Thursday, July 16, 2009

ENDA: Wednesday 7/15/09 "Carlota Spikes Macarena's Tea and Consults Dr. Dial Tone for Medical Advice"

All the news from Real del Monte to follow shortly. I've got to run the dog to the vet and the computer is bonky. OK, I think I've gotten the computer thing sorted out (just needed to do some rebooting after I downloaded some stuff). As for the dog, she's OK. She's diabetic and recently has developed cataracts. Just needed to get some eyedrops to help with the irratiation in her eyes.

All right,on with the show. Iñaki pays a visit to Paloma's house, looking to talk to her Tia Carlota. He wants to formally ask permission to see Paloma openly. Cruelota tells him no way. She cites Paloma's young age and her not having time because she needs to be devoted to her studies as her reasons. We just know that Cruelot exists only to be a killjoy. Iñaki tries to plead his case further, but Cruelota will hear no more. She tells him that she never wants him to darken their door again and better yet, never go near her niece. She warns him that he doesn't want to cause problems (subtext is you don't want to find out what I do to people who cause problems). "Pero, pero" Iñaki stammers. She gestures to the door, indicating the way out of the house. Iñaki leaves.

Emiliano goes in to show Orlando (his boss) some ideas he came up with for the business. Orlando wants to know how he found time to do this and E tells him he was working on it last night at home. Orlando is impressed by E's devotion to work. E tells him that his job is important and his main priority (I'm sure Romy has no idea about this). Orlando compliments him on his ambitiousness. He assures Emiliano that he'll succeed at whatever he puts his mind to doing.

Outside the girls' school, Iñaki is waiting. Romina and Paloma catch sight of him and a smile comes over Pal’s face. Just as quickly the smile disappears, when she catches sight of Cruelota, who is also waiting. Cruelota says she was on the way to the bank and realized that it was time school was letting out, so she figured she and Paloma could walk home together. Romy makes hand signals to Iñaki to keep his distance. He can put two and two together and get four. Romy makes her exit from Pal and her aunt. She tells Iñaki that she can’t believe that the witch (la bruja) has the nose (tener olfato) for messing with Paloma. Iñaki tells her what happened earlier when he went to visit the house. Romy is disgusted, but not shocked to hear the news.

Back home Cruelota tells Macarena that she picked Pal up from school. Mac questions why Cruelota is being so vigilant with Pal. Cruelota questions why Mac has a problem with this. Mac says she just doesn’t understand the game that Cruelota is playing. “It is not a game”, she replies. She only wants to keep Pal safe and nearby. She would be watching over her with the guardianship or without it.

Romy is walking home alone, talking on the phone with her mother. Germán approaches her and tells her that they have some issues to resolve. “About what?” , Romy asks. “About us,” he replies. “There is no 'us'.” She answers. He gets upset and tells her that this isn’t a game. She tells him there is no need to shout (no hace falta que grites). He urges her to go some place to talk. She says she has to go home and he decides to follow her.

Paloma gives Iñaki a call on the secret cell phone. He tells her about his earlier visit to the house and how Cruelota turned him away. He wants to see Pal, with or without Cruelota’s consent. He tells Pal that he’ll be waiting in the park on the chance she’ll be able to meet him. If not today, than every other day until they can meet. Pal hangs up the phone and hides it right before there is a knock on the door. It is Mac (we knew that by the knock). Pal pulls her into the bathroom, they need to talk.

At Romy’s house, Romy warns Germán that things are going to be as she wants them to be. That means that Emiliano is to know nothing about her former relationship with Germán. Germie doesn’t see it her way, as he sees it he and Romy were an item before E came back to town and still should be an item. We are treated to some never seen before flashbacks of Romy and Germie as a couple—it seems like they were pretty hot together and besides I think G is cuter than E and based upon what we know of Romy, I’d say that would be her criteria. I am wrong however, Romy says that the problem is that Germie didn’t asks Romy to be his novia and E did (let’s face it, almost as shallow as appearance being the deciding factor). G says he didn’t think it was necessary. Romy lets him know that she needed some formalization of their relationship. If that’s the case, Germie says they should be a couple. Romy says too late and besides she can’t end it with Emiliano. So, if something were to continue between them, it would have to be on her terms. Germie threatens that E will find out that there was something between them before and still something between them. Germie moves in like he's going to kiss her to make his point, but he’s interrupted by the arrival of Camila. It is apparent by the introduction that Romy makes between her mother and Germie, that they’ve never met before. Germie makes his leave. Camila lets her daughter know that she thinks it inappropriate to be entertaining a boy who is not her novio. Romy tells her mother that G’s one of E’s friends and he walked her home, but she didn’t invite him.

Cruelota is spooning some white powder into a teapot. When she hears someone coming, she hides the powder behind something in the pantry. This, along with the suspenseful music, indicates that whatever it was has to be something bad. Mac enters the kitchen, she’s forgotten to take her medication again. She goes to take it with some water, but Cruelota urges her to drink it with the tea she just made. Mac drinks the tainted tea and says she’s got to go out to the parish clinic (el dispensario). She tells her sister that she’s taking Paloma with her.

In the park, Iñaki is playing his saxophone (un saxofón) in front of the fountain (la fuente). Paloma is walking in the park and they spot each other.

Meanwhile Mac is at the dispensary talking to Elisa. She finds out that the priest (el cura when referring to a parish priest, otherwise el sacerdote) is leaving and they’ll be getting a new priest in Real del Monte. Mac is upset to learn that Padre Jacinto is leaving, she’s gotten along really well with him. Mac starts to feel weak and Elisa asks her if her blood sugar is low. Mac doesn’t answer and instead ends up fainting (and she didn’t even find out who the new priest is yet--that's sure to make her faint when she learns his identity).

Pal tells Iñaki that they should just forget everything, her aunt will never let them be friends. He’s not so willing to call it quits. She insists that it would be best for them to not see each other. He questions if it has to do with how she feels or because of her aunt. She lets him know she’s still interested and he tells her that they’ll continue to be friends, even if they have to hide it from Cruelota. Pal worries what would happen if Cruelota were to find out. Iñaki tells her that they’ll take it one day at a time.

Elisa has gotten Mac home and Rufi is properly fussing over her. Cruelota only wants to know where Pal is, wasn’t she with Mac at the dispensary? Elisa answers that Mac was alone, like always. Before Cruelota can get more info, Rufi insists that the take Mac up to her room. Cruelota says she’ll call the doctor and she picks up the phone, pretends to dial, and has a conversation with the dial tone (tono de marcar).

Pal wants to take Iñaki to meet Mac. They head to the dispensary, only to find that Mac is gone. She asks Ines where Mac might be and Ines has no idea. Pal tells Iñaki that she’ll wait for Mac and he can feel free to go, he can have an introduction to her aunt at another time. He agrees and says they’ll be in touch. He kisses her cheek goodbye and leaves. Pal caresses her cheek. Her cell phone rings. It is Rufi and she lets Pal know that Mac fainted (se desmayó) and is now back at home.

Iñaki runs into Germán and they have a drink. They talk about Paloma. Iñaki comments that Germie doesn’t seem to have his eye on anyone (echar el ojo a nadie). Germie says that he’s got someone in his sights (fijar en alguien – watching someone).

Pal gets home and asks Cruelota how Mac is doing. Cruelota doesn’t tell her, instead she demands to know where Paloma was when Mac fainted. Pal tells her the truth: she was walking in the park on Mac’s permission. Of course, she leaves out the part about running into Iñaki while she was there. Cruelota tells Pal that she’s given Mac some medication the dial tone, I mean doctor, ordered. I suspect that it is more of the mysterious, hidden powder, but since they didn’t show this, I don’t know for certain. Cruelota says that the last thing that Mac needs now is any stress or worries. They need to make sure that they don’t do anything to risk Mac’s health and if Paloma does, well Cruelota will never forgive her. Nor should Paloma forgive herself. Cruelota lays it on a bit more heavily. She’d hate to live with the weight on her conscious if she were to do anything that would cause Mac more stress and put her in harm’s way. Pal looks horrified and runs outside. Cruelota makes the sign of the cross.

Pal is upset and ends up running into Emiliano. He sees she’s crying and he hugs her and tells her to let it out. She tells him that Mac is sick and she feels responsible.

Romy gets a call from Di. She wants to meet Romy the next day, so they can talk. She begs Romy to not mention a word of this to E. Romy agrees and then looks out her window, only to see E giving Pal a hug.

During the commercial break there is enough time for Romy to run downstairs and outside. She pushes E and Pal apart and lights into her best friend. Why is she hugging her boyfriend!?! Pal tries to explain that she’s upset and E was only comforting her. Romy saw them hugging and won’t listen to reason, from either of them. She questions Pal as to what she thinks her tias might think if they saw her hugging a boy in the street. This comment, more than any others really ticks Emiliano off.

Di gets a mani and pedi and because her nails are wet, she is unable to have supper waiting for Rafa when he returns home. He takes it in stride. He wants to show her some of his designs, to get her opinion. She begs off, saying she doesn’t have the slightest idea. He comments that he’ll get E’s opinion and Di doesn’t like this idea. She tells her husband that their son has no time for things like that. Besides, she’s worried that E might be planning on moving out and she’d rather speculate on this to her husband. He tells her that it is part of life that children move out, they’ll just have to let E live his own life. Di is upset by her husband’s words and she questions why he always has to ruin/spoil (estropear) things for her.

E and Romy argue about what she saw between him and Pal. E tells her that he doesn’t like her attitude, especially because Pal is her best friend. He decides he is not staying for dinner. Romy can’t believe he’s angry because of Pal. He tells her that he’s not angry, but rather upset by her jealousy.

Pal is back in the house and finds out from Rufi that Mac is awake. She rushes off to Mac’s room. Mac assures her that she’s fine and that none of this had anything to do with Pal’s secret meeting with Iñaki. Now, onto pressing matters, Mac asks what happened with him in the park? Pal fills her favorite aunt in on what she learned (Iñaki’s visit with Cruelota) and what she and Iñaki discussed. Mac wonders if they are novios. I wonder if Cruelota is eavesdropping because the door to the room is open during this entire conversation. When will they learn? Pal says that Iñaki would like to be novios, but she’s not sure….not because she’s afraid of Cruelota, rather she wonders if she can truly be in love with him, like Romy is with E. Mac teasingly questions if Pal has feelings for Emiliano. Pal laughs at the silliness of her aunt's question. Luckily there is no one eavesdropping.

At her home, Romy is pouting in her room. Camila enters and asks what is wrong. Romy admits she’s mad and proceeds to tell her mother about catching E hugging Pal outside. Camila comments that perhaps it is just as they said, he was comforting her. Besides, Romy had Germie over that afternoon and that’s pretty inappropriate. Romy doesn’t like to hear her mother defend Pal. She tells Camila that she wants E for herself and she will not tolerate him stepping out with another girl, unlike her mother who put up with it for years from her father. Ouch!

Germie’s flashing back some more to the never-before-seen scenes of his romance with Romy. He wonders why he cannot stop thinking of her.

The next day Romy hails Pal as she’s leaving the house for school. Romy acts as if nothing happened. Pal is upset and says they’ll be late for school. Romy asks if she’s upset. Pal says she cannot believe that after all their years of friendship that Romy has no confidence in her. Pal tells her that in no way is she Romy’s rival for E’s affection. She’d never be anyone’s rival, let alone someone like Romy.

Rafa shows E his designs. E offers some ideas and Rafa is really thankful to have his son back home. He asks E if he intends to move out, like Di thinks. E tells his father that he just started a job, just got back home. He needs to save up some money before he can even think about moving out, but when the time comes, well he probably will do that. Rafa offers his support and E thanks his father for it. They seem to have a very healthy relationship, despite Di.

Cruelota has a conversation with herself in the mirror (very wicked stepmother-esque, ala Snow White). She knows that Mac and Pal were up to no good the day before. For sure Pal was trying to meet up with that boy. Cruelota goes to see Mac and questions her once again. She doesn’t understand why Pal was not with Mac when she fainted. Mac sticks to their story and tells her sister that Pal was taking a walk. She was doing nothing bad. Hmm, Cruelota doesn’t think that Mac is a good judge of that, since they don’t want Pal to go down the same path that Mac took. Ouch. Cruelota ends the conversation, saying she’s off to church to pray for Mac….that she gets well. Very ominous music plays, this isn’t boding well.

Romy and Pal discuss Romy’s upcoming meeting with Di. Pal wonders if Romy is nervous. Nope, she’s only curious as to what the meeting will be about. If Di thinks she can scare Romy away, she’ll be mistaken. Romy adds that Di better watch out, because it will be Di who will lose E, not Romy. Romy’s cell rings and Pal urges her to not answer it in school. Romy doesn’t care, it might be Emiliano. It isn’t, it is Germie. He tells Romy that they have some unfinished business to discuss. He’s going to meet her after school. She tells him no. He’s insistent, he’ll be there. Pal asks who Romy was talking to and she flippantly answers another one of her loves. Pal says this doesn’t sound good. Romy says she won’t let Emiliano find out.

Cruelota gives some money to the waitress at the coffee shop. She wants to know information about Iñaki. The waitress is able to tell her that he’s a musician and Spanish. Cruelota tells her there is more money if she can dig up more information when he returns to the sidewalk café (la terraza).

Rafa visits Camila’s shop. He’s there to purchase the painting (el cuadro) that Di wanted. He intends to give it to her as a gift.

Mac doesn’t want to rest in bed, because she doesn’t want Pal to worry about her any more. She and Rufi discuss whether Cruelota suspects that something is up with Pal. Mac decides that they need to be more discreet. Perhaps having Paloma take some additional “classes” will give her time to hang out with Iñaki. Mac tells Rufi that it is important for her girl to enjoy life, to be happy, and to fly. She’s going to look into signing her up for some painting classes right away. Rufi warns that they need to be careful of Cruelota finding out.

After school, Pal begs Romy to forget about meeting Germie. Romy doesn’t heed her advice and takes off with him. Pal heads home and runs into E. He asks after her aunt’s well-being and then comments on Romy’s reaction to him comforting her the night before. He wonders if the girls have made up. Pal says they have. He questions where Romy is? Pal looks taken aback, apparently not prepared to lie for her friend. END OF EPISODE


Gancho Wed 7-15: How to make your partner jealous Step 1 - kiss an enemy or a naco, flirt with a french speaking weasel...

We open with Mau wanting to beat the frijoles out of Don Cesar. Mona runs up to Estrella but guess who’s close behind. Beto wonders what the heck she is doing here and not at work. She quickly hides her peluca and makes up that she came to get her gym bag. He reminds her she’s supposed to rest after a fight, not train. She sends him off for pan dulces. She then goes in and tries to tell Mau things aren’t as they seem. Don Cesar is just as confused. She tells him to leave, that this is her boss and she’ll explain later. He leaves in a fog. She tells Mau that he’s never hit her. He wonders why she doesn’t use the informal “tu” with her boyfriend. She says sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn’t. He thinks she’s lying and if he doesn’t hit her, then who does?

We now go to the apartment where Xime is telling these two to stuff it, that they betrayed her and Mau and how could they. Monsteranza swears it’s not as it seems, that actually Rolu came up with this idea to make Mau jealous. Xime doesn’t buy it and tells them they should have let her in on their plan then. You areno longer my amigosa. Conni worms a little more and swears she’s in a bad way. Xime says ha, well what if Mau reacts the opposite and sends you to “the rubber” which I think is the same as gumshoes or rubber soles meaning to send her walking. Of course she freaks out at this possibility. Xime tells her she should have thought bout being her best friend before she does all this, and anyway the picture of you looks horrible. She then slaps Rolu for good measure and leaves.

Beto runs into Cesar in the courtyard. He realizes that Beto is going to see Mona and he nervously tries to distract him.

Inside Mau pulls off the wig and tells her she’s lying. She says so what it’s none of your business. She was going to leave until she sees Beto out there with Cesar then she locks Mau in. He wonders if now she’s kidnapping him. He orders her to let him go but she drops the keys down her shirt and dares him to fish them out. Instead he pulls the old ,you employee, me boss, so open. Finally she does when she sees Ceasr and Beto have gone, C convincing B to go for coffee.

Estrella comes in reading the latest social rag, and Mau bumps into her causing her to conveniently drop it at his feet. Of course he sees the smooch. Mona remarks he ought pay more attention to what his gf the saint is up to and not follow Mona around so much. Hrmph. He steals the mag from Estre and runs off.

At the office Oscar is sweet talking Gabi in French about dinner they could have at an aphrodiasac restaurant. Sal watches on annoyed that Oscar is taking his time.

Beto tells his Ma that Mona laughed in his face when he propssed. She tells him, you need to grow up you still act like a boy. I think he takes this as an invite to be more macho rather than mature.

Cesar chats with Mona wondering what the heck was that all a bout? I’m your novio?

Gabi is happy she is not thinking about Sal and she tells Paula. Paula asks her if she wants her to read her palm. She tells all these wonderful things until Gabi says that one of the lines is actually a pen mark and she erases. Vero says that changes everything and now everything will be a failure.

Cesar doesn’t like confusion, that guy was going to break his head! He tells Mona she’s lying to Beto and needs to be honest with him. He knows there’s more to it than just Mau being her jefe or she wouldn’t lie. He tells her she better come clean or it will affect her career. Of course just then Beto shows up.

Back at the office Gabi and Paula are reviewing the photo mag talking smack about Coni when said smackee shows up in the elevator. Gabi greets her affectionately and tells her she can go in to see Mau. Behind her back she calls her a flirt (coscolina).
Back at the barrio, Cesar leaves so Mona can come clean with Beto, but he never ends up letting her talk. He reminds her that he knows they have been brainwashing her at work and that she needs to focus on their plans to go to Las Vegas etc. He lists off her litany of excuses I think for not being intimate with him and he leaves telling her she needs to grow up. Ha.

What the heck is with Katia…she enlists Ivan to help her make her boyfriend jealous. She wants to kiss him outside of some store she knows her boyfriend will pass by. Aldo hears them.

Xime says love is like when you like the color purple, but suddenly it’s out of fashion and not “in” Rolu says he likes purple. He invites her for daquiris which is exactly what she was thinking and just like that he’s above it all and why she likes him and feels loved with him.

Mau and Conni fight about the picture. He that she cheated and she that he did the same with Mona. She gets him to admit that he likes that woman.

She wonders if this is why he asked for some “time” so he can chase Mona. He says she has nothing to do with it, they aren’t working. The argument continues, she saying she helped him through his depression and so on. He still tells her to go.

Estrella also admonished Mona to tell Mau the whole truth to stop all these lies. She finally agrees she will and marches off.

In the office Oscar is chatting with Jero about how Mau can’t leave anything to the kids if he hasn’t definitely got custody of them. Huh? I thought you could leave anything to anybody you wanted including your goldfish, but whatever. He continues to tell Jero that they have to demostrate that Mau is unfit as a papa. Now this guy has balls talking about this in the guy’s own office suite. Gabi and Sal interrupt to take Oscar elsewhere.

Xime and Rolu are off for their daquiris when Coni comes up and yells for Rolu. Xime yells at her and covers him so she won’t touch him. Coni wants him to fix the mess he made but Xime tells her she’s not the center of the universe, when Xime is instead. Anyway Conni gets him to come back with her.

Gabi asks Pau to cover for her because she’s off to the salon. Sal comes out and notices her leaving and maes fun of her. Gabi rightly points out that Oscar unlike him is single, not promised to anyone and doesn’t have a knife wielding woman following him around. Paula adds that he’s hot too.

Mona burst into Mau’s office and tells him she has to tell him the whole truth. She doesn’t get anything out before a commercial. And then Conni and Rolu show up so Mau runs out on Mona. Coni says she brought him to explain. There ain’t no explaining a fist can’t take care of and that’s when mayhem breaks out.

Mayhem breaks out at the mall too when Hector doesn’t give a crap if she smooches losers like Ivan of course she runs off after him and Aldo comes out of hiding. Ivan swears he only did it because she asked him too, but Aldo won’t hear it.

No one wants security to show up because that will just make things worse, Xime wants Mau to hit Conni instead, the whole fight breaks down into Roku challenging Mau to race again and he agrees. Sal rightly figures Rolu manipulated the whole thing, but egos are in the eay now so ther’s no going back.

Aldo goes to visit Estrella who is on her way to an audition for a home video dressed like a sexy nurse. He wonders what kind of home video it is, and she says oh the kind they make these days. He needs a woman to talk to and asks her if she thinks he’s ugly. She laughs and he thinks he has his answer so starts to walk away. She tells him to wait, she’s laughing because of course he’s very handsome.

Gabi is off on her date with everyone watching her.

Coni is trying to talk to Mau again, wanting to return to before. Meanwhile Moni is in the kitchen waiting to talk to him. Vero teases her that she gave up but she says no way and stomps off towards Mau’s office. She opens the door to find Conni kissing him.

Mona runs off and Mau tells Conni to cool it. She figures out the door was open and she knows why. Mona runs to Vero and cries she’s not sure what she is even doing thinking such things.

Coni again is trying to change his mind. Just let him alone already he wants you or he doesn’t so just let him be. But no, she wants to know how much time. When that doesn’t work then she says she wants to at least take care of the kids she has gotten to love. He says no way that’s not going to work, but she begs some more and he caves but only with respect to school and not to decide anything major without him. Fool.

Beto is getting his arse kicked by Costena when Cesar calls him out of the ring and wonders if he spoke with Mona. Beto says what about and Cesar tells him to hold on again to his shoulder. We don’t know what he says.

In the big house Mau calls Tano and says tomorrow morning he wants to race again. Tano says he’ll have the car ready. Just then Aldo comes back and Mau tells him he can’t just leave when he wants. Aldo explains what happened and that he just wanted advice from a woman so he went to see Estrella.yes he saw Mona too, who told him to get home because Mau would be worried. Mau liked the sound of that and smiled.

Back in the barrio Beto wants to chat with Mona he’s mad because he talked with Cesar. She wants to know what about and he acts like she should know. She’s betraying him.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

MEPS Wed. 7/15 - Cap. 107 - And Now From The Worst Lyrics Ever of The Very Best of Paul Anka - You're Having My Baby?

Prayer Flags in the trees surrounding Devils Tower, a sacred place to many people

Good evening, here begins my last recap for the time being. Jody will become the regular Wednesday recapper for "Colunga es Para Siempre" aka" Mañana es Para Siempre"

From review: Where do you have to go? says a puzzled Ed. Fernanda rushes to the hospital, Errika and Franco show up Santi is still unaware of his fate at home as the surgeon assures them the operation was a success but all thanks go for saving him to the young man here, she indicates Santiago.

Damian wants to know if Fernanda still loves him.

New/Old Stuff:
Barbara tells Gonzolo they have to have patience and for him to come home and beware the rain (cantaros = pitchers) and things that go bump in the night, in her satin robe. Her thought bubbles as always are snidely, I hope you sleep well so you can receive the news of your shot son-in-law.

Unbeknown to her, the not so dead son-in law is whining from his hospital bed about everyone giving him the cold shoulder even his wife. He swears he could do anything for her and again says he can't bear to live without her. It is all my fault, I have no right to hope for anything from you, he wheedles with his best victim voice. She looks confused but trying her best to be cheerful with this difficult patient.

Gonzolo comes in with umbrella dripping, talking to Santiago on his cell phone to hear that Damian has survived the surgery. Surgery? Keep him informed! Santi says he should be on his feet by tomorrow. As he walks into the living room, he further tells Anibals who is sipping whisky not milk in his robe so cozy on a rainy night and hears that Damian has dodged the bullet. Anibals dryly observes that it would have been just as well if he had not dodged it. That's cold says soggy Dad. Anibal doesn't want to argue with Daddy much less at this hour. He slugs his drink down to emphasize how much he doesn't want to argue.

Esteve is waiting for Eduardo/Franco to celebrate. And Why? Venus is a brilliant student. Esteve explains his elaborate plan to inveigle Camilho into further ungentlemanly behavior by baiting him with the siren Lovely with her beauty and delicacy which will surely be driving Cami crazy. Before he has time to tell us what this is all about, Ed/Fred tells him how close he came to having Fernanda find out at the police station that his license said Eduardo Juarez. He was sweating bullets but was ironically saved by the husband.being taken to the Red Cross.

Camilho shows Lovely into his apartment. This is precious, she caresses the horsey painting looking all around. And it is reserved just for you. I love it. You love it? He wants to get the corkscrew (sacacorchos) but why is she still sad, what is bothering you. Well it is late and it is time for you to leave. Yeah he says, putting his coat on without putting up a fuss. Will you wait up to hear that I get home alright. Do you like me?? says the uncharacteristically uncertain Camilho. He offers to stay, what would be wrong with that?, she oozes that for her to spend the night with a man she must first love him. And until now she hasn't been in love with anyone. And you don't love me??? She taunts and teases him with how important the first time will be. She evades his caress as the confused Cami swears but he is already in love with her. She smiles that siren smile.

Franco in that infernal set of high buttoned pj's notices the envelope from behind the pillow sham. He fumes, cracks the kinks in his neck, and the music turns dangerous.
Gardenia the wicked is giggling in her bed. She is too pleased with herself at leaving the little message for Eduardo to find (dejo ese recadito chica y pega). His life and plans are going to go astray. Oh my Eduardo, my Eduardo, my Santorito.

Next morning, Franco shows the letter to Esteve, who else now knows that he is Eduardo? this says, who you have to save is Fernanda Elizalde this is annoyingly anonymous.

Martina wants to give Lili her chocolate before it is cold and I am going to give you your little pill that the doctora prescribed (recetó) Before she gives it to her the phone rings, the medicine goes into her pocket. Lili remembers that Ciro promised to come take her for a walk. Going to the window, there he is waving. The church choral chanting and his little beckoning make her grin.

Franco was on the other end of the call and he happily hears that Lili seems more cheerful and alert. The new medicine must be working says the confident Franco.

Franco asks who came yesterday but the guilty curls abobbing Gardenia wants to ply Ed with coffee and cookies and giggles that nothing has happened, no one came. Could it have been Fernanda suggest Esteve? Gardenia doesn't know how to use computers so that lets her out. But Fernanda Elizalde only has eyes for her husband. Oh the conclusion jumping is at Olympic event levels.

Over at the Cruz Roja, the cheerful Fernanda comes to the whining slit eyed Damian's bedside, he is depressed/dopey (deprimida) from the anesthesia, cheerful but still in that damned yellow dress she promises she will take care of him.

Esteve calls the robed Venus to check out her progress. She thinks Cam is in love and Esteve assures her that he is not in love with Lovely, just trying to get her into bed and will try till the wee hours (madrugada) to achieve just that. She is impressed with the apartment but complains, you couldn't even poison rats here, there isn't even any coffee in the house and she is hungry. Camilho is in the other room calling Lovely. He enters to see her modestly greet him in her robe.

Fernanda and Santi move the squealing Damian from the wheel chair to the bed at the hacienda Elizalde. when Barbara sweeps in followed by puppy Gonzo and tells him how worried they have been. I will recuperate really soon Damian says as his eyes shoot daggers at the simpering Barbinator and Santi mentions that Aurora wasn't feeling well and he needs to go find her. She must be around here somewhere. (Oh these murder attempts are so distracting for keeping track of everyone). Barbara says Santi is our hero as she cuddles on the shoulder of the brainless Gonzo as the plot sickens.
Santi goes to look for Aurora creeps into his old room, I have returned. I am here. How do you feel? still a little sick? Are you bathing. Aurora Where could she be? donde estará).

Barbara wants Santi to eat breakfast with them they are so proud she says of what he did for Damian. Santi is frantic to search for Aurora. Barbara sweetly suggest, Surely she went out for a walk so what do you feel like having for breakfast (antoja de desayunar). Santi turns his back and walks out of the dining room.

Back at the whining Lovely who is afraid of what her uncle Esteve is going to say when she calls him. Cami strokes her leg and says. tell him that now is the time for her to make herself more independent.
Oh her cell phone to Esteve, Lovely tells him, I don't want you to worry It isn't what you thinking, my friend is very decent. And I stayed the night in his apartment but he didn't stay here and is very respectful. Do you realize that he says his place is mine.
Congratulations exclaims, Esteve, that is to say we have Cami Elizalde in our hands.

Ciro has Lili in his hands and follows him out the gate in the lane where the safe house is which has been opened for a gas delivery.

The nurse Adolfina talks to Obregon. We hear his voice say, But tell me Adolfina what did Barbara die of? She assures him she has no idea. Yes she was so young the poor thing,

Martina walks saying she better find the tray (charola) clean. Where is she, she checks the bath , the closet and where are you hiding. Lily she whinnies Nina Liliy Where are you. She runs around the flower bedecked excellent apartment. Where have you gotten to (se metio). The door is open, Oh my...

Ed says who do you think could put the envelop on my bed. Who knows the phone rings . The call is somkehting important. It is Martina who has news. Franco screams, How could Liliana disappear? Gardenia may realize that Ed isn't going to have time to ponder the silly letter.
Liliana walks into the rape forest calling out to Cjiro where did you go? I have to find you she is on hte highway. Martina is crying to Ed and describes how she had breakfast, she went to the kitchen and Liliana slipped . It didn't occur to me to tie her (atajarla) Franco says stay put I will let you know what we will do.

Martina drops to her knees to pray to the Virgencita for Liliana's safe return.

Santi looks for Aurora and ask Raimundo in the horse barn if he has seen her. He hasn't but Santi adds, if you do see her, to tell her I am looking for .her.

Camilo asks ironically is it your caveman (cavernicola) of an uncle who has you depressed? Lovely say, I feel terrible for the sin and deception while Camilho attempts to embrace her from all angles, what is his problem? She returns, That I will only leave the house in the arms of my husband. I am clear that the uncle must think the best of you and me. Would it help if we tell him that I am a suitor (pretendiente) She is sure that if uncle knows she is in Camilo Elizalde's apartment that the business with Power Milk will be over.

Franco swears that he has to tell Fernanda about Liliana's disappearance. While Fernanda gives pills, tea and sympathy. I don't want you to think so badly of me, she protests but he adds, Do you still love me?

Ed says I gave my word that I would protect Liliana . What am I going to tell her . Esteve counsels that he should wait to tell Fernanda. Right now she is too worried about her recovering husband. Liliana perhaps just went for a walk and will come back on her own. Even with the extreme conditions you are living in you must maintain your calm! counsels Esteve.

Ed calls Martina. Did the guards looked all over the property, they saw her leave but didn't think anything was wrong. I will die if they don't find Liliana. Meanwhile, Liliana is walking on the highway looking distracted and now can't see Ciro.

Artemio wants results, in 24 hours he demands they determine the whereabouts (paradero) of Liliana.

Martina is worrying about looking in the eyes Fernanda and what will she tell her? Eduardo says, don't tell her anything She mustn't know right now.

Damian is pressing for love and reassurance from Fernanda who is still saying things are strange and she is still confused. Damian says with My heart in my hand, tell me the truth is there someone else?
The maid is cleaning Aurora's room when Santi comes in again and has not seen her? Tomasa wants to offer him breakfast. Where did you go Aurora whey didnt' you leave me a note? Suddenly he looks in the dresser drawers and all her things are gone. He runs down the stairs. Barbara asks didn't you find her? Have you looked for her in the chapel, she spends hours in there, says Barbara all honey tongued. But as he bolts out toward the chapel, she adds You are wasting your time and not even with a magnifying glass (ni con lupa) are you going to find your little girlfriend.

Barbara has one more emoting scene for Gonzo, I just heard from Obregon. Oh, my anguish at hearing from that man, she cries and sinks into a chair for Gonzo. Though we needn't worry she is fine. Thanks be to God, answers Gonzo. We will comply with all the demands. It would be counter productive to pressure him. Our hands are tied. We must get the money by tomorrow to save the live of our little Liliana. Gonzo weeps, Barbara grins.

Damian takes more meds Fernanda looks worried. Fernanda, why are you so distant from me? She remembers that Franco said, Erika and I are engaged and we are to be married. Fernanda answers Damian There isn't anyone else. What is stopping (frena) you from being like we were. Is there something to impede that we continue to be married? I married you for my whole life, says Fernanda without enthusiasm. Come close. please. I love you little one (pequeña) and I want us to have a child. He holds her hand in a vice grip. The End.

Friday we will see: Fernanda tells Ed on the phone she must see him as soon as possible. Barbara overhears having time to be everywhere at once and smiles. Damian has something unhappy to face. Everyone is finally in clean clothes.
Pasofino you have the night off tomorrow night for the Premios Juventud which preempts normal programming the entire evening.

"No todo que vagan son perdidos". dijo JRR Tolkien. Buena noches y adios mis amigos queridos. Nos vemos. CherylNewMex.


ENDA Tuesday 14 July. A long game of telephone.

Evil dictator Carlota discovers the shocking truth which will shame the family for generations: Paloma is in a coffee shop. With a MAN?!?!!?! No, no. Iñaqui has slipped around the corner and stalker school shrink Angélica smoothly steps in. She tells Carlota that she invited Paloma out for coffee because she wants to get to know the students personally. Cruelota lets her know how short a leash Paloma is on, then hies away with her prisoner before any more low-class coffee shop cooties can get on her. After they go, Angélica and Iñaqui are amazed at how strict Paloma’s aunt is. Angélica warns him not to make things more difficult.

Outside, Carlota grouches about how strange it is that a school staff member would want to visit with students outside school. Paloma gives a mental one-finger salute to the captain and walks away.

At home, Paloma tells Macarena the coffee shop drama. Paloma thinks the new psychologist is heaven-sent, but wants to go borrow Romina’s phone to apologize to Iñaqui. Mac is totally excited to give Paloma her gift-wrapped new phone.

Emiliano shows Romina his new place of work: Orlando Ferrer, Plata de Calidad. She’s happy about the job because it means he’s staying. But that’s enough shop talk; she wants to talk about their relationship. Specifically, what does his mother think of her, and is he willing to do anything to defend their lurve? Emiliano thinks it’s a bit soon for such things, but says he likes spending time with her and wants them to get to know each other and see how things go. That doesn’t sound like the bodice-ripping romance she was hoping for, so she asks whether he has another dame. He says no, he broke up with his last girlfriend before leaving Monterrey. What about Romina? Germán said she had a boyfriend. Romina says Germán is mistaken.

Diana drops by Camila’s shop to swoon about their children hooking up, and hooray, probably soon they’ll get married! “God forbid!,” says Camila. Diana is offended. Cam says she doesn’t want Romina to marry so young. She wants her daughter to go to school and do lots of things first, and frownsmiles at Diana while she says she thinks it’s better to stay out of their kids’ affairs.

Rufi slips into Paloma’s room and Paloma locks the door so that she can show Rufi the new cell phone. Rufi cheers. Paloma wonders why her parents left her in Carlota’s charge when her mother disliked Carlota so much, and asks Rufi why Carlota is so bitter. Rufi won’t say. Paloma says she thinks people are hiding Important Secrets from her. She remembers the time she looked in Mac’s Deep Dark Secrets Box and Mac got so mad, and wonders if the picture of the man has something to do with the fact that Mac and Carl never married. Rufi tells her to leave her aunts’ painful past alone.

Romina invites Emiliano into the house since her mother isn’t home, but he doesn’t take the bait. He kisses her and leaves. Paloma watches from her window. Then she calls Romina with her new cell phone. Romina confesses to having told Carlota that Paloma was in the coffee shop and begs forgiveness. Paloma looks disgusted. As well she should.

Paloma tells Macarena that when Romina gets Iñaqui’s phone number, she is going to call him and apologize and tell him they can’t see each other anymore. Macarena doesn’t want her to do that; she should have friends. Paloma thinks it isn’t worth fighting Carlota over, but Mac says she wishes she had fought harder for her own happiness. Now she’s a spineless fool who lets Carlota run her life, and she doesn’t want the same to happen to Paloma. Paloma says she’ll just wait until she’s 18 and then do whatever she wants, but Mac says the heavy hand of Cruelota recognizes no age. She counsels Paloma to choose her battles wisely and fight for the things she really wants.

Camila tells Romina how delighted Diana is that Ro is dating Emiliano. Romina thinks Diana is a metiche but Camila warns her to be nice to Di if she wants things to go well with Emiliano. Romi makes no promises. Her phone rings, but she declines to answer.

Germán leaves a message for Romina, demanding to know how it is that Emiliano is her novio.

Diana tells Emiliano that his new job isn’t good enough for him. He should work at his father’s business, where he could start at the top. Em says it isn’t Dad’s own business, but Di says at least he’s a partner, and Emiliano is totally brilliant, unlike his stupid father. Emiliano tells her not to talk about Dad that way, and insists that she respect his decisions. She bratfaces at him.

Paloma visits Angélica in her school office to thank her for the lies. Angélica wonders why they were necessary. Paloma says her aunt is very traditional and doesn’t like for her to have friends, because having friends is a new-fangled thing only the hoodlums are doing. Angie agrees not to discuss things with Carlota if that would just make everything worse, but assures Paloma of her support.

Macarena and Carlota argue over whether Paloma trusts Carlota. Carlota says she is not rigid (Ha!) and Macarena says she has Paloma caged like one of the birds, controlling everything she does. Carlota says that is how good people like them live. Macarena says she’s not at all sure they’re good people. In fact, she hates herself for being the way she is, never doing the things that would make her happy.

Romina makes Paloma swear that they will be best friends 4ever. One might think Ro has some abandonment issues. Paloma asks her again to get Iñaqui’s phone number, but Romina has to skip on over to Emiliano’s office to do some smooching.

Germán is in Emiliano’s office, saying they should celebrate his new job. They should go to the jazz festival, and he should invite Romina…and Paloma. Emiliano thinks Germán is interested in Paloma, but Germán says it’s Iñaqui who is trying to find her, and asked him to call Romina to try to get in touch with Paloma. Emiliano wonders why Germán has Romina’s phone number, but hello, these people had lives before YOU came to town, dude. Emiliano gets called into the boss’s office.

Romina waltzes into the office and Germán demands an explanation for her behavior with Emiliano. She says she doesn’t have to explain anything. He says she does. Ro gets all passionately up in his face and taunts him.

So then they kiss, like it’s not the first time. Emiliano walks back in but they jump apart in time, and Romina says she came by to get Iñaqui’s number for Paloma. Germán focuses intensely on pouring himself some coffee. Ro gets the number from Germán’s phone and they overexplain how they were talking about going to hear Iñaqui play and Ger awkwardly ducks out while Romina wipes her lips and smirks.

Iñaqui calls the house phone and Paloma answers, but she has to pretend it’s someone calling the wrong number when Carlota walks in. And again, when he calls back. Carlota is not fooled.

Romina sits on Emiliano’s lap, keeping him from doing his work and trying to get him to go to a movie. She gets annoyed when he wants her to leave so he can do his job.

Padre Benito tells Cristóbal that he has his orders to move to (drumroll…) Real del Monte. Cris begs for a change. Anywhere but there. Padre Benito tells him it’s time he confronts his past.

After all the telephone-number-swapping drama, Paloma just calls Romina (from the bathroom, but she forgets to run the water to cover the sound) and asks her to tell Iñaqui not to keep contacting her. Romina says Iñaqui could be the solution to all her problems and she should take advantage of the opportunity for some fun. Paloma is too afraid.

Carlota tells Rufi she thinks Paloma has been acting strange, almost like (gasp!) a girl who’s interested in boys. I think Paloma should act like she’s interested in girls; that would really flip Carlota’s wig and then the interest in boys would go over better. Rufi says she hasn’t noticed anything different. Carlota says Macarena and Paloma aren’t allowed to answer the phone anymore.

Orlando and Emiliano discuss plans for business expansion. Orlando thinks they need to work on publicity for export sales. Emiliano has ideas for brand recognition. Verónica calls and says Diana is in the office. Emiliano looks like he wishes he hadn’t told anyone where he was working.

Romina calls Iñaqui and tells him Paloma wants him to desist because she’s a fraidy-cat. He’s not happy with that, and they agree to meet for coffee to talk about it.

Diana complains that Emiliano’s office isn’t nearly good enough for him. It’s a whole lot fancier than my cubicle, and I’m not fresh out of school.

Rufi and Macarena kvetch about Carlota’s imprisonment tactics. After some discussion, they decide she can’t actually know about Iñaqui. Mac says she wishes she had taken Paloma far away back when she had the chance. Rufi says the law was on Carlota’s side. She tells Macarena that Paloma suspects there’s a big secret in the family, and wonders what will happen when she finds out what went down all those years ago. Mac says she will never find out. It is a secret they are all taking to their graves.

Off in the big city, Natalia drops her daughter Sagrario off at catechism class. Then she catches up with Padre Cristóbal, who tells her he is heading to Real del Monte. She doesn’t want him to leave, but says her husband’s ex-wife has a house there, and also her friend Sagrario’s daughter, of whom she has heard nothing since she was taken in by the evil aunt, lives there. Cristóbal says he really, really doesn’t want to go.

Iñaqui tells Romina he’s not giving up on Paloma so easily. Romina wonders what he sees in her. He hasn’t identified the Eau de Protagonista, so he says he likes her sweetness and ingenuousness, and thinks she has lots of love to give. Romina says he must have great vision to notice all that with one look. Romina gives him Paloma’s cell phone number.

Iñaqui calls Paloma’s phone, which RINGS in her bedroom (way to be sneaky there, Pal). She answers and rushes to close the door while he says they must see each other. He says he’ll meet her at the school gates the next day, and can’t believe she would need her aunt’s permission for such a thing, or that Carlota wouldn’t grant it, so he won’t take no for an answer.

Diana and Emiliano Have Words at home. He’s mad that she’s meddling in his life and insulting his job. He reminds her that she was the one who wanted him to return to Real del Monte, and in order to earn the salary she thinks he should have, he would have to live in a big city. But he’s staying in town, FOR NOW. She is shocked that he has plans to eventually leave.

Carlota eavesdrops as Macarena advises Paloma to talk to Iñaqui in person and explain the situation and tell him how she feels, without intermediaries. You’d think people in that house would have learned how to whisper by now.

The students are all in the school courtyard, wearing long smocks and working at easels. The nun compliments Paloma’s work and asks if she’d like to be an artist, but Paloma says she wants to be a psychologist. Romina throws a fit when another girl bumps into her easel, and gives up on the assignment and chats with Paloma about Iñaqui instead. Paloma says they’re not meant to be; he has wings and she has roots.

Iñaqui goes to the haunted house and asks Carlota for permission to be Paloma’s gentleman caller. Carlota smiles evilly.

Avances: Carlota tells Iñaqui to stay away from Paloma. Macarena faints. Romina catches Emiliano hugging Paloma and has a cow.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, July 14--Ep #106: An action-packed night for the Elizaldes, et al.

¡Hola, todos! My name is 5ftLatina. You killed my…no, wait, wrong line. Anyway, I'm taking over Tuesdays for Melissa. Not because I'm a nice person, mind you, because I'm EVIL and she provided me with a convenient excuse to continue my bid for world domination. Wahahahaha!

So, last night when we left off, Franco and Fernanda were getting stopped by the cops, Damian was bleeding out, Aurora was being drugged, and Barbara was still wearing plaid. Which even I don't know if she can really pull off. Does wonders for the legs, but not so much the behind.

So, after drugging Aurora, Camilo offers to keep her company until she passes out.

Franco thanks Fernanda for her offer to go with him, but tells her to let him go to the police station alone. She insists on going along to support him. She gets a call on her phone from Erika and remembers that Erika has an uncle who has some pull and could maybe help Franco out. He declines, saying he doesn't want Fernanda to say anything to Erika. Just because. The cop comes back to Franco's window and says they need to follow him. Fer's phone just keeps on ringing. Wow, those are some awfully trusting cops. As they drive, Franco keeps trying to explain why he doesn't want Erika to know--what will they say? How will they explain it? Fernanda says they can just make something up. She assumes that what Franco doesn't want Erika to know is that they were together. Franco says he has "personal" reasons, he's really engaged to Erika and they're going to get married. Dun dun dun!

Erika leaves Fer a message and a request to return her call. Here comes the maid with product placement. Oh, no, this time it's just a lemonade. Erika asks her what she thinks of the name "Santoro." The maid, and I kid you not, I could not have made up something this cheesy, says it makes her think of a saint, but a really strong saint, like a bull. Erika says he sure is vigorous, like a bull. Mhm, I'm smelling some bull.

Aurora's drugs are kicking in and her vision gets blurry. She lies down and Camilo comments that her fear is gone now, isn't it. He pulls her up and takes her jacket off, which is pretty difficult since she's so limp. That doesn't deter him from taking her top off too. Then he gets rid of his jacket and starts taking off her skirt. She mumbles "What are you doing?" and he says he's just trying to help her get comfortable. Aw, crap. There goes the skirt. She's having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

At the police station, Fernanda says Erika's a great gal and Franco's very lucky. The cop asks Franco to follow him into an office behind the desk. Fernanda grouses that he really meant it and he's going to marry Erika. Her phone rings again, but she declines to listen to her voice mail. She does take the call from Santiago, though, and says "¿Cómo?"

Santiago is still out on the street, explaining to her that Damian got shot in the leg and lost a lot of blood, but Santi applied a tourniquet and is taking Damian to the Cruz Roja (Red Cross). Fernanda says she'll be there as soon as she can and to call her if anything happens. Um, right, because being shot wasn't enough of "something" happening? Damian tells Santiago that he (Damian) is going to die. Santi tells him not to worry and drives off.

Eek! Camilo has himself and Aurora both naked and under the covers. I'm not sure if his heavy breathing is because he was actually poco hombre enough to take advantage of her or because it was hard getting her into that compromising position while she was acting like a sack of potatoes.

Fer hangs up the phone as Franco comes out of the office. He tells her once they send the bitácora (the log, I guess of who the car has been rented to), everything will be cleared up. Fer said Erika is on her way to get them and she needed to do it because she's got to get out of there as quickly as possible. She tells him that Santi called to say that Damian had been shot. Franco looks so disbelieving that Fernanda has to add "¡en serio!"

Camilo's not above copping a feel, whatever else he actually did. He says he may actually be up to giving her a proper goodbye and starts kissing her. She asks what's happening and then says something about being able to breathe, then she says "Santiago." This cools Camilo off, that even drugged-up she's still thinking about Santi. Or perhaps I should say, that even drugged-up she still doesn't want his sorry orange ass.

Santiago carries Damian into the hospital. A doc tells Santiago to stay put as two nurses put Damian on a gurney and wheel him away. Santiago is left out in the lobby to wait.

Barbara is waiting in the hallway outside Aurora's room. She can't resist and runs in to turn the light on and "bust" them. I guess the drugging has passed, because Aurora sits up, wondering QTH just happened. Barbara says she knew this would happen ever since Aurora got there. Camilo drags Barbara out of the room. In the hallway, he tells that when she does whatever she means to do, she'd better not involve him. Barb says that stepmothers are more "discrete" than mothers. What does that mean? Barbara storms back into the room. Aurora cries that she doesn't remember what happened. Barbara tells her that what Camilo did salta a la vista (is obvious)--he slept with her.

Erika arrives at the police station and Fer explains that Franco's rental car was mistaken for one involved in a robbery, and also Damian's been shot. Franco comes up and Erika tries to greet him with a kiss, but Fernanda pulls her away and says they called her so she could ask her uncle to help them. Franco refuses and says if they just wait a little while, the rental agency will clear everything up. Erika suddenly asks why the two of them were together. Fernanda and Franco look so guilty that she probably shouldn't believe any excuse from them, but of course, we all know she will.

Aurora is getting her shoes on as Barbara asks what Aurora did to end up alone with Camilo. Where is Santiago? Aurora explains he got a call, Damian called. Aurora can't even stand up and it looks like she's dizzy. She says her head hurts and she doesn't know what happened, but she needs air. Barbara yells at her that she treated Aurora like a daughter and Aurora betrayed her confidence. She starts throwing Aurora's clothes out of the closet and tells her to pack.

Franco spins a tale about needing to go visit the architect and that they didn't invite her because they went to the architect directly from the board meeting. A cop comes to tell Erika her uncle's on the phone (it sounded at first like they said his last name was "Obregon" but I don't think it is…I just couldn't make out what it actually was). Franco and Fernanda give each other annoyed looks for the BS they had to tell Erika. Fer says he must feel really, really bad about lying to her, since he's going to marry her and all. What's she talking about? Lies are the basis of every successful marriage: "You look great in that." "This tastes delicious." "I love your mother." Best he gets started early.

At the Cruz Roja, Santiago calls the house from his cell phone. Aurora is sitting on the floor zipping up a duffle bag. Barbara sees the caller ID and tells Aurora it's Santiago and orders her to tell him that she's got a cold and is going to bed early. It still looks like she's having trouble standing. Aurora answers the phone and obeys. Santi tells her that Damian's been hurt, but it's nothing serious and Fer is already on her way. After she hangs up, Aurora asks Barbara if they can talk, she says again that she didn't do anything, she swears it. She says it's as if her body wouldn't obey, she was paralyzed and couldn't talk. Barbara says that's not what it looked like when she came in. Aurora weeps into the bed and Barbara takes the opportunity to look like the smug, cold-hearted bitch she is. Really, how she doesn't let those looks escape more often is beyond me. She thought bubbles "Suffer, you wretch!" Aurora asks her if she's going to tell Santiago. Barbara says that would be the worst thing she could tell him. Barbara says that if Aurora loves him, then they'll make a deal to protect him.

Back at the club, some other guy is hitting on Venus, aka Lovely. Camilo comes back and postures at the other guy, who backs off instantly. Lovely says the important thing is that she didn't pay any attention to the guy. She says that Uncle Steve has been calling, but she hasn't answered.

Aurora tells Barbara that she can explain to Santiago. Barbara says Santiago could take it if Aurora slept with anyone, except for Camilo and this would break his heart. "Is that what you want, descarada?" (shameless woman) Aurora says she doesn't know what happened, it was like she was asleep, she felt drunk (I bet all the women Camilo has actually slept with say the same thing). She begs Barbara to believe her. Barbara insists that Santiago would never get over it…unless they didn't tell him. Barbara says it hurts her that the only woman Santiago has ever believed in has ended up with his brother. Barbara tells Aurora to cut the drama--if Aurora stays, Barbara will tell Santiago, but if she leaves, she won't tell him anything.

Santiago talks to Fer. He says he has no idea what happened, that Damian called and said some guys were following him and asked Santi to come get him. Fer tells him she should be there soon and asks how Santiago is. He says the fright passed and he's fine.

Barbara tells Aurora not to worry about Santiago, he'll be fine without her. She tells Aurora to take her stuff and go. She threatens that if she's not out of there by the time Santiago gets home, then before Aurora can tell him any of her "lies", Barbara will let him know just what kind of trash Aurora is.

It appears that Franco has provided the cops with his really really for realz driver's license because he kind of shushes the cop who's confirming that he thanks "Mr. Juarez" for cooperating with them. Mr., ahem, Juarez, replies that he's just doing his civic duty.

Fer tells Erika that Damian is still in surgery. Erika says they'll go right over to the Cruz Roja as soon as they're done there. Franco comes up and says that everything's taken care of. Erika says "great--now we've got to take Fer down to the Red Cross." Fer balks, but Erika insists--she'll drive Fer and Franco will follow in his car. Erika hustles them all out of there, even hissing to Franco that he'd better grab Fernanda's hand or she'll just keep standing there. Like a chain of third graders on a field trip, they leave the police station.

At the Grupo Lactos offices, Gonzalo is fretting that Obregon still hasn't called. Anibal comes over to check in and asks Gonzalo to come have dinner with him. Gonzalo says he's got to keep waiting for Obregon. Anibal opines that if Gonzalo just quits playing ball and tells Obregon that he won't get a cent out of them, Obregon will let Lili go. Gonzalo is astounded that Anibal would risk his sister's life that way. Anibal replies that she killed his mother and he's never going to forgive her for it. He says Lili killed his mommy with her own two hands and she's a curse on the Elizalde family. He says that's why he never wanted to have a child, because he didn't want it to carry the cursed blood of "that murderer". Wow. That's pretty deep for Anibal. Gonzalo looks shocked.

Pris and Rolando are at dinner. Rolando says he was terribly embarrassed to find out from Gonzalo that the whole industrial espionage thing tracked back to Jaime. Rolando says he's especially embarrassed that he told Anibal that he'd get to the bottom of it himself. Rolando says he'll be reporting it to the cops tomorrow. Pris says this isn't like Rolando, he's not vengeful. Rolando says it's not vengeance, it's ethics. Pris says the important thing is that Flor has been cleared. But Rolando says he's got to punish Jaime to show the Elizaldes that he doesn't approve of that kind of behavior. Pris says she's sure the kid learned his lesson and the Elizaldes never asked for his head on a platter, so really, they should just let it go. Rolando looks doubtful.

Aurora is packed and comes downstairs. Barbara tells her to get out. Aurora says "You'll never forgive me, will you?" Barb says that's absolutely right. Aurora says, "And what if I told you I saw you and Damian doing the nasty?" Barb says that's exactly why Aurora doesn't have a chance. She tells Aurora not to make her waste her time. Aurora asks Barbara to leave Santiago a note she wrote. She promises that it just says she's leaving and she's sorry. Barbara reads it over and seems to soften. Then she pushes Aurora out the door as a storm starts outside. Aurora asks if she's going to give Santi the note, but Barb says it's none of her business and shuts the door. Barbara stands there, breathing heavily, like she's not sure if what just happened is a good thing or not. I mean, if she really thinks Aurora was doing it with Artemio, then isn't she risking that Aurora will go running to Artemio now and Babs will get in trouble for hiding her from him?

At the Cruz Roja, Fer asks Santi what the docs have to say. Nothing yet, but here comes a doctor. Fernanda asks how her husband is doing. The doc says that the operation was successful, but only because Santi stopped the bleeding. Fer thanks him, but Santi says anyone would have done the same in his place. How wrong is that statement, let me count the ways. Fer asks to see Damian and the doctor says once he's gotten to a room, a nurse will come get him. Erika asks about his recovery and the doc says it will be quick because the bullet didn't hit the bone. Fer thanks the doc. Santiago notices Franco and comes over to say hello. Erika comes to Velcro herself to Franco's arm and giddily says that Damian's going to be fine because the bullet knew anatomy (ja, ja, ja). Franco says he's truly happy about it, which gets Fer's hackles up. So now she has to put on a show of "I don't care that you're going to marry Erika because I've already got a husband, so there!" by asking the doctor if she could please arrange it so that she can see Damian sooner. Erika hangs all over Franco as Santiago looks back and forth between Fernanda and Franco and makes a face like he smells something. Fernanda and Franco cast smoldering glances at each other. I guess Santi's smelling the smell of lust.

Thus reads Aurora's note (and it's written very neatly for someone so upset): "Santiago, I'm a coward because I didn't have the guts to say goodbye to you. If you really love me, please don't come looking for me, because ours is a hopeless love. There's no sense in explaining the reasons why I'm leaving because you'd never understand them. Forgive me for causing you this pain. I'll always remember you as the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me in my life. God bless you always. Aurora." Barbara sniffs sarcastically, then sets the note on fire. Yep, she's so evil, she even has an ashtray on hand. Barbara says the devil granted her wish to bring Aurora to her so she could squash her. It will be as if she never existed. She watches the note burn.

Lovely cries to Tío Steve over the phone that she's at a bar and she didn't hear the ring, it's too loud, she's with a friend, why is he yelling at her when she isn't doing anything wrong, she only called to tell him she's on her way home, why is he always asking if she wants to leave his house. Camilo is concerned and asks what happened. Lovely says that, basically, Tío Steve just disowned her. Camilo says he doesn't think Steve was serious. Lovely says Tío Steve's never talked to her like that before. Camilo says her Tío Steve is behaving like Lovely's not even a member of his family. Right, cause he'd know so much about normal family relationships.

Aurora walks away from Casa Elizalde and into the woods. In the rain, no less.

Lovely cries to Camilo that's she's scared and doesn't know what's going to happen now. Camilo says he'll protect her and support her. Plus, she can stay at his apartment if she needs to. Lovely says no way, if she doesn't go home, she'll never be able to go back again. Camilo asks if she doesn't have any other family. Lovely says her parents died in an accident and the only close family member she has is Tío Steve. Camilo tells her that she's got him now and he won't let anyone hurt her. Lovely says he might regret taking her home tomorrow. Camilo insists. Lovely thanks him for being so kind to her, even though he barely knows her. Camilo says she can see her new apartment whenever she likes. Lovely turns off the waterworks and smiles at him. So, was this Esteve's plan or hers?

Erika comments to Franco that Santiago is an excellent painter. Franco says he'd guess that Santi's been at it since he was a kid. Santi mentions sitting out by the lake painting and Franco remembers it and grins that he can clearly imagine it. Erika says she can't stop thinking about how Damian owes him one now. Santi says he just hopes Damian will be a better person now.

In his hospital bed, Fer tells Damian what Santi said about calling him and asks where Damian was. Damian says he was drinking in a bar and some guys followed him and that in trying to get away from them, he ended up on the outskirts of the city. They asked him for his car keys and since he wouldn't hand them over, they shot him. He doesn't remember anything after that. Fer asks why he was alone, at a bar, drinking? Damian says it's because what's happening between them is burning his soul--her distrust, the condemnation of her family, the fear that they're still thinking he's a thief, and their "marriage of lies." Wow, shot in the thigh and he can still think about getting her in the sack. Talk about a one track mind.

Barbara lounges in bed in her robe and talks to Gonzalo on the phone. She says he's right, Obregon was screwing with them and he just called Babs and told her that he'll call tomorrow with further instructions. Babs tells him she's waiting for him, but to be careful because it's raining a cántaros (pouring). And that, unfortunately, is where my DVR cut off.

Also, unfortunately, one of our most disputed characters did not appear in this episode, but in tribute to the bubi-licious Gardenia and those who love her despite her naughty, naughty ways, I offer the following ditty:

"The way you wear your shirts
To show your DD's
I still believe they're real
No, no, they can't take that away from me!

I may never, never have a way
To prove those bubis are true
But I'll always, always thank you for the view!

I love your mammaries
That gorgeous eye candy
Headlights that haunt my dreams
No, no, they can't take that away from me!
They can't take that away from me!"

Gracias, and good night!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gancho, Tues., July 14: A proper application of quality makeup eludes so many problems.

Thank you Auntie Judy for that fine recap!

Buy Corona, okay? Moni is all ready to regain a little confidence and attempt to redeem her boo-worthy self in “one of the most promising boxing matches of the week.” Remember, these people don’t know what HBO is. Unbeknownst to Moni, they have Mamma tied up at home and are going to kill her if Moni beats the estrogen-deficient boxette. Mamma tries to escape by offering a fresh pot of coffee to the “brutes,” but ultimately fails and results to insults and freakish shrieks and bouncing.

You see, what’s sad is not that Mamma has been stripped of her dignity and gagged with her napkin, but rather the fact that some people are inclined to kill over an under-ground, poorly-attended boxing match between two sequin-studded girlies.

Meanwhile, Estrella uses her undeniable charm and stunning looks to swoon Mamma’s aggressor, with the help of Paula, as he follows Estrella to her apartment.

Well, if the object of the game were to attempt to make contact with your opponent as many times as possible without actually hitting him or her Moni would indeed be a champion. However, her opponent is a trickster and Moni is merely a WWE groupie at best. Either way, she need not worry about Mamma back at home because Paula took off her sweater, distracted the second aggressor, then eventually took the armed culprit down with a little help from Estrella and her big stick. In the end, Mamma escaped, Estrella got a date, and Moni beat the hell out of Hillary Swank. All in a day.

Connie is super jealous that Maury spends time in the country with the adopted hooligans. She basically gives him an ultimatum, as if she were in a position to do so, and he decides against the camping trip and throws this curve ball: “we need to take some time off.”

Wholly reminiscent of The Parent Trap, the four adoptees, who seem to increase in number each time I recap, celebrate the separation. They love Moni and want her to be Daddy’s new girlfriend. Fun pun: cortar = to cut, or break off, break up, etc. The little girl doesn’t understand the multiple meanings and asks if Maury cut Connie with scissors. Devastated, Connie turns to drinking and former boyfriends of current friends. Thus commences the downfall of our tragically-misunderstood villain.

Phone call from Maury. No, it’s actually the adopted kid calling to see if Moni won. Good news, Connie and Maury broke up. Click. In walks Maury and Aldo is in trouble. Meanwhile, Beto enters Moni’s room and, being the happiest man in the world, proposes marriage. What a predicament. The split of her lover and his gf is all the hope she ever wanted, but why is a proposal at the end of eight years a blow more devastating than the one she gave the little girl in the ring today?

Anyway, Maury uses the *69 feature on his sleek cordless phone to discover that Aldo was not speaking to Katia, but instead Moni. As always, she plays the uninterested, frustrated, and icy bitch.

Nothing new at the office. Moni still takes forever to do anything, Jerry has his hands in unauthorized business dealings, and the office manager is still meddling in Moni’s affairs. Although, I don’t blame the woman because if I worked with someone who shared several fashion trends with the local street walkers, I would be annoyed as well.

The secret’s out: Moni is not wearing the wig to cover up a pimple; she’s wearing it to cover a bruise from her boyfriend, allegedly. “Maybe she likes being hit,” suggests the silver fox. Naturally, Maury is on the war path and swears to kill Don Cesar!?

So Don Cesar and Beto are talking about the latter’s love for Moni. It’s interesting how everyone in novellas always wishes that their life be a telenovela complete with weddings and wealth, etc. Yet the people in all these telenovelas never have that stuff anyway.

Rolando and Connie were kissing in a bar where it just so happened that a photographer from a magazine was taking pictures of them which were later published and seen by the borderline-psycho Jimena. Needless to say, she doesn’t understand and is crying.

Eventually Maury finds Don Cesar, embarrasses himself by not being able to hit a small, old man, and then Moni barges in and has some ‘splainin’ to do.

Tomorrow: Hypocrite Maury gets furious at Connie for kissing his worst enemy. Did you ever have an enemy you liked? Don Cesar tells Moni to start talking. Maury tells Connie that he likes Moni.

As some of you know, I’m moving on to university life on September 18 and consequently retiring my post here at CarayCaray. In order to avoid any sort of crisis, I’d like to line-up my replacement sooner than later. “Now accepting applications.”

Thank you in advance to Auntie Judy, who will be recapping again for me next week. She is a gem! Take care everyone.


Amor Monday, July 13, 2009: Rapunzel sneaks a few tower-free hours

Friday’s leftovers: Emiliano is asking the girls to the party for him, and Romina is calling him “novio.” Emiliano says aren’t you moving a little fast and Romina says why not? - let’s give it a try. He’ll pick her up that evening. The school counselor looks on, worried. She pokes her latte with a straw. If boys and girls kissing worries her, she’s in for a rough ride.

Steamy new dishes: In a churchyard, Natalia approaches a priest from behind and says she needs to set up the christening for her daughter. It’s Christobal in his new incarnation as man of the cloth! He turns around and says Natalia? Natalia says ¿Qué haces aquí? Then she says No lo puede creer! You can’t be a priest! Only a week into our story and Natalia has already snagged two of the immortal telenovela lines.

Romina runs home to tell her mama that she and Emiliano are novios already! He came to the school and even kissed her. Mama says you just went out of the first time last night. Isn’t this a bit too speedy? Romina says please please please let me go out with him!

Who’s this guy sitting in a big office? He tells Vero, his secretary, to show Mr. Saenz in. That’s Emiliano to you and me. Okay, this is the Orlando Ferrer we were wondering about.

Natalia is weepy and tells Chris that she assumed she’d never see him again and how it’s weird how life always ties up loose ends. Chris looks all paternal and says how happy he is that she apparently has married and started a family. She says she’s not equally happy about him being a priest, considering that he told her when he totally dumped her that he was a murderer.

Chris rises and looks out the window, so we know he’s thinking Large Thoughts. He says that he’s found the peace that he needed, that he’s found his vocation. God is infinitely merciful and forgiving. He hopes she has forgiven him. Natalia says she’s not the one to do the forgiving, but it still hurts her what he did to her.

I was lost, he says. You don’t know how sorry I am. Natalia says the past is unchangeable, but seeing you now, I guess I’m not mad any more.

Back to Emiliano’s job interview. Orlando says he only came to Real del Monte recently and bought the business. He has big plans for expansion and needs an assistant. He needs somebody who’s interested in art, design, and of course silver, since he wants to export. Emiliano says I’m just the guy! Orlando checks out Emiliano’s resume and is impressed with his academic achievements. He’ll call him later and let him know.

Romina goes to Paloma’s house and tells her that she and Emiliano are novios. Teengirl hugs and squeals. She really wants Paloma to come along to the party tonight and tells her to make some story up. Pretty soon Carlota comes out and snatches Paloma by the hand and tells her she’s not going anywhere, particularly not with Romina, and she drags her into the house.

Romina blasts into the front door and demands of Carlota why she’s so hostile to her. Carlota says because you’re low class. I saw you acting indecently with that boy last night! You are not in the same league as Paloma. Romina says you just don’t want Paloma to be happy. Carlota slaps her and Rufi and Paloma are horrified. Romina slams out.

Paloma demands Why did you insult her? She’s the only friend I have! Carlota says because she’s leading you down the wrong pathway. Paloma yells You don’t want me to be happy – you want me to be locked up, alone, without love, like you!

Go to your room and stay there orders Carlota. Paloma wails it was a cursed day when I lost my parents and was left with you. She runs up the stairs crying. It was your fault they died, Carlota flings after her.

Macarena runs in and says what’s all the shouting? Carlota says she was disrespectful, and she’s super grounded and don’t either you or Rufi un-ground her, understand?

Emiliano comes home and finds his mama about to go play poker with her friends. Perhaps it’s part of her financial plan. She says let’s go out to hear some jazz tonight! He says he’d like to, but there’s a party on and he has a date. Di wants to know all. When she’s hears it’s Romina, she’s thrilled. How serious is it? Emiliano says I just want to get to know her, but it looks like we’re already novios. Di squeals.

Romina is cute and rich! Di can’t wait for Camila and her to be mothers-in-law. Emiliano says don’t get ahead of things.

Outraged Romina is telling her mama what happened. Camila says she’s going to go talk to her, but Romina needs to be respectful. Romina says I was just trying to defend Paloma. Camila says tell me exactly what happened. Romina says I never lie to you. Camila says no? I found out you’re the one who chased after Emiliano, not the other way around. I don’t care that you called him; I care that you lied to me. Romina is repentant.

Rufi and Mac are outside Paloma’s door, trying to give her a cup of tea, but she’s sobbing on her pillows and wants to be left alone. Rufi says maybe if Paloma had a cell phone, Carlota couldn’t find out when she received calls. She could talk to her girlfriends and not be so lonely. Mac smiles.

It’s gotten dark. Paloma awakens and remembers Romina’s words and her argument with Carlota. She goes to the closet and takes out the forbidden dress. She takes it and sneaks out. Rufi hears the door slam, looks out, and sees her disappearing into the street.

Romina models her pretty blue party dress for Camila. She wants to know if she’s talked to Carlota. Camila says she wasn’t home – she’s working on the church fair. She’ll go over later and try again.

The doorbell rings. It’s not Emiliano, it’s Paloma. Romina looks mad. Paloma says don’t be mad at me for Carlota slapping you. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. Romina says don’t worry, I love you, and I don’t want her to see us fight. Romina gets excited when she finds out Paloma has snuck out and is coming to the party.

Rufi tells Mac that Paloma went over to Romina’s. They hope it’s just to apologize to her.

Emiliano shows up. Romina calls Paloma to come down. Camila is surprised she got permission to come. Paloma descends the stairs. Her hair is down and she has on the dress which if you ask me is dull brown and looks dowdy. Emiliano doesn’t think so and looks stunned and tells her she’s lovely. Romina frowns.

Rufi and Mac are worried that Romina isn’t back yet. The doorbell rings and they wind through the big house to answer. It’s Camila. No, Carlota isn’t home yet. Camila says she can’t allow her to insult and hit her daughter. Mac agrees with her and apologizes for Carlota.

Camila says she’s too hard on Paloma and it’s time somebody told her so. Mac advises her not to try, it’s a waste of time. She says it’s better Camila not try to see Carlota because she doesn’t want Carlota insulting her too.

Mac says she’s glad the girls are friends. Camila says she is too, and she thinks Paloma is a good influence on Romina. The two ladies bond. Mac wants to know if Paloma is still at Camila’s, and Camila says yes, but they’re about to go to the party. It’s great Paloma got permission and she looks so lovely in that dress. Mac goes gulp.

We’re at the party. German knows Romina, but not Paloma. He introduces people, including Iñaki, who he says is from Spain, here for the jazz festival. Later, German says to Romina so you’re Emiliano’s novia, huh?

Paloma politely says hello to Inaki and he, like Emiliano, gets a stunned look. Our shy provincial girl must be wearing eau de protagonista.

Carlota comes home from her meeting, cranky. She tells Mac to go get Paloma for dinner. (Meaning to have dinner with them, not to be the main course. Even our puppy killer wouldn’t go that far.) Mac says Pal has a migraine, she gave her a pill and now she’s asleep. Carlota gets squinty eyed.

Back at the party, Paloma is bashful and Inaki is talking to her. He asks if she’s traveled and she explains about the dead parents and the aunts who don’t like to travel. He explains that he’s from Madrid and his parents are divorced. He comes every year for the jazz festival.

Three musicians start up. It’s a haunting song with two guitars and three-part harmony. Inaki stares at Paloma the whole time. She looks down, then gives him tiny looks. By the end of the song, they’re smiling at one another.

The party goers want Inaki to sing. He gets up and Paloma bolts. Emiliano stops her and offers to walk her home, but she says it’s best if she just slips out.

Paloma sneaks into her darkened room, switches on the light and there’s Carlota waiting. So you thought you could fool me? Plus you look like a tramp. Fortunately Mac comes in and says I gave her permission, so get mad at me. Carlota says I don’t want her to turn into someone like you, a nothing, a nobody.

Mac says I want her to find a young man who will give her the love she deserves. Carlota tells them she’s going to drag them to confession and see what the padre says. She leaves and Mac and Paloma weep in each other’s arms.

Emiliano explains to Romina that Paloma has left. Romina says she must’ve been scared to death because of her aunt. Inaki says I have to see her again!

In church, the mass is going on. Carlota makes sure Paloma has confessed. After the service, they are leaving, the aunts lagging behind, and guess who’s waiting! Inaki. Paloma looks scared and in the distance, Carlota looks, and narrows her eyes.

Emiliano and his dad are watching a game on TV. Di is all wound up and wants to hear about Romina. She wants them all to go to lunch together. Emiliano says no, that would make it look like a formal commitment and it’s early days. Di gives up and leaves. Dad, who just now found out about the new girlfriend, tells his son that it’s Di’s way of showing love and concern for him. Emiliano says it feels like she’s trying to control my life.

Outside the church. Inaki tries to ask Paloma out for a coffee, but she scared and says her aunts are around. He says he’ll see her after school – no aunts then. She says okay, and runs back to her aunts. Carlota asks her if she told the padre everything and if he agreed with her, or with Mac. Mac reminds Carlota that the confessional is secret.

Carlota asks Paloma who that boy was she was talking to. Mac tells her it was some foreigner asking directions. Carlota is skeptical, but decides it’s time to start helping at the fair. Paloma gives Mac a big hug. Mac wants to know about Inaki and Paloma explains and says he’s going to meet her after school. Mac urges her to get to know him – that it’s good to have friends even if she’s not romantically interested.

Paloma says that Carlota watches her every move. Mac has a plan.

Romina is primping and her mama comes in and wants to know where they’re going to go eat. Romina says she has a date for lunch. Camila says that’s fine, she’s growing up now, but she wants her to take things slowly so she doesn’t get hurt.

Romina swoons that she’s soooo in love. Camila says it’s not love yet. Going together is just for getting to know one another to see if you’re compatible. Romina is sure they’re fated.

Chris is talking to Padre Benito who seems to be his superior. He reports that the kids are well-prepared for first communion. Padre Benito compliments him on his way with children, then he breaks the news that Chris is being transferred to another parish. Chris is bummed – he wants to keep up his work with the alcohol and drug abuse program. To bad, these decisions come from higher up in the church. Chris says where to? Padre Benito doesn’t know.

But we do!

Romina is having her lunch with Emiliano. He asks if Inaki found Paloma at church. Romina doesn’t know, but she tells him about the aunts who don’t want Paloma to have friends and that Carlota even hates Romina, Paloma’s only friend. They’re a couple of dried-up old spinsters who just want to go to church.

Leaving school, Paloma fills in Romina in on how Mac helped her fend off Carlota. She finds out that Romina was the one who told Inaki that she would be at church. Paloma is all nervous about seeing Inaki.

The school counselor overhears them and asks what’s up. Romina says don’t say anything – she’ll blab to Carlota. The counselor says I won’t and takes Paloma by the arm, all friendly, and says she’s the school psychologist and Paloma can confide in her. Paloma looks doubtful.

Downtown, Camila and Mac are talking. Mac has bought Paloma a cell phone for her birthday (which birthday? – please tell us!) and Camila approves. Mac wants Paloma to have some privacy and some friends. Why, their girls are young women now! Camila says it’s time for us to re-make our lives and says she’s dedicated herself to Romina all these years. We need to find ourselves someone to love. Mac says I understand, but I can’t.

Emiliano gets the job. He’s to start tomorrow.

Romina and Paloma talk about studies. Paloma wants to go to college, but her parents’ money ran out a while ago and her aunt is paying her schooling. Romina says her mother swears Paloma’s parents had a lot of money. Paloma laughs.

Inaki drops from the school fence and hands Paloma a rose. Romina looks droll and, in the background, the counselor is all smiles.

Emiliano drops by German’s office and tells him the good news about his job. German says Orlando’s a good guy, and they should go celebrate with a drink at the bar where Inaki’s playing – he plays a mean sax.

Emiliano wants to know if Inaki’s an okay guy. German says he’s great. He got a master’s in Spain. His father is rich and has business concerns in Mexico and South America. Why does Emiliano want to know? No reason, says Emiliano.

German says he sure is taken with Paloma. I’ve never seen him react to anyone that way. German then noses into how Emiliano came to go with Romina. Emiliano gets vague and waves off the question.

Inaki takes the girls for ice cream. Paloma says she won’t have any because her aunt gets mad if she doesn’t eat her whole dinner. Romina tactfully says she has to run along to her mother’s shop.

Inaki has a new idea. Coffee won’t fill her up. They sit in a coffee place. He wants to take her out to a bar, but she says she’s right in the middle of studying for her exams. He gets her to agree for next week. He stares at her and she lowers her eyes.

Romina is almost home when Carlota pops out of the house and wants to know where Paloma is. I don’t know says Romina. Well, actually I know, but I’m not going to say. I’m talking to you the way you talk to me. You’ll have to find out for yourself.

Emiliano comes home and Di wants to know where he’s been. He gets a bit snappy and then apologizes and says he’s lived alone so long and isn’t used to having to account for every moment of his life. Di says he’s her only son and she’s waited so long for him to come back and that it’s that she loves him so much. He says he needs his privacy. Why, she’s practically got him married off. They laugh and relax.

Di says she likes that Romina isn’t a gold digger. He says he’s not some millionaire. Besides, he doesn’t care about Romina’s money, it’s not what is important for him in a woman. He tells her he got a job. She gets excited, but deflates when she finds out it’s a silver shop.

Paloma realizes it’s 3 o’clock and panics. She has to go! She rummages around in her purse.

Here comes Carlota, a straight-backed one-man posse. Of all the coffee shops in all the world, she has to walk into this one. Sure enough, she spots Paloma and tells her off for being (gasp!) in a coffee shop with (gasp!) a man.

Avances: German puts the moves on Romina and she kisses back. Looks like Emiliano is going to see them.


MEPS #105 Monday July 13

Fr/Ed and Fernanda are talking at Fr/Ed’s house, Gonzalo calls each of them in turn to invite them to a Grupo Lactos board meeting.

Gonzalo tells Barbara he included Fr/Ed because it would be Grupo Lactos money used for Lily’s ransom and Fr/Ed is a full board member. I’m surprised Gonz got that point to stick and didn’t cave to whatever Barbara told him to do. First time for everything. Santiago even mentions later this episode to Aurora, about Gonzalo, “he’s just an extended mouthpiece for his wife.” Even his kids know he has no independent will.

Fr/Ed tells Fernanda before they leave that he found out from Adolfina how to contact Obregon, so they should try and find out if he is actually part of Barb’s plan or if Barbara is just using his name to rip off Grupo Lactos.

Venus is dressed up and looking hot for her date with Camilo. Martina tells her how worried she is about the whole situation, she’s scared of Camilo and what might happen. On top of that, Lily won’t do anything but stand and stare out the window, so Martina is all up in arms about everything right now.

At the board meeting, (I’m surprised they jumped right to this, this show usually takes a five minute car ride and turns it into a week of episodes) Fernanda says they shouldn’t pay the ransom. There is no proof that Obregon has Lily. Barbara says that the last time he called her, she heard Lily’s voice in the background. Fr/Ed and Fernanda both shift and make faces when she says this, it’s all they can do to keep their mouths shut about what a huge big fat liar Barbara is. Fr/Ed agrees with Fernanda, so do Santiago and Anibal, but Anibal only because he’s cheap. Camilo keeps making disrespectful comments about his ‘loca’ sister and Gonzalo almost throws him out. Fr/Ed tries to get to the bottom of the whole thing. Who has Obregon talked to? Only Barbara. They have notified the police, right? No, Barbara didn’t want to. Hmm. Nice job by Fr/Ed laying everything at Barbara’s feet. He suggests that the next time Obregon calls, they demand that he provide a photo of Lily holding a dated newspaper to prove he has her. Everyone agrees, even Barb because she has no choice.

Gardenia, also looking hot, even though she is annoying the absolute hell out of me lately, puts her letter on Fr/Ed’s bed, behind a pillow. Someday we’ll find out what’s in it. She speaks to the empty room about her anger and jealousy of Fr/Ed marrying that hussy Erika.

Fr/Ed and Fernanda make up a lame excuse to go to her office and talk in private. On the way out she tells Gonzalo she is calling Flor to bring her back, Anibal starts to whine but Gonzalo shuts him up, telling him that they have proven her innocence so shut up already. After they leave, Santiago says what a great guy this Franco Santoro is, now that he got to know him a little bit today. Camilo and Barbara now take their turn making faces.

Fr/Ed tells Fernanda that they can wait for Barbara to make a move, or they can put out word that Barbara Greco has died! That was supposed to be suspenseful, but it’s just how they will contact Obregon.

Barbara complains to Artemio Bravo about the problem with Lily, and that if she shows up now they lose everything after all her lies.

Martina can’t get any response from Lily, Fr/Ed and Fernanda arrive and have no luck either.

In her office, Barbara teases Damian about Fernanda and her ‘lover.’ He wants to know when all this will be over, she says like you tell a kid, ‘when the time is right.’ She says that they have an appointment later on and after that, Fernanda won’t want to leave him alone at all, she’ll want to spend all her time with him and take care of him. He looks a bit worried since she won’t give him details, but he obviously likes the idea.

Lily sees Ciro out in the yard, glowing like an angel.

Santiago tells Aurora about the board meeting, he is bummed about what a loser family he has. He suggests moving out to a hotel the very next day. PLEASE PLEASE DO IT so the ‘haunting of Aurora’ story can come to an end. Please I beg you please.

Damian and Barbara park their cars (inexplicably) facing each other with the headlights lighting them up like they are on stage. They appear to be in the same parking lot/street where Damian and Fernanda were reunited a while back.

Santiago gets a phone call, it’s Damian and he needs someone to come get him, he doesn’t want to leave where he is alone because he doesn’t feel safe.

Damian wants to know what’s going on, why are they here? Barbara turns her back and pulls out a gun, then turns and shoots Damian while he tries to grab her hand. Too late!

Venus arrives at the bar and talks to Esteve on the phone, going over the plan again. Camilo arrives, slime trailing behind him.

Barbara says ‘see ya’ to Damian and gets in her car and leaves.

Aurora is scared being along in the house (what’s new) and goes looking for Tomasa, not knowing that she got the afternoon off. The kitchen is empty.

Tomasa arrives at Jacinto’s house with tamales (mmmmmmmmmmmmm). Jacinto and Margarita can’t believe La Hiena gave her time off. Tomasa asks for Gardenia and is told she is ‘so happy’ working for Santoro, just like Jacinto.

Fernanda and Fr/Ed go to the office of some small newspaper to place a fake death notice for Barbara, I guess this is the paper Obregon will be checking.

Venus and Camilo have drinks, she goes on and on about what a monster Steve is about her going out, she’s like a prisoner!

Lily won’t eat, she’s in bed now. Martina gives up and leaves. Ciro glows into the room and tells Lily to sleep in peace, which she does, even though the room is as bright as if the sun were in the middle of it.

Venus cries and cries, suckering Camilo in more and more. She shows a little leg to get his interest (and how could it not, let’s be real here) and he is falling for the whole show completely. Her phone rings, she doesn’t answer, then cries about how Esteve is going to kill her for not answering. Camilo gets a phone call, it’s Barbara wanting to know if he’s home yet. He says no, he had a date, remember? She says you have an appointment all right, with ME at the house, get your ass home. He says ok he’ll be there.

Fr/Ed and Fernanda pay for the death notice and leave the little office.

Santiago drives around looking for Damian.

Venus goes to the bathroom to call Esteve, who is happy as hell about the way things are going, he wants details but she keeps telling him that Camilo is leaving. He says that she should agree to wait for him to come back later. She goes back out and says she’ll wait for Camilo to return, but boo hoo her uncle is going to kill her. Camilo lays some slimy “I’ll protcect you” crap on her and leaves. Venus smiles to herself, proud of the job she is doing.

In her car, Barbara calls Gonzalo and says that Obregon called again and is going to call Gonzalo at his office, so he has to stay there. Gonzalo is showing his normal stupidity again and says ok, he’ll stay there.

Fr/Ed gets pulled over, the cop comes up and says the car was reported stolen. I’m a bit confused about this. Fr/Ed produces the papers on the car, then the cop wants his drivers license. Fr/Ed hesitates because his license is in the name ‘Eduardo Juarez’. He gets out and tells the cop he can’t find his license, can’t they just forget all this? The cop says no way, follow me downtown to answer some questions. He says fine and goes back to tell Fernanda to get a cab home, she says como crees hombre she won’t let him go alone, she’s going with him. Fr/Ed sees there is no room to argue and sighs.

Camilo returns home to meet Barbara, he shows her the dropper and bottle he has for Aurora, some kind of roofies or something I would guess.

Aurora is alone in her room and worried (tell me something new).

Santiago finds Damian laying in the street, he pulls clothes apart until he finds that he was shot in the leg.

Camilo goes into Aurora’s room to get his slime on, She tells him how nervous/scared she is, he pulls out the bottle of roofies and tells her it’s some homeopathic anxiety relief. She stupidly doesn’t even hesitate and pops down a full dropper of the liquid. Did I mention how much I hate her? She is such a wet blanket over this show.

Tomorrow – Santiago gets Damian to a hospital. Fr/Ed’s problems with the cops continue.


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