Wednesday, April 29, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado, 04-28-2015, Capitulo 51

Paragraph summary: Hum realizes Sev’s a monster.
Long paragraph: Humberto is up in arms over Sev’s implied orders, but Sev says he shouldn’t take life so seriously. Especially other peoples’ lives. Besides, he’s only suggesting that Hum help PJ…to die well. Maybe this has opened Hum’s eyes a little because now he can see that Sev’s a monster and he tells him so. Sev says that may be, but they’re the same. The only difference is that Hum’s a hypocrite and Sev isn’t. Hum sits down and tells Sev that’s he’s starting to realize Sev’s much, much worse than he thought. Sev’s glad he’s figured that out because they still have to resolve the matter of El Santuario. He hasn’t pressed about it because he didn’t want to affect Val and Cris’s relationship. Hum notes that there is no relationship anymore, but Sev thinks that that might change. He has the gall to look to heaven and say “with God’s help” on this point, as though he didn’t just ask Hum to kill a priest.

Paragraph summary: Ren updates Aldonza on the apt and the job debacle.
Long paragraph: Aldonza calls Ren for an update. He’s promised the neighbors that they’ll come to a fair recompense for the damage. Aldonza wants to know where they’ll get the money. Ren again advises her to fix and sell the apartment. She doesn’t want to, but she’ll think about it. Yes, he says, but they don’t have much time. Meanwhile, she asks what he’s going to do about his job situation. He’ll look elsewhere, but he’ll take Pato and Silvia with him wherever he goes because they also got fired because of this whole thing. Oh, well in that case, Aldonza agrees, it’s the least he can do for them. He hopes Silvia’s open to the idea because she won’t even talk to him right now. Aldie advises him to give her time.

Paragraph summary: Mari and Val suck and want boyfriends.
Long paragraph:Mari’s over at Val’s. She explains that she knows Emmanuel is using her to make Lola jealous, but she wants to take advantage of the time with him to drive him crazy from a lack of action until he forgets Lola altogether. Val approves and thinks Mari’s more twisted than she is. (Note to Val: no). Mari says she’s learned things by playing fangirl to Val’s self-imagined reality starlet. Val says she’s making progress with Cris. They’re friends again and she’s going to play her cards just like she played them in Spain. Mari warns her that Aldie might not think that Aldie’s much competition now, but she managed to get the wedding cancelled, so Val should still stay aguzada(=sharpened).

Paragraph summary:Cris frets about Aldie. Lola tells him to keep hope alive.
Long paragraph: Lola meets up with Cris one of Las Animas’s many garden benches. She asks why he hasn’t been at the hospital. Cris tells her Aldie ran him and his mother off. Lola thinks she just meant his mom. Cris notes, a little bitterly, that her lawyer friend is probably there giving her that support right now. After all, Lola herself told him that Aldonza feels something for the guy. Yeah, Lola admits, but she loves you. She’s just afraid to scream it in your face. Odd, Cris notes, because she did scream in my face. Just not about love. Lola, exasperated, tells Cris that that’s how women are: the more they yell at you, the more they love you. (Speak for yourself lady. I do not want to be associated with your or Aldie’s current way of loving at this point in my life.) Well, Cris isn’t going to spend his life begging her; he still has his pride. Lola says pride only lasts a little while (um…what?), but a love like his and Aldie’s lasts forever.

Uriel apologizes to Lardo, who lays on the guilt trip pretty thickly then offers to help his dad pay the money back. The BS is so much that my recording literally can’t handle it and I have to restart my computer.

Paragraph summary: Cande suspects that Sev is a monster.
Long paragraph: Sev fills Cande in on PJ’s chispazo(=spark) of consciousness. Cande beams. She’s so relieved! Too bad Sev can’t say the same, she notes smugly, because PJ can accuse him of the accident once he regains consciousness. Sev is offended. It’s one thing for him not to like PJ, it’s quite another to try to kill him. Cande rolls her eyes. They both know Sev doesn’t want PJ to know about Rob’s baby. Sev wants to know why she’s still living with him if she thinks he’s capable of killing a priest. They’re already pretty much eye to eye, but he steps even. She’d be in danger herself, living with a criminal like him. Then Cande says something so self-aware that frankly I’m surprised: she says that maybe she will leave him one day. It’s just a matter of her finding the courage to do it. She turns from him, but Sev grabs her arm and his evil really starts showing. She’ll have to gather an awful lot of courage, because to leave him, he’d have to allow it. She snaps that she can’t believe he’s threatening her after what he’s done in her own house. Sev shushes her when she tells him to leave her alone. He’s going, but she’d better get it straight: she can insult him all she wants, but she shouldn’t think she can leave unless he lets her. Better said, she can leave…but only on a one-way trip. Does she understand? Cande has been watching him with growing realization that Sev might in fact be even worse than she thought. Worse…and decidedly more dangerous. She actually looks scared of him. He kisses a finger and touches it to her lips. She recoils in disgust and remains seriously disturbed.

Adeina catches Hum in the hospital hallway and asks for an update on PJ. Aldonza told her that he woke up and spoke. Hum assures her that PJ’s just delirious and that he’ll keep her updated. Humberto also tells her that he’s put the Santuario matter on hold because of PJ, but he’s still pissed and will pursue it later.

Sev gives Abelardo his payment. It’s very generous because it includes payment for his discretion. Lardo knows what’s up: he’d rather be a tomb than be in one. Sev invites Lardo to pour himself a drink and asks for a detailed summary of Lardo’s work. Is he absolutely sure no one saw him? The camera zooms in as Lardo insists that he’s sure, then downs his glass in one gulp.

Dominga asks Cris about PJ, but he doesn’t have news. He hasn’t visited because he doesn’t want any more problems with Aldonza. Dominga reminds him that he and PJ have always liked each other and Aldie can’t actually bar him from the hospital. Candela emerges to say Cris doesn’t have to deal with Aldonza’s peladeces y desplantes(= 1: vulgarities; obscenities and 2: rude/crazy/insolent remarks/ideas) and that he’s right to stay away. Cris agrees and leaves. Dominga knows Cande is warning Cris away, not to avoid drama, but to prevent a reconciliation between him and Aldie. Cande says she’s just giving her opinion and Cris can do what he wants.

Aldie hasn’t spoken in a while; she’s been thinking about PJ’s “delirious ravings.” Adelina wants to know exactly what he said. Aldie tells her and then notes that Rob and Adelina have never spoken much about that situation. Adelina repeats the cover story: her sister was stillborn and the doctor just said sometimes these things happen. Aldie still looks suspicious, but drops it for now. Joaquin arrives and tells them that the car is totally jacked up. Even if there was sabotage, they won’t be able to get evidence from the wreck.

Paragraph summary: Ew: The Val and Lardo Edition.
Long paragraph:Lardo and Val meet up in the weird, mirrored mural tunnel that seems to be “their place.” Much gross face sucking follows. In between, Val pumps him for info on Aldonza. He tells her about Silvia and Renato getting fired. Val isn’t satisfied and he’d better get her useful info soon. Until then…more grossness.

Long paragraph:Lola and Irma are doing inventory or balancing books or something. Emmanuel comes to talk to Lola. She asks if he’s there to throw his new relationship with Mari in her face because she already knows about it and congratulates them. No, that’s not it. They were best friends before all of this started, and he doesn’t want to lose that. Lola agrees. Pato calls and Lola answers with a “mi amor.”

Pato understands that her wording means that E’s with her. He asks how she is and she says she misses him a lot. He’s delighted and waxes eloquent: “Really? In these tragic moments of my life, your words are like a balm, like a bandage to the wound.” (I’m translating bandages from vendoletes= special medical tape bandages, that are apparently extra gentle?). Lola wants to know what happened. He tells her he was fired, but now he’ll have more time to visit her. E stalks off while Lola’s telling Pato to call when he gets back to SL. Pato agrees. They hang up and Lola turns back to E, apologizing, but he’s already down the block.

Renato thinks Pato is nuts, so they pretend to be lawyers for a while Pato insists that he can prove that he has a chance with Lola in 4 arguments: 1) she said she misses him 2) she felt for him when he told her he lost his job 3) she’s interested in the fact that he’ll have more time to date her now 4) she sent a big kiss. I’m beginning to think this overly optimistic analytical style is why they lost their jobs. Renato cross examines: Eman was in front of her for that whole convo right? Right. So none of it matters, it could all be for E’s benefit. Renato sympathizes though. He’s in the same situation with Aldonza.

Vale and Lardo are buttoning things, so we can assume there was at least heated groping in the tunnel of horrors. I mean, mirrors. She’s gotta go, but she’ll give him a ride. Well, another ride I guess. Ugh, I just grossed myself out.

Joaquin’s gotta go too. Aldonza sends a hello to Flavia, but Joaquin’s pretty sure he shouldn’t even mention he stopped by the hospital. Adelina tells Aldonza about her meeting with Sev earlier. They realize Sev knowing about the fire means he’s definitely behind it, but they can’t prove anything! Adelina’s so tired of all this, but she’s getting on board with Aldonza’s desire for revenge. She says she knows Aldie will eventually win. They decide to go get something to eat.

Val is dropping Lardo off a ways from his house; she doesn’t want anyone to see them together. Which is why I’m so confused when he gets out of the car, goes around to her side and they have another makeout session through the window to say goodbye.

Who should be walking by to witness this reptilian lip lock but The Alcocer girls. Adelina’s shocked, but Aldonza’s smile and rueful shake of her head say "why am I not surprised.” Unfortunately, she still hasn’t learned how to whip out her cell and get some proof.

Cande goes into Cris’s room looking for him, but Dom tells him he went out a little while ago. She says maybe he went to Val’s because he mentioned something about them going to the movies. Candela looks relieved, but she’s still annoyed that he didn’t tell her. Dominga scoffs. Cris has always been like this. The last time he told them where he was going he was what, four years old?

Paragraph summary: Cris gets nostalgic with PJ about non-Aldie things.
Long paragraph: Actually, Cris is in the hospital, wearing his requisite head gear and pulled down face mask. He’s sharing some memories with PJ. Does PJ remember all the times he took Cris to the infirmary because Cris descalabró?(=bashed his head) He was always walking into walls. (This explains so much about him). And all the times PJ looked the other way when themonaguillo(=altar boy) winked at the girls during mass. Cris tells PJ that he is who he is today because of the priest and that no one in SL would be the same if he hadn’t come back to stay, so he can’t leave now.

Paragraph summary: Cris and Aldie argue.
Long paragraph: Aldonza interrupts this sweet moment. Who let Cris in here? If he doesn’t leave, she’s calling security. He says she can call the navy if she wants, but he’s not going anywhere. She tells him his father is the reason PJ’s in the hospital. Cris gets that she’s hurt and wants to blame someone, but she’s always accusing his father of threatening her, but no one else is ever there to corroborate. Sev can’t be behind every bad thing that happens to her. Anyway, Cris just came to visit PJ because he likes him, not to discuss her crazy obsession with his dad. Aldie stops him from leaving by saying that she’s going to report Sev to the police, but she’s not blaming him for the things his parents do or did. So what, Cris wants to know. Does she want thanks for this? She wants him to know that she struggled with reporting his dad, knowing that it would hurt him. Yes, Cris says, but it didn’t stop you. Where is all the love is that you claimed to have for me?

Aldie’s begging him to understand when PJ wakes up! He’s in pain, but he’s aware and wants to know where he is. Aldie calls for help. Hum and the nurse shoo her and Cris out. She immediately flings herself into his arms in joy. He looks so relieved to have her in his arms again that I leave the dart game to go sit at his table. Cris and Aldie giggle and Cris says she owes him because PJ probably only woke up so that he wouldn’t have to listen to Cris anymore. Aldie pulls away to go tell Adelina the good news, but Cris holds her back. What was she saying before PJ woke up? Still smiling, Aldie says she has to tell her aunt what just happened. She shares the news and she and Adelina hug as Cris looks on in the background.

Melesio fishes for Sim/Viv info with Sev by asking about the horse order. Sev is suspicious about Mel’s inquiries and tells Mel that Simoneta left town already.

PJ has been moved to another room. Adelina tells him he was unconscious for more than 24 hours. Aldonza tells him he was saying things about her mother and a daughter that she had that didn’t die. PJ, looking a little cornered, asks her to get him a glass of water. She’s on it, but when he’s feeling better she wants him to explain what he was talking about.

Scanning the waiting room, Aldie asks the nurse at the nursing station to get PJ a cup of water. Oh, and also, does she know where the young man who was here might have gone? Aldie’s surprised when the nurse asks if she means Cristobal Mendoza, but the nurse reminds her that everyone in town knows that family. He was here a second ago, but she doesn’t know where he’s gone.

Well we do. He went to the waterfall. He walks along, remembering various moments. Talking to Dominga and Eman about Aldonza, kissing her, etc.

Hum is filling PJ in on his health. He tells PJ that he needs to stay in the hospital for a couple more days. PJ’s surprised that Hum is tending to him. Did Cande ask him to do it? No, it was Cris, Hum says. PJ can’t remember the accident. Hum tells him not to force it.

Mel is filling Dominga in on what Sev told him. They wonder why he would lie about Sim/Viv still being in town. She’s barely on his radar, right?

PJ gets Adelina and Aldonza to leave by saying he’d prefer that Joaquin help him with bathroom stuff. They worry about Flavia’s reaction, but Joaquin says she’ll understand since it’s for the Padre.

Adelina and Aldonza discuss Lardo and Val in the hospital cafeteria. Aldonza shakes her head at the level of hypocrite Val is. Adelina reminds her that Val isn’t with Cris anymore; she can go with whoever she wants. Yes, Aldie argues, but she’s going all over town crying and whining about how she can’t live without Cris and making herself the victim. Aldie feels dumb for feeling sorry for her when Cris cancelled the wedding. Adelina thinks Cris should know about this, but Aldonza says it’s not for them to tell him. Adelina says she has more important things to keep quiet about anyway, which puts Aldonza on alert, but Adelina tells her it’s just a saying and she shouldn’t take everything so literally.

Lardo’s in a bar when the Other Shady Dude he owes money to comes in. Lardo tells Other Shady Dude not to mess with him, lest Don Sev get pissed. The dude isn’t there to make trouble; Sev already paid off Lardo’s debt. He just doesn’t want Lardo to get in trouble again. Lardo flashes his big bucks and says this time he has cash, so it’s all good. They join another dude at a table, apparently to play poker.

Cris walks up behind Aldonza in the hospital. Many things separate them, but not a lack of love, he says, by way of a hello. She thought he had gone. He says he did. He was far from her for a long time, but not anymore. They can’t keep living this lie. This is the last time he’ll come for her. He’ll leave her alone if she swears that she doesn’t love him. She looks away. He knew she couldn’t do it. She loves him as much as he loves her…right? She admits it, but what good does it do them if they can never be together? “Who says?” Cris wants to know. It’s just a matter of them deciding to put what everyone else says to one side and just leave. What does he mean? Cris means that he wants to marry her. He wants her to be his wife so that no one can ever separate them again.

Previous: Episode 50
Next: Episode 52


I love this "short version/long version" format!

"She’s gotta go, but she’ll give him a ride. Well, another ride I guess. Ugh, I just grossed myself out."

What a funny line!

Thank you for the recap, Hellashelle!

Thank you Sara!

Sorry for the lateness guys. And the incredible amount of typos I'm seeing now.

The Ren/Aldie convo bothered me. I know she alredy did, but I feel like she should apologize again now, knowing that Pato and Silvia were affected.

I liked the Sev/Cande convo. Very intense, very well done.

Anyway, it feels like it's 50 pages long, but I added some summaries so that those who missed the episode and those that just want a refresher can enjoy at their own pace.



Thanks Hellashelle, terrific job. I like the summary-long story too.

I'm not on board with Silvia. I know it wasn't her fault for getting fired but it wasn't actually Renato's fault either. The boss is totally unreasonable and was throwing his weight around to get his way. Silvia saw and heard everything that went down and she knows that the firing was completely unfair. And for Renato to give in to the boss would make working for a complete a-hole intolerable. That that would apply also for Sylvia and Pato. Renato did nothing wrong for working and helping a friend without pay and there shouldn't have been a problem with that. And I'm sure that if Silvia were in the same position she would have done exactly like Renato did.

I'm so glad that Aldonza saw Val and Abelardo together. I'm hoping that takes away any guilt that may have been holding her back with regards a relationship with Cris.

Here's hoping to PJ's memory of the accident coming back.


And I hope that Emanuel gives up on Lola. She's taking this stupid kiss on the dance floor waaaaaay too far. He doesn't need someone that immature. E needs to play the field a bit longer.

Perfect timing, perfect recap hellashelle. Loved the style--on some of those scenes, I wish last night we would have had those "short scene" words flashing.

I could do without Val and Lardo and whatever their version of making out is all about. I came home late from work and was still eating dinner- and let me tell you, those two do horrible things to a person's digestion. I admit it, that was my plate of pasta smeared on the dart boards.Didn't have a dart handy, I threw the next best thing.

Funny to see both Hum and Cande move over to the "Holy Crap" camp last night where Sev is concerned.

Having PJ not remember the accident is actually a good thing where Sev is concerned. And I don't know about that whole car is so bad they can't figure anything out. plot ploy. I saw a car that looked like a twisted pancake once, and the experts could still determine the brakes were tampered with. I guess that's the operative word--Experts. None of those in SL.

Seriously Allie is now hedging on selling the apartment? Where does she propose to get money to both live on and pay off the people?

Can't believe we are at a stage where these Cris/Allie are going to be moving forward as a couple. Cris is still too horribly naive on what is truly going on. Allie also needs to sit him down and be honest with what she went through. Plus, way too many people still in the picture to mess things up. Even if they try, won't last long.

Lola - shut up. Thank you.

Ok, so I propose Daddy dearest spots Ren the start-up money and he get his sorry butt along with Pato and Silvia to SL and hang out their shingle.Tired of all these Cell phone conversations.


Thank you Hellashelle especially for what I thought the most intense conversation, that between Severiano and Cande.

"The BS is so much that my recording literally can’t handle it and I have to restart my computer"

I clapped when Emmanuel walked off from that little shrew Lola. That's right, Lola!

Pato - Pretzel Logic

Cande - hollow threat

Val - humping for information

Lola - even a puppy will go away if you beat it enough

Abelardo - nouveau riche

Mel - if you intend to tiptoe don't tap dance

PJ - sorry to be indelicate but I gotta piss like a racehorse

Aldonza - do you need an answer now, gotta consult my attorney


Hellashelle---I have read hundreds of recaps and thought that I have read every style out there but your long/short rendition is a new one for me--I loved it.

So both Cande and Humberto are starting to realize what a monster Severiano really is. Will they both turn on him at some point in the future?

Yes I agree that Lola overreacted to the kiss and is somewhat immature but she still is adorable and can be very sweet. She's a good person and Aldonza's
friend and so, you will still see the gringo sitting at the Lola table out on the patio.
the gringo

Hellashelle, great format and recap, thank you.

Poor Cande is going to have a really bad day when Cris tells her his plans. I almost feel sorry for her (not). She should be able to relate after her reveal to PJ.

Yes, Cande and Hum are coming towards the light where Sev is concerned. I went back and read the lst recap and low and behold, they are cousins which I had totally forgotten.

If I am not mistaken, Syliva called the Boss Man, Tio. If they are truly related, he is a real jerk.

Why does Sev wear those awful tux jacket all the time? It is very distracting.

Rosemary Primera


For some reason, I feel as if Lola's (and for that matter, Mari's) dumb little middle school games would be easier to swallow (not acceptable, just easier to take) if the roles were being played by younger actresses, or at least, younger looking ones, like the perpetually teen-looking Sherlyn. Just saying. Aren't there any 20-year-olds in the Televisa acting world?

Good point Anon! These actresses look too old, and if they are supposedly in the early leaning to mid 20's, they need to grow up in how they handle their men. Val, Mari and Lola are like those women I guess we all know who never seem emotionally to get out of high school. Annoying to be around and you want to go to the guys and just say RUN!! It will NEVER be cute.

tofie--we need to designate your brain as a national treasure. How do you think of these things? I'm so glad my office neighbor left for a trip an hour ago, becuase I read your PJ line and burst out laughing. Priceless.


Thanks so much Hellashelle!

I was so happy that Al and Adelina saw Val and Lardo sucking face. Ha! So now Aldonza (and Renato) busted Sever and his lover Simoneta; Adelina busted Cande kissing comatose Padre; and Adelina and Al busted Val with Lardo. I too wish Al (and Adelina) would learn to use the cell phone camera function. Look how much proof of dirt they would have on their enemies!

I knew Cris couldn't be mad at Aldonza for more than two seconds. All it takes is one look or hug, and the boy melts. That one hug drove him to propose marriage. Now, what will Aldonza say? She doesn't feel guilty about Vale anymore. But Cris is proposing that they leave (smart) town to be together, and we know her plans don't involve leaving.

Leaving seems like the ideal for these two Vivi.

But realistically, she would need to tell him, if they will be honest from the get go, what his father did to her. Not sure what spiral he would go down at that to make running away just implode. I would hope he would believe her, but how would he handle it?


She won't leave. Her obsession with Severiano bigger than her infatuation of Cris.

This comment has been removed by the author.

HellaShelle! Thank you, Girl! LOVE paragraph summary/expansion technique! Brilliant! And loved every word thereafter of your recap!

Here are just a few of my "amens" and comments:

(Speak for yourself lady. I do not want to be associated with your or Aldie’s current way of loving at this point in my life.) AMEN!

reptilian lip lock HEE HEE!

He was always walking into walls. (This explains so much about him). Yes, the poor dear often looks dazed and amazed. I guess that's supposed to be his longing for the other half of his orange! (ISBIS)

Aldonza interrupts this sweet moment. I coulda slapped siter-girl! This might have been a good time for that tn staple: listening outside the door! Then she would've known what a sweatheart Cris is!

He looks so relieved to have her in his arms again that I leave the dart game to go sit at his table. YES! They read the board yesterday! I told them in a comment late in the day that it was time for some smoochin'! That embrace was even better. Cris looked sure of himself and not dazed at all!

Aldie’s surprised when the nurse asks if she means Cristobal Mendoza. Now I am the one surprised that she doesn't know the Mendozas are the *IT* family of Santa Lucia!? I guess she came to town to bury her Mom and there's been so much drama ever since: a declaration of love at the engagement party; the wedding cancellation and a (fake) suicide attempt (which truly did affect Aldonza); a drive by at her house; Tio's attempted murder and the arson destruction of her apartment. So. A lot has happened but shouldn't she have known before all this happened that the Mendozas are The Power Family in SL?

PJ gets Adelina and Aldonza to leave by saying he’d prefer that Joaquin help him with bathroom stuff.

Uh, yeah Aldonza and Adelina. Go home, chill and give Padre some space for pete's sake!

Anywho. Glad to see Aldonza and Cris do something other than bark at each other!

Thank you, HellaShelle!

Hi all,

Thanks for the support guys!

Cathyx - I also thought that Ren was squared away, but it looks like he didn't clear his extracurrics with his bosses in terms of getting time off for himself or his helpers. I'm surprised they haven't been clearer on this, but maybe that's deliberate so we don't ask why he's not fighting for his job.

I think Lola's forgotten the reason she got mad in the first place and now is just feeling the hurt. Otherwise, I'm not sure I understand her problem. But E needs to speak up, get bold, and Lola needs to give him a chance to talk. Oy!

Lardo downed that drink so well that I started to wonder if he and Emmanuel will have to start an AA chapter in SL before the end of this TN. Are we sure Lardo and E weren't switched at birth?

Daisy - YES to everything in your comments today. Specifically WTF on the proposal. You've spent a cumulative what? 3 hours together? Sigh. I need more ENDA, AB, MDET etc type TNs where I get a foundation for this grandes amores.

I was shocked by how shocked Cande and Hum were to learn that Sever would treat them just like he treats his other enemies. Watch your backs!

Tofie - thank you! your list, as always, is spot on. I had to stifle my burst of laughter and made such a weird noise that someone in my office calls out "bless you?" (question mark intended)

Gringo-gracias. I'm trying something new because I'm, as my friend Betsy politely puts it, "wordy." (She is 100% correct). Lola is adorable if a bit young at times. Sometimes I just wish she'd think more before blurting things out.

Rosemary -thank you! I can only imagine he started wearing them to minimize the appearance of his lost arm? I can't even remember what his style was before the time jump.

Vivi-Thank you! Sigh, if only those two crazy kids could just leave. But no, tofie and Daisy are right - between the rape and her revenge, their seven minutes in heaven is not going to be enough to convince her.

Lila - Thank you! I guess Al's forgotten that Cris is the Prince of SL. And yes! I'm glad to see they got a few moments of not screaming at each other. Poor Cris. His love for her has always been clear and obvious, but Aldie's is so marred by the past that sometimes it's hard to watch them.

Hellashelle – Thank you for the recap! I like your new format, too.

I wanted to lanzar nerfazos at my TV screen when Uriel apologized to Lardo! Arrrrgh!
”The BS is so much that my recording literally can’t handle it and I have to restart my computer.”

Padre J survived! Hooray!!! I am so relieved. He didn't waste any time getting his brain in gear, either, trying to solve mysteries.

Val + Lardo = Eeeewwwww!

tofie - ”Abelardo - nouveau riche“ Love it!

Vivi in DC – I was also wishing Aldie had taken a photo (or better yet a video) of Valardo smooching and put it on Facebook or Twitter.

thanks all ya'll for egging me on.

DnJ, I have no idea, stuff just pops in my head but think after I self censor, it comes out funny at times

Cathyz, I absolutely concur with you on Emmanuel needing to take a break from Lola, who's taking the kiss on the dance floor way too far!

HellaShelle, I loved your recap! I feel like we reached a new level last night, with Cande's dawning realization that she may not be able to control the monster she helped create (Sev).
Sev is truly creepy, he evens chews his meat creepy. :o)

Did anyone else notice that there was someone watching the Lardo/Val "car date" through that wall with the mirror cut-outs? Just as the camera panned away, it seemed like there was someone there on the other side...

J in Oregon


J in Oregon, I thought that too at first, but then they never showed another person or the two of them from that angle again, so I think they were just trying to be creative in their filming.

CathyX, I thought it was odd, but you are probably right that it was someone's idea of "artistique"!

J in O

"Viejad calzonudas" is similar to the phrase when someone tellls a man "que se amarren los pantalones" stand your ground man, be firm and show you mean business. Well, PJ used that term that these women are determined, strong and not easily dissuaded. They know who they are.

Gnomes? okay, so I need to go back and see the evilly chewed up green bean and the gnomes. How did I miss that? Have a great day everyone, you recappers make tn-watching so much more fun. Yes, ITA that we need our recappers add their snark right next to the ongoing scenes. I am certain there would be a market for that. Our talented recappers are so funny, they should be shared with others.

Thank you for the recap, HellaShelle! I especially loved your commentary about Val and Lardo and their mating activities...blech!

Hellshelle, thank you so much for your wonderful recap! Sorry I forgot to give proper recognition. I thought it was Sara, sorry for confusion on my part. You are indeed witty and I love how your storyline flows effortlessly.

Has anyone noticed how Chris wears his hat? When he is shown moping around or reflecting his hat is pulled downward, and looks kinda funny. I mean only he can get away with wearing a hat like that. It reminds me of how vaqueros in Argentina wear them.

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