Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Una Familia Con Suerte #103-104 Tue 1/31/12 apocalyptic events including pregnancy and illiquidity
- I was happy to re-watch Monica pointing out to her dad: "What do you know, the boy you so detested is the very person who is now defending you and who has convinced me to forgive you." She thanks her dad for her life. Beautiful.
- On the other hand, it was painful to watch Pina laying into Candy in the backyard; her misery and fury extinguish the narcissistic delight Candy has been wallowing in following the previous night's Vince-snogging.
Pina spits out the news: she's pregnant. Candy narcissistically exclaims: "No, oh no, it can't be! Why, just last night..."
"You're just one more in a 20 year parade of Vicente's lovers. A vulgar, filthy hussy just like Sandra and all the others. My husband's whore. Or do you prefer bed-friend? Or concubine? Mugrosa!
"I'm going to bear his child, and the child will need a father. I demand you bring this to an end if you have any of the dignity or integrity your brother has!" !!??
Candy whines, "Vince loves me!" "A woman as common as you? You've just fallen into his trap, all married men say 'my wife doesn't understand me, I love you.' It's just to get you into bed. Vince loves me and we have never stopped having relations, how do you think I got pregnant?"
I'm afraid Pina will blow up or have a fury miscarriage. Candy runs away. - Blissfully ignorant of the homefront massacre, at Avon Vince boasts and pirouettes on his tippy toes, yelling to his buddies about getting his ashes so roundly hauled by Miau girl! He says he'll divorce Pina.
Enzzo tells them how extraordinary Chela is and that she gave him wonderful advice.
Arnoldo says he's disgusted by the cursi way the two of them are gushing. They say he, Arnoldo, must never have been in love.
The Pesketeers gossip on and on. Do they ever work? Do men really spend hours gossiping about their crushes? Kafka and irony are invoked by Arnold, how would Enzzo and Vince like to have PANCHO as an in-law!? - Lupita can't get a moment's peace, everybody is blah blah blah and bear hugs. Pancho's strategy of trying to make Lupe feel better by reminding her he went through the death of a spouse too, I dunno, not so good - let's not forget he had eight sad years of celibacy in consequence. None of this is helpful.
A sobbing Candy interrupts the scene because she runs past in her radioactively orange jumpsuit. Pancho goes after her and says "We all told you so!" Candy promises to break it off with Vince. - Violeta the gigantic shiny Amazon-Barbie visits her daughter Monica. Jeez, those implants are so large and hard they may split her skin.
Monica wants to know who her biological father is. The mother does not want to tell. Sensing impending reproach, the self-exonerating brain in charge of the mouth located above those shiny knockers cranks up the exculpations: "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"
"Not so fast, 'Mama' - you abandoned me. You wanted to abort me. Have you forgotten, 'Mama'?"
The mother says the guy who knocked her up (ie Monica's dad) is not important and that he disappeared when he found out she was pregnant. Moni: "Neither of my parents wanted me born. It was a car washer who wanted me."
The mother sighs and says "I should never have left him." Moni sensibly points out: "He was so in love with you, but you despised him for being a car-washer." "But now after all my years of talking about myself with shrinks I know he's the love of my life." "I think he's in love with another woman." - Ana and Temo are both polite and even kindly towards Rebeca when she arrives to give Lupe more lectures about tolerating adversity and to dump inspirational books on her.
Luckily for Lupita the lectures are truncated when Lamberto, who actually works, calls Rebe to say there's suddenly an apocolyptic liquidity problem at Avon. Rebe and Pancho go off to Avon together. - Candy sobs on her bed like a teenager. When Vince calls she throws his phone across the room causing him (still gossiping and boasting in his all-male kaffee klatch) incredulous dismay. He can't believe she won't answer, he's even a little suspicious!
Sobbing, she tells Chela she had sex with Vince because he said he'd divorce Vince. "I want to be married, I want to be his wife, is that a sin?" "No, the sin is to destroy a home." "Well as it happens, I won't be destroying anything - Pina is pregnant. She told me I should make him hate me." - Meanwhile, across the greensward Pina sends Adoracion to the market for (a) huge bunches of flowers and (b) Vince's favorite cake. The maid protests: "He doesn't deserve it." Pina whispers: she'll struggle for Vince's love with the powerful weapon of pregnancy.
- Freddy leaves flowers on Alex's grave, crying and saying: "I am an imbecile and an idiot, I wish you were here to scold me as you always did."
Karin arrives with flowers and sweetly consoles him; they leave together. Watch out, Ana!
Karin tells Freddy he's odious and reminds him how badly he behaved. He's embarrassed. "That Freddy you were could never love anyone." He sheepishly agrees but says it's different now. Karin says she's the world's best Cupid and will help him with Ana. - At the market, Chato the Narizón (we might say schnozzola) tells Chacho, "women are an enigma." Adoracion arrives and the Schnozz reassumes his reproachful amnesia: "Who is that? I know a Goya, a Chucha, but I don't know this person. Neither of them would have dropped a flowerpot on my head."
He doesn't believe it wasn't her and bewails his lost neurons. Clearly he has none too many to spare. - I can't bear to tell you about the cursi scene between the awful Temo and Meli.
- At Avon Berto sobs: the business has done badly with its investments and there isn't money for Pancho's project, whatever it is. Pancho cares, but Vince doesn't - in fact, Vince is glad the business is failing because it means Pancho's rising star is now falling.
The lights go out in the conference room. Chicken Little, I mean Berto, thinks it's the end of the world. The telephones are out too and so, we soon see, is the elevator: it stops and Pancho and Vince are trapped together.
As always, enjoyable insults fly. "You are vulgar, ordinary and incompetent." "Well you're a vain, overweening adulterer." They take off their coats and commence punching. Blood! Curtain falls.
Labels: familia
Una Familia Con Suerte #101-102 Mon 1/30/12
Moni-Freddy. Fred feels so alone. He confesses that he loves Ana (his vengeance-pepe plan failed). Moni, predictably, says he has to fight for love. Freddy seems genuinely repentant.
Chela gently hands Enzo some coffee, and they're looking nicer. BUT he asks her help with a moni issue. She advises that he talk to Violeta. and tell Moni the truth. He keeps laying on the compliments. Tender gaze, strength of character, etc, he's making some headway.
Tomas calls Panch to let him know that lupe wants to die.
Pina and Ado are miserable, going over the betrayals, when some godawful mariachis show up with cha-cha. worst sound ever, says pina. he's bringing her a rooster.
Enzo finally admits to Moni that he's not her Dad. We get a dramatic noise and a zoom-in. He goes on to tell her he doesn't know the real dad. She flounces off, to Pepe, who is very sweet. He has some good advice (Enzo raised you)
Lupe is flash-backing to the wedding death. Pancho bursts in, turns on the lights, wakes her up and says "are you better yet?" Pancho and Rebe are basically yelling at her about how much she has to live for and how young she is and stuff. Not how I'd initiate a suicide watch. Then he grabs her head and makes her promise.
Cha-cha are dancing below ado's window, and Chato yells/sings SO LOUD. Pina continues to grill Ado re: betrayal, but lets her on the balcony when she hits him in the head with a flower-pot to "stop that big-nose dog from barking"
Candi and Vins are getting a suite. He tells her not to believe that he's married.
Chacho rubs his lollipop on Chato's face. He wakes up with another cheap-tv-gag-favorite, amnesia. Chacho tries to wave the lollipop in AdO's face to calm her down.
Enzo calls Violeta, gets frustrated. Chela walks in, and all of a sudden she CARES ABOUT HIM? Didn't she chew him out last time they met?
Fred shows up with a huge bunch of flowers for ana, has an awkward run-in with Chela and Enzo
Vins and Candy are drinking MORE champagne. do they ever wear anything else. She's being a bit selfish. They play cute game of chase around a column, and then smooch. Vins is about to burst. They do it.
Fred/Ana: Fred says he'll be totally honest. Ana says what a miracle, where's the Virgin Mary?
Enz and ridiculous Amazon moni's mom. Enzo is mad... NOW you want this daughter now that's she's mature and cool? She says her mistake was leaving HIM. him: it's been twenty years. are you crazy. she: life's giving us another chance. She moves in, rubs him, and tries for a kiss. She looks kind of intimidating and he looks short and small.
Fred is not having the easiest time convincing Ana that he's telling the truth. He pulls the dead-friend card, and she storms off (not without snagging the flowers: yoink!).
Pancho is in bed with lupita to try comforting her. In the morning she is greeted by the whole gang in her room. A discordant accordion and a dog thrown at her face. But where's Candy?
Vins walks in, Pina smells the perfume, and runs off as he gets in bed. She has a plan.
At Avon, Vins gloats to Naldo.
Moni tells dad that he must have been afraid to let her date because he didn't want her to know the truth. Then she tells him how much Pepe said he must love her. Very sweet.
Candy is back in the dayglo. Pina shows up with proof of pregnancy. WTF?
Labels: familia
El Talismán #1 Mon 1/30/12 The Cheese Stands Alone
The fields are dusty but the palm trees sway on the lush Fresno rancho. Mariana tells Pedro he is like the brother she never had. She whines about going to Nuevo York and Pedro asks if she has seen Antonio’s divorce papers yet.
Lucrezia tells Antonio she’s hot for Pedro. Tony’s incensed because Pedro is just a nobody ranch hand while Lucrezia is the slutty daughter of a well-to-do murderer. (OK, I paraphrased) Lucrezia doesn’t care, she’s got an itch that needs scratching.
In Texas Elvira decides to forgive hubby so she gathers up the “kids” and rather brusquely says goodbye to her sweet mama and the bratty son says “we need something better than this granny”. Sheesh. At least Camila is sweet about her good-bye. Granny says everything depends on Camila who clearly is the only one with a heart. I think she should stay with Gran and let the others go. But then we wouldn’t have a story so never mind.
Evil Don Gregorio rudely attempts to bribe Pedro but Pedro blows him off, “Dude, everyone needs money but Don Bernardo is my friend so bugger off.”
Don B calls his daughter in New York and wonders about her aunt. Er, Uh, she’s fine lies Mariana the worlds worst liar. The gigantic belt buckle, hanging down around Tony’s nether regions, enters the room. He coos something about some problem with the divorce papers. What a coincidence, she says, just don’t let me down, OK? He hugs her and rolls his eyes. I hate how he keeps calling her mija like she’s some dumb kid. Oh wait, she is.
Pedro reassures Don B that he can always count on him to help keep El Tal away from the odious Gregorio. As these two drive away Los Najera arrive knowing that this rancho isn’t listed but they wanted to look anyway because it’s so gorgeous. Elvira has a mini hissy at Esteban, “I thought you promised to buy me a cool rancho! Everyone has their price.” The kids disappear to let the grownups bicker.
Don B notices the strange truck in front of the door and Pedro catches sight of the lovely Camila. She totally falls in love with place while Pedro turns the truck around. She manages to trip in front of the truck just as Pedro accelerates home. She falls. He breaks. She looks up. He kneels down to help her. Their eyes lock. Their song plays. He raises her up in a half embrace. And POW!! It’s love at first sight.
Over at El Alcatraz crankypants Don Gregorio is such a cad that he pitches a fit because he was served GREEN salsa and he wanted RED. He throws his napkin down and blames Pedro Ibarra for not being able to get El Tal.
Back at El Tal Esteban tries to introduce his family but Elvira interrupts and asks don B if he wants to sell his ranch by any chance. Don B accuses them of being part of evil Don G’s plot to get the rancho. Pedro and Camila are practically oblivious to all this as they circle and ogle each other in wonder.
Camila tells Don B they honestly do not know this don Gregorio. “I believe you,” gushes the smitten Pedro.
We see a rather believable shot of a smoggy Fresno sunset and some post-traffic cars speeding down the freeway.
At the hotel Elvira gripes that the Rancho La Quinta they looked at was much smaller than on the internet. As Esteban attempts to appease her Camila dreams about Pedro. Elsewhere Pedro moons over Camila, “Where could you be Camila, where?”
Next morning Camila calls her Gran to tell her about the hot guy she met the day before, butterflies in the stomach and everything. Gran says it sounds like love so be careful.
Pedro is working alone and Lucrezia, with her own big belt buckle, sashays up to him, “Hey handsome”. He’s suspicious and suggests she’s lost and ended up at the wrong rancho. Nope, she’s looking for him. Does her dad know? Nope. Then she uses one of my favorite lines, “They say it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.” Ha, I wonder if I sound that sleazy when I say it? She tells him how much she LIIIIKES him and moves in for a slutty kiss. “Don’t even try,” he scolds, pushing her away.
Brother Jose overhears and teases Camila about liking Pedro a lot. She calls him crazy and then laughs, is it that obvious? He warns that things could become complicated what with El Tal, mom (rolls eyes), plus what does she know about Pedro? He could have a girlfriend, a lover, a wife. (How about eventually all of the above, LOL!!)
Back to Pedro, he advises Little Miss Screw-Loosecrecia that she should clean up her act before she gets a bad reputation. Men like decent women. Alone, she tells his retreating back, “You will be mine.”
Earlier Don B’s doctor got the unfortunate report on his patient’s health. The doc has wasted no time in coming to tell Don B the test results. “You have terminal cancer, maybe a few months left to live.” Don B is distraught, mostly about leaving his daughter alone at the mercy of evil Don Gregorio. Pedro is a good guy and could handle the ranch but Don G plays dirty and Pedro could wind up in jail or deported. Nope, he has no option but to sell El Talismán. But never to Gregorio, Never!!
Outside one of the workers tells Pedro he’s got a female visitor. “Aw geez, it’s not Lucrezia is it?” he asks. This time it’s the perky, Spanglish-speaking Tracy looking for work. She’s got papers, she’s from there. She’s gringa AND Mexicana, get it?
This is Pedro’s busy day for visitors. He sees Camila approach, hires Tracy on the spot to get rid of her, and stares at Camila while trying to find his tongue. They verbally stumble over a few words of introduction before she gets right to it. She blows him away by telling him she wants to know what it was they felt yesterday when they met.
In Nuevo York Antonio is enjoying his mid-morning whiskey when Mariana arrives looking more concerned than usual. “Don’t tell me you’re going to leave again,” he coos. “I’m pregnant,” she reveals. Antonio doesn’t actually look surprised so I’m thinking, mission accomplished?
Pedro, still frozen with cara impactada, listens while Camila insists, “You think I’m crazy but I want to know what happened yesterday when we met.” Pedro laughs nervously and says he almost ran her down. “Come on,” she says, “you didn’t feel anything?” He’s charmed by her way with words and they continue to ogle each other into the closing credits.
A few fun phrases:
ni lo intentes = don’t even try
no me falles = don’t let me down
que casualidad = what a coincidence
te movió el tapete = you really like him/her (lit. you moved the table)
Labels: Talisman
La Que No Podía Amar #23-24.5 Monday 1/30/12 Do not Assume, because when you Assume....
Rogelio: Miguel, we know that the love of her life died and there is no remedy for that. For the year she will be in the role of my wife I will give her all she needs.
Miguel: If you don't love each other you won't be happy.
Rogelio: Happiness? I have to tell you that happiness does not exist for me.
Miguel: Therefore why do you want to marry my sister?
Rogelio: That's my business. But don't worry. If she complies with the deal it will solve all your problems and after a year, who knows? She could look for the man of her dreams.
Rosaura: Why, hija?
Ana Paula: To tell him that it's too much house for us. We can't pay for this.
Rosaura: According to the agreement if you marry him –
Ana Paula: I know, I know. But I don't want to [accept it?]
Rosaura: Ana Paula, I know you don't get this because we never had anything. But a millionaire like this [something about taking the dog away from the cat]
Ana Paula: I don't like this. I don't want this. No.
Rosaura: Something tells me that you need to learn how to appreciate money. To use it [gastar]. How do I explain it? To live in luxury. (Ana Paula looks at her incredulously) No. Don't look at me like that; I'm not crazy. It's appropriate for the wife of a man like that.
Ana Paula: Did he seriously say that?
Rosaura: Yes. But I didn't comment on it because of the secrecy. Let me give you a hand with that.
Ana Paula: No, no. I don't know...
Rosaura: Believe me. The older the devil is the more he knows. It will please you. You deserve all the beautiful things in life. I want you to have everything. And thanks to your brother and me... well, now he doesn't have to go back to the prison. If I hadn't had a heart attack I'd still be working.. (hugs her) You have to be happy.
Sin-thia: You know what happened, don't you? My Paloma. My poor Paloma.
Efrain: I missed your flesh. So white. So soft. I missed you so much. I want to stay in your bed all night with you.
Sin-thia: Efrain, get up. You need to get out to the ranch. I don't want to take chances.
Efrain: The boss isn't here.
Sin-thia: Someone could see you. Get up.
Efrain: And I thought I could stay a little later. (kisses her) You love me.
Sin-thia: Why do you say that?
Efrain: You love me as much as I love you.
Sin-thia: It's your fault Paloma died! You killed my mare!
Efrain: Who told you this?
Sin-thia: What difference does that make? You knew she was ill. And you drove her to heart failure.
Efrain: I didn't do anything!
Sin-thia (slapping him again): Liar!
Efrain (rubbing his chin): Yes. I did it. I did it to be closer to you.
Sin-thia (hitting again): You beast! (various other minor insults as she continues to hit. He grabs her wrists and imprisons her in an embrace) You are nothing more than a peon.
Efrain: But I'm the peon who gets into your bed. And that's better than any other one here.
Sin-thia (still fighting): Let me go! (He forces a kiss) Let me go. (gets free) That's the last time you ever touch me. I'm going to tell Rogelio what you did. (turns to leave, but he grabs her around the waist from behind)
Efrain: You won't tell him. (turns her around to face him)
Sin-thia (knocking off his hat): Why not?
Rogelio: Choose whichever ones you like.
Ana Paula: But those are for marriages in the church.
Rogelio: There are others... or are you afraid we'll be married for the rest of our lives? Stop with that face, woman. We know this isn't forever, just for one year. (chooses a pair of wedding bands and hands one to her. They try them on.) This records our promise.
Rogelio: What about an engagement ring?
Ana Paula: This will do very well for me (hands back the wedding band and he returns it to the box).
Rogelio: Then we will buy this one. (to the clerk) Do you have engagement rings?
Ana Paula: Senor, it's too much.
Rogelio: Paula, as I've said before, with me there is no “too much.” You are going to be my wife and you need to conduct yourself accordingly. Do you understand?
Ana Paula: Yes, I understand. But I'm not used to these things.
Rogelio: Then you will learn. Come on. Choose one; we don't have all day.
Ana Paula: No, Senor. It's that I can't choose well.
Rogelio: Choose one. (She picks out a fairly modest one with a sigh and tries it on)
Ana Paula (looking, then taking it off and gesturing with it): As I said before an engagement ring is supposed to be chosen with love. Without that there is no engagement. (puts it back in the display)
Rogelio: Supposed to be –
Ana Paula: It's the truth.
Rogelio (choosing one with a much bigger rock and showing it to her): If you'll permit me – (She extends her hand during ♪♫ Corre, corre, corre corazón ♫♪ and he puts the ring on it) I think this suits you well.
Ana Paula: Very well. But don't worry. At the end of the contract I will return it to you.
Rogelio: Of course you shouldn't return rings or anything that belongs to you. (She takes it off) No; put it back on. You should get used to it. I imagine you need more stuff. Earrings, or – [aretes]
Ana Paula: No, no, no. ( holding her shell necklace) I have everything I need.
Rogelio (to the clerk): We'd like you to show us some necklaces, please. [gargantilla] (Clerk hands him a display stand with several and he chooses one, handing it back to her) This one, please. (to Ana Paula) I will also give you a check to buy whatever else you need. (She doesn't take it) Take it. If you don't use it you can return it. After the rings. (She puts the check in her purse as Rogelio pays the sales clerk).
Ana Paula: Know what? I need something.
Rogelio: What?
Ana Paula: An ice cream. They're selling them outside.
Rogelio: As you all know, you're all here to share a very special moment. All the time I was with Vanessa comes down to one memory, perhaps the saddest one of my life. The day when Vanessa broke our engagement because I became paralyzed.
Vainessa: What are you doing? Why are you bringing this up now?
Rogelio: Then you don't understand. I was humiliated. I felt like una poca cosa to you. But now, after all this time, I understand you. I see everything now. Because of this I am breaking our engagement. I am not going to marry you.
Rogelio: I'm sorry, Federico, but years ago Vanessa showed she didn't love me. Or didn't love me enough to marry me after I was paralyzed. (to Vainessa) Now you understand how much I loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
Vainessa: I don't understand.
Rogelio: It's the truth. I can't marry you.
Vainessa (starting to hit his shoulders): Desgraciado! Maldito desgraciado! Why?
Rogelio: Federico, it's important that you know this matter. You are a good person and I understand your feelings.
Federico: No, you don't understand! What you did to my daughter was bad enough, but this! The guests, the press...
Rogelio: Vanessa wanted that; I didn't.
Federico: This is a disgrace. You are muy poco hombre. Coward! Never did I imagine you'd break an engagement in front of everyone.
Rogelio: Uno moment. She wanted me to talk to her in front of everyone. I didn't want to. I'm sorry, Federico. For an offense this big I will understand if you never want to see me again.
Federico: Of course I never want to see you again. I never want to do business with you again.
Rogelio: You have that right. I will tell Bruno that deal is dust. But you know that you will have to pay the penalty.
Federico: What?
Rogelio: The penalty is the millions we agreed to. Pay that and there will be no social liability.
Rogelio: I agree, I agree; it's your right. Therefore our business relationship continues.
Federico: You are a wretch. Get out of my house!
Vanessa: You won't leave before you hear me. I will get even with you.
Federico: If you weren't in a wheelchair, I'd – (grabs his lapels. Bruno has to break this up) Take this garbage out of here! Out of my house! (Bruno wheels Rogelio out)
aretes earringsgargantilla necklace
gastar to use
Labels: no-podia
Monday, January 30, 2012
Scheduling alert for LQNPA Monday, Tuesday (and maybe the rest of the week)?
While I'm here, here are some screenshots from an interview with Jorge Salinas on Primer Impacto today. Apparently it was an exclusive. I did a video capture of the whole thing but the recording kept on dropping out. Tomorrow apparently they're going to interview Ana Brenda.
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Rogelio walks! |
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Salinas seems fond of Rogelio. UPDATE: MONDAY'S (Tonight's) EPISODE IS OVERTIME TOO! FAIR WARNING!!!!! |
Labels: no-podia
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Una Familia Con Suerte #99-100 Fri 1/27/12 Comedy Takes a Holiday
Part One: A Time to Laugh
Ana slaps Fraud. It is good.
In a montage:
- Fraud goes home crying to Pina, who dabs his wounded face with a hanky.
- Pancho gives Rebeca a necklace.
- Moni and Mommy bond.
- Alex meets with a priest about the boda.
- Temo gives Meli a big balloon while Ramona stands there awkwardly, poor kid.
- Pancho is measured for his father-of-the-bride outfit.
- Ado catches Pina daydreaming about her seduction of Vice, but looking sad.
- The Lopez family looks at samples for the wedding.
Next day, Pancho tells Lupita how much everyone will miss her but she'll always be his little girl. She says it's not like they're moving to Africa - they'll be living very close by.
Pancho says it seems like it was just yesterday when she was born and she got sick and he gave her this medallion and the Virgen de Guadalupe saved her life. And now she's going away. But he wants her to be happy. Pancho Lopez will always be by her side when she needs him. He says she reminds him of her mother and this place where they are is where he kissed her mom for the first time. Lupita's sad her mother can't be at the wedding. But she's also happy to see him happy with Rebeca.
Fernanda's detective meets with her doctor and tells him that a nun came forward with some new information about the medallion. The doctor thinks that the possibility of finding her child will renew Fernanda's will to live.
Wedding day:
Alex admits to Fraud that he's a little nervous about the wedding. As for his parents, they can't stay very long, in fact they're going to leave directly from the church. Then Fraud whines to Alex about his problems with Ana. At least these two are friends again. They even hug!
Bridesmaids Ana, Candy, Moni, and Chela try on their gowns. That's an awesome color on all of then. Kind of a bold turquoise. Ana lets slip that she's been seeing Fred. Mónica is taken aback by this news. But another concern emerges: they realize nobody invited Elena. She's gonna be mad!
Adoración appears to Fraud in an ill-fitting purple gown with fluorescent yellow wrap. Fraud asks her what's going on with his mother, who's been acting weird lately.
Right now Pina is upstairs with her friend Kathi. She says K is the only person she trusts even a little. She wants to tell her about something that hasn't happened to her in a long time.
Tomás pays Alex a pre-boda visit. He looks even more rumpled than usual. He warns Alex that if he hurts Lupita, if she sheds so much as a single tear because of him, it'll never end for him. If Alex lets Lupita down, Tom will win her back.
Pina and Kathi are waiting two minutes to see two lines on a stick. The two lines dutifully appear. Pina is preggers!
This is shaping up to be the greatest day EVER.
Lupita is ready for the wedding. Pancho gives her a final pre-wedding pep talk full of sweet words and advice, such as the importance of respect, communication, and love; never go to bed angry; and don't forget your own happiness. He gives her a blessing and now it's time to go.
Rebeca meets them outside the house and gives Lupita her wedding present: a trip to Hawaii!
At the Irabiéns', Temo awaits Meli, who is herself a vision in white. (With a bustle!) The dogs are dressed up for the wedding as well. Upstairs, Pina happily anticipates telling Vice the good news about her stick with the two lines on it. Fraud comes in to say hello/goodbye, is once again surprised and a bit concerned to notice her unusual mood, but has to take off for the wedding. (Fraud calls Kathi "Tía" but I don't think she's his actual aunt, just the kind of aunt who's your friend's mother.)
Vice, looking crazy handsome in jeans and a flannel shirt (later I think it looks like madras, in any case it's plaid and it looks good on him), runs into Candy and kisses her in public. He says he doesn't care if anyone sees them. He can't stand Pina and he's going to ask her for a divorce. He doesn't care if it means he loses everything. Anyway, he's got some company shares, some connections, and some power. He wants to be happy with Candy forever; doesn't she want that too? Candy is worried that it will be her fault that Pina will suffer. Vice says it's their life to live and their love to fight for.
Pancho drives Lupita to the wedding, using La Burra's loudspeaker to announce to everyone on the street that he's with the most beautiful bride in the world. This is what every young girl dreams of: to be chauffered to her wedding in a braying vegetable truck with Big Mix ads all over it. Fortunately, Lupita loves his jokes. She asks if he's going to marry Rebeca. He's not sure, what with some of the detractors in their family.
Pina goes to the doctor with Kathi and it's confirmed: she's four weeks along. She's the happiest woman in the world!
La Burra gets to the church, and suddenly someone gets cold feet. Is it Lupita? No, it's Pancho! He wants Lupita to take off with him to the beach.
Ana and Chela worry about Candy's non-arrival. Pepe and Fraud exchange half-hearted insults. Elena makes sour faces. Chacho drools over Chela, who takes no notice. Candy breaks a heel rushing to the church. Nobody thinks it's particularly odd that she's such a nervous wreck.
Temo and Meli take Lupe's train and the music begins. Pancho and Lupe enter the church. Almost everyone, including Alex's parents, comment on Lupe's beauty. A few notable exceptions are Chela, who chooses this time to grill Candy about her whereabouts and then shuts her down when she tries to tell her what Vince said to her; and Elena, who scowls and tells Tom that Lupe doesn't look good at all. Ah, what a delight it would have been to have her in the bridal party; I keep thinking it would have been funny if Lupita had made all her bridesmaids wear fingerless gloves in Elena's honor since she's the one who went online as Lupe and made the original fateful date with Alex who was online posing as Fraud. But I digress.
Pancho delivers Lupe to the altar. "Alex, I'm giving you part of my heart. Love and respect her."
At home, Vice tells Enzo that if he really wants to see Chela, why doesn't he just go to the wedding? Sure, people love it when their mortal enemies crash their wedding. (Now I'm thinking that's oxford, not madras or flannel.) Vice asks what he sees in her. Enzo says she's not as curvy as Candy, but she has her own charm. She's deep, intelligent, pretty, determined. Vice retorts that Candy's smart too; it's just not apparent. Heh.
And, Vice says, he's made a decision. He looks around carefully to make sure no one is listening, and spits for good measure. Enzo, who I guess is not bothered by spray-spit, leans in to hear the secret: "I'm going to divorce Pina."
Pina and Kathi have already made a couple dozen purchases, each in a different bag. One of the items looks suspiciously like a stuffed version of the cartoon Pancho from the show's closing credits.
Vice insists that he doesn't care if he loses everything. He was never this much in love before, even when he met Pina. Enzo points out that he's been in love with money. True, but Vice isn't giving up money! He dreads going home every day because he knows what he's going to hear. But everything's great now. He twirls happily.
Enzo's visit is cut short by a call from Violeta, who wants to meet.
The ceremony goes on, with Pancho weeping, Chacho drooling, Candy daydreaming about Vince, and Chela reading the "love is patient, love is kind" Bible verse. Ana and Fraud look at one another. Ado and Chato look at one another. Alex and Lupita look at one another.
Violeta tells Enzo that these few weeks have been the happiest of her life, but she wants to stop lying to Mónica. She wants to tell her the truth.
Alex and Lupita have just been pronounced husband and wife. Alex is kissing the bride. (Tomás stomps out in a huff; nobody cares.) The crowd cheers. Confetti is thrown. There's more kissing.
Part Two: A Time to Weep
Alex pulls away from the kiss. Is he coming up for air? No, he's clutching his chest and sinking to the ground, his face twisted in agony. Panicked friends and family flock around. The children are confused and frightened.
Meanwhile, Enzo and Violeta argue. (It's becoming clearer that Violeta is a generally nice and seemingly sane person 98% of the time. The only person she has a problem with is Enzo, but it's a very large and ugly problem.) She can't look into her daughter's eyes and continue to tell her lies. "Well this is a fine time for you to remember she's your daughter, 20 years later." She only came when he told her Moni was looking for her. In any case, Violeta says, she's met her and she likes her. Enzo gets really rough with her. She complains that he's hurting her. He says if she talks to Moni, he'll hurt her even more. She asks, who will she meet? Enzo Rinaldi? Or Facundo Contreras? (Wasn't his last name Jimenez? Well, now it's Contreras. Or maybe it's both.)
Lupita joins Alex in the ambulance, followed by Alex's parents. Everyone is crying, even Fraud. The only exception is Elena, whose face is hard to read. (Actually, it's not that hard to read, I just can't believe what I think I'm seeing. It looks like she's not worried, but that she's hoping for something... like Alex's death. Is that really what I'm seeing?)
Enzo doesn't want Moni to know the truth because it will hurt her. Violeta says it's BECAUSE she loves Moni she thinks she should know. Enzo resents the implication that he doesn't love Mónica, after all those nights he was the one who stayed up caring for her, taking her to the hospital when she was sick, because she was all he had and her mother didn't care. Enzo begs V to keep the secret, in the name of the love they once shared and the unconditional love he has for Moni.
Evening. Pina is looking forward to tonight's dinner, when she'll give Vice her big news. Vice, who has recently buttoned his shirt, has no idea why she's so excited, but they are interrupted by a tearful call from Fraud asking them to come to the hospital.
Alex's parents weep at his bedside. (This is probably the most time they've spent with him in the last ten years; it's a shame that he has to be unconscious for it.) Lupita watches through the glass. Fraud puts his hand on her shoulder, and suddenly I get a funny feeling about those two, but now's not the time. Alex's father nods her in, and he and his wife back off.
Lupita begs Alex to open his eyes and wake up so they can go to Hawaii and be happy together forever and have their kids and grow old together.
Vice and Pina show up and console Fraud. They converge for a rare family hug and he cries on their shoulders.
The doctor tells the Lopez/Irabién party that he's just spoken to Alex's parents. They said Alex has a congenital heart defect. Moni asks if he will live. The doctor doesn't say anything. (In fact, nobody is doing anything for Alex at all. Perhaps there really isn't anything they can do, but I'd feel better if I saw a lot more equipment and activity.)
Fraud joins Lupita in Alex's room. Alex wakes up and starts talking to Lupita. She's the most beautiful wife in the world and he loves her. He asks for Fraud's hand. "You were always like a brother to me." Lupita insists that he will get better. He thanks her for making him the happiest man on earth, happier, she's like an angel. "I love you." He strains forward to give her a final kiss, but slumps away at the last millimeter with such an air of finality that the heart monitor's flatline and long beeeeeeeep seem superfluous. (And useless too, since I don't hear the expected approach of rushing footsteps and crash carts.)
Lupita steals a final kiss while Alex's lips are still warm. His last flickers of thought are a montage of his song with images from their courtship. Lupita wails disconsolately, Fraud pats her shoulder awkwardly, and for once I'm grateful for a commercial break.
Next, the funeral. Alex is buried on a hill overlooking a pretty valley. Everyone in the world is there, crying, except I don't see Elena. (Tom is there, wearing a T-shirt that looks like a black dress shirt and tie. I'll cut him some slack for this because I sincerely believe it's the best he can do.) Ana tells Fraud she's sorry. Lupita puts the first rose on Alex's coffin.
(That's as much of that as I can take. Death scenes can be tough and wakes are no picnic either, but I really can't deal with burials. If anyone wants to add what the priest said, please feel free, you won't hurt my feelings.)
At home that night, Lupita shares the big comfy chair with Pancho and bitterly muses that she was married and widowed in the same day. Tomás, still wearing that stupid shirt, tells her he's sorry and she can count on him and he wishes he could take all of her pain on himself. (In the background, Temo is really overdoing the crying.) Everyone in the family promises their support. Rebeca says she's sure Lupita will find the strength to move on. Lupita stares vacantly.
Fred cries to Pina and says Alex was one of the few people who accepted him the way he was - annoying, selfish, arrogant. He was so different, so serious, always criticizing him. How can someone die so young? Fred wonders if Alex knew that he could die at any moment. He admits that he's sad for Lupita too. Pina encourages him to let it all out.
Violeta meets with Mónica and looks like she wants to tell her the big secret, but Moni is getting ready to go to school. Then Violeta remembers Enzo's begging/warning, thinks better of it, and leaves, saying they'll talk later.
Enzo goes to work and tells Arnold he's having trouble with Moni's mother. There's a big secret that Monica doesn't even suspect. It's something horrible.
Fraud looks miserable at breakfast. Meli asks if he's still sad about his friend. Ramona asks what happened to his friend; Meli says "I'll tell you later." She has a big smile on her face, not because Alex's death was so hilarious, but because Adoración is dancing around on a cloud. She's never been so happy in her life. She's in love. Pina hints around about the romantic dinner she's still planning to have with Vice. Vice gets another well-timed phone call, which he claims is from Enzo, but he takes it in another room. Pina follows him to listen.
It's actually Candy, asking how Fraud is doing and wanting to continue their conversation from the other day. She suggests that they meet for dinner tonight. Vice excitedly accepts. He spins around happily until he sees Pina. I don't think she overheard anything. She claims to be looking for her Flores de Bach. She leaves, and he finishes making his plans with Candy. He hangs up the phone by jabbing it repeatedly with gusto.
Lupita takes her rings off and lets them clatter to the floor. She shreds her veil with scissors. (She does not give herself a stunning haircut like Lucero did in STuD.) Pancho comes in to talk to her. "Why do I always lose the people I love, Papa?" He reminds her of the kids that count on her at the daycare, and her family, all of whom adore her. Rebeca offers her unconditional support and friendship. Chela stands in the doorway and looks depressed to see Lupita and Pancho huddling together with Rebeca instead of her.
Vice is looking for his phone. Pina has already found it, and reads the text on its screen: "I'm waiting for you on the corner Vicente, what's up?" He finds his phone and she plays dumb. But she very much doubts he's going to meet Rinaldi. She follows him.
The Chamigos encourage Pancho to have a drink, but not too much. They talk about Chato's love life. He's in love with Adoración; she's the other half of his orange. And Chucha? "She's my half-watermelon!" Hahahahaha. Better not let her hear you say that.
Vice picks up Candy and they share a big kiss on the sidewalk before she gets into his car. Pina sees the whole thing.
We're now on our second round of mezcal and Chato says he's thinking of asking Ado to marry him. Blah blah blah. Pancho says he's grateful to have friends who cheer him up but he's worried about Lupita. And Chato's kids are definitely going to be ugly.
Pina is crying at home. No Flores de Bach will relieve this pain. Vice and that horrible nasty disgusting woman Candy, who else? How could she be so stupid? And to think Sandra tried to warn her. She had to see it with her own eyes to believe it. Hugging and kissing.
Moni tells Pepe about that strange meeting with her mother this morning. She asks if he'd mind if she went to see Fraud. He says he's okay with it, though his face says something else after she leaves.
Enzo goes to the Lopez house and is met at the door by a very surprised Mónica. He says he's come to pay his respects to the family, especially Pancho. She is skeptical. She asks what's up with her mother, she's acting strange, but he has no comment.
Vice tells Candy that with Fraud in pieces over his best friend's death, it's a bad time to ask his mother for a divorce. Candy agrees. And she's still uncomfortable with being a homewrecker. He assures her that it his marriage was already a wreck; has been for a long time. This would have happened sooner or later. She thinks she should have stayed out of it. They agree to carry on in secret. What Pina doesn't see won't hurt her.
If only there were some way Pina could un-see. Ado lets slip that she knew. Pina is furious. This is the worst moment of her life, Ado is the only person she can talk to, and she begs her not to lie. But Ado is saved by the doorbell.
Lupita is crying in her room, surrounded by tissues and photos of herself and Alex. Tomás offers support again and she says thanks, but she doesn't feel like talking. He says they don't have to talk about anything. She says she doesn't understand God. He gives her Alex, makes them fall in love, they get married right in front of him, and then he takes Alex away. Why? Tom says it's a test; that's what they say. No one can comprehend; or maybe she'll understand someday.
"Tomás, I don't feel like living."
Next time:
No idea. The avances were cut off. But at least we're back to one hour again now.
Labels: familia
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