Tuesday, April 12, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #293-294 4/12/11 Mrs. Doubtfire Region 4, and The White Knight Conquers Three Dragons

Capitulo 293.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The police arrest Efren for unpaid child support.

2. Caro asks Omar why he’s mad. He saw the man leaving her house in the morning, talking about the incredible night. Caro starts laughing. She wanted to make her home nice, for when they live together, and she blew a circuit. Omar hitches up his calzones and stammers that he loves her.

3. The laison for DIF Nuevo Leon asks Lety to head the project and she can get married in the cathedral in Monterrey. Lety marvels, “The fea can marry the love of her life in the cathedral?” Luigi tells Lety he won’t go to Monterrey, for personal reasons. Lety leaves and Irma counsels Luigi, “Isn’t it time to forgive them?” Luigi says he can’t.

4. Lety talks to Aldo in her grown-up voice. No puede ser! Marcia gets another note from her secret admirer.

5. Fern tells Lety that he and Aurora must go to a dinner tonight. Jax is bringing a European media magnate, and Jax needs Aurora there to convince him. Lety promised to go out with Aldo. Fernando respects her “no” and says he’ll convince Jax to do something else. What a man! Lety points out that this is the only way Aldo can get back his restaurant, and she knows it’s the way for Fern to recover his father’s respect (Lety thinks about Fern’s needs!!!). She decides Lety and Aurora will go to the same restaurant.

6. Lola takes Efrain food, etc. in jail. His first words are, “I’m here because you sued me.” Lola says he’s there because he didn’t provide for his children. Jaz arrives so Lola leaves. She’s so worried for him that she suggests he put his assets in her name (por qué no pones lo tuyo a mi nombre?), so Lola doesn’t get them. Efren says, “All you care about is my money. You never loved me, did you?” She says that of course it was only for the money, because he’s fat and disgusting.

7. Fern, Lety, and Tom practice quick changes at the Restaurant of Five Names.*

8. That night Lety arrives at the restaurant with Aldo but soon changes to Aurora then Lety then Aurora then Lety then Aurora then.. Walter is impressed and agrees to the deal. Jax tells Fern Conceptos will make megabucks. Lety is so drunk that she arrives at Aldo’s table as Auroralety.

Capitulo 294A. Read 5ft Latina’s original recap.

1. Aldo stares at Auroralety. Jax is very impressed. Fernando gives Aldo a look that says, “You hurt her, you’re dead!” Aldo says there cannot be any justification for what he sees. Lety tries to explain.

2. Efren is released from jail. He tells Lola that he won’t be paying Jasmín’s expenses, so he can easily pay child support. Lola makes sure he recognizes that the hussy caused him to neglect care of his children. He takes her out and begs to get back together. She says his children need him but she doesn’t.

3. Jax tells Fern and Tom that it was a spactacular night. The TV show premires tomorrow, and he’s sure, after tonight, that it will be a grand success.

4. Aldo says, roughly: I would’ve accepted it if you had told me at the beginning, but not now. You trusted Fern and not me. You’re sad because you deceived herself. You tried to make someone suffer. You’re lost. You don’t know what you want in life. You’re running to and fro, but not working at making yourself better. But you’ve found what you really want – Fernando Mendiola. I saw the kiss. You had to disguise yourself to kiss him? I’m profoundly disappointed. He leaves despite Lety’s protests.

5. Fern comforts Lety and says he and Tom will take care of her. Tom has to go. Fern will take Lety home.

6. Tom finds Ali on the phone with her papi. He takes the phone then says, “He hung up.” Ali cries, “He always hangs up. He always leaves her alone. He always goes. It’s always the same.” Tom now knows Alicia better. Read the rest of the scene in the original recap.

7. Fern tries to cheer up Lety, but she’s sure Aldo is gone for good. Fern says she can count on him for anything. He doesn’t want to leave her alone like that, but she sends him home. What a man!

Capitulo 294B. Read Amanda’s original recap.

8. Carmina is very eager to comfort Aldo. She’s available for anything he needs. He says he feels like his life ended. Lety never stopped loving Fernando.

9. Marcia informs Fern that Omar moved in with Caro. Fern tells Marcia that he wants to win Lety back, and something happened that could be a sign. It could be his opportunity and he doesn’t want to miss it.

10. The morning scandal rag announces that Aurora is Lety. She cries that she’s the fea that no one can love. Fern says, “I fell in love with you like crazy, and I still love you just as much.”

11. The cuartel reads the story, and Irma reminds them of the way Fern and Auroralety kissed for the show. She says those two love each other like crazy.

12. Carmina barges in and tells Lety that Aldo left for Acapulco. Lety hurt him so much that he can’t stand to be in the same city as her, and he never wants to see her again. Lety says she needs to hear that from Aldo, not Carmina. Carmina says today she’s going to move in with Aldo. Fern drags her out of the office.

13. Fern tells Lety he needs to know what she’s thinking (because he has to decide whether to fight to win her back), and to him Aldo looks like he’s throwing a tantrum.

14. Erasmo comes in next, yelling at Lety that it’s disgraceful and there can be no excuse. Fern stands up to him and says he doesn’t have the right to judge her. Lety did it with good intentions. Erasmo yells, “What right do you have?” He answers, “Because I love your daughter!”

15. Omar sees the paper and is quaking. Caro worries how he’ll react. Marcia said he didn’t love Aurora. Now his pride is hurt because he was going out with a fea. It’s bad for his image. Luigi freaks out too.

16. Omar thanks Lety. Pop asks why. Omar says he was horrible to Lety and made her suffer terribly. But as Aurora she taught him a lesson. He has learned to value women, and he fell in love with a wonderful woman. Pop forgives Lety, as Fern watches lovingly.

17. Next Fern reams out Jax. Jax says they’ll make big bucks. Fern yells that he cares much more about people than about companies. Jax says Fern needs to be cold to be successful. Fern says he was before, but he lost the woman who he loves and who made him happy. He yells, “Didn’t you realize you could ruin her life? Lety doesn’t deserve what you’ve done to her.”

18. Everyone in Lety’s office hears him. MamaJ says he’s incredible. Irma says his love for Lety made him that way. Erasmo says Aldo loves her more. The Fern Team Captains say Fern is defending Lety, and Aldo is nowhere to be found. Lety says he got mad at her and left town. Fern shoos them out to watch the screening of the show.


*At various times in Fea, this restaurant has been called Placide, Candelaria, Le Noir, the nameless restaurant at Fernando’s exclusive club, and today, Bacalao. I believe it has also had various exteriors.

When Jazmín suggests that Efren put his assets in her name, he finally gets a clue. Were this a conjugal visit, I bet she would’ve pulled it off.

The song Fernando sings a line of is Si tú supieras, which Alejandro Fernandez sings.

Luigi tells Erasmo something I don’t understand – “La [cumbia?] fue, no será (The ? that was will not be).” Then he says, “Lo pasado pasado.” It means, “the past is passed,” but it’s also the title of a José José classic.

¡Guau! So much to comment on. What a lot is happening in these last episodes.

Tomás was so sweet when he found Alicia vulnerable and he voluntarily gave up the kiss she offered in favor a a peck on the forehead and a night back on his couch.

Omar was sweet when he apologized to Lety and thanked her for roughing him up so that he could appreciate women.

Fernando! He was wonderful throughout. I enjoyed the scenes with Lety & Tomás while they timed the wardrobe/makeup changes.

Amazing how bad Arouralety looked. That makeup looks great on Aurora but it looked clownish with Lety's normal hair & clothes.

I know there will be a lot of comments about Aldo but I can relate to his hurt that Lety shares secrets with Fernando which she is afraid to share with him.

So now that everyone else can see that it it Fernando that she really loves -- why can't Lety see it?????

Have not seen the episodes yet, but I can't wait. Guera, Fernando found out that Aurora was Lety. She only confesses after he backed her into a corner. He swore allegiance to her and not to reveal the secret until she could tell Aldo. But once again, Aldo throws a temper tantrum because something happened out of his control and he hightails it to Acapulco, which is his pacifier. He doesn't allow Lety to explain and then lets Carmina do the talking for him. Fernando - what a man! Aldo - what a toad!

I'm sorry I don't agree. He's not the man for Lety but he is just a man in love with someone he always knew was enmeshed with someone else. He's acting emotionally and, from that emotional perspective, logically.

On Fernando we agree, on Aldo never.

Aldo is indeed a man in love but he has no tolerance for another person's failings. Compare Fernando and Aldo's reactions. Fernando was not mad and allowed Lety to explain. Aldo was mad and wouldn't let her explain. If she marries him, Lety will be walking on eggshells all the time. What is Aldo going to do when there's a problem in a marriage (and who doesn't have them)? Is he going to cut and run? When he screwed up, he expected Lety to forgive and forget without him explaining. When Lety tries to explain, he shuts her out.

Aldo has numerous issues that he has to work through before he'll ever be a viable husband. He can, like Fernando, face the truth about himself and then make the necessary changes. But as he is now, Aldo leaves a lot to be desired. But then again, so did Fernando in the beginning.

"Cumbia" makes sense for Luigi's remark. It's a musical style and also the name of a dance - Wikipedia says it originated as an African courtship dance.

When Lety hinted around to Aldo a few weeks ago about adopting Aurora's look, he made it VERY clear that he would not approve. I don't blame her for not telling him the rest of it.

She probably woulda gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling... uh... glasses of wine.

Oh my word, I think I'm going to comment as I watch these episodes. What a tour-de-force for Angelica Vale! The bloopers from that series of scenes must be hysterical. The look on Aldo's face, like a disapproving parent, was priceless. He indeed has a right to be hurt because Lety didn't feel free to share what she was doing. But, and it's a big but, Aldo assumes Lety dresses up as Aurora so she could kiss Fernando. And then doesn't believe her when she tells him that's not so. When Aldo was caught all smiling and hugging with Carmina, Lety believed his explanation. Is it too much to expect him to trust her like he asks her to trust him?

Notice how Fernando places himself between Lety and Aldo. He's there to protect her no matter what. All Aldo appears to be able to do is frown and make disparaging remarks. Not a lot of compassion in him, is there? But then again, Fernando didn't have any in the beginning either. Lety had to teach him how to love and have compassion. Now he has it in spades including, I believe, for Aldo. He feels sorry for Aldo but Fernando will not let him hurt Lety.

Help me someone. Did Aldo call Carmina when he left the restaurant or vice versa? If it is the former, then woe unto Aldo. He sat in that restaurant with a holier-than-thou look like he was Mr. Perfect. No one is perfect - no one. And with that attitude, I agree with Julie, it's no wonder that Lety was afraid to tell Aldo. And then Fernando could've been celebrating but instead he put aside his feelings to be Lety's friend. My concern at this moment is that Lety will feel so guilty over what she has done that she'll agree to marry Aldo post haste. I would remind her though, marry in haste, repent in leisure.

It sounds like cumbia, but Jose Jose also has a song that is titled, "Lo que no fue, no sera." Either way, I'm happy the truth is out. Omar was very gracious when he apologized to Lety, and sweet to Caro.

Also, I guess Lety is in too much pain and panic about Aldo at the moment to realize how much she loves Fernando. It seems like she thinks Fernando in her life is a given, while Aldo is always prepared to flee back to Acapulco.

I think I take a middle approach to Aldo. I do think he is controlling, but I don't think it comes from a horrible place. I feel like he just has a very unhealthy relationship with Lety. He realizes more and more the depth of her love for Fernando. I think that makes him act controlling because he wants her.

Lety, on her end, is settling for Aldo as a safe alternative to Fernando, who destroyed her. She doesn't act any better herself, because she leads them both on in a way, and she certainly doesn't seem to consider Fer's pain.

As for Fernando, I loved him defending Lety. Like you guys have said, what a man! I think it's funny though how afraid he is of Erasmo.

Btw, do any of you guys have the DVD of this show? I just ask because I wonder how much is cut out? My sister wants to buy it, and I wouldn't mind having it either.


Alexis, I have the "official" (licensed) DVD set which was four two-sided disks. I think they cut out waaaay too much, and not the way I would have liked it to have been done. But I really didn't want the expense and surplus filler of the "unofficial" full version either.

If you get the "official" DVD set, try to think of it as a "sampler" of the show or something like a pack of souvenir postcards from when you go on a trip.

Wow, what a show today!!!! Aldo looks like one of the lost boys from Peter Pan. He's adrift and doesn't know what to do because he has no control over the situation as it stands now. He's also not being too bright because the worst thing he could do is run to Acapulco and leave Lety with Fernando.

I loved the way Fernando defended Lety against her father. Also when he chewed out Jax, that was great. Fernando is showing his mettle and isn't pressing in for anything more than to just be a friend to Lety. I know he holds hope in his heart but his first concern at the this time is Lety. Unfortunately, Aldo's first concern is Aldo.

Carmina might just be the right person to help Aldo over the heartache. He is definitely not right for Lety and she's not right for him. Aldo needs a woman beside him who does have backbone but who also can show him a tremendous love. Lety gave her heart to Fernando a long time ago and she never got it back. She's been pretending all this time; she just doesn't realize it.

I agree Alexis that Aldo is the safe place for Lety and Fernando the more dangerous; at least in her mind. I think this week, though, she'll see that her love is safe in Fernando's hands. He won't run away the moment something occurs that he doesn't like.

By the way, I like Lola's new look. I honestly didn't recognize her until I read the recaps.

Can we say "Hallelujah?" That's what I heard in my head when the cat was finally out of the bag on this whole Aurora storyline. I'm not going to say - why would she toss back that red wine like it was water?Maybe subconsciously she wanted to be found out - I'm sure it was exhausting for her...and honestly I'd tell Jax to F off with all of his last minute urgent requests. I'm sorry but yes he's an important client, but I would have told him we needed to reschedule, but then the reveal wouldn't have happened.

As far as Aldo's reaction - I tend to agree with Guera & Alexis on this - Aldo is controlling, but I think it's probably as a result of finding out his ex-wife was cheating on him with his best friend so any behavior that seems untrustworthy or like cheating is going to have an unfavorable reaction from him. Lety knows his history and I think that's why she has tolerated the controlling behavior. Aldo's behavior today wasn't the best and it seems to be the only consistent thing about his character is that when he's hurt he runs to Acapulco. He did it after his wife's death, he did it the first time he discovered Lety had chosen Fern and again this third time.

I think you're right Alexis throughout much of this extension she's sort of led both men on - keeping Fern around, trusting him with her secrets - while making sure she kept Aldo around as well - no bueno in my opinion. She really should have used this time to get her head straight alone! She wasn't in any condition to be in a relationship with anyone.

On to how inappropriate Carmina was - ugh. The "noive" of that woman (Paula I'm using your spelling here ;o) ). Her character is totally ridiculous and I couldn't tell because I'll admit I wasn't watching with captions or as closely as I would have liked was she acting on Aldo's wishes or was she just in loose cannon mode? (I'm sure that question is probably answered in the detailed recaps so I'll try to get to that later on this evening).

Oh and Barbara - I don't think Fern was angry when he found out Lety was Aurora. he was more puzzled and wanted to understand why she did it.

Fern was great. Tomy was great. Now I wonder if Alicia's dad really doesn't exist now...hmmm

Georgia Peach, I may have mis-written. I meant to say that Fernando wasn't mad; he was understanding. Aldo just got mad and couldn't hear a word that Lety was saying. Yes, he's hurt and Lety bears some responsibility there. But not to stay and work out the situation with Lety is just plain stupid and childish. My opinion, though I know it won't be shared by everyone.

Lety was thrilled to marry Fernando when he asked her -- until she realized that she would lose Aldo completely if she married Fernando. That was when she began to think that it was really Aldo that she loved. I've always thought that she needed to totally lose Fernando in order to realize her mistake. So far she could have her Aldo and her Fernando too since Fernando was standing by and offering her support and friendship. There are only three double episodes left. Is there time for Fernando to disappear "For the sake of Lety & Aldo's happiness" so that Lety can face the REAL loss of Fernando????

Alexis -- I have the DVD. It's two two sided discs and one one sided disc. I neve got around to watch it before I started to watch the series. On a couple of occasions when i messed up the VCR as I did last week I have tried to use it to fill in what I missed. It leaves out whole story lines. There was about 10 minutes covering the two hours I missed last Friday.
I agree that it will make a better "Souvenir" to watch & remind me of the show. It's way too edited to be a substitute for the real thing.

Alexis - I have the dvd's (Paula has the link) that have all of the eps...I think I paid $148 and it really depends on whether you want all of the filler or not. I bought them because I missed the first half of LFMB. I personally haven't had time to catch up yet with all of them, but I find overall the quality is decent, but they do NOT have captions. I'm glad I bought it, but it's time intensive to really catch up! PS - Guera some of the storylines could definitely be skipped! LOL

I agree with you Barbara that Aldo should stay and face the music. I think he's sort of tired of fighting and realizes that he doesn't really have a snowball's chance in hell of having a long lasting relationship with Lety. To answer your earlier question - Aldo called Carmina, which when he did it - I thought was terrible, but I think it was because his other option would have been to call his father or Tomy. Since Tomy was a part of the deception he turned to his new "friend" Carmina. Not saying it's right - just saying I sort of understand why.

Found the link: te-lenovelas.com

Normally I wouldn't encourage buying DVD's not produced by the studios, but this company was ok - i got my discs within the week and because Televisa edits heavily I wanted the full set. (My guilt over piracy is slightly assuaged now)

Guera, I think you hit the nail on the head. If Fernando walks away, Lety will have to face the music, so to speak, and make the decision of who she truly wants to be with. I'm sorry but I can't excuse Aldo for calling Carmina. He knows that his relationship with her hurts Lety but he goes ahead and pursues it. It would have been better for him to call his father but maybe he was afraid of what his dad would say.

Now that the TV program has gone so well and Conceptos will be able to pay back the money to Aldo, where does that leave Fernando. I can't see him hanging around while Lety marries Aldo.

What I really liked today was the commraderie of Fernando, Lety, and Tomas. Also, Julietta's comment to Erasmo that Fernando stayed to help Lety but Aldo took off was a classic mama moment. Moms can always see forest in the midst of the trees.

Actually Carmina called Aldo - he says, "thank you for calling." He tells her he wants to be alone. She tells him he needs friends at a time like this. He says, "I want to be alone. Please." But she goes anyway.

Alexis, for me, the problem with the condensed disks is that they cut all the heart out of it. It's like watching the sports news, and they covered a soccer game, but only the three kicks that scored the three goals, none of the setup leading up to it.

Barbara, another of your predictions came true. At cap 271 you said, "I can't wait for Lety to be discovered as Aurora. I wonder how Aldo and Fernando will react. I think Fernando will be the positve person and Aldo will be pissed."

When Fern figured out Aurora, he kept it secret to protect her relationship with Aldo, at great cost to himself – personal & business. When Aldo discovered it, he dropped her cold.

And when Lety found out that Fern knew about Aurora, he didn't let her explain either, but for a whole different reason. He could see she was suffering, and he said, "Forget about it. You have nothing to explain, because I understand very well why you did it. .. That’s not all. You’re my boss. I should protect you because that’s what you did when you were my assistant, right? Ya. Tranquila."

As someone else mentioned, Aldo was angry when Lety didn't believe him about Carmina, and he didn't even try to offer an explanation. But now he doesn't believe her about Aurora, and he won't even let her explain.

Thanks guys for the answers. GeorgiaPeach, I have a question, how decent is decent? Lol. I'm not worried about captions because I already speak Spanish; however, if it's like YouTube quality, then I might go for Televisa's version. I'd prefer to have all the episodes, though.

BarbaraM, I also agree, I loved the camaraderie of Fer, Tomas and Lety. Tomas is still on Team Aldo I'm sure, but at least he and Fer get along much better. As well, I agree that once Fer pays off the debt, there is no place for him in this triangle. I don't think he'd want to see Lety stay and get married either and he's man enough to walk away for Lety's happiness.


Alexis quality on the dvd's are much better than youtube. They were taped off the univision feed but commercials were edited out.

Aldo doesn't ever let anyone explain does he? But I think I get his motivation. Paula thanks for clearing up the carmina calling aldo I misunderstood what was going on there.

Thanks, GeorgiaPeach! My sister and I are on the phone right now, and she is poring over all of these novelas. She is so excited because so many old novelas we watched are on the site. I think this might be dangerous for her bank account.


Today's song.
Bryan Adams, Everything I Do (snip)
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for.
You can't tell me it's not worth dying for.
You know it's true: everything I do, I do it for you.

Look into your heart, You will find
There's nothing there to hide!
Take me as I am, take my life
I would give it all, I would sacrifice.

I LOVED when Fern fought off the dragons. Carmina was a cinch. But he's always been afraid of Erasmo, so to stand up to him took real guts. And then Jax - Fern has always been in awe of Jax, and besides, Conceptos needs him. But Lety comes first. And last. And everything in between.

Today Lety said, "The fea can marry the love of her life in the cathedral?” We all know Aldo isn't the love of her life... hmmm.

Fern was never a bit mad about Aurora. In fact I think he kinda' liked it. Look how he played around when they were practicing the quick changes ("C'mon! Say it! 'No me toques!'"). And he's not threatened by her being gorgeous - he likes that part too. Assuming that Fern and Lety get married in the end, can't you just imagine? One night after dinner, Lety says, "Honey, if you clean up the dishes, Aurora will be waiting for you when you finish!"

Lety sure seems to have seperation anxiety issues. That really doesn't make sense, considering the total security in which she was raised. Then again, the trait only surfaced in the extension, not in Gaitán's original masterpiece of character development. Speaking of Gaitán, is anyone else bothered that Fea misspells his name in the credits? All 300 hours!

Alexis, about the te-lenovelas.com disks.
1. They don't have CC, but the DO have the original music! The Televisa disks have some really lame-o music to avoid paying royalties.
2. Another advantage with the complete set is that they are indexed by cap number. So if you want to see a certain scene, you can find the cap number on the list on my site, go straight to the cap on the disk, and find the full recap and summary here on Caray. Except that at Cap 171, te-lenovelas.com's numbers get off by one, and the +1 error persists to the end.
3. If audio quality is important to you, be careful of some of their older titles. I got the Colombian YSBLF from them, and the sound quality is awful. I also got Mariachi from them, It's better than BLF, but not as good as Fea. I got Corazon Salvaje - Polomo from them, and the sound was good.

Fernando and Tom - didn't it seem like, after the disaster, there was a moment when Tom and Fern bonded? I think each saw with his own eyes how much the other loved Lety and wanted to protect her, and to each, that's all that matters. Again assuming Fern and Lety marry, I could see Lety and Tom still wanting to spend social time together as adult hermanos. So I'm trying to imagine, family vacations together, with Tomy, Ali, Lety, Fernie, and all the little Pancrasitos and Feitos!

Paula, Thank you for both yesterdays and todays posts. I can't believe we are almost to the end.

Alexis, I have the same set as GP. It is the set that I have used to cut all the pictures for the board. They are of good quailty and have 5 episodes cut to a disc. For being 60 discs in total, there were very few errors, and I had one disc that skipped and I returned it and it was replaced immediatley.

Pata, I also have the full 60 disc set. You mention your screen shots are taken from this set. Your screen shots are very clear. When I play my discs over an HDMI cable onto an HD TV, the picture is a bit blurred and stretched. Do you play your discs on a computer?

Noy that I am complaining aboutnthe quality of the picture, I am perfectly happy to own the complete set. Alexis, I recommend it over the 4 disc Televisa set. ( I have that one too). The 4 disc is missing WAY TOO much of the "good stuff". Entire chunks are gone and if you've never seen the entire show, you would be quit confused watching the edited Televisa product.

Like Paula says, you can print out her episode guide and watch the show from beginning to end by FF through all the stuff you are not interested in.

No one mentioned how awful Aldo was after finding about Aurora. What I mean is, how much he acted like a father reprimanding his child. He kept telling her how bad she was, how what she did was bad, how she hurt people, how she doesn't know who she is, how she doesn't know where she wants to be...etc. And Lety sat there like a girl getting punished by her FATHER. Terrible! Aldo didn't care he was hurting her. He just cared about his own feelings and his own wants.

Lety has to decide she wants Fernando on her own. She can't go to Fern as a "second" . (Because Aldo dumps HER). I think Fernando realizes this and is Lety run her own life and make her own decisions. Of course he wants her to come back to him, but to him, she has to do this completely with her own will. Because Fern wants HER to be happy first. Right now, Fern thinks Aldo makes her happy, and Fern respects her decision.

Now, if only Lety will get her feelings straight and tell Aldo he can just stay there in Aca with all his little philosophical thoughts and leave her the Hell alone, because SHE wants HER Fernando!


And to think we thought Carloca was pushy! She didn't hold a candle to Carmina. What gall she has first to go over to Aldo's when he said he wanted to be along and then to go to Conceptos to ream out Lety. What a lunatic. She should be careful of what she wishes for or she could end up with sulky controlling Aldo.

I don't think Aldo really loves Lety. He just wanted someone who would fawn all over him and accept every moronic thing he said. He has issues and when he stumbled on poor Lety he had the perfect person for him. In Aca she went along with everything he said but when she got back to the DF she grew a bit of a spine and wasn't as easy for him to control. Just as Lety always cut and ran when things went wrong he does the same thing. He never gave her a chance to explain.

Lety used Aldo as a shield to keep from facing her own feelings and turned him into something he isn't and never was. Frankly I still don't see what Fern sees in her.

Who in the right mind wouldn't want a guy like Fern, one who defends you against all comers going so far as to risk offending a major client. I can't help laughing over how petrified he is and always has been of Erasmo.

Points to Omar for recognizing the plus side to what Lety/Aurora did to him and not reacting badly. Like Fern he has really grown up.

Must admit to getting a little teary eyed during the scene with Ali and Tomy Boy.

Wow! This was a great La Fea day. I thoroughly enjoyed the Aurora/Lety quick changes. I loved how Fernando really stepped up to Lety's side in all of this. I understand how Aldo would feel disappointed but his biggest crime...terminal wet blanket. Don Fets = Fun.

Hooray for Omar and Caro. Finally!

Julie, the intro to your recap is hilarious.

Thanks to all the recappers and pic posters. The recaps definitely help solidify my understanding of what's going on and the screen shots are marvelous. I doubt I would have stuck with these 2 hour episodes had it not been for Paula's efforts in bringing the recaps all together.

Yes decie girl, no wonder the old board made the distinction between Carloca and Carmaniac.

Diann, I quoted Aldo's sermon to Lety pretty extensively because I wonder if it's part of his disengagement effort. "You don’t know what you want in life.. you're not working at growing.. What you really want is Fernando.. I saw how you kissed him."

Remember during the fist fight (as opposed to the choke fight)? Aldo essentially gave Fern a roadmap for what to do to deserve Lety. His sermon almost seems like he's telling Lety to come to her senses and accept that she loves Fernando.

With all the talk of the episodes list on my site, I just updated it. I don't expect to update it again any time soon.

Decie girl that's an interesting point that Aldo isn't really in love with Lety. I've always felt that he's in love with how she made him feel in Acapulco. He just chased after her because she made him "feel" something after so many years of just hiding away...I think this still holds true, but now he's realizing that the woman he met in Acapulco isn't really the same once you take her out of fantasy land.

Paula - it's interesting that Aldo has been the one to give a roadmap to both Fern and Lety now. I think in some ways what he says is true and we've all complained about this imposter Lety for a while. If she were to stop and figure out what she wants and actually grow up a bit, I think you're right - she'd realize that Fern is the perfect guy for her. She be less afraid of risking her heart and hurt.

I also thought Erasmo's reaction to Auroralety was very similiar to Aldo's. I think that's why Lety felt safe in loving Aldo - he's like a father figure to her.

I sort of hate that the Lety character at this stage of the show is so incredibly insecure. I think she needs time away from Fern, Aldo and HER PARENTS just to figure out what she wants and to grow without them. if Fern can't go away as Guera suggests - maybe Lety can go away again, but not to Acapulco!

I'm still very curious about Alicia's history. Now I really believe that her father doesn't exist. Maybe he left her family when she was young and that's why she hates being alone...the scenes yesterday between her and Tomy were good. I didn't cringe once.

I'm sad that it's the end, but I also want to see it just so I know what happens and if they can wrap up all of the hanging storylines! Loved your intro to the original recap Julie.

Yes Paula, I've been highly annoyed at the misspelling of Gaitan's name in the credits.

I'm especially annoyed that in four years they never saw fit to go back and fix it, which I think would have technically been possible (but maybe I'm wrong).

I've noticed other misspellings as well. Saimon's name was spelled incorrectly somewhere (not in the credits and not on his nameplate, but maybe on his security badge?).

Deciegirl: "[Carmina] should be careful of what she wishes for or she could end up with sulky controlling Aldo."

Hah! Are you sure Carmina wouldn't end up walking all over HIM? I don't know if he'd tolerate it, but I think it would be the only way their relationship could work.

I always felt that Aldo was initially attracted to Lety because she was a "wounded bird" that he could heal.

I think he got hooked on that feeling of usefulness and wanted to hang onto it forever, and for a while maybe even thought he'd be able to.

But of course eventually she did begin to heal. At first he seemed to be at a loss as to what to do, and then (in light of the Disengage Theory, which really does explain a lot of things that made no sense to me before) he realized that she she was going to need a little encouragement to hop out of the nest. Eh - a little more. More... dammit, Lety! You're more like a barnacle than a bird!!

We do our best writing when we fully understand our subject. The words come easily - your essay practically writes itself.

But feelings are slippery and hard to nail down. It wasn't until the very night I wrote the recap for #293 that my feelings about endings truly crystallized. I had been feeling vaguely antsy about the ending for a while, but I didn't know exactly why. That night, however, I realized that I had a history of balking at the approach of an ending.

Once I recognized the pattern and understood what was happening, I had to put it out there. I was amazed that so many people felt the same way! We usually don't talk about things like that, but the first time through LFMB was an extraordinary trip and it really got under our skins.

As for the second time through LFMB... I'll have to write about that separately, either later on the next recap or tomorrow.

Could you please provide us with another link to your updated episodes list?
I don't remember how I got there the first time around.....
Thanks again for all of the work you have done all these months. The show would not have been the same without you here guiding all of us newbies!


Sure, Diann! Start at the Paula's Archives menu called Resources for Learning Spanish. On that menu you'll find:
• The LFMB episodes list.
• A BLF episodes list.
• Misc. Fea resources such as the Lety & Alicia Equal & Opposite list (I'm updating that horita mismo. It'll be done later today.)
• A plan for learning Spanish via telenovelas
• My favorite dichos (Spanish language proverbs). I consider them a GREAT addition to language study.
• Misc. study resources such as a 1-page irregular verb chart

Can you think of anything else you'd like to see on this list? I won't make any promises, but it never hurts to ask. I'm not allergic to saying no!

Ilove what you wrote "Lety gave her heart to Fernando a long time ago and she never got it back". Bet you are a hopeless romantic.

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