Monday, January 17, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #171-172 1/17/11 The fisherman reels in a big catch.

Capitulo 171.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety tells Caro she’s returning to DF tomorrow because she feels out of place. Caro didn’t expect Lety to betray her like this. That touches a nerve.

2. Irma and Luigi talk through the night. She realizes she needs to let Rafael stay and die with dignity.

3. Lety finds a ring and marries the ocean. She writes “Fernando” in the sand so a wave will wash it away. She wants to touch the ocean and she wades in up to her waist, but a rogue wave knocks her down. The shock awakens Fernando in DF. Aldo rescues her from drowning.

4. Poor Marta. La reina de las chismes was out sick one day and missed everything: they fired Lety, removed Fernando as president, and canceled the wedding.

5. Fernando arrives at work without a tie (ain't he cute?), much like when Chuck Conners was stripped of his epaulets in Branded. His first question: “Have any of you seen Lety? Tell me if she calls.”

6. Fern chides Alicia for arriving late. Ali: You can’t yell at me because you’re not the president and you’re not my boss. Fern: I’m still a stockholder which outranks a secretary. A: Stockholder of what, since you left the company embargoed? F: You could sacrifice anything to get possessions, and yet you never attain them. Luigi also refuses to listen to Fern.

7. Saimon tells Fernando, “To me, you’re still the president. You’re my idol.” Fern tells Saimon to be loyal to Humberto, but Saimon has enough loyalty to fit them both. He says, “I’ll carry your badge on my heart until you return, Don Fernando.”

8. Aldo gives Lety CPR. She’s upset about her glasses, but he tells to be glad to have her life and a chance to enjoy life, struggle, and be happy. Aldo notices she wrote “Fernando” in the sand. Beyond rescuing a body, Aldo wants to relieve a heart (from its owner?) because he heard her pain. Because he saved her life it unites them, and he says she’s a beautiful person.

9. Lety tells Caro what happened and she’s not going to quit because he made her value life. Caro tells Lety the problem is her pain over Fern, and that pain will follow wherever she goes.

Capitulo 172.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety and Aldo hit it off wonderfully and each is charmed by the other. Lety says things that could sound like flirting and Aldo leans toward her, but then she gets embarrassed and tries to correct. Aldo has nobody – the relationship with his father is broken because of his career choice. Lety asks if it was worthwhile to lose everything for his freedom.

2. Fernando tells Julieta to ask Lety to call him. Erasmo wonders what Lety is hiding.

3. Aldo tells Lety she could live here in Aca, a place big and free. Lety says no, she lives in a very little place. Aldo suggests that her world is limited by the existence of Fernando. Lety lets him know he’s shaving too close.

4. Lety admits that maybe she did want to drown. Aldo crowds her both physically and emotionally and she tells him to back off. Again she’s charmed by his smile. She wants him to see her as normal, not an ugly woman. She says looks matter because it’s how everyone judges her, and they do horrible things to her. She tells Aldo her story.

5. Lety says when a woman like her meets a charmer like Fernando, it’s not a story of love but a story of pain. Despite the letter, she never stopped loving him.
Note, the tango Historia de amor runs very close to Lety’s story. I suspect they used that phrase on purpose. Snip:

Its the story of a love like none that will ever again be
That made me understand all the good and all the bad.
... That gave light to my life, turning it off again
Oh what a life so dark. Without your love I cannot live.

6. Marcia tells Alicia that she intended to forgive Fern, but she can’t because what he did is too disgusting. Lety deserves what she got because she dared to think she'd end up with Fern - Puh-LEEZE! She takes Fern the trash bag to torment him with his crimes and failures, and asks whether the romance was only to get back Conceptos, or was there another reason? He doesn’t answer and she suspects the worst.

7. The Conceptos lawyers say that Lety’s paperwork giving FI back to them is inadequate, and they need Lety in the meeting. Humberto assigns Fernando to tell Lety to be at tomorrow’s meeting.

8. Aldo asks Lety how she defines herself, and her instant answer is her ugliness, but she also recognizes that she’s loving, sweet, and loyal. He says she has to learn to love herself, and when she does, that man or any other will love you without deception. She doesn't know how. When Lety’s gone, Aldo says, "I myself once made the mistake of loving another more than myself."

9. Rereading the letter, Fern understands why Lety acted as she did (both the rejection and the board meeting). He says, "This letter ended my life. For this letter, I may lose her forever." Omar answers, "You lost her. Forget her. After that letter, she should hate you." Fern says, "I believe she still loves me. And that gives me hope. It’s the only thing that keeps my dream alive."


Pata provided some great photos for today, huh? And more are coming this week. Thank you, Pata!

For those of you with the disks, Disk #35 is messed up, so make sure your records certain things this week.
A. The caps are labeled 166-170. The caps are actually 171-175.
B. Caps 174 and 175 are reversed. So the cap labeled 169 is 175, and the cap labeled 170 is 174.
C. Cap 172 is missing 26 minutes from the end. Make sure to record it today.
D. Cap 174 is missing 8 minutes from the beginning. Make sure to record it tomorrow.

One more problem with the disks, but this is administrative. Disk 36 starts with TRUE cap 175 (a repeat from Disk 35), but it is labeled as 176. As far as I can tell, that one-off error continues for the duration. So when we refer to, for example, Cap 250, your disk will label it Cap 251.

I believe that in Acapulco, every important Aldo conversation is in the presence of water. Generally running water. Very LOUD running water that reduces voices to mumbles. I write my summaries from my disks, so I don’t have the benefit of captions. That’s fine, except when voices are obliterated by water noise. All this to say, I expect to miss a lot of the content of conversations in Acapulco in my summaries.

I don't know who it was who pointed out that this TN moves in stages and that we are entering a new one. The opening credits certainly show that. It's as if it's a whole new show.

I didn't think I would like the new guy but Lety is right -- Aldo has a wonderful smile -- and eyes. I am sure that Lety will be back with Fernando in the end but this is going to be a very pleasant growth experience. I like the connection that Lety and Aldo have. It's totally different from her connection with Fernando but it is fun to watch.

I'm glad that Carolina was sharp with Lety. She's seemed too understanding to be believed. That last scene with Aldo seems to indicate a history with Caro. Hmm?


This episode definitely marks a big changing point in the novella. Lety is reborn after her near drowning experience. It’s as though the sea has cleansed her so that she can begin her healing process. Meanwhile, Fernando is liberated from the lies and deception. Now we sit back and watch as these unlikely lovers find themselves—and who knows, maybe find each other again.

I think this is the last time we will be seeing Lety's black shoes. I think it's the first step towards her change. To bad she couldn't have lost those glasses, but thinking back, that would be too big of a change too fast. The shoes leaving is nice and subtle.
I too hate the new intro...Too much information...
But I LOVE Fern's beach look.....yummy...

Someone tell me where I have see Juan Soler before? I'm not talking TN's but I'm sure I've seen him on US TV. What a great smile and beautiful eyes. He seems kind and not full of torments like he's content with himself. That makes him much more attractive than Fernando with all his hang ups. But, you know how these TN's are - true love wins out. No matter how much Lety gets involved with Aldo, a huge chunk of her heart will always belong to Fernando.

Fernando is now free from what held him back. Before the board meeting, after Fernando realized he's deeply in love, what kept him from a complete relationship with Lety?
A. Time. The meeting was the next morning. Now he has nothing but time.
B. His family would reject him. They already have.
C. Marcia would want to kill him. She already does.
D. Ariel would try to split the company and discover the embargo. He already has.
E. Losing Marcia's vote would mean he loses the presidency. He already has.
F. He would be disgraced publicly. He already is.
In trying to save those things, he lost all of them, and he lost Lety too. Now those obstacles no longer exist, so it would seem that his road is clear, to win her back. It would seem that the only remaining obstacle is convincing Lety that he's sincere.

The problem is, there were also the internal obstacles holding him back. The selfish nature of his love, his impulsiveness, his lack of backbone, his lies, his need to please everyone, etc. His errors caused a tidal wave that cleared away all the external obstacles that kept him from winning her. Now it’s time for him to work on the internal obstacles. LIFE tried to teach him, through Hippy Ed, through Psychic Guy, through the pain of Lety’s rejection, and he refused to learn. No more bridle. Now it’s time to be taught by the bit.

Thanks Paula. Also really enjoyed the orignal recaps and all the comments from them today. The tug of war with Irmita between Luegi and the caurtel was actually cute today. Still not a devoted luegi fan but that was a fun scene.

Paula I loved the series Branded. Fun analogy. thanks for the link.

Not only the shoes. When Lety had her long conversations with Aldo, she wasn't wearing her "armor," her sweater. Almost as soon as they met, Aldo pushed her to remove another piece of armor, her stockings. And with Caro, although she wore a sweater, it was see-through - either the open-stitch crocheted one or the sheer short-sleeved one.

Kathleen, about the drowning. I think that if we start unpeeling it, we’re going to discover more layers than the Oley Fair cider stand (but that’s another story).
1. As you said, death and rebirth.
2. As you also said, the sea purged out the old so she’s free to heal. Remember, PG said she would lose everything that sustained her and her true struggle would begin.
3. She was “drowning” in her suffering over Fernando, and Aldo rescued her from that emotional drowning.
4. Lety married the ocean. She wrote Fernando’s name at the waterline, so her new husband, the ocean, would wash him out of her heart. But instead the ocean washed her away. What does that mean? It seems profound but I can’t put my finger on it.

If she asked the ocean to wash Fernando out of her and the ocean grabbed her entire body instead, that may say something about how much Fernando has become part of her. It's not a simple rinse job!

(Or maybe it just says something about the undertow in Acapulco!)

did anyone else think that Luigi looked hot in psychedelic 60s get-up?
If Fern is growing and changing he is sure taking his sweet time. Why did he not say the truth when Marcia asked him. Seriously that guy gets openings big enough for a freight train and he just sits like an idiot! so I am not sure when the bit is coming in Paula.
Which makes me think that Aldo is serious competition even if he has a Cheshire cat grin those teeth are quite disturbing otherwise....
Lety sure has mack! I did not see this kind of flirting with Fern and the personal space was not an issue as with Fern.
If Caro is a good friend she should sign up Lety for "How Do I Look?" not only will she get a new wardrobe but some lessons in self-love
Aldo does not do goofy as well as Fern and should not try. He does do sweet sentimental sympathetic better though and does not waste time. Maybe because he is older than Fern and one would assume wiser.

Thanks again for the updated recaps and deep analysis (now that Lety's in the deep water in Aca). I had forgotten about Aldo's bright chiclet teeth, but he does lend that sympathetic ear. I'm beginning to remember the long haul of so many remaining episodes.
La Paloma

I'm not sure how many epsisodes I'll be able to take of deep conversations between Lety and Aldo but it's a relief to see her get a diversion. I'd say she deserves to play around a bit with a hunky beach bum wearing short shorts and a glittering smile. Plus, as Barbara says, he's much more of a free spirit, quite the opposite of Fernando. Or so he seems...

No more black shoes? Hooray!! Goodbye sweater? Adios! Does she get to dump the stockings too?

Awesome screen shots, great recaps. I'm enjoying the change of scenery. However as Paula notes the ocean is LOUD.

There are the obvious contrasts between Fernando and Aldo.
- necktie and hair gel vs shirtless and Daisy Dukes
- corporate president vs beach bum
- dark vs fair.

But the more subtle differences are extensive.
- Aldo refused to follow his father's career path and lost the relationship with his father. vs. Fern who is enslaved by trying to please his father.
- laid back vs hyper and neurotic
- as far as we know, Aldo is honest
- he NEVER perceived Lety as fea. He found her wonderful from the first moment, just like Hippy Ed.
- remembers Lety's name from the very first time she says it.
- ALREADY he is totally focused on Lety and her needs. Fernando STILL doesn't consider Lety's pain.

I'm sure there are others. That's all I can think of at the moment.

Did anyone else notice Luigi is slowly changing also? He realized how much he cares for Irmita, how much he needs ner.
He is talking to the Feas of the cuartel.
He wanted to stay with them while they spoke with Irmita.
He wanted to go to their "boardroom".
He went into the women's bathroom to stay with the group.
Now, would Luigi really have done ANY of these things at the start of this story?

Okay, I must comment of Aldo's chiclet teeth. They look like bad caps. Ewwww.

Aldo and Fern are total opposites in every way. But the new intro has the two of them practically alike. Both dressed in white, both with loose hair. So what do you think that is all about? Maybe Lety gets a mix of both in Fern by the time she ends with him. (She WILL end up with him, or I will swear off TNs for life)

I would be fine with Aldo in this part if he is a Tomas replacement. She seems to need a male friend, because she never has had female friends.

Now, back home at Conceptos....
I believe Marcia will get an admission out of Fern (about in love with Lety) because if she doesn't, then how is he going to grow like PG says he's suppose to.

I can't believe Omar is still the "dumb as a rock" best friend. He can't even see the pain Fern is in. Clueless.

Why is Mama ColdHeart still around Conceptos? Yay I know she's an owner, but she contributes nothing. Is she scared to leave Humberto alone (Is this where Marcia gets her paranoia?)

How long is Acapulco suppose to last? I hope we don't have to be subjected to deciphering Juan's Argentinian accent against crashing waves for long.


I added quite a bit to Cap 172, items 5-9. There were some very significant revelations.
A. Lety tells Aldo she still loves Fernando (we knew that, but Aldo needs to know it).
B. Marcia takes the trash bag to Fern with the intention of making him suffer. She takes his non-answer as a strong hint.
C. Fern believes Lety still loves him.

Did anyone else want to retch when Aldo said, "I myself once made the mistake of loving another more than myself"? As in, "Love if fine, as long as you put yourself first."

Re #9. Fernando rereads the Letter.

He told Omar that he now knows why Lety had been acting strangely lately.
Fern figured it out. He now understands why she was so different then "mi Lety".
He figured out she had the letter for awhile. He still curses Omar about the letter being his destruction.
(I don't think it was only the letter. Lety told him she gave him plenty of opportunities to prove the letter false, he never took one.)
Ah, mi pobresito Jamito, que dolor!!!!

Paula, I send you some e-mails, read the last one first "false alarm". You will understand.
Sorry about the mix up

Way back, I talked a lot about how Omar felt threatened by Fern's closeness to Lety. In fact, I pointed out many cases where Fern was particularly warm toward Lety, and Omar responded by doing or saying something particularly cruel to her.

The worst, of course, was Cap 99, the morning after Omar's apartment. (quoting Cap 97-99 summaries:) In the rehash, Fern tries to get through to Omar, but he can't. Fern won’t let Omar write today’s card because he's too foul. Omar gets offended that his BFF doesn’t appreciate his writing, and Fernando kicks him out. Later, Fernando stomps on Omar for calling Lety names, and the very next thing Omar says is that he will prepare the cards for while he’s away. Omar sits at his keyboard. He can’t stop laughing as he gleefully types The Letter.

So back then, I vaguely implied but never said, that Omar wrote the Letter as some sort of aggression against Lety. In that light, his statement today is chilling: "You lost her. Forget her. After that letter, she should hate you." I propose that on some level, conscious or unconscious, Omar WANTED Lety to find the letter. Either to hurt her, or to turn her against Fernando. He was jealous of her as soon as Fern started to value her, and the closer Fern got to her, the meaner Omar turned. If he couldn't turn Fern against Lety, it was just as good to turn Lety against Fern.

I know this is radical, so go ahead and throw your tomatoes. I'm not looking for agreement, just discussion.

I think you're giving Omar too much credit. I don't think he has those kinda brain cells. He is dense, dense, dense.
Yes, he was laughing as he wrote the Letter, because he's an idiot.
His quotes today just go to show how shallow Omar is. Many times Fern has told Omar "you don't get it" "you have no soul" "you have no heart" and each time, Omar gets a dumb look on his face, because HE DOESN'T GET IT.
Remember the Cannes party? The very first time we ever saw Omar emotional was on stage accepting the Lion. His emotion got to him and he stopped talking.
I don't believe Omar has any sinister plot against Lety, he just plain doesn't like her because she was taking Fern away, like in sixth grade.

I meant, taking Fern away from him like a sixth grader.

Today I've been traveling, but I did get to see the show before my flights. Hopefully I'll get to watch the show over the next few weeks, but I ordered the dvd's just in case.

I really liked the chemistry between Lety & Aldo. I love that he has a light, fun energy and I really loved her response to it. It's a nice change to the tone of the show and fitting for the scenes in Acapulco. It's also a way for her to grow and see another side of herself - to see herself as 'beautiful' the way that he (Aldo) initially sees her.

That's a good point someone (maybe Paula H.) made about Aldo helping Lety to peel away some of the layers (starting with her shoes and tights). I can't wait for her to loosen up even more.

Caro should have been tough with Lety. She needs someone to be firm with her now. I'm curious now about the relationship between Caro and Aldo...(I saw them together in the previews).

Why Fern didn't admit to Marcia that he loved Lety? I feel like he's still not growing as much as he needs to - he still doesn't deserve Lety because he can't publicly admit his feelings for her. This frustrates me and until he gets his ish together - I think she should def focus her time on someone who does appreciate her (Aldo).

I think it's going to be a tense day at the office when they realize that no one has a clue of where Lety is...can't wait for the fireworks from that!

That's all I can remember for always I enjoy the discussions here.

Diann, I think Mama ColdHeart hangs around Conceptos with Humberto because she just doesn't have anything else to do!

No friends, no shopping, nothing.

Then again she may be in hiding, mortified and humiliated about having to cancel the Big Boda.

Paula, I'll buy some of your theory about Omar and the Letter, but only to the extent that it might have been subconscious.

I agree with those who say he's not smart enough to hatch a plan like that on purpose; if he'd been that smart, he also would have been smart enough to realize that it really would result in the loss of Conceptos and his apparently very cushy job where he never seems to do anything. Not to mention the likely ruination of his career, especially if the details of his involvement came to light.

It may be too soon for Fern to be "growing up" yet. The Big Meeting only happened yesterday. Plus, his parents are here. Just as Lety had trouble growing up in the shadow of her parents - who were warm and loving - Fernando still feels like a little boy around his cold parents, especially his rejecting father.

I thought Aldo's comment about making a mistake loving someone more than himself was about losing himself and forgetting who he was. The mistake was not loving more but not loving yourself enough. I think that was Lety's problem with Fern. She always thought of herself as a Fea not the smart intellegent warm loving person that she is and it is thinking she is a fea that made her do things she otherwise would not have done and that go against who she really is. So she too was not honest in her love for Fernando. She fixated on being a fea and that is why he took advantage of her when if she just shifted her focus a little to her other qualities the relationship would have taken a different turn.

Love your comment about Mama ColdHeart having nothing better to do!
I believe you're right!
About being humiliated, remember she hung around Conceptos even before the cancellation of the boda. Whenever Humberto was there, MamaParasite there by his side. LOL

Georgia Peach,
I hope you set your DVR to record while you are traveling, your DVD set will take awhile to arrive, and it isn't in HD. The quality is okay, but not crisp like the HD broadcast. So you will miss all those beautiful details (ie. Fern) HeeHee (or jaja as they type in spanish)

Diann, how long did your disks take to arrive? I know that guy shuts down for the first part of January, so maybe you got caught in that delay. Another thing about the DVDs is no CC's. That's particularly important with all the oceanfront conversations.

Who has the 300-hour DVDs (or has ordered them)? Pata, Diann, GP, who else? Money well spent? Did you pull any all-nighters like me?

I know why Mama ColdHeart sticks around. Imagine seeing the child who you love, nurtured, and share that mother-love bond with, so horribly crushed, in so much agony. Of course Teresita wants to be there to console .. Marcia! BTW, sevaral times Humberto goes home (heaven forbid he should step foot into the president's office and do some work as president!), and MamaT stays.

Yes, Jenn, I always wondered, what would've happened if Lety had put her foot down and said, "No more dates, no more kisses. Punto! After you cancel the wedding, we'll talk."

Diann, yes, we've seen Luigi hit by a triple-whammy - the person he considers the most subhuman owns the company of beautiful people, he (in his mind) risked the life of his mother figure, and now that mother figure needs her "son." In all three crises he has stepped up to the plate. I was particularly impressed by how he forced himself to respect Lety in the meeting, which went so hard against his grain. We know Lui doesn't kiss up to anyone; I think his motivation was doing the "right thing." Lui's no Mother Theresa at this point, but with his limited capacity, he's doing what he can. Let's see what happens when the crises pass.

Jenn, true, Fern didn't take the opportunity to tell Marcia that he loves Lety. OTOH, he didn't lie to her either. That's a big step for him. His relationship with Marcia has been ENTIRELY lies ever since the engagement. EVERY conversation was lies, manipulation, intimidation, the works! To refuse to lie to her was a huge shift.

Eh, you're right about Teresita, Diann. She already has a history of never leaving Humberto's side.

So now I'm wondering if she can only go shopping if Humbo goes with her. Man, that would take all the fun out of it!


Who has the 300-hour DVDs (or has ordered them)? Pata, Diann, GP, who else? Money well spent? Did you pull any all-nighters like me?

I did, but lost about 5 dvd"s on an airplane. I believe they were up to Cuernavaca. After their loss I couldn't bring myself to watch the others.

I do do a marathon when I first started watching cause I had over 30 episodes recorded.


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