Monday, November 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #89-90 11/15/10 A lot of talking

I copied Julie's recap title because if there is as much talking as there was Friday then, well, it's the perfect title.

Capitulo 89.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 87 to 89. Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 90.Read Julie’s original recap. Then come back here to discuss it.


Argh! I spent a good chunk of the weekend watching last week's episodes and I still haven't seen Friday's yet.

I tell you, four years' worth of learning, and a TV that shows captions, make a HUGE difference in my comprehension. I have some notes to add to my previous comments and recaps:

1. Alicia calls Lety's house a a "house of citas." Not a "house of SIDAS."

2. At the hotel, Fernando registers as "Alberto Morabia" or Moravia. According to Wikipedia, he was an Italian novelist whose work "explored matters of modern sexuality, social alienation, and existentialism."

3. (not important) The thing Alicia wears over her head to peep through the window actually is the tablecloth from the restaurant - I don't know why I didn't think so in my recap. I'm going to keep an eye open next time we see her apartment to notice if she integrates that tablecloth into her decor.

Hi friends, I'm at the library with a few minutes to post. Here are some notes I collected from Thu and Fri's shows.

Before hotel, he’d skiddle away from Lety’s kiss attempts. After hotel, he skiddles away from Marcia’s.

In 77, his last time with Marcia, he has sex then turns away and puts a pillow between them. In 86 he sleeps with his arm around Lety.

He would’ve married Marcia to please others, but he did not know what he was missing. After the first night with Lety, the whole perspective changed for him. Now marrying Marc would have left him very empty knowing what he could have had with Lety. So he stopped seeing marrying Marcia as 'duty' and began seeing it as a death sentence.

In 35, he said no woman can satisfy him. He said he’s loco before sex, but afterwards, empty. With Lety it’s the other way around. He has no desire before, but afterwards, he’s full.

Already the night of the hotel, Marcia knows that la otra is stealing his heart.

I’ve said it before, but we see it clearly in these cap’s. Fea is not about "Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy wins girl back." Fea is "What is it to fall in love?"
How does the process happen? What makes a person fall in love?
What does it look like? What does it feel like?
Are there different levels of love? How are they defined? What do they look like?
How does one move from one level to another? How does that transition change him?

Morning after hotel, they get the Sport Wind contract, meaning 2 jobs at once. Fern’s luck is changing. In the excitement she steals a kiss, and he’s surprised by his emotional reaction.
After PM leaves Lety’s office, notice that the Fern/Lety conversation (jealous over Tomas) mirrors the one they had this morning about Marcia , with positions swapped. He feels betrayed. He won’t let her talk because he doesn’t want to hear what he’s afraid she’ll say. And when he finally hears nothing happens, he’s much less disturbed. (Still disturbed, but less.) He doesn’t behave as nobly as she did.

In 74 Fern said that he has Marcia (his defacto amante) for wild sex; they have nothing else. Now Lety has taken that too.

My gosh my last post was long! Sorry! This one will be shorter. Some observations about 89 & 90.

Cute moment. Luigi applauds himself so Fernando applauds the whole company. Marcia tries to stop Fern, and he says he’s still short by 128, and gives one more clap. I’d almost guarantee that’s a Camil improv; it’s totally his type of humor.

Watch the drum! It keeps moving. There were four hooks on Lety’s wall; call them A, B, C, D.
In Cap 87, the drum was on B, C, & D.
In Cap 89, hooks A and D were removed. The drum was on C.
Less than three minutes later, hooks A and D magically reappeared, and the drum hung from A, B & C. What’s more, a baseball hat magically appeared too.
I know they don’t shoot scenes consecutively, and it’s often on different days. I just wonder who keeps moving the drum. Wouldn’t they leave the batcave set in tact? The drum will continue to wander throughout the series. Know what I think? The cast and/or crew plays with the drum but always puts it back, but they never put it back on the same hooks.

Luigi says, “Como que, chemo mucho el sol, eh?” Fern answers, “Como que, chema más en las mañanas, eh?” I’ve heard that pair of lines before; it seems to be a well-known opening to albures, a game of bawdy puns.

Fernando’s Marcia/Lety dilemma: If I split with Lety, she’ll die of sadness. If I cancel the wedding, I’ll have trouble with the family and an enemy inside the company. When does he worry, “Oh, poor Marcia”? Never.

Does Marcia ever say "te amo" to Fernando? She calls him "mi amor" and all that, but I'm not sure if she ever says she loves him.

For that matter, I haven't noticed if he ever said it to Marcia.

Sorry I've been missing in action. Appreciate everybody's dedication though. Haven't seen any of last week and not sure how much I got recorded but do enjoy reading Julie and Paula's analysis. Hope you're having fun on vacation Paula.

Those Villaroels are certainly low class. First Ariel with his nasty comments to Alicia and then the brother and sister bitch fest in front of non family. I had to laugh when Ariel was threatening Fern how Omar was standing in the back ground making faces imitating him.

Caro is as always a voice of reason telling Marcia not to rush into marriage, that she and Fern aren't ready but Marcia has the bit between her teeth and is dead set on dragging him to the altar before it is too late.

Interesting to me that no one except Omar and Fern noticed how miserable Lety was during the meeting when Luigi was going on and on about the wedding.
She really wasn't making any effort to hide it. I actually thought Omar felt a bit sorry for her and Fern obviously did.

Thanks Sylvia for the post and thanks Julie for the recap.

Paula, interesting observations about the drum moving in Lety's cubby hole. I noticed the hat appears out of no where.

I had a hard time feeling sorry for Alicia after Airel's remark, but it really was a scummy thing to say.

This was just a tiny little scene but it was one of my favorites in these two episodes. It is in Letty's office before they leave, and they do sort of a little dance when he tries to talk to her.

It was also fun when Irmita was dissing Jazmin not letting her wear the necklace and Lugi agreed with her.

I am beginning to think that Omar is not the heartless cad he appears to be. Notice how he is the one that thinks of cards and gifts for Lety. He is the one who puts effort into writing the notes that Lety swoons over. Perhaps he secretly or unconsciously wants to be loved and in love and that is why he is pushing Fernando to test the waters so to speak. It was obvious he was very uncomfortable on Lety's behave during the meeting. Maybe between the two of them, Fernando and Omar they will see the light and put their childish ways aside.
Also for the record I also think Alicia is a hoot! A lot of talented comics in this show.

This episode wasn't as talky as I feared. There was a lot of great physical comedy as Jenn notes. ITA that the actress who plays Alicia is very funny. She chews up her lines and scenes with gusto.

So funny about the drum! I did notice that it moved around a bit. I like Paula's theory about the cast playing it and not paying attention to where they put it. Or maybe they are moving it around in the same way that they reposition the wooden figure.


Have to agree with you thought about Omar secretly or more likely unconsciously wanting someone to love him as Lety so obviously does Fern. He'd put his feet in the fire before admitting it however and he covers up by being sarcastic. Omar obviously has a slightly more romantic streak than Fern since he at last has the sensitivity to think about gifts and cards and even flowers while Fern remains oblivious. On the other hand Omar may have learned to do all the gifting as a way of keeping his multiple amantes happy. Only time will tell.

It struck me that Ariel is less about wanting to be president of the company than he is about making sure that Fern isn't. He is like the kid with the football who says we play it my way or I'm going home. He made that pretty clear when he told Fern, Marry my sister or at the next meeting i move to sell the company.

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