Tuesday, January 25, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #183-184 1/25/11 Exorcism, Suicide, or Anesthetic?

Capitulo 183.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia refuses to take Fern’s messages, but he tells her that when he recovers the presidency he’ll fire her. Great scene! Saimon wears Fern’s badge in support. Fern sends Saimon to retrieve his car.

2. Omar tells Fern he was ordered to keep Fern out of bars and get Lety out of his heart. Omar thinks that if Fern goes out with women he’ll forget Lety, since she’s not really a woman. Fern says that neither Marcia nor any other woman can take Lety out of his heart.

3. Fern takes offense when Omar thinks no other man would go out with Lety. Fern holds fast that Lety won’t take their company. She’s a good person and he believes in her.

4. Fernando implores Julieta. “Please, please ask her to give me one more chance.” Tom tells Fern that he talked to Sanchez since Conceptos brought in lawyers. Conceptos now belongs to FI. Fern’s world crashes because he concludes that Lety wants to take the company.

By the way, Julieta is making chiles en nogada, a Puebla specialty that is really delicious but really labor intensive. You can only find it in restaurants for 2-3 months out of the year. In 2008, I had the opportunity to enjoy chiles en nogada en Ciudad Puebla, along with mole pablano. YUM!

5. Aldo shows Lety his dream restaurant, but it’s just an abandoned construction site. His dream died when his wife died. He moves to kiss her and she pulls away. The magic is crushed and he wants to leave.

6. Fern starts drinking hard, straight from the bottle. Omar suggests that maybe Lety plotted it from the beginning. Fern says Omar is an expert at turning him against Lety, and he won’t let him do it this time because he loves her. He still holds fast to his belief in her.

7. Fern jokes to his mom that he’s going to find a priest to do an exorcism, to get rid of the demon inside him. He’ll come back in the morning so they can finish erasing the little that is left of his liver, his heart, and his brain. She orders him to come back and HE DISOBEYS HER!

8. Lety counsels Miss Puebla because her parents never cared about her.

9. Julieta starts to read Lety’s diary.

Capitulo 184.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Mama reads Lety’s diary, hoping to help her daughter. “No one will give me the chance to show how much I can love. I will be his shadow and his breath. It will be my meaning of life.” Her reading continues through the episode.

2. Seeing the flask, Saimon offers to drive Fern wherever he’s going. Fern says he’s going to Hell.

3. Omar tells the women that they’ve lost the company. Marcia yells, “Lety wants Fern to kill himself!” Saimon reports that he drove away drunk, and Marcia worries about the image of Conceptos.

4. Miss Puebla quits so Lety says she’ll be the stand-in because Puebla needs her. The bellas and Caro tell her she’s beautiful because of her attitude. Miss Puebla stays for her own sake, not her parents’.

5. Fernando sees Aldo’s boat and complains that boats don’t belong on the beach. Then he realizes, neither do cars. MamaT finds out he’s in Acapulco, and Marcia goes looking for him.

6. Fern sits at the bar and asks, “Why did you do this to me, Lety?” He remembers how much she loved him and bawls, “Only God knows how much I love you, Lety.” He stubbornly picks a fight with six pro wrestlers. His face says, “This is what was supposed to happen. Here it comes.” The bartender says, “They’re going to kill you,” and he answers, “You’re right.”

7. The men pummel Fernando. Lety, Aldo, and Fausto enter the bar, and Lety has a premonition that she’s going to see someone she knows. Fausto hustles them out because of the fight. They drag Fernando into the hall, and Lety wants to help although she doesn’t know it’s Fernando. Fausto makes them leave.

8. Fernando mumbles, “How I miss you, Lety,” and he passes out. When he awakes and realizes he’s not dead, he goes back to finish the job.


What a lot of fun at the beginning of today's shows! Fernando imitated Luigi then Alicia. Saimon cracked up Camil, and then Fernando did that wacky finger dance.

Someone mentioned on the old board, that they’re not allowed to refer to Anahuac anymore (Alicia's university and also where Camil studied IRL). I think the actors think the rule is petty, so look how they deal with it. Fern says, "6 semesters of finance at blah, blah, blah." Also, “They say she studied six semesters I don’t know where.”

Last week we talked about costars keeping up with Camil, especially when he starts straying from the script. Paty Navidad (Alicia) can, so Camil often runs with it. Pay special attention any time the two share a scene. Sparks fly! Today's scene was a delightful romp.

Do you ever play “Find the teleprompter”? Check the scene with Fernando at Alicia’s desk early in the cap. He’s getting his lines from two places: her computer screen, and something on her desk. I think he has to check it often because he runs off on a tangent (which he can do when he’s working with Paty), then he has to deliver a specific line so he has to check the script. Then another tangent, etc. At one spot she points to his place on the script and he says, “Ah, Gracias.”

On the old recap, there was a discussion of the word "güey." My friend from Sinaloa says it's no big deal. It's comparable to our word "dude."

How do you interpret my title? Specifically, what was Fernando trying to accomplish in that bar? Exorcism, suicide, or anesthetic?
* A couple of times in the cap, Fern referenced getting an exorcism.
* Some people on the old recap concluded that his emotional pain was so great, that he invited physical pain in hopes that it would numb his emotional pain.
* Or was it an attempted suicide?

Lastly, does anyone have any guesses about why I posted the last photo? I'll give you a hint. "Obligate seeders."

his emotional pain was so great, that he invited physical pain in hopes that it would numb his emotional pain.
* Or was it an attempted suicide?

I think it was both... he wanted to stop feeling all this pain and then tried to drown it in alcohol... then since that was not working he invited those guys to end the pain some other way (suicide).
regarding the last picture, I see a little new growth plant in the midst of ruins/ashes... is it a rebirth theme?

I've always assumed that it was a suicide, but the other two options are interesting too.

Exorcism is about getting a demon out of your system. The only "demon" in his system is Lety. Is Lety out of his system?

Or is the need for Daddy's approval and Mommy's love and defeating Ariel another demon? Are those out of his system?

Anesthetic... honestly, even though I understand this in theory, the thought of taking a beating like this is so painful that I can't wrap my mind around it. I wonder if it was the other way around - he was numb with grief and he picked the fight in hopes that if someone hit him hard enough, he'd finally feel something. (But, again, ouch! Doesn't work for me.)

Once again Jaime Camil's acting is superb. Although I felt the bar scene was too long - probably to showcase Camil's talents - it was funny especially watching the actor playing the bartender struggling not to burst out laughing. Lety hasn't completely found her recovery as she pulled back when Aldo wanted to kiss her. I suspect that very soon Lety and Fernando will meet up in Acapulco. I wonder how he's going to deal with the growing relationship between Lety and Aldo. Don't like the fact that Aldo knows Fernando is in Acapulco and he didn't warn Lety. He stood on the show and listened to Fernando's drunken pontification, especially when he said his name. Besides, Aldo has seen the picture of Fernando that Lety has. Maybe Aldo is not as squeaky clean as he wants people to believe. I think he's falling in love with Lety and he'll fight Fernando for her. Lety is a fresh breathe of sunshine shattering the darkness that had been his life. He has his own demons to exorcise as well as Fernando. Let's see who scores home first.

That would be shore and not show. Typing too fast and no spell-check, which wouldn't have helped anyway.

Here's a less violent word: REBOOT. Just like a computer needs a reboot once in a while to clear the junk out of its memory and so forth, Fernando goes to a bar in Acapulco for a different kind of reboot to knock all the junk (and possibly teeth) out of his head, at least for a while.

I'm guessing that there's nothing like a good beating (and a wicked hangover) to make you forget all your other worries for a little while. The next day, or whenever you regain consciousness, you can look at your problems with a fresh perspective. (And a couple of black eyes.)

Okay, that's still violent.

Also, IIRC, Fern gets kicked a bunch of times, so "reboot" also serves as a bad pun, too! (Assuming the guys are wearing boots and not fluffy bunny slippers... I don't remember.)

The fight scene was very well choregraphed and well acted, none the less hard to watch.

I will have to admit I am missing the caurtel a little bit after all the time spent on the goofy beauty pagent contestants.

Thanks again Paula, and as always Melinama your recaps are great to read as well as Amanda's. Are either of you watching this again? I know Julie is and just wanted to say thanks for all the orginal recaps from all of you.

I haven't heard from Amanda in forever. I don't know if she's still around on Caray at all. :(

Thank you ladies for the recaps. I like the term REBOOT for what's going on with Fern.

LOVED LOVED LOVED the scenes with FERN and Alicia in the first ep. HYSTERICAL and I didn't even catch everything that was said. That's the sign of brilliant actors when they can make you laugh and they are speaking a foreign language.

Wow - things were certainly close at the bar. Lety was touching FERN and didn't recognize him. He didn't recognize her voice. I was so sure they would see each other at that point! Such a tease! It's going to be explosive when the meeting in Acapulco finally happens (assuming it happens).

The other board had a lot of debate about why they didn't recognize each other and i have a few thoughts on why they didn't... A) Lety is transforming so Fern couldn't recognize this new woman she's becoming B) Lety wouldn't expect to see Fern in Acapulco C) Although she's seen it before she wouldn't expect him to be getting into drunken bar fights and thrown out like yesterday's trash in front of the bar.

@Marta & Paula H - re-birth sounds like a good theory to me. Can't wait to see what the whole re-birth brings to our favorite characters...

And about Julieta finally reading that diary-- I think if I were her I would have jumped to the good stuff already. Of course it wouldn't be excruciating to the rest of us in TV land if she'd done that huh?

I also forgot that Aldo had seen the pic of Fern @ Barbara. Do you think he just didn't recognize him? I missed a lot of the dialogue in this scene so did Fern really yell out his name here? If so, you could be right - maybe Aldo isn't as "angelic" as he seems to be...if that's the case I think he's only trying to protect Lety...

I also missed the fact that they (Lety and Aldo) were at that club to meet his father. That will be an interesting meeting - I'm surprised after 3 days Aldo would bring Lety to such an important meeting. They sure have gotten really close, super quick. I like the healing effect they have on each other, but I would like it to be a lasting thing, not something rushed just for the sake of doing it. So they really should consider putting the brakes on in their relationship until they really truly get to know each other.

Ok - I know that was a really long, disjointed ramble - just putting things down as I remembered them.

Paula, thanks for the tip on "güey". I wasn't able to find any supporting evidence for it being a particularly offensive word either, but wondered if it was maybe a regional thing.

I agree, Barbara, that the bar scene was too long but also that Camill's acting was superb.

I don't think that Aldo realized who Fernando was when he saw him on the beach. Even though Fernando loudly declared who he was Aldo was in the loud surf and he didn't seem to react at all as if he heard that.

I wonder if Fern & Lety's paths will actually cross. Could this all be a tease -- the near miss when Aldo & Lety almost went to Fern's aid but were called away. Now here's Marcia about to come to his side and maybe to whisk him away before Lety even knows he was there. What do you think????


GP - interesting observation on how quickly Lety and Aldo have become so close. We can understand that Lety might be predisposed to bond to a comforting person in a hurry after what she's just been through.

But I'm curious - what do you think is motivating Aldo to get so close to Lety? He's been alone for quite a while. What is it about Lety, specifically, that's bringing him out of his shell after all this time? (Yes, I have the benefit of hindsight to answer this question. But I'd like to hear what this looks like to someone who is seeing it for the first time.)

Julie, I am very new to this program--about 2 weeks into it! But I have caught up via the DVD compilation. (Thanx to Paula for the info)
Anyway, I think that Aldo sees himself in Lety, to some extent.
behind that brilliant smile, he is deeply hurting and sees her as an innocent, hurting lady/child. I think that, by helping her see the positive in life, and in herself, that he is also helping himself deal with his pain.
By opening her eyes (and mind/heart) to the goodness that lies within herself, he is somehow strengthening his own need to find goodness/happiness in his own life.
Sorry for the wordiness!

PatA, miss the cuartel??? Bite your tongue, infidel!!!

GP, you gave me an idea. Paty Navidad is marvelous at comedy. PatA, imagine if she had played against Camil in LEPerez. In fact, Julie, you've said that almost any actor disappears next to Camil. I think Paty could hold her own. And she's talented enough that, as we've seen on Fea, Camil can gallop away from the script and she can keep up. Yes, they'd make wonderful comedy together.

I seem to recall that in the Colombian, the bar scene seemed to go on and on, too. As for Aldo hearing Fernando on the beach, I'm sure he didn't. Heck, I can't understand Aldo when the waves are crashing, and that's with the microphone inches from his face!

LOL - I'd love to say Paty and Jaime in a comedy together - they really are insanely good together.

I agree that Aldo is wounded and see's something of himself in Lety. I also think that for him as a man he likes being needed. He needs to "fix" Lety and that's something that most men need to stroke their manly egos. that's just my 2 cents...he heard her heartbreak that first day she arrived and saw something that could be fixed.

About the nature picture. It's a piñon pine, sprouting up immediately after a forest fire. In fire country, many trees bear seeds with a particularly hard seed coat that can only be cracked by fire. So after a fire, these seeds sprout quickly and take advantage of the opportunity.

Fernando is like that. LIFE tried hard to teach him a lesson, but he was too stubborn or too thick-headed to learn. He had to hit bottom, he had to go through the fire, and that fire cracked his hard shell. Finally the lessons will start getting through like water and sunlight to a sprout, and the Fernando inside will be able to grow. It won't happen overnight. Trees can take YEARS to grow a few feet. But finally the outer covering has been crushed. Finally the change can begin.

Great episode with Camil at his best in so many scenes. He's such a joy to watch. As noted, his scene with Alicia was the tops. I almost feel sorry for Aldo as I'm sure he'll pale in comparison when the two are inevitably side by side.

Great recaps everyone, they are a big help. I like the last screen shot; what a perfect analogy.

Thanks for the recaps - I can never watch both episodes. And I didn't see them all the first time it was on, either.
As for Aldo's attraction to Lety - didn't he tell Caro right after he met Lety that he really liked how open, honest and innocent Lety was? I think he felt really surprised and also charmed by her, and then touched by her story of being "fea".

Marie, I didn't think you were "wordy" at all. I think that's a good explanation of Aldo's attraction to Lety. And you're right - just as he's pushing her to heal, she's pushing him as well. That's interesting. That's something that I don't think I ever really noticed or gave credit to before.

GP, too - good point about men feeling needed. I'm sure there's no shortage of women passing through Acapulco who would be willing to help a wealthy man feel "needed," but Lety has never expected any money or gifts from him. That's got to be a breath of fresh air.

Paula, I have indeed said, either on or off this board, that Paty Navidad is the only woman - actually, one of very few people at all - that I've ever seen who was able to hold her own with Camil, other than Angelica Vale. This guy steals scenes as if it's a bodily function.

It's not an obnoxious kind of scene-stealing. He's not robbing the other actors of any opportunities or standing in front of them and talking over them. And it never looks as though he's just waiting for others to finish their lines until it's his turn to talk and show off again.

It's nothing like that. But somehow, sometimes, it seems like they just can't keep up with him.
He always seems to be living the moment and not just performing it. Even when he's sticking to the script exactly as written, it seems spontaneous and alive.

During the brief time that I tried to enjoy Tontas, at times it almost seemed as though he was phoning it in. And even then, he was stealing scenes.

About güey. After looking at the original recap I see that Amanda describes it as a bad word when used specifically in reference to a woman. That might be different than calling a guy "dude."

Julie, that's a good description of Camil's performance in Tontas, "phoning it in". Even though he was heads and shoulders above the rest I just didn't see the relentless extreme sparkle that he displays in Fea. I didn't "get" Jaime Camil as an amazing actor. I did, however, get a clue when I saw the film 7 Dias. In Fea it's like he's giving the performance of a lifetime night after night.

Interesting comments about Jamie. He is really superb in Fea. Most novelas are all about the female lead and Fea has strayed from that. In the beginning it was pretty much all about Lety but now the story tends to shift to Fern and how he has much to learn. it is refreshing and he is actually a much more interesting character than Lety who now seems one dimensional. You can count on her to A)whine when faced with anything uncomfortable, and B)run off when things aren't the way she wants. Look at how she acted when she and Aldo got to the bar. She didn't want to go in because she thought there might be someone in there who knew her. Why on earth be afraid if you have nothing to be ashamed about.

IMHO, both male leads in YSBLF and LFMB stole the show from the female leads who were supposed to be leading the way. In a way, the character development is more complex in the men (complete overhaul of what they believed, what their values and priorities were) vs the overhaul of self-image the ladies go through. I know, this is debatable but that is my two cents worth.
in YSBLF most of the character development happened inside Armando and J.E.A. was masterful in that role (no wonder in the end he said he was so worn out but was satisfied of a job well done)... and in LFMB, Jaime simply steals the show between his acting, his comedic talent and his natural timing and skill for ad-lib. He will crack up himself every once in a while with the ad-libs by others on the show that make him laugh, and it shows... they had a lot of fun in this set for sure.

I think Lety/Betty get plenty of personality makeover/attitude adjustment - it's just that it all happens earlier in the story. Fernando/Armando don't really begin changing in earnest until much later, and I think the latter transformation is more memorable because it's so radical and messy, and there's so much more at stake.

I mean, Conceptos doesn't go belly-up based on whether or not Lety can stand up to her father. But it will go belly-up if Fern doesn't get his act together.

Sylvia, I love your line. "In Fea it's like he's giving the performance of a lifetime night after night." Can you imagine doing that, 14 hour days, 6 day weeks (the other principals worked 7 days), for 14 months? Incredible!!!

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