Tuesday, September 30, 2014

La Gata #22 Tuesday 9/30/14- La Suplicación

Another episode with great pacing!! And a fabulous cliff-hanger (well, maybe not a cliff-hanger per se...but I know *I* can't wait until tomorrow night's episode!!

Tonight's recapping theme: loose translations
Inspired by: Julia and Blue Lass

At Rita's
Fernando: Keep your pie-hole shut! I'll reveal my identity when I'm ready!
Rita: I can keep a secret!
Fernando: You better!
Rita (to self): Wow, it's getting all resurrection of the dead up in this jacal. But hey! My cards were correct! I still got it!

Fernando (to self): Hijaaaaa! I want to tell you everything!!!! Give me strength!

Gata is reading The Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez) when Fernando stops by (Song: Mi Niña by José José.)
Fernando: Your dad was my BFF
Gata: Whaaaa?
Fernando: Rita said you has some of his letters.
Gata: Yup. Right here in this box. Look! Here's my mom!
Fernando: Blanca!
Gata: Whaaa? You knew her?
Fernando: Yup. I loved her as much as your dad did.
Gata: Did my dad die?
Fernando: NO! I just lost touch with him. I want to help you! Pleeeeaaasseee????? Let me!
Gata: No.
Fernando: We will find your dad!
Gata: I'm still staying here.

Martinez Negrete Complex
Augie parks his car. Fernando looks on.
Fernando: You suck. You will pay!
Flashback: We sentence you to 30 years!!!
Augie: Who the hell are you?!

Gata: What do you want now Rita?
Rita: Forgive meeeeeeeeeee!
(Rita thought bubbles: I will NOT be left out of this jackpot!)

Back at the MN complex
Fernando: You will all pay for what you did to Esmeralda!
Augie: Oh! so you're the new sugar daddy!
Fernando: You are so dead!

Fernando's Hideaway (sorry)
Fernando: Esme is my daughter!!
Damian: Whaaaa?
Fernando: Esmeralda HAS to come live here!!
Daminan: Maybe you should tell her the truth?
Fernando: NOOOO!!! But you need to convince her!

MN Complex
Lowrentza: You will listen to me!
Mariano: NO!
Lowrenzta: Augie! Stop him! He's in love with the Gata!
Augie: Whaaa?
Mariano: I will not let you bully me like you do Pablo!
Augie: My blood pressure!
Lowrentza: What's wrong!
Augie: I don't know if our new neighbor is FDLSC (Fernando de la Santa Cruz), but he's bad news! He has sworn to defend La Gata!

Mariano: What the hell am I doing here? I've got to tell her how I feel!
Gata: What the hell are you doing here? Get out!

Mariano: Heeey! What are you doing with my car?
Garabato: Shake him down good, boys!!

Damian and Jarocha: C'mon! Go live with the guy!
Gata: NO! I don't want to take advantage!

Fernando's Office
Damian: Dude, if you would just tell her the truth, it will be easier to convince her!
Fernando: NO! I want to clear my name. I know! I'll ask your Metiche Mom, Meche! She'll convince her!

Fernando's Kitchen
Fernando: Meche, please convince Esmeralda to live here.
Meche: Are you sure you aren't a perv?

We interrupt this recap for a long-winded conversation between Meche and Damian. See episodes 17-20

Hallway-MN Complex
Lowrentza: Are you ready to ask Monica to marry you?
Pablo: Already?
Lowrentza: Yes! Now's the time to make it official.
Pablo: (Folds like a cheap suit) Ok.

MN Complex-Exterior
Mariano: Like a good neighbor State Farm está...
Pablo: Duude! Your car!
Mariano: I don't wan't to talk about it.
Recapper: Duude! Pablo you D.A! Think! When was the last time you saw a car damaged like that?

Fernando's Hideaway-Exterior
Fernando: (watching the MN house) One day all that will belong to my daughter! I swear!
Meche: I'm off to go metiche-ing!

Gata: Hola Meche! Help me! I need your advice! Should I accept Fernando's offer?
Meche: Reconsider the offer. He can be like a father for you and an abuelo for the children.

MN Living Room
Monica: Ring! Yes!
Monica's Dad: If it makes our princesita happy, we're happy!
Pablo: (Folds like cheap suit) I'll do everything to make her happy (despite my depressive, maudlin tone.)
Lowrentza: Hot damn and pass the champagne!

Gata: I'm moving to a new house, but I'll still come visit and help. Maria, your dad was a jerk who treated you like Rita treated me. Will you and Fela take care of each other?
Maria: Yes.
Fela: (Confused to Maria) Yes, I'll take care of you my daughter Renata. (Confused to Gata) Or are you my daughter?
Gata: No, Fela. I'm not your daughter. But I wish you were my mom.

Fernando's Office
Damian: Dude, we really need to tell Meche.
Fernando: No. I don't want anyone to know. I need to win her over.
Damian: A real Cinderella story.
Fernando: They call her La Gata. Well, I'll teach her how to be a REAL Gata and no one will mess with her again.

Moving Day
Jarocha: I'll miss you! But you go girl! You make the most of this!
Gata: I'll never forget my roots! Check out my box o' memories!
Jarocha: Heeeey, your mom looks like Fela
Gata: Heeeey...she does!
Jarocha and Gata: Aren't we silly? Hahahahahaha!
Recapper: Yeah. Laughing my butt off. Damn ya'll are dull as a box a rocks.
Gata: Fernando thinks one day I can be even better than the MN's
Jarocha: I believe it!

Fernando's Living Room
Fernando: Welcome to Fantasy Island!
Principe: Teh Plane! Teh Plane!!!

The tour
Fernando: Your room! New clothes! I want to make you over! Pablo will fall all over himself and you can reject him like he did you.
Gata: I adore Pablo. Maybe I can forgive him one day. I don't want to hurt him, though.
Recapper: We all know you are going to forgive him no matter what he does. What do you mean "maybe"?
Principe: dammit! Put me down!!

More tour
Fernando: Adjoining bedrooms!
Gata: Cool!
Fernando: The kids are the grandchildren of a Marquez.
Gata: Rita told me.
Fernando: Yup. He got it in Spain.
Gata: I only knew him through his letters.
Fernando: Blanca was a gran amor for him.
Gata: What was my dad's name?
Fernando: He'll tell you when he's here. Let's just call him Marquez.
Princip: For.the.love. PUT ME DOWN!

Hallway MN Complex
Pablo: What's up, mom.
Lo: What are you doing back so soon?
Pablo: being engaged is boring. All she talks about is the wedding. I'm not sure I can take it. I only agreed to it to make Esmeralda jealous!

Shopping montage.

THE MAKEOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Previous: Episode 21
Next: Episode 23


gringo!! MUST SEE TV!!!!

I love that they have decided to make Mariano such an interesting character.

Sara, great recap! It captured perfectly all the drama and excitement of the episode...actually it was more exciting because it skipped the endless ramblings by Dona Metiche.

However: Principe abuse! That's all I noticed during the last 15 minutes. Couldn't even concentrate on the dialogue. Why didn't Maite just put the poor cat on the floor? The animal was clearly in distress and twisting around upside down. Geez! It's not a purse, it's a cat.

But moving on, I agree the Mariano is the most interesting character. And Pablo is now sighing that he didn't know getting married would be so much trouble. Poor Monica, what is it about his listless expression that she doesn't get?

J in Oregon

Sara, such a hilarious recap. Principe was complaining quite vocally--your lines for him were great.

"I love that they have decided to make Mariano such an interesting character." Yes, someone needs to be an interesting character, might as well be dark horse Mariano. At least he talks back to Mumsy and Daddy.

Had to laugh at Rita coming to La Gata in groveling mode. "Maybe I was a little hard on you sometimes." Ha!

Looking forward to the makeover results.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I was also very bothered by the treatment of Principe. I even felt the need to snuggle my own Principe (who outweighs Televisa's by about 10 pounds.)

So...Is anyone wondering what the point of the Mariano shake down was for? We've already had a scene like that with Pablo so we get it: the dump is a dangerous place. I just didn't see much point in it especially since Pablo didn't connect any dots. I guess he will later.

Hi, Sara,

You keep coming up with whippy, inventive formats for your recaps. Thank you so much for your hard work.

I have felt that Pablo's actions are explainable by his lack of worldly experiences and leading a sheltered life.

His comment to his mother last night that he was only doing the novio thing to make Esme jealous made me angry. He is so vacuous that he thinks it is acceptable to toy with people's emotions, cause them to do the hard work and planning for a wedding, and spend who knows how much money for a little vengeance? Before, I thought him to be a spineless twit, but this is descending into the level of narcissism or sociopathy.

Now that Lorenza knows how her dear Pablo swings, will she step in with some mature decisions? (Here I put a strong rubber band on my wrist and snap it ten times in rapid succession: This is a tn for God's sake.)

Both sons want to be like their esteemed daddy? On some levels they already are.

Monica, you will have a better chance of finding happiness if you sneak into the men's room at a low class bar and write "For a really good time call Monica at 000-555-4723" on the wall.


Gracious Sara, great outline. Haven't watched my tape yet. Anxious to fill in the blanks with your wonderful fiction?

Speaking of cats, I like cats but I've seen enough of principe to get the point of why he's in the story. For me he's a distraction because whenever he is in a scene my eyes are on him. Wish he'd begone but not forgotten.

I can't take credit for this format. Julia and Blue Lass did it first (and they did it better.) I just blatantly stole from them LOL.

I really enjoy the insightful comments on this TN. No matter what TN I watch, I just tend to let everything wash over me as I sit slack-jawed in front of the TV. I am pretty passive and don't think about things very much.

Then I read comments and I find myself saying "heeeey! That's so true!" and "Wow!! I didn't even think about it that way!"- "He is so vacuous that he thinks it is acceptable to toy with people's emotions, cause them to do the hard work and planning for a wedding, and spend who knows how much money for a little vengeance?" is just one such comment.

It has me wondering about El Sil as well. Right now we are all supportive of his vengeance. Will he cross any lines? What will we think then?

They kind of did the same thing with the monkey on CI. I always wondered why he was there.

There was no reason for Principe's appearance last night and he clearly didn't want to be there, either.

Sara, this is sooooooo awesome. Whaaa

David, Pablo is a narcissist. He digs the attention, all 6 feet of his passive/aggressive self. He got his mama jerking on a string and god, poor Monica.

Rita - I did it for your own good

Mariano - I wanted a dudes car anyway

Garabato - like candy from a baby

Meche - open mouth, insert sock

Pablo Pan - I'm "More popular than Jesus"

Fernando - "And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!"

Augie - don't go, die on us and spoil the fun

Principe - I need a Valium


Sara, loved your recap.

I agree with you all about Mariano. I feel like he is the only complex character in this TN. Every other characters' personalities are set, but Mariano's is fluid. I am really excited to see where this leads. Pablo is just so mopey!

Thanks, tofie! I can't even pick a favorite from your list!

Caroline, I have such a hard time trying to capture in words exactly how wimpy/mopey/dopey/dumb Pablum Pan is. (Actually, I have a hard time capturing anything with words.)

"Wow, it's getting all resurrection of the dead up in this jacal. But hey! My cards were correct! I still got it!" OK, Sara...I can already tell I'd better place all liquids out of arm's reach or I'll be ruining my laptop!

"We interrupt this recap for a long-winded conversation between Meche and Damian. See episodes 17-20" Word. He didn't even say anything so significant that she believed him, she just...gave in.

"Duude! Pablo you D.A! Think! When was the last time you saw a car damaged like that?" I don't even know why I expected the words to come out of his mouth..."Hey, this reminds me of that time I...." Dim bulb.

"If it makes our princesita happy, we're happy!" Which explains why she was wearing that hot pants/unitard thing.

"Yeah. Laughing my butt off. Damn ya'll are dull as a box a rocks." Seriously...she's got dirt and unbrushed hair. It's like Clark Kent's glasses, apparently.

"Principe: dammit! Put me down!!"
"Princip: For.the.love. PUT ME DOWN!" HE NEVER EVEN GOES ANYWHERE WHEN SHE PUTS HIM DOWN OUTDOORS! WHAT, DID SHE THINK HE'D GET LOST IF HE DIDN'T GO ON THE TOUR?! Get that cat a pillow and a sunbeam already and leave him the hell alone! FREE PRINCIPE!

As for Mariano...I did kick him in the shins for saying he wouldn't let his parents do to him what they did to Pablo. Hey, jerkface...your parents AND YOU! You helped! So if you're going to be all rebellious and crap, then start by telling your brother the truth!

Sara, gracias! I thoroughly enjoyed this recap and annoyed the hell out of my cat by laughing so hard.

Sara- I watched the show last night, which only deepened my appreciation of this recap, and made it even more funny than had I not watched. Bravo! I'm looking forward to the makeover. I love those montages and got to recap the one in CI. Fun!

Not sure why no one can recognize that Fela is the woman in the pic. It's SO obvious!

Thank you Sara for another excellent recap. I agree with all of you who are distressed by the treatment of that poor cat. It distracts from the story and is very upsetting to watch it, as it is obviously stressed and unable to get away. Reminds me of that poor DiVinci on QPTR, who was always so drugged it could not keep its eyes open most of time.

Back to the novella, can't wait for tonight to see the makeover. I am still moving and will join all of you on the West Coast patio when I get settled in.

Sara---I saw your gringo!! MUST SEE TV!!! about a half hour before the show started so as you can imagine, I was front row and center at 7:00
Yes, it really was MUST SEE TV.

Before I comment on anything, I have to say GREAT JOB SARA!!! How many great lines were there? I lost count but here are just a few

Rita thought bubbles---I will not be left out of the jackpot.

Fernando's Hideaway---That's good but I'm sticking with Venganza Central.

I will not let you bully me like you do Pablo. So there's only one Pablum?

I know! I'll go ask your metiche mom, Meche.

Pablo folds like a cheap suit. He has earned his name Pablum.

Meche: I'm off to go metiche-ing

Ya'll are welcome to fantasy island.

Principe didn't need to be there.
Yes he did, it was moving day.

Principe will make out just fine.
No more dirty mice to eat, from now on, it's Fancy Feast all the way.

At first it was thought that Principe had been drugged because he seemed so quiet. Now he's frisky so he isn't drugged , he's just being abused. Oh Please! Principe probably gets more love and affection while on the set than most cats can ever dream of.

J in Oregon calls Pablo listless.
I say he was as cold as ice. Is
Monica blind? Yes I know---she thinks that she is such a woman that she will change him. Monica tears in the future???

David you crack me up---For a really good time call Monica at 000-555-4723.
She won't be getting a good time with Pablum that's for sure.

Last but not least---Tofie, your list today was pure gold.

The makeover---I can't wait for tonight.
the gringo


Kat said: "Which explains why she was wearing that hot pants/unitard thing."

I need to protect MY computers from liquids now!

I'll be back for more comments! Gotta take the kids to lunch!

Delusional much? Pablum's parents already know that he's not happy about marrying Monica, that he's proposing JUST to make Esme jealous. But Monica's parents? Did they not see the depressed, woebegone look on his face throughout the whole ordeal (and it was just that, an ordeal, for him)?? And Monica? Did she not notice his total lack of emotion as he monotoned, "Monica-I-will-do-the-impossible-to-make-you-happy" !?? She responded, "You don't have to do the impossible, just learn to love me the way I love you!" News flash, Honey, THAT IS the impossible!!

Oblivio (CI) proposed to his salvaje to get back at his family. Pablum proposed (for his family) to get back at his salvaje. SO clever and imaginative, writers ... NOT!


Principe is no longer a young kitty either, poor thing

Oh, I meant to say that I loooove the list tofie, except the comparison of Pablo in any way to Jesus. (But at least Jesus got a capital letter. I notice you always use a small letter for God).

*sigh* Pablo. He was telling Monica that she's SUCH a good friend to him just last week...which I guess would be a couple of months ago. Now he's telling his mother he's only marrying her to make Esme jealous.

That's now how we treat our friends, Pablo.

I still have a hard time figuring out how old everyone is supposed to be, but you're right, Tofie. Principe is no spring chicken! My cats are 13 years old now and the vet refers to them as "geriatric." I would guess that Principe is at least 10, and the life of a dump kitty is a rough life. Get him some Fancy Feast and a velvet pillow and let him regale the kittens from next door about that one time he caught a rat outside of Rita's.

That was stupid of Lorenza to insert that Monica was the "love of his life" into that really awkward "pedida de mano" so-called "celebration" ... umm, no, she isn't! And not a single person in this room believes that, you idiot.


It cracked me up, though, with its pathetic fakeness! Marry her yourself, if you're so enthusiastic, Lorenza!

Thanks, Sara, for another excellent review.

Last night, as Hub was walking through the living room , he asked if cats were fighting. I told him that it was just one cat anxious to end an embrace. If you know anything about cats, you know that a swishing tail is NOT a sign of contentment. A snot to mention the crooning he was doing. . Why didn't Maite just put him down ?Gee whiz,

I am anxious to see the makeover of Miss Kitty, but I noticed that in the advances , we only got a view of the hair cutting and shots of her from the back. I liked seeing the three new dresses set out in her lovely new bedroom.
You have to give Rita credit for having an over abundance of nerve as she kissed up to Gata . Really, Rita ?


Mala yerba nunca muere! And Rita's one of the baddest! (Bad weeds never die; the other side to "only the good die young")

Thanks for the reminder, Anon208! I had completely forgotten that "love of his life" business! Maybe on purpose??


Gringo, glad you liked the bathroom wall idea. I think you and I may be the only ones here who have seen a wall in a lower scale bar men's room, and the stupid crap some jerks write there.

I'm thinking that Pablo needs to check into a monastery in the Tibetan Himalayas or something to get a brain tune-up. His mopey expression would fit in fine there.

I hope Monica can extricate herself from this sick joke of an engagement without too much mental or physical trauma. I really like her and can't stand how everyone around her is so callous to her wellbeing.



Sara, I really enjoyed thatbquick and snappy form of a recap. It was fast and funny.

Jarocha is such a good egg. I wish that Kitty would ask FatherFerd to offer Jarocha a bedroom at the mansion. There is plenty of room. Fella should come , too. Maybe if she gets a shower and a comb Ferd would recognize her.

Maria just suddenly appeared on the scene. She was brought in when Kitty moved into Damian's old place to serve as a sort of nanny, and I guess the writers needed someone to serve as a companion / custodian for Fela since Kitty is moving on up.

David, if the way everyone behaved at the engagement is any indication, Monica's parents are clueless and self-absorbed and the only one who pays any attention to her is Lorenza. Who knows how long Lorenza has been filling her head with nonsense before this, and poor Monica just eats it up.

Anon 01:50 no disrespect intended and what had popped in my head was Beatle mania and all the screaming throng of adoring female fans and John's comment because of their popularity.

David---Writing on the men's room wall. I know exactly what you mean
Want a good time? Call Monica. I
never saw that one coming but I'm still laughing. Hilarious---You
get a gold star for that one David
the gringo

Yup. I got the reference, tofie!

Ugh. I hate my days with no planning periods.

Vivi-Thanks for stopping by! I know how gun shy you were after CI. And it was pretty obvious who Maricruz was in CI, but no one seemed to notice. It must be a running theme with Ms. Mejia

emeraldrose-aw! I miss DaVinci! He did look pretty sleepy most of the time! I'm counting down to the makeover!

gringo-I would love to be in the same room watching with you, but the patio will have to do.

Kat-I like your idea of velvet pillows and fancy feast for Principe. He deserves it! FREE PRINCIPE

Susanlynn-I like Jarocha, too. I hope she ends up at the house somehow, too.

I wonder what Jarocha would do if she wasn't...entertaining gentlemen. I'm sure she has awesome people skills. She also strikes me as someone who would know how to throw a fabulous party...maybe not an elegant one, but a fun one!

Hmmm..I could see Jarocha as an event planner or maybe a therapist or , perhaps, doing social work. She is caring and compassionate besides being positive and cheerful.

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