Thursday, December 08, 2022

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas (#2): Week of Dec. 5, 2022

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs!  This page has been reinstated to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

9-10 AM:   Rebelde (Unimás)

11 -12 PM: Triunfo del Amor (Unimás)

12 -2 PM:  Mañana Es Para Siempre (Unimás)

1-3PM:    Amor Dividido (Univisión)

3-4 PM:   Corazon Guerrero (Univisión)

3-5 PM:   Papa a Toda Madre (Unimás)

5-6 PM:   La Fea Mas Bella (Unimás)

6-7 PM:  Tres Veces Ana (Unimás)

Other Announcements:

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio. 

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Guerrero. Excellent recap, Adriana! We learn what happened to Carlota, and I do wonder if she accidentally or on purpose se the mother on fire. Anyway, we know then that she is the 1/2 sister of Agusto's other 2 daughters. Jesus and Damian have to teach Samuel how to use silverware? On a very basic level, the way you'd teach a 2 year old? It gives us an idea of the extent of Tata's abuse--hope he gets his at some point in the novela. Given Guadalupe's reaction to Mariluz's comments, now we know that Agusto is her father. How did d. Abel get involved in all this? And no doubt the 3 brothers' mom, "whose body has not been found," will turn up at some point. Adriana's dying mother seems a bit young to be his mother and the Guerreros' aunt.

Guerrero – Episode 3 of part 1 of 4

Lupe is in the hospital with a very grumpy Conchita and she’s snuck her churros and hot chocolate to make up for the unappealing hospital food. Conchita asks again why Lupe won’t tell Mariluz about her father. Augusto’s voice plays again in Lupe’s head threatening the life of any bastard born who won’t live to have HIS last name, she still doesn’t tell her mom the why of it all, and I’m surprised she’s never shared the truth with mommy in all these years.

Jesus finishes explaining to both Mari and her boyfriend that what happened was an accident and he will repair the truck completely. Mari gives him the keys back and he leaves. Isaia takes advantage of the opportunity to bad mouth Jesus – he’s probably a womanizer. Mari remembers seeing him with Carlota and considers this possibility. Isaia tries to sweet talk Mari, she isn’t in the mood.

Victoriana and Augusto are fighting too because she’s still not interested in Emma’s well-being. This is an argument they’ve probably had thousands of times over 17 years and it goes nowhere again.

Emma is on the boat and thinking of Adrian, while Adrian is in the group home crying over his mother. Emma is doing well on the boat until her friend convinces her to start drinking. Rodrigo tries to get close to her but Emma purposely keeps distance between them and goes to dance by herself.

Lupe and Concha are still arguing about paternity and Augusto almost overhears but a phone call from Frederico pulls him away. Lupe finally agrees to talk with Mariluz but before they can get any further the doctor arrives with good news! Concha is free to go home!

Damian is celebrating, throwing money in the air as Samuel looks on amused. Frederico and Augusto talking about finding ‘it’ before the mechanics do, they don’t say what it is but maybe it’s a bag full of cash?

Emma is looking a little drunk now and is a little friendlier toward Rodrigo. He asks if she wants to drive the boat and she does. Emma is doing well driving for a while but she isn’t paying enough attention and she very nearly crashes into another boat – it’s a near miss on the tragedy but Emma is shaken. Everyone else though thinks it was exciting – like a big stupid drunk game, hope they don’t try again.

Carlota searches Domenica’s room and finds her passport marked ‘Deported’ while Domenica is across town remembering her lawyer’s words about how she could be sent to jail for this. Emma calls and tells Domenica what happened with the boat and Domi starts to give her some great advice about eating and not drinking anymore but their conversation is interrupted by her friends bringing her a shot and she takes it…

Adrian watches Emma’s Insta video and tells his dog that Emma is right, they need to enjoy life and they aren’t alone anymore. They have a family now. He tells the photo of his mom he’s meeting his cousins the next day.

Augusto volunteers to take Concha home for the hospital with Lupe and Mariluz but Concha says she wants to go to the Finca. Augusto orders the driver to take them there.

Samuel notices Damian drawing and is impressed by his ability. Damian doesn’t let him touch at first because Sam’s hands are dirty, so he tries to wipe his hands off - on his brother’s shirt! LOL. He cleans his hands with a towel and Damian hands over the drawing. It’s Domenica. Samuel comments that she’s pretty and Damian warns him to be careful – she’s the daughter of their enemy. Samuel points out that Damian was talking to her but Damian says it’s different. He only did it to harass her, besides he knows how to talk to women and protect his heart at the same time, Samuel doesn’t. He's vulnerable and could get hurt. Damian hears a honk and gets up to go outside, Sam takes the drawing of Domenica from Damian’s drawing pad.


Guerrero – Episode 3 part 2 of 4

It's Jesus returning and he tells Damian about Mariluz having a boyfriend. Jesus says that he guesses that is the end of things with Mariluz. He’ll fix her car because he caused the damage and then it will be over he isn’t going to try to interrupt her relationship. Samuel walks up talking with his mouth full and Jesus has to tell him not to. He wants to know what else is going on and Damian tells him – they found a bag full of money!!!

Damian wants to talk about how to spend the cash but Jesus says no way. The money has an owner and we are going to return it. Damian says the owner is dead but Jesus points out he has a son and they can give it to him. This leads to a heated argument which Samuel doesn’t like. He asks his brothers not to yell but they ignore him so he retreats into the shop holding his ears.

Domencia arrives and finds Samuel alone. He offers to go get his brothers but she tells him he is the one she wanted to talk to. She apologizes for being rude to the day before, she feels badly for the way she treated him, she doesn’t even know his name. He points to himself and says ‘Samuel soy’, nice to meet you Domenica says and smiles, ‘you’re Domenica, right?’ Sam asks and she confirms. It was so cute the way he patted her hand.

Augusto takes the ladies to the finca and they are all amazed by how beautiful it is. Augusto talks with Mari about her business and her plans for getting ahead.

Victoriana is out of sorts because no one is home to eat with her. She is surprised to hear Carlota stole all their food to bring it to the mechanics across the street! And as we watch, she’s doing that, she even leaves them a bonus surprise, Domencia’s passport! She hides it in their oven. Carlota wasn’t invited, she apparently let herself in; and is setting up the food when Jesus walks in shirtless (nice abs!) and is a little disturbed to find her there unannounced. Carlota for her part, is only thrilled that he remembered her name! (LOL) She says she knows they are busy and she won’t stay but she wanted to bring them food since she noticed there are no women around to take care of them.

Concha wants Lupe to let go of her resentment of Augusto but Lupe reminds her that she only knows his good side. He also has a very dark side. We see that very same Augusto threatening to kill some dude who is late on the rent – his thugs beat him good. The ladies are still reminiscing when they notice a heart carved into a tree – Mariluz and that boy made it all those years ago when she was six. What was his name again? Lisardo, Mariluz answers right away, I was so in love with him! We see a flashback to Mari as a young girl promising to marry Lisardo when they grow up.

Jesus is driving and lamenting how he found Mariluz again only to learn she’s already in a relationship, when he sees Isaia with another woman and a small boy – outside a pregnancy clinic no less – she shares the news with Isaia, they are pregnant!

Victoriana enters the study and asks Frederico if he knows where her husband is. He says no, Tia. And she questions why he is calling her Tia, it makes her feel old. These too are too flirty and their attitude suggests something else entirely but Victoriana leaves the room and calls one of Augusto’s drivers wanting to know why they aren’t home. She learns he brought the ‘senoras’ to the Finca and she orders the driver to take a picture of her husband and send it to her. He reluctantly agrees.


Guerrero – Episode 3 part 3 of 4

Lupe returns to the tree and has another flashback, this one of a happy time with Augusto full of ‘I love you’s’ the devil himself shows up to remind her they lived their happiest moments in that spot. Maybe that’s where Mari was conceived? We learn Augusto tricked Lupe into sleeping with him by making her believe they would be married but he left her the day of their supposed wedding. Augusto tries to convince Lupe he still misses her but she tells him he’s with Vic and three is too many in a marriage – but unfortunately the suggestive pics have already been sent them to Vic. She declares she needs to take care of the woman trying to steal her man!!! Oh goody….

Damian goes to the big house and tries to ask for Domenica but the maid runs interference. Carlota watches and laughs and laughs. Damian isn’t discouraged and even picks up the maid in an attempt to – I am not sure what he was trying to accomplish actually. But the maid was amuzed, and impressed by his arms! Domenica comes out from hiding to rescue the maid and talks to Damian. Damian tries apologize or flirt – or attempt to apologize as an excuse to flirt, but it gets him nowhere. Domenica wants him out of her house and life though she does look at little uncertain when Damian asks if her answer is definitive.

Jesus tells Don Abel about the found money and they wonder if that’s what Montalvo was looking for, but Abel doubts it. It’s not enough money to be the draw for Augusto. There must be something else hidden in that shop somewhere…

Frederico and Augusto talk about the mechanic shop and its lack of business. Augusto thinks the boys are hiding something and he reminds his nephew that they had better find the ‘proof’ before the new owners do.

Mariluz calls Jesus to find out when Chabella will be ready. She starts off rude and says she doesn’t want to owe him anything but Jesus turns on the charm and says she does owe him. She owes him a coffee, a greeting and an explanation. He wants to know why she hates him. She doesn’t hate him she just thinks they each need to go their own way. Jesus convinces her to meet him for coffee and he hangs up with a smile. Don Abel says Jesus has FINALLY met a girl. Jesus says she’s the love of his life (dramatic much?) and he thought he was going to have to give her up but he’s changed his mind.


Guerrero – Episode 3 part 4 of 4

Jesus arrives to coffee but Mariluz isn’t planning to stay and chat. She just brought him the money for the coffee so the debt would be paid! LOL Jesus tries to talk fast and convince her to stay by convincing her they are made for each other (without revealing he’s Lisardo) but he makes the mistake of insulting Isaia and offending Mariluz who takes off on a bus while the waiter prevents Jesus from following because he hasn’t paid for the coffee!!

Mariluz is on the bus remembering Jesus’s words as well as his interactions with Carlota, thinking what a hypocrite he is for saying Isaia is the one who doesn’t deserve her! Jesus probably sweet talks every woman!! She starts to feel bad about ignoring Isaia earlier and calls him promising to meet up with him and give him lots of kisses.

Adrian is sneaking into a skate park with his friends and Emma is still in her party thinking of Adrian. Her sugars are fine thankfully and her friend is encouraging her to hook up with Rodrigo, but Emma says no way! She wants her first kiss to be with someone special, someone she could fall in love with. Rod himself comes over and wants to dance and Emma agrees, but only if they can do their own chorography.

Damian has his bags packed and is leaving, he left a good bye note for his brothers but I couldn’t read any of it in the second it flashed across the screen. He looks around and remembers the words of Jesus warning him not to touch any of the money. He tells the empty room ‘No matter what I do, you’ll always think I’m a thief’ He grabs his bags and walks out the door. He stops outside to tip his flask in Domenica’s direction remembering her harsh rejection earlier in the afternoon.

Vic shows up to tell Lupe off for being with Augusto in the finca…. I didn’t listen to her but I’m sure she said something stupid and insulting.

Domenica is still thinking about her legal troubles when Carlota arrives to cheerfully give her the good news that she knows all about the deportation!! Domenica runs for the passport but it’s missing of course! Carlota torments her sister with the possibilities of what she could have done with the passport.

Jesus arrives at Mariluz’s and notices she’s not yet there. Mari somehow finds Isaia at a bus…..with his wife and children!! Yes, she tries the whole ‘this must be your sister’ denial but is given the harsh reality. Isaia has no sisters, just a wife! Mariluz tells him off, slaps him good, and runs off into the coming storm (literally it’s starting to rain and I hear thunder) telling herself what an idiot she was to believe in that man when he was whispering that he loved her.



We haven't heard how Don Abel got involved in all this, I don't think. I'm assuming he's either someone Jesus grew up with or someone he met and befriended as an adult. He seems to know just about everything about Jesus though - his brothers, his cousin, his history with Augusto, so I am guessing it's someone who has known him for years. Maybe this is who Jesus grew up with after the brothers were adopted out to different families?

I also think their mother must be alive. They've commented on 'the body was never found' multiple times. I'm guessing we'll be meeting her sooner or later.

Adrian's mother just seems like a whole big blur of weird to me...but they did say she worked for Augusto before being placed in the hospital so I'm guessing there is going to be more to the mystery - who knows maybe it will even make sense at some point? hehe She does look to young to have a nearly grown up son.

Guerrero. Another excellent detailed recap, Darcy! I'm glad that Mariluz found out that Isaia was a married father of children without Jesus's having to tell him. One possible complication out of the way early on!

Thanks SpanProf. I'm glad Mariluz found out quickly too! Did you notice that huge jump Isaia took at the lightening flash? It was hilarious, I bet the actor is comedic gold in the right role. I look forward to reading Adriana's recap of today's episode, lots of hijinks going on it was definitely I fun one.

Hi, girls!

Darcy, thank you so much for your latest recap, I'm sorry I couldn't comment sooner, but I've had a few busy days.
I'm liking Carlota more every day, I've never seen Altair Jarabo in a role like this, she is the comic relief for an otherwise blah show for now.

Emma not telling her friends she has diabetes, which is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, will definitely come back to bite her.

The way I get it, Victoriana had Domenica to secure her relationship with newly widowed Augusto, Emma was definitely not needed, therefor not wanted or loved. I wonder when did his affair with Lupe happen, was it during his first marriage? Are Carlota and Mariluz about the same age (26ish)?

I'm also liking Sam (or is it Cristian?), I hope he doesn't get hurt when Domenica and Damian eventually get closer.

I'll be back with some notes about the latest episode as soon as I get to watch my recording.
Thanks again, Darcy!

Thanks Adriana, I understand busy days. Mine would be much busier if co workers would get things together. LOL I am supposed to be doing extra projects and extra hours but I keep waiting to get the information needed - for like 2 weeks now. Apparently they are in no hurry.

I think Mariluz is about Carlota's age. I think I remember when she was in the kitchen in the first episode and that maid (whose name I really need to learn) called Agusto Lupe's 'galan' she said that was 26 years ago which would make Mari about 25.

The character's name is Sam, the actor is Christian.


Isaia actually runs after Mariluz, trying to convince her he and his wife are separating. Thankfully, she doesn't believe him.
She is so disturbed by his betrayal that she actually gets lost in the city and when the rain starts she almost gets raped by two guys, who see her alone in the street. But Jesus to the rescue! He'd previously called Lupe, who told him how worried she was because Mari wasn't answering her calls, and he went searching for her. He beats up the two guys and carries Mari to safety, taking her home to her mom.

Sam is having a nightmare, so he wakes up and goes outside. Domenica spots him and goes to chat. She gets to read Damian's goodbye letter because Sam can't read - she offers to teach him, but she is very troubled by Damian disappearing like that - she pouts the rest of the episode, reminiscing about their last encounter.

At the party everyone is either hooking up or getting drunk (or both); Emma herself feels rather bad, too, but by some miracle she doesn't end up in the emergency room. The next day Rodrigo asks her to go out together. She says she'll think about it, which he doesn't like.

When Conchita offers to take care of the flower shop, both Lupe and Mariluz go searching for jobs because they are really short on money. And they both find some immediately, Mari in a restaurant, where she has to wear very short shorts and serve drinks to scumy men. I have a feeling she won't last long in this line of work.

Carlota has a new mission in life - to bother her sister, Domenica. Today she tells her dad it would be great for the entire family to have a trip together, they should go to Las Vegas. Augusto is pleased with the ideea, he even promises to convince Domenica to go. Of course Carlota then goes to rub it in Dom's face that everyone will find out she can't travel to the US.

Adrian arrives for a visit with his cousins and not a moment to soon, because Augusto was starting to suspect that the next door neighbors are the Sanchez brothers. But now he thinks there is a forth brother, Adrian, so for now he is fooled.

Mari comes to see Jesus and finds him with Carlota again. She gets the wrong ideea, doesn't hear when Jesus makes it clear to Carlota they are only friendly neighbors.

Jesus is upset to find out Damian is gone, but doesn't believe it for a second that he is the one who stole the money. He and Sam take Adrian to their father's tomb and soon enough Damian shows up, too. The four men make a promise in front of Octavio's buried body to make Augusto Montalvo pay for what he has done to their family. Adrian is all in, even when Jesus tells him he can back out, he doesn't want to force him in any way.

Federico breaks in the mechanic shop, but doesn't find anything compromising.

Damian asks Jesus what are his plans against Augusto. Jesus wants to find out what Augusto loves the most and take it away from him, just like Augusto has done to them.
Valero, the guy who used to work for the shop, convinces Jesus to let him live and work there in exchange for him revealing where he'd hidden the stash of money.

The episode ends with that evil Tata finding the shop! He has a rifle and plans to kill everyone, starting with Samuel.


There it is, it was a good episode, the plot is moving along nicely. As soon as Jesus realizes how much Augusto loves his daughters, he will surely start his "Pasion de gavilanes" plan with them.

Darcy, I know Cristian is the actors' name, I just meant that I actually like him a lot, the character is just OK. Cristian is a favorite of mine ever since I saw him in Tierra de Reyes, another Pasion de Gavilanes remake. Loosk like we're spinning in circles.

SpanProf, Isaia was surely no threat for handsome Jesus, he just needed to get out of the way for the real triangle, of Mari/ Jesus/ Carlota. He will probably go after Carlota because of his revenge, but fall for Mari for real... and then realize he might just as well, since she is Augusto's daughter, too... No spoilers, it's just that the writing is on the wall with this one.


Thank you Adriana for providing all the highlights. I thought it was a really fun episode and I enjoyed the introduction of Valero!

Aw, that makes sense about Christian vs. Sam. I should have known that's what you meant. I agree completely, he's one of my favorites too and I LOVED him in Tierra. I like the character too, which I guess the character is being created by the actor, so it's hard to distinguish. But I find myself watching all of Sam's reactions to everything and all the facial expressions. Christian is really good at looking vulnerable and bringing a heartbreaking innocence to all his reactions. I loved the interactions between him and Valero! Sam was just delighted to see him from the word go! Where Domenica and Jesus were understandably more skeptical, Sam was just amused! I laughed so hard when he just said 'Hola, Valero' and Domenica was like 'Oh, you know him' and he just shrugs and says 'he's Valero' as if that's all the explanation that was needed. He's decided that 'Valero is Bueno' and that's all he needs to know. He even gave him Damian's bed!! That would be very dangerous with the wrong person but I'm hoping they aren't going there and Valero is exactly who he says he is.

I also noted when Domenica offered to teach Samuel to read she noticed that he picked up on the 'a' and the fact that there were two 'a's in Damian's name so quickly. This is an intelligent man with a normal ability to learn that was just prevented from doing so by Tata's cruelty.

Carlota just amuses me....she's so fun. And I feel the same way about Valero! He was so over the top and I loved every minute of it!! I laughed so hard when Jesus said 'vete' and Valero said 'it's val-er-o' as if he really thought Jesus was trying to say his name instead of get out!!! LOL Maybe it's just because life has been too real the last year or so and I have so much to deal with emotionally, but I am so attracted to these silly antics. Forget reality, I want to watch the dude appear out of nowhere, talk a bunch of nonsense, walk around in a bathrobe singing and then hide someone's money stash so he can 'blackmail' them into letting him live there!! Fine family fun...I just hope his intentions are good, we have too many villains already.

Frederico must be a horrible detective!!! He didn't even find Domenica's passport and he looked in the oven where Carlota had put it!! Unless Valero found that first too, Frederico definitely should have seen it.

One thing about Emma, I don't think she said she would think about it. I think she flat out said no. She didn't want to get into a relationship and that Rod guy deserved it. He was so arrogant in the way he asked....I like you and I know you like me. Don't play hard to get!! Ugh!!! Buddy, NO!

So glad Augusto thinks there are four brothers now, that was good timing.

Guerrero. Excellent recap, Adriana! All the main points. I wasn't surprised that Sam didn't know how to read and write, given that he doesn't even know how to use a spoon. It was very sweet of Domenica to offer to teach him. I wonder if Mexico has adult literacy programs available. I thought Mariluz was pretty easily fooled by Jesus's minimal interactions with Carlota. Maybe because she'd just been so hurt by Isaias's betrayal? I'm starting to wonder if Augusto is bipolar or has an evil twin. One minute he does something nice, like pay Conchita's hospital bill and the next minute we either see a flashback to something horrible he did in the past or we see him trying to drive out the Guerrero brothers.

Didn't that Valero guy show up twice in the episode? I couldn't understand what he was saying to Samuel (was it the scene with Samuel?). Who found him hiding there?


Waterlily, Valero showed up and then didn't leave, he was told to leave a few times but he didn't listen.

He appeared the first time in the garage when Samuel was talking with Domenica about learning to read. He may have been hiding or he may have just arrived at that moment. I think he just walked in but I'm not sure. He just suddenly appeared and startled Sam and Domenica. He told Sam that he used to work at the shop - I'm not sure if he worked there FOR 14 years or he worked there 14 years ago, but he said something about 14 years. He said that the owner was a good friend of his and he always let him stay there if he was drunk or on stormy nights like that one. He was presumably talking about the former owner but Sam thought he meant Jesus and Valero went along with it. It wasn't really clear whether or not Valero knew that Sam was referring to a different person and just didn't care or whether they were both confused...

Sam then let Valero stay there as he asked - we didn't see this, but he must have because when Jesus comes home and finds Sam at the foot of the bed and wakes him up so he'll lay down properly; we see 'Damian' (ie. Valero) is stretched out in his bed snoring. In the morning, Sam gives Jesus the note from Damian and Jesus realizes his brother isn't there so he goes to the bed and pulls back the covers and finds Valero. Jesus tells him to leave but we know he didn't because when Frederico comes over to search the place he is scared away by Valero getting out of the shower and we see him walking around the house and singing as if he has no care in the world.

By the end of the episode he was all decked out in one of those mechanic's jumpsuits and just walking around the shop when he confesses to the boys that he hid the money and he'll give it back to them if he can stay. They decide to let him stay and he gives back the cash.

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