Wednesday, April 29, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #52 4/29/15

Dear hellashelle,
Please remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

The Shortest Version:
  • Cristobal wants to marry Aldonza. Yeah. It's a crazy idea. He gives her time to think about it though. He'll be waiting for her at noon tomorrow at El Santuario. If she doesn't show up, he'll leave her alone for good.. (If you are dying to know what happens, skip to the end of the recap.)
  • Renato talks Silvia into working with him on Aldonza's case. Recapper loses all respect for Silvia when she accepts his offer (Because really girlfriend, this is your only option? Working with the man you love to help him suck up to another woman?)
  • Renato's mother left him a ton of money. At least I assume it's a lot. He seemed gobsmacked and asked if there was some error. Surely that's code for "HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF ZEROS."
  • Sev slithers out of the accusation that he caused Padre's accident.
  • Valeria tells Aldonza that things are just going *gush*SO WELL*gush* with Cristobal and soon they might be *gush*TALKING ABOUT A WEDDING*gush* (Please note: "gush" is code for "the recapper is puking".)
  • Aldonza calls Val on her sh!t: Hmmm. That's interesting, Val. Because I saw you and Abelardo playing tonsil hockey outside the clinic.
  • Val yells at Abelardo because someone saw them kissing. In the open. In broad daylight. With no shame.
So yeah. That's pretty much the big stuff.

The only very slightly expanded version
To the swelling of "Te prometí" Cris explains to Aldonza that he wants to marry her. To hell with what people say. They were born to be together. He'll give her time to think about it. She can meet him at El Santuario tomorrow at noon. If she doesn't show up he'll never seek her out again. Smoochies.

Emanuel thinks about Lola. I become distracted by the background music. If anyone knows what the song is I will love you forever in a non-creepy way. Humberto comes in notes his sad sack demeanor. He advises Eman that he's playing a dangerous game. One really shouldn't play one girl to make the other girl jealous. Eman swears it's the only card he has left to play. Part of me wants to agree. We are talking about a COLLECTIVE mentality of 12, but surely a little courting would serve the same purpose. OH! I know! How about a little honesty? Oh!! Try getting Mel and Dom in your corner? See, Eman? It's not your last card. Now quit being an idiot. Right. Recap. Hum also informs Eman that the Padre is out of the coma. It's obvious the Padre has a little help from above.

Pru and Tomas on the phone. She's channeling her 12 year old self, yet at the same time reminds him she's a married woman. But what has he done? He's bewitched her. What has he done to make the rock of her virtue tremble (Seriously ISBIS.) Hum comes in just in time to hear her ask "we can solve this, right?" Pru makes up a story about the car not working. Hum thinks she's overreacting, but whatever. She suggests taking the car to the workshop of the father of one of her bible students.

Mari tells her mother the she and Eman are "an item" now and asks permission to invite him to dinner. Irma agrees and Mari wastes now time in calling him.

Aldonza flashes back to the hospital proposal. Tomorrow. Noon. El Santuario.

Cristobal goes to see Valeria, but she's not home. He won't come in and wait. Pru mentions her hope that the wedding can still happen. Cris explains con manzanas that the wedding is not happening. EVER. His decision hasn't changed and Valeria knows that (you keep telling yourself that, Cris.)

Cris goes back home and rehashes the last scene for his parents. He and Val were supposed to go to the movies, but he decided to tell her in person he didn't feel like going out. Cande accuses him of playing with Val's feelings and Cris disagrees. That's exactly why he decided not to go out- so Val would know he's not playing with her. Cande starts in and Cris asks her to save her questioning for some other day. He excuses himself. Cande tells Seve that Cris has been acting odd all afternoon. She's convinced it has to do with Aldonza. Sev assures her that Aldonza is not going to be running around with Cris, not while she thinks Sev tried to kill the Padre. Cande reminds him that Aldonza has her sights set on Cris...not Sev.

Val is mad at herself for going out and missing Cris. She's especially not happy with Pru bringing up the wedding to Cris. He'll get scared away! Val has a plan to get him back. (She does?) Let her do her thing! Val also wonders what possessed her grandparents to name their child "Prudencia"...since the lady of that name doesn't have a shred of prudence.

Abelardo plays poker with his friends. Uriel calls to ask where he is. Lardo claims he's taking care of some associates of Don Severiano. Why is this scene even here?

Eman shows up for dinner. The poor sap thought he and Mari were going OUT to dinner. You can see him turning green as he realizes that it's a meet-the-folks family dinnner. Then you can see him shrink as Uriel gently chides him for not dressing more formally. Ay, Eman. You've hooked your horse to a crazy and manipulative cart.

Renato manages to talk Silvia into forgiving him (for getting her FIRED) and follows up by talking her into working with him on the Aldonza case. RPC is being invoked, see notes in the "Shortest Version" section. No. Seriously. I'm still shaking my head. Help me understand this, patio peeps.

Renato's dad calls to tell him they have an appointment with the lawyer to finalize some things with his mother's will.

Adelina, Aldonza and Joaquin visit with Padre J. Joaquin goes home and Padre J asks Adelina to go check on Lulu. She agrees. Aldonza sees through this. She knows Padre just wanted to talk to her alone. Padre is worried about Aldonza accusing Sev having something to do with the accident. They have no proof and Padre never said Sev threatened him. He doesn't want Aldonza to have anything to do with Sev. It's one thing for him to support Aldonza in her "Mis Planes" and something entirely different to support her in a lost battle against that savage, Sev. Aldonza can't belive Sev is going to go unpunished. Padre is sure that if he's guilty, Sev will pay either in this life...or the next. That's little consolation to Aldonza. The police investigator arrives. He has some questions.

Lulu is happy the Padre is ok. She couldn't take another father's death. The death of Padre Sixto was enough. How old was Lulu when that happened? 7? She looks so young to me!

Pru reports to Cande that Cris has assured her that he and Val are not getting married. Pru is sure Aldonza took advantage of the situation with the Padre to get her claws into Cris. What wil happen if Cris is so taken with her that they *gasp* GET MARRIED?! Cande assures Pru that will NEVER happen. "Over my dead body", Cande huffs. Pru thinks it could just as easily be over Val's dead body because Val is capable of killing herself rather than see Cris with another woman.

Renato and his father meet with the lawyer. Renato is the sole heir of a lot of money.

Val visits Padre in the hospital. Well, she uses that as a ruse to dig at Aldonza. Val claims that things between her and Cris are just great and it's very possible the wedding might be back on! Cris just keeps seeking her out. He's been such a gentleman and has been so caring. Aldonza wonders if he's been as caring as Val has been with Lardo. Aldonza doesn't know what Val's is playing at, but it's clear she has something going with Lardo. Aldonza clearly saw them kissing. Val is cara de busted. She recovers quickly. Val doesn't know what Aldonza saw, but Cris is hers and no one is going to take him away...especially not a zorra like Aldonza(yeah, we all know this slut vocab, but I feel compelled to note whenever slut vocab comes up. I'd propose a drinking game, but I think we'd all end up with alcohol poisoning.) Aldonza is glad Cris and Val broke up because Val doesn't deserve him. And yes, by gum Aldonza DOES. How dare Val say Aldonza is the whore. Val is the whore and the worst kind. Val attempts to slap Aldonza but is stopped. Aldonza tells Val to ask Cande how it went for her when she slapped Aldonza (The patio cringes at the awkward structure. A hand pokes out of the hedge and a muffled voice is heard. "I need a drink after that monstrosity of a sentence.") Val swears they are not done.

Renato can't believe how much his mother left him and that she didn't leave it for his father. Renato's mother changed her will before she died. She knew about the affair with Roberta. Renato's father confessed it to her. Renato's dad is happy that Renato got the money.

Val is inexplicably pissed with Lardo for getting caught. Remember, it was on a public street in broad daylight and she could have said "Dumbass. Don't kiss me in public." (Lardo probably would have liked it. You know he gets off being her lap dog.) Mary overhears this and now knows that Lardo and Val do the horizontal mambo. She leaves. Val slaps Lardo and tells him he's worthless. He better think of something.

Dominga visits the Padre. She tells him how worried Cande was about him.

Silvia and Pato are on their way to pick up Aldonza's tribunal agrario. I assume it's the ruling of said tribunal. Weigh in, patio. Then they are off to Santa Lucia. Pato quacks about Lola and gorditas in la fonda. Renato tells Silvia to check out Aldonza's land and especially the land where Sev's animals are.

The police investigator assures Sev that there is nothing that implicates Sev in the Padre's accident. Even the Padre admits his car is old and something probably went wrong. Sev would love to take up a collection to get the Padre a newer car, but the Padre would not allow that. Of course the police guy sees this as proof of what a fine, upstanding, non-slimy citizen Sev is. If Aldonza tries to bother Sev, he'll make sure she doesn't do it again. After the police chief leaves, Cande sarcastically worries that he was there to arrest Sev and she won't be able to visit him in jail. She doesn't now how he weasels out of everything. She is off to the pueblo. Sev quips that she must be seeing the priest since she's all tarted up (at least as tarty as Cande will let herself get...which really just means she's wearing a sparkly, yet matronly cardigan.) Cande can't believe he's jealous of a sick priest. No, Sev hates that she and Cris place so much importance on the Padre. How did she hear "your son places so much importance on the Padre" and come up with "Does that mean he's with Aldonza?" I clearly don't understand something.

Slivia and Pato made it to Santa Lucia.

Dominga talks with Aldonza. Aldonza insists she can't be with Cris. She wants that more than anything, but it's impossible. Dominga gets long-winded. The upshot-Follow your heart.

Cris and his prancing horse arrive at El Sant. We get to relive the hospital conversation via voiceover.

Aldonza is at the hospital. Dominga's long-ass "true love will conquer all" speech via voiceover.

Cris waits. He finally gives up and makes to leave. Aldonza arrives! The violins play! She runs into his arms. He asks if this means she'll marry him. She says it's crazy and Cris assumes that's a no, but her kiss is her answer. Yes. She wants to be his wife!

Previous: Episode 51
Next: Episode 53


Finally. Her lips AND words seem to be saying the same thing.

LOL, Sara. Yes, this time Aldonza is actually agreeing to do this crazy relationship thing with Cris. Ay yay yay! Great recap, amiga.

Just how far will these to crazy kids go with the wedding plans before one of the baddies find out and do something horrible to derail them? I do not see this ending well, but for now I'll be happy that these two adrenaline/love junkies are happy and on the same page. There was a bit in the beginning when Cris pushes the moving away thing and Al explains her promise to her mother and says the man who wants to be with her has to be cool with staying in SL. Since Cris is a lovefool for her, he readily agrees to do whatever she wants.

Loved Al's knowing smirk as Val bragged about Cris pursuing her. Ha! Busted!

Thanks for adding that detail about staying in SL, Vivi. And yes, it was so nice to have some romantic crazy talk... even if this happiness will be short-lived.

Padre's face when Dominga told him how worried Cande had been about him. LOL! He looked like he wanted to fall back into that coma. I wonder if Adelina will tell him about the fever inducing kiss?

Sara, you got your wish: good thing happens to Aldonza! The recap, splendid, absolutely a gem. (All you recappers, I am just so in awe of your wit, your dedication, and sometimes, your sheer speed in getting this big recap up the flagpole so quickly!)

Did you all see Sev pop that green bean into his mouth at dinner, then sinuously grind it up without moving his lips? I'm telling you, he even chews evilly.

Yah, apparently I missed the part where Renato, Silvia and Pato are all best friends again. Glad Renato doesn't have to go slinking back to the Attorney "buffet" and ask for his job back. His Dad, still coming across as a fairly decent guy; who have they got planned for him in SL? Maybe Simoneta?

Meanwhile, I want to see more of Don Camilo and the canaries.

Thanks again Sara, will enjoy re-reading the recap at work tomorrow...!

J in Oregon

Thank you Sara for tonights recap and a belated thanks to Lila. You gals are a hoot, the commentators don't stay far bhind either.
J in O, Your observation about the green bean in Sev's mouth, well, I cant stop laughing because even though I didnt notice, I could picture how he looked. You can bet I will watch it agsin to see Sev's chewing evilly.
Muchachas, son "tremendas". Estoy de "retecontenta." Goodnite to all and thanks again..

One more thing... Renato's in the money!!! Sure he'd rather have his loving mama instead, you gotta know he will be most willing to help Aldonza. Her character is not one to take advantage, unless she gets totally desperate and Ren begs her to take it.

I havent read all of yesterdays comments, forgive me if I repeat anything, but wasn't PJ funny talking about Ade and Alddie? Surprized he called them "viejas calzonudas." That was unexpected but funny. He knows firsthand what strong personalities they both have. How about that face he made when Aldonza said he had explaining to do as soon as he woke up. He just dropped his head like he wished he hadnt woke up. Someone said they thought it was PJ who wrote the letter in the box of candies. I need to agree with that person, before he became priest. For Candella, no less. Just a thought.

J in Oregon-I did notice the green bean scene and I thought to myself that even his eating made my blood boil. He was so arrogant with that bean!!

Novella lover-I was glad Renato inherited a fortune, too. But honestly, I hope he doesn't give any to Aldonza. I'm still so afraid of him becoming a jealous, angry antagonist type.

Sara, you've done yourself proud

"Pato quacks about Lola"

JnO, saw me the green bean too but scratch my head why Cande still cuts his food in little pieces. Dominga should puree everything and give him a straw.

Severaino - Oh Caaandeeee, don't take your love to town

Renato - Mega Money

Silvia - beggars can't be choosers

Pru - uh, just someone to inspect my plumbing

Cris - let's play house

Aldonza - fairyhell wedding

PJ - women, can't live with em, but I don't cook or do laundry

Emmanuel - thought it was business casual


You rocked this recap Sara! Heck, your take on things was more fun than I remember seeing on screen. Sometimes I wish we had the recapper comments playing along on the screen as we watch the show. What fun that would add!

All things Val, Lardo and Mari/Eman was just nauseating. I HATE that E-man is allowing himself pulled into this just trying to make Lola jealous. Control freak Uriel will have him married to that chicka before he can blink. That whole scene in the house was like watching a 16 year old picking up his prom date. Painful.

So, instead of my idea of Ren's dad spotting him the money for a start-up, Ren's mom has left it to him. I like his dad admitting she moved it to her son because he screwed up...and he looked please his son was happy. Guess he's not a total jerk. (And Sara I loved your "whole lotta zeros" -- that was exactly Ren's face!) But I'm with all you that he better not jump to squander it all on Allie and bailing her out with the apartment, etc. She wants to marry Cris, for now then, keep that money in your pocket for your law firm and salaries for your two amigos. Let Cris flip for the other stuff...though we know what's coming....

Because I don't believe for a second this marriage is going to happen any time soon. Baddies are still able to hit fast and hard. And frankly, it sort of bothers me that Cris is still clueless on what has been going on.

You know, it takes a very talented actor to make watchers notice what he does to a green bean. I thought that great "shush" move that Alexis does was a brilliant touch for the character, but that chew was priceless.



Sara! Thank you for your splendiferous recap! Love the adaptation of Helle's long and short of it style! On point!

Agree with you about Silvia. So tired of stupid Lola. Yes, stupid. And I could yank that pony tail out of Mari's head. Disappointing secondary love story.

Yes! Padre is back with the living. I wonder if they're going to have his memory kick back in of the moments when he realized his brakes were out. . .AND when Cande gave him FEEEEVAH! Will Adelina tell him? Prolly not!

Hey, Novella Lover, what does "viejas calzonudas." mean? I know it must be clean but a little feisty since Padre said it!

Vivi and all, when I heard Aldonza say she had promised her Mom not to leave SL. . .well, I don't remember that. Robert made her swear she would not let Sev hurt her again. Aldonza herself must have extended that to mean her venganza was a way of not letting Sev hurt her and to carry that out she has to stay in SL so. . you get it. What say y'all?

Loved Aldonza calling Val immediately on her sh*t! Val and Lardhead did her a favor by sucking face in the middle of the day/street. It helped her take Cris's proposal seriously. Gotta go back and re watch the smoochies!

Thanks again, Sara!!


Lila- Yep. Al definitely extended her promise to her mom to not let Sever hurt her again, to her plans to stake her claim in SL and to not let Sever drive her out again.

I've never thought Ren's dad was a bad person. The only skeevy thing he did was have an affair with Rob. That makes him a bad husband, but not a bad person. He proved he was a good person to me when he put so much effort into Rob's medical care. He seemed very happy for his son being his mother's sole heir.

I think Padre remembers perfectly well that his brakes failed. I just think he's doing what many here have been asking Al to do-- not provoke Sever unnecessarily when there is no proof of his crime.

Morning all

Sara - I'm flattered just associate with you! Your recap was hilarious and has totally become my new template, so I will be repeating your flattery note next Tuesday (or Wednesday morning). Also "He was so arrogant with that bean!!" made me crack up a second ago.

Lila - I think viejas calzonudas means obstinate (old) women. Oh that Val/Al scene was GREAT! I love that she called Val out, loved that she stopped the slap, loved that she told her she's got her number to her face! I love it when a heroine doesn't have to actuallyturn the other cheek, she can just stop the punishment before it starts. The only thinng that would've made it better is if Aldie had been able to pull an "Ever After" moment and say she and Cris were already married. (Anyone else love that moment in that movie?)

J in O - Simoneta would work. If he takes Falvia off of our hands, I'll be happy too. Maybe he left the ring in the Candy House for someone?

I agree with all who say I hope Ren limits helping Ald with her money problem to starting his firm and hiring Silvia and Pato.

Tofie - Pru and E did it for me this morning! Business casual indeed!

Daisy - yeah, unless it's a middle of the night secret wedding, we'll still have until the FIN to wait for the boda of Cris and Aldonza. I also would like Cris to get clued in. Now is the time for Aldonza to tell him the truth. But sadly, this is a TN so we probably have until at least the ultimas semanas for that too.


Severaino - Oh Caaandeeee, don't take your love to town

Cris - let's play house Aldonza - fairyhell wedding

Tofie! Now ahma hafta play "Ruby" a gazillion times! LOVE THAT SONG!

And the "fairyhell" gosh! I LOVE that! It is SOOO perfect to the situation!

Ok, so I guess I'll go back and look at the smoochiesl AND the chew!

Ok, thanks, Vivi! What would Roberta say about what she's doing!? Anywho, also ITA about Renato's Dad. He made a little-head decision but he IS a good person!



Vivi - I want to believe PJ remembered the accident in the night, after peaking with Hum. He at least has the presence of mind to know that without proof, he's got nothing. Aigh. Aldonza definitely has some of her mother's impulsive nature.

I'm pretty sure the fact that Cris' dad raped Al will be one of the last big reveals, because it's so major. I will be pleasantly surprised if the writers drop that bomb on Cris early on.

Sara - Thank you for the hilarious recap and the laughs!!!

Did anyone notice the garden gnomes peeking out from the waterfall in the background of that scene between Renato and his dad? I think it was his dad, because I was having too much fun looking at the gnomes. A nod to Travelocity?

Too bad I erased this episode already, or I would go back and watch Sev and that green bean.


Vivi, I too believe PJ remembers and my hope, he is playing possum and that will slip Sev up. Wildcard though, Sev is not pleased with his wife and son's opinion of PJ and he'll kill him.

Doris- Yes! I meant to mention the garden gnomes peeking out of the waterfall fountain at Ren's house. So funny and cute.

Maybe the production team is renting Renato's house, fully furnished? Because the mushroom lamp and garden gnomes are way more eccentric personality-wise than most TN homes. So funny though.

Hella, I don't remember the movie you mention but I had an immediate sinking feeling when Cris asked her to meet him at ES at noon that something would happen that she couldn't come and we'd have "An Affair to Remember" (Cary Grant and Debra Kerr)type situation for the rest of the novela! I was about to scream when Aldonza was late!

Darn it! Gotta do actual stuff at work, see y'all later!


Hi, Sara,

Thanks for this. My wife and I are on a road trip to Las Vegas for a wedding, and can't see the episodes, but today we are at an army buddy's house in Durango CO and I was finally able to find all of the recaps. We won't be home until Mon or Tues, when I hope to catch up fully.

Very exciting episodes.


Lila - good call on "An Affair To Remember". I had forgotten that one. "Sleepless in Santa Lucía"

Sara, I loved your hooks to get us to read more. Just like they do on the radio to stay tuned.

Let's hope that Cris and Aldonza keep quiet about their pending nuptials. That way they can continue on with their work and not have anyone thwart their lurvvv.

I'm glad too that Renato now has enough money to not worry about a new job for him or his friends.

I think that Emanuel should just go for it with Mari. She clearly likes him, I'm sick to death of the games Lola is playing, and then we can be done with that drama. Pato is a nice guy and Lola could be happy with him. (I know that will never happen, but a girl can dream).

with you cathyx, Emmanuel and Mari till he finds someone better and Lola can hit the road. Let Lola go play with goober pea for awhile. Mari didn't win him, Lola lost him.

They distributed yearbooks today and I'm neck deep in essays. I wish I could spend more time on the patio.

Thank you all for your kind words.

hellashelle- You, Eli, Diva and Lila always inspire me to step up my game.

David-Happy and safe travels.

tofie-I will be singing Ruby all day (Which is funny since my classes are also watching Rubi. I can't believe I haven't thought of that song before.)

Daisynjay-I'm so over the Eman/Lola/Mari triangle.

doris-I have to go back and look for the gnomes now!

Vivi-I hope the Padre is just faking about not remembering the accident. Sev is not the kind of enemy you announce yourself to. One has to be sly and subtle. Don't let Sev know what you're up to.

I would love to see Aldonza and Cris hop on that horse and go right to a registro civil, but I suspect Aldonza will let it slip to Lola Bocota.

Thanks, Sara, I always love your cheeky recaps.

Tofie..You are so right that Mari did not win Eman but rather that Lola lost him because she is acting like she is in middle school.

I am so glad that Val knows that AL knows that she and Lardo have a thing going on.

Will the two crazy kids actually get married ?

Yay...Renato inherits a big pile of money . ...and his philandering dad doesn't. Victory from the great beyond for REnato's mother who gets the last laugh.

Sara, great recap, love your style and humor.

I find it strange that all of the wealth was in the hands of women (Cande, Roberta and Ren's mom). There must not have been many first males in that generation.

Yeah, Cande is going to die over the marriage - she said so herself. Will it be the Almighty One? Multiple choice - act of God or Sev.

Lately, at the end of the episode, Aldonza's red dress is replaced by a long white dress with a train that runs the entire length of the stairs. So yes, there will be a wedding.

When the "Dream Team" wins Aldonza case, they will be in great demand. With Ren's money as a cushion, they will be able to tell their former employer to "stuff it".

Rosemary Primera

Rosemary Primera- The white dress has always appeared before the red dress in the credits. But she's alone in the white dress, and in a liplock with Cris in the red dress right after.

Vivi, maybe the red dress lip lock is the honeymoon.

I know I have seen the white dress a lot, but last night was the first time I noticed the train on the stairs.

Rosemary Primera

I think we're being to hard on Lola. She knew she forced things with E, and that she was more invested in the realtionship than he was (having fantasized about it for years while he was paying her no mind), so when he kissed Mari, she freaked our hard-core. she yelled and cried and demanded a perishable gift back (which really is just weird).

But she did "concede the fight" to Mari, if poutingly, with a certain level of class. She wished them the best, she's not contriving to somehow trap him into a relationship again, and she's opened herself up to another possibility. She's been honest with Pato about this. She's not throwing herself at anyone and while she's spending an awful lot of time with squinty-cry eyes and crossed arms, she's been trying hard to keep a stiff upper lip about the whole thing. I think that deserves some points.

Also, I basically hate Mari. Lola's childish, but Mari's childish, spoiled, manipulative, two-faced with hurtful intent and feels greedily entitled. So I think instead of trying to make a go with Mari, Eman should write Mel or Aldie a letter explaining his feelings, with the request that it be read/given to Lola (to bypass a tantrum in which she rips it up before reading it).

Hellashelle - add me to the I hate Mary club. Nothing would please me more than to put a big ole cream pie in her face, a la Soupy Sales.

Lola taking the call from Pato and laying it on when Emmanuel was earnestly trying was not only rude but mean. I can't imagine the hell Emmanuel would go through if in a relationship with Lola. She would punish him for the simplest infraction real or perceived. She needs someone she doesn't love, like Pato, cause her love is too demanding.

Thank you for the recap, Sara! Annnnnnnd now I am officially caught up and ready for tonight where, I totally agree with you, there will be no wedding. And if I'm wrong, I'll eat Cris' hat...or the candy house...but the hat would probably have more flavor....

I don't know why Silvia is agreeing to work on the case. Didn't she just say it would never go anywhere? And then she just sorta sighs and gets on with it. I'm sure she's not trying to get Renato back, so I have to wonder if he finally convinced her the case has merit? Is it to do with the rest of Mis Planes that we haven't heard about yet? Or does she just want to be able to pay the bills and isn't in the mood to go looking for a job?

She's trying to demonstrate that she's moved on. Now, it is her darn own fault, because she's not listening to him, but she doesn't know/think that Eman loves her, just that he wants to apologize for KISS OMG.UGH, which she's already (verbally) accepted. Aside, from the "mi amor" and saying she's missing him lots, she didn't really say anything else in call that a friend wouldn't. And she might well be missing him since he's sweet and likes her, so she's not necessarily lying about that. Plus, they are technically dating, so the mi amor wasn't that weird a greeting.

Silvia and Renato also do the "kiss kiss" thing, both over the phone and in public. And when the two of them do it, it bugs me way more than Lola/Pato. I'm glad he knows what's what, but I never believe people when they say "Oh, I'm totally doing this to help you and I'm not going to get my hopes up" because it never works out that way!

Diva -I'm going with the last explanation. I think she's just rolled ehr eyes and is like "ok, whatever". They were friends before they tried dating, so maybe she's willing to try to get past things. Besides, she does/did like Ren as a boyfriend, so maybe there's a part of her that thinks his dogged dedication to Aldonza's fight is romantic, if also stupid. And he did promise to pay, so eh, why not?

What else has she got going right now? Girl's got to pay bills.

Hellashelle "And he did promise to pay, so eh, why not?" Once again, a mom dies unexpectedly and leaves a sizable inheritance to her offspring...and he's going to squander it on the same damn thing Aldonza is squandering hers on. The Bring Down Severiano Mendoza No Matter What campaign. Is there some angle whereby all of everyone's investments (in terms of time, money, effort, risk to life and limb) get repaid at the end of all this? Do I dare to hope?

Rosemary, that long white dress has been in the credits for awhile. I even questioned why they show her alone at the top of the stairs in that, and then in the red dress with Cris. I guess we'll find out...I have my theory but I'm sure it's the wrong one.

Love the "Sleepless in Santa Lucia." My guess instead of running off to elope, either Allie or Cris will pronounce to the world that the PLAN on getting married. Which will give the baddies ample time to get their plans in place to make it NOT happen. I would think Allie would want to be the good Catholic girl and have the Padre marry them....think?


Lol, DnJ, if only Padre J would break the rules for them, they could just separately saunter into his hospital room, lock the door, tell him their plan, y trato hecho, I now pronounce you "as foolish as ever but what the hell, it's good for dramatic effect, you may now snog the bride!"

Daisynjay, we now have three mysteries - candy house, red dress and white dress. We have four if we include the Cande/PJ early years relationship.

Rosemary Primera

Thanks Sara, Great job/super recap
the gringo

Diva - Well, Cris and Aldonza will end up together, so she'll kind of inherit that fortune. And maybe Rosemary's right and the "Dream Team" will be crazy in demand once they bring down small pond millionaire, Severiano Mendoza.

The question I have about the white dress is what's up with the candle she's holding while wearing it?

I also love "Sleepless in Santa Lucia"

"I feel compelled to note whenever slut vocab comes up. I'd propose a drinking game, but I think we'd all end up with alcohol poisoning.

I forgot to mention this quote this morning, but I laughed about it repeatedly at the most random times today.

Also, I totally get what Cris sees in Aldie. He can be very intense when he wants to be! I actually fanned myself after his proposal last night. That being said, I am very disappointed that the show didn't sell this love affair better. It wouldn't have taken much, they have great actors and I gave them plenty of time. This is a totally unnecessary beanie tightening situation imo.

Sara--I got a kick out of your very quiet shout out to that person who hides in the bushes. I've been reading the recaps faithfully and appreciate all of them--and all the commenters.

Now, where is that drink?

Well, Tuesday I just knew Aldie wasn't going to make it to ES in time and I was also sure it would be Vale who somehow kept her from getting there--but she did get there! That scene was as good as any movie with lovers running through a field of flowers toward a beloved's arms.

After Wednesday I just KNOW there's no way those two crazy kids who don't know each other very well are going to get married without anyone in SL knowing it until after the fact. ITA with everyone on the Patio, at the Dart Board Game and in the bushes that they don't really know each other as persons with wants and needs of the common garden variety. They are just going on Cris' statement they were born to be together--hogwash. Ok, MaPat, prove us wrong!

I know from other TNs that you often need to take the opening scenes with a grain of salt. They will put things in it that don't mean anything. Not saying that will be the case here, but it might be. true....When I was watching my very first telenovela Albirada, I kept waiting for the scenes that were in the opening to happen. They never did.

Is Aldonza that incompetent ?

Does she really think this plan is going to work?

Steve..The answer to both of your questions is ---Yes.

Steve- Which plan?

Marrying Cris? the end of the tn.

Kicking Sever's horses off her land? Actually, with a team of three lawyers on the case, maybe.

Getting Santuario back? Maybe by the end, but definitely not in the short term and not without a lot of pain, tears, and a possible murder or two.

And none of her plans will come to fruition without a lot of wailing, gnashing of teeth, and eye-rolling .... and that's just from the viewers and recappers.

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