Wednesday, October 01, 2014

La Gata #23- Wed 10/1 - La Transformacion

Hell no we couldn't just put up a discussion post!

We jump RIGHT in to a smooth-haired Esme being adored by Fela, but they're not letting us see her face.

Back at the house, Silencioso tells Esme that from now on she'll have tutors to prepare her for taking her secondary school exams.  She won't have to go to night classes anymore.  With her gorgeous clean face and her bright red lipstick.  Also, Silencioso wants to teach her some stuff too.  She almost looks like she's wearing her same black dress and boots…but are these pricier versions of the originals?

Esme rides past the Negrete house in the back of the car, setting Mariano's mixed feelings aflame.  He assumes she's Silencioso's new amante (lover).  He starts to have thoughts that, hey, since Pablo's out of the picture maybe he could….  But no!  In an extensive thought bubble, Mariano puts Esme up on a pedestal as much as Pablo ever did (you know, back in the day, before all the lies) thinking that she's a one-man woman and she'll probably never love anyone other than Pablo.  I get the impression that only makes him admire her more.

Ooh, blue dress!  And Esme reads poetry…Romance del Amor Resignado…to Silencioso.

"Me lo contaron ayer
las lenguas de doble filo,
que te casaste hase un mé
y me quedé tan tranquilo.
Otro cualquiera en mi caso,
se hubiera echao a llorá,
yo, crusándome de brasos
dije que me daba iguá.
Y ná de pegarme un tiro
ni liarme a mardisiones
ni apedrear con suspiros
los vidrios de tus barcones."

Rafael de Leon was a marqués (marquis) and a conde (count), according to Wikipedia  I get the impression that the non-standard spellings are a style choice, but, begging your pardon, my brain isn't processing that Wikipedia article very well.  Ni modo.  The translation of the passage she's reading, as she thinks about Pablo is

They told me yesterday
Those double-edged tongues
That you married a month ago
And I was so calm.
Someone else in my situation
Would have started to cry
I, crossing my arms
Said it was all the same to me.
And none of this shooting myself
Or getting caught up in curses
Or throwing sighs like pebbles
At the windows of your balcony.

Duuuuuuuuude!  Show of hands--is anyone else feeling like they need a little more poetry in their lives?

Esme remembers reading this passage to Pablo and saying she didn't think the narrator was so calm.  He must have been jealous as hell, like she would be if Pablo married Monica.  She'd die!  For realz!  Pablo says Monica is like a sister to him and Esme is his one and only love.

"¿Que t'has casao? ¡Buena suerte!
Vive sien años contenta
y a la hora de la muerte,
Dios no te lo tenga en cuenta."

So, you're married?  Good luck!
Live a hundred happy years
And at the hour of your death,
God won't take it into account.

Silencioso realizes that Esme has the poem memorized.  Well, of course!  Because Pablo gave her a book of Rafael de Leon's poetry before.  She's got them all memorized.  Silencioso says they'll keep working on her transformation, but Esme keeps feeling like an idiot because she loves him despite all he's done.

The end of that stanza, BTW, is:
"Que si al pie de los artares
mi nombre se te borró,
por la gloria de mi mare
que no te guardo rencor.
Porque sin sé tu marío,
ni tu novio, ni tu amante,
yo fui quien más t'ha querío,
con eso tengo bastante."

If at the foot of the altars
My name has been erased from you
By my mother's glory I swear
I don't harbor resentment.
Because without being your husband,
Or your fiancé, or your lover,
I was the one who has loved you most,
And that's enough for me.

That was just too relevant to the current Pablo-Esme situation to keep it to myself.  And pobre de Esme to be reading this particular poem!  Of course she feels all tortured!

Anyway, speaking of tortured, Mercedes seems to be watching all this and not understanding a damn thing.  Sil keeps staring and staring at her, but not doing anything dirty.  She's confused.  One of the maids comes to tell her the chauffeur wants to know if they'll be needing the car today.  "Ask Ms. Esmeralda and Mr. El Silencioso."  The maid thinks that's funny, but Mercedes doesn't think anything is funny.  Ever.  The maid has noticed the change in Silencioso and, of course, that upsets Mercedes.  I wish someone would tell her the truth already.

Pablo wonders if he should marry Monica.  He'll never love her, but she deserves to be loved.  Mariano shows up to needle him.  He says Pablo is tying the noose around his own neck.  Monica seems to have fallen from grace with Mariano, as agreeing to Pablo marrying her with his hound dog face shows a lack of dignity on her part.  Mariano encourages Pablo to go after Esmeralda and tell her he still loves her, because that's what you do when you love someone.  "I'd know."  Pablo asks Mariano to tell him, once and for all, who broke his heart.

Esme tries to figure out which bedroom is Pablo's.  Silencioso comes into her room to ask where she wants to go today.  Her toeless boots appear to be legit, fashionable toeless boots.  Esme seems unenthusiastic about going out and suggests they go wherever Mercedes wants to go.  Mercedes doesn't want to be involved, or go out, but Silencioso says of course she'll go.  He and Esme agree that Mercedes is sooo nice.  Mercedes brings up that Esme's bestie was always Jarocha.  Silencioso suggests bringing her to the house, but Mercedes…come on, you know the drill.  Esme stands up for Jarocha's line of work, since, hey, a girl's gotta eat.  Silencioso just wants Esme to be happy.  Mercedes leaves the room, upset, before Esme can tell him if she wants Silencioso to bring Jarocha to the house or not.  Silencioso says Meche will come around.  Esme thanks him a bunch for everything he's done for her.  Did we ever get an answer?

Pablo sees Esme, but she leaves the window before he can get a better look.  He points out the window to Mariano and says she's had a makeover.  "Why aren't you surprised?"  Well, Mariano already knew she was living there.  Pablo thinks she doesn't have a right to live there.  Mariano says Pablo doesn't have any right to interfere with her life.  Pablo thinks it's allllll about him.  From her window, Esme can hear Pablo screaming at her…from across the street…oh, in a totally classy, rich-person way, of course…that she thinks he's just a puppet, because that's what he was in her hands!  A puppet!  Esme cries.  Mariano thinks she's not trying to get at Pablo at all and has forgotten him.  Esme thinks to herself that she'll never be able to deal with seeing him on a daily basis, but he's probably forgotten her.

Pablo is in his room having a breakdown, and Mariano tells him to quit making up stories in his head and go ask her.   "You're the same idiot you've always been and every day you keep doing more stupid stuff!"  Pablo gets suspicious and demands to know QTH he's talking about.

Esme says Pablo deceived her, but things won't stay like this.  She gets her hackles up and runs off, to Silencioso's alarm.

Pablo cries and whines about how he can't forget her.  Mariano tells him he's getting bitter and he needs to just forget her already.  Mariano tells him to quit judging her.  "Why are you defending her?"  Mariano says it's because he feels sorry for her.  Pablo is ready to go out there and show her just how much he hates her.  And here she comes, banging on the gate!  Pablo's ready to go down there, but Mariano holds him back.  "Weren't you just telling me to confront her?!"  Well, sure, but to settle things, not to start a fight!  At the gate, Silencioso begs Esme to calm down and come back to the house and not make him drag her back.  He tells her she needs to bide her time--now isn't the moment.  Esme won't listen.  She's gone into Raven-Haired Goddess of Vengeance mode.  Mariano tells Pablo he's being a hypocrite, having been married to Esme and now he's getting married to Monica.  Pablo takes off to go downstairs and Mariano follows him, but she's not at the gate anymore.  She's pacing Silencioso's living room, listening to Pablo screaming at her that he's no coward and she's the only traitor here.  Mariano drags him back inside.  Silenciosos promises her they'll all pay, but they have to move carefully, not impulsively, or they'll win.  Esme says no way--evil can't win all the time.  Mariano warns Pablo that if their parents hear about this, they're going to freak.  Pablo lays out what he thinks are all the reasons his behavior is justified, ending with "I still love her."  Mariano just looks at him pityingly.

Fela is having a nightmare and seems to be sick.  Esme shows up and says Fela is running a fever and she'll take care of her.

Carlos and Virginia go makeshift ziplining.  I'm so not kidding!  He got her to the top of some little shack where there's a rope running from there to a tree and he used another rope to slide down it.  She's digging the adrenaline rush…and, you know, the Carrrrrlos rush!  They discuss his hair texture and his eyes and he keeps saying he's ugly, but she's beautiful.  He wonders if she really wants to be with a dark-skinned guy like him, but come on…you're Carlos!  She loves everything about him.  And really, who doesn’t?

Fela's getting more agitated and Esme sent Maria for medicine.  She won't leave until Fela's fever is down.  Fela keeps talking about her daughter.  She looks at Esme and says "you're my daughter!"  Esme, of course, doesn't contradict her.

Silencioso gets home and Meche tells him Esme is out at the barrio since early.  He's bought some tickets to a charity event and he wants all of them to go, including Mercedes.

Esme feeds Fela soup.  She has to pretend to take care of Fela's baby doll while Maria feeds her.  They talk about how Esme would do anything for her kids and Fela wishes her daughter were like Esme.  Esme gets all teary and Fela comforts her.

Pablo has been waiting at the window to see Esme all day and finally sees her.  He's sure she's living with that old guy who's old enough to be her dad, damnit!  He ignores a call from Monica to stalk her some more.

Jarocha goes to visit Rita and tells her they need to quit fighting.  She brings up Gata having moved on up and missing the babies.  Jarocha thinks Rita knows more about that guy than she's saying.  Rita won't tell her anything, but she does brag about how she (Rita) is going to be rolling in dough soon.  And no worries, because Gata is as safe with the mystery guy as she would be with her own father…because he is her father.  Um, Rita?  I think you missed the point of keeping that a secret.

Jarocha says to herself that it's kinda awesome that those snobby rich people are going to end up kissing the ground at Marchesa Esme's feet.  Damian shows up and asks Jarocha, because Esme's wishes are orders to Silencioso, to please pack up and come live with them.  She's thrilled and agrees immediately.

Pablo is still in stalker more and can't stray far from his window.  Monica came to visit him because he's ignoring her calls.  Pablo claims to be sick.  Monica blathers about being there for him.  Pablo tells her he's confused.  "Let me guide you," she says.  She's noticed that he can't stop looking at the house where she knows that Esme lives.  Pablo asks her how to rip Esme out of him.  Well, for starters, they're going to go out and have some fun.

Esme is all dressed up for the event, I suppose, and Jarocha is helping her with her makeup.  Mercedes comes to tell her to get a move on and as Esme and Jarocha leave, Esme tosses a goodbye to Principe.  Who I imagine is thinking "Finally!  She's leaving!  I'm going to have a nap and then sharpen my claws on the leg of this chair.  And then I'll hit up the cook for some chicken.  She's been giving me the eye…I bet I can get her to drop a little something-something on the floor."

Downstairs, Silencioso explains that they're going to a charreada   Jarocha will stay home with the kids.

Lemme guess..Monica is taking Pablo to the same charreada?  Alone?  She doesn't say, but her mom won't be coming with them.  Monica: "Yay!"  Pablo: "Aw, crap!"

Annnd Pablo and Monica show up at the same charreada.  Recapper: "Aw, crap!"  Focus on the horses, people.  It's all about the horses.  That horse didn't train to spin around and stop on a dime so you could ignore him in favor of your messy relationship issues.  And here come the mariachis…singing "Entrega Total" (I'll give you the Luis Miguel version) which is about, well, entrega total--giving yourself completely to another person.  Esme and Pablo start moping, though Esme seems slightly more determined to just appreciate the music rather than wallow in her own pain.  I mean, she smiles when she applauds them.  Pablo looks like he's angry.  Yes, Pablo, it's all about you!  They only played this song to piss you off!  Esme hugs and kisses Silencioso, smiling (!) because she appreciates that he brought her to see something so beautiful.  Pablo sees her and seethes.  Silencioso goes to get refreshments while Meche and Esme continue enjoying the show.  She finally notices Pablo.  Monica doesn't notice his weird attitude as Pablo asks her VERY loudly if she loves him.  "Well, duh, I'm marrying you."  Mercedes now notices what Esme is looking at and thinks the fit is about to hit the shan.  Pablo lays on the affection to such a degree that Monica is actually suspicious.  And that's saying something.  Pablo and Esme now have a very loud, passive-aggressive conversation (in other words, he's talking to Monica and she's talking to Mercedes, but loud enough for the other to hear) and disturb all the other audience members.  Seriously, you two, you should be paying for everyone else's tickets.  And also, the horses say "Excuuuuuuuse you!  We're performing here!"  Silencioso comes back with a basket full of sweets and Pablo makes like he's going to go down there and get into a fistfight with him.  Monica is pissed that he's acting jealous.  Now Silencioso gets in on the action, but he and Pablo actually shout at each other.  Duuuuuuuude!  Pablo punched his suegro.  And then Esme jumps him and the two of them end up going over the railing and into the ring!  I couldn't make this up if I tried!  She seems to be wearing shorts under her skirt…which is my favorite fashion statement ever!  I'm not even listening to them as they roll around on the ground; she tries to climb up the railing to get to Monica; she slaps him; they struggle face to face…and then they REALLY give the people a show as they lay a lip-lock on each other that seems to encompass all the pent-up sexual energy they've been hoarding for all the months they've been apart.  And Monica's heart breaks as she realizes he is NEVER going to kiss her like that.  Sorry, girlfriend.  Move.  On.

Tomorrow: Monica cries, Lorenza asks; Silencioso smirks.

Previous: Episode 22
Next: Episode 24


I need a drink. And a cold shower.

Oh man, 5ft...what is in those chocolate truffles? You are ON FIRE tonight! That episode just exploded in fireworks across your keyboard! "I couldn't make this up if I tried!"

*Whew, I think we all need a shower, me because I was laughing so hard at the recap.

Okay, first things first--I missed the Principe sighting, but glad he only had a brief walk-on tonight.

And second: that Charreada was an amazing backdrop for the biggest cat-fight I ever...oh wait, one of them was Pablo. Sorry! So, not a cat-fight, but still.

And third: is it me, or is Mariano growing more attractive right in front of our eyes? I mean, I'm at the Patio "Ladies Table for Mariano", plenty of room!

Whew, heart still going a mile a minute,
J in Oregon


Gracias, J! I actually did pop an espresso truffle about halfway through :) They're filled with chocolate, love, and apparently a healthy dose of smartassery!

I have a theory about Mariano. I think he justifies not telling Pablo the truth because in his mind, if Pablo isn't going to keep fighting for Esme in spite of all the lies, then he's not worthy of her. And *gulp* I think I agree with him. All is not lost for Pablo, though...he just needs to grow up. That's not too much to ask.

Whatever it was, bring on the smartassery! I could use some of that stuff at work.


Gosh, 5ft, you had a lot of fun with this one, didn't you? And we did too with your great attention to detail.

Okay, so you ladies always notice things about clothing. So why didn't you notice that with Monica's pink pant suit or whatever you call it, the top part had absolutely no visible means of support? I have no idea how her breasts remained covered, and I have some expertise in things mechanical.

I think that young Pablo hitting old el Silencio was gross, but given Silencio's prison time, I'm surprised that he didn't clean Pablo's clock.

Whoa, the slap-fest tuned lip-lock looked promising.

Monica, please understand that this has nothing to do with you, give yourself credit for your assets, and move out of this target rich environment.


The peeps on the patio were cheering after seeing Maite/Gata's
makeover. She truly was a raven haired goddess last night. Although---I must admit that even in a garbage dump with dirt on her face, she was still a goddess.

Thank you 5ft Diva. I'm glad that you recapped early or late as it were because I have to go out with the wife tomorrow AM and won't have much time during the day. Maybe in the afternoon Pacific Time.

And it was a terrific recap La Diva---I nearly laughed my head off with---Esme can hear Pablo screaming at her from across the street...oh in a totally classy rich person way.

And she goes into Raven Haired Goddess of Vengeance mode.

Yes J---I think it was the truffles. Maybe there was some Brandy or rum in them.

Question---Where was the evil Dorila when Esme was banging on the door? Day off?

And where was Lorenza, out shopping?

I really liked the Carlos Virginia scene last night. Who wouldn't?

Did anyone notice Monica's necklace? Do Lorenza and Monica shop in the same jewelry stores?

Quite a fight at the Mexican Rodeo. It was a twofer---two for the price of one. I don't think that anyone would complain about that. Well especially not after that kiss.

If Monica doesn't get the message now, then she's dumber than Pablo.

No more free Principe nonsense. Principe is happier than a bug in a rug or in his case, a cat on a chair. He's living better than I am.
the gringo


Gracias, David! I think I was trying so hard to ignore the horrid color of the pantsuit that the implications of the lack of scaffolding didn't register. She was probably wearing a corset or a strapless bra. And possibly there was double-sided tape involved. I really wanted to like that outfit, but the shade of pink, combined with just how much of it there was...blech! Monica does indeed need to move on to someone who appreciates her and doesn't inflict public humiliation on her.

Gracias, gringo! Raven Haired Goddess of Vengeance was a total shout-out to you.

As for Principe...he IS free. That's all I meant was let him roam and quit carrying him around.

Oh my goodness gracious me. What a crazy episode, packed with golden moments. Your recap is equally golden! Just hilarious.

It is a good thing Lowrentza and Dorila were nowhere to be seen. They would have only spoiled the fun.

Yep, Rita's a whiz at keeping secrets. Thank goodness we didn't have to see Ines and Doodle or whatever his nickname is.

I agree with J in Oregon that Mariano is becoming more attractive, even with his receding hairline. And, he's gaining wisdom as well, calling Pablum on his stupid behavior and giving Esme credit for some upright character.

Thanks for the poem translation. We do need more poetry in our lives and this was a perfect match for the episode.

Ah, the cat references! Principe did look happy (and relieved) to be left at home to explore the best spot to sit and relax.

The cat fight had to be between Esme and Pablo. If Monica had been involved with Esme, I can guarantee the strapless pink jumpsuit would have suffered a wardrobe malfunction. (Plus, if you wear a jumpsuit to a sporting event, it's a struggle in the public restrooms.)

After the loud conversations, the shouting, the punch from Pablum, and the tumble into the arena, the dismayed crowd witnessed the fabulous lip-lock and chorused "awwww" in appreciation. You're right Kat--you can't make this stuff up.

I don't think there's a beanie strong enough to make sense out of all this. I think I'll just give in to the cheesiness and invest in a bag of nacho Doritos for the next episode.

David, sometimes strapless garments have built-in bras. That pink jumpsuit, though ... no ... just, no!

Fabulous recap! Just what this episode deserved! Thanks for including the poem, too!

"...setting Mariano's mixed feelings aflame.

"Um, Rita? I think you missed the point of keeping that a secret.

Just a couple of lines I liked.

I've always liked "Entrega total". I don't know how I missed the Luismi version.

And thank heaven Principe is FREE. (Loved the bit about him looking for chicken.)

Ok. One criticism of the current action (and correct my thinking if needed.) Fela and Gata seem close and she clearly needs someone to care for her...why doesn't Esme ask El Sil if Fela can move in. I's not time yet.

gringo said "If Monica doesn't get it now she's dumber than Pablo" AMEN!!

La Paloma said "I think I'll just give in to the cheesiness and invest in a bag of nacho Doritos for the next episode." I think I will too!!

J in Oregon-I'm finding Mariano much more attractive as well. May I join you at your table?

Thanks, KAT, for the morning laughs.What a great way to start the day.

WOWZER...that was Kitty's first rodeo , and who knew that she and Pablow would be one part of the show. Girl is fierce and is not playing. What a wildcat. P.s. Am I The only one who does not like the clumpy bootie heels with cute little frocks?

David, I Agree with Kat. Monica was probably wearing a strapless bra under that jumpsuit. Anyone who has ever worn one of those devices knows that it involves some faulty engineering that never works correctly and requires a lot of tugging and pulling up.

Thank you 5 foot! What an amazing recap and thank you so much for brightening my day with poetry. Those poems were so perfect for this storyline, makes me think the writers aren't as dumb as we (sometimes) think they are.

Loved Gatas makeover but ita w Gringo that Maite looks gorgeous in dump mode as well. A natural beauty.

Ok this may be really dumb on my part but Is Jarocha a prostitute? I always wondered what she did for a living but must have missed that part.

Thanks again 5 foot!


Thanks 5ft. Latina. Yes, we all need more poetry in our lives,there will be more peace in this world. That was a beautiful poem. I want to find his poems in English.

Pablo is still on my dang nerves. Monica needs to see that he will never love her. They should be together because they are both dumb.

Silencioso told Rita the truth, but he won't tell Mercedes, who is pretty much on constant perv-alert and hyperventilates every time he shows affections to Esme. Maybe Jarocha will tell poor Mercedes.

Bravo, Kat! I was out and missed this, but I have it recorded and can't wait to see it. A makeover, a cat-dog-pony fight, AND hot smooches in front of a crowd of strangers? I can't wait to see it!

One more time before I have to change gears for today and get going.

Neither the color of Monica's pink outfit or it's styling bothered me at all, actually I thought that it was a nice summer look. What stood out to me was her necklace. It was a little large and had bling. I thought of Lorenza's neck pieces.

I know that no harm was meant with the free Principe comments but he finally is free and is one happy kitty in his new digs.
He's probably a much cleaner kitty now too.

Boy Gata can sure fight. Maybe we should call her La Wild Gata.

Katy---Jorocha was labeled as the
garbage dump hottie. I don't remember who gets credit for that title, Diva? But yes, Jorocha got
her living expenses by entertaining men, although we haven't seen her in working mode.
I think that on at least on one occasion we saw her getting ready for work.

Rita's cards sure look like they've gotten a lot of use over the years. You can barely see what's on them.
the gringo

Thanks for the great Wednesday night bonus recap. I loved it!!

I wasn't all that thrilled with Esme's makeover. The previous attraction was misleading. It showed her hair being cut. I'd prefer less hair and the lipstick was a tad too bright.

Funny I thought I was the only seeing Mariano as attractive (and sexy). His receding hairline is a sign of maturity and is very common in men his age in real life. So I won't subtract any points for that.

David you said "Whoa, the slap-fest tuned lip-lock looked promising."

How much do you wanna bet that that kiss is going to end with a slap or worse when one or the other realizes that their emotions got the best of them. I've seen it too many times in novelas. If you watched DQTQTQ, an almost identical scene happened between Irene and Alonzo. When she realized what she'd done she immediately regretted it and didn't change her overall tune.

The good news though is that all my guesses are wrong 99.9% of the time. So they just might walk off the field hand in hand.

Thanks to all of you who provided a mini-tutorial on bodice engineering. I have to confess that neither my wife nor any other woman I have ever gone out with ever wore anything as iffy as Monica's outfit.

Gringo, I have to admit that my fascination with Monica's potential wardrobe failure prevented me from looking up far enough to see her necklace.

Sue NY, yeah that lip-lock isn't going to be the end of things by a long shot, is it?

I am worried that since Monica seems to have been raised for the sole purpose of marrying Pablo, she may get frustrated with real world happenings in a bad way. Hope not.

Hi, Vivi, nice to see you here.



Susanlynn said: "WOWZER...that was Kitty's first rodeo."

That just cracked me up!!

I loved the whole rodeo scene. LOVED IT!! I cannot wait to see the aftermath tonight. I would LOVE to see a reconciliation...but I doubt it will happen.

gringo-I was noticing Rita's well used and filthy cards as well.

Sue NY- I was kind of surprised that there didn't seem to be a haircut on the new improved Gata, but I'm kind of glad. I envy Maite's locks. And YESS!!! Another one for the Mariano table!! High five!

What is the secret between Rita and Dorila? ANyone? :)

Does Dorila know Rita and Augie conspired to keep Pablo and Esme apart?

I think Dorila knows, because she may have opened the door to Rita the few times she came to see Augie. They didn't show it, but I wouldn't doubt if Dorila herself contacted Rita for him to begin with.

o my god this was sooooo good, kat, i nearly wet my pants

i too think mariano a good looking guy and trying to figure is it him, his reasonable thought process (even, so far resisting crossing a bro code boundary) or the fact beefcake pablo has flat out turned me off so much i'd think richard simmons hot

pablo is a punk and wished kitty would have finished him and left nothing but the head and feet


Hi all! OMG, last night was a trip, a few thoughts before I have to get to work:

1. Mariano has a huge advantage over Pablo, he knows that his parents will lie to get what they want and it will be harder for him to fall for any of their lies.

2. Loved his comment about Monica having more dignity,lol.

3. Pink outfit with red shoes? Ummm, no!

4. That fight, omcheesus, I laughed and laughed, and laughed!

I can start recapping this Monday, does that work for everyone?

Gracias, La Paloma! I did not consider the jumpsuit-in-a-public-restroom angle. Yikes!

Gracias, Sara! I agree that Fela needs to be moved to the house, and quickly! Especially as 2/3 of her support network now live there.

Gracias, Susanlynn! I guess the boots with dresses are going to be a Gata staple? I'd love to see some variation. You're so right about strapless bras...they just don't stay put.

Gracias, Katy! The poetry was just tooooo perfect! It's been heavily hinted that Jarocha is a prostitute. She works at a club and spends time with men, which in and of itself doesn't mean much--she could be a waitress. But if she's a waitress, why not say so? What she has said is that it's a job she didn't want Esme to have. Then, when Mercedes was bringing it up in front of Silencioso, Esme shushed her. So...prostitute. Or superspy/assassin.

Gracias, Caroline! I could see Jarocha telling Mercedes to get her to shut up the next time she starts in on how Silencioso *must* be in love with Esme.

Gracias, Vivi! Enjoy! I can't wait to hear your reaction!

Gracias, Sue! I was hoping for more of the makeover montage, like the actual shopping and spa services. I can picture someone getting slapped tonight. And possibly Monica finally getting in on the violence, since that's *her* man, officially.

Gracias, tofie! Mariano has...complexity. And complexity is hot.

Gracias, Eli! Yes, Mariano will not be one to just accept lies and fake evidence, and he now has on-the-job investigative training, too. Too bad for Lorenza and Augie! Starting Monday would be fabulous!

gringo, Monica's necklace had the size of a Lorenza piece, but I can't imagine Lorenza wearing flowers like that. Maybe it's from the Lorenza for Juniors collection. I don't even think Rita actually reads the cards anymore, she just lays them out and the Universe zaps the answers directly into her brain.

Sara and Anon, I think Dorila knows because Dorila knows eeeeeverything. The creep.


A great recap for a wacky episode.

Sue from NY: Totally agree with your comment about Esme/Gata's makeover: "I wasn't all that thrilled with Esme's makeover. The previous attraction was misleading. It showed her hair being cut. I'd prefer less hair and the lipstick was a tad too bright."
I actually think the hair department added extensions. The lipstick was sort of 40's Dorothy Lamour, as indeed was her entire appearance. Surely wardrobe could have made her a lot sexier.

And the tumble into the dirt reminded me of a scene gone awry from an episode of "I Love Lucy". And the crowd's reaction to the kissing was utterly hilarious. Beanie tightening time.

Gracias, Anon! I see what you mean with the "I Love Lucy" everybody is at this charreada for charity and two people start a scene and end up rolling around in the dirt...and what does the audience do? Act like it's all just part of the show! seems that the universe has zapped Rita's brain more than once. I have started getting a kick out if her scrawny self constantly looking for an opportunity.

My favorite part if the rodeo brawl was when Kitty decided to climb up and pull MOnica into the fray. I do not think that Monica is much of a street fighter.

i loved it when esmeralda was going for his head. cat scratch fever

I'm kind of mad at myself for already deleting the episode. Watching that again would be a great way to unwind after work. Lol.

I'm not a fan of her little boots either. Especially the fancier open toe ones. I can't decide which is worse. Open toed boots or mullet skirts.

whenever i see her running in those toeless boots i think of stubbing them toes on a rock or something. also with you guys that didn't like the lipstick. maite is prettier than that.

didn't mind strapless years ago when the puppies minded but now, nope. more power to ya monica

She was kicking at the door last night with those boots! I admit I watched the episode again this morning. Monica would be a total hair puller in a fight. I can't imagine her throwing a punch.

Thanks, 5ft. The funniest part of the Esme-Pablo liplock with thigh straddle in the dirt was the look on El Silencioso's face. I read it as "My word, my daughter really is a wild cat!"

Salt in my wound Niecie. Drat why did I erase it.

Gracias, Niecie! I wonder if, when the truth comes out, she and Pablo are going to have a moment of embarrassment realizing how much stuff they did in front of him.

Great Wednesday nite treat 5ft. You're really spoiling us (in a great way).
ughhhhh!! After reading so many great comments I wish I hadn't deleted the episode. I would love to re-watch.

Anyway, I agree with the comments about Esme's makeover. It was a big improvement but I'll bet that it's just the beginning and the "wow" factor/makeover is yet to come.

About Monica's dress, I didn't really pay it much attention but my impression was that the wardrobe department didn't do her justice. Although I liked the color, I remember thinking there was something wrong with the way the bodice fitted. It looked sorta like she was too small busted to carry off that style. A padded strapless bra perhaps would have provided the "lift" she needed. I also thought she was a tad overdressed for a rodeo. (I'd hate to climb bleachers in heels.) Despite my nit picking I still thought she looked lovely.

Hey, I hadn't even thought about the audience's initial reaction to the fight. In retrospect how could they let a man tackle a woman like that even if it appears that it's an even fight.
Well since the fight was entertaining enough to stop the show, the audience cant complain, they got their money's worth :-)

forgot to say: I'm sure the writers are teasing us with that great kissing scene. I can hardly wait to see Pablo's parents reaction when they find out about this "fiasco".

Gracias, Foxy! Lorenza is going to pop a bead when she hears what happened...and I'm sure Monica's going to call her the first chance she gets. I don't really think the bodice on that outfit did fit. On second viewing it looked like they used double-stick tape at the top. It's a shame, really. She probably looks good in just about anything and they found the one outfit that didn't work for her!

actually looked like they used upholstery tacks to hold the bodice in place

La Diva, Esme looks HOT.

lol, tofie, upholstery tacks! I hope not.

Steve Boudreaux, I don't disagree. I want to see some different kinds of outfits, though...jammies, jeans with a t-shirt, a more casual dress, some slacks. And maybe a ponytail every now and then.

Oh! Imagine my delight when I got home and discovered I had NOT deleted my recording!'s like finding a $20 in your winter coat :D

Sara,,,,,WINNING. !!!

I agree that Esme got a "make-under"...mostly smooth hair and really red lips. At first I thought Sr Silensioso had been too cheap to buy her new shoes, but it was those clunky peep-toe booties. Not a fan. Her mini dress didn't do her lovely figure any favors. But all that is shallow compared with her inner beauty. Which she always had. But I like that we don't have the frizzy hair hanging in front of her eyes anymore.

J in Oregon

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