Thursday, March 12, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #17 - Wed 3/11 - Breaking the habit

Sev waxes rhapsodic about how women who cheat in Santa Lucia are utterly destroyed…and all their descendants, too!  I think when he talks about how the town does that to them, I think he's really talking about himself.  "So, careful what you wish for.  You might get it."

Aldonza confesses to Bernardita that she has had a boyfriend, sort of…not a lover…more like...a platonic love.  Aha!  Bernardita thinks that meant Aldonza "lo hechaste al plato!" (had him on a plate; or, you know…just had him).  OK, Bernardita can't take this topic seriously, Aldonza realizes.  Anyway, that's all over now.  It was a dream and then it became a nightmare…an impossible love.

Cristobal rather crankily asks Lola to give him the gossip about Aldonza.  Well, she got her Licenciatura (Masters) in Agronomy, and graduated top of her class, too!  They're interrupted by Candela and Lola makes a run for it.  Cristobal sees nothing wrong in asking Lola how Aldonza is doing…just out of curiosity.  Yeah, Candela doesn't buy that excuse.

Abelardo catches up to Valeria.  He wants to congratulate her on her upcoming wedding and be her bachelorette party.  "Does Cristobal already know what happened between us?"  Valeria says it was just physical.  "Oh, so you don't care if he finds out."  Valeria demands to know what he wants and is all too willing to give him a "goodbye kiss"  (eh, it was more of a snog) to shut him up right then and there.  He fails to disengage his tentacles before Emmanuel can see them and let them KNOW he's seen them.  Abelardo doesn't realize it matters, but Valeria says that he's Cristobal's friend and will surely run to him with the gossip.  She threatens that Abelardo will pay if this gets her into trouble with Cris, but he couldn't care less.  He just wants to know the wedding date so he doesn't miss it. He steals another kiss before he goes.

Candela visits the church to give Padre G a check for the flowers and to ask if his meeting with Cristobal went ok.  He says they had a short talk.  Candela starts digging for information…on account of Cris' weird attitude…you know…did they maybe talk about something…?  Padre G dismisses Lulu and then tells Candela that he doesn't think Cristobal is all that jazzed about marrying Valeria and isn't in love with her.  He assumes Candela has something to do with this marriage.  "Un matrimonio conveniente no conviene a nadie."   Duuuuuuuuude…that's deep.  "A marriage of convenience isn't in anyone's best interests."  It sounded better in Spanish.  Anyway, isn't that what Candela's marriage to Severiano is about?  And how's that working out for you?  Does your marriage make you happy?  Candela makes a run for it faster than Lola did in the earlier scene.  Padre G takes a phone call.

It's rosary time at the convent.  Aldonza seems to be lost in thought.  And not good thoughts.  She ends up running out of the church crying.

Roberta is jonesing for a cig SO BAD!  But just in time, Doctor Gonzalo and a nurse show up to take Roberta for her biopsy.  Adelina tells her to chill, it's all going to be fine.  She gives her a blessing before the nurse wheels her out.  Doc Gonzalo comes in to ask if they found Aldonza.  He thinks Roberta needs her support.  She's going to need all the support she can get.  The biopsy is just for confirmation, but he's pretty sure they'll need to operate right away.

Bernardita catches up to Aldonza outside.  Aldonza is sensing a disturbance in the Force.

Cristobal runs into Melesio while he's looking for Emmanuel.  He asks if Melesio happens to know about those "business" trips Severiano is taking every 15 days to San Miguel.  Well, Sev's the boss and Melesio doesn't ask questions.  Cristobal asks if he doesn't ever suspect that people aren't telling the truth.  Melesio brushes it off, saying nobody's perfect and Don Severiano knows this business better than anyone.  The ranch hands Melesio was scolding for sitting around earlier have returned and one of them "El Mudito" (the mute) gestures that it's time for him and the other guy to muck out the stables.  Melesio leaves Cristobal to his thoughts.

Simoneta pouts about Severiano not coming back to see her as soon as she'd like.  She guesses the wedding is going to be quite the shindig.  She lets slip that Las Animas must be so beautiful…whoops, well, yeah, Sev's name gets out and, well…ok, ok, she used to know someone who worked there.  Sev has his guard up and says they'll talk about this more later.  In 15 days, one supposes.

Candela summons Dominga to tell her to control Lola.  Dominga says it's silly to worry about mentioning Aldonza around Cristobal.  He's over her, right?  He's so over her he's marrying somebody else!  Well, whatever…Candela doesn't want her name mentioned and she doesn't want Lola being so chummy with Cristobal.  "Right, right.  I get it.  My family and I are just servants and we should never forget it."  Candela backpedals, saying Dominga has a very important place in the house and she appreciates everything Dominga has done since she was a child.  Dominga says she knows Candela puts up with her, but she also has a husband and a granddaughter and it hurts her the way Candela talks about them.  If Lola is chummy with Cris, it's because Cris has encouraged it.  So if she wants that to stop, she'd better talk to Cris.  "Explain to HIM that he can't talk to my granddaughter because they're not 'equals.'"

Bernardita and Aldonza go beg the Mother Superior to let Aldonza use the phone…she has such a bad feeling.  MS dismisses Bernardita with a laugh and lets Aldonza make the call…but no one answers.  Aldonza asks to run home…it'll only take a couple of hours.  So now Aldonza has to admit to yet another lie…she lives in the DF.  Mother Superior says if she leaves, she'd best not come back. This isn't a game.  She needs to make a decision--stay or go.  Aldonza says she'll stay.  "Then go to your cell and stay there until I call you.  Examine your conscience and see if that helps you decide what to do with your life."  Seems to me that the Mother Superior is taking my advice.  I'm not sure how much more of the disciplined convent life Aldonza can take before she cracks.

Outside MS's office, Bernardita wonders what Aldonza is going to do.  Aldonza says she's probably just convinced herself that something is wrong because she feels guilty.  She'll wait for the weekend and call again then.

Roberta's biopsy is done and she's back in her room.  She feels like crap and she's not in the mood for any pre-emptive cheerleading just now.  They'll get the results and she'll make a decision.

Valeria goes to Las Animas to try to convince Emmanuel to keep his mouth shut.  "You didn't let me explain…it didn't mean anything…he kissed me by force…."  Emmanuel tells her to save the explanations for Cristobal.  "If you say anything to him, I'll deny it!  I'll tell him you made it all up and you're jealous because you never got over my not paying attention to you.  Got it, idiot?"  Emmanuel grabs her and tells her not to threaten him.  "In your house I might be the hanger-on, but out here, I don't have to put up with you.  I'll decide what to tell him…or not."  Cris arrives and practically shoves Valeria away when she kisses him hello.  "We're working."  Right, well, Valeria gives Emmanuel a fake kiss on the cheek and leaves.  "See," Cris says, "She's not so bad."

Waste-of-space Abelardo is listening to his music way too loud in the manner of all annoying brothers the world over.  Mari reminds him he's supposed to be looking for a job.  He asks her when Val's wedding is and says he's not jealous.  They're adults.  It's cool.  He just wants to make sure he's getting the date right is all.  What Abelardo does demonstrate his jealousy for is Cristobal's money and ownership of Las Animas.  He's surprised to hear that Cristobal doesn't want to stay at Las Animas.  It appears the dim bulb finally flickers a little bit.  Will this spoiled little bullshit artist end up shoveling literal horseshit at Las Animas?

Valeria tells Candela that Cristobal isn't being distant anymore, but she did figure out why.  "Emmanuel has been in love with me for years and he's totally jealous.  I think he's saying bad things to Cristobal about me."  Candela doesn't think Cristobal is stupid enough to believe anything Emmanuel would make up.  "But what if he makes Cristobal distrust me!  What if he calls off the wedding."  That's not going to happen.  Nobody's going to derail this wedding.  "You make it sound like Emmanuel's not the only one who could get in the way."  Candela reminds her about how Aldonza tried to get between Valeria and Cris once…she trails off before she can actually take credit for Aldonza not being around anymore.  But she reminds Valeria that Aldonza is no longer even mentioned.  Well, except that you just mentioned her.  Multiple times.  In the last couple of hours.  So, uh, you just keep telling yourself that story if it makes you feel better, Candela.

Run, pretty horses!  I don't actually know anything about horses, but they look pretty to me.  Emmanuel and Cristobal talk.  It's not that Cristobal doesn't like Las Animas, he just…doesn't want everything handed to him on a plate.  Emmanuel asks if Cristobal really knows Valeria.  Emmanuel doesn't see her as the sweet, tender girl everyone thinks she is.  He knows how difficult she can be.  He warns Cristobal to be a little more careful.  "Are you sure that's not just your jealousy talking?"  Emmanuel says maybe it is and just to ignore him.

Dominga goes to the shop to question Lola.  As everyone knows, Cristobal is the one who asked Lola for information.  Dominga is worried that Candela will "tomar ojeriza" (take a disliking to, develop antipathy for) Lola.  I'd say that ship has sailed.  Dominga says that Candela just doesn't think Lola and Cristobal are equals and, well...she's the boss.  Lola is pissed that Candela would say that.  Dominga doesn't want Candela to end up throwing Lola out because if she does that, Dominga and Melesio would have to leave too.  Lola is the most important person in their lives and they couldn't live far from her.  And nobody had ever mess with Lola because she's got abuelos who will stick up for her.  She just…felt like telling Lola that is all.  Lola's happy to hear it.

MS finally sends for Aldonza.

Doc Gonzalo comes into Roberta's room and says the results were positive and they can operate tomorrow.  He leaves them to talk.  Adelina starts talking operation, but Roberta wants to be left alone and she doesn't want to talk about it.  Adelina reminds her that they're sisters, she loves her, and she's not going to leave her, no matter what.  And considering she didn't leave when she found out Roberta killed the only man she ever loved, I'm pretty damn sure she means it.  Adelina leaves Roberta, who mumbles something sardonically in the general direction of the test results before crumpling them up and tossing them on the floor.

Aldonza runs up to the Mother Superior's office and breathlessly announces that she's totally, completely, definitely staying at the convent!  Well, first she's going to talk to someone…dun, dun, dun…Tio Padre Geronimo!  "The question isn't what am*I* doing here…it's what are YOU doing here!"  Padre's so quotable tonight.  "Adelina called me, too, and she's desperate to find you!"  Adelina starts trying to explain her way out of this one, but Padre G says first things first…he wants a hug because he hasn't seen her in forever and he's missed her!   Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  Aldonza missed him too.  He says he's not there to judge or scold her, just give her some advice.  Aldonza says she made her decision and she's not leaving, EVER.  "Ay, Aldonza.  You never change."  Bring the wisdom smackdown, Padre!  Bring it!

Adelina nurses a coffee.  Doc Gonzalo asks what Roberta decided, but Adelina wasn't really able to get Roberta to talk about it.  She explains that it's not so much fear, but guilt.  Roberta sees this as some kind of punishment, a way to pay for her mistakes.  Gonzalo says they need to look forward and start treatment while there's still a chance to do it.  Adelina hopes Roberta will get out of her depression and come to the same conclusion.  Doc Gonzalo is going to send a psychiatrist friend in to see if he can help Roberta deal with her emotional issues so she'll agree to deal with her physical issues.  Finally!

Padre G tells Aldonza that this isn't something she can just "decide" to do.  That's not enough.  She has to have a real vocation for it.  And Aldonza doesn't.  And he knows it.  She's running away from her problems.  Aldonza says she'll be way better off there than anywhere else and she'll be serving God.  "There are a lot of ways to serve God and I'm sure this isn't the one he needs from you.  Are you here to serve God or to serve yourself?  I love you and it hurts me to see you taking the wrong path."  Aldonza asks about her mother's path…"Does that one seem like a good one to you?"  "I'm no one to judge that and neither are you!  You don't have to like your mother's lifestyle and I'm sure it's not easy to live with that, but the only one who can decide her path is her.  And you need to do the same.  Worry about your own life and learn to be happy with what you have.  God doesn't need martyrs.  He needs people who are happy, who help spread peace and joy and not feed sadness and guilt."  Aldonza cries and hugs her uncle.   "Now, please go pack your bags and when you're ready, we'll go."  I know that was a whole lotta God talk, but I can't react any other way than to say…DAMN!  You go, Padre G!

Severiano is home and Candela is worried that Aldonza is on Cris' mind yet again.  She's not back and nobody seems to know much about her.  Severiano says that doesn't seem to be a problem.  And besides, "those women" are NEVER coming back.  "I did what I had to do.  That's enough for you to know.  The Alcocers are never setting foot in this town again."

Aldonza is back in street clothes.  She accepts a blessing from the Madre Superior and a goodbye from Bernardita, who reminds her that she's pretty when she smiles and gives her a memento.  And she and Padre G leave the convent.

Adelina can't find Roberta in the hospital room.

Because Roberta is back at the apartment drinking and smoking herself to death.  For f-- if you can't even take a drag off the cigarette without coughing, maybe you need to quit effing smoking!

Aldonza and Padre G unlock the apartment door and stand in the doorway.  I'm concerned about what they're going to find.  Aldonza isn't sure they should have come back…"What if my mom's with someone?"  Padre G tells her to quit with the "what if"s and go find out.  Oh, I have the fear….

Aldonza goes into her mom's room and hears the water running in the bathroom.  Oh, this is not going to be good.  She opens the door and finds Roberta in the shower with her wrists cut.  She's not totally out of it yet, thankfully!  Padre G runs in, slaps a towel on her wrists and tells her not to go.

Tomorrow: Cris has Aldonza on the brain; The Wedding of The Century is at risk.

Previous: Episode 16
Next: Episode 18


Wow! Ok, discuss amongst yourselves...I'm verklempt! Totally screaming at the TV for the last five minutes there. I mean, I knew it, but I didn't want to know it. Don't go, Roberta! Don't go!

Another fabulous recap, Kat. You singled out some of my favorite lines-especially Padre G's line about the kind of people God needs.

Sooo... Simoneta's line about hearing about Las Ánimas from an employee... Another mystery? Or just a cover story?

Fantastic, Kat! Thank you for detailing Padre Jero's talk with Aldonza. It was spot on a very wise advice. I love how he was both very stern with her and tender. But he old her exactly what she needed to hear.

My other favorite talk was the one Dominga had with Cande. I thought she did a good job of being respectful, while also putting Cande in her place about how she treats Dominga's family. But the line that made me laugh hard was Lola telling Dominga that Cande turns into a gremlin every time Aldonza's name is mentioned. LOL! That was such a perfect description.

Simoneta is definitely hiding something. And since we see her in the opening credits rolling into town with her suitcase, we can be sure she won't take Sever's advice (threat) about what happens to women like her in Santa Lucia.

Love your take on the episode Kat. Spot on!!

Those last few minutes were like watching a Hitchkock just knew something bad was about to happen but couldn't look away to see it. Lord, I felt my heart pounding as she opened that door. Very well done scene.

Padre and Dominga rocked with their voices of reason last night, both done with simple points, no dramatics. Again, can the acting get any better?

Definitely think Emmanuel's "love" of Valeria, well that ship seems to have sailed. Guessing Allie heads back to town soon so we should see Val go even darker. And I'm really hoping we see a Emmanuel/Allie brother sister type relationship start up. Both need that.

Good point on Simoneta, Kat. Hadn't caught her in the credits and with Cris asking questions we might get something interesting happen. Oooo--no spoiler, but could she be connected to Lola somehow? TN -everyone is related or knows everyone.

LOVED the horses. And Emmanuel's beauty looks just like Snowball (think that was the name) from Cuando. Gorgeous!


Daisynjay- You might be on to something with the Lola Simoneta connection. They switched back and forth between her scenes and Lola's scenes last episode. And this episode we learn she knew someone who worked at Las Animas...hmmmm..

Kat, loved your title. Inspired.

You hit the ground running with "Sev waxes rhapsodic about how women who cheat in Santa Lucia are utterly destroyed…and all their descendants, too!" and never looked back. Pretty much a perfect summation replete with your wry observations "Bring the wisdom smackdown, Padre! Bring it!"

Daisy, "Those last few minutes were like watching a Hitchkock just knew something bad was about to happen but couldn't look away to see it" - oh, so very well said!

Like you Kat, I was wringing my hands and yelling "no" the last few minutes as my poor fur daughter nestled beside me thinking something was terribly wrong. And it is, isn't it? No, Roberta cannot leave. She needs to live to reconcile with Aldonza, thank Adelina for her unwavering, staunch support and reconnect with her missing child. If she dies now, Sev wins, doesn't he? An utter decimation of a family.

Poor Aldonza! Such a loving, kind heart, how much more can she take? I keep wondering what was in the box Roberta bought her for graduation that she never opened. Is it something significant?

Valeria shows her true personna. I do hope Emannuel now truly sees her true personna and will move on with someone who deserves him - the lovely Lola.

And the padre is so insightful. Even he can tell Cris doesn't love Val. I am reserving all my hope for Roberta's miraculous survival so will leave Cris to figure things out for himself.

Sara and Vivi, enjoyed your comments and insight about Simoneta - another interwoven plot piece here...

Vivi, I also love how Dominga deals with Cande. It is clear she dictates the terms of their relationship, which is oblivious to Cande.

They showed nothing about Roberta in the preview. It's going to be a very long 12 hours. Sigh.

Thanks again Kat!


daisynjay- I am not a horse person, but I too an LOVING the horses. Yesterday's horse scenes were especially pretty. I also like when the trainers are putting them through their paces and the horses are prancing and preening.

I also love how Dominga talks to Cande. She is never mean or spiteful, but she never lets Cande forget that they are human beings.

Diana- I want to know what's in the gift box too. The way Rob kissed it, was like she was kissing Aldonza goodbye.

The way they haven't forgotten the gift box makes me extremely curious.

Is there any possible way Roberta could have purchased back the land from Humberto and it's the deed to the property? That's a ridiculous thought I guess.

Wow, Diva, you just really caught the essence of this, like you always do.

I loved Fr. Jero's take on religion: It is about love and happiness; God doesn't need, and doesn't ask you to be a martyr.

Vivi, your take on the relationship between Dominga and Cande was well put.

Daisy; a Simoneta-Lola connection? That would be interesting.

And Diana, your thoughts about the Dominga-Cande relationship was so spot on. Yet Dominga fears that Cande might run Lola off, so there is a bit of asymmetry in the power between the two, regardless of their history.

Sara, a deed for the property? Wow, that would be just the coolest thing. But I think that would mean that Roberta was like the highest paid hooker in history.

Boy, Diva, you really called it yesterday with your surmise that Roberta would try to do herself in. Thanks again for this recap.


Thanks Kat, hoping Roberta survives and goes to actual therapy. Padre J was also great convincing Aldonza to go back home

Yeah, David. It's just a pipe dream, but I wish it could happen.

Sara, I love your theory!!

Wouldn't that be wonderful if she had purchased the property back?

I am drawing a blank. Do we know what actually happened to the lands? Did Sev assume ownership?


Diana- Nope. Humberto owns them. Remember their interrupted conversation the other day when Sev demanded Humberto sign over the land to him and said enough time has passed since the burning of the melons, that no one would suspect him of doing what Roberta accused him of-- ruining her crops so that he can get his hand (singular) on her lands. But Humberto balked and talked about wanting something to pass on. Sev's proposed compromise was that Humberto sign over the lands to Cris AND Valeria as a wedding present. Humberto's pushback was that he won't do it UNTIL they are married.

Thanksies Diva Kat!

"Sev waxes rhapsodic about how women who cheat in Santa Lucia are utterly destroyed…and all their descendants, too!  I think when he talks about how the town does that to them, I think he's really talking about himself. So, careful what you wish for.  You might get it." (Fave.)

So I'm playing with Google Translate and for kicks'n'giggles translate "bitch" with Galician. You'll never guess what appears; Cadela. If you don't get this joke, you've never had a jar of pennies or watched this show.

Someone asked yesterday why Sever would want Cris to marry Vale, if he can see through her and see that she's as bad as/worse than Cande. Well, El Santuario is one MAJOR reason he wants those two to marry.

thanks, Diva, for yet another excellent recap.These episodes have no mindless filler. Every episode has twists and turns.

it seems that Em has had his eyes opened after seeing Val and Lardo in that clutch. I hope that Em's words have Cris rethinking Val's true identity. I wonder if Em heard gossip about Val before this. The first time we met Mary and Lardo, didn't he tell her that he wasn't Val's only friend with benefits?People can wear a mask for a long time to get what they want, and Val wants the power, prestige, and money that Cris will bring her.

I think that one reason AL ran to the convent was to protect her from ever falling into her mother's lifestyle.

I think that we have now met most of the people whom we see in the opening except a guy shown with a woman and child in the background. I remember seeing Simoneta with the suitcase. Do you think that she became pregnant by Dom's son, and then Dom and Mel were left to take care of Lola ?

Did we ever see something significant the Roberta had she would "gift" to her daughter. People who have reached the point of suicide will often gift items to loved ones...I'm racking my brain trying to think of something Roberta might have had. Something from Raymund? Or heavens, revealing she once had a sibling? Has to be an eye-opener whatever it is and maybe something that makes Allie go back to town?

I reallllyyy was relieved that Roberta was still alive when they found her, but I still don't hold out much hope she is with us much longer. Roberta is the tragic figure in this story, and I see her as the key to moving Allie's story back to Cris. The fact she came home, took a drink and lit a cigarette was almost a telegraph to say she was never going to change her ways, she saw no out for herself and just wanted to end it. Can't even imagine what a hole that will leave for us viewers.

One point that has struck me...the Rob/Allie/Ade apartment is really nice and some of those decorations aren't cheap. Is that the result of Adelina working somewhere I didn't catch, or I hate to ask, Rob's payment from her johns?


Walk me through it, Vivi-how are Santuario and Val/Cris nuptials related?

Susanlynn said:
"These episodes have no mindless filler. Every episode has twists and turns."

That's why I love this show!!

Susanlynn- Lola had told Emmanuel about Vale and Abelardo after Val went off to Spain, and he refused to believe it. Well, now he's seen the truth with his own eyes.

Daisynjay- Roberta did get paid for selling El Santuario, so she had a chunk of cash when they got to D.F. I'm thinking that how she got the apartment, but the money for upkeep and the maid have come from the money that Adelina brings in from being a seamstress, and Roberta brings in from being a mistress.

Sara- Sever wants El Santuario to be his or Cris's. Humberto refuses to give the lands to Sever, but he will give the lands to Cris AND Vale, IF they get married. No marriage, and neither Cris nor Sever get Santuario.

Diva, pardon me, don't mean to be rude but sometimes I have to just react first.

Thank you, I know the recap will be marvelous.

I just have to say I thought I had crusted over when it came to tv, movies, etc. but this thing hasn't been on a month and I find myself getting misty or outright crying. I haven't gotten to all out sobbing with snot and everything but I've no doubt that is coming.

Oh. My. Gosh! Roberta is ripping my heart out through my eyeballs! What powerful scenes with her, Adelina, then with Padre and Aldonza and then Aldonza finding Roberta as she did! Lord have mercy!

This is not a bad thing. This is good. I'm enjoying this intelligently crafted, suspenseful and heart rending story. It's not just the three tragic women. When Sev and Cande discuss them you can feel the menace and danger. (Of course, the jaws music helps). What a touching episode!

Okay. Whew! Let me go back now read your recap and comments.

I am SO glad to have found The Caray Nation! I couldn't watch these otherwise!


Ah ok. Thanks.

Above was for Vivi.

Our comments crossed, Lila. I second your sentiments Lila. This and QA have restored my faith in TNs.

Diva, always a treat to read your comments, but this one really "sparkles" with your insight and talent. What a great story line we are enjoying.

I am hoping Roberta finds some peace and connection with Aldonza. Time for another cup of coffee and reading other thoughts from the patio peeps.


the gift appears to be one or two rectangular documents. I don't think that Him would sell that property because it gives him power over Sev to own something Sev's wants.

Susanlynn- The man in the credits, with the woman and child behind him, is Joaquin, the capataz who was in love with Adelina.

Diva..forgot to tell you that I love your title.

I liked padre's words about love. I also am enjoying watching the magnificent horses. who are the woman and child in the background? Do we know them ?

Susanlynn- Nope. We don't yet know who the woman and child are. But we haven't seen Joaquin since before the last time jump when he told Adelina that he had to go look for work elsewhere.

Thank you Diva! I was right! It IS Marvelous! Like others have said you focused in on and detailed very important conversations, seamlessly woven in with the thoughts and feelings many of us have and spiced with the Diva humor! Love it, Girl! Love it!

"..he fails to disentangle his tentacles."

". .waste of space Abelardo."

I LOVE Emanuel's awakening to Vale's true nature and his asserting authority in the ranch domain. Cris pretty much put her in her place as well!

I also enjoyed Emanuel's response to Cris when he suggested Emanuel's warning was based on jealousy. Emanuel was like, "ok, maybe it is, don't pay me any mind!' and rode off. Yes! Emanuel's like "hey, I ain't got no bitch in this fight!" Cris is going to think about what Emanuel said.

Daisynjay, love your speculation about a link between Simonetta and Lola. I didn't even notice her coming to town in the opening credits.

Regarding the guy with a woman and baby in the background on the opening credits, I thought that was Joaquin: maybe he moves on, marries and has a child but still nurses a flame for Adelina.

Great episode, great recap, great comments!

See y'all later!

Padre G.- How do you solve a problem like Aldonza?

Lila..Perhaps Joachim becomes widowed or divorced and finally marries Adelina.

Diva, what a great recap! You captured it all.

I must say, I am loving this. I'm so impressed with Michelle Renaud. I've never seen her before. I'm loving the scenes with Candela and Padre G. , the scenes with Candela and Dominga, the scenes with Candela and Sevre. Gee I'm loving it all!


5-ft. --- Thank you for the recap of a great episode!

Padre Jero just rocks with his wisdom!

I do not want Roberta to die already! Susana Gonzalez is awesome in this role. Looks Her funeral is what will bring Aldonza back to Santa Lucia.

So, Roberta must have decent health insurance for all these tests, operation, etc.?

Oh,after all this,. Adelina better get someone to love and cherish her. I would hate to see her just pining after her lost love who is now married and only being the ever faithful aunt when the lovebirds get their ending. That won't seem right.

Darn that the Padre is....well a padre. Now there would be a good couple. (My catholic school first grade nun, lord rest her, is probably cursing me from the grave for that thought. 100 Hail Mary's for me. )


I also wondered if a funeral would bring Aldonza back to Santa Lucia...but would Roberta be buried there? I always thought her hometown was elsewhere.

I'm also really sad that Roberta/Susana is leaving us.

And Lila--I have cried several times over already.

Wow what a show this is.

Sara, wouldn't Aldonza want her mother buried with her father?


Oh of course! How silly of me!

Thanks 5ft. I am just spellbound by this show and your recap. My favorite line today was---Bring the wisdom smackdown, Padre! Bring
it! I must confess though that it was hard to choose because there were so many great lines as always

HellaShelle---I'm so sorry that I missed a chance to comment on your debut homerun recap. I was out with my wife and family friends most of the day and when I finally was able to comment, it was past 8PM Eastern time. I did really enjoy it though, it was a real out of the park homerun and no, it wasn't too long. It was perfect.

I am so enjoying this show that I can't stop it even for a minute.

Every time I think of Candela only
curse words come to mind. She has to be the most disgusting bruja in the whole world---well, in Santa Lucia anyway. The way that she talked to Dominga was just disgusting. Dominga did handle it well though. So Lola isn't even supposed to talk to her Cris? QUE

Cande will explode when Aldonza comes back to town. She's wound up so tight that she will go flying past the moon. I can't wait to see Aldonza give her another big slap in her mean face.
Maybe a double slap would be good.

Daisynjay---You asked if the acting could get any better? I say no. When you're at 110% it can't get any better than Excellent--stellar--superb.

What a jackass jerk Abelardo is. Do they have to have one of these types in every show. We have rich,
spoiled Max over in Perdone Dios.
Maybe these two are brothers/two
of a kind just in different novelas.

PLEEEEASE Roberta don't die yet. We are sooooo going to miss you.
Yes even though you're a train wreck we love you. You're the best Susana G.
the gringo


Diva--I was completely drained after reading your epic recap. (in a good way!) It must be equally exhausting for you to write an in-depth summary of a show that is so emotionally engaging!

Agree with you, Gringo, I'm not ready to say Goodbye to Roberta yet. Please no. I did notice her straightening the bow on the forgotten gift box. And when Aldonza came in, she looked at it for a second. In a musing sort of way.

Okay I am hoping hoping they will be able to stuff some of that blood back into Roberta's veins so she can carry on a bit longer!

J in Oregon


Made a few minor edits...Padre doesn't think Cristobal "is" [not isn't] all that jazzed about marrying Valeria. Eh, y'all knew what I meant :)

I just noticed that Severiano has referred to "The Alcocers" a few times and I know he means Roberta and Aldonza, so he's completely ignoring that Adelina is part of their family, too. That's bad enough, but I've even said "The Alcocers" and although I'm including Adelina, Adelina isn't an Alcocer. She's a Lozada. Whoops...Sorry Adelina!

I swear, y'alls favorite recaps of mine are the ones where I'm either, tipsy...or exhausted. Last night I did the recap after getting home from rehearsal. And that's what's likely going to happen until the end of March. Yay for theater!

Gracias, Sara! What do you think about...Simoneta maybe being Lola's mother? Possibility? Ah, I see we've already got some people on board with this theory :D

Gracias, Vivi! Padre and Dominga were very ON last night. I couldn't resist a near word-for-word. I'm really liking the personality of this Padre who won't meddle, but he kind of will, and he's nobody's puppet.

Gracias, Daisynjay! Maybe it's a good thing we're not all watching together...a lot of hands would have been crushed in those last few minutes! And now I have to wait until AFTER rehearsal to find out what happens...I'm seriously contemplating leaving just a tiny bit late so I can catch the first few minutes, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to pry myself away.

Gracias, Diana! I can't stand the thought of Roberta dying! I want her to be around for Sev's downfall. And to tell Aldonza the truth. Not because I want her to suffer, but to clean the slate, I guess. If she's going to go, I don't want her to leave unfinished business.

Gracias, David! Are you implying that every minute in Roberta's company wouldn't be worth it? :D She's clearly earning a lot more money in the DF than she did out in the sticks. Enough to buy the property? There I'm not sure.

Gracias, Anon at 8:42! Some actual therapy on this show would be refreshing...and if Roberta survives, possibly legally mandated, though I'm not sure how that works in Mexico.

Gracias, CorazonSalvaje(;! This crew is so on top of things that I can't dismiss that as coincidence!

Gracias, Susanlynn! No mindless filler is right. Everything ends up being significant. Pobre Emmanuel...I think he heard the rumors, but didn't believe them until he saw it with his own eyes. If Val really wanted to hide her past, coming home was a monumentally BAD idea!

Gracias, Lila! "Ripping my heart out through my eyeballs!" is an apt description for this show. The heartbreak never ends, and I just can't look away! I actually care about these characters and what happens to them, whether it's wanting them to be ok or wanting them to die horrible deaths.

I like that Emmanuel didn't give Cris actual details...that leaves it open for Valeria to slip up and say too much and Cris to ask her QTH she's talking about because Emmanuel didn't say anything about any snogging in the town square.

Gracias, emeraldrose! I hope they do find a way to reconcile, for both their sakes. It might be a heavy burden for Aldonza to know the truth, but I still somehow think the truth would be better.

Gracias, LN! Great reference! I agree, I'm loving all of the actors!

Gracias, doris! Hm, good question. I've noticed that sometimes on TNs the hospitals will ask for payment before they continue with treatment. This place looks a little more...upscale? I wonder if Doctor Gonzalo is pulling some strings.

Gracias, gringo! I'm looking forward to Candela suffering for her snobbery. I love that Dominga turned that whole stupid lecture around on Candela. And she's right--Cristobal's the one who was approaching Lola, so go talk to him about it!

Gracias, J! I was actually fairly pumped...and then I crashed quickly. I think I'm still recovering this morning :) Or possibly I just need to admit that I would rather be hanging out, reading everybody's comments, and talking about the show, than doing anything else and that's not a bad thing :D

A big ole thanks to HellaShelle for yesterdays recap and today Kat for yours. I am watching but getting my garden ready for a tour Friday and Saturday and haven't the luxury of chatting with you guys.


Tofie...You must be quite a gardener to be on a tour. what are some of your flowers. I love flowers, but I am a lazy gardener, so I am all about lilies, irises, forsythia.

Gracias, tofie! I hope you're getting some good weather for that. I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to growing much of anything but dust bunnies. And I probably have to give the cats the most credit for the really good ones.

Totally forgot that I wanted to make sure everyone saw this

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