Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #166 Tuesday 12/13/11 Jero’s a Zero. . . .Believe it or Not!

By Lila

Last episode’s overlap:  Big Mouth Bertha gleefully filling in Jutjaw on Renata’s pregnancy;  Oh no!  I “get” to see Prissybutt caress that doofus Carlos!  Oh, that WAS sickening!  Renata’s determination to go search for Jero herself is interrupted by the drunken Saul declaring they are victims of the same painful disgrace:  “Jero and Marina have run off together abandoning you and me!”

No, no, it’s a lie Renata coolly states.  Saul maintains it’s the truth, what does he have to gain by lying?  Matias forces Saul to plop down hard on the sofa which immediately launches him into a flashback of the tale he pulled out of his arse to tell Jero:  Jero and Saul are sitting in a café, Saul is telling Jero Marina doesn’t know we’re talking , he asks Jero to be discrete and gives him a piece of paper with the supposed address where he and Marina will be staying in D.F.  Jero further exposes the Achilles heel that got him in this mess:  I just couldn’t live in peace without knowing about my children!  I understand, trust me assures Saul.  Jero is easily taken in Saul’s confidence. [Insert your own epithet here].  In walks Tata herself, Saul feigns surprise and Tata is pissed at this paternalistic plotting!  Tata vows angrily she’s going to erase Jero right out of her life for ever!  Jero looks helplessly at Saul, like, help me out here, man.  Tata is in a tizzy!  She doesn’t want Jero to ever know anything about her or her children ever! 

Back to the present Saul continues his lie that Marina became furious when Jero told her he was marrying Renata today, that it was after this news that Marina declared he would never see her or her children again.  Renata, Regina, Matias and Adri continue listening as Saul excretes his tale . . back to the flashback. . .Marina angrily accuses Saul of betraying her as she wads up the paper with the address and declares there is no way she’s going with him nor is she staying with Jero.  Saul is not very convincing and we see Renata, Regina and Adri are not buying his bull either.  He claims he bought two tickets and thought he’d convince her to change her mind during the flight but to his surprise. . .flashback again. . .  In the airport Saul pleads that everything he’s done he did for her and thought would be in line with her wishes.  The surprise:  there at the ticket counter is Jero.  Jero tells Marina he has decided he cannot live without knowing about and being close to his children.  He’s going to go with her but she must understand he can never, NEVER love her the way he loves Renata.  Marina makes sure he knows, it’s her and his babies or Renata and if he stays with her he can NEVER EVER look for her.  You’ve made this very clear, Jero states, very clear.  Where does that leave me?  I’m sorry, I’m going with Jeronimo.  Back to the present:  Just like you I was left cold, frozen.  I never knew Jeronimo could do just a thing, I only called him to help him. . .Saul klunks down on his knees on the floor.

No lo creo!  I don’t believe you, this is not the Jeronimo I know.  Regina backs her up as Saul continues his drunken swearing.  Finally Matt puts him out!  [Praise the Lord!]

Back to the main parlor of LB Renata’s resolve is dissolving as she mouths fervent prayers to the Virgencita, flanked by Adri and Regina reassuring her these were the words of a drunken a$$hole [well, they shoulda called him that.]  Matt cuts through the fearful trembling with this:  Renata, I’m not saying I believe this jerk, but there are some consistencies in his story:  Jeronimo did not return after talking to this dude.  I say we go to the airport and get a list of the passengers who took flights out last night.  This will settle all doubt!

Mati sits pensively on her bed.  Kari knocks and enters.  Any new of el hermoso? Mati asks.  No news.  Are you sad for him or for Carlos?  Kari knows suffering when she sees it and easily disarms Mati of her pouty armor.  Mati reveals that she caught Carlos and Prissy kissing.  Kari is visibly impactada. . .was he kissing her or was she kissing him Kari asks.  It doesn’t matter, don’t try to justify him. . .he’s been lying to me!  Mati would rather break it off with him now for good as she can’t trust him and doesn’t know what he’s capable of:  she’d rather be a nun or an old maid!

Out to Mexico City:  All right, Hon gives the Investigator a CD with a time-stamped recording of the security cameras at his house plainly showing Corina coming and going with the stolen Sandra Ortiz (Amparo) in tow.  Hon and the Investigator watch and it’s damn near a high school yearbook perfect shot of that horrid Corina carrying the stolen baby.  Oh. Hell. Yeah. Con’s lawyer knods his approval.

Meanwhile outside Regina’s Hope Ines explains to a group of women that thanks to Corina, the Center is closed and Constanza is in the clinker.  She asks their patience and one of the women wants to know how they can help.  Let’s form a posse and got that damned Corina!  One of them knows where she lives and they vow to haul the heffa in!

Back at the jailhouse the Investigator has finished viewing the security camera CD as Gonzo arrives.  Hon introduces them and the Lawyer lets Gonz know they have some video that may help exonerate Constanza.  Gonz has been thinking on the flight about why Corina would kidnap a baby and then take it to the Center and to Hon and Connie’s house?  This is the same question The Lawyer has had:  when someone has kidnapped an infant it is usually to sell it or to extract some vengeance upon them as was done to Regina, Gonzo adds.  He follows this train of thought with more conviction:  he thinks someone did this as an act of vengeance against Constanza and Regina.  But who?  Who would want to do such a thing queries Hon.  Uh oh!  A furrow grows in Gonzo’s brow as the drums swell and we are swept to Julieta’s apartment building. 

Julieta takes to the stairwell just as the snake we love to hate exits the elevator.  Oh, wait, Julieta sees Roberta begin to unlock an apartment door opened by German, who greets her with a kiss and sweeps her inside.  Ah, I know this guy, but from where? Julieta muses.

Back at the den of iniquity Roberta is fishing for compliments and German is flashing back to his last attempted fling with a fine young thing.  [Oh no!  Anybody know the receptionist’s name?  This horn dog has been after her!]  He tries to talk Roberta into going away with him for the weekend.  What are you going to do with your mujercita?  Seems like she’s got you on a short chain!  Let’s make a deal, German counters:   How about you don’t mention my mujercita I don’t mention that you kept a client’s check that was supposed to go to Empresas Monterrubio?  What check she duh-mbly asks?  In a couple of sentences German let’s Berta know he’s not as dumb as she looks.  He knows all about the scam.  We got a deal?  [Y’all know the answer to that.]  German moves in and possessively pulls the cowed cow in, establishing his dominance with an unwavering glare.

Gonzo is talking to his sister, Cons through the bars.  [Gosh, I hope somebody brought poor Cons a pair of Nikes, house slippers, somethin’, a track suit, know what I’m saying?]  Think, think, he entreats Cons, do you have any enemies?  [My friends, feel free to rip this little interaction apart, “. .do you have any enemies?  Sheesh!]  Well, all I can think of is Fina and Blanca, but they’re locked up.  I thought so too but there must be someone else, someone who is so close to us that they brought a baby that was given our Mother’s name cries Cons.  Yes, I’m sure, says Gonzo, you were entrapped and I won’t rest til I find out who’s behind this! 

We’re back at LaBonita having coffee with Regina and Antonio.  Regina remains incredulous of Saul’s story but Antonio, like Matt sees a glimmer of truth.  Jero came to the parsonage looking for Marina one day and she told him he couldn’t have his cake and eat it too:  he couldn’t have his wife AND the mother of his children in the same place.  Yes, that is the same thing this hombre, Saul, said.  Antonio you don’t think there’s any truth that he chose Marina asks Regina as Renata walks up.  Oh no!  Drum rolls us back to awful Auggie’s. . .

Saul is recounting Renata’s shocked disbelief at his tale of woe and betrayal as Auggie chuckles and rubs his paws together.  Yaaay!  Anibal approaches the door then stealthily listens near the threshold as Auggie congratulates Saul on a job well done and pays him and tells him to get lost from the Valle de Guadalupe.  I know now without a doubt that you are responsible for Jeronimo not returning to marry Renata, Papa, Anibal concludes silently.

Hoo boy, here comes Prissypants to pull Mati’s chain.  I’ve been looking for you to thank you for realizing that you couldn’t compete with me.  [Insert nasty, cattish meowing]  It’s clear Carlos needs a woman like me, not a little nothing like you!  Mati has no comeback and breaks down almost before Prissy’s stench can waft from the room.  I hate you Prissy, because everything you said is true.  I couldn’t compete with you, I’m not at your level.  Dang!  [EJ, we got another client for ya!]

[Renata’s been holding up pretty good thus far and I’m not feeling as anguished as I thought I might but this doesn’t look good.]  Regina, Adri and Tony are with Renata in the parlor when in walks and limps Matt and Carlos.  What has happened demands Renata.  We didn’t find Jeronimo but we found his truck in the parking lot of the airport in Tiajuana.  It had been there since yesterday night Carlos reports.  We were able to look at the passenger list and confirmed that Jeronimo took the same flight last night that Marina took Matt solemly states.  They went together to Mexico City.

Adri gasps and Renata takes a breath too shallow to support her frame, we hear the muffled, plaintive pounding of her heart as she collapses in a heap to shouts as everyone dives to keep her off the floor.  The haunting heart pounding continues to sound. . .oh no!

Maybe it’s good that we’re back in the kitchen.  The wise Kari continues to counsel Mati. . .hmmm, we’re snatched away in less than ten seconds.  Renata is still not responding to her friends frantic efforts.  Adri runs for alcohol.  Antonio and Matt carry Renata to the bedroom.   Well, seems this is flashback city.  Auggie remembers hearing the news of Renata’s pregnancy from Berta.  This was not in my plans. [Sheesh, his tought bubbles are even nasty]  I don’t want you to have anything of Linares let alone this brat.  I’m sorry Renata but this bastard disturbs my plans!  [Thus Auggie signs the deed for prime acreage in HELL!] 

Renata has regained consciousness and is sitting up in bed.  Antonio wants to call in an OB (Tata’s OB) to examine her.  He wisely advises the fainting could be due to her pregnancy but it could be something else including a congenital heart defect like your sister has.  At first she answers no to Tony, that she never had heart problems then she remembers the car accident and the heart episode she has.  This comment goes straight to Regina’s heart and she alerts to this statement with great interest.  She recalls she was supposed to have an electrocardiogram but didn’t (flashback a-gain to a scene with Dr. Crotchrot, Areli, Auggie and Renata in a neck brace discussing the need for the ecg).  Regina and Tony go immediately to call the Dr. while Adri, the bestest friend ever, enfolds Renata in a warm, nurturing embrace.

Mexico City.  Ok friends.  I haven’t seen this scene yet.  Is it going to be Jero and Tata?  He sure as heck got some splainin’ to do!  Oh.  It’s Skankzilla and Germy.  Skanky happily tells Germy the wedding didn’t go off and never will cause Jero ran off with another woman.  Germy coolly sizes up Bert’s glee at this turn of events and her obvious lack of love for her family.  Why?  Did Renata tell you that?  You have no idea everything she’s done to me.  No, because instead of going to see your Aunt in the hoosegow you came here to be with me.  Berta regurgitates more bile about being the victim of the family’s exclusion and Germy concludes this must be why she feels no sense of loyalty or integrity about the family business.  Germy wants an explanation about the check and Berta, looking strange with bare feet, pads off in a huff to the bedroom.

Back at El Centro Ines is trying to convince Flor of the Posse de las Madres to go into the Police Station to make a declaration against Corina.  Ines will go with Flor. 

We’re back at the Jailhouse.  The Lawyer dude gives Gonzo a photo of Corina which was grabbed from the surveillance video.  Hon instructs the Lawyer to plaster the city with Corina’s picture.  Gonzo inquires about the case against Regina. 

Tony and Regina are in the study and have reached the Dr. and he’s going to come see Renata.   Regina still can’t believe Jeronimo would have run off with Marina.  The phone rings.  It’s Gonzo. He tells Regina there is hope that they’ve got a bead on Corina and Cons may be freed soon.  This is good news for El Centro as well.  Regina matter of factly tells Gonzo that Jero took the same flight as Marina for Mexico City. . .then it’s a fact, Jeronimo abandoned my Renata?  It seems so but I just can’t believe it Regina states firmly.  Dammit, that’s it.  Gonzo wants his whole family back with him tomorrow and forget Jeronimo Linares forever!  FOREVER!

Matt and Renata once more bond through sorrow when YAAAAY!  THE PUPPY IS BACK!!  How good to hear Renata immediately begin chortling in baby-puppy talk!  To Matt’s question what can they do, Renata asks that an investigation be started at once on Jeronimo’s whereabouts.  Matt’s like, why?  For what purpose?  Renata smells a rat, this just isn’t adding up.  Matt and Adri have that tone of voice and look adults have when a kid is talking about that special friend that no one else can see.  Renata hangs tough.  I know deep down within myself that something has happened to him.  Matt tries to convince her she’s going through the stages of grief and soon she will accept. . . .No, no, lo voy a aceptar, Matias no lo puedo aceptar mi vida sin Jeronimo!  I won’t, I can’t accept life without Jeronimo. Adri tries to hug her.  [Aye, Renata, I know those kind of sobs of frustration, your head is hurting, your nose is stopped up and you’ve cried so much your eyes are dry heaving.]  Jeronimo loves me she cries that ragged, hiccupping kind of cry when you’re so caught up in the emotion.  They embrace her as that infeliz leads us to break.

Back at La Bonita:  Super Laz is livid.  He’s not buying this bull about Jeronimo!  They yell about how unbelievable it is.  Renata had accepted the babies, it was no problem!  Yells Laz.  But Marina did not accept Renata Carlos shouts.  And you know what’s so killin’ about it Carlos says, dialing the decibels down for dramatic effect:  Jeronimo left here without knowing that Renata is pregnant too.

Back in this bedroom that has heard so much wailing, seen so many tears and the awful genuflections of grief Renata is told about Gonzo’s wish that they leave La Bonita.  Her lids heavy and swollen, Renata agrees.  It is so painful being here, and there’s nothing else to do. 

Back in the kitchen Manuela gives the 411 to Alfie.  [Oh Gawd, don’t let her within 100 yards of Renata!]  They discuss, of course, how unbelievable it is that Jero is a Zero and dumped Renata on her wedding day.  Eso me demuestra que todos, todos los hombres son iguales!  [What a surprise utterance from Alfie – NOT – students, you can figure out from context what that means!]  Manuela weakly protests.  Alfie is with her own baby because she gave Alison permission to accompany Anibal to go get his bike out of the shop.  Alfie is so starry-eyed over Anibal, she wants her to enjoy this first blush of luuurve before Anibal crushes the bloom.  [Hey!  Where is Super Laz’s understudy anyway?  Wasn’t he supposed to fling some major ca ca into the proverbial fan?]

Oh, there he is with young Alison!  Please put on the helmets!

Ah, the Marcus Welby of Mexico is in the house.  He asks Renata how far along she is.  Month, month and a half.

Ok.  Here’s Anibal with Padre Severino.  Uh Oh.  My dear Catholic friends, they’re saying some little prayers and the Padre is wearing his beautiful purple cloth.  Does this mean this is a protected communication?  Oh no!  Well, before freaking out, let’s hear what he has to say:   I wanted to confess because I’m almost sure that Augustin Dunant, my Papa, had something to do with the fact that the wedding between Jeronimo and Renata did not take place.  Padre loses his sacred composure and turns with a look of horror to stare Anibal square in the face.

Doc Welby is done:  Renata is fine gynecologically  but she has a heart arrhythmia.  He wants to refer her to a Cardiologist and Adri has a suggestion but the Doctor doesn’t want her to travel, she must get the studies in the hospital in Ensenada and let the results dictate whether she can travel or not.  [oh, the bottom just dropped out of my stomach. . .she’s going to end up having Auggie take her to the hospital for the tests!!!]  Regina is feeling an instinctive disquiet within as she turns to look at Renata as the color drains from our little tableau of woe.

Well, friends, looks like I dodged another bullet, wasn’t as bad as I feared.   The explosive previews appear to be not just for tomorrow but maybe for the next few days:  Fina setting an electrical fire, choking Blanca and throwing her from the top of a tall building, more anguished crying of Renata and a mixture of scenes we’ve already seen.  Thanks for readin’ this and see y’all in cyberspace!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #48 Tue 12/13/11 Beto channels Paul Revere, Vince channels Pancho, Ana gets a proposition.

Vince explains his hugging Candy to Pina thusly: "I have not been feeling well." "And Candy is consoling you?" "It was a maternal, disinterested embrace."

Chela's not coming back, she tells Pancho; he replies: "But when you're ready, our arms will be open, we love you and miss you." He leaves. More tears.

Now the maids are cooking dinner for los Lopez, an improvement over Candy's salty spaghetti. Pancho reports: his mission was a failure, they must endure Chela's continued absence. Temo is cranky and doesn't want to go to school or eat dinner.

Someone's at the door: it's Monica! Cheering and jeers of encouragement from the tribe! Moni tells Pepe she's wracked with guilt about what she said to him; he says no worries, he didn't believe any of it. "Polar bears!" he says (I don't know why). She cries a lot and then kisses him. Mmm. Then she cries some more and runs away.

Freddy and Vince talk on the phone. Daddy says, be careful with the girl. Pina wants to know if he's wearing his sweater. "Don't be intense, mommy."

Ana sings a sad love song and cries. Freddy is NOT WORTH IT. Ana tells Lupita: love is wrecking everybody's life.

In Brazil, Elena has dressed up in hopes that Freddy will not merely bonk her but will actually also take her to dinner. Nope. He gives her more money and leaves.

Lupe has a great report card. Pancho tells her he's embarrassed he ignored Chela's non-platonic love all those years. Lupe says she'd like him to marry Chela; he reminds her he loves Chela like a sister.

Manuel visits Ana and brings her: a tiny accordion! And kisses her! And says he's way in love with her. She punches him a lot and wriggles. "Be my girlfriend!" She runs away.

Chela, with her gypsy friend Jessenia, cries some more.

Rebe is going on a trip to the provinces to fix a problem in a plant. Pancho gets no kiss goodbye.

Catalina sees Candy doing her exercises on the grass and mocks her for not having a boyfriend. Candy says she hasn't had the greatest luck with guys, they promise you everything and then are unfaithful.

Catastrophe! Beto sobs. "Is it the invasion of the gringos?" Pancho asks. "No, worse! The Japanese are Coming! The Japanese are Coming! In a few hours! We're not ready!" Pancho tries to calm his hysteria and get him to collect the needed papers.

Sandra tells Vince she returned the expensive pocketbook. He complains to Enzo: "She acts like a second spouse or my mother!" Enzo has come to say, the Japanse are coming. They think it will be a shipwreck for the grocer!

In the office they share, Lupe sees Monica crying. In comes Elena, sobbing, back from Brazil. "He left me in the hotel all the time - don't say 'I told you so!!' " Lupe says to Moni: "What a jewel your ex is!"

Catalina debriefs with Pina after meeting with Pina in the yard. "We talked about men's natural infidelity. And I'm not surprised Vince went for her with a body like that." "He hasn't touched me for centuries." "Pay him back with the same coin."

Enzo tries to snap Vince out of it: "This woman Candy gives purpose to your life!? What about her vulgarity? You complained about the Lopez Horde of Savages, now you whine about Candy Candy Candy. I'm worried about you." Vince: "You don't like me acting like a teenager? It's an accident of life that I love my enemy's sister."

Pancho's buddies say he shouldn't ask Vince to help with the Japanese. But when Ana calls and says Temo has a fever, Pancho asks Vince to pick them up at the airport. "Now I'm a chauffeur?" Vince gripes.

Lupita reports to Tomas about the Brazil disaster and warns him: It's apapachos (cuddles) your sister needs, not scolding.

Vince tells the Japanese Takamoto Cosmetics chief's wife that HE is Pancho. "You don't seem Mexican," she says, "you are blond and have blue eyes." Her husband is coming on a later flight and she takes advantage of his absence to make a play for Vince! He gets her sympathy by humbly admitting: I'm a widower and have four children."

Temo is sick in bed, his dad is hovering over him worried but ineffectual - and suddenly, here's Chela to the rescue. She sends Pancho to call the pediatrician. Temo lays sick-child-guilt on Chela - "Come back to us! I don't want that woman to live with us or marry my dad."


Monday, December 12, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #91 Mon 12/12/11 JJ Wants to Throw Esther Under the Bus; the Ranchers Want to Throw JJ in Jail; and Everyone Wants to Throw Saul to the Wolves

It’s already 13 after the hour, the show hasn’t started yet, but the ads for La Que No Podia Amar are heating up. I hope Sharkbyte is watching, because it looks like his telenovia Ana Brenda has a juicy role, AND is flaunting her girls through the whole tn. But on to our tn.

Lucia has just had a major freak out in the park after being approached by S-s-s-aul and having to hear her rapist breath “precio-s-s-s-a” down her neck. Alex and Ivan come to the rescue and take the shell-shocked Lucia to the car.

Lucrezia has just dropped her idea of encouraging Lucia to marry Saul on Carlota. Carlota reacts like the rest of us, and she doesn’t even know Saul raped Lucia yet. She doesn’t think the Mondragon name is worth that much. Plus, Lucia’s opinion counts. Lucrezia thinks it’s just a matter of convincing her and wants Carly on her side. Just then, dazed Lucia returns flanked protectively by Ivan and Alex. Ivan tries to assure her that she’s home now and safe. He has Carly take Lucia inside and calls Benito to come pick Alex up, while trying to avoid Alex’s questions about why Lucia freaked out.

In the bedroom, Carly asks Lucia what happened. Lucia tells her what happened and that she’s sure it was Saul who raped her. She is filled with rage (rabia). In the living room, Ivan refuses to leave. He knows something is up with Saul and that’s why Lucia reacted that way. Stupid Lucrezia thinks Lucia is just down on all men in general right now.

Saul meanwhile is trying to cover his tracks and has tracked down waiter Paulito to convince him to keep his mouth shut about that money he gave him over a year ago to do him that little favor. Paulito claims to have a bad memory (I don’t remember anything), and that he doesn’t want to lose his job. Saul threatens that if he doesn’t spilt town, he’ll end up in jail.

Carly tries to convince Lucia not to be rude to Ivan and to see him. He’s worried about her. Lucrezia relates his message that he won’t leave until he sees her. Lucia agrees and then tells Carly that she’s going to do the hypnotherapy in order to fully remember. Lucia wonders how much Ivan knows about what happened to her. Considering the e-mail he sent her, Carly supposes he knows plenty. In the living room Lucrezia still spins this tale of bad feelings towards all men.

Lucia enters the living room to speak to Ivan. She doesn’t admit that she suspects it was Saul who raped her, but does admit that she is starting to have flashbacks and that it feels like the rape happened yesterday. She starts to get upset recounting the feeling of having the person on top of her. Ivan asks if she thinks it was Saul and she says she doesn’t know but admits that she’s starting to think so. Ivan thinks she should follow Bernie’s advice and go to hypnotherapy. He is sure that once she clearly sees the face of the person who did this to her, her fears will be replaced by rage. He knows she will come out of this strong because she is so brave (valiente). What that sick degenerate did to her does not erase her essence- the essence of a good woman, intelligent, pure.

Lucia brings up his forgiveness faux pas. He begs her to please forget that. He would have never thought she had been raped. He begs her forgiveness. It doesn’t matter to him who Perlita’s bio-dad is. “But it does to me.”

In Carly’s bedroom, Lucrezia has taken her rightful place as the Queen of De-nial. Carly can’t believe she would still consider that Lucia marry Saul. Lucrezia claims it's pure speculation that he raped Lucia. (Wow! Never have I felt this much of an urge to slap a character! Please Carly, do it for me.) Carly prohibits Lucrezia from bringing up the subject again. Lucrezia at least hopes that Lucia makes up with Ivan and fixes this “shameful” situation. (See my comment above.)

Ivan updates Tony at home. Ivan recounts how she recoiled from his attempted hug. He is certain it was Saul who raped her. He wants her to go to hypnotherapy. Tony wonders that if Saul turns out to be the daddy, will Lucia reject Perla. Ivan is sure she will not. She adores her daughter. But once Lucia remembers it was Saul, he will see to it that Saul rots in jail. Tony thinks they have to wait to see what Lucia decides.

Lucia is telling Carly that she believes she still loves Ivan, but can’t stand for any man to touch her right now, not even him. It’s not rejection or disgust (asco). She thinks it’s fear. Carly tries to tell her that not all men are like her attacker, and Ivan has always been a gentleman with her. She thinks Lucia should concentrate on the good memories of when they were together. Lucia points out that memories fade with time, which prompts Carly to ask if she really is still in love with Ivan. Lucia doesn’t know what’s happening to her.

Ivan and Camilo meet at the Ag Assoc and make final arrangements for the loan repayments. Then they get to talking about Lucia. Ivan tells Camilo about Lucia’s reaction to Saul, and he also concludes Saul was the rapist. Just then Antolin walks into the office and is happily surprised to find Ivan there. Ivan spills the Saul beans and Antolin is ready to rumble! Ivan and Camilo talk him down. Ivan thinks they have to approach the situation intelligently. He agrees to let Anto do some inquiries, but NO violence!

JJ tells Saul the marry Lucia plan. Saul says he doesn’t think Lucia would agree, and anyway she freaked out when she saw him. JJ is sure she now remembers and wonders if Saul was stupid enough to think she would never remember. “Well, yeah.” Saul admits that he slipped a mickey in her drink and she was unconscious when he did the deed. I guess JJ thought Lucia was just drunk when it happened because he calls Saul an infelíz and slaps him hard across the face. When Saul responds by begging JJ to help him flee the country, JJ slaps him hard again. Esther comes in wanting to know what’s happening. Saul says that he’s sure Ivan now knows and is going to put him in jail. JJ doesn’t think he deserves jail. He deserves to die! Saul is not deterred. Through teary eyes he begs JJ for money. He’s his son! JJ would rather be dead than be his father. He tells Sault to beat it. “Largate!”

Esther runs for JJ’s pills. He tells her he doesn’t ever want to see that animal again in his life. He tells Esther that Saul drugged Lucia to rape her.

The Three Musketeers (Ivan, Cam, Anto) discuss the situation over beers in a bar, while that damn “Sexy Smile” song plays in the background. Anto wants to beat the confession out of Saul. He thinks they should go to his house and drag him out. The other two urge calm. Anyway, Cam says, it’s not like that worked when they confronted him about being Lechita’s dad. Oh, well Anto showed him a lesson for that. Uhm, what? Ivan and Cam look worried now. What did Anto do? Anto just sips on his beer quietly. He only wants to help, especially since Ivan did so much to get him out of jail. Ivan doesn’t want any more talk of that. They are his only family and that’s what you do for family. Ivan thinks that the love they have for each other can conquer all the other problems they’ve had with each other. They’re brothers!

In Gordo’s new hideaway, Saul is trying to butter Gordo up into helping him. Gordo isn’t happy about being roped into Saul’s problems. He doesn’t have any money to loan Saul. His grandma does have a meager house out in the countryside where Saul could hide out. Saul is happy with that option.

MP calls Judith wanting them to go out clubbing like old times. Judith tries to beg off because she has work early in the morning. Anyway, her mom doesn’t want her hanging out with MP anymore. On cue, Esther comes into the living room wanting to know why Judith hasn’t told her about her boyfriend. Well, mainly because she doesn’t want JJ to be all in her biz, and secondly because she’s an adult and can make her own decisions. (Well, she wasn’t singing that tune just a second ago when she spoke to MP.) Esther doesn’t understand why she can’t present her boyfriend to them if he’s a good man. Judith refuses to continue the conversation and kisses her mother goodnight.

In Casa Galvan, Camilo has just told Celia about Lucia’s rape. She calls whoever did it a coward and Camilo reveals that they suspect it was Saul. Camilo just wants to hug and console her, but he knows that’s not what she wants. Celia thinks he needs to remake his life. He knows, but it’s a small town and it’s not easy to avoid her and vice versa. The biggest difference is that she continues to be important for him, but he means nothing to her.

Ivan calls Lucia to check in on her and Perlita. He would have liked to see Perlita. They make small talk about her taking Perlita to the pediatrician tomorrow, and about the car. She doesn’t have one to get around since hers is totaled. He thinks she should at least borrow that cute electric blue Beetle he got her, until she gets her new car. She continues to be stubborn about it. “As you wish. Goodnight.” Lucia’s mad that he just hung up saying goodnight, without even sending her kisses. (She's awfully confused about what she wants from this man, isn’t she?)

The next morning, Lucia is leaving the hospital and struggling with the baby to get a cab back to the ranch. Up drives Ivan’s taxi service. He pays no attention to her saying it was unnecessary for him to come, takes Perlita and puts her in the car, and asks how the appointment went. He had nothing better to do than come pick up a girl he’s known for over 20 years, who’s no longer a girl. Once they arrive at the ranch, he insists on walking her and Perlita all the way in. He coos at Perlita, calling her beautiful, and speaks about how he never knew Alex as a baby. He considers Perlita to be his baby. “But she’s not.” Ivan points out that Tony isn’t his biological father either. But they love each other and would give their lives for each other. In the same way he would give his life for Alex, Perla, or Lucia. He reminds her of their passionate love. He can’t believe she’s forgotten. He leaves her with her thoughts. After he leaves she begs him not to leave in a whisper.

Shot of the fields of healthy cartámo (safflower). Ivan and Camilo meet with the guy from the company that makes cooking oil (aceite) from cartámo. Lots of PSAs about how healthy it is, especially in the fight against diabetes. Blah, blah. Refer to my recap about the benefits of cartámo. Everyone is happy.

The next day, Cutberto’s in Camilo’s office complaining about how JJ has to pay for his recently discovered fraudulent dealings at the Ag Assoc.

Lucia and Bernie wait for Lucia to enter her hypnotherapy session. Lucia doesn’t know what’s happening to her. She loves Ivan, but when he gets close to her she feels fear and the need to reject him. Bernie is concerned. Lucia gets called into her session with the doctor. They speak about how she was drugged and can’t remember her rape.

Camilo and Anto discuss the audit the ranchers want done. Camilo speaks to Anto about all the JJ scams (tranzas) he’s already discovered. Anto tells him to forget about the promise he made to JJ to forgo the audit. Anto would be happy to see JJ behind bars. Speak of the devil! It’s JJ himself who’s come to see Camilo.

Lucia’s session begins and she’s put under. She begins to remember the rape and the doctor asks who else was there. She begins to weep. “It’s him! It’s him. It’s him.” (Whew! I needed a commercial break! Didn’t you?)

When we come back from break, JJ is hobbling into his old office and is greeted by the Brothers Galvan. JJ is surprised to find Anto there. Anto says he’s done with the crooked life and leaves. “Have a good day, if you can.” JJ assumes Anto is working at the Ag Assoc, but Cami sets him straight that Anto manages his ranch for him. They chat about the fact that JJ can’t drive himself but had to come by chauffeured driven car. (Poor baby!) “How are things, my friend Camilo?”

Lucia is trying to end the session before she can fully identify her rapist’s face. The doctor reassures her and makes an appointment for tomorrow. If she wants closure, she’s going to have to be brave enough to let herself see the face (rostro) of this man.

JJ is trying to guilt Camilo into not doing the audit. Camilo points out that it wasn’t JJ’s influence that got him the job, plus all the ranchers are calling for the audit. JJ thinks Camilo just wants to screw him over (me quieres fregar), and surely as the president he can just lie to the associates! Camilo says his duty (deber) is to show the associates the audit, and he’s just giving JJ fair warning. JJ tries to blame his accountant and Saul for the mistakes and fraud. Then he tries to use illness as an excuse. If he WERE healthy, he’d use his cane to chase Camilo out of his office. He then leaves, deftly using his cane to swing the door shut.

Bernie tries to talk Lucia into confronting her fears and allowing herself to see the face in her session tomorrow. Lucia isn’t a coward (cobarde). She needs to do it for herself and for her daughter.

Ivan asks David for Bernie’s phone number so he can find out how Lucia’s session went. Before he leaves, he actually pleasantly asks Judith how her (their) father is. He finds Camilo in Tony’s office seeking advice about the JJ audit situation. Tony thinks they can make an agreement (acuerdo) with JJ that won’t land him in jail. He’s already sick, his wife is ready to leave him, his kids are distanced from him, and he’s kicked Saul out of the house. Ivan’s ears prick up. Why did he do that, Ivan wonders?

Tony thinks it’s better to deal with the JJ situation the easiest way possible (por las buenas), and anyway, blood calls blood. Ivan is tired of hearing that nonsense. Tony is ticked at him again for being so filled with rancor and not having compassion, especially for someone who carries his own blood. Ivan still doesn’t look like he’s buying it. “Do what you want.” He walks out.

Lucrezia immediately starts pressuring Lucia to spill what she learned during her session. Lucia admits that her fear stopped her from going deeper in her memory, and ever supportive Lucrezia (NOT!) says SHE doesn’t believe Saul could have done something like this. She refuses to shut up about it, which ticks Carly off. Lucia tells them both to knock it off. She doesn’t even want to hear his name! Lucrezia STILL refuses to SHUT UP! Carly tells Lucrezia to go to JJ and tell him to forget this idea of Lucia marrying his disgrace of a son. And if Saul even comes within a meter of Lucia, he’s going to have to deal with Carly!

JJ complains to Esther about Camilo. She tries to calm him down. JJ prefers to be dead than in jail! Why did he take the money, she asks? Look around, he tells her. He did it for them. So that they could have a good life! Now look at his kids. David and Judith working for that gringo who stole his son, and Saul turned into scum (escoria), a despicable being. And he knows Esther just came back to him out of pity. He tells her to leave him alone, and she leaves looking dejected. (Honey, you already went above and beyond duty. Leave his a** again!)

Ivan visits Bernie at her place and they sit in the cage chair where she usually makes out with David. Bernie updates him on how the first session went. He relates his fears and worries about Lucia, especially how she rejects his touch. Bernie explains how she subconsciously identifies his touch with that of her rapist, and he doesn’t understand how she can feel in danger at his side. Bernie says it doesn’t matter what happened between them before. Lucia feels very vulnerable right now. She isn’t even really aware of how she’s acting right now. He needs to be patient. Ivan wonders if she’ll ever get past this. Bernie says you can’t be sure, but she believes so. Ivan wants to know what he should do; how should he behave? Observe her. Feel her out. He himself will then find the best way to help her. Ivan asks how did the memories get triggered in the first place? “It was a phone call from Saul.”

JJ meets with his lawyer. The lawyer’s worried about the audit too, JJ wants to know how they are going to get out of this. JJ reminds him that he’s up to his neck in this too, and can’t blame it all on JJ giving him orders. The lawyer agrees, but the ideas were JJ’s. Esther listens in as the lawyer suggests throwing all the blame on Saul. It won’t be easy since all the money was put in JJ’s account. Then JJ comes up with a brilliant idea. “My wife also has signatory power over that account!”

The maid nearly gives away Esther and almost interrupts, but Ester shoos her back inside the kitchen so that she can continue to listen in on the plan to frame her. The lawyer doesn’t think people will believe she was capable of such a thing. Esther goes running into Saul’s room looking for him, but realizes he’s already gone.

In her hotel, MP fixes herself a glass of mother’s little helper after a tough day of…I don’t know, filing her nails. She decides to call up Camilo and complain about him abandoning her. She is dying of boredom! He is too busy. It will have to be another time. She tells him that she’s starting to be under the impression that their “relationship” is only based on sex. (Hah!) He is surprised as the audience is that she thought it was something more than that. “You’re treating me like a whore.” (golfa) He tells her to take it as she wishes. He’ll see her tomorrow.

Lucia looks at sleeping Perla and tells her it doesn’t matter to her in what conditions she came to her. She loves her. She takes a call from Ivan. He tells her he’s not put off by her rejection. All he wants to do is care for her. She thanks him, but she doesn’t know if she can overcome this. She doesn’t want to hurt him and thinks he should forget her. He says he can’t forget her. He wants to know how he can help her. She tells him what the doctor said about confronting her fears. Only then can she once again have a relationship. “Do you want to try?” Lucia looks unsure of her answer.

Avances: Lucia tells Ivan the rapist was for sure Saul. Ivan swears to turn over every rock to find that asshole. MP threatens Camilo that if he doesn’t service her regularly, uh…take their “relationship” seriously, she’ll sing to the four winds that they started sleeping together while he was still married to Lucia and that HE seduced her. Ivan plans a romantic dinner for Lucia and they kiss.


Cuando Me Enamoro #165 Monday 12/12/11 It’s Just Not Nice to Fool the Virgin of Guadalupe, Especially on Her Special Day of Las Mañanitas

Catch up: White gowns cheer the jailing of Constanza at the asylum and suffering for being such a sentimental idiot (cursi tonta). Constanza is dragged into the police station in cuffs as she swears her innocence. Pre-wedding jitters get to Renata, Jero, Augie, Roberta. Renata is pregnant. Jero is lured off to a meeting with Marina. The clues are everywhere for Anibal, Lazaro and Matias. Roberta smirks a lot, Augie smirks with his eyes. The wedding is another disaster and Renata begs the bedroom ceiling to reveal where Jero has gone. I’m going in!!

The judge is ready for the ceremony so the hunt for the missing bridegroom begins. Honorio comments dryly that Constanza deserves to await his call as he again ignores his cell. For Roberta and Augie, the night will be so diverting. The facts, less what Anibal knows, are thrown together. The guys saw Jero and Marina together while they waited for Adri to go to the pharmacy in the square. We see Saul smirking that his part of Augie's plan is going as planned, whatever that is. But who is Marina they all ask. The mother of Jero’s children Renata says to a que? que? From Matias and Gonzo. And these are the two that have fallen in and out of love with Jero several times already.

Gee whiz, I thought we all knew already. All the guys but Honorio leave the patio with Augie slipping in among the crowd to slip away with his smug grin still keeping his jaws from jutting.

At the jail German learns from a lawyer that they probably cannot take Constanza out of the jail so easily because kidnapping has severe penalties and could carry a prison sentence of 50 years. Renata says Jero commited errors when they were separated but they are now agreed to work everything out in together. So where, oh where can our Jero be.

Finally Honorio gets a call on his cell phone from the EM receptionist telling him finally they have reached him so he can know that Constanza has been arrested by the police for stealing an infant. He goes to Adriana. He plans to get to Tijuana to the airport without telling the others what the real problem is, since they are already so worried. She should wait until the last moment to tell them about Constanza. We know that will make it all go so much better and give Adriana another chance to act totally against character. She tells her Pa to at least keep her advised of all developments.

Consta swears to the authorities that she did not steal the baby. The officer tells her, but the baby was stolen 2 weeks ago. This baby is not named Amparo but Sandra and the mother is not Corina but Senora Garcia. Since the woman, Corina, cannot be found the whole responsibility and blame lies with Constanza. The real mother comes in with the father. Upon finding out that Consta is the robber found red handed holding baby Sandra., she tries to attack Consta screaming she has no idea what she has suffered, she will prosecute and Consta will receive no pardon from God for her theft. Consta continues to swear her innocence and the police official tries to restore calm while the father tries to keep the young mother from tearing Consta’s face off.

Renata has to explain to her puzzled father who asks if he wasn’t kidnapped what does she think happened to Jero and he has the idea Renata knows more about what was between Jero and this woman... No, no let me rephrase that, this woman is expecting twins. Regina knows that this Marina is threatening to move away and Jero was very upset at the idea that he would not be close to his children while they are developing or when they are born. Regina spills the news that she’s pregnant too. For a moment, Gonzo kisses his favorite daughter who is expecting his first grandchild and the world is happy. Adri and Regina chime in on the good news.

The kitchen jury discusses that something very serious must have happended to keep pretty boy boss man away from his wedding.

Anibal and Alison walk in the garden puzzling the situation when Anibal remembers Augie on the phone swearing his plans better be carried out and this wedding cannot take place. He then catches Anibal outside the office door but Anibal feigns innocence saying he just arrived and only wanted to know if Augie wanted to eat.

Augie has a little time to drink and dish with Roberta in his livingroom and when she congratulates him on his masterful plan, he kisses her saying and you are my prize (premio).

The lawyer talks to Constanza about the gravity of this kidnapping charge if they cannot get proof of this Corina and her part in this, while she insists that Corina is real but is nowhere to be found. German tells Isidro and Inez that Honorio has finally been reached and is on his way to DF.

Antonio fills in Padre Sev that Laz and Carlos saw Jero approach Marina. Padre can’t believe that Jero would be involved in something dishonest like this.

Manuela comes with a teapot to offer some refreshment for all. They refuse but what about uncle Honorio and sister Roberta, she asks. Adri says who knows where Roberta went but Hon is making calls or attending to something. Gonzo goes to make some calls of his own in Jero’s office and to see what is going on with his sister. He can’t reach Consta’s cell phone. Finally Regina gets Inez on her phone and is told that Consta was detained in jail for stealing the baby. The family of the baby are going to press charges against Consta.

She is also learns that charges have been brought against her and the Center which they have seized and closed. She puts Gonzo on the phone and Inez passes her phone to Isidro who will explain what is known so far.

The guys come back to tell everyone that neither Jero nor his truck are to be found at the plaza where they last saw him and there was no sighting of Marina at her office or the hospital and she had left the church. Roberta and Augie come in as though they have been looking for Jero too. Roberta says she is Sooo sorry and Renata snaps at her that sorry doesn’t get it because she is sure nothing is wrong with Jeronimo.

After Gonzo tells Isidro to thank German for his help and thanks for staying near Consta until Honorio can get there, Inez and Isidro and German discuss the situation. Isidro assures German that Gonzo’s family is the center of his universe and the principal thing that matters to him. Isidro thanks him for Gonzo and German says what are friends for. Gonzo consoles Regina since all these things are a mess at the center but they support each other.

Roberta with a slight grin brings up that it is a possibility that Jero ran off with the mother of his children and they all know it is true. Maybe he was kidnapped, Adri adds after all he is a super rich man. Renata wants to file a missing person report right away but Augie, says oh, no, here you can’t file one until someone has been missing for at least 48 hours. Gonzo says but there are federal laws that permit a search to begin immediately. Slicker than snot on a doorknob, Augie insists that the laws are different in different states. So they all stop to thlnk for the moment.

At the young things questioning her in the kitchen, Manuela tells Anibal and Alison that the woman who looks like Renata is her sister Roberta. Anibal has another more recent memory flash of Augie kissing Roberta. Meanwhile heartbroken and confused, Renata cries in the bedroom. Augie says grandly, we all ought to continue looking for him ourselves. Carlos says he and Lazaro are already doing that and leaves. Augie leaves saying to Gonzo, you can count on me for anything then on kissing Regina’s hand, he is winking across the room at Roberta as he exits. Finally Roberta is having fun at a wedding. Oh my!

Regina brings tea into Renata’s room saying she needs tea and she needs to think of her baby. Renata says this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. Regina soothes her, we should know soon, he will appear, and this will seem like a bad dream. But, I don’t know here he is, where is he, why isn’t he with me, she sobs. You thlnk he has gone with Marina don’t you? No, Regina tries to assure her, I know he loves you deeply. Renata says she knows in her heart that he loves her but he isn’t here and she doesn’t know what to make of it. Regina comforts her rocking her like a mother would comfort her heartbroken child.

Gonzo sums up that Hon has gone and he will return with Roberta to the city too but wants Matias to stay with Renata and Regina. Adriana agrees to stay too. Gonzo doesn’t want Renata upset because of the baby. What Babyl Roberta suddenly comes alive. She is told and sneers well if Jero knew of this baby maybe he wouldn’t have escaped. Gonzo says keep your silence! (shut your pie hole) and Roberta puts finger to pouty, venomous mouth in mock obedience.

Anibal returns to hear more venom from Augie that he was just putting on a show for Renata’s sake but he has no desire to find Jero. He assures Anibal that he has no idea what a base cad Jero really is. He is capable of betraying the lovely Renata with no heart. He is sure he has gone off with this Marina. He says he is tired and will go rest. Anibal suddenly has another revelation as he picks up one of the wine glasses on the coffee table that has lipstick on the glass rim.

Gonzo thanks Regina again for her tender motherly treatment of Renata. Regina assures him she feels like Renata is her own daughter. The Not-daughter Roberta stands once more outside the door and says well she is your daughter but you will never find it out and you won’t know you are a grandmother.

Hon shows up in record time at the jail and goes into see Consta who is so sorry that she never knew that the real mother of Amparo/Sandra was suffering. Hon and she discuss that Corina lied about everything and they have no information, paperwork or even a photo to prove who she really is or where she came from when she appeared with her baby. He will start his search for the truth and thinks maybe they can use the camera system at the house to capture a picture of her coming in with the baby. Consta is properly repentant that she didn’t listen to Hon’s warnings (or anyone else’s for that matter) but was blinded by her love of this child. He doesn’t chastise her further but just wants to get her out of jail. They kiss through the bars.

The white gowned witches kiss their wine glasses, salute their night passes with wine and snacks in the directors office. (I‘ve had worse jobs that this!) Fina doesn’t know what they are going to do when they get out to live well if there isn’t more money because all of it went to dirty director. But Blanca smugly reveals that of all the money she filched from Fina’s husband, the sums in banks were found and returned but not the part that she had in cash: in dollars and pesos and euros in a safety deposit box and it will be returned by the sainted Virgin of Remedios. We flash to Blanca entering a chapel for the Virgin of Remedios and taking a key out of her pocket putting it into a little pouch on a string and draping it on the Virgin statue like all the other rosaries and amulets. Blanca is so proud and Fina feeds her ego, how brilliant and resourceful she is and what an indestructible team they are. The future is rosy. While she clinks wine glasses again, she thinks how she will trick Blanca out of the hidden treasure once they are free.

Back at La Bonita, Renata awakens sad to see Regina in a chair guarding her for the night. Did Jeronimo return? Regina pops up saying, I don’t think so because I explained to them to come advise me as soon as there was news no matter what the hour.

Roberta calls Augie from the airport putting him apoplectic by announcing that Renata is pregnant. In the kitchen, Manuela, Kari, Laz and Matilde and Carlos are discussing Jero’s disappearance and how boyfriends ought to act ensues with Matilde making thinly veiled snarky remarks to Carlos while Manuela, Laz and Kari look on. Lazaro observes that he can’t believe that Jero seems to have been swallowed up by the earth. Pris walks or saunters in and pets “mi Charlie”, stroking his cheek to the disgust of all. And the boob doesn’t stop her. Matilde’s eyes look stunned.

Renata’s room is filled with Adriana, Matias and Regina discussing what to do when the maid comes in to tell Renata that someone has come and is asking for her, but she doesn’t now who. Renata stomps out asking why she didn’t get his name. We see sad sack Saul telling her that she and he are companions of the same pain that they were both left by the pair. Saul is quite drunk, reeling and insisting that Jero took off with Marina when he was supposed to go away with her and marry her in spite of her having Renata’s husband’s children. But they abandoned both you and me. Matias can barely keep Saul from falling into Renata.

Next: The horrified looks continue with this new batch of woes but Anibal our young hero puts the puzzle together with all he knows of Augies tricks he has been planning on the phone and paying sums to various smarmy visitors to ruin some wedding. We see him confiding all to Padre Severino. Please don’t let it be a private confession that Padre can’t act on…


Una Familia Con Suerte #47 Mon 12/12/11 Chela spends a refreshing afternoon at the cemetery.

Beware - for some reason this show is starting very late and it wasn't finished till 9:09. It will cut off the end of your recordings if you're not careful!

Candy tells Pancho he was chicken to pretend he didn't know Chela was in love with him. He should tell the truth, that he's in love with Rebeca.

Pina can't believe Vince went to see the dog therapist - "Yeah, and I won the Nobel Prize. And now the dog is losing her fur, Vince, and it's all your fault! Did the doctor teach you to bark?" He mutters woefully: "If this continues, Abeja will end up like one of those bald aztec dogs!"

Chela has a fun vacation day. First she goes to Pedro Infante's shrine, then she visits her sister's grave and, after leaving her flowers, she spies on Pancho as he, too, comes to wish his dead wife a happy birthday.

Candy is bouncing vigorously in Avon's zumba class; when Vicente comes in she invites him to participate. "No, I dance worse than a fat hippo," he demurs, but he tries anyway. Then, yoga in pairs! And the "twin" pose: Vicente falls on top of her to their mutual satisfaction.

Nico and Chaco tell Pancho: "You'll end up like the dog with two cakes (ie, he'll end up with neither of the bombons)...

Poor Elena. Down in Brazil, naked, she confesses to Freddy this was her first time. "Why did you pretend you were an experienced femme fatale?" "Insecurity!" "If I'd known you were a virgin I wouldn't have pressed you..." He's in a hurry to leave and will be gone all day, she should find herself something to do. Uh, oh. He leaves her with a fistful of cash and dawning disillusion in her eyes.

Accountant Beto, ever the pessimist, describes Murphy's Law to Pancho ("If you think something bad is going to happen, it's because it will... If there's any possibility something could happen that will cause the worst problem, that's what will happen." Pancho confides in Beto about his love, and gets this cheering response: "Love always has disastrous consequences. You two will probably never consummate your love."

Lupe thinks it's gross that Pancho likes Rebe. Pepe thinks she'll make a groovy stepmother.

Temo is sick in bed and getting fussed over by Ana when Chela shows up to help with the fussing. "Don't tell your dad I was here," she says. Temo implores her: "Stay!" She swears she'll come visit every day.

Fer visits... some place. Stay tuned.

Pina and her buddy Catalina agree Vince couldn't actually have been visiting a therapist at 10 pm. Catis enthusiastically agrees to spy and find out who he's shagging.

After yoga, Vince is euphoric. He invites Candy to have an egg-and-banana energy drink with him outside. They're giggling and then embracing - while Catalina watches. When she storms up Vince immediately starts spewing excuses and denigrating Candy while she's within earshot.

Pepe and Enzo meet cute in the elevator. As usual, Enzo sez "Hands off my daughter." "Shouldn't you think about your daughter's happiness?" "She aspires to much more, you're from an extremely inferior class." "We love each other and you can't change that, nor can Freddy nor God." Whoah!

Barb and Becky gossip again, same conversation as yesterday.

Vince apologizes to Abeja and asks her pardon. Pina comes in and he asks if she's seen her pal yet. No. He admits Catalina saw him embracing Candy.

Candy steams remembering Vince selling her out again to save his own skin. "He's an imbecile, a baboon," she tells Ana, "but I know what to do!"

Pancho finds Chela at the old homeplace and starts in with the usual "You're the soul of the family, we miss you, the house is like death without you" routine. But she wishes he didn't always use the plural. "WE need you, you say - but do YOU need me?" "Yes, Chela." "But the kiss! Tell me, don't I deserve the truth?" "Yes, I'm in love with Rebeca. And now, you tell ME the truth." Chela says she won't come back.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #90 Fri 12/09/11 Violation Station--But S-s-s-saul Doesn't Mind Facing Up To His Obligation THIS Time!

[If some of this is a bit repetitive, I’m sorry.  I had to watch two episodio’s at one time and don’t have a video to review from right now.—ed]

Juan Jaime confirms with Saul that he was the low down skunk who had to drug Lucia in order to have sex with her—a definite no-no in JJ’s book of tricks.  Of course Saul agrees to marry her to make things right. 

JJ tells Esther that she should find out from Lucrazy if Lucia would consider marrying Saul in order to keep her from being the theme du jour of the gossip hounds in Alamos—and of course combine the two ranches at the same time.  She gives him grief immediately for thinking only in himself and what kind of material advantage he can get out of somebody else’s tragedy. 

Lucia has called Bernice to ask for a little professional tete a tete.  She tells Bernie that she remembered her being raped when she heard Saul’s creepy (Viewerville’s descriptor, tho’ it should have been hers—but she’s a good girl, remember and those of us in Viewerville have no such inclinations).  Bottom line, Lucia thinks it could have been that slimy snake in the grass S-s-s-s-s-saul (again, Viewervilles description, not the lovely Lucia’s).  Bernie suggests hypnotherapy.  It’s come a long way since the days of charlatans and carnival acts.  She might be able to get her full memory of the events back.  Lucia isn’t sure she can handle the shock of fully remembering (Ugh--I know I sure wouldn’t want to.  Going through it the first time with that uncouth clod would have been plenty!  Having to remember it again –yes, definitely a second violation!)  They also talk about reporting him to the police and how that would cause another scandal, ruining her reputation, making her damaged goods for any and all respectable socially acceptable marriageable males.  Bernie tells her not necessarily. 

Meanwhile, the newlyweds take their noche de bodas in town at Gerardo’s (QEPD) townhouse, which he left to Carolina.  Antolin has duly taken care of all the boudoir details, completely covering the bedspread with huge Gerbera-style daisies (two-thumbs up to the production crew for this change of pace from the regular footpath of rose petals.)   For Carolina, it’s a marvelous sight—for really real, and is even more appreciated because of her renewed eye-sight.  (Viewerville’s eyesight, however, is momentarily obliterated: nobody can see the screen due to a major-league teary-eye effect.  Kleenex anyone?)   

Bernie heads downstairs afterwards and gives an encouraging status update to Carlota and Lucrecia, then leaves.  Lucrazia tells Carly she still thinks Lucia made it all up.  Carly tells her to shut it or risk having her teeth flying airmail to the rancho across the way.

Carly goes in to give a little comfort to Lucia.  She reads the love letter that Ivan’s just sent her and cries.  Her biggest fear is that Ivan will turn out to be just as jealous of the baby-daddy as Camilo was with her over Ivan and she couldn’t deal with that.

At the same time Lucrazia makes a social call to Juan Jaime and Esther.  She tells them that Lucia was drugged and then raped a year or so ago and that Perlita is the result of that rape.   That’s the reason that neither Ivan or Camilo are the baby-daddies. Juan Jaime asks Lucre-zia to convince Lucia to marry Saul to avoid another family scandal.  Lucre-zia explains she thinks that highly unlikely.  She never really cared for Saul that much.  Anyway, the girl’s happy to be a single mother now, tho’ gawd knows why, she says.  

Outside later that morning, Lucia and Carly are having a heart to heart about her being perfectly happy to stay a single mom.  (Ok.  Let me get this straight.  Lucia is ready to forgo her happiness to keep Mama and family from being the scandal of the century, but she sees--and saw--no problem being a single mom.  Ok.  Maybe I am just an old fogy but in this case I wear the moniker proudly.)  Carly tells her she’s blowing smoke cuz at her age there’s no way she would be happy living like a nun.  Just then Benito drives up in a cute, neon blue VW Bug convertible, courtesy of Ivan.  Lucia refuses to accept it.  She has auto insurance and they will replace her car, thank you very much—not!

Across the way at the McGuire compound, Anthony is giving Ivan more grief over using the word “forgive” with Lucia when discussing the rape situation.  (Good!)  Like what were you thinking, you dork!  It wasn’t something she could have avoided if the girl was attacked!  Ok.  Ivan heads over to see Cam at the Ag Association offices.  Tony makes a quick call to Carly to force a fortuitous meeting between Ivan and Lucia to help them patch things up. “—Otherwise we’ll all be as clinically depressed as Lucia if we don’t do something fast!”  I believe Carly also tells him about the rufi rape being the reason the DNA test didn’t pan out properly.

Speaking of which, Saul and Maripaz are chatting over drinks somewhere.  She mentions the drugged rape and Saul acts totally surprised to hear that--and the real shocker is that Perlita’s probably his then.  Merry Piece says she can understand if it were her because she’s all for playing around, but her sis is straight as an arrow.  If Lucia says she was sober and got drugged and raped then it’s the honest truth!  She cringes at the thought of having been raped like that herself (Anybody in Viewerville who’d give a rat’s patooty if MP got attacked, raise your hand.  Naw, I didn’t think so.)  S-s-s-s-saul slinks down a little further (as if he could get any lower) in his chair.

Back at the Meandragon lair, JJ asks Lucrazia to help him get Cam thrown out [desbancar] of the Ag Association presidency so he can have his old post back.  A discussion ensues about lower class nobodies having voted Cam in because he's from their same social group.  “—Nobody seems to respect authority from the upper class in society any longer or they wouldn’t have done that to you.”

Ivan and Cam discuss a need for the farmers to have an extension on their deadlines (plazo) to pay off their loans due to the weather.  Ivan says no problem.  The two agree to be friendly adversaries now that the baby isn’t either of theirs [una buena lid = fight fair and square].  Cam realizes the error of his ways with his insanely jealous actions.  (Besides, he’s got Maripaz to brutalize now—and she likes it!  Ugh.)

At dinner that night, Bernie, David, Judith and Carlos O? (New Guy at the Office)  are discussing Lucia’s horrible situation and how the rape has ruined her life.  Bernie won’t give out all the juicy details about whether she knows who the rapist was—and for good reasons, even if they aren’t all professional!

When Bernie and Dave get back home that night, she tells him that the rapist was his brother, Saul.  Dave is ready to go hunt him and beat him to a pulp.  At least the slug needs to be put in jail, he says. 
Merry Piece calls Cam and tells him what really happened to Lucia and why the DNA didn’t jive.  He tells Anto who figures he’ll find the waiter involved that night.  One way or another he’ll get to the bottom of this mess.  Nobody messes with Antolin’s family!  No-o-o-o-body!

When Ivan gets wind of the truth Tony asks Ivan not to dole out justice on his own.  That’s what they have laws for (well, maybe.)  Ivan doesn’t want to wait for “The Law” to make another SNAFU out of justice again.

Alex calls Lucia late at night and asks her to fix the emotional mess his daddy and everyone else is faced with now that she and his daddy are splitsville again.

Lucia calls Benito and asks to let her pick him up after school so they can spend quality time and deal with his depression over her and Ivan’s break-up.  Carly sneaks in a quick call to Tony who immediately suggests that Ivan pick up Alex because Benito’s got to take him to visit Carly this afternoon.  

Lucia waits for Alex after school and they head off for an ice cream together.  Ivan arrives a second too late and decides to follow them to the park.  Saul is there El Gordo at the same park as they are and they head over to say hey.  Ivan sees Saul and Gordy approach.  He also sees Lucia freak out and begin beating at Saul.  Lucia’s screaming at the top of her lungs, telling Saul she knows it was him who did it.  Alex starts beating on Saul who is ready to knock the kid on his a$$.  Ivan races over and knocks Saul on his instead. 

Saul brags that he was the one who raped Miss Goody-Two-Shoes-Lucia.  He wants to make that snide SOB, Ivan, crawl in agony and beg him on his knees!  Gordy says there’s a way to do that and get millions of greenbacks at the same time.  All they have to do is kidnap Alex.  Viewerville just hopes it’s not déjà-vu all over again!



Saturday, December 10, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 12, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

LA CASA DE AL LADO – capítulo 135, viernes

So the writers had some surprises for us last night:

Renato’s caller forces us to reexamine the suspect pool; and we learn that Ignacia sí era mamá! – or so it appears!

Ignacia Conde died the way she lived – a selfish fool and a coward. Instead of alerting the cops to Adolfael’s plan – and she knew very well he was a serial killer and a continuing threat to herself and her family as long as he remained free – she went along with him, agreeing to lure Gonzaki to his death. So it’s hard to grieve her fate. Like Sebastián’s death, (he stood by quietly and watched Pilar drink from what he suspected was a poisoned champagne glass), hers was an ironic turn-around. But the grief of the people she has left behind is devastating.

Over her dead body
Almost everyone appears at the velorio: the men in their black shirts and suits looking like mafiosi; Pilar in funereal black, but in a short, asymmetrical shoulder-baring dress that is, you should excuse the expression, drop-dead glamourous. And when Mabel stands outside the church clutching a bouquet, she brings to mind a jilted bride.

Gonzalo and Javier glare accusingly at one another and even come to blows outside the church. But Eva, her sharp edges blunted by grief, says Javier and Ignacia loved each other and she would have wanted him there. And Carola always loved Adolfo, she adds in a nearly inaudible aside.

Gonzo is still trying to get someone to reveal Carola’s hiding place. He just wants to help her, he insists. Emilio warns Eva not to give up Carola’s whereabouts to anyone, especially Gonzalo.

Renato’s grief has turned to rage and a thirst for vengeance. He believes Pilar’s alibi for Gonzo but nothing can quell the fury he feels towards Javier for stealing his whole life out from under him. It is Pilar who convinces him to let Javier pay his respects to Ignacia; the sooner he does so, the sooner he’ll be gone.

Now Renato’s rage is focused on Adolfo. When Mabel shows up proffering condolences and flowers, he rejects them furiously. What he wants to know: Where are Mabel’s sons, Iñaki and Ismael?

The creepy voice on the phone:
Friday’s episode opens with the phone call Renato receives outside the church. Renato listens in horror as the voice – mechanically distorted to prevent recognition – announces that he (or she) is the person who killed his daughter and his unborn grandson; and he is going to do the same to the rest of the family.

Mabel runs into the church for help. Gonazaki, on the scene in a flash, takes the phone from Renato, who looks like he’s about to collapse. “Who are you?” barks Gonzo to the caller. “You’re the last person to demand explanations”, replies the voice. “You were there! Can you guess who I am? I’m very close to you. Right now! Right where you are! Have you guessed who wrote the books?”

The camera pans the faces of the small group: Renato, Eva, Yolanda, Pilar – and Mabel, standing alone on the church steps holding the funeral bouquet. [Let’s think about who’s not there: Adolfo, Carola, Carmen, Hilda, Nibaldo. And the “tourists”.]

After the velorio, the mourners return home:

Carola in her glammed-up cat burglar outfit, is still in Ignacia’s room when Javier stumbles back to the Casa Conde. She hides herself, sliding under the bed, and he throws himself on top of it. Tears stream down his face.

Carola waits until Javier is asleep – his limp hand dangles in front of her face – and then crawls out with her trophy, the locked blue box. As she is leaving the room, he sits up but doesn’t seem to see her.

Carola runs downstairs and then pauses. She senses that someone else is there and calls out: ¿Quién está ahí? She sees a shadow but before she can investigate she hears Javier coming down the stairs. She runs out the door.

Javier finds the front door open. He glimpses the shadow of a long-haired woman. The shadow disappears. “I saw you” he cries into the darkness. “And sooner or later I’ll find out who you are!”

Pilar, long hair loose (just like the shadow woman’s), is back at home. She heads upstairs and swallows some pills. Lots of pills. From a prescription bottle. It broke her heart to see how Renato and Eva are suffering, she tells Hilda.

Emilio stops by to pick up the baby. Everything went fine with “tu hija”, Hilda tells him. “Nuestra hija” corrects Emilio. And Hilda repeats: “Nuestra hija”. She is more insistent than ever that they get married at the end of the month as planned. Then they can all be together and he won’t be torn between her and his parents. Surely his boss will understand he needs a few days off.

Mabel returns to the Slaughterhouse in the country. Adolfo is on his way out, ignoring her warning of the danger out there -- Renato is gunning for him.

Carmen’s surprising skill set:
Carola, now back at Carmen’s place, puzzles over how to open the locked blue box. “I have some tools...” offers Carmen helpfully. She breaches the lock in seconds. [Oh really? And what is it exactly that you do for a living?]

Carola looks inside and then reaches for her phone. She calls Emilio – she needs him right away!

Si no por las buenas, por las malas
Now we follow Adolfo as he drives up to the car rental agency. The clerk wouldn’t give him the info on the tourists when he asked him nicely, so he'll get what he needs by stealth. He cuts the power outside the building (presumably shutting down the alarm system), breaks in easily and finds what he is looking for.

Say what? Mabel is a writer?
Gonzaki comes to the Slaughterhouse looking for Adolfael. Mabel tells him his brother is out investigating Ignacia’s death. He’s welcome to wait for him. Would he mind if she kept reading? Gonzo is surprised. He didn’t know she was so fond of reading. “Oh, I love to read” she replies. “I write too, but that’s something no one knows about”.

Gonzaki narrows his eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” asks Mabel.

At the Casa Conde, we glimpse a shadowy intruder in Ignacia’s room, the room where Javier wallows and drinks and remembers: “Ignacia estaba embarazada. Ignacia iba a tener un hijo mio”.

He stumbles to the bathroom to splash water on his face. He looks up and is spooked by Pilar’s reflection in the mirror. He makes his way back to the bedroom and finds his whiskey bottle lying in shards on the floor.

Javier is beside himself. As drunk as he is, he manages to negotiate his way down the stairs, out the door and across to his old house. He muscles inside, pushing Hilda and Karen out of his way, and runs up to Pilar’s room. She appears to be sleeping, all covered up except for her loose hair and one bare shoulder. “No puede ser” mutters Javier. He leaves the room, still convinced that Pilar was just in his house.

Was she? As soon as Javier is gone, she opens her eyes. Her face is unreadable. Is she fully clothed under that blanket?

Javier returns to the Casa Conde, enters the study and takes a gun from the desk drawer.

Ignacia’s Secret is revealed
Emilio has arrived at Carmen’s and he and Carola try to make sense of what they have found in Ignacia’s mysterious blue box. A baby’s pacifier. A card, crudely hand-lettered, as if by a small child. On the outside: “Te quiero mucho”; on the inside, a child’s drawing. A photo of a young boy. A hospital bracelet. And a card issued by a public hospital. Child’s name: Luis. Date of birth: 4/29/06; Mother: ICS. As in Ignacia Conde Spencer. Emilio and Carola are stunned: Ignacia had a child and they never knew!
[And here, gentle reader, a confession: Until the child’s birthdate was revealed, I was sure the child was Emilio. But we all know Emilio isn’t a five-year-old, even if he sometimes acts like one.]

Adolfael is back home with the spoils
Gonzaki has been waiting and now follows his brother to the cellar. Mabel sits placidly on the couch and keeps on reading but we can’t quite make out the title of the book she is so engrossed in.

Adolfael has the info on the tourists and the address of the cheap hotel where they are staying. But Gonzaki interrupts him. He’s anxious to share his latest suspicion: “Suppose mamá wrote the books ... maybe she’s the person we’re looking for.”

Where was mamá?
Gonzaki tells Adolfael all about the anonymous phone call outside the church. Mabel was one of the people there. And think about it – why did she come back to Miami? Of everyone, she has the strongest motive to do harm to the Condes. But the most important question:
“¿Dónde estaba mamá cuando mataron a Ignacia?”

Adolfael listens wordlessly and then runs upstairs. Now Mabel is reading at the table and we can see the title of her book clearly: Interpreting Personality Theories. She glances up. “Qué te pasa?” she asks, her face the usual affectless mask.

The nameless baby is getting a name
Back at the Conde apartment, Emilio tells Eva he has finally chosen a baptismal name for his daughter: "Le voy a poner Ignacia ... es una manera de mantenerla viva entre nosotros, de recordarla. ¿Te parece?”Claro que sí”, answers Eva, very moved.

Nibaldo’s recovery is remarkable. He should be out of the hospital in time for Hilda’s wedding. “At least there’s some good news among all the tragedy”, says Yolanda. “What tragedy?” asks Nibaldo, clearly unaware of Ignacia’s death. “Why, what happened to you, of course” Yolanda sputters.
[Man... why couldn’t they trot out a miracle cure for someone like Matías ... or Omar ... or Igor? I guess we have to keep our hopes up for Rebeca.]

Carola visits Ignacia’s grave.
“I found your locked box”, she says. “Why did you hide so many things? I have the feeling now that I never really knew you. And that feeling is killing me ... what can I do to understand who you were? ¿Cómo hago?”

Adolfael goes rogue – so what else is new?
The plan was to hunt down los turistas together. But cowboy Adolfael drives to the motel alone and then calls Gonzaki to tell him he’s there. Gonzaki takes the call in his office. While he’s arguing with his brother, Renato walks in. Without missing a beat, Gonzo pretends to be talking to the police, addressing his caller as “comandante”.

Renato is consumed with frustrated fury. “Help me”, he begs Gonzaki. He’ll go crazy if Ignacia’s killer isn’t caught. He’s ready to kill Adolfo with his bare hands.


Okay guys. Sorry for being so verbose today – I get that way sometimes. Just skim through for what interests you and feel free to ignore the rest.

Fans of Flor and Una Maid, it’s your turn.

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