Thursday, July 16, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #107 (Mx 108) - Wed 7/15 - Inebriated absent one's posterior

OK, the Tomas-Silvia outing is set for Friday and he insists on paying. He also offers to snog her on the park bench, but she laughingly resists…sorry all, but she looks like she's enjoying it…at least until Pru shows up to make a scene.  Don't be calling Silvia a "golfa!" (Three guesses what that means, and you'll only need one.  Drink!)  Can Silvia sue her for that?  I'd watch those court proceedings.  Pru calls Tomas her "EX-novio" and stands on the bench to shout out to all the passersby that no, he's her AMANTE (lover), because the lady here is MARRIED, is she not?  Even if it won't be for much longer.  Silvia's watching this in fascination.  Tomas calls her out for going to Aldonza's house last night and says she's a hypocrite because he's her AMANTE!  AMANTE!  AMANTE!  His unseemly behavior drives Pru away and drives Tomas and Silvia into gales of laughter.

Lola wants to know why Pato told Mari about swallowing the ring, but he didn't did it!  He thinks maybe someone over heard at the clinic.  At the clinic, Pato?  Really?  He can't understand why she has so much  "tirria" (dislike) for Mari when Mari always speaks so kindly of Lola.  Really, Pato?  You did just hear that Mari told everyone about Lola swallowing her engagement ring.  You think she did that kindly?  Two words, Pato…confidentiality and liability.  Think about it, Pato.  Lola hangs up before she can say something she'll regret.

Silvia is just coming into the office as Renato and Aldonza are getting ready to go over to the Ministerio Publico.  Dudes…don't have conversations in front of Mari's desk.  Mari gets really involved when she hears that Silvia was having coffee with her friend Tomas.  As they head into Renato's office to talk strategy before they go, Silvia and Aldonza start talking about Pru's escapades with the less-than-flash-y mob last night and how Tomas was yelling at her.  I swear, I can see Mari's ears stretching toward Renato's office.  I hope they close the door.  Or fire Mari.  I'm good either way.

Pru is furious that neither Cande nor Severiano has called to praise her for her brilliant move last night.  Val rolls her eyes at her.  Humberto comes in to physically shake Pru for last night's stupidity.  He wishes he could lock her up in a "psiquiátrico" (psychiatric hospital).  Pru brags that she wishes she had burned Aldonza alive.  That might be grounds, there…danger to others.  Hum blames Val for encouraging Pru and/or not stopping her.  Val says she didn't know what Pru was going to do, but it sure made her happy that she did it.  And off goes Val.  Pru blames Aldonza for the failure of their marriage and Hum says they're getting a divorce because he can't stand her anymore, and the biggest mistake of his life was marrying her.  She accuses him of selling himself to Severiano, but Hum says she's the one who made him sell his soul to the devil.  The phone rings and Hum snatches it out of her hand and tells her to stay put.  Since Val has already answered upstairs, Hum hears Severiano telling Val that they need to meet, urgently.  "Why the hell do you need to see my daughter?!  Answer me!"  I think they're going to break Humberto.

The cop gives Aldonza and crew the standard line.  "We can't do anything.  There's no proof."  I assume this is about the shooting and not the mob.  Renato accuses him of not wanting to look for proof.  Well, he was already looking and Sev was at home all night.  OK, so, since it wasn't Sev, they're done investigating?

Humberto is still waiting for an answer.  "Valeria's expecting my grandchild, so we have several things to discuss."  Humberto tells him to stay away.  He goes running upstairs, Pru hot on his heels.

Since Sev's lawyer prepared an "amparo" (writ of protection)…Silvia interrupts to say he did that for a reason.  "I told you, there's no proof."  Aldonza is understandably furious that there's never any proof, he does all kinds of nasty stuff and "para variar" (literally "for a change" but it's used sarcastically) he always goes free,  they never lock him up, because they don't want to, they don't want to see justice done.  The cop demands respect.  Aldonza demands that he do his job, because nobody has ever shown her or her family any respect.

Hum tries to order Val to stay away from Severiano.  He tells her she can't trust him.  And if he's always been nice to her it's because he wants something from her.  She says he wants his grandchild to be healthy is all.  Humberto is frustrated that he's surrounded by people who won't listen to him.  And if Pru does one more stupid thing, he'll have her thrown in jail.

Speaking of…Aldonza turns to her legal team and says there's no point telling him what happened last night.  Renato insists and says they might as well give him the opportunity to do his job for once.  Silvia agrees.  Aldonza says she wants to press charges against Pru for bringing a mob to her house to try to "linchar" her (lynch…ok, that was probably obvious, but just in case you were wondering if that's really what they were saying).  "Oh.  That's different.  There's proof there."  See here, I didn't think it was the public's job to go after the proof, but hey, what do I know.

Pru also wants to know what Sev wants, but Val turns it around on her and says it's obviously because of what Pru got up to at Aldonza's last night.  And now she needs to go wash up.  To prepare for Sev's visit.  *barf*

As the head cop asks someone else to step into the office, Emmanuel is brought in.  Aldonza gapes at him through the glass.

Pato asks Mari how she heard about the ring.  She blames it on Silvia talking with her door open.  Pato!  That still doesn't make it ok!  Mari tries to claim that she just congratulated Lola, is all.  She hugs him and asks him to forgive her.  "Te juro que te deseo--" (I swear, I want you--) Pato is alarmed. "Te deseo todo la felicidad del mundo con Lola" (I wish you all the happiness in the world with Lola.)  Mari's lips keep moving and she keeps clinging to Pato.  Seriously, Pato?

Emmanuel and Aldonza are trying to catch up, but the cops keep trying to haul Emmanuel down to the cells.  Finally Renato puts a stop to everyone talking over everyone else by declaring "I'm his lawyer."  Dude, you're everybody's lawyer.  Are we drinking every time The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two (TM Sara) get a new client?  I'm going to.  Well, since Renato is his lawyer, they will announce to the entire police station that he's accused of theft. He stole Sev's horse.  Aldonza facepalms and then rolls her eyes, which I think is a little judgmental, coming from her.

Don Tony and Vero have arrived in town.  He tells Vero to check into the hotel while he goes to the police station.

The head cop tells Renato he can't talk to Em until after he gives his declaration.  Uh, isn't that the point of having a lawyer?  Head cop (for the love of…will somebody tell me this guy's name?) says he wants to continue their conversation about Pru and her merry mob of miscreants.  Well, now Aldonza is too worried about Emmanuel to continue.  Don Tony hears the name, enters the office, and makes some new friends.  They all start trying to talk to each other about Emmanuel and…screw it, I asked Mr. 5ft to give our head cop a name.  Thinking of all the British crime dramas we've seen, the first thing that popped into his head was "DI" which stands for Detective Inspector…but I'm calling this guy Detective Incompetente.  Anyway, Det. Incompetente asks them if they're going forward with pressing charges (on Pru) or not.  Since they say "yes," Aldonza ends up walking Don Tony out to the waiting room…while the lawyers take care of it?  Uh, ok.

Solitario gets taken back to Las Animas. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  The cops check the (forged) papers and Sev tells Jacinto and Mudo to take Solitario back to the stables and give him a checkup…to see if they're going to have to kill him or not.  Cris…dear, sweet, ineffectual, pushover Cris, suddenly locates his spine and shows up to say that nobody is touching that horse!  "And spread the word.  Anybody who touches him, I'll shoot 'em myself.  I don't care who it is."  Sev mockingly says they've heard "the boss."  "Besides, the horse isn't responsible for what happened.  It's the thief who's going to have to pay the consequences."  Cris says that remains to be seen as well.  Please, Cris keep hold of that backbone!

Aldonza sings Renato's legal praises to Don Antonio…he's handling charges against Sev, and her divorce, and another set of charges they just brought.  Sounds kinda sketchy when you put it that way, Al.  Aha, well, any enemy of Sev's is a friend of Don Antonio's!  Woo hoo!  Team Legal got permission for Aldonza to go see Em.  She introduces Don Antonio to Silvia and Renato, and then Vero, "Emmanuel's Novia," shows up and Aldonza gives her a semi-stink eye.  I shake my head in her general direction.

Val is primping.  What?  I said primping.  With an r.  Ignoring the dialogue.  Pru is suspicious.  She reminds Val that Humberto trusted him and ended up being Sev's puppet.  Val calls to apologize for her dad's "bad manners."  Sev says they need to be in very…close…contact.  And it can't be in public.  He gives her an address…. *barf*

Silvia calls Pato back at the office to give him an update and tell him about Emmanuel.  She thinks he should tell Lola, but Pato doesn't look too happy about that.

Sev goes back to the scene of the crime.  Or, uh, the last crime?  Or would that be the river?  Anyway, he's at Simoneta's pulling sheets off the furniture, having flashbacks, and getting struck by phantom limb pain.  He's still struggling when Val knocks.  She doesn't find it at all odd that she's in some random house in town.  She sees Simoneta's earring and says this must be where he brings all his lovers.  Sev explains about his phantom pain and Val starts hitting on him.  I can't even hear the dialogue over the screaming in my head.  Mr. 5ft mocks my distress.  The hard cider I'm drinking doesn't quiet the screaming.  Should've gone with tequila.

Detective Incompetente and his associate show up to arrest Pru for "agressión" (assault) and "daño en propiedad ajena" (damage to someone else's property).  "You can't arrest me for defending the rights of all the women in this town!"  The cop's response has me cackling and I'm sure I haven't had nearly as much booze as Pru…"Whatever.  Say it downtown."  Incompetente tells his associate to take charge of Pru.  I'm surprised she even handed the glass off to the maid.

Sev and Val.  He knows she shot Aldonza and he's pissed because he's getting blamed for it.  He's angry because she hasn't gotten El Santuario for him.  She announces it will be hers when Aldonza's lease is over.  Hands!  Hands!  He, uh, compliments her on her powers of manipulations.  The horror!  The horror!

Cris arrives to join the rest of Team Em.  He and Aldonza both say they think of Em as their brother.  My eyes went rolling of their own accord on that one.  Seriously, show…we get it!  We got it back at some episode in the single digits.  Cris is embarrassed about his dad's actions.  His father Severiano.  Don Ant refuses to shake his hand and Vero steps closer to Don Ant.  Renato tells Cris his presence is only hurting.  Cris tries to play the BFF card and announces it's HIS horse and if he doesn't press charges, there's no crime.  Too late, Cris.  Too late.

Lola tells Irma about her engagement.  She brings up Emmanuel, and just as Lola's saying she's never going to see him again anyway Pato shows up…to tell her that Em is back.  And he's been arrested for stealing Sev's horse.  Lola tries to pretend that's just plain interesting and she's not at all tempted to run out the door to find Em.  Irma helps her hold herself back.

Aldonza tells Em that it's Cris' horse and he's not going to press charges.  Sev can't do anything and Em will go free.  Em hugs her happily.  Aldonza tells him she met Don Ant and Em's, ahem, fiancee, Vero.  Oh, and BTW, Lola's going to marry Pato.  Em, get that look off your face!

Cris tries to have the charges dropped and Em freed, but Nava shows up with the papers of ownership for Soletario, with Cris' signature transferring ownership to Sev.  Cris now looks like a total ass.

Em mopes about Lola.  A guard comes to retrieve Aldonza.

Cris says he doesn't remember signing it.  Nava says what Sev told him to--that Cris doesn't pay attention to what's going on at the hacienda and signs things without reading them.  Cris says that's possible, but he would remember this.  Cris says it LOOKS like his signature, but he can't be sure.  He also can't be sure it's not.  Renato suggests a "peritaje caligráfico" (graphological analysis by an expert) to verify whether it's Cris' signature or not.  Det. Incompetente agrees, but says until that's complete, the horse legally belongs to Sev and the case will proceed.  Nava smirks.

Pato tells Lola TLOoSaToT is going to get Em out.  She pretends not to be concerned.  Pato says something about inviting Em to the movies?  "Pato…is he ok?"  Emmanuel?  "No, El Solitario."  Pato supposes he's back at Las Animas.  Lola goes to the back to cry, presumably, while Irma laments the tangled love tri--? Quad--?  Deca--?  The giant mess of love lives in an unidentifiable geometric shape.  That the younger set is…in.  What can I say, it defies logic, grammar, and mathematical definition.

Cris tells Aldonza this is fishy.  Aldonza acts like it's Cris' fault that she went back there and told Em he'd be set free and now he's going to be disappointed.  As they're wondering how this could happen without Cris realizing it.  Silvia asks if Sev would have faked his signature.  Don Antonio opines that Sev is capable of anything.  Ooh, tell us more, Don Ant!  Cris agrees that Don Ant is right, but he can't be sure.  Renato says maybe they need to think of another strategy.  Cris offers to put up the money for bail or whatever, but Don Ant says he'll do it.  Renato says they're waiting to clarify Em's situation first.  Everybody gets into an argument about who's going to go in and see Emmanuel.  Silvia says Aldonza has already been in and he really needs to see his lawyers, so….  Don Ant and Vero leave.  Cris asks Aldonza how she's doing after the mob scene yesterday.  Aldonza says she's fine and Renato adds that they pressed charges.  Cris is glad.  "I guess I have nothing more to do here."  He asks them to keep him posted and let Em know that Cris is on his side.

Cande visits the gynecologist to fish for HIPAA violation information and ask for a sedative because of Val's delicate state.  He says he thinks Val already changed doctors, because she hasn't been back to see him.

Val and Sev are exiting Simoneta's house when Cris walks up and asks QTH they're doing there.

Lola visits Solitario.  She chastises him for not taking Em far enough away…where she could have forgotten about him.  Mel watches.

"Or better yet, what are you doing here with Valeria?"  "What do you think we're doing here?"  Cris says he doesn't know, that's why he's asking.  He thinks it's weird to see them in the place where Sev brings his lovers.  "I guess that gossip Lola already told you who lives here."  Cris again demands to know what they were doing there alone.  Cris…I…well, I want to know, too, but I also don't want to know.  You know?  Sev says they're not doing anything.  He offered Val the house to live in with his grandchild. Cris gets all huffy that he said he'd take care of the baby.  Val starts to screech at him and he cuts her off.  He tells Sev he can't remember signing the papers for Solitario.  "I can't believe you would forge my signature."  Sev resorts to denial and outrage.  He crows that Em is going to go to jail and Val joins Sev in his glee.  She says that in the end everyone "agarra su nivel" (? Attain their expected level?  As in Em's "low" class so of course he would be in jail?).  Cris responds that he's glad she's clear on that, since that means she's not going to be surprised to hear that her mother was also arrested.  With that and a saucy smirk, he walks away.  The recapper cackles!

Pru tries to intimidate Detective Incompetente with her close association to Sev and Cande.  Blah, blah, blah, human rights violation, blah, blah, blah, self-defense, blah, blah, blah, she attacked ALL the women in town!  She's stolen all our husbands!  "I doubt that." Word, DI!  I've just got the one husband, but seriously, that's plenty!  "It's in her blood!  Like her mother!  Don't you remember her!"  Det. Incompetente says Aldonza isn't like her mother, and even if what Pru says is true, what she did is a crime.  Pru says ALL the women in town were there.  "20 or 30 isn't the whole town."  Pru says there were men too and they should ALL be arrested…but she doesn't know their names.  So she'll have to be all alone in her cell.  Oh, please don't lock her up near Emmanuel!  That's cruel and unusual punishment!

Val calls Humberto and tells him to get a lawyer for Pru.  Humberto says he won't lift a finger for her.  The recapper cackles!  He hopes Pru will learn her lesson.  She committed a crime.  Val says he's obligated to help her.  "I can't.  I'm not a lawyer or a psychiatrist.  Those are the only ones who can help your mother right now."  The recapper cackles louder!  Val throws a tantrum and Sev soothes her. *barf*

Cris joins Lola and Solitario.  He knows Lola misses Em.  She's dying to know how he's doing.  Cris tells her to ask Aldonza and says The Lawyers will defend Em and Cris will do what he can, even if it means going against his dad.  Lola reminds him that Sev wanted Solitario killed, so Em saved his life.  Cris tells Lola about seeing Sev and Val at Simoneta's old house.  Lola thinks that's weird.  She hasn't heard anything from Simoneta, still.  It's as if the earth swallowed her up.  Cris really wants to find her.  He thinks it's time to get to the bottom of this.

Aldonza, Det. Incompetente, Silvia, and Renato go to the cells so that Aldonza can identify Pru as the woman who threw rocks at her house, tried to burn it down, and incited others to "agredir" (attack) her.  "You had it coming!"  Shut up, Pru.  No, on second thought…keep talking!  "That's how we treat sluts like you [two], fire and rocks, so you learn not to take what's not yours!"  She keeps spewing trash and mocking Renato as he escorts Aldonza out.  Silvia checks with Det. Incompetente (because, hello, "incompetente") and asks if he's now satisfied that they have the ringleader of the lynch mob.  And guess what?  When someone else does his job for him, DI is able to come to the correct conclusion!  Pru's still spewing.  Aldonza comes back to tell Pru she's not leaving town and sooner or later, she'll get El Santuario back.  Vocab: "pellifora" (prostitute), "barragana" (concubine), "gamberras" (troublemakers)…and was it "perfidas" (betraying) or "perdidas" (lost)?  In any case, whatever you've got on hand, might as well drink it all, 'cause I didn't catch the half of the thesaurus Pru was reciting there under the entry for "slut."  Incompetente tells her to shut up and quit throwing the rope around her own neck.  For that he gets rewarded with "corrupto" (corrupt), "vendido" (sell-out), "satrapa" (subordinate? Middle-manager? Minor official?), "malnacido" ("badly born"; bastard), "oligofrenico" (an archaic term and most likely a slur for someone with an intellectual disability).

Wow.  Seriously, y'all, I did not know they printed vocabulary words on the side of booze bottles.  I really did not.

Tomorrow: Premios Juventud

Previous: Episode 106 (Mx 107)
Next: Episode 108 (Mx 109)


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Thank you, Sweet Baby Chihuahuas for suggesting a drink. I swear, I only had one!

Thank you for a marvelous recap, Diva. So many great lines and I'm on my tablet which makes cutting and pasting time consuming, but I did love

"Val is primping. What? I said primping. With an r."

There were some great moments tonight to temper the not so great. I cackled at Hum's refusal to help Pru as well.

Can't wait to eavesdrop on the patio and hear what folks have to say.

Oh! I think Don Antonio is clearly team good in this TN.

Oops! Forgot to click the box for notifications.

I'll say thank you again. :) It sounds weird coming from a recapper, but I appreciate that people are willing to take time out of their lives to do this for others.

Great work, Kat. I didn't barf at Sev and Vile because they so deserve each other. They can boink each other in Hell when this is all over.

I did laugh when Hum refused to help Pru. She lost that privilege a long time even before she cheated on him with Tomas. I want to see a mob calling for her blood in a few episodes.

I still fear for Solitario. Cristobal is trying to protect him but when Satanic Sev called him an idiot before boinking Vile (which I'm glad they didn't show) I have my doubts he will be able to. Is there no protective custody for Solitario with the police or Don Antonio?

A toast to Silvia for speculating on the forgery. Interesting that Sev now commits the crime he had Padre J arrested for. Can't wait till he's found out.

Did Vile and Sev actually do the deed? They were getting handsy and gross, but I never thought they actually did it. I wasn't paying close enough attention I guess.

Pru can rot it hell along with Sev. She's a little too free with the slut vocabulary. Consensual sex among adults is not a crime. She just drives me nuts.

So funny, Kat! Thank you. I was right there with you cackling at Pru, from Tomas calling her out in public, to being arrested, to being dissed by Hum. LOL!

I didn't see the same facial expressions on Al as you did. I thought her eye roll was at Sever- like, that evil bastard is up to his old tricks having Eman arrested, and her look when she met Vero as just surprise and being taken aback by the news, not stink eye or a snub for Vero. I did notice that Al seemed to be the only one who noticed how jealous and possessive Ren got when he heard Sil was going on a date, and she was amused by it.

I didn't think they did the deed either. They are dancing towards it, but I think the writers would have shown us such a huge plot point.

Sara, I appreciate that you appreciate me and that you also grace us with your talents! You're awesome!

I could not resist a cheap primp joke. It was a case of laughing so I didn't cry. Anything to avoid contemplating the horror of...well...ya tu sabes!

OK, I'm going to concede that Don Antonio is not evil. But he needs to give us the goods on Sev already. These little hints aren't doing it for me.


Thanks, Vivi. "Dancing toward it" almost makes it sound classy. I say they were slouching toward it. ;-)

Urban Antropologist, thank you! I say, "Yep! Absolutely!" to your entire comment. Maybe not the non-barfing part, but the rest of it, for sure.

Too bad somebody didn't whip out a cell phone and take pictures or video of Pru's little helpers. Oh, well, I'm ok with her facing the music for this all alone.

I'm also surprised that Sev gets to keep the horse if his ownership is in question. At the very least, Sev shouldn't be allowed to kill him while that's in dispute. Maybe that's not a real thing, but I think it should be, because you're right. Cris can try to defend Solitario all he wants, but he's no match for Sev.

Do you think Sev and Val...? I think yes, but I'd really rather not know for sure. I'm pretty sure they weren't playing checkers.

Oh yeah. That's driving me nuts too, Kat. Don Antonio is all about letting folks know HOW he feels about Sev, just not WHY.

Maybe the writers are still trying to figure it out.

I also think the eye roll was about the irony of Sever being able to have people arrested, yet, he's never arrested for his crimes. That's got to be frustrating.

It's only been the last two episodes since we've known that Don Tono even knew Sever. It's not like he would tell a group of strangers he just met, the son of Sever included, why he hates the bastard. If he tells anyone, it will be Vero.

Thank you, Vivi! I did not pick up on Renato being jealous...was that back in the office? I think I was busy dissing I do.

Vivi- please stop pointing out the logical human behavior of our characters. I want them to satisfy my curiosity, not reflect any kind of reality. Lol.


"Slouching" sounds like they're closer to lying down. The horror!

Sara, if the writers are still figuring it out, then they'd better come up with something good.

Vivi, he was hinting so heavily about his dislike of Sev, I would have invited him out for a drink to get the whole scoop. Somebody who's willing to say that Sev is capable of anything would probably love a chance to tell the story.

Vivi, I think he'd tell Vero or Em, but it never came up before and he didn't really have time back in the jail cell wherever they were before. Too bad Em didn't tell him the truth about Solitario earlier.

Yeah. It was in the office. Ignore Mari in that scene and watch the interaction between Ren and Sil, and Al's face as she observes them.

Ignore to my ears :p I was doing so well when she was crawling all over Pato. Guess I needed to work up to it.

Thank you Diva! As always, classic Diva awesomeness shines in every line!

he's handling charges against Sev, and her divorce, and another set of charges they just brought. Sounds kinda sketchy when you put it that way, Al IKR! I snickered at that cuz it sounds like she and all her friends are delinquents.

Cris…dear, sweet, ineffectual, pushover looks like a total ass. sigh. Yeah, this was not a good episode for our supposed Principe Azul. Man, he must've lost all swagger when Nava showed up. His whole manly, lounging in the chair demanding charges be dropped thing? Poor kid must've felt like such a sole, ESPECIALLY since that went down in front of Aldonza and her super star lawyer boyfriend. Tsk, tsk, tsp. Humiliating. Kudos to him for taking that part well.

And, surprisingly, kudos to Lola for some positive growth. I give her applause for not having spilled Aldonza's beans (yet) and for both hanging up the phone before she said something she'd regret AND for telling Pato that's what was up, instead of just leaving him with a dial tone in his ear.

I'm with Vivi on Aldonza's eye rolling. I thought the response to Eman's arrest was partially "oh of course! The one time someone actual got away with something against that snake, they get caught, but he runs around licking and raping and shooting people and there's no proof!" It's ironic that it was Val and that her ranting again makes her look rude and insane.

She and Hum should talk about that because he also looks rude and insane. He might get his point across better if he calmly told Pru that she is the only reason he wants a divorce. It wouldn't make a difference with Val, who promptly dismisses the people that don't cater to her every whim the second they're out of her field of vision.

Lord, I wish every hypocritical thing these people said would get thrown back in their faces. I mean, I hate it when I'm wrong and it gets thrown in my face, but they KNOW they're wrong. And they're so wrong, on so many levels that they just deserve it. When both Sev and Val stood their, getting on Cris's case for "thinking bad" of them, I just wanted to slap them both all over again. They BOTH know the baby's not Cris's, they both just finished insulting him and they both know they were flirting (disgustingly) in Sev's love/murder shack. Que descaro! And Cris is the person Sev pofesses to love most in the world! Ay!

Pru, the other ultimate hypocrite - mmmm, I cannot wait for that anvil!


Pato is being real dope about Mari, but she is playing her part well. She never badmouths Lola in front of him. She's all sweetness and light. It makes Lola look like the crazy one when she tells Pato that Mari is a lying, evil manipulator.

Yeah, Mari took her lessons fron Val very seriously. In fact, the grasshopper may have become the sensei in her case.

Maybe the writers hadn't yet decided whether or not Sev and Vile did the deed. Just the fact that she looks willing to is disgusting enough although she doesn't know the worst of his crimes.

So the question that just occurred to me is whether that would even matter.

What got me in this episode is how delusional Pru and Vile are regarding Pru's most recent escapade. How on earth can they justify mob violence and potential destruction of property? It also makes me wonder two things:

1. If the house had burned to the ground would Sev have gone ballistic?
2. Is Mexico like the US about property and financial crime? Here those are more severely punished than crimes against other people (in practice if not in theory).

I don't think Sev would've cared about the house; he just wants the land. They didn't make it seem like they had actually done the deed, just continued their extended and disturbing foreplay. They match on the lack of morals level, but I think Val's tendency to screech and freak out would drive Sev to murder in the long run. Though he might have a better chance of teaching her how to control her game face than Cande has had.

I've got to say, I really appreciate Tomas's very public declaration of his status as Pru's ex-lover (though I was surprised Silvia laughed about it -- acting looked forced if you ask me). That will definitely help with her public fall from grace later. I can't imagine her mob will do anything but throw her under the bus at the slightest bit of questioning. I wish Hum had gone to help though. I really want him to declare, in front of witnesses and in the middle of one of her insane screaming tantrums, that THIS is why he wants the divorce and she needs to stop attacking innocent young women and he has no interest in any woman, just an interest in getting away from her.

Hi, 5ft. This was just great, sparkling at every turn with your special blend of humor and accuracy.

For myself, I am hoping that Sev and Val did the deed. It would serve them both right, and as that becomes known, could become the catalyst for their downfall, or at the very least, make them seem more vile when they are writhing in the agony of discovery.

I just loved Tomas' and Silvia's interaction at the park. As improbable as it seems, pairing these two is just plain fun. I liked how she responded to Tomas' reaction to Boozy Pru's attack. (And I loved her super-spy clandestine observation of them. I have never seen a woman get a shoe shine before.)

Thank God that the signature on the transfer of ownership for the horse is going to be scrutinized by a handwriting expert. Will this be Sev's downfall, that he is caught doing the same crime that he accused PJ of?

I am enjoying our increasingly aware Cris beginning to read all kinds of nefarious implications into everything that his dad does. When he finally goes down, Sev will be held in utter contempt by the one human being that he professes love for.

They sure are teasing us with the background story on Don Antonio and his previous interaction with Sev. It will be fun to watch that be fleshed out.

Seems like Eman is still carrying a torch for Lola. I hope Vero isn't just cast aside, although it seems like she doesn't have much trouble attracting men.

Although it arrived late to the party, I am enjoying watching Cris's spine grow and develop strength.

Thanks again, 5ft. Your work is always enjoyable and appreciated.


I think this episode showed a bit of a change in the Sever-Val dynamic. In the beginning he was the main one sending out the creepy vibe, while she became increasingly aware of it. It was that last interaction outside her house last week, where I think it was Kat who brilliantly described the facial expressions as Val realized Sever was hitting on her, and then seemed to decide she was game. Now we see her being the aggressor with the flirting. She thinks she's in control of the situation. But she doesn't know Sever. When things go downhill, she can't say that Hum didn't try to warn her about staying away from Sever.

Agreed, Vivi. Val is arrogant enough to think she has Sev eating out of her palm. It's going to be so delicious when he gets the upper hand. She won't know what hit her.

GoBlueFan- I'm assuming Nava notarized it.

I completely believe that Cristobal would remember signing anything like this. Let's add gaslighting to Sev's list of crimes for this one, with Nava as accomplice. He will get his own anvil.

Ooh! That's so right, Gobluefan! But can lawyers notarize things because then Nava surely would've handled that. Or found a notary to do it.

Sara (What happened to SBC?) arrogant is the perfect word for Val. And Pru. Her crazy statement in DI's office was so presumptuous ("Do you know who I am? Do you know who they are?" Ugh!)

I actually like DI and think he does a decent job. As far as TN police officers go, he's head and shoulders above many. He actually found out about Adriano, and he's right: there is little to no evidence about the crimes Rob and Aldonza did report (and they were both hysterical and rude when they did report, so they didn't help their cases). I like to think he's keeping a file on what has been reported and will take great pleasure in bringing it out when something finally catches up to Sev on the legal front.

Whoops! Had that comment up for a while without hitting submit. Props to Viv and UA!

I can only beg the gods that Cris finally sees the light when he learns that Sev forged his signature solely to punish Eman for daring to want something. When he finally learns Eman's his brother on top of that...huh. Maybe Cris really will try to kill Sev.

Hellashelle - you've jogged my memory. Is Adriano still in that coma?

(I might switch back to just SBC so it's easier for folks to type. Spelling it out was annoying I'm sure. Also SBC could also stand for "some bitchy chick" which kind of makes me laugh.)

Diva - Thank you for the fun, snarky recap! There were too many favorite lines to list here.

Looks like Pru's big downfall has begun. It would serve her right if she ended up penniless and working in a taquería, along with her worthless daughter.

And Mari could be the janitor at same taquería.

Tomas & Silvia are an unlikely pairing, so this must be all for the sake of diversion. Thank you, writers!

Ack! David- I meant to say to you that I had the same thought about Pru's shoe shine. Not that women can't get them... It was just oddly funny that she did. I missed most of what Tomas and Silvia said thunking about women getting shoe shines and then wondering if shoe shines are all the common in Mexico. They don't seem to be in the US. But I'm not in a big city.

Sara - It is rare to see a shoe shine stand, anymore.

Wow, just WOW! Diva this was an amazing recap, chock full of detail and snark. So many of your great lines were noted already but I have to say, this one " The hard cider I'm drinking doesn't quiet the screaming. Should've gone with tequila" just tickled me immensely. I think that may be the general rule of the patio as we progress from now on.

I can't even on Sev and Val--it was just, well to quote you, "barf". I swear AA has the patent on actors with doing slimy. Ok, need to stop...awful images surfacing.

Have to say, watching Pru self-destruct with Cynthia playing it is a sight to behold. With the known history we have seen of a woman who uses alcohol and pills to get her through her day, and now with her "world" falling apart, what we are seeing is a person having a breakdown and self-destructing before our eyes. Her lashing out at Allie is the need to blame someone for what she really did to herself. If Cande also shuns her, that will be the straw that breaks her I think. No hubby, no money, no town standing,can't feel sorry for her, but boy Cynthia will most likely do a stellar job of getting us almost there.

Somewhat proud of Cris last night, but I still would like to just get him to take that one more inch in admitting his father is one lying, cheating bastard. I think he knows full well deep down that signature was forged. Did enjoy the dig to Val. Yeah honey, that thing you want with Cris, never going to happen.

Let's be honest, we joke about the Scooby gang being lawyers to everyone, but can you imagine what would be happening if they weren't involved in everything? However everyone's happy endings turn out, I think that law firm should get a nice big bonus.

That said, Pato needs to see the forest for the tress with Mari. She needs to have that pony tail caught in a revolving door and be put out of her misery. I like Irma and Uriel, but child No. 2 needs a major comeuppance too in this tale.

My guess is that Don A must have had some bad dealings with Sev in the past...Sev impresses me as someone who would be a cheater and conniver in his horse tradings as well.

Now I will go back to finishing my coffee at work reliving the big hug I was seeing myself giving E-Man last night. Get that handwriting expert Ren and get him out!



Daisynjay - Pato is coming off as a real doofus right now. I don't care how brilliantly he writes his legal briefs.

I have really enjoyed the past several episodes in this thing, so I am wondering if vacation season is over in Mexico, and the A team of writers is back at work. It just seems like lots of small, but meaningful snippets are being inserted all over the place, many of them humorous.

Doris and Sara: I think the last shoe shine stand I can remember here was at the Grand Hotel, and it was torn down sometime in the 1950's.


Last Thanksgiving I saw a very small shoe shine stand at the Dothan airport. The last one I recall before that was in a Tallahassee mall when I was 6?

Solitario is such a beautiful horse I want him to have a happily ever after, too. As in a pretty female horse to make future champions with and Emanuel and Cristobal to train them.

If Don Antonio has to buy him to save his life I want that, too.

Severiano needs to burn in hell. I'm off to find a pitchfork.

Shoot, just lost everthing when laptop shut down for an update. I loved this so much had copied almost the whole thing. Anyway, you make me feel like I'm sittin on the couch with you and Mr. 5ft, thanks.

*barf* or gag me with a spoon

I am entertained with Silvia and Tomas but romantically, gag me with a spoon

Both Severiano and Val knew as they spoke by phone what this was really about but gag me with a spoon, "Third Rate Romance"

Was glad to see all the support for Emanuel but the look on his face as Lola's name was mentioned, gag me with a spoon

Pato has no logical excuse so he must like the attention of Mari, gag me with a spoon

People are laughing at you Cris


Tofie! I love that song! Now I can head off to my day of chores and errands (gag me with a spoon) with a song in my heart.

Kat, another stellar recap.

"the less-than-flash-y mob","Cris…dear, sweet, ineffectual, pushover Cris, suddenly locates his spine", "Val is primping. What? I said primping. With an r" and "The giant mess of love lives in an unidentifiable geometric shape. That the younger set is…in. What can I say, it defies logic, grammar, and mathematical definition" were sensational.

Vivi, I also noticed Renato’s keen interest in who Silvia had coffee with and his determination to find out what the relationship was. Aldonza also seemed to wear a knowing smile in detecting Renato’s not so subtle jealousy. Watching Tomas and Silvia together is fun (totally agree David). It’s something different for her and it’s nice to see her genuinely laugh and smile. Things she NEVER did with Renato!
Sara, I wondered if Val and Sev had done the deed also. If so, we were mercifully spared the visual. My eyes, my eyes.

Like Urban, I am still worried for Solitario. I put nothing past Sev, and he wouldn’t think twice about putting this magnificent beast down. Sigh.

I am very curious and eagerly awaiting the Sev/Don Tono connection.

Good grief Cris. You can’t remember whether or not you signed Solitario away?? Give that horse to Eman…


We actually had one in our office building here in Cleveland until just late last year when the gentleman retired. He was always busy with the number of law firms and the banking headquarters we had here. Many were sorry to see him go. There is stand at our airport--rather large one--and it is always busy when I'm coming and going there.

And I agree Sara...Pato went from being the sweet, sort of nerdy guy to being just plain gullible and clueless. Even the fact he asked Lola to marry him so soon after E-man leaving town had me wanting to slap him silly. I want him to go back to being super sleuth and look for romance some place else.


oops, should have referred to the show shine stands above. Is it Friday yet?


Watching Tomas and Silvia together is fun (totally agree David). It’s something different for her and it’s nice to see her genuinely laugh and smile. Things she NEVER did with Renato! YUP. We didn't actually get to see Silvia and Ren's noviazgo, so I guess they might've had a lot of fun, but Tomas is almost pure fun. And he could drown her in compliments, which must be nice after having someone fully reject you and go all in over someone who is married to someone else.

We have a shoe shine stand in Union Station (trains) and I always stop by a few times in the fall and winter to have my boots shined. I'm usually the only woman, but there are always plenty of men there getting their shoes shined.

Good morning all! Working my way through the excellent comments now :)

Thank you, HellaShelle! For a group of non-delinquents, Al, et al, do have a frequent need for lawyers. Good thing we've got some on hand.

Poor Cris. Yeah, he tried, at least. I hope he keeps trying, despite that horrible fail. Doesn't it seem odd that he didn't dispute that he barely pays attention and signs things without reading? Odd because he's a business major, I mean.

"Sev's love/murder shack" It's like Russian roulette...enter at your own risk. That whole turning the accusation back on the accuser thing is a classic manipulation technique. I'm glad Cris seems to have stopped falling for it. Maybe in the last episode or two? Anything that starts with "How dare you!" just doesn't have the effect on him that it used to.

Urban Anthropologist, I agree that just having Val look like she wants Sev's attentions is gross enough. I cringe when I hear that theme song now. I think they used to use it for any time that Sev was doing something evil, but now it seems to be exclusively a Sev/Val theme.

I don't know that Sev has ever expressed interest in anything but the land itself, but that's an interesting question, whether he'd care about the house burning down.

HellaShelle, my guess is that once they hear Pru has been arrested, none of that mob is going to come forward and admit they were there. You may get your wish yet, if she goes on trial for this before the divorce proceedings. I can't imagine her playing it cool in court.

Vivi, I too use a shoe shine stand for my boots in winter and love the look on the faces of the younger guys when I step up. The veterans, step right up mam. Plenty hotels, stations, airports still have them. Remember one time, think it was Cambodia, and hovering outside the hotel was about a dozen young boys with little boxes stopping the men coming out and as I waited for Mr. tofie to have his shoes (really hiking boots) shined I felt something at my feet, looked down to see a little boy start cleaning my dirty sneakers.

A few months ago when I was in Mexico, I was having lunch on the patio of a restaurant in Guanajuato (a must visit) that juts into the town square/park. The shoe shine guys are all lined up with their chairs/stands (like where Pru hid), so you can watch people get their shoes shined while you eat. A father, out with his little three year daughter, stopped to get his shoes shined while she sat on his lap. She was so fascinated by the process that she asked to get her shoes shined too, and the shoe shine guy obliged, while he and the father chuckled the whole time. The little girl was so happy. It was adorable.

Thank you, David! I agree that Tomas and Silvia together are a breath of fresh air. Hanging out with him may be the only fun she's getting to have around SL, and I definitely approve of that. I'm on the fence about having them date. I really didn't think the show was going that direction, but now it seems like a solid "maybe."

I have only ever seen shoe-shine stands at the airport, but that's such a classic spy move--get your shoes shined while hiding behind a newspaper and listen to the people who are conveniently having a conversation nearby.

Vivi, while I'm glad Humberto gave Val the warning, I think it's going to be one more thing for him to beat himself up about--not keeping Val away from Sev--when the anvils start dropping. And this one's not really on him.

Sara, when Sev finally turns the tables on Val it's going to be delicious and gross all at the same time. I wonder if she'll even realize her mistake or just keep trying to pretend she can play in his league.

HellaShelle, DI's not the worst TN cop ever, by any means. I get frustrated by how easily he just throws his hands up and shrugs when the answer is less-than-obvious. I watch too many crime dramas. On those shows, the cops are always trying to solve the case because the case exists and that's what they do. This guy looks like he really has no interest in solving cases, he just takes information and asks a few questions and seems to have no drive to get to the bottom of anything. He almost seems like he can't do anything because there's just him and the one other cop and they're overwhelmed by...all the other crime in SL? I hope you're right and if he's not actively working cases, he's passively collecting information so he can bring it all out at a critical moment.

Sara, at Nava's last report, Adriano is still in a coma.

Thank you, Doris! Ha! I like the idea of Pru and Val slinging tacos and Mari washing dishes in the back. People would show up just for the free dinner theater.

Thank you, Daisynjay! Yes, I need to take a sip of some Don Julio every time that little faux-electric guitar riff plays to signal skeevy goings on. That and cover my eyes.

You bring up Pru's booze and pill habit...I wonder how long she's going to be locked up. The withdrawal could be ugly. I'm not sure whether I would expect the show to go there in terms of realism, but she probably has been on so much for so long that she needs medically-supervised detox. If they do give us withdrawal, I bet Cynthia can handle that just as well as she handles doing boozy and self-destructive.

As for Mari, most of what she's done can fit in the category of pranks and general Mean Girl behavior, so maybe Irma and Uriel will be spared too much further pain...but the discovery that Mari stole money from Irma pushes it into criminal territory. I want her found out, but I feel bad for Irma and Uriel. I do think they made some mistakes when it came to raising Lardo and Mari, but they don't deserve this. One child dead and the other with seemingly no scruples? The best I can hope for is that Mari gets her anvil in some way that doesn't hurt her parents.

We've seen the reaction from other of Severiano's women when they finally realize they never had the power. Cande, when she found out Severiano wasn't the loving/husband family man she held in mind only, Roberta, it took Severiano burning her crops and raping her daughter and Simoneta, oops too late as her body was tossed over the couch. All including Val believe he can be manipulated with sex and an ego stroke or two and while he does respond to both, he also believes they are a dime a dozen and should be put down like a lame horse.

Sara, I think Mr. 5ft is most annoyed by how they're ruining Pato. He used to think Pato was the smartest guy on the show, but now it's "He did what? Ay, Pato!"

David, they do seem to be catching a second wind, maybe because we're nearing the end?

Urban Anthropologist, that would be cool to see Em and Cris start their own stable to train Solitario's progeny. Maybe Don Ant can join the business venture on the jockey-training side. Good luck in your pitchfork search. Hopefully Pru's mob didn't clean out the hardware store.

Thank you, tofie! Like, gag me with a spoon! That's, like, so '80s :p I'm with you on all of it. Classic song!

Thank you, Diana! I'm trying really hard not to be too upset at Cris in all this fiasco, but if he wanted to help his "brother" out, you're right, he could have transferred ownership back when this whole mess started. Hell, he could have confronted his father for daring to order HIS horse put down for no good reason.

Oops...I think I just failed.

tofie, I think Cande took some of her power back when she got him to drop the charges against Padre J. Sev broke the rule when dealing with blackmailers--once you give in, they know you'll give in again. I wonder if she'll try that move again when she hears about Padre J's impending transfer. He seems to be the only one Cande will go to bat for.

The fact that Don Antonio knows Sev and his ways makes me wonder if he might have lived in Santa Lucia at one time. Perhaps he was even the guy who ordered the Candy House and put the ring in it? This is just a Crackpot Theory™ but at this point, nothing would surprise me.

I wonder how much calendar time has passed in this story. If too much, Simoneta's body won't be recognizable, if they ever find her. And if they don't find her, I will be completely bummed out.

The writers have completely ruined Pato and Cris, who at this point, should be wearing tee shirts that say #ifionlyhadabrain

doris, I'm leaning to Simonetta being found. Otherwise I don't know why they would have Lola still so fixed on finding her, now Cris in on it, Sev's increasingly bad nightmares and sort of having Val being foisted into the same domain. It's like they want us to not forget her.

Somehow we have to get back to the water issue and the waterfall area. Haven't had that brought up or be an issue for a while. We need one of the couples to go have a fun day at the pond and find the "coffin" underwater. Don't see how else anyone finds it...and maybe we get some decent beach bodies in the process.

I agree Kat is more annoying not counting trying to pin theft on someone else, but I certainly don't want her winning any prizes at the end like suddenly having her sorry and winning one of the Bod Squad men. She needs to suffer silently watching everyone else pair off and not win for her antics.

I love the image of Pru and Val slepping tacos with the bickering going on. But alas, I feel that's too good for them. Both of them have stooped to a level of willingness to murder and destroy to get their way. They don't deserve a taco stand.


I give up with trying to edit on a Kindle. Sorry, Kat. You are certainly not annoying, it is Mari but her name went POOF off the comment.

maybe my signal to get back to work. Sigh


Daisynjay - Yes, taqueria is probably too good for them but .... other people would see them so it might have an affect. My next best ending for Pru & Val would be a Thelma & Louise ending.


LOL, Daisynjay! Just when I was thinking "Well, finally somebody had the guts to say it!" :D

Eh, Daisynjay gets a free pass on that just for trying to type anything on a Kindle. My Fire HD is the reason I finally bought an iPad!

I have a Kindle, but it's really old and I only use it for the reading function. I'm considering upgrading, but I feel like I don't hear a lot of good things about any of the more current versions. Does anybody have an e-reader/tablet that they really love?

Tofie - Actually, I think Val's a little different in that she has no loving feelings towards Sev. She likes the way he flatters her and she takes him more seriously than she's ever taken Cris or ever took Lardo. But Cande, Rob and Simoneta all actually cared about Sev at one point and wanted a life with him. Val just wants a life subsidized by him.

Doris - I share your Crackpot Theory. I still can't quite figure the way around the age difference, but that was my first thought when Don Antonio said he unfortunately knew Sev.

Diva - I think (but I can't quite remember, so this might be wishful thinking) that Cris did mention getting the horse turned over to Eman, but then E left without telling anyone, so he couldn't.


Diva - Three years ago, I started out with a Kindle 4 and I love it. It fits in my purse, lightweight, I always bring it on airplanes, etc. But, page turn buttons are on the side, my thumbs are getting tendonitis/arthritis and clipping a small LED light to the top makes it top-heavy and awkward when indoor lighting is insufficient.

So,,, a couple weeks ago I treated myself to the newest version of the Kindle PaperWhite. I figure I've saved well over the price of it with all the library books I've borrowed --- for free --- on my basic K-4. It's only a tiny bit thicker than my K-4 and weighs a negligible amount more... and I am very conscious of weight when it goes into my purse or backpack.

I LOVE my new K-PW!! Absolutely love it ! Woot!!! Best money I've spent in ages.

I also have Kindle Fire HD and it's nice for reading books, but it is heavier and thicker than my K-4 and K-PW. I loathe the Silk browser. Personally, I could live without the Fire HD and may let my granddaughter use it when she is old enough.

My brother in law LOVES his Kindle PaperWhite.

Well, I have finally read the great recap (thanks , KAT) and all the comments in spurts while doing laundry and cleaning out closets. I hate cleaning out closets..that would be a terrific punishment for somebody.

Regarding Sev and Vile's meeting at Sim's old abode...made me feel like hurling. Vile is a spoiled, vain, arrogant Valley girl who thinks she can wrap her silverhaired old tio around her finger like she did Daddy and Lardo. OMG....girl hgas no idea that she is joining forces with the devil incarnate. This is going to be F.U.N. I do not think that they have done the deed ...yet...but if Sev goes there, that will be the last straw for Hum who will start humming about all the deep, dark secrets he knows about The Great Sev. Between Hum and Don Ant, old Sev may finally get tripped up.

As for Pruzy in the pokry, I ,too, was wondering how long it will take for the lack of booze and pills to have her writhing on the floor.

The stupidest thing that Vile and Pruzy did was tick out old Hum because this is their go-to guy for cash , prizes, and making things happen. Those two looking for employment would be a great anvil...and Vile as a single mother...but I would not wish that mother bon any baby. Does Sev know that the baby is not Chris's ?

I like this show because it still keeps me guessing. I am assuming that those dumb bunnies Cris and Al will end up at ES , happy as clams with E taking care of the horse trade and Lola being there with him. I think that writers are playing with us about Sylvia and Tomas. I think that old Ren will suddenly give up his massive obsession with Al and settle for the smart girl. Maybe Tomas will end up with Lulu or God.


As for tablets, I liked my $500.00 Apple IPad...a Mother's Day gift from hub.... until I dropped it. I still have not looked into getting it fixed. I am becoming worse and worse about procrastinating. I started using hub's cheapy Le Pen that I bought him for about $100.00 , and I love it. I use it for, caray, Goggle. It is practically part of me as I carry it all over the place. No complaints except that it makes a clicking sound as I type...that is hunt and peck since I never learned to type. The few times that I have used hub' s desktop in the office, I try to touch the screen ...which does not work.

Well, it is a perfect day here on my real patio..sunny, breezy, no humidity. It is hard for me to make myself do the chores that need to get done...but then again..hub is playing golf and probably not feeling at all guilty that his chores are not getting done. Hey..that worked for me..time to find some lemonade and my novel.

I have to put a word in for my Nexus 7. Susanlynn, I looked up your tablet and yours and mine use the same OS.

Sev does know that the baby is not Cris's. I think that's why Vile jumps when he calls. He's keeping that secret for her.

PS: I could do with no humidity. I just looked up our weather. 61% humidity. Blech.

Sara..Whatvis an "OS".. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? And sorry about the humidity. The next couple of days are shooting up ton90 , so I think that I should take advantage of the patio today. The closet cleaning can resume when it is too hot and humid to be outside...and hub isn't playing golf . Just saying. Hey, time for a sandwich and lemonade!

I just read very good reviews on the QVC site for Acer Iconia 7" , and it is less than $100.00 including shipping and handling. Does anyone know anything about this tablet ?

P.s. I have very small hands (size four ring finger..size small gloves) , but it is still tricky typing on the seven inch tablet. I often hit two letters at the same you all have noticed. Hub has XL hands and has a problem typing on this tablet.

OS=Operating system (android is an example)

I have trouble typing on a tablet and it's just because I'm clumsy.

(PS for Susanlynn-My daughter is volunteering at and ESL day camp for 3rd-6th graders this week.)

So I have a question...Why are the writers insisting on putting Em and Lola together? I mean, I am assuming they are because both Em and Lola were all droopy faced last night about each other.

Those two are the LAST two people I want together.

Vile is a baby barracuda in a shark tank. She has no clue that she could be chum soon.

As to Pru and Vile's Karmageddons we can't ignore the fact that both are now guilty of crimes that merit prison time. Both are also capable of more of this and worse.

Sara...So...we do not have androids? P.s. I am not tech all. I am still amazed that vintage birth to a math\computer science major...if my life was a tn , I would suspect a classic baby switch scenario. P?s. I think that your daughter will love her experience. I love teaching ESL, and I am crossing my fingers that I will get some classes in the fall semester. I never know until the week before the semester starts at the end of August.

UA..Yes, both Pruzy and Vile think that they can shoot people and lead firethrowing mobs without consequence. Plus, without Hum , they are without a person to make things happen for them and pay the bills.

Well, I just had to verify that I am not a robot by identifying sandwiches...I think it's a sign....that and my growling stomach.

Vintage birth????? Was supposed to be "I gave birth"... I guess I am a slacker as a proofreader.

Yes. We have androids. That's our OS.

"Pruzy and Vile think that they can shoot people and lead firethrowing mobs without consequence"

This line should not be funny. It shouldn't. But I am really finding it funny. I think it's because of "firethrowing mobs."

Mmm. Sammich.

La Diva Del, thank you for a very good and funny recap. your snark was superb.
Cris amazes me with his naivety, "I can't believe you would forge my signature", really? Cristobel stop eating those stupid beans. They're keeping that spine from growin boy.
I really would like to know what the story is with sev, and don antonio, I get the feeling it would blow sev out of the water.
Pato, when it comes to mari, the boy ain't to bright.
That love triangle, configuration thingy you were trying to figure out laDiva, its the twilight zone, the outer limites and fantasy Island all rolled into one. And it makes since, look at the people involved. Tweedledee Tweedledum and twit. Pick a name, lola, mari, or pato.
How long will it take them to fine out that the name was forged? Maybe a week before it ends. Whatever.

Sheesh, you guys, 73 comments already?

Thank you 5 Ft. Your usual good work. I'm afraid I don't think Cris's spine is very strong yet. He certainly backed down when he saw the signature. Well, it could be mine (said in your most dopey voice). You can't recognize your own signature? And it will take forever for a hand writing analysis. Look how long it took for the DNA test and the instrument to test Cris's blood flow when his artery was cut.

I'm pretty sure that Val and Sev didn't do anything but feel each other's legs. If they had gone all the way, I think they would at least have kissed on the couch first. (this sounds so gross just typing it).

Why doesn't Pato get a clue about Lola's lack of excitement over their pending nuptials? Don't happy brides usually want to tell the world? There's no one who would be against it, so why the secret? She just yells at him for letting someone know about it. CLUE!!!


Cathyx - Pato knows, he's just ignoring the truth and hoping it changes. He almost fell over himself trying to tell Lola to take her time when she was giving him her answer in the clinic and he probably would've rather dealt with Lola bashing him over the head with flowers again than told her Eman was back. He couldn't have missed her immediately moving to go find Eman because even Irma had to hold her back. Neither of them thought she was asking if Solitario was ok at the end of that convo. Poor, poor Pato.

TNs start off with the premise that there's a "True Love" and it overcomes all obstacles. The problem is when the main obstacle is incompatibility. I've ranted on this before because it's a real pet peeve for me. I love the idea of love and even true love, but even if that's the premise two episodes in -- love at first sight or whatever -- the the rest of the story should be backing that up with the actions the characters take.

Hellashelle...good points . I am right there with you.

Cris and Al are both very pretty , but they are almost as dim as the two leads in Gata....almost. They have been so meh in this show. I really do not care about them. I like take charge galans and strong, loyal, clever leading ladies.

Thanks, Diva! You rocked this, girl! My most favorite scene was a rare sting from Cris:

Cris responds that he's glad she's clear on that, since that means she's not going to be surprised to hear that her mother was also arrested. With that and a saucy smirk, he walks away. LOVED. IT! Can we please see more?!

Poor Hum does seem as if he's going to blow a gasket. Being the doctor for a whole town must've kept him away so much he didn't realize what a nut case he married and obviously didn't kow she was a child abuser as well.

Whoa! So many comments! I hope to get to these later and we've got a whole 'nother day to chew on this episode.

I'm sorry. If Val did the dirty with Sev, her uncle and future father-in-law, while she's carrying a dead man's baby that she's trying to pass off on Cris (Sev's son) as his own in a ploy to win Cris as her husband: if THAT's not a slut, then nobody is. A person of either sex who spreads lies as easily as they spread their legs deserves to be called a slut. There are other things that earn that label but if Val ticked those boxes, she deserves the label.

HellaShelle, I think you're right about Cris mentioning transferring ownership, but then he saw something shiny and got distracted.

Thank you, Susanlynn! We know Pru has a habit of searching in closets not her own, so that might be a fitting punishment for her. I agree, Cris and Aldonza are a foregone pairing, but for the rest, it's all up in the air.

Thanks all for the device recommendations. I'll probably be looking around for a while before I commit to anything.

Thank you, Nina! Yes, it's all quite incomprehensible. We'll just have to wait for the end!

Thank you, cathyx! Oh, I'm sure Solitario will have grandhorsies before they get that handwriting analysis completed. I'm laughing at your reaction to typing...that typed...about those!

HellaShelle, ditto what you said about "True Love" as the story premise.

susanlynn, alas, all our take-charge guys are not the galans, and the strong, loyal, clever ladies are not leading.

Thank you, Lila! Yes, please, more snarky Cris. If it were up to me, there would be no turning back for him, no more denying and saying "Well, maybe...." No more cutting his parents slack. I think I'm about 90% convinced that he means it when he says he will never marry Val. He obviously didn't mean it when he told his parents that if anything else happened to Aldonza he would hold them responsible. That was a big load of hot air. He actually seems more interested in protecting Emmanuel from his parents than he ever was about protecting Aldonza. At least he's doing something this time. Or I hope he will do something, not just wait for a call. I like that he wants to investigate what happened to Simoneta, but I wish he would expand that to a more general "OK, what exactly have my parents been up to?"

As for Val, "if THAT's not a slut, then nobody is", I think that's exactly my point. Nobody is. Because it puts too much emphasis on the sex as the problem behavior and ignores everything else that she's done. It minimizes that she's a liar and a manipulator and a would-be killer and reduces the source of why she's such a horrible person to the fact that she's had sex. Well, so has Silvia. So has Vero, I'm betting. So have Irma, Dominga, Tomas' mom.... As much as I dislike Val, I'm unwilling to call her a name that emphasizes the thing she has in common with the rest of these women. And a name that she and Pru throw around so much. If it's good enough for Val, it's something I want no part of!

Finally could check back in and thanks for the sympathy on my ineptitude with my Kindle. Don't get me wrong, I am addicted to it for reading. Through it in laptop case and it's my way to relax on the public transportation back and forth to work every day. But Typing on it...yeah, not so much and it's auto-correct is enough to make you want to throw it at something. Fell back on using the work laptop this time.

And when you put it that way Lila about Val...yep, she's the Poster Girl for the big S. Maybe we can use said poster on the dart board.

I find it hard to believe with the way Sev felt about E-man that he would actually let this charade with Cris believing the baby is the sub-heir keep going. Which ramps up the ICK factor on what he's doing with Val all the more...what's his real end game for her once he gets the property.


"TNs start off with the premise that there's a "True Love" and it overcomes all obstacles. The problem is when the main obstacle is incompatibility."
Isn't that the truth?!?!

Since La Sombra is supposed to be based on Romeo & Juliet, there are days I wish these two would just drink their hemlock and be done with it.

Hellashelle, I thought about Val and it is not love at this point but I bet Cande wasn't really in love with Severiano, and doubt when the tryst started neither Roberta or Simoneta. They got sucked into Severiano's world and they wanted to live in it right beside him. I recall how happy Roberta was to announce her pregnancy and right in front of Cande. I think Val would follow the same path. What I believe would happen is he gets his hands on the deed and he pitches her out on her ass, then she goes Roberta on him.


Who knows what Sev's endgame with Vile is ? He is without scruples or ethics. His prefrontal cortex must have been damaged since that is the rational and reflective part of the brain. His narcissism has no bonds, so he thinks that he is the center of the universe and can do anything to get what the wants. He thinks that he can use and abuse everyone. Did anyone notice if he has replaced the coffee table at Sim's ? Smug Vile has no clue that she is flirting with the devil. This is not going to be pretty when be starts shoving her around and Hum discovers that relationship. Come on phantom pain.

Daisynjay, I think Humberto called it--if Sev is being nice, it's because he wants something from Val. Once she signs El Santuario over to him, she's outlived her usefulness.

doris, I'm snorting at hemlock.

susanlynn, I don't think he did replace the coffee table, now that you mention it, but I'd have to look again to be sure. I'm surprised he didn't notice that he'd left the earring on the floor. Plenty of narcissists don't have any structural damage to the brain, so it's not a requirement.

Gomabseubnida, 5FT Latina (Thank You in Korean.)

"Don't be calling Silvia a "golfa!"

"Dude, you're everybody's lawyer.  Are we drinking every time The Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two (TM Sara) get a new client?  I'm going to."

-Encaje Rojo

Thank you, Encaje Rojo! I would thank you in Korean, but I'm going to have to settle for English :)

Replying to thanks in Korean - kwenchana.

We're all polyglot up in here!

thanks in Arabic.."Schickrun"

Sucran :) I learned that from watching the dubbed version of O Clon. I had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with some Arabic-speaking women and ask them what a bunch of the Arabic words meant...or really, if they were being used correctly in the show.

Danke susanlynn!

(that's German)

Todah rabah (Hebrew)


Diva, sorry so late, LOVED the recap, you would be on fire even without that little glass of cider in your hand!

Quickly--Val found Sim/Viv's earring in Sev's love nest and commented on it.
What if...the unidentifiable body of Sim/Viv is found...wearing the other earring. Val would now be the key to ID'ing Sim's body...and what do you bet she would taunt Sev with the information?

SARA why your melon changed to a chicken???

J in O


When I studied in Costa Rica I also learned that there "con mucho gusto" was preferred over "de nada" since it had a warmer and more friendly subtext. Like "de nada" had a sort of cold "Meh, I would have done it for anyone." So I try to use con mucho gusto more.

I guess that's sort of OT. Sorry.

Merci, J in O! I could totally see that happening. And it would be so stupid of Val! A pregnant woman's body is found stuffed into a coffee table, she remembers the matching earring, and instead of being afraid and turning him in because she realizes he could do the same to her, she's going to think "Ooh! Blackmail material!"

J in O- ooohhhh I like that earring theory!

That is not just any chicken. That is Camilla the Chicken.

Sadly a chicken family member in AcT became a caldo last night. QEPD Georgina. I am a chicken in solidarity today.

(And the Muppets have come up on the AcT thread this week.)

Thank you for that! I struggle with "de nada." If it was nothing, I wouldn't have done it. I do these recaps con mucho gusto.

Exacto. Me aprecian a mi y yo a ellos. Y mucho.

I'm going to stand by Val being a slut, If we just look at the story, she and Pru constantly accuse Aldonza of being a slut. It's not enough for the viewer to just draw the conclusion that they are hypocrites, they are making a point to demonstrate that Val and Pru are exactly what they falsely accuse Aldonza of being. In the case of Val, it's not her hearty romp in the sack with Cris, random Spanish guy or even Lardo that earns her the labe. For me, it's her use of sex as a central tool in her manipulation and deception. She and Cris knows she's sexually experienced but he's not counting on her carrying another man's baby passing it off as his or screwing his father. Whatever you call it, a woman who is pregnant with one man's baby, lies about it to snag another man and then is willing to begin a sexual relationship with that man's father is a SLUT. Or, a strompet, or a sco-cat, or any other number of names. She's earned it. If there were not the baby deception and if she and Sev were just muwah-ha-ha scheming without the disgusting, incestuous foreplay, she would just be a conniving bitch but she's more. She's a slut.

It's ok, Diva, we can agree to disagree on this. I hate Val's character and I'm not going to spare her that designation.

Ime-la (Eee meh lah) or Ndewo (En-deh woh)

Thank you, in Igbo (Mr. Lila's language, Nigeria)

Lila- as an observer, I don't see that you and Diva disagree. Your definition of slut is just different from Diva's. Hers is a purely sexual term and a woman shouldn't be called ugly names because she likes sex... Even with more than one person.

Your definition of slut is more broad. And a woman (or anyone) will certainly be called names for lying and manipulating.

Cool! Thanks for adding to the polyglot club, Lila!

I had a young student from Peru whom preferred " My pleasure" to the usual "Thank you."

In the historical tns, they love the term "ramera."

Now you've gotten me thinking about English responses to "Thank you."

Who...not whom..stupid Android.

And I wonder what (if any) nuance "ramera" carries.

And why does Spanish have so many words for "slut"?

I dislike the response "No problem."

I like the French "A votre service" (At your service.)and "C'est ne rien" (It is nothing.)

I do not hear "ramera" used in the present day novelas. It seems to be a term that has fallen out of "groovy".. I have not heard that one for a long while.

susanlynn, hoping that you are having a groovy evening

I hear ya, Sara. That's the way they use sex in these stories and it's not distinct from the broader social context but if we keep it to the story, as has been noted before, Adelina is being cast as noble and sacrificing her all for Aldonza and she's a virgin. Aldonza was raped so she's the "tainted" leading lady shown in the credits in a scarlet gown. Analysis of the sexual politics in this story is beyond my powers but it seems clear that the sexual element in Val's meanness and double dealing is meant precisely to show that she IS what she imagines Aldonza to be. Val and Pru not only think these calumnious thoughts, they spread them and have even tried to kill Aldonza so I think neither deserve any linguistic or conceptual mercy. I will, however, refrain from the term if it's offensive and find other creative ways to describe them.

Such a shame that "groovy" is passing away. Actually, I almost see it now as a pejorative phrase. Like I don't like "groovy" educational policy.

Me explico?

Sara, I totally thought Lila and I disagreed :) But disagreeing isn't the end of the world. Disagreement abounds on the patio about any number of things about this show and I think we handle it well.

There really is quite a lot of "slut" vocabulary and it bothers me that there are no terms for men that carry the same connotation. Or I guess I should say that's a part of what bothers me about the word. Even something like "man-whore"...a guy's entire social life can't be ruined by everyone assuming that he's had a lot of sex with a lot of different people. It comes off like a compliment, not a criticism.

"Analysis of the sexual politics in this story is beyond my powers"

It's beyond my powers, period. In a TN or in real life. I wish Offspring could guest comment for me. This is her area.

I am bothered by the word slut because I see girls using it against each other because someone looked at their boyfriend. I am bothered that it (and whore) roll off people's tongues like it's nothing. Unfortunately I can't articulate why. And I know I don't understand the issue like I should.

Oh, I'm allll for creative descriptions, and the more colorful, the better!

As for whether "slut" is offensive, that's not a question that has an answer. It depends on the person hearing it, it depends on how it's used, etc. Some women are trying to reclaim it as a positive word.

It's similar to "bitch" in that respect. Some people say "no" to using bitch in any context anytime. I have tried to cut back on it significantly and save it for, I guess we could say, the worst of the worst. I have heard it used too often to put women down just for being assertive or standing up for themselves. I have also heard it used admiringly and as a compliment. So it's tough to say.

Is this what happens when we're missing the show for a night? We got all philosophical and linguistic?

Or all we all drinking because we don't have anything to watch?

I use "bitch" all the time about myself. I'm a bitch. I know it. Meh. Whatever.


I am knitting and staring at the blank TV screen trying to decide what to fill it with. If anything. I'm on my own until later. Mr. 5ft is out doing something social. I'll put off the cider until he gets home and we can have some dinner together.

Heh..."So what did you do while I was out?" Oh, you know, discussed the words "slut", "thank you", and various ways to respond to "thank you."

I wonder if "ramera" has become archaic because it had more of a "wench"-y connotation?

I was going to say the same thing, Diva, about no equivalent words for men but, hey, that's a bigger issue than any of us will ever totally fathom and never agree on here or anywhere else. "Man whore" does almost come off like a compliment but then again, the harsher judgement for a woman pursuing her sexual appetite with gusto (outside socially acceptable relationships) speaks to a higher expectation for women's moral/sexual conduct than for men.

But, basta! I'm backing away. There will be enough sexual and other yuckiness to discuss. Even when we disagree, it's intelligent and way better than the potty humor we were driven to in tstsnbn!


Whoa, Lila. Wow. Potty humor? What do you have against potty humor. Huh?

Cause seriously. We talked about poop on the Amores con Trampa thread today. What are you trying to say? ;-)

Viejo rabo verde/dirty old man. There's one.

Ugh, don't get me started on TSTSNBN. The potty is exactly where that one should have ended up. Everything I liked about it was destroyed by the end. Yes, I'm still bitter about Virginia dying. I'm not sure where she ranks on the list of "Telenovela deaths I'm still bitter about." but she's definitely on it. Along with Alberto from DQTQTQ.

And every time I've seen Viejo rabo verde used, it's usually been more humorous and with no venom like "cusca" or other things Pru has said.

Yes..and yes..philosophical..linguistic..drinking.

I do not use or like slut or bitch and I especially hate the c word and never use them. However, I do enjoy using "ho."


LOL! Apparently, Diva! I wasn't expecting all this when I came onto the patio tonight, but it's awesome, as always! I love when things get deep on the patio :)

Diva - I'm SO with you on the imbalance between the sexes and the slut vocab. I went on a real life rant about it with my ex and when I took a breath his eyes were huge and he was like "ooook...didn't know you had such strong feelings about that." It's hard to articulate why it bothers me SO much, but it's just so unfair that there's no equivalent that produces the same disdain and judgement that slut or bitch do. I've heard people use slut for men too, but then in gives completely different connotations, even if you mean it the exact same way. And nothing really conveys all the meanings of bitch for a guy.

I like the humor of "ho." Takes the sting out. Digo yo.

I'd say it's 50/50 on viejo rabo verde. Either way it's ageist. Either it's funny because the guy is old and old guys are dismissed as non-threatening or it's ugly because the guy is old and old guys aren't supposed to be having sex.

"But, basta! I'm backing away."

I hope you don't think I was getting angry, Lila! :-(

Honestly, it's one of those issues that I wish I understood better. I guess I could if I just made some effort.

And yeah. Vile and Sev will have us puking all over the patio before this thing ends. We can save the skeevy for later.

OMG. The "c" word. NEVER.


As for terms for men, don't they say something like "mujerego?" For a guy who is always pursuing women?

And to me "mujeriego" is like "playa"(not the beach...god I hate that unit in the class room. They think it's sooo funny.)

And to me that has a "douche" connotation.


So are all the TNs canceled tonight?

I am reading and googling "Outlander." Life is full.

As for the male equivalent of bitch, I think that is often covered by the term my friend uses for her ex son-in-law Jackass . (She claims that she actually types "James" but her autocorrect changes it to that . )

Yes, cathyx. All canceled. :-(

Jackass is my absolute fave!

Instead of answering, I'm going to just post some links to articles, 'cause I'm going to mess it up if I try to summarize.

that one's about the double standard. I was looking for more of a historical perspective, but I'm striking out.


then, there is the term my tablet autocorrects my ex son-inlaw...@$$hole. Then, we could also call a guy we do not like @$$hat or horse's @$$. I love these philosophical conversations.

I thought mujeriego was more like womanizer, but you're right, Sara, I've heard it used more like "playa" (and not the one with sand).

Hm. I'm going to have to think about whether "jackass" is gendered. I can't recall ever applying it to a woman.

Susanlynn-I love those words too!!!!!!!!!!! I actually have a bad, bad potty mouth.

So bad that a friend linked to this article on my facebook today with the message "For my friends whose artistic medium is obscenity "

Thanks for the link, Kat. I'm texting Offspring and telling her to come chime in. But like a good Offspring she's ignoring my ass.

I apply asshat across the board. There is no one category of people who can be asshats. I'm an equal-opportunity asshat caller-outer.

Everyone has a head. Everyone can wear an asshat.

Sara, I'm only up to reason 1 on that article, but I've gotta say, when I'm in serious pain, I can't even think of words to say! I'm doomed! It's like being in traffic...someone cuts me off and I'm so busy trying to make sure I don't get into an accident that words fail me. I think the last time it happened I ended up blurting out "jerkface."

I never cursed, but I have gotten saltier in recent years . My best friend's husband recently pointed this out to me. It is especially cathartic for me to call the ex son in law names when I am talking to hub or friends. Hub usually just stares at me.

DIVA, SARA: totally in agreement about "de nada"...reminds me of the popular use of "No problem" as a sloppy version of "you're welcome". Did I ASK if there was a problem?

Last night Pru, delivering a diatribe from her cell, covered every slang word in the dictionary for slut...Drink, drink, drink! Even some I never heard on TNs before. I recall years ago when I lived in Venezuela, "ramera" was all the rage but I haven't heard it on any TNs lately. Showing my age!

J in O

Mr. 5ft thinks it's hilarious when I go into full-on rant mode and let the curse words fly. I keep telling him not to encourage me.

My cursing has actually gotten exponentially worse since returning to public education. Not it the class room mind you, but you should hear me when hubs and I are walking.

Lol, J in O somebody's gotta drink, because I'm sure they're not going to let Pru have booze in jail.

:( if it was a regular night, we'd already be finding out if she's going through withdrawal and whether she's going to keep being obnoxious when she sobers up. Or has the alcohol just bonded with her body.

J in O- "ramera was all the rage" That just has me giggling. Word popularity is so funny. I joke with my students that I'll learn all the latest terms and then they go and change them on me. Hmmmm. Maybe if I didn't let on I knew what they meant.

They are not going to have Pru go through withdrawal. That would be too realistic.

Did they do withdrawal on DQTQTQ?

Jackass definitely has a male default in my mind; not sure I've ever heard it used to describe a female (just "an ass" in those cases. Hmm, maybe calling it "jill-ass" will help balance that out?)

LOL, yes, Diva I agree: asshat is nicely gender neutral.

I find the nuances in these insults fascinating, but I suppose that's why makes finding the other-gender equivalent so difficult:

Bitch - mean, first and foremost. Usually also implies spitefulness. Connotation of the person being this way unnecessarily and irrationally. Often, in my experience, implies a connection to a woman's cycle (espeially when the "irrational" associate comes in).

I think it's hard to find the equivalent for a guy because of the association with this cycle-based irrationality stereotype.


They did for Irene, didn't they? But she had been sober for a long time and was going on benders, so I don't think it was as severe for her. I remember Alonso hustling her into the shower to try to get the cold water to sober her up. Pru has been drinking so much on a daily basis for so long that it's possible she needs medical supervision. Or it's possible that she sleeps it off, gets up the next day and is merely cranky because there's no minibar in her cell.

HellaShelle, I don't know if jill-ass is a word, but that just cracked me up. I know a Jill and she's really nice, so I don't know if I can bring myself to use that. Somehow I have no Jacks in my life, so jackass doesn't bother me :D

I just remember...someone who shall remain un-named...calling me a bitch because I asked them to return something of mine that they had borrowed without permission. I hear guys calling women bitches because "she won't go out with me." Well, is she not allowed to say "no"? Then shut up and deal with it! Like, seriously? That's how low the bar is?

Lawdy! I haven't been gone THAT long! Look at all these comments! I'm going to go back and read the tablet reviews. I've been toying with the idea of buying one but nothing's convinced me yet. Okay. Going back to see what all the chatter is about!

" if it was a regular night, we'd already be finding out if she's going through withdrawal and whether she's going to keep being obnoxious when she sobers up."

Oh yeeaeaaaahhh, Pruzy would still be her obnoxious self if she dried out in jail. There is an old saying --- "You can sober up a horse thief, but you've still got a horse thief on your hands."

There are also those classic words for men that end in ---ick.


I sense a double entendre, there, doris. Sev is certainly...a word that ends in ick. Well played :D

If anything, Pru would be even more obnoxious because mami wants her vino!

Doris - lol. r you trying to say something about Pru or Eman there?

I like this follow up on the bitch definition:

1) I forgot to point out the obvious connection to female dog. Meaning that using it to describe a human being means implying they are something other than or (depending on your view of dogs) less than human

2) Implies that the person is weak, subordinate, even slave like (c.f. prison bitch). That the person can't take certain treatement, but should (if they can't they're weak, if they refuse to, they're irrational)

Since the idea of being the "weaker" sex being the female gender persists, we have trouble finding equivalent insults that apply to the actions of the male in question without first negatively connating some connection to the female gender.


We need to stock "Mami wants her vino" T-shirts in the Naughty Melon apparel store.

Do you guys think a drier, abandoned Pru would see the error of her ways?

Hellashelle - it is possible Pru could see the error of her ways but her bottom would have to be really low or painful. You never can tell...

HellaShelle for the win! Thank you. I can process the rationale but I was getting nowhere trying to articulate it.

Sara, I would wear a Mami wants her vino shirt. Especially if it's sparkly.

OK, HellaShelle, that's a big question. I don't know if we've ever really seen her sober enough to know what she's like in that state. I'm sure she'd still be very dramatic about it either way, whether she's still screaming at Humberto that she knows he's just throwing her over for Aldonza, or begging him to forgive her for her epic stupidity and swearing she'll never touch a drop again...ok, only with dinner...or when they have guests over...or....

Sara at 9:18, no, not at all. I don't perceive anybody is angry! The whole thing of character assassination via labels that imply sexual impropriety is a touchy subject. No. We cool.

I think the whole thing can be helped by something the kids used to say a few years ago:

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

So, instead of calling someone a slut or ramera, one can say

"Val's display of sluttish behavior is infuriating and totally degrades any confidence or feelings of affection I might have had for her! I wish that inappropriately reared daughter of a mother who displayed morally bankrupt and irresponsible behavior would suffer ignominy and ostracism from all that she holds dear!"

Translation: That Val is such a s***, I hate her and hope she and her b**** mother get f*****-up in the end!

How's that? :D

*slow clap* That is effing...I mean, incredibly amusing restatement.

Bonus points for "ignominy and ostracism" :D is Pru drunk or sober.

Now, back to the offensive genderbased terms. Is the male equivalent of bitch..son-of-one ?


"She a ho" is still faster to type ;-)

That was pretty hilarious. I'm also awarding points for "ignominy and ostracism".

It still refers to the mother. Bastard refers to parentage, but nobody really uses it that way anymore, I don't think, or attaches any stigma to being the child of unwed parents...well, except in Santa Lucia, where they're partying like it's 1899.

It's at this point in the conversation where I just want to make popcorn and sit back and hit "refresh" repeatedly. Can't add squat, but boy it's fun to read.

"...partying like it's 1899..."

I think the problem with naming Vile is that "slut" is a noun , and I can mostly think of adjectives to describe more accurately what Vile actually is...vain, self-centered, unfeeling, entitled, elitist, vapid, spoiled, etc. She is a bitch .

Hum is upset cause hes surounded by people who wont listen to him, I wonder why.
Val said it, "you're sev's puppet". If they do break him maybe he'll just blurt out all the secrets of Mr. Mendoza.
Mari, I don't like her. Whatever happens to her is find with me, she lives to hurt lola, and she thinks nothing of her parents. Yeah, something bad needs to happen to this girl. She gets joy out of lying, thats never good.

susanlynn, entitled and elitist, yes! I still think if someone richer than Cris, maybe European with a royal title, came along, she would forget all about Cris in a heartbeat and set her sighs on the bigger fish.

Nina, oh, I don't know. I don't think Mari gets any joy out of lies that don't hurt Lola. Not that I think she's ever told one that didn't.

Mari is the reason we need to keep bitch in the lexicon.

I see all these definitions and I am so confused? I have always used the term "bitch" for myself. Embraced it in fact. A bitch is a woman who says "no" to society's expectations.

No. I am not going to take on that extra project for no pay.

No. I am not going to let you disrespect me because it's the "nice" thing to do.

No. I am not going to watch your class on 5 minutes notice because you've had a Dr. appointment for the last 2 weeks and just now asked me.

Right, Nina! I don't think I've ever called Mari a slut but she is a bitch. Words I've heard for men tend to be compound words and phrases and many refer to sexual acts and get as gross and graphic as the c word. Good way to get one's comment deleted!

And it's funny how I can see positive and negative sides to "bitch" and use them accordingly.

I think I'm way behind on that topic though. ;-)

I'm finding it sad that I'm having a harder time coming up with male-gendered insults.

To me, if you call yourself a bitch and it means something positive to you, then there's nothing wrong with that. But nobody else gets to call you one without knowing that and without your permission and not if they mean it in a negative way. Not if they don't want to...well, like Lila says, get their comment deleted or whatever the offline equivalent is!

SARA, by the way, sorry about your chicken pal over on AcT. I slowly dropped out of watching that one, partly because the animals standing around on astro-turf all day really bothered me. Poor chicken. :o(

J in O

J in O- I don't think the actual chicken thespian was harmed, but the chicken bones they all stared at looked mighty real. It was dark humor and my vegan ass laughed. They will probably kick me out of Vegan Club.

I know some people see "bitch" as positive but I can't hang with it. Them's still fighting (or hex casting)words for me!

I see what you're saying Lila. And Kat is right. I'll use "bitch" and "a-hole" for myself. But no one else better do it. And I will kick some ass if someone calls you that, Lila!!! ;-)

Good googamoogah! 187 comments! See what what getting all philosophical and linguistic can do!


Nothing opens up the floodgates like "linguistics".

;D Awww, thanks Sara! And I'd do the same!

Luis Coronel is cleaning up at the Premios Juventud!

I got your back, Lila. Yours too, Kat, Kris and Eli!

Buncha dirty word nerds!

Oh, yeah, nobody had ever show up here calling any of the recappers names. Or the patio peeps either. Delete, delete, delete! I was lax about that in the past, but there was just too much of that nonsense going on.

I understand that feeling, Kat. I get real protective of my team members. I feel that way about the AcT patio, too. I hate when someone comes onto a patio and pees in the flowerbed, but then I feel guilty because maybe I didn't do something fast enough.

My words of the day: "I" and variations of "feel"

Wow! What a spirited discussion! We will definitely be on the overflow page. I think the smooshing on Monday WAS because of the Premios. The last few Fridays have been a little blah. With so much action this week, I kinda expect it to be the same tomorrow. Hope I don't get any hucky Sev/Vile scenes! Guacala!

Ime-la (Eee meh lah) AND Ndewo (En-deh woh) Diva for a slammin' recap and all commenters for a rather stimulating discussion but ahm goin' ta bed! See y'all tomorrow, good Lord willin'!

I'm looking forward to it, Lila! Sleep tight!

Sweet dreams, Lila!

My battery is low and so is my tablet battery. da dum da. (Rim shot) Hey, take my wife ..please.

I had better go to bed , too. I think that I have run out of bad words, and I am also all out of philosophy and linguistics.


Good night, Susanlynn! May you wake up with refreshed batteries all around :)

I think bad words are the product of philosophy and linguistics.

I hope everyone slept well last night.

Wow; sorry I missed this one.

It defies logic that men deify each other about bedhopping while denigrating the partners they can't do it without. However, I think we can attribute this to a combination of things, depending on the cultural context:

1. Madonna/Whore Syndrome
2. Superstitious nonsense
3. Garden-variety male insecurity, which is not excluded by the other two.

Men are insanely insecure about the size of their equipment (love that Seinfeldism) and sexual skill. Virgins don't have points of comparison for either, allowing these men to delude themselves about themselves. Men who are into one-night stands rather than relationships don't have to worry about pleasing the same woman sexually on an ongoing basis.

In past centuries there was much paranoia about whether a man's children were his rather than someone else's. Contraception (which novela writers rarely talk about) should make this a matter of no concern, but how many men really used condoms until AIDS reared its fatal head?

Why would men be so scared witless about the possibility of infidelity unless they know they are skilled enough in bed and decent guys out of it? This is the sort of thing that leads to slut-shaming, scarlet letters, and -- at worst -- FGM.

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