Friday, July 24, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #113 (Mx 115) The Sombra begins to fade

Hola, mis amigos del Patio de la Sombra!  Let’s dive right in!  The episode felt staccato and that may be reflected in the recap. 

Adelina confesses her undying love for Aldonza’s father, the late Raimundo Alcocer.  Aldonza is surprised and realizes this is the great secret Adelina spoke of some time ago.  Adelina still loves Ray because he lives in her heart though she asks Aldonza to forgive her.  It feels like such a sin to have been in love with her own sister’s husband.  Aldonza thinks it is nothing of the sort and thinks her father would have been better off with someone like Adelina.  Aldonza wants her to proudly display the picture but Adelina says no:  it’s a torture for her.  The dead should rest in peace.

Gonzalo has apparently confessed his tremendous two-day old love for Flavia to Renato.  Renato is concerned that not only do they not have anything in common, but Flavia is not legally divorced from her husband who is also a business partner of his (Renato’s)!  Gonzalo thinks the pot is calling the kettle black but Renato disagrees.    Does Flavia feel the same?  She feels something but she’s confused and trying to sort through her feelings about her husband.  Gonzalo throws the Aldonza/Cris thing back in Renato’s face.  Gonzalo is going to exercise his right to try to win Flavia’s heart so Renato finally backs down as they realize they haven’t really greeted each other and hug. 

PJ counsels Jock that even if they get a divorce, in the eyes of the Church, marriage cannot be dissolved!  PJ says Jock should forgive Flavia, truly, from the heart.

Tomas and his father discuss the trumped up assault charges Pru brought against him.  He swears it isn’t true and they decide to consult Silvia.  That way Pa can get a chance to meet this wonderful girl!

Cande has a fit over Cris’s torn shirt and learns he ripped it in a fight with Renato over Aldonza.  She has her tiring pissy fit which we, unfortunately, can see and hear when we close our eyes.  To Cande’s screeched inquiry Cris answers, NO, he can’t get her out of his heart, much the same way that she can’t get PJ out of hers.  Cris leaves her to stew.

Mel and Dominga discuss the gifting of the car that the Sombra editing team decided we didn’t need to see.  Both think it’s strange that Sev kept the whole thing secret from everybody.  They compare notes on how their suspicion is growing and their confidence shrinking.  Dom tells Mel about Sev sitting at Val’s bedside and feeling her belly up and being very affectionate to her in a very unfatherly way!  She uses the saying I love which speaks to the value of experience vs. aspects of character or disposition:  Mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.  The devil knows more because he's old than because he's the devil.  (I welcome alternate translations!)

Silvia comes to the mechanic shop and advises Tomas to lay low for two or three days while she prepares a writ of protection.  He knows he’s innocent but the police don’t.   Feel free to chime in folk who know about legal stuff.   Pa leaves and Tomas tries to get back in Silvia’s good graces.  It seems to work as they walk off together as he chats animatedly and dinner is a maybe.

Weird scene where Pato seems to be high or something.  Mari was about to leave for the day but he asks her to stay and then he begins to pine: he’s losing Lola and he doesn’t know what to do.  She’s distant and he can’t get her back. . .she’s still got feelings for Eman.  He’s even considering giving him a lame “defense” so Eman can go to the slammer.   What’s weirdest of all is that Mari tells him he’s being harsh on himself and his heart is playing dirty with him to make him want to do things he really doesn’t want to.   She tells him to give it time.  Everything will work out for the best and she’s not smirking on making shifty eyes.  Que?  Is this supposed to be Mari being herself after having been schooled by “Queen Bee” (thanks, Vivi) Vero?

Mel babbles in his sleep, Te amo, Marga!  Dom is tearfully impactada and spends a fitful night.

The next morning Dom is tearful, out of sorts and throwing a mini tantrum in the kitchen.  Lola rushes in full of concern and Dom shares that she thinks Mel is having an affair.  Lola is incredulous. . .why at his age?  Dom is like, oh, if you only knew!  Lola backs off this road towards TMI and brings Dom some tea.  Dom thinks he’s going through male menopause and is trying to rekindle his hormones.  She shares the name Mel mumbled:  Marga!  Lola, of course, is ready to go right to the sweet shop and give that hussy a piece of her mind.  Thankfully Dom stops her from giving away one of her two brain cells. Dom serves Mel fiery hot food (eggs?  Beans?) and Lola is rude to him.  Mel can’t eat that hot mess so tells Dom he’s going into town to take care of some stuff for Sev and Dom gives him a shaky third degree.  Now.  Why they trying to mess with the most mature and loving couple on the show?  That’s jive!

The same night Mel was babbling, Aldonza and Cris have flashbacks:  He about moments in the luuurve shack and her very clear request to him that he “never let her go” which she later denied.  She relives the moment he snactched her up onto his horse, a move that should have sent her shrieking in pain and crumpling to the ground but, as we learned from that episode:  “chicks dig that kinda thing.”  (thanks, Diva).

Adelina and Irma talk at the ribbon shop.  Adelina moans about not knowing how to protect Aldonza.  Irma says they need to get out of SL.  Adelina agrees but Aldonza refuses.  Adelina is very afraid.  She has a feeling more evil and tragic things are going to happen!

Aldonza and Renato go to the exhumation together.  PJ had priest stuff to do and couldn’t make it.  Grave digger dude only finds one coffin in the grave.  Aldonza tells him to keep digging around, there must be a smaller box because her sister is buried with her dad.  Nope.  She suggests he look in the one box:  perhaps the baby was buried with him.  Nope again.  One body.  What happened to my sister?  Aldonza strides off part shock, all determination, to get to the bottom of this with Tia Adelina!

Sev runs into Mari in town and subtly suggests she keep her mouth shut about her suspicions that Val’s baby is not Cris’s.  Mari gets his drift and assures Sev that Valeria cleared up her confusion.  Uriel sees them talking and comes charging out of the bank and growls at Sev to leave his daughter alone.  Sev is cool and radiates his “go to hell” demeanor and Uriel tries to warn Mari about Sev after he’s walked away.  I don’t know what happened to the understanding Mari of a few minutes ago because she basically blows her dad off and tells him she’s grown, she’ll talk to whomever she wants to and she has no reason to be gross to Sev.  She even twists the knife that Lardo’s death was due to his own being involved with no-goodnicks doing no-good stuff.  Uriel fumes.

Aldonza confronts Adelina.   Now Aldonza knows why Adelina never wanted her to exhume her father and sister.  Adelina knew all the time the baby wasn’t there!  Where is she! ?  The real father had her buried somewhere else.  The real father is Severiano Mendoza!

Val drags her sick (in more ways than one) arse into Cris’s bedroom to pry about why he was arguing with Cande and then to hassle him over the fight with Renato over Aldonza.  These two harpies need to just make a recording on their phones and play “bitch at Cris” recordings or get a phone app or something.  She seems to have pains and limps her silly arse back out of the room.  Sheesh.

Aldonza is processing this bit of horrifying news.  No!  No puede ser.  Adelina says she found out Roberta was pregnant with Sev’s child after Ray died.  She had the child here at the house and it was apparently dead.  No, she didn’t see the child:  Sev left with it in the middle of a terrible storm.  Aldonza picks up on the “apparently” and asks who her sister is.  Adelina doesn’t know for sure, she has a suspicion but no proof.  She won’t tell Aldonza whom she suspects because she knows she will go to the girl and that would be wrong to do so on mere suspicion.  Ok!  “Then I’m going to confirm it with the only person who can tell me the truth!” and she storms out of the house!

Jock and little Ray meet Flavia on a foggy day in the town square.  He tells her she can move back into the house but it’s for the benefit of Ray, not that they are reconciling.  He freezes out and ignores her attempts to gush her thanks or hug him.  He calls little Ray, tells the cute cherub who is thrilled, picks him up and leaves Flavia standing there.

Aldonza marches over to LA and confronts Sev.  He tries to yell and throw her out but she yells back, “Where is my sister!”    She tells him she knows her mother had a child with him!  He finally says, yes, the child was born dead and he buried her.  Where?  He orders her again to leave and she grabs his arm as he tries to walk away from her.  Sev whirls around and is about to smack Aldonza when Cris comes up.  She outs Sev in front of Cris that his father and her mother indeed did have a daughter, HE took her away and won’t tell her where but maybe he’ll tell Cris.  She leaves satisfied that Cris will grill him.  Cris follows him into the study where he confirms that he and Roberta had a daughter but she is dead and buried.  Cris demands to know where!    If Aldonza says it, it must be true!  Sev tries his old, “she’s crazy” defense and Cris barks that the only one insane is Sev because he would HAVE TO be to do all the things he does!  Sev wallops him for daring to bare his spine to daddy thata way!  POW!  Cande rushes in demanding to know what happened. 

“Oh, you know all right because it’s certain that you’re his accomplice in this whole nasty affair!  You know what?  Some days, on days like this, you don’t know how I curse having parents like you!”  Cris leaves and Cande demands to know what happened.  Sev tells her that Cris and Aldonza know they have a half sibling.  They don’t know who it is but he’s sure it won’t take them long to find out.   Cande grabs her temples and eyes.  The vice grip of her braids intensify!

Aldonza is about to go back into her house when she has some flashbacks from conversations with Adelina, PJ and the recent scene at the grave site.  Her eyes light up.  She has an idea!

Uriel unloads to Irma.  He needs help in warning Mari off Sev.  Uriel thinks back to the things Roberta used to say about Sev and is convinced she was right and to more recent rumors of harm that Sev has done to Aldonza.  This strikes a nerve with Irma and she agrees to talk to Mari!

Back at ES, Renato tries to calm Adelina down.  He fails.  She leaves the house looking for Aldonza.

Flavia breaks it to Gonzalo over dinner that their thang is going nowhere.   She’s going back home to her husband and son.  Nuff said.

Cande prays in the LA sanctuary.  She asks God not to despise her for what she did.

Cris goes to ES to see Aldonza, who is not there.  He and Renato have a brief yelling match.  Cris tells Renato to tell her he wants to talk to her about their sister.  This gets a rise out of Renato who yells “what sister?” at Cris’s satisfied and retreating back.

Aldonza strides into Hum’s office and tearfully, yet forcefully, demands he tell her the truth:  Who are Emanuel’s parents?   Adelina arrives moments later and doesn’t hear Aldonza say the name “Emanuel” and so she adds just what was needed to keep Hum from lying yet again. 

Adelina says, “She knows everything and I told her who the father of the baby was.  The only thing she needs is to be relieved of the burning doubt, a doubt that has burned my soul during all these years.”

“Just tell me if Emmanuel is my brother.”

“Yes, Emanuel is the child that your mother had with Severiano Mendoza.”  Adelina looks shocked and Aldonza sad and unbelieving:  she had been around him all this time without knowing he was her brother.  Aldonza can’t believe it and rips into Hum.  He knew it all along!  She asked him so many times.  Why?  Why did he do it?  Why did they pass the baby off as dead and say it was a girl?  Hum says it was to protect themselves.   If Roberta had known the baby was alive, it would be much harder for her to find the child if she thought it was a girl.   With what right did they deny Emanuel the right to be raised by his mother and be with her, his sister, and with Cris to have a family!

Hum tries to offer her the consolation that he hasn’t had a moment of peace since that day and he tried to make up for it for it by offering Emanuel support. . .Aldonza is not hearing it:  Whatever he did, he only did out of pity, he NEVER gave Emanuel the place he deserved!  Hum agrees.   What they did is unforgiveable.  Aldonza tells him he and Sev are the same kind of twisted filth and they disgust her!  Aldonza tells him she’s going to tell Eman and Hum tries to insist he be the one to do it and she dismisses him with contempt:  he never had the balls to do so all this time, he’s not going to do it now.  He then asks if he can at least come with her and she declines this as well.  She’s not going to give him the chance to tell another lie.  She leaves and Hum attempts to go after her but Adelina stops him.  Aldonza has all the right in the world to talk to Emanuel on her own!

Phew!  End of episode!


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Okay guys. Gotta eat and stuff. Will come back and clean up a little later. Great episode! Can't wait for y'all to weigh in!

Lila, you did this exciting episode masterful justice. This was brimming with sharp insight.

"tiring pissy fit" and "Thankfully Dom stops her from giving away one of her two brain cells" were but several wry comments that lightened the mood with just the right touch of wit.

"Gonzalo is going to exercise his right to try to win Flavia’s heart". There is no doubt he is Renato's father, is there? Mired in a hopeless situation, just like his son.

"Why are they trying to mess with the most mature and loving couple on the show?" I hope Dom questions Mel quickly as to what his loose lips uttered. With everyone else fueding, we need at least one couple on solid ground, and they are our only hope.

"Everything will work out for the best and she’s not smirking on making shifty eyes. Que?" Color me totally confused about this latest tactic of Mari’s. Is it real or is it yet another interminable ploy crafted to ruin Lola’s life more than it already is? I would say the latter as her rude behavior to her father shows no growth and no repentance.

"Cande prays in the LA sanctuary. She asks God not to despise her for what she did". Umm, God is merciful and may very well forgive Cande. I however am not at all nearly that magnanimous and blatantly refuse to forgive her.

And speaking of more unforgiving aspects on my part, I will not forgive Humberto either. Aldonza said it succinctly and honestly: “Whatever he did, he only did out of pity, he NEVER gave Emanuel the place he deserved!” Exactly. He deprived Em out of his mother’s love and cheated her out of a child that might have changed the course of her life, and certainly his. Hiding his identity allowed Sev to treat him with cruelty and contempt. Hiw own "family" looked down on him with scorn and distain. Hum gave Em tiny bread crumbs of affection, not the feast he richly deserved.

I am glad this news has finally been revealed. I pray Sev will not do any harm to Em in the interim. Aldonza feels as though everyone has betrayed her. Indeed, it is not far from the truth.

Thank you Lila! This was sensational.



Thank you for the recap Lila, it felt like I was watching the episode as I read the recap. I'm so happy that Aldi shut down Humberto, she was right, he had several chances to speak the truth and never did, E-man spent his life being treated like a second class citizen because Humberto was too much of a wimp to speak out, he doesn't get to make himself feel better now by being there when E-man gets the news.

Whoa! What an episode! What a recap! Thank you, Lila!

My cara is impactada for sure. It's about time we got some truthiness in Santa Lucia! I know Aldonza said she's marching right over there to tell Emmanuel, but I wonder if she'll do it or if she'll pull an Adelina at the last minute and get too scared. Speaking of the coward herself, I noticed she had plenty of bravado when it came to confronting Humberto. Must be easier when someone else is the target of Aldonza's relentless quest for information.

I loved Dominga's starting to go down the "road towards TMI" and I hope she resolves this situation with Melesio soon. Dare I hope that he wasn't sleep-talking on his own behalf, but maybe repeating what his friend (who he mysteriously can't remember) said about Marga?

I love your phone app idea. Val and Cande need to give their voices a rest already. Especially Val if she plans to carry BabyLardo to term. Was she not supposed to be getting some sedatives? I know the doctor told her she needed to take it easy, but...has he met Val?

Gracias again, Lila! What fun to have such a juicy ep to mull over for the weekend :D

Diana!, darlin', thank you! Girl, you read my mind with this:

"Cande prays in the LA sanctuary. She asks God not to despise her for what she did". Umm, God is merciful and may very well forgive Cande. I however am not at all nearly that magnanimous and blatantly refuse to forgive her. I started to include a statement almost identical to this! We're a great patio, we get on the same wavelength and finish each other's thoughts! I also could quote your whole paragraph on Hum! Yes ma'am! You nailed it. What Hum, Sev and Cande did to Eman is imperdonable!


Hey, Eli! Girl, you said it: Shit did just get REAL! I like how the actress did the scene with Hum. I think she nailed it. What do y'all think? Eli, you are so right and did you check how Adelina tried to jump all bad with Hum as if she wasn't sitting on 20 year old secrets as well!


Diva! Amiga! I finally got a good episode but I feel like I gave it short shrift. I wanted to get something up before it got too late so people could start talking about it tonight. Yes, there is a lot of good, juicy stuff and I hope everyone will bring out different aspects of it this weekend. I may go back and look at some scenes, like the one with Uriel and Irma. I was glad to see that Roberta's memory is living on, that somebody remembers her struggles against Sev and I want to listen again about the rumors Uriel referred to about Sev having hurt Aldonza. Nice episode, indeed.

Lila, girl, FAN-TAS-TIC!!!

"Gonzalo has apparently confessed his tremendous two-day old love for Flavia to Renato." Seriously? Ugh.
"Weird scene where Pato seems to be high or something." LOL'd IRL!
"That’s jive! " I don't know exactly who/what era you were channeling, but I love it.
"The vice grip of her braids intensify! " OMG if she were a superhero(who am I kidding - super villain) that would totally be her power: braids shoot out of her head, wrap around her prey and she calls "Braid vice - intensify!")

-Aldonza in Hum's office, for me, explained Michelle's getting this part. Great mix of vulnerability, self-righteous anger, and disbelief.
-Adelina is totally benefitting from how much MORE mad Aldonza is at Hum and Sev.
-Will Hum be ashamed enough now to that the secrete's out to give Aldonza (and Eman) El Sant?
-Val - if you don't want to know, don't ask.
-Mari - Mari despise Mari like an archnemesis, but Uriel was acting kinda whack. Has he every explained his suspicions to her? Because otherwise, he looks a little paranoid. As for the Pato scene, NO. No to redemption. It's gone so far, and I've waited too long for her anvil for her to slither out now with this nicey nice mess she's slinging. Ugh! So annoyed by this!
-The only nice thing about Mel and Dom's drama is that they get to have their own stuff going on instead of dealing with everyone else's foolishness.

Hella! Girl, your comment is chock-full of insights! I'm gonna have to come back at it in the morning! Yes, Michelle was good, wasn't she?

"Jive" as used in "jive turkey"! In the 60s it meant like, lame, poorly rendered, unfair, unjust, presumptuous, it could be all that! Love old school slang! Sometimes it just pops out!

:D Thanks, girl!

Lila, I don't think you gave it short shrift at all! You're right on about it being a very staccato episode.

HellaShelle, I'm seconding you on PLEASE MOVE OUT NOW!

Lol, Eli, it sure did get real!

Diana, hopefully Aldonza gets to Em before Sev does. And then puts the legal team and/or Padre J on the case to figure out how to use this information to protect Em from Sev.

Unfortunately, Diva, they've got time to mess with Aldonza's trip to the jailhouse to claim her brother. We've got to be made to pay for this episode with some trademark Sombra frustration!

True! We don't even know if he's still there or if they'll let her in. The whole who-gets-to-visit-and-when situation in that jail makes no sense to me.


Lila- Fantastic and deliciously snarky recap, of a good episode. Loved seeing Aldonza's pitbull like determination to get to the bottom of what happened to her sibling. And even better to see her arrive at guessing the truth and getting confirmation by the end of the episode. Everything she said to Hum was right on point. And I don't think she's done with Adelina yet. Time for Adelina to face the music. And Hum too, since I don't see Eman greeting him with open arms after he finds out the truth.

Well, we know Dom and Lola can't keep their mouths shut for long, so hopefully they come right out and tell Mel about his sleep talking and what he said soon, so that he can clear it up.

Mari has always given Pato good advice about Lola, from the beginning. That's why he thinks she's such a good friend. I think she sees the writing on the wall and knows the relationship won't succeed. She'll be right there as a good friend and shoulder for Pato to cry on, then she'll snap him up.

Lila- what a fantastic recap and I loved your little touches!
Wow, what an episode..I was shocked when things started coming out and really enjoyed it.

I love how Aldonza finds out that her dead baby sister may not actually be dead and in the span of 5 seconds works out that it was probably really a baby boy and that it's Emmanuel.
She accomplished more in an afternoon than Adelina has accomplished in 20+ years but then again Aldonza doesn't have the 'stick her head in the sand and pretend it isn't happening and it will just go away' type of personality and approach on life that Adelina has.

I noticed that Adelina basically admitted in this episode that she suspected that Roberta's child was possibly not stillborn all these years (unless the subtitles misrepresented her - please tell me if they did) but literally did NOTHING until 20+ years later when PJ was brought into the mix and forced her to maybe give a crap. Just imagine if Adelina had actually done something..ANYTHING all those years ago and voiced her suspicions to Roberta or PJ...maybe Emmanual could have been raised by his Mother..and Roberta would have been given the chance to know her son and not live with the tragedy of losing a child. There is no way had she said something, the mystery would have gone unsolved for all those years Roberta was still alive. But nope..and now she has the nerve to act all haughty and fierce towards the Doctor? For a 'good character' she can be quite frustrating to watch at times.

Can someone please refresh my memory on something b/c I can't seem to remember and it's driving me nuts! The fact that the baby girl might be a boy came out in the slip Cande made outside the hospital to PJ..but what was it that first made PJ think that the baby may not have actually died and then started his suspicions about Lola? I can't remember!

Linda, you are so on point! Roberta was not a stupid woman and if she Adelina had ever brought the issue up I think Roberta would have gone to the ends of the world to find her child.

In answer to your question when Padre realized that Lola could not be the long lost Lozada baby he had a conversation with E-man about not having a family and that's when the wheels started to turn, then he told Adelina about he thought Eman might be the baby.

Eli - In case I was unclear, what I was asking is what made PJ first think that the baby wasn't deceased and that the baby girl could be Lola? He didn't suspect anything (unlike Adelina) for those 20+ years and just took her word that the child had died and was buried along with Raymundo.

Something happened in present day to make him suspect the baby wasn't really dead and he started demanding to know where she was and what happened to her from Severiano, Humberto and Candela. I just can't remember what. Hmmm...
Candela then slipped it was a boy, PJ stopped suspecting Lola and started suspecting Eman...but what got the ball rolling!? How did he go from thinking the baby was stillborn to possibly being alive and being Lola? I am missing a piece of the puzzle.


This comment has been removed by the author.

1. Adelina freaks when Aldonza mentions that she wants Robertas ashes to be buried with Ray and baby sister Nieves.
2. Adelina confesses that to Jeronimo that the baby was not buried and that she's not even sure the baby is dead.
3. Jeronimo starts to think Lola is the missing baby but then talks to Dominga and realizes he's on the wrong track.
4. He searches for a death certificate but can't find one- he does however find he birth certificate for E-man with Pru and Hum listed as his parents and Cande and Sev as witnesses, the date of birth has been changed. He starts to wonder if maybe the baby that was born was not a girl but rather a boy.
5. Cande has her slip
6. Sev confesses to being to Eman being the missing baby- Jeronimo can't do anything because the info came to him under the seal of confession.
7. Adelina burns all paper work
8. Renato can't find any paper work on the baby either.

and that's how we got to last nights episode

Great work, Lila. My computer conked out before the last 10 minutes but I will catch up because I love when shit finally hits the fan.

I'm with everyone else to Cristobal: Move out already!

Aldonza's mistake was going to Sev first. He will certainly create another roadblock and Humberto will not be able to do anything about it. If Aldonza never forgives him or Adelina I will not criticize her for it.

There is no doubt in my mind that Sev is hoping that Emanuel will die in prison, either by his own hand or at the hands of other prisoners, who would certainly torture him first. I'm really afraid for him now because it could be an echo of Roberta dying without knowing that he was her son. We have to hope that the lawyers and Don Antonio can rescue him before that can happen.

Not to mention rescuing El Solitario, the one being whose love and appreciation Emanuel can always count on.

"The vice grip of her braids intensity". Wow. What a great line. You always bring such energy and juice to your recaps and comments, Lila. Just a treat to read.

I was very saddened that they were putting Dominga through the pain and sorrow of thinking her husband was unfaithful (and yes, it DOES happen, even in old age) but I presume this is the answer to the Candy House mystery. Melesio once said that when he first came to the town, he was in love with someone else. But it didn't work out and he met Dominga and voilá! a long and happy union. Magda, or Marga is the candy store lady and so that's what I'm thinking. However, track record on mystery solving is weak.

As you said, it was "a staccato" episode. No rhythm and off-key. The instant mix microwave romance between Gonzalo and Flavia was laughable. You're telling me as a successful doc he couldn't have found a better love interest in Mexico City. C'monnnn.

And I wanted to kill Adelina last night. She KNEW, I swear she KNEW, by now that Emmanuel is the missing sibling. But she continued on with the "hija" and also subjected that poor, tired gravedigger to further work in order to find a non-existent coffin. What a loathsome, self-centered "good" character.

Often in these telenovelas, a good character gets killed off to everyone's dismay. But if Adelina meets her maker early, I don't think any of us will grieve too much.

We're heading toward the gran finale limping and lurching but we're getting there. Mari seems to be bi-polar. On several occasions, she's actually given Pato good advice. Then she reverts to Brat Mode. But as Carlos says "she hasn't killed anyone" so I imagine she'll be redeemed at the end.

Thanks Lila. You're a peach for getting this up so early. Clearly people were dying to vent. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and keep your fingers crossed for our beautiful, broad-shouldered Emmanuel.

Oh, and while Candela is a loathsome character, I'm always amazed by how beautiful the actress manages to look, even with that wretched hairstyle. And her diction is so clear and crisp, I can understand every word. Wish mush-mouthed William Levy had half her elocution skills.

Should I post the Karmageddon thread now?

Mari may or may not be afraid enough of Sev to keep her mouth shut about BabyLardo, but she has another motive for doing so: She would take a back seat to the baby once her parents get custody of it.

No matter what, we need at least one more good catfight before this is over.

It's pretty cold that Mari hasn't told her parents about the high likelihood that they have a grandchild on the way.

I'm not surprised Al figured out so quickly that the baby could be a girl. She knows her mom had an affair with Sever, knows a baby resulted, knows Sever and Hum whisked the baby away and no one saw it, knows Sever is an evil liar, and Doc Hum is his minion, knows there is no death certificate on public record for the child, and she knows that Eman has questioned Hum about his origins and got no answers. She figured it out because she had more facts on hand at one time than Padre did, who found things out bit by bit, and because she wasn't afraid of the truth like Adelina.

Typo: That the baby could be a boy.

The next thing Aldonza should do is to call Cristobal and get him to meet her at the police station. That's where he should find out this truth. Not over the phone or in the company of his parents. He must gather the strength he needs to fight for Emanuel's freedom before he confronts his parents and Humberto.

Thank you for a wonderful recap, Lila. I appreciate the time the recappers take out of their days to provide content for Caray.

Thankfully Dom stops her from giving away one of her two brain cells.

What a funny line, but considering how easily Lola fell for Mari's BS it's also sadly true.

"no-goodnik" is such a good word. It made me chuckle.

I also had to laugh at the the line about Cande's vise braids.

I hope we won't have to wait long for Em to be told the truth.

Vivi - I was also thinking that Mari is Babylardo's aunt. Doesn't she care at all?

Oh, Lila, you got a heavy duty episode! Thank you for the recap!!! I hope to watch this one later today. I'm off to a Zentangles class this morning. :-)

”Adelina is very afraid. She has a feeling more evil and tragic things are going to happen!”
I hope Adelina was not wearing green eyeshadow.

So only one coffin in the grave! At least Aldonza didn’t find a baby coffin full of rocks, like some poor woman in a different telenovela.

”Some days, on days like this, you don’t know how I curse having parents like you!”
And yet, he continues to live at home with these parents. They would be great on the Dr. Phil Show.

Linda - IIRC, Padre J could not find a birth nor a death certificate on the alleged daughter.

Sara, I know you asked Vivi, but my opinion is NO. Mari only cares about herself and her stupid one-upwomanship games.

She might lust after Emanuel but I doubt she would marry him. She might marry Pato once he gets his degree, but would she love either of them the way Lola could? No. She's much too selfish.

Lila - My guess is the "writ of protection" that Silvia will get for Tomas would be like an Order of Protection we have here in the U.S. It is a court order for someone to stay away from another, and if they get near them or contact them, they are sent to jail. OoPs have teeth. Restraining Orders (which are the old way and people still think they work) are not even worth the paper they are written on. I learned all this when I worked as a volunteer answering the crisis line at a Domestic Violence Shelter.

As Vivi said earlier, Mari has always given Pato good advice.

But I don't care. I don't want her redeemed before her anvil. Redemption is a pillow that softens the anvil's blow and I want her to feel the full weight of her anvil. And I don't want her to get with Pato either, but if that's the way they're headed, let it be after her fall. Because there was a point in time, before she wandered over to the dark side, in which I thought it would be her with Pato and Lola with Eman. But I want some serious Karmageddon first - she cost people their jobs and reputations.

Also, yes, she seemed all annoyed at Val for potentially hiding her niece/nephew's identity, but not enough to tell her folks. I agree with the back seat theory and, again, I do not care. I think her annoyance over not getting attention is BS. She gets attention and always has, just not as much as her bro or not as much as she's wanted, but instead of talking to her parents about it like an adult or thinking about how she could build a better one-on-one relationship with them, she just exploded like a 13 year old. Nope. Uh uh. Brat.

Urban- my question was meant for the patio in general. Writing in not my strong suit so I am sorry if it wasn't clear. I agree with you that Mari doesn't care. She is only about herself.

(doris- I had to google zentangles. That looks really cool and I wish I was going with you!)

Karmageddon discussion now or next week?

I think a Karmageddon discussion would detract from Lila's recap. How about next Thursday?


Sorry, didn't want to even bring up a Karmageddon discussion. I just have an unnaturally strong desire to see her misdeeds come to light. I will expound when our Karmageddon talk comes up.

UA is you caray email accurate? I have a question for you.

PS: I was sorry Silvia broke her date with Tomas, but more on principle for Pru getting her way. Also, Pru with the false police call - MESSED. UP. smh

Hellashelle - I think we all have a strong desire to see misdeeds come to light. Urban's Karmageddon post will give the patio a lot to discuss. No need to apologize.

Good morning Peepas! How y'all are? Wow! Lots of comments and I hope the pace keeps up because these will be nice rewards for a major organization job I got going in the casa. Let's see what y'all talkin' 'bout!

Vivi! Gracias, amiga! It WAS great to see Aldonza be so determined and figuring things out so quickly! Re Mari, you think she was being sincere yet this was all part of a ploy to scoop him up as a lover after being a friend? That sounds like her. She's not reformed by any means and if that's her angle, she's still one of these hateful people who don't want something unless they can take it from someone else. I still despise her.

Linda! Thank you! Yes! I also loved how quickly Aldonza figured out Eman must be the thought-dead sib! We so deserved that quick turnaround! Your conviction of Adelina is eloquent and justified!

Eli! at 4:10 a.m. Wow, girl! Thanks for that timeline in the Lozada baby mystery! Great refresher!

Urban! Thanks, kid! Yep, it sho' nuff hit the fan last night!

Aldonza's mistake was going to Sev first. He will certainly create another roadblock and Humberto will not be able to do anything about it. If Aldonza never forgives him or Adelina I will not criticize her for it. Adelina's bull headedness helped drive her to Sev first. What if Cris hadn't been there to stop her from smacking her but the bigger danger is he DOES have time for some obstructive eeeevil! The hatred Sev and Cande have for Roberta that has extended to Roberta's children is beyond a shadow, it's absolutely malignant and poison in the worst sense!

Judy B! No flattery, honey, just an honor to have you compliment my recap! Thank you so much!

Yes! Melesio once said that when he first came to the town, he was in love with someone else. But it didn't work out and he met Dominga and voilá! a long and happy union.

Love this: The instant mix microwave romance between Gonzalo and Flavia was laughable.

Oooo. I think we're all of one mind on Adelina. Why'd they turn her from a hero to a zero? And yes, the Cougar table is still alive and well and we're on a vigil for the safe release of "broad-shouldered Emanuel!" And ITA on your comment at 7:46!

ITA Urban at 8:15! Great idea!

Sara!, amiga! Gracias! Sara. I am sooo afraid they're going to drag out and drive us crazy now about the reveal and reunion with Eman. I don't know how but I'm afraid it's going to happen. Gonna try to enjoy the good vibrations of this fading of the shadow at least over the weekend!

Doris! Yah, girl! Finally got me a good 'un! Hee hee! Thanks for that bit on the OoP!

Hmmm. . .now I gotta look up "zentangles"!

I don't think I've ever participated in a Karmageddon discussion. Sounds like fun!

Ok. . .off to my project. . .y'all keep the ball rolling!

Thanks so much Eli, for that rundown. I remember it all now thanks to your help!

I don't think Mari even knows which guy she wants anymore - I think the answer might be whichever guy Lola has at the moment. ;) Clearly Eman and Pato deserve better than her but I think that they both deserve better than Lola & her middle school games too so..yeah. I assume Eman/Lola will eventually end up together just because that's been obvious to me since the very beginning and as for Pato, I'd like to see him maybe end up with Vero? She's great and I'd hate to see Mari win with Pato in the end given her antics although I suspect redemption for her so who knows what kind of turnaround we might see towards the end to justify it.

Good afternoon , all. Thank you so much for another energetic recap, Lila.

Well, I have gotten some chores done, so I am rewarding myself with Lila's delicious retelling and all of your insightful comments. I got a big giggle out of Judyb's " microwave romance" true..and Vivi's description of Hum as Sev's "minion"... Yes, just so.

Yes, do not mess with Dom and Mel's endless love.

No last minute reprieve and redemption for nasty Mari. It was interesting to watch that scene between hubby and wife. I wonder if that caused lots of laughing and bloopers.

Well, my self proclaimed reward for chores includes the newspaper and the third book in the Outlander series. (I had to make an emergency trip to the college library yesterday after finishing the second book. Is this what addiction feels like?)

P.s. By the way, I am also rewarding myself because..I am alive. When we got home yesterday , there was a message on our answering machine extending sympathy to hub on my recent passing from our annuity guy. I left two messages for him saying.." This is Susanlynn, and I am still very alive." Finally, found out what happened after several phone calls. It was very creepy. I could not believe that a company would leave a message that that on the answering machine of who is someone supposedly grieving.Asshats.

Lila first--Thank you for this rip-snortin' recap of a Sh**Hitting the Fan episode. Your writing talent is always on High Octane.

Et Al. I agree with what everyone is talking about and love all the highlighted phrases of Lila's. I even agree that the Hum/Aldie/Addie scene was what nailed Michelle for the part. I was impressed.

I noticed that in the Pato-Lola "reconciliation" scene she said she would "try" to love and respect him in return. Gotta love those little side-doors out of things that might compromise your truthiness.

Cris will not move out until the last few minutes of the tn, or I'll eat a hat-shaped cake. He is caught between the bad in his life and the good in his life, i.e. Cande/Sev/Val vs. Dom/Mel. Right now he has no place to go. He has no friends he can bunk with (well, maybe Joaquin, but Flavia is coming back), Aldie is still rejecting him, PJ belongs to Aldie, Eman is in jail, Don Camilo is still the butler with a gun (absolutely loved that one), and a hotel is a lonely place--just ask Hum.

Cris is hard-headed about Aldie, so he's not going to leave SL, especially after he darn well heard her say not to leave her. So there we have it--more run-ins with Renato, more screeching from Cande, more disillusionment from Sev, more b*tchin' from Val. (After her little drama last night, how he would ever get a moment's peace with her as his wife is beyond all comprehension.) Dom has her own problems now, so she won't be much comfort to him.

Doris--That was Adriana Balvanera in Amores Verdaderos who found rocks in her baby's coffin. She carried them around in her purse for awhile, much to our glee.

This tn should have been called Lo Imperdonable.


Susanlynn! my dear! Yes, happy to be alive, indeed! I know we watch people drop like flies on these shows but the real drama of life and (sometimes sudden) death is the real deal and always gives us pause, as it should! I'm finishing up my break and going back for part two soon. You know, Sev and Mari haven't had that many scenes together. I wonder if they had to exert any effort to turn off their natural carnal chemistry between each other. I think they were successful because I didn't get an ick vibe from Sev when he was with her. I do remember a scene some time ago when he totally checked out her caboose when she was out at the corral watching Eman ride some horsies.


Oh, I dunno, this episode, when he was saying "It's been nice seeing you" I swear, he delivered that line directly at her chest. I didn't know whether to "EW" or "LOL."

Does it weird anybody else out that they actually opened the coffin?

Susanlynn, what a bizarro message to leave and YAY for being alive!

Mornin' all :)

Lila, this was an amazing recap girl, its like seeimg it again for the first time.
Aldonza is getting some courage. This is just
The boost she needed to get her started on the road to end the mendoza clan, minus cris.
She read hum right. He is as filthy and twisted as sev. I don't care how much of a conscience he tried to display he did nothing to keep this from happening. and him being a doctor he knew what it does to a woman to lose a child at birth and yet he listened to what Sev and cande told him to do and he stole her child. He destroyed two lives.Even now sev still has his hand stuck up his butt, he's(hum) a puppet. And cande has the nerve to ask God not to dispise her, she need to ask for the only forgiveness she will probably ever get. God is more forgiveing than humans. As easy going as her son is he might want to kill her.
Cris was about to tear sev a new one when he slapped him, I wish he had. When is he going tp get tired of being slap by that garbage that calls himself a father? I guess that's up to the writers and directors. No children aren't supposed to hit their parents, and parents aren't supposed to abuse their children either so maybe in this case it might be justified, the man is a piece of trash.
Mari is a sneaky dog.
Am I the only one starting to see the anvils falling? Tho they are slow, but surely they are starting to fall. the 1 that's going to hit sev, that's the 1 I want to see. Candela's isn't far behind.

I've caught up on the comments and mostly I'm just nodding along with everyone.

Question on Karmageddon: I know we're postponing the actual conversation itself, but this is more of a "rules" inquiry. How the heck do we even begin? We have people who were evil-evil, somewhat evil, temporarily naughty...are all/most characters up for discussion or only the ones who have clearly been evil and how do we even decide?

Lila, such an amazing recap. Boy you got the bombshell of the week episode...finally.

I was beginning to wonder if we would have anything important get out soon and voila, we get E-man a bro and sis right before he has to march off to jail. I so want Cris to be told immediately so he can march back to the house and spit venom at Sev for treating his own son like dirt. And maybe, since he also has got the light bulb brightly burning that mumsy is more than likely in cahoots with dear old dad in his antics, he will FINALLY MOVE OUT???!!!!

Almost don't care about anything else right now, though the whole Mel talking in his sleep and Dom's on fire eggs the next morning was pretty funny. They pretty much have spoiled the Pato character and I'm so worried we're building to a Mari hookup. She deserves NO ONE.

WTH the Flavia/Gonzo thing was for I don't have a clue. Was that supposed to give us some clue that she's still attractive and worth a second chance, because that to me would be a No. Only time I yelled at PJ with his talk to Joaquin. Go forth young man and be miserable.

I went and bought some extra kleenex boxes this morning so I'm well prepared for the E-man reveal scenes next week. Hum is mud now...wonder what he'll do? And Ade, never have warmed to her, and I'm just done with her. She had her chances for years to tell her secrets too. Both she and Hum are due for some anvils...from me if not in the story.

Action packed week I"m guessing.



In Karmageddon discussions of the past we've occasionally come to a complete consensus or had some differences of opinion depending on our own capacities for forgiveness or on our perception of the level of crime to apply to something that man's law won't punish. It's OK if we don't agree because we know how to keep this discussion civilized. I eventually decided that the format of those discussions should be the answers to these two questions:

What do you think the writers will do to this character?
What do you think should happen to this character?

Sometimes the answer to both questions is the same and other times it will vary.

Diva--Wait for UA, she gives us all the critters in the starting gates to hell and then we comment to see who gets to the finishing line with the biggest anvils dragging. And YES, Sev did give Mari a lascivious leer.

I just snorted in a most unladylike way at "critters"...Anita, that is an apt description! I think we've got everything from large predators to small rodents.

Thanks for the answer, Urban :)


I'm now crafting my answers, which are subject to change up to publication. I will also remind anyone who hasn't taken part in such a discussion that our guesses may be off and we may in the end not be satisfied with what the writers do. That's the way this goes.

Hey, Anita! Thanks, amiga!

Cris is hard-headed about Aldie, so he's not going to leave SL, especially after he darn well heard her say not to leave her. So there we have it--more run-ins with Renato, more screeching from Cande, more disillusionment from Sev, more b*tchin' from Val

Hallelujah! Now we don't have to write any more recaps! We can just add a few bullet points for the anvils and we're done! Hee hee! Anita, I wish I'd had that phrase several episodes ago!

ITA about Lola. Is Pato that desperate? What is that made him fall in love with Lola because most of the time she's flying off the handle and bitchin' at him or scowlingk pouting and sulking! What you said about Val goes for Lola as well: . . how he would ever get a moment's peace with her as his wife is beyond all comprehension.

Yes, Diva, a little wierded out but eventually they have to remove whatever remains remain to burn them. I'm just glad they didn't craft a prop skeleton or something horrifying like that!

Hey, Nina! Cris was about to tear sev a new one when he slapped him, I wish he had. You know what, I thought so too and started to put it in the recap. That's why Sev told him, "Don' you dare. Don't you dare." Cris was about to deck him!

And no, honey, you are not the only one beginning to see anvils fall! The next few shows better be raining anvils and let us have at least ONE episode of happiness for Cris and Donnie!

Daisy! Yaaay! I so want Cris to be told immediately so he can march back to the house and spit venom at Sev for treating his own son like dirt. Yes, Lord! That's going to be a good one. The only other thing that will take Sev lower in Cris's eyes is the rape!

All of us are like O_o with the Gonzo/Flavia thing -- it was unethical, stupid, revolting AND unnecessary! Sheesh!

Fill-in-the-blank recaps...

On today's episode: Aldonza wants to be with Cris, but she tells him they can't be together because _____. Cris yells at his parents for _____. Cande blames Aldonza for _____. Cande screeches at Sev for ______. Cande screeches at Cris for ______. Val screeches at Cris for _____. Sev threatens _____. Sev ogles ______. Renato is upset because Aldonza _____. Silvia works on ______'s case. Pato is upset because Lola _____. Adelina is worried that Aldonza will find out _____.

We should have done this a long time ago! :D

Okay, Anita and Diva, guess I was going too easy on Sev. He did check Mari out, hunh? Well, that fits with the character as we all know!

So. This Karmaggedon thing. Do we see who gets the most anvils or is there a contest to see what commenter has the most imaginiative anvils or is it just a fun discussion?

Diva! Mil gracias! No more staying up to the wee hours. Yes!


Well, on the list of heinous crimes Sev has committed/is committing/will commit, "checking out any woman with a pulse" ranks pretty low :D

You know me. I'm all about your needs :) I think I missed a few though. "Padre J gives good advice to _____." "Padre J lays a holy smackdown on _____." Those might have to be repeated multiple times.

After that last slap Chris need to get his butt up stairs pack some stuff and move out of that house. He could go to that Love Shack he and Aldonza were two nights ago and stay there. He need's to get the hell away from his parents.
He'll probably fix that house up for him and ally anyway, After all the anvils have fallen, or
He'll give it to Eman. Move out cris, MOVE OUT!!! ITS pass time.
You know, maybe when he finds out sev raped his wife then he'll hit him, more than
once. Because he won't be his father, he will be the man that raped his wife. A dirty nasty piece of garbage. And I"m being nice.
And they really need to leave mel and Dom alone, they're the only normal couple that works well on the show. They give us hope, that there is life during marriage. And whatever drama there trying to drum up between these two, I hope they bring it to an end this week because I really like these two people, they're very sweet.

Hey Lila when cris finds out that sev raped ally, the words "Don't you dare" wont make it out of his mouth, his teeth will go flyin across the room, and I hope his screeching momma is there to see it.
There are some things that I don't think candy thinks that sev Is capable of doing, I think she's going to be really be surprised when she finds out her Nasty husband raped their daughter-in- law. Or not.


You know, Nina, I'm not sure how Cande will react to the rape. She was okay with Val shooting her, but denies she wanted her dead, which I don't buy. Her hatred of Aldonza is so outrageously illogical I would almost expect her to horrified that she lay with Sev after raping Aldonza AND I wouldn't be surprised if she'd rather believe that Aldonza enticed him or otherwise "asked for it." Cande is one twisted sister!

She passed "twisted" a loooooooong time ago. This chick Is one for the psychology books.
The first question they'd ask," what the hell did you see at Severiano Mendoza that you would marry him and let him touch you?" LOL!!!!:-D

Lila, I think you just called it on Candela vis a vis the rape of Aldonza. So what will it take for her to see that her husband is a monster she should have divorced years ago? What about the murders?

Note also that she is still encouraging Vile despite knowing that she is the one who shot Aldonza. And isn't the least bit sorry.

Susanlynn – I am very glad you are, indeed, amongst the living. What a complete jerk! That guy must be from the under-forty generation….the ones who break up with their girlfriends via text messages, etc.
You could text him, saying, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.---MT” but I doubt he would get the joke.
In the meantime, we will toast your good health on The Patio.

”Does it weird anybody else out that they actually opened the coffin?”
Not in telenovelaland.

Diva – you need to ™ the phrase “Fill In The Blank Recaps”. Priceless!!!


Lol, doris, I'm sure jerkdom transcends all age ranges.

I still feel like I left out a few of our standard happenings. Tomas flirts with _____. There's another one to repeat as needed.

Urban, Cande is a nasty piece of work. I can't wait for Karmageddon to see what my friends imagine for her.


Pru slurs her rant as she sips a glass of _________.
Pru bitches at Hum about__________.

Brilliant! Pru's not faithful to any particular at home, some kind of liquor when she's at the Mendozas, wine when she was out with Tere. Heck, I can't even tell if she prefers red wine to white wine. She's an equal opportunity drinker.

Pru blames Aldonza for _____.
Cande blames Aldonza for _____.

Aldonza calls Renato about the __________. He drops everything and comes running!

Susanlynn- I am very pleased you are still among the living. What a horrible experience.


Whoa did this macabre person come by the information that you'd supposedly passed on. I'd certainly want to know.

And love all the fill-in-the-blanks quips. You all are ready to be well-paid (but frantic, I'm sure) telenovela script writers.

Oh my stars. Checking and I see your "Fill in the blanks" recap Kat. That is the best format idea ever! I can think of a few TN's in the past that would have served well with that. The poor recappers on CI would have especially would have found it useful.

I'll be honest as we look forward to this week, if Cris doesn't go ballistic at his father, both parents would be preferable, AND move out, I will be sorely disappointed. He can move in with PJ. Sure helped Tomas see the light, might serve him well too. If he stays in that house because of Val...I get heartburn at the thought.

We should probably add "Lola cries over _______ and lies about____. Then Lola yells at ________. "


Pru blames Aldonza for __scabies out break___.
Cande blames Aldonza for her menstrual cramps_____.

This is great! It's Telenovela Mad it for 120 episodes then change the names and start all over again :D

Thank you Lila, I was going to wait until I watched the show before I read the recap, but I can't watch it until tomorrow and I couldn't wait that long. But such an exciting recap, I will still watch it tomorrow.

After all that and the candyhouse was made by Melesio????? Come on writers. Wouldn't Mel have run into Magda at some time over the course of their lives in small town SL?

I feel even worse for Eman to find out that Eman, who Sev is putting the screws to, is his son, and Sev has always known it. Imagine!

OMG, Diva Fill-In-The-Blank Recaps are the BEST IDEA EVER!!!! MadLibs books need to be on the Naughty Melon Shelves immediately. Fun for the whole patio.

I'm not sure I've ever been in a Karmageddon convo either, but I imagine it's just letting loose our theories and pent up end-of-the-line frustrations, no? No holds barred kind of stuff?

Cathyx - I agree, Eman's gonna be the one breaking our hearts this week. Anger and confusion for Sev, anger at Cande, but mostly hurt because of Hum. I'm already crying inside thinking of that conversation.

I don't want Cris to say anything to Sev and Cande. Ever again. Not exactly the silent treatment, more the "I wish you didn't exist so I'm going to pretend you don't unless absolutely necessary" treatment. I want him to just go pack his things and leave, without a word. He can call/text Val from his new apartment. Also, I never considered his living with PJ. PJ might be Aldie's uncle, but he belongs to God and the People (minus Sev and Cande because demons don't count).

I don't know if Cande would have sympathy for Aldonza. I think she'd be too busy being mad about Sev having another affair and with the daughter of That Woman!!! I guess the truth about the rape can't come out until after he's slept with Val, so that she can be fully grossed out that she's replaced Lardo with someone even worse.

Susanlynn- WHAT?! how the heck did that happen???

Hey, Cathyx! Thank you, girl! Good point about Mel and the Candy Shop lady! Maybe they'll twist it around to mean something else. Mel certainly didn't get that Dom was upset, let alone that she was pissed at him! I hope they don't switch up on Dom's character after all this time: She is forthright and upfront and clear-speaking. She's not cruel but she gets to the point. This passive-aggressive school girl prank with the hot eggs and not talking to Mel about what he was sleep-talking about.

ITA about Eman. I hope, though, that once he finds out Sev is his sperm donor he will vow to do everything in his power to be absolutely nothing like him and he's already succeeded: He's sensitive and caring and just damned decent. I hope he will remember the tender moment he had with Roberta and that he will hold that as a special memory.

Anybody know approximately what episode that was in when Eman was kind and loving to Roberta?

cathyx, I'm worried that Aldonza will have that exact thought about Emmanuel and she'll decide she can't possibly burden him with that while he's in jail.

HellaShelle, it's going to be so hard not to think of Mad Libs the next time I write a recap. Let's hope they start breaking out of the mold and make it impossible to write one that way between now and the end!

Lila, it was #10...which was also the one when Sev raped Aldonza.

Didn't finish my thought:

*This passive-aggressive school girl prank with the hot eggs and not talking to Mel about what he was sleep-talking about is NOT like Dominga!

No, not really. She's usually so direct. But it was kinda funny :) I couldn't decide if it was Dominga grinning vaguely maliciously at Mel for eating the eggs, or if it was the actress who couldn't help laughing.

#10. . .oooo, no wonder I missed that scene, it was the RAPE episode! I was so traumatized by that episode! Thanks, Diva!

Yeah, it was just one more thing to make the one-and-only meeting of Emmanuel and Roberta even sadder and add to Roberta's feeling of guilt.

5Ft, yes, I can see Aldonza telling Eman that she doesn't know who his father is.
But wait, does he know that Roberta and Sev had an affair and a baby that died?

cathyx, I'm not sure. I think there was a name for "Baby Alcocer" on the tombstone, no? So wouldn't it be public knowledge in the Gossip Capital of Mexico that Roberta had a baby? But if this happened back when they were all kids, maybe they just didn't pay attention to that. The fact that she was sleeping with Sev and that it was Sev's baby would definitely not be public knowledge. I think that was the whole point of the coverup.

I don't think Emanuel knows that. Until now there was no reason for him to know this.

Ok, since he doesn't know that Sev had an affair with Roberta, then I'll bet that they keep it from him. So therefore, Cris won't be there for the telling, and maybe she keeps it from Cris too.

I thought it odd that PJ made Aldonza promise that the exhumation wouldn't be done without him, and then it was done without him because he had priest stuff to do and couldn't make it.

Ooh, see, now she can't tell him because if Cris hears that Aldonza and Emmanuel are half-siblings, he'll remember the argument and know that Emmanuel is his half-brother too.

Although *sigh* this is Cris we're talking about, so maybe not.

Well, hub and I are still investigating how this annuity agent got the news of my untimely demise, but it might have something to do with someone with the same first name and the same social security number except for the last digit. This situation caused a frustrsting mess a few years ago when her credit history and mine got all intertwined thanks to a major credit card company getting us confused. We think that she may have died.

Hi, Lila. I really enjoyed your retelling of this episode. The cadence is quickening, and your wit is keeping pace.

Susanlynn, glad you're still vertical despite reports to the contrary. To date, I have never been accused of being dead, although I have been accused of just about everything else.

5ft, I think your fill-in-the-blanks format has a great deal of promise. By the way, 5ft, I see that you are addressed in a variety of ways. Which moniker do you actually prefer?

Hoping that Aldonza conveys the newly uncovered info to Eman in a way that is both kind to him and has devastating results to all involved in the cover-up.

It just seems to me that there will have to be some more gun play, what with Sev conspicuously putting the rifle back in the corner. And, any suggestion that he couldn't use it because he is missing an arm were put to rest when he put it to his shoulder and sighted down the barrel.

I saw a movie last night entitled "Ana Maria in Novela Land" starring Edy Ganem. It's cute in a two-and-a-half star sort of way. Recurring theme; the most improbable things happen, and watchers say, "Wow, I didn't see that coming," just like we do here.

Well, yesterday my wife and I celebrated the fact that, for whatever misguided reason, she has let me hang with her for 45 years.

Thanks again, Lila.



David - Congratulations!!! Happy Anniversary to you and your wife!

Susanlynn - Wow. Very glad you're still alive and kicking it out here on the Patio!

Can't wait to see Val's face when she finds out Emanuel is a Mendoza! :D

I really hope Aldonza doesn't chicken out. I know we've still got a good 5 weeks before Sombra ends, but this is one secret I'm ready to see come fully into the light...just not sure how they'll fill up the rest of the time. Let's see what else is left:

1. Cande's role in Eman's kidnapping
2. Simoneta's murder
3. Abelardo's murder
4. BabyLardo's paternity
5. Mari's lies (to her parents. Lola pretty much knows now that she was an idiot, I think)
6. Sev and Val?
7. Don Antonio's secret
9. Aldonza's rape.

Oops, almost forgot!
10. Padre Sixto's murder
11. Ray's murder

I guess that's a couple of secrets/week, but now that's there's a hole in the bag, won't take long to spill all the beans

BabyLardo's paternity will probably be the next secret to come out. Three people know:


-- We can expect Sev to keep his mouth shut. He isn't prone to getting drunk, so he's unlikely to slip up.
-- Mari won't talk unless she and Vile have a fight.
-- Prudencia, however, will not be able to control herself when she's wasted, which is most of the time.

I'd love for Candela to be the first to know because her braids will spring out and she'll be breathing fire.

Sev and Vile. Hmmm. Dominga suspects something is afoot there and she has expressed her suspicions to Melesio. I'd love to see Candela walk in on this.

Anything less than her and/or Cris (I vote for "and") walking in on them in bed will be disappointing.

Possible way for Ray's murder to come to light:

Aldonza has Ray's remains cremated, and just before she empties them near the water fall, she shakes the urn and hears something rattling around. When she empties the urn she finds the slug from the bullet that killed him, miraculously still having the telltale lands and grooves on it.

Now there would be two bullets out there which are traceable to Sev's guns and associated with crimes he had nothing to do with.


Susanlynn- So glad you're still with us. Condolences to your doppelganger.

Happy Anniversary, David!

Still plenty of big secrets to come out, even if Al reveals the Eman news to him and everyone else.

I hope she is mature enough to tell Cristobal first and they make a joint decision about this.

I don't know whether Emanuel will benefit from knowing this. Both Cristobal and Aldonza love him, but how horrible will it be for him to know that his own sperm donor treated him like garbage? Those of us who know what toxic parents are all about know that it's not Emanuel's fault, but the poor young man will need years of therapy to make peace with this.

Hey, y'all! Busy day! See good comments to check out later.

Thank you and Happy Anniversary, David! and many more to you and the lovely Mrs. David!


David, congarts to you and the Mrs. David Man she looooooves you, that the reason, and a dam good one. Yall got the real thing, AND AIN'T NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING.
CONGRATULATIONS !♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ :-)

Congrats to you and your Misses David!! May you enjoy many, many more anniversaries. Hey, maybe you could get her a Candy House one year? Loved to hear how it would actually go over in the real world.

Susanlynn, that had to be frustrating but we're just happy you are still tripping the life fantastic.

And holy moly hellashelle...I totally forgot about how Eman use to feel about Val. I need to be ready for some stellar freeze frame moments over these next weeks. Heck Val, can you imagine Pru? She didn't know who's baby that was. Someone better have the decanters filled.

But poor Hum. I don't think as secrets come out he's got much of a future left. Desperate people do desperate things...wonder where his story leads. Can't believe it will be good.

Was thinking if Cris is worth his salt as a pissed off son and brother, he's going to demand Sev release Eman from jail and drop charges or he blows his parents' reputation to smithereens. Frankly, be nice to do that anyway. I'm going to wear my new FREE TH"E-MAN" shirt on Monday.


Happy Anniversary, David! I wish you and your wife many more happy years together :D

I never really thought about which name I prefer. I was using the same account on multiple blogs and there didn't seem to be a way to have a different "name" on each blog, so I ended up accumulating names. Any of them is fine.

Hey, that's right, they did the "linger on the rifle" thing again, and he sure did look like he's capable of shooting it at least, if not loading it.

A nice, steady rate of secret exposure would be lovely. Please, show, don't save it all for the Fin!

Urban and Daisynjay, I think that would be ideal, if Aldonza consults Cris, they both tell him together, and Cris puts the screws to his parents to get Em released. Here's hoping.

Susanlynn, so sorry you had to go through that upsetting message. Joining the chorus in being grateful that you are alive and well.

David, happy anniversary to you and your wife.

So many additional, astute comments - thank you to everyone for your thoughts and insights.


Wow, Lila thanks. I missed the show but now it doesn't seem like it. Oh, Congratulations David and Susanlynn am so glad the news of your demise is greatly exaggerated.

Susanlynn--Aargh to TBLMOE Pirate Lover. Glad you are still with us. So, funny, Vivi with your condolences to the doppelganger.

David--Congratulations from this end. Yes; I hope there are many more anniversaries in your future. I remember you from the days, long ago and far away when Carlos, Mike and Emilia were still in our circle of commenters. I can still remember the wonderful welcome home your soldier son got which you shared with us. (I think it was during either CME or AB?)

Diva--You are the true Renaissance WO-man in my book. How is the chocolate business going? This Fill-in-the-Blanks recapping is puro genio.

Can we put in a couple of Solitario looks _______; Cute Miniature Horse shows us _______; Capricho II gallops away with __________?

Happy Anniversary, David!

Tofie! My girl! Thank you, hon!

david and Mrs. david..Congratulations on your anniversary and wishes for many more happy years together. What advice would you give to newlyweds ?

Yes, so here I am...still alive. Life is good. That phone message made me pause for a minute and appreciate still being here. The shock is beginning to fade . I remember my first thought upon hearing it was for hub. How awful to come home alone to that cold message if it had been the truth. He asked if I wanted to call nd speak to the agent who left a very contrite message after my "NOT dead" message on his answering machine. I said that I better not because I could have ripped him a new one. Hub, on the other hand, very gently told him that the company should have a different protocol in these situations than leaving a message on an answering machine. I guess big guys actually tend to be gentler than little girls...or at least that is the case with us.

I loved the fill in the blanks idea. In one tn , the recappers would write "so and so's lines."

Well, I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I am on the patio despite 90 temp trying not to think about things that I should be doing.

Anita...argghh..I miss TBLMOE and those pirates. I was Mad Bess during Pasion days. We went all out during that tn with the pirate theme, didnt we ? I am currently enamored of a fictional Highland warrior , so I am into all things Scottish despite my English, Norse, German heritage, Lassie . I am a sassenach. I may have to start drinking my whiskey straight up with out the sour added as I usually do. Aye, ye Ken ? I have a rich fantasy life.

Susanlynn--OT. Thanks for recommending Outlander weeks ago. I'm in it DEEP, along with you. Have read the first book twice, halfway through the 2nd, borrowed the DVD, then bought the first season (oh Jamie, swoooooon) and ordered the third book. Waiting until the 2d season is over and I can get that, too--although I know it will be even harder to watch. This can only be called an intelligent, literary bodice (and kilt) ripper, no? Claire gives as good as she gets. I've even gone so far as to watch some of the interviews on YT.

Still OT--But there's another actor looming on my horizon--Cuau Reymond from Avenida Brasil (dubbed from Portuguese into Spanish). I finally broke my own rule of not watching interviews until series are over (thanks, Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe, you, too) to watch his interview on an Argentine talk show. It was hilarious because he says he doesn't speak Spanish as well as he can speak English--and he's right, and he does!!! I really wanted to hear his real voice. They nailed whoever they got to dub his voice. Ave. Brasil is being re-broadcast on Telemundo now, from it's original showing in 2014. Our dear Madelaine's original recaps are excellent to help me through all the talking they do. All I can say about the series is that Cuau makes love like a man should if he wants the ladies watching to believe it (just a taste of vicarious pleasure).

Anita- Please send me the link to that interview with Cuau. Haven't watched any of the Outlander interviews, but likely will to deal with Outlander cravings before the new season finally starts next year.

Anita. .Our former ESl secretary is Brazilian and told me that the Brazilan and Argentinian telenovelas are very good. I have tutored and taught quite a few Brazilians.

So glad that I have a fellow Outlander fan to talk to. I finished the second book while we were on vacation, and I immediately went to the college library where the librarian told me that she first read the original book twenty years ago when it was first released and has read all the books. She quickly found Voyager, the third book for me in paperback and suggested that I also read The Scottish Prisoner which is about the main character's time in prison during the same period of time. So, I am a third of the way through the third book. The author is currently working in the ninth book !

vivi...I have read many interviews of the cast and author of Outlander...fascinating. They all seem to be such funny, smart, lovely people. Fans call this time until the next season (2016) Droughtlander. I think the author must have fashioned Jamie after her own husband who is a very big redheaded guy.

Vivi--OT: I just finished watching the Caua interview again (sorry for the previous mis-spelling). It's just a charming and frank and funny as it was the first time. I know you will enjoy it.

Argentine host Susana Gimenez interviews Caua Reymond.

We must keep an eye out for two newer tns with Caua: Amores Robados y Casador. Man is he an eyeful and unassuming to boot.

Susanlynn-OT: Great label, Droughtlander. Diana Gabaldon is quite impressive in person as well. I should have added historic to my other labels of intelligent and literary. She certainly did her research to be able to weave it all into a cogent tale that has kept millions spell-bound.


Susanlynn--you can e-mail me from my profile if we really want to get into the alders and the bracken!!!!!

Wow. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. David. And thanks to Anita. That young man Cua has the most beautiful set of teeth! Yikes. Incandescent smiles. Got a kick out of all his "C'mons" insterspersed with Brazilian Portuguese. Haven't heard that lovely language much since visiting Rio in '65. A lifetime ago.

OT:Maybe we should start an Outlander table at the patio and we can chat when things get slow? I've read the whole series of books and of course, watched the Starz series. Greatly disappointed that the Emmy voters keep freezing out that particular network on nominations. (Love Black Sails too...I mean PIRATES!)

So while cooling my jets on that series while they are now filming the next season, I'm digging into Poldark. Hesitant when I started since I was a fanatic fan in my younger days during the Robin Ellis adaptation, but have to say Aidan and company have lured me in.

Aidan is giving Alex S. a run for my money on dark-haired, captivating lookers on TV right now.

LOL - my Captcha is Waterfalls. Makes me think, we haven't been there for some serious scenery for awhile. Sad face.


Wow, thanks to all of you for your kind words about our anniversary.

Susanlynn, advice? I guess, just marry the best woman you can find, and share a sense of humor. That is a daunting question.

Anita, yes I remember you too from those times, and I think it was CME. Sylvia Sharkbait and Elna June Sonoma were around then too, I think.


Daisynjay--Still OT: I'm checking in on Poldark II. Miss the original music, too. I found the original series on Netflix and ordered the first part, just for scholarly comparisons, of course. The scenery in Poldark II is wonderful and I'm getting a kick out of the horse riding back and forth when in other situations, they walk and get to wherever they are going instantly--sort of like Mari, Val & Prudencia.

Another good British production, Crimson Field follows it here in the East. It's on On Demand if you want to check it out from the beginning. It's about volunteer nurses in France on the front in WWI (1915 or so).

Yes, DJay, they've sort of forgotten this tn is all about who owns and has access to the waterfall. We should be getting daily sightings, some bathing, some horses drinking, and When OH When is Simoneta going to come floating up to the top in her sailboat coffin-table?


Oh dear, we'll finally get to see the waterfall again, and it will be to drag a coffin-table out of it! And they never did give us a big group swimming party down there...they'd better not do it now.

Besides just the waterfall, the town itself also looks really pretty when the mist comes in. I don't know that the exteriors of either Las Animas or El Santuario really do anything for me, but I like the whole downstairs area of ES, and Dominga's kitchen, and Cande's bedroom.

OT..Anita..yes, so much to talk about. Diana knows how to do research because she had never been to Scotland before she wrote the first book. I thought that the second book started slower , but then it really got exciting. Two friends are reading the series and both told me that you just cannot put the books down. Thus, I am staying up late and not getting my "shoulds" done.

OT ..Daisynjay, I discovered Highlander the TV series in 1995 , and people I talked to online about that show often brought up Outlander, but I never got around to reading it. I started watching the Starz series with no idea what was going to happen. Now that I have two and a half books and probably more before the start of season two, it will be interesting to see what they put in and what they take out.

OT. ...I am watching Poldark thanks to a recommendation by Carlos . I like the actor's dark and stormy look and that scar...oh my. I love the actress playing his wife, but sometimes I cannot understand what she is saying. I did not watch the original show, but Carlos talked about it.

David..That is sound advice. A sense of humor is so important in a relationship of any kind...and to living in general.

By the by, has anyone heard from Elna June? The last I heard from Sylvia was when she wished me a happy birthday in April.

Well, OT, I'm reading a book that's hard to put down about the drug trade in Mexico. A work of fiction, Cartel, but reads like the real deal and is both horrifying and fascinating.

OT- who is the author, JudyB? That sounds interesting.

Don Winslow. Has written a number of books, as well as writing for TV and film. A former private investigator and trial consultant. The book's events link into much of what we have heard and read about the drug violence down there. Disturbing. Very. But hard to put down.

Thank you! His was the first book that popped up when I searched amazon. I'm adding it to my wish list now.

OT I was dismayed yesterday to find that of the books Offspring left here only Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager and Drums of Autumn are on her shelf. Who knows what happened to Outlander.

Luckily, the kindle edition was only $1.99

OT..sara....I am half way through VOyager many twists, turns, and surprises. I get nothing done and stay up late reading. I cannot wait to find out what happens next. Since I could not wait for my friend to finish reading VOyager, I got it from the !ibrary. The companion novel is The Scottish Prisoner.
Diana would be a fantastic telenovela writer .

Judyb...The book you are reading sounds interesting...but scary .

I have the feeling that right after the big reveal about Emanuel that Simoneta's corpse will turn up. This would be a good way to start driving Sev around the bend.

That would be fun. To have him be in the middle of trying to manage one crisis when another one comes up. He's already not dealing with stress well, lately.

It's about time. Candela is also about to fall apart.

Padre J leaving is just too much for her to bear. She was a little too obvious with her pleas to the bishop, in a way I don't think she would have been earlier in the story.

Is another big public scene in the church too much to ask? The church hasn't seen any action in a while. Just no mobs, please...flash or otherwise!

susanlynn - I'm still watching Poldark, too. They've not given us enough scenes of the horse running along the countryside, lately, and I'm not happy about that. Still, good melodrama for a summer fix. It's like a good telenovela without all the tontería. LOL

Oh, Sev, what a tangled web you've woven in your lifetime of deceit. He was really beside himself after he killed Sim in fit of rage and then had to quickly figure out how he was going to get rid of the body. Yes, please, more of that . Let's hope that the surf's up soon and the coffin table bubbles to the surface.


Surf's up! Ha! Good one, Susanlynn! Pobre de Simoneta, but I think even she'd be thrilled to have the discovery of her murder be something that helps bring Sev down.

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