Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Vino el Amor 11/29/16 Chapter 22: Where in the World is Sonia?

Some scenes have been combined.
El Pasado
Lilian and Gutierrez in bed. Euww, yuck, better to just close your eyes and listen to the Brit and the Anglo-Hispanic whisper sweet nothings (and nothing it is).
Fernanda and Friends and Margaritas. Tipsy, topsy, mopsies talk about unrequited love--Fer’s, that is.

El Presente
Patio denizens finally get the skinny on Tano’s mother. Ramón has been telling Tano he wants him to further his education, not because he isn’t proud of him, but he wants him to get ahead. Tano wants to send his mother some money because her birthday is coming soon and he hopes it doesn’t bother Ramón too much. He replies, that no, even though they ended it (terminaron—maybe it’s a euphemism for divorced) a long time ago, he thinks strong family ties are important and should be maintained. Tano adds that he is grateful to Marta for the affection she showed him growing up here and grateful to his dad for making sure he never lacked for anything.
Fer is staggering home in the full light of day. She stops by the fountain at the foot of the long drive up to the house to call Tano on her cell. He isn’t answering. She’s surely suffering from a hangover and is contentedly pissed. She leaves him a voice mail saying that she has something very important to tell him and if he doesn’t answer, she’ll just march (stagger) up to his house.

Luci is taking leave of Miguel and her family on the front porch. Marta gets extra hugs. She gives Marta a note for Bobby. She thinks it’s better this way. She appreciates that they aren’t going to leave David in the lurch to come with her. Miguel can’t believe she would care after the way he treated her. She replies that she’s not like David. Miguel wants to accompany her as far as the town. She thanks him, but declines his offer.
Susan catches David pondering (I think) out in the shade of one of his trees, on all that has just transpired. He really doesn’t think this is a good time to talk, but Susan insists on giving him her take on the Luci affair. She doesn’t think Luci would ever do anything to hurt him. Her mouth starts running faster and oops, it’s too late to put on the brakes; she blurts out that Luci loves him/cares for him (querer). David wants her to repeat what she just said. Susan manages to reconfirm what she said.
David gives himself a slap upside the head—he’s an imbecile (his words, not mine). Of course, he tells Susan, there is something odd going on here. He leaves abruptly because he has to talk to Luciana. Luci, meanwhile, has started the long trek across the rows of well tended green grape vines. She crosses paths with Fer, who doesn’t see her and is on her way to Tano’s quarters. Luci is immediately aware that Fer is three sheets to the wind and follows her back towards the housing compound.
Fer reaches the porch. She bangs on the door, plaintively calling for Tano (who, if it’s daytime, would be working and not sitting in the house reading a magazine). Unable to get anyone to answer the door or the window, she spies the ladder the workmen left leaning up against the porch roof. She stupidly climbs it in her sodden condition, so she can tell Tano a thing or two. (Those of us on the Patio know exactly what is going to happen next without having to think very hard.) Hurry, Luci. She needs to be under the ladder to catch Fer when she falls. Well, she didn’t quite make it, but Luci manages to break Fer’s fall, injuring herself in the process. Fer has passed out. Ramón reaches Fer and Luci first and they try to revive Fernanda. Unable to, Luci sends Ramón to get David. Meanwhile, she tries to get Fer to come to. Failing, she finally calls an ambulance and then calls David on his cell phone. He misinterprets her call and reacts immediately when she tells him of Fer’s accident. Ramón reaches David at the same time as Luci’s call and they both take off for the accident site.
Ah, there’s Tano, sitting in the coolness inside the bodega listening to Miguel talking about leaving. Tano is trying to get him to change his mind; so many people depend on him. No, he has to help Luci. Susan arrives and joins the guys. She doesn’t think it will be necessary for Miguel to leave. In fact, she says, David is on his way to apologize (disculpar). Miguel wants to know what could have changed his mind. Susan applies the brakes in time and doesn’t say. She does tell him she thinks David had time to think it over and had been too quick to judge. Miguel thinks it’s a little late.
Juan appears but doesn’t want to join in the friendly conversation. He’s not happy that David didn’t fire them, although he’s sure some day he will and Juan will be the one to run them off. Miguel wonders if it won’t be Juan who gets the boot, knowing what he knows about the shenanigans with the supplier; the same one who gave them problems before. Juan tells Miguel not to tell him how to do his job. He reminds Miguel that the vineyard is in financial straits and he’s saving them money. Miguel comes right back to remind him that he’s the one responsible that no harm comes to the vineyards and it’s the land that matters to him, not the money. Juan is surprised Marta and Leo are also leaving. At least knowing this gives him time to find replacements. He tells them to get back to work and pastes on a Snidely Whiplash grin across his lips.
David arrives by Fer’s side overly agitated. His panic and terror are understandable. He lost Lisa in a freak accident and he could be close to losing Fer. Luci assures him the ambulance is on its way.  David leans close to Fer, who is coming to. He smells the alcohol, but she swears she hasn’t been drinking. David notices Luci’s cut on her shoulder. When Luci won’t explain how she got it, Ramón fills him in. Luci saw Fer was going to fall on the tools (herramientas) left on the ground, she broke Fer’s fall and got cut instead.
Cesar runs up with Graciela close behind him. Cesar takes over and examines Fer. She tells him her head and leg hurt. Cesar doesn’t think anything is broken, but they will probably need x-rays to make sure. David wants Cesar to take a look at Luci’s wound. He thinks it just needs to be cleaned and disinfected. (What? No tetanus shot?) The ambulance arrives and David jumps away to direct them. Gracie takes his absence as the opportunity to make sure Luci understands this is a family matter and she’s excluded. She leans over Fer and tells her she’ll be there for her now.
The hospital scene is mercifully short, but Gracie doesn’t lose an opportunity to check David’s biceps and tell him she’s there for whatever he needs. He, on the other hand has still been thinking about the “what if” Luci hadn’t been there scenario.
Marta and Fer are sitting in the living room of the big house when Lilian returns from her Triumphant Tryst, still Trumpeting into the cell phone (presumably telling the future Capitán what a great time she had). She takes one look at Luci and her shackles are raised. People like Luci, she declares, are forbidden to step foot in the big house and by the way, she thought Marta was leaving with her. (Oh and where is Sonia? She would have loved all this hullabaloo.) Lil is genuinely concerned when she learns Fer had an accident and is in hospital (as the British would say), but only for a second. She’s angry no one bothered to tell her. She’s pissed David won’t answer his cell.
Ramón is telling Leo and Carito about Fer’s accident. Leo wonders what on earth Fer was doing up on the ladder. It was a good thing Luciana was there at the right time. Carito notes, sarcastically as always when speaking of Luci, that Luci is always in the middle of everything. Tano arrives before Leo and Carito can get into an argument and is filled in on the accident. Tano moves away and checks his voice mail. Ramón notices. Tano hears the one from Fer saying she’ll come to his quarters.
Ramón suspects something when Tano wants to go to the big house to see if there’s any news of Fer. He reminds Tano that it is a family affair (and he’s not family). It’s better to wait to hear word through the proper channels. Tano steps out of hearing range and calls Susan.
Back at the big house, Fer, on crutches, David, Cesar and Graciela return from the hospital. Lil greets them. Fortunately Fer’s accident was not serious (grave). Cesar mentions that without Luci breaking her fall, it could have been worse. As it is, she just needs bed rest for a couple of days. Marta takes her upstairs. Cesar goes to his car to get an injection for Luci. (Thank goodness, for tetanus, I hope). Gracie is still playing handsies on David’s biceps (making sure Luci is watching) and asks him if he’s going to go upstairs to see Fernanda. He tells her to go ahead. He needs to talk to Luciana. Gracie is slightly annoyed, but she leaves.
David steps closer to Luci to thank her for what she did for Fer. Luci brushes it off; anyone would do what she did. She’s ready to go and steps closer to David (well, the door is behind him and he’s blocking her way). He looks at her and says that though she is sometimes hard-headed (necia--although the dictionary defines it as foolish or imprudent, I like hard-headed) and seems to always be ready to leave, life manages to bring her back. He never asked her to leave, he reminds her. True, she says, but he doubted her and that’s worse. He asks her not to leave and to give him an opportunity to talk to her. Why, she wants to know, so he can accuse her of something else she didn’t do? David admits to acting impulsively and didn’t think things through. It was not his intention to hurt her. He bends even closer and tells her how much she means to him (cuanto me importas—a var. of how important you are to me). She looks him straight in the eye and says what a strange way to show me that. David asks her to forgive him and please, not to go. Luci says it’s too late. David, in desperation, says that it’s never too late to fix things. Luci tells him that this time it’s too late and she doesn’t think there’s a way to fix things. David asks her not to say that. He repeats that it was not his intention to make her suffer.
She throws her feelings in his face. He’s a selfish cad who doesn’t care about how others feel. She really thought he had changed, but she was mistaken (equivocarse—reflexive verb). He corrects her—he was starting to change, for her, but she should understand that there are still many things about Lisa that affect him—like Fer taking those same earrings not long ago (David, this is a flashing light bulb you ought to be noticing). Luci interrupts him. He just cannot continue using Lisa as an excuse to act like a jerk (un patán). David hangs his head. She’s right, he tells her. He asks her again, to please forgive him.
Luci’s eyes are filled with tears as he asks her again not to go. But it riles her. Why, she wants to know, for what does he want her to stay? David gets as close as he can, in both body and words, telling her that by fleeing (huyendo/huir), she can’t escape what she’s feeling. Luci says he’s wrong. Only by being far away will she be able to deal with these feelings. She tells him that she doesn’t belong here, in this place, where people have doubts about her and see her as a thief. And as for him, doubting her every two minutes, no thanks. It’s better that she leave. She does, leaving him standing there.
Cesar slips in as she exits. David tells him she’s gone and probably won’t return and did so without giving him a chance to tell her he believes in her, even without proof. He muses that he likes her wild spirit, her certitude. Cesar notes that what’s not to like about her—she’s just like David (I think that’s what he said). It’ll be hard to convince her (to come back, I think). David says he has to try.
Marta has put Fer to bed. Lilian is supervising, in her normal grumbling manner. Gracie offers her help. Bobby runs in and jumps in bed with Fer. (OK, where IS Sonia?) He and Fer have some decent sibling interaction. He loves her; she’ll stop being a bad sister and they’ll play together again.
The next day, Bobby is back on Fer’s bed, with only Daddy supervising this time. Bobby is going over the rescue story and insisting that Luci is a good person. He doesn’t want her to leave. Daddy tells him it was Luci’s choice and they must respect it. Bobby’s not on board with it and goes off to talk to Luci.
Daddy takes the opportunity now that they are alone to ask Fer about the bender she was on the day before. Fer makes it sound like no big deal—they weren’t drunk, just a little buzzed. They wanted to see what a Margarita was like. David raises his voice and scolds her. She should not have been drinking; she’s not of legal drinking age yet. Why is she behaving like this? What on earth was she doing on a ladder at the employees’ quarters? Fer has a ready explanation. She wanted to return Luci’s precious work notebook. She hands it to David. He says that doesn’t explain why she was up on the ladder. Fer says she was going to have it out with Luci about the earrings. Nobody answered the door. She assumed Luci didn’t want to talk to her and she thought of climbing through the window into her room. (I can’t tell if David believed her, but he’s exasperated). He thinks she’s acting like a five-year old with these stupidities.
The rest of this conversation is halted by the arrival of a cheerful Gracie carrying in a big floral arrangement and a get-well balloon.  David tells Fer she’s punished—she can’t go out and not with those girls. Gracie stays behind to take care of her.
Luci tells Marta, as she helps make up Marta’s bed, that the owner of Santa Barbara has jobs available for her and Leo, although Marta may have to work in the fields for a bit. Once they know what a good cook she is, Luci is sure they will move her to the house to cook. Of course, they will have to rent a place, since there is no employee housing on the property. Luci gets the feeling Marta has changed her mind about coming with her. Marta concedes she feels it’s wrong to leave Fer right now, but as soon as someone else is hired to take her place, she’ll follow Luci. Luci is somewhat mollified.
Tano and Susan talk about the Fer Affair. When he tells her about the voice mail from Fer and that she had been looking for him at the housing compound, Susan wants to know if there is anything between them. He swears there is nothing. He says he is telling the truth. She says she believes him.
David is holding Luci’s notebook and puts it in his desk drawer as Miguel comes into his office to talk. He starts off by telling David about the sub-par supplier Juan contracted. Then he starts in on how upset he is that it is David’s fault Luci is leaving. David reminds Miguel Luci is leaving because she wants to and not because he asked her. Miguel insists it is because of what David did. David defends himself—he didn’t do anything to her (except shame her in front of her co-workers). Miguel continues, that it was David’s lack of confidence in Luci that is driving the rest of them away. David still can’t believe they would do that to him. Miguel says they can’t believe David would do such a thing, he who was always so fair minded. In this case, Miguel says, offending Luci like that took it out of the realm of work and made it personal.
Miguel and David begin to behave like two rutting rams after the same ewe. Miguel is going to defend his territory (and his ewe). He finally comes out with it. He loves Luciana—not just as a childhood friend. David keeps his counsel, for the time being. At least they both agree they want to find out who planted the earrings to trap Luciana.
Marta brings Fer her medicine. Marta spends time defending her daughter, telling Fer Luciana would never do something like that. Fer knows that is true, since she is the perp, but plays along with Marta. Then Marta drops da bomb. She’s leaving, too. Her daughter needs her. Cara de impactada de Fer. A smidgen of guilt forms over her face. What about her? What about Bobby? Marta feels they are grown enough not to need her. (Again, I ask, where is Sonia?)
Luci tries to explain to Bobby why she’s leaving. She tries to reassure him that they will be seeing each other frequently and for fun, but he’s not convinced. He’s sure it won’t be the same if she’s not living at the ranch. He’s upset Marta is leaving, too. As they continue to discuss the situation, Marta appears. She also promises to see him regularly. She gets him to understand why she needs to be with Luciana and he agrees he doesn’t want Luci sad because she can’t be with Marta. He’s going to miss them. Suddenly, Luci realizes the magnitude of the sacrifice she was asking of her mother and changes her mind. She should stay with them. Marta has an inner glow that just escaped its bounds. It shows she’s pleased with Luci’s attitude, but tells her they still need to talk. Marta leaves.
Luci is explaining to Bobby she thought that his father, aside from being her boss, was her friend, but it turned out not to be so. As she says this, David walks up. Did he hear her say that? Bobby runs to him and asks him to do something to make them stay. David tells Bobby he wants them to stay. He directs his next statement to the two women. They know how important they are to his family. He tells Luci that he plans to investigate until he finds out how all this happened. Luci says not to bother, it’s not worth it. She’s leaving today for Santa Barbara. She’s going to accept their job offer.
(I wish the episode had ended here, before Graciela got her hooks back into Fer.)
Graciela comes in to Fer’s room. Fer looks quite despondent. Fer tells her she feels badly for what they did to Luci. Gracie convinces her the means justifies the ends—that daddy-robbing, money-grubbing Luci is in the end separated from her father and Fer once again will be the center of his attention. Fer is not quite convinced. She’s seen the consequences of her actions—Marta is leaving, too—and so she’s decided to tell her father everything. She feels badly that Marta is leaving, too, then there is what Luci did for her when she fell. Gracie convinces her that what Luci did, anyone would do. Luci only did it to get in good with Fer’s daddy.
In order to get Fer back on track, Gracie tells Fer her story. Way back when, she had a lot of trouble with Fer’s father. She and Lisa were always arguing and Lisa was always passing judgment on her. Lisa was the model daughter; Gracie was not. It bothered David. He thought all the fights were Gracie’s fault. It took a lot of effort to regain David’s confidence and she doesn’t want that to happen to Fer. She promises to talk to Marta about staying, but asks Fer not to discuss what they’ve been talking about with anyone. She leaves.
Bobby is back in Fer’s room. Fer wants Marta to stay, but isn’t sure what to do. She’s confused.
Luci and Marta are walking on the porch toward two chairs at the housing compound. Luci tries to persuade Marta to stay for Bobby’s sake and for Fer’s sake. Fer needs Marta’s steady hand to guide her. Luci tells her the reason Fer fell off the ladder was that she was drunk, calling out for Tano. Marta says she’ll talk to Fer and David, if she has to, but maybe it would be better not to make a decision to leave just yet. Furthermore, since David has apologized, maybe Luci should reconsider her decision to leave. Luci certainly didn’t expect that of her mother.
Miguel and Luciana are walking through some rows of grape vines, arm in arm. He’s telling her he’ll join her as soon as he finalizes some things here. They’ll miss each other. She was pleased by how he defended her. Miguel says he was only doing the right thing. Well, says Luci, she’s grateful from the bottom of her heart. Miguel turns to look at her and says, love is not gratitude, it’s gained. And that is what he told David earlier. Luci is puzzled. What did he tell David? Miguel says he told David he loved her and would defend her against him and anybody else. Luci looks a little sick as she tries to smile back at his loving looks.




Thank you Anita!

Memo to Leon: Carito HATES you & your family & is not that interested in you!

Thank you, Anita. Your recap was a great way to start my day .

Well, there was "The Blouse" again. In other episodes, we saw it in cobalt blue, aqua, and purple. Last night, it was in baby pink and deep rose. So, will we see it in more colors?...yellow, coral, green, gray, white, black??? I guess Luci walked into a store, found a blouse she liked, and said "I'll take that one in every color you have."

What is it with galans letting women continually get into their personal space and touch them??? Dave...despierta !!!

Is Very going to end up with TAno in the end? I am not buying the Susan\TAno match.

Well, I am off to teach modal auxiliaries., later gators.

Very???....thanks autocorrect..that was supposed to be FEr.

Susanlynn: Susan (Gabi 2.0 from Por Siempre Mi Amor) will probably end up with Cesar (IF he doesn't get whacked by Graciela before then).


Love your recap Anita and thank you.

"I like hard-headed"

Really want to like this show but David is too stupid.

Waking from his depressed slumber, faced with losing his Vineyard and home and over extended with the bank, an independent audit would be first on the list and at least suspicion arise over Juan's lack of accounting prowess. What does a guy gotta do to be noticed, I mean, he needs a bucket and mop he salivates so heavily when he hears or sees a number.

When Lisa lived David was well aware Graciela wanted him, would rebuff her advances and she acts no different now, so is he just allowing her 30K of grabby/feely?

Has he forgotten how nasty Lilian is and yet it was she that lead the lynch mob?

I understand Miguel defending his lady love but what owner would want an employee that gets in his face growls and flexes. Show Miguel the door.

David publicly humiliated Luciana and accepts she will not forgive him so why is he allowing her to go on a three day farewell tour especially after Mighty Miquel claimed her. She wants to leave, leave.


Good work, Anita, and thanks.

I don't understand why men in novelas don't tell off the grabby females when they get out of line. In the real world most men have no hesitation about this, especially ones with little or no impulse control. What is wrong with saying "I'm not interested?"

Sonia must still be recovering from the rush of intimidating the employees. I was glad to have her off my screen along with the working class Mean Girl duo. The one good thing about Sonia is that FerBrat and Bobby are not warming up to her.

FerBrat is still under Graciela's evil spell. I swear when I look at Graciela I see some kind of supernatural nasty; the color of her irises is almost non-existent.

We can expect more of the same from David and Miguel re Luciana.


Thank You Anita nice job.

You know, I luuuurve all you Caray commenters and recappers. I have watched more TNs than I can count and many of the names here have been around a Looooong time. I have tried so hard to get interested in this show, mainly because of the many familiar 'faces' here. The level of stupidity, ignorance and evil on this show, I just can't get on board. If they would sweeten the pot with Gracie and Luci in their underwear (or less) every once in a while, I might be able to put up with the rest. We get Lillian?

Dorita and Hurla? That gnat and mosquito which buzz around and annoy you to DEATH and you can't seem to swat them away.

If David is the poster child for us good looking men, he is fired.

Urban said: "What is wrong with saying "I'm not interested?""

Long ago some very very large chick at work was chasing me mercilessly. "I have a girlfriend", "I'm just not interested", etc. actually did not work.

Finally she asked for a ride in my big 4 wheel drive truck. I told her as soon as I got that old refrigerator out of the back I'd be glad to. It worked.

Are Graciela's pupils round? I think she is reptilian.


Thanks, Anita. Great recap. As soon as I read … and listen to the Brit and the Anglo-Hispanic whisper sweet nothings (and nothing it is), I knew it was you. Thanks for the laughs.

ITA with everything you all said. David is so dumb. And how many times will we get this “I’m leaving the vineyard” -- “no, don’t go” storyline? Seems like this is at least the third time she was leaving.

Susan asking Tano if he had a thing with Fer seemed so wrong. That attractive mature career woman shouldn’t be in a love triangle with a teenybopper.

Kudos to the young actor playing Bobby. He's not overacting and not annoying.


Anita, a wonderful, witty read. Thank you for gracing my day with laughter.

"Gracie doesn’t lose an opportunity to check David’s biceps and “…when Lilian returns from her Triumphant Tryst, still Trumpeting into the cell phone” were among my many favorites.

Alas, I keep hoping we will have more substance with these stories, yet all we are fed is filler.

"He thinks she’s acting like a five-year old with these stupidities". Yes. I do too. David has done so many things wrong, at least he realized Fer was drinking and gave her a strong lecture. Drinking is illegal for her on level ground, driving and climbing should be obviously off limits. I hope he grounds her.

"Suddenly, Luci realizes the magnitude of the sacrifice she was asking of her mother and changes her mind. She should stay with them. Marta has an inner glow that just escaped its bounds". That just made me sad. While I understand Marta's attachment to David's family, it should never transcend her loyalty or her love for her own children, who need her just as much.

I hope Sonia appears tonight to brighten our day. Just as you've brightened mine Anita. Thank you...


Thank you Anita for your fine recapping and all the details I may have missed. I was desperately trying to understand the conversation between Ramon and Tano concerning Tano's mother and couldn't figure it out. Sometimes they just talk way to fast for me.

Ohhhh.....I wish I could get that bedroom scene of Lillian and Gutierrez out of my head. I just want to "undo" from my brain. The whole thing just grossed me out completely. What the heck does he see in her? Surely as good looking as he is, he can do much better than this dried out old woman with a nasty personality. Is there something she is doing for him that he can't get elsewhere?

I missed seeing Sonia this episode. Usually she's all over the place when something big is going down.

I've been very good this year and I..
Well, most of the time, except,..
Maybe once in a while,
Oh Never Mind, I will buy my own stuff.



Lillian has locked Sonia in her room. It is 'that time'.

The reality is Marta's attachment to Davids family is a stronger than with her own and I think Luciana realized that and let Marta off the hook. That has to be as disappointing or more so than David not trusting her or Leon dating Carito.

Seems Susan has her back, Bobby does and of course Miguel but everybody else wobbles. Well, we don't know how Miguel will react if she romantically rejects him for another man.

Why didn't the writers use another character instead of Susan to be Fernanda's competition. Agree Niecie, Susan is an educated professional woman ending an abusive marriage and negotiating a property settlement which includes her own home. She is playing handsy, kissy with a guy receiving midnight text from a teenage girl, the daughter of her employer. This got weird all over it.

Not necessarily. Carlos would be a chick magnet for girls FerBrat's age but he is interested in more mature women. El corazon no se manda. The problem is that he doesn't know how to handle this situation.

I'm actually surprised that FerBrat and Bobby weren't sent away to school after Lisa died. David wouldn't have done that on his own initiative, but I could see Lillian working on him about it. They would have definitely been better off without her influence.

Looking back on the episode, I wonder why I spent all that time on was filler, cotton candy filler, sticky, sickly sweet. When are we going to see the protein?

Tofie--I had let my memory slip on the other "indignities" of family solidarity Luci has dealt with since she returned. Thank you for reminding us about Leo dating Carito. But she did tell him it wouldn't bother her--or was she not being truthful.

Urban--Agree, there are a lot of inconsistencies in the storyline, the timeline, including the set up beginning 20 years ago. They set the characters personalities in stone and now are stuck with them.

Yes, indeed. Who tolerates having someone as negative and useless a leech as Lilian for 15 years. David should have built her a MIL cottage at the other end of the property (NO STORY). Lilian is successful at getting rid of half of the family she can't stand, but the one person she truly despises, she can't get rid of in 12 years? (NO STORY.) Lilian would have been the first person to ship those two kids off to boarding school after Lisa died, no kids, no need for Marta (NO STORY).

Graciela tried to jump David's bones, takes a hike for a few years to forget she was involved in her sister's death (and a blackmail threat). She gets rich off her art (?) and then returns to bankroll a failing vineyard. She could have done that from urban-cosmopolitan Milan, Madrid, or Paris, where she was drinking herself to death (NO STORY). I don't see her painting anymore.

Luciana believes her destiny lies in a vineyard her father loved, a mother and brother she hardly knows and a childhood friend. Most of her formative years (school years) have been spent in Mexico, she has a good education, a potential career and friends (?) there. She comes back to scatter her dad's ashes, finds she has no connection to Leo or her mother and is disappointed that Miguel doesn't set off fireworks after that kiss. She goes back to Mexico (NO STORY).

I think Luci was at first flattered by Miguel's attention and her sweet memory of him as children, but as she came to the realization that her heart was leading her elsewhere--even were it to be a dead end, she sort of keeps Miguel's hopes up as a backup, treating him as a friend without benefits, but all the rest--the looks, the hand holding, hugging, walking arm in arm, confidentialities, etc. After David's first kiss, she should have been honest, but firm with Miguel and told him to back off the "maybe someday" carousel. If he had (NO STORY).

Urban--I agree with your assessment of Carlos/Tano. OTOH, if I remember my youth properly, young girls also tended to want relationships with "older" guys, two or three years ahead of them in school, because the were so "mature" and those their same age were so childish.

Well, enough dissecting for the time being. Looking forward to tonight.

NOTE: Uni's Teleton is scheduled for Friday evening, Dec. 2, so I'm assuming no tns that night.

"takes a hike for a few years to forget she was involved in her sister's death"

Involved? Let's see:

A chicken is involved with bacon and eggs, the pig is committed. She murdered her sister, sister. And she was not trying to forget, she relishes every second of it every day. You are more than kind Tofie. :-)


Excuse me Anita not Tofie.

toa/Kirby Johnson--I differ with your opinion that she relishes having "murdered" her sister. As I recall, Gracie and Lisa were having an argument that became physical down by the river. Gracie hit Lisa with a rock. Lisa fell in the water and started to struggle to keep from drowning. Graciela watches, frozen as Lisa sinks. I think that qualifies as manslaughter, or not premeditated. No doubt Gracie realized that Lisa was a loose cannon and better off dead. Perhaps it would only have taken another episode or two for a real murder of Lisa to take place, so I will concede that point.

However, Graciela does NOT like to get her hands dirty with any dirty business. That's why she has maneuvered Fer into being the point-man in this latest caper to get what she wants (not what Fer wants). Nothing is going to come back on her--least of all accusations from a whiny, bratty teenager that lies.

Aye, Anita! Thank you so very much! Darn it! Week days don't work well for me relishing such delicious recaps like this one you've provided! This caught my eye and funny bone:

She’s surely suffering from a hangover and is contentedly pissed.

Love it! Agree with all your observations. I am struck by how long it's taking Luci to vamoose! I kinda hope she does go to another vineyard so we can see something other than those huge wine vats, the ivy-covered door to the wine cellars and the employee digs. Jeezopete!

Once again, thank you!

FerBrat decided to hate Luciana on her own because she sees her as competition for David's love. That is somewhat believable after two years of emotional neglect by him, but she wouldn't have thought of the earring theft thing on her own.

I consider it odd that she doesn't see through Graciela's motive for this.

FerBrat, like most kids, probably sees her dad as asexual after the loss of her mother. I've known adults who hated the idea of their widowed parents remarrying at all. This is typical teen selfishness.

Yeah Anita you could be right, I actually did not start watching this show until an episode or two before the Whack in the Riva. Grace is surely evil enough to relish it. And almost as bad as killing her sister is her poisoning of her sister's daughter. Aaarggh

Kirby: Expect the conspiracy to destroying Luciana's family continue!

Leon needs to realize that Carito HATES him, Luciana, Marta, etc.,


UA: Fernanda IS Aranza 2.0.

I expect her to be evil until the very last episode!


Yeah Steve, poor little Leon, he is such a squishable little toad.

Hi Anita. Good recap. I hate seeing gracie slithering on Davids biceps, I
Don't like that he just don't slap her hand away.
He can't see that his loving family are just a bunch of moochin lo-lifes
Whose just bleedin him dry. He needs
Lucy, he better do everything he can
To get her to stay. He's got a friend in Cesar, but he knows nothing about
The vine. Mig does what he can but his heart is somewhere else. Well he wants to prove Lucy didn't do the deed and to hell with everything else that's not Lucy. He's sweet, and headed for heartache, he needs a sweet girl, not
I'd like to like the gut-man, but he's
Slowly falling off the "he's a good guy" scale. Down to the "I am slime"
Scale. The perfect person for lilian.

OK gotta ho, its on.

Thanks for the great recap Anita! Always so fun to read.

I totally agree with the Susan/Tano weirdness. Isn't Tano much closer in age to Fer anyway? His dad mentioned him being in community college for a bit. So what is he - 19, 20? Susan looks like she is in her early 30s - educated, professional, divorcing, owned a house...They are world's apart.

A Tano/Fernanda secret love story of rich owner's daughter and handsome vineyard boy is way more believable to me. Maybe that's where the story is going? Why is Tano not being honest with Susan in that Fer has a crush on him? Susan did not look convinced by Tano's assurances that nothing was going on.

I'd love to see this TN do the unexpected and have Luci actually leave and be working at another vineyard for a while.

Also, I think it's cute how all the vineyards are named after cities in California? As if they really want the audiences in Mexico to know this is California LOL

I didn't realize that the vineyard names were named after cities :-)

I thought that Lucia was actually going to work at a vineyard in Santa Barbara, CA, which is 370 miles away from Sonoma.

I couldn't figure out why Lucia was telling Bobby that they would still get together sometime in town.


I'm a bit late to the party, but want to thank Anita for this fabulous recap whose sparkle no doubt exceeded that of the episode.

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