Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 8 Wed. 10/30/19: Never Say Never--OR--Ámbar Returns

It is evening and Leonora is visited by a driver with a car. He gives her a card with a message: "I need to see you."  She asks if Alejandro is okay. The driver's only response is that he is there to drive her. He suggests she put something else on because it is cold outside.  She looks at the card and wonders what is going on.

Evidently Alejandro isn't waiting for her yet because he is  clothed and  drunk sitting on the floor of a shower getting soaked.  Catalina  appears, pulls him out and asks him what he is doing.  He admits to being drunk and angry because he feels like he is being suffocated.  Catalina thinks it is all because of Miguel.  Alejandro doesn't agree.  It is all about him and feeling that he is just another piece on her chess board.  She tries to take his wet shirt off which just enrages him more. She cuts that off quickly with a slap across his face telling him to shut up and to get dressed.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion, 10/30/19: Fabrica de Sueños, Televisa's Failure?

The excellent La Usurpadora and the much-anticipated Cuna de Lobos were part of a Televisa initiative to present lavish 25-episode productions of past classics by the network. What mystifies me is the reason behind some of these, as I have seen most of them. The Wikipedia page listed the rest of them in this order:
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Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 7 Martes 10/29/19: Alibis

Alibis are interesting things. Most people invent them when they are unable – or unwilling – to keep a social commitment. Others need them to cover lies. Smart criminals save the best ones for when they kill.– D.D.
Catalina and Diego were going over communication statuses of their suppliers when Francisco entered her office. She closed her computer and asked whether he had heard from Ámbar.
No. I just spoke to Vega; she's still ignoring me. What worries me is I don't know if I have the right to insist she return my call. I don't know.”
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Monday, October 28, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 6 Lunes 10/28/19: Pictures Tell Many Tales

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I've worked for magazines and television long enough to know how much power they have. They serve many purposes: They are plans, art, memories, flirtation fodder, evidence, bait, and they can also be deadly weapons. In the digital age they are even more powerful in all these capacities. Use your camera wisely. – D.D.

Catalina took Ámbar's cell phone out of the drawer and looked at the photos. She saw the very photos that had been sent to Carlos the night she murdered him and realized they had come from Ámbar. She flew into a rage and swept everything off her vanity table with a vicious scream.
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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 5 Fri. 10/25/19: Ambar's One Way Ticket--OR--Catalina and the Cost of Leadership

We pick up with Catalina waking up in an empty bed the next morning. She finds Francisco trying to contact Ambar on his phone and suggests he go back home. Evidently Ambar is trying to get his attention since she wants him to feel guilty and is being successful. An irritated Francisco admits that he feels guilty and is worried Ambar might talk to his nephews. Even more he wonders how Catalina can be so cut and dried about it  all.

As they leave Catalina's house, Alejandro wants to take Leonor to his jewelry  business to show her around and return the ring.  She wants to go to the Rodolfo Lazar lecture. He is a famous photographer and she wanted to meet him but now all of the tickets are sold out. Alejandro thinks that his mother with her influence could get her a meeting with Lazar. As they are talking,  José Carlos comes out agitated looking for the car keys. Alejandro tells him they are where they always are: in the car and tells him he cannot drive in the state he is in. José Carlos gets in anyway. Leonor jumps in the passenger seat and  tells him he does not have the right to put the lives of others at risk and that only he is the one who is responsible for the situation he is in and how to fix it. That gives José Carlos something to think about.
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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 4 Thurs. 10/24/19

An Anonymous contributor has graciously provided the Thursday recap. Whoever it might be, we thank AnonFri for stepping up. How about a round of virtual applause, and may this contributor not stay Anonymous too long.

Alejandro visits Leonora’s humble home that evening. He informs her he also has his own apartment and that he really doesn’t always live with his family. He’s only there now because of his mother. It seems she asks him how he’s feeling about his father’s death, and he says well.

Gélica is giving Catalina a massage. When she lowers the nightgown strap Catalina pulls the sleeve of her cover back and ends the session.

Leonora tells Alejandro she’s never met anyone who’s been on top of an elephant. He hands her his phone to show proof (was he with Jose Carlos?) She asks about his brother. Did they ever try other forms of therapy for him? Alejandro receives a phone call and Leonora gets someone at the door. Luis shows up with a paper bag. Alejandro asks if everything was resolved regarding his job. He says yes, to thank Catalina for that. Alejandro lets Luis know he mostly helped him because of Leonora.
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Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 3 Wed. 10/23/19: "Monsters" --OR-- "Ay (EYE), There's The Rub"

And we continue with our twisted tale:

At Catalina's house, Gélica notices a spot of blood on Catalina's blouse. Catalina sees her staring at it and tells her that she stained it but doesn't remember how. She adds that Gélica is to throw it away because she will never be able to get the stain out. Gélica looks oddly upset as she leaves the room with the blouse in hand.

Luis is at his place (his home away from where his wife and child live) when he hears on TV that Vasco the forensic pathologist was found dead with a bullet wound to the head at the forensic facility where he worked. Luis springs into action and takes the folder from Vasco from its hiding place. Leonora is knocking at his door.

José Carlos is arrested still in his drugged stupor. The press is there to cover this event marked by alcohol, drugs and violence since he is the son of the famous businessman the late Carlos Larios.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 2 Martes 10/22/19: Achilles' Heel

Everyone has their weaknesses, no matter who they are. The key to protecting yourself is never to trust anyone to know them. High society – or what passes for it these days – is just as much a minefield as the corporate world or a war one. In our tale no one knew this better than Catalina Creel. Yet eventually someone will know hers. Only her arrogance protects her from knowing this. – D.D.

Catalina returned to her office in the dark, the middle of the night. It was the perfect atmosphere for her to review her thoughts. When one kills for the first time, one is afraid. But when one learns to do it precisely, afterwords one feels nothing.
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Monday, October 21, 2019

Cuna de Lobos Lunes 10/21/19 Gran Estreno: Augustus Falls

Romulus and Remus were suckled by the same she-wolf. This was not true of José Carlos and Alejandro Larios and not because they were not twins. While they shared a father they had different mothers. Gloria, the first wife of Carlos, was the mother of José Carlos who accutely felt her loss having been rejected by his stepmother, a one-time Circe named Catalina Creel.
It has been some time since I've brought you tales of those who think themselves gods or at the very least above all rules of society. They see money less as evidence of status than as a means to any end they seek. It is the one commodity that is universally understood as well as desired. – D.D. 

Late one night in Acapulco Carlos Larios struggled in the water as his wife, Catalina, radioed for help. “Help! Help! My husband fell overboard.” She heard him break the surface and struggle to breathe.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bienvenidos, amigos, a la Cuna de Lobos, a tale of the rich and shameless.

This is the long-awaited retelling of the 1986 classic. The players:

Paz Vega as Catalina Creel: The second wife of Carlos Larios and the mother of his younger son. Ambitious and Machievellian, she will do anything to maintain control over the family business, assets, and the family itself.  They say a snake bit her once... and died.
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