Saturday, July 21, 2007

Destilando Amor, 7/20/07: "Beware, The Repo Man Cometh (Eventually for Everyone)"

Frankie tells Rod that he intends to marry Sofia , his intentions are serious and as head of the family, he wants to square it with him. Rod answers that Pilar is the true head of the family and she would be the one to ask. Isa has been sitting and frowning all night like a wet, matty-furred puss, with its ears tilted back and a growl in the back of its throat. She cattily, and with much malice afore thoughtfully lets drop that Frankie's inability to find a job might be a problem. M-m-me-yhow is he going to supposedly support her? (Paw-licking and whisker-grooming here.)

Frankie says he's in the midst of choosing between a number of job offers right now and Sofia jumps in to explain it "is simply a matter at this point of which one pays more." This seems to satisfy what little there is of Rod's natural curiosity. He smiles and tells Sofia and Frankie that as long as he is a conscientious hubby (oh that's rich coming from Rodr-ego) and makes his sister happy, he's up with that.

Pammy back in Miami is playing hard to get tonight. Aaron is pontificating after a session of love-making and says that she makes him touch heaven each and every time. The only thing better would be the blessing of the child she's going to give him. Pam says, hold up there Mr. Biggy. I'm not getting pregnant till AFTER the ceremony. "What!" Sorry but them's her terms and that is that!

"--But, but we agreed!" Aaron sputters. The man is so totally unused to being denied, as the two little words, 'No' and 'Aaron', don't exist in sequence in his universe. "--Look," she explains. "We don't even know that Minerva really signed those divorce papers yet, do we?" "--But," he insists, "Patricio took her over to the courthouse himself!"

"-Weeellll, until we have the copy of the documents in hand, I'd rather not be in that kind of a situation." Pammy wheedles. "Look, 'Bichi' (I'd swear she just said "Biitchy"). You know my parents have never entered into the decisions I've made in my life. They would though, rather we do this thing the way it ought to be done, to do it properly. So, I have decided I am not going to have a baby unless it is done within the confines of marriage." (Shout out to that dinosaur of an old fogey writer who came up with that traditionally conservative sentiment.)

Aaron, the immovable object, has just been hit by Pamela's unstoppable force as he resigns himself to the situation. Figuring that the best thing is not to force Pamela in this, he thinks to himself that he can only hope that Rod's kid turns out to be a female, as we, Aaron's adoring fans, are the ones who are impactada. Pammy rolls over to make a pillow of his chest and you gotta wonder does she know the power she now holds by having tamed the beastly being that is Aaron Montalvo?

When Gavi finally arrives home it's late and she explains to Clarita how she lost the bet for a sale of encyclopedias in a bar and had to sing till closing. Unfortunately she didn't sell a single set of encyclopedias all day, but the bar at least made a cassette of her singing and gave it to her. The two of them have a dopey discussion about auto-suggestioning away not only the thought of Rodrigo, but their impending boat-load of debts.

Later around bedtime, Gavi looks at her new cassette and remembers the time she gave Rod the cassette she'd made at the little cantina in Tequila. She's frustrated that auto-suggestions to forget Rodrigo aren't really working. She takes a shot of tequila and admits to herself that waking or dreaming it's always the same thing: his face is always there in front of her, and every song she sings is sung for him. As Gavi continues to gripe to herself that she is condemned to love him forever, she takes out the blank label for the cassette and writes on it: "Songs for My Rodrigo". She draws a little heart on it and looks dreamily into space.

On the other side of town, Rod is sitting up in a dark bedroom next to a sleeping Isa and frowning. He grumbles and thinks to himself that next to him is a woman who "truly loves" him while he's condemned to love that lying, deceitful, gold-digging tramp, Gaviota. He curses her poisous memory that simply won't let him live his life in peace with the real lying, deceitful, gold-digging tramp who is now laying next to him, expecting another man's baby and passing it off as his.

The next morning Pilar and Sofia are chatting excitedly about how sweet and unexpectedly the fraudulent Frankie had asked Rod for her hand at the nightclub last night. Grammy says that the Golden Boy will have to come ask formally in front of the whole family. Sofia is beside herself with joy.
(Ec-h-h!) "Of course!" Grammy adds that this just shows what a proper upbringing he had. (She should only know.....)

Estefano calls to see whether Frankie is still freeloading in his apartment. He is and tells Estefano that the month isn't over yet, but not to worry. He's soon going to be marrying a rich (and idle) heiress (as we all know, to remain ideally idle himself).

At the same time Rod, smiling for all he's now mortgaged and as the proud papa he ain't, arrives with a tense Isadora at Dr. Tejeiro's office. He explains that as their family doctor, they've come to him for a last check-up before they travel back to the hinterlands of Jalisco. Isa nervously sits there thinking to herself that if she doesn't do something the dolt is going to begin asking all sorts of questions and that would mean trouble. She enters the examining room and when Dr. Tejeiros follows her in, she immediately tries to bribe him with a blank check. "Write in any amount you want."

Tejeiros acts offended and refuses to lie, saying he's keeping mum for "friendship's sake" --since perhaps HMO's and hospital consortiums still haven't saturated the Mexican Health-care Market like they have the States. Isadora asks him what could it cost to just take the check and be done with it. He looks thoughtfully at her, but still refuses her offer.

Excitedly, Grammy calls Rod to chat. Rod asks for Daniela and wonders why her cell phone was off. Daniela comes in just then and Pilar hands her the phone. Sofia points a bony, menacing finger at her sister, warning her to stay quiet. (Aren't we all just about up to our eyebrows with Sister Sourpuss's junior high giggles, her bossy, big-sister snarls, and those annoyingly distressing finger-jabs?) She has nothing to worry about though.

Dani tells Rod, who's curiouser and curiouser, that Videgaray already told him everything she had meant to tell him, which was just that it wasn't Vid who gave Mariana's identity away. Rod seems to think she's still hiding something but Daniela says it's just his imagination and hangs up, having turned into the wimpiest disappointment of the week.

Isa and the doctor return to his office after the exam and the twerpy Dr. T gives his seal of approval to the pregnancy. Rod and Isa leave for Tequila and Montalveña.

Speaking of Montalveña, in the stables Sayinyawanna? is teasing Hilario about Isadora. She asks him if he's still going to be so hot to trot for Señora Montalvo now that the boss lady is pregnant. They snipe back and forth at each other and when Roman comes looking for his son, he asks what the dust up is. SJ, who is just itching to cause trouble, warns Hilario, "Tell your dad or I will." He freezes up, so SJ tells Roman that Hilario has had the hots for Sra. Montalvo.

When Hilario refuses to deny it, Roman is immediately impactado. He goes BSC and starts slapping the hell out of his son. "It wasn't enough to get involved with a married woman. Now, it's the patron's wife!! You and your dirty, filthy doings.....!!" As far as Hilario's sad sick self, he begs his father to beat him because he deserves it.

Ofelia is looking for Roman and SJ sends her out to the stables. SJ smirks to herself that he deserves this and more for messing with her like he did.

Back again in the DF, Gavi's boss tries to encourage her to continue trying to make sales appointments. (Gees, girl. Give It Up! No base = no bread, literally, let alone the butter to put on it. Go sell tacos or find a nice factory there in the DF. Get a living wage.) When Boss man's "star salesman" arrives he asks him to peek in the door and help keep Gavi enthused. "Because if that charmer can't sell encyclopedias, then we really are sunk." So Star Salesman, Vidal, attempts to make the effort but leaves immediately when Gavi tells him she's bad luck so best not to come near her. (If this is supposed to be an example of how he approaches prospects, think slow, all show and no go, it's no wonder the company can't sell spit.)

Ofelia finds Roman slugging away at Hilario who is just taking it, all beaten and bloody. She manages to get Roman to come to his senses and stop the beating, but he refuses to tell his wife why he was so furious with Hilario. Frustrated, Ofelia returns to the kitchen to ask SJ, but SJ refuses to tell her. "Let Hilario tell you." Ofelia, tired of the girl's 'tude, fires her on the spot. SJ sneers back that she doesn't take orders from the cook and struts off.

At this point, Clarita calls Gavi at the office to tell her there's a lawyer, a couple policemen and some big men who are ready to impound their possessions. Gavi races home in a snit to find that since she has not paid the installments for either the flat screen t.v. or the stereo for the last couple of months, the creditors are taking everything of value, the dining room set, their furniture and all the appliances including Clarita's t.v.

Gavi reasons, cajoles and even threatens, 'cuz Clarita at least needs her t.v. "to survive"; but at this point they are not willing to wait even a day longer. However, the attorney assures Clarita that when Gavi gets current with her payments they can get it all back, even the t.v. that they "need to survive", in perfect condition. Gaviota has now learned the hard way that repossession is 9/10 of the law, and that "on credit" really means "You gotta pay or it ALL gets taken away."

Meanwhile, in stark contrast we are shunted back to Miami where Mariana Franco's nemesis, aggressively arrogant Aaron, is surrounded by American-style flamingo pinky-peach stucco and palm-frond luxury. He discusses with Johnny how best to begin the promotion of Agave Turquesa in select bars and discos in other countries. Afterward, Aaron takes a break and marvels at how he's making money hand over fist while the cheaper stuff his daddy preferred to stick with is stuck in the ports waiting for the embargo to be lifted.

Aaron then calls Patricio who enjoys purposely bringing up Minerva's plans to take a singles' cruise to the Greek Islands to forget Aaron and his rotten treachery. It seems Patricio knows his cousin well, and he takes his own perverse pleasure in sticking pins into Aaron's bloated ego. Patricio tells Aaron point blank that even though he's managed to involve him in his turbid business dealings, the vile and petty way he got rid of his ex was despicable.

Aaron tells his cousin not to go around acting like the town priest. Just cheer the woman up and keep her far away from him as he's promised his mother to do and all of them should just stop annoying him already. Patricio hangs up and smiles to himself. Aaron is really ticked to hear this about his former possession and slams the phone down. Pammy walks in to see what's the matter and he rudely tells her to just leave him ALONE, period.

At the same time, Minnie is staring off into space like she is in la-la land. She informs her maid she's planning to take a vacation for the next 10 days. The girl should take a trip back home starting immediately and take advantage of the time off. She walks over to a picture of her ex and tells him not to be so sure of himself. This war ain't over till it's over and they'll see just who wins the final battle. She throws the picture, frame and all, onto the floor.

Back at the hacienda SJ greets the returning patrons and makes a beeline for Isadora.

Ofelia looks for Hilario and asks for an explanation. He says he was disrespectful to his father and that he is unworthy of his parents. Ofelia thinks he's being foolish and wants him to make peace with his father.

SanJuana gives Isa her version of Ofelia's mean and petty attempt to fire her. She was simply speaking her mind to Roman about Hilario's having a crush on Isa. Now she blames her for Roman's getting so angry that he went and beat on his son. Everyone was worried that the Patron would get upset of course. She doesn't know if she did the right thing by telling Ofelia that the only one who can run her off the place is the patrona.

Isa tells SJ that her husband won't find out about this foolishness and she was right to come to her directly, and that nobody is going to fire her. After all she's Isa's own personal servant and employee-confidante. Isa then wonders to herself what gossip Roman might have let loose with to Rodrigo.

In Rod's office Roman is not his spunky self. Of course Rod asks if anything is wrong and they commiserate over what royal pains in the patoot kids (present and future) can be.

Isa finds Hilario in the stables and confronts him. "Just what did you tell your father?" "--Don't worry, Ma'm. I probably am a thick-headed ranch hand, nut not a coarse little man."


Acorralada #131 Friday 7/20/07 Quickie recap

Ladies and Gentlemen, your recappers have about had it. This is a quickie summary of Friday, which I just watched. We are skipping Thursday. All you really need to know about Thursday is that Larry manages to get the lock open on the car repair shop, and he and Silvia escape out the window. At the same time, the nice lady had called the cops, so we hear sirens. Did Panchi and Halcon get caught? See below.
Later, Silvia recounts her experience with Diana and Emilio.


Silvia and Emilio go to Paco's bar, where guess who showed up: the Trannies! Didn't I predict that they would show up soon? The trannies are now performing at the bar in outlandish flamenco getups. They begin gyrating and waving their fans and Silvia can't contain herself. Emilio and Jorge try to stop her, but no, she runs onstage in her Betty Boop outfit and tries to butt in. The audience loooks on in hysterics as Silvia finally pushes her way in front and dewigs the trannies. Triumphant, she prances around the stage solo as her ex-friends exit.

Roddy is in Los Angeles. He runs into Sharon (the brat) and Virginia (the brat's mother). There are two very boring scenes here where Virginia does not reveal the truth and the brat tries to find out what he's up to.

Diego, having found out about Aljeandro, wants to find out where Diana stands on him. He visits her and demands to know what she thinks. Then he leaves.

"Alejandro" plots to sleep with Marfil, to use her in his anti-Diego/Iggy plot. He now knows, via Fiona, that Marfil and Diego are getting it on, but they are just friends between the "sabanas" (sheets). Alejandro kisses Fiona at the club.

"Alejandro" shows up unannounced at the fabrica. Of course, Fidiota agrees to see him. He wants to buy shares in the factory, as he wants to get into the perfume business. (another brilliant disguise move). (And when businessmen want to buy shares in companies don't they always just show up without appointments?) Fidiota refuses, as the business is just a family business. Alejandro departs.

The most bizarre development of today is the following: We see Caramelo and Paco strolling around Puerto Rico again. Caramelo decides to go in a church. Who should spy her going in but our old friend Panchi Panchi. Have I missed something here? How did he escape after the kidnapping? More to the point, how did he fly to Puerto Rico? Or did he take a rowboat? He's a wanted prison escapee! And of course, how did he manage to be standing right near the church that Caramelo is visiting? This takes the cake.

Caramelo goes into the confession booth and starts talking to the Padre, who is none other than Pancho. She starts talking about her husband and he replies and she thinks she recognizes the voice. He immediately lowers it very convincingly. There follows a long discussion about how bad her husband was and he married her sister at the same time. The "Padre" says, well, he didn't know they were sisters. How did you know? Oops, er, god knows, or some such.
Caramelo keeps saying that this is the strangest priest she's ever encountered. Anyway, she's leaving her husband, and the divorce will be final in a few days. Impactado, Pancho tries to persuade her to go back to her husband and not disturb the sacrament of marriage! (They weren't even married in the church, not to mention that he never kept the sacrament of marriage.) Later, Caramelo talks again with Paco. She tells him about the strange priest who she's going back to see again.

Diana goes to the club, and she's wearing that hideous red tube top over the white shirt again. Octavia is there with Iggy, and Octavia starts in again about how low-class Diana is and she was once Octy's servant. Diana reminds her that it's Octy who's the low-born naca who took over the business by murder. Diana is a Garces Ledesma! Octy is only an Irascible by marriage. (There also seems to be something allusion to Octy having married up to get into the Irascible family--an igualada!) I was hoping someone would get thrown in the pool today, but no luck.

Just then "Alejandro" comes in, and Octy feels faint. They talk. Although Max hates his mother, isn't this just too much. And meanwhile, he somehow has managed not to hear that Paola is dead. So when Octy says that she has also lost a daughter, he says, in shock and horror, Paola (or something I can't remember what) that tends to reveal he's Max. Oops. Credits roll.


ZORRO, 7/20: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and Something Bloody, Barefoot, Cloaked, Packing Heat, and Breathing Really Heavily...

[and wearing a bracelet!]

Esmeralda cannot quite believe María Luisa’s offer to abdicate the throne in favor of Sara Kalí, the rightful heiress. Still, SK is not surprised – her mother told her of the goodness of the Queen’s family. The Queen knows that it’s important to reassure SK that she had absolutely nothing to do with the Duke of Albatross’ plans or the injustices against SK’s family, but SK already believes her. The Queen reiterates her support for SK’s ascension, warning the ladies that convincing the Royal Council will be a much more difficult task. Sara Kalí is grateful for the Queen’s proposal – but she does not intend to be the Queen of Spain.

Padre Tomás sits with Diego in his room in the hacienda. PT is impactado to think about how Montero and Mangle died, and hope God forgives them. Diego plops down on his bed, less than concerned - they’ll receive the fate they deserve for all the evil they did. Padre Tomás changes the subject to the delicate matter of Alejandro’s discovery of Diego’s alter-identity as Zorro. PT had always been concerned that Alej would find out at some point, and Diego interrupts him to defend himself – there was no way to get out of telling him! PT reassures Diego that it’s fine, and besides, the city of Los Angeles now has a just, fair governor – perhaps this means Zorro’s mission in the city is over. Diego resists, telling PT that they should always be alert and ready. PT agrees, and suggests that they further prepare by inviting Alejandro to be a member of the cofradía [because those guys are clearly soooooo effective at helping root out the injustice in the city]. In fact, this had been a thought of PT’s since the beginning, including a special chair he always intended Alej to someday pose in, excuse me, occupy [apologies to the Alejandro fans – you can get me back by attacking Don Fer ;>].

Gerardo faithfully spoon feeds his master Olmos and relates to him that Montero’s body – or parts of it – have been found. And Mariángel, Olmos wants to know? Everyone believes Mangle was captured by the cannibals, although…Gerardo haltingly tells his boss that some folks also said they spied a frightening-looking woman with a head with one lock of red hair. Olmos is convinced it’s Mangle, but Gerardo doesn’t believe anyone could survive an attack by the Cala Cala. It’s Mangle, asserts Olmos, returned to take him to hell with her. Buahahahahahahaha!

We see an unidentified figure with a pair of bloodied and injured hands take down the bars to a wooden door. Once opened, an equally bloody pair of bare feet gingerly makes its way over the threshold.

Sara Kalí acknowledges that she is the true queen, but for her to accept the throne in this period might foment revolution. SK knows the Queen is a good person, which satisfies her that the country is in good hands. The Queen accepts this, but insists that her relatives accompany her to Spain, where she will return to them their lands and riches, and Esme and SK will take their rightful place at court. Esmeralda expresses her gratitude, but gently refuses the invitation – life gave her a second chance to be with the man she loves and their son. SK, however, will return for a short while. She wishes to ensure the well being of the Gypsy community. Esmeralda can spare her mother for a little while, but she will be waiting anxiously for her return. The Queen promises that the name Mayorga de Aragón will again be loved throughout Spain.

Alejandro now po…ssesses the Governor’s chair, where he reviews some papers. García enters, curious about the Queen’s interview with Esme and SK. Alejandro confirms that the ladies are enjoying a long-delayed family reunion, and García knows how much they deserve it – they’ve all suffered so much. He was personally witness to what a strong woman, mother [and archer, wrestler, keep-away baller] Esmeralda is. Alejandro thanks García for being such an important part of bringing Esme, and happiness, back to the de la Vega family and invites G to enjoy some wine with him. But, back to business! Alejandro wishes to entrust a large responsibility to García, in the form of his new position as Director of [Homeland] Security of the City of Los Angeles. García is impactado, and quite moved; Alej is delighted with his reaction. García composes himself enough to assure Alejandro that he is equal to the task of his new position. They toast.

Esmeralda has just finished enchanting the Queen with the story of how she and Diego fell in love [did it take her 120 hours to tell it, do you think?], which the Queen finds enchanting. Esme and Diego had to overcome so many obstacles to be together! Even despite the forced marriage to Montero, when Dona Carmen offered Esme an annulment, Esme chose to stay with Montero in order to continue working to free her mother from prison. And that Mangle! Raised as a sister with Esme, but then tried to kill her. And now, the Queen continues, Mangle died like Montero…leaving Esme and Diego widowed. Esme takes the opening to suggest to the Queen that she and Diego would love to be able to marry as soon as possible, despite the requisite mourning period. Now that SK and the Queen are headed back to Spain shortly, Esme wants to ensure that both women can be present at the nuptials. The Queen, believing such a love deserves to break the rules, agrees to speak with Padre Tomás about a dispensation.

Diego has come to see his father, who is companionably enjoying his wine with García. Diego takes the opportunity to thank García for all he did for Esme; the only thing G wants in return is to be able to visit Esme and the de la Vegas sometimes. Diego reiterates what Esme had promised, that García is another grandfather to them. It’s time for García to leave and take care of the preparations for the medal ceremony. For whom, Diego wonders? Esme, Sara Kalí, and best of all, Zorro. The Spanish Crown itself will recognize Z as a hero. With another swig of wine, García departs and Alejandro looks at Diego proudly.


Esme and SK walk through town. Esme still can’t believe the Queen’s offer – or her mother’s refusal. Is SK sure of the decision she made? Absolutely. The only thing SK wants is to be with her daughter and grandson. She’s even had an opportunity to confront her painful past – in the form of a run-in with Fernando Sánchez de Moncada. Esme is immediately worried – what did he say, did he threaten her? [ulcer #1] No, he actually asked SK’s forgiveness, but SK couldn’t bring herself to do it. It does seem he’s changed, and became a monk. Still, thinking about it now, SK believes she may eventually want to free herself of the bitterness she holds.

Almudena waits in María Pía’s cabin when Fernando arrives. The siblings embrace lovingly after a long separation. Almudena has come to speak with Fernando because she’s worried about MP [ulcer #2]. She doesn’t want MP to leave her family and go away so far with Fer. Though Fernando vows not to hurt MP, Dena can’t help but doubt. He’s hurt the woman in the past, and he’s been obsessed with her for so long, how can Almudena believe that he’s truly changed as he says? Fernando protests Almudena’s reasons, but ultimately tells Almudena that she can tell MP anything she wants, she can do anything she wants, but if the situation calls for violence, he won’t hesitate – María Pía is coming with him. Almudena is impactada as MP walks into this tense exchange. Seeing Dena’s teary eyes, MP worries that Alejandro has told her something unfavorable [ulcer #3]. With Fer’s eyes shooting daggers at her, Almudena fibs and tells MP that everyone in the house is very happy for her, but…Fernando decides to leave the women alone and give Dena a pleading look as she tearfully caresses his face. Almudena tells MP that Alejandro is considering MP’s situation with Fer, but he’s worried [ulcer #4]. Why don’t Fer & MP stick around for a few days, until after the wedding? MP doubts that Alejandro will ever give his consent, if he hasn’t yet.

Diego and Alejandro continue their conversation. Although knowing Zorro’s identity brings disadvantages, it also has its benefits, and one of those is acceptance into a secret society of powerful and well-connected men in the cofradía who support and guide Zorro – and Alejandro has earned his right to be a part of it [careful, Alej – these sorts of things usually require a “donation” of some sort]. Alejandro doesn’t feel worthy to accept such an invitation simply because he’s Zorro’s father – but that’s not why, Diego insists. Alejandro has shown that he is devoted to justice. That’s a reason Alej can accept, and he vows to make the city a safe and just place. Diego welcomes his father into the Knights of the Broken Thorn.

Tobias nurses a glass of wine when Agapito arrives at the town cantina. Tobias lives there now, before he makes the final step of leaving the city for good. Tobias orders another glass of whine. Agapito is sorry about confusing T for Z, but it’s too bad he’s not the masked hero. Strange things are still going on in town. Agapito just treated some travelers who thought they saw a strange woman monster…

The figure with the bloody feet limps and heaves its way to a bathtub, and Mariángel flashes back to being attacked by the cannibals. She grunts in pain as the hot water touches her wounds.

The entire de la Vega household gathers to toast the happiness of Diego and Esme. Esme thanks everyone and explains the reasons for the rushed wedding, although Diego jokes that they always wanted to marry quickly, but got interrupted by a couple of pesky obstacles [currently being digested by Southern Californian piranhas and Cala Cala Cannibals – they hope]. Diego and Esme share a kiss.

In front of the Governor’s Palace, a soldier [forgot his name] announces the honorees. Catalina joins the townsfolk listening to the announcement, but when she looks behind her she locks eyes with Tobias. She shakes her head at him tearfully and walks away. Tobias looks down sadly.

Alejandro talks to Diego about “the María Pía Situation.” Alejandro doesn’t want to be involved in her decisions about Fer, despite the fact that society gives them the right [excuse me a moment while I vomit]. Diego feels sure that Fernando wouldn’t have murdered Toypurnia/Regina had he recognized her – but that doesn’t absolve him of the other murders he committed against innocents, and he definitely doesn’t agree with MP and Fer getting married [um, is this really an option?]. If Fernando has truly changed, Diego will believe it, though Diego isn’t interested in speaking to Fernando just yet, and wants to wait at least until the wedding is over. Alejandro promises to support Diego in any decision he makes about Fer.

The man in question is staring into the fires [of hell?], skeptical with MP about Alejandro and Diego’s consent. She urges him to be patient and to expect to speak with the de la Vega men after the wedding. Annoyed, Fer doesn’t understand the hurry for the wedding, especially as no one has found Mangle. MP makes him impactado with a series of hard facts: 1) Judge Quintana annulled the wedding, 2) the wedding was never consummated, and 3) Mangle’s baby was Montero’s.

Mangle’s scarred but less bloody feet and legs carry her into her father’s bedroom or study, where she pulls a pistol from a drawer and packs gunpowder in the barrel.

Esmeralda and Sara Kalí arrive at the medal ceremony [SK receives the gold for Long Distance Spousal Imprisonment, and Esme gets the bronze]. In the crowd, Ana Camila and Renzo, now living as “gadje,” find Azucena and Jonás, who’re overjoyed to see them. The Queen restores SK’s and Esme’s nobility. Gerardo, also in the crowd, reads the banns announcing Esme and Diego’s wedding and figures there won’t be a better to time for him and the pirates to attack the city. Zorro prances to the party on Tornado and receives his own medal of honor of the Knights of the Royal Family, and is named Gentleman of Compassion. The Queen also makes sure to whisper her thanks to him for her life. SK asks Esme where Diego is, and is told that he must surely be somewhere in the crowd, since he’s a big fan of Zorro, like Esme.

In the crowd, Agapito again ponders with Tobias how he ever mistook T for Z. They swap stories about the grotesque ends of Montero and Mangle, and Tobias reckons he should’ve been a writer. With all of the crazy things that happen in this town, years from now people will still read about what happened in Los Angeles, only their books will be magical boxes of light, where the chapters are written every night, or at least just feel that way based on some plot developments and surprising characters, and the citizens who watch the magic boxes will wonder why they can’t seem to stay away…

Mangle’s cloaked figure observes Zorro’s medal ceremony through a spyglass from a room high in the Governor’s Palace.

Gerardo confers with the pirates and Olmos. Gerardo doesn’t understand how DiEsme can be married if no one has found Mangle’s body, but Olmos knows that Angelenos likely believe her dead. Olmos feels in his burned, indestructible bones that Mangle has returned – the woman is the devil.


Dololes supervises the household staff’s preparations for the wedding reception, and Almudena and Sara Kalí gush over the bride Esmeralda. Almudena wishes Esme all the luck in the world, as does SK – Esme overcame everything to be with the man she loves. Almudena assumes SK alone will accompany Esme to the church; after all, she’s her mother. SK insists, however. Almudena is Esmeralda’s mother, and cared for her, and protected her from Fernando. They will BOTH escort Esme to the wedding. Esme believes God has filled this day more than any other with love for her and the three women share a hug.

In Diego’s room, Alejandro and Bernardo attend to the groom, who reflects that he never felt he was meant to fall in love with anyone until he met Esmeralda. Alejandro wants to know what will happen with Zorro – as a single man, Diego could take any risk and face any danger, but he’s about to be married, and has a child. Diego agrees that things have quieted down in Los Angeles since Montero’s demise, and he’s even spoken with Padre T about hanging up the sword and the whip – though maintaining his ideals. Alejandro wonders if Diego’s really sure- he is. The three gents hurry to finish and get to the church

Meanwhile, on the other side of town – Gerardo gives the pirates the last details of the search for the Woman with One Red Hair, which essentially involves assaulting any woman with red hair [be it flame red, auburn, fuchsia, or Clairol #49].

Catalina helps her father prepare for the wedding. The Judge reminds us that he agreed to the annulment because everything indicates that Mangle is dead along with her lover Montero. Catalina remembers what a good…dresser Mangle was, and wonders what happened to all her fine frocks. The Judge thinks Catalina shouldn’t remind anyone of her friendship with Mangle, especially since Cata may already be the subject of conversation because of her separation from Tobias. Catalina concludes that Tobias just may not be the man for her, and the father & daughter head to the wedding. [Did you get the sense that this was the episode in which NOTHING happens at all just so we can be set up for EVERYTHING to happen in the final episode?]

Back in his old house, a servant shows Fernando the bloody footprints leading into the room with the guns. The servant has heard tales of a Woman with One Red Hair frightening folks in the city. Fernando suspects it’s a badly-wounded Mangle, and upon checking the drawer, finding the guns gone, and hearing the church bells, Fer runs out, intent on making it to the church before Mangle does something crazy at DiEsme’s wedding. [ulcer #5]

The [completely anachronistic] wedding march plays as Alejandro leads Esme down the flower petal-strewn aisle. Diego, in a grey/black pinstripe suit, receives Esmeralda as Amor Gitano plays over the smiling faces of the guests [including Agapito with lovely Raquel, the barmaid]. At the very rear of the church, a figure in a thin black cloak wheezes to the back pew. Mangle holds the fabric over most of her face while her eyes seethe:

“Damn you, Esmeralda. Smile. Enjoy this moment…it’s going to be your last…because today you’re gonna die…”

Ulcer Count: 5

Thanks to Marycelis for letting me sub for her, and all the recappers for their wonderful summaries, which made watching - and reading - this novela an amazing experience. It’s been SOOOOO much fun!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Juan Querendon 7/20: in which we breakfast with the scorpions.

Here's my second fill-in for Schoolmarm, she'll be back next week!

  • We open with Nidia gloating over the pain she caused her onetime rival Ana by returning Ana's paintings. (Ana had supposed them to have been purchased at the gallery by strangers impressed by her talent but now realizes they were all bought by her doting lover Samuel. She fears nobody else will ever want her art and decides to quit painting.)

    Alirio admires Nidia's thirst for vengeance but warns her again it may have unforeseen consequences. Nidia retorts she doesn't just want Ana to lose, "I want her licking my shoes."

  • Ana is so disheartened she wants to take Nidia up on Wednesday's offer to "Take this one-time offer: a big wad of cash and leave town forever." The idea incenses Paula.

  • Marely continues mocking Juan for his constant stream of lies and suggests: "if you want people to trust you, don't lie." He continues to promise her work. She wonders how he's going to tell everybody that the marvellous Fernando is not a wealthy impresario but a chauffeur. "I'll fix it." "With more lies?"

  • Marely can be quite sarcastic, thus our tenderhearted Juan's a bit depressed. "One day honey over flakes, the next day nothing."

    He perks up as he arrives at Paula's door after "four days without my strawberry-mouthed beauty," but she's wretched too. She tells him the seminar was fine, it was "other stuff" that got her down. She asks how things have been going for him. "Mas o menos (more or less) trending towards menos..." "Is there anything I can help you with?" "Yes, you can sweeten our bitter problems with your sugared kisses," he thoughtbubbles, but is silent until after the commercial. Then he thinks: "She's bitten by the little ant of curiosity, it's the right time to ask..." Out loud: "As a matter of fact, Licenciada, I have a cousin who needs work urgently, her father died recently, she's a hard-worker..." "Well, as a matter of fact, Juan, I need a secretary/personal assistant urgently, can the cousin come interview this very day?" Of course, exults Juan.

  • Also exulting is Pastor as he tells Yvonne he'll explode if he doesn't share the joy of his weekend with Juan (blackmailed, owing to his urgent need for a salary advance, into nigh-constant attendance upon the little fellow). She wants to know if they got busy, but Pastor loftily informs her there are things more important than pleasures of the flesh. "He was a tender angel, he came upon me when I was drunk but didn't take advantage, what a gentleman, he put me to bed... he went out to lunch with me and Mommy." Yvonne is incredulous, he didn't run away from the harpie? "No, he was patient... He's so sensitive, I'll have to move forward with feet of lead, I love the slow fire of seduction."

  • While Pastor is waggling his rear end, slowly, as some sort of visual aid (isn't this the waggle bees use when showing other bees where to find the clover?), Cesar Luis comes up from behind and asks him to come in his office. "Here is a giant heap of boring educational materials I got at the seminar. I want you to educate yourself with it in case my wife Monika grills you - I told her you were there with me." Then Cesar says he'll explode if HE doesn't share HIS problems. He begins. (Yawn.)

    Gaitan: "You've always liked fresh meat here at the office. Is it just sexual this time, another of your usual conquests, or are feelings involved?" "I'm in love with Paula!" "Did you get busy?" "A gentleman never remembers things like that." "If you want a helpful diagnosis you're going to have to tell." "OK, OK, we did it...

    "And now I want to ask Monika for a separation, but she tells me she's pregnant. We never wanted kids! I'm so confused! What do you think?" "I think you should continue on with both of them for a while..." "But my passion is burning me!" "That's when men make their worst decisions. Give it time. On the one hand, there's stability, and Monika is a great woman. On the other side, there's adventure, the unknown... Divorce would be a financial disaster. If you're not completely sure, don't make a decision you might live to regret."

  • Juan arrives in the vehicular underworld and cheerily asks Fernando, "How're they hanging?" (uvas=grapes) Fernando grumpily asks for the money Juan borrowed. "Did we breakfast with the scorpions?" (Get up on the wrong side of the bed.) asks Juan.

    He calls Marely and tells her to come for her interview. Marely jumps up to get dressed and Yadira decides she'd like to go too, she wants to see Fernando. Marely says they don't work in the same place and men don't like to be bothered at work. "If you try to give him a surprise, the one who is surprised might be you!" Yadira knows there's more to this but can't squeeze it out of her little sister.

  • Gaitan gives Juan the promised authorization for an advance - accompanied, as usual, with more complacent bull-hockey about mutual cooperation and understanding etc.

  • Pastor's secretary tells Juan somebody's waiting for him. He squeaks excitedly thinking it'll be Marely, but it's Enrique instead (here to get the money Juan owes). Oh no! Now, Juan notes bitterly, all the extras (who are standing around in the background throughout this whole episode doing nothing) will think he squeaked for joy about Kike and his reputation will be further damaged. He gets on his knees and crawls past to avoid his irritable creditor.

  • The Silver Fox enters Paula's lair, closes her shades, and delivers a long repetitive monologue about "lo nuestro" - our relationship. It boils down to, he wants to keep shagging her. He strokes her thigh, guácala! She says "It was a mistake and I don't want to make any more mistakes. Come back when you're a free man."

  • Meanwhile, Monika arrives to give her hubbie a friendly surprise. In classic farcical style, Yvonne is delighted and keeps trying to make sure Monika catches her husband with Paula while Pastor desperately runs interference, hissing to Yvonne that her attempts to get Caesar busted will end in ruination for all of them.

    Yvonne, a woman scorned, doesn't really care. She goes into Cesar's office, where Monika is waiting, and is enthusing to her about what a romantic place Taxco is, and it's too bad Monika couldn't get there, and she's getting ready to reveal that CL's companion throughout the banana-tinted extravaganza was - not a short fat guy - but a tall dishy gal with expensive cleavage - when - in swoops the short fat guy! He stops Yvonne mid-revelation and she stumps out frustrated.

    Pastor chats with Monika about all the excellent educational materials he got educated with in Taxco.

  • Yvonne warns Cesar, fresh from his nauseating meeting with Paula, that she plans to snitch on him! He mocks, "there's no grief like that of somebody who's sad because somebody else is happy."

    "You won't be happy long, cause your wife's in your office." Muy impactado, Cesar orders Pastor to keep Paula occupied for ten minutes. He slides into his office and tries, very poorly, to look all happy that his wife has come to visit.

    She says she wants him to go to a doctor's appointment with her in an hour. "Let's go now." "We don't have to, there's plenty of time." "No, the traffic's just horrible! Let's leave right this second."

  • Paula tells Pastor she needs a secretary right away (the previous one was fired at the same time as her corrupt boss) and she has one in mind, Juan's hardworking cousin. For some reason this makes Pastor impactado.

  • Kike mocks Juan, who's now queueing up trying to get his check: "The big executive has to stand in line like an ordinary mortal!" "We have a magical word, DEMOCRACY, here. And we have three basic philosophical principles:
    1. Ponte trucha Make yourself a trout?
    2. Don't sleep
    3. Punctuality.
    Kike sneers: "You're the big right-hand man and the cashier doesn't even know your name?" "She's new, don't embarrass her." Juan is mortified by how tiny his check is and shows it to Kike, it won't even make a dent in what he owes. It's all a stalemate and will be resolved later.

  • Ana kaffeeklatches with her friend Rosario, who has lost her job, along with a bunch of other people at her place of employ (Cachon Transportation), including Alirio!

  • The recently-fired Alirio indignantly tells Nidia he was the brain of the business and they'll end in ruin without him. She says she doesn't care, he'll find something else, but he better not be thinking of mooching off her, and "you better keep forking out, or there's not gonna be a marriage." (apoquinar = "fork out")

    He fondly calls her materialistic and says he'll now be a free agent. In the meantime, he emptied Samuel's lockbox and got lots of important papers plus the checkbook (which Alirio claims to have burned, because he's an honest man).

    "And did you check that one little detail?" "Yes, Nidia, I did, and guess what - Ana Davila's house is in Samuel's name, so according to the fake will I forged for you, you own it along with everything else! I'm the man!"

    Nidia goes into venal rapture, chanting "MIO MIO MIO," (mine mine mine), her personal mantra. She wants to put Ana out on the street. Alirio again warns her not to push her luck, but she can't stop gloating. She calls Ana immediately with the happy news: "I own your house, you'll be on the street soon."

    Ana gets a resolute, angry look on her face, and will hold that face till it freezes, or that is, until Monday.


Zorro - July 19, 2007 Pirates, Cannibals and Gypsies, oh my!

EPISODE - July 19, 2007:
* Alej finds D in his Z-wardrobe with Esmy and B at the river bank. Alej is baffled and needs an explanation. As D hems and hahs to finally say he will explain later, the cannibals approach across the river. B tosses D a spear - D fights the whole bunch off brilliantly and masterfully. Alej is even more bewildered and baffled by his son.

* Gerardo treats Olmos' wounds at the secret hideout and they talk about Monty and MA. Gerardo tells him about the pirates that have arrived in town that may be willing to help for the right price. Olmos needs to find and get vengeance against MA. Olmos gives Gerardo the keys to his private treasure chests - take what will be needed to contract with the pirates. Olmos tells Gerardo to make sure that MA will be his, only his. Gerardo agrees and takes the keys.

* Walking through river, D takes sword from sand and returns to shore and talks with B. Alej realizes that his son is the famous Zorro. D, B and Esmy look like three kids caught doing something wrong.

* Gerardo goes to town bar to hire the pirates for the scheme to trap MA. Gerardo shows them the small chest of gold coins. They examine the coins as they go over initial information of the plan.

* B picks up Z mask and hands it to D. D explains to them how Monty died. Esmy asks about MA. D says he found a part of her dress but hasn't found any sight of her at all - maybe the cannibals got her. Esmy knows the two had done lots of harm to everyone but thinks that is too horrible a fate for MA. D consoles her.

* Javier finds Laisha on the hilltop tree, crying over being ostrasized from the gypsies. They discuss why she left. Laisha in tears, says good-bye to Javier and leaves.

* Esmy and B leave D and Alej alone on riverbank to talk. Alej notes that Esmy and B seem to know everything, and asks D why keep the secret from him all this time. D explains and apologizes - he kept the secret because he wanted to protect his family. Alej feels foolish for believing all this time that D was a hopeless loser who failed military school. D apologizes for the lies and secrets to Alej. Alej apologizes for being confused and says that he has always been proud of D, his son. D continues to apologize for the lies and secrets to his dad. Alej says again that he has always been and will always be proud of D.

(cue theme song and opening credits)

* Dena and Dolly walk downstairs to greet Mercedes(SK) and all the gypsies. Dena bows to Mercedes; Mercedes says don't do that. Dena apologizes for Fernando's actions against her; Mercedes says that isn't needed, and then proceeds to thank Dena for being a second mother to her daughter Esmeralda. Dena presents and hands Mercedes her grandson, Alejandrito. Mercedes presents her grandson Prince Alejandro to the gypsies, who cheer enthusiastically.

* MP, with bag, finds Fer in hillside meadow.

* Gerardo sits with Olmos in the hide-out and tells him of the meeting with the pirates. Olmos curses MA. Gerardo then tells him about the rumors swirling in town about MA's death. Olmos grits his teeth and says she is a devil like him and isn't dead.

* Esmy, B, D and Alej walk away from riverbank to a clearing. D, with mask on, tells Alej not to come with him now. Alej is confused. D says there are major implications to his Zorro identity and he will explain everything later. Alej agrees and has confidence in his son. D kisses Esmy and then leaves with B. Alej asks Esmy to tell him about his son D as they walk back to the hacienda. Esmy smiles and says of course - she's dying to hold her son again.

* MP and Fer reunite in the hilltop meadow. MP wants them to runaway together and start a new life. Fer says later, first he needs to find his daughter MA. MP is confused. Fer explains. She convinces him that they are meant to be together - she is his happiness, he is hers. They kiss.

* Esmy and Alej make it back to the hacienda. Dena welcomes Esmy back with a hug; she then gives Alej a big hug and kiss. Esmy hugs her mom Mercedes and then holds her son in her arms. Alej makes an announcement to the crowd about Jacomo's arrest and Monty's death. Dolly asks about MA. Esmy pipes in about Zorro's help; Alej plays along with the story and adds to it. Mercedes thanks Alej and his men for their help in freeing the town and all the townspeople from the nightmare. Everyone cheers.

* Bare and blood-caked legs and feet move through the forest floor filled with leaves and twigs...

* Gerardo shoves Agapito into the hideout. Agapito is impactado to see Olmos and the extreme extent of his injuries. Gerardo explains Olmos has been wounded many times but is still living. Gerardo and Agapito talk about the rumors in town of Monty's death as Agapito gets to work.

* Bloody legs and feet walk through the mud... Lady (MA) screams at the sight of Monty's piranha eaten skeleton inside his uniform laying on the ground.

* D, in his civilian duds, runs downstairs to greet Esmy and his son. Dena notes his scars and asks about them - Esmy starts another Zorro story of which D continues with. Dolly says how worried she's been. The Zorro story continues to grow. Alej approaches in his civilian duds; D is happy to see his dad, and whispers that they should go talk soon. Esmy stops D and introduces him to her mom Mercedes, and the gypsies. Jonas talks with them; Alej announces that there will be a huge party at the hacienda to celebrate. As everyone applauds, Alej pulls D aside to go talk in private.

* ML meets with PT at the governor's place. ML is going to renounce her position in favor of Mercedes taking her place. PT is surprised and tries to understand the reasons. ML says it is the only right and just thing to do. PT commemorates ML for her wisdom, and will help her with the plan. ML asks PT about Zorro.

* In private, D reveals everything (the whole truth) to dad about his two identities. Alej is baffled. D then says that from an early age it was PT who taught him the most. Alej is impactado. As D tries to explain PT and the mystery group, D decides it maybe best to show dad and goes to the bookshelf and opens the secret door. Alej stands in awe and impactado as D enters the door. D has to return to usher Alej to follow him. On the other side of the door, Alej is amazed by the tunnel and and Z-cave. D explains how he and his indian friends had found and played in it as children. D shows Alej all his Zorro arms; Alej spots Tornado - D explains how PT found the horse as a young colt and how it became his. Alej expresses his bewilderment over D's secret true identity. D explains why he had been living the double life. Alej is even prouder now than before of his own son, and vows to help him however and whenever D will permit it. Also, Alej assures D that his secret is safe with him.

* At the hacienda at night, Alej washes up as he talks with Dena. She's worried about the cuts on D's face - Alej assures her that D is fine just fine. She notes how happy Alej is tonight. Alej explains that he's happy because of his family being at home - D, Esmy, little Alej, her. He remarks if he's not too young to be a grandfather. She laughs and jokes about her age.

* D enters bedroom and goes to sit with Esmy and little Alej on the bed. Esmy is happy that her mom is there also. D says they're all family. Esmy is concerned and worried about MA. d says don't worry about that. He focuses them back on their son. They kiss.

* Dena breaks the mood by telling Alej the shocking news that MP ran away to be with Fer. He's very impactado. She explains MP's reasons and her arguments and position on the subject of her brother. Alej will have to come up with a resolution. Dena has faith that Alej will do what is fair and just.

* D brings Esmy, with eyes closed, into a bedroom with petals and lit candles all over. He says "Open your eyes." She is enchanted with all the sight. They kiss - how romantic the scene! In bed, undercovers, he pulls out a ring from behind his head (Magic!) and asks Esmy to marry him. Esmy says what's been in her heart all along - YES! I ACCEPT! D slips the ring on her finger and they kiss.

* Toby packs his things. Cata is beside herself begging and pleading for Toby to change his mind and not leave. He can't forget what she did with Piza. She tries to apologize and say it won't ever happen again - she's learned her lesson. He can't forgive or forget or accept her apology. As he starts to the door, she yells for him to stop and explain why did he marry her then, when so many others wanted her as much. He explains that he wanted to be her husband even more than the others - that's why he married her. She had no clue - He says See you never! and leaves. She's impactado as she sits on the bed.

* Gerardo and Olmos, in heavy dark cloak, meet with pirates at the bar. Olmos grunts that he isn't afraid of anything. Pirates laugh and comment. Gerardo gives more details of the plan and how the Queen's presence will help them. Olmos grunts. Pirates laugh in agreement. Olmos grimaces. Gerardo reminds Olmos of the rumors of MA's death - Olmos doesn't believe it's true - any body found - no - then she's not dead.

* Farmer drops two men off in meadow and points in the direction for them to go. The men start walking, but then get scared and run in the opposite direction - they are frightened by the sight of bloody MA walking towards them.

* Mercedes and Esmy meet with cousin ML in the Queen's court office. ML drops the surprise that she has renounced the crown so Mercedes can take her place. Mercedes is stunned speechless. ML says that now Mercedes will be Queen of the gypsies and Queen of all Spain. Esmy smiles with pride.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Juan Querendon - Thurs 7/19 - Preempted by "Noche de Estrellas" so a vocabulary lesson instead

Greetings folks, you may have noticed that Yo Amo a Juan Querendón is preempted tonight. I've tried to keep track of our vocab words and phrases (LOTS of slang phrases and dichos) from the show so I will post what I have so far instead of a recap.

Also, on July 28th I will be on vacation for three weeks and it will be impossible for me to recap or even watch a television. If somebody could 1) do the Thursday recaps or 2) just post a date and title and let people comment about what happens I would greatly appreciate it. I will be back on August 18 and will resume my duties after that date.

aguasfiesta = killjoy, party pooper, rainer on parades

animal de bellota = Blockhead

andar con pies de plomo = tread carefully (lit. go with lead feet)

Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. = You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. (lit. Although the monkey wears silk he's still a monkey.)

bienestar = well-being, contentment

bocón = bigmouth

caguamas = Mexican slang for 40 oz. of Carta Blanca beer.

Chiquilla = a kid, a youngster (girl)

cinturita de hormiga = little-ant-waist-hourglass-figure

corazón de melon = melon-heart, sweetest part of the fruit

La Cuaresma = Lent

desubicado = confused

delgada = thin, slim

dejar a plantado alguien = to stand somebody up

descortés = discourteous

echar la sal = put a jinx on (lit. rub in the salt)

guateque = party, fiesta

hablando del rey de roma = speaking of the devil (lit. speaking of the king of rome)

hay gato encerrado = there's something fishy going on (lit. there's a locked-up cat)

jolgorio = partying down, merrymaking

madrugadora =up so early, early riser


muerto de hambre = penniless schmuck

payaso= clown

pechonalidad =Spanish combination of Pecho (Chest) and Personalidad (Personality). Used to describe a Woman's personality based on the size of her chest.

plato de segunda mesa = second best

Primero cae un hablador que un cojo. = A gossiper falls harder than a cripple.

puñulada trapera = A stab in the back

putadísima = SOB, bastard, pain in the ass.


rollitos = tall tales

Soy una tumba. = My lips are sealed. (lit. I'm a tomb)

tener buen diente = to have a good appetite

Toma chango tu banano! = When the cat’s away the mouse will play (lit. Monkey, take your banana, which means, I think, something like if the fruit's available then the monkey's going to grab it.)

Un clavo saca otro clavo = There are other fish in the sea (lit. A new nail drives out the other.)

va a quedar bañada en oro = gonna be bathing/swimming in gold

yegua = mare, filly

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Amar Sin Limites #2, Wednesday, 7-18: The Train to Sexiville is Currently Boarding

Previously on Amar Sin Limites: We met a bunch of people I'm having a hard time keeping straight today :) We begin back where we left off, with Azul trying to get Diego to open the shop early so she can get a suit for Mauricio. Diego says he won't help her because she's a liar. She apologizes for lying and he asks after her disabled daughter. She explains that she's in a big hurry, but we hear "ay, yi, yi, help me!" from inside the store. Diego goes off to help his second desperate woman of the day (wow, and the shop's not even open yet), one of the employees who's being attacked by a mannequin (yeah, they can be vicious). He goes back to Azul and tells her he can't help her, but she swears it'll won't take "nadita" (a little nothing--in other words she won't take long). He laughs at "nadita" and asks exactly how long that is. She talks him into it and he asks what she needs. Just as she says she needs a suit, the phone rings. It's Diego's mom on the phone wanting to know how he is since he left so early in the morning. He tells her he's fine and he'll call her later. He heads back to Azul, but Don Chucho (one of the three wise men from upstairs) gives him Doctor Ortiz's pants that are supposed to be picked up that morning and can Diego put a dust cover on them. Diego leaves the pants on the counter and goes over to attend to Azul, who has picked out a suit, but can't decide on the color. He asks if it's for an older person and before she can answer, he's interrupted again by another employee asking where to put the shirts. He tells the guy to put them on the display over there and turns his attention back to Azul, trying to figure out who the suit is for. He apologizes, saying the store's a disaster area before they're actually open (ha! That's what he gets for being distracted by the pretty instead of sticking to his guns about not being open yet!). A delivery guy is up next, asking Diego to sign a receipt. Azul then hightails it out of the shop, saying she's running late. Well, we've now established that these two have some chemistry and that the store can't function without Diego's attention. Moving on… At Casa Diego, Mama is making coffee and Papa asks where Diego is. She says he's already left. Did he have breakfast? Mama doesn't know, he was already gone when she woke up. Papa asks if she's feeling bad. Mama says, "I'm tired of you always blaming my illness, can't I be feeling bad for things that have nothing to do with my health?" Papa is cowed now and gives a "Yes, it's just…" "Do you remember what happened last night? Do you realize what you said to Diego?" "The truth, I told him the truth, that he's an inutil at 30 years old, that he still doesn't know what he wants out of life. Or are you going to tell me that's not true?" ("Inutil" meaning "useless"; what Papa said literally was "he's a useless"; it's an adjective, but put an article in front of it and you can use it as a noun.) Nope, that's not the answer Mama was looking for. "You told him that for us it was a nightmare that he'd come back." "It's true," Papa says, "We have our life organized, we have our ways of doing things, and 'that' shows up again." "'THAT'? He's our son! I'd rather he be here with us in that messy room than out on the street living with who knows who, or where." Papa caves and, for Mama, to make her feel better, he agrees to play nice. Azul's at the bank, wondering why her card won't work. The answer: It's an additional card and the main cardholder hasn't paid the bill for six months. Grouchy Scientist Dad (see above re: main cardholder) is in his lab showing off his fencing foil to a fellow lab rat. He then wields it at another fellow lab rat holding a beaker of a greenish-brown liquid. Lab Rat #2 calls GSD "Robin Hood". GSD objects, saying that Robin Hood used arrows and that the lab rat can call him D'Artagnan or Cyrano de Bergerac. Back at the suit shop, Mama has come to visit Diego at work. She compliments him on how handsome he looks in a suit (yeah, she's right, he cleans up good…sigh). She wants to talk about what happened last night with Papa. She doesn't want them to go on the way they've been. Papa says things without thinking and later he's sorry. Diego tells her even she doesn't believe that. She tells him she doesn't want his homecoming to be like this and she wants him to promise he'll try to get along with his dad and that he'll talk to him. He says does want to talk to his dad because he's got stuff to say to him. He says he respects what Papa says because he's his dad, but he wishes Papa would look in the mirror and realize he's imperfect just like everyone else, and that he would be closer to them (the whole family, I presume). He tells Mama not to worry about it any more and that he's got to keep chambeando (working; "chambear" is a new one for me, but I notice Azul's roommate has also used it) so she should go home. He says it nicely, though, tells her he loves her kisses her hand. He calls her "jefa" which literally means "boss [lady]," but using "jefa" and "jefe" for parents is an acceptable usage and not necessarily disrespectful depending on how you say it. At Casa Millionario, Azul is complaining to Mauricio that she made un ridiculo ("a ridiculous"; see above re: adjectives used as nouns) in front of the bank employee and then it turned out that GSD hasn't paid the bill in six months. Mauricio tells her it's her dad's problem and she shouldn't get anxious like that; let dad live how he likes or how he can, Mauricio and Azul will do their own thing. He tells her not to worry about money because he'd proposed that they work together on that project. He says whatever he makes every day is hers too. She thanks him, but says she doesn’t think her dad will accept the job. Mauricio fakes like he doesn't care one way or the other. He's convincing too. Conniving, two-faced liar that he is. He says one shouldn't mix business and personal, but he and Azul are "different". He says she's the perfect person to manage Personnel and he's going to have a business credit card issued to her. She objects, but I'm like, "hey, girlfriend, take it!" Diego is packing up to leave the house. He goes downstairs with his bag, appears to have forgotten something, runs back upstairs, and then runs back down when he hears knocking. It's papa coming in the front door. I have no idea what all the running up and down stairs was about. Papa asks where he's going and asks him to take his bag back upstairs. Diego gets all pouty and says it's better for everyone if he leaves, he's got somewhere to stay, don't worry about him. Papa says he should stay and quit playing the victim as if Papa had run him off. Diego says he did run him off last night. Papa wants to drop it, but Diego repeats the stuff Papa said last night. They get back on that argument again and Papa says maybe he didn't express himself well and maybe Diego misunderstood him. Diego says that's the problem, he's never understood Papa. These two are going to drive me nuts! Papa asks Diego to stay again; Diego says he'd rather leave; Papa tells him to stay…for MAMA (ooh, playing the Mom Card); Diego tells him the constant fighting isn't good for him, or Papa, or Mama (or me! Add me to the list!), but it looks like he's giving in. Mama is at school, tutoring a kid with a broken leg. The kid's mom comes up and Mama tells her the kid's smart; she replies that he's got such a good teacher. The kid's mom doesn't know how to pay her for what she's doing for the kid. Mama says with the tamales (mmm, tamales!) the kid's mom's been bringing she feels quite well paid, and besides it's the government who pays her. The kid's mom says they pay her "repoquito" (very, very little; poco = little; the "-ito" suffix means "little"; stick "re-" in front of anything and it means "very" or "way" as in the sentence "Diego es rechulo," meaning "Diego's way cute!"). Mama has some kind of a pain and sits down. The kid's mom and the kid wonder what's wrong, but Mama plays it off like it's nothing, she just got a little dizzy. A woman with lovely curly hair that I covet asks Azul about her thesis. Aha! So Azul's a grad student. Her advisor (I'm guessing) says she was reading over what Azul's done so far and the topic looks good, but the planteamiento (the approach; in this context, I think she means her thesis proposal) is weak and lacks definition (okay, so she's probably not done a good job of clearly stating her research question…what? I'm taking a research methods class this semester, I can't help it!). Azul says it's that she doesn't have a lot of time, she's doing a thousand things. Her advisor says it shows, it looks like she did it in a hurry. She asks why Azul doesn't start over from scratch. She reminds Azul that she's got two materias (classes) left to get her psych degree. Azul finally says her advisor's name, Emilia (thank you!) and tells her she was thinking…. Emilia tells her to focus on her thesis and think of other things later; Azul's smart, it would be a shame if she ended up doing a mediocre job on it. At the pool hall, Diego and his buddy are playing dominos. The owner comes up and calls them her "misery" duet. She puts the place in their hands. The buddy flirts with her and she tells him she won't raise his salary. They joke about how she pays him "una miseria" (a pittance; another adjective-as-noun) and that's why they're her "misery" duet. Emilia is in…her other office?...sitting at a desk writing while she talks to a woman in green who's standing behind her. The woman in green admires the painting on the wall. Emilia says she put it up when… and then changes her mind about what she was going to say and says it hasn't been up a year yet. The woman in green says she's happy to be in Emilia's house and Emilia says she's happy too and hands the woman in green a receta (I'm going to guess a prescription rather than a recipe, given Emilia's profession, but we really don't know). The woman in green thanks her. Diego's telling his buddy about meeting Azul that morning. He says she had "su caracter" (her character; a strong character). The buddy says "even though she was arrogant?" Diego says he loves "viejas" like that. Viejas literally means "old women" and this is another one of those words that has many different meanings based on the context and the tone. He's obviously talking about women in general. It can also be used in the singular to mean one's mother or one's wife (as in "my old lady") and you can use the masculine the same way ("mi viejo" to mean "my dad" or "my husband"). Generally speaking, I consider it disrespectful, but again, context matters and tone matters and who one is calling a "viejo" or "vieja" matters. And, wow am I going on and on about the vocab tonight. Anyway, Diego continues saying he likes strong, secure women. His buddy jokes that Diego just likes women in general. Diego objects, saying he doesn't like them "all", especially not other men's women (an odd thing to say, but he's got to say it now so it can come back to bite him later) because he doesn't like to get into "camisa de once varas" (literally "shirt of eleven sticks"; he means "get into trouble"). His buddy asks, "Even if they look like the girl from this morning?" Heh. Diego looks pensive. It should be noted that Diego and his buddy refer to each other as "viejo". Azul is back at home, working on something. Her roomie is home early since work was slow. Azul shows her the organizational chart she was working on for Mauricio's company. She wants to make some structural changes. She tells her roomie she's going to go work with Mauricio because it's the best thing to do. The next day (I'm guessing based on wardrobe changes), Diego and his buddy are back at the pool hall eating some lentils that Isela (lovely owner of the pool hall) made. The buddy tells her they're "succulent" like Isela is. Oh, what a flirt. She chases him off to go take care of some customers and then sits with Diego and asks him how he is. She says his eyes aren't sparkling. He tells her it's his dad and repeats all the stuff his dad said the first night he came home. She tells him his dad won't change. She tells him he can come back and stay there any time he likes. He declines and says it hurts that his dad has such a low opinion of him. Then he starts in with "maybe he's right", but Isela's not buying that any more than I am. She tells him he's just had some bad luck and says if there's anything she can do to help him, she will. He tells her she's maaaahvelous. Diego's Mama comes into his room and is pleased to see that he's moved back in (I think they messed up the timeline a bit here--shouldn't she have found out he moved back in the previous day?). She goes down to the kitchen and sits down at the table with another mystery pain. Papa calls to her that the novela has already started. She's breathing through the pain as Papa comes into the kitchen and asks what happened and whether she's feeling bad. He asks what's up now. She says "I'm tired of you. The only thing it occurs to you to do is follow me around asking if I feel bad. What are you? My husband or my nurse?" She walks out of the kitchen as Papa stands there looking confused. Diego's sister (I think) comes into an office. Her boss looks at the time and says if he'd realized how late it was, he would have told her to go home. He offers to take her home since she stayed so late and asks when Paco's coming to fix the computer (answer: tomorrow or the day after, since he's actually been busy with work, thankfully). She accepts his offer of a ride home ("It really wouldn't be too much trouble?") and then we see Boss Man on the phone to his wife while he stands next to his car, trying to convince her to come to dinner with them. She's not interested though. He gets in the car. Diego, who from the looks of the lighting, has been at the pool hall all day, is still getting Isela's version of a pep talk ("Don't be stupid!"). She tells him he should prove his dad wrong. He says he's not sure his dad is wrong. She's had enough of his whining by now and says she's not sure either, hombrecito (little man), and walks off. At the restaurant, Boss Man and Little Sister have finished dinner. LS plays with her coffee as BM (ha!) drones on and on about how his family's fortune got squandered away. He asks if he's boring her, but she says "no," so he continues…let that be a lesson to all of us! He finishes his story, asks about boring her again, gets a "no" again, and then tells her he has something to tell her, since the wine has given him confidence. He tells her (Lidia is her name) that she's beautiful. Diego comes home and hears someone singing in the kitchen. Looks like Abuelo (grandfather)has come to visit. They're both really happy to see each other and Diego weeps like a baby on Abuelo's shoulder. Abuelo tells him, literally, to cry 'till he's dry. Silvana (formerly the woman in green) is fixing up her bed on Emilia's couch and thanking her again. Emilia says she's not only her therapist she's also her sister-in-law. Or at least, she was until (from what I can put together from the conversation) Hugo, her brother, left Silvana after the death of their child. He hasn't talked to Emilia since he went to the hospital to tell Silvana he was leaving her, although even Emilia isn't clear about exactly who doesn't want to talk to whom. Emilia says that everyone dealt with what happened as best they could, but the hardest part fell to Silvana and Hugo, "you te derrumbaste ("you had a breakdown") and Hugo distanced himself from everyone." Diego is apologizing for his weeping and Abuelo wants to know what's up. Diego says he feels alone since Valeria…Abuelo guesses that Valeria left Diego. Diego tells him about the money and coming home and arguing with Papa. Abuelo's heard the last part of that story before, from the look on his face. He asks about Valeria and the money and Diego tells him it was the rent money plus all his savings. Abuelo utters his favorite exclamation "Valgame Dios" ("God save me!"; all-purpose expression of surprise). Diego says Abuelo's the only one who really understands him. Abuelo reminds him that "la suerte está echada" (the die is cast; your fate is written; que será, será). Abuelo offers to lend Diego money, but Diego says it's enough that Abuelo is there for him, he feels better just seeing Abuelo. Diego says he's got a lot he wants to tell him, but they've got time and besides, they're stuck sharing a room. Diego weeps again at how happy he is to see his grandfather. Back at the restaurant, Lidia's not bothered by what her boss said to her. He wonders if people will think it's the usual "boss and secretary" thing and Lidia says she doesn't care what people think and besides, they're not doing anything wrong (okay, she's obviously playing out of a different moral rulebook than mine; on the other hand they haven't done anything but eat dinner…yet!). She says they're just having dinner and since they work so closely together they really should get along. He says the boss-secretary relationship is important since they spend all day together. She helps him, she listens to him…she understands him. Lidia says they only talk about work and she doesn't know how he is outside of the office. He says that's why it's good they're getting to know each other in a different way. She says she admires him, he's a smart man, she'd like to be like him *giggle* (her, not me) and they're not doing anything wrong and if they manage it well nothing will happen. He says after they finish their cigarettes he'll take her home. Uh-huh. In the kitchen of Casa Diego, Abuelo brings salt and lime to the table. Abuelo knows how to par-tay! Diego pours the tequila shots as he tells Abuelo that he had this crazy fantasy that when he came home they'd welcome him with open arms (okay, I wouldn't call that a crazy fantasy, per se, except that if his father's always been this way then Diego should have known what to expect). Abuelo asks if his daughter was also rude to Diego and Diego says no, she's so good and sometimes she's so good she lets Papa step all over her (wow, the family dynamics going on here and each person's perception of how the family operates is just fascinating to watch…okay, I'm being a psych nerd again, sorry…carry on). Abuelo says Mama never had a very strong character (oh, I beg to differ!) and that's why Diego, as the son, should have done something. Diego tells Abuelo that Mama must have done something because Papa asked him to stay and they have a laugh at the image of Papa "begging" Diego to stay. Abuelo says he never liked Papa as a son-in-law, but Mama picked him. (Dude, you're not helping.) Abuelo asks what Diego will do now and Diego says he'll stay there until either he or his dad can't take it anymore, but he says he'd like to stay close since Mama hasn't been doing well lately. Abuelo asks if she's sick and what with, but Diego doesn't know. Abuelo gives another "Valgame Dios!" and says it's a good idea he came to visit since he's got a lot of things to fix…starting with Diego needing to toughen up and not let anyone take advantage of him again. He tells Diego "Pa' los toros del Jaral, los caballos de allá mismo" which means "For the bulls from el Jaral (a famous hacienda in Guanajuato), the horses from there too"; in other words, stick to your own kind (thank you, Internet! The idiomatic phrases tonight are running me in circles!). Abuelo is talking about Valeria ("that vieja") running off with all Diego's money. Diego says that's not going to happen again. Mama and Papa come home with rotisserie chicken (which Abuelo calls "burnt chicken"). Papa tells Abuelo that his daugher's not going to give him the pleasure of cooking for him. Mama says to ignore him, he's jealous. Papa says, "look at the chillon (the wailer; the whiner) how his face has changed because his Abuelito arrived." Diego and Abuelo just look at each other and laugh. Azul visits GSD in his lab and slaps a folder down on the counter next to GSD's microscope. GSD tells her to be careful because "this is very delicate". He asks what it is and she tells him it's the payment of his debt for the credit card plus all the interest. He asks her why she paid it. She's like, "Duh! Cause otherwise we'd have lost our account at the bank and the apartment, that's all." He brushes it off, "oh, it sounds like you're exaggerating". She says she's tired of taking care of his stuff and why isn't he capable of being responsible for himself. (observation: Azul and Diego both have daddy issues. Just saying.) He asks what she's talking about (and he's not even bothering to look at her by this point). She says she's talking about paying his debts, that if he wants to spend all his money, that's his affair, but he needs to start being responsible because she doesn't want to spend the little that she's saved paying off his debts. She starts crying and reminds him she doesn't have a job. Okay, now she's got his attention again. She reminds him that her savings are for her to live off of until she has a job. He asks if she doesn't still have the money her mother left her. She tells him her mother left them both money and he spent all his on his lab with the argument that the government hadn't helped him. He asks her not to speak to him in that tone of voice because he's her father and he's not going to tolerate her rudeness. She says, "Oh, now I'M being rude?" He says he gets it, she's trying to pressure him to go work for her "beloved Marcelo". "Mauricio!" "Yeah, I know, Mauricio, Marcelo it's all the same to me." She says that everything she tells him goes in one ear and out the other. He says fine, his name is Mauricio and he's saved it to the hard drive (he points to his head) in a folder with the label "my daughter's boyfriend". She tells him all she wants is for him to be the dad and her to be the kid and she cries that she's tired of things going on this way. He says he knows he's not the dad she wants, but he's the one she's got and he loves her, "come on, now, a smile…" he lifts the corners of her mouth saying, "this one this way and that one that way." Eh, he can be charming when he wants to. They both cry and hug and say they love each other. Mauricio's henchman has brought him an invoice or purchase order of some sort. Mauricio asks about the taxes on some of the chemicals and Hench says he'll have an answer from the importer by tomorrow at the latest. Mauricio wants to know what happened with Benjamin (the guy he fired the day before). Hench says there are some problems, but the lab can't stay empty and he thinks Mauricio should put more pressure on GSD. Mauricio says to leave it to him and not worry. Diego's Mama has gone to the doctor. The doctor says it's strange that she came by herself. She says she doesn't feel well and she has a presentimiento (she's got a baaaad feeling about something). The dramatic music agrees with her. Silvana is…somewhere…an outdoor mercado, looks like. She's wearing sunglasses and has her hair covered with a scarf. She stops outside a store with a sign that says they rent tables and chairs. The scene cuts to her taking a bag of something and stuffing it in her purse, then handing a man a piece of paper or maybe some money. It's all shot from overhead, so it's kind of hard to tell what's going on. She walks back in the direction she came from. Mauricio has come to GSD's lab. GSD doesn't look pleased. He asks what Mauricio's doing there and whether Azul sent him to convince GSD to take the job. Mauricio says he was just in the neighborhood and stopped by to see if GSD wanted to grab a coffee. GSD says coffee wouldn't be bad, but it's got to be quick because he's got a ton of stuff to do. Fellow Lab Rat answers a ringing phone and tells GSD (Alfredo) the call's for him, it's a Benjamin Franco. Alfredo has no idea who that is…but we do! Lab Rat says it's the third time he's called. Alfredo answers the phone and Benjamin says "you don't know me, but I want to talk to you about Mauricio Duarte." Alfredo (and I swear, I don’t know if he really didn't get what the guy was saying or if he was playing dumb) says "Mauricio Duarte? Oh, he's right here, let me pass him the phone." Mauricio looks confused, but comes over to get the phone, puts on a big fake smile and says "of course, Benjamin Franco." He answers the phone and says "Hi, Benjamin, how'd you find out I was here and why didn't you call my cell?" Poor Benjamin looks freaked out and hangs up the phone. Alfredo asks who it was. Mauricio says it was someone he had worked with for a long time, but isn't it weird that the guy found him here and is Alfredo sure he doesn't know Benjamin? Alfredo says he doesn't and Mauricio just smiles. He probably thinks Benjamin now won't tell Alfredo about…whatever it is he was going to tell him. That he was unfairly fired by Mauricio? What Mauricio's evil plan is? Nah, if he knew that I have a feeling Mauricio wouldn't have told Hench to get rid of him "nicely". Silvana and Emilia are in her office. Silvana says she feels strange, maybe because she imagined "it" would be more difficult, that she wouldn't be able to go on. "The truth is that I'm surprised by how good I feel." Emilia asks what she doubted, her strength? Silvana says maybe and that now she feels supported but it keeps hurting. Emilia tells her it will take time. Silvana says she knows, but today she felt relief. She thinks that at some point she'll feel less anxiety and she'll be able to feel other things again. Emilia beams at her. At Lidia's office, her boss arrives and they give each other flirty "hello"s. Then the boss takes her hand, kisses it, and leads her away from her desk where they passionately…rub noses. Yep, that's it, nose rubbing. But I swear, it was the naughtiest thing…so much for "we're not doing anything wrong." Rubbing noses doesn't sound so bad on paper, but the way they looked at each other, come on! They hear someone coming into the office and guiltily separate (see, guilt! It's got to come from somewhere!). It's Paco, who's come to fix the computer. Lidia looks a little bit of a lot of things: guilty, confused, in need of a cold shower. Azul is going back to the suit shop. And oh, look, there's Diego coming down the stairs. I bet she didn't think he'd be there *wink, wink*. He says, "don't tell me, you're super busy…but at least this time when you leave say goodbye in a nicer way, yeah?" She apologizes for being rude on the previous visit and the female employee behind the desk gives Diego knowing looks behind Azul's back. Azul semi-breathlessly says she's got a lot more time today. Behind her back, Diego's coworker is signaling to him that he needs to say something. Diego tells Azul they've changed things around a bit and the suit she was looking at is upstairs. He lets her go up the stairs first so he can give a double thumbs up to his coworker behind Azul's back (and probably because he wants to watch her walk up the stairs--oh, come on, you were thinking it too). The coworker's got her hands up like "Dude, you are the luckiest man on the planet. How'd you get so lucky?" Diego tells Azul it's good she's got more time today, she can take her time choosing. He pulls out the jacket she'd been looking at, but she says she's not sure why she liked it now that she looks at it again and she needs something nicer, for a formal party. He says what she needs is an "esmoquín" (a tux). He pulls one out for her to look at and tells her it's made of this really great Italian fabric that never wrinkles. "Never wrinkles," she breathes. "Never." Wow, wrinkle-free fabric never sounded so sexy. Makes me want to do laundry just thinking about it. He asks who it's for. Aha, he's fishing for "do you have a boyfriend, yes or no?" But she says "for someone about your age. He's not really formal, but he's a little bit conservative." Nice dodge there, Azul! Diego pulls out a different jacket, proclaiming it to be a cut and color for more conservative tastes…special guarantee. She says it looks good, but it's difficult for her to imagine what it would look like on "him." Diego pulls a shirt off the shelf above, says "well," puts his hand up for her to wait, and walks off. She's just standing there saying "what?" I have to give my husband props for saying it was like the reverse of a guy going into a lingerie store and saying "You look like you're about my wife's/girlfriend's size, would you try this on for me?" Azul, however, is so smooth she didn't even have to ask. Girl's got mad skillz. After he walks off, she puts on a pair of reading glasses. Diego comes back out of the dressing room wearing the tux and says "Let's see, how does it look?" Looks good from here…oh, wait, he was asking Azul. We get slo-mo looks of longing from both of them as the theme music plays. Diego walks over to her and gets her permission to wrap her in a large piece of red silk cloth (I guess they keep it around and cut pieces from it to do custom pocket squares? But why isn't it upstairs with the guys who do the actual sewing? Maybe I'm overthinking this.) He wraps it around her like it's a strapless formal dress, then he takes the clip out of her hair and uses it to secure the fabric. Then he turns her around and takes off her glasses. They're all up in each other's faces all breathy and who's-gonna-kiss-whom-first. He turns her back around and stands behind her so they can look at themselves in the mirror. He asks her if she can imagine it now and kisses her on the cheek. And we end on that note. I'm thinking future eps will need to be accompanied by white wine and/or chocolate :) It won't be showing on Thursday because of the Premios de Juventud, but join us again on Friday as Mauricio plots dastardly deeds and pretty, pretty people make googly eyes at each other in slow motion.


Zorro Wednesday July 18, 2007: Where loose ends are being tied and Mangle's getting ready for dinner.

Montero, Mariangel, Diego/Zorro, and the Queen all make it out of the river, but at separate points. The Queen seems to come out closest to the falls and she prays to God for Zorro’s protection. She is thankful that he helped to rescue her from Monty (not too impressive of a rescue if she’s fishing herself out of the river, IMO). Mangle drags herself ashore and senses that something isn’t quite right—I’d say!! There are creepy looking people hanging in the trees above her. She picks up a large stick for protection. Monty calls out for Mangle, then thinks of Diego, and laughs. He’s sure that Zorro must have died (he’s not been paying attention to this show, has he; nobody seems to be able to die on this show, unless they are a minor character). He finds Zorro’s mask and then he really gets happy—Diego de la Vega is dead!! Not so true, Diego also gets out of the river and realizes he’s not in friendly territory. Not again, he mutters, as he realizes he’s in the land of the Kalakala, aka the cannibals. He’s upset because he’s without weapons and without a mask; they are surely going to recognize him from last time. He is also being watched from the trees, but doesn’t seem all that concerned. He figures out that Monty and Mangle must have also washed ashore in this area (he’s not worried about the Queen because he’s read the script and knows that she came ashore further upstream). Diego takes off to look for M&M and he’s followed by the creepy cannibals (CC).

Meanwhile, back at the hacienda, Esmeralda, Dolores, and Almudena gush over the baby and rehash their mutual love. Esme tells the women that God has been good to her, she’s been through some bad times, but now everything seems to be looking up for her. Dolores asks Esme to forgive her for not taking good care of little Alejandro. Esme says the most important thing is that Tisha/Alejandrito is okay.

Padre Tomás, riding along in a cart, finds the Queen on the riverbank. He is happy that she is alive. She tells him it is all thanks to Zorro and she gives a quick rehash of what happened. She tells PT that Zorro fell over the waterfall and wonders why he’s been called a bandit when all he’s done is fight against injustice. PT is concerned for Zorro/Diego.

Mangle continues onward carrying her stick, while suspenseful music plays. The audience can see the CC up in the trees, but for some reason Mangle does not bother looking upward.

Diego spots Montero and follows him from higher ground. He jumps out to face his nemesis and says, “We meet again.”

Fernando and Sara Kali are meeting face to face for the first time since he tried to kill her. He tells her that he’s a changed man and seen the error of his ways. She tells him she doesn’t believe him and asks what he wants from her. FS tells her all he would like is forgiveness because he truly regrets what he’s done---hurting her and her people. SK isn’t buying this and she gives a mini rehash of all the terrible things Fernando’s done to her---most specifically separating her from her daughter. Fernando says she’s right, and she’s the only person who should be able to take his life. FS hands her his knife and asks her to end it. SK says she’s dreamed of this moment but that he doesn’t deserve her hate. She stabs the knife into the ground and tells him that she won’t hurt him, but neither will she forgive him. Sara Kali says that she won’t be Fernando’s judge, only God will do that. Therefore, he needs to ask God for forgiveness because she wants nothing more to do with him (Fernando, not God, just to be clear on that).

Renzo stops Ana Camila (NAC) from leaving. He tells his wife that Esme was just a fantasy/ an illusion. NAC is his reality and he’s willing to fight for her. NAC says he doesn’t have to, “you already had me at hello.” They make some cooing sounds at each other and they kiss. Right at this moment, Camba calls out and bursts through the trees. What good fortune!!! He happens to find them in that spot at just that time; it is almost as if things are wrapping up quite nicely---as we push all logic aside.

Cifuentes comes to see SAM. He tells the sergeant that the men are willing to follow him and that he’s heard the Queen has been rescued (news travels fast). Esme walks up on the two men talking and asks Cifuentes if he’s heard anything about Mangle and Monty. Cifuentes rehashes about the whole Zorro and Monty over the falls story. Esme looks concerned and SAM tells her that he’s seen Zorro get out of worse jams than this, so he’s sure he’ll be okay (does SAM know that Zorro is Diego? I don’t think so, but then wouldn’t he wonder why Esme is so concerned about the bandit and also wonder why Diego isn’t around---but that’s been a problem the whole time with the secret identity thing---why ask now, so near the end. Heck if no one figured out that Clark Kent was Superman only using glasses as a disguise, I guess them not figuring Diego as Zorro with a mask is just as plausible).

Esme asks Dena to look after Tisha. She’s got to go find Diego. Dena offers to come along, but Esme tells her that Bernardo will join her, so don’t worry. She heads to the Fox Cave and has Bernardo gather the weapons. Bernie wants to come look for Diego, and Esme says it will be dangerous. Bernie is insistent and Esme agrees to let him come along.

Diego tells Monty that he’s going to make him come back to LA with him and that they are in CC land and Monty doesn’t believe him. Monty thinks it is a trick on Diego’s part. Diego tells him that they are being watched. Monty pulls out a knife from his boot and lunges for Diego, who is able to disarm the man. The men start to fight and Diego gets the upper hand and tells Monty that he’ll make him go back to LA to face the consequences for his actions. Diego says Monty should cooperate or otherwise Diego’s face will be the last thing he sees before he dies.

A wounded Pizarro is riding through town on Tobias’s horse, trying to rally the troops. He tells the men that the time has come to kill Montero, to stop him from abusing the town further. Tobias, Catalina, and Agapito come out into the town square and see Piza. Tobi calls him a thief for stealing his horse and Agapito comments that Piza’s wound is so severe, surely he’ll be dead soon. Just then, someone comes running into the plaza and announces that the Queen is free and Montero is dead. The townspeople get excited and in their frenzy knock Piza off the horse. They start to beat him. Tobi comments that Piza is getting what he deserved, he always wanted to be like Monty and would have been equally as cruel to the people of LA if given the chance.

PT and TQ come across Alejandro, who is glad to see that la reina is alive. They rehash some about Zorro saving her (again, not that impressive of a rescue if you ask me). The Queen comments about how in America the bandits fight for justice and the military are really bandits. Alej says that he’s always admired Zorro and he asks the Queen’s permission to go search for him. PT says that he’s also sent some natives to find Zorro (PT’s been a busy man---but I wonder is this the help that the cloaked men said they’d send? Because I have to say, this also isn’t that impressive, or perhaps their idea of help was to send PT out in a cart looking for the Queen).

Monty picks up a stick and hits Diego with it. He taunts him, telling him about how he tortured a pregnant Esme and calls Diego weak without a mask. Monty grabs the knife that Diego knocked out of his hand and instead of taking care of Diego right then and there, Monty runs off into the jungle.

Esme and Bernie are on Zorro’s trail and they find his whip. Just a note here, Esme made a big deal of Bernie getting the weapons ready, but it appears that all she brought along was her crossbow. Not quite the arsenal expected by the audience, I’m sure.

The Queen returns to LA with Padre Tomás. The people rejoice and throw flowers. It looks like the prisons are emptied (or at least there are some people walking around with shackles on their wrists, maybe the prisoners are happy, too).

Monty comes across a few CCs and he kills them (they are minor characters, therefore they can die). One of them he throws into the river and apparently there is a colony of piranhas, another unknown fact about early 1800s Los Angeles. Just when it appears that Monty might be what’s on the menu, Diego shows up and saves the day. Monty, in a fighting mood, takes on Diego and says that there is no way he’ll allow Diego to turn him into the authorities. They struggle and Diego ends up stabbing Monty in the gut with the knife, saying, “I told you my face would be the last thing you see before you die.” Diego, just for a good finish, throws Monty into the river where he is devoured by the piranhas (he’s not quite dead as this is happening, so our villain seems to be getting his just desserts--surely he's dead by the end of their feeding frenzy, but then again, this is Zorro where no one dies).

Meanwhile, Mangle is surrounded by the cannibals and she screams. Diego hears this and it appears he’s going to rescue her (it can’t be any better of a rescue attempt than his one for the Queen, I mean he doesn’t even like Mangle so why even put his neck out there).

Maria Pia tells Dena that she’s leaving the hacienda to go be with Fernando. She’s afraid that Diego and Alej will not forgive the man she loves, so she’s going to banish herself from the house. Dena tells her to give Alej and Diego a chance to forgive Fernando.

NAC and Renzo dine with Camba. Camba demonstrates that he’s picked up little Spanish. He calls NAC by name and calls her amiga. Somehow, NAC is able to figure out that Camba’s gestures indicate that he’s going to look for his people in the hills (isn’t he a slave from Africa? Wouldn’t that mean he’d have to go back there to find them? Oh well, when has geography gotten in the way of telling this story). Camba gives NAC a handmade cross and he jumps into the river and swims away (wait, be careful Camba, there are piranhas in that water!! Or maybe it is just one of the many bodies of water around LA, this one could be piranha free). He swims and finds the Amazon women. He’s quite happy, and snogs with two of them.

NAC and Renzo decide they’ll leave the gypsy camp and go it on their own. Renzo is sure that Jonas, Suzi, and Sara Kali will understand because love changes the rules.

Diego, in his search for Mangle, is surrounded by a group of CC. One throws a spear at him and impressively, Diego catches the spear and uses it in his defense. He’s doing a fairly good job of keeping the CCs away, because they only seem to attack one at a time. Just when it looks like our hero might succumb to being outnumbered, Esme and her crossbow arrive in the nick of time. This is just the break that Diego needed!!! Good thing he can hold them off again by himself because Esme and Bernie just give each other a look---which I read to say, “look at him, just out here doing his crazy Zorro stuff, oh well, boys will be boys.” Another thing to note here, Diego was tossing some of the CC into the water, and low and behold no piranhas. It appears just that small little section of water was piranha infested. ***Please see the end of this recap for some truths about piranhas.

The Queen (all decked out in her queenly garb) goes to see el Duco (DJ) in chains. She tells him that she trusted him and he betrayed that trust. DJ smugly tells her that he kept her in power and she asks, at what price? TQ says that she suspects he had something to do with the king’s death and DJ admits he did it. He goes on to say that the king was weak and his dying words were her name. TQ asks about her cousins, the Mayorgas. DJ calls them disgusting people who would have brought about the ruin of Spain. They wanted to give power to the people, and the nobility wouldn’t stand for it. The Queen is incensed and she tells DJ that she will not order his execution. Instead, she tells him that he will spend the remainder of his years imprisoned wearing an iron mask just like he made her cousin, Sara Kali, wear for so many years. DJ’s not so smug now.

Laisha somehow is brought to Jonas (another one of those loose ends that needs tying up, but seems to come out of no where). He asks her if she betrayed the gitanos, her own people. Laisha tries to explain what happened and blames SK, an outsider, for Miguel’s death. Jonas tells her that Miguel willingly gave his life for SK because she has given all she has to the gitanos. Jonas tells Laisha her name will be erased from the tribe and that she must go out and find her own way to survive. He tells her that her punishment will be “to become what you hate, an outsider to her own people."

Mangle is surrounded and captured. The CCs start to sniff their evening meal as they tie her down.

Bernie, Esme, and Diego successfully chase off the CC. They discuss Diego’s wounds and how the two arrived in the nick of time. Just then, Alejandro arrives and is surprised to see that Diego, his son, is Zorro. END OF EPISODE

Link to website telling how the piranha myth was created (same story I read at the St. Louis Zoo when I was a child):

Are there piranhas in the US? Quote from Wikipedia:

“Piranhas are found only in the Amazon basin, in the Orinoco, in rivers of the Guyanas, in the Paraguay-Paraná, and in the São Francisco River systems; some species of piranha have extremely broad geographic ranges, occurring in more than one of the major basins mentioned above, whereas others appear to have much more limited distributions.[2] However, piranha (inevitably former aquarium-dwellers) have been introduced into parts of the United States, even being occasionally found in the Potomac River, but they typically do not survive the cold winters of that region.[3] Recently a piranha was caught by a fisherman in the Catawba River in North Carolina. [4] This is the first known case in North Carolina and possibly in the region.”

So the answer is yes, but it is a modern introduction.


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