Wednesday, September 15, 2010

El Clon, Wed., September 15 - Summary for Discussion

Gloria asks Alej why the owner of the apartment sent the list of things to be replaced. Alej stammers out some lame response and Gloria tells him that she wasn't born yesterday (cuándo tu vas, tu madre ha ido regresado cinco veces,' literally, 'when you go, your mother has been there and back five times') and he'd better tell her the truth rather than such a pathetic lie. She tells him to have the owner of the apartment come see her if he wants to be paid.

The Naz is back in form - training on the beach in high heels and gold lame pants but she won't let Pedro touch her. She also tells him that her family would be shocked if they saw her on the beach with a naked man (hombre desnudo). Pedro protests that he isn't naked.

Pablo and Malicia are also on The Only Beach in Miami. Pablo told Pedro he was sick so he is trying not to let Pedro see him. Pablo asks whether Malicia's 'uncle' is ever going to leave. Malicia tells him that her uncle wants to buy her furniture and won't leave until the apartment is furnished. She says that it would be rude to ask him to leave. Malicia says that soon he will be back in the apartment with her.

Everyone is telling whoppers today. Fernando tells Andrea that he was mugged and that his wallet and credit cards were stolen. She gives him $40 and tells him that he is a mess. He asks her if she thinks that she is his mother. The unlovely Paula comes up and Fer introduces her as his girlfriend. She tells Fer that they should leave, 'me molestan las niñitas con deliro de superoridad,' little girls with delusions of superiority bother me.

Clara tells Carolina that she might not go to Europe with Rogelio because of Fernando's situation. The Chump shows up.

Lucas goes to see Cristina. He tells her that she is the only person he can talk to about what has happened to him. He tells her that he saw Daniel and 'quedé pasmado,' he was blown away. He asks her about what his personality was like 20 years ago. What impression did she have of him when she met him?

She replies that he was a hopeless romantic like he is now, sensitive, easily distracted. He was completely unlike Diego, especially with women. She says that sometimes it seemed like he wasn't really there. His real self was there but it was hidden. She says that he was more of an artist than a businessman, playing the guitar and dressing casually.

But then Lucas' father came along and made him work. She says that he changed his 'forma de ser,' way of being, to please his father and earn his acceptance. Otherwise, Lucas would be wearing grungy clothes, playing in bars and sleeping wherever. Lucas agrees that he has changed. Cristina says that of course, Leo had to be Tarzan, 'como buen rey del la selva,' like a good king of the jungle' and have complete control over Lucas. She says it was funny the way Leo would tell Lucas that he would study law and Diego would study business administration regardless of what they wanted or thought. Lucas thinks that Diego suffered less because he was more like Leo.

He says that if Cristina had married Leo, everything would have been different. Cristina tells him that she is going to marry Leo even though he hasn't asked her yet. Lucas again says how different their lives would have been if she had married Leo 20 years ago. She would have rebelled against all the rules in the house and they all would have been happier.

Karla wonders if Roberto should see her with her big belly (barrigón, 'barriga' (belly) with the augmentative suffix -on). She imagines marrying him and having a lot of beautiful children. Hilda tells her to dream on if she thinks Roberto will leave his family for her. Then Hilda wants to take a picture of Karla with Roberto as evidence for the judge.

Roberto is with two women in bikinis. Lucía calls and asks where he is. He tells her the truth but of course, she thinks that he is joking. Consuelo interrupts their saccharine exchange to say that she has to quit. More stories - she says that her mother is sick.

Karla comes up to Roberto and fools around with him while Hilda takes pictures.

Said arrives at Ali's house. Jade comes down. She asks about Jadiya. Said says that she is fine. More small talk. Ali tells Said that Jade will arrange a party to celebrate his arrival.

Latifa and Amina both advise Rania not to go to Fez because it might make Said angry and lead to a separation. Rania replies that she refuses to leave Said alone with Jade. She tells Latifa that Said is still obsessed with Jade, goes to her room to smell her clothes and she has even found him crying about her.

Jade wonders if Said still loves her. She is eager to arrange a wonderful party for him (I'm betting it will be the same party we've had over and over with the same music and dancers.) Ali tells Zoraida that he is worried that all the enthusiasm Jade is showing for Said is only an impulse to separate herself from Lucas. He says that we set so many traps for ourselves.

The tour leader has lost Daniel.

Daniel is lurking outside of Ali's house. He tells himself that Jade has to come out sometime and he swears that he won't leave Morocco without marrying her.

Back in Miami, Jadiya tells Zamira that as soon as Carlos gets back in town, he has to go see the Sheik about converting to Islam so that when Mohamed finds out about their relationship, he won't be able to say anything.

Amina scolds Rania for telling Latifa about Said's continuing love for Jade. When Latifa comes into the room, Rania begs her not to tell Mohamed that she is going to Morocco. Latifa agrees.

Clara tells the Chump about Fernando's drug problem and how he stole her watch and other things from the house. At first, the Chump doesn't believe it and says that Fer must have been joking. He tells Clara that he hasn't seen or spoken to Fernando in 3 months. Fer won't take his calls. Clara tells the Chump that he has to talk to Fernando and he agrees. But he can't resist saying, 'Claro que eso es culpa tuya, ¿no?' Of course, this is all your fault. She doesn't exert adult authority over Fernando because all she wants is to take revenge on the Chump for leaving her. Little Clara physically intimidates the Chump, calls him a coward and points out that Fernando is his son, too. He backs down and says that he will talk to Fernando.

Andrea comes to see Clara and tells her about her meeting with Fernando and Paula on the beach.

Alejandro comes to see Lucas. He tells Lucas that he went to see Nati and she was crazy to get out of the clinic and thinks that her family has turned their backs on her. He asks Lucas to let him take her to his house. [I thought that the doctor said that Nati's family was coming to take her home?] Lucas tells Alej that Nati has to check herself into rehab voluntarily or she can't be saved. Alej replies that after her experience in the clinic, he is sure Nati won't look at drugs again. Lucas is doubtful and rightly so. Alej says that he will stay with Nati full time and make sure that she doesn't fall off the wagon again. [Bad idea. What about his training? Where are they going to live? In the empty apartment?] Lucas thanks him but says that he has made up his mind. They will bring Nati to their house and Alej is free to live there if he wants. Alej says that he just wants what is best for Nati and if living there with her is what she needs, he will do it.

Enrique comes in and Lucas introduces Alej to him. When Alej leaves, Lucas says that he was moved by Alej's devotion to taking care of Nati. Lucas tells Enrique about Nati's situation.

Back at the house, Lucía shows up to take Marisa to a fashion show. Marisa makes up a story about having to do something for Leo.

Marisa comes to see Nati at the clinic. She hugs her mother, begs her forgiveness and asks to return to the house.

Leo has invited Cristina to her favorite restaurant. She is sure that he is going to propose to her. Leo is on his way out to meet Cristina when Rosa calls to say that Nati is coming back to the house and they are going to have a special dinner for her. Leo hesitates but says that he will cancel his appointment. Clara tells Carolina that Leo has had good news about Nati. Clara thinks that it is ironic that a lowly employee and the head of the company both have children with drug problems.

Marisa and Nati are at the mall.

Rosa invites Alej to dinner. He agrees to come.

At the mall, Marisa is not picking up that retail therapy is not what Nati wants.

In the tried and true novela fashion, all means of communication have failed and Leo hasn't been able to tell Cristina that he is canceling their dinner. She is furious and assumes, as she has done so many times before, that he is with some tramp .

Dora is at the bar telling Miguel her worries about whether Daniel is ok in Morocco. She says that Lucas offered to help her against Leo's lawsuit but he hasn't done anything and she can't afford a lawyer. Miguel offers his savings but Dora refuses. Miguel tells her that she is his best friend and would do the same for him. He will loan her the money without interest.

Faces fall in the welcoming committee when Marisa comes home alone and we can guess what happened.


La Fea Más Bella #5-6 9/15/10 Nobody loves her but somebody values her.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 4 and 5. Cap 5 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Marcia and Alicia storm into Lety’s office.”
Capitulo 5
1. Lety tries to resist Marcia even after she’s fired, but she fails. Fernando arrives. He pulls rank on Marcia. See the transcript.

2. Fernando threatens Lopez, restores Lety, and cuts short her probation. “You are the woman I need.” Omar teases that he’s in love. Fernando says Lety is indispensible, but Marcia will make him pay.

3. At the spa, MamaT tells Marcia that she’s acting like a teenager and she’s not ready to get married. Their life together would be hell (corrections welcome).

4. Roman sets up a date between Lety and his buddy Carlos. Lety’s parents show off their “new” car.

5. Lety tells Tom to forget about Alicia because he’s not rich. They joke about the odds of finding a mate.

6. Omar demonstrates a program to find Fernando the perfect woman. It selects Lety, and Omar teases that a fea makes the best wife.

7. Lety tells Tom that Fernando fought with Marcia for her sake. Tomás suggests that maybe he’ll ditch Marcia for Lety’s sake (corrections welcome).

8. Pop won’t let Lety go out with Carlos. Lety says he never lets her meet anyone. MamaJ changes Pop’s mind.

9. Marcia puts Fernando on trial for infidelity, fulfilling her fantasy of dominating him. Fernando remembers the part he likes about Marcia.

Spanish Lesson

Watch the scene and try to figure out how the words they say match the English translation. Make a list of new vocabulary and phrases you want to learn. I’m going to add yesterday’s “no le des mas vueltas” (Get over it!) to my phrases. Pick one or two and make a deliberate effort to use TODAY! You could tell your cat, “Cuándo me vas a dejar en paz?!” (When will you leave me in peace?).

When you see something in brackets with a question mark, e.g. [when in the course of humid evenings ?], it’s my best guess at a translation, and it’s probably wrong. I would welcome a correction.

Fernando puts three people in their place: Marcia, Lopez, and Lety.

M: I needed a telephone number. I demanded that she give me your agenda. She didn’t want to.
F: I ordered her not to give it to anyone. That includes you, Marcia. I won’t allow you to come and give orders, much less fire people from this office.
M: She must respect me. I’m the executive producer, stockholder, and your novia. However you want to look at it, she should obey me and respect me.
F: Yes, but not above me.
Fernando tells her to respect his position as president, a position he deserves. If she doesn’t like it, they can discuss it at the next board meeting.

Pay special attention to the word order and use of pronouns in the Spanish in this next section. Prounouns are usually omitted in Spanish, but Fernando uses them heavily here, to add emphasis. Also he uses some strange word order to put the stress on the points he’s making.

F: Where are you going, hombre?
L: Personnel. They fired me.
F: Hmm. Okay. Do me one last favor, okay? Contact Lopez for me.
L: Mr. Lopez? I’m connecting you to Don Fernando.
F: Lopez? Look, tell me one little thing. Who authorized you to fire Leticia Pedilla?
Oh! How nice. Listen, Lopez, do you know who I am [and what I do ?] in this company? Well, it seems that you don’t! Learn it right now! The one who gives the orders here is ME. You cannot fire anyone without my knowledge, much less someone in my office! See here! Nobody goes over my head. You know what [they call me here ?], right? I’m the president of the company, not some nobody off the street. And the next time, Raul Lopez, the one who leaves is you!

F: To Lety. Your letter of resignation? He tears it up. Where is the trash can?
L: Throw it here!
F: Go put your things back and go home and rest. You are not leaving Conceptos.
L: Are you sure, Don Fernando? It’s best that I leave. I’m only going to cause you problems with Doña Marcia. She hates me. She realizes that I arranged things so you could escape with that, um, señorita. Since I didn’t give her your agenda, I’m going to have an enemy for life. That’s no good for anybody.
F: Ay. Look. I want to tell you something. You should’ve spent two months here on probation before being contracted. Now that’s not necessary. You are contracted now. In only one day you demonstrated what I hoped to find in that two months. He takes her by the chin. You are the woman that I need.

Capitulo 6

Read Chris's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. In bed, Fernando says that the best part was the return of the Marcia he fell in love with.

2. Lety gets stood up (dejar plantada). RoboPop says, “I told you so,” but he promises her a lollipop to make her feel better.

3. Lety tells her diary that no one will let her show how much love she can give. Instead she’ll throw herself into serving / working for Fernando.

4. Paula’s typical date – guys with money who like her body but nothing else.

5. Fernando tells Omar how exciting Marcia was. She wanted to talk, blah, blah, blah, but then they got to the good part. Omar tells him that no woman can be creative night after night, so it’s best to go from woman to woman.

6. Tomás demands that Roman apologize to Lety, so Roman punches him out. RoboPop roughs up Roman.

7. Lety diverts a call from Monica R, and Fernando is pleased that she handled it exactly right. She finally corrects him when he calls her Linda, and he finally pays attention.

8. Fernando orders reports from the executives. Luigi complains about Paula’s son, and Fernando tells Lopez to reprimand her. Lopez tells Paula she’s fired if she doesn’t go out with him, but Lety intervenes.

9. At lunch the cuartel cruelly gossips about Lety within earshot.

10. Lety plans to create a summary report from the mountain of data. Alicia won’t let Lety look good in front of Fernando.


Dinero Tues. Sept. 14, 2010 Where Is Ale? And, There Are No Cool Jerks

Many thanks to Barbara. She did a fantastic job of filling in for Private O57.

We pick up our story with Ale and Daniel. Slime continues to ooze from Dan's pores. Ale insists on leaving now and alone if necessary. Daniel reminds her that they are out in the middle of nowhere and he has the keys to the car. But OK, we'll leave, but not before.....Daniel grabs Ale and forces a kiss on her. They struggle, he forces himself on her again. Dramatic music swells, Ale desperately tries to fight Daniel off and for a few brief moments I am horrified to think we may be watching a rape scene. Thankfully, Ale catches Daniel off balance, decks him with a good slap and runs out the door. Daniel ruefully wonders how such a tiny hand can carry such a heavy punch. WHAT A JERK!!!

Ale is running away in some nearby woodlands. She tries her cell phone but can't get a signal. More running ensues.

Back at Auto Siglo, Rosaura's husband has just arrived in time to find Pepeto holding Rosaura's hand in his. Gabriel is outraged. Rosaura tries to explain that Pepeto is a new sales person that she is training. It seems Gabe ain't buying that hand holding is part of Rosaura's job description. To Rosaura's credit, she tells Gabriel how dare he show up at her workplace after all this time, shaming her by causing such a scene. And, oh yes, she knows about Gabriel's other woman. WHAT A JERK!

Zetina is watching the Chavez and Marco show at their favorite watering hole. Marco feels that the hacienda sale plans are moving forward nicely. And by the way Chavez, how are we doing with the down payment money? Chavez says all is being sold-- the livestock, the milk and everything inside the hacienda. WHAT A JERK!

Rafa is still driving around looking for "mi licenciada". He decides to search on foot and puts Pantera on a sit-stay. It must be cold because Rafa dons a jacket over his suit coat and keeps rubbing his hands together to keep warm. Rafa trudges through the woods calling Alejandra's name. Suddenly, Rafael is pushed down from behind by .......Alejandra! Oh but wait, this Alejandra is of the mulish Equidae variety. Although the two Ales may share a temperament, I don't think Rafa finds this fuzzy Ale quite as cute (to each his own). Besides this Alejandra is already spoken for and her partner confirms no two-footed Alejandra sightings.

Things have escalated at Auto Siglo. Pepeto throws the first punch but Gabe jumps right in with dedicated enthusiasm. The Auto Siglo crew breaks 'em up and holds 'em back. La Generala and Bebe attempt to talk some sense into the two pugilists but Dandy and Jimenez end up escorting Gabriel out the door.

Entretanto--oops, we say mientras tanto-- the Peeping Profesora has seen all and commands the presence of Rosaura. Chatoooo!

Sandra arrives at Auto Siglo and confronts Marino with the news that she is "late".
Marino is happy, Sandra not so much. After all, she has three hijos and Marino has
two. (Claudia overhears and snorts "dos in cada casa"). Sandra is upset. Marino tells her to go home, rest, take a pregnancy test and nastily implies problems if Sandra is not completely on board with the Marino baby train. WHAT A JERK!

La Generala is giving Rosaura a pep talk....."The natural human condition is not made for couples. We are born alone and we will die alone." Claudia chimes in that soon science will let women reproduce on their own and we can say "Adios, Hombres". Rosaura sniffles that she wants to be one-half of a couple as Trapito whizzes over to inform her of Dona Arcadia's command to see her. Rosaura flutters her hands.

Ale's wandering in the woods continues. She tries her phone, still no signal satisfaction. Panicked, she cries at least one "Que hago?", a couple of "No puede ser!" and a few "Estoy perdida!" . We see Rafa searching the forest calling her name.

Ramirez notes that Marino is looking pretty darn happy. Marino confides that Sandra esta embarazada! And he has chosen the perfect name for his hija--Edgarda! Ramirez is suitably shocked and impressed. He asks how the expense of yet another Marino spawn is to be managed. Marino has it all figured out--Sandra is a business woman with her own company, she would never ask for money to support her hija. Did I say this before? WHAT A JERK!!

Dona Arcadia is lecturing Rosaura on letting her personal life enter the Auto Siglo workplace. Rosaura indignantly wonders who brought this gossip to Arcadia? The Queen has ears and eyes everywhere! Rosaura cries the fracas was not her fault. Dona Arcadia is having none of it --Rosaura is guilty as charged. The Perritas will make the pronouncement--should Rosaura stay or go? Rosaura begs Chester and Camila on bended knees. Dog as God, of course Rosaura is given another chance.

Beltran wants to talk to Ale. Susana tries contacting her but her phone is outside the service area. Susana tries calling Rosario who knows nothing about Ale's whereabouts. Susana, Rosario and Jorge, all are worried.

Dona Arcadia is sharing a glass of her "medicine" with Rosaura. Rosaura admits her husband has not worked since returning to Mexico. There has been no job that befits his exalted level and Rosaura has been supporting the family. Arcadia observes how women are expected to do it all--bring home the bacon, fry it up and look great to boot. Rosaura misses her children dreadfully. Arcadia tells Rosaura she has three options: 1). Stay with her dullard husband and hope she can convince him to take work beyond being president of the republic; 2). Embark on a dangerous and romantic adventure with a man who is unlikely to want to take on a woman with children; 3). Take her children and create a new life for herself where she is in charge. Arcadia warns Rosaura that she needs to make a choice.

Dandy, Pepeto and Jimenez come to Susana asking where Rafa is. Susana's in the dark about Rafa's and Ale's location. They try Rafa's cell which is also out of the service area. Could Rafa and Ale be together? Dandy opines that either something very bad or very good has happened. Jimenez and Pepeto giggle. Susana gives Dandy a look that says (but just a little) WHAT A JERK!

Daniel comes out of his little love nest/trophy locker cabin looking for Ale. He's not in the mood to play games (!). He hopes she wasn't foolish enough to go running into the forest. She must be on the highway looking for a way back. Oh well. Daniel gets into his (Auto Siglo's) convertible to leave. Danny Boy, I think I can squeeze in an extra neuter surgery just for you this week. WHAT A JERK!

Chavez and Marco are doing more of the same-- drinking and yada, yada, yada. Claudia calls Marco to see if they could meet tonight; Marco only wants to know about Ale and her interactions with Medina. Claudia lets it drop that the two of them have been out of the office all day. Marco is incensed and tries to call Ale. No dice. Marco decides Susana has the 411 on Ale and rushes over to Auto Siglo with Zetina trailing behind.

Marco trips over and shouts at Trapito. He rudely tells Claudia he is not there to see her. When Susanita informs Marco that she cannot reach Ale and does not know her whereabouts, Marco informs her she is incompetent. Susanita is worried and not taking any of Marco's crap. WHAT A JERK!

It's nighttime. There's a full moon but hopefully no werewolves. Ale is still desperately running through the forest. She falls and does an extremely skilled and excellent face plant. Ale cries and whimpers, "My foot! My foot!". I've fallen and I can't get up!


Llena de Amor #27 Tue 9/14/10 Don Máximo plays his remaining card, everyone’s got aces up their sleeves, and it’s a full house at Netty’s.

Don Máximo tells Benigno that he won’t leave Marianela helpless and let the house fall into the hands of that harpy.
Upstairs, Marianela and Netty have made the wise decision to make like stoners and split this joint. Emanuel desperately begs Mari to stay, but she says never has she been so eager to leave a place. She tells Gretel that she was right; she never should have come here. Gretel is teary and can’t disagree. Oliver tells Gretel not to cry; she’ll see him again. That would cheer me up, but Gretel is still playing hard to get. The pensión clan leaves as that bit of background music I like, the one that’s reminiscent of “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes,” plays. Emanuel is beginning to cry for real now. He blames Fedra for driving Mari out of the house. Fedra starts insulting Eva all over again, and Emanuel says it is shameful how the only thing that matters in this family is money. He walks out. Ilitia tries to chase after him, squealing that she is not like that, but Gretel yanks her back.
At the hospital, Gladiola tries to comfort Begoña. She says both their kids are going to be fine, and Begoña is lucky, because at least she has a man. Begoña sobs that she has nothing, nothing! The guy is married! “What have I gotten myself into? What was I thinking?”
Emiliano asks what is going to happen with the inheritance. Bernardo says the lawyers will get a handwriting analysis, and if it proves that Eva wrote the letter, then Fedra will get the money immediately. Fedra smooches all over Emiliano’s face and says she would NEVER take money that didn’t rightfully belong to her.
The household staff and firefighters parade into the salon. The head bombero announces that an iron caused the fire. Fedra demands to know who was ironing. Kristel swears that she saw Nereida ironing, so the fire was absolutely definitely for sure her fault.
The gang arrives at the pensión, and Netty welcomes Mari to her new home. They report to Dolores and Consuelo that the inheritance money is lost, but Netty assures Mari that she doesn’t need money. Her new life here will be Llena de Amor, instead. They ask where Doris and Gladiola are and are informed that Doris is in the hospital after she fainted from poisoning. “Oh no! Then I’m in trouble, too!” exclaims Netty.
Emiliano and Gretel have a private little confab. Emiliano thinks Eva would not have left Marianela with nothing, no matter how bad things got. However, alcoholism can make people do desperate things, so he doesn’t know what to think. Gretel points out how strange it is that Fedra never showed him those papers before.
Fedra storms back through, yelling about the mess in the laundry room and telling Nereida to get her things and get out. Emiliano feebly tries to protest, and Nereida more adamantly tries to defend herself, but Kristel does her best to hush her up and Fedra is, as usual, not interested in facts anyway. She tells Nereida she’ll have to pay for all the clothes that were burned and she’d better be gone by morning. Kristel theatrically sniffles about her poor burned clothing.
Netty freaks out and asks whether she looks hinchada (swollen) or pale. They all wonder what in the heck she’s on about, and she dramatically swans about and hyperventilates and decides she needs to go to the hospital. The worst part is, she hasn’t had time to make her will leaving things to Marianela! But she doesn’t have anything to leave anyway! “Stop, tia, you are not dying!” says Mari. “What’s all this about poisoning?” Brandon asks. Netty explains that they were in the elevator at the mall, and there was a lot of gas. “You shouldn’t eat so many beans, then,” says Oliver. Netty melodramatically relates the tale.
Gladiola tells Begoña that she felt helpless at first, too, when her husband died, but Begoña will be surprised at how strong she can be when she needs to take care of her child. Begoña is not comforted, and thinks she can’t possibly go it alone. She has no money, no job, no family in town, and what about the future illnesses and accidents, when Lorenzo won’t be there? Gladiola suggests that at least he’ll help financially, but Begoña cries that the money is his wife’s.
Netty is convinced she’s dying. Brandon agrees to take her to the hospital, but the rest of the ladies have to stay home because it’s dangerous out at night. Oliver says “me vas a dejar como la guayabera? (are you going to leave me out?)” No way. He’s going with them. The guys rush out, leaving behind Netty, who collapses on the sofa, having convinced herself that she is horribly sick and feels worse than they can even imagine. Mari thinks she’s nuts.
Gladiola urges Begoña to come and live in Netty’s pensión. That way she won’t be alone! The place is full of love and they all support each other! And it’s super cheap! Begoña seems interested. {Just how big is that place?}
The next morning, the pensioners eat chilaquiles for breakfast, Netty having neither gone to the hospital nor died during the night. Netty claims she couldn’t sleep all night, she was so afraid she wouldn’t wake up. Angela comes in and Netty introduces her to Mari. Mari goes to shake her hand and Angela jumps like she’s shaken hands with a lightning bolt.
Gretel sleeps fitfully. In her dreams, she sees Luis Felipe, Mari’s father, arguing with Fedra:
LF: The deception is over, Fedra!
F: Look, bastard, you are not going to take away everything I’ve worked so hard to get in life, understand?
LF: I know what kind of woman you are, and I want you out of the house immediately. You’ll leave the same way you arrived, with NOTHING. And I’m going to tell my brother that you are a cualquiera.
(Little-girl Gretel is watching all this, hidden out of sight. She sees Fedra choke Luis Felipe, kick him, and throw him over the balcony.)
Gretel wakes up, crying and breathing hard, saying it’s the same horrible nightmare that she can’t get out of her head. “Is this going to torture me my whole life?!”
Angela has Mari’s hand in a death grip and is in a trance, which seems to bother Mari just a tad. Finally Angela snaps out of it and tells Mari that her destiny is a great love, which will divide her life into a before and after and make her spill tears of blood.
Begoña has little Cristián back, ready to leave the hospital, and Doris has been discharged as well, though she still looks pretty weak. Gladiola invites Begoña to come with them and have something to eat, but Begoña says she has to wait for her baby’s father, who is coming to pick them up. Brandon and Oliver help Doris walk out. Lorenzo skulks into the waiting room, but ducks back behind a wall when he sees the naco poli. He comes back after they leave and Begoña wonders who he was hiding from. He tells her to hurry up.
Emanuel laughs with Axel that since Marianela arrived at the house, he hasn’t had a moment of peace. But she was awesome and never gave up. She just kept trying to win their affection. Axel agrees that she’s great. She even went back to the club after she was treated so horribly there, just to find him, and she fought with those guys to defend him. “Oh, yes, speaking of that night at the club,” says Emanuel, “what’s going on with you? Are you okay?” Axel insists that nothing is going on; he just drank too much. Emanuel gives him a big hug and says to remember that he’s there to support him, no matter what. Axel smiles and blinks his Bambi eyes. “So are you going to get Marianela to come back?” asks Axel. “Oh, yes, I will do everything possible to get mi gordita to return,” says Emanuel. Axel teases him about the MI gordita.
Netty can’t believe that Marianela is going to have such a big tragic romance as all that. Mari is a bit offended that Netty seems to think she won’t even have a novio. Consuelo cries that she hopes Mari will find a novio who makes her happy, not a tragic one like Angela predicted. She runs off crying. Netty insists that if Mari has a novio, she wants to know who it is.
The Ruiz y de Teresa men breakfast. Axel says Marianela should not have had to leave her own house. Emiliano is just worried he’ll be in trouble when Tia Carlota finds out. What will he tell her? The truth, says Axel, that Mom took all her money. Emanuel says Fedra needs to change her attitude. Dark cloud Gretel rolls in and tells them they’re all naïve and have no idea what Fedra is capable of.
Fedra whines to Bernardo that he’d better deal with the legal stuff quickly, because she hates surprises. He shows her the newspaper, with a front-page story saying that Eva Pavón’s death is still under investigation. He assures her it was an impeccable job, so they will never find out who was responsible. She’s still worried that the expert will see through the handwriting forgery, but he heh-hehs that everyone has a price and it’s all taken care of. She’s happy even though she’s wearing hideous pants.
Gretel says Fedra is playing them all like puppets. Emiliano thinks she’s just paranoid, but Emanuel says he believes that Gretel knows something they don’t know. Gretel again says that it doesn’t make sense that Fedra would keep all her loans to Eva a secret. “What are you suggesting? That your mother falsified information to steal Marianela’s money?” Emiliano asks dismissively. The wheels start to turn in Emanuel’s pretty head.
Marianela tells Netty there’s no way she could have a novio. She hardly even knows any people, and doesn’t even have friends. “You aren’t in love with Emanuel, are you?” Netty asks. Mari laughs that off. “Good,” says Netty, “because that kind of love between cousins is a sin.” “Don’t worry, Mari’s great love doesn’t share the same blood,” says Angela. Doris returns home to great celebration.
The RydT bunch continue to argue over how much of a monster Fedra is. Delicia hovers and listens in until they all stare at her and she runs off and Emanuel laughs. The two of them should have more scenes together; they’re so funny. Axel says everyone has secrets. “Oh, reeeeeeally, Axel? What’s yours?” Emiliano asks. Axel says he’s not ready to talk about it. Emiliano hassles him so he runs out, leaving Emil confused. This sets off a big fight about everything in the house being screwed up. Emanuel says especially regarding Marianela; when she left it broke his soul (!), and Emiliano needs to get his wife to behave herself or else! Emiliano yells at him to let him manage his family himself, and when Emanuel gets married… Emanuel interjects that in his future family, everything is going to be very different! He storms out. Emiliano is still confused, so Gretel clarifies for him that his kids don’t believe in him.
In his bedroom, Emanuel stews over Marianela living in the pensión with that horrid Brandon. He decides he’s got to get her out of there.
Over at the pensión, Marianela wallows in memories of her teary departure from Emanuel. Brandon offers hugs and sympathy.
Emanuel goes to the General for help in getting Marianela back. The General says he still has a card up his sleeve, and he’s going to play it. He’s willing his money to Mari while he’s still alive. Benigno escorts the lawyer in.
Marianela decides she’s going to cheer up. No crying in the pensión, only love and happiness. She doesn’t need the money. She will make it on her own. Brandon approves and kisses her on the head. Oliver and Doris are also happy to hear this. Oliver says he knows how she feels, though, since he also lost out on a huge inheritance. Such a joker, you’d think he’d try a little harder to actually be funny. The polis leave for work and Oliver tries to give Doris a goodbye kiss and gets smacked.
Kristel is disgusted to find Nereida still working in the kitchen, after Fedra fired her. Nereida says they both know very well the fire was not her fault. Delicia defends Nereida and says she saw clearly what happened. There was plenty of heat in the laundry room, but it wasn’t just from the iron! Kristel throws fruit at her. Then she tells Nereida that she’ll keep her mouth shut if she knows what’s good for her. “What’s good for me is keeping my job,” says Nereida. Kristel says if she keeps the secret, she’ll make sure she has enough money not to starve, but she’s leaving either way. “Wrong!” says Gretel, entering the kitchen. She tells Kristel to make sure Nereida can stay, or she’ll tell Fedra what really happened in the laundry room.
Lowrenzo continues to be awful to Begoña back in her apartment. He’s headed back home to be with his wife and daughter. She’s mad that she and the baby only get crumbs, but tries to sweet-talk him into more. He snarls that a family is the one thing he will never give her. Begoña remembers Gladiola telling her that she doesn’t need some loser man for her baby to have a family, she can create a family of the pensión residents. “Well, we have nothing to lose by going to see,” she tells the baby.
Ilitia has decided her chest is a gift, and wrapped it with a bow. Also, she’s yelling at Muñeca for throwing Lowrenzo out. “Can’t you put yourself in my place for a moment?” Muñeca asks. “No! My daddy is awesome, and you’re just trying to ruin his life with your little jealous fits and suicide attempts!” Ilitia brats. Muñeca can’t believe how selfish and uncaring her daughter is. Ilitia tells her if daddy doesn’t come home, she is going to go with him. Sounds like a great bonus to me. She leaves and Muñeca cries.
Emiliano tells Gretel that he agrees Marianela should come back, and he’ll take charge of making it happen. So, it’s not likely. Tia Carlota calls and he lies to her that everything is fine and Marianela got her inheritance, no problema. Carlota wants to talk to Mari, and Emiliano pretends the phone connection is bad. Gretel shakes her head and rolls her eyes. She tells him he can’t cover the sun with a finger; is he trying to become Fedra’s accomplice?
Marianela sings into a feather duster. Netty joins her. They’re really getting into it when Begoña walks in. She watches them, smiling.
Begoña tells Gladiola that she really likes the place and would like to discuss living there, but right now she has a really big favor to ask. She has an important appointment and has no one to watch the baby. Gladiola eagerly agrees to take care of him and refuses Begoña’s offer of pay, as she remembers what it was like to be a young single mom and struggling. Begoña leaves. I wonder whether she plans to return.
Kristel calls Agent Orange and tells him (while he runs on a treadmill) that she tried to blame the maids for the fire, but Gretel knows it was them. AO thinks they need to get Gretel a man so she’ll lighten up. Kristel then laughs about how funny it was that the whale lost her inheritance and had to go live with her aunt. She quickly hangs up when Bernardo and Fedra come down the stairs (not quickly enough nor headfirst enough). Okay, at first I thought it was the pants that were the Fedral offense, but now I think she is wearing zebra-print thigh-high boots. An interesting choice for a woman prone to using animals as insults. Kristel pouts to her mother that the fire was just an accident, and she shouldn’t fire that poor maid. Fedra mocks Kristel’s nun-like charity.
Ilitia takes a break from her heavy shopping duties to sit in a café and order a cappuchino, skinny, skim milk, lactose free, sugar free, caffeine free. Much like Ilitia’s whole life, there is no point. A lady at a neighboring table is reading the new TV y Novelas with her photo on the cover. She grabs it and reads Brandon’s and reality’s version of events, that he had to tie her up because she was hysterical and would have gotten them all killed. “WHAT?! HYSTERICAL?!!! DO I LOOK HYSTERICAL?!” she hysterically hystericalizes. Everyone in the café stares. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” she tells the magazine, beating it and throwing it across the room.
Gladiola happily heads out to the park with the baby in the stroller, giggling that this is good practice for when she has grandchildren. Marianela falls back into a funk, wondering about Angela’s weird prediction. “Is it true what that strange woman said, that a grand love is going to bring me grand pain?” she wonders out loud. “Nope, that will never happen, because that guy will have to deal with me,” says a voice behind her. She squeals and runs over to hug Emanuel. He picks her up and swings her around, straining his back a bit, but he hides the pain from her. She offers him coffee or juice, but he says he’ll take a hug and kiss instead. She hugs him.
Tomorrow: Emanuel tries to convince Marianela to leave with him. The ladies aren’t having it and try to beat him off with a broom. He says he won’t leave without her. Fortunately, the pensión seems to expand as needed to accommodate any number of people, so he can just live there.
Ponerse sus moños – to stand firm on one’s principles
Tiznado – blackened, smudged
Dejar como la guayabera – to exclude
Chiruza, chirucita – lowly, vulgar woman (what Kristel called Nereida and Delicia)


La Verdad Oculta 009 TUE 2010/09/14: Tuesday Night's Alright for Fighting

At Pachita's office, Gabriela looks for her dad but meets Leonardo who informs her a man met her dad and took him off somewhere. Then Leonardo uses the chance to make time with her, but Gabriela lets it roll off her back.

At the prison, Marcos plans more trouble with the local low life. Back at Mario's office, Mario sweetens the disguise deal by dangling the true identity of Márta's killer over Santiago's head. Santiago's furious to think it would have been Adolfo, but Mario points out Adolfo implicated both of them.

The warden lets Gregorio off for now due to Juan José vouching for him; but they are still investigating who placed the drugs, and that person or persons will pay. Gregorio returns to his cell.

At Mario's, Abelardo barely averts David discovering Santiago in the office; but David relents and exits. Inside Mario assures Santiago he will help him resolve all associated problems with the plan. Mario will give Santiago an explanatory letter to absolve Santiago of any charges.

They have time; when Mario does die, he'll be far away. Santiago will take his place. Santiago is to quit his job; and later as the two of them exit across the lawn, Bertha casts an evil eye their way from her bedroom window above.

Gregorio reports what the warden said to Juan José, but Gregorio's sure it's Marcos harassing him. Juan José lightens Gregorio's mood by sharing some cake Elsa brought. Gregorio dreams again of his glorious treasure when he gets out.

Roberto mashes companionably on Julieta at work; and she's not minding much, when David enters and asks that Gabriela be told to meet him in the office.

At Adolfo's, Yolanda criticizes his harsh treatment of Carlos, but Adolfo's interested in toughening him up. Spoiling him is her job, he says.

Yolanda wants Adolfo to trust Carlos with more of the business, but Adolfo complains Carlos is still immature and consumed with skirt chasing. And as you well know, he says pointedly: when hormones come in, brain cells go out. Adolfo's lack of trust is why Carlos is always at David's throat, Yolanda says.

Félix enters, and Adolfo sends Yolanda packing unhappily; when Félix suggests sending Carlos on the smuggling operation, Adolfo's horrified Carlos would ruin everything. Adolfo sends Félix out on the Veracruz job to bring back the truck.

Gabriela irritates David by coming late to the club office and complains she puts him off and makes excuses to him -- and then goes off to a restaurant with a moron like Carlos. She angrily explains about the uniforms and says besides, she can see who she wants -- and he can go around with his little COUSIN!

Carlos and Roberto enter; Gabriela exits; and a fight ensues between the two suitors over her, which amazingly is broken up by Roberto, masquerading as the adult in the room. Roberto suggests they settle the problem with a bet.

At the prison mess hall, just when Juan José thinks it's safe to go back into the water, Gregorio accidentally on purpose dumps his meal on Marcos's head, causing a general dust-up and mayhem of all room occupants.

Bertha is up early at Mario's to go to church and her mother's grave. At the breakfast table, Mario lamely invents an imaginary salesman who was supposedly in his office yesterday, when David asks who took up all his time.

As Bertha exits, Roberto enters to discuss the bet he plans with David and Carlos over Gabriela, which very idea enrages David, who literally heaves him right back out the door.

At Gabriela's, Julieta effuses over possibly going out with Roberto, but Gabriela tries to discourage her; she doesn't like him. Julieta is disgusted they never get to go out with anybody.

The warden furiously tries to pry the truth out of the fight participants, but none of them will spill; so he puts them all into solitary.

On the street in front of Gabriela's apartment building, David begs Pachita to climb upstairs and bring down Gabriela, who when she arrives on the street will barely talk to him. He wants to explain about things, and she finally relents to meet with him a few minutes before church later. After she exits, David looks pleased.

Santiago arrives home and announces to the girlz he has quit his job and will be "selling books" with the fellow who came by several times. Leonardo visits and wants to invite "all of them" to dinner, and Santiago agrees that Leonardo can return later with take-out instead.

Santiago likes Leonardo, and Julieta is thrilled to have company. But after Santiago exits, Gabriela's disgusted that once again now she has to put up with being stuck and miss a date with David. Julieta erupts indignantly to hear Gabriela has a date and decides for sure she's going out with Roberto now.

At Adolfo's, when Yolanda hears Félix has gone to pick up the goods, she wonders what will happen when one day Carlos learns about his shady deals. Adolfo says he won't find out -- unless she tells him; and Yolanda won't tell him, because it would hurt Carlos, she says. But he's smart and will find out anyway.

Yolanda reminds Adolfo it's the 20th anniversary of Márta's death, but he doesn't care. Santiago visits Márta's grave at the cemetery, where Bertha has also arrived and spies him malevolently.

Carlos visits with Yolanda to her great delight and asks about Gabriela and Julieta. She begs him not to mess with them -- especially not with Gabriela. She lights a candle and tells him it's for an old friend from her acting and dancing days.

This reminds Carlos to ask about his mother, of whom he has not even a photo. Did she know her? Yolanda answers disconcerted that they were -- er, good friends. Carlos only remembers Yolanda since he was little, and that's why he loves her like a mother, he says, moving close and kissing her hands tenderly. Yolanda sighs blissfully and caresses Carlos's face.

During dinner at Gabriela's, it comes out that Leonardo's from Durango, where his family lives. The doorbell rings, and out in the hallway it's a police subordinate with the news the smuggling truck has arrived, and Leonardo exits. Gabriela's relieved she can meet David now.

At the garment factory, when Elsa again asks Roberto for another loan, he recommends Carlos; but she's hesitant Carlos might misunderstand.

David awaits Gabriela anxiously at the ice cream parlor and is relieved when she arrives on time; he explains right away he was angry not at her but at Carlos last night, for that stupid uniform pretext. And apologizes for Alejandra's slight, explaining he gave her a hard time later. David wants them to use familiar address; and when she objects it might look bad, he points out they are both single -- and she's adorable.

Félix & Co. are just pulling the smuggling truck into the warehouse when Leonardo and his AFI troops appear and shoot their lights out. Félix is wounded but escapes. At Adolfo's condo, Yolanda is exiting as Roberto arrives.

He's alone in the living room when someone groans loudly, and the wounded Félix falls into the room from another entrance, bringing Adolfo running down the stairs. Adolfo calls his private physician and is prepared to pay an astonished Roberto big time to keep his mouth shut.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 14: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 149: In which Lucas learns he and Daniel have a little something in common; Daniel is in Fez taking the BOA tour of the medina (Boring Old Anglo); Said is hot on the trail of Jade and Rania is hot on the trail of Said; Luisa may be a Mother Wolf but Leo is the Great White Hunter; and Real Men Don’t Wear Gold.

Dora agrees to let Lucas look at Daniel’s room. She tells him that Daniel has always had somewhat offbeat tastes; Lucas remembers how everyone thought he was ‘different’. Daniel is a great skateboarder; Lucas always wanted to skateboard but Rosa wouldn't let him. Then Lucas notices a grey veil – is it from Morocco? he asks. Dora confirms that it is and adds:
Sueña con una mujer con velo y dice que se va a casar con ella.
He dreams about a woman wearing a veil and says he’s going to marry her.

Said is getting ready to leave for the airport. He is irritated by Rania’s suggestion that he stay in a hotel.

The cousins, Samira and Jadiya, are exchanging secrets. Mi mamá se va a volver (my mother is coming back), confides Jadiya happily. Yo besé a Carlos! (I kissed Carlos), confides her cousin.

Latifa, the Naz and Amina are with the baby. Rania joins them and tells them she’s upset that Said might stay at Alí’s house. She can’t allow him to be anywhere near Jade. Of course he is staying at Alí’s house, declares the Naz. She manages to offend both Latifa and Rania by adding that she knows her brothers – both of them – very well and neither is capable of passing up an opportunity to pursue an odalisque.

Gloria is wondering why Alejandro made a trip to his old apartment and didn’t bring back her chairs.

We see Daniel wandering through the medina with an English-language tour group that, at first glance, seems sponsored by AARP.

Alí is at home teaching the children. He explains the traditional answer to what makes some people good and others bad: un pedazo de carne, (a piece of flesh) within each person: el corazón! (the heart). Jade feels uneasy, she feels someone’s presence and she is afraid. It’s not Said, says Zoraida. He hasn’t arrived yet.

Abdul is in the medina with Zumaya when he sees a familiar figure: ¿Lucas? Daniel looks up and smiles uncertainly. Abdul scurries away with Zumaya, heading straight to Alí’s house with the news:
¡No te imaginas quién llegó a Fez! Acabo de verlo en la medina! ¡Lucas!
You can’t imagine who has come to Fez! I just saw him in the medina! Lucas!
Not possible, insists Alí. But Abdul holds his ground: It was Lucas all right, although he seemed more cheerful and about twenty years younger. Who’s Lucas? Zumaya wants to know as the women leave Alí and Abdul to talk.

Abdul says he is bringing him the news so he can be on guard. It would be futile to warn Jade. After all, asking her to show good sense would be like asking a camel to play the flute.

And Jade, muy impactada, murmurs to herself: Volvió. Lucas volvió. (He’s back)

Back in Miami, Cris is thumbing through bridal magazines, daydreaming about the perfect wedding dress (maybe a red one, Leo loves her in red). Has Leo proposed? asks Vicki. No, answers her friend, but he will. And we’ll have a happy ending to our stormy love story.

Marisa looks on silently as Nati lies in her hospital bed. We hear Enrique’s voiceover – how his mother must have felt when he was an addict.

And in Fez, Jade is whistling past the graveyard. Yo ya no siento nada por Lucas (I don’t feel anything for Lucas anymore) she declares to Zoraida. Both she and Zoraida know that Abdul saw la sombra (the shadow) of Lucas. Zoraida persists in calling him un genio malo, but Jade understands he is a clone, a copy of Lucas. And she wonders: ¿Será que tiene el mismo corazón? (Is it possible he has the same heart?/feelings?)

Meanwhile, back at Dora’s in Miami, Lucas says: Yo también me enamoré de una mujer en Marruecos; se llama Jade. (I also fell in love with a woman in Morocco; her name is Jade.) ¿Jade? echoes Dora. She is suddenly in a great hurry to leave, noticeably anxious to get Lucas out of there.

Back at Casa Ferrer, Lucas finds Marisa is distraught after her visit with Natalia. Of her daughter she says: She’s not herself, she’s not the girl we raised.

Still at home, Fernando has the nerve to ask Clara for money. She wants to know what that girl was doing in her house. She’s my girlfriend, he says. (Better or worse than Malicia? You decide.) He tries to get away from his mother and her questions, but she won’t allow it. She wants to know what happened to her watch, the watch she had worked so hard to buy. At first he denies responsibility but at last he breaks down: Yo robé tu reloj! (I robbed your watch!) I sold it to buy drugs! Soy un drogadicto! (I’m an addict). And I can’t bear this pain! I need money to buy drugs right now!

We see Daniel in his tour group. [Man, that Luisa. I think her plan must be to kill Daniel by boring him to death.]

Zumaya would like her Tío Abdul to buy her a television so she can watch the telenovelas from Cairo. She may as well be asking for permission to burn en el mármol del infierno, although Alí thinks a tv is a useful machine for learning about the world.

Jade and Zoraida agree that her estrangement from Lucas and Zein is a chance to get back together with Said.

Daniel wanders a few steps away from the group and finds himself almost on Jade’s doorstep. Es aquí! Aquí vive Jade! (It’s here. Here is where Jade lives!) He smiles.

Said is going to be staying here at the house, Zoraida informs Alí. Alí warns Jade not to go outside. Lucas is here, he says and with Said coming, the slightest mischance may interfere with the two of you coming together again ‘aunque sea una hebra de cabello que esté fuera de lugar’ (even if it’s a strand of hair that’s out of place). [It's odd how Alí and Jade talk about Daniel as if he were Lucas] Then Alí says once again that he made a mistake years ago when, by trying to extinguish the fire of Jade and Lucas’s love, he actually fanned the flames.

Speaking of flames, Rania is blazing with fury. She declares to Amina and Latifa that she will never let Said bring Jade back to the house – and she is sure that is his mission in going to Fez. She will go to Fez, she declares, and she’ll take her son with her! Without Said’s permission? asks Amina. In this country, says Rania, a woman doesn’t need a man’s permission to travel. (It seems our little sheltered Rania has tasted of the liberties of the west – or perhaps she’s been watching those Cairo telenovelas).

And speaking of women breaking free, Jadiya (yes, Jadiya!) stands look-out while Samira phones Carlos. Carlos doesn’t like all this sneaking around. He’d like to meet Samira’s father. [No, you wouldn’t Carlos, you really wouldn’t].

Samira is soooooo in love. As in love as Princess Nazira was with Prince Pablo? asks Jadiya. Well in that case, Jadiya has heard the Naz say that if the occidental converts to Islam, the family will accept him. Asunto arreglado!

Alej is at the hospital to see Nati. The doctor tells him she is en una crisis de abstinencia muy grande (in a very severe withdrawal crisis). But once that is over, she will be discharged to her parents. She will need rehab. And Enrique cuts in to remind us of the futility of treatment against one’s will; and yet there were times when he would have died, if not for the treatment.

Natalia has been out of control, pounding on the door and demanding to be released. But when Alej arrives, she is puddled on the floor. At the sound of his voice, she looks up. She goes to him, he takes her in his arms, and she says: Sácame de aquí. No soy ninguna drogadicta. (Get me out of here. I’m not a drug addict.) When he tries to tell her that her parents are on the way, that she needs to wait for them, she becomes enraged, reviles him, and screams at him to get out.

Later, Alej and Andrea talk about this sad encounter, how Natalia is not the person they knew. If she continues down this path, they agree, they are going to lose her.

Leo arrives at Albieri’s clinic and announces, as Mother Wolf Luisa watches, that he is going to court to fight for paternal rights to Daniel. (Voy a presentar una demanda de paternidad).
What will you gain by that? asks Albieri. (¿Qué sacas con esa?)
He wants to change the boy’s name to Ferrer and include him in his will. And to do so, he wants Albieri to testify that Daniel is, indeed, a clone made from Ferrer genetic stuff. After all:
Dora es una madre sustituto. Le prestó su vientre.
Dora is a substitute mother. She loaned him her womb.
His real mother was Isabel. And any other woman could have done what Dora did – Daniel would have been the same. [This is not only foul, foul, foul, it is technically, as well as emotionally, untrue – during pregnancy there is a transfer of a small number of cells from mother to fetus and fetus to mother. We all carry maternal cells for decades after birth – microchimerism is the technical term. You can’t get away from your mother, even if you want to. Even if she’s not your ‘mother’]
Luisa springs into action: Cloning is illegal in this country, she tells Leo. If you go ahead with your lawsuit, if you make this public, not only will Albieri lose his medical license, he’ll go to jail!

Gloria congratulates Mohamed on the birth of his nephew. She would like to choose a gold chain from the store as a gift for him. Culture Clash Ahead: It turns out that Real Men Don’t Wear Gold. So if Gloria’s ‘Baby’ were to wear a gold scapular blessed by the pope, that would make him less than manly? she asks. Then how about I give the kid calzones de plata!!!! (silver drawers/underpants)

And Ramón doesn’t exactly sweeten Gloria’s mood when he comes along brandishing a letter from the owner of Alej’s apartment – It is a list of all the items Natalia and the Spotless Movers have stolen and he wants to be reimbursed. Of course, Gloria doesn’t know about the Spotless Movers. Why is he asking you to pay for these things? she asks Alejandro.

Credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #3-4 9/14/10 Fernando puts Lety first, and Lety puts him first.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 2 and 3. Cap 3 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Marcia is determined that Alicia get inside Fernando’s private zone.”
Capitulo 31. Fernando meets with Alicia and Lety to explain their duties. He puts Alicia in her place. See transcript.

2. Omar lusts after Alicia, and Fernando says she’s attracted to big wallets. The two joke about Lety being a bat in a cave. Fernando is mad because Alicia left early.

3. Marcia discovers that Fernando foiled her surveillance plot and put Lety in charge of his agenda and phones. If Lety doesn’t join Marcia’s side, her days are numbered.

4. Fernando and Omar go to the dressing room. Lety tries to bring him CD’s but gets lost and ends up on stage.

5. Luigi makes a deal: I won’t hire women you seduced and dumped, and the fea doesn’t enter my studio.

6. Lety apologizes for interrupting the show. Fernando chooses tonight’s babe, and Omar covers for him, but Ariel catches him.

7. Pop makes sure Lety was treated well at work. They bought a car but they need her to help with payments.

8. Fernando worries that Lety hasn’t got what it takes and won’t last long at Conceptos.

9. Lety wins points with Lola because she won’t rat on her. Saimon, the messenger, messes with Lety.

Spanish lesson.
I know that today’s transcription is long. But it’s one of my 10 favorite scenes from the whole series. Don Fernando wields power magnificently. The dialog is fairly easy to follow. And it has a liberal sprinkling of three very good vocabulary words: cargar, meter, and ocuparse. If you haven’t tried to match a transcription to a scene’s dialog yet, this is a very good place to start.
Fernando’s office. Fernando, Alicia, and Lety.A: What did Humberto & Teresita tell you?
F: Humberto and Ter… Nothing in particular. Don’t worry.
A: Get us two coffees, one black, please.
L: Okay, where is..
F: No. Sit down. She isn’t here to bring coffee.
Fern calls the cafeteria for coffee.
A: Fernando, that’s not for you. You’re the president. If you don’t want her to bring it, call someone who’s in charge of it. What were you thinking, a president calling the cafeteria?
F: President, right. And so that you are perfectly clear, if one of you should order coffee, that is YOU Alicia.
L: It doesn’t bother me, Don Fernando.
F: Shh! Thank you. But she’s not here to bring me coffee. Understand, Alicia? Good. Now let’s talk about your duties, eh? (to Lety) You’ll be in charge of the bank accounts, cost analysis, etc. You’ll take direct calls from our clients and providers. Alicia? You’ll be in charge of reception. You will..
A: Yes, I know what I have to do. Manage your image, public relations, food for meetings, .. .
F: Or if I want a cup of coffee, for example.
A: Yes, I’ll be in charge of all of that (cargar: to carry, be in charge of). By the way, something I want to say. I know it’s foolish, but I think I should have the title of assistant, not secretary. You already have a secretary. Isn’t that enough?
F: Yes, that’s a good observation. If someone should get the title of assistant, it will be her (Lety). You have the duties of a secretary. Don't keep harping on it (no le des mas vueltas - thanks, Marta).
A: If you’ve given her those duties, I can help too. I have 6 semesters of finance..
F: And you don’t have any experience. Let her take care of that (ocuparse: to deal with, take care of).. Now the next topic. This office has two direct phone lines and two extensions. One of the direct lines is my private line.
A: Of course, I’ll be in charge of that.
F: NO. She will handle the private line.
A: But Fernando, I can manage your personal calls, your phone directory, your agenda, your appointments. I’m your friend!
F: Alicia, sit down. My directory and my agenda (planner / appointment book) will be Linda’s responsibility.
A: Linda?
L: Leticia.
F: Leticia (I think this is the first time he’s said her right name.)
Are you clear about your duties? Take this. Secure it very well in your desk.
L: Yes. I’ll take care of it, sir. May I leave? I need to arrange my office.
F: (To Alicia.) Do you have any questions?
A: One question. Are you sure that you want me here?
F: Ah, la verdad de la verdad? I know that you’ll do well at the work I give you. Who else could manages our image & PR? Ah! Another thing that is very important. Don’t mess with Linda, nor with her work. Okay? (meter: put in, like a put a key into a lock)
L: (alone) Could it be that he sees me as Linda (pretty)? That would be a true miracle.

Capitulo 4

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 4 and 5. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Marcia and Alicia storm into Lety’s office.” That paragraph actually includes the last part of today’s second cap (#4), but it also includes the opening scene from tomorrow’s, so if you don’t want a spoiler, don’t read that paragraph.
1. Fernando halts Saimon’s initiation of the new employee and demands Lety’s computer stat!, but then he reams her out for leaving his agenda in the open. He commands her to never release it to anyone.

2. Fern tells off Alicia for leaving early yesterday. Marcia defends her. Lety listens while Fern and Marcia fight over who will control his personal life, and Fernando threatens their engagement.

3. Lety tells Fernando that an old squeeze, Karla Lagunes, is there to see him, and Fern tells Lety to get rid of her while he distracts Marcia. Lety announces a fake meeting with Arte Video. Alicia sees Karla.

4. Fern whisks Karla away. Marcia threatens Paula’s job, so Paula squeals on Fernando.

5. Luigi and Omar argue about production costs. Luigi says that Conceptos’ success is thanks to his creative genius alone.

6. Lety recruits Omar to help cover Fernando’s tracks. Fern calls while Marcia is grilling Lety, so Lety speaks in code to keep him safe. Fernando tells Karla to get lost or she’ll never get another job.

7. Marcia demands Fernando’s agenda, but Lety refuses. Omar tells Lety that the important thing is to support her boss. The cuartel gossips about Fernando vs. Marcia vs. Lety.

8. Lopez fires Lety. Marcia tells Lety that had she sided with Marcia, this wouldn’t have happened.


La Verdad Oculta EP08 09/14/2010 - Jealous youngsters and reckless old men

* Club Sagitario
Cruel headache starts torturing Mario who almost falls into David's arms. Blondie says that his dad may be exhausted. Mario quickly agrees, and asks him to escort him home.

* prison
Marcos and Elsa have a heated quarrel on phone. Marcos still believes that his sister has a money laundering manufacture behind her kitchen and aggressively commands her to send him cash as soon as possible. No wonder he's worried: if he doesn't pay to his new low-life friends he'll be in deep trouble.

* Guilléns' flat
Leonardo helps Julieta to carry her heavy bags into the flat and they finally introduce to each other. Leo would like to maintain a friendly relationship with his neighbours and he learns that the girls work as waitresses in Club Sagitario.

* Zárate factory
Salomón can't believe that Elsa dares to ask for loan again and harshly rebuffs the girl. After he leaves, Roberto, who's familiar with financial problems advises her to visit Carlos, the guy she met in his flat. She's grateful for the advice, but would rather sell dresses to his girlfriend.

* Guilléns' flat
Gaby announces to Fausto that she and Julieta are going to help Carlos to choose new uniforms. No, they couldn't reject his wish. Daddy says that it's high time to quit that damned job since the bosses take advantage of the girls' good nature and goes to bed grumbling.

* prison
Juan José secretly visits Gregorio and reports to the old scoundrel that he was interrogated by the warden and he kept telling him that Greg surely had nothing to do with the drug the guards found under his mattress. Thanks to his insistence the case will be investigated. Gandalf is joyful for his help and loyalty, and swears that he'll get even with the guy who set the trap for him. Of course he knows who did it.

* Genovés villa
Father and son talk about the Genovés girls. Since Alejandra's business doesn't go well, he David wants to asks her to redesign his office. Mario agrees and says that when David will be the head of the family he should keep taking care of the girls until they get married. Okay dad, but you won't die for a very long time. Bertha is jealous at the friendship of Ale and David and believes that she has ulterior motives but as usual, Ale doesn't take seriously the accusations of her little sister.

After the cousins left the house Bertha storms into the study and offers Mario to help around the household. (Gawd, Dora will quit if the little princess starts to boss her around.) Mario is very grateful for her kindness until Bertha casually mentions that David isn't his son. Her mother told Bertha and Alejandra that a servant abandoned him when he was a newborn. Mario's head starts to fume. He orders Abelardo to bring Fausto ASAP. In the hall Bertha starts to give orders to Dora, and yes, she acts like an obnoxious little brat.

* Club Sagitario
Roberto brings Elsa to the club. While the girl waits outside Rob tells Carlos that here's the opportunity to hit on her. But Carlos isn't interested, he wants Gaby and already has a plan how to seduce her.

* Alejandra's office
David and Ale discuss the new design of his office. First Mina comes in and Ale introduces them, then Roberto, Elsa and her big suitcase arrive. Ale warmly welcomes Elsa and the ladies march off to look at the dresses.

* street
Abelardo asks Fausto to visit Mario. Fausto objects as usual, Abelardo gets angry as usual, and Leonardo shows up, wow, that's a new element. Fausto gives in.

* Alejandra's office
Roberto tells David that he and Carlos are going to have lunch with the little waitresses and well, they have other plans with them. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. David looks like he would gladly punch both Roberto and Carlos.

As Roberto leaves he tries to give Alejandra a goodbye kiss, but she evades like a professional boxer. David, who's nervous like Jack Bauer in the 24th hour quickly invites her for lunch.

* restaurant
The four kids arrive at the elegant restaurant, and Carlos immediately starts to court Gabriela who seems to be muy uncomfortable. When Roberto finds out that neither of the girls have boyfriend he hurries to hit on Julieta - just when Alejandra and David arrive. Ayyyy. They join them and the boyz' faces become sour. Alejandra recognizes the ladies, they're waitresses from Club Sagitario, aren't they? Her eyes could kill.

* Genovés villa
Mario offers to give half of his fortune to Gabriela and another huge amount of money to Fausto in exchange for his silence... and for taking his place for six months! Fausto laughs at his absurd idea but when he realizes that Mario talks seriously his smile freezes.

* Guilléns' flat
The girls arrive home. Gaby's so angry that she almost explodes. They shouldn't have accepted the invitation of Carlos, they should've been more suspicious. The bastards fooled them. At the end of the month they'll quit, period!

* Zárate factory
Salomón is very pleased with the business Elsa did. She again begs for money. Salomón finally agrees.

* Guilléns' flat
The girls whine in the kitchen. Julieta is fed up with being a waitress, and Gaby agrees, they need to study something. For example, how to use the computer.

* Genovés villa
Fausto keep telling Mario that his idea is stupid. It's not his fault that Mario signed tha absurd contract with Adolfo! Mario threatens him that if Fausto doesn't obey he'll reveal his true identity to Gabriela and to the police. Fausto silently breaks, and Mario shares his plan: they'll set up cameras all around the house, so Fausto will be able to study his life and prepare for the task in the next months.

While Bertha is trying to give orders to Abelardo (unsuccessfully) in the hall, David and Alejandra arrive home, bickering about what happened in the restaurant. Bertha is amused at their story.

* prison
JJ witnesses that Elsa gives the money to her brother and also hears how disgustingly Marcos treats the girl.

* Club Sagitario
Carlos is frustrated since his plan hasn't worked, but Roberto calms him: these girls are simple waitresses, they'll surely snap at the opportunity to get closer to their bosses.

* prison
Marcos and JJ have a quarrel, he doesn't like the way he treats the girl, and anyway, why does he need that money? He cares for Marcos, he and Elsa are like family for him. Marcos isn't impressed and advises him to not get involved.

* Guilléns' flat
The girls discuss Carlos and Roberto. Julieta is a bit naive and thinks that maybe the boys don't want to fool them. When people fall in love money doesn't matter.

* Genovés villa
It's late night, and the men are still arguing in the study. Fausto doubts that the plan would work, it's impossible to fool people this way! Mario grabs his scarf and hisses: you're capable to do it!



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