Wednesday, September 19, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #30B-32A Missing Recaps 5-8, by Kim

To the right: another project Kim's been working on!

Missing Recap 5: Everyone parties

Lety and Irmita are talking in the executive lobby, then they leave. Fernando spies Ariel and pretends to hide from him. Ariel corners him and gives him crap about the night, nothing new here, then leaves.

Roman and his loser gang are piling into his P.O.S.-mobile when Tomas runs up dressed in his best Urkel impression. Tomas shows Roman that he has money, so Roman lets him come party with them, which doesn't make Hot Chick happy.

Fernando is pacing in the studio when Carla Lagunas shows up to say goodbye. She says something nice, I think she's the only one besides Lety to do so this whole night. He thanks her and she kisses his cheek. Following TV tradition, naturally Marcia picks that moment to walk up and sees the kiss. Fern tries to explain, but Marcia just gives a nasty "Buenos Noches" and stalks away (I've decided Marcia never actually walks, she only stalks). Carla and Fern make "oh crap" faces.

In the lobby, the cuartel are telling Lety and Irma about their run in with Rulli. Saimon comes up and wants to go with them to celebrate and protect them, but PM says it's only for women and they all leave.

Fernando chases Marcia, though I don't know why 'cause all she does is bitch at him. Carla in the background is headed to the elevator. Marcia tells him tomorrow he has to apologize to Luigi and either says she's going home alone or Fernando had better be going home alone (I'm not sure which), then she gets on the elevator with Carla and they both pretend to be nice.

The cuartel are in front of the building talking. Irma tells them she's tired and doesn't want to go but they talk her into it. PM tells them she wants to go someplace where men are. Irma tells them she doesn't need a man, she needs a boss, and explains that Luigi quit. All are impactada while Lety's eye twitches.

Fernando is complaining about Luigi to Omar and Carolina, and they're trying to convince him that they need Luigi and don't need problems with him right before they leave for L.A. Caro tells Fernando that he really needs to apologize and Omar agrees.

The cuartel exit a taxi in front of a club. They tell Sara to pay the guy but she thinks he wants too much, it's not a limousine. He insults her, she insults him, blah blah. She pays him less than he wants and he calls them ugly and starts calling for the cops while Roller Derby Chick busts out. Irma finally pays the balance just to put us the viewers out of our misery and they all go into the club.

Fernando is in his car talking to Omar on the cell phone. He wants to know where Omar is, and Omar tells him he's eating with Ana Lety. Fernando tells Omar that he doesn't know where Luigi is and isn't sure what to say to him. Ana Leticia gives him the name of the bar Luigi's at.

Lety's parents are in bed when Lety calls. Robopop wants to know where she is and she tells him she's fine and at a restaurant with her friends. He tells her to come home but she begs to be allowed to stay. She convinces mom and dad to let her stay (I think).

Meanwhile at another bar, Roman convinces Tomas to buy drinks for everyone to impress the girl he likes. Roman starts talking to some random girl while Tomas drools over an increasingly uncomfortable Hot Chick. Everyone gets up to dance but Roman convinces Tomas to stay at the table (not sure what he says to make him stay).

Back to the cuartel, I don't care enough about their conversation to try to figure it out. Celso is mentioned and tequila gets drunk. Lety tries to yak up a hairball every time she slugs a shot.

Fern shows up at Luigi's club and asks the doorman if he's in the right place. The doorman gives him the eye which makes Fern neverous. Fernando goes to the bar and all the men flirt with him, which makes him more nervous. Just then a woman walks by and he says "ah mujeres" in a relieved tone and I'm thinking someone needs to warn you that there are "mujeres" and there are "mujeres". He decides this means the bar isn't totally gay and feels a little better. A waiter comes up and asks if he wants a drink and he says no he's just looking for a friend. He then says hi and starts talking to a woman at the bar next to him when yep, you guessed it, another woman comes up and hits him on the shoulder and asks why he's talking to her girlfriend. He turns away and asks the bartender for a double whisky. Another guy comes up and hits on him as he chugs his drink like a frat boy at a toga party. He tells the guy he's waiting for an amigo, then quickly changes it to amigA. The man rubs his arm and asks him something I don't get, and he replies back with something about his wife and kids. Just then Miguel the bat-eared guy from Cine-Rent comes over and asks Fern what he's doing there. Fern, desperate to get away from the other guy, hugs Miguel in relief, then springs away embarrassed and tells the other guy that they're just friends. The guy tells Fern they're a cute couple and Miguel says thanks while Fern makes a Que the Hell face. Miguel asks Fern what he's doing there while playing with his tie, and Fernando the Clueless becomes Fernando the Clued In as he finally figures out just what Miguel is doing there. Fern pulls away and tells him he's looking for Luigi, and yells at him about the bad videos and Miguel says fine, I'll leave you alone then and Fern begs him not to leave.

Meanwhile, Luigi and Rulli show up outside and Luigi tells Rulli he'd like to start his own production house. Rulli tells Luigi that he'll help him. Miguel and Fernando are sitting on a settee and Fernando is protecting certain parts with a pillow on his lap. Miguel touches his hand and tells him he's tense, and Fern slaps his hand away and says he's not going to wait for Luigi any more and gets up to leave but Miguel pulls him back down. Just then Luigi comes in and sees Fernando and makes a big show of "what are you doing here, I don't want to see you, yadda yadda yadda". Fern tells him they have to talk because he's going to L.A. tomorrow, but Luigi still doesn't want to and raises a fuss while everyone watches. Luigi tells Fern he's going to the bathroom and Fern drinks from Luigi's drink and gets something on his mouth (salt? Was it a margarita?). Luigi reaches over and wipes it off and judging by their faces, I think it may have been a cute little unscripted moment. Luigi then tells Fern not to be there when he gets back. Luigi heads toward the men's room, but Fern chases him. Luigi slams the door in his face and Fernando yells at him to open up. A waiter walks by and tells Fern to be quiet, but some other guy tells him don't worry, they're novios, it's nothing. This really makes Fern nervous and Luigi opens the door.

Back with Tomas, everyone finally gets back to the table, then Roman leaves again to dance with a girl leaving Hot Chick to talk to Tomas. He tells her she's very pretty, but then leaves to look for Roman to talk to him about something. He may be asking to borrow Roman's car, but I'm really not sure. While he's gone, Roman gets back to the table and starts talking to HC, but I'm not sure what they're saying. We jump back to Fernando and Luigi still fighting in the men's room.

Once more to the cuartel, who are very drunk. Their conversation is boring and I'm afraid I fast forward through most of it. I think they're still going on about Rulli.

Luigi and Fernando are back at the bar and Fernando reminds Luigi that the bad things that happened aren't just bad for Conceptos, they're bad for Luigi too. Luigi calls Fern inept. Fern tells him he's going to L.A. and needs to be able to tell those clients that his director is the star, Luigi Lombardi. Luigi tells Fern that Conceptos is already a failure and Fernando says, oh yeah, well I'll make a bet with you and Luigi wants to know what the bet is.

We're now transported to a bar where the cuartel are sharing a bottle of tequila. Juana is dancing on the table and the others all get up to dance.

Back to the gay bar, Fern tells Luigi what the bet is: If Conceptos loses work because they changed the format, he'll buy the 35mm camera Luigi wants. But, if the video format helps them to increase production, Luigi has to resign himself to using it. Luigi proposes a different bet: if they lose work and he wins... at first I think he says Fernando has to sleep with him, but when Fern basically says Oh Hell to the NO (and I'm sure Luigi was kidding anyway just to get a rise out of him), he says you have to come to a party with me dressed as the Queen of the Night. Fern argues, but Luigi turns his back and says accept my bet or forget about me coming back!

The cuartel are still dancing and they see El Cheque dancing with some random woman (Jazmin) and Lola turns BSC.

Missing Recap 6: What's more embarrassing than passing out drunk in front of your coworkers? YOUR PARENTS!!

Fern and Luigi are still talking about the bet and the cuartel are still drunk. Lola confronts her husband and raises a stink in the bar about his new Squeeze-Me Barbie.

Tomas catches Hot Chick macking on Roman. He gives Tomas some lame excuse that I don't get and the whole gang leaves leaving Tomas to pay the bill.

Fernando accepts Luigi's bet and Miguel brings them all champagne, but Fern doesn't want any.

Lety and the cuartel are drunk and call Saimon to come get them. Then they all go into the bathroom and start crying, I guess for Lola's sake or just 'cause they're drunk, I'm not sure.

Luigi and Fern are leaving the bar and Fern is complaining that Ana Lety didn't warn him it would be a gay bar. Luigi says "hello", like hey dumba**, what other kind of bar would I be in? Fern says I'll see you tomorrow and tries to leave, but Luigi tells him he wants to seal the bet with a kiss on the cheek. Fernando refuses saying the only man he kisses is his father (or he could be saying he doesn't even kiss his father, I'm not sure). Luigi continues to give him crap, saying hey, they do it in Europe all the time, on BOTH cheeks. Fern says "fine", all exasperated, and Luigi closes his eyes and puckers up (I'm not sure why, I thought the kiss was supposed to be on the cheek, but you know Luigi). A kid just happens to walk by selling roses and Fern calls him over and buys a red one from him and hits Luigi in the head with it, but not too hard. Luigi looks shocked and says Oh My God in English, then smiles. This entire bar scene between these two has been hilarious, they really work well off each other. Luigi accepts the rose and says something along the lines of "now we're novios" or something like that, and Fernando makes a noise like he's trying to imitate Lety yakking up a hairball and takes off.

Saimon has shown up and is half-carrying Lety out the door while the rest of the cuartel follow. Lety thinks she sees Fernando and semi-passes out in Saimon's arms. Just then the parental units (who appear to have been out looking for her in their PAJAMAS!) show up and they ain't happy campers.

Fern gets to Marcia's apartment and tells Marcia that he's fixed everything with Luigi but he really hated having to beg. Marcia tells him she'll try to console him and leads him into the bedroom.

Lety's parents manage to pour her into her room and though she's still drunk, suddenly she's sober enough to write in her diary. Sorry, I had to fast forward through a lot of this, her voice was even more annoying than usual. She tells her diary that she doesn't know what she'll do with herself while Fernando is away, and starts crying. While she's talking, we cut to Fernando in bed with Marcia. She's watching him while he's unable to sleep and asks what's wrong, and he tells her the worst part of all was having to go to a gay bar and now people think he's Luigi's boyfriend! Marcia starts macking on him to make him feel better. And may I just add a personal comment that we needed many more scenes of Fern shirtless than we were given! Sigh! Anyroad...

Missing Recap 7: In which Alicia doesn't go to Hawaii

The next day Lety heads to work with a massive hangover. She meets up with Tomas, who's pretty sad looking. When she asks how it went, he claims it was great. She asks if he got to kiss Hot Chick and he explains he caught her kissing Roman. She wants to know why he keeps trying to hang with Roman when they treat him badly, but he just asks how her night was. I don't really get her answer, and she leaves for work.

At Conceptos, PM has a headache too. Saimon brings out a tray filled with glasses of water and Alka Seltzer. He complains about the stuff she asks him to do but she just looks at him like Shut the hell up dude! She says something he doesn't like and he starts to drink a seltzer, but Lety comes in and takes it from him and drinks it. He leaves and PM and Lety talk.

Omar comes in and starts flirting with PM. Fernando and Alicia come in and Alicia is glaring so Fern, in either a very rare moment of kindness to Alicia or to save his friend from a serious claw scratching, distracts her and manages to get her on the elevator. He then pulls Omar aside and give him crap about it, then throws Omar into the elevator and follows him in.

Back upstairs Saimon is handing out the seltzers to the rest of the cuartel, who are just as hung as Lety and PM. Alicia comes in clapping and yelling and they don't even care. Fernando, Omar and Marcia come in and go to their offices.

In his office, Fernando is asking Lety for stuff, but like Radar in MASH she answers him before he finishes, and he starts to get irritated by it. She starts to walk to her office but Fern stops her and reminds her of the significant responsibility she'll have because everything will be in her hands while he's gone. She tells him tranquila, she'll take care of everything and he smiles.

Fernando calls a meeting with Omar, Marcia, Lopez, Alicia and Luigi and tells them all that Lety will be in charge while he and Omar and Marcia are gone and he hopes they'll work with her and not fight against her. Luigi says no way, she's not over me and makes a rude comment that makes Lopez laugh his wheezy laugh. Fern agrees that Luigi's in charge of his area and the commercial they're working on, but Lety's in charge of everything else. Luigi starts talking about all the stuff he wants to do and Fernando stresses economy. Alicia isn't happy and Fern offers to send her to Hawaii to cheer her up. Since she's the epitome of the dumb blond, she says "really?" and of course he shoots her down and Lety titters.

Alicia leaves the conference room and Lola and Sara sing to her. I have no idea what this is about, but then Sara bleats at her like a sheep. What?????

Luigi teases Fern about last night and Marcia wants to know what happened and Luigi jokingly calls her jealous. Marcia starts talking about the wedding, and you can tell Fern really doesn't want to hear it. We get a shot of Lety, whose ears must be in full-on hypersensitivity mode because she can hear them even though they aren't yelling, and she looks sad. Marcia wants Fern to set some time aside so they can make preparations together. I think she mentions that after L.A. she's going to go to Miami and do some shopping for the wedding. She and Luigi leave and Fernando yells for Lety. She comes in with his briefcase, cell phone and tickets.

Suddenly Fernando picks her up and twirls her around and says something mushy to her. He holds her, then she twirls away and they dance while she's telling him to return to her soon. She then begins to do some kind of weird Riverdance-type clogging and, of course, it's a daydream and Fern is watching her dance by herself, mystified. He claps his hands to snap her out of it as the phone rings, and asks her to take some time from her ballet lessons to answer it. She does and it's Marcia, they talk and he starts to leave. At the last second he gives Lety a funny look tells her to "practice more".

Alicia is worried about being left alone with the cuartel and Marcia tells her not to be intimidated by Lety. Fernando and Marcia are going to lunch and Alicia tries to invite herself along and tries to get Omar to go too. Omar walks up then and she calls him Amor and asks him to join them for lunch, but he tells her he can't, he has plans and Fern backs him up. She wants a kiss before he leaves but he just shoots her an air kiss. Fernando tells Marcia to uninvite Alicia.

Saimon's dancing down in reception, but he and PM argue again. Omar walks in and PM leaves with him, making Saimon pout.

Marta and Fernando watch, sharing an apple, while Alicia and Marcia talk. Alicia tells Marcia that Omar's agreed to live with her and she thinks he'll propose soon. Marcia says stuff I don't get, then Fern yells at her to hurry up and they get on the elevator. He starts to hand the apple back to Marta but decides to keep it and thanks her while she looks sad.

PM and Omar are in a hotel room, they've just finished playing doctor and now he's getting dressed. PM is pissed that he's leaving and wants to know if he's serious about her or is this just a one-night stand because she knows he's getting it on with Alicia Ferreira. He denies there's anything between him and Alicia and calms PM down.

The cuartel are all spread out on the couches in Reception. PM comes in and asks what's wrong and they tell her all about the huge lunch they just ate. They ask what she was doing and she mentions a boyfriend, which makes Saimon sad. They go upstairs and Alicia starts screeching at them. Stuff gets said and she threatens to tattle to Lopez about them. Lety is in her office and the cuartel come bursting in complaining that Alicia is complaining to Lopez and she has to do something. Lopez comes in and brushes his dandruff all over everyone and reprimands them for coming back from lunch late, but Lety defends them saying she gave them permission (power go to your head much Lety?) and getting them off the hook. Lety calls Alicia in and tries to give some work but she refuses to do it. She changes her mind, though, when Lety tells her fine, and starts to call Lopez back in. After Alicia leaves Lety drools over her stolen picture of Fernando and we see days of Lety pacing her office, missing Fern, and crossing off days in her calendar until his return, while Aqui Estare plays.

Fern calls and wants to know what's going on with the company; Lety gets a report from Sarah and Lola and sadly tells him that things aren't going well because most of the companies are canceling their contracts.

Missing Recap 8: Kids, money, and glue
Repeat of Fernando and Marcia leaving and Omar and PM arguing.

The cuartel plus Lety are outside talking about the problems of Lola and PM when Marta's husband and daughter drive up. Husband (is his name Paco?) tells Marta he has to leave their daughter with her and she worries, but the cuartel remind her that the boss isn't there today and Irma reminds her that Lety's the boss. Lety says it's ok and the husband leaves. Lola and PM's kids are there too, in reception and Lola tells Lety about her kid problem, so Lety says it's ok for all the kids to be there. The kids are now all in Omar's office and they talk about stuff I don't get.

Marta has Alicia's check but hides it and won't give it to her while they all give Alicia crap. She goes and complains to Lopez, but he says he's not in charge and can't do anything. She then goes to Lety, who does nothing. Luigi comes in with three models and talks to Alicia, who tells him about her check problem. He confronts the cuartel and demands his check as well, but they tell him he has to talk to Lety because she has his check. He calls her a monster and the models and Alicia all laugh and walk away.

Lety whines about missing Fernando and just then he calls to find out what's going on with the company. Lety tells him he needs to come back because the last of their customers have cancelled their contracts.

The cuartel's brats, I mean kids, are in Omar's office digging through his stuff. They find his pin-up pictures and decide to use them, and whatever else is available, to make collages.

Lety comes out into the Executive lobby and happily tells everyone that Fern's coming back tomorrow. She asks Alicia to book return flights for Fern and Omar, and of course Alicia doesn't want to. She then asks Marta to do it, which makes Alicia want to do it after all. She asks about Marcia, and Lety tells her Marcia isn't coming. Lola has contracts in her hand and tells Lety that Luigi has hired models for the pre-production test shots. Lety says that can't be, Fernando told him he could only hire models for the actual shooting. She gushes that she's glad the President will be back tomorrow, and Lola whines that that means they'll have to give Alicia her check. Sara wants to hold onto it a little longer. Lety mentions the contract problems the company is having. At first I thought the cuartel and Lety were just getting revenge about the checks, but now I think I may have missed something earlier. I think in one of his phone conversations, when Fernando found out about all the cancelled contracts, he may have been concerned about cash flow and may have told Lety not to release any checks. Can anyone verify?

One of the kids has somehow gotten hold of Alicia's paycheck and starts to glue it down, but one of the girls tells him it's not a good idea. He sets it on a chair to let the glue dry. Meanwhile, in the Executive lobby, Marta has realized that the check is missing and is looking for it.

Omar calls Alicia and asks her to get him some info from his office, so she goes in and catches the brats doing their usual damage and yells at them. She sits on the chair where the check is drying so she can yell at them comfortably, then she gets up and leaves to tattle to Lopez, with it stuck to her tush. The kids all laugh. Marta and Lola come in and instead of punishing the kids for wreaking havoc with someone else's property, they just laugh with them. Yeah, cute (not!!!!).


Recap 7, is Fern with or without chest hair? Seriously! In episode 9, he's talking to Marcia at her apt. while putting on a starched white shirt (nice; very nice), and he has a nearly hairless chest. But in episode 37, in bed with Marcia, he has a very hairy chest. Did he go through puberty between ep. 9 & ep. 37 or something???

Hair, no hair, it's all good! The man's a bon bon with our without. Woo hoo!
Kim P.

Thanks so much!!!!
Are those babies kittens?

Carrie L.

Hi Carrie. Yes, those are baby kittens. The pic was taken yesterday when they were 5 days old, I got them at 2 days old. My mom's neighbor found them, their mother was killed. I only had to feed them once to know they were gonna be mine forever :o)
Kim P.

Thanks, Kim for the recaps and for taking in those sweet kitties!
I'd love to have a little kitten, but my 3 "senior" cats won't allow it. No, no, and heck no!

Fernando - nobody looks better in a white shirt. What a man.

They are really sweet Kim! Best of luck with the little ones!
Please keep us updated with their pictures.
I'm a real sucker for baby animals.
I guess that's why we have 2 dogs and 3 cats. My house is a real zoo!

Carrie L.

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 29 & 30 is at this link.

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The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 31 and 32 is at this link.

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