Wednesday, July 08, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #102 - Wed 7/8 - Please don't go!

Aldonza says she and Renato have decided to date, and she'd rather do it without baggage.  Cris is angry, but Aldonza says her disappointment with him killed her love.  The judge calls them into his office and Cris tells Aldonza she wins…"Let's go end this farce."

Melesio gives the guys a pep talk about how you have to keep working and do the best job possible even if working for Satan himself scares the crap out of you.  Speaking of the devil…Sev appears to tell them all to quit yapping and get back to work and mentions docking people's pay.  Sev tells Mel to get the horses they're taking to Puebla ready…with Cris' help.  But Cris is out running a personal errand.

Pru retrieves some pills from her stash in the china cabinet and downs them like candy.  Humberto comes home and refuses to let her go upstairs because they're going to talk…NOW!  He practically wrestles her into the living room and sits her down on the couch and Pru whines that he's treating her worse than ever.  "Oh, I've made you that unhappy?"  Pru says it's her fault for marrying him.  Val's right--he is "un mediocre" (a mediocre guy).  Humberto says he shouldn’t have gotten involved with a woman so stupidly superficial and empty-headed.  But they can still fix it…he's going to fix it…he's going to divorce her, and do it as quickly as possible.  "I should have done this long ago, but I didn't, because I was a coward.  I wanted Valeria to have a more-or-less-normal home, but it's time to put an end to this farce."  Pru won't "give" him a divorce and become the "hazmerreír" (laughingstock) of the town.  Oh, but she will or Humberto will put the news of her romance in the paper…she was screwing around with Tomas under cover of "Bible Study Classes" and she told it all to her "friend" Tere.  Pru says it's Tere who has a lover.  "You believed that story?  She told you that to get the truth out of you.  And she's willing to tell the whole story, so it can be published in the local paper…including the big finale!  When your lover was about to throw himself off the bell tower of the church for you!"

I'm bracing myself as Lola approaches the Law Offices of Silvia And Those Other Two and rings the bell.  Mari throws the doors wide open, but she won't open the gate.  She dangles the key and brags about being Pato's secretary.

Humberto is leaving the house today.  He won't throw her out so she doesn't have to be away from Val, but their relationship is over.  Pru will sign the divorce papers with no [something mumbled] (Why does Humberto always mumble when I desperately want to hear the word?).  He'll be back later for his stuff.

The judge gives Cris and Aldonza the divorce decree to sign and they both do.  He'll see them at the  next meeting.  Cris tells Renato, snottily, that he finally got what he wanted.  Outside the judge's office, Renato wants to know if what Aldonza said earlier is really true.  Aldonza says she wants a chance to get to know him differently.  Because being BFFs just isn't enough to tell her if she has the hots for him or not.  She's going to have to make an effort to have the hots for him.  Renato agrees not to see this as a commitment on her part.  If she starts working her way through "Learning to Crush on Your BFF" and Renato doesn't think she's going to succeed, he'll be the first to call things off.  And he won't even be upset.  Because he's the nicest guy ever.

Pru goes to confront Tere.  She has no grounds to complain, because what Tere did to her is no worse than what Pru did to Humberto.  And Pru had better not try to get revenge or Tere will be forced to spill the beans.  She hates people like Pru, who pretend to be sooooo high and mighty while they're doing low down dirty deeds.  Running into Pru and Tomas was just the confirmation that Tere needed.  Humberto was already suspicious, and thought Pru was sleeping with Lardo at first, but remember the day at the park, when Tomas came running up to them calling "NOVIA MIAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"?  Pru shushes Tere who goes on to say she noticed how nervous Pru got.  "You ruined my marriage!"  Tere says Pru ruined her own marriage with what she did.  And now, if Pru will excuse her, Tere does have a husband to attend to.  Pru vows it won't stay this way.  So, um…no more Cheaters Club?  Awwwwwww.

Valeria claims that she left Las Animas because she can't stand the way Cris treats her.  Cande tells her to chill.  Someday, she'll look back on all of this and laugh.  Maybe hearing that Cris and Aldonza are having their first divorce hearing today will cheer her up.  Val doesn't think Aldonza will let Cris go so easily.  Cande swears that she can guarantee that Aldonza is going to divorce Cris because she's far more hurt by Val's pregnancy than they anticipated.

Vero asks Em to forgive her for sneaking into his bed and getting him into trouble.  But she wants to be clear that she does like him.  Don Antonio comes up to tell them that they're competing tomorrow in Querétaro.  It's an invitational competition for superbadass riders and since the ranch was invited and he gets to decide who's going to represent the ranch….

Lola sits at the café waiting for Pato and trying to calm down.  He thought she would take this news well, because it means she can go back to work at the "merceria" (notions store).  Yeah, not so much.  And Mari's whole "I want to study law" thing is total BS.

Cris kicks the bucket.

No, I mean, literally, he kicks a bucket in the stables and then he breaks a broom.  He complains to Melesio about what total shit his life is, how he's a good for nothing, blah, blah, blah.  Melesio tells him to put his big boy pants on and face his problems already.  "I'm tryyyying!"  Mel tells him to get his thoughts in order and fight for what he wants.  "But I want Aldonza and she doesn't want me and she's going to go start a life with someone else, and I can't take it!"  Mel tells him if that's the case, then just…"aguántate" (deal with it)!  It's not like she's the only woman in the world.  "She is for me."  Even so, Mel says, Cris can't go making a mess in the stables over it.  He throws a rope at him and tells him to hang himself from the neck…but he doesn't think Cris has the [something I can't hear] to "arrancarle a la vida" (rip out of life) what he really wants.  OK, I get that he's saying he doesn't think Cris would really want to hang himself, but a lot of the words were unintelligible and the vocabulary made no sense.

Renato and Joaquin talk business while Aldonza wanders behind them, looking like she'd rather be anywhere else.  So, once again, important decisions are made without her paying much attention.  Renato wants to go check out the [something that ends in -arras].  Aldonza didn't hear it either since she was lost in thought.

All is right with Lola and Pato.  She asks him to help her find her mother.  He suggests going to the cops, but she's hesitant to involve them if it turns out that she's overreacting.  Pato will come up with an idea to find her.

Valeria meets Sev in front of her house.  He's angry at her for leaving, but she explains that it was one of Humberto's conditions for forgiving her.  Val bats her eyelashes and then really lays the seduction on thick by bringing up Sev's favorite topic--the destruction of Aldonza Alcocer.  He strokes her face as he says that it's too bad she's not going to be around anymore, but they'll find ways to get together.  Val looks confused when he kisses her cheek and as he walks away she makes a cara de "Did he just hit on me?"  followed swiftly by a cara de "That dirty old man!" and then finishes up with cara de "Well, this is going to be fun!"

The bishop says he heard about Padre J's forgery and his night in jail, plus the suspicion that he's going to reveal a secret told in confession, and he's having a relationship with a woman.  Padre J is furious and says Sev is lying.  "Chill, I'm not accusing you of anything.  I'm just repeating Mr. Mendoza's words.  If you're here right now, it's because I want to hear your side of things."  Padre J says it's a long story.  "I have all the time in the world."

Flavia goes to pick up Ray and have a fun afternoon, though she's still coughing.

Irma complains to Adelina about Mari.  She drops the subject quickly, looking at Adelina's sad face.  "I broke up with Joaquin."  She's sad, even though she admits what she felt for him wasn't the same as the love she felt for…Raymundo, Roberta's husband.  Not that there was anything between them, but she's embarrassed that she was in love with him and that she didn't do right by him.  She hopes he's forgiven her, wherever he is.

Padre J apparently wraps up his story, assuring the bishop that Sev's a bad, bad, baddie with a rotten soul.  Sev came to the bishop because Padre J is one of the few people who stands up to him, so Sev considers him an enemy.  And this isn't the first thing Sev has tried, either.  The bishop says some of what Sev said is true--forgery, the scene in the church.  Padre J points out that the forgery was to help his niece who is being victimized by Sev.  He feels he has the responsibility to protect her.  The bishop says Padre J has been guilty of the sin of pride.  He can't fix the world on his own--he doesn't have the power--and he's been acting as if he does.  Padre J agrees with him.  The bishop suggests he go back to his church and think about what he's done.  He needs to remember that he's a priest, not just a regular guy who can get carried away by his emotions.  Padre J agrees with him--he knows his anger for Sev, who has hurt his family so much, has gotten the better of him.  The bishop thinks part of the problem is that Padre J has spent too much time near his family, and he might need a change of scenery.  It's time for him to leave Santa Lucia and he has a month to prepare.  The patio has a sad.

Cande comes to Cris' room to annoy him about his divorce and try to make him feel guilty for Val's leaving.  Whatevs.  Cris doesn't care.  Cande keeps blabbing.  He tells her he's tired of her interfering in his life.  He wishes he had at least 8 siblings so she'd have to divide her attentions and he could have a moment to himself.

Padre J doesn't want to leave Santa Lucia.  Not now!  Not when his niece [and the patio] needs him [because he's the only one who can resolve this story] so much!  Well, that's exactly why the bishop made this decision.  Padre J is too involved in his own personal business and that's not good.  Padre J understands.  The bishop asks him not to think of this as an imposition or an "intransigente" (inflexible) decision.  He meditated on it and thinks that, "Dios mediante" (God willing) this will be best for everyone.  The bishop knows that Padre J has a true vocation and he's convinced this test that feels so unfair right now, will only strengthen his faith.  Padre J says he'll follow orders, with God's help.

Pru sulks.  She's been crying for hours, according to the maid.  She tells Val that Humberto knows everything, thanks to her loose-lipped friend Tere.  "I told you so."  Well, that's not the worst of it…Humberto has abandoned them and wants a divorce.  "I'm going to be a divorcéeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Pru sobs.

Humberto checks in at a hotel for a few days while he looks for a new place.  He tries to take off his wedding ring, but it's stuck and takes some effort.  He throws his stuff around the room instead of unpacking, smashes a lamp, and cries uglier than Pru.

Silvia runs into Tomas, looking for Padre J.  She wonders what's going on with him and he tells her about his meeting with Humberto and how crappy he feels.  She says she did something similar to what Tomas did--she let someone go--but at least her conscience is clear.  Tomas starts laying on the tacky flirting and Silvia laughs, but says to just tell Padre J she came by.  Personally, I think she's laughing because she finds him completely ridiculous in a non-threatening way.

Adelina runs into Ray and Flavia.  Polite words and stony glares are exchanged.

Candela and Val gossip via phone about Cris and Aldonza's divorce hearing.  Val is annoyed that Cande takes everything with so much calm when it's all so uncertain.  Pru advises Val to go "console" him.  Once again, Val brushes off Pru's "advice."  I tell you what…just board up the house and leave the two of them locked in there together.  They can be each others' anvils.  They're still screeching at each other.  I'm not listening.  How much longer is this going to go on.  Oh…wait…Val has an idea.  She decides to go to Las Animas.

Cris rides over to El Santuario to tell Aldonza that he's not going to give up on what he wants.  "I already told you!  Renato and I--"  "Oh, please, even you don't believe that!"  Renato asks him to leave, but Cris says he's not going to let Aldonza throw her life away with a guy she doesn't even love.  And yes, her life IS his business because he loves her, and even though she's determined to be stupid, she loves him too.  Renato decides to interrupt and start a fight, but Aldonza breaks them apart and tells Cris she's tired of him and the way he fights with everyone.  "Don’t treat the divorce like a done deal.  I'm warning you.  I'm not going to the next meeting.  You do whatever you want."  And off he rides.

Val is in Sev's office.  He's cleaning a rifle.  She begs him to speed up the second divorce hearing.  "You're an influential man.  You have lots of contacts.  I don't think it would be so difficult to ask one of your friends to speed things up."  Sev tells her he can't do anything.  "I know you can."  I completely lose the sound and the picture goes all pixellated.  When it clears up, Val is complaining about how she's already been patient.  Sev says HE's the one who has been patient, and more than she deserves, so quit pushing.  Cande comes in looking for Cris.  She's surprised Val is there and didn't come up to see her.  "I had to apologize to my uncle first, for leaving."  The camera lingers too long on the rifle as Sev leans it up against the fireplace.  Cande and Val continue screeching about Aldonza and the divorce hearing.  Sev says soon they'll be rid of her.  "I don't see how, unless someone kills her," Candela snarks, "but neither of us is capable of doing something like that, right?"  "Of course not, Candela," Sev replies, con cara de "if I make this face like I think that's ridiculous you'll believe me, right?" which Val seems to notice.

Aldonza will never tire of being grateful for Renato for being there for her whenever she needs him.  And Renato will never tire of telling her that he does it because he loves her.  "I hope one day I can return your love, the way you deserve [but I've been too busy moping over Cris to make much of an effort]."  Renato jokes that he has his faults.  Aldonza is off to see her uncle.  Renato says she has made him the happiest man in the world today and he hopes one day he can make her the happiest woman in the world, too.  The show ends on a slow-mo kiss.

Previous: Episode 101
Next: Episode 103


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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I'm really disappointed by the mumbling tonight. Por favor, actors, we're hanging on every word out here!

I understand why Padre J has to move, but all the qualities that got him into trouble with his boss are the same ones that make him such a great character. I guess this means we have a month in the show's timeline to wither wrap this up or get the transfer cancelled.

Yay! I'm always so happy to read a Diva recap!
" It's an invitational competition for superbadass riders"
Cris kicks the bucket...No, I mean, literally, he kicks a bucket in the stables"You're so mean :)cara de "Did he just hit on me?" followed swiftly by a cara de "That dirty old man!" and then finishes up with cara de "Well, this is going to be fun!" Cara de ewww on the patio.

-Lola made an effort tonight! Good for her, glad to see some growth, however small, from that corner.
-Cris backslid. I was all proud of him for signing the papers, but then he fell back into it. Oh well. I can live with this because he's the only one I believe really is in love.
-I wanted to see the Flavia/Adelina scene.
-Glad that the bishop isn't a jerk.
-Val really gives zeros effs about her mom.
-Yeah, the camera did like that rifle too much...

Gracias, HellaShelle! I'm glad you enjoyed my crankiness :D

I'm glad Lola got a grip on herself, too, but I really had to ignore 9/10 of the words coming out of her mouth today.

Yep, Val gives zero effs about her mom...which is ironic, considering she's actually had some effs :p

Gracias, Kat! Mumbling episodes are the worst.

Yay! Kat, I couldn't resist reading your fab recap before going to sleep.

Hellashelle- After the initial annoyance and anger about Mari, I too was impressed that Lola was able to let it go and move on to more important things, like her missing mom.

I knew Tere couldn't just be some empty headed gossip and would be the downfall of Pru, but I never would have guessed that she set up this whole sting operation from the beginning to tear Pru down and help Hum. You go, Tere! Maybe the law firm of Silvia and the other two should hire her for some of their special undercover cases.

Gracias, Sara! Ugh, it's so frustrating to try to look through WordReference for the word it *might* be and not find anything that's remotely close.

I appreciated Melesio speaking for Viewerville and telling Cris to stop whining and crying, and start taking control of his own life. Not sure why the first "action" he decides to take is telling Al that he won't agree to the divorce after all. Would have been more impressed if he did what Hum did (minus the ugly crying)- get a hotel room and start looking for a place to rent.

Gracias, Vivi! I raise a glass in Tere's general direction. That was quite a spy job she did.

Vivi, I'm also disappointed that what Cris wants "most" is Aldonza rather than "some frickin' privacy!"

Gracias Diva, What a wonderful recap--Loved it! I never tire of telling you and all our other recappers how much their splendid dedication is appreciated.

So, I was delighted that the writers sprang a little surprise on us by revealing that Hum knew about Pru's affair. Had a moment of horror wondering if Hum was Tere's lover, but no. (Whew!)

Love love love the playful scenes with Sylvia and Tomas; actress playing Sylvia is like a whole different person when she smiles.

Was it NINA yesterday who floated the idea (sorry!) that maybe Sim/Viv survived tumbling over the waterfall in a wooden box? After all, the box did immediately bob to the surface. Maybe she wasn't dead? I will keep my fingers crossed only because it would drive Sev crazy.

Poor Padre J; seen from the Bishop's perspective, he really has lost his objectivity. Wonder where they are sending him? Or...will Padre J just become..."J"?

J in Oregon (no relation)


Gracias, J! I'm glad they explained more about how Humberto knew the truth. And that was fun to have Tere call Pru on her fakeness.

I think Sev watched long enough to see the coffin-table sink before he had his last laughing fit and drove off. Still, stranger things have happened than someone who's supposed to be dead ending up alive.

Kat - Thank you for the recap and the snark, and the translations!

Yes, another mumbling episode and I thought it was the sound on my TV, which I kept adjusting.
Thank heavens for our recappers. If this episode was left up to me it would read --- Cris lines. Aldonza lines. Renato lines.

FFWD---> button worn out on this episode. Need a new remote.

Humberto - "Oops, there goes my security deposit."

Oh dear! The bishop-going-to-transfer-out-the-padre telenovela trope. Yay. (not) We've got, what, a month until the ending of this telenovela? PadJer has time to solve the crimes. Or resign.

That shotgun made me nervous. Maybe Cris will use it on his parents.

Yeah, that was a surprise. I don't know why I didn't think of Tere before, she's the logical leak, but it never crossed me mind. I kind of love how she counteracted every argument Pru made with "just like you did to you husband." I'm so sick of TN villains, minor and major, spewing their hypocritical follishness all over everyone and having their only comeuppance be not getting whatever they're after, without someone telling them what's really up. I would've been really mad if Pru's only backlash had mostly been Tomas getting sick of her. This way she had what she did thrown up in front of her so she can't avoid accepting her role in her problems.

Now, onto Cande? Because that REEEEEEEEEEALLY annoys me about Cande. Just once I would like someone to tell her that now is the time for reclamos.


Good morning, 5ft. Thanks for this latest installment in our never ending love story of Cris and Aldonza, and for your keen insight and humorous asides.

I think the relationship between Renato and Aldonza can be summed up with your "She's going to have to make an effort to have the hots for him." And I don't believe for an instant that he will call it off if she isn't responding to his advances, mostly because he won't be able to see the signs of her disinterest (of which there were plenty last night).

As to Tomas and Silvia, "Personally, I think she's laughing because she finds him completely ridiculous in a non-threatening way." You are probably correct, but if Tomas would make an effort to smooth off some of his rough edges and get an education, I think there might be something there for them both. Making Silvia smile is something that Renato has never been able to do. Also, Tomas looking toward the Deity and saying, "I owe you one," cracked me up.

Oh, boy, boozy Pru is a cooked goose, it seems. I didn't understand Hum's anguish in the hotel room.

You captured Val's facial expressions so well. I hope her (possible) willingness to be physical with Sev will lead to all kinds of problems for them both.

The rifle. Uh oh. You're right: Too much camera time.

Thanks again, 5ft. Love how you guide us through these episodes.


"Also, Tomas looking toward the Deity and saying, "I owe you one," cracked me up."
That was the best moment in the entire episode!

David- I think Hum was crying about his whole life going down the crapper and about ALL the horrible choices he's made, not just Pru. His marriage, how he raised Val and how she turned out, how he failed Eman, how much he misses Eman, being Sever's silent partner in crime, realizing what a spineless coward he's been. We've seen him being pensive the last few weeks. Now, I'm interested in seeing what else he does to change his life around. Time for some truth bombs, Hum. Adelina also seems about to crack.

There's a lot to be said for a man who can make you laugh. Tomas might be just what Silvia needs right now to stop obsessing over Ren and Al.

At least we can be relatively certain Sev isn't using the rifle. The one handed cleaning looked awkward enough. Can't see Cande doing it (well, maybe...if, if she were fighting off a wolf that was trying to eat Cris or something). Val's ridiculous enough, but she doesn't look like she knows how to use anything more complicated than a blow dryer that doesn't have a touchscreen.

I get Hum's anguish, Even if he's sick of her, he cared a lot about Pru at one point. Now, all of the curtains are down and he has to deal with the farce his marriage and child have become rather than just ignoring it. What's more, he has to deal with his role in this. All the wasted time and wasted opportunities. It's sad.

There's a lot to be said for a man that can make you laugh. And he did say he wanted to turn his life around...In any case, I was too distracted by Silvia's hair to pay a lot of attention. I really wanted to pin at least the front of it back. I know you guys hate Adelina's hairstyle, but that's exactly what I wanted to do to Silvia's hair last night. I don't think it would look good, I just wanted to get those locks from around her face.

Whoa. Vivi that was disturbing. I was typing my response to David's comments and you literally typed what was in my mind.

LOL, Hellashelle. Great minds, and all that. :)

Morning, all, and gracias to Kat.

We now have 35 episodes until the end, which should take up that month until Padre Jeronimo is transferred out of SL. That's if the people allow it, because when Severiano falls the people will protest the padre's transfer. I suspect he will use that time to finish the job if he considers the transfer inevitable.

As a non-Catholic I can appreciate the notion that a priest needs to deal with theological and spiritual matters above the temporal, but it seems contradictory that the church can straitjacket him from saving someone's life when it keeps preaching "Life" at abortion clinics. That Aldonza is a living, breathing, human being whose future and/or life is in danger from a psycho doesn't seem to matter. I think that Padre Jeronimo might also be accused of Pride if she were not his niece, but taking him out of SL when he is the only person willing to take a public stand against the true devil serves no good purpose.

Where I hope this ends up is that after Sev's fall and the Big White Wedding at the end the worst that happens to Padre Jeronimo is that he goes on a temporary retreat and returns in time to christen Aldonza's first baby.

Caught Vile's facial expressions in her interaction with The Devil. Good job on Thelma Madrigal's part. I think Vile is beginning to see him for who he is although she has no clue of his darker deeds. He won't confide those in her, of course, because she isn't predictable enough and because he intends to use and discard her as he does everyone else. He knows that Vile's bun is not of Cristobal's making, so she is of no value to him once his lust for her and for his own revenge is satisfied.

And I believe he intends to kill Aldonza, hence the closeups of that rifle. Although how a one-armed man can use a rifle is beyond my comprehension.

To be fair, I was surprised that PJ didn't explain why he forged the document - about Cande and Sev lying to make Cris and Aldonza think they were committing a mortal sin. And is he not allowed to mention that Sev has confessed horrible things? Even if he doesn't say what they are and is talking to a bishop?

I don't think the bishop cares why Padre J did these things. The forgery was still breaking the law, and the whole thing was him stepping outside of his role as a priest. I get why the bishop scolded him and even why he transferred him. But it seems to me that the bishop should serve as Padre J's spiritual advisor, and as such should have also spoken to him about how he can protect his niece and others he believe are in danger, within the bounds of the priesthood. Or just talk with him about his fears and concerns. Just telling him to drop it all, leave, and put it out of his mind, seems like setting up one of your best priests to fail because he's tormented by these worries.

Doris, it looks like you and I get tickled by the same kind of one liners embedded in the script.

Vivi and hellashelle, I like your explanation for Hum's crying. It's just that since I am a male, and a linear thinker, I would have thought he would have worked through all those issues before he pulled the trigger on the divorce.


I can agree with that, but I cringed when PJ framed his argument as "I was helping my niece" rather than "this man (and his wife) is (are) deliberately lying to ruin other people's lives." I would think it would have helped his case to note that they used a lie to invoke incest purely to separate two of his parishioners. Yes, he broke man's law and was VERY lucky to escape punishment for that, but he was trying to protect two people from thinking they had broken God's law, which I would think, in the bishop's eye, would have softened the blow.

Kat, once again great stuff! How you can make apple pie out of this group of rotten apples is beyond me. Thank you.

Well, I did not see Tere's deception coming - good for her! She was very good at outing the really bad Pru.

As much as I dislike the Pru character, I really hope she wins an award for her acting.

Cande will not be happy to learn that PJ is getting of Dodge and she will know just who to blame.

Yuck, the very thought of Val and Sev makes me ill. The look on Val's face tells it all. The girl has no morals.

It is about time Sim reappears and what is the Candy House doing these days?

Rosemary Primera

Kat, thank you for the recap, the patio has a total case of the sads, darn Severiano!

Doris- ha! When I saw Humberto going nuts my first thought was " I hope the landlord got a security deposit!"

Hella- from my research a few weeks ago father J can't say a word about anything he was told. In fact he can't even bring up the subject with the parishioner who made the confession without first getting permission to bring up the subject.

Thanks, Kat. It was a pleasure to have your recap this morning with a nice cuppa mint tea.

I, too, wondered if Padre J might now leave the priesthood. He knows how bad Sev is and how vulnerable Al is.

Mari is insufferable. That scene of her laughing at Lola from behind the locked gates was infuriating. I was hoping that Pato would come out behind her to witness her true nature.

Looks as if Pru's anvil has started it's descent.

I am tired of the Cris-Al-Ren triangle. Meh In this neck of the woods, a divorce is final after two years even if one of the parties will not sign the papers. Both of those hombres should just move on , and Al should finally get some counseling . The inaction is driving me crazzzyyy.

Val has no idea what Sev is ...and neither does Candygirl. Neither realizes that Sev has killed and would not hesitate killing again. It is his goto solution when things are not going his way.


"I was hoping that Pato would come out behind her to witness her true nature."

That's what's driving me batty! Only Lola seems to see Mari's true nature and since Lola acts like such a petulant child, no one believes her. Lola and Mari really aren't that different. Lola just isn't mean spirited.

Love it Kat and thank you.

"superbadass riders"

Very well done, " Val looks confused when he kisses her cheek and as he walks away she makes a cara de "Did he just hit on me?" followed swiftly by a cara de "That dirty old man!" and then finishes up with cara de "Well, this is going to be fun!"

"The patio has a sad"

Sin of Pride my ass, a lesser man, given the rock star love and adoration of PJ would be tootin coke, have a harem of female groupies and trashing hotel rooms.

Forget Mari, how stupid is Pato for hiring her.

Emanuel and Veronica are cute together.

Nooooooooooooooo he's a clown, keep Tomas away from Silvia.

Val, you so dirty.

I kinda like Aldonza's approach to the budding romance between she and Renato. Absent is the manic junior high giddiness. She kissed him back.

The Cris character has become a buffoon.

I think Humberto is kicking himself for all the opportunities missed, had he had a spine.


Good morning, patio!

Gracias, doris! Yes, I think you're correct. We have about a month and the Padre has about a month, so with the time warp in Santa Lucia, he should be able to wrap all this up (I mean, who are we kidding, of course he's the one who's going to do it!) and still have plenty of time left to convince the bishop that he should stay. Or he'll feel like it's ok to leave because everyone is safely out of Sev and Cande's clutches. occurs to me that he spoke to the bishop as if Sev was doing all these things single-handedly (uh, pun only somewhat intended). He never mentioned Cande. Does he not hold her responsible? Was he just trying to keep the story from being too long?


Hellashelle, I think Cris is trying to tell Cande her verdades, but she never listens. Those braids are her beanie. Nothing gets in.

Gracias, David! As much as the thought of Val and Sev together grosses me out, I think you're correct--it will lead to all kinds of problems. And that is something I DO want to see!

Gracias, Urban Anthropologist! As others have said, the problem with what Padre J is doing is that it's the job of the police, not the parish priest. He could have done a better job of explaining what a crappy job of protecting the public, investigating crimes, etc. the police in that town do and the widespread corruption and how Sev always gets his way, but he presented it as "My niece needs me!" and his niece shouldn't be any greater priority for him than any of his other parishoners. They all need him.


Gracias, Rosemary Primera! The Candy House is currently with Cande...hmmm, how to get it out of her armoire...? I can't see her giving it to anyone, when it was given to her by Padre J. You're right, she is not going to take the news well at all and I'm going to enjoy watching that!

Gracias, Eli! I read the same thing as well. It's even stricter than confidentiality for least when they think they need help with a client, they can talk to a supervisor or colleague and it's ethical as long as they're not giving identifying information.

Gracias, susanlynn! I really hope that Mari's unprofessional behavior comes back to bite her in the ass. Standing on the front steps gloating for anyone walking by on the street to see? Bad for business.


Sara, I agree. Lola's not out to hurt anyone, and she's at least trying to grow up.

Gracias, tofie! Your image of rock star Padre J cracks me up...instead we've got Humberto trashing hotel rooms in a totally not rock star way.

"Forget Mari, how stupid is Pato for hiring her."

BINGO! Pato is a cutie, but wow he's trusting. Shouldn't lawyers be a little more cynical?

Is Pato a lawyer yet or is he still in training? Still...Mr. 5ft was very disappointed in Pato. He thought Pato was one of the few guys who had any sense.

I can't even express how pissed off I was when Mari started her "if only I could find a job" BS and Pato just hands her the job. Then she starts hugging him. Blech! And holy crap the other two walk in and shake their heads like "Oh Pato. What are we gonna do with you?" I was just waiting for the laugh track. It looked like bad 80s sitcom.

It's not even important. But that's what I'm harping on.

He's trying to be a good friend, and that's...nice...but that's not how you make hiring decisions. Even if his judgment is clouded because he mistakenly thinks Lola will thank him because now she can go back to her old job...doesn't that tell him something about Mari? If he realizes it's Mari's fault Lola got fired, why would he want someone like that working for him? So, ok, Pato's having a lack of sense...what are Silvia and Renato's excuses? Did nobody else apply for the position? What with jobs being so scarce in SL and all *roll eyes* I would think they would be swarmed with applicants.

Yep, the two least qualified to work at the law office are Mari and Lola. Lola, bless her heart, needs to go back to Irma's shop and re-spool ribbon all day.

In law school we were told to answer any question with a; maybe yes, maybe no, ain't necessarily so, and that does breed cynicism.

So tofie, I'm not wrong in thinking Pato is just a little too sweet?

Silvia is a nice mix of ballbusting and kind.

Pato is a full-fledged lawyer but that does not guarantee he has any common sense or can see through Mari.

Dear word verification/reCAPTCHA - please stop showing me yummy cakes!

Pato is too sweet and trusting but in a firm I worked in he would be doing research, never handling clients or in court. I've known Silvia, hell I am Silva and why I dig her so much.

SBC - I think Pato is just a really nice guy and a too naive. And patient with Lola and Mari.

Ha! reCAPTCHA heard me and is now showing me salads. Yay!

I think Silvia was the one that said Pato's really good with writing things up. Giving his propensity for flowery speech, that makes sense. He's more a charmer than a hammer.

Excellent recap La Diva, 5ft and Kat!

Chris / Aldi / Ren – relationship can be summed up in three words: Lather, rinse, repeat

I also wish Chris had 8 siblings so that Cande Crusher’s “yelling is caring” would be re-directed.


"Candy Crusher" just made my day as did "yelling is caring."

I think Mari forced her way into the job, Pato was telling her about the opening and she jumped him before he could say much more and called dibs on the job.

I'm firmly at the Silvia table.

For those of you that had trouble last night with the mumbling, I saw the episode on U-videos and the sound was fine, if that helps any :)

LaDiva thanks for a really good recap.even though the ep was a bit annoying.
I say annoying because of ally. She has this way of makeing cris feel like he's the only one makeing mistakes. But its an equal opportunity mistake kinda situation.
Maybe its like someone said a while back, its more of a good vs evil thing. The padre J against evil sev and sour cande. They throw ally and cris in every now and then, to keep the love theme alive.
Padre J has a month to blow sev and cande out of the water. This will be quick. Then he can come back and visit the happy couple.

Agreed; if Padre J had put things differently the bishop might have made a different decision. Well, bishops can change their minds, especially if the town protests and he has difficulty getting a replacement. There is a shortage of priests these days and it must be all over the world.

Pato is long overdue to see the real Mari; her parents even more so.

Back in the Middle Ages when priests were the only literate people in most of Europe I don't think the church kept them from looking after their blood families' interests to make sure they weren't being swindled. This is even bigger in my book.

Fabulous Kat. Rich and filling - your vocabulary was a real treat.

"the Law Offices of Silvia And Those Other Two" and "So, um…no more Cheaters Club? Awwwwwww" were among my favorites.

"Vero asks Em to forgive her for sneaking into his bed and getting him into trouble. But she wants to be clear that she does like him". Ack. Go away Vero. Go far away.

With all due respect "The bishop says Padre J has been guilty of the sin of pride. He can't fix the world on his own--he doesn't have the power--and he's been acting as if he does" is wrong. Totally. As you noted Kat, he is the only one seemingly capable of fixing this. Along with Silvia and lesser company :)

I think it will be none other than the evil Cande that will lead the charge for the Padre to stay. The pressure will be on...


UA - priests were allowed to marry until some time during the Middle Ages. I think a wife dared to claim her inheritance after her priest husband died and the church did not like losing those assets.

Thanks 5ft, always a great read by you.
Gosh, so many comments already.

I just want to say, golf clap for Sev. Well done. He got exactly what he wanted, PJ gone.
I'm guessing that this will all be resolved in the one month that he has left in Santa Lucia.

I hope Humberto follows through with the divorce.

That smiley smirk that Val gave after her talk with Sev told me that she decided to cross that line and use his sexual attraction to her to persuade Tio to do what she wants. But how gross will it be when they're in the middle of doing it and she calls him Tio!

Actually, I would think Sev would want Padre gone even sooner. Is Sev just assuming that the Padre will just keep his mouth shut since the obispo sided with Sev? (it feels so wrong saying that.)

Late to the game today...SOOOOO many conference calls starting at the crack of dawn. Well, I think it was dawn. We haven't seen the sun all day.

Outta sight recap Diva. You have such a wonderful way with words and descriptions. I could literally hear the Pru yelling "DIVVVORRRCCEEE" again through my head. Hate Pru love Cynthia.

Man, PJ can't leave town until everything is done and settled. Can't see how things will work out any other way. He's the only blasted one getting anything done. Maybe someone should tell the Bishop to read the Father Brown stories. You can have a collar and sleuth on the side.

Sort of tired of Mopey and Whiney. That speech by Ren of saying if he's seeing they don't work he'll call it off seemed to me a nice red flag. But guessing we see a period where they at least try? So where does that leave Mr. Feeling Sorry For Myself? Hopefully not stupid enough to fall back in with Val.

I also took Hum's outburst at the total angst and anger at how screwed up his life has become. I hope it leads to him deciding to not give a damn and make things right. Although that won't be easy or pretty.

On the comments on priest and family, you're right doris in that priest in the early church were allowed to be married. The homes, food and salary were supported by the local communities.During the Dark Ages and mainly through the aftermath of the plague years, it was increasingly difficult for the local communities who were barely eeking out livings for themselves to be able to support the local priest and his brood, which in some areas could be a good size family, elder parents, etc. In some cases, the local priest would also be doing work and land grabbing on the side, and this was not much appreciated by the poor parishes who had monasteries already doing the same. So Rome decided that local priest, particularly those in poor parishes, could not be married so the local folks only had one person to support. It also allowed more money to then flow to the higher levels through the tithes. They however did not put the stop to bishops on up until later ( usually wealthy families paid for those positions or were patrons.) I always laugh at the rule of priests not marrying with people claiming it comes from the Bible...but it never was an early law of the church until money came into the picture. Taking History of Christianity in college was a real eye-opener.

and gee doris, my captcha was trees. Wanna switch?



Daisynjay - I love your church history lessons. Between you and doris I've learned a lot today. :-)

Daisynjay, I tend to agree with you about Humberto. I was thinking that once they exhume the caskets and Aldonza confronts him, Hum might just confess to everything he knows at that point.

I think Severiano assumed PJ would be removed right away and not that the bishop would give him a month to get things in order, unless the bishop gave Severiano a heads up after the chat and reprimand of PJ.

That's what I was thinking, too tofie. So I wonder how Sev will react knowing Padre will be around another month. If he reacts at all. I would think that I'd the obispo told Sev there would be a delay, we would have seen that conversation.

I don't think the Bishop told Sever what he intended to do. The Bishop told Padre J that he meditated on what he would do after speaking to Sever, and he also wanted to hear Padre J's side of things. I'm sure Sever does expect that Padre J will be admonished and removed from his post, though.

I'm not sure what the big deal is that PJ is there for another month. That's not really a very long time, if you consider a lifetime of time. Only we know that he will get everything resolved in that time, Sev has no idea. I'm sure that Sev thinks that he will keep everything under wraps for a mere month.

This comment has been removed by the author.

My fondest wish, PJ knowing he has to leave in a month will get his ire up. May the Wrath of the Padre now reign down on that little one-armed Zorro wannabe.


I only said it because I was thinking that Sev was thinking he was being clever and getting rid of the Padre. And now he's stuck with him for another month when he thought he was done with him. Sev hates to be foiled and I don't think he will be just "Oh I'll keep things under wraps."

I'm hoping he'll slip up.

I wonder if PJ told the bishop he believes Severiano tried to kill him.

Oh well, the bishop has cut off one of PJ's arms to make it a fair fight, more difficult but he'll best him.

Sara, and I don't think that one month is all that long. But I'll bet when Severiano finds out, he will be gloating, and Cande will be steamed.

Ooohhhh yeaaahhh. Does Padre think Sev tampered with those breaks? I can't remember. He knows Sev tried to kill him with a gun.

A month can feel like forever in Telenovelaland! :-)

Ha! Cande is going to lose her shi... temper.

I want to see a sit in at the church.

A month is how much time we have left of this telenovela, so Padre’s last month in SL coincides nicely. Sara- Yes. PJ suspects it was Sever who tampered with his breaks. Aldonza was the first one to say it out loud and made a stink about it, but Padre J told her not to make accusations that could not be backed up with proof. But then when he was alone and speaking with someone (Adelina?) he admitted that he believed it was Sever who caused the accident.

After seeing how everyone reacted when PJ was set free from jail, maybe we will see the town rise up against him leaving too.

And one month in TN time is a long time, I think PJ was resolve everything before that one month is up and he will not need to leave.

Thank you, Vivi.

I want Sev's take down to involve lightening and the Padre and something epic.

Sev's take down will start with Simona's box in the water. Nothing else he has done has any witnesses left to testify. Lola saw him with the box in his truck, and the movers who put it there. And Aldonza is getting ready to work on her water problem.

Padre Jer doesn't even know this telenovela is going to be over in a month. Bless his heart.

Is sev going to try and kill aldonza or padre J with the rifle? Who is that rifle for? I smell a rifle murder. Whose it gonna be?


Gracias, PBN! Lather, rinse, repeat, indeed :) Only the gran final can stop the drama-go-round.

Gracias, Nina! Sometimes the most annoying episodes make for the best recaps.

Gracias, Diana! I have to give credit to Sara for "Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two" :D

Gracias, cathyx! I'm pretty sure there's no going back for Humberto. He already stayed too long. I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read the bit about Val calling Sev "Tio"...if that happens, I'm just going to have to pretend she's Spanish.

Gracias, Daisynjay! "Hate Pru love Cynthia" is a good way of putting it. She's doing an awesome job with this role and really throwing herself into it fully.

I don't think the transfer of Padre J was meant as any kind of punishment. The bishop certainly didn't want him to see it that way. This is just the best way he knows to keep PJ from getting sidetracked from his work. I wonder if the "replacement" will show up anytime soon and what kind of person he'll be. It would make sense to have the new guy come in and get settled before Padre J is supposed to leave. I'd be highly entertained if he gets sucked in to the goings on and decides he wants to help Padre J bring down Sev.

35 episodes is 7 weeks if there are no pre-emptions.

Candela might get angry at the result of Sev's actions, so is there any rule that the obispo has to tell Sev his decision? If we heard the most important stuff in the conversation between him and Padre J then there is significant stuff that the padre didn't tell him. There is also significant stuff that the padre doesn't know yet.

He will have to find out about the rape before this is all over. I truly will freak if that never comes to light.

I think we have an awards show coming week?

I don't know why the bishop would inform Sev of his decision. Unlike the SLPD, he's not in Sev's pocket.

I could see it remaining hidden if Sev gets busted for something else. Aldonza might think there's no point going public if Sev dies or gets thrown in jail for life.

Gracias, Diva, for another entertaining recap.

Enjoyed seeing Pru all covered with the waste matter of her chickens coming home to roost. Hope she remembered how she threw stones at Aldonza and accused Roberta.

Gracias, La Paloma! I guess we'll find out when she's done feeling sorry for herself. Assuming that ever happens....

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