Monday, November 01, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #69-70 11/1/10 No, no te vayas. (No, don't go.)

Capitulo 69.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 65 to 69 and also her corrections. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia and Lety believe Fernando hasn’t arrived yet. Marta tells Lety that he must’ve had a really wild night with his amante. Lety burns with jealousy because of whoever he saw after her. Fernando enters his office in a great mood. Lety and Marcia give him them same treatment because they’re suffering the same. But Marcia gives it to Fern in triplicate.

2. Saimon refuses to talk to Paula because of last night.

3. Fernando calls his gardener to confirm that he left his house early, and alone. He gives the stinkeye to Lety for doubting him, but not to Marcia. Saimon confirms that Fernando arrived early. Lety realizes he went home alone after her. Marcia’s face says, “You’re guilty as sin,” and Lety’s face says, “You’re innocent!” Then Fernando demonstrates that Saimon is not speaking under duress. Marcia gets madder yet, and Lety laughs at the payaso.

4. Marcia finds Lety’s poem, the proof she’s wanted. Fernando says Delmira Agustini sounds like a telenovela name. Marcia thinks it sounds like the names of his other honeys.

5. Lety tells Fernando that she put the poem on his desk. She breaks up with him because she caused him problems with Marcia, and she can’t bear to destroy their relationship. Lety says Marcia loves him and doesn’t want to lose him. Alone, Lety says that he deserves someone better. Someone beautiful and high class.

6. Fernando tells Omar that Lety broke up with him, and that he made he cry when he yelled at her about the poem on his desk. Omar tells him to win her back, or she could fall into Tom’s arms. Fernando wants to find some Plan B and forget about the romance. Marcia asks Luigi to find out who Delmira Agustini is.

Capitulo 70.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 70 to 74. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. In Lety’s fantasy, Marcia asks why Lety’s taking her man. Lety says she gave him back because he’s engaged. She says he needs a lot of affection. Marcia promises to treat him well and thanks Lety for her sacrifice. Marcia asks “woken-up” Lety if she’s been crying, and if her novio broke up with her.

2. Lety calls Tom’s cell and the honey answers. Tom meets the honey to recover his phone, and she tries to rope him in. Erasmo finds out that he’ll never get his severance pay. Julieta brings out some old photos to take his mind off it.

3. Angry Lety asks Tom why some woman had his phone. He waffles. She says they’ll talk about it tonight. See the transcript. Omar convinces Fernando that Lety was angry because she was jealous of Tom’s amiga, she’s playing with both men, and Tom has better odds. He says the only way to secure her is to sleep with her.

4. Luigi informs Marcia that Delmira Agustini is a long-dead Uruguayan libertine poet. Marcia concludes that Fern’s amante must be someone in Conceptos with access to his office. Ali speculates that he left with her last night, dropped her somewhere, made an appearance at IS, then went back to spend the rest of the night with her.

5. Lola and Sara wonder how Marta is putting on weight when she doesn’t eat anything. Sara is sure something’s up. Juana predicts to Omar that after the storm, everything will turn out well.

6. Lety finds Fernando drinking his lunch and she really hurts for him.

7. Marcia asks Celso, “Who did Fernando salir with last night?” Celso protests that he doesn’t listen to cuartel gossip and he doesn’t spy on his boss after hours. Marcia explains: not who dated, but who he left Conceptos with. Celso answers, “Oh, that. It was Lety. Does that make you feel better?” Marcia is sure Lety knows who the amante is.

8. Lety is ready to leave for the day. Fernando says “La necesito,” and she doesn’t react at all. He doesn’t want to break up, and he wants to take her home. She refuses. You can tell he’s not accustomed to “No.” Luigi walks in and says, “Did I interrupt something?” Lety takes the chance to escape. Omar advises Fernando to know his enemy.

Spanish Lesson
O: It was a rara conversation, you can’t deny.
F: You’re saying Lety was jealous?
O: Yes, what else can you conclude after recrimination for the matter of Tomas’s amiga? You don’t think they’ll meet tonight to discuss work?
F: You insist that Lety’s playing us both? That she’s deceiving me?
O: I’d never say that, and risk destroying your ego. It’s just, you haven’t solidified the relationship yet. She’s not all that in love with you.
F: Then what should I do to solidify it? I’ve taken her out every night, Mauricio Garcés the Impotent. I’ve lost count of the kisses. (Omar looks worried) What else can I do?
O: Haven’t you figured that out?
F: (Struck with horror.) No, no, no, no. Forget it! I’m not going to sleep with Leticia Padilla Solis. JAMAS! Even if I had the slightest intention, she doesn’t want anything to do with me.
O: She has her doubts. Maybe she’s in love with you, but you’re getting married, your novia is an executive here, and she guards you 24 hours per day. You’re her boss, rich, she’s poor..
F: Poor?
O: Well, she was poor and you were rich. But still there are too many obstacles between you. Whereas Tom is single, he’s rich, nothing in the way. Face it. Lety is considering a future with Tom and forgetting about you. You have to do something.
F: What?
O: First you have to get her back.
F: I took out a fea más fea. I was seen with her. I danced with her. I kissed her. What am I supposed to do, beg on my knees?
O: Fine. Then get used to the new ending. The president delivers his company to his assistant. And leaves her in Tom’s arms.
F: I don’t want to deceive her. I feel terrible for that. Besides, Marcia watches my every move. I’m playing with fire.
O: The story of love is a battle. Look-it. First, there’s your ego which is the company. And tonight, there is a man waiting, for whom Lety has shown jealousy. And she broke up with you. THAT is playing with fire. Think carefully. I’ve put the bug in your ear.


Lety’s poem is actually from two poems. All but the last line is from Obras Escogidas by Rubén Darío.
Oh, luz mía!, te adoro con toda el alma; tu recuerdo es la vida de mi esperanza. Corazón mío, ¡vieras con mi silencio, cuánto te digo! Y con tus ansias y tu silencio, ¡vieras, corazón mío, cuánto sospecho!
The last line is the only one by Delmira Agustini. It’s from a long poem called El Intruso.
Yhoy río si tú ríes y conto si tí cantas.

At the end of the scene between Luigi, Marcia, and Alicia. Just after Marcia says they rented out the foros. They run out of script and the cameras keep rolling, so they have to fill. You’ll see this a lot in Fea. One time Fern and Omar filled for awhile, cameras kept rolling, so they both left the room and we were left with a couple seconds of empty room! In Cap 34, Jaime actually looked at the camera, whistled to get their attention, and made a hand signal for “Cut!”

Fernando tells Omar (loosely), “I took her out, I danced with her, I kissed her. What else am I supposed to do?” In his world, taking a woman out is enough to make her fall into his arms.

Isabella can’t show up on the day she contracted, and Fernando complains. Luigi says, “You know better than anyone, the eccentricites of these models” He should! Isabella is Jaime Camil’s step sister.

Omar says, regarding the poem, "Why'd she sign Delmira Augustini? not even a name!" Thus sayeth Augustin Arana!

Oops! Typos galore, on last line of poem.
Y hoy río si tú ríes y conto si tú cantas.

i posted the spanish lessons from friday a minute ago. sorry for the delay... things are getting a bit out of hand...

Paula, shuffle...shuffle.... I haven't read today's recap yet but have enjoyed all of your musings and insights on La Fea. I live for Caray Caray recaps!

ITA that watching 2 hours a day is like scarfing down a favorite meal.

Paula - I am a La Fea virgin and no I don't consider it a spoiler to tell me when a particularly good episode is coming up. I look forward to all of them, so to know an episode YOU enjoy is coming up, I look forward to it even more.

And yes, Paula, I ...ahem... heard that La Fea will start airing for 5 minutes ... ahem... a day instead of 2 hours! Ha Ha! [You said we could lie!]

Does anyone know the history of MATY, the word on Letty's notebook. Is it a Spanish cartoon?

Hi I am new to commenting on this blog but have enjoyed reading the recaps. Thanks for all your effort. As a non-Spanish speaker I appreciate the work you put into this. I think Jaime Camil can be both sexy and funny. He is great with physical comedy and his facial expression are hysterical. But don't you think that Omar is having fun egging Fernando to romance Letty? He is enjoying it more than Fernando with the silly stuffed animals and sappy cards. It is as though he wants to see how far Fernando will go. It has to be some male competition thing because he never lets up.

Marta, thank you so much for transcribing the dialogs from Friday. I knew the one with Jorge would be funny. I loved the part about the bonbon left in the fire too long - I imaganied a charred marshmallow.

Jenn and Pamela, thank you for letting us know you're here. I hope we hear more from both of you. Jenn, you'll get no argument from me about Camil's talents. I could watch him paint a fence. With a bag over his head. And the sound turned off!! Did you see the discussion on the Cap 61/62 summary, "What is Omar's Game?" Yeah, to me the best answer is that he's doing it for sport.

Pamela, I always appreciate a shuffle, but your post is much more than that. 5 min / day! That would sure give me a chance to rest! Of course, the series would last about seven more years!!

The dog is Moty, short for Mozart. I suspect they had some plan to make a line Moty logo products but it never panned out. We'll meet Moty later in the series.

I was thinking about Fern and his push/pull attraction to Letty. He obviously is still not interested in her as a woman but I think he is drawn to her because he has fun with her. I can't imagine that there were a lot of laughs in the Mendiola household even before the Twit, Miss Priss and the Snake came to live there. Humberto and Teresita don't seem like a bucket of laughs, they're all about duty and money and position. Even when he is hanging and laughing with Omar it is always that sarcastic Ha Ha kind of laughs, not the kind that just roll though your body. With Letty Fern can be the fun loving little boy he was probably not allowed to be.

Oh yeah I totally agree that Omar enjoys egging Fern on. Frat boys forever. And, it may be payback for Fern telling him to go after Alicia.

I think Lety’s fantasy was a tool to reward herself for her sacrifice. She gave up the greatest treasure she will ever have, for the sake of doing right, and nobody is going to commend her for it. So she rewards herself by imagining that Marcia is grateful, and that Fernando will have a happier life because Marcia will be kinder to him. She has to remind herself that her sacrifice was worthwhile.

Notice that Lety's delicious fantasies have stopped (where Fern holds her close and declares his love), now that they are replaced by real-Fernando.

Marcia asks Lety if her novio broke up with her. In Marcia’s reality, you never give up, never surrender. You hang onto your man until the bitter end.

Ay, Marcia. After Megatron she ALREADY knew Fernando is involved with someONE who is robbing him from her (not just the parade of honeys). She knows Fern so well, and yet not at all. She can smell his tricks but can never catch him. She can see through his lies, but she misses the most obvious truth, that he doesn’t want to marry her.

Look at the contrast between Lety and Marcia. Lety has the fortitude to surrrender the greatest thing in her life, and even that, she does because of her love for Fernando, not for her own interests. Whereas Marcia can’t let go, even when she knows it's no good, he will always have amantes, and she must at least suspect that he doesn't want her. How pathetic. So much for "dignity."

Pata sent me a great picture from when Fernando was trying to prove his innocence, and I just posted it to the page. Thank you, Pata!

It's part of a bigger problem. Lety always believes the best of Fernando; Marcia always believes the worst. Both conclude that he spent the night with another woman, but after Simon’s testimony, Lety concludes he’s innocent while Marc still believes he’s guilty. Of course, he IS innocent to Lety, and is guilty to Marcia!

As NJ Sue told me, “all Marcia can do is criticize him and pick on him.” Watch for it – it's incessant! She has a negitive reaction to virtually everything he says. She coats it with sugar and covers it with "I love you so much," but she ALWAYS thinks the worst of him and constantly reminds him of that.

Paula, I am with you on watching Camil paint a fence with a bag on his head. What I find most appealing about the actor and character is that they are both very comfortable in their own skin or a suit and tie! That self-confidence is so sexy.
I do feel sorry for Marcia, she and Fernando did start on the wrong foot with getting engaged because of the company but he also does not try hard to make her think good of him. They seem to be caught in the habit of doubting one another. But then Fernando is probably the type of guy who has never had a healthy relationship with a woman. It looks like Letty will challenge that though so far I do not believe he feels anything for her other than guilt and a nagging conscious. The women he is attracted to especially the models they are like him players and so when he gets involved they both know the game and the rules. they probably have been with as many men as he with women which makes it safe to get involved as long as Marcia does not find out! This is not the case with Letty. He knows that and is guilty for deceiving her, totally not being attracted to her physically though he seems to value her as a side-kick. She makes him look good like in that scene with Alicia over the paycheck. She is good at picking up his cue and following his lead without overshadowing him. She in a sense is his buddy more than Omar, funnier and is not in competition with him. She is the Jerry Lewis to his Dean Martin. She does like to be in his presence and he being the ham he is likes an audience. It would be interesting to see how the relationship develops. But so far other than guilt because he is not a heartless cad I do not think there is much there. And not being a heartless is a good start. I have to also say that he is not as shallow as he likes to think he is but it is probably an image thing for someone of his rank.
I am so glad to have found this blog!

Paula, I thought the scene where Fernando was sitting at his desk with the red ribob around his neck wondering where the poem came from was great. You are so right Paula about Marcia and Lety and how they react to his story. Lety is forgiving and believes him and Marcia is just a crab face.

Thanks again for posting these and the links. It really has been fun to come to this site and read all your great comments and insights.

deciegirl, you said, "I can't imagine that there were a lot of laughs in the Mendiola household." I agree. Marcia tries to stomp out his payaso side, but it's a huge part of who he is. Lety plays right along and they play off each other. He's never had a playmate like her. Also, for all Fernando's popularity, he's starved for love, and Lety wants nothing more than to pour love into him.

Jenn, if you're a big Camil fan, consider trying to get a copy of his AxM DVDs (the motorcycle show). I've never seen him so relaxed and comfortable.

Jenn, I'm going to quibble with you a little. You said, "I do not think there is much there." I'll agree that there is no romantic attraction, but in every other way, he's gradually, step by step, growing more and more fond of her. That is perhaps my favorite thing about Fea. As the theme song says, "Cada día te quiero más." It is the story of a man falling in love, bit by bit. As I said, not romantically yet, but it went from valuing her for the business, to admiring her abilities, to giving her his complete confidence, to being astounded by her loyalty, to feeling compassion for her, and now deepening their amazing friendship. He still has a long way to go, claro. But he's already taken many steps. In Tuesday's cap, he'll be taking a few more. And Jenn.. I'm glad you found this blog too!

Be sure to read Tuesday's blog. Pata sent me a screenshot that is worth the price of admission!

Remember on the first date at the antro, Fern yelled at Lety, "Will you be quiet and let me finish??" Has he stopped yelling at her like that? Today he said he made her cry when he yelled at her about the poem, but that wasn't yelling like he used to do.

When Lety broke up with Fernando, there was a major shift in power. Fernando started the romance plot to control Lety, but now who is in control?
A. She broke up with him. That is the ultimate control over the relationship. She also controls her own actions based on will, not emotions, unlike Marcia.
B. She has the power over Marcia's future. Marcia said someone is robbing Fernando's heart. If Lety keeps in, Marcia will lose it.
C. Several times in this cap, Fernando says, “Lety broke up with me. There is nothing I can do about it.”
D. Fernando says he CAN’T deceive Lety like that anymore. But he always could before!
E. Lety refuses the ride home, and escapes when Luigi enters. Who won that battle of wills?
(Note, this list is from my files. I'm not sure whether I came up with it, or Camila, or someone from the BLF board.)

Welcome Pamela and Jenn, it's great to have new commenters on the blog.

Paula, you amaze me with your observations, background notes and translations. Well done amiga.

Tuesday's second show. Watch for a scene with Fernando, Marcia, Alicia, and Lopez in the vortex, just after they were together in Reception. Alicia is talking, but watch Fernando's face as he silently gets an idea, tests it, and realizes that it's perfect.

Fun! I'm getting home late tonight but will tune in first thing. Thanks for the heads up.

so good comments today. ITA that Fernando finds in Lety someone he can be himself with, and he can bring out his 'fun/child side' without getting criticized or nagged about it...

Paula, your list is great, and it made me think if we can identify a turning point here... would the turning point (from Fernando having control to Lety having control) be the night of the double date or the night of the first kiss? I think the double date night, since here is where Lety feels very guilty and has the choice (fork on the road) to push Fernando away (letting Marcia win) or keep him (Marcia loses). This is totally in the control of Lety and Fernando has to just sit tight and ride whatever path Lety choses. He has no say in the matter, and he knows that. Before, even after the first kiss, he had some control over the situation (he could have gone with Lety's theory that the kiss was due to his wasted status) but now he is just riding while someone else drives.

I also totally agree that Lety always gives Fernando the benefit of the doubt while Marcia always thinks the worst possible scenario. But then again Marcia thinks that because that has been Fernando's ways up until this point. Thus ITA also with the fact that Marcia is much more worried this time because before with any other woman Fernando would have his fling and then return to her. Now she can't even get Fernando to come home with her, let alone dedicate time to her. Marcia knows that this time it is different, and she is afraid, and with reason.

I like seeing how their conversations go between goofy and serious, where Lety stops having the twitches. They're both great actors.

Love watching Jaime Camil move in the tight suit. It was not as much fun to watch him in Tontas, where he wore baggy scrubs and his persona was just different.

Here is another interesting bit... Omar commented to Fernando at the event that he seemed more worried about Lety than about Marcia... perhaps in earlier 'flings' Fernando knows the models are not there for a long relationship so he would not worry about them. But now, like you said, Paula, he KNOWS Lety believes different, that he IS DECEIVING her, thus his worrying about her more than Marcia.

For those who don't know the name Mauricio Garces, he was a mexican movie celebrity back in 70s maybe even earlier... he was one of the first stars in the mexican genre 'sexy-comedy' and usually he played a guy who at times would have problems with his 'abilities'. Thus the reference by Fernando...

Marta, to me the power shift came when Lety broke up with Fernando. That was building up all morning: Marta’s word “amante,” Lety's jealousy about a 3rd woman gave her compassion for Marcia, then the fracas over the poem.

Up until Lety brok up, he was using the relationship to CONTROL LETY, and he pretty much CONTROLLED THE RELATIONSHIP. He decided when they'd go out, where, whether he'd kiss her, even whether they would date at all (the day of the hangover, whether to act like the antro never happened).

But when she broke up, suddenly she took control. He told her he'd take her home and she refused (she controls when they go out). He said "I need you" and she didn't react (he can't pull her strings). He went to her house instead of whistling and she comes running (she controls where they meet). She ORDERS him to drive around the corner and he obeys. He begs her back when they're in the car and she still refuses (she controls IF they date). He tried to avoid her kiss by shuffling in front of the door, but she shuffled him away from the door (she controls the kisses).

Lety’s fantasy was a tool to reward herself for her sacrifice...
yes, in psychology it is referred to as rationalization, basically putting together a picture for yourself that makes your decision make more sense and be more positive in the long run, even if it hurts you bad at the moment... you SEE it as a good thing by repeating to yourself the benefits of it...

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