Friday, April 18, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos! #74 Los tres matamoscas llegan en el platano amarillo (the three fly squatters arrive in the yellow plantain!)..

Chuy tells Lupe Nepo is talking to MA. Lupe goes over there.

AS and Mati watching tv. Leo runs out of patience. He leaves to find out if Alejo left already. AS also runs out of patience and goes after him. Mati keeps wondering if Aureliano will ever get home to pull Alejo’s ears out.

Nepo is still trying to get info from MA as to who Lupe's interest is that is sending her flowers, Lupe arrives and tells Nepo Alejo is Emi’s dad… Nepo goes beserk insisting Alejo is after her. Lupe yells at him that she and him are not a couple. Nada de nada de nada de NADA!! MA has to stop Nepo from following Lupe. Nepo insists to MA that Alejo is also after Lupe (la vaca, not just the becerro [whoever is after the cow, not just the calf]). Chuy comes over, Nepo tells him Lupe told him about Alejo and Emi. Chuy also rants at Nepo, trusts Nepo will understand after he tells Nepo what happened (between Lupe and A-hole) years ago. They stare at MA, he gets the sign and leaves.

Leo and AS gossiping about Ahole being Emi’s dad. MA demands AS be discrete… AS says how can I keep quiet facing the gossip of the year?? Lupe was ambitious, otherwise why would she roll with him? Leo notices that Emi is his nephew… MA reminds them that Lupe was the one that lent them a hand when they had lost everything. Did any of your friends help us?? No, right? So you will respect Guadaluuupe Menchaaaca and that’s all!!

Chuy and Nepo… Chuy says Emi is the result of a betrayal of Alejo toward Lupe. Nepo comments that the ‘result’ eats, goes to school, and lives without that guy contributing anything. They should bathe him in lemon and hot sauce so he will be itching. Now the mention of Alejo’s name also twists Nepo’s liver. Chuy says that Lupe never wanted for Alejo to find out that Emiliano is his son. Nepo assures Chuy that Alejo must want to get back with Lupita. But don’t worry, that guy must get a clear message that your daughter is not alone and that he should not come by here anymore… Chuy assures him the message has been delivered. Nepo is not so sure ‘quien sabe?’

Office, Alejo mentions to Vilma that Lupe lives in a neighborhood that he never thought would exist… ordinary, vulgar… Vilma throws a stupid comment that they should ‘ban’ those neighborhoods. Vilma brings up the legal issue. Will you sue the boy’s mother? Then she visualizes the family picture. Alejo lifts his voice saying he will conquer Lupita. Alejo’s phone rings. ‘It’s El Bambi!’ Alejo has to answer. Fakes the idiot role, but Bambi is not buying his performance. Bambi swears to Alejo that he will find whoever betrayed him and swears that whoever will pay dearly. Alejo gets nervous and keeps swearing he will contact Bambi and fakes that the connection is breaking up (gaggles on phone) and hangs up.

AS and Leo keeps with his comments glorifying Maca and comparing her to a nobody like Lupe. Leo adds that there are ‘differences between social classes’… MA can’t believe they keep talking nonsense. AS questions why MA defends ‘la peladita’ (the pennyless girl) so much??

Isela comes in Mini’s room and comments that Mini is still stuck with the la-pap-top! … Isela asks Mini what she found. She says there were money transfers from Alejo to Adolfo Giron and others.

MA tells AS and Leo that its time they find out about something. Chuy comes in and AS summons him. AS asks Chuy if Alejo is Emi’s dad. MA apologizes to Chuy. Chuy admits it is true, although we are not proud of that fact. He is your relative, but that guy Alejo is a son of….. I won’t say it for respect for you, fine gazelle. Chuy leaves. MA again comments he can’t believe his mom’s guts.

Mati is helping Lupita downstairs. Serving juice. Emiliano comes home with Perla. Mati takes him away. Lupe thanks Perla. Perla wants to hear the whole story of that guy that was here… Alejo is cousin of MA. Perla comments ‘what a pretty family!!’ Chuy comes down. MA also comes down and tells Lupe that some guy at one of the tables asked for a steak. Lupe nags at him on the proper way to ask in the kitchen for the steak ‘trabaje una carne asada’…

At office, Alejo is very nervous about Bambi’s call. Vilma tries to ease him to no avail. She also mentions the work on the divorce from Mini… Alejo tells Vilma he does not want to hear her comments… Alejo tells Vilma in several different languages that all he wants is for Vilma to find the way for Mini to sign the divorce.

Perla is blown away to know that her nephew is a RP. Lupe warns to her about telling anyone about it. Perla asks if she can tell Tizoc. Lupe reluctantly lets her.

MA, with a towel in his lower arm as if he were a waiter at a fine bistro, comes back to the kitchen. She is a bit stressed out. He tries to get her a bit more at ease. (fakes reacting to something she warned him about, I did not catch what it was).

Tizoc and ‘mi hippiris-nais’… he is happy about what happened… talking about food that makes her sick. Calls her ‘la nina fresa’, then changes the possible menu to ‘chelones’. Perla comes in and makes a rude comment. She has to tell Tizoc something in private (‘sin hojas sueltas’)… Frida leaves miffed… Tizoc tells Perla she was a bit rude with it. Perla says it will be worth it once you hear what I have to tell you.

AS and Leo and Frida comment and wonder if Alejo will end up marrying Lupe to comply with Aureliano’s will clause. Leo says Alejo is married to Mini. AS says maybe they are already taking care of that. Frida leaves offended. AS is too wasted in alcohol to really stop and consider what she is saying ‘porca miseria’.

Perla has told Tizoc in his room… She is visualizing Alejo will come in a white horse to pick up Lupe and the whole family to take them to live in a palace (LOL!!).. Then she mentions visualizing herself in the catwalk in a fashion magazine… hijole!! (that’s what I say!!)

Chuy and Lupe are wrapping up business for the day. He has to check on someone’s plumbing. Chuy leaves MA to stay with Lupe. MA says no swear, don’t worry. MA asks Lupe if they can talk now. Lupe summons him to kitchen. MA says its been a hard day, how are you doing? Strange, can’t believe all this is happening. Alejo shows up twice, after years of not seeing him. And now he comes claiming rights to his son… She is angry that he is coming with the ‘face’ of the reivindicated dad. MA asks her not to feel too pressured. If she needs time, she should ask Alejo for time. She does not know how Emi will take it all. MA hugs her telling her don’t worry. They move to the ‘bodega’ (storeroom). ‘ahora si!’ (nice long kiss).

At plastic covered couch, Frida is looking at some comic book pages of a very x-rated scene between tarzan and jane in jungle??? LOL!

Tizoc comes in, Frida wants to know what Perla wanted. Tizoc won’t say. She insists so he leaves. Tizoc walks right in the stockroom and sees the kiss. Runs out to the street. He stops outside the door, right by Frida, who thought they were going to get some beers, but Tizoc goes the other way without a word. Lupe goes after him, while MA tells Frida what is going on. Frida wonders if Chuy will kill MA when he finds out. MA tries to ease her, but is not very successful at it. Nepo and Trofeo arrive in Nepo’s truck and MA goes with them.

In truck, MA asks Nepo where going. Nepo says we will make justice… against who? Alejo, because he won’t mock me. He has to learn not to abuse a young woman. And we will go to the Editorial company and get him out of there by force!! MA is not quite in agreement with the plan.

Tizoc is angry at Lupe for getting involved with MA who is just like his cousin Alejo, they are ‘ricachones’. Now you are trusting another of the same family. Lupe says we can’t judge people for what their relatives do or did not do. Tizoc mentions that the same is happening to him with Frida.

MA wants to get off the truck but Nepo won’t let him. We are all in this together like the three flysquatters (matamoscas!!) . MA is confused momentarily then gets it saying ‘Aah! the three musketeers’ (lost tres mosqueteros!)… MA suggests they talk it over with Lupe first. Trofeo dismisses the idea, they are going to give Alejo some ‘trancazos’ (blows) right now!. MA has to ride along since he is in middle of the seat and they won’t let him get off the truck.

Mini and Isela are still in Mini’s bed. Isela is eating bread…Mini is thinking she can’t give MA all the evidence, just in case MA is thinking of dropping her once he gets all the help she can give him.

Lupe tells Tizoc that he is projecting whatever he is mad about with Frida. Tizoc insists Lupe defends MA, what did he do to you to get all your security systems disconnected? Lupe says nothing, I just fell in love with him. She knows he wants to defend her, but don’t worry, she is alright. Tizoc says ok, but if he makes one false move, I will leave his face like the Passion of the Christ. I remember well how you suffered when Alejo left you. Don’t want to see you suffer like that for anyone. Lupe thanks him. She assures him she won’t suffer like that for MA or for anyone. He has to promise same. Deal! (hug, I love u’s)

Isela suggests to Mini she has to get her priorities straight. They have to find out who MA’s new woman is. At the same time they have to prevent Alejo from marrying the baby’s mother. Mini assures her she will not let that happen.

At office, the yellow truck has arrived. MA is very nervous. Nepo says lets go. MA is reluctant to get out of the truck. Its not that, the INS is after me. What if they find me here? Trofeo comments that looks like MA is about to pee in his pants. MA stays in the truck. Nepo and Trofeo go. MA first wishes them luck then comments that they should not go… (poor MA doesn’t even know what he says anymore)

Perla visits Tizoc in his room, he asks if shes seen la hippirisnais, nope. Perla says she wants him to succeed and he has not even invited her. He claims she just wants the night out. Perla keeps insisting he take her along. He asks her to help him fix and ready his shoes.

Nepo at Editorial front desk. Nepo asks for Alejo, says he is Nepomuceno Escandiandos, el rey del platano. He won’t even wait for the receptionist to call up. He is trying to get up right away. He is shouting loud enough that Alejo hears and says he is the ‘verdulero ‘ Sends Vilma to kick him out. Nepo opens his way anyway against the two or three security guards. Nepo warns Alejo not to come near Lupe. Alejo asks ‘you mean the mother of my son?’ Nepo says yeah that one! … Alejo refers to Nepo as ‘troglodita’ and Nepo and Trofeo ask each other what that means… LOL!!

Tizoc and Frida meet again at fonda. Tizoc asks Frida what are we? What is going on between us? Frida says they are friends. Tizoc is a bit sad to hear that. Then he reacts and says we are associates, pure business. As associates there are no hurt feelings.

Alejo says that if Nepo wants to talk to him, he has to make an appointment. Nepo says what appointment, as if you were President? … Alejo (protecting himself behind the security guards) says second… Lupita… is and will always be… mine! (Nepo rushes again toward Alejo but Vilma manages to take a punch at him and also the security guards (with difficulty) keep Alejo out of harm… and end up dragging Nepo and Trofeo out of the building. Vilma warns Nepo and Trofeo that they better stay away. Trofeo tries to keep an angry Nepo from going back in the building, until one of the guards shows his gun on his belt. Then Nepo thinks it over. When they get back on the truck, Nepo tells MA that he ‘found the closed punch of Alejo RP. We learned our lesson!’

Vilma tells Alejo that hopefully that ‘troglodita’ will stay away. Alejo seems to get an idea and he calls Lupita. ‘I am a gentleman and was going to fulfill my word that I would not come again to your house to meet my son or you… you did not need to send over that troglodita to beat me up… is that the father figure you want to provide Emiliano? / I did not send anyone. Nepo went to see you on his own (pistolas!) initiative! / Good to hear… I just want to play my role in Emiliano’s life and be the father he needs’ (Lupita hangs up and says to herself that Nepo now really went overboard, he will hear her now!, she is angry)


Nepo and Lupe talk, there is someone else. MA and Lupe tell their parents about the relationship.

Alejo tells Vilma (again! We have seen this in several previews now) that Lupita will have no choice but to be with him.


Marta, thanks for yet another wonderful recap.

What an episode!

My favorites:

Nepo giving MA his take on the Alejo situation with Lupita and Emiliano as the "cow and the calf." MA's reaction was priceless.

Leonardo realizing now since there was a "bastarduki" in the family it was like a "telenovela."

AS realizing that if Alejo married Lupita he would fullfill the "grandfather clause", uttering her "porca miseria", taking a drink and ending with just a poor "porca".

Alejo telling Vilma to "get the signature" in 5 languages.

Nepo announciing himself as "el rey de platanos" at the Editorial.

Nepo addressing Vilma as "Mrs,, Miss, Mr., or whatever." Just for that he would have deserved her well executed right hook.

Vilma's fantasy telling Alejo to sue Lupita for custody so they could raise his son, witness his first steps, etc.

Looks like it all hits the fan in the next episode. Don Chuy didn't look too happy.

It just hit me that the actor who plays don Chuy: Manuel Ibáñez also played a restaurant owner in "Las tontas no van al cielo. " Is that type casting or what? Too funny.



Thank you, Marta! Great title.

Who knew that Ahole could say "Get the signature!" in so many languages? I guess he does have one brain cell that he uses for something.

MA was funny waiting tables like it was a fine dining place with a teddy bear dish towel over his arm.

Loved the talk Lupe and Tizoc had, where she told him it isn't fair to blame people for what their relatives do. A little disappointed that Frida is still trying to keep Tizoc at arm's length.

All the separate worlds are now starting to collide now that Ahole has visited La Nopalera and knows that Emiliano is his son, and Nepo has paid a courtesy call to El Editorial. Now we just need the snooty society ladies to start doing their shopping at Nepo's banana stand and Maca to return and cross paths with Guendy or something.

26great recap!

Vilma punching Nepo was too funny. I must say he deserved it at least for his stubbornness insisting that Lupita is'his'.

Despite Ana Sofia's drunkenness she can already see what Alejo's plan is with Emiliano. Loved her 'porca miseria' when she realized that.

Julia, your "worlds are now starting to collide" comment brought back fond Seinfeld memories and it sure fits the situation.


Great recap, Marta! Thanks for clarifying the pun on the 3 musketeers. I knew there was something I missed.

MA was in a panic riding to the Editorial. Loved seeing the three guys in the bright yellow truck.

LOL when Nepo and Trofeo were getting out of the truck and the remark was Trofeo would have Nepo's back--or at least his waist! As a short person, I related to that one.

Vilma's imagination! I'm afraid Emiliano is already past his first steps. Loved her punching Nepo. She's doing a great job as Vilma.

Things are really ramping up with the "worlds colliding." Not sure how far along we are in terms of episodes.

I think we have three more weeks! And MA still hasn't told Lupe about the clause. So many questions abound. This show hasn't had any significant time jumps. Three weeks is about time for Leo and Maca's wedding. How will that go wrong? There is barely time for Lupe to discover she's with child. And definitely not enough time for MA to get established in the jugo bidness.

Tizoc's struggle with his attraction to Frida was very touching. Her hormones seem to be ahead of her heart or maybe it's her heart and hormones that are ahead of her mind?

This is my 4th TN (not counting 1 wk of Mi Pecado when I was in language school in Costa Rica) and it is definitely my favorite. I think it's the shortest too.

No way! Only three more weeks? Usually telenovelas go on a little too long, but in this case that isn't enough time for all the plots! I hope that was misinformation. I haven't seen any "ultimas semanas" announcements.

If it were three more weeks we'd definitely be getting ultimas semanas by now.

Wikipedia says the series is running from November 11, 2013 to June 22, 2014. That's in Mexico. It didn't start here in US until January 6th. That leads me to think that it won't end here until August. At least that's what I'm hoping!
Ann C

three weeks? i dont think we will be done in at least three more months!
i really can see MA confronting Alejo face to face and defending Lupita (even going to jail if required) so that Alejo won't take Emiliano from Lupita.
I also want to somehow see the worlds colliding more (thanks Julia! great comment!) and creating much more comedy (El rey del Platano at El Editorial was just the beginning!)

Oh thank heavens! Please excuse my misinformation. I was basing my numbers on what I saw in wikipedia a while back that only listed 90 episodes. Now I see they have 120 listed. Maybe they're still shooting? There is plenty of material to work with. YAY!!!


Marta, fantastic recap. You caught all the fun of this episode!

Vilma has rhapsodized before about caring for a child. I think besides wanting Alejo, she really wants to be a mom.

Will wonders never cease? Ahole thanked Vilma for her loyalty after she punched Nepo.

I not quite sure why things went wrong. But it wasn't only Frida's doing. Tizoc was pretty fast to demote the relationship to one of business associates.

Duh! I just realized that the neat yellow truck (that was beautifully clean BTW) that Nepo owns is because he is the Banana King.



I don't know if they're still shooting the novela, but I do know that in Mexico they showed episode #115 on Friday.

Hi all,
Pardon the public statement - I'd email Mads and Marta offline, but my so-called address book is screwed up and I can't find their addresses.

I'm not going to be available to recap or even comment this week. If necessary I'll post a discussion header for Wednesday, but other than that I will be totally out of the loop.

I'll miss you guys this week :(


i had thought of incorporating the banana truck into the title... something like Los tres matamoscas llegan en el platano amarillo (the three fly squatters ride in the yellow plantain!)..
hmm... maybe i will update it right now.


Thanks so much for this marvelous recap!


You said everything I wanted to say : ) I saw Manuel Ibanez in La Mujer de Vendeval and he played a villain there as a crooked Mayor, much like Peddy over on "Robo" but not quite as murderous.

I loved that right hook Vilma gave Nepo. Now there is a woman for him, lol.


I'll do Wednesday for you. I emailed you : )


Thanks for this nifty recap, Marta. My favorite line:

"MA is not quite in agreement with the plan."

No kidding.

This TN just gets more and more enjoyable with each episode. My fondness for Vilma just continues to grow. Alejo has been compared to Snidely Whiplash but has anyone mentioned the similarity between Vilma and Muttley?


Madelaine , thanks for the info on Manuel Ibañez. I like his work. I will have to try to track down an episode he is in from La Mujer de Vendaval.


Madeline, I think you're right. "I loved that right hook Vilma gave Nepo. Now there is a woman for him, lol."

Although I've been trying to imagine escape plans for Vilma (by turning on Alejo) I'm beginning to see her visiting him in prison and finally getting his full attention, when everyone else has forgotten him.

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