Thursday, September 24, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #2 Wednesday 9/23/15

Here we go! Another episode loaded with action that will take us full circle to the beginning of the first episode.

We start out with Lichita still at work with Chuchette and Néstor looking on and realizing that they did not even renew her temporary contract. Néstor tells her life is not fair and Chuchette advises her that her contract expires tomorrow and to stay until the end of the day today if she wants to get paid for a full day. Those two leave and Lichita's phone rings. To make matters even worse it is her mother Elsa calling her from the hospital to let her know that her dad's surgery went well but that they needed a few unexpected items in the operating room so the bill will be a little higher for a total of 45,000 pesos. With the added charges, Lichita will have to come by to sign on her credit card so they can discharge her dad. Her mom is relieved that at least Lichita has a good job but that they will all work to get the debt paid off. Lichita tells her Mom not to worry. Lichita feels the weight of it all and does not know what she will do.

In the next scene, Lichita is at the hopital signing for the bill. Her dad don Nacho is sitting wearing his glasses over both of his bandaged eyes. A taxi will be coming to pick them up. Her mother asks her if she is okay. Lichita says she is. Her dad is agitated that Lichita had to come at all and starts to harp on how much the operation cost. Her mom tells him to just rest and brings up the fact that Lichita has a good job now with her permanent contract. Lichita says she has to get back to work and leaves. The temporarily blinded by bandages don Nacho goes to bless Lichita but she is already gone and he ends up kissing his wife's hand.

The next stop is in an apartment where Gumaro is wondering if they are really going to believe that Roberto is an advertising executive. Roberto assures him that it is his specialty and that he only has to get a contract and then it is all ideas and he has plenty of those. Gumaro sees them more as lies. Roberto says since nobody wants to give him a second chance, lying is what he has to do. Advertising is the perfect place to sell what isn't really there. Gumaro has created a false curriculum vitae for him and says that they will see how it goes--as always. Gumaro has given the telephone numbers of some friends for the references so they don't find out that they live in a model apartment. Roberto just doesn't want to go back to his bad paying old jobs. They talk about a jacket he has to return. It still has the tags on it. He just wants to buy something he will not have to return later. The schtick in the scene is that the door bell keeps ringing and each time Gumaro answers it there is a middle aged couple asking for info on the model apartment. The first three times Gumaro tells them to just wait and closes the door so he can continue his conversation with Roberto.The fourth time they knock, he answers the door and they are gone. Gumaro does not understand why they just could not wait a little while.

Lichita is talking to her friend Braulio about losing her contract and all of the pressure she is under. She is feelimg the weight of her responsibility. Braulio gives her a pep talk and tells her she is so talented but she has to believe it herself. Braulio is under pressure, too, especially with recording video testimonials from the employees for the Iconika's 30th anniversay party.

At home, Elsa (Lichita's mom) is asking don Nacho (her dad) if Lichita wasn't looking a little strange. He cannot answer that because with the bandages over his eyes he is not seeing anything. Anyway, with her new permanent contract she is going to be under more stress and pressure. Elsa agrees it could be that. Elsa then asks Magos if she could help look after her dad while her mother Elsa goes to work. She will keep an eye out for him but she will be going to pick up Jimena at school. Don Nacho knows she is looking for excuses not to help. What good is seeing if he is only going to see the shame of the situation? He starts whimpering and wailing.

Next we are in the board room of Icónika where a meeting from hell (my words) is taking place. Sandra is on the rampage because of the bad position Elías left them all in. She needs the "Más" supermarket plan campaign completed. Lichita is at the meeting and offers to help with info she has but since the campaign is not completed, she is turned down flat by Sandra who seems to take a particular pleasure in reminding her she is fired, not talented, etc. Sandra tells them all she needs it completed or heads are going to roll. Lichita wants to bring up her contract but Sandra cuts her off and tells her she no longer works there and to get out. The others are told if they cannot do their job, they will be replaced. She wants the campaign NOW.

A very upset Lichita goes to see Braulio who has been video recording testimonials from the employees. He is under so much pressure to get the recordings dome, he is talking to himself, too. When Lichita arrives he puts her on the chair in front of the camera and leaves on an errand. The camera is recording and Lichita takes this opportunity to record what she really thinks about Ikónica. She vents her anger and goes off on the company with its arrogant executives where the hopes and lives of the employees are ruined. Braulio returns and breaks her ranting saying she needs to learn how to stop people from stepping all over her. She responds that he just does not get it. Advertising is her life and now she has been thrown out on the street. She leaves. He follows. An assistant arrives and takes the camera to process the recordings.

Roberto is trying to return the jacket (he evidently wore, guess there is no receipt)The salesman wants to know when he bought it exactly because it now has a stain on it. He distracts the salesman with double talk and talking about buying a tie. The salesman goes to get more ties to show him amd to get another jacket to replace his stained one.

Lichita shows up at her mother's workplace: the supermarket. She tells her the truth that she did not get her permanent contract. Her mother says she knows that it is bad news but thanks God it is nothing more serious. Lichita makes sure she knows that tomorrow is her last day of work.

As he is waiting for the salesman to return, Roberto's wallet is nearly stolen off the counter where he has left it by a street urchin who has snuck into the store. Roberto sees him and saves his wallet but does not turn the kid in to the saleman.

Back at the supermarket, Elsa is telling her daughter that none of the jerks she worked for are worth crying over. Elsa knows how it is to work for people like that because it is the same thing at her job. The owners never think about what they waste. In her case it is the food that they make them throw out a full week before its expiration date when there are so many people who could take advantage of it. As they are talking a light bulb has gone off in Lichita's head. She has the solution right there. Her mom thinks she wants a job at the supermarket. No, that is not it. She has the hook/slogan for the supermarket campaign: "'Más' está en donde más se necesita" ("Más" is where you need it the most.)("Más" is the name of the supermarket chain). Lichita tells her mom not to worry her dad by telling him she lost her job and she is off with her new idea for the campaign.

Back at the men's store, Roberto says the kid is with him and tells him to sit and wait for him. The salesman returns with another suit jacket, Roberto picks up a tie and manages to put another suit coat (It looks like the same one he has and Gumaro did like it so maybe it is for him) into the suit bag before he leaves.

Chuchette is making Lichita's life miserable by telling her it is so sad that her contract was not renewed followed by a flurry of insults. She then excuses herself because she has to get ready for the anniversary party. Lichita is just busy at her computer working on the campaign. Lichita then tells us that she could put up with the humilliation in order to present her proposal to Sandra because she had a lot of reasons not to let herself be defeated: the members of her family were the reasons.

In the next scene, Roberto and the street urchin are seated at a picnic table in a park where Roberto has bought him lunch. The kid was hungry. that was why he was going to steal his wallet. Roberto is trying to give the kid some good advice since when he was a child he was in a similar situation. He tells Roberto that stealing is not a good thing and that there are shelters for kids like him where they can have a roof over their head, a bed and food. He writes down the address of one of those shelters and gives it to the kid.

At Augusto de Toledo's mansion, he and his wife Beatriz are just about ready to leave for the anniversary party. Augusto wants the 30th anniversay party of Ikónica to be just perfect. He would like them to act more lovingly towards each other at the party. No oroblem for her, she has never stopped loving him. He wants them to look like the enviable married couple they are. He is ready to leave but she isn't. There are negotiations. She wants him to accompany her to her events: a charity concert at Chapultepec and a bonsai contest where she plans on taking 1st place. Is she ready to leave now? It would not be good if they the owners of Ikónica got there late. She wants to pray. She prays for strength in the face of the worldly pleasures she is going to face. After a while, Augusto gets impatient and just carries her out.

At work, Lichita tries to get an invitation to the party. Fátima the secretary finally gives in and gives her an invitation if it is so important to her. She tells her she cannot go dressed as she is so she should go down to the production wardrobe and borrow something used for the "Illusion Fabrics" commercials. Lichita picks out a pretty red dress. As she holds it up to herself in the mirror, she has a fantasy where she is dancing very dramatically with Roberto. She gets all tangled up and falls. She cannot even get it right in her fantasy but it doesn't matter because she is never going to see that man again in her life. Lichita reappears to tell us that she was mistaken.

It is party time!!!! The venue is outside all around a huge swimming pool. Roberto arrives and the first thing he does is the old bump and grab: he bumps into a group of guys and comes up with a cell phone that he categorizes as a "loan". Chuchette is right there to greet him and get her hands all over him. Lichita arrives next in the pretty red dress but with a backpack on. She skulks around the party.

Braulio is going over the testimonials with his assistant when he finds out that the assistant included Lichita's recording. Braulio is not happy.

Chuchette is the master of ceremonies and welcomes everybody to the 30th anniversary party of Icónika the most important advertising agency in Iberoamerica. In just a bit they will be showing employee testimonials.

Braulio runs into the skulking Lichita and wants to know what she is doing there. She runs past him to see Sandra. She is unable to tell Sandrda about the ad campaign because Sandra just cuts her off. Braulio grabs her and tells her they are about to show the video with her performance on it. It is like that old game "monkey in the middle" as she takes turns trying to talk to them both. She is just about to tell Sandra when she is interrupted by someone who grabs Sandra's attention. So Lichita turns and grabs Braulio and a girl Brisas to help her find the dvd with the testimonials on it. Braulio goes to re-edit a new dvd on his computer while Lichita and Brisas go to find the old one.

Finally we have the arrival of our power couple Augusto and Beatriz but before that Chuchette has to get her hands all over Roberto one more time. She kisses him and slaps him on the butt and goes to announce Augusto and Beatriz. Roberto is left practicing how he plans to introduce himself to Augusto. Then Chuchette does the intro and Augusto and Beatriz enter like royalty. Lichita and Brisas find the assistant and Brisas uses the excuse that since  she did the cover design she would like to check the dvd if she could. It turns out he is still waiting for it from Licenciado Urieta. Lichita and Brisas split up to find him.

At Lichita's house, Jimena is helping her grandmother Elsa use the computer. They end up lookimg up chicken recipes. Magos finally gets off the couch and comes on over. Elsa suggests that Magos help her take down the clothes that have been drying. No help from Magos who is suddenly very tired and retreats to the couch.

Chuchette is back with Roberto wanting to introduce him to Augusto. No, he doesn't want to put her in an uncomfortable position. She then grabs him and tells him if he wants to put her in an uncomfortable position, here is the pass to her hotel suite. She  passes it to him from her mouth to his. She has to leave him momentarily to do her public relations job. After she leaves, Roberto tells himself he is not leaving without getting the job.

Augusto and Beatriz are talking to a group of reporters as Roberto approaches. He owes his success to a great team amd his wife. They kiss. Beatriz says Augusto is dedicated to his work and she to the Ladies of Charity. They describe themselves as the perfect married couple, the perfect couple. They are both devoted to their children. Robeto rushes in with the stolen cell phone as voice recorder and is almost stopped by a bodyguard. Roberto says he is doing a report on Ikónica and he would like Augusto to give him an interview. The problem is that Augusto never gives interviews.

Lichita and Brisas are still scurrying around looking for the dvd. Chuchette is talking with her colleague Néstor who is married with children but still seems to have a thing for her. She just laughs and tells him she has to get the video presentation ready to go.

Augusto continues to tell Roberto, as nicely as he can, that he has never given an interview in his life but it is clear that his annoyance is growing with Roberto's persistence. He is not interested in his readers or potential customers--only real customers. Business leaders know about him and his company already. Roberto says he has never taken "no" for an answer or given in. Augusto laughs thinking that Roberto would think he would give in to him.

Chuchette calls Brisas stupid if she thinks now is the time to fix a video. Brisas says it will look bad on Chuchette because wasn't she supposed to go over the dvd to make sure it was okay? The truth is that Chuchette does not have the dvd. Néstor has it. Brisas tells Lichita who goes to look for Néstor.

Any semblance of courtesy is quickly disappearing from Augusto's demeanor. Roberto wants to know why Augusto does not like interviews. Cannot they chat like friends? Finally Augusto whispers to him if he does not leave the party on his own, he will throw Roberto out himself. Roberto get the look from the bodyguard.

Lichita has found Néstor who does not know what she is doing there. She says that Chuchette ordered her to bring the dvd to her. Néstor starts playing with her holding the dvd just out of her reach and making her jump. The old hand is quicker than the eye. Lichita gets it and a tug of war ensues.

Roberto is talking to Gumaro on the stolen phone, telling him he is not leaving there without a job. Gumaro tells him to be alert so nobody does anything to him. Roberto says he can do it on his own. At least they learned to defend themselves in the orphanage and in the juvenile detention center.

Lichita is still fighting Néstor for the dvd when it pops out of both of their hands and becomes airborn. It is caught by the bodyguard who throws it like a frisbee and ends up embedded horizontally in a croissant sandwich. A guest grabs the sandwich off a tray and notices it just as he is biting, takes it out of his mouth and throws it down. It travels across the floor and Lichita has it; but she doesn't for long because someone inadvertently kicks it into the swimming pool. So with no thought other than to get that dvd, Lichita runs and jumps on the pool. Lichita tells us one imoortant fact here: she had forgotten one important detail when she jumped into the pool: she does not know how to swim.

Lichita starts to drown as Chuchette gets everyone dancing. She cries for help but nobody hears her. Néstor and Chuchette compare notes: she tells him she never sent Lichita for the dvd. If there is anything wrong with the video she is blaming it all on Néstor. He just wants to put the moves on her and dance. Chuchette tells him to take a good look at her and turns all the way around. She tells him none of it will ever be his. She calls him a naco (low class dolt with no manners) and walks away.

The owner of the "Más" supermarket chain is with Augusto and Sandra. He is all excited about the ad campaign they have prepared for his company. The meeting where it will be presented is tomorrow. Sandra would like to move the meeting back. That is a "no go" for Mr. "Más". He wonders if the "supermarket" is too big for them. She assures him he will have his meeting and campaign tomorrow. After Mr. "Más" goes, Augusto tells Sandra he needs to talk to her.

Roberto's stolen phone rings he answers. It is Gumaro. Chuchette is looking for him but has to go introduce Augusto instead. Roberto puts the phone away and notices somebody is in the pool and that they are drowning. Then we have Lichita introducing herself and telling us today is the last day of her life.

Previous: Episode 1
Next: Episode: 3


They really did a good job "fleshing" out the characters in the first two episodes. So much info in so little time!

Yes, Jarifa they have done some great work with the characters! And you've done a great job capturing it all! I am so grateful because I am still adjusting to the speed of their speech and Gumaro is like Florencio was. I can't seem to understand him!

I'm also thankful that you caught Mrs Don Augusto's name.

I love that you described Lichita as "skulking" and confess that I did think of Hilda Mercedes from Amores con trampa.

I enjoyed the second episode even more than the first and I have more thoughts, but coffee is needed.

Thank you so much for a full and satisfying recap with all the information that I missed.

I liked the dad wearing his glasses over his head, bandaged so completely that even his ears were covered. They didn't set up the hatred Chuchette and Sandra feel for Lichita, they seem utterly deranged. How did that red dress possibly fit Lichita so badly?

The sunglasses over the bandages was a hoot.

I wonder if we are supposed to assume that Sandra is being a deranged shrew because she's stressed about the Mas campaign? But yeah, she was over the top angry with no apparent motivation for disliking Lichita.

Lichita is no competition for Chuchette either, so her mistreatment of Lichita also seems without foundation.

Did anyone else get the impression that Chuchette is possibly hiding some humble beginnings?

Jane and Sara, yes, the image of Nacho's bandaged head with the glasses on top was so goofy. My favorite scene with him in that condition was when he was talking to Magos and starts wailing and whimpering. The noise he made was hysterical. I wonder if he wails and whimpers much . . .

Gumaro's speech is very Florencio like with minimal enunciation.

Maybe Sandra is always a "deranged shrew" as you, Sara described her. As for Chuchette, after her overt hands on pursual of Roberto, nothing would surprise me about her.

Roberto sure has a checkered background for "Prince Charming" material: orphanage (only bad because he learned to be a delinquent there) leading to the juvenile detention center and now living in a model apartment. He seems to have plenty of experience in petty thievery shown here with the suit jackets and cell phone. Of course he did try to help the street kid and I am assuming he will not let Lichita drown.

I love Beatriz Augusto's wife. She sure knows how to handle him eventhough he easily "handles" from place to place. Too funny.

I am liking this one a lot.

Jarifa- Wow! You did masterful job on this second episode, with so much information.

I only saw bits of this (houseguests is back), but did see dad with glasses over his bandages (so funny), and Lichita's meltdown in front of the camera (well done, Maite). Can't wait to see/read what happens next.

Lots of great back story on Roberto. Curious to see how he goes from angering Agusto to getting offered a job by him as he wants.

Since Beatriz is 50% owner of the company, perhaps Roberto would have more luck focusing on her and getting her support. I bet she would be all over supporting some orphanages and shelters, a subject he knows a lot about. They could bond over that.

Great retelling Jarifa, thank you.

"The temporarily blinded by bandages don Nacho"

I think these people hate on Lichita because they need a dog to kick

I loved the DVD chase and when it stuck in the sandwich hooted. Wow, a woman drowning in the pool and not one person even noticed.

Vivi, astute observation Roberto should focus on Beatriz instead trying to appeal to the over inflated ego of Agusto

Please don't think I am hating on Sandra, Jarifa. I've had my own moments of being a "deranged shrew." There has to be some good in her...she was married to Elias and he seems to still be hung up on her. I'm still hoping he comes back.

I am liking that Roberto is a Prince Charming with a Checkered Past. I also like that he seems to be the only one who actually notices Lichita.

Is there a seat free at the Beatriz table? I like her too. I want to see her and Don Sexy Rascal(™ JudyB)repair whatever ails the marriage. And I definitely want more back story!

Vivi-good idea about Roberto going after Beatriz to get to Don A.

tofie- I think you mentioned yesterday the Carol Burnett vibe and I really saw that in Lichita's dream sequence with the dress and Roberto. It made me smile and I was glad you pointed it out.

Gotta run. I have to be at a Science Olympiad meeting. I've still got so many thoughts about the episode. I am really liking this!

Thanks Sara and Jarifa for getting us started... have been out of the house evenings this week after Monday but I will read all and catch up by Friday. your recaps are invaluable for me to get up to speed and ready for mine.

Jarifa, thank you so much for unraveling everything that transpired last night. While I understand a little that is happening (the traveling dvd), things are happening too fast for me and I'm still trying to "place" all the characters. Your recap was simply great.

"Next we are in the board room of Ikónica where a meeting from hell (my words) is taking place". Oh my. Talk about harassment! It is certainly omnipresent in this workplace.

I like Lichita's courage and determination, especially in the face of such distainful and clearly abusive treatment at work.

Like Sara, loved your "skulking" description.

What I like about Maite is that she isn't afraid to tackle roles that are challenging, and certainly not the garden variety type of heroines. While some of her roles have suffered from questionable writing, as an actor, she throws herself into every single role with grit and determination. I like her spunk.

Jane, Sandra was like a raging psychopath. I cringed at her screaming - don't know how Lichita wasn't utterly devastated.

I did like Roberto's kindness to the kid who tried to rob him. I also like Lichita's parents and also smiled at Nacho wearing the glasses over his bandages.

Jarifa, your detailed recaps are so appreciated. Thank you so very much.


Now that I know Roberto isn't a straightlaced typical galan, I know why Arath got this role, and not one of the usual pretty boy galans. They need a guy who has great comedic timing for this role. For example, I love Fernando Colungna, but it was painful watching him in PEAM. Can't wait for his next tn though!

Tofie, I so agree that the people just needing a "dog to kick" is probably the real reason that everyone is so nasty to Lichita.

Sara, I know nothing about "Don Sexy Rascal". How did Eduardo Santamarina get that nickname?

Marta, this one is proving to be great fun so far.

Diana, I could not believe how much detail they have packed into the first two episodes. I tried to be careful with the names of all of the characters because I am not good with names in real life or in literature or tv shows. This is my first show Maite and she is doing a great job.

Vivi, good comment about why they cast Arath. I cannot wait to see Fernando Colunga as a villain in his next novela. I am clearing out my viewing schedule to make room for it as a matter of fact. As for PEAM it was just PEAM! Lol. I just saw Fernando Colunga and Eduardo Yáñez on a huge billboard over the highway yesterday advertisimg their soon to be released "Ladrones". Must be hard for all of the aging galanes finding a new niche in the business.

Jarifa-I don't thing Don Sexy Rascal was specifically for Eduardo Santamarina. JudyB described Don Augusto that way on yesterday's thread and it caught my fancy. It was the perfect description. Maybe they started calling the actor Sexy Rascal before I was part of Caray. (Now that I'm thinking about it, I hope JudyB doesn't mind me using it.)

Also, I appreciate your taking care to give us names. It takes me so long to pick up the names. And I still forget them often.

Diana-I lover your thoughts on Maite. "Spunk" is a good word.

Vivi-I'm enjoying Arath a lot. I love your explanation for his casting.

General- I wish I lived in an area that is getting Ladrones. I will have to wait for the DVD.

Thanks, Sara, now I get it about "Don Sexy Rascal. " Being here only three years and pico, I never know what I might have missed.

I've been here 5 years and sometimes I still feel like a newbie. There's such a history here :)

Thanks for the recap!

I loved when Lichita went off about the company. I was really hoping it would be played.

I don't understand why she jumped in the pool. Isn't the best place for a dvd that you want no one to see at the bottom of a pool? Being ruined?

I have a feeling Roberto will hurt Lichita before saving her, and I don't mean in terms of the drowning, but her place in the company. I could totally see him stealing ideas from her.

But on to Roberto, and all of his so called ideas, why if he wants a job, was he playing at being a reporter? And pissing the boss off as he went? Seemed like bad tactics to me.

The boss' treatment of Lichita at the meeting and at the party went well beyond appropriate. Why does she dislike the girl so much? I hope she gets a quick anvil that brings her attitude back down to earth. For Elias to have loved her I have to believe that at one time she was a decent, non-shrewish, human.

Thanks, Jarifa. There’s always a lot of stuff crammed in the premiere week eps, so doubly grateful for all the recappers during this week.

Loved that the red dress fit in the fantasy, but not in real life.

Loved the disc shtick.

Loved Beatriz’s dress. Also, loved how she was always going in for a lip lock bbut Augusto managed to move out of the line of fire (mostly).

Loved the dad wearing sunglasses over his bandages.

I think that comedy may be Maite’s forte. From what I’ve read on this blog, she’s not all that great of an actress, but she’s really bringing it here.

Vivi: I've always wondered if part of the reason PEAM got so dark was because FC realized he couldn't manage the comedy.

Getting a little tired of the Lichita website ads at the bottom of the screen.




Sara: that song when Lichita and Roberto danced. Do you think that is meant to be their theme song?

Nanette: I was wondering where the opening credits were too.

Wow... so Roberto is nothing but a fake ad professional with a sweet tender heart for the less fortunate...
and the red dress and dream sequences reminded me of Maite in Cuidado con el Angel with William Levy... they used them there quite often.

Thanks Jarifa for a great recap... loved the sequence of the misplaced/mishandled DVD and the return to 1st scene of the novella.

Jarifa - Thank you for the recap!

Another fast-paced epsiode. That truly was a "meeting from hell" in the boardroom, for Lichita.

LOL'd when Agosto carried his still-praying wife out of the house, and her like a statue. Interesting couple.


Nanette-I am so frustrated by there not being an opening song. I guess it's the only "complaint" I have about the show. But it's not a deal breaker

Here's the information I found on the song:

(Miguel Bose "Mi salvacion" that title. Works both for Roberto and Lichita.)

Sara: thanks for the info.

Doris: forgot to mention how funny I thought that scene was where Agosto carried his wife out of the house. I hope that she ends up getting him to fall in love with her again. I think that would be an interesting/fun plot to watch (assuming they are redeemable characters--too soon to tell what they are, or will become).

So happy about finding that song that I forgot other stuff.
Nanette-Beatriz's dress was gorgeous! (Count me as among those who are tired of the ads, too.)

Carvivlie-I'm still a little confused about Roberto's tactics, too. I get that he wants a job...but he seems to be going about it the wrong way.

Marta-I've only seen the hacked DVD of Cuidado con el Angel, but now I want to see if I can find the scene you were talking about somewhere.

Doris-That was my LOL moment, too. I'm loving Eduardo Santamarina!

Carvivlie, interesting points about Roberto and what he may be interested in Lichita for. Assuming he saves her life, I am worried she might feel indebted to him.

Doris, yes Beatriz was very statue like. It seems she must be somewhat of a burden for Augusto but I do like she negotiates and gets what she wants, too.

Nanette, I didn't even notice the fit of the red dress in the fantasy. They are really doing their work with details.

Jarifa, thanks. Fine recap.

ITA now I get who Roberto is and why Arath should be great in this part. I guess with Mark Tacher’s cameo Monday, the writers were winking at us. Expecting a young hunk for galán? – Think again.

Elsa doing a stand-in for Lichita for Don Nacho’s blind bandaged blessing was a hoot.

I know Roberto is desperate for a job at Icónika, but he didn’t have his usual confidence when he approached Augusto. They clearly never met before, but I’m still wondering if there’s some history there.

My take on Sandra is that she's scared and insecure - she has no ad ideas of her own. Lichita appears to be the weakest person in the room, so she pounces. We know that Lichita will turn out to be the smartest one in the room. Wondering if Sandra will be grateful, or stay mean.

Niecie: "I guess with Mark Tacher’s cameo Monday, the writers were winking at us. Expecting a young hunk for galán? – Think again."--OF COURSE!! How clever.


"Elsa doing a stand-in for Lichita for Don Nacho’s blind bandaged blessing was a hoot."--another thing I thought was funny, that I forgot to mention.

Niecie - I like that interpretation of Sandra. Coming off of Amores con trampa, I hope she gets redeemed and becomes nice.

Ditto Nanette, because that hot galan bait and switch was lost on me.

I didn't see all of Que Pobres. How are Rosy Ocampo comedies? Do they ever get dark?

Random thoughts...

I love all the character development.

The filming has been very interesting. I like that the scenes seem dynamic (like the camara following Gumaro.)

I love the bright colors.

Braulio's beard is awesome!

Wasn't Marj Tacher in this episode, too? To thought he was the guy that was finishing up his video testimony when that scene began. Maybe not...I was distracted.

Thanks Jarifa. This show is a hoot and your recap makes it even better.

Speaking of a hoot---Jarifa your line comes to mind. She can't even get it right in her fantasy. You've got to love her though, I'm cheering for Lichita all the way.

Sunglasses on a bandaged head? I did say hoot didn't I?

The dvd chase was a hoot too. This show is gonna be a blast.

The mean women---Poor Lichita, how is she going to counter them? I'll be cheering for Lichita in each and every show. She is a bungler but does work hard and she has a good heart. How can anyone not be in Lichita's corner?

the gringo

Sara, this is my 5th Rosy Ocampo venture ( LFMB/PESE/QPTR /Las tontas no van al cielo are the others) and one reason I have enjoyed her productions so much is that they have never gotten very dark or have had a ton of illness/hospital scenes (except for Tontas that had a long HIV story arc). They have their dramatic component but are very light comparatively in the telenovela world.

Doris- No, that was not Mark. Just a random employee.

Niecie, interesting take on Sandra. She sure is so ething else.

Gringo, glad to see you on the patio for this one! Promises to be fun which there can never be too much of!

Thanks, Jarifa! Glad to hear that!

Gringo - you've hit on why I'm loving this. I like characters I can cheer for. I'm cheering for Lichita, too!

Random thought -
All day I've been thinking about how cute Lichita looked when she looked in the camera and said "I can't swim."


I usually don't like it when characters talk to the camera, a la Isabella in MCET, but here I am enjoying it. I guess because she is telling us a story from hindsight.

Sara- ITA about Eric/Braulio's beard. It's awesome! I wonder how long after Sombra it took him to grow it. Love the whole hipster vibe he has, and how the mustache is curled at the ends.

I didn't watch MCET. Would Isabela talk to the camera in the midst of the scene? I don't think I would like that either. I do like it seems like we are watching an interview with Lichita. Ha! Like a testimonial!

I'm all about beards. My husband has a thick, full beard and I love it. My cousin has one similar to Eric/Braulio.

OMG! Braulio was Diego de Enrice?!? I did not recognize him. No wonder, hiding behind those glasses and bushy beard! The beard looked fake to me.

sara - I love your new avatar. Mmmmm..... iced sugar cookies. Now I am hungry for them. :-)

Just watching the episode. Is that a murse/man bag Don Agusto is carrying? At first I thought it was his wife's purse, but he kept clutching it throughout the party.

Doris- That's right! I was mixing up Diego's last name, Erice, for his first name. The beard is quite real. He has picks of himself on his twitter in the in between phase. Here he is looking a bit more GQ with the beard, before it became quite so bushy:

I was wondering the same thing about that small bag, Vivi! That's something else I got a giggle out of.

Didn't like (OK, actually HATED) breaking the fouth wall in MCET, but love it here. Maybe because it's sweet/feisty Lichita and not horrible/disgusting Isabella doing it. Or, as Carvivlie commented, Lichita is telling a story when she does it.

Oh, that's I good point too Nanette! I love hearing Lichita's narration. Not sure I would like hearing from a villain.

I'm home from work and I'm going to watch this again. It was a long day. I want to smile and I can't wait until tonight's episode to see Lichita again.

Sorry to comment bomb...

The actor playing Gumaro... Was he in PVAA? And was he ever a dancer? Because he had some smooth moves every time he went to the door.

Sara- Yes. He as villain Braulio's right hand man in PVAA.

Anyone else notice that neat building they show in the overhead shots of the business district where Iconika is located, the one that goes down (like a waterfall) instead of up and is made of glass? It is so cool looking!

Thanks Vivi. Wow he's different in this.

wow, I almost didn't recognize Diego de Eurice as Braulio (so far from the looks of Leo in Que pobres tan ricos!)
ok, some vocabulary for thursday's ep...
No da senales ni de humo (didn't give any signals, not even smoke ones!)
Nacolandia (naco-country)
Tercermundismo mexicano (the mexican 3rd world)

of course the last two courtesy of the nasty character Ingrid Martz has here... yikes!


Thank you Marta! I saw this comment before I watched and it helped when I got to those scenes.

Thank you for the recap, Jarifa! Another action- and information- packed episode. I especially liked the way you handled the Open House/Apartment gag 'cause boy was that scene going on forever.

Diva, this sure looks like it is going to be a fun one.

Thanks for the picture, Vivi... Diego looks quite handsome there.

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