Monday, February 05, 2007

Welcome to Acorralada!

Greetings. I want to introduce myself, as I am a new recapper. I started watching Acorralada a couple of weeks ago, when I was casting about for a new novela to watch, as my current fave, La Fea Mas Bella (LFMB), will be ending soon. This blog helped me get up to date on LFMB when I started watching two/three months after it started. I keep reading just for fun now.

Unfortunately, I was not happy with many of the other selections. LFMB is a comic novela, and all the others are weirdly melodramatic. I had never watched any other novelas, so I was not prepared for the style. Then I happened upon Acorralada. It seems worth watching.

Although I missed the very beginning (Jan 15), I was able to pick up the plot for the most part, and I was amused by the antics of the various characters: There are a bunch of bratty rich teenage girls who hang out on the beach (it's set in Miami) and prance around in bikinis and fight over the hunky shirtless teenage boys. There are a lot of secrets being held by various people. There is the evil housekeeper who dresses in a man's suit and looks like Milton Berle (okay, I'm dating myself again with these ancient references). She's a little like Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca (to name another).

As for me, I'm a lawyer here in NYC. I resumed studying Spanish last year (after having two years of college Spanish many years ago) because I began to have a lot of Spanish-speaking clients. I work with a nonprofit agency, and we help people get Social Security disability payments. A lot of them are Spanish speaking. I hired a tutor from Craig's list and began watching Spanish TV for practice. I started watching LFMB because I had heard that the Ugly Betty show was coming to English language TV and I thought it would be interesting to watch the Mexican version. Now I like the Mexican version much better (the American version is just like an extended Devil Wears Prada).

My Spanish is getting much better. I can have basic conversations with my clients ("Tiene dolor en sus piernas?"), and I can follow the action in these shows. The assistance of my DVR and closed captioning is invaluable.

I will start recapping some of these shows along with another recapper, Karen. If someone else wants to help, that would be great too! Also, a million thanks to blogmom Melinama, who posted the great cast list/combination summary. I look forward to hearing from anyone else who is watching.


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You had me at "Miami in bikinis."

Welcome aboard!

I think this show is on Univision at 2 pm, am I right, so people who are not enjoying other shows might want to TAPE Acorralada for later enjoyment. I guess I just missed it for today... welcome Nina!

Good to have you with us, Nina. I'm so caught up in these crazy telenovelas that I've ordered my cable company to set me up with DVR. I'm glad I did because now I can record Acorralada, watch it after I get home from work (law firm, by the way) and read your recaps!

Yes, Acorralada is on in the afternoon. Up until now, I think this blog has only covered evening shows.

I have the DVR from my cable company. I have heard some people say TIVO is better, but I like the simplicity of having the one provided by the cable company. If something goes wrong with it, they just replace it.

Ferroooo---good one!! ROFLOL. I am not surprised.~~~Susanlynn, only interested in beach scenes if there are men on horses

Ferro and Susanlynn, it has only been since my contamination by the lascivious audience here at Caray Caray! that I've started noticing how often there are in fact gratuitous scenes of people in scanty clothing in otherwise proper shows. For instance, I just saw the first-ever episodes of "Bones" on dvd. In the first, one of the forensic anthropologists, in order to get the attention of the person behind the desk at the airport, pulled her shirt apart revealing a pink, uh, undergarment of some kind. In the second, David Borenaz (for whom I have a guilty soft spot) is shown coming to the door with his shirt unbuttoned and flowing open. How often do any men I know come to the door and open it with their shirts flowing open? I'm just saying. I never noticed before.

Welcome Nina! How fabulous that you and Karen will recap Acorralada. I recorded a couple of episodes but haven't yet watched. Now I am inspired to do so. The evil housekeeper, a la Berle/Danvers, sounds intriguing. Does anyone remember the character "Pat" from SNL? Maybe she is like an evil Pat. And as for the hunky dudes...bring 'em on!

Does anyone have a start date for Zorro yet? I do get telemundo, i guess i just havent seen anything yet. Thanks

The first Zorro episode airs Monday, Feb 12 at 9:00 p.m. Tivo tells me it has repeat episodes the following day (2/13) at something like 3:00 a.m. (not sure of the exact time) and 10:00 a.m.

First, let me just say that I am sitting here feeling impactada AND surly because I do NOT get Telemundo , and, therefore, will NOT be able to watch Zorro. However, since Fernandooo will not be playing Zorrooo, I feel slightly less impactada and surly. Melinama--Did you ever watch ''Angel?'' That also starred David B. [as a vampire!!!Yikes!! Sexy AND scary!!] He is the son of a Phila. TV weatherman , and my college roommate had his sister as a student when she was teaching at a Catholic girls' school . Like you, I have been unlucky in that I've never had an hombre with shirt flowing open answer any doors that I've knocked on least no strange hombres. Sylvia--I remember Pat from SNL. By the way, that show has really become unwatchable. Last Saturday, I felt very sorry for Drew Barrymore because all the skits we so seems that all the funny writers and actors have left. As for this new novela...Caray! I'm not sure I will be able to watch...I am already having a hard time keeping the casts of ''Mundo'' and ''Duelo'' separate in my mind [not to mention all the characters from ''Amor'' and ''Alborada'' that are still spinning inside my head.]~~~Susanlynn, trying not to go into telenovela overload

Sylvia, Thank you sooo much for the info. I watch univision more than telemundo, so i guess i just havent seen any zorro announcement. Thanks again.

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