good these days. Ana says she'll have no trouble getting Dad, then. Chela says that's not why she's doing this. She's doing it so she'll feel better about herself. Then Fraud calls Ana for another "date" tonight. Maybe this time they will actually go someplace?

Fraud asks Walter if the plan is still on. Walter says yes. Fraud says it has to be tonight. If it all works out, Walter will get the rest of the money.

Candy helps Ana get ready for her date. Ana isn't completely sure about dressing up for Fraud, but Candy is enthusiastic.

Fraud is beside himself with excitement. Actually he's beside Walter, breaking into the lot where the racecar is locked up. This is how Fraud gets ready for a hot date.

Pina is sulking up in her room and doesn't say much when Vince says he has to get ready for another dinner appointment. He notices that she's acting a little strange, but doesn't get interested until he sees that his closet is empty because she has packed up all his clothes. She tells him to go to Sandra, who will no doubt be happy to see him. No, she hasn't lost her mind. She's thinking of herself for a change.

Fraud and Walter leave the car lot feeling pleased with themselves. This will be the end of the mechani-naco!

Pancho tries to bond with Temo over Temo's love for Meli, since that's how Pancho feels for Rebe. Temo says it's different because he and Meli don't have kids; besides, Auntie Chela loves him. Pancho asks how Temo would feel if Meli's little friend Ramona liked him too. Ah, well there, point made, that's just how he feels. So from now on be respectful to Rebeca, m'kay?

Ana feels like a clown wth all the makeup Candy is putting on her. Candy promises that Fraud will go to pieces when he sees her. (Or wedges, perhaps.)

Pina tells Vince she heard about Sandra from Candy. Vince says Sandra is a very vulgar woman and so is Candy, but Candy is a much better woman than Sandra. Pina recognizes this as an admission of guilt, that he did have an affair with Sandra. He claims it was just one time, too many tequilas after a rough day. And somehow, this was Pina's fault. (Pina takes offense.) He begs her forgiveness. She leans in close and says "NO! No I don't forgive you. For now, get rid of that filthy woman and then we'll see."

Chucha and Goya argue over Chato. Goya recognizes that it's the same situation they had with Nico, except Chato smells better. But they're not happy with him for ditching them at the market. Pancho comes in and quickly figures out who they're talking about. He asks them to make a nice dinner for the family and Rebeca and Chacho and Chato, and not to let Chela do anything. Chucha and Goya quake at the thought of seeing Chato again. "Don't forget I saw him first!" Goya complains.

Ado is doing something in the kitchen when she hears a noise at the window. Then a louder one, and the window breaks. It's Chato, trying to get her attention outside. He's waiting with a bouquet of herbs or flowers or weeds. She comes out to see him, commenting that he's awfully fast. He steals a few chaste kisses, but I can tell neither of these two have been to Arnoldo's School of Osculation. Meanwhile, Goya comes outside looking for Popeye and sees them and is jealous.

Pancho sees Ana all made up and says she looks great. He'd like her to join them and Rebe for dinner. She denies that she's still mad at him, but says she has an important date. Candy too. Pancho's not nosy enough to ask who either of them has plans with. Wow.

Arnold overhears Rebeca talking mushy to Pancho on the phone. He should offer her kissing lessons, but instead he asks if she told Pancho the truth about him. She said yes, sorry, but she couldn't lie for him. Lies and omissions have caused too much trouble for them. She's sure he won't tell anyone, though. Arnold won't explain why he's been living this lie for so long but says that if anyone finds out, it will be the end of his career. (A guess: he used "I'm gay" as an excuse to turn down some powerful but horny woman who was interested in him, and if she ever finds out he was lying, she'll ruin him.)

Ana and Candy wish each other luck on their hot dates.

Chela takes a break from her studying to daydream (evening-dream?) about the Evil Beef-a-Roni and tries to stop thinking about him. Pancho catches her in mid-try and admires her for being stronger and more brave now than ever. He gives her a big hug.

Fraud seems very enthusiastic to see Ana looking much more girly than usual. She's afraid she looks silly. Yes, they're going to go somewhere this time - someplace quiet. (In other words, nowhere that anyone will see them or he has to spend any money. Cheapskate.)

Chela tries to hide her disappointment when Pancho reveals that Rebe will be coming over for dinner, but at least Chela doesn't have to cook the meal. Anyway, instead of getting all grumpy, she says it's no problem and she'll support him. She tells Pancho she needs to get ready. He leaves and she calmly unleashes a lengthy string of unflattering epithets for Rebeca, of which "Tísica" is only the first. "Coming over for dinner! That's just swell."

Fraud has taken Ana to Makeout Mountain, or is that the Kissin' Cliff or Naked Knoll or Studly Summit or Hussy Heights or... I guess it doesn't matter what it's called, as long as it's not Pregnancy Promontory. There is a nice view of the city and the distant mountains, all shrouded in pollution mist. "You like me, right?" he asks her. He asks why. She goes on and on like a fool about how he has this air of superiority that she really likes. He says most people don't like that about him. Then he asks, "do you want to be my novia?"

The remaining members of Pancho's family entertain Rebeca with tales of each others' romantic lives. When Rebeca asks Temo if he really has a novia, at first he looks like he's going to say something bratty, but Pancho gives him a look and Temo politely answers that she's not exactly his novia, but he does like her. Pancho asks about Chato; Chacho doesn't know where he is. Even this draws loud, annoying, titillated "wooo!"s from everyone. Ugh, why don't we just add a laugh track and call it a night? Chela shows up on cue and nicely says hello to Rebeca. Pancho doesn't notice how great she looks, but Chacho does as usual and she ignores him as usual.

It turns out that Fraud only wants Ana to be his SECRET novia. Because her father wouldn't like it if he found out. Ana blurts that he's right, Pancho sure didn't approve of Candy and Fraud's father. Oops.

Cyrano and Mata Hari are at this moment checking in at another fine restaurant. They've both brought hats so they can hide their faces. They are congratulating themselves for coming up with this great idea when Vince notices that Mara (Pina's friend, the woman from the magazine that said Chela was Pancho's wife) is sitting nearby with some guy named Clark. Vince tries to hide behind his hat, but neither he nor Candy seem able to tear their eyes away from Mara. Mara notices this weird couple and asks Clark if he knows them. He doesn't, but he takes a picture. They're both looking right at the camera!

Fortunately, Ana's slip of the tongue (so to speak) does not get her into trouble, because Fraud has no curiosity whatsoever when it comes to other people. Ana says she has a surprise and tells him to close his eyes. This kiss seems to be working out better than the last one. There's no pink light around them, though.

There's a knock at Fernanda's hotel room. It's Snorty, er, Inés. "It's high time we settle our scores, Fernanda!"

Chato arrives late for dinner. Goya thought-bubbles that he's going to pay. She goes over to him with a pitcher of cold tamarind juice and pours it into his lap, "oops, so sorry." Then she nearly beats him up pretending to dry him off and mutters through clenched teeth that he won't get away with keeping three women on the hook.

Then Chucha rushes in with an elaborate floral arrangement for Chela. "There's no doubt that your beauty is the greatest - Enzo Rinaldi," she reads the card to herself. "Who's it from, Chelita?" asks poor Chacho, who's going to just DIE when he finds who his newest competition is...

Next time:
On Vince's orders, Pancho and Rebeca are menaced by a man with a beret and a tiny gun. Does that thing fire bullets, or just Pez? Also: Sandy & Candy present Slapfest 2012!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #15 Friday 1/20/12 Gorilla Chest Thumps in the Mexican Mist, Or, Sold!! To The Highest Bidder!!

As Viewerville adjusts its tv screens and slugs down another Jolt Cola to insure it does not doze off through another night of somewhat lack lustered torment, turbidity, and turmoil, it’s one nightmare after another for our newly maimed and aggrieved Michael.  Tia Rosaura, thinking only of Numero Uno, begins wailing at him in his hospital bed about his certain future behind bars if those two pedestrian pedestrians he hit in the truck accident should die.  At the same time, Mercedes screams with ostensible certitude, at David, anguished accusations of trying to off her brother, Gustavo, since he told Big Dave he knew about his ex-boss’s dirty business dealings.  As Esteban looks on from the doorway, Big Dave swears he had nothing to do with Gus’s disappearance and tells Mercedes to kindly back off and leave or he’ll call security.  (At least I think so, since, seemingly, everybody in this cast is eagerly trampling over everyone else’s lines of dialog!!)

Rogelio, meanwhile, is having morning coffee with Ana Paula and telling her that he may seem insensitive and harsh, but hey, it’ll be better for everybody, Michael in particular, if those two people he mowed down don’t survive.  Why how he could say that, says our uber-caring Cupcake Nightingale!  It’s important they survive!  Well, explains practical RoHell, somebody’s going to have to support them if they live, meaning he’s sure they’ll be crippled somehow if they do.  Why be forced to live only half-way? Heck, look at him!  He’d have rather died than been tied to these four wheels these past seven years!  No, how can he say such a thing considering all that is his???  Like what, for instance, he asks.  He’s got the love of Maria, Cinthia, Bruno and all those who work for him.  (Is she kidding?  Well, minus the flogged few who still feel obliged to do RoHell’s bidding…..)  Life could be so much nicer if he wanted it that way.  Easy for you to say, replies RoHell.  The only one who is qualified to opine is the one whose cross it is to bear.  Anyway, you’ll see when your brother’s got to work his friggin’ tail off every day and then has to share his measly salary not to support your family, but somebody else’s!!  Virtuous Cupcake Nightingale is certain her bro would still want them to be saved.

Rosie, speaking the truth for once in her life, admits to Mikey it doesn’t really matter whether the couple lives or dies, he’ll still have to settle the score with the courts—or, less delicately put, he'll be doing jail time.  Mikey doesn’t want to be thought of as a murderer!!!

Esteban gets Mercedes to calm down and leave with him.  They retreat to a coffee shop somewhere.  He tells her that Gus came to see him a day or two before to discuss his suspicions and press charges.  Yes, a desperate person could do just about anything; but with Big Dave and Gus, their differences could have easily been settled some other way than that.  “--In fact, I was there in order to discuss it with David.”  “--Well, thanks anyway…er…”  “—Esteban.”  Pearly whites glisten through his perpetual 3 day bearded over growth.  (Looks like the start of a beeeuuuteeeful friendship and just what the doctor would order for our lovelorn lawyer: a lovely, virginal, damsel in distress!) 

As for RoHell and AP, he’s telling her how much he appreciates her sticking to her guns when it comes to her opinions.  She’s a woman with conviction!  Whatever!  She wants to speak with Big Dave and explain her brother’s true situation.  “—Don’t worry!  I’ve spoken with his boss and he’s agreed not to press charges.”  Oh!  Pau’s sooooo grateful! Paula unconsciously takes his hand as she thanks him, which immediately gets RoHell’s hormones hopping again.     

Dani has returned to Don Federico’s to explain why she skipped out on work the day before and to beg for her job back.  In between Dani’s anguished mouse squeaks of explanation, Ol’ Don Fed--the old marshmallow--realizes it was extenuating circumstances, and mildly scolds her for not bothering to at least give him a call.  He gives her back her job.   

Back at the hospital, Big Dave runs into RoHell and Pau.  She gives Dave the evil eye and leaves.  Dave winks at RoHell and says he now understands the reason for all the shenanigans. It’s all about that girl, isn’t it?  RoHell doesn’t crack a smile; he simply admits it was a good idea they never told her or anyone that Mike was really on assignment and they need to make sure nobody ever finds out.

Meanwhile, Vanessa and Mama discuss the way RoHell has turned into such a control freak since his accident.  Why hook up with a guy like that, anyway?  Nessa says it’s only a matter of standing up to him.  Nessa’s still young and beautiful, says Mama.  She could still find a decent man to marry.  Maybe she could go out of the country and find somebody.  Vainessa says she knows what she’s doing, so just let it go already.  No way she’d ever let Rogelio treat her the way he treats Sinthia!!    Elsa isn’t so sure. 

Elsewhere in the city, Sin tries out her new cell from Big Dave by calling her old squeeze, Efrain.  Smarmy Effer tells her he knows where his place is—and it’s in her bed.  She tells him not to go wasting his time with Consuela.  His place is with her, fulfilling her every whim and desire—not running around with the kitchen help!!  Effer says she’d better not be looking for a rich husband in the big city, either.  She accuses him of being a bit jealous. If she finds out he’s still running around on her--. What could she do about it anyway? Cause a scandal?  No need to. If anybody found out about the two of them, first off nobody’d believe him and secondly, RoHell would kill him!  Click. 

Maria walks in on Effer as he’s hanging up.  That was La Patrona.  There’s conversation about the fact that with all the money Rog has, he could live anywhere he wanted to.  (Meaning Effer would be left in charge, we suppose.)   She scolds him about his grandiose ideas ramrodding the hacienda someday cuz RoHell is sure not to ever leave his hacienda.  “—If you know what’s good for you [mas te vale] you’ll get this place exactly the way he likes it or you, better than anyone, know how he’ll get!”  That melts the sweaty smirk off Effer’s face like butter on a hot fry pan.  He turns and saunters out of the room and back to work.

At the hospital again, Bruno advises Paula about getting too sure of herself with Rogelio.  The guy can be a real charmer when he wants to, but he still is used to getting his way!!  She seems to think he’s changed and softened a bit with her.  Naw, she’s just one more person in debt up to her eyeballs with him, he says.  He suddenly asks her just how far she’d be willing to sacrifice herself in helping her family out.  She answers she’d do anything less sacrificing her self-respect [dignidad].  He says he understands that, but what about her happiness, her heart, aka, love.  Would she marry without love?  Dimples is saucer-eyed impactada that Bruno would dare to mention such a thing!

Later that day, Esteban shows up at Nessa’s parents’ house.  He catches her mackin’ on RoHell in his little red 4-wheeler.  “—Now I understand why you want to divorce me!”  

Dimples tells Bruno that she’d never marry except for love!  “--You’re waiting for Gustavo, right?”  Yes and she hopes he returns soon, safe and sound.  Well, if that’s who she wants, then he’ll support her anyway he can--he says.   He doesn’t want to see her suffer so. (I’m not sure I heard the rest of this conversation correctly.  Feel free to correct me.)  However, the fact he’s not there for her right now, and that Bruno is, should make her change her way of thinking.   

Back at Nessa’s, she reminds Esteban she’s been waiting for him to sign the darned divorce papers!  How long ago was the last time she told him she loved him anyway?  Esteban turns to stare down at RoHell.  “—So I finally meet the infamous Rogelio Montero the ever-present shadow over our marriage.  If she left you once how can you be so sure she won’t leave you again?” “—Well, that’s your opinion.  If she’s with me, must be she’s sorry she left me and sorry that she married you!”  Esteban sneers at Nessa, then back at RoHell.

Dani comes back to the hospital to check on Mikey.  Mikey is pretty bitter, considering the rotten bowl of cherries Life’s delivered to his doorstep.  Well, at least she’s got her job back.  FF>>

The pissing contest continues at Nessa's. Esteban gripes at Vainessa. “—We could have been happy but you never stopped wondering what it would have been like for you if you’d stayed with him!”  “—Well, now she’s going to find out!”  “—You won’t be able to put up with this!!  She’ll get tired of your paralysis.”  Rogelio just smirks back. “--That’s our business and nobody else’s.”  Steve wants to know how long she’s been cheating on him.  Nessa tells him he’s made her life Hell. So who cares how long?  Ok.  He’ll sign the papers, he tells her.  He looks down and points to his privates.  He looks over at Rogelio.  “—Be careful.  If she does this to me, a whole man, then who knows what she’ll do to you?” Zingo!!! Point made and taken.  (Viewerville chalks up ten for Team Esteban.)  He washes his hands of Vainessa and storms off.

Back at Hacienda Hell Fuerte, little Margarito lets the cat out of the bag about Effer’s riding Sinthia’s horse, Paloma.  Maria shoos him and Connie off before ripping into Effer about respecting the owner’s personal property, especially his fine horses.  Nobody there, not even Bruno, can ride his top horseflesh.  That’s what the rest of the stable is for.  He’d better get it straight that there’s only one man there that gives orders and it isn’t Effer!  Get with the program or she’ll make sure herself he’s ridden out on a rail.

Rosie runs into Mikey’s hospital room awash in real tears.  She tells Pau and him that the two people he ran over have died.  Whatever are we going to do now?  (Well, we know what Mikey will be doing for the next veinte or so years, that’s for sure.)

Mercedes stops Bruno in the hallway and introduces herself.  The tricky bastard says he knows who she is because his girlfriend, Paula, told him.  She asks if he realizes Paula’s dating her brother also.  Sure, but he doesn’t care.  Mercedes’ lower jaw hits the floor.  Bruno continues to play long and loose with the truth.  He tells her he plans on marrying Pau ASAP and well, they’ve always been truthful with each other.   She knows how much he loves her and what he’s willing to do to keep her.  He’s mature enough to manage the situation.  The only one who apparently isn’t is her brother!

At breakfast, Sinthia gets a phone call from David with the phone that, as BroHellio learns, David gave her just so they could keep in touch.  Big Dave has news for him: the couple who were run over died.   RoHell is happy as a pig in a puddle cuz that means AP will have another reason to owe him. He smiles cockily.   “—Luck is on my side!”

Pau tearfully asks Bruno what she’s to do now that the couple has died.  He explains they’ll have to help pay burial expenses and probably an additional amount of money.  Not to worry!  He’ll be there for her!  “--You have to remain strong now for your brother’s sake.”

Gus, meanwhile, is stumbling all bloody and half-conscious through the woods out in the boonies. He faints and falls to the ground.  

AP tries speaking with Mersnottys about her concern for Gus but Mersnottys would rather spit in her face and accuses her of being a slut.  AP tries giving her side of the story about Bruno’s brash liplocking session, and she swears she’s only in love with Gus.   Mersnottys won’t listen to her.  She curses the day Paula ever crossed her brother’s path and calls her a gold-digger.  (Give it up, Pau.)  It’s obvious she prefers the other guy to her brother and when he finally gets back she plans on telling him what kind of a slut AP truly is!  Dimples is muy, but muy, dismayed.

Pau goes back in to check on Mikey and gives him a much needed pep talk.  Remember our mother.  Don’t give up!  She never did!   (Yeah, but she died anyway.  Bad example.  I guess the B team of writers took over this part of the script.)  You’re still going away to work for that Montero guy, tho!  Pau gives up and leaves.  The doc walks in and Viewerville awaits the unwrapping of Mikey’s detached and re-attached digits.  Mikey freaks when he can’t seem to feel or move his fingers.  The doctor looks on, his brows knit above his coke-bottle lenses, muy but muy concerned.   

Back at Boca Del Cielo, the fishermen realize that Gus isn’t coming and that the construction is continuing.  They begin to riot. 

Pau prays in the small chapel for her brother’s health and Gus’s return as he continues to drag himself through the boonies towards civilization.  FF>>

The doctor tells Rosie that this is normal and Mikey will have to undergo (yes, Rosie) expensive therapy for about a year to get the use of his fingers back.  Rosie lays another guilt trip on her nephew. “Hmph, that’s all we needed.”  Mikey wonders why this is all happening to him of all people.  The doc wants him to get out of bed and start moving around.  He’s got no reason to loll in bed all day anymore.

Mersnotty’s and her friend share concern for her missing brother.  Posters and photos will be on tv 24/7 starting tomorrow.  Blonde Friend hugs her and leaves.  Next, Love-sick Doctor Friend comes out to give her a bit of support.  He’s put Gus's photo on the internet.  It’s going viral.  She thanks him for his help and races off to her office.  (Viewerville’s diagnosis: a case of unrequited love if ever there was one……..)

Pau tries speaking to the relatives of the now deceased couple, but they are in no mood to make nice.  (Viewerville can’t really blame them.)  Mikey has followed the doc’s advice and walked into the waiting room.  Pau is arguing with one of the dead victims’ family members.  Mikey tries defending his sister but he and the husband of the woman who died get into an even louder shouting match.  What does it matter who’s to blame?  His sister’s kids are left without their mother, the man says!  Who’s going to help take care of them now, eh?  (Viewerville does a double take at the 6’6” security guard standing in the middle of them like they’re on the set of some Mexican-style Jerry Springer show.)

Gus’s replacement freaks and calls Big Dave to ask what to do next about the rioting fishermen.  Dave tells him to handle it or else!  He slams the phone down, obviously suffering from Excedrin headache # 69.   Sin shows up looking to play hookie with him but Dave begs off because of problems with his project.  She says maybe he can call her once he’s not busy.  He suddenly changes his mind and asks her not to go.

Apparently, Rogelio ordered Bruno to pay for the funeral of Mike’s victims and to compensate them well for their pain and suffering.  When Bruno reports back to RoHell afterwards, he asks him why he’s so eager to have AP so indebted to him.  What kind of game is he playing?  RoHellio insists he’s only making sure Pau has nothing to complain about.  No, says Bruno, he’s doing all he can to put her under his control.  

Big Dave gets his macho back on and apologizes to Sin.  He offers to buy Sinthia some jewelry.  She’s his queen and should be treated as such.  FF>>

RoHell brandishes his whip and asks if Bruno wants him to put him in his place again. Bruno suggests it’s just that it seems something more is going on here with RoHell.  He’s goes back with Vainessa and then begins showing all this interest in Paula.  Does he perhaps have some sexual interest in her after all?  What’s it to Bruno, Rog wants to know.  It’s his business and none of Bruno’s, and he knows Bruno has the hots for his nurse.  Bruno doesn’t miss this opportunity now to get his own back with Rogelio.  “—Jealous, Rogelio?  Well, let me remind you of something.  The way you are you have no way to satisfy a woman’s physical desires.  RoHell guffaws and reminds him that there are other ways to please a woman.   

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Efrain wants to eat in the big man’s main dining room but Maria tells him to fageddabowdit.  He’s only another of many employees there and he’d better not forget it.  Connie tries to pacify him by telling him that Maria promised to ask the patron to let them date formally.  She’s certain he will allow it.  Just then one of the stable hands races into the kitchen to tell him they need to call the vet for Paloma.  “—I told you not to ride her so much!!”  Ruh-roh!

That evening, Mersnottys gets an unexpected visit from Esteban and the two of them get along really well.  He ends up telling her about his upcoming divorce.  FF>>

Bruno tells Ana Paula that, per Rogel’s instruction, he’s paid the buriel expenses (as well as the hospital expenses), so not to worry herself.  Cupcake says she knows and will work it off in order to pay him back.  Dani thinks she’s nutz!  “—Just how many years do you expect to work before you pay him back?  Have you even seen Michael’s hospital bill?”   Bruno gives her the rest of the news.   Mikey will definitely be going to jail for murder.  Now it’s Dimples’ jaw that hits the floor.  RoHell rolls up and says they’ve obviously heard about the people dying.  He sends Dani and Bruno away so he can speak with Pau alone.  She tells him he has to realize her brother never wanted those people to die.  He says he does, but he doesn’t agree that it was such a bad thing.  It was better for everybody that they did because then somebody would have had to support them for the rest of their natural lives.  Pau hisses back that he’s not changed at all and is as insensitive as ever!  All he can think about is money!  She storms off.  He’s flabberghatsted that she’s gotten away with it again.  “—I meant only that it was the best for her brother’s situation,”  he says to nobody there.

Mikey breaks up with Dani. 

AP comes home that night in tears.  She tells MentiaRosa that Mike’s going to jail for murder.  Rosie insists Bruno would gladly help her with this problem, but she swears he might confuse things and she will never love Bruno.  Nor does she want to owe him any more favors--PUHLEESE!  Rohellio Mont-ogro, then?  Definitely out of the question, she owes the shameless and insensitive brute too much already!!    But think of your brother, (and meeeeee) insists Tia Rosie.  She can forget waiting on Gus because he is never going to show up again.  “—What makes you so certain of that???” Rosie takes a moment to disinsert foot from mouth. 

Gus makes it finally to some little pueblo and immediately falls flat on his face on the sidewalk. A couple of guys leaving a bar notice him and stop to see if he’s still breathing.

MentiaRosie says it’s just that she wants Pau to open her eyes about Gus.  If Gus is who she’s waiting to help her out she’s wasting her time.  He’s been gone for days and days now!  Even if he never shows up again, swears AP, she’s never going to be interested in Bruno!  She says she’s going to take a bath and stomps out of the room.  Rosie searches the desk drawer for Gus’s chain and says to herself that he’s not coming back again.  “--You’re DEAD.  DEAD!”
A minute or two later RoHell knocks on Pau’s door.  Rosie lets him in.  Is Paula in?  “--Yes.”  She tries purposely to arouse his interest by indelicate mention of her niece’s evening ablution.  “—She’s  er…she’s baaaaathing.”  RoHell understands her meaning right off.  “--You can wait if you’d like.  She’s been crying because her brother’s going to jaaaaaaaiiiilllll.”  More crocodile tears from Rosi.  “--What will we doooooooo?”  RoHell tells her straight-faced that he can prevent it. --Hmm.  Now that’s a horse of a different color for Rosie.  She’s ready to bargain.  “—In exchange for what?”  “—In exchange for Paula.  I want her for myself.”  Rosie pretends to be scandalized.  She exclaims that her niece is a decent girl.  RoHell looks her straight in the eye and doesn’t flinch and inch.  “—Yes, but you are not!  You’re willing [disponer] to sell your niece to the highest bidder—and that’s me!”


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of January 23 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Bienvenidos a todos! I guess Monday is the big finale for La Casa. I'm not sure if I'll try Relaciones Peligrosas. Over to you. I have to go out and shovel snow!

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Relaciones Peligrosas-Index

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #87-88 Thu 1/19/12 Roses are red, Violeta is back, Pina is angry and Vince gets a smack.

After some dilly-dally repeats, we’re back where we left off, with the family surprising Chela for her birthday with The Only Mariachis In Mexico (seriously, watch enough telenovelas and you will recognize these same guys everywhere) and breakfast tacos with the whole casa popular. How freaking early do people get up to have time for parties before they go to work? Once they sit down to eat, the kids admit to Pancho that they’d really rather live at the mansion; it’s closer to school and their various amors and has band rehearsal space. He agrees to move back. Pancho’s sidekicks load La Burra with boxes while Ana lounges inside telling also-lounging Candy that she has a plan to give Chela exactly what she wants for her birthday.
Meanwhile, Vins is surprised to see Meli at breakfast at Casa Fresa, but he quickly names her queen of the house, to Pina’s dismay. Vins agrees to authorize Pina’s show. Frauddie tells them that Pepe won the Avon car design contest and Vins says they have to interfere.
Over at Avon, however, Enzo tells Frauddie and Vins that the contracts are signed and Pepe is designing the car, and it would cost a fortune to get out of it. However, they haven’t picked the driver yet… Frauddie still has a tantrum about driving the car Pepe designed. Honestly, I don’t know this delicate petunia manages to drive a racecar without having the vapors. Or biting his tongue off, since he is always letting it hang out.
Down at the auto shop, Moni and Pepe admire the car and smooch. A bunch of suits arrive along with Frauddie, who is gagging and sticking out his tongue as usual. He whines about the risk to his precious cuerpo, getting in this nacomobile, and Moni says at least there’s nothing for the world to lose, then. Pepe reluctantly agrees to pose for publicity photos with Frauddie. Frauddie makes ugly faces with his tongue threatening to poke out in the pictures. I’m starting to think he needs some sort of tongue sling or brace to keep it in.
Pancho and Vins power struggle at work. They have to meet exactly halfway between their offices, with their seconds, for a duel. Pancho declares his team is in charge of sales, personnel, and money. Vins’s crew is in charge of marketing and a bunch of other terms that mean marketing to make it sound like more.
Ana drops by the office to be rude to Rebeca and confirm that Pancho will definitely be home by 9.
The sidekicks deliver the boxes to the mansion. Chacho introduces Cheto to Goya and Cheto drools and drops to his knees and proposes marriage to her. Goya is a tad nonplussed.
The non-busy members of the family also arrive, and Candy gets Chela all dressed up and primped and tells her to come downstairs exactly at 9 for her birthday surprise. Downstairs, Candy confirms with Ana that everything is ready, and they and Lupita and Temo skedaddle.
Pancho arrives home, Chela comes downstairs, and they wonder where everyone else is. Chela quickly deduces that her surprise is some alone time with Pancho and some sultry lighting. Pancho is not happy about this, but he’s thickheaded enough to agree to dance with Chela after she puts on the CD Candy left, which is coincidentally “their” song (apparently they danced to it once before). They get rather too cozy.
Moni tells Enzo that she and Pepe are hiring an investigator to find her mother. Enzo tells her she’s wasting her time, and if she finds anything she won’t like it. Moni says he seems to know more than he claims, and it hurts her to know that he won’t tell her the truth.
The rest of the family is back at the casa popular with Ana’s band. The band decides to have an unplugged jam session with improvised instruments. Alex and Frauddie park right in front of the gate, as everyone always does, and Fraudster once again coaches Alex about his insecurity. Hilariously, Frauddie says “Hola, nacos” to some people on the street, then nervously dashes away. Once they’re in the courtyard, Frauddie the snake is charmed by Ana’s singing. This is not lost on Alex.
Back at the mansion, Rebe rings the bell, holding lots of gifts. No one answers so she walks around the path and sees Pancho and Chela dancing cheek to cheek. She angrily goes back to the door to ring again. Inside, however, the chandelier commits suicide for no discernible reason and Pancho pushes Chela away just in time. Chela decides her sister, QEPD, must be the phantom, and she answers the door and she and Rebe are really snippy. Rebe snidely asks if she’s interrupting something. Chela flirtily thanks Pancho for such a special night and excuses herself, happy to see Rebe so annoyed.
Rebe yells at Pancho, and he pleads Not Guilty By Reason of Birthday. Rebe thinks Chela planned the whole thing. Pancho says it was just dancing, the way he’s danced with Chela oodles of times. Oddly, that does not help his case. Pancho agrees that Rebe is right and that he’s too thick to ever catch on to these stupid Chela matchmaking schemes until Rebe yells about them.
Back at the casa popular, Frauddie is actually talking to Ana, and complimenting her, no less. She is all aflutter. Manuel tries to mark territory but Ana brushes him off. Pepe and Moni arrive and there is much friction and tongue outage. Alex drags Frauddie away, probably to a tongue doctor. Pepe gives Ana a hard time about consorting with the enemy.
Pina sets up another scene of seduction in her boudoir, this time with magic drops in the champagne and a saloon-girlish ensemble. Vins drinks up when she toasts to the memories of that one good time they had once in Monte Carlo. Pina claims she totally trusts him to manage THEIR assets, even though earlier she tried to interrogate him about what other secrets he might be keeping. Eventually Pina’s magic champagne of champions has Vins feeling fine and frisky. Pina suggests she’ll stay out of Avon business if he’ll…well, he imagines Candy there in Pina’s place and hops in bed. The camera ducks behind a candle and Pina shrieks.
Meanwhile, over at the big house, Pancho is trying to get Rebe liquored up with toxic-looking green drinks by the fire. Rebe tells him about Mike, finally: he was her boss in Miami, they had a romantic relationship, he screwed up and got fired and blamed her, and the relationship went down the tubes. They take advantage of their alone time to get smoochy and horizontal and relieve a few buttonholes of their buttons…until the whole family walks in.
The next morning, Vins stumbles around breaking things and shrieking and Ado tells him he looks horrible.
Candy’s and Pina’s programs are on television at the same time, different channels. Pina’s in notably perky form watching hers until Arnoldo calls to tell her that Candy is on channel 18. Oh Noes! Ado pep-talks her and Pina resolves to stomp Candy like a cockroach. Ado also sees the magic bottle and seems to figure out Pina’s improvement in mood.
Over at the office, Vins swills some grim curative and swoons about Candy while Arnoldo tries to talk some sense into him. This doesn’t work so Arne suggests they go buy jewelry to win Candy’s affection back.
Chacho and Cheto fix the chandelier. Chucha serves them lemonade and Cheto is all over her and tells her she is just like his first wife. First? How many times has he been married? None, heh heh. One surely cannot imagine why. He even dredges up a flower for her out of nowhere.
Chela is off in the other sala with Jessinia, who is spreading out all her occult stuff. Chela tells her about the haps of the previous evening. Candy interrupts their séance and while she’s talking one of the candles melts right on over and sets the table scarf on fire. They think it’s a sign from Laura.
Alex hears Frauddie conspiring with a mechanic named Walter to finish Pepe off.
Sandy yells at Vins that if she can’t have him, then no one can!
Ana does her modeling session. Rebe is nice to her, so of course Ana is bratty as usual and runs off. Unfortunately, she is klutzy in the high heels and she stumbles and knocks a cart over onto Frauddie in the lobby. They stand there dippily ogling each other for awhile. I can’t remember but I would assume Frauddie’s tongue hangs out. He invites her out for coffee…but they have to keep it a secret, so he will pick her up on the corner at 8.
Moni meets with the detective and gives him all the information she has, which consists of an old photo and some fake names.
Enzo meets with Violeta!!! She is snobby and sarcastic about his name and status change. Enzo tries to buy her off to leave the country, but she doesn’t need money. Violeta claims she wants to see Moni after so many years of being sick and struggling ALONE to overcome her emotional problems. Enzo begs her, in the name of the love they once had, to stay away from Moni. Violeta makes fun of him for thinking they were ever in love. Ouch.
Chacho advises Pancho not to let his kids manipulate him and control his romantic life. Pancho admits that he is afraid of alienating Ana.
Ana squeals to Lupita about her fantastic luck in scoring a date with Frauddie the Frog. Lupita fails to convince her that she’s just one more fly for his tongue to catch and she should stay away from a guy who is such a jerk to Elena and Pepe.
Moni goes to the taller for smooches and to ask Pepe if it’s possible maybe her mother is a bad person. If so, Moni, I’ve already got the moniker for her: Evileta. Vile-etta? Violenta?
Enzo interrupts the one person at Avon who actually works, Arnoldo, for a head and shoulder massage and to unload his moany Moni issues.
Vins gets Popeye to deliver his gift to Candy. Chela rolls her eyes rather than be impressed at Popeye’s delivery skills.
Next door, Sandra tells Pina that Vins and Candy are amantes. Pina is stunned but realizes that she is right. She yells that she will KILL Vins!
Vins obliviously stands right outside, blowing kisses at Candy and inviting her out for champagne that night. She won’t commit.

Vins walks into the slaughterhouse, gets caught up on the situation, tells Sandra he will fire her, and awaits Pina’s slap, which is swift and sure in coming.
Tomorrows: The rage of Pina.


La Que No Podía Amar #14 Thursday 1/19/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Stop Being Annoyingly Tacky

For the time being, Rogelio and that smarmy jerkface David "plan" to just keep the info about Miguel to themselves. If you can call that a plan. David makes it clear that if the people Miguel hit with the 18-wheeler end up dying (how the hell did they survive that in the first place?) it's going to be Miguel's problem. He's mostly concerned with recovering the cargo and keeping the company's nose clean. Niiice. Rogelio asks for a favor, but we don't hear what it is yet.

Hysteria at the house. Dany is worried about Miguel, Ana is confused about the possibility of the people he hit dying, and the ever-loving Tia Rosaura is concerned about having lost one of her meal tickets. Dany commences to a full-on freak-out, which makes even Rosaura tell her to pull it together. Optimistic Ana says they'll get Miguel home and they'll take care of him. The cop says that's not an option. He's actually technically under arrest for running two people down with an 18-wheeler. Man, this cop is an ass. If they die he's going straight to jail, don't pass go, don't collect any cash for Tia Rosaura. She focuses her distress on the lack of money to get him a lawyer. Pu-leeze, like she's not going to try to sucker Bruno into doing it for the low, low price of her niece's virtue.

David stands up Cinthia with the excuse that he's helping her brother. She's only mildly disappointed, from the looks of it. She's hanging out with Vanessa and tells her that David's ok and all, but she really likes her men a little more passionate. Vanessa gets all steamy about how passionate Rogelio is…or was? Cinthia brings up that if Vanessa's looking to get horizontal with Rog, she may want to adjust her expectations a bit. Vanessa figures she'll just ask the doctors if Rog can satisfy her carnal desires.

Miguel's really not doing well. A lung collapsed and he lost a lot of blood. He's stable, though. A couple of nurses wheel in a cart to work on him. She notices the hand and starts demanding information, but sees for herself as the doctor unwraps the bandages. He lost 3 fingers. Ana Paula is verklempt!

Bruno is summoned to David's office. Rogelio asks for an estimate of what could happen to someone who ran two people over…best and worst case scenario. Bruno wonders who the hypothetical someone is and Rogelio stupidly tells him it's Miguel, Ana Paula's brother. He calls her "my ex-nurse."

Ana Paula asks what is going to happen to Miguel. The doctor says they've got the fingers and they're going to reattach them. She needs to sign an authorization form and pay his bill. I don't know if he means it this way, but to me it sounds like he's not going to do the surgery if she doesn't cough up some cash.

Vanessa is planning to make her relationship with Rogelio public as soon as the divorce is final. Mommy is still trying to talk her out of the divorce. Papi doesn't want her with Rogelio, but he doesn't have a problem with the divorce. He suspects this is something to do with the business, because of the timing with the contract and all. Mami is worried about the talk if Vanessa goes back to the guy she ditched at the altar. Papi doesn't think she's up to handling Rogelio's medical/physical needs. Vanessa reacts like a spoiled child, screaming loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear that she already told them she could handle it. Mami wonders if he's proposed, which he hasn't, but Vanessa is sure he will. Papi tells her to get divorced first, and then they'll talk about another wedding. "Now eat your salad. Go on!" Damn! It's not easy being a spoiled rich bitch!

Ana Bertha Espin may be a lovely person in real life, but this is the second time she's played a character that just makes me want to smack her every time she opens her mouth. "Well, now how's Miguel going to work as a carpenter? With his hand like that. They won't even give him a job as a driver." Dear sweet Muses, please let me play a character one day who provokes that much emotion! Ana Paula says he'll be ok. Dany is still weepy. Ana tells her she can go see him, but she's got to calm down. She pulls it together and goes in to see him. Rosaura asks if he really will be ok or if she just said it for Dany's benefit. Ana Paula says he really will be fine, but they've got to figure out how to pay the bill. Predictably, Rosaura tells her to call Bruno since he's the "only" one who can help them.

Dany tells an unconscious Miguel that he's got to get better. "Remember we have plans!"

Ana Paula explains she doesn't want them to be indebted to Bruno when he obviously has a thing for her. She wishes Gustavo were there and Rosaura takes the opportunity to snipe at Gustavo for being a useless boyfriend when Ana Paula needs him.

And there he is, bleeding at the bottom of a ditch.

Ana Paula is sure something bad happened to him, but Rosaura says he's probably just off drunk somewhere. AP is sure he's not and she plans to go downstairs and ask Mercedes if she's heard from him. "Oh, his sister works here?" *sniff, sniff* "Are you sure you couldn't ask her to do something for your brother?" Um, maybe if you hadn't encouraged Bruno that might be a possibility now. Of course, I know she doesn't care about Miguel, per se, but his future potential earnings.

Vanessa and Cinthia leave the mall. Vanessa complains about her parents, but Cinthia says things are moving a little fast. Cinthia borrows Vanessa's cell phone to call the hacienda. Consuelo answers the phone and says everything's fine. Cinthia actually asks for Efrain and claims it was on Rogelio's behalf, but Consuelo says he's a the stables. Cinthia tells her to pass on a message to Efrain, from her: "Don't forget your place."

Efrain asks someone to saddle Cinthia's horse, throwing his weight around in Rogelio's absence. Even Margarito tells him that no one is supposed to ride Cinthia's horse except her. He demands the horse be saddled.

Ana Paula finds Mercedes, asking if she's heard from Gustavo and saying she's worried. They have it out about the "kiss" and AP tells her Bruno kissed her, not the other way around. Whatever, Mercedes wants nothing to do with her. AP says she's there because her brother had an accident and while Mercedes is sorry, she'd still prefer to behave as though she didn't know Ana Paula.

David comes to the hospital looking for Miguel's relatives. He finds Ana Paula first and explains he's Miguel's boss. Rosaura sniffs and cries for his benefits, assuming verbally that he's there to pay the bill. David says no way! He took the company truck without permission. That's his story and he's sticking to it. He says Miguel must have been doing a transport job on the side. That's what the company logs say. He insists there's no mistake and the company can't be responsible. It's all on Miguel.

Maria wonders what the phone call was about and Consuelo says that Cinthia wanted to talk to Efrain. She didn't think about having Maria take the phone while she went out to get him, and since she's so touchy about her even talking to Efrain…. Maria softens up and says she has noticed that Efrain hasn't been sniffing around any other skirts lately, so if he keeps behaving himself, when Rogelio gets home, Maria will go to bat for their "relationship." Consuelo is overjoyed. Maria says she'll be watching them like a hawk! "Can I go tell Efrain? Pleeeeease?"

Ana Paula insists someone must have given permission in order for him to get the truck out. David says they're looking for an accomplice. Rosaura threatens him with getting a lawyer and David calls her bluff, saying he's planning on suing Miguel for stealing the truck. Rosaura uses this as ammo to convince Ana Paula to call Bruno.

Efrain rides Cinthia's horse. Consuelo lets him know that she talked to Maria about "them." Efrain doesn't want to get off the horse to talk to her. "Can't you see I'm busy? I'm taking the boss' place now. If he doesn't call or come home, then don't bother me."

Miguel regains consciousness…and the first person he sees is Rosaura. I think I'd vote for unconsciousness again! He tells her another car got in his way. He denies stealing the truck. Rosaura brutally screams at him about his missing fingers and he can't help unwinding the bandage and spiking his blood pressure. Dude freaks right the hell out! Ana Paula asks the nurse to please get a sedative for her brother! Man that sucks! Hand trauma of any kind scares the crap out of me! I know I could still act and sing, but the thought of not playing an instrument again…I might eventually work around it, but it would take some time to be emotionally recovered enough to do that.

Vanessa goes to visit her dad at his office. She tells him to fire Dany for not showing up for work.

Ana Paula tells Dany and Rosaura that Miguel wouldn't let her out of the room. Dany says she's gone to everyone she knows, but isn't going to be able to get much money. Bruno comes in and Rosaura is glad to see him. Ana Paula, not so much, especially after everything she told him last night. But Bruno isn't here on his own account, he was sent…by Rogelio. Dun, dun, dun!

Dany sits by Miguel's bedside and cries to him about how she can't get together enough money for his operation and hasn't been at work long enough to ask for a loan. This reminds her that she completely stood up her boss today and she grabs her cell phone to call him.

Vanessa is whining to daddy that her husband sent word through his lawyer that he doesn't want a divorce. She wants daddy to intervene, but he wants her to deal with her own problems. In the midst of the conversation the phone starts ringing and Vanessa picks it up. Dany asks for Leti, who isn't there and when she explains that she's Dany, "the other secretary" Vanessa responds with a shouted "You mean the EX secretary because you don't work hear anymore!" and slams down the phone. And what does Papi say? "Honey, you've got to learn to control your temper." Really? Really? That's it?

Dany doesn't take it well and cries that she can't have lost her job. Oh, just go back once Vanessa's gone and explain. Federico's a big softy. He'll take you back.

Rogelio asks to speak to Ana Paula alone. He hopes she's changed her opinion of him. Rosaura can't leave it alone and starts laying it on thick with the tears and saying they need money for his operation. Rogelio summons Bruno and tells him to take care of things…if Ana Paula agrees.

David likes that the other people at the restaurant think they're married. He won't tell her what he was doing for Rogelio earlier. "Well, you're lucky you caught me with Vanessa. I don't have a cell phone of my own." "Why not?" "Because Rogelio doesn't think it's necessary." This accompanied by a roll of the eyes I agree with wholeheartedly, but at the same time…come on, she's got enough autonomy to get into town alone every once in a while. Take some cash and get a prepaid cell. Not like there's any reception around that place anyway. David offers to get one for her so they can stay in touch. He tells her he loves her eyes. I get the feeling she'd rather he quit with the pretty words and just get it on right there on the table.

Ana Paula does agree, and thanks him. "You know I can only pay you with work." Rogelio babbles about her knowing how to be "humble" when necessary. Ana Paula sees his being there as wanting to support her and her family in their time of need, and she appreciates that, but she teasingly reminds him that he never said he was sorry for his previous dickish behavior. "Oh, well, I'm only doing this out of the kindness of my heart, with no intentions of emotionally blackmailing you into working for me again, of course!" Ana Paula says she knows and when he gives the word, she'll go back to the hacienda with him.

Consuelo is outside watering plants. She resists Efrain's advances, saying Maria will be watching. She tells him she was just looking for him to pass on a message from Cinthia: "Know your place." He muses that he of all people knows his (delusional) place on that hacienda. He wants to get frisky, but Consuelo tells him to quit wasting her time, she's got work to do. She leaves Efrain to his delusions of grandeur and gets verbal approval from Maria for demanding respect.

Ernesto notices Mercedes is upset and realizes she still hasn't heard from Gustavo. He offers to take her to the police station to talk to a friend of his as soon as he finishes up with a patient.

Bruno and Rosaura confab about Gustavo. According to Bruno, Gustavo put up a fight and things got out of hand. His hired thug brought back Gustavo's personal effects and wallet partly to hinder his identification, partly to make it look like a mugging, and partly as proof that he did the job. "And why are you giving these to me? I didn't ask for that! I only wanted him out of the way for a while." "These things have their risks. It doesn't always go the way you want." Rosaura turns around and sees Mercedes. She awkwardly turns back around, holding the bag of Mercedes' (presumably) dead brother's things. The tacky bitch shoves the plastic bag in her purse, turns back to Mercedes, and gives her a horrible smile.

Rogelio tells Ana Paula that he's attending to business in Tuxtla at the moment, so she doesn't need to work right away, she can take some time to care for Miguel. He can call or send Bruno when it's time for her to go back with him. She reminds him that he got the job for Miguel. *significant hand touch* (drink!) He tells her not to worry about material things right now, it will all work itself out. "The thing is, your friend is trying to say that Miguel committed a crime…." Rogelio tells her the cops will investigate and find out what really happened. Bruno approaches from behind Rogelio, and Dany comes up from behind Ana Paula to say that there's no more time to wait, the doctors need to perform the operation now. Rogelio tells her it's been taken care of. Dany weeps with gratitude and Ana Paula still looks somewhat skeptical.

Rosaura chats up Mercedes. Tacky. She says Ana Paula's been leading Bruno on and while she's sure Gustavo is a nice guy, there are men "para todos los gustos y tambien para todos los gastos" (for every taste and every expense). Mercedes doesn't like women who play around with men's feelings. "I always criticized her for that, but she always wanted to string two men along at once. She'll probably tell you a different story if you ask her yourself. Best not to. Just tell your brother to move on." Tacky. Mr. 5ft points out that this is a major TN trope--the first person to tell the story is the one who is believed.

Dany and Ana Paula have sandwiches in the waiting room. AP breaks the news that she's agreeing to go back to work for Rogelio. Dany finds the whole situation and the timing suspicious, but AP is still dressed by little birds in the morning, so she's sure there's a reasonable explanation and no one's out to hurt her brother.

Rosaura tells Mercedes she hopes her brother is found. Ernesto is ready so Mercedes excuses herself. Rosaura follows her partway down the hallway. She turns around and Bruno and Rogelio are there, so she asks Bruno to go see if Ana Paula has had anything to eat. She tells Rogelio she can tell that he's interested in her niece, and not in a professional way. "So? Would you object?" Rosaura gulps and doesn't answer.

Consuelo and the shopkeeper's daughter (sorry, her name slipped my mind), walk through the square chatting. The other girl has a key to Bruno's house and jokes that with everyone out of town, they could have had a party at his place. She gushes about there being a boy she would have liked to invite, but he's an out-of-towner who hasn't been back through (Miguel). She wishes her mother wouldn't insist she throw herself at Bruno. Consuelo says Bruno is aiming a bit high, and the other girl says he's too old for her. Consuelo says that she's thisclose to being Efrain's official steady, once the boss gets back from his trip and gives his permission. Blah, blah, blah, Efrain's so dreamy.

"I could maybe agree."
"You don't think I'm good enough for your niece?"
"No, on the contrary, you're more than good enough! You know my niece is a decent girl, from a good family. She's not…well, she's not just a girl you pass the time with."
"I would never see her like that! If that's what you think of me, …."
"No, I'm sorry, but look. We're two women alone. For all that Miguel is good for now."
"I don't want you to say a word about this to anyone! Everyone else will find out when it happens."
Rosaura gushes about what a great surprise, and oh how many secrets. Tacky. Rogelio waves her off and summons Hugo to get him the hell out of there.

Dany and Ana Paula reassure Miguel that he's going to be fine. Miguel says he's sorry for doing this to her. "I disappointed you! You're supposed to depend on me." They come to wheel him in to surgery.

Rogelio visits Vanessa. He's whistling with happiness. He pulls Vanessa onto his lap and tells her every day he's more sure that everyone has their price. This apparently appeals to her and they get their smoochies on. That skirt is short enough they could be doing more than that if he were so inclined.

Bruno quizzes Rosaura about the conversation with Rogelio, but she gives nothing away. She tells him she's worried for him because "the dead guy's sister" has federal police connections. "They're already investigating!" Bruno calls his thug and tells him "they" have a problem. The Federales are investigating.

Ana Paula advises Dany to go back to work and explain what happened. Dany figures once she has a chance to talk to him, it will all be fine. They go into the chapel to pray to the Virgen. Or at least Ana Paula does. Dany just weeps. Ana Paula asks for favors: (1) for Miguel to get better, (2) for Gustavo to come back.

Bruno's thug reports the "body" isn't where he left it. He doesn't know where it is. Bruno tells him they can't talk about it over the phone and summons him for a face-to-face convo. Rosaura asks what happened, but Bruno tells her that the less she knows, the better.

Mercedes and Ernesto spent the day with the cops. He's sure they'll find him. She's upset that he has to be missing for 72 hours before they can start the search. Ernesto's cop buddy is already looking, unofficially. Mercedes checks the machine for messages, but only gets Ana Paula, desperately looking for Gustavo. The message pisses her off. "It's that chick!" Mercedes cries and Ernesto comforts her. He still thinks she's pretty, even with her blotchy, teary face. She wonders if she should call their parents, but he says not yet. More comforting.

Miguel won't eat his jello. He just wants to sleep. He's characteristically pessimistic about the outcome of the operation. Rosaura says it had better work, as much as it cost. "Oh, that Mr. Montero! It's like he fell out of the sky!" Must. Not. Kill. Since I spend more time listening and typing than actually watching, Mr. 5ft has to call my attention to the fact that the tacky broad is drinking her nephew's juice. Tacky, tacky, tacky! Rosaura takes over the feeding duties. While talking up Rogelio as being a misunderstood man who jut needs love and affection. Miguel worries about needing to get back to work and make some money. Ana Paula tells him she's going back to work for Rogelio and Miguel flips out. She insists it's fine that she's going back to work for him and Rosaura gloats.

Bruno meets up with his thug and confirms the body is gone, gone, gone. "Then that means he's not dead! Idiot!" Bruno is worried about Gustavo spoiling his plans and the thug is worried about Gustavo recognizing him. Well, if the shit hits the fan, no worries, Bruno will definitely be throwing his thug under the bus, and he lets him know that.

Ana Paula is back in the chapel praying for Gustavo again. Dany finds her there and asks if there's been any word on Gustavo, which there hasn't. Dany is going to go back to work now that Miguel is better. AP says he's in a better mood today. She's really only worried about going back to the hacienda because she doesn't know what happened to Gustavo. She's also hopeful that Rogelio has really changed. He seems like a different person.

Mercedes goes storming into David's office and demands to know where Gustavo is and what he's done to him. She says he's the only person who has a problem with her brother.

Rogelio and Ana Paula have coffee. The doctors told Rogelio that Miguel will recover (he gets in the dig about how at least Miguel will). He agrees with Ana Paula about the importance of physiotherapy for Miguel's recovery. He asks if they've heard anything about the people who were hit, but they haven't. Ana Paula knows Miguel will be really upset about it and she wants to go visit them and see for herself how they're doing. Rogelio says that's not a good idea and it would be better if they died.

Rosaura is yelling at Miguel about how his boss insists he stole the truck, which is why he won't pay for any of Miguel's expenses, or those of the people he ran over. Tacky. "Your sister didn't tell you? You hit a man and a woman and they're in serious condition. Pray to God they don't die or you'll be a murderer."

Tomorrow: more praying, more smooching, a chick fight, more tears.


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