Friday, June 15, 2007

Acorralada #107 – 6/14/07 – Thursday – The Jig is Up For Diablo!!!

Caramel tells Puncho that every thing Lala said about him is correct. Puncho needs to change his evil ways.

Fidiota confronts Diablo. She wants an explanation about his sudden ability to walk and strangle Sylvie. Synthesizer of Doom is getting a work out.

Princess Fiona is kissing Maxi-Moron. She can make him forget both Marfil and Dimwit. Cousin Eddie is boring. To her, sex is a sport; to Eddie it's only on Saturday unless he falls asleep. What's a trollop to do?

Camila starts asking Cousin Eddie about Princess Fiona. Isn't it strange she's out late at night? Cousin Eddie says she loves to shop late at night. Camila suggests Princess Fi has some other activity on her mind. Cousin Eddie says Princess Fi isn't capable of cheating.

Maxi-Moron blathers on and on about sex versus love, and how they differ. Princess Fi is as bored as me. She wants less talk and more action. She wants to feel alive again! Ugh!

Fidiota is still yelling at Diablo. She wants an explanation of his ongoing deceit. Dimwit and Little Doormat hear all the commotion and gather up Granny M. Together, they all run into the library. They are all impactadas to see Diablo on his feet. Fidiota is still yelling at Diablo for manipulating everyone at Psycho Mansion. She wants him to pack his things and leave immediately. Tomorrow she is going to get a lawyer and Dimwit is going to dump his butt! Diablo asks Dimwit if she's going to allow Fidiota to continue running Dimwit's life as always. "Don't just stand there, say something!!!" yells Diablo. Dimwit tells him to pack his things and take a long walk off a short pier.

Caramel tells Puncho he needs to find a REAL job and his own apartment. Out the door she prances in her perky little Daisy Duke short-shorts. Pobre de Puncho. Married to two thoughtless cows.

Camila is waiting up for Princess Fi. She tells PF Cousin Eddie gave up waiting, but she didn’t. She asks Princess Fi where she's been. "Shopping with my friend Susi," says Princess Fi, but our vixen Camila isn't buying it. "Since when does Susi wear men's cologne." Princess Fi clearly isn't comfortable with the direction of the conversation and exits stage left. Camila recognizes that cologne. Suddenly it dawns on her. "That's the same cologne Max wears!!!!! She's been with Maxi-Mundane!!!"

Lunkhead is lamenting his divorce. Max, Yolanda, and Rene are trying to cheer him up. Yolanda suggests he focus on his new-found acting career. "Easier said than done," whines our Luscious Lug. Rene suggests they change the subject with some good news. Yolanda tries to get him to stop but it's too late. Max wants to hear all about Rene's news.

Ominous music plays and Diablo walks down the stairs with his paltry little gym bag. He tells everyone they are making a grave mistake and they are going to be very sorry for kicking him out. Nancy runs out in tears as Caramel walks in. Diablo leaves and Caramel wants to know what the heck just happened. Caramel has on an ultra tight orange top that is discreetly held together in the front with only one over-taxed button. "Why is Diablo on his feet? Why is he leaving without his artwork?"

Rene gushes he and Yolanda are getting married. Max couldn't be happier for them! Larry couldn't be happier for them! Rene calls Max "Sobrino!" Max calls Rene "Tio!" and welcomes Rene into the family. Hugs all around! Marfil is the only wet blanket who points out the age difference, but no one can rain on Rene's or Yolanda's parade. They are too happy and too much in love! They plan to be married in a few days. Marfil grudgingly wishes them the best. As long as they're happy, that's what matters.

Lala is in the kitchen and hears a noise. She calls out to Puncho and walks into the room. She drops her jaw and about drops what she's carrying. It's Diablo and he can walk! He stands there like a hulk, glowering. The Orchestra of Doom plays an ominous chord and the bass drums sound like thunder. Commercial.

Gaby and Dimwit fill in an incredulous Caramel with the news. Meanwhile Sylvie, in a red and yellow wig, along with her black and red outfit (her shirt says "I heart Rockstars", is hiding under a desk calling a shirtless Max. Apparently Max is sitting in bed working on his laptop. Sylvie finally convinces him that Diablo can walk and has now been thrown out of Psycho Mansion. Maxi-Mediocre is impactado!

Lala is lecturing Diablo on what a tool he has turned out to be, but Diablo isn't in the mood for her sermon. Puncho walks in and Lala gets even more agitated when she realizes Puncho was in on Diablo's little deception. "I don't even know you!!!" exclaims Lala, as she walks out in disgust. Diablo then tells Puncho he wants to make Max disappear, and Puncho needs to help him.

Sylvie is telling Max everything that happened. Before she hangs up on him, she begs him not to let anyone know she called. Max hangs up and is all smiles. "She's free! Diana is free from that imbecile!"

Caramel and Little Doormat are having breakfast and discussing Gaby's recent divorce from Lunkhead. Gaby is going to marry Kike because he's been good to her. Caramel thinks that's a dumb reason for marrying someone. Gaby shouldn't marry Kike out of a sense of duty, especially when it's clear Gaby still loves Lunkhead. If Gaby marries Kike, Gaby will be making the same mistake as Dimwit did when she married Diablo. Gaby is convinced she will learn to love Kike eventually. Pobre naive Little Doormat.

Suspenseful music plays while Maxi-Mediocre pulls his little black Mercedes into the parking structure. The music continues as Max gets out in his too-tight lavender pastel shirt, tan pants, and white shoes. Someone needs to burn all the white shoes in this telenovela. They scare me. Meanwhile, Puncho is skulking behind the wheel of a white SUV. I am more concerned with trying to figure out the type of vehicle Puncho is driving than watching Maxi-Mediocre be stalked.

Puncho, looking like Cooter from Dukes of Hazard, is checking in with Diablo, who is dressed in his best Army Ranger baseball cap. Diablo has given up his artist gig, and is now coordinating a stake-out. The suspenseful music continues to play in the background. Puncho tells Diablo to calm down. "Trust your little bro," says Puncho. Meanwhile, Maxi-Clueless boards the elevator.

Pasta is whining to Jorge about seeing Fidiota with that "unknown." He clearly doesn't like the idea of Fidiota with another man. Especially one as nicely dressed as Rodrigo.

Fidiota is in Rodrigo's office discussing Little Doormat's case. Rodrigo is convinced Gaby will be found innocent. He then reiterates his offer for lunch. Finally Fidiota relents and says, "Why not?" Rodrigo all but licks his chops.

Caramel is still trying to talk Gaby out of marrying Kike. Gaby gave Kike her word that she'd marry him. She has to keep her promise. Lo and behold, who should happen to be running by without a shirt, but Luscious! The love theme starts playing and Lunkhead stops in his tracks staring at a bewildered Little Doormat.

Max is in Dimwit's office saying he's heard all about Diablo's charade. Now that Dimwit is soon to be a single woman, there's nothing to stand between their grand love. Maxi-Mediocre is draped all over Dimwit's chair. All of a sudden, in walks Marfil. "Have I interrupted something?" Cymbals of Doom crash!

Lala is pouring out her tale of woe to Granny M. How could she raise such losers as sons? Ah, the shame of it all!

Little Doormat tries to leave, but it's too late. Lunkhead jumps the railing and Caramel beats a hasty retreat. Larry looks sunburned. He wants to talk, but Gaby says they have nothing to talk about. She's in a hurry; she's going to be late for work. Luscious tells her he hopes she finds the happiness with Kike that he (Larry) never gave her. She looks at him with her big brown doe eyes and their love song plays. Are these two ever going to hook up? I can't stand this!

More nonsense with Max, Marfil, and Dimwit. Marfil is jealous. Dimwit and Maxi-Moron deny anything is going on. Marfil makes some comment about Dimwit deceiving her invalid husband. "Haven't you heard? Diablo was faking it. He can walk!" Marfil is impactada! Suddenly Beatriz comes running in. "Nick, Heath, Jared! There's a fire in the barn!!" Actually, I think a worker got an arm caught in a machine. At any rate, Max goes running out, but before he leaves, he warns Marfil, "Don't you dare. . ."

Sylvie is at the beach dressed from head to toe in blue. Need I say more? Any way, she spies Emili-Oh and calls him over. She starts filling him in on her life, being sure to tell him about her friends the transvestites. Emili-Oh is incredulous as the scene ends.

Lunkhead is still trying to apologize for being such a schmuck to Gaby. It serves him right that Kike went after Gaby. Gaby's all weepy eyed. Lunkhead's all weepy eyed. Gaby says she needs to get to work asap. Good grief! When will they ever kiss and make up! I'm sick of this!

Marfil and Dimwit are verbally squabbling over Max. "He's my husband!" versus "But he loves me and I have the baby to prove it!" What is it about this guy in too-tight pastel sweaters and white shoes?

More boring conversation between Emili-Oh and Sylvie. Emili-Oh can't understand what Caramel sees in Puncho. He's a bigamist and a pig!

Fidiota and Rodrigo are discussing Fidiota's plans for Dimwit. Fidiota refuses to let Dimwit hook up with the son of her worst enemy. Rodrigo tries to point out it could be true love, but Fidiota cuts him off. She'll pick the man for Dimwit.

Pobre de Emili-Oh. He professes his undying love for Caramel. Unfortunately, she's dying of love for Puncho. Ay!!!

Puncho pulls out a gun from the glove box of the mystery vehicle. Max is going to pay for crossing Diablo!

Dimwit finally comes out to ask Beatriz about the injured worker. Max is going to go to the hospital with him. Max appears from the elevator and tells Dimwit he's on his way to the hospital. He wants to know if Marfil is still there. "Nope," says our heroine. "We'll talk about it later."

Puncho is lurking behind a concrete pillar when Max walks out. He actually shoots Max in the shoulder. At this point, Caramel is pulling up in her little Honda SUV. She sees Max lying on the ground and being picked up by someone. In reality we can tell Max is actually standing up on his own. She is impactada. From her vantage point, she can't see Puncho. Puncho picks up Max (with Max's help, of course), and the mystery is solved. Puncho is driving a Toyota Highlander with a "Choose Life" yellow specialty Florida license plate. This is obviously not a rental car. Caramel looks like she's going to cry. Commercial.

Caramel has realized Puncho is the culprit. Maybe now Emili-Oh will look good to her. Puncho speeds past Caramel. Meanwhile, Diablo is throwing a temper tantrum at the Little House in the Hood. In the background are the same paint-by-numbers artwork we saw in the hospital waiting room.

Lala has come to see Dimwit at Perfumes 'R Us. She's begging Dimwit's forgiveness for giving life to the spawns of Satan. Dimwit says there's nothing to apologize. Lala can't be held responsible for the actions of her bone-headed sons. Lala thanks Dimwit for being so understanding. Hugs!

Puncho reports in to Diablo. He's hidden Max away where he'll never be found. I think Diablo wants Max alive so Diablo can get the honors of dispatching him.

Marfil is visiting Octopus. "What can I do about Max? I need your help!"

We get a close-up shot of white shoes with drops of blood on them. The camera pans up and Max has his arms tied to different beams of the old warehouse. As much of a drip as Max is, I really feel bad for him and find this scene very disturbing. We also see his bullet wound to the shoulder. Diablo is making all sorts of threats. At first Max tries to out talk him, but Diablo has clearly gone over the edge. In the end, Diablo has some sort of rope thing that looks like a pull toy for a very big dog. Actually, Max looks like he's hung on a cross. Like I said, the scene if very disturbing to me and I can't even watch it again to try and figure out what they're saying. One of our viewers, if any are left, can perhaps fill us in.

Credits roll.


Zorro - June 14, 2007 happy birthday Baby D and Baby M!

EPISODE - June 14, 2007:
* Soldiers march to drummers beat in formation around town square. Piza marches alongside the formation and up onto the platform where all the town dignitaries (de la Vega family, Monty, Fer, Toby and Catalina) stand waiting. Selenia and her assistant stand near the stage area.

* Esmy is starting to give birth in the cellar. Garcia is panicking and nervous. Esmy has to give him instructions on items to get and to calm him down. He climbs the stairs rapidly to get the items.

* MA sits on her bench in her room. She's disgusted - he's concerned. They start walking down the hallway. She's disgusted by everyone abandoning the house in order to see the Queen. She is hit by extreme birth pains. Olmos takes MA back to her bedroom.

* Entourage with carriage arrives at the town square. Duke Jacomo pops out first and makes the official announcement that "Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain" has arrived to Los Angeles. As ML and her maids climb down from the carriage and start walking down the red carpet, everyone bows to the ground. Selenia and her assistant are the only ones not to bow - instead she wonders where Olmos and MA are, why they haven't shown up, her assistant comments whether they are enjoying some "alone time" together, she says that would be impossible because MA is pregnant plus the drug she gave Olmos is extremely powerful.

* Jacomo tells ML (Queen B) it isn't safe for her in town and suggests they continue the visitations inside the Governor's residence. She agrees and orders Jacomo to tell the de la Vega family that she wants to see them personally inside. They are the main reason for her visit to town. Jacomo agrees and ML leaves with her maids following behind. As she leaves, everyone stands up.

* Olmos helps MA back into bed. She's in extreme pain and yells for him to get someone to help. He is about to leave when he remembers that they are the only two left in the house - everyone else left for town square. She screams in pain of childbirth and he stands and panics.

* Garcia returns to the cellar with water, wine, blankets and other items. Esmy then gives more instructions to him on what to do with blanket, knife and wine. Garcia tries talking to calm her, she pants and grunts, he starts to sing, she starts to give birth.

(cue opening credits and theme song)

* Fer apologizes to the Duke for the unrest in town - Monty adds his apologies - Duke accepts both and then moves passed them to greet Alej, MP and D. Duke passes along Queen ML's invitation. They accept with pleasure. They all leave - Toby, feeling left out, cries out to Duke and follows them off the platform. Monty and Fer go to their corner and commiserate together - Monty is upset and faults Fer's treatment of SK for them being slighted by Duke and the Queen. Fer doesn't worry about the treatment, he has other plans on his mind.

* MA is in pain in her bed and doesn't want her baby to die. Olmos is in panic mode - she screams for him to get someone to help - he offers to help - she yells at him again that she doesn't want her baby to die! Get someone! anyone! Get the surgeon! She screams in pain as she starts to give birth. Olmos stands in panic looking at her.

* Garcia plays coach, friend, grandpa and nursemaid to Esmy, as she grunts and puffs her way through her own childbirth. She makes Garcia promise to keep her baby safe no matter what.

* Alej escorts Queen ML to the formal sitting room. D, MP and Jacomo follow them into the room. ML sits down and then asks Alej to sit down also. Jacomo suggests some wine - ML thinks that is a fine idea, nothing goes better in a rainstorm than fine wine and good friends. (side note: for those who don't know, Osvaldo "Alej" and Ivelin "ML" are a couple in real life)

* Monty walks outside into the rain to meet with Leo, Leo tells him the good news that Esmy is giving birth.

* Garcia is coach, Esmy pushes. When Garcia says he sees the head, Esmy gives him instructions on what to do to get the baby to breath on its own. She gives one final push and lays down as he finishes with the baby (cue theme song) - "It's a varoncito!" says Garcia. "A varoncito," says Esmy smiling. Garcia hands the little one, wrapped carefully in a linen sheet to Esmy to cradle. She smiles and watches her son - she has a flashback memory of when she told D she was pregnant with his baby in Z-cave.

* MA is passed out on her bed. Olmos is crying in fear over the baby's death. He's scared of what to do - he grabs a sheet and decides to take the baby away and not let MA see or even know about it. He wraps the baby up and leaves with it.

* Olmos wanders outside along the wall, crying and blaming himself because the baby died. He wonders what to do, where to hide the baby.

* Monty finds Piza and others outside the shack in the rain. Monty orders Piza to follow him; Esmy is giving birth and they need to get the baby and make it disappear forever. Piza follows Monty without saying anything.

* Organized street fight between Camba and another. The organizer gives a rousing punch-by-punch. Cami and Renzo are horrified. They stop the fight; Cami approaches Camba and calms him down - Organizer and audience are disappointed and leave; two men help fighter to walk away; Cami and Renzo help Camba to leave. One of Renzo's friends tells him that there is a important meeting back at camp and he needs to attend.

* MP, Alej and D have a family meeting about their impressions over ML and Duke Jacomo. D got a strange feeling from Duke Jacomo, like he controls ML; he says it is the same feeling he gets from Monty. Alej says he has a good point but they don't have any proof yet. Alej then asks about MA. D says she is probably at her dad's house.

* In the cellar of the shack, Esmy holds her little son and confesses to Garcia that D is the father. Garcia is proud to help deliver his good friend D's son into the world. Esmy makes Garcia promise to tell D about his son's birth. As Garcia agrees, Monty appears and surprises them.

* Olmos wanders into the cemetery with the baby still in his arms. He is crying and blaming himself for the death. He grabs a shovel by the gate, puts the baby down, and grumbles to himself as he starts to dig.

* D returns to the hacienda, looks down on the floor and sees the blood spattered. He gets scared and runs to find MA.

* Monty orders Garcia to leave them alone. Garcia does so reluctantly. Monty congratulates Esmy on giving birth. Esmy pleads for Monty to let her keep her baby with her - Monty refuses the plea, he has other ideas, to give it to someone who can provide it with a good home. She hugs the baby tightly and doesn't want him to take the baby.

* In the rain, Monty holds the crying baby and Piza follows as they join the men and Garcia. Garcia sputters to try and get Monty to leave the baby with Esmy. Monty doesn't want to hear it and orders him and the men to leave.

* D finds MA in bed, passed out still. He sees she's really in bad shape and scared about the baby. He runs for help.

* Garcia returns to the cellar to console Esmy. She is extremely upset because Monty ripped her son away from her. Garcia tries to tell her Piza won't let anything happen to him - she doesn't believe it, she knows Monty hates her guts and thinks Piza will kill her son as sure as Monty wants.

* Outside in the rain, Monty is disgusted by holding the crying baby and passes it to Piza to dispose of. (DRAT! DirecTV satellite decided to make their own personal promo break right here!)

* Agapito is drunk at home. D bangs on the door. Agapito calls out to come back tomorrow. D busts the door in and tells Agapito that MA is really sick and needs help. Agapito tries to explain that he is in no shape to work right now, come back tomorrow. D won't accept it, he goes to the work area, starts gathers and tossing items in the bag - Agapito tries again to explain - D tosses water on Agapito and drags Agapito and his bag out the door.

* Olmos continues digging and grumbling in the cemetery. Olmos stops digging when he hears a crying baby, for an instance, he thinks MA's baby is alive but then realizes someone is coming with a baby - he picks up the baby and hides behind the nearby tree. Piza enters the cemetery with little Tisha crying in his arms.

* With rainstorm outside (what a real spotty shower, it rains everywhere but at the cemetery!), Monty meets with Duke Jacomo at his office. Jacomo scolds Monty for not completing the orders in getting rid of Mercedes/SK once and for all. Monty explains that SK is presumed dead. Jacomo won't believe that until he sees the remains for himself. Monty assures him that he and Fer are doing everything they can to locate the body. They have his back and ML is safe as "Queen". Jacomo still doesn't believe a word of it - he needs proof.

* Gypsy meeting - they discuss Esmy's death; Jonas wants to return to town; Laisha and Renzo think it too dangerous still; Jonas explains his reasons are for SK; Laisha says 'but she's dead.' At that moment, SK walks in, lowers her shawl from her head and assures them she is very much alive and well. Renzo is happy to see her.

* Outside in the rain, D searches for Olmos - he reasons that Olmos was the only one with MA tonight.

* Piza holds baby Tisha, he can't kill him, he's not a monster like Monty. He tells baby Tisha, "you are in control of your own destiny little one." He places the baby on the ground and walks away and out of the cemetery. Olmos, with dead baby in his arms, comes out of hiding. Standing over Tisha, he proclaiims D's baby's destiny will be sealed forever starting tonight.

(personal note - I'm sorry for the delay in posting the complete recap. I thank you for your patience.)


Acorralada #106 Wednesday 6/13/07 The mummy is revealed, so is Fiona's chest, and the jig is finally up for Diego . . . let's hope the end is near!

We open with a meeting at Mansion Manicomio between Fedora, Paco and Rodrigo. I will compress these scenes into one summary: Paco is jealous, and there is figurative male head-butting between the two men. Fedora stands in the middle, glassy-eyed head tilting back and forth at each. (Diana clearly inherited this trait.) Paco is finally forced to leave. Eventually Rodrigo leaves too. Fedora drinks.

Over at hospital Telemiami, the doctor and nurse take off Mummy's bandages. (Many scenes compressed here.) Debora asks for a mirror and the doctor refuses. She grabs a shiny tray from the nurse and looks in it. We see the reflection. Debora is horrified to see that one side of her face has a big fat fake scar on it. Later we see her talking to herself about how she is so disfigured, she will never be able to get back with Max if she can't compete with her sister and Diana in the looks department. Get in line, sister--that cow Fiona has moved ahead of you now! (I say cow because Fiona is displaying the boobage in the most ridiculous way. She is wearing a low-cut black corset that rivals any costume of Alicia Ferreira.)
At the end of the episode, Debora flees the hospital, and the doctor and nurse are mystified. They never had her real name or address--they just knew her as "Raisa."

At the office, Diana and Max have a talk about the baby's custody. She is angry because Marfil called her and told her that Max is going to ask for sole custody. He has no right! Sure he does--she did the same thing with Diego. That was different, she says. No, it wasn't, he says.

In the next room Gaby receives a call from the divorce lawyer--the divorce is final. She is impactada.
On the beach, Larry, in revealing swim trunks and no shirt, receives the same call on his cell.

Diana comforts Gaby. The violins of sadness play. They are strangers, they never consummated their marriage. Diana wants her to move on. Gaby announces she is going to marry Kiki. Diana does not think this is the right way to move on.

Larry and Rene rehash the Gaby situation. Larry says he's going on a trip when his novela is finished. Rene says he can't because Yolanda and Rene are planning their wedding! Lunkhead ends bymaking one of his most sage observations: "I am the biggest idiot in the world."

Kiki comes to see Gaby at work. She tells him about the divorce, and he is happy--they can get married right away. He tries to kiss her, but she isn't having any of it. They talk about how he is going to teach her to forget Larry.

Fedora is drinking when Lala comes in. She says she needs it because Paco makes her nervous. Lala asks about her date with Rodrigo. How did she know there was a dinner? She could just tell. She is encouraging Fedora to stop drinking and to start fresh with Rodrigo. Forget Paco and should go out with that good looking Rodrigo. Fedora says she didn't notice. Lala doesn't want her to miss the best years of her life.

Fiona and Eddy come back from dinner with Iggy and Camila. Camila has very little to do but stand there now. She is, what, fifth in line in the Max sweepstakes? Fiona's cell phone rings, and it's Max trying to make a date. She tells "Susy" that she can't talk right now, she'll call later. Max chuckles about why she's calling him Susy. I'm not sure he understood why she was doing it.

In the factory, Max tells Diana that they had Bruno's cremation. Marfil calls and wonders why Max isn't home. She is wearing a dignified black mourning costume. He says he's coming home.

Diego is mumbling to himself about things would be great if Marfil takes Max far away. Nancy walks in, and he is furious at the interruption and lays into her. Then he thinks better of it, given that she is his only ally. He stands up and apologizes. She tries to dissuade him from his silly revenge plot and fake paralytic act. She will love him. He kisses her. Just then , Silvia walks in through a conveniently unlocked back door! She spies them kissing and says nothing, beating a silent retreat.

She then runs in fast motion downstairs and out of the mansion to the office to tell Diana! Here she comes to save the day! (She should be wearing the Wonder Woman costume.) (I am so excited about this turn of events that I almost forget to say that Silvia is wearing her orange wig today.) Silvia gets to the office and tells Diana that she has a nuclear bomb: Diego can walk. They prepare to run back to the house, but Max interrupts. They leave without telling him what is going on.

Rene and Yolanda console Larry about Gaby. Yolanda looks so much better without that awful pulled-back hair. She must feel better, too, as that hairstyle looked painful.

Fiona goes to see Octavia. They have an elegant tea in front of Octavia's coffee table adorned with giant glass fish that complement the plastic fish elsewhere in the room. Fiona confesses her marriage is a bore, and her husband only makes love to her once a week on Saturdays--when he remembers. She confesses to having affairs. She wants to get Max back. Octavia would approve, but she likes Marfil too. But she realizes that Max doesn't love Marfil and so Fiona would be a better choice to get Max away from that blasted nurse Diana, the mother of his son. Fiona is filled in on the baby out of wedlock, etc. Is she pretty? Fiona asks--yes, but she is "mas de monton." ("More of the mountain?") (I am not sure what this idiom means--I cannot find it in my online dictionary, but it is not good. It seems to mean "just like so many others." Anyone out there know? Is there anyone out there even reading this? ) So she gives her approval for Fiona to try to steal Max away. Fiona is sure she can make him forget Diana.

Larry and Gaby have a quick meeting where they part and afterward she cries and says "I love you, Larry." Please, put these two out of their misery!

Back at Casa Naco, Caramelo is joining Lala and Puncho for breakfast. Lala says Caramelo is always welcome. They tell Lala that Caramelo is going to move back in--they will be like newlyweds again. Lala says no dice--she will not have Caramelo taken advantage of by her shameless son. He must shape up and get a job and move out to his own apartment. Caramelo for once gets some backbone: She tells Puncho that his mother is right, so when is he going to get a job.

Finally we get back to my favorite event of the day: Diego goes down! Diana and Silvia come home and confront Diego. He is in the wheelchair and denies what Silvia saw. She's just crazy, he says. Silvia leaves, and Diana has a momentary hesitation where she seems to believe Diego's claptrap. I was kinda hoping that Silvia would sneak around through the front door and come up behind Diego and dump him from the wheelchair, but no.

Diana goes to talk with Gaby. They weigh the possibilities: Maybe Silvia got it wrong. But she doesn't seem like a liar, Diana says. And wouldn't it be great if Diego can walk? Diana can finally divorce him and be with Max. Oops! Just then we cut to a scene of Max kissing Fiona. There is more boring stuff between them.

Back to the action:
Silvia is back to confronting Diego. He starts choking her and demanding that she keep her mouth shut. There is a great deal of shouting. Fedora walks in and sees all! Yay! Diego tries to justify his actions, but Fedora isn't having any of it. Diego glares and shakes his head from side to side in his patented self-righteous injured-party look. Credits roll!


Juan Querendon - Thursday 6/14 - Nidia looks forward to a big inheritance and Juan takes one day at a time.

We're at the world's weirdest funeral, where the widow and the Other Woman wrestle over a coffin and Mariachis serenade us with Cielito Lindo.

Juan moons over Paula (or maybe Marely?) but figures for the time being he's stuck with the drunk widow.

Cut to Nidia, sunglasses askew and doing the butt rub on late hubbie's casket while singing along with the band. She turns an alcoholic eye on Juan and slithers over to one of the four of him that she no doubt sees. She leans on him and announces the funeral is over.

At Casa de Nidia Juan has managed to get Nidia to her room. She staggers around while Juan tries to keep her from crashing into the furniture. She uses this as an excuse to engage in a game of grabass. Judging by Juan's expression she's got a grip of steel.

Juan finds a bottle of tequila in the undie drawer of gigantic brassieres and proceeds to try to get her drunk(er). He pours out shots and throws his over his shoulder when she's not looking. Nidia pounds the shots in scene after scene. She finally passes out and Juan, big guy that he is, lifts her heft pretty easily and deposits her on her bed via a back-roll-over-the-head dunk shot.

The next day at Farell industries Cesar tells Pastor he's late for Samuel's burial. Pastor tries to ingratiate himself into some sort of sales job but I didn't fully understand what this was all about. I was obsessing about his wretched toupee and didn't follow the conversation too well.

Marely and Yadira (with lapdog Enrique) are at the funeral home waiting for a very late Nidia. Yadira and Enrique are dozing on a couch and long-suffering Marely keeps checking her watch.

Finally, their very hung over mama arrives on Juan's arm. You know those 'lady' toilet paper roll covers, the ones shaped like a doll with a big dress that covers the roll? My granny had one of those in pink. Nidia has one too, black, and it's on her head. Juan is wearing Superfly shades. Even Yadira, she of the perpetually upside-down smile, is annoyed at mommy.

Over on the other side of town Paula and Ana debate whether or not they should go to the burial. Ana says she doesn't want to cause a scandal. (A little late for that don't you think? It would be hard to beat the cat fight over the coffin.) Paula insists they have every right to go. It's clear Paula will get her way.

The commercial break gives everyone time to assemble at the graveside. Cesar arrives and goes to comfort Nidia. She hisses that she needs a beer.

Ana and Paula observe the funeral, unseen, from the far side of the cemetery.

While Nidia is distracted by Cesar, Juan finally gets his chance to comfort the sad Marely. He holds her close, so close he can feel her heart beating in her chest (he tells us). He thought bubbles that he will be the perfect gentleman and he hands her his hankie to cry into.

The jealous widow Nidia lifts the veil from her face and shoots daggers at Juan and her daughter Marely.

After the service sleazy lawyer Alirio tries to take Nidia's arm but she rebuffs him and grabs Juan, leading him away from the sobbing Marely. Marely doesn't even notice; she tosses a flower into papa's grave.

After all have left, Ana and Paula approach Samuel's grave where Paula turns on the waterworks. She begs Samuel's pardon for being a cold-hearted kid.

Back at Casa de Nidia Big Mama wants to talk to the girls. Juan, sensing something uncomfortable is afoot, tries to sneak out but Nidia orders him to stay. She tells the girls that they are embarking on a new stage of life. Yadira will be fine because she has Enrique, not the best guy but good enough, and papa approved of him. Yadira says she's not marrying anyone much less Enrique. Nadia tells her not to be so fussy. As for herself, she plans to use Samuel's money to enjoy life as she sees fit. So basically mom wants the girls out of the house ASAP. Nice mom.

To Juan's relief Enrique interrupts and Juan gets to escort his buddy to the den.

On the poor side of town Ana and Paula weep over the loss of Samuel. Paula wails "Why did papa abandon you?" Ana says he had to stay with Nidia for the sake of the girls. Paula berates herself for not getting to know him better. She just needed more time.

In the den, Juan reaches down to a conveniently placed cooler, grabs a beer, and pops it open. Nidia shows up and demands from Enrique if his intentions toward Yadira are serious. If so, he must convince Yadira to marry him. Enrique becomes ecstatic and starts bobbing up and down like a bobble-head. He immediately officially asks Nidia for Yadira's hand.

Nidia sidles up to Juan and says they need to taaaaalk, she has plans for him. She bats her gigantic eyelashes at him, says she has a little headache, and needs to rest, nudge nudge wink wink. She sashays out swinging her hips from 9:00 to 3:00 and leaves Juan and Enrique gawking at her tush.

The guys pull themselves together, grab their beers and toast. Enrique salutes "a little toast to you...father-in-law!" Juan's look is 'Que the hell???'


Destilando Amor 6/14

We open with Benevenuto informing Gavi and Clarita that he is heading back to Italia. They are saddened by the news. He says he is going back to take care of some impending business. Sofia telephones Gavi asking if she knows where Rodrigo is. She says she doesn't and looks puzzled. She wonders aloud if Rod has decided to stay on the island. Doorbell rings and its Rodrigo! He is indeed in a festive mood. Hugs all around. He asks if he can spend New Years with her and she tells him that she understood that he would be spending the holiday with the Montalvo's. She tells him not to commit a locura and to head on over there. He is in a playful mood and whisks her out the door.

The Montalvos are sitting around the living room. Fed asks if Dani is still seeing Elvis. Sofia says that Daniela has always been the famiy rebel. Bruno says that to him Elvis seems a fine fellow. Piliar says he is not their kind or class. Fed talks more smack about Elvis saying he resembles a circus chimpanzee giving everyone kisses. Dani and Elvis arrive. Elvis gives Pilar a picture that he has drawn of her. It is a stunning portrait. Bruno admires it. Granny Pilar is still not too pleased and looks disdainful as Elvis complements her on being an extraordinary muse.

Gavi and Rod are saying their goodbyes outside her apartment. She tells him to go to Granny's. They are both so jovial as they continue to exchange their declarations of love. Aww...

Back at Granny P's, Minerva is grilling Aaron about his whereabouts. She said she called him and he didn't answer his cell. He tells her he was with Mariana. She pouts. Isadora is pacing like a caged tiger waiting for Rodrigo. Sofia tells her to be patient and he will be there soon. Pilar tells her that she has nothing to worry about and that Sofia called Mariana's house and Rod is not there. Rod arrives. Hugs/kisses all around. Pilar and Rodrigo talk about the Daniela situation. Pilar complains to Rod about Dani's moving out of the house. Rod tells her not to worry. Pilar asks him to convince her to move back to the casa de Montalvo.

Dani and Elvis are talking about how she doesn't want to go to another family function. Elvis tells her that Pilar only wants the best for her. She says the best thing for her is him.

Aaron and Rodrigo are talking about the trip. Rod tells him of the findings, that all is well, and it was a good trip. The conversation turns to Patricio and Rodrigo says its a shame he is unable to join them for the festivities. Aaron makes a wry comment about Lluvia and how its Patricio's misfortune to hook up with someone like her. Rodrigo tells Aaron that a woman's reputation is tarnished when she follows the whims of a man or something like that. (i didnt quite get the literal translation) Aaron didn't take too kindly to the dig Rodrigo made so he pulls him aside and says something insulting about Gaviota. Fighting words indeed and our beloved Rod is not going to have anyone insult Gav. Bruno interjects and tells Aaron to apologize. Aaron has flashbacks to a previous altercation with Rod. He reluctantly apologizes. Yes, Aaron is the villain we all love to hate...

Pat and Lluvia are sitting in a bar having a blue drink that looks good. They chit chat about the irregular shipments, how much he loves her, etc, etc. She is worried that someone will find out and she will be implicated. Patricio assures his beloved that the irregular shipments will be over and done soon. He doesn't want her to continue to be at risk.

Aaron tells Rodrigo that he was missed while he was away and realized that he is irreplaceable. Bruno adds Mariana was missed as well. Everyone exits to the dining room except Rod who takes time out for another shot and wishes he could be with Gav.

Clarita is in her bedroom talking to a picture of Amador. She wonders if he would give his blessing to the union of their children. Gavi walks in and finds her crying. Clarita says she always crys at the end of the year. Gaviota tells her that they year was good, Clarita found her niche at the hospital, they didn't have financial worries, she reconciled with Rod, etc. They hug. Gaviota tells her how happy she is that she has reconciled with Rod and how happy he makes her. She asks Clarita if her father was the love of her life. Clarita looks like she is about to answer, but that darn Benevenuto interrupts...

At the hacienda, Roman and gang are sitting down to dinner. San Juana walks in dressed to the nines, ok, not really. But she thinks she is... She is wearing Isa's dress. Everyone is furious. She pouts that she wanted a new dress but Hilario would not buy her one. Hilario's mom reiterates that she does NOT want San Juana for her son.

Its the stroke of midnight and everyone is eating their 12 grapes. Gavi thinks about Rod. Rod thinks about Gavi. Gavi, Clarita, and Benevenuto all exchange best wishes for eachother for the coming year. They tell them they will miss him while he is away.

Minerva tells Aaron that the coming year will be their year. Aaron and Rod exchange well wishes. Isa wants to toast with Rod...

San Juana goes to the barn and lays in the hay, which I am sure is uncomfortable. Laying in hay whilst in a formal, not practical. But, what do I know? She gets over her hissy fit and wants Hilario, asking him who looks better in the dress. He imagines its Isa he is kissing and inadvertantly calls her Isadora. Oops. Not a good move Larry.

Rod has his sit down with Daniela. He asks her if Elvis treats her well. She says yes. They talk about his tan and how good he looks. She quizzes him about Isa and he says he will tell her later.

Benevenuto is saying his good byes to Clarita and Gavi. They thank him for everything and he assures them that he will stay in touch. He congratulates Gavi for her good fortune at reuniting with the love of her life, that she worked so hard for.

Dani and Rod talk about her living situation. She tells him that he is the last person who should judge her and asks her where this is coming from and what he has against Elvis. He says he doesn't have anything against Elvis. He asks her to move back into the house. She says she won't until Pilar accepts Elvis totalmente. He tells her that she is not in New York anymore and now that she is in Mexico, things are more traditional and it is understood that when a woman leaves the house it is to get married. He tells her that the family is likely to blame him for her rebelious decisions and they would more readily accept him if she moves back home. She agrees to move back. She tells him to fix his life too. This was a cute exchange between them. He tells her that he has an appt. with Vidagaray to begin the divorce stuff. She tells her of his plan to leave with Gavi and how it will be done with the utmost discretion. She asks him to imagine what everyone's reaction will be when they find out. She says Aaron and Minerva will go crazy, Fedra will end up in a psychiatric ward, Sofie will enter the convent and Pilar, well, lets not talk about that. She asks him when will he be informing everyone. He says five minute before he leaves. :)

Benevenuto tells Clarita and Gavi they will always have a place in his heart. He wishes them well and bona fortuna. He leaves.

Clarita looks sad and cries some more. She asks Gavi if she is sure Rod doesn't mind her living with them. She assures her mother that it is okay. Gaviota wants to talk about her father again and asks if she was as in love with him as she is with Rod. Clarita says that was such a long time ago and she doesn't remember. Clarita runs off. Gavi thought bubbles that she is sure that her father was the love of her mother's life. Um, yeah, Gavi.

Back at Montalvo house, everyone is toasting. Pili talks to Amadors pic. Back at Clarita's, she is talking to Amador's picture too. She cries some more.

Isa and Rod are back at the apt. She asks if he missed her. He said he was too busy to miss her. He thinks back to his beach time with Gaviota. Gosh, that Rod is one cutie. But, I digress...

Gaviota is also having thoughts of Rod and flashbacks to their island. Did I mention Rod is a cutie?

Next day, Isa is having breakfast with her parents. She tells them that she wants to know how much it behooves her to stay Mrs. Rodrigo Montalvo. She says she has no intention of getting divorced, however if he does want to end it, she will be playing hard ball. Her daddy looks pleased.

Rodrigo is paying a visit to Videgaray. He tells him he plans on divorcing Isa. He wants to know how it would affect his sisters economics. V tells him to try to settle with Isa to avoid any complicated legalities. V wants to know if his decision to end his marriage was prompted by another woman. Rod smiles that beautiful smile of his and says yes, they only woman he has ever loved in his entire life. *sigh*

Gaviota is looking over her bills and figuring out how much she owes on their stuff. Clarita wants to know how she intends to pay for their stuff once she is out of a job. Gavi tells her not to worry, she will not have any debts and she will not ask Rod for money. Clarita asks her if Rod has asked her to marry him. Gavi tells her that Rod told her that they would be married after he settles his divorce. Clarita asks how long that will take and Gavi says she does not know.

Vidagaray tells Rod that family law is not his thing, but it appears that his case will not be complicted. He tells him he could get an annulment on the grounds that the marriage was never consumated. V tells him he should talk to Isa first. As he is saying that, Isa walks in the door and wants to know what they are discussing.


La Fea Más Bella #295B 6/14/07 Faithful Viewers Are Gypped Of What They Really Want

In the Vortex of Stupidity and Perpetual Prattle, the cuartel and Caro discuss the new developments with Aurolety. Martha is surprised at how much has happened while she was out [Oh, was she out? I hadn’t even noticed. What I did notice is that she looks pretty good in her striped black suit. I think they finally let her take off the fat suit]. The women note that it’s not fair that poor little Lety has to deal with so much man-related drama. Lola adds that men stink. As an example, she tells poses her own dilemma: first El Cheque leaves her for that husband-stealer, and now he wants to hook up with her again.

Suddenly, they hear Marcia squeal from her office "Ay que emocion!" (How exciting/moving!) They run right over to hear the gossip first hand. Marcia is reads the note on computer screen, "Your name is the beginning of the mar (sea), where I navego (maneuver, steer) through my dream, in which you fall in love with me, just as I am in love with you." The women are impressed. They ask who wrote it. She replies that it was Octavio, her secret admirer. Turns out she’s been chatting with him. With very little arm-twisting from the gals, she requests a photo from Mr. Secret Admirer of the Wingtips (Mr…S.A.W.!…yikes, not a good sign!).

The guy sends a picture back immediately. Marcia opens the photo as the women look on anxiously. They all squeal as the photo come sup on the screen, but not in a good way. He’s a not-so-hot looking guy with long, with greasy hair, and a big mole on the tip of his nose. The absence of emotion on his face is reminiscent of a mug shot. Marcia is impactada. [Not a good sign, indeed. On the other hand, this guy could definitely pass as a creepy stalker, but does he look like he walks around in wingtips? Let’s hope Mr. SAW is just kidding with this picture.]

Luigi and Lety sneak down hospital corridor. Luigi holds on tightly to Lety’s arm. Luigi does not want to run into his dad. From behind, they hear someone call "Luis, hijo!" Lety guesses that dad has found him. She giggles at learning that Luigi’s real name is Luis.

Dad tells Luigi his mom will be happy to see him. Still facing away from him, Luigi asks "But not you, right?" Dad responds that at his age there is no room for rancor. Luigi says that he has enough of it for the both of them. Finally turning around, he is surprised at his dad’s appearance: "Dad, you got old!" Dad responds that he I became old before he could become sabio (wise). But, he adds, getting old is a law of life. Luigi retorts that, for dad, everything is about the laws of life; he can’t see beyond what he considers right and moral. Dad admits, that no, he could not accept that his son turned… Luigi finishes his sentence, "Gay is the word, and that doesn’t make me less of a man." Luigi adds that he left home to save dad the bother of having him around, and that it must have been so hard for dad, what with him being such a macho-macho man, earning living in a boxing ring. Luigi raises his fists for effect.

Again, dad says that he was ashamed of having a son who was… This time Lety jumps in. She introduces herself to Lui’s dad and tells Lui that this may not be the best time for this discussion with dad. Just then a nurse walks over to them. She says that mom’s condition is delicate, and they do not expect her to make it much longer. Luigi covers his mouth in agony.

Luigi goes to his mom’s hospital room. He heartwarmingly kisses her hand. In Tomas’s office, he advises Alicia that he needs to verify whether Jacque’s check has posted. He begins to sign in on his computer. Alicia excitedly offers to check for him. Tomas’s tell her she can’t check the balance because she must stay away from excitement, due to her ongoing medical treatments [A brilliant act of pure genius—or at least it would be if Tomas had a clue. I mean, since her treatment story is a farce, Tomas can make up all kinds of cool restrictions for her, right? Great going, Tomas!]. Tom suddenly remembers he has to see Lopez about something.

As soon as he walks out, Alicia runs over to his computer. She tries to figure out the password. She remembers seeing Tom type an A. She thinks the password might be "arina" (flour) because his mom bakes with flour. "Arina" doesn’t work. She wonders what it could possibly be. She pulls out one of the many photos of herself hat Tom has under his inkblotter. She Looks at her picture and asks herself, "Alicia, Alicia, Alicia, what could that password be?" She milks this gag way too long before finally realizing that the password must be "Alicia". Then, in a moment of lucidity – the type only Alicia could experience – she reasons that since the password is "Alicia," then the money must be hers!

Lety prays to the heavens to help Luigi’s mom, because Luigi needs her.

Lui’s mom asks his forgiveness for not being brave enough to defend him. Luigi says that he learned very early in life how to deal with the teasing and taunting, but he really needed mom and pop to love him. She explains that she was not educated, she was ignorant, but after Lui left, she asked around and investigated. And she learned that they have to accept and respect everyone as they are.

Lui responds that if she can accept him as he is, then he will be a happy camper… plus, now he will be able to accept others as they are! In a restroom, Lety talks to herself in the mirror. She says that everyday she is more Aurora, and less Lety. She has some Deep Thought questions. How will she find the real her? Which one is her real face? What face does her soul have? [Luckily, as Aldo is far, far away, we will not have to hear another Deep Thought diatribe that basically means "Awh, shut up and get over yourself already, jeez!"]

Back in the hospital waiting room, Lui’s dad tells Lety about how guilty he feels that for treating Lui so badly. He didn’t realize he was wrong until Lui had left.

Lui runs in and calls dad and Lety back to mom’s room. Look, everyone, mom is no longer on the brink of death! Mom confirms that, yes, Luigi’s forgiveness has returned the life to her previously moribund body. Lety whispers that it’s a miracle. Luigi thanks Lety for helping him to see the light. He adds that now wants to help her. Lety doesn’t think there is much Lui can do for her. He shushes her. He looks at her intently and says he sees something. Lety asks "What? Do I look uglier?" A Lui answer that, no, what he sees is something special that he hadn’t noticed before.

Back at a Conceptos studio, Luigi is staring at Lety again. He thinks he understand her soul bow. He gets really close and concludes that her nose is the center of her personality. He takes lots of pictures of her face. He says that this will be his most important work -- the recreation of natural beauty. He reads an imaginary news headline "Luigi Lombardi Creates the Face of the Fea Mas Bella." I guess he’s got a digital camera, because we instantaneously see the pics he just took of Lety on a big wall monitor. Lui studies the pics and types commands into the computer. This causes the pics to multiply on the monitor, and as the camera angle pulls back, all the pics on the monitor blend into one big picture of The New Lety.

In a new scene, we're in a darkend room and Luigi calls for the lights. The lights go on, and we see Lety standing on a platform. She’s in a white floral blouse and a white skirt. Her make-up is simple and her hair is lightened and layered. [I prefer her with darker hair, but overall, I like this look because she looks… well, not drop-dead gorgeous; just plain, everyday, catch-your-eye-in-the-ice-cream-shop pretty.] Luigi, on the other hand, thinks she looks gorgeous and just divine. He circles the platform as he inspects his masterpiece, and asks, "Well, Leticia Padilla Solis, now that you have discovered your beauty, what will you do? Will you hide again, like you did with Aurora, or will you be you now?"

As we fade to the circle of goodbye, all I can think -- as I'm sure everyone did-- is, What a gyp! A whole episode and not a single shot of Don Fern? QUE THE HECK?!!


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday June 14 - Gaby makes a clever escape attempt and Soledad gets a call from Don Loco

(I have guests today, so if this recap isn't as detailed as it could be, my apologies.)

Alvaro choked Elias, who called repeatedly for the guards without getting any response. What a well-run prison! FINALLY three guards showed up and pulled Don Loco off Elias. (But really, what did Elias expect when he showed up there for no apparent reason except to taunt Mr. Loco?)

Don Loco shouted that Soledad was his, all his! Elias shouted back, "I love Soledad, and you are a criminal! I love Soledad, understand?"

After Loverboy Elias left with his new bruises, Don Loco noticed that Elias had dropped something -- at first I thought it was a checkbook, but it later turned out to be an address book. Surreptitiously Alvaro picked it up.

At General Ochoa's office: Alina tried to calm the upset Rodrigo, saying she would help him search for Gaby. He cried and said he was afraid Gaby had been kidnapped and was being mistreated. "If my daughter dies, it will kill me."

Meanwhile, Crazy Thelma dragged Gaby onto an amusement park ride. Thelma grinned and looked excited while Gaby grimaced. I would grimace, too -- it was a scary rollercoaster thing. And after the ride was over, Thelma forced Gaby to go on it again.

Finally Thelma let Gaby off the ride but started shaking her and saying, "You will do what I say! You have to tell your papa to marry Alina and leave Puebla!" She warned Gaby not to tell anyone what she'd said, saying she could do much worse things to Gaby.

Meanwhile, Claudia was telling Rosendo (the mean guy she lives with) that she had a right to have friends, too. He grabbed her violently and said, "Embrace me!" Claudia yelled no and tried to fight him off, saying she would tell her mother.

She managed to get away from him and locked herself in her room, then told herself she didn't want to cause problems between Mom and her husband. (Aha, so that's who Rosendo is -- her stepfather.)

At a bus station: Alfonsina and Hugo separated for a while. Hugo told himself if Alfonsina didn't have the mysterious cofre, the witch must still have it.

He went to some guy and asked him to make a duplicate of the cofre. He described it carefully and said he wanted it look old. The guy asked when he wanted it, and Hugo said as soon as possible.

Emilio visited Soledad and they had a conversation that I missed. When he left, Coral chased after him and told him, "Alina accepted Rodrigo's proposal without loving him. She still loves you."

"I knew it," said Emilio. "Now more than ever I'm going to fight for her." He thanked Coral, gave her a little kiss, and left.

Frank told Orlando he was going to be freed because of his "heroic rescue" of the soldiers from the gas-filled kitchen. Orlando cackled to himself, "At last I am free," then, as usual, gloated that he would tell Emilio about Thelma and Gaspar. (Later he gloated the same thing all over again, but let's skip that because it's getting boring.)

While talking with Angel, Emilio heard on his military radio that Rodrigo's daughter had disappeared. He went to the general's office and offered to help with the search. (I don't know why he did that because he seemed to forget all about it as soon as he left the office.)

Thelma and Gaby were now having lunch; well, actually, Thelma was enjoying a big hamburger and fries while Gaby sat and watched and whined that she was hungry, too.

Thelma said Gaby could eat if she repeated what Thelma had told her to say. Gaby parroted that she would tell Rodrigo to marry Alina and leave town. Thelma gave Gaby one French fry, then laughed and said, "And the rest for me." Oh yes, she'll make a great mother.

Back at the jail (where Thelma will hopefully end up): Don Loco looked in Elias's address book -- apparently looking up Soledad's phone number -- then told himself Soledad would always be with him, for better or worse. He started yelling to the guards, "Let me out of here! I'm going crazy!"

Meanwhile, Aida (aka Doctor Loca) was having an argument with Don Loco's lawyer, Mauro. I'm not sure but I think he was pressuring her to have Alvaro declared insane. She was refusing to alter her diagnosis to suit him.

Mauro told Dr. Loca he knew all about "the attraction you and Alvaro feel for each other," and warned that she could lose her license for getting involved with a patient. Dr. Loca ordered him out of her office. As he left, he told her she should reconsider her opinion, saying threateningly, "You are young."

At the Valtierra mansion: Angel mused that he was in love again, and he was feeling healthier these days, but his life was still in danger so he would have to forget Claudia forever. (Yawn. You're cute, Angel, but I don't like you anymore; you've gotten so wimpy that even I can't overlook it. Why don't you go cough all over some other show?)

Alina went to Rodrigo's house and comforted the crying Tina. Tina gave Alina some photos of Gaby, and they went out to join the search for her.

Elsewhere, Emilio visited some guy and was told he should be looking for a man named Rosendo Luna. I guess this had something to do with Emilio's new military assignment. Sorry, I didn't follow this scene very well, but I'm sure it will turn out to be the same Rosendo who's making Claudia's life hell. What a coincidence!

Meanwhile Thelma -- with Gaby still in her car -- returned to the school and saw Alina outside with Tina. Thelma closed the car window and sped away.

Gaby said she had to go to the bathroom. Reluctantly Thelma agreed, but said she had a gun and would shoot Gaby if she tried to escape. She took Gaby to a public restroom and pushed her into a stall.

While Thelma very loudly blew her nose (how ladylike), Gaby slipped into another stall. Smart girl. Finally someone on this show uses her brain!

Thelma finished snorting, looked around, and said, "Are you done yet?" She looked into Gaby's stall and found it empty. "Where are you?"

She looked under the door of the stall where Gaby was hiding but didn't see her, then announced, "Surely she escaped. I'm going to look for her."

But no, she only pretended to leave, then waited for Gaby to emerge from the stall. She grabbed the poor kid and dragged her out of the restroom. (Oh well, at least Gaby tried. I bet Don Loco couldn't make HER live in a cave for two years.)

At Angel's doctor's office: The doctor told Angel he wasn't going to die. The experimental treatment worked. Angel was cured!

At the hospital: Luba sobbed over Gaspar's bed, begging him to speak to her. The wrestling manager guy said he would try to find a kidney donor. He also offered to find a hotel for Luba, but she refused, saying she would rather sleep in the street to be near Gaspar.

Mariana and Dr. Love walked past Gaspar's bed on their way to see the burned Malena. Later Mariana told Dr. Love she was going to get some tea.

When Mariana was gone, Dr. Love heard Luba crying over Gaspar. He went over and asked if he could get her anything. I guess he never ran into Luba in Sierra Escondida, because they didn't recognize each other. He told her he was a doctor, and Luba begged him for help.

She told him Gaspar needed a kidney transplant. Dr. Love comforted her and said he would talk to his colleagues in Mexico City about finding a donor. Luba tearfully told him the Virgin of Peace would repay him.

(What a great guy Dr. Love is. He was so kind to Luba. I take back everything I ever thought about his bow ties.)

In Dr. Loca's office: Apparently Don Loco only pretended to go crazy so he could visit Dr. Loca. She complained to him about Mauro's threats. Alvaro protested that he knew nothing about it and said Mauro was an idiot. Dr. Loca said she couldn't trust Don Loco because he told Mauro what had happened between them. Don Loco again protested his innocence, and declared that he would knock out Mauro's teeth.

Dr. Loca said, "I've made a decision, and I think it's best for us both. I think I'll abandon your case." She wept a little and said her career was in danger.

Don Loco promised he wouldn't let Mauro do anything to her. Dr. Loca whimpered, "You promise?" Alvaro assured her that he hated traitors. Her glimmer of sanity already extinguished, Dr. Loca agreed to stay on his case.

The very trustworthy Don Loco then faked illness, pretending to be in great pain, and the very gullible Aida raced away to get help. As soon as she was gone, Don Loco went to her phone and, yes, called Soledad, who was at Coral's Boutique.

When Soledad answered, Don Loco said, "How are you, my love? Did you think I'd forget you?" I think he told her to leave Elias.

Soledad asked, "Are you crazy?" Don Loco agreed, "Yes, I am crazy. Don't forget you are mine, mine. I'm leaving here and coming for you."

Alarmed, Soledad hung up and told Coral she was sure Don Loco would come and find her, just as he'd said. Coral told her they would take precautions and everything would be OK. Alina arrived and told them Gaby had disappeared.

Meanwhile, Duhmilio (it just feels right to call him that) went to what looked like a pool hall and asked for Rosendo Luna. The pool hall guy said he didn't know Rosendo. Duhmilio sat down at a table. Some men glared at him.

Later, at night, as Duhmilio was leaving the pool hall, the men approached him. He said something about finding Rosendo. They strong-armed him and started walking him somewhere.

Duhmilio, of course, got into a fist fight with them, and as always, he lost. Someone pulled a gun, and I think Duhmilio got hold of it for a moment, but he ended up on the ground with the men kicking him.

At Rodrigo's house: Tina got a phone call from someone who said a girl's body had been found. She called Rodrigo, who was at Alina's house, and gave him the bad news. Clutching Alina, Rodrigo yelled, "No! Why, why, why!"

Thelma went home and found Singing Aunt holding Baby Emilio. She told SA she was tired and wanted a bath. After she left the room, SA said, "Little secrets from me? No, Thelmita. Where have you been?" She looked in Thelma's purse and found Gaby's hair ribbon.

Outside Claudia's house: Angel heard Claudia and her mother arguing in the street. Claudia tried to tell her mother about Rosendo's behavior, but her mother didn't believe her.

At the end of the show, Rodrigo went to a morgue with Alina. A covered corpse was wheeled out (it looked too big to be Gaby) and Alina lifted the sheet and looked at its face. Appearing upset, she paused dramatically and made Rodrigo wait for tomorrow's episode to hear whether it was his daughter. Not very considerate of her!

In a preview scene from the next episode, Dr. Loca tells Don Loco the DNA test proves Alina is his daughter. Let's see him deny his way out of that one!

fuga = escape, flight


Acorralada #105 Maxito returns!

Tuesday's episode begins with a discussion between Lala and Pancho, who are discussing Diego's strange behavior. He seems very tense, and not worried about the baby. Synthesizers of doom tell us that this conversation will come back to haunt us...

Diana calls Max to tell him that she knows where Maxito is!

Next Marfil goes to visit Octavia to tell her that without O's help, she may lose Max forever! They agree that Max must not learn that Marfil made Bruna promise to keep the baby's whereabouts a secret, or that Diego was involved, since he's a good ally to have. They agree that Bruna must die, and they're off to TeleMiama hospital to smother her with a pillow. Bruna realizes what they're going to do and dies of a heart attack right before their eyes. The doctor comes in a few seconds after she dies to announce that there was nothing he could do. What kind of crazy hospital is this, anyway?

Ignacio and Camila are released from jail in time for primo Eduardo to arrive with his wife Fiona, who was Max's first girlfriend and she's never forgotten his besos. She wastes no time in calling him to set up a meeting, and he agrees because his marriage is over and his love for Diana is going nowhere fast. He may as well rekindle an old flame.

Max, Diana, and Fedora go to Isabel's apartment to pick up Maxito. Diego stays at the mansion so that he's not a burden in his wheelchair. When they arrive, Fedora recognizes Izabel & asks if she took the baby to avenge her nephew's death. Isabel denies it and our glassy eyed heroine notes that Maxito was well taken care of, he's clean and wearing clean clothes. Max offers to pay Eugenia and Isabel, but Eugenia refuses it out of fear that it will look like they accepted ransom money.

Pancho comes to visit Diego at the mansion and is surprised to see Silvia there. As luck would have it, Nancy has just given Silvia a glass of warm milk to take to Dona Santa, so Pancho gets the warm milk thrown in his face.

Yolanda has a new look to go with her new man - her hair's down and wavy, and Rene loves it.

The Caramelo/Pancho/Paola love triangle continues... Octavia has Paola locked up in Paco's apartment and won't let her leave, which means that Pancho has some free time to spend at the beach with Caramelo, who thinks it would be a great idea to move back into Lala's house with him. Of course he agrees to this, but won't agree that she'll be the only woman in his life - his heart's too big for that! Later she talks to him about how great it would be if they had a baby, which obviously isn't something that Pancho's up for.

Marfil is strolling around the pool in a lime green bathing suit and matching head wrap when she calls Diana to inform her that she and Max plan to sue her for full custody of Maxito. Octavia stops by for a little visit and loves hearing about this plan.

Fedora goes to see Rodrigo again, and they're awfully chummy. I think we have a love connection here, folks. He's optimistic about Gaby's case and offers to take Fedora to lunch to discuss it. After lunch they return to the mansion to find Paco waiting for Fedora's return. There's an awkward introduction, and neither man wants to leave, so Fedora asks Lala to bring coffee for everyone.

The episode ends with Diana confronting Max about Marfil's threat. He asks why it shouldn't be him and Marfil raising Maxito instead of Diana and Diego. She asks him if he wants to start a war between them? He asks the same of her, and credits roll.


ZORRO, Wednesday 6/13 (#84): 2 Parts Recap, 1 Part Huge Apology

Recapper’s Note: So, I’m subbing for Cathy. I’m excited, I figure out how to upload the recap, I set the VCR…and I somehow miss tuning the TV to Telemundo! I got home in time to see parts 4 and 5 of the novela, but can’t offer you more than that (unless you’re interested in a recap of the “friendly” football match between Argentina’s Boca Juniors and a Brazilian team). I really apologize!

Parte 4

Garcia brings the grateful Esme some food. She tells him of her visit by Mangle and Montero – they’re lovers, she tells him. They kissed in front of her to shamelessly show how they’re putting one over on Diego. Why do they hate her so much? Garcia tells her that she [and Diego, I think] are rare – beautiful people who are also good, who share an amazing love. That love can’t help but make other folks jealous. Garcia assures Esme that she will some day get out of that shack prison.

Jonas the Gypsy is in a chapel. A poor, leprous woman stands behind him off-screen, attempting to return a ring he gave her as alms [earlier in the episode, I’m sure]. He won’t accept it back, and she tells him she understands why her mother was willing to give her life to this Gypsy “family.” Jonas begins to auditorily put 2 +2 together, and rises and turns to see Sara Kali, and they embrace. Everyone believed her dead. He begins to kneel, and she stops him, saying he is more worthy of her praise, giving up something of value to a poor leper. Jonas is eager to take SK back to Camp Gypsy, but she won’t go. The Gypsies are still being hunted by people who want to find her. It’s best that everyone still assume she is dead. She asks Jonas to have faith in his Queen’s judgement.

Olmos gives a pep talk to the love potion/date rape drug Selenia prepared for him. Mangle will be all his, and not Montero’s. Meanwhile, the potion’s eventual object is at her follow-up séance with Selenia. Santiago Michelena enters Sel’s body and addresses Mangle angrily: she’s disturbing his rest; their time together is over and done with. Mangle rails back at him, wanting to know why he preferred Esme to her. She hopes his death was a horrible one; he never deserved her love. At this point, Santiago decides he’s had enough, and “exits” Selenia, leaving her spent.

Another scene in a chapel. The Queen of Spain and her ladies are at prayers. Duque Jacobo (DJ) enters with good news [and a great deal blacker hair than I remember from his earliest appearances]. Everything’s set and approved for her voyage to the New World. She’s delighted. DJ will accompany her, of course. Her destination is Los Angeles. DJ appears pained – why not Peru, or New Granada [Colombia]? No thanks, says Queenie, I can’t wait to see what surprises the town of L.A., and its people, have for me.

Parte 5


Fernando (FS) and Montero are walking in the plaza, discussing the eminent arrival of the Queen. In the background, workers are busily erecting the grandstand and decorations. FS knows the arrival of the Queen is good news for the Dastardly Duo – if she’s on her way, it clearly means SK didn’t make it to Spain. Otherwise, both their heads would’ve rolled by now. Monte wants to know if FS thinks SK is dead, then. FS begins to answer, “could be,” but becomes impactado at the sight of Maria Pia strolling through the plaza with her beau, Anderson Cooper [Don Alfonso Diaz de Vergara]. MP meets FS’ eyes and hastily looks away. FS finally manages to turn back to his convo with Monte and stutter out his sentence.

Mangle, now heavy with pregnancy pillow, prepares to leave the hacienda to go into town. She’s meeting the seamstress at the Gov’s mansion. Diego wants her to be careful – she’s due any day now. He wants to find Olmos to accompany her, and she tells Diego that it’s nice to have him worry about her, if only a little. Once he’s out of earshot, she marvels maliciously at how he’s changed recently – and how he’ll probably be even better once the “bastardo” is born, and he holds the child in his arms.

Olmos is in his room doing a toned-down version of his happy dance. The 111 days for the maturation of the love potion are over! He’s going to make Mangle drink every single drop. Diego knocks for him to accompany Mangle.

Alejandro keeps an anguished vigil at Almudena’s bedside. Yumalai enters with food, but he’s not hungry. Yuma doesn’t want Alej to talk or think about Dena’s death, but Alej reminds her that Dena is unresponsive. She doesn’t want to live anymore. And what about you, Yuma pointedly asks. I hear you in your office crying, and you haven’t eaten in days. What about your will to live?

Mariangel, at her fitting at her dad’s house, is being pinched and cinched by the seamstress. Thirsty, she asks Olmos for a glass of water, and he takes the opportunity to mix in the potion. Mangle downs the entire cup as Olmos looks on. Frustrated, she sends the seamstress away, hurling insults at her. Moving toward her vanity [I think], Mangle cries out in pain and clutches at her abdomen. Olmos frantically but unhelpfully tries to offer assistance. [Hmmm - is this potion? Labor? Miscarriage?]

Cut to Garcia arriving at Esme’s basement. In a bright white maternity gown [thank you for changing her clothes!], she is lying on her “bed,” also in distress. Garcia runs to her, and she tells him happily that her son is on his way…

END OF EPISODE [Apologies again!- jen]


Juan Q 6/13 - Funeral Fight! (My money's on the dead guy!)

Update posted....

I’ll start with Ana, Paula’s mom, being overcome with distress and extremely upset when she heard that Samuel was dead. She doesn't understand why he did this. She saw him looking bad but she never imagined he do something like this. She decides that now nothing matters any more and what matters is that she loved Samuel and she deserves to mourn him so she wants to go to the viewing. Paula, upset because now she can’t ever tell him she was sorry for yesterday’s brat rant, and he died thinking she hated him, tries to talk her Mom out of going saying it's not a good idea. Her Mom says she'll go with or without her. Her Mom wonders again what could have led him to do this. Paula upset tells her that maybe it was her fault!

Nidia complains that her daughter is being too hard on her. She doesn't understand how she can accuse her so harshly as if she had no heart and wasn't suffering too. Juan consoles that she is just upset too and not to take it so hard because people say things they don't mean in times like this. Nidia praises how well his words console her and how appreciative she is that he is there for her as she slides herself all over him.

Ok now I see it's at this point in the circus, uh, funeral viewing, Alirio Perfan, I think a lawyer and friend of the deceased shows up to console Nidia. He gives his greatest condolences and says he's at her services. He tells her this is quite a tragedy and that not to worry, he'll take care of all the bills.

He is of course over the top friendly to her and tells her that he is very happy to help her through this difficult time (I’m reminded of Aldo leaning over the desks at Lety). Nidia actually sort of repels him and reaches for Juan and introduces him to Perfan who is not exactly pleased that Juan will be living with them for a while. He does however introduce himself quite formally to Juan. Nidia tells Alirio she doesn't know what to do with the government people over there that are watching her. Of course he says leave it to me. I'll take care of them.

An apparent beau of Yadira, Enrique, shows up and wonders how her mother is doing. Yadi says very affected as you can see. He goes over to greet her and she begs him to fetch a mariachi band, oh yeah, and some spirits to lift hers. Nidia says that she wants to hear “la Negra.”

Meanwhile in the airport, Cesar Luis is shoving his wife off on a plane. She expresses her sadness that this happened and that Samuel was very important to the business and to her husband, and maybe she shouldn’t go just now. Cesar doesn't want her to sacrifice on his behalf that she has her projects etc. For some reason Cesar just keeps on telling her it's ok to go and she should not miss her flight. Fly Fly he says over and over. It seems for some reason he wants her gone.

Enrique comes back and tells the band to wait for him outside. He goes up to tell Nidia he brought the mariachis. Yadira argues with her and that this is not a party and it would be inappropriate for the mariachis to be there. Nidia says she doesn't want this to be a sad occasion. Yadira then tells her that Marely doesn't want them here and if they play one note she said she'll call the police.

Some how Juan offers to go out and take care of them. Nidia asks Enrique if he brought the other thing she asked. He slides her a bottle of something. We see her taking a swig clandestinely as she says she needs to be alone for a moment and walks off.

Alirio then tries to get info out of Yadira and wants to know if Juan is really a family member. She says yes, the nephew of her aunt. Arilio is concerned that this Fulano is not of a high enough class level to be part of their family. He mentions something about the outfit giving him a bad impression and Yadi says those are her Papi's clothes. She says something to the effect that he may not look high society but he's hot from head to toe. They discuss something about him causing jealousy if Enrique sees her talking to him and she says she doesn't care because he needs to learn he has no future with her anyway. Arilio wonders why she gives him false hopes then if that is true. She appears to deny the importance of that.

Ana and Paula are still arguing about going in. P tells A that it is imprudent to be here and that his wife and children and real family are there and this is not the right time for all of that. Ana is unconvinced and thinks she loved him too, for 25 years, and that none of that matters anymore and that she deserves just as much to say goodbye, because he was the great love of her life, besides he gave her the best most precious thing in her life, her daughter and as his own flesh and blood Paula should be there too to mourn her father. She loved him more than anyone in there anyway and Paula doesn't know anything about his life. Paula still doesn’t want to go there, because now her Dad is gone so none of this matters. The Mom is surprised that she calls him Papa after all these years now that he's gone. Paula minimizes that and tells her she feels really bad about this whole thing too. Ana final word is that she's going in and that's that.

While Juan is walking out to deal with the mariachis, Paula and her Mom walk right past him into the viewing. He smiles, surprised this woman has crossed his path again, realizing it was the woman he passed in the cab. He says something about her being a rose and having eyes of honey. He tells the band to wait while he thinks about this.

Now that's a riot. I think I'll try that in the middle of a task sometime. "No, wait just a second while I thought bubble this what if contemplation to myself. OK, I'm done. Where were we?"

He wonders what she could be doing here in the funeral home and he thinks she could be an angel to help bring the soul of the deceased on his way to heaven. He asks that when he dies that she takes his hand and lead him through his last moments.

Juan then gets back to the task at hand and tries to set the band up outside near the window so that they aren’t in the salon, but that they can still be heard. Outside, the mariachis start up with “La Negra” (the black or dark one – female). They are playing in the courtyard, and Juan Q is dancing a very folky dance with a handkerchief in his boots to the song outside with the band.

When Paula and Ana arrive to pay their respects to the coffin, Nidia, now having taken plenty of swigs, screams and starts yelling that this amante has no business here and that she should leave and leave her husband in peace. Ana tells her that she didn't respect her husband in life she can at least respect him in death. Over top of the coffin, she begins insulting Ana, to which Paula starts to defend her. She tells the dirty woman to leave and then Yadira gets involved defending her mother. Nidia wants to know who Paula is and what business she has interfering. Arilio tries to stave off the fight.

When Paula sees that this is not going to go well, she again tries to convince her Mama to leave, referring to her as Mama, to which Nidia now realizes that this is her husband’s offspring. Many more insults fly and Nidia says that Ana should listen to her little bastard and leave. At this Paula hauls off and whacks her a good one! Now that’s cajones!! Whacking a widow at her husband’s funeral!! Go Paula!

This craziness continues with the four of them clawing at each other over the coffin of the husband, spinning it around in their haste to get at each other. We flash to Marely, who is sad and crying and is not involved in all this cat bickering. Finally, though, she has had enough and she intervenes crying for them all to cut it out. They separate and move away from the coffin. Paula finally convinces her Mama to leave and Nidia recomposes herself and wants the mariachis to play. Marely just hugs her Papa’s coffin.

Paula has an "i told you so" conversation in the car after leaving the viewing. Mom sort of agrees. Paula gets mad now and says if these people want war, then war they will get.

La Negra

Negrita de mis pesares ojos de papel volando
Negrita de mis pesares ojos de papel volando
A todos diles que sí,
Pero no les digas cuando
Asi me dijiste a mi,
Por eso vivo penando

¿Cuando me traes a mi negra?
Que la quiero ver aquí
Con su rebozo de seda
Que le traje de Tepic.

¿Cuando me traes a mi negra?
Que la quiero ver aquí
Con su rebozo de seda
Que le traje de Tepic.

After the fight I think Nidia begs the mariachis to come inside after someone goes out to tell them they shouldn’t be outside and should go away.

She yells that this was her husband’s final wish to hear them, so that's what he's going to get, that it would make him happy and life goes on, and that they should all be celebrating and not crying. So, now inside, the mariachis play Cielito Lindo (Beautiful little heaven or sky) a very happy tune actually which tells us to sing and not cry!:

Cielito Lindo

De la Sierra Morena,
Cielito lindo,
vienen bajando
Un par de ojitos negros,
Cielito lindo,
de contrabando.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones.
Pajaro que abandona,
Cielito lindo, su primer nido,
Si lo encuentra ocupado,
Cielito lindo, bien merecido.

Ese lunar que tienes,
Cielito lindo, junto a la boca,
No se lo des a nadie,
Cielito lindo que a mi me toca.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones.

Nidia tries to get everyone to sing. Marely is apalled telling her Mom she hates her and says the mariachis shouldn't be playing this isn't a party and that's she's making a scene. Nidia says this is an homage to her Dad. M says this isn't an honor to her Dad it's an insult. Her sister tells her to stop being holier than thou and that this is who they are and she needs to shut up and take it or else the open door is right over there and she can be on her way.


In which life goes on in Puebla, the jail is a busy place, and Emilio needs Plan B

This is Jeanne, subbing for Lynn, and Margaret did a summary below in the notes, also. Just a note, 13 is one of my two lucky numbers (long story), but it didn’t seem to help Alina or Duelo much.

Duelo opens to a repeat scene of Sergio telling DL that here in jail we’re all equal, and you’re just a miserable as the rest of us. Even with all your money, you couldn’t escape. (What’s Sergio’s problem here? He knows DL better than anyone, including Soledad. He knows that he’s waving a bright scarlet cape in front of this bull. It doesn’t matter that he’s right. This is one of those places it doesn’t pay to be right.) Don Loco reminds him that sooner or later, everything comes out here. He knows that Sergio ratted. If Sergio thinks he’s man enough, come ahead and try it (referring to the shiny knife Sergio seems to have obtained in jail and is pointing at DL). Predictably, there’s a tussle.

We move to Coral’s backyard where lovely mariachi music is not enchanting Alina a bit. Not even such a fabulous singing voice does it for her (by the way, Sylvia, you’re right. There were definitely tonsils). Still, she loves the bum. Soledad and Coral come into her room to share the box seats for the concert. With varying degrees of conviction, they try to talk to her about him. He sends the boys away, and calls up to her window. Coral editorializes about his pleas.

We move to the hospital where Gaspar will surely die if they don’t find someone compatible, because Luba isn’t. Gaspar looks like he’s flat lining (NOOOOO! Say it isn’t sooooooo, Doc!) Nurses come running. They pull our screaming witch/healer out of the room while the doc attempts to help Gaspar.

Back at the jail, DL is telling Sergio not to try to yell, because he’s not letting the traitor loose anyway. This is how traitors end up, dying by their own hands. He cuts Sergio’s throat and Sergio convulses on the floor, blood gushing from mouth and throat. DL carefully places the fingerprint laden knife in Sergio’s hand and arranges it neatly to look like he did it himself, and Sergio is now part of the litter of dead or dying. Our question of the day, gentle readers: will Dra. Loca make the connection that DL asked to see his old friend, who is now dead from a slashed throat? Probably not.

Coral and Soledad are still trying to comfort a crying Alina. Coral asks why she’s crying, since she had nothing to do with Emilio breaking his marriage to Thelma up, not really. Alina is unconvinced, of course. Soledad adds her two cents’ worth and Emilio calls up that he’s waiting. Alina whines, “what will I do?” and brings up Rodrigo.

In the little tiny shack out in the boonies, Hugo and Alfi have tied Ricardo, Mariana and Malena up into conveniently available chairs with conveniently available rope (although it is remotely possible these two actually had a plan when they came up here and brought the rope with them). Mariana asks why Alfi hates her so much and doesn’t get much of an answer. Gentle readers, let me pose this thought: is this really the time to be asking stupid questions? Alfi tells her that she owes Alfi something. Mariana accused her of bringing all this about, starting this mess. Alfi reminds her that she’s the one who hid the relationship.

Luba cries to the Virgencita to find a way to save her son, and give Luba strength. The Virgen appears, and reminds her they are not alone and they can depend on her. Luba smiles and looks hopeful.

Soledad and Coral ask Alina what she’ll do. “Tell him to go.” It’s too painful when he looks for me. Coral reminds her to let her heart search for the answer.

In the cabin, Mariana makes an impassioned recounting of all the tragedy in her life, and “is that too little suffering?” Alfi leans over her and say, “oh how sad” with a big smarmy smile. (Gentle readers, at this point, nearly any final demise we have suggested for anyone so far, starting with the whirlpool, will not be bad enough for Alfi). Mariana yells at her that she’ll get hers, and Ricardo says, “don’t inflame her any more.” Hugo pours fuel around and they set fire to it as they leave, with our three detained second team heroes screaming for mercy.

Alina has come down to the dark yard and she and Emiliooo are having an impassioned discussion. He reminds her that every time they see each other, it’s clear how they feel for each other. He dares her to look in his eyes and say she doesn’t love him. She can’t. He tells her they can finally be together if she wants it. He kisses her. Rodrigo comes into the yard, watching this, commercial impactado in a Rodrigo-sort of way.

Emilio yells at him not to come and get involved with what doesn’t pertain to him. Rodrigo begs to differ and points out military code of conduct stuff and tells Emilio that all he’s given this girl is grief. He accuses Emilio of using Alina just like he has used many women. Emilio belts him, and makes a nasty (and very unnecessary) crack about doing to her like you did to your own wife. A full-fledged fight ensues.

At the cabin, the flames are getting intense and the smoke is filling the place. Apparently, Hugh and Alfi are no better at tying knots than they are at any of their other schemes, because even slightly disabled Mariana can get out of hers. Ricardo pulls Mariana out first, but Malena is having a bit more trouble. Will she get out?

Coral and Soledad come down to the yard, with the fight underway and lots of yelling. They try to intervene and Emilio tells them to butt out. Rodrigo yells that he’s carried this pain about his wife for years and what does Emilio know of it? He’s just adding Alina to his collection and doesn’t really love her. (At this point, gentle readers, I am really liking Rodrigo and thinking Alina should really end up with him. If you put a moustache on Emilio, he’d look suspiciously like DL and she’d be marrying her Daddy’s tipo de hombre, IMO. But I digress). Soledad finally chimes in to tell him to just go, already. Emiliooo goes.

Back at the cabin, Mariana begs Ricardo to go in after Malena, and the cabin blows. She panics that her cousin is lost and screams. Ricardo holds her on the ground.

In Coral’s living room, Rodrigo is getting cleaned up with Alina’s help. Alina leaves for a moment. He apologizes for exchanging blows with Emiliooo. Rodrigo tries to convince himself, Coral and Soledad that Emiliooo doesn’t really want Alina for herself. Coral points out that he has no real idea of the long history between the two. Soledad just wants peace. Rodrigo agrees, gives Alina a little kiss, and leaves. Soledad, finally looking like she may be getting some sense, tells Alina to rest and get her thoughts in order. It almost looked like stern admonishment to get her act together.

At the cabin, Mariana and Ricardo are back on their feet. Mariana is still fretting over Malena, screaming “no!” The cabin should be ashes by now. It was just wood. Apparently, it was treated wood. Aha! Here’s Malena! She’s alive but very injured and burned. They run to her to help.

At Coral’s boutique, Soledad, Coral and Angel are talking about the scene with his brother the night before. Soledad knows Alina loves Emilio but Rodrigo is a good man. Angel doesn’t want to see his brother suffer. Soledad leaves with a rack of clothes, and Angel is fretting about Claudia. Coral lets Angel see Claudia’s confidential info – they smile conspiratorially.

Sleazy lawyer Mauro, meeting with DL, hears that there was a sad event at the jail the night before (busy night, huh, in Puebla?). There’s a body. DL informs him it was Sergio’s. Mauro figures that DL had something to do with it. DL says it could be that Mauro knows him well, and what happens to those who betray him. Mauro sits back. He finally tells DL that Alfi and Hugo bopped him and escaped. DL shakes his head. It’s clear, gentle readers, that it isn’t going to go well for Mauro from here on and it’s only a matter of time.

Back at the jail after the commercial, DL asks how could it be that Mauro failed to get the job done. Mauro – with as much bravado as he can muster when faced off by a bully in a jail jumpsuit, tells him that as absurd as it sounds, that’s what happened. I told you I’m no killer and there were two against just me. DL does what every good schoolmarm knows to do to warn a kid without getting ugly…..lowers his voice to a whisper and walks slowly up close behind Mauro. (For anyone who wants to know, gentle readers, this is a time-honored instructional strategy that works up to about middle school. Then the kids have your number). He gently puts his hands on Mauro’s shoulders. Unlike any schoolmarm I’ve ever known, DL squeezes those shoulders; Mauro sweats and grimaces. DL advises Mauro he’s getting out one way or another. Mauro massages one shoulder.

Rodrigo, with prominent bruises on his lovely face (he really is a looker, and getting less wooden every day—I did a freeze frame on him in this scene and whew, what eyes! Remind me of my hubby’s puppy eyes), is telling his uncle the General about Emiliooo’s bad behavior. He wants to impose sanctions from the military code of honor.

Luba tells the Lucha Libre Master (LLM) that things are bad; the doc comes in to tell them he’s stabilized Gaspar. But, they have to send Gaspar back to Puebla because they don’t’ have what they need to save the boy there. Luba asks what if there isn’t any donor? Then, only a miracle will save him.

The General asks his nephew about the altercation. Rodrigo doesn’t exactly tell his uncle the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the reasons Emilio had, and he reminds Uncle that he was supposed to be protecting Alina from harm. (Hm. That’s a twisted rendition of the facts if I ever heard one, gentle readers). But Uncle says he’s no fool. He knows what’s up here. Don’t abuse that privilege you have. Yes, we’ll sanction him, but watch it.

The prosecutor guy is questioning Dra. Loca who sticks to her story about DL needing to be out of solitary, etc., etc. He tries to call her bluff but she is righteously indignant about knowing what her patient needs. Same old, same old.

Singing Auntie, playing with the baby, talks with Emilio as he walks in to find Thelma gone. Why is she gone so early? How strange!

Tina is talking with another woman, and Gaby notes Thelma in a bright blue car. Thelma is throwing a stuffed bear up and down, Gaby is pulled to the bear, and thus, Thelma. (She looks older than that. Most kids her age wouldn’t be falling for the stranger with candy/stuffed bear routine, but this is telenovelaland, gentle readers). Thelma chitchats with Gaby and tells Gaby her cat had kittens, you want to come see them? Sure! But I have to tell my nanny. No, she’s busy (very slick, Thelma). Gaby gets in the car with her. Tina is done talking and sees Gaby has disappeared. She panics. (She should. She’s dealing with a maniac).

Alina is taking her test for the entrance to the nursing school and hearing Emilio’s voice, then re-living the kiss with “their music” playing. She admonishes herself to get focused and forget him.

Tina explains to passersby that Gaby has disappeared. She calls Rodrigo, who is at home now. These military guys sure keep weird office hours. Tina cries on the phone, and Rodrigo gets alarmed, “Is everything okay?” No! Gaby’s disappeared! Don’t move, I’m on the way!”

Gaby has finally registered that “this place is really out in the sticks! (Muy solo, very isolated)” Why are we here? Thelma has stopped. Geez, Louise, what a well-thought out plan. What’s she gonna do with a 10-year old? Make Rodrigo comply with her demand to pressure Alina so she can have Emilio all to herself? Gaby gets panicky and cries. Thelma, always the nurturing mother-type, yells at Gaby to shut up.

Singing Auntie and Emilio talk about where Thelma might be, and about the divorce. SA is worried about what Thelma might do when she finds out about the divorce being filed. Frank comes to inform Emilio that the General wants to see him RIGHT NOW!

Dra. Loca is still fussing with the prosecutor. I’d love to see that smirk wiped off her face, gentle readers. The prosecutor asks her if DL is confronted with the real proof of the DNA, could it make DL worse? No, she has a theory that if he learns the truth, he will be allll better. (Sheesh.) It’s a risk they have to take for her patient. (We are reminded, gentle readers, that her most recent risk on behalf of her patient resulted with a dead body).

An ambulance is speeding to Puebla with Gaspar and Luba in it. He tells her he hurts, and is going to die. No, she says, you are not going to leave me and you are going to know your cub. She tells him about his cub, with Gaspar’s eyes. She cries to the Virgen and thought bubbles that he cannot die without knowing his baby.

The General is lecturing Emilio about his altercation at Coral’s the night before. He is disgusted with the bad behavior he heard reported. (Like Emilio doesn’t know who reported it). Emilio says he tried to prevent the fight. (Gentle readers, I remember distinctly that Emilio personally threw the first blow. Some attempt at prevention). The General is shipping him off to Siberia for a while. Okay, maybe it’s just a remote project. Still. He is concerned that Emilio’s demeanor is reflecting badly (even though he’s aware that E wasn’t in uniform, because Rodrigo told him so). Emilio’s getting a punishment, and all this is an order. Emilio accepts this assignment with no more retorts.

The prosecutor guy is with Tina and Rodrigo getting info about Gaby’s disappearance. Tina can’t remember anything and the prosecutor guy (does he double as a detective?) wants her to try to remember a suspicious vehicle, something! Well, that car was bright, royal blue and the woman who got out of it was playing catch with herself with a stuffed bear. That’s pretty distinctive in my opinion. What’s more, if Tina had paid a little attention, she’d have seen Thelma’s face and remembered the witch who burst into the apartment demanding to see Rodrigo a day or two ago. But, no such luck. What!!??? They have to wait 24 HOURS to start looking for a missing 10-year old??? Well, kids do run off. Rodrigo panics, then he knows what he has to do.

Alina is done with the testing and filling out forms. She has a nice chat with the nurse in charge. She tries to tap dance around where she spent the last two years. NO problem, you lived in a cave with a witch who made herbal concoctions for everyone who asked. Including one for you to look dead and one to get revived. This is a vital pre-requisite for nursing school. It’ll be good on your résumé. The nurse cuts herself. Filler.

Angel is walking down a back street, looking for Claudia. A greasy guy answers the door, and Angel asks for her. Who’s asking? Angel introduces himself and sticks out his hand to shake. (See comments, I think it was Sylvia who noted the guy was zipping himself so it’s not a good time to shake hands). They face off with glares and hands on hips. Very macho. The guy says she is not here, and you need to get out and never return. He shuts the door in Angel’s face. Angel wonders what’s up with him.

At the boutique, Elias, Coral and Soledad discuss the bad night. She thinks DL won’t be quiet and stay in jail. He tried to escape once…..(Soledad, you may be on to something). Elias assures her that he is going to take care of her, and go see DL. She tells him, no! She’s afraid he might try to have Elias killed again.

Mariana and Ricardo are in the waiting area at a hospital, where Malena is recovering. Mariana wants to get back to Mexico City. She won’t rest until she feels Hugo and Alfi are dealt with. Ricardo agrees things cannot remain as they are.

Alina is with the General, talking about her excitement to start training. She appreciates his help. Rodrigo enters, upset, and advises them that Gaby has disappeared. Alina is impactada.

DL sees Elias seated in the waiting room at the jail. What the h*** are you doing here? Elias is so glad to see him in jail. He just wants Al to know he’s going to protect Soledad. DL knocks him down to the table and chokes him.

Coming: Emilio comes into the General’s office and asks permission to help look for Gaby. Rodrigo looks at his uncle, stone-faced with displeasure about this request. Alina, predictably, is impactada.



Duelo Wed June 13 - no recap - can you help?

I wasn't able to watch and recap. Hopefully someone else can tell us what happened in the comments.


La Fea Más Bella #295A 6/13/07 FER proposes to LETY!!! A million dollars, and Lui and Orni bond, and yes, believe it or not Ariel actually pays a compliment

The announcer Pepillo ends by saying this show will be a success. Fer congrats Lety, but she says it’s his success and he says it’s both of ours. Omar congratulates Fer saying we did it and Fer points to himself and Lety as he responds that they did it more than him but thanks. Everyone claps.

There are congratulations all around. Jacques calls over Lety and tells her he is really sorry about what happened with the periodical but he has a surprise and requests a meeting with Lety and Fer and Tomas and asks them to go to the president’s office. Alicia follows them. Tomas wonders what Ali wants and she tells him to assist himas in her job. He thinks that’s great but only lets her stand by the door. Jacques tells him it looks like a success, and he starts chuckling about what happened the other night with Aurolety. Fer chastises him and he says he’s already asked forgiveness. Fer backs off.

Jacques continues to tell them that the show has been purchased already in various countries and so he tells them they are going to make many bucks and he hands over their first payment, a check for a million dollars! Tomy says now for sure you saved the business Don Fer. Fer thanks Tom. Alicia overhears this and thinks about the shoes and cars and dresses she can get without having to rely on her husband.

Irma goes in to get Luigi and tells him he has to come because she has a special guest here to see him. He wants to celebrate his success and says he has no time for visitors so tell them to come back. He looks up and recognizes the man. He wonders what that man is doing here, “I don’t want to see him. Make him leave.” Irma tries to convince him he should see him but to no avail and he walks out. She goes over and tries to tell his Dad that he is unavailable, but Dad knows that Luigi doesn’t want to see him. He tells Irma he only came to give Luigi the message that his mother is very ill in hospital and dying, and wants to see him for the last time.

Back in the studio, the whole Mendioroel Clan is there, including Ariel. Papa says that Fer is their pride and joyand Helmut Bozo alias blow up porn doll agrees. The cuartel applauds him. Mar tambien. Ariel actually congratulates Fer and tells him that he did very badly, but not that bad, that he isn’t a thief, and that he saved Conceptos and brought it back to the family.

Now that’s something, Ariel even turning a new leaf. Sorry, he is just not believable. I think I still want to despise him with a fervor. Fer says it wasn’t just him, everyone is a part of it and a part of Conceptos and he has to go for a moment. Ana Leticia asks what could be more important than taking the photos.

We next see Fer on the phone. My signal broke up here but I think he caught Carmina in a lie, that she really wasn’t in Acapulco with Aldo. Please feel free to fill in. I did catch that he said he wouldn’t tell Lety anything, but not because of her, because of Lety.

Gordo Lobo surprises his ex Gordita with their own home!!

Lety calls Fer in. She tells him she’s very proud of him. He doesn’t want to annoy her but he admits that he’s as proud of himself. He says he’s gotten back his self esteem and his family has regained their confidence in him. He said today could have been the best day of his life. She asks why this isn’t the happiest day of his life. He said it would be if he had one thing. He says he wants her to marry him. He kisses her hands and she gets a dreamy look, heretofore reserved for gazing at Aldo. Is it a dream?

At first I wasn’t sure…but no he continues explaining how all this is great and he has the business back and his family respects him again and everything would be just right if he could get her back too. He begs her to marry him. She cries and asks why he’s doing this to her. She tells him she can’t marry him. He apologizes that he’s been thinking of himself again and he’s sorry and he’ll go to his office.

Luigi wants to know why that man came. He’s bawling. He doesn’t want to see his Papa ever. Irma comes in and says it’s very important. He doesn’t want to see anyone and begs her to leave, but she insists she has something important to say about his Mom, and he says why my dad is the one who came. She tells him his Mom is in the hospital and she is going to die and she wants to see him. He is distraught.

Lety runs into the bathroom where half the cuartel comes in and they want her to take her glasses off and to know more about how she got to be Aurora. Finally she takes them off and they see the resemblance. She wants to leave but Sara stops her, calling her Auroralety and wanting to know about Aldo. The cuartel bicker again about Aldo and Fer now being here to take care of her. Juana, once again my astute buddy, asks, “Are you crying about Fer now?” She says it’s just that he asked me to marry him. They ask what she said and she says she can’t because she loves Aldo Domensain and she walks off. The cuartel argue about going after her, but decide that she wants to be alone.

Dona Julieta comes in to see Don Fer she asks if he’s seen Lety because she wants to say goodbye before they go. He says in his best sad voice that he doesn’t know where she is. Juli realizes something is wrong and she asks him what the problem is. He tells her he just asked her daughter to marry him. Juli lights up all happy and wonders then what Lety said, yes of course, right? Fer answers she said no. Frowns abound.

We then see Erasmo sneaking in to eavesdrop in the office. He overhears that Fer is telling Juli she knows how much he loves Lety. He says he’s mad at himself because he knows she loves Aldo but he still can’t forget her. Juli tells Fer that since Aldo took off to Aca. then he has every right to try and get her back. He says no, he wants her to be happy and she is only going to be happy with Aldo, so he’s going to have to help her to marry Aldo. Erasmo nods behind the door as Juli consoles.

Luigi is sittin’ out on the curb when Orni walks up. Lui tells her that in these times he’s not such good company. She’s not worried because neither is she. He wonders what’s wrong, and she says she’s making two marvelous men suffer and she can’t forgive herself for it. Lui tells her that’s not a problem and that she’s lucky. He’s suffering because of a man too.

She says she never thought she’d see him suffer. He tells her well she’s seeing it, because everyone carries their baggage that they don’t confront and they evade with foolish acts. She thinks he should confront whatever it is. He says that his situation isn’t grave, it’s the gravest, because he might live with this pain for the rest of his life. She says it’s still better to confront them, and wants to know what is wrong. He says he’s upset and startled and she makes a boo sound to scare him more, but he’s not joking. He has to go see his, well, he stops, and says some people who need him and he has to go see them, but he is afraid. She tells him fear is the path to darkness and that it really only exists in our minds anyway. She says if he wants, she’ll go with him.

Alicia looks through Tomy’s briefcase and notes all of the photos of her and for that Tomy has good taste. She finds the check and studies it. Tomy comes in and asks what she’s doing. She mentions she’s looking at so many zeros wishing it were hers. He says look quickly because soon he’ll have to deposit it. She says she’ll take care of that as his assistant. He says he has to do that himself as part of his duties. She imagines all the things they could get if it were theirs and asks him to contemplate it. He says well dreaming doesn’t cost anything.


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