Monday, December 19, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #170 Monday 12/19/11 What’s Black & White & Red All Over? A Dark Plot with Teeny Rays of Hope, but Still We Are Served a Big RED Herring

It was a dark and snowy night with icicles everywhere and roads blocked, but hey, that’s real life in New Mexico and old news. Let’s get on with our review of the last CME: Honorio gets the news in his office that Constanza will be released due to the confession of Corina. He promises to take care of Beth’s complaint about sleazy Germy’s proposition as soon as he gets Consta sprung. At La Bonita, Antonio questions Regina if she has ever doubted that Roberta is her daughter. You never ask anything for no reason, what are you getting at? Renata brings the box of pictures and papers into Jero’s office and shows Regina that they are Roberta’s not hers although she is is some of the pictures. Antonio pockets the real birth certificate with Roberta’s name on it proving she is Fina’s evil spawn.

The crib scene, mystery suit puts mobiles up with Maritata saying how much her twins will love this bedroom with the balloon mural and the matching cribs with mobile arms over them. But we don’t see who it is. This is a very mean, very nasty, very cruel, very RED HERRING in a black suit jacket! And Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does. But at least we know where the Tata is hanging these days.

At the police station, the nylon coifed Corina spills that the director of the manicomio hired her to pose with the Trojan baby and it was for money (anyone surprised?) She further reveals that his office attendants were inmates named Blanca and Fina who prompted her to present the baby at the Centro Regina and to roll in the Trojan stroller to leave with Constanza. Honorio tells the lawyer that he will go give good news to Consta while the paperwork is cleared up. After his cell phone call, Gonzo tells that Blanca’s body was found at bottom of a bridge but with ligatures around her neck so they know she was strangled. And, Fina’s teeth don’t sync with any of the bodies found so Fina is still missing. Gonzo and Hon compare notes that they are all in danger if Fina is at large. They both know that with all she has done she is capable of anything. Gonzo fears that Renata‘s newly revealed heart condition make it necessary to hide news of Fina from her until the appropriate time. Hon realizes that Renata’s heart condition is too much of a coincidence. In parallel discoveries, Augie and Roberta talk about the same thing. Augie is sure he knows the truth, he already knew Renata had heart problems when he sniffed her unconscious body at his hacienda after her accident. Remember that sickening scene? Roberta lies anyway maintaining her public image as Regina’s daughter. Something in this estupida tells her not to totally trust Augie’s invitation to tell him everything. Augie admits he would rather have a jailed Fina be his mother-in-law than Regina who is too honest for his taste and a great friend of Jeronimo’s. She would cause more problems in the long run.

Padre Severino at La Bonita in the chemical room, gets the truth from Carlos that PrissyPants kissed him, you know how women are he says with more irony than he realizes. It seems it was momentarily exciting but she is a part of my past while only Matilde is part of my future he swears. Matilde overhears and grins behind the door. Finally she has heard a complete sentence of truth.

Anibal shows up at La Bonita with his wounded paw which Alison notices. Anibal says at first, oh it’s nothing, then tells how badly Augie hurt him when he discovered the computer hacking. They both decide it is time to tell Renata the truth. Augie decides with Melecio that it is also time to move forward with his next step. He demands that Melecio find out who at La Bonita knew that the vines were taken to Cruz Sin Amor.

Matilde tells her side of the story to a confused Padre. She doesn’t think the wedding is off. So she takes Padre in hand to go talk to Carlos out in the chem room. We draw a quick breath before they appear as Prissypants shows up and tries to woman handle her Charlie. Now she is wearing alluring dresses with frilly décolletage. Finally, for crying out loud, Carlos backs away without an audience to impress and when Matilde arrives moments later she confronts him sweetly, Padre says that we are not going to get married! Carlos, did you say that? Of course, he stumbles and stutters, I still want to marry you. They play back and forth with who feels what all the while, PPants is listening outside the door. Carlos finally gets on bended knee to ask her to marry him once again. This time Matilde is the one getting kisses while the green PPants looks on and finally leaves in a pouty huff as Matilde and Carlos squeal with delight and kiss in front of the Padre.

The seeds of doubt are in Regina’s talk with Antonio about her bad feelings about her daughter Roberta. She believes she is her daughter but is haunted by Panchita’s story of seeing Roberta and Fina outside of the house handing off that box. So she still has only drops of doubt, but Antonio says casually well, let’s show the photos to Gonzo because he will know which girl is which. He lived with them from the time they were nine.

Matilde gets to show Carlos love and kisses in front of her rival. But Ppants thinks a lot of her pants and swears this gata will not get over on her. We will see who will win this she says as she stomps off.

Anibal shows his hurt hand and reveals his fears of Augie. Padre thinks Anibal must stay away from Augie who is clearly dangerous. Marina must be found then she can tell them whether she left town with Jero or not.

Augie has a sword fight with himself and that menacing sword in a steel arm on the wall, as he swears vengeance is his. He threatens to rid all those against him especially now this means Anibal better find a new place to sleep. Well, who is going to win this match? Augie is talking to himself way too much.

Renata is sad in her room in such a real way, this is hard to watch. She remembers so many loving moments between her and Jero, in jail, on the beach, around the hacienda. We hear him say she is the only woman he will love for the rest of his life. As the lyrics repeat, no me abandones accompanies raucous laughter, rending of clothes and fun wrestling on the bed. It still doesn’t add up. She cries on Adriana’s shoulder who reminds her that it isn’t time to jump to conclusions.

Carlos is getting smarter by the minute now that his head seems to have cleared. At his side, Bitchybritches points out that Matilde is voluble (voluable) and not to be trusted. She argues her point of superiority with Carlos, sometimes we lose ourselves and we are so crazy in love we forget who we are says Bitchybritches suggesting Carlos needs a high class piece of pants like her?

Back to the hysterical scene with Adriana trying to get Renata to await final judgment since they don’t know really what happened. He may not have left, he might have been kidnapped. Renata anguishes but he might have had an accident then Adri begs her to calm herself and think of the health of her baby when she is so upset herself.

Anibal and Alison are eating in the kitchen when Alison becomes almost as disgusting of Bbritches as she spits food into her napkin then drops the filth on the floor. Anibal sees her do it and says well you are not eating and she protests that she can’t eat because she is ugly, fat and unworthy. He thinks she is sick and so do I This is another hard scene to watch. I am not so interested in teen angst and realize the psychologists will have a field day with this important public announcement but it makes me feel dizzy. Let’s get on with the detective work, please.

Back at the only jail cell in Ensenada, Hon explains Corina’s testimony to Constanza and that Blanca has been found but when she asks about Fina, he says no, neither Fina nor her remains have been found. They have to assume she is still out there threatening the peace.

Fina steps into a cab in her new hairdo and clothes. Gonzo alerts a surprised Roberta that Fina is loose and all of them have to be on guard. She plays dumb surprise with real energy. He brings up the Germy trip to finish his project. Roberta plays kitten, gee Pa is it important that I go with Germy? Gonzo thinks that she will learn a lot about the business (Germy will give her the business). She says what ever you like, Pa. I wlll go if you think I should. Gonzo hands her her alibi: It may be safer for you to be out of town for a few days with that wicked Fina lurking about.

Fina in her little fur shawl enters the post office where she retrieves two huge envelopes both filled with lots of pesos, dollars and euros. She grins and counts and grins and sniffs right at the boxes which seems stupid but no one else is watching her and she does look over her shoulder often but grins more than we have seen for along time.

Constanza is popped out uf the slammer and hugs her husband and brother with relief and joy. She wants to go home and find clean pink clothes and a pink bubble bath, well at least a bath. She tells the lawyer who says all the paper work is finished and she is free to go. She asks him that if he talks to the baby’s parents, they will know now that she was not at fault, but they should also know that she took excellent care of their baby while she was with her.

Padre Sev comes home with Antonio whom he asks to go to D.F. to look for Marina. He has to know she arrived safely but he has been out of the parish for so much time with his illness so he wants him to go soon. Antonio agrees to go at the end of the week. Padre goes to get a drink of water while Antonio opens the purloined birth certificate.

Renata and Matias and Adrina eat while discussing that Julieta saw Roberta kissing Germy down the hall from her apartment. Renata is surprised but Adriana pushes on with the news that they doubt if she was raped by Zeke when he took her back to Augie’s after the Padre’s party. This is a pure lie, insists Adriana while Kari listens intently outside the door.

Regina hears by phone from Gonzo that Constanza is finally free. Everything is returning to normal she declares. Well not everything say Gonzo. Fina has disappeared so they have to all be alert. (Something tells me that with this much insisting they are not going to be alert..) They decide that Renata must be told about Fina but Gonzo wants to tell her in person. Regina then asks him does he think he can tell Roberta and Renata apart in photos when they were children. Of course he can.

Antonio reads the birth certificate with satisfaction then calls Isidro to discuss that Renata is the true daughter. Antonio wants to tell Regina right away but Isidro wants to get the other proofs together to present all the evidence to Regina and the authorities at one time. Antonio says, she is coming to DF tomorrow so we need to get everything together quickly. Isidro gets off the line to update Inez and they laugh that the proof is finally clear. The birth certificate made a day or two after Roberta was born was made out with Fina as Mom and Roberto as Pa It was her original name and has finger prints too. So Fina must have changed baby Regina’s name to Renata. She later passed Roberta off as Regina’s daughter so she could get close to the inheritance and all will be revealed now they are now sure they have solved the mystery. At least someone is laughing tonight.

Antonio tells Padre he will go to DF tomorrow on the first flight. Why not the weekend like you planned? Well I have other things to do. Padre writes out Tata’s address in the city so Antonio can go look for her.

We get more bittersweet romantic scenes in Renata’s memory of kissing, laughing and again, Jero’s and her words at the jail that nothing else will ever separate us again. Jero keeps swearing his eternal love, even all the way back to the heart carved into the tree. A few bad moments are revealed of Jero’s rejection, but mostly lovely ones fill the screen. He teases her freckles that he can’t do with out. She grips her stomach and remembers. She sinks onto the bed of so many passionate scenes, candles but only has pillows to hug. She looks longingly at the door as though he will suddenly appear through it.

Next time or so: Constanza joyfully learns Renata is pregnant. Fina at last has money. She seems joyful too. Antonio reaches Marina de Tatas’ house. She swears that Jero did not leave on the plane with her. So Antonio asks the question we all have, if he didn’t come with you, where did he go? And I want to know, who Augie paid off to falsify the manifest of passengers then?


Friday, December 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #169 Friday 12/16/11 Teary Goodbyes and No Hope for Hellos.

Queridos, we're headed into the home stretch of CME and I can't believe we only have a handful of weeks left of our lovely Nata, fearsome Fina, repulsive Roberta, and our anti-hero Jero. Let's savor what little time we have left!

Augie repeats his indecent proposal to Nata about becoming a father figure for her baby. He wants to give the little critter everything because of how much he cares about her. Nata reacts with shock and confusion.

Karina assures Lazaro that she feels nothing for Doc PlotTumor except pity. She wants to visit him only to give him a bit of peace. Lazaro gives his sweetie a kiss and admires her compassion.

Nata tells Matias and Adriana about her heart condition diagnosis but promises it's nothing to worry about. Oh, and Augie offered to be the father of her baby. There's that little fact too. Adriana thinks it's odd that Augie would offer to be a father figure for the baby of a man he hates. Nata is torn; Augie has always been there for her when times get tough yet something feels wrong about his offer.

Anibal does his best Nancy Drew sleuthing on Augie's laptop. He finds out that Augie has been investigating Marina and Saul.

Regina and Matias convene in Jero's office. They both agree to keep mum about Fina's possible death and will wait for confirmation before they distress Nata with the news. "When will all the suffering end for Renata?" Regina asks. "When?"

Nata says her goodbyes to Gitana as they walk together in the field. "Amgia, we have to leave all this behind again. The vineyard, the hacienda, and Jero. And we're not coming back this time." Nata swears to send for Gitana as soon as she can and sobs into Gitana's beautiful neck.

Anibal barely escapes discovery when Augie bursts into his office. Ani hides in the curtains as Augie manifestos to himself that Nata will be his.

Prissy strolls by Matilde with a smug smile. Mati wastes no time in shoving Prissy in the mud. LOL. Prissy gets up in a snit. "You pushed me!" (Tú me empujaste!) Prissy calls Mati a low-class nobody. "Yes, but at least I defend what's mine," Mati counters. "As long you you stay in this hacienda, I will make your life impossible!"

Honorio pays a visit to everyone's favorite unfairly accused jailbird. Constanza admits she hated Fina but she never would have wished such a terrible death upon her. Connie changes gears and whimpers about getting out of jail. Honorio does his best to give her hope. The cops are searching round-the-clock for Corina.

Meanwhile, the mistress of disguise gives herself a haircut and giggles about Blanca's stupidity. Now she's dead and Fina gets all her money. Ja, ja, ja.

Gonzo gives Jero's information to a private detective in hopes that Jero will be found quickly. The detective agrees to keep everything confidential.

Berta arrives at work to an awaiting German. He's got a house in the country and he wants her to come with him for the weekend. Beth, the secretary, peeks in just in time to see Berta deep-tonguing German. "No puede ser!" Beth sighs to herself.

Nata says her goodbyes to the ladies of the hacienda. There's not a dry eye in the house as Nata tells everyone that she's leaving for good. She asks all of them to keep quiet about her pregnancy. The last thing she wants is for Jero to find out about her baby. They promise to keep it a secret. Nata sobs that she will never forget any of them. Of course, none of the ladies will forget her either. Sobby group hug!

Fina and her kicky new haircut peruse the newspaper. She's pleased to read her own name on the list of deaths in the madhouse fire. Though she gets nervous when Blanca's name isn't mentioned at all. "No! She has to be dead!"

Indeed, she is. Blanca is on the slab at the morgue right that very moment. A supposed suicide note was found in Blanca's pocket (penned by Fina) but the detective doesn't buy it. "A ligature on the victim's neck suggests she was strangled (fue ahorcada)."

Berta asks German to let her visit his apartment early. She wants to decorate it as a surprise. He has no problem with it. In fact, his place is in the same building as Julieta and Matias's apartment. Berta's hackles raise at the news.

Not-Quite-Padre Antonio and Padre Severino have a chat. Padre wants to pay a visit to La Bonita; he's desperate for word from Marina.

Augie opens his computer and gets his angry face on. Uh-oh. Anibal broke one of the cardinal rules of Junior Sleuthing: always cover your tracks. Augie charges Anibal and the two of them end up in a fencing match. (Isn't this how all arguments should be solved?)

Augie holds the sword to Anibal's throat and warns him that nobody betrays him. Anibal plays innocent but when that doesn't work he gives a different excuse about using the computer.

Carlos walks in on Prissy changing clothes. He gets agitated and leaves the room.

Allison and Herminia gossip about Nata, Jero, and Augie's torrid affairs. Trust us, writers, we already know this stuff.

Nata packs the last of her bags and reminisces about Jero's cuddles, kisses, and pillow talk. "You're the most important thing in my life," Jero said. Nata cries. "Then why did you leave? Why did you lie?" Manuela interrupts to give Nata a box of photos and some sage advice. "Time heals all wounds, even the most painful ones." ("El tiempo lo cura todo, aún los dolores más fuertes")

Karina warmly greets Padre and Tony. No, she hasn't heard anything from Jero or Marina. But she does want to ask Padre to take her to see Doc. He's in an awful way and she wants to offer a little comfort. She's too kind for her own good.

Corina, in a Fina-worthy wig, is captured by undercover cops. They handcuff her and drag her away.

Beth delivers Honorio a cup of coffee and comes clean to him about German's constant sexual harassment. He made advances and intimidated her. Beth is on the verge of telling Hon about what she saw between German and Berta but Hon is interrupted by the news about Corina's capture. Hon promises to follow up on her complaints as soon as he can.

Berta and Fina cackle and spit at each other in their lair. Berta is uncomfortable that the entire world knows that Fina is a murderer. She mocks Fina for calling herself free when she's stuck hiding in an apartment.

Antonio mulls over the news that both Roberta and Renata have their father's heart condition. Tony asks if Regi ever doubted that Berta was her daughter. "Of course not," says Regi.

Nata interrupts to give Regina the box of old photographs. She shows Regi the photos of herself and Berta as children. Regina's head starts spinning. Antonio pockets a few of the pictures while her back is turned.

Marina goes shopping for a baby crib with a man. We never see his face. Is it Jero? Saul? Her twin brother? Padre Severino's illegitimate son that he doesn't know exists? I guess we'll never know...

Gonzo and Honorio sit in on the interrogation as Corina gets raked over the coals. Corina admits she was hired by Blanca and Fina to entrap Connie. Hon and Gonzo snap into action. Looks like Connie will be out of the clink by Monday. Gonzo gets a phone call from a different set of detectives. Blanca was murdered and Fina's body was not recovered in the fire. She's missing. "Do you realize what this means?"

Avances: Ultimos Capitulos! Ay, dios mio. "Renata is Regina's daughter!" Tony says with certainty. He also turns up unexpectedly at Marina''s in search of Jero.

empujar - to push
bosillos del pantalón - pants pocket
ahorcada - strangled / hanged.
husmeado - sniffed (ie: sniffing around, snooping)
acoso sexual - sexual harassment


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #168 Thursday 12/15/11 Never let a fox guard the hen house or a serpent guard the aviary

Last night we left just as the silver fox entered the hen house and offered our two little chickies a helping hand and ride into town. Tonight the protective and faithful sheepdog Laz rolls his eyes, but since one of our lovely birds is La Dueña of the Coop he is forced to concede. The fox gives the dog a victorious glance as he departs.

Over at the Den de Desamor, the young cub searches dad's office, but all the drawers and cupboards are locked.

In the La B cocina, Alison pumps Manuela for background on the characters in this tale. Manuela says apparently Doc Marina is a decent sort, she helped Manuela when she was sick, but she’s not happy that Jero ran off with her. She has no comment on Saul having never met him. They say he’s a doctor in the capital. (Did we know that? Makes sense I guess.) As for Don Augustin, she can’t say whether he’s good or bad, but he is very haughty (alzado, an interesting word that often means elevated or raised) and looks down his nose (por encima del hombro) at all of them. Manuela finally asks Ali why the sudden interest? Ali says she just wants to understand the people around her. Manuela gives Ali some advice: around here you look, listen, and keep your mouth shut. (Ve, oye, y calla).

Herminia runs in wriggling in excitement with her hot chisme. Ali cracks up and Manuela rolls her eyes, how many times has she told Hermi she hates gossip? But Hermi’s already spilling it, Don Augustin is driving Regina and Renata to Ensenada. Ali thought bubbles Hermi is the one who can reliably spill the soup.

Back the fox’s den the cub continues his search. He spies the laptop, boots it up, and appears frustrated as he pounds the keys.

Next up we see the giant letters in the bay of Ensenada announcing it is the Ruta del Vino and all I can say is I sure wish those monoliths had been there the one time I sailed into Ensenada because for the 3-4 months my boat was down there I was clueless that I was in the Wine Country. Oh well, cold beers went fine with fish tacos and I will just have to visit that now infamous wine country another time.

The doc is printing out the results of Renata’s ECG while Nata jokes about dying and Regina pats her arm in a motherly fashion.

Augustin, in white windbreaker of course, strolls and thought bubbles that without Jero in Nata’s life it will be easier to win her over again. It will take a while for her to forget Jero but Augi can be very very patient. (Since when?!?) He plans to become indispensable in her life but what are they going to do with Jeronimo’s cub? His icy glare does not bode well for the tiny creature’s future.

In the consultation the doc tells Renata she has a heart condition. He says it’s not serious but Nata needs to be vigilant during her pregnancy. Regina’s eyes grow wide as the jigsaw pieces of her brain start falling into place. “Has she had this condition since birth?” queries Regina. Doc says most likely, especially when he hears Nata’s sister also has a heart condition. In Nata’s case it just didn’t manifest itself until now. We can see by Regina’s face that more pieces are fitting together and she no doubt wonders if this lovely heart-achy chick could possibly be her own. Renata asks if she can fly to Mexico City and the doc says he will give her a prescription to minimize the altitude affect on her heart and pregnancy.

Puppy sighting! Back at La B Adri and Matias are playing Name That Dog. Matias suggests Fido (Feedo) which is the quintessential perro name. Adri corrects him and displays the chubby puppy underbelly. Silly Matias, it is a perra not a perro and both Adri and perra glare at him with big brown eyes, dumb boy. Adri snuggles the pup and tells Matias that Julietta called with some prime chisme. Apparently she saw Berta and German in her building and Robertita is the amante of none other than German Ibarrola! Matias grimly says dad’s not going to be happy to hear his kid is hanging with a married man and Adri says Regi’s not going to like it either. Matias reveals that Gonzo told him there was a fire at Fina’s psych ward but no word yet about Fina. Matias cautions Adri not a word of this news to Renata.

Our question regarding Fina’s hideout is answered as Berta lets them into her Germy lust nest. Berta coldly advises that she’ll give Fina some money to skip to Europe but this is the last thing she intends to do for mommy dearest and ma can’t stay there forever, is that clear? Fina cases the joint, feigning humility while she lets Berta blather. And one more thing, says Berta, she doesn’t want mom to insert herself in Berta’s life. She snips that Fina can go ahead and tell Regina that Berta’s not her own daughter if she wants and she, Berta, is no longer afraid of being alone because thank God she has someone. Fina supposes it’s the same so-and-so (fulano) that subsidised the apartment for them to wallow (revolcarse) in, no? And this same guy will protect Berta from everything, eh? Fina sneers and cackles give her a break, she’s not stupid. If Berta thinks this guy will give up everything for Berta then little B is sadly mistaken. Fina advises Berta to enjoy herself now because sooner or later Berta is going to ask Fina for help.  Those purple eyelids flutter in consternation.

Gonzo and Honorio are at the morgue and the locas are lined up horizontally, now clad in black body bags. The doctor tells G and H that the bodies are completely burned (calcinados) and they need authorization from the families before they can check records. Gonzo tells him he’s going to call and get Fina’s dental records sent over straight away.

Aw geez, is Isidro going to be delayed AGAIN from analyzing the prints? He sits across the desk from his bank guy drinking tea and taking a pill for his temperature. He’s also hoarse so I think he really is sick. Isidro asks the guy for a favor, something confidential to be kept just between the two of them. He  hands over the fingerprints from baby Regina Soberon and adult Renata and asks the guy to run an analysis. The guy supposes it’s for a good cause and he’ll check to see if they are a match. He’ll be able to let Isidro know in a couple of days to confirm Isisdro’s suspicions.  Isisdro wants the satisfaction of telling Regina who her daughter really is. OK so this is just between these two and Isidro is sick? Something tells me he’s going to be dead or out of commission when the results come in. GAH!!! They shake hands and Isidro smiles the grin of the doomed but hopefully I’m wrong about that.

Fina is enjoying her freedom and chugging a glass of good wine while Berta stalks around the apartment in her angry spike heels. Fina demands money and tells Berta she needs new clothes and accesories. Berta hands over some cash and sasses that she’s not mom’s servant. Fina lashes out that she’s the mother and Berta had better get her some new duds NOW.

After Berta grudgingly departs for the clothing store Fina recalls starting the fire, slipping the paper into Blanca’s pocket, giving Blanca her flying lesson and holding up the key to Blanca’s hidden wealth. Fina smiles and proposes a toast to herself for  her genius (genialidad) in getting rid of all the obstacles in her way and getting the money she needs. All she has to do now is change her look and get her “inheritance” from little Blanca. She raises her glass to heaven and starts to toast Blanca, changes her mind, lowers her glass down and toasts to Blanca in hell.

Back in Ensenada sly Augustin feigns concern that Renata’s baby is fine as he gets a bit more info about her ailment. Yes it’s the same condition that Doc NastyN discovered. Roberta also has the condition so it runs in the family (mal de familia). Regina says thankfully it’s not very serious so they can leave tomorrow for the DF. Augi suggests Renata should stay and recuperate some more but Nata wants to leave right away. Augi tells Nata just because she’s going to the DF doesn’t mean she won’t see him anymore. She confirms that she doesn’t want to lose his friendship. “Friendship!” he thought-bubbles, “I want MUCH MORE than your friendship Renata.”

Regina calls Gonzo and he tells her about the psych ward fire and that Fina is likely dead. Regina breaths a sigh of relief, not remembering that the sneaky gata has nine lives.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio (EM) the nasty serpent stalks the soft gray dove that he hopes to gobble up. Germy approaches receptionist Beth and she squirms in discomfort under his hungry gaze. He tells her to call him German and she responds how can she help him SEÑOR IBARROLA?  She tells him Roberta just called and she’ll be delayed getting to the office. Perfect, he says, knowing that wife-type #2 won’t be around to monitor him. He suggests taking Beth out to eat but she says she doesn’t go out with her bosses and her BOYFRIEND wouldn’t like it. The serpent hisses it’s a good idea to get to know her BOSSES better as it has many benefits, and she knows the kind of work he means. He licks his lips and leers at the prospect of lunch.

Roberta gets back to the lust nest cum hideout with bags of clothing and lunch. Fina tells Berta she wants Berta to be her eyes and ears at Gonzo’s house to see what they find out about her disappearance or incineration (calcinacion, which also means calcination and this might be a clue as to Fina’s demise). Berta agrees but she wants Fina to think about when she’s going to leave and with what, because she wants Fina outta there in a couple of days and has already given her all the money she has. Fina corrects her, Berta had better invent a story for her new boyfriend because it will take a couple of weeks before Berta gets her inheritance and they can escape together. Berta asks who says she’ll leave with Fina? “Your hate,” answers mom, “your hate for Regina and all the Monterrubios which is as great as mine.”  Berta retorts that she hates Fina more than she hates them. Fina tut tuts and says Berta needs to get over it because Berta will do what is best for the two of them.

Sweet Beth goes to Gonzo’s office to discuss a delicate matter with him. She starts to say that the other day she agreed to go out to eat with him but...she is interrupted. The serpent has stalked his prey into this sanctuary and spins it so that he just wanted to go out with Beth to assist with some company training (capacitacion) and personal improvement, is Gonzo cool with that? Gonzo says he fully supports training, right Beth? And with that the sad dove leaves the office in defeat.

Germy sits down and Gonzo says he realizes Germy joined the company at a time of great family conflict but Germy’s done a great job with business negotiations. Germy says he has even better news, he just closed the Edgardo Gorrena deal and he would like Roberta to go with him to the guy’s country house to work out the details of the contract. Gonzo hesitates at the idea of his purple cuckoo flying away with this guy, but Gonzo can’t see the predator in the man and finally relents. Germy is a master of making what is nasty sound innocent.

Ines and Isidro wring their hands as they discuss proving Renata is Regina’s daughter and the thought of Fina, who may or may not be Nata’s mom, burning up in the fire. Ines prays that Renata knows whether or not Pepa is her real mother when she finds out if Pepa lived or died in the fire. But then she says there is one more possibility, maybe Pepa escaped.

Hons welcomes Coni’s lawyer to his office. The lawyer says thanks to the picture and testimony of the woman from the center they are watching Corinna’s house and any moment now should be able to capture her.

Coni’s still in jail wailing for help from the Virgencita. With all the proof they have against Corinna can’t they let Coni out? I guess they have to have someone in jail and until they get Corinna Coni gets to keep her spot warm. She’s praying to the Virgen de Guadalupe to get her out of jail soon, she only wanted to help the little baby.

Back at LaB Matias and Adri discuss Germy while the puppy energetically nibbles Adri’s fingers with tiny, sharp teeth. Matias says Gonzo is convinced Germy is a good man and even a friend, but a good friend wouldn’t be having it on with one’s daughter. Germy is an entrepeneur and great businessman, but if he doesn’t respect the Monterrubios then he has no place at EM. Adri points out the problem is so far they only have Julietta’s word for it. At this dead end they weary of family business and let the puppy scamper on the floor while they smooch and express their undying love.

As Augustin’s truck hurtles inland its occupants are occupied with their own thoughts. Regina thinks that she never wanted Fina dead but she must admit that part of her is glad to be able to finally relax. But poor Renata, although her relationship with Fina was fractured, Fina was her mother. She prays to God to help them find the words to give Renata the news in the best way possible. Renata thinks about Jero and asks him how can he be so cruel to her yet again? Why? Why does he keep yanking away her ability to enjoy life? Augi drives and thinks that he will use Renata’s fragility, hate for Jero and her courage in his favor. He’s got to stop her from going to Mexico City and find a way to get her to open her heart to him again. And he thinks he might know just what to do!

Padre Severino tells Antonio that he’s looked everywhere for Marina and he can’t find her. Tony says maybe she and Jero want it that way, at least for now. Come on you two dopes, you look like Spy vs Spy and you are even stupider! Don’t you think it’s weird that nobody can find either Marina or Jero? They are missing! Aaarrrghhh!! At last Toni says something smart. He tells Padre S that even if he heard something in the confidence of confession, if there is any doubt that Jero and Marina have not disappeared voluntarily then Padre S should investigate and get to the bottom of the situation for everyone’s good. Ya think?

Back at La B Manuela and Kari wonder how this will all turn out. Will Jero return and if he does will Doc TwinsForTatas be with him? Manuela’s vote is that he returns alone and with a convincing (contundente) reason so Renata will forgive him. They both have a hard time figuring out what that reason could be. Renata’s heart is broken in a thousand pieces, will it ever be put back together as it once was?  Manuela uses Kari and Laz as an example, they finally got together after all those obstacles.

The phone rings and Manuela answers then goes white. She walks toward Kari and says it’s Dr. UnendingObstacle and he wants to talk to Kari! Kari reluctantly takes the phone and is afraid he somehow escaped from jail. No, he says, he’s still in the Tijuana jail. It’s his birthday and the only present he wanted to give himself is the sound of her voice. Creep!! Manuela and Kari listen as Dr. WhyWasIBornTodayOrAnyDay whimpers that of all the mistakes he made, with her he made the worst. The guard says “Time’s up” but NastyN keeps whining “I’ve done you so much damage and I loved you with an egotistical love, but I loved you, I loved you!”  Well that’s one helluva birthday present jerkoff, call your ex and terrorize her some more. From all the ladies may I say we hope our next birthday is in HELL!

The guard hangs up for NastyN, Kari is dumbstruck, and Manuela just shakes her head, “Too little too late,” (muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento). Kari says it hurt her to hear him and we are cursed with watching his thin-lipped maw gape in anguish as he blubbers her name over and over.

Speaking of anguish, MiClumsy is over at the chem lab dropping chemicals and pitching a fit because he’s sick of not being able to use his hands, oh boo hoo. Prissbutt uses this as an excuse, not that she ever needs one, to smarmily sooth his childish ego and fondle his hands. She is there to help out. He says he’s stressed out because he wants Jero to get back and have things return to normal. Prissy sits deeply within his space and faces him, making sure to touch his legs. She reminds him that he told her he was conflicted with his feelings about her and Mati and she caresses his face, pressing her case. Just as he is looking confused Super Laz saves the day by coming in and calling “Hey Brother-In-Law, Renata just returned.” Laz stares at Prissy and waits for Carlos to leave the lab before he departs. Priss the predator smiles smugly to herself. Is it because she thinks she’s making headway or has she identified Laz as an impediment?

Renata and Regina have their backs to us as they gaze at the vineyards from the La B porch. From this angle it’s almost impossible to tell them apart. Carlos and Laz join them and Renata tells them the appointment went well and she can leave any time. Carlos and Laz hang their heads but understand. Carlos assures her he’ll let her know what happens at La B. Renata says don’t bother, she has no interest in any more info about Jero or La Bonita; once she leaves it’s over. 

Augustin has his arms crossed in satisfaction as Renata asks Carlos and Laz to respect her wish to keep her pregnancy a secret from Jero. Jero chose to be with Marina and her children so Renata’s baby is all hers. Well? Can she count on them to respect her wish? Carlos reluctantly agrees but Laz hesitates and says he does not, since she first arrived everything at the hacienda has changed, but if this is what she wants she can count on them. (Alison has been listening to this last part and now she runs off, unseen.) Renata asks them to get everyone at the hacienda and gather them in the salon.

Anibal has been on dad’s laptop all this time and hopefully he’s done more than watch streaming video. Alison calls to give him the heads up that dad is back at the ranch. Ani says he’s found nothing, he can’t get into the laptop without the password. The kid must have been napping or daydreaming because he just now starts trying to figure out dad’s password. It’s not Renacer, what about Renata? Success! But of course dad’s back and will likely come striding in any moment.

The La B staff has gathered and Carlos tells them what he knows. He’s not sure exactly what Renata wants to say but she plans to leave and wants to ask them something before she goes. After lunch they’ll be ready to hear whatever Renata wants to say.

Carlos tells them he’s off to the vineyards until lunch. Kari prods Mati to follow him, doesn’t she have something to do outside?

Kari tells Laz about Doc Creepy’s birthday present to himself.

Outside on the picturesque patio Renata thanks Augustin for everything. He tells her although she’s leaving tomorrow he’d still like to be close to her, she means a lot to him. She says he means a lot to her too. He plans to give her all the time she needs and he wants to help her work things out. Renata clarifies for him that she really wants to be alone and dedicate herself to the baby.

Augustin says speaking of the baby, he wants to talk about what he’s been thinking about doing for it. Renata knows all too well the affect that not having a real father can have. He vows he can extend the deep love he feels for Renata to her baby. He proposes that the baby doesn’t need to have a phantom for a father, the baby can have a real daddy and they can form the real family that her child deserves. We conclude with Renata’s cara impactada as her brain tries to process his words.

So there you have it. A lot of talk, not a lot of action, and our biggest questions remain unanswered: Where is Jeronimo? Where is Marina? What did Fina put in Blanca’s pocket?

Avances: Renata wonders if she will be able to forget Jero. She kisses Augustin on the cheek but hugs Gitana with much more affection. She tells Adri that Augi proposes being her baby’s daddy. Mati pushes Prissy down. Fina cuts her hair. Beth walks in on Germy kissing Berta. New Look Fina sees something in the paper that makes her very happy. Gonzo hires a private detective to find Jeronimo. As Marina happily assembles a crib we see the backside of a mystery man. Is it Jero?

Dicho of the Day:
Cuando la zorra predica, no están los pollos seguros = When the fox preaches the chickens are not safe (Be wary of those who use good words but vicious acts)

alzado/a = haughty, vain, elevated
calcinado/a = burned, roasted
calcinacion = roasting, calcination
capitacion = training
contundente = convincing, overwhelming
fulano/a = so-and-so (fulano de tal = john doe)
genialidad = genius
mal de familia = runs in the family
muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento = too little too late (lit. his repentance came too late)
por encima del hombro = looks down his nose at, discriminates (lit. looks over his shoulder at)
revolcarse = to wallow, thrash about
Ve, oye y calla = Look, listen and keep your mouth shut


Cuando Me Enamoro #167 Wednesday 12/14/11 Augie smells victory, Fina takes matters into her own hands... Nata debating herself: Should I stay (believe you) or should I go (forget you)...

 By Marta Ivett
Alfo and Manuela: Allison is not here. She went with Anibal and she went to get the moto with him.  The man will last so little for your granddaughter, she better enjoy while lasts.
Anibal and Allison pick up the moto… he will give her a ride back to LaBonita. But have to go somewhere else before we get back.
At Renata’s room in LaB, the Doctor arrived.
He approaches reluctantly… did not know she was pregnant too.
How long along? A month, month and a half?
Anibal goes to Padre Seve, tells him want to confess because he is almost sure Agustin had to do with Nata and Jero’s wedding not happening…  Padre seems to have seen a ghost. Anibal says don’t know what to do with this info, he is my dad. Padre asks how does he know. Heard him say he would prevent the wedding. Was talking to a man about a plan… a man named Saul… Padre has gone from seeing a ghost to deer in headlights stare. Padre urges Anibal to talk. Anibal is reluctant, noone will believe him above his dad. Padre says find a proof that you are telling truth. Otherwise cannot commit the sin of ommission for fear. Anibal does not want his dad to make others suffer, he always manages to make others do as he wills… like he did with my mother.
Doctor says the faint was not caused by the pregnancy but by a heart aurhythmia (sp?)
Adri suggest her mom’s cardiologist. But Dr says can’t travel until she gets an EKG and visits cardio at Ensenada. Nata is in a hurry to leave…
Nata with Gina in bedroom at LaB…  Nata promises Gina to do the EKG. Will do it for the baby. She would leave if it was for her. Gina says the baby will give her the will to go on. Both Gina and Nata are upset…
N: Why did he leave me, Gina? He knew he was at liberty to talk to me and tell me anything, so why did he leave me?
G: Don’t understand his actions and can’t accept he did this to you.
(strong hug of support)
Hono and Gonzo at MC are having coffee, Both are outraged at what Jero supposedly did to Nata. Gonzo says he will hire an investigator to find Jero and force him to assume his cowardness. Will force Jero to face Nata… will force him.
Ines and a worker at the center give the cops a picture of Corina…
At manicomio, Blanca and Fina are hoping tonight things will go well… Fina is very bossy with Blanca and she bounces back at her, not liking it one bit. Each one has contributed to the society. When we get out, I will call the shots… because I have the moolah. I don’t have to beg like you do with Berta.
When Blanca leaves, Fina gives her a devilish stare… (she has something in her mind).
Carlos very frustrated the doctor was only able to take one hand’s bandages away. The other one is not ready, and the more he uses it the slower the wounds will heal. He gives up.
Anibal meets back with Allison, he is bit nervous. He asks if he can trust her. She reminds him she already shares his secrets about his dead mom and she has not told a soul. Anibal says will need your help again. Sure.
Padre gets home to church, talks himself saying he does not understand anything. What do Augie and Saul have to do with one another? And you Marina, why did you leave with Jero? Hard to believe he left Nata after he told me he loved Nata with all his soul. There is something that does not quite fit. I have to find out.. what really happened and why Saul had meetings with Augie.
Antonio at LaB asking Gina what Dr said about Nata. So she does have a cardiac condition. Gina says it would not be hard to believe, Nata and Berta have the same dad, so Nata could have inherited the condition too. Antonio thinks to himself that this is another proof that Nata is your daughter and not Berta.  Then they change subject to Jero’s leaving. They both are in disbelief that Jero would do this. Gina asks what if he was forced? Only that way would she believe he would do it. She would put her hands in the fire for Jero. He would never leave Nata. Antonio tells her if she is right, only time and God will tell.
The God rep on earth, Padre Seve, is trying to call Marina… but her number is out of service. Where are you Marina? Where?? He calls her MC office and hospital but they have not seen her. MY God, help me clear this all up, I beg you.
Nata tells Adri it is incredible how patterns get repeated. My mother had the same thing happen. She was abandoned and raised me alone. Adri says the difference is Jero has not found out you are pregnant. Nata says ‘and he will never know’. Adri raises a little quiet protest. What if he finds out and comes looking for you? Nata doubts that he will care. He left me. And at that point, he decided for all of us. So I don’t care. My child will grow without its dad but will have lots of mom. (she is very upset by now, great acting by SN). Adri reminds her it will also have a godmother to protect it… and a honor grandmom like Gina who will adore it, two ‘dad’s like Matias and Don Gonzo… that child will have lots of love and people to spoil it. Nata is hopeful, it will not need its dad, because it won’t need a Jeronimo Linares. (another strong hug in support for Nata)
Mati and Kari are arguing about Prissy… Kari reprimends Mati for stepping aside and letting Prissy make her feel ‘lower category’.  She threw a line at you and you fell hook line and sinker.  She is a hypocrit. She fakes nice and sweet in front of him but she brings out her claws in front of you. Mati whines now you say I am the one to blame!
Kari says even the kiss must have been provoked by Prissy. Mati blames Chalie. Kari insists as ‘enologos’ they can share language. But you… you own his heart. With you he feels other things. You love Carlos, right? Yes. Then defend your love. Fight for him!
At the apartment, German is attending a call by his wife, leaving the apt after smelling a garment of Roberta’s (YUCK)  … Julieta runs into him… and questions him if he is new in building. Then she recognizes him from Gonzo’s wedding once he tells her his name.  He gets frozen cold… That woman, Gema, is your wife, right? I am the ‘fake’ girlfriend of Matias. Did your wife and you move here? No, bought the apt for my son. For when he comes visit to Mex. I come every now and then to check on it. It’s a small small world..indeed!  As she leaves he looks her top to bottom over his shades… YUCK!!
At jail, Honorio is reassuring Connie… she asks how he could stand this when he was there because of Blanca… he replies because if you, kept thinking about you.  Connie appologizes for being so dumb. HE says don’t worry, lets look forward. BTW, have news for you. The video cameras caught Corina’s face and also a woman who works at center says she might know the area where Corina lives. Connie gets hopefull although crying.
Manuela tells Kari and Mati that Nata will return to Mex with her family as soon as she gets a medical clearance. Kari understands Nata, LaB must bring her lots of bad memories. Mati says we will have to wait and see what happens with el hermoso. Maybe he is waiting for Nata to leave to come back. It is possible.
Antonio gets to church, tells Padre that they do know Marina left with Jero on same flight. Also tells Padre about Saul’s visit to LaB and what he told Nata, although he was drunk. Padre wonders why didn’t he come tell me instead of Nata? Antonio says you are right… it is very strange. Padre says the day Jero came to talk to Marina he said he loved Nata. So there is something else … come with me to see Saul, I will ask him in his face and I will know if he is lying or telling the truth.
Augie goes to LaB, Nata tells him Jero abandoned her. He left with Marina. What are you going to do? Go home to my house and leave everything that reminds me of Jero. Augie asks her not to leave. She insists… HE asks are you sure?...
At manicomio… Blanca and Fina meet up with Leandro the crummy doctor. Blanca also wants to leave. Leandro says you pay me the way I want and then you can go too. So Blanca stays with Leandro while Fina heads to utility room with a gallon of gas in hand. Fina pours the gas all over.
Blanca has a syringe and nails Leandro in the back several times with it. He falls to floor while Fina makes spaghetti out of the power wires… and then makes them touch the gas that she spilled… it is a miracle there wasn’t an immediate explosion … everyone goes beserk in building, Fina and Blanca both escape and meet up out in the street.
At LaB Nata is remembering intimate moments with Jero. Background song says ‘I am here trying to get up from this new blow’… She can’t understand … keeps remembering… when he said they were writing a new love story together…  if you had told me you were leaving with her you would have broken my heart but face to face, not like this.  (remembers when they went to step on the grapes together recently)… and the fireworks with the ‘marry me again’ sign.  Their making love afterwards. Song continues ‘this time I will free myself from your lies and will leave’…
Fina and Blanca are out on the street, get rid of the white robes… Fina insists they go to the church right away to get Blanca’s hidden money. Blanca says the post office is closed, Fina says louder ‘but not the church, so we can go get the key!!’.

Again Nata in bedroom, gets a shirt of Jero’s from the armoire… hugs it, kisses it and remembers the not so happy moments when they first arrived together at LaB and he asked Lazaro to put her bags in the guest room… then at the beach when he rejected her request to make love and she told him this was her last time requesting and he would not touch her again. Back to present… you didn’t even take your things…. How  do you want me to forget you, Jero!! Tell me how to forget … song says ‘its better that way’… she reminds when he went to Cruz de Amor and accused her of being ‘Augie’s current lover… after not showing up at the appointment/date… and sends him the divorce papers instead…  back to present. Now won’t only have to hate your absence, but also your presence. You decided to leave me… very well. You will not be in my life anymore, you decided for the both of us.
Out in MC somewhere, Fina seems to be waiting for Blanca. She comes out with the key. Blanca asks if Fina called Berta… (Fina says yes, not sure if she really did, but says Berta will wait for us at an agreed location). They head away. Right through a high bridge… (hmmm!) … Blanca is running, Fina stops her, saying she is out of breath, have to rest. And then Fina gets the scapular and chokes Blanca with it from behind…  Just as Blanca says today we are free, tomorrow we will be rich and powerful, this key will be our passport… Fina chokes Blanca and tells her no, not ours, it will be mine.. because at this moment  our association is over. I don’t need you. I don’t need you anymore.  Goodbye forever, Blanca… (Fina pushes her off the bridge the stares at her like a mad serial killer, even waving goodbye at Blanca’s body which is spitting black blood from mouth and nose… (flattened brain/skull for sure).
Blanca,… blanquita, my queen… thank you again… Goodbye!  (runs away happy)
At MR manor, Gonzo and Berta are having breakfast. Gonzo asks the maid to prepare Nata’s room for her. Berta asks why. Nata will return to this house. Yesterday your brother confirmed that Jero abandoned Nata to go with that doctora.  Berta sarcastically comments that that is bad news.
Gonzo reads the paper and gets alarmed. He has read the news of the fire at the manicomio at the reclusory. Gonzo is breathing hard worrying about how Nata will take these news, with everything that is happening to her.  Berta instantly looks like she just ate nitroglycerin lozenges and they are burning up her throat… Do you think my mom… I mean Josefina … would have died? Gonzo does not know, he will find out at the reclusory right away. Berta thinks to herself. Surely you’re alive. I am sure you had to do with the fire. You CANNOT BE DEAD.
Julieta calls Adri, tells her she saw German and Berta in the building… and that she saw them kissing the other day as they went in the apartment.  Adri is excited to finally get some evidence that something IS going on between Berta and German.
Gonzo calls Matias… tells him to make sure Nata does not find out what happened to the mental health center. Matias tells him in return that Nata has some cardiac condition… which puts Gonzo to think… same as Berta?... Even worse… not a word of the Fina issue to Nata… Matias asks about Connie’s case. Gonzo feels very grateful to German. He has won my gratitude and trust for life. He made the measure with our family and that is priceless… Gonzo asks when they will return. Mat says don’t know now until Nata gets cleared for traveling.
Fina meets Berta at parking lot… yerba mala nunca muere… Berta is not really happy to see her. Asks her if she caused the fire. How nice you know me so well… Berta says for her disgrace she does… Fina says since I made so many sacrifices to raise you so comfortably, now you owe me. I need you to register at a hotel so I can stay there… Berta will do but not happily… She will take her somewhere noone will recognize or find her. Takes her in the car (convertible) and tells her to duck…
Augie returns to LaB, runs into Gina and Nata… they are heading to doctor at Ensenada. Augie offers to take them… says he was thinking of going to Ensenada anyway… he will be glad to take them.  Lazaro is nodding, but is not so sold on the idea. But he has to comply since Nata and Gina accept the offer… Augie lets them go ahead, but turns around and smiles / grins at Lazaro… (this cannot turn out well)…
Fina toasts to Fina for her victory.
Nata tells Carlos and Lazaro.. she does not want to hear anything of LaB or Jero once she leaves.
Augie offers to Nata that his love is so big that he is willing to take care of her child with her.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #166 Tuesday 12/13/11 Jero’s a Zero. . . .Believe it or Not!

By Lila

Last episode’s overlap:  Big Mouth Bertha gleefully filling in Jutjaw on Renata’s pregnancy;  Oh no!  I “get” to see Prissybutt caress that doofus Carlos!  Oh, that WAS sickening!  Renata’s determination to go search for Jero herself is interrupted by the drunken Saul declaring they are victims of the same painful disgrace:  “Jero and Marina have run off together abandoning you and me!”

No, no, it’s a lie Renata coolly states.  Saul maintains it’s the truth, what does he have to gain by lying?  Matias forces Saul to plop down hard on the sofa which immediately launches him into a flashback of the tale he pulled out of his arse to tell Jero:  Jero and Saul are sitting in a café, Saul is telling Jero Marina doesn’t know we’re talking , he asks Jero to be discrete and gives him a piece of paper with the supposed address where he and Marina will be staying in D.F.  Jero further exposes the Achilles heel that got him in this mess:  I just couldn’t live in peace without knowing about my children!  I understand, trust me assures Saul.  Jero is easily taken in Saul’s confidence. [Insert your own epithet here].  In walks Tata herself, Saul feigns surprise and Tata is pissed at this paternalistic plotting!  Tata vows angrily she’s going to erase Jero right out of her life for ever!  Jero looks helplessly at Saul, like, help me out here, man.  Tata is in a tizzy!  She doesn’t want Jero to ever know anything about her or her children ever! 

Back to the present Saul continues his lie that Marina became furious when Jero told her he was marrying Renata today, that it was after this news that Marina declared he would never see her or her children again.  Renata, Regina, Matias and Adri continue listening as Saul excretes his tale . . back to the flashback. . .Marina angrily accuses Saul of betraying her as she wads up the paper with the address and declares there is no way she’s going with him nor is she staying with Jero.  Saul is not very convincing and we see Renata, Regina and Adri are not buying his bull either.  He claims he bought two tickets and thought he’d convince her to change her mind during the flight but to his surprise. . .flashback again. . .  In the airport Saul pleads that everything he’s done he did for her and thought would be in line with her wishes.  The surprise:  there at the ticket counter is Jero.  Jero tells Marina he has decided he cannot live without knowing about and being close to his children.  He’s going to go with her but she must understand he can never, NEVER love her the way he loves Renata.  Marina makes sure he knows, it’s her and his babies or Renata and if he stays with her he can NEVER EVER look for her.  You’ve made this very clear, Jero states, very clear.  Where does that leave me?  I’m sorry, I’m going with Jeronimo.  Back to the present:  Just like you I was left cold, frozen.  I never knew Jeronimo could do just a thing, I only called him to help him. . .Saul klunks down on his knees on the floor.

No lo creo!  I don’t believe you, this is not the Jeronimo I know.  Regina backs her up as Saul continues his drunken swearing.  Finally Matt puts him out!  [Praise the Lord!]

Back to the main parlor of LB Renata’s resolve is dissolving as she mouths fervent prayers to the Virgencita, flanked by Adri and Regina reassuring her these were the words of a drunken a$$hole [well, they shoulda called him that.]  Matt cuts through the fearful trembling with this:  Renata, I’m not saying I believe this jerk, but there are some consistencies in his story:  Jeronimo did not return after talking to this dude.  I say we go to the airport and get a list of the passengers who took flights out last night.  This will settle all doubt!

Mati sits pensively on her bed.  Kari knocks and enters.  Any new of el hermoso? Mati asks.  No news.  Are you sad for him or for Carlos?  Kari knows suffering when she sees it and easily disarms Mati of her pouty armor.  Mati reveals that she caught Carlos and Prissy kissing.  Kari is visibly impactada. . .was he kissing her or was she kissing him Kari asks.  It doesn’t matter, don’t try to justify him. . .he’s been lying to me!  Mati would rather break it off with him now for good as she can’t trust him and doesn’t know what he’s capable of:  she’d rather be a nun or an old maid!

Out to Mexico City:  All right, Hon gives the Investigator a CD with a time-stamped recording of the security cameras at his house plainly showing Corina coming and going with the stolen Sandra Ortiz (Amparo) in tow.  Hon and the Investigator watch and it’s damn near a high school yearbook perfect shot of that horrid Corina carrying the stolen baby.  Oh. Hell. Yeah. Con’s lawyer knods his approval.

Meanwhile outside Regina’s Hope Ines explains to a group of women that thanks to Corina, the Center is closed and Constanza is in the clinker.  She asks their patience and one of the women wants to know how they can help.  Let’s form a posse and got that damned Corina!  One of them knows where she lives and they vow to haul the heffa in!

Back at the jailhouse the Investigator has finished viewing the security camera CD as Gonzo arrives.  Hon introduces them and the Lawyer lets Gonz know they have some video that may help exonerate Constanza.  Gonz has been thinking on the flight about why Corina would kidnap a baby and then take it to the Center and to Hon and Connie’s house?  This is the same question The Lawyer has had:  when someone has kidnapped an infant it is usually to sell it or to extract some vengeance upon them as was done to Regina, Gonzo adds.  He follows this train of thought with more conviction:  he thinks someone did this as an act of vengeance against Constanza and Regina.  But who?  Who would want to do such a thing queries Hon.  Uh oh!  A furrow grows in Gonzo’s brow as the drums swell and we are swept to Julieta’s apartment building. 

Julieta takes to the stairwell just as the snake we love to hate exits the elevator.  Oh, wait, Julieta sees Roberta begin to unlock an apartment door opened by German, who greets her with a kiss and sweeps her inside.  Ah, I know this guy, but from where? Julieta muses.

Back at the den of iniquity Roberta is fishing for compliments and German is flashing back to his last attempted fling with a fine young thing.  [Oh no!  Anybody know the receptionist’s name?  This horn dog has been after her!]  He tries to talk Roberta into going away with him for the weekend.  What are you going to do with your mujercita?  Seems like she’s got you on a short chain!  Let’s make a deal, German counters:   How about you don’t mention my mujercita I don’t mention that you kept a client’s check that was supposed to go to Empresas Monterrubio?  What check she duh-mbly asks?  In a couple of sentences German let’s Berta know he’s not as dumb as she looks.  He knows all about the scam.  We got a deal?  [Y’all know the answer to that.]  German moves in and possessively pulls the cowed cow in, establishing his dominance with an unwavering glare.

Gonzo is talking to his sister, Cons through the bars.  [Gosh, I hope somebody brought poor Cons a pair of Nikes, house slippers, somethin’, a track suit, know what I’m saying?]  Think, think, he entreats Cons, do you have any enemies?  [My friends, feel free to rip this little interaction apart, “. .do you have any enemies?  Sheesh!]  Well, all I can think of is Fina and Blanca, but they’re locked up.  I thought so too but there must be someone else, someone who is so close to us that they brought a baby that was given our Mother’s name cries Cons.  Yes, I’m sure, says Gonzo, you were entrapped and I won’t rest til I find out who’s behind this! 

We’re back at LaBonita having coffee with Regina and Antonio.  Regina remains incredulous of Saul’s story but Antonio, like Matt sees a glimmer of truth.  Jero came to the parsonage looking for Marina one day and she told him he couldn’t have his cake and eat it too:  he couldn’t have his wife AND the mother of his children in the same place.  Yes, that is the same thing this hombre, Saul, said.  Antonio you don’t think there’s any truth that he chose Marina asks Regina as Renata walks up.  Oh no!  Drum rolls us back to awful Auggie’s. . .

Saul is recounting Renata’s shocked disbelief at his tale of woe and betrayal as Auggie chuckles and rubs his paws together.  Yaaay!  Anibal approaches the door then stealthily listens near the threshold as Auggie congratulates Saul on a job well done and pays him and tells him to get lost from the Valle de Guadalupe.  I know now without a doubt that you are responsible for Jeronimo not returning to marry Renata, Papa, Anibal concludes silently.

Hoo boy, here comes Prissypants to pull Mati’s chain.  I’ve been looking for you to thank you for realizing that you couldn’t compete with me.  [Insert nasty, cattish meowing]  It’s clear Carlos needs a woman like me, not a little nothing like you!  Mati has no comeback and breaks down almost before Prissy’s stench can waft from the room.  I hate you Prissy, because everything you said is true.  I couldn’t compete with you, I’m not at your level.  Dang!  [EJ, we got another client for ya!]

[Renata’s been holding up pretty good thus far and I’m not feeling as anguished as I thought I might but this doesn’t look good.]  Regina, Adri and Tony are with Renata in the parlor when in walks and limps Matt and Carlos.  What has happened demands Renata.  We didn’t find Jeronimo but we found his truck in the parking lot of the airport in Tiajuana.  It had been there since yesterday night Carlos reports.  We were able to look at the passenger list and confirmed that Jeronimo took the same flight last night that Marina took Matt solemly states.  They went together to Mexico City.

Adri gasps and Renata takes a breath too shallow to support her frame, we hear the muffled, plaintive pounding of her heart as she collapses in a heap to shouts as everyone dives to keep her off the floor.  The haunting heart pounding continues to sound. . .oh no!

Maybe it’s good that we’re back in the kitchen.  The wise Kari continues to counsel Mati. . .hmmm, we’re snatched away in less than ten seconds.  Renata is still not responding to her friends frantic efforts.  Adri runs for alcohol.  Antonio and Matt carry Renata to the bedroom.   Well, seems this is flashback city.  Auggie remembers hearing the news of Renata’s pregnancy from Berta.  This was not in my plans. [Sheesh, his tought bubbles are even nasty]  I don’t want you to have anything of Linares let alone this brat.  I’m sorry Renata but this bastard disturbs my plans!  [Thus Auggie signs the deed for prime acreage in HELL!] 

Renata has regained consciousness and is sitting up in bed.  Antonio wants to call in an OB (Tata’s OB) to examine her.  He wisely advises the fainting could be due to her pregnancy but it could be something else including a congenital heart defect like your sister has.  At first she answers no to Tony, that she never had heart problems then she remembers the car accident and the heart episode she has.  This comment goes straight to Regina’s heart and she alerts to this statement with great interest.  She recalls she was supposed to have an electrocardiogram but didn’t (flashback a-gain to a scene with Dr. Crotchrot, Areli, Auggie and Renata in a neck brace discussing the need for the ecg).  Regina and Tony go immediately to call the Dr. while Adri, the bestest friend ever, enfolds Renata in a warm, nurturing embrace.

Mexico City.  Ok friends.  I haven’t seen this scene yet.  Is it going to be Jero and Tata?  He sure as heck got some splainin’ to do!  Oh.  It’s Skankzilla and Germy.  Skanky happily tells Germy the wedding didn’t go off and never will cause Jero ran off with another woman.  Germy coolly sizes up Bert’s glee at this turn of events and her obvious lack of love for her family.  Why?  Did Renata tell you that?  You have no idea everything she’s done to me.  No, because instead of going to see your Aunt in the hoosegow you came here to be with me.  Berta regurgitates more bile about being the victim of the family’s exclusion and Germy concludes this must be why she feels no sense of loyalty or integrity about the family business.  Germy wants an explanation about the check and Berta, looking strange with bare feet, pads off in a huff to the bedroom.

Back at El Centro Ines is trying to convince Flor of the Posse de las Madres to go into the Police Station to make a declaration against Corina.  Ines will go with Flor. 

We’re back at the Jailhouse.  The Lawyer dude gives Gonzo a photo of Corina which was grabbed from the surveillance video.  Hon instructs the Lawyer to plaster the city with Corina’s picture.  Gonzo inquires about the case against Regina. 

Tony and Regina are in the study and have reached the Dr. and he’s going to come see Renata.   Regina still can’t believe Jeronimo would have run off with Marina.  The phone rings.  It’s Gonzo. He tells Regina there is hope that they’ve got a bead on Corina and Cons may be freed soon.  This is good news for El Centro as well.  Regina matter of factly tells Gonzo that Jero took the same flight as Marina for Mexico City. . .then it’s a fact, Jeronimo abandoned my Renata?  It seems so but I just can’t believe it Regina states firmly.  Dammit, that’s it.  Gonzo wants his whole family back with him tomorrow and forget Jeronimo Linares forever!  FOREVER!

Matt and Renata once more bond through sorrow when YAAAAY!  THE PUPPY IS BACK!!  How good to hear Renata immediately begin chortling in baby-puppy talk!  To Matt’s question what can they do, Renata asks that an investigation be started at once on Jeronimo’s whereabouts.  Matt’s like, why?  For what purpose?  Renata smells a rat, this just isn’t adding up.  Matt and Adri have that tone of voice and look adults have when a kid is talking about that special friend that no one else can see.  Renata hangs tough.  I know deep down within myself that something has happened to him.  Matt tries to convince her she’s going through the stages of grief and soon she will accept. . . .No, no, lo voy a aceptar, Matias no lo puedo aceptar mi vida sin Jeronimo!  I won’t, I can’t accept life without Jeronimo. Adri tries to hug her.  [Aye, Renata, I know those kind of sobs of frustration, your head is hurting, your nose is stopped up and you’ve cried so much your eyes are dry heaving.]  Jeronimo loves me she cries that ragged, hiccupping kind of cry when you’re so caught up in the emotion.  They embrace her as that infeliz leads us to break.

Back at La Bonita:  Super Laz is livid.  He’s not buying this bull about Jeronimo!  They yell about how unbelievable it is.  Renata had accepted the babies, it was no problem!  Yells Laz.  But Marina did not accept Renata Carlos shouts.  And you know what’s so killin’ about it Carlos says, dialing the decibels down for dramatic effect:  Jeronimo left here without knowing that Renata is pregnant too.

Back in this bedroom that has heard so much wailing, seen so many tears and the awful genuflections of grief Renata is told about Gonzo’s wish that they leave La Bonita.  Her lids heavy and swollen, Renata agrees.  It is so painful being here, and there’s nothing else to do. 

Back in the kitchen Manuela gives the 411 to Alfie.  [Oh Gawd, don’t let her within 100 yards of Renata!]  They discuss, of course, how unbelievable it is that Jero is a Zero and dumped Renata on her wedding day.  Eso me demuestra que todos, todos los hombres son iguales!  [What a surprise utterance from Alfie – NOT – students, you can figure out from context what that means!]  Manuela weakly protests.  Alfie is with her own baby because she gave Alison permission to accompany Anibal to go get his bike out of the shop.  Alfie is so starry-eyed over Anibal, she wants her to enjoy this first blush of luuurve before Anibal crushes the bloom.  [Hey!  Where is Super Laz’s understudy anyway?  Wasn’t he supposed to fling some major ca ca into the proverbial fan?]

Oh, there he is with young Alison!  Please put on the helmets!

Ah, the Marcus Welby of Mexico is in the house.  He asks Renata how far along she is.  Month, month and a half.

Ok.  Here’s Anibal with Padre Severino.  Uh Oh.  My dear Catholic friends, they’re saying some little prayers and the Padre is wearing his beautiful purple cloth.  Does this mean this is a protected communication?  Oh no!  Well, before freaking out, let’s hear what he has to say:   I wanted to confess because I’m almost sure that Augustin Dunant, my Papa, had something to do with the fact that the wedding between Jeronimo and Renata did not take place.  Padre loses his sacred composure and turns with a look of horror to stare Anibal square in the face.

Doc Welby is done:  Renata is fine gynecologically  but she has a heart arrhythmia.  He wants to refer her to a Cardiologist and Adri has a suggestion but the Doctor doesn’t want her to travel, she must get the studies in the hospital in Ensenada and let the results dictate whether she can travel or not.  [oh, the bottom just dropped out of my stomach. . .she’s going to end up having Auggie take her to the hospital for the tests!!!]  Regina is feeling an instinctive disquiet within as she turns to look at Renata as the color drains from our little tableau of woe.

Well, friends, looks like I dodged another bullet, wasn’t as bad as I feared.   The explosive previews appear to be not just for tomorrow but maybe for the next few days:  Fina setting an electrical fire, choking Blanca and throwing her from the top of a tall building, more anguished crying of Renata and a mixture of scenes we’ve already seen.  Thanks for readin’ this and see y’all in cyberspace!


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