Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre(#95), Tues. 9/9/2008 - A Family That Preys Together, Stays Together

We begin with a shot of each character looking as sad and miserable as possible. Where's Mariachi and Caprichio when you need them. I am into animal therapy to cure most sadness. These beautiful animals are letting us down. Maybe their contracts protect them from becoming mired in ridiculous plots.

Rosario is sorry again to Franco, he's sorry too but needs to be respectful to his virgin wife so only touches Rosi's soft face. Their looks of longing for lost love start us on another night with only a good boob side shot to enliven the moment. Juan and Sofia both fall for the Padre's ruse to get them to come together in his office to save their love. Sofia and Juan both beg him not to interfere. He reminds them of the sacred benediction he gave their love in the church. He leaves them alone a moment to reflect together on what this sacred promise was all about. Sofia suffers, suffers much for Juan. She loves him with all her soul and forever but her pain at his betrayal, yadayada. He reminds her that their love was to be forever and was to surpass all difficulties. He finally gets out the anger about his sister dying was the fault of her father who betrayed Libia.

Oops, how inconvenient, the adoption agent comes in to say the final papers must be signed by both Oscar and his wife in order for Pablito to become their son. Agent X assures Oscar that the signature by Jimena must be in her married name.

Coyote announces to UniJefe that he has found Tio Vicente Robles.

Oscar and Quintina hug Pablito a bunch and try to make happy happy that he will be a Reyes soon.

The SUV convention in the woods comes to a circle with Pedro in the center being assured not to be afraid by Coyote. He sighs and gets into the indicated SUV looking more resigned than terrified.

Pablito is wanting to be so happy that his paper work is signed. Even the kid can tell something is amiss. Juan agrees that Pablito will be his son no matter what happens and no matter what paperwork is involved.

More morose news, Eva shows up to talk.

UniDad and Pedro argue. Nothing that UniDad can do will erase the pain his mother suffered, the anguish they both suffered. Pedro waited in the street sitting on the sidewalk for his pa to keep his promise and return, the years passed and you never returned. But, when UniDad swears he looked for them, Pedro admits they moved so they could look for him. He grabs out letters from a box on his elegant desk to demonstrate returned letters he had written. He doesn't want to blame mama but she promised to wait for him and the she wasn't waiting. Pedro needs to think about all this. But one thing I will say to you, Nothing justifies the life you are leading . But Unidad rebounds with how life hasn't been easy. Pedro promises he will nevertheless not approve it nor accept it. He leaves without admiring the nifty dragon motifs on all the Chinese furniture, I guess he is rejecting the dragons too...
The moping Reyes listen as Eva tells them she avoided seeing them but she is avoiding seeing the sisters too. Juan says finally that Eva and they are in the same situation. They are being blamed for everything. They have to accept this rejection of the girls. Eva urges Juan not to stay away from Sofia he has to think of their great love about his coming child (who should be here in about 2011 at his rate of growth).

The fun family passes blame around like mashed potatoes. Feo offers that Bernardo really started it off with the dimgirl Libia. Sofia jumps in to defend DeadDad. Feo waxes poetic with the plans of Bernie to burn his bridges with his daughters and go off to marry Libia and he was going to tell them. Gabi looks astounded, how did he know? DeadDad was bewitched (enyerbado), Abuelo has a moment of clarity when he asks if Bernman was acting so odd, did Feo take the opportunity to kill him, right? Sofia looks like she is sending plenty of acid down to the unborn Reyes as the eyes around the table look all OhMyGawd at Feo.
Even the first commercial is about accepting depression as a real disease. The hacienda table looks like a video for promoting the efficacy of mood altering pharmaceuticals. I'm putting a drop or two of rescue remedy under my tongue so I can finish this recap.

Abuelo what are you saying? say the girls in a chorus. Feo says accuse me if you will but Don Bern was like a father to me. Abuelo recalls that Cesar was like a father to Brutus too, lot of good it did him. Point to Abuelo.

Gabi grabs this golden opportunity by the throat to say that the only lesson here is: A mother is never wrong!! Yeah right, no one looks the least bit impressed.

Margarita and Rosario talk amiably and Rosario says it is like they have known each other for a really long time. Margarita talks of her pain and unhappiness of her lonely life. Appearances can be deceiving my dear. For fame one must sacrifice many things the most valuable things. They talk tenderly through tears and the makeup doesn't run on either beautiful face.

Sofia tells her sissies that she will love Juan forever. Jimena says she won't forget Oscar either. Sarita isn't so sure. Sofia's new plan is that they should go live together, start a business away from the bitter words of MadMom They can survive this together. The full moon and stars and lots of violins give credence to the truthiness of this.

On a horse Sarita approaches the little hillock which she kneels and caresses, kissing the dirt and closing her eyes to dream of the discovery of the marriage certificate in the tender drunken fireside scene with her and Franco. Another good recycling of old film. The real Franco approaches the sleeping virgin as the scene fades.
Franco sighs for her and he misses her. I came to looks for you so I could convince you. Sarita does her best Gabi daughter and dashes off on her horse. He admires her riding ability but swears to conquer and tame this mare or his name isn't Franco Reyes. His grin is so cute, I bet he is right.

Oscar and Jimena meet by the old wall and she tells him she doesn't miss him and will never come back to him again after they betrayed her so. He mocks that she should enjoy living under the protection of Gabi and Feo but at least now she can buy all of the shoes she wants.

He presents the papers which he points out are not divorce papers but Pablitos' adoption papers which she must sign as wife of Reyes if she will. She signs on his aching back because she would not deny Pablito his adoption.

Juan snaps and barks at said Pablito who is merely trying to help by handing him a sheet of bread ready for the oven. Franco shows up saying he will go sell bread but Quintina wants to go to her own clients. Oscar shows up for a happy moment to show Pablito the signed adoption papers. Pedro shows up he's none to happy either but says he has decided to stay in the pueblo for a bit longer. He doesn't want to stay at the house and doesn't know what will he do with himself. Juan wants to talk in the house, so they all troop in to see a stranger in the best Mariachi suit of all. He is none other than Tio Vicente Robles!! What a cutey! and Thank God someone smiles finally in this episode.
Big bear hugs all around. He assures them he knows who they are. When Franco says but where have you been, Vinnie says he had an urgent message that they boys needed him.

Unidad ponders his wayward life.

Vinnie is shown the letter that told of him. When Pedro asks if he wants something to drink, he wants to know why these very big boys have no women in their lives (to serve water).

The thankless sisters tease each other about their misery, then Snofia presents the new plan to start and export business of artisans. Abuelo shows up to support the new project in spirit and with hidden financial resources, and confesses that he really misses his dear sidekick Quintana. Said escudera in the market approaches her nephews and sister and all do cute cartoon talk to give illustrate her sad talk of being rejected. She prays to god for Don Augustin to come to his senses, I second the motion.

The pretty hacienda girls show up and a moment of levity is achieved over budding romance.

Not so budding romance is repeated as the sad sisters sigh and suppose that perhaps the hapless DeadDad had more to do with this fiasco than they supposed. They do say again that the boys really love them. Sofia says Juan did love her and nothing he did was for ambition. Off go the girls through the fields where people are really working. See how this looks girls?

Vinnie tells the boys that he did look for them but it never occurred to him that they would use their Mom's name. He then produces the magic papers that prove the marriage of Mama and Papa and the legitimacy of the three brothers as the true inheritors of the Reyes hacienda. These are the missing papers to pursue the quest to regain the hacienda. So it's off to Puebla to see the notary.

Tomorrow: Padre begs for understanding and love to win out. Juan swears to never be happy and yells Nunca at Gaviota volume, if you know what I mean.

And now a word or phrase of the day for Connie and all the C2 fans, and I choose "enyerbado" = bewitched. the verb form is Enyerbar. to bewitch, Enyerbarse to be bewitched or to fall madly in love. The image is to be bewitched by an herb potion. So that's what happened to a 50 to 70 year old man when he contemplated the lovely dimgirl teenager, Libia Reyes.

Mexico Air Date: May 30, 2008
Notes on the next time: the following three recaps will be coming to you from our fabulous new recapper, Bridget. As for me, I will be flying to Spain on September 13 and returning to recapping on October 7. Bridget, thanks again for your gracious rescue. I know it will be well done and I hope ever so much fun. Maybe these sad sack Reyes will find some non-neurotic pretty women to date (I know, I know, in my dreams) Oh, and Willa, who has her own fans, will be enjoying her time at Cisco's house. Ustedes todos no tienen que preocuparse de ella.


Spain! Awesome!

So the sisters are going to start a business. Good luck with that. Hopefully they'll also get their own place with Gabi-proof locks. It could be a sitcom!

I'm glad I got another day of Pedro. I know Capetillo said "15 episodes" (or maybe "about 15") on that talk show, but he didn't say if they were in a row. I counted wrong before - it's been five weeks since he was introduced. So either he wasn't sure how many episodes wrong (with they way they shoot things out of order, maybe he wouldn't know), or I've seen him less often than I thought.

Uncle Vinny was a breath of fresh air. Always nice to meet people from the outside world! It was also good just to see a smiling face!

Have a great time Cheryl, we'll miss you, good luck Bridget!

I am getting the Reyes and Robles parts of the family hopelessly confused. I will watch again and decide on a name for Vinnie so I can correct the recap before I go to sleep. Anyone reminded of My Cousin Vinnie?

Oooh, Spain for a month, Lucky Cheryl NM. Thanks for telling us where Willa will be stationed, we Would have worried otherwise!
Will you be reading the Vida Loca Spanish lessons this week? Just kidding, but on the other hand, their Spanish is so different! That th sounding s is hard to remember to put in the right places.

Tio Vicente Robles is Vicente Fernandez Jr. in real life. Yay! And what a charming fellow he is!


Ha ha! What a great title! Have a great time in Spain amiga. I am so jealous, especially after seeing "Vicky Christina Barcelona" last night with all the beautiful Spanish scenery and passion and love and Javier Bardem and all. Can't wait to see your pictures when you get back. Please email me so I don't miss them, OK? Lucky Willa...

Haven't read it yet, Cheryl but the title is awesome. More later.

Cheryl***Thanks for the recap. Real life has been hectic lately, but I have been reading the great recaps, and I must comment on Julie's Monday recap. About that very disconcerting, odd look on Crabby's face while Sofia was describing getting good loving from Mighty Joe Juan...it was kind of the look you get when someone is telling you about her great trip to Hawaii and you are remembering that you spent that same week getting a root canal and cleaning out the gutters of your house. I agree with Julie that Crabby's look seemed to be a combination of ''loathing and orgasmic bliss''...to which I can only say ''ewww.'' Muy creepy. Has anyone had this conversation with her mother??? I think not. Maybe we should chip in for a t-shirt for Crabby with the graphic message : ''Juan flew Sofia to the moon and all I got was this crummy t-shirt.....and Ferd.'' And speaking of the ''dried up tree''....that could be the inspiration for another t-shirt for Crabby.

Ahoy, Cap'n Sylvia!!! Hub and I were going to see ''Vicky Cristina Barcelona,'' but it is only showing in one theater around here, and we ended up at the wrong theater [long story...we were discussing a strange phone call I received from my my nephew in the car]....we saw ''WALL E'' instead....muy disappointing. Do you recommend ''Vicky''????

Have a great trip..
Good recap, the sad sad sad love lives.

Juan, we know you have suffered, good Gawd we have suffered over suffering when you suffer...enuff already. Stop being a wanker. Grow a pair. You swept in for the kiss and princess did the ewww nasty man.

Much as the sisters try to play the wounded, they are classist, self centered harpies just like their mother. See they really do think they are better than you and they doing you a bit of a favor by being "seduced by you".

Now then do yourselves a favor by doing someone else.

NOW I've read it. Something laugh out loud funny in every paragraph. Especially loved UniJefe and UniDad. Clever girl.

Thanks too for "word of the day"....hope vocabulary becomes a part of every recap of every show. Even when we know a lot, there's usually a new or useful word worth highlighting and reviewing.

Cheryl: Great recap - thanks. I watched "Second Skin" with Javier Bardem last night. I can't say it will be on my list of favorites, but, I found the language to be challenging. Are you going to language school?

Anyway, all that I could think of last night's episode is that we're watching a novela where "yes" means "no" and "no" means "yes." They're pulling from a giant daisy wheel.

Gramps must be operating on a system a couple of pints short. If he's such a great strategist, why does he blurt out his suspicions and dump the only people who ever helped him. Especially Quinti.

From lower Ala

Where to begin...

1) PanQue: thanks for the nickname list. There is something about FELs that brings out the creativity & snark like nothing else.

2) Cheryl: OMG, very funny recap! Loved the lines "...his coming child (who should be here in about 2011 at his rate of growth)" and "the fun family passes blame around like mashed potatoes"--LOL!! And, may I also say that I wish I was going to Spain for a month. Any room in your suitcase?

Pedro is a cutie, even when he cries.

Who are we supposed to root for? The self-centered sisters? The dopey but handsome brothers? Pad Tad? The suddenly stupid Abuelo? Yeesh...I can't remember who said it but let's bring back the animals who exhibit most of the intelligence in Ciudad Nuclear Waste Dump.

Fuego Maggie

Thanks for the recap Cheryl and for the word of the day.

I have a hard time listening to what UniDad is saying because all I see is his unibrow. It goes up and down, up and down. Yuck.

We actually saw Sarita's boobs/cleavage (sort of)last night. She must have given all her nun clothes away.

I'm surprised the girls didn't get one of the maids to turn the pages of their catalog. They sure wouldn't want to lift a finger or break a nail doing it themselves.

Pedro alluded to UniPa's misdeeds what exactly do El Jefe do? I mean I know we've seen Coyote Bitch-Slap Feo around, but that could be just a hobby of Coyetes.

As long as Pa (also another uncle of the Reyes) is El Jefe, couldn't Pedro just ask Pa to whack Feo? I mean if Pedro was a seventeen year old Pedra, she would no doubt ask Pa for a new Volkswagon Beetle, so what's wrong with asking for a whack? Sometimes Gawd just puts gifts in your path, it is up to you to pick them up.

Oh yeah that reminds me..when Padre Tad asked the kids to play nice last night and did his little short prayer to illuminate the pair..anyway as he went out the door there was a picture of Jesus in the hall and Padre was blocking part of it, but Jesus had his hand in the air, I think he was saying "Talk to the hand, cause the head isn't listening". Yes these people would indeed try the patience of the entire Holy Family

We know for sure that El Jefe is a bookie and he probably runs some games too, but there's been no hint of it whatsoever if he's also prostitution, drugs, etc.

But he's the most humane jefe in recorded history. As long-lost fathers go, Pedro could do worse!

Now that Tio Vicente and UniDad are in the picture, will they work together to restore the lands to the boys? You'd think someone would have gone over to talk to UniDad about the problems they were having. At least get him to have Coyote pop up somewhere and give Feo the smackdown a couple of times or shoot him in the knee or something! :)

Awesome opportunity! Enjoy! Loved the recap --gotta go for now!

Thank you for the recap.
I missed the show. I'm thinking Sofeelia is about 6 months along. Good Grief.mhm

Great 'cap, Cheryl, thanks. The episode was somewhat better than Monday's, part of a pattern, I hope. At least Pablito now has a home that is completely permanent, and the spoiled sisters have a plan to better themselves, on their own...Favorite scene- with Oscar and jimena at the old wall- Oscar asking if she doesn't miss the work, sweating, etc, at the castillo de los Reyes, and that now she can have all the shoes that she wants. Or maybe it was the appearance of Tio Vicente that was my fave. What? Two good scenes in one capitulo!? No puede ser!...One thing for sure "Un madre no se equivoca" Where did the bag get THAT idea? I know she's said it before, so now it's becoming her personal mantra- bleh!...Cheryl- que te vaya bien, aqui te esperamos.

make that "una madre"

Thanks for the comments. Yes I am lucky to be spending nearly 3 weeks in Spain. I loved Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and coincidentally I will be in both Barcelona and in Oviedo (in Asturias). Pictures to follow, Sylvia, I promise. Pasofino, no I am using the whole experience as school but not attending a class.
Susanlynn if you really missed this show, try to rent it as soon as it comes out in DVD. It is doubly hilarious when you can get Javier and Penelope in both Spanish and English. There is even a character that channels Woody himself with her worrying and kvetching through out.

Beckster, I am nauseated by the girls and their egoistic classism too. Maybe some naughty Nanettes will come along to sooth the fevered brow of these sad boys.

Judy and Connie you are very welcome for the vocabulary word. It is fun even if more work to add some definitions and think about the words. And about those clothes. I noticed that Jimena is now covering her bare midriff with a pink leotard like top under the scanty pieces, Sarita is now opening the high necked blouses to show a bit of skin and using lovely rosy colors. I just fear that Snofia will go back to the great waist cinching belt which will make the whelp's head go all pointy. That baby better turn soon or he is going to be a conehead for sure.

Cheryl: Wow! What a trip. We'll miss you and we all want to see the pictures when you get back.

Did the brick arches in the Jimena/Oscar scene look familiar to anyone? I think I saw them in Alborada.

From lower Ala

Cheryl - thanks for the recap, and I'm totally envious of your trip to Spain. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time!!!

I gag each time Gabi says, "A mother is never wrong." Righty-o.

Uncle Vincente is soooo cute and adorable. ITA - nice to see a happy, smiling face. How long will it take him to get all down in the mouth. I love the movie "My Cousin Vinnie."

I'm rooting for Mariachi.


Doris, I gag whenever Crabi is in the scene! Where is Mariachi? Oh, I know, he's in one of the magic rooms.

Cheryl thanks for another great recap! I have to agree on the Franco smile. He has grown on me. And he went from the bakery into the house last and there was a nice butt shot. He is cute coming and going! Sarita's an idiot.

Have fun in Spain. My sister lived in Seville for several months when she was in college and just loved it.

So, fuzzy butt is indeed back, can they all go for a swim now?

Molly, you are sooooo bad! I noticed Franco's butt and was thinking the same thing! I also wondered how long it would take you to comment on it! ;) (We are just terrible aren't we?)

Pedro's non-forgiveness of his father Alejandro El Jefe reminds me of a similar theme in Pasion, in which La Paisana's son (Pablo?) wouldn't forgive his mother, who had abandoned him years ago, and was head of a semi-criminal enterprise. Eventually everything was fine, especially after the son was wounded and the mother nursed him back to health. Let's see if Pedro or El Jefe gets wounded.

Also, when Rosario finds out that Margarita is HER long lost mother who abandoned her, will she forgive her? Probably, since she already forgave Eva when she thought Eva was her long lost mother. Now she has another long lost mother to replace the other.

Connie, I'm like the simple pleasure in life, and that butt shot made up for another depressing episode! And the cute little grin as Sarita road away.

YouTube clips - This is strange. I'm looking for good collections of FELS clips on YouTube (did you know that all of the Colombian Betty La Fea is on YouTube, all in one place?). Two users, felsfan0808 and vcc91, have the early FELS stuff but both stop around 60. Two other users, mundomexicotv and felsesnovela, have the recent stuff but they both start around 121. Why do two users stop at about the same place? Why do two others start at about the same place? Why doesn't anyone have 61-120? Why is there air? And where does the other sock go?

For reference, the missing 61-120 were broadcast in MX from mid-April to around July 4.

Dorado Dave (et al) "One thing for sure "Un madre no se equivoca" Where did the bag get THAT idea? I know she's said it before, so now it's becoming her personal mantra- bleh!"

But did you notice when Crabi said this stupid thing, that the camera panned to Sofia whose eyes lit up !! She's a mama too now!!

As a sideline in this story, and to hold the attention of us who like animals -- Sofia is giving whales competition in their gestation period -- whales are pregnant for 2 years -- maybe Sofia will start showing in about a year and half?


A few years ago, there was a woman on General Hospital who was pregnant for 11 months. I thought THAT was bad. (Of course nobody actually called attention to that, but when she finally went into labor she said something like "I swear I've been pregnant for a year!" LOL!)

For Sofia's pregnancy, we need to consider broadcast dates vs sunrises. I don't know what the rate is in FELS.

In Fea, with some agonizing exceptions, it took four or five episodes from one sunrise to the next. Some novelas average one sunrise per episode.

If Fuego has a 5:1 rate (five episodes per sunrise), ... I forget when Sofia got pregnant, but if it was back around Cap 35, say 60 cap's since then, that would only be 12 days of pregnancy.

Obviously more time than that has passed on the show. With all the variables, I have NO IDEA how far along she is. I just wanted to point out, you need to count time differently.

Heck! If you put a Tardis in Brigadoon, time can do just about anything.

I thought she was at least 4 months along. She should be starting to show and those dresses would be mighty uncomfortable. Did you notice again the style in her clothes? Living in town--frilly (pink) dresses. Living at Hell House--severe tight ugly dresses (at least they are not pink.)

Susanlynn, Chery's brief description of VCB is perfect. I do recommend it, I even forgot that it was a Woody Allen movie.

I thought that Sofia and Juan got together just three or four months after Libia's death, and Sofi got pregnant right away. Now Libia's been dead for a whole year. You do the math.

I have evidence!! Check out Jardinera's comment at Sunday, 9:05 AM on this recap from June. "t's officially been 3 months since Libia's death according to this last episodio. Both Rosario and Sofia have done the deed with the one they love."

And I don't think Sofi and Juan did the deed again until after she already knew she was pregnant. So it's definitely been nine months.

But please, forget I mentioned it. For plot convenience purposes, she probably won't actually give birth until the last five minutes of the final episode. :)

Good job Julie. You'd think they would at least have her in maternity clothes by now.

But Julie, you forget. In Brigadoon, one day passes in 100 years. And in a Tardis, time can go backwards, forewards, or sidewards. So if you put a Tardis in Brigadoon... the ramifications are incalcuable. Just like FELS.

Really funny recap, Cheryl. Especially loved Uni-Jefe. Yes, these sisters are beginning to wear on all of us. The expression on Jimena's face when she thought Oscar was serving her divorce papers: priceless! And I constantly feel like giving Sarita a Crabi-style slap. I'm with many of the rest of you and would love to see three deserving women enter the lives of these three sad hermanos. But you know the Telenovela Gods ain't going to let that happen.

And Tio Vicente is wonderful. Looks like the tramites for getting back the hacienda will be moving right along. Can't predict whether they'll get it soon as one commenter said, with the sack sack sisters showing up for their help. Don't think this Ricardo hombre will give up easily.

BTW, when I heard enyerbado at the Elizondo dinner table, I thought for a second they were accusing him of falling for Libia because he was smoking weed!

Cheryl, your trip to Spain sounds fabulous!!! I'm truly envious as I've been talking about going there for years and not doing it.

I'm thinking that despite having those idispensible papers in hand, the court procedings will take until "ultimos capitulos" time, if for no other reason than to reflect the speed of the Mexican civil legal system, but also for plot purposes...

Cheryl, thanks for the recap. We'll miss you during your trip, but hope it's a wonderful journey.
La Paloma

Have a wonderful trip, Cheryl***I'm looking forward to the photos to enjoy your experience vicariously. Glad that Willa be staying with the Cisco Kid while her person is away.

Anyone notice that same woman walking pass the bakery when they show an outside shot of the panaderia. She usually has a shawl around her!

Lola, it always seems like the same people walking and out of the hacienda also. And why is there so much foot traffic at a hacienda?

Thanks for all the good travel wishes. I am beyond excited. Probable itinerary includes Madrid, Barcelona, Santillano del Mar, Altamira, somewhere else in Asturias, Santiago del Campostela, Oropesa including visits to Avila, Toledo, etc. and back to Madrid. The last week on my own I haven't decided on yet but whatever takes my fancy by then. I am taking more camera equipment than clothes.

Which makes me wonder if Sofia will be in pregnancy clothes by the time I get back. She should be about 15 months pregnant by then so I hope she shows a little.
Besos y abrazos,
Cheryl and Willa

Maybe all the mishaps have stunted the baby's growth, and that's Sofi's belly is so small... and why it needs a few extra months to grow to the proper size. :)

Cheryl, for the FELS recap at its snarkiest-- Thank You! It was a real treat to read.
Meanwhile, I am away from the lousy TV for two days and I miss the Libia unveiling, waaaaaa!
I wish you a fabulous trip; how about bringing us a fabulous Spanish RECIPE for pan?

Julie, i was thinking along the same lines....Thumbelina if it's girl or Tom Thumb if it's a boy. However, since Juan is the father the baby should be supersized. Thanks for a great funny recap and bon voyage Cheryl. G in CA

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