Friday, September 26, 2008

QE - Thursday 9/25 - It's Hammer Time! (The implacable hammers of destiny are waiting to pound.)

From last night: Al calls himself an imbecile. Vasco absolutely refuses to talk to Sara's director of programming. She calls him an idiot.

Alonslow shows up at Lor's place to share his big news, Sara was boinking Chalo all along! Lor is justifiably insulted, duh, why didn't he believe her in the first place? Now she's not interested. She keeps waving her hands around and flashing her engagement ring. She admits it really hurt when he left but there's nothing more to say. He finally notices her big shiny ring as she wrings her hands. His stiff jaw tries to drop.

Sara attempts to insult Vasco into supporting the program. Generally this is not a good negotiating technique. Icky says there's nothing left to do because it's a lost cause. Sara is pissed but then gets a phone call from Alan and she acts sickeningly sweet.

Alonslow asks Lor if she loves Ernesto like she loved him. He's such an ass. She says it's a different love but now Ern is the love of her life. Slow asks forgiveness again and splits. Shoot, Lorena looks tortured.

Gladys brings the kids home which answers the question of where they were. I guess they get along better with their cousins when they're not living with them because Gladys says they were marvelous. Ern says his recipe for success is lots of discipline and lots of love. Gladys asks who is Lorena? Ern says his girlfriend, er his fiancee. Gladys is surprised, how things have changed with him.

Maru gets home and sees Lorena's engagement ring, lots of hugging and crying. Maru wants to make the cake.

Sara meets up with Alan, her boobs are all over the place. She says there's a small problem, her business can't sponsor the show, will he be the patron? He says he can't because he's got other things going on. He caresses her shoulder.

Lor tells Maruja that Ern trusts her and there have never been lies between them. This is Telenovela doomspeak meaning that some lies are about to pop up.

Old Alan caresses Sara and she nuzzles his neck. His phone rings and afterward he tells Sara that his wife thinks she's number one. Slimy Sara slithers toward him and tells him she'd like to be his number one, but first he has to be the patron of her program.

Torbi is logged onto and wants to meet Solecito. He slams the laptop shut when Slow gets home. He pretends to be reading the headlines, something about a big bust on some forging operation, among the documents were those having to do with an orphanage. The lightbulb goes on in Al's dim attic.

The happy Dario family is shopping or something when suddenly Jaqui and Icky show up. Pau and Jaqui have a snark-off, Paula wins and Jaqui goes ballistic. Icky has to drag her out. Gotta rewind on that one.

Toribio and Al bitch about Sara who tried anything to get Al away from Lorena. Alonslow suspects that something is seriously up with Sara, worse even than anyone thought. He thinks he might know why she doesn't really love her "parents". He's going to San Martin to investigate. "Lorena's village?" asks Torbi.

Post coital Chalo, wearing his tiny bikini undies, is unhappy that Barb hides their relationship from Vasco, she treats him like a leper or something. She asks him to have patience. He says he's sick of having patience, it's always the same for him. Eh, she says, the same? She suspects he's been with another married woman. He tells her not to change the subject, if she's ashamed of him maybe they should just end it.

Alone, Lorena admires her ring. Rosy comes into the bedroom and crabs until Lor shows her the carbon.

Bruto tosses and turns because his escuincle child is crying. He screams at it to shut up while Diana tries to calm it.

Zuly wakes up with a heart ache, headache and she can't breathe. At first I thought she was having a premonition of Diana's miserable night but I think it might be time for her bariatric surgery. Omar tries to calm her down with a cup of tea, then tells her maybe her weight is the problem. She admits she's had trouble climbing stairs.

Bruto and Diana fight about everything. He says he wants to be alone, they fight some more and the baby starts crying again. He screams at her to shut it up. He's such an asshat, of course he should help but since he refuses hasn't he at least heard of ear plugs? Not great but better than turning into a wife-beating child hater.

Next a.m. Maru has to tell Rossy something, she's going to get married. Jaime's divorce is about to be final and Rossy's father will never appear. What if he does show up, asks Rossy? That'll never happen says Maru, confirming that indeed he will, so sayeth Telenovela gospel.

Zuly tells Omar she's feeling better but she coughs pathetically and almost faints.

Ern gets the kids ready for school. Lorena shows up so that she and Ern can announce that they are engaged. Everyone is happy. For now.

Barb asks Vasco what was eating Sara yesterday, she was in a crummy mood. He says it's because he wouldn't sponsor her new show. Barb comments that's good because Sara doesn't have any talent.

Sara overhears and announces she does have talent! She whines that Vasco shouldn't talk behind her back. Fine then, I'll say it to your face, he exclaims. She says she loathes him. He tells her fine, leave, the door is plenty big for your ego to fit through. Vasco announces that NOTHING is hers and she'll be in the street. She slaps him and threatens him. After Sara leaves Barb warns him that Sara is capable of anything so be careful.

Sara stomps out in a snit and announces to chauffeur Chalo she's had it with those idiots and it's time to show them what she's made of. She offers to give Chalo half her inheritence if he kills Snorty.

Al is back at work and his new patient is Zuly. There is a bunch of medical speak but basically she has to have a lot of tests to prove she's overweight. Zuly asks how is her daughter and Al is all "I don't know we broke up months ago". Zuly shares with him how Sara just wants to forget her poor family and have nada to do with them. He says Well what do you expect, I dropped her off at your house so she could ask your pardon and you refused to forgive her. Zully says Duh, that's an absolute lie, I would never have done that, how could you even think it? He knows he's been had.

Chalo tells Sara he's not on the killer team anymore and admits it's because he wants Barb to be proud of him. She tells him Barb will never forgive him if Sara tells her he almost killed Vasco. Anyway, Snorty is practically dead already. She dangles boinkage in front of him to try to bend him to her will. He bites his lip.

Chalo storms into Barb's room. "Barbara" he says loudly, but then sees Vasco there, busted! Vasco gets kind of snotty and shoos Chalo out. He wonders why the chauffeur is coming into his mami's room and calling her by name. Barb makes some lame excuse and heaves a big sigh of relief when Vasco leaves.

Lor brings a baby gift to Diana, a precious blankie. Later they coo over the baby and Diana tells Lor she has a picture of Zuly as a child and the baby's eyes are just like hers. I guess Zuly has very distinctive eyes, so distinctive they can be seen in all her female progeny.

Chalo's pride takes over and he goes back to Barb's room, he says Vasco thinks he's a poor ignorant. They bicker. She tells him she loves him and they go into a lip-lock. Vasco walks in, sees them and is cara impactada going into commercial.

Barb admits to Vasco that she and Chalo are in love. She's a free woman and Chalo, a good and noble guy (hack hack) makes her happy. Chalo protectively hugs Barb and tells them they need to talk so he leaves. Vasco's not happy, says Chalo is an imbecile and a chauffeur. Barb is surprised that Vasco has turned into such a clasista.

Maru and Jaime are in love, two more ads (trying to locate her husband) and she's free. Maru admits that Rossy, Omar and zuly aren't happy about them, but she'll defend his love to the end.

Barb tells Vasco she feels alive thanks to Chalo. Vasco rips on her but she doesn't back down. She's happier than ever before and Chalo has changed, he's a better person. He tells her she's fifty! (Aha, so we know her age now. Doesn't sound so old to me, heh heh) She tells him not to be like his granny, always ripping on people for liking to be with "improper" people. Barb deserves bad stuff but I kind of feel sorry for her. The hammer over her head is enormous.

Al catches Bruto asleep as his desk. Bruto complains that his baby kept him up all night. Al tells him that he's going away for a couple of days and can Bruto take care of giving Zuly her high blood pressure tests?

Diana lets it slip that between the baby crying and Bruto yelling she's absolutely exhausted. Lor is surprised, why was Bruto yelling? Didn't he want to take care of his baby? Lor suggests that Diana ask Zuly to come over to help. Diana sadly says that won't work, Bruto's privacy is sacred.

Sara is getting made up at the studio and meets some oddly over-wigged and over made-up lady, wife of Alan. I'm fascinated by her face. Do you remember Bruce Campbell's character in Escape from L.A.? The overly nipped and tucked Surgeon General of Beverly Hills? She kind of looks like that. She loves Sara's work, she's so talented! "Oh very" drools Alan.

Barb tells Chalo that Vasco didn't like the idea of them together but he's going to accept it. He tells her that what she did he'll record in his soul. They hug and make out. Chalo looks over her shoulder and hopes that he can forget everything that he was.

Sara's on the air with her first episode of "Cooking with Joy" (is that how it might be translated?). Alan's mujer says Sara's good people, she even invited Scare Hair to cook with her; she's certain that her being Alan's wife has nothing to do with it. Alan licks his chops and mutters "if you only knew".

Zuly sadly watches and Julian turns the program off. He tells her not to be a masochist and right now she should only be thinking of her health.

Greta, now at work and displaying her exemplary coffee-making skills, tells Omar his last name is familiar and asks if he knows Snortensia Armendariz. They figure out that he is Jaime's brother and even though he mentions his wife Greta asks herself if perhaps this is the millionaire that Conchita saw in her cards. She grins like a barracuda.

The cooking school administrator tells Lorena that the investigation found nothing out of the ordinary, Lor is an excellent student. She warns her not to do anything to stir up bad rumors and Lor promises to be discreet. Administrator (who used to be Jacaranda in Barrera, right?) tells Lor that there are some sort of classes in the Commercial Center (poor part of town?) where they are teaching cooking. They need a teacher, the pay isn't great but the work is good and she thought of Lor. Is she interested?

Al tells Tori that he leaves at dawn. He discovered something important, another one of Sara's lies, and he's going to San Martin to investigate her past. Tori announces that Al needs a partner and he's just the man of the job. They man-pound each other's arms and smile at their comraderie.

The ex-wives club plays cards. Maru announces that she wants to get married but there's a problem. No, it's not that Jaime's still married, Maru is the one who's not legally divorced.

Over at Casa Maruja the doorbell rings. Rossy answers and some middle-aged guy walks in. Que sorpresa, it's her real papa! We didn't have to wait more than one episode to see him, this show really seems to rush things along. She recognizes him immediately and gives him a hard time for abandoning them. He says he was confused, give papa a hug! She gives him the super stink eye instead.

Greta and Paula wonder what will happen if Mr. Maruja decides to show up after all these years? Greta volunteers to go to bat and treat his head like a baseball. Paula volunteers to help.

Mr. Maruja comments to Rosi (yes, the closed captions changed the spelling of her name) on their comfortable house, much nicer than when he was around. He supposes that Maruja wants to get married and that's why she placed an ad looking for him. Rosi tells him if he really loves her he can show it by refusing to give Maru a divorce. She doesn't want him to marry that guy Jaime. Mr. Maru yanks at his scraggly moustache as he considers his options.

Bright and early the next morning Al and his pa arrive at St. Martin. They ring up the nuns.

Lor shows up for her new job. She's gazing open-mouthed at something but we never see what it is. Whatever. Doña Beatriz welcomes her. She needs someone to teach the locals how to cook simple, nutritious and inexpensive food. They have good taste but cheap pockets. Lor says she knows something of that seeing as how she was raised in an orphanage.

Over at the nunnery Al and Tori find Madre Trinidad and try to pump her for info. OK, this is weird, she used to be a happy airhead and now suddenly she's the stern Mother Superior? OK, turns out she doesn't really like Al because he bad-mouthed Lorena in the past. Al says he was wrong about Lorena and that's why he's here. She says leave Lor in peace. He says they want to investigate Sara. MT says Sara's no white dove but she's no monster either. "Oh but she is," insists Torbi. Al tells her not only is Sara after her granny's money but he suspects something much more serious. He's there to find out about Sara's origins. (And yes, that dull statement was indeed the suspense-laden finale.)

Sorry, no previews for tomorrow, Tivo recorded Ugly Betty so it must be the new season!


Fuego 9-25-08 'Where oh Where can my BeBe be?"

First here is my shout out to all the "Indian footage" that this producer loves to insert in his TeleNovelas, my first shot is Pablo Montero, that's Franco to you. This awesome authentic picture was from that suckfest "Between the Love and the Hate" Yes Susan Gonzalez fell in a stream and woke up an Indian village. I believe she had amnesia...Uuuuhhhh total deja vu all over again

Now here is a picture I took in a town that is famous for hand made guitars. While we were wandering around waiting for the "Bajo Sixto" the twelve string guitar used in Norteno bands.
I mean the detail is pretty bad, but as you can see this is more like what you see.

Now for inquiring is a link to Arroyo Grande Guerrero. It doesn't show the town, but this is what it looks like. Rural Mexico at it's best. No I am not HotChica1991, that is the river, yes I have bathed, washed clothes and had great romping good times in the river. It can be compared to the French Rivera; yet not so pretentsious. The gov't built a huge dam and the water goes to Mexico City DF, but it did bring actual water lines and real electricity to the Ranches & Arroyo Grande..sometime in the mid 90's. Progress... The gov't also put a fence around the lake and they guard it. I thought it was cause the river got diverted from some small ranches and I thought maybe they were worried someone would try to damage the dam. Not is because it was a perfect place to dump a body. Hee Hee Hee, oh well enjoy the H2O DF.
But as you can see there is still plenty of places to stash a body..Fer & Crabi.

On to the Show....
Oscar and Franco are asking Ma & Pa to help them find Juan...Ma & Pa don't answer, but if we are taking this literally; isn't this a bit like last night when the Circle of Life stood screaming Juan at each other. Boyz, Ma & Pa may send good wishes, but they can't get up and help.

The lamenting continues over at the church. Sofie is begging the Virgin of Guadalupe to help her, help the kid & yadda, yadda, yadda..Yeah bring the kid back and I will name her after you, Maria Guadalupe...(Somewhere in heaven, Mary yawns, yeah novel idea your big sacrifice is naming a kid Maria in Mexico...Wow that's a first).

Sofie looking all wan and pale, has an awesome Lil Laura Funeral Attire, so lacy so ornate I haven't seen anything quite like it since Scarlet O'Hara buried her first husband.

Now over to Crabi & Fer, they are all giddy with excitement realizing that the hacienda & is all Crabi's. I don't get that, I mean was there a time stipulation in the will or does Crabi realize that Sofie needs another Rabies shot and that would be a perfect time to get Sofie spayed?

Hey folks let us take a stroll over to the Indian Village where the busty babe doctor is hanging out with the locals who live in awesome grass, stick huts. They are thrilled that babe doctor came here to help them. She apparently watched an old JFK video on you and joined the peace corp. Anyway Babe doctor says she would like to freshen up. The ladies (tell her she has to go swim in the river) Nude no less.
---ED disclaimer---
women do not bathe in the river alone, they go in groups, and trust me they wear underwear and tee shirts in the river, because yes people do watch.

Next babe doctor is nude in the river, we can tell this cause there is some subtle digitizing to protect the American audience from any sneaky peaky..violence is cool, skin is not. People we have standards in this country.
Actually, Babe doctor flirts with the camera as she is bathing, I'm next to surprised that a barely legal boy scout or brave doesn't show up wearing nerd clothes and thick glasses, only to be seduced by babe doctor...Oh crap sorry I forgot, that is on Pay-for-view.

Over to Franco & Oscar, who have now decided that since Ma & Pa did not dig themselves out of the tomb, they have to get up and go look for Juan themselves. We have some screaming back and forth about, where...where are we to look? Who knows, Oscar is going to look..I'm not sure where, but it sounds like he plans to cross through the shadow land between the real world and Bridadoom.
--I am getting the idea that when Oscar is found six months from now in a Tijuana Whore House..he will swear he is just following a hot tip.

Crabi & Fer decide to go see a heart doctor as long as they are in Pueblo.
Oh surprise me again...Dudes it is Nestor, (I call him Nestor cause that was his name in Guapos), but it is Babe Doctor's Pa. Crabi laments to Dr. Nestor, that she has suffered so from her evil disrespectful hijas, ah the doctor can understand. Children so disrespect their loving parents.
Referring to Peace Corp Babe.
He tells Crabi she has a lesion on her heart. He has a crappy plastic heart. You know those crappy things that the insurance companies hand out, to make you feel like "Yeah, this medicine must really be good, cause this is an awesome plastic rendition of a human organ".
Well fans, I am totally convinced. He tells Crabi, she must avoid anguish, no murders, no baby stealing...or else she could require an operation.

briefly--Quintana is sitting outside and crying..Oh Juan, Oh Juan, Oh Juan...Now Juan's horse of great intelligence comes out of said barn and takes off. Run Horsie, Run and don't ever look back.

Okay Sofie is still whining around the church. Padre Tad talks to her alone and Ximena the incompetent and Sarita the frustrated go out and buddy up to Eva, everything is all forgiven. Right Eva, no wonder you are such a chump, they are setting you up to blame again. Eva is like the dog, people kick the crap out of and then give a dog biscuit and the dog rolls over on his back, oh kick me, whip me, oh let me love you.

Crabi & Fer are now drinking wine and chatting about letting the good times roll. Fer takes this time to ask Crabi about her reaction to Juan Jose Robles. Crabi says I didn't know him..Fer presses the issue, yeah you knew him (like a bibical way), Crabi is all pissed. Fer says hey I am totally jealous. I know you were feelin the urge to merge. Crabi turns all stern and talks to Fer like you'd talk to a twelve year old who picked his nose in public.

The Padre of many secrets, tries to give Sofie the big wink, "Trust me on this, Juan would never steal your kid, he loves you...blah blah blah". Needing someone to blame, Sofie doesn't want to hear it, instead she and Pad Tad, bother the Virgincita once more.

Now Rigo, or tumor guy's Ma talks to Eugenia. Ma knows that Eugenia had the hawts for Benny, but she stayed for Rigo. Now Ma is scared that Eugenia will take off and leave Rigo, thus leaving him with a ginormus brain tumor and a broken heart. Eugenia says no, she will never do that and she will marry Rigo. Ma is grateful, cause Eugenia is making such a sacrifice, damn lady real confidence in your son.

Okay now there is some kind of peasants revolt at the jail...They demand that the sheriff try to find the truth about the missing kid. The peasants, that Fer did it. The sheriff says Fer was looking for the Doctor so it could'nt have been him. Please CSI would have used a geiger counter at night and found the kid with a combo of clicking sounds and the strange green glow.

Two guys one, creepy Not a Indian--guy who looks authentic cause he is carrying around a skull on a stick with one of Rachels old wigs on it's head. He is talking to Skinny old Mexican guy, with dyed hair, dyed mustache and macho black leather vest. Skinny guy was a porn star in the seventies and proudly still sports his porn star stache. I dunno who the skinny guy is, but I swear I have seen a doppleganger of this guy at every rodeo, bar, town, wedding I have ever been to. They are watching nude Doctor Babe, which is to be expected since there is no newstand for Hustler in the small village.

Doctor Babe starts talking to young post adolescent Indian boy, she is explaining that vaccines are very import, their has been a huge outbreak of HPV or genital warts. PSA hey kids..get the vaccine.

Skinny guy wants to meet with her about the vaccines. She takes off her official Doctor Coat and gives it to young Doogie, you know Doogie is going to be doing gynological exams.

Babe doctor follows Skinny about fifty foot and all the sudden they are at a huge hacienda.

Babe Doctor makes sly comments about the poor people and how she is their to help them. He pours a drink and tells her yeah, he will help her, for a little lovin. She smacks the former Long Don Juan and marches off, back to the mud huts. He rubs his face and leers after her. Yes Long likes the chase.

Franco runs into the three sisters & Eva, he tries to say Juan is innocent, but Sarita the frustrated bitch is all up in his face. Franco says Oscar is gone, he has left to search every whore house in Mexico for Juan and it could be years, yes decades before he gets thru all of them. We the viewing audience know that Ximena is muy, muy, muy impacted because her eyes get really big. Franco tells Sofie that Juan loves her and would never steal the kid. Sofie gets all snotty. Franco says the horse came home alone…Loud dramatic music..Sofie doesn’t give a Raton’s Cula about Juan, he was just the sperm donor. Ewww every can of Coor’s been in a 10 kilometers range just had it’s mountains turn blue.

Crabi & Fer driving home, pull over on the awkward drive home. Fer presses again about Juan Jose, Crabi admits she knew him, but no more discussion for now. Fer notes her demeanor and files the info away for later.

Okay now Sofie is upstairs on the bed talking to a baby sweater, playing with it like the kid is in it. I know we are supposed to think princess made this sweater, yet I beg to differ. It was no doubt whipped up by the blue birds or cheery woodland creatures that follow Sofie around. How do I know this? Cause the damn thing isn’t covered with ruffles, gussets and endless rick-rack. We get the standard rehash of “I’ll love you, protect you, die for you” blah blah blah always, always, always, how patient and good Juan was with Sofie after her twenty-seventh attempted rape, how she loved living in his humble house (oh bitch) compared to the hacienda where her life was hell. How she would never return to Fer & Ma. Now Sofie snaps back, Lies Lies Lies, it was all lies. However, Sofie’s Garmin is malfunctioning and now I get it..She is not thinking, “ Jeez, I should have believed in Juan and stayed with him” instead she believes it is more of vengeance that Juan is seeking against her and her uber pure hoohah. Now she thinks she will do anything..ANYTHING to get the kid back.

Ximena is in her room looking vacant, she is holding her heart pillow and thinking Oscar is gone, gone a whoring and he may never come back. As if he can ride over five miles and not hit the plastic bubble of quarantine that surrounds Brigadoom. Her face screws up, I think it is cause she is trying to think real hard, but alas I fear it…maybe that case of nerves thing where she gets catatonic, we will have to watch really closely to see if we can tell a difference.

Oh I forgot earlier Crabs asked Fer what happened the little Bastard, Fer said better you don't know. She smiles.
Now Fer and Crabi are seriously making out on the steps, he looks like he is gonna do the slide the thigh routine, but instead he says he is going to tell Sofie he is divorcing her and marrying Ma.

Fer comes into the room and before he can say anything, she asks him to help her find the baby, she will do anything to find the baby. Fer puts the brakes on the divorce info.

Stay tuned, looks like Fer is gonna swoop in for a kiss..tomorrow night.

ALSO would someone tag this for me..


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Sept.. 24: Luisana and Mauricio leave Altamira; Toño wakes up with more than hangover

Another great episode last night. Thanks Margarita for the summary of Tuesday's episode.

Luisana is rude to Cecilia and Marisela flips out and says that she has had enough of being nice to someone who just whines and complains all the time.

Santos goes out to look for Lorenzo and finds DB who has come to tell Santos that he can't marry Luisana. She manages to get him to have sex with her again. Afterwards he tells her that he is still going to marry Luisana. DB threatens Luisana and Santos ties her hands behind her back and scares off her horse leaving her to walk home. Not surprisingly, she is furious. When Santos gets back to Altamira after finding Lorenzo at Mr. Danger's house, he decides to take Luisana to San Fernando and away from the danger from DB. Only Cecilia and Lorenzo will be left behind.

Josefa and Federica undress the passed-out Antonio. Josefa is impressed with his 'equipment.' Mujiquita walks in on them and Josefa spins the plan out as benefiting him. She says that Pernalete will give him a promotion when thanks to this plan, Federica marries Antonio. Mujiquita seems to buy this but he has a really big mouth and he will probably rat Josefa out down the road.

Mauricio notices Marisela's new ring. He advises Marisela to show the ring to Santos.

Federica gets into bed with Antonio.

On her walk home, DB falls and comes face to face with a rattlesnake. Eustaquia is worried about DB not coming home but the ranch hands refuse to go look for her.

Gervasia confesses to the other terneras that she is preggers by Leon Mondragon.

In a really funny and sad scene, Maurice says goodbye to Pajarote. Pajarote gives Mauricio gifts from the other ranch hands. A lucky rope, a knife and a tanned snakeskin - all things that Mauricio really doesn't want but he takes them in respect for the spirit in which they were given. He gives Pajarote a hug. Mauricio is such a wonderful character. I hope he comes back.

DB show up with her employees at Altamira looking for Santos. Cecilia tells her that Santos has gone to San Fernando. Her ranch hands search Altamira. BP finds a piece of Luisana's underwear and he decides to keep it.

Antonio's reaction when he wakes up next to Federica.

DB goes to the river and yells at Santos to to leave. [The boat and DB were obviously not filmed together.] The previews seem to show that Luisana has a relapse.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed., Sept. 24 - A peasant is resurrected from the dead and turns into a genius and a hunk - film at 11!

Walter keeps going into the study searching for a safe that Pedro had and he keeps being caught in there. He gives unconvincing reasons for being there.

A TV crew shows up to find out about Salvador's story. The sheriff wants to be famous by producing Salvador but the priest and the doctor sneak PJ/S out of the hospital.

Antonio and Simón help Ángela protect her inheritence. They first go to see the lawyer that Gaetana recommends but he doesn't inspire confidence.

PJ/S takes refuge at Lilia's house. He is still upset and depressed because he doesn't know what happened to him and why he is with strangers. At one point, he says that he would rather be dead than his current situation.

Isabel spends every night with Andrés. She tells Andrés that she doesn't want to go back to the Donoso house where everyone hates her. Andrés says that they have to follow through with their plan. Isabel tells Valeria that she was raped when she was a child by an old guy. So she doesn't like old guys but she made an exception for PJ.

Lilia shaves the beard off of PJ/S. She asks how he likes his new look and he says that isn't his face.

The shirts of Lilia's dead husband don't fit PJ/S so he is shirtless again and Lilia is flustered. She tells PJ/S that she wants to help him. He tells her that until recently he was a 70 year old man. She doesn't believe it, of course, and PJ/S says he doesn't understand it either so the only explanation is that he is crazy.


QE-9-24 Wed. Boy was I ever lucky to get this episode!!! And I wasn't the only one gettin' lucky!!

Jamie and Maru are celebrating how well the business is doing and they are trying to decide if they should expand into other states or export. Maru tell him to decide and he decides they should get married. Maru is flustered. She’s not ready, in part because of Rosy, but in part . He offers to speak to Rossy but she thinks not, they should just wait and not marry now.

Ern tells Lore the bad news and of course she’s concerned and thinks she’ll have to drop out, Ern offers to pay but she can’t accept.

At the lesser house everyone is celebrating the new baby and Julian thinks he should have bought champagne instead of Cidra, but Ma tells him to save his money for a great wedding. Rossy agrees. Zully and Omar wonder why Maru isn’t here and the kids decide finally they should learn that Maru has a boyfriend. Omar says he’s welcome too, but they are thinking, eh, not so fast it’s your bro. Impactada faces.

Lore and Ern are off on a trip to paradise. Along the way it starts to storm, and they discuss that she still thinks of Al. Dingbat. She brushes it off as a memory, nothing more. They arrive and El Paraiso is a small restaurant in the woods that Ern used to come to since he was a boy. They have Caldo de Hongos and Sopa de Medula. (yes, folks, it's bone marrow soup)

Then they get romantic. Ern unbuttons her blouse, he takes off his shirt....Oh my gosh, is the virgin protagonista actually going to do it with the non-lead galan???????? Be still my heart!!!!!!!! I’m thinking someone will drive home with blueballs ....

We go to Sara at the show set and they all meet Zimmerman who is a prestigious businessman. He wants to sponsor their new cooking show but they need a chef because this guy will have to dedicate himself only to the current show. Sara offers her weasly self, but luckily they put her in her place...they need someone with credentials, respected, who knows all the techniques, she’s ok to assist but they need a more recognized chef. She smirks unhappily. Take that little nobody. Sara chases Zimmerman down when he leaves and wants to talk to him -he’s busy but invites her to his office tomorrow. She’s flirty.

OOOMMMMMGGGGGGG We come back from commercial to a bare shouldered Lore under a blanket. THEY DID IT!!!!! I can’t believe it!!!!! Alright!!!! Way to go Televisa!!!!

She tells him she always dreamed her first time would be in love, he confirms that it was for her and she says yes. He is scared of such happiness and she swears that no one can tear her away from him and she loves him so much and is soooo happy. Ugh, words of doom for sure.

Al misses Lore in Canada again.

At the mall Barbi runs into Jaime and they have positive words, she seems happy to see him. They both agree they made errors in their marriage. He thinks she looks like she’s in love. Chalo comes up and she blows him off as merely a chauffer. He goes away but is probably not thrilled. Jaime makes a funny look.

At the hosptial Maru gives Diana a baby gift and Zully is short with her. Di feels weird to be a Ma, Maru says nice things but Zully smirks. She goes to get the baby for feeding, and Maru follows her. She finds out what the problem is. She tries to tell Zully to see Jaime in a different light he’s repented, but Zully is just betrayed and won’t hear of anyone defending him.

Greta is at the cousin’s office admiring how nice it is. She decides to ask if there might be a small job for her. Victor is amazed because she’s never wanted to work, but she says she’s lazy and bored. So he offers her the post as assistant to Omar and he appears and they inform him. He smiles with surprise. It works out and he explains what her job is.

Barb catches up to Chalo in the parking garage and of course gets an earful, but he forgives her pretty quickly. She says he was not a bad husband, and they agree to go dancing.

Maru and Jaime have another chat about getting married. She explains her secret is that she is not really divorced because Rossy’s Pa abandoned them and she never had the opportunity to divorce. Rossy doesn’t know.

Greta tells Pau of her new job, she is equally shocked that she wants to work. She explains that Pau is back with Dario and Maru with Jaime so she needs something and there is a galan there anyway. Dario grunts by and Greta notes that Pau isn’t that happy. She admits that they aren’t as loving as they were before.

Icky and Jaqui fight about watching too many films, or about her getting a job. One of the two.. .;)

Sara goes in to annoy, er visit Snorty who visibly breathes much faster obviously upset. Just then Vasco comes in and wonders what she is doing there. She kisses up to Snorty but then leaves. The nurse shows up and once Vasco leaves asks Snorty if something bad happened and she raises her finger and grunts.

Ern and Lore go back to the apt. The kids are gone and he says he thinks mama and papa should be alone sometimes so he doesn't exactly miss them. He’s not going to take her home he hasn’t got enough of loving her. They move to the bedroom. THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN?????? HOLY COW!!!!!!! OK, so didn’t someone say after this kind of thing Lore’s wardrobe would change to short skirts and cleavagey shirts? Well with all this lovin’ we may see her in pasties and a thong!!! And chef hat of course. :)

Ok so Al comes home from Canada and his family throws him a small party.

Ern is bringing Lore breakfast in bed, and making out with her again.

Sara shows up at "Alan’s". She petitions to conduct the show by herself, but he says it’s too late because they aren’t interested without the chef, so the other sponsor dropped out. She swears she can get him another sponsor. He says what’s in it for me. She says you won’t be sorry, accompanied with a perky shake and glance at her chest. Oh boy.

Al gets a call to see Snorty, he recognizes who and agrees to come see her. When he gets there he spots Chalo outside in swimshorts watering the lawn. He has flashbacks of Sara talking about him, and says that if that guy is here then he.....and he goes to leave. Just then the nurse comes down to take him up. He is surprised that she hasn’t shown any improvement in all this time. The nurse gets a signal from Snorty that it’s ok to spill the beans to him. She tells him of Snorty’s communication skills but that noone else knows and don’t tell them. She also says that Snorty gets freaked anytime Sara enters the room. Al thinks this is very odd. It’s hard for him, but I think the little wheels in his brain might actually be turning right now. He thinks the family should learn of this but nurse begs no and then Vasco shows up. He tells Vasco that Snorty is ok, she just was agitated so he came to check on her.

Al wonders why Chalo is there and learns from Vasco he’s been there a few months as chauffeur at Sara’s behest. Vasco is glad Al broke up with Sara.

Ern takes Lore to a restaurant and she can’t eat anything after the breakfast he made her. He says ok, well then just order coffee and he goes off to the restroom. While he’s gone a waiter brings her a slice of cake. Oh my I know where this is going? She tells the guy but she didn’t order anything and he says compliments of the house. She says fine. Ern returns and she begs him to share it with her because she can’t eat anything. He forces a bite down her throat. She winces, and woww!! Pulls out a ring!!! This was so cute, he asks if she is moved and she says no, her teeth hurt. Oh, and yes of course she’s moved and SHE’LL MARRY HIM!!!!! They smooch chocolate cake kisses all over each other.

He tells her she just needs to pick the date, he’s ready today. She wants him to wait a little because she wants to plan something pretty because she wants to remember the day for her whole life.

At the office Sara runs into Icky and shares that she is going to conduct Cocinando con Alegria by herself. She thinks they should sponsor the show as it would be great publicity. Icky thinks she won't get it past Vasco. She thinks he could talk him into it. He tells her that in the last few months she's been on the show it hasn't really gotten them any clients yet, so go talk to Vasco.

Jaime tells Maru that he talked with his lawyer and if the separation has been for a certain amount of time it's enough grounds for divorce, they only have to publish the notice 3 times, and then she can be finalized. She thinks that if ex hasn't shown up in 20 years, he won't now. UGH. Words of doom again. The telenovela gods would never let this pass.....sigh.

Diana comes home with new baby boy and is advised to be careful of her c-section healing. Notably, Bruno is not around and Rossy and Julian remark on what a Patan he is for not being there despite being busy with work. They are going to be the godparents if Bruno agrees.

Al's wheels are spinning again and he is wondering who Sara is in reality. Guess the cold Canadian air jarred a few things. Just then Bruno greets him and announces his son. A's mind is elsewhere.

Tori is sleeping away on the couch and is awaken by a touch from Amalia. He thinks he was having a nightmare and wonders if he woke up in hell. Ha! She says the door was open so she came in and begs for his forgiveness again. No dice. Fuera, he says. Anyway he's in love with a good woman that he met on the computer. She laughs that at this age he would find someone on the internet, and that surely such a gal won't show her face in person because she's abominable. He thinks she is the donkey talking about ears. She leaves wounded, but still not defeated. I love his hand motions as he scoots her virtually out the door!!

Betti is in a dancing class, she forgets some of the steps I noticed, and Ma is there to pick her up. She loves the class and wants to join and Pau thinks her Dad will have no problem with the money for this because he's changed so much. Betti agrees he's happier, but the one she doesn't see as happy is her Ma. Ma says nah, it's just your imagination. More doom words...

Al's wheels are smokin' and some how he decides to go back to the hotel where it all began with pictures of Lore and Sara. He wants to play Concentration. Did the guy see her? Lore yes, by herself for one night and yeah the day you fought with Chalo she was here. OK, and now this skank who@#, oh yes, many times he responds. She stayed over many times. Doh. Big anvil just fell on our dumb galan.

Ern drops Lore at her apt and is bummed that Maru and Rossy are not there so they can tell the news. He says tomorrow they will tell the kids and they will be so happy. Lore is excited that they are going to form a family, and it will be her own real family!! She tells him to go. He does.

Outside Al smacks his car, because I think he finally has the epiphany that he has been a dumb galan.

Icky is talking to Vasco and Sara walks in to see if he's asked Vasco yet. He smartly says no, you go ahead. She wants them to spnsor her new cooking show. Vasco is outright opposed and says no way. They shout at each other.

Back at Lore's, another knock. It's our day late dollar short galan who wants to talk to her. She appropriately tells him he can't just show up whenever he wants, so leave. He says they have to talk. Early bird gets the worm Al. I sure hope it stays this way.

I'm bugged by the laws of the telenovela gods though. Because Lore has slept with Ern, the only way I see this being ok for the Gods, is if Ern dies, after he and Lore are married, and she and Al then can reconcile freely and because the kids were hers from the marriage, she and Al can take them and raise them happily ever after: the end. Sorry, I just have to say I think Ern and Lore are doomed, though I really wish the laws would change, but lead galan never gets an unmarried non-virgin....sigh.

Next week I'll be out of Univision range so if anyone is dying to cover an episode of this let us know. Otherwise I'll be posting from watching you tube. So glad it's there.


Fuego, Wed., Sep. 24: The extremes of inheritance collection

I should explain that I am currently ill, tired, and over-worked, without a laptop, and a FELS episode which is missing certain segments. I’m sorry to let you all down; I know this is an excellent episode for snarking, and I am sad to say that I will not live-up to your expectations.

Here’s what I remember:

So it’s finally time for that modest little critter inside Sofia to pop-out. Seeing that she was conceived in some of the most remote locations known to north-western Mexico, it is only sensible that she be born in a bedroom on a remote ranch assisted by a woman we have never seen before. The baby comes out just as the lights go out (Heridas de Amor flashbacks anyone?) That darn Armando, I told ya’ he was good for nothin’. Sofia goes into some fit about finding her baby, even though she’s lying right next to it. Then whattaya know, Fernie, though I don’t think we’re supposed to know it’s him, comes in and snatches the baby. Just then the lights come on again and everyone realizes the baby is missing.

As fate would have it, Juan was riding about in the storm. Luckily, he happens upon a fleeting Fernie and a stolen baby. The two ride side-by-side for a while, Juan tries to snatch the baby, but Fernie’s horse is faster than ol’ Capricho. Finally Fernie’s goons stop Juan, who decides that it would be a good idea to get off the horse and punch the goons while Fernie gets away. Eventually Juan catches Fernie at the waterfall just as Fernie is about to toss the kid down the falls. What? That’s my daughter? See, Juan was just following the kid because he liked his blanket. Now that he knows his daughter is involved he brings out the pistol and aims it at Fernie who aims his pistol at the baby, who is inches away from the edge so I say what’s the point? Anyway Fernie tells Juan to put down the gun and Juan does it. Stupid, I know. Then Juan shoots Fernie, snatches the baby, then turns his back without making sure Fernie was dead. Ruh roh. Fernie isn’t dead, just a gunshot wound on the arm. Fernie picks-up his pistol, re-snatches the baby, and shoots Juan, forcing him into the air and down the really long waterfall. Please be dead, please be dead…

Everyone at the ranch finds out that the baby has been stolen, and Gabi instantly blames it on Juan. They all take this and run with it. Sofia, interestingly enough, is playing the part Juan did when Libia died (the crazy psychopath who also is scared of everything). “My baby, my baby” she cries. A doctor comes to see her; her organs are good, but she has some emotional problems. That’s surprisingly accurate for a nurse practitioner, or whatever he is.

Eva is over at the Uribe Mansion, which I think she at least be re-named Reyes Mansion seeing that the Reyes legally own it. Anyway, she can’t figure out why there is unbaked bread on the table. Maybe because some bread is in the oven. Oh, Quinti sees that the bread is burning, but between the two of them, they don’t know what to do when bread is burning in the oven. Please, Eva can barely match her shawl to her blouse, how could she possibly know her way around a kitchen? Anyway, Quinti pulls out the slightly brown loaves and decides to pour a pitcher of water all over them. That’s what I do too when my toast is dark brown. The girls find out that Sofia had the baby, but it’s missing and so is Juan. They hope Juan didn’t do what everyone blames him of doing.

Oscar and Franco venture off to find him. They call Juan, Juan! But one search-tactic-gone-wrong is that they maintain their horses in one spot and continuously circle; you won’t cover much ground like this. It’s no surprise they can’t find him. Meanwhile, Quinti goes outside the Uribe Mansion to find Capricho, but no Juan. When Franco and Oscar return they start calling for Juan within the house. The first hint he wasn’t there was the darkness and Quinti crying.

Over at the Elizondo ranch Gramps is awfully incredulous of Gabi’s suggesting Juan stole the kid. Well, things go from unbelievable to blatantly obvious when Fernie comes in all muddy and scratched, yet not bleeding from any gunshots. Gramps says that they played a wonderful performance, but he’s not buyin’ it. He tells them that he hopes to see them in the deepest part of Hell. Would that mean Gramps would have to be there to see it? Fernie tells Gabi that she’ll never see Juan or the baby ever again. I say; not so fast, liver-lips.

So the pinnacle of this episode was when Padre Tadeo organized a search party. They meet at the police station, where everyone including the police chief has the utmost confidence that Juan did not steal his daughter. The good thing is that everyone is going to use torches—boy won’t that be a lot of fun!

Nobody in this town knows how to search for shit. It’s complete chaos and reminds me of that fateful night in Pasion where the one guy sent his goons to rape Susana Gonzalez. To articulate this: everyone is screaming Juan, Juan! However, no one is moving in any sort of direction, except self-contained spirals in one solitary opening in the forest. Nice.

The first thing Gabi and Fernie do is go to visit their lawyer friend. How sad that you lost your granddaughter. Well, if she doesn’t turn up soon, you’ll remain the sole heiress to your husband’s fortune. How convenient.

The next day Juan is nowhere to be found. Everyone is worried. Sofia and the sisters go to church with Eva. Seems like Sofia is as good as new, and she's not even crazy anymore. They pray to Mary for help. They're gonna need it.

Alright, I apologize again. I think this is most of it. Of course you had your cynical remarks from Sarita, and exposed midriffs of Jimena, but nothing new was left out.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel- September 24, 2008

We start off at the police station where they have arrested everyone that was at the club for fighting. Marichuy looks scared and nervous. In walks JM and looks at the delinquents. Marichuy is like "OMG, I know this guy"!!! Patricio introduces JM to the crowd and says that he is a pychartist and that he will be talking to them. JM sees his cousin and asks her "What are you doing here"? His cousin (I do not know her name yet) says that as you can see I was brought in with everyone. Patricio asks if JM knows her and he says that she is his cousin. BTW isn't that guy with the glasses Benito in FELS? Anyway, Vicente goes to Cande and tells her that Marichuy was arrested. She is muy impactada.

We then head over to see Viviana and her mother talking about the conversation that Viv had with JM about there vacation. Viv is furious that JM had to go in the middle of their conversation. Viv tells her mom that she is tired of him and that he does not pay attention to her and wants a divorce.

Back at the police station JM addresses the crowd and tells them that he wants them to cooperate in his investigation. They make jokes at him and his cousin tells him not to tell her parents. The crowd of delinquents do not want to talk to JM but then they eventually agree. Marichuy stays back and asks JM to help her. He says I know you and she says that she brings the laudered clothes to his house. She asks if she can go that she does not know the people that she was brought in with. She then makes up a story about her parents waiting for her and how much trouble she will be in and goes into his arms crying and he starts to believe her. He talks to Patiricio and tells him the lie that Marichuy told him and eventually Patricio lets her go. Of course she is elated and thanks them. JM tells Patricio that Marichuy is good and timid and glad that there are still young adults that are good. She runs out of the police station and heads home talking to herself about the doctor. I really can't understand what she is saying. So maybe someone can help out. She sees Cande and Vicente and tells them that they let her go.

Viviana is waiting up to tell JM that she wants a divorce. He wants to wait til the morning to talk about this since it is a serious conversation, but she says no. They go into the library to discuss further. He says that he will not give her a divorce. He believes once you are married, it is forever. She is yelling at him and then hits him. He asks her why she thinks he does not care for her. Viv says that he does not take care of her that he gives everything to his patients. He mentions something that happened long ago and that he trying to make up for it. She asks what is it. Was it a woman? He says he cannot tell her. She gets mad and hits him when he will not tell her.

Now we go to the lady with the rollers outside sweeping and sees the priest walk by and she tells him that Marichuy was arrested last night. He does not believe her and she tells him that her cousin told her. He is mad and goes to find Marichuy. Father goes to Cande to find out Marichuy's whereabouts. Cande does not know its not like she can chain her to the bed. He tells her that not only is she (Cande) to love Marichuy, but also teach her manners and morals, etc.

Viviana plans a party and JM best bud (Eduardo) shows up with JM cousin. (i did not catch her name) He is not happy that she is playing with Eduardo. She says she has her reasons. JM asks what justification do you have to do this to someone and that she also has played with him. She says no I have not played with you, Marichuy has.

JM confesses to Patricio what happened and goes to find Marichuy.

Tomorrow: JM and Viviana go on vacation but encounter problems on the small plane they are in.


Fuego #102(?), Tuesday, September 23 - Within an hour we see no bump, to big bump, to the baby practically head bumping the midwife!

Hi guys, Cheryl is still out enjoying the beauty of Spain and that leaves you all to suffer my recap for this evening. I haven't had a chance to watch yesterday's episode however I was thrilled to read in last night's recap that my eyes will behold the sight of Sophia's pregnancy bump. I feel goose bumps...she has to be in her 36th month... aren't elephants or humpback whales pregnant this long? I'll research to find out. Sorry for the delay, I had a meeting this morning and wasn't back in the office until 11 CST.

Hacienda Don Agustin
  • Sophia is muy impactada, Gabriela knew the Reyes' parents!
  • Gabriela is lamenting the rejection / loss of "El Charro" in the confines of her bedroom. This explains her deep hatred. She's didn't cry over his death or that of his wife. She was happy with the news. Sarita walks in with a court notice for tomorrow.
Puebla, Pue.
  • The judge has ruled that the Robles-Reyes are the true owners of the lands. Gabriela hoots and hollers that the lands are her (throwing in a few swear words and insults). Juan says the Judge has made his decision does she think that she's above the law to go against the decision? "You ruin my life and took what was most precious from me." Well that wasn't her daughters was it? I think she's talking about the lands. Revenge, Revenge I'm taking revenge on you Juan Reyes! And instead of giving Juan her signature slap move she attacks him by tickling his beard. They never did anything to her they just wanted justice and complete the oath they made to their father by his tomb. He mentions that his uncle said she knew his parents and she denies it. But Juan will get to the bottom of it.
  • Don Agustin is looking over the girls’ childhood photo. What this? There's an old newspaper clipping with a picture of Gabriela and Juan Robles-Reyes together and smiling. Don Agustin always knew Gabriela knew who JRR was.
  • Gabriela has started nitpicking at Feo and finally states that they've lost the lands. Feo says not to worry the Reyes will be losing the lands and hacienda. And he says that Raquel has told him that hacienda is mortgaged or has a lien. Gabriela doesn't buy the fact he just happened to run into Raquel. As Feo starts to smooth out Gabriela ruffled feathers Don Agustin comes in with the newspaper clipping to prove that Gabriela knew JRR. (When are people going to learn that you shouldn't give your only evidence to the accused?). She denies it. And to my surprise she doesn't rip it. (Besides wouldn't it have made sense for Agustin to read what the article said?). Maybe they meet at an event who knows says Gabriela. But Agustin insists she knew him and his wife. Feo is impactado.
I just adore Capricho he's such a good listener and so loyal. Oh ya Juan was just crying over Sophia (that isn't as important as watching this beautiful horse).

Er? As I looked up from my typing it looks like we have some new characters. So it's a father and daughter. She's off to take some exam. (Are we sure they didn't switch the novella on us? What this heck is this?) Ok she's in an equestrian competition and she won 1st place.
  • Raquel has received a telegram from Ricardo. She's an idiot and he wants her to come back. But how can she leave Feo. There's a knock at the door and while she hopes its Feo, it's not. It's Gabriela with that signature slap ... Pa-Bam!
  • Rigo has collapsed in front of his mom Hortensia.
  • Raquel denies having to do with Feo and what’s more that Ricardo wants her to come back. Of course Gabriela says if Raquel goes after Feo again she's snitching to Ricardo.
  • Rigo is still on the floor... (I swear if it’s because of a broken heart this recap ends right now!) Ooookkkk so apparently advance technology available at the Dispensario has informed Rigo's mom that he might have a brain tumor. And yet they don't have phones?
Well we're back to the new characters and Dra. Leonora Castaneda has just graduated from Med school as her proud papa looks on. She dedicates the title to her dad, etc. (Has anyone noticed that bug-eyed woman behind the father? What is she looking at!?). What it just dawned on me that his might be Juan's new love interest? She's leaving town and Papa is not too happy about that.
  • Quintina is telling Juan that Rigo has a brain tumor. Juan and boys will help out with some of the medical costs. Uncle Pennybags (isn't that the guy from Monopoly?) has given Quintina the gold coins.
  • Feo has cash laying all over his bedroom. Gabriela has just told Feo that Raquel is going back to her husband. You're the only woman for me, there was never anything with Raquel. He man-handles Crabby and she's all for it.
OMG! I can almost see the baby bump on Sophia.
  • Suffering and Love... it was what the paper said which was given to her at the carnival. Both Sophia and Juan reminisce about their suffering love.
  • Eugenia can't leave with Benito. Even though she doesn't love Rigo she just can't abandon him. Benito is leaving but he's not sure if he's returning.
  • Back in bed, Feo and Gabriela are plotting against Sophia. The baby will disappear. Once the baby is out of the picture then Feo has to divorce quickly and marry Gabriela.
Months later....
  • Business is booming for the Elizondo girls. There's the bump and Sophia is huge! The boys are tilling the land. Rigo is getting a cat scan and Eugenia (I swear) is wearing the same blouse. There's naked swimming... Momma Mia! Everyone is missing the loves of their lives.
  • Juan is pondering in the dough....Sophia is ringing a bell to her belly. )Does anyone know if that means something?) She's fussing over the cloth that Juan purchased for her.
  • Eva and Quintina talk about Rigo who has returned to the dispensario, etc. etc. I hope no one mines that I'm not really going to recap this part.
  • So both Juan and Capricho are excited about the upcoming birth of his baby.
  • Sophia and Agustin are going to visit the pueblo and to visit Rigo.
  • The doctor Leonora is in and she's not welcomed in the tribe that she's supposed to be attending.
Back the Bad Love Bar
  • Armando comes in with a big box. Looks like Feo has casted himself as the new singing act with that Charro suit his got.
The Storm
  • There's a terrible storm brewing and Sophia is having contractions. Sarita in hysterical (No, Sarita don't get your mom!) Gabriela could care less about what's happening with Sophia. Assassination attempt #1 Feo is getting the doctor. But after Sarita leaves Feo comes back to tells Gabriela he's going to purposely get the truck stuck in the mud. Sophia will not be able to have that baby with out some medical attention. But Rosendo had a feeling that the truck wouldn't make it thefore he has taken off on horseback to get the doctor. Assassination attempt #2 Feo is dressed in the charro suit ...
  • Juan's mother's intuition is starting to kick in. Sophia and their child need him!
  • Back in Sophia birthing room. The girls are flipping out when Gabriela walks in. They'll have to wait for the doctor. Fatima enters the room with a midwife which Gabriela tries to get rid of. But Fatima has just informed them that Rosendo found the truck stuck in the mud. There's not way around it Gabriela gives in. She has at least gotten rid of the girls.
  • The girls head to Don Agustin's house to tell of what their mother did. Agustin's expresses his disgust with Gabriela and mentions how convenient it was that Feo's truck got stuck in the mud. Sarita says that Don Agustin shouldn't be so suspicious of everyone.
  • Juan and Capricho are riding like mad through the storm.
  • With each clasp of lighting Sophia, in agony is pushing... Push Sophia PUSH!

Next time:
It's a girl!
Gabriela and Feo try complete their mission and kidnap the baby
Juan arrives just in time to save Sophia and their daughter
Juan and Feo fight it out by the river...there's a gunshot!

(Sometimes these previews give away too much...). It's been fun ya'll! See you next Tuesday!


Cuidado Con el Angel, Tuesday, Sept 23 2008

I wasn’t going to recap at all, because I’m rather short on time this week, but I don’t think anyone else offered and I did skim through the show quickly last night, so here are what I think were the key points:

Viviana thinks Juan Miguel must be cheating on her. She wants them to go away for a vacation together, but he says he can’t right now, which of course makes her mad. Her mom, Onelia, threatens JM and says if he doesn’t go, she won’t be responsible for what happens to Viv, whatever that means.

JM thinks he is busy with his new project to rehabilitate the young and mildly delinquent. He mentions having some experience with being that way; Viv doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He meets with judge Patricio about the project but the judge doesn’t have anyone for him to work with at the moment. Youth being what they are, he’s sure there will be someone soon.

Eduardo (played by Jorge de Silva, one of my Top Ten Telenovios, hello, hottie!) gets a call from his skanky girlfriend who was making out with some other guy at the party. He is all smoochy on the phone. JM laughs at him, but not as much as I would have.

Meanwhile, Marichuy needs to be told by the priest that the Virgencita probably doesn’t want stolen flowers as an offering. They have a long teary chat while she wears a see-through belly-exposing shirt. She’s mad at her mother for abandoning her and will never forgive her, nunca!

Patricio and his wife discuss that the only thing they lack for happiness is a child. He asks if she wants to adopt one of the orphans. She says no, those abandoned children make her sad (so wouldn’t adopting one help that?). He says parents who abandon their children are unforgivable, and she looks all stricken, cluing us in that she abandoned a child. She tries to alleviate her guilt by giving lots of money to the nuns.

Mari tells more Little Red Riding Hood to the barrio kids. Odd choice of story, given her nightmare and past experience. The girl in the animation looks like her, and the bad wolf guy looks maybe like Amador, or maybe the artist guy, or maybe the guy in the neighborhood who is her friend and was talking to Candelaria. Later, Mari tells Cande she (M) will never marry, which of course means she will.

Mari dances with Amador at a party, and he gets handsy. She objects, and a brawl breaks out. The party people get hauled down to the police station, and judge Patricio calls Juan Miguel to come down. Mari recognizes him.

I’ll start up for real with a careful viewing and full recap next week.


Doña Bárbara, Tues, Sept. 23 -

Once again, I didn't have time to do the pictures. Timoteo, if you want to post your usual summary/comment, I will put it in here.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues., Sept. 23 - PJ/Salvador plays 20 questions; Azur takes a bite out of crime

PJ/S reads a book in French.

Isabel tells the staff that Valeria is going to take over running the house from Abigail.

Rebeca tells Valeria that they are in same position. They are dependant on Isabel for everything so they have to obey and support her. Rebeca is turning out to be pretty evil and her eavesdropping is out of control.

Azur attacks and bites Andrés. His action is understandable but it's hard to defend a dog that bites people.

Later, Isabel tries to get rid of Azur by sending him off to be tested for rabies but Ángela forbids it.

PJ/S demonstrates that he can spell 'otolaryngology' and knows what is it. He knows who the Pope is and who Winston Churchill is. However, he doesn't know where he is.

PJ/S is upset because this isn't his body. Would he rather have his 70-year old body back?
The police, the doctor and the priest fight about what to do with PJ/S.

Ángela goes to see Gaetana to asks about PJ's relationship with Isabel. Gaetana recommends this guy to be her lawyer.
We keep having power issues between Isabel and Ángela. Wasn't there a will?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Sept. 23, '08 Smarmy, Sneaky, Surreptitious SssssssNasty Sara is Back on Top

Aaaarrrggh...I have some kind of mild (as if) stomach virus and this episode didn't help one bit. I'm going to rush through the nasty part (like a written fast forward) but there's no getting around it. Sara scored a big one tonight.

But let's start at the beginning...with a brief rehash. Dario and Paula are about to get down to serious reconciliation business when Bettina bounds in and wants to sleep with them. They cave and so the first night back together is spent in a family sandwich in a very small bed. My parents had a small bed and when we lived by the finger lakes of New York and we got scared by the frequent thunderstorms, my sister and I would high-tail it in there and spend the night squished between them. So I know it can be done. And they still managed to have a third child...don't ask me how.

In the meantime Alonso is sitting alone, looking at a picture of Lorena and breathing heavily. 'Nuff said.

And Lorena is looking googly-eyes at Ernesto, now that she knows the kids are back and that he's really a big teddy bear underneath that neurotic ,narcissistic exterior. Some kisses, Mmmm good, and then some more...but wait! she draws back, suddenly afraid she's going to be just one more on his long list of conquests. He assures her that this is the real thing. We can but hope!

Okay. New stuff. Sara calls. Alonso's sick of her. (so are we!) He's preparing to leave for Quebec and his workshop in bariatric surgery. Has a nice farewell with Papa Toribio even though there's some grousing from Mr. T. about how Alonso and Paula treat him like he's over the hill and incompetent to take care of himself.

Now a happy scene twixt Maruja Rossy and Lorena, toasting the reconciliation of our young lovers and Ernesto's character improvement. Doorbell rings; it's Jaime. Maruja is happy, Rossy is making faces and Lorena , ever the peacemaker, drags her off so Jaime and Maruja can talk business. Jaime thinks maybe they should go elsewhere but Maruja assures him that eventually Rossy will come around.

So Jaime got a mixed reception. But Sara....whoa...very cold welcome from Toribio when she barges into the apartment. She tries to schmooze him with some talk about planning an event for "seniors" and he wastes no time letting her know he doesn't want to be patronized and doesn't want her around...he's busy. And by the way, Alonso has gone to Canada. Punto. She protests that he's hurting her feelings but he hustles her out anyway.

At Ernesto's, everything is hunky-dory. Gina and Alex are happy. Lorena's around again and they're "like family". Ernesto jumps in and adds, they can get married right now if Lorena's game.

Hey, I'm for it. Happy ending and onto another telenovela. But wait, no we have to have more wickedness from Sara first. Much more, I fear.

Now another reconciliation...this time with Ivan and Bettina. He arrives with flowers and apologies. She receives him with a number of hugs. Not happy that he just considers them "amigos" but I'm sure that will change pronto.

Sara's doing her crazy ass girlfriend number at the clinic. Badgering the desk nurse to tell her where Alonso has gone (if he's your boyfriend, call him yourself and ask him, she replies) and then demanding that Bruno give her the 411. He's even nastier. Don't bother trying to follow him, it's a waste of time and money....he'd just send you packing.

But folks, if you think any of this discourages our Sara, you're wrong. She's still got lots more nasty up her sleeve.

Back at Paula's, the" sadder but wiser gals" are meeting for their weekly tequila and cards bash. Dario's in the bedroom watching TV with Bettina and when Greta finds out they've reconciled, she wants the lowdown on their lovelife. Nothin' doing but Paula does admit he still "me hace bum! el corazoncito". However things turn sour when she tells Bettina it's time for bed and Dario protests. "Are your friends going home?" he adds. "They just got here," she snaps. Hmmm...very bad start.

Things are pretty bad at Arturo's as well. Jacqui has made off with badmom's porcelain figurines which mom claims are Limoges. Jacqui claims they're crap and go with the crappy decor of the whole place....which SHE intends to change. Ickturo lays down the law...if they don't get along, he's outta there. Jacqui grabs him and promises an aromatherapy bath and massage. Mom promises his favorite frijole dish. Mom wins. Then he requires them to hug which they do with gritted teeth. Man, his appeal escapes me entirely, but these two females are fighting over him like he's.....well, like he's Fernando Colunga....which he is so not!

Back to Paula and Dario. Her gal pals have finally left and he's ready to be helpful taking off her sweater. Another lost recap opportunity for Ferro. He wants her to relax, enjoy his kisses (she's still steamed about his contradicting her with Bettina) but the scene ends with possible bedroom action about to commence. She looks like her mind is elsewhere though. Still her hand is around his neck, even if she's not returning his kisses. We can but hope.

Sara's at school, catches sight of Lorena happily chatting with Ernesto and sneers, Be happy while you can. I'm going to win the contest. Aaarrgh, my stomach's roiling just writing this.

Monica and the randy hostess are discussing Monica's lovelife or lack thereof. Hostess wonders why she's so obsessed with Chef Hawt. Monica just is...that's all. She wants Ernesto to use her and lose her (Lorena) but hostess wisely point out that even if he does, that doesn't mean he's coming back to Monica. Instead, why not come with me to a Singles evening, she suggests. Monica doesn't want to seem "for sale" but finally agrees.

All right...on to the contest for who's going to work on TV with Chef Whasshisname. I'm going to compress this because it's just too darned awful. First Sara , who's among the five finalists, overhears Lorena talking to Ernesto about what "platillo" she's going to prepare for the tryout and gets on the phone with the business chef to consult on how to sabotage it. Then at
the studio, she bribes the makeup artist to put some awful hive-inducing powder on Lorena's face. Not content with that, she goes into the studio and substitutes wrong, yukky tasting ingredients for those in Lorena's bin and refrigerator holdings.

The tryout is a disaster for Lorena. She looks like hell; she's distracted by all the itching and the strange ingredients; her final dish tastes as bad as she looks, and Sara wins the contest. Ugh and double ugh. The head of the school is surprised by Lorena's poor performance but is impressed when later, a simpering Sara tells the TV chef and the producer that cooking is in her genes, after all, she is Hortensia Armendariz' granddaughter. More points for our villaness. I just hate episodes like this!

Lorena confronts Sara in the dressing room and even though Lorena defends herself well... it isn't satisfying. Sara still won and is gloating about it. Lorena reminds her that Sara is really a failure. She can only win by hurting others. Basically she is alone; even Alonso doesn't want her. Whereas Lorena is surrounded by people who love her. And finally, if you want me for an enemy rather than a friend, watch out Sara! ( Okay, I know we're supposed to feel better after this but somehow I don't...and I doubt if Lorena does either.)

But at least Chef Hawt is waiting for our lamb outside and he doesn't seem too put off by her horrible face. He notes that the rightful person doesn't always win the contest. Yes, but Lorena was hoping to have a little money, learn to drive, maybe get a car. Our hunky chef has all the answers....he'll teach her to drive, she can borrow the car when she wants and hey, he loves her. She's not alone. HE'LL ALWAYS BE WITH HER.

Oh no, the fatal telenovela words. A breakup must be just around the corner. Dang.

Now we have one of those zingy collage things to tell us time is passing. Alonso's up in Canada learning lots about surgery and telling his dad the hospital is terrific. Of course he's still staring at Lorena's picture while studying. Zulema's still eating mucho while Omar tentatively slips an arm around her shoulders. Rossy and a shirtless Justin (thanks, writers) are looking at wedding dresses. Diana is sitting up in bed with her usual glum look while Bruno, his back turned to her, sleeps away. Maruja and Jaime are toasting with champagne. Dario looks on disgusted as Paula plays cards with her buddies. Monica has evidently snagged a beau at singles night and is introducing him to dad. Chalo and Barbara are happily chowing down at the neighborhood quesadilla place. Amalia tries to talk to Toribio at the elevator and gets the brushoff. A couple of "happy family" scenes with Lorena, Ernesto and the kids ending with Lorena making panquecitos for the little 'uns and a big smooch between Ernesto and Lorena. I'm trying to enjoy this but just feel a big anvil coming.

Okay, now back to nasty Sara. She's at the mall signing autographs for two devoted fans of the Chef and Sara show. Diana and Zulema are also at the mall and Zully wants to talk to Sara, over Diana's vehement protests. Sara gives her a cool look, tells her she must be mistaken, she doesn't know her and starts to sweep off. Diana grabs her and tells her not to treat her mother that way. You're "basura" (garbage) she adds. One pays for what one does, adds Zulema. Typical consolation of "losers" sneers Sara and flounces off.

This brings on labor pains for Diana, ( and more abdominal cramps for me!) and off they go to the hospital. Naturally, Bruno can't be found. He's off cooking up some illegal deal for selling medication from the clinic inventory to some sleazeball for half-price. He ignores all of Omar's attempts to phone him (even ignoring the concerns of his sleazeball client) and only arrives at the hospital afte the baby is C-section.

He breezes in with nary an apology, curtly acknowledges that he already knows it's a boy and in general is just a (well I can't write the word but it starts with "p"). The baby, by the way, is incredibly cute and is definitely not a newborn, but why quibble? When Julian starts to touch it, Rossy holds him's not a football after all! And everybody looks happy except Bruno, who's a skank....well, and Diana who always looks worried...but in this case, she's entitled.

Communication is going great guns with Nurse Ratchet and Hortensia. Our stroke victim can now communicate with the index finger as well as the eyes, and the upshot is that she still doesn't want to let Vasco in on her secret; she has other plans.

So has Sara. Seeing Lorena with Ernesto at school, she fumes that her nemesis is happy while, she Sara, doesn't have Alonso. Time to do some more dastardly deeds. First she grabs Leticia (who was one of the five finalists for the Chef show) and insinutates that Lorena's good grades and scholarship are all because of her romance with Ernesto. Leticia is better than Lorena by far and look! she got turned down for a scholarship. You and the other students should protest, she adds.

First anvil falls. Ernesto's called into the office. The head tells him about the complaints, and while she sees nothing wrong with the relationship (you're both adults) she will have to withdraw Lorena's half-tuition scholarship in order to head off a revolt.

Sara wins another round. If Lorena lives happily ever after, it's not during this episode, folks. So sorry.


tianguis = Mexican word for street market. (where Jacqui thinks badmom got her "Limoges porcelain figurines)

vetado = vetoed (how Toribio feels at no longer being trusted to handle administrative details for apartment)

salada = jinxed (what Lorena feels....and boy is she right!)

trato hecho = it's a deal (sleazeball client and Bruno)


Guapos: Cristina wrapup show discussions

did anyone watch? There were some great moments, but I don't have time to recap in total.

First Cesar came out, and we also got to meet his family. Laura Flores could not come, but she will come in two weeks.

Cesar is somewhat modest and says he's not very handsome and often plays villains. We got to see a scene of him wearing a weird hairstyle and an eyepatch (Mundo de Fieras? which I didn't watch, but I gather many of you did) and watching Laura Flores go out with some cute blond guy who I didn't recognize.

We got to see Mili and Al singing. Rocky did part of his standup comedy routine (he has a background in that).

Allison was asked about being only 15 and never been kissed and how she played the role.

Cesar was very complimentary to the young actors. It sounds like they had a lot of fun doing the comic scenes. They showed Al taming tigers on that other show he did.


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