Thursday, July 23, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #112 (Mx 113-114)

The Legal Bits-Em's Case
Padre goes to see Emanuel. They talk about the robbery. Em says it was worth it to save Solitario's life. Padre waxes all kinds of dramatic. Fight the good fight! It's the biggest fight of your life and Sev is the biggest enemy. You aren't just fighting for yourself you're fighting for ALL the little people Sev has trod upon. God is on your side! You will win! At the end of the road you will find your origin and your destiny and you will find it mounted on your horse EL SOLITARIO!!

Emanuel gets sentenced to prison. They are going to transfer him to El Reclusorio Laa Vigas. I'm pretty sure the sentence said he would stay there an undetermined amount of time until the judge made a decision(?) Throughout the episode it was made clear that that was code for "he's probably not getting out any time soon." Slivia says they will get him out. Em knows he has no defense. Silvia and Pato are hoping that Em's wanting to save the horse's life will at least get him a reduced sentence.

Em has a private word with Pato. He asks him to make Lola happy. Pato can offer her so much more. Even if Em were to get out of jail, Pato can give her more. Even though Lola believed all of Mari's crap, Em knows Lola still loves him. And he loves her. That's why he's handing her over to Pato like she's a bicycle. This is twice you've done this, writers.

Nava informs Sev about the sentence. Sev says the next step is to make sure the judge rules favorably. How much prison time does this crime carry? Nava thinks 5-10 years.

At Aldonza's request, Cris tries to bargain with Sev for Em's freedom. Cris offers to stay by Val's side as payment. Sev says Cris is going to do that anyway because it's the right thing to do. Sev says he'll drop the charges if Cris promises to never see Aldonza again. Cris rejects this offer saying his love for Aldonza is non-negotiable. Sev fires back "Em's freedom, is non-negotiable."

But never fear! Don Ant tells Pato and Silvia that he will make Sev drop the charges.

Don Ant goes to see Sev. Sev reminds Ant that the judge is going to make Em pay him for the horse. Don Ant tells him that he can pay far more than any settlement a judge orders. Sev is not intersted. Em is going to rot in jail.

The Legal Bits-The exhumation
While Aldonza packs to leave the clínica, Ren calls. She asks about the exhumation paperwork. Ren explains that there was no copy of her sister's death cerfificate. He thought maybe it had been traspapelado(mislayed), but funny thing...there is no record of the birth or death of one Nieves Alcocer Lozada. According the registro civil, Aldonza's sister doesn't exist.

Adelina thinks there must be some mistake.

Padre J asks Adelina why she hasn't told Aldonza the truth yet.

Sev asks her how many lovers she's had. It's all kinds of skeevy. She swears that her fling with Abelardo was just a passing thing. Cande knows about it and Cris does, too! Sev says he'll keep quiet as long as Val gets the El Santuario paperwork signed over to her and then cedes it all to him.

Cris comes to see her,too. She plays that sweet and innocent crap that makes my fist itch for a throat to punch. "Oh, I would never do anything to put our child at risk. I was just upset. You gave me hope that we would be together." Cris squashes that quickly. "Oh hell naw b!tch. I never said we were getting married!" Val concedes and says "Ok, fine. All I want is that our child is born. It's the only thing I have left of you." (She caresses her belly for an extra special touch of drama that again has me in search of throats ripe for the punching.)

Val tells Pru that she knows how to control Sev and that he is giving her a house. Pru insists the house get put in Val's name. Pru doesn't want Val to have to fight for every little thing like Pru is having to do with Hum. Val tells Pru to leave El Santuario out of the divorce. El Santuario is for Val. Val wants the pleasure of kicking Aldonza out. Pru hopes Val doesn't end up in jail for it.

The Annoying Love Triangle (Meh. Just realized there's more than one. This is the one with Aldonza/Cris/Ren)
Renato whines about Aldonza going off with Cris. "She said she was going to give it the college try with meeeee." Adelina says that that's exactly what Aldonza intends to do. Then she begs Renato to take Aldonza away from SL. He would love that, but Aldonza would never leave. Padre J informs Ade and Ren that Aldonza is at the clinica.

Aldonza asks Hum to tell Cris she doesn't want to see him. Hum tells Cris he's a reckless dumbass (loose translation.) It's one thing to defy medical orders with your own injury, but this time Cris put another person at risk. That's a bizarre way of showing someone you love them. Hum is angry that Cris ran off with Aldonza while Val is fighting to save the life of Cris's child. Hum explains about Val's hissy fit that almost caused a miscarriage. Cris says he'll go see Val as soon as he's seen Aldonza. Hum delivers Aldonza's message. Cris leaves.

Ren tells Aldonza he filed charges against Cris. She tells him he doesn't want that. He gets all lawyer-y "What he did was kidnapping!" Aldonza tells Ren that she made it clear to Cris that she wanted nothing to do with him. She asks Ren to leave.

As soon as Aldonza gets the news about Em, she calls Cris and asks him to get Em out of jail.

Ren whines a little more. "Every time Cris comes around we get in a fiiiight." Aldonza tells Ren that she's really going to try to make things work with him, but she needs a little time. Ren goes in for a kiss and gets interrupted by Cris. Ren and Cris yell at each other. Aldonza tells Cris she and Ren are going to the DF. Ren and Cris exchange blows.

Cande and Sev
Cande goes to see the Obispo to keep him from transferring Padre J. The Obispo finds her praise a little odd considering the complaints against Padre J. Cande figures out who did the complaining.

After a satisfying conversation with Nava, Sev informs Dominga that he's going out for tequila and whorin'. Tell Cande not to wait up.

The next day, Sev plays with a rifle. Cande barges in to confront him about requesting Padre J's transfer. During the argument, the rifle is again put in that corner and they make sure to call attention to it. Sev is thrilled that Cande is so hurt by the transfer. Sev tells Cande that he and she are actually the same. He's just more "cínico".

Other stuff (in no particular order)
Pru goes to the Law Offices of Silvia and Those Other Two and tells lies about Tomas. He just sweet talks rich women and takes them for their money. Silvia doesn't have time for this probably pill and booze induced drama and breaks her dinner date with Tomas. Tomas goes to confront Pru and while she's running to avoid him, she trips and falls. I guess she hit her nose because she comes up bleeding. She screams for a police officer and accuses Tomas of hitting her. Comedy chase ensues. Tomas evades capture by kissing a stranger.

The police later go to the shop to find Tomas. He hides and Dad covers. Dad wants them to come back with a warrant.

Adelina tells Aldonza that Padre J is being transferred. Aldonza has a sad.

Cande shrieks at Cris. She's thrilled to hear that Aldonza doesn't want to have anything with Cris. Val is going through so much!! (Throats!! I need throat for punching!!) It's cute how Cande thinks that BabyLardo is really a Mendoza.

Mel goes to see Em in jail. Mel seems to recall something about the night Em stole the horse. Mel let Em escape because...Either Mel remembered something important, or we're about to get an Alzheimer's storyline.

Cris talks to Dominga about Aldonza. He thinks maybe Cande is right. Maybe he should be worrying himself more about the girl who is going to give him a child. Dom also tells him that Mel and Lola couldn't find Simoneta.

Adelina breaks up with Joaquin. Boo hoo. (I don't care. Sue me. Dibs on Silvia. Find your own lawyer.)

Flavia thanks Gonzalo for his care. He kisses her. (Also, still don't care. Sue me. I just paid Silvia my retainer. Too bad so sad.)

Padre J tells Ren to cool his jets until Aldonza is officially divorced. Aldonza thinks this is a good time to tell Padre J about the exhumation and the fact that there's no record of the sister. Padre J asks what Adelina had to say about it. Aldonza tells him that Ade thinks there must have been a mix up. Aldonza would like him to be at tomorrow's exhumation.

Padre J explains to Adelina that her break up with Joaquin was for the best. He's still married in the eyes of God and there's a child involved. (Pssst, Padre. Flavia doesn't care.)

Joaquin goes to see Em. He tells Em about the huerta and the animals they got at Em's suggestion. He apologizes for believing Mari. They will be bros forever.

Lola and Pato go out to dinner. Pato tells her that Emanuel asked him to make Lola happy. Lola swears she will try to make Pato happy, too.

Previous: Episode 111 (Mx 112)
Next: Episode 113 (Mx 115)


Thank you, Sara, for bringing some order to last night's chaotic episode! It's always comforting to end the watching thinking "Did that just happen?" and get confirmation.

"Either Mel remembered something important, or we're about to get an Alzheimer's storyline." I vote he remembered something important, but I wish we knew what it was! Time is of the essence, Mel! It seems like we've been getting health scares for Mel almost through the entire show. Don't mess with Mel!

"Flavia thanks Gonzalo for his care. He kisses her." [Insert meme of Jackie Chan making a confused face and throwing his hands up as if he's in the middle of saying "What the---?!"]

Don Ant being so confident he could get Sev to pardon Em and then resorting to bribery and failing was such a disappointment. I thought he'd go the blackmail route. Somebody needs to ply him with drink and get the whole story already!

Thanks for the bit at the end with Tomas and his dad. My DVR cut on top of editing and smushing stuff together, I guess they ran late, too.

Sara, I read this marvelous recap and commented last night so not sure what happened. Unfortunately, I don't save my comments once they are posted so will try and recreate what I can.

"That's why he's handing her over to Pato like she's a bicycle", "(She caresses her belly for an extra special touch of drama that again has me in search of throats ripe for the punching)" (hysterial Sara) and "Hum tells Cris he's a reckless dumbass (loose translation)" made me smile in delight.

Best lines of the night: “Padre J explains to Adelina that her break up with Joaquin was for the best. He's still married in the eyes of God and there's a child involved. (Pssst, Padre. Flavia doesn't care.)”. Most excellent.

I had predicted some time ago that Cande would run to the Padre’s aid and try and halt the transfer. It was difficult to know what the Obispo was feeling but he accepted Cande’s pleas in a dignified and respectable manner. Not surprised she deduced Sev was behind this. I wish she would throw him out on his reprehensible arse pronto.

Umm, are we supposed to care about Flavia and Gonzalo?? She is a cheater and a liar and so her reward is, yes, romance from the doctor and the threat of a comfortable lifestyle and end. Gonzalo is no prize in my mind – perhaps he can recommend a good hair conditioner for Flavia.

I thought Don Ant was going to be a man of power, a formidable force who would take Sev down. And hard. If he has anything up his sleeve, now is the time to show your hand Don.

I think the real hero, the true galan who has been visible all along is our dear Padre. After all, he has God on his side and I can't think of a better ally.


Kat, I literally just choked on my coffee at "Flavia thanks Gonzalo for his care. He kisses her." [Insert meme of Jackie Chan making a confused face and throwing his hands up as if he's in the middle of saying "What the---?!"]

Oh my...


Frigging awesome Sara. So much I want to give you a shout out for but boarding a plane. "So bad so sad"

So now we have to have two guys in a punch fest. Stupid

This comment has been removed by the author.

Safe travels, tofie.

Love me an Angry Recapper. All those "Throats! I need throats for punching" was right up my alley today. Is it just me or has this show morphed from an intriguing story into an annoying mess over the past few months? But loved the recap.

Padre's pep talk was a little over the top, given the circumstances. And the Pato/Emmanual convo..."that's why he's handing her over to Pato like she's a bicycle." Oh my. So typical. Seems to happen several times in any telenovela I've ever seen. Plus the subsequent conversation that will surely come. Y'know, if we weren't in love with the same female, we coulda been best friends. It's still a man's world, baby. Large and in charge to the end.

And I'm with you. "Dibs on Sylvia." But I can't see her with the ever-randy Tomas. Maybe he's destined to be with the lass he kissed while escaping from the cops.

Don't care that Adelina broke up. Most dislikable "good person" ever. Ever.

Don' care about Favia either, but found that kiss rather repulsive. They were really going at it. Renato's dad is sure an equal opportunity lech.

Thanks for a crisp, funny summary of the mess that is now Sombra. I'm ready for Ultimos Minutos.

Thank you, Diana and Kat.

Thank you JudyB.

Oh and forgot to thank you for "traspapelado". That is definitely a word I need to add to my working vocabulary. Just about everything in my life is traspapelado these days. Including my brain.

Diana, if you've ever seen that Jackie Chan meme, I think that's about what I looked like through most of the episode.

tofie, safe travels!

JudyB, it's not just you. I was so thrilled at the beginning of this show and feeling like it was the best one I'd seen in a long time...and I have no idea what show I'm watching now.

You make a good point about the Pato/Emmanuel conversation reflecting "It's still a man's world, baby." especially when I consider that in the Vero-Lola conversation a few days ago, Vero basically said she wasn't going to fight with Lola or try to force Emmanuel to love her. So it's the guy's decision. Hey, I'd love it if people would just treat each other like people and not objects! I'll have to settle for having other like minds on the patio. The shows may be hopelessly sexist, but at least we can recognize and deconstruct it. *sigh*

Thank you, Sara for a righteously rollicking recap of an intense, let's-hurry-up-and-get-to-the-end mishmash!


Tofie, if you had a list Don Tonio's entry would be: Shooting blanks

So it's ok to take patients home from the hospital and suck face. . .

I don't even know what else to say except I liked the same lines Diana mentioned.

I sincerely want to thank you Sara for letting the fur fly in your recap! It was awesome. I have had the worst week and am just exhausted. Watching what is starting to become nonsense, I can't even muster the usual rants and yelling at my TV. I am living vicariously through your brilliant, snarky comments.

I sort of get where E-man is coming from and didn't really take it too much as handing Lola off (though wish he really did it for good. Then Pato can do it himself to whomever). I think he was just trying to hope someone would just take care of her because he lurrvvss her so much. ( Indigestion setting in. )

I'm just done with Allie: cuddled with the kidnapper I now don't want to see AGAIN but called two minutes later and will most likely whine about losing for a couple episodes while faking love and care to another. Whatever...Like we talked yesterday, becoming harder and harder to really pull for this heroine, who we should be all in for considering her past. Writers--terrible job.

Joaquin you are so better off on your own. Don't cry over Ade and dump that sorry a** of Flavia. ( and yes, I just want to tie that woman to a chair and brush out that hair or do something with it!!!!) Seems to me by the looks of the stranger Tomas kissed, there are some lovely ladies floating around SL. Get out there and mingle.

Why do we have Don A if he can't do a decent blackmail?

Happy Friday all!


Omigosh, Lila! "So it's ok to take patients home from the hospital and suck face. . ." I nearly spit out my coffee! Ummm, now that you mention it...I guess he got those test results back?

Thank you Sara for a great recap and I agree about Adelina/Joaquin - am I supposed to care about this pairing? ... because I don't.
This pairing or rather, pairing that kind of never was has been disappointing to say the least. Adelina rejected the guy for 20 years mostly off screen and then when she returns they kind of sort of become novios for like 2 seconds because she's in love with a guy that's been dead for decades and I guess wants to be a lonely spinster forever? I don't know. I know I don't care. The most interesting or rather surprising part of this storyline is that this TN (so far) isn't going the super cliche route of killing off Flavia to make way for the happy little family of Adelina/Ray/Joaquin. I assumed the writing was on the wall for that by Capitulo 5 since it's a setup you often see on this shows but it seems like unlikable Flavia might have hit the jackpot with Gonzalo instead of an anvil and Joaquin/Adelina may or may not even happen.

Last time 2 episodes were smushed together and we lost around 15 minutes off of each, someone who understands Spanish by ear was kind enough to check the episodes on YT and fill us in on what we missed for each. Would someone be willing to do that again? It would be Capitulos 113 and 114 and based on the last time this happened, they aren't above cutting non filler.

I think the next TN is premiering August 25 which is oddly a Tuesday since usually the premieres are Monday. If I am correct (if not, please correct me on the date), that would leave, counting today, 22 slots left for Sombra which is exactly the number of Capitulos left since tonight would technically be 115 and there are 136 altogether. So....there shouldn't be anymore smushing assuming Uni isn't pre-empting their primetime lineup for another event from now until then and I have the 8/25 premiere date correct.

Linda, it's been difficult to trust Uni's own promos lately. A few summers ago, they were announcing the premiere of LG up until the Sunday before, and then they changed their minds and aired it later. So, we're making tentative plans, based on the info they're giving us, but trying to be ready for anything. A Monday Fin/Tuesday Premiere sounds really odd, but it's what we're being told.

Daisyandjay, I really hope that wasn't all Don Ant had to offer, after he kept teasing us with the promise of a juicy backstory. I really want to know how he knows Sev and what Sev did to him!

Amen, Daisy.

This thing has not only jumped the shark, it's being eaten BY the sharks and we're getting bloody crumbs. (Witness the "luuurv" scene from the "love shack episode" -- what a whack job!)

La Shark del Pasado? La Sombra de Shark?

Can you jump a shark on a horse? No, wait, I think we already know the answer to that question!

I go for the La Sombra de Shark. Has a nice ring to it....

I will agree that Flavia hooking up with Dr. Goodfeel is all kinds of wrong in the scheme of anvil law. I get to run off with someone who commits murder, gives away my kid, is a general beyotch, gets a little sick and winds up the doctor who is worth more than most people in SL put together. Frankly, she dumps him and gets Joaquin, I still call foul. Must be someone who knows the producer and giving them all this air time and a "happy" ending.

Is it really wrong of me to say if we get more episodes like we saw this week that maybe smooshing won't be such a bad thing? Lord, never thought I'd say that.With so few episodes, we have a lot of revealing to do. And anvils to fall. This TN was doing a pretty decent job in moving things along and having discoveries come out and then we've sort of hit walls. Don't want to see all the big reveals and anvils in three nights and until then it's Allie/Cris will she/won't she and Lola/Pato playing at planning a wedding and Mari/Val being the usual beyotches. Cripes, if Cris actually hooks with Val, we have to live with that in our ultimates? That would have been better suited in the middle of the show.

Hate when I start to feel frustrated over a show I initially really loved and thought was a breathe of fresh air. Still love some characters, but at this point, we need to just make some disappear or wrap them up and throw away the key.


If they did a better job of the it didn't give me whiplash and they paid attention to the content and didn't cut out important things...I wouldn't mind it at all. I think editing is one of those things where you don't notice it if it's done well, and this is just running with scissors.

Thank you Lila and Daisynjay.

I apologize, Linda. I didn't mean to leave you off the list. I just scrolled too fast. Thank you.

"Oh, I took a quick look at episode 113 which was the first half of this extended episode. Thought I should report that the Candy House is on the move! Dominga wrapped it in nice gift paper and gave it to Mel as an anniversary present of when they first met. It was very sweet and they got very amorous. But then Mel remembered he had seen this candy house before, MANY years ago, when he first arrived in SL and before he met Dom. He explains to Dom that a friend of his made the house especially for the girl he loved. Her parents wouldn't let them marry because he was poor. Dom presses him for the girl's name, but all he can remember is that she had big, light colored eyes."

Hi, Sara. Great job with the whole thing, as always. (If this is "half assed" and "don't give a shit," I'll take it.)

What is Renato's dad doing sucking on Flavia's mouth. I thought she was supposed to still be contagious.

I think Don A was just giving Sev the chance to wiggle out of this honorably before he dumps a smelly heap of fish innards or whatever it will be on him. Sure would like to see start losing, and I hope he loses to each and every person he ever wronged.

Thanks again!


Ooh new Candy House mystery! Does Marga have light colored eyes? I can't remember.

Thank you Sara! I had the tv on while doing other stuff, so that's for laying everything out and giving me some laughs to boot. I'm with you on the throat punching, the not caring about...omg. I dont care about any potential couple on this show anymore. Wow. I guess I should've realized this when Flavia and Dr. G swapped dna and I literally through up my hands and left the room. I don't think that happy ending is fair at all.

Anyway, face line: "(Pssst, Padre. Flavia doesn't care.)"

Daisynjay I feel you on the Eman note. I think it's the typical TN one bro to another "blessing" and it doesn't really bug me. We don't normally see it fro females because they don't "give up" the fight unless they die.

Sev is so freakin' smug that I just can't handle it. S/V PLEASE POP UP!!!!

And Pru can just take a long walk off a short pier.

*fave line
*from females

Also, I thought Tomas's kissing friend was Vero for a second.

Sara- wonderful recap, I love it when you get throat punchy-this is why we are friends!

If Lola where a bicycle do you think she'd be a pretty pink one with a basket on the front?

Sev is a bastard.

I kinda like Gonzalo. Don't judge me.

Sara, ha! We all know you paid Silvia zero pesos, cause no one in the law firm ever charges for ANYTHING.

Thank you, David, hellashelle and Eli.

Sara, hm, that's right, I need to update the Candy House Adventures.

David, I hope you're right that Don Ant just isn't showing his entire hand.

HellaShelle, I thought the same thing about the girl Tomas was kissing! Good thing for him she enjoyed it or he would've been so busted.

Eli, if Lola were a bicycle...yes, definitely pink with a basket. Pink glitter! And tassels on the handlebars.

Long live the glitter!

If glitter is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Lola's bike would have those shiny spiral things in the wheels that make you dizzy when the wheels are turning, an annoying bike horn and definitely streamers on the handlebars and probably an antennae thingy with a pinwheel on the end of it -- visual chaos and audio assault!

SARA--must comment quickly just to let you know how much I loved your Throat-Punchin' recap! Wow, you didn't let anybody off the hook! Thanks so much.
And, thanks for including Vivi's fill-in on the missing candy-house footage.

Padre J's inspirational speech to Eman in jail literally took my breath away! I kinda get how Cande is hot for him...

Flavia: Brush out those greasy tangles, eccchhh! Renato's dad sure deserves better. Someone predicted this hook-up months ago, but I was like "nawwww...."

Tomas's fly-by kiss was pretty funny, too bad he's not going to end up with Cafe-girl.

J in Oregon
rushing back to work


I can't decide if that would be so awful it crosses the line back into being cool, or if would just stay on the awful side. Actually, maybe they're not streamers, like the little plastic fringe-y ones, maybe they're custom streamers made of ribbon from the merceria. Gotta shop local :D

Thank you J in O.

I want it to be awful because I'm tired of Lola's scowl and the incomprehensible believing Mari over Eman when she can't even say the heffa's name without calling her some kind of lizard and knowing she lies when she breathes. STOOPID! I could just smack her! I want her to fly over the handlebars of her ugly bike, eat about a yard of pavement and get a severe case of road rash!


*sigh* yeah, why would Lola ever believe Mari, why would Cris/Aldonza ever believe Val...or Cande...or Sev. It's frustrating that they don't consider the source of the info or verify it independently. I'm just hoping Lola calls it off with Pato before things get any farther.

I really liked PJ's expression of frustration at Cris/Aldonza/Renato after the little dust-up when he told her she should have waited until she and Cris were legally separated before starting a new relationship with Renato. PJ seems like he could knock a whole bunch of heads together! I know he wants to protect his niece, but after that mouth attack by Cande and the other bone-headed antics of these idiots in SL, PJ probably IS ready to get the heck out of town!

Poor Padre J, it's like he has a permanent thought bubble above his head that reads "I can't believe I actually have to TELL you this stuff!"

It was such a weird cut...Renato came off in this episode like he was still drunk from the previous episode's drinking. First he was weeping in Aldonza's living room, next thing you know he's weeping about how much longer before she loves him already (Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?), and then he punches Cris out. I don't even know why they were walking down the street together when she had just gotten out of the hospital...again! Or why he was bugging her about loving him already. Or why Cris was there. It was all very random.

Gracias, Sara. Great snark!

Also missing was the scene where the Padre's new car was delivered. Sev had started the collection and the entire town was there when Lulu went into the rectory to get him to come outside. Sev made the announcements and the presentation, as though he were mayor of the town. The padre was floored... and not fooled one bit. Can't say the same for the rest of SL.

Toward the end of #114 Flavia told Gonzalo that she had to go back to SL to get her marriage back. They did not boink.

That would have been disastrous but she is a disaster all over. Gonzalo is no saint but he can certainly do better than her.

Thank you, Urban.

Thanks for the tidbits on some of what was cut - the candy house on the movie, Flavia/Gonzalo and PJ's new wheels. The candy house may be 'filler' to the editing monkeys but it's one of the most intriguing aspects of this TN for the rest of us! I care more about the final destination and reveal behind it than I do about some of the characters and where they will end up and with whom.

*on the move

I am late to the party, but I wanted to thank you, Sara, for another snappy recap. SNAP! The hotel we stayed at had Univision , so I was able to watch.

My first thought watching the Flavia\Gonzo kiss right after *yuck * was...should you kiss someone with TB? Second question : Should you kiss someone with really bad hair ?

I, too, thought that Don Ant was going to be a powerful mystery man who finally held the key to Sev the Dev's downfall. But nope. Maybe a group effort will finally do the trick...pj, Don Ant, Hum with a conscience, and Cande all riled because PJ is being messed with.

The Candy House is the most interesting story to me too, Linda. I wish they would cut Flavia and Tomas. Not the Candy House.

Thank you Susanlynn. Kissing someone with TB...BLECH.

Hey.. Could Don Ant be the old friend of Mel's who first gave Magda the Candy House ?

Urban Anthropologist, "They did not boink," is very comforting.

Susanlynn, I think it's a possibility. And I guess we now also know that there wasn't a separate Maker and First Bestower, they were one and the same.

Sara -thank you for the recrap ( not a typo ). Because, really, that's what you had to work with. Argh. I won't have time to watch so I appreciate you taking this one for the team.

And.....gah! dare Looneyvision cut out any scenes of The Candy House. It is the best story line going on La Sombra del Shark. I need closure with it, too. They better not leave it unresolved for Viewerville.


I was thinking Don Ant for the candy house, too. But does Mel know he's in town?

Thank you, doris.

I dig Tomas, I find him charming- don't Judge me!

Hola Peeps -- Long time no been here. It's a long story and took even longer to catch up with the episodes, all the recaps and ALL the EVERLOVIN' comments (yeah, all 256 from some weekend ago).

Thank you, all of you, but the recappers especially. I so agree the transition from A-list writers to B-list writers and directors really took the wind out of what started out as a 1st rate production. OTOH, it has certainly engendered some really deep philosophical discussions as well as the shallowest of character assassinations. All in good fun. Let's make the last month a great one, even if the writers can't.

Is ANYBODY out there in Caray worried about Lola and the ring? It normally takes two or three days to exit, doesn't it? I swallowed a penny when I was five, but we had a bidet, so it was easy for the adults to check. When it came through, my father drilled a hole in it and put it on a chain for me. Lord knows where that is decades later.

P.S. Can I join the Short Librarians' table? I'm 5'2" and shrinking and I was a librarian for over 42 years (if you don't include working in our high school library).

Anita! Hey, girl! Good to "see" you again! So glad you're back on the patio! You know, I had forgotten about the ring and I bet these dopey writers did, too! This is just what we're griping about! Sheesh!

Doris, conveniently, Don Ant and Mel haven't seen each other. Hmmm....

Anita, nobody in Santa Lucia seems to be worried about the ring, that's for sure. I think I'm mostly trying not to think about it. Because reasons. Maybe that was the subject of an edited scene?

How nice to see you, Anita. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks Sara. I haven't had much time to comment here. I hope to have more time tomorrow.

If Don Antonio knows Sev, then it's possible that he used to live in SL, so I think it's possible that he could be the maker of the candyhouse.

Renato is just really pathetic, but Aldonza is even more so. Come here, go away. That's how she treats both Renato and Cris. And then she has the nerve to be upset that they're fighting over her. But she secretly likes it. I hate females like that.

I always FF through whiny Lola's whiny voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
I'm glad someone explained about what was cut out. The whole Flavia/Gonzalo thing was so out of place and odd. Why can't they just leave the show alone and not cut stuff out.

I think I'm too tall to be a librarian. That's probably why I never was one.


Thank you cathyx.

Good recap Sara. These people are so annoying, disgusting, aggrevating, frustrating,nasty, eivl, slimy. It'll all come out in the wash. What a washin that will be. This is getting good. Its aways that way towards the end. Tomorrow will be a humdinger, (no pun intended humberto).

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