Monday, July 17, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Friday July 14

We pick right up where we left off Wednesday, in the hallway at the clinic. I wondered why episodes of Heridas take longer to watch than the other shows, I thought maybe I was having trouble understanding new voices, but then I realized that they aren’t padding the running time of the show by repeating 10 minutes from yesterday’s show. More bang for the buck here I think. Anyway, Fernanda is gazing at her daughter. Miranda asks her “have we seen each other before?” Fernanda says that Miranda hasn’t seen her, but that she has seen Miranda many many times. “uh in magazines and stuff, that’s how I know that you’re soon to be married to Fabricio.” Miranda turns her head like she just got punched in the stomach. Fernanda says “did I say something wrong?” Fernanda is informed about the big breakup, though without all the details about the other sister and everything. Fernanda tells Miranda to be strong. After Miranda and Pamela walk away, a nurse asks Fernanda, “Why did you say you were Dr. Fernandez?” Fernanda Fernandez ignores the obvious comeback of “because Fernanda Fernandez is a way cool name” and instead tells her “Just don’t say anything to them about my real name.” Great answer, way to convince the nurse that there isn’t anything strange going on. Nice work.

We see Gonzalo on the phone at Miranda’s house, yelling at somebody. “I don’t care about the damn clinic or the people there, I want my building there and I want it done now! Because I said so!” Bertha comes in with a drink for him. He asks her where Nuria is, he wants her to do some work. “Oh she went back to Mexico city early this morning.” Bertha then tries to rub up on him a little while holding the drink out to him. He pushes her off “get away woman I’m not drunk so don’t get so close to me.” Healthy relationship here.

Back to the clinic – Fernanda apologizes for upsetting Miranda and then tells her that she lives in Mexico but volunteers at the clinic. Miranda says her father is there too, she says he still believes in the class system but that she doesn’t, she believes in helping those in need. I think this scene was to establish how Miranda is like her mother in that way.

Fabricio and Alejandro are having coffee or something and Alejandro is playing big brother. “Boy that Miranda is some kind of bitch but damn she looks good. How could you cheat on her?” This reminds me of something a friend told me in college after he caught me looking too long at some really hot girl who was with another guy – “remember Chris, now matter how hot she is, there’s some other guy somewhere who is sick and tired of her crap.” Fabricio’s reasoning doesn’t go down this road, but I thought that was worth mentioning. Fabricio says it was his fault, for being gone so long and letting the relationship exist as it did before he left. He was in Europe for five years and during that time Bertha brought Florencia for visits with doctors, he spent more and more time with Florencia and they fell in love. Then just when he was making sense he says “I don’t know what I want.” Alejandro tells him “you have to figure that out! Especially fooling around with sisters, you could cause quite a tragedy. Don’t play with fire.” At this point Cesar rolls in and tells Alejandro that he has a few minutes and can take him where he needs to go and drop him off. Well I think that’s what he said, what I actually heard was “I have a little time mmmmmrmrmr mmffffmmmmmrmrrmfm mffmfmg mgm fmm fmfgmmf mmfg let’s go.” This guy is the most marblemouthed actor I’ve ever heard in any language. I’ll admit he has a face made for novelas/soaps, nobody ever REALLY looks that pissed off but he does that look great. And his eyes look either evil or like he’s been getting baked back in his trailer. But he can’t talk. He mumbled his line and I hit pause. Before I could complain about how he spoke, my wife sais “I can’t understand him either, rewind it.” After three tries we pieced together that guess about giving Alejandro a ride. Somebody get this guy a speech coach.

Pamela and Miranda return from the clinic. They talk about how nice Fernanda is and how she must have experienced a lot of pain in her life to understand to say the understanding things she said. A servant sticks her head out of a doorway and says “your dad told me to tell you to tell him to tell the other one, who will tell me, to tell you, when your dad is here, then to tell her to tell him to tell you to tell her to tell him to tell you he is here. He’s in the other room.” Really, that’s what she said, if you have it on tape go back and listen. Pamela asks Miranda, “what are you going to tell him about Fabricio? If you tell him he’ll chase him down and kill him!” Miranda agrees but says she has to tell him. Well, she can wait until he’s back in Mexico City, far away from Fabricio. Pamela says yes, great idea, until then act normal. Which I’m sure will be no problem after your fiancée just dumped you. Buck up Miranda!

Back to the clinic. There is a guy straight out of ‘mob enforcer’ central casting in Fernanda’s office telling her that they all have 48 hours to clear out of the building or they’ll clear the building out for her. “48 hours and this building is MINE” and he stomps out. He’s a real people person, that’s why he makes the customer calls I think. The nurse is a wreck, “what are we going to do?” I swear I was waiting to hear “Que vamos a haTHer?” in Adalgisa’s voice (from Alborada of course). Fernanda says they need to talk to the governor, or perhaps create some big scandal to bring attention to their plight.

Miranda and Pamela are in the living room with Gonzalo and Bertha. Miranda tells a servant to get her horse, Chocolate, and another horse ready, they are going to go riding. Bertha butts in and says that the other horse belongs to Florencia!
Miranda: so? Florencia is too sick to ride but Pamela can ride.
Bertha: well if you can’t respect other’s things….
Miranda: Every animal in this house belongs to ME. Besides, Florencia doesn’t even like animals, so it doesn’t matter. No hay problema. Papa, will you come ride?
Gonzalo: No, I’m headed back to Mexico City later today.
Bertha: But you were going to stay for a couple days! You can’t change your plans without telling me!
Miranda: He doesn’t have to tell you anything. (turns to Gonzalo) Or do you?
Gonzalo: Of course not!
(Bertha storms out of the room but stays on the other side of the doorway to eavesdrop.)
Miranda: Dad, kick her out of this house. I don’t want her here around my sisters or around you. Yes, I know what is happening between you two and I don’t agree with it. You can do whatever you want but not in my house or near my sisters. Give her some money and put her up in the condo in Polanco.
Gonzalo: If that’s what you want, asi sera.

Bertha is really in a huff now. She storms through the house and out to the yard and we hear her thoughts. “Ok Chocolate, you are the first thing Miranda is going to lose. Miranda, you are going to pay like my sister did before for being in my way.” She gets to the stable and nods at Gabino the stable guy, who then walks into the stall with Chocolate. In his hand is a leather strap with a bunch of nails pounded through it and then bent. We hear chain clanking sounds and lots of horse whinnying and whining sounds. Obviously Gabino is whipping the horse with that thing. Gross. Bertha weeps, perhaps regretting what she did but I don’t buy that. Gabino comes back out and stares at her, she turns and leaves. He then pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket, I’m sure this is to mean that Bertha gave him the money to do this to the horse. My wife estimated the wad of bills at about 50,000 pesos. She worked as a bank teller in Mexico so I trust her estimate. Either that or she was drug runner and never told me. Either way, I’ll believe her.

Alejandro and Cesar walk up to the clinic. Alejandro asks him, “you won’t stay?” Cesar mumbles something like “mmmrmfefe gotta go mrfffararmfmm” and leaves. Alejandro says hello to the people outside, then says to himself, “how can that desgraciado tear down a clinic? Now I know for sure what an infeliz he is! I won’t allow it!” He goes inside looking for who is in charge. Fernando says “Me. And what of it? Are you here to give me an ultimatum too?” She proceeds to go off on him for a full minute. Alejandro stands there with the Luis Manrique y Arellano face, the one where he says “QUEEEE??” and his eyes bug out.

Gonzalo is talking to Gabino at the stable. Gabino says “the vet says maybe a jaguar did it.” Gonzalo screams at him, “then get some guys and GO FIND IT! How am I going to tell Miranda? It is her favorite horse!” Speak of the devil, here comes Miranda. She sees Gonzalo and thinks he is going to ride with her. Gonz – “uh no, there has been an accident.” (I think I’ll call him Gonz, that sounds cool. Gonz. Yeah.) Gabino says “uh yeah a jaguar we think.” Thanks for that brilliant input Gabino. He couldn’t look any more guilty if he were standing there with horse blood on him. Bertha shows up and starts blaming Gabino for everything. “you didn’t lock the door. Your fault. Neener neener. You suck.” The vet comes out of the stable. The guy playing the vet is the same guy who was Diego’s fencing instructor in Alborada. He looks better here without the bad long hair he had before. The vet says the horse is suffering. Miranda wants to be alone with Chocolate. She cries a lot. The vet says he can’t save him probably due to nerve damage, etc. Miranda says to put him down. She cries some more.

Fernanda is apologizing to Alejandro for yelling at him. “sorry I just feel so desperate right now.” Alejandro the perfect gentleman says no prob, tell me how I can help. She says he has done enough already just by listening to her. “Oh and I haven’t properly introduced myself, I’m Fernanda de Aragon.” Loud music. Alejandro has the Luis “QUEEE?” face again. He says, “you are the woman who was always in love with Fernando Luque?” (that was Alejandro’s father) Fernanda says how do you know? “Because I am his son! The baby you took care of after my mother died!” They hold a tearful little reunion. Fernanda asks the obvious question. “what are you doing here?” “I’ve been looking for you for years. I’m here doing some business etc etc.” She fills him in on her work and where she lives, etc. Finally she asks what happened to him after his father died. He says, “he didn’t die. Your husband killed him!” More loud music.

Miranda is yelling at Gabino, blaming him for not being careful enough with the horses. Gabino might as well be wearing a shirt that says “guilty” on it. The vet says the horse is really suffering, the injection to kill him is only making him hurt, he won’t die. Miranda tells Gabino to shoot the horse, the vet says he won’t do it. She cries some more. She thinks, “why would a jaguar come bother just that one horse? And nobody heard anything? This doesn’t make sense.”

Bertha and Gonz in the house – Bertha says to Gonz that he should stop Miranda from killing the horse, it’s valuable. Gonz says that Miranda is the boss, she makes the decisions. Everything is hers and will be hers. Bertha says “Esta bien! You give her everything and all I wanted was to be your wife but now that won’t happen.” Gonz – “we can’t fight about Miranda, she is my daughter, period, she will always win over you.” “but you treated me as a woman, why won’t you give me that status in this house?” “don’t confuse me coming to boink you when I’m drunk with treating you like a woman.” He then tells her that she should go to the condo and he’ll keep her in cash. Then BANG they hear a gunshot, that must be Gabino shooting the horse. Bertha tells Gonz that he is killing her, just like the horse and just like he had treated his wife! Boo hoo!

Alejandro says he’ll help Fernanda, she tells him to be careful. Will he come back to see her? Of course! Again, she tells him to be careful. Ok we get it. Proceed with caution. Check. Got it. Alejandro tells her, “for your peace of mind, my father didn’t die that night, it was later.” Dum dum da DUM.

Miranda runs in “Papa we killed him.” He says yes, he knows, it was for the best. Miranda says “I know it wasn’t a jaguar, it was my aunt and for no other reason than to just be evil.” Gonzalo changes the subject because Bertha is standing RIGHT THERE. “Where is Fabricio?” Miranda – “oh he’s busy with his partner.” Gonz tells Bertha, “go find him and tell him that my daughter is more important than his coworkers.” When Bertha leaves, Gonz starts to tell her “uh I don’t know how to tell you about me and her…” Miranda says “whatever, get her out of this house.” “yes I will, I promise.” Pamela comes in and asks Miranda how she’s feeling. “muy triste.” Gonz excuses himself. Tomasa the servant comes to help comfort Miranda, lots of hugs. Miranda then goes to her room and looks at a flower. She says to herself, “I just KNOW that Bertha is involved.” She throws a tantrum and destroys the flower smashing it against the wall.
Tomasa and Pamela come in, Miranda says she feels like this all is a premonition, Tomasa what do you think? “I don’t know, I didn’t hear anything.” “yes, neither did Gabino. Bertha thinks we are all idiots.”

The sisters cry about Chocolate with Bertha. Florencia asks “why not an injection?” Bertha starts with some more crap “because Miranda said not to. There was a surgery and she wouldn’t pay for it, she said to shoot the horse.” The sisters are shocked, naturally. “The vet told me. But don’t say anything to her that we know! I don’t want her to think I’m a gossip!” Nice cover Bertha, well played. She then tells them that she has to leave the house but says she’ll be back after a while.

Alejandro is on the phone with a lawyer. “I know Gonz must have bribed some people to get that building approved. Don’t let him get away with it. Give me time to find a place to move the people in the clinic.” Fabricio enters, says he’s going to the house, does Alejandro want to go? Why, he says, so I can see Miranda while you see your girlfriend? Fabricio fills him in on what happened with the horse.

Bertha is lounging and Tomasa is packing her bags for her. Tomasa obviously doesn’t like Bertha. Bertha tells her to keep her mouth shut about whatever she knows or she (Tomasa) will never see her granddaughter again! Dum da DUM!! Maybe someday she can see her, if she keeps her mouth shut. I guess we’ll find out more about this later on. Tomasa says she should have just run away with the girl ‘that day.’ Bertha says “you should just be glad she’s still alive.” I have my suspicions about this story, but I don’t want to spoil anything.

Some kid comes into Fernanda’s office, his name is Joel, her godson. He’s happy to see her, but his family is being evicted from their home. Nice to meet you Joel, since this scene was here just to introduce you, mucho gusto.

Alejandro is on the phone with the Italian woman again, saying he has to find ‘the briefcase.’ We see Bertha toying with what must be that same briefcase right that moment in her own room. Alejandro goes on “whoever has that holds me in their hands.” More foreshadowing, today’s episode is the episode that launched 1000 storylines. Alejandro thinks, “Miranda needs someone to bring her high and mighty self back down to earth. That someone will be ME.”

Miranda is in bed crying, “why God why me? Why did you forget me?” boo hoo hoo hoo.

The next morning – Miranda and Tomasa walking, Miranda is whining about Fabricio some more. I thought “still?” and then realized that it has only been like a day since she got dumped. Gabino rolls up with a white horse and tries to give it to Miranda. “it’s yours.” He gives her a note that says the horse’s name is Cacao and it is from Alejandro. She says she’s going to go find him and tell him that she is ‘una dama’ and can’t accept gifts from men she doesn’t know.

Joel is helping at the clinic. Fernanda and the nurse talk to an old woman. “what is your name WHAT IS YOUR NAME???” The woman croaks “Natividad de la Cruz.” Fernanda starts doing cartwheels “it’s Naty! Naty! Hey, it’s Naty!” Who is Naty? I have no idea. We’ll find out later I guess.

Fabricio and Alejandro are having breakfast.
Fabricio – Where did you find that horse so fast?
Alejandro – don’t worry about it.
F – Don’t think she’s just another of your conquests
A – None of your beeswax anyway. Besides, we’re both single.
F – Sorry, you’re right. I’m just confused.
A – What are you going to do anyway?
F – I’m going to tell Gonz that I’m marrying Florencia.
Fabricio’s mom walks in just in time to hear that last part.
Mom – De ninguna manera! You will marry Miranda!
F – No way mom! I’m going to marry Florencia! GOD! Why can’t you let me run my own life! (ok after ‘marry Florencia’ the rest was my embellishment)
Mom – You are so irresponsible! Gonz saved dad’s money that he left us. When did this start with Florencia anyway?
Before we can find out again when they hooked up, the scene changes.

Bertha sees Renata at the breakfast table. “Where are the others?” “well, Florencia is in the shower and Miranda is riding her new horse.” “WHAT new horse?” Tomasa jumps in “a new white horse, it arrived very early this morning as a gift.” Bertha sniffs, “well she’ll have to return it, she es una dama and can’t accept that.” Screw that! If somebody just handed me a car, I’m keeping it. Renata says “Why not?” Bertha explains that women of status don’t accept gifts, bla bla bla. And then says “because that is what your mom did! She ran off with some guy who bought her stuff!” Tomasa gets back to the business at hand. “I’m telling Gabino to lock up that horse good. We wouldn’t want a jaguar to come and attack just that one horse silently and leave the others alone, would we? RIGHT, Bertha?” Bertha excuses herself from the table.

Miranda rides her horse in slow motion through the trees. Alejandro rides his horse in slow motion through the trees too. Of course they run into each other. Alejandro, “nice to see you!” Miranda starts to say something haughtily but Alejandro cuts her off.
“Don’t tell me, you can’t accept the gift, etc etc”
M – “no, I love it and it’s not his fault, I’m keeping him. But don’t get me anything else. You can’t conquer me with gifts.”
A – “whatever. Every time you ride that horse you’ll think of me.”
M – “Sure, because you two look the same! (ooooh burn!) Hey, what is your business with my dad?
A – we’re building a hotel, but you can ask him for the details.
M – don’t be an asshole. You and I don’t have anything further to talk about.
A – (in his best Wesley from Princess Bride) As you wish. (he takes off)

The daughter of the Italian woman, I swear her name is Lasagna, that’s what it sounds like so that’s her name, Lasagna, calls Alejandro’s cell phone. We see the phone ringing on the ground in the forest. Miranda picks it up. He dropped it! She answers, Lasagna asks for Alejandro, and who is this? Miranda says she’s his girlfriend and he’s unavailable. Who is asking for him? Lasagna says.. “I’m his daughter.”

Whoa! He has Lasagna for a daughter!


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Heridas, Thurs., July 13 (not)

The novela was preempted by some awards program on Univision.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Heridas de Amor

July 12

"Why Fabricio? Why when I have loved you so much?" So begins this episode. Miranda lamenting the loss of her relationship with Fabricio. A relationship they have had since they were children. Fabricio tells Miranda that he knows he should of told her sooner but these things you cant say by phone.....

Bertha, Renata and Florencia discuss how Miranda will react when Fabricio gives her the bad news. Florencia feels guilty. Bertha thinks nothing will happen. Renata is sassy about how Miranda would have just thrown him away just like she does everything that bores her. They agree that Florencia is really just saving the man she loves. Then Bertha lets drop this jewel of wisdom. "Real love only knocks once on your door. Fight for him! Even if it is with your own sister!"

Nuria goes to the San Llorente house, Tomasa does not recognize her. Don Gonzalo meets with her asking what she is doing there. She answers she took the first flight there to bring some plans and contracts that she saw were left in the office. Don Gonzalo says the papers are Cesars responsibility and he orders for Cesar to come to the house immediately.

Miranda tries to talk Fabrizio into changing his mind. She promises that she will wait for him to figure out his feelings. Additionally she promises she will not let another man get near her. Please dont abandon me! Don Gonzalo gives Cesar a scolding about the papers. He tells Cesar that Nuria is very efficient and he doesn't know in what moment she will take his place.....

Fabricio tells Miranda that he loves her, loves her with all his soul but dont misunderstand him ... He loves Florencia and will marry her soon. "I hope you will understand. Don't act like a child! Don't destroy our happiness!" He leaves her and Miranda starts to yell at him as he leaves. " Don't you destroy my happiness either! I am not a child! I am a woman! A woman that loves you!!!!" Then out of the blue up walks Alejandro to tell Miranda "that's how it is Miranda San Llorente. You are all woman. But not for a child like Fabricio. You are a woman for a man like me." He kisses her and she calls him stupid. They have a little spat. He says "so much scandal for a stolen kiss?" Miranda answers in a tough girl manner. Pushing her lower jaw forward to prove her rabid toughness "I dont know who you are, but listen to me well. There still is no one born who has stolen something from Miranda San Llorente." Then she kisses him long and hard. "When someone takes something from me I take it back." She walks away and he is left smiling. Wow! What a scene.

Lovely garden party for Don Gonzalos birthday party. The don is shown having a flash back to a conversation he had with Bertha as she is telling him that Florencia only has three or so more months to live. Somewhere outside Nuria is attacked by Cesar for being stupid for making him look stupid. He yells at her then starts to kiss her and then begins to rape her. .... Miranda walks about crying to Pamela. She says she has lost everything..... Cesar tells Nuria to be quiet, stop crying. She is in a heap on some hay. "For a first time that wasn't so bad eh? The next time ...." She quickly tells him there wont be a next time, for that he can be sure. He tells her that he will have her whenever he wants...

Miranda takes off on a horse. Pamela yells at her. Fabricio comes to the house to report how things went with Miranda. Florencia worries about Miranda and tells Fabricio she wont marry him. Cesar comes into the room and asks where have you been to Fabricio. Bertha sends Fabricio off. Cesar immediately picks up on Berthas good mood. She tells him that he has an open road. "Fabricio finished with Miranda." He asks her to come to an agreement to enjoy the pain of whoever she wants but not Miranda. Bertha says "No Cesar. The pain of Miranda is my main pleasure." Snicker Snicker.

Tomasa finds Nuria outside crying. Nuria says she is worth nothing. Pamela and Miranda talk next to a waterfall. Miranda says that she knows that the only one to blame for the end of the relationship is Bertha. She believes that Bertha manipulated Fabricio equally as she did Mirandas sister. Now Miranda understands why there were so many trips to Germany, so Fabricio and Florencia would get together.

Don Gonzalo, Alejandro, and Fabricio talk business with a little brandy. Don thinks Fabricio is distracted and wants to be with Miranda. He forbids Fabricio to talk of anything to do with the wedding until they return to Mexico (city).

Bertha talks with Florencia who is in her room crying. Bertha plays on Florencias insecurities telling Florencia that she once heard Miranda tell Pamela that men only want Florencias money, not her. Enraged Florencia heads down to the party. Florencia finds Fabricio and they kiss and make up. Miranda sees them. They fight. Pamela puts in her two cents.

Cesar finds Miranda as she is reeling from her fight with her sister and ex fiance. She excuses him, telling him this is not the best time to talk. He complains that she has always treated him like this.... indifferent, when he has always loved her. She says well that is because I've told you a million times that it makes me uncomfortable that you talk to me of your love! They agree to be friends and have coffee in Mexico. He leaves and Pamela walks up. Miranda admits that she likes him less and less. Ever since they were kids she has been afraid of him.

Bertha finds Nuria in the kitchen with Tomasa. Bertha sends Tomasa out and corners Nuria. Why didn't you tell me you were here? Madrina Por Favor..... "Don't call me Madrina! Don't forget our secret." No one knows I'm your god daughter (ahijada).... Bertha then tells Nuria that she raised her to be a lady and that she shouldn't have anything to do with the maid.

During the garden party Don Gonzalo tells all the men (previously mentioned) that the hacienda used to belong to his grandparents. Tabasco used to be an inhospitable place but now it is a great place and good for tourism too. Alejandro is questioned on why he wants to do business in Mexico after so many years in Europe. Alejandro says he has the capital and he believes in Mexico. He is prepared to bring money - not take it with him.

Rebecca (I believe she is the mother of Cesar and Fabricio) is given advice by Bertha. Bertha suggests that Rebecca tell who the father of her children are or forever not say a thing. Either Or. Rebecca says its best to keep quiet.

Miranda walks up to Bertha. She tells Bertha not to be condescending with her. Bertha messed with the wrong person. Bertha doesn't back down and tells Miranda to watch herself or she will create a tragedy. They agree the fight is on. The Don walks up with Alejandro and introduces him to Bertha and Miranda. Bertha recognizes Alejandros last name and asks if he is Alfredo Luque's son. He is. Miranda tries to kick him out of "her" house. Alejandro refuses saying he is an invited guest and a business partner of her father. Don Gonzalo walks up and confirms Alejandros importance. Miranda relinquished her quest to kick Alejandro out. She then asks to speak with her father in the morning about something very important and leaves.

Renata and Cesar are drinking it up together. Cesar claims he is afraid of being caught, Renata talks him into staying and they start to mess around. Renata stops it to say good bye to the guests. Cesar talks to himself saying Miranda wont accept me but Renata will pay the price for her disgust.

Don Gonzalo remembers with a little help from some brandy.... Fernanda appearing to be kissing a man (Luque?) its raining outside. Don Gonzalo confronts the two saying he has it figured it out. He slaps Fernanda, a gun goes off in the air and a woman watches from outside.

Bertha comes to chat with Gonzalo. Bertha asks "Am I still an attractive woman? Then why dont we get married?" Gonzalo: "I have told you one and a million times. I continue to be married to Fernanda and I still love her." "Then that is why you only look for me when you drink? Right? When you are drunk you remember Fernanda?" "You will never be able to look like her!"

Miranda fills Pamela in on Alejandro and his kiss, Bertha, and all her problems. Pamela wants to get Alejandros attention. Miranda says go ahead I'm only interested in Fabricio.

"If I liked another man would you care?" Bertha asks Gonzalo. He laughs. No he wouldn't care. Although he doubts that at her age anyone would be interested in her. He says "You shouldn't have asked me that you should have asked a mirror." Whoa! With that news Bertha goes into a crazy stage. She rummages through some business papers swearing that Alejandro Luque will pay the price.

Miranda wakes to find her father has left the hacienda. Bertha appears to be making a plastic surgery appointment. (A doctors appointment for sure.) A taxi arrives and Bertha tells Nuria its time for her to leave the hacienda.

Miranda and Pamela tour a medical clinic filled with people that need medical and economic help. Fernanda is seen helping patients that are waiting in the hall. Miranda lectures Pamela that they cant turn their backs on these people. They need our help. Miranda then inquires into how they can help and who should they speak with. The nurse who answers their questions introduces them to Ferna Whoops! Doctor Fernandez! The nurse looks odd as Fernanda interrupts the nurse and introduces herself as Dr. Fernandez instead. The doctor shakes Mirandas hand lovingly. (Well folks it looks like we have another case of a mother separated from her children.)


An intro to Heridas cast with goodness opinions

Cast we have met so far and their current goodness or badness as I see it:

The San Llorente family:

Gonzalo San Llorente - father - he might be good even though he's boinking his sister-in-law

Miranda San Llorente - she's the heroine, so she should be good and she gives things to poor children but she is bitchy beyond belief right now.
Florencia San Llorente - she is probably good and has a fatal heart condition but she did steal her sister's fiance.
Renata San Llorente - she's bad right now - she only cares about herself.

Fernanda de Aragón - the mother of the three girls. She seems to be good - a doctor who helps poor people. She left Gonzalo probably because of the machinations of her sister, Bertha.
Bertha de Aragón, Fernanda's sister and what appears to be the main baddie here. She is boinking Gonzalo and pretending to like her nieces while scheming to do bad things to them.


Alejandro Luque - he's Miranda's love interest and certainly is good but he has come to Mexico to avenge the death of his father. He believes that Gonzalo killed his father.

César Beltrán - he appears to be bad. He is in league with Bertha and has the hots for Miranda. He is also Gonzalo's business associate.

Fabricio Beltrán - César's brother. He was unable to tell his fiancee that he wants to marry her sister until the wedding was all planned but he is probably good.

Pamela Altamirano is Miranda's friend who was at the airport with her.

Tomasa Aguirre is the servant who comforted Miranda when she found out Bertha was boincking her father.

Nuria Gómez is Gonzalo's secretary and is boinking Cesar.

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Heridas de Amor: The Cast

Fabricio and Miranda



(looking a little like Andres)

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Premiere, July 11

Ok, here we go with our new novela. Hoping for an improvement over Barerra.
This novela takes place in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco (where the peppers come from that are used to make Tabasco sauce in Louisiana.)
We open with Miranda riding her horse to a scenic old hacienda where a group of clean, happy peasants wait for her. They are cacao gatherers. They give Miranda a gift of a rosary for her upcoming wedding. They made an identical one for her mother when she got married. Miranda is touched. She will wear it for her wedding with Fabricio.

Miranda's sister, Florencia comes out of a house and a man comes and embraces her. It is Fabricio, Miranda's fiance but we know him better as Andres from Alborada. Florenica is afraid someone will see them but Fabricio says that he doesn't care. He has to go to a business meeting in the morning but when he comes back, he will tell Miranda that he doesn't love her anymore and wants to marry Florencia.

Now we have another hunky and buff guy glistening wet and with a towel around his waist. This is Alejandro, a friend of Fabricio's from Germany. He is speaking with on the telephone with a woman named Daira who is apparently in Rome (view of Coloseum). We learn that Alejandro is here to avenge the death of his father on Gonzalo, Miranda's father. The woman suggests that he just forget about the whole vengeance thing and leave this family but he can't. He wants to get back a folder with his father's designs for some jewelry. Daira has a daughter named Lizania but there was a problem with the broadcast for a few seconds and whatever they said was lost.

Florencia is talking to Bertha, her aunt. She feels guilty about deceiving Miranda but Bertha says that she is entitled to happiness too. More problems with the broadcast. Miranda appears at the breakfast table where Bertha, Florenica and Renata, her other sister are eating. Our first memory: Miranda flashes back to a scene with her father Gonzalo who is drunk and Bertha. Miranda overhears Bertha tell Gonzalo that she doesn't just want to be his lover when he is drunk but she wants to marry him and be the mistress of the hacienda. In particular, she doesn't want to be dependant on the charity of Miranda. Comforted by another woman, probably a servant, Miranda recognizes Bertha as a hypocrite. She must have known about this without realizing it and that is why she could never stand Bertha.

Renata, Miranda's youngest sister demands to know why in this house Miranda is the "mama de los pollitos" or rules the roost, as we would say. She interferes when Renata asks for money from her father. Miranda says her sister is too extravagant and thinks money grows on trees. Miranda then turns on Florencia and berates her for establishing a school for "estimulacion temprano"(some kind of fancy preschool, I guess) for the children of her rich friends but they haven't paid the fees so it is losing money. Florencia and Renata leave. Then Miranda turns on Bertha and says that she always told Miranda and her sisters that their mother was a loose woman who ran off with some man when all the time Bertha was having an affair with their father. Having spread her sunshine around, Miranda leaves and Bertha says that Miranda is so much like her mother, Fernanda and for that reason Bertha hates her.

We now see Fernanda. She is a doctor and her clinic for poor people is going to be torn down to build a luxury hotel. Fernanda believes that her husband must be behind this.

Fabricio tells Alejandro about the Miranda/Florencia problem. Alejandro is surprised that he has let the wedding preparations get this far.

Gonzalo is in his office in Mexico City with his right hand man, Cesar. (Gonzalo has an incredibly deep voice!) Somebody named Julio has screwed up and Gonzalo says he his days at the company are numbered and he will name Cesar as president. It appears that Gonzalo is planning to build luxury hotels in Mexico in partnership with Alejandro. Gonzalo's secrectary, Nuria, is in love with Cesar. He kisses her and bites her lower lip. Weird!

At the airport, Alejandro tells Fabricio that he has screwed up things big time with the Miranda/Florencia thing. Alejandro confesses that he himself has never been in love but if he had, he wouldn't let things get in a mess like Fabricio. The friends part to conduct their business deal.

It appears that Miranda is at the airport supervising shipments of something. She narrowly misses being hit by the vehicle that Alejandro is in. Their eyes meet, there is music - and then she chews him out for not looking out for pedestrians. He apologizes but she won't and she thinks he is arrogant.

Scenes of Miranda giving things to poor school children contrast with Alejandro and Fabricio in the helicopter and the oil fields in Tabasco. Alejandro presses his associates to conclude the hotel deal.

Miranda is directing the preparations for a big party for Gonzalo's birthday. Cesar tells his brother, Fabricio, that he wants in on Fabricio's business deals. While Fabricio was gadding about in Europe, Cesar has been under Gonzalo's thumb and now he wants a share of the pie.

Cesar has a conversation with Bertha. It appears that they were lovers when he was a teenager. Cesar, however, loves Miranda. Bertha tells him that Fabricio is going to dump Miranda and that would be a perfect time to get her on the rebound. Bertha then reminds Fabrizio that the has apparently promised to dump Miranda and warns him not to back out.

Meanwhile, Florencia sneaks into Miranda's bedroom and uses her hairbrush. She is racked with guilt for betraying her sister. Renata comes in and tries to buck her up. The already tiresome Florencia then convinces herself that Fabricio only feels pity for her, not love since she is sick.

Alejandro tells someone on the phone that he believes Gonzalo will invest in the hotel deal but meanwhile he is drawing a portrait of Miranda. He tells himself that he is here for vengeance not to fall for some unknown woman.

Bertha tells Gonzalo that the doctor told her that Florencia's heart condition has worsened and she only has a few months to live. Gonzalo says that Florencia should have whatever she wants and nobody must know about her short life expectancy. He tells Bertha that 18 years ago she told him something that broke his heart (presumably about his wife) and now what she had told him about Florencia has destroyed his soul.

Alejandro, Fabricio and his mother arrive at the party. Fabricio goes off with his mother leaving Alejandro alone. Miranda recognizes the man from the airport. First, they exchange stupid grins but then Miranda reverts to bitchiness and is going to accuse Alejandro of being party crasher. She is waylaid on her way to confront Alejandro by Fabricio. Seeing this, Alejandro now knows who the woman he encountered in the airport is. Fabricio takes Miranda to a secluded place and tells her he doesn't want to marry her - he wants to marry her sister, Florencia.

End of the first episode. It seems promising. At least all the characters are good looking.

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Heridas De Amor

My wife is jumping ship on La Fea and is going to watch Heridas De Amor. Combined with me now being more than TWO weeks behind in watching La Fea and probably SIX weeks behind in recapping it, I think the La Fea ship is sinking. I love doing it but I can't work it into my schedule. What I would like to do is take one day a week of the new show but Thursdays, which are available, aren't good. Anyone want to trade for Monday, Wednesday, or Friday?


Monday, July 10, 2006

Barrera Friday, June 7

Things are a little crowded in the apartment where Victor, Maite, Veronica, Jaracanda and now Valeria are staying. Of course, Andres is there too kissing Valeria and saying that no one will ever separate them. All this interest by Victor and Maite in Valeria is starting to make Veronica jealous. She turns into Vera and flounces into the room where Valeria and Andres are embracing on the sofa. Maite and Victor come in and Andres announces that he is going to marry Valeria as soon as possible but first he wants to introduce his intended to his parents. Vera –nica stomps out of the room and Jacaranda tells Maite and Victor that she will go help her.

Entering the room, Jacaranda addresses Vera and says that she knows her secret and won’t tell. Vera says that she doesn’t like Valeria and Jacaranda agrees that Valeria is a goody-goody and Vera ought to have the big house, clothes, money etc. that Valeria has. When Veronica tells Jacaranda how she stole Valeria’s credit card when they were in Canada, Jacaranda continues her psychological experiment and says that such an act might bring the police. “The police?” says Vera-nica. “Yes, the police, like on your birthday,” and prang, Veronica the scared rabbit is back saying, “Where are my parents?”

Manola and Federico have a post coital conversation. Federico says that he loved her a lot, once. Manola asks why he is using the past tense. Didn’t she just prove that their passion for one another continues. Federico says that they still have passion but his love for her died when she rejected him twice – first for Adolfo and then for Gustavo. He suggests that they make a truce. Gustavo can stay here in this house without any rehabilitation but Manola cannot do any harm to him. She agrees and he leaves. Alone (except for the sleeping Gustavo), she says that Federico doesn’t know about his parentage. He’s been a great lover but since he is a Valladolid, she’s got to convert their relationship into something more.

Valeria seeks comfort in Maite’s arms and Maite is able to treat her like a daughter. After Valeria goes to bed, Maite and Victor celebrate the fact that Maite has recovered her daughter and swear that she will not lose her again.

Andres tells Unibrow and Nutria that he will bring Valeria over the next day.

Manola rushes home to tell her father about her discovery of Federico’s parentage. He is gobsmacked. They rehash the whole story and now Jacinta’s attitude to Federico now makes sense. Nicolas asks Manola what her plan is and she says that she will pretend that she is in love with Federico so that she can be the wife of the heir to half the Valladolid fortune.

Jacaranda and Dr. Carlos rehash the whole Vera/Veronica dual personality thing. Then the doctor leaves for his appointment with Manola. Manola wants Dr. Carlos to tell her the whole Veronica story and when he declines, she offers him a bribe. He obligingly rehashes the whole story again. The only new fact is that Manola learns that Federico encountered Vera in Canada and probably didn’t realize it was Veronica (the blond wig). Manola pays Dr. Carlos some more money not to tell anyone else about Veronica’s condition. The doctor asks why she is so interested in this case and Manola says that she thinks she can use it to her advantage.

Valeria approaches Unibrow and Nutria without Andres. Unibrow recognizes her from the stuck elevator incident. Andres appears and introduces her (without using her last name) as his novia. They are all happy. Maite decides to go to the church and Jacaranda is going to do some shopping. Jacaranda meets Andres and Valeria and they say it is too bad that because Maite is not around, they can’t introduce her to Andres’ parents.

Jacinta is sulking. Federico tells her that he is sure that Valeria will return to her side. Jacinta says that Valeria is an ingrate. Jacinta says that Valeria is not the first person to disappoint her but that doesn’t include you, Federico. Jacinta says that she is afraid that Valeria will find out that Maite is her mother and she will have to use the arrested-for-prostitution weapon.

Ghastly scene where Remedios charms the children in the school run by the nuns by telling them a story.

Unibrow asks Valeria what she was doing in the vineyard when they ran into her and she says that she lives nearby. He says, “I hope you don’t have anything to do with the Valladolid family.” Everyone else at the table knows who she is and they all choke on their food or look the other way. [Why doesn’t Unibrow say, “What is your last name?]

One of the gossipy ladies (wearing little lavender mitts for God’s sake and a giant orange flower in her hair) helps Sergio understand Maite’s history with Jacinta. No new information is disclosed.

Boring scene concerning Andres’ mother’s day gift for Nutria at the end of which, Valeria wishes she had a mother to give a gift to.

Equally boring scenes in the plaza in front of the church where Maite remembers Unibrow giving her flowers in the plaza. She still loves him as though it happened yesterday.

Federico gives Baldo a dressing down. He accuses him of daring to have opinions about the Valladolid family and threatens that he too can join his father in being fired from the hacienda.

A bunch of ladies from the pueblo commiserate with Jacinta, who is pretending to be a pitiful, deceived grandmother, about the Maite/Valeria situation. They are convinced that Maite is manipulating Valeria to get her back.

In church, Maite thanks God for giving Valeria back to her. She doesn’t even need to tell Valeria that she is her mother as long as she can have Valeria with her.

Federico and Rodrigo are congratulating themselves on their new ventures with Gustavo’s business. Omar is not joining in and even expresses doubts about the deals. Federico tells him off and Rodrigo backs him up.

In a bar, Jacaranda and Dr. Carlos discuss his appointment with Manola. Apparently, Dr. Carlos signed the death certificate for Magdalena indicating that this was a natural death and was paid off by Jacaranda. Dr. Carlos thinks that Manola will use the information against Maite.

That was about it.


Friday, July 07, 2006

How Unibrow got his gig?

Our reader Alma reports:

"My mom, who I sometimes watch this with, shed some light about how Unibrow managed to get this headlining gig (does it count as headlining if he only gets 20 seconds of screentime?). Apparantly Unibrow is the president of the Mexican actors' union. Aha!

Some other interesting tidbits from mom: His father and brother are also actors, but Unibrow is the looker in the family... Eeeewh!"


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Barrera - Thursday, July 6

It's lucky that when Jacinta gets really mad, there's a cake available for whacking with her cane. Yes, we had another episode of cake whacking on Barrera. I'm just going to do the main plot points here.

We got to hear the Spanish version of the Happy Birthday song but instead of blowing out the candles, Valeria announced that she was leaving Jacinta's house. She is of age and if Jacinta is going to set the dogs on her novio, she's outta there. She asks to stay with Maite and Victor who are only too happy to accept.

Meanwhile, Jacaranda does her psychological experiment on Veronica. While Veronica is staring at the candles on the birthday cake, she reminds her of the episode when the police raided the whorehouse. Veronica runs out of the room, terrified. Later Jacaranda and Carlos the evil doctor conclude that fear is a trigger for Veronica's personality changes.

Since Valeria's announcement that she is leaving the hacienda puts an end to the party, no one eats the cake and it is conveniently available for whacking after Jacinta broods over it for a while vowing not to let Maite win Valeria back. Jacinta then goes to the stable to see the portrait of Federico. She tells the portrait out loud that now that Valeria hasn't measured up to the Valladolid name, Federico is even more important to her since he is Pedro's son, etc. etc. And who is hearing all this? Manola, of course. You can see the wheels turning - Federico is a Valladolid. That means Rodrigo is one too.

Right after Jacinta leaves, who should appear but Federico and all of a sudden Manola is making nice to him. No more calling him Don Nadie (Mr. Nobody). She tells him that he's always been her only love, etc. etc. Federico is surprised and extremely suspicious of this sudden change in Manola's attitude but he really wants to know about what has happened to Gustavo. He knows that Gustavo has not been taken to the US. He makes Manola take him to the house in Aguascalientes where they have Gustavo stashed. They send the nurse out and apparently do some boinking in Gustavo's room. Fortunately for him, Gustavo is asleep.

Andres says that he has decided to introduce Valeria to Unibrow.

Sergio is using his gigolo skills to get information about Maite out of the gossipy ladies.

Manola makes an appointment to see the evil doctor, Carlos.

Nicolas takes Jacaranda out. I guess he is telling her that he can't leave his wife because she is ill and ever practical, Jacaranda wants proof. Nicolas doesn't know how he's going to get out of this one. [Maybe Sergio could recommend the doctor who is making phony reports for him.]
That was about it, I think.


Barrera de Amor, Wednesday July 6

Valerias Birthday Party

Andres arrives at Valerias party surprising Jacinta. Then enters Maite with Veronica and Jacaranda. Valeria is happy to see all. Maite then asks Jacinta to introduce them to their guests. Jacinta grins like the Cheshire cat, in control of it all. Jacinta introduces Maite pausing to ask Maite her last name, Maria Teresa Galvan. (Maite talks like a robot or Stepford wife.) Manola watches from the crowd and smirks at the arrival of the group. A priest gives a little service to celebrate Valerias turning of age outside in the parking lot, by the water fountain of the hacienda.

Federico sneaks up to Andres to quietly tell Andres to leave. "Dont take me wrong....but I think its best that you leave." Andres astutely asks if Jacinta sent Federico. Federico says yes and don't make me use force. Andres then queries if Federico will send out the dogs. Then he tells Federico that he thinks he wont leave plus Jacinta better receive him with good manners to avoid a scandal. Andres thinks the people wont be happy to hear how Jacinta treated the dog or Valeria. Federico takes the news in good stride and disappears to sit next to la patrona.

Valeria tells Andres that she is afraid that her grandmother will do something bad if he stays. Andres says he couldn't let her birthday pass without wishing her well. Jacinta starts to slide up to them with a not so good look on her face. Just as she does the two gossips do also. They immediately start oogling Andres. Valeria introduces him as her boyfriend and then they all recount his bullfighting in San Marcos. They congratulate Valeria her for her good taste in men. But I thought you were Rodrigo Zamoras girlfriend. No we are just friends. After Valeria, Andres and Jacinta walk off toward the food the gossips start talking about how upset Jacinta looks around Andres. Ha Ha Ha. What about her face when Maite came in? Oh My!

Los Ancianos Maldonados talk about Maite, Victor and Veronica. All agree that Veronica is strange. Jose says out loud that Veronica is someone who lacks the love of a father. Oh we cant blame her mother. Its the ruffian who got her pregnant and left her! And never returned! Oh yes this is life. How we always want what others have. The law of life. How I wish I had a daugher like Maria Teresa.....

Victor gives Valeria a gift. Maite tells Andres that she is happy to see him but she never thought she would see him here. Jacaranda takes in the house and counts in her head the dollars. Jacaranda thinks about how Maite doesn't even realize that Veronica has the same rights as Valeria to the Valladaloid fortune. For now she must stay near Veronica because everyday she seems to be crazier.

Jacinta goes over the ground rules with the gossips about Maite. They should all play like they don't know her. "Please tell all the guests since you are so communicative." The gossips say they will take care of it.

Rodrigo complains to Federico that Andres is at the party. Federico says they will find a way to get rid of Andres they just have to wait.

Cateyena, Manola and Jacinta talk about how incredulous they are that Maite is at the party. Jacinta states that with Maites attitude she obligated Jacinta to welcome her in! It made me nervous! Please tell everyone my intentions that we pretend to not know her, and no one taks about it anymore! Cateyena then starts gossiping about Jacaranda and how Jacaranda married a much older man just to get his money. Manola chirps up that Mom I married an older man too! But your case is much different Manola! Cateyena then starts taking about how Jacinta has business with the dead husband of Jacaranda. Nicolas has to explain what his wife is saying and to answer Jacintas questions about how is it that she is doing business with this man when she doesn't even know his name.

Fake perfect manners Maite is invited into the library to talk with Jacinta about a recipe. Victor tries to go along but Maite says it will be ok. The two women go into the library alone. Maite smarts that Jacinta is still using her recipes. Jacinta says that her cooking was the only thing Maite has done right but she doesn't want to talk about that. How dare she enter her house when the whole town knows what kind of woman she is?! Maite answers that its been a long time since Jacinta took Valeria from her, and she also doesn't doubt that it has been Jacinta who has ensured Maites "fame" in town. But today is the birthday of my daughter and I am not going to miss it. God has once again put Valeria on Maites path and no one is going to separate them again. Jacinta answers You want to mix God with this do you? This has to be the work of the devil because there is no other way to explain it to me! Whatever Jacinta! I come with a clear conscience. I am going to continue seeing my daughter. Now excuse me Im going to celebrate my daughters coming of age.

Valeria and Andres are so happy to see each other. Valeria states that just seeing Andres he is the best present she could have been given. He says no there's more, and gives her an engagement ring. He asks her to be his wife. He wants to take any doubt from her head that any other woman interests him. He wants to pass the rest of his life with Valeria. Valeria says even with the obstacles that life brings she loves him. Rodrigo looks on at them with an evil eye through the haze of his cigarette.

Rodrigo tells Federico that his father is in the US getting therapy. Federico is shocked and then furious with Manola. Federico flirts with Veronica, then pulls Manola into a side room to kiss on her, threaten her and asks what's up with Gustavo.

Carlos the doctor shows up at the party. He knows Jacinta. Maite walks in the room sees the doctor and they both make a big show of knowing each other. Jacinta is suspicious. Sergio wants to know who invited the doctor and how does he know Maite? Jacinta tells him he asks too many questions.

Veronica flashes in and out of herself. Victor notices as does the doctor and Jacaranda. Only the doctor imparts his wisdom to Jacaranda. Rodrigo comes up to Valeria and Andres and tells Valeria that he got her a side saddle for a present. He then asks her to go to the stables to see it. Valeria tells him no. Rodrigo is upset to see Valeria walk away with Andres.

Maite asks Federico where is Remedios. Federico says his mother ran away with the first man who paid her attention. Maite is shocked. Flash to Remedios being sad that she isn't celebrating Valerias birthday with her.

Jacaranda and Carlos follow Veronica as she slips into Vera and tries to flirt with Andres. Andres is able to get away from Vera, but he lets slip about his arm hurting. Juanita fills in Valeria about the dog and Valeria is upset. The girls get mad at him for not taking care of himself. He goes home for his rabies shots. Valeria takes off to have it out with Jacinta.

Valeria tells Jacinta that she knows she gave her something to make her sleep and that Jacinta had dogs attack Andres. Jacinta says that's what happens to people who are go onto private property! After a few more words Jacinta admits that Yes! It was her that made the plan! She is the one who decides who Valeria is to marry. Valeria has to marry someone dignified of their last name!

Manola eaves drops on Carlos and Jacaranda. Jacaranda re-tells the story of Veronica in the whore house with her two dolls. The doctor is interested and asks her to tell more as he figures out that Veronica has multiple personalities. Jacaranda tells a lot and Manola hears a lot ... Police, parties and the past of Jacaranda and Veronica comes tumbling out of her mouth.

Vera hits on Rodrigo. She asks him if he is interested in Valeria as she grins at him. He puts his arms on her shoulders and starts flirting back. Jacinta walks by and tells Rodrigo to get his hands off Veronica.

The doctor and Jacaranda decide to try and experiment with Veronica/Vera. Manola hears the plan.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Barrera de Amor, Tuesday July 4th

Greetings all, in a coincidental turn of events I, too, will be on vacation from this Thursday until the week of July 24th. I am supposed to return on the 24th and if my schedule goes according to plan I will start recapping Heridas on Tuesday the 25th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Heridas turns out to be worth our time and effort.

On to Barrera:
As we left them, Andres is hunched over the writhing Valeria who is moaning "No grandmother, don't lock me up, I must see Andres!" Sergio enters the room with the tray and asks Andres what he's doing there.

Maite has a flashback to when When Valeria was born. A white-haired doctor is in the scene (and it looks like Jacaranda's doctor friend but I'm not sure because those white-haired older guys all look the same to me). Maite remembers that's when she started to become sick, when she began to lose Valeria little by little.

Sergio tells Andres that Valeria seems drugged, it's no use to wake her. No doubt it's the work of his sister Jacinta. She's the grandmotherly type who probably set the dogs upon him and most certainly gave something to Valeria so that she couldn't meet him in the garden. Andres says, "But the dogs could have attacked Valeria!" Sergio seems to think this a minor glitch and tells Andres he should get a rabies shot. Andres is still worried about Valeria and why she was drugged. Sergio says it was definitely the work of Jacinta and Andres should leave now, he can meet Valeria tomorrow.

Carlos tells Jacaranda that on the day of Maite's baptism he and Jacinta gave Maite a mega-dose of drugs that would make her seem like an alcoholic. Jacaranda says she's curious to meet this Jacinta. Carlos says she'll get the opportunity if she goes to Aguascalientes.

Sergio tells Jacinta that Valeria is sick and delirious, as if she is drugged. Jacinta says it was a simple herbal tea to help her rest. Rest in Peace is more like it. "Pretty potent herbs," he comments. He asks if it has to do with the boy that Valeria was meeting and she tells him to mind his own business.

The next morning the maid (Clotilde?) tries to wake Federico, Jacinta wants him to join her for breakfast. He is majorly hung over and wants to be left alone. No wait a minute, he wants a beer THEN he wants to be left alone.

Sergio tells Valeria that she was incoherent the night before. Valeria remembers events as if in a delirious dream. He asks if Jacinta gave her some sort of herbal tea. No, only a glass of milk, and afterward she felt dizzy.

Jacinta is irked that Federico is "indisposed" and wants to call the doctor. Clotilde tells her it's just something he ate that gave him a stomach ache. Jacinta seems to believe her and Clotilde gets big bug-eyes and looks just like Mrs. Danvers, except relieved instead of diabolical.

Andres, who should be seriously thinking about getting seen for dog bite, is window shopping for engagement rings.

A painting has arrived for Jacinta's inspection. It is a portrait, Valladolid style, of Federico.

Veronica, Maite, and apparently Jacaranda are going to Aguascalientes for Valeria's birthday party. Maite is nervous and Veronica doesn't look pleased that Jacaranda is joining them.

At the vineyards Baldo is worried about Andres' wounded arm, he thinks he should get a rabies shot. Andres says he is certain that Federico ratted him out to Jacinta. Baldo agrees, adding that Federico is a "lambiscon" who only wants to suck up to Jacinta.

Federico's beer must have done the trick as he's up and about. He tells Jacinta that he set the dogs on Andres and his arm was hurt. She thinks the beauty of this plan is that Andres was trespassing so it was his own fault he got attacked. No one will suspect them of orchestrating the attack. (Nobody except everybody who has heard about it so far!)

Valeria drives out to the vineyard and sees Unibrow, remember they met at Nutria's clinic in an earlier episode, but they don't really know who the other is. Uni mentions his son Andres and Valeria, realizing Uni is his father, beats a hasty retreat.

Jacinta thought bubbles, "Just think how surprised Federico will be when he finds out he's a real Valladolid. I was really mad when Pedro legally recognized him as his own, but now I'm just so darn glad that he's not a bastard. He's pure Valladolid stock. I'm going to look for the perfect opportunity to tell him!"

Federico looks at Pedro's portrait and thought bubbles, "Damn! I was hoping I was Pedro Valladolid's son, only to find out I'm the son of that poor devil of a teacher. My mother is an idiot, if only she could have gotten herself knocked up by the Padrona then I could have been HIS son."

Sergio has had an exotic meal with the two gossips Letitia and Bertha. He flatters them endlessly...but wait, a shocking development, he has forgotten his wallet! The old bags are putty in his hands and end up arguing over which one of them gets to pay for his meal. Then he gets them to float him a loan and promise not to mention it to Jacinta.

Now we have one of those heavy-handed scenes that indicate the writers think we viewers need to have everything spelled out for us...Uni tells Andres he has the perfect girl for her, but Pa I have a girl and you're gonna meet her, but this girl was awesome I don't know her name sure hope she has nothing to do with the Valladolids blah blah blah. Yes, we already KNOW about this scene set-up.

Federico is tailing Sergio. He is extremely obvious as he tiptoes from doorway to doorway, hiding and peering around walls at Sergio.

Valeria and Andres, still unvaccinated, rendezvous in a beautiful garden. She is sure that Federico told Jacinta about them and that Jacinta gave her a knockout drug. Federico can't be trusted. By the way, she met Andres' dad at the vineyard but he doesn't know who she is. They talk ad nauseum about her running into Unibrow. I only mention this because it is where Andres finds out Nutria was seeing a doctor. He wonders why his parents hadn't shared that info with him.

Manola calls her mom to tell her all is going well with Gustavo's admission to "the clinic." Cut to Gustavo in his cell, guarded by a nurse. "How long must I remain here? I can't believe Manola would do this to me. This place is going to be my tomb."

Federico has followed Sergio to the doctor's office. He passes Nutria and checks out her rear as she walks away.

Another heavy-handed scene, this time between Rodrigo and Jacinta. She wishes Valeria would be his girlfriend, for once he's more worried about taking care of his dad's business than getting it on with the richest girl in town. The only people he can count on are Jacinta and Federico. His mom and Nicolas took Gustavo to a clinic in the U.S., (news to Jacinta)and they wouldn't let him go. He thinks they are hiding something. Jacinta will investigate. She tells him except for his excessive smoking he really reminds her of a true Valladolid!

Federico follows Sergio, who is carrying a big envelope (medical records?), back to the hacienda. Sergio put the envelope away and blows smoke rings. After he leaves, Federico goes in and opens the envelope. He thinks if Sergio really has cancer the information will be in these records. But Sergio could pay to have records falsified, how will Federico know if the information is real or not? Without a doubt Sergio is going to figure out a way to live off his sister (vivir a sus costillas=live off her ribs). Better to wait until Sergio makes a stupid move then he can figure out what to do with the information.

El Gordo, horsing around with Andres, pokes him in the arm. Andres winces in pain and FINALLY admits to Gordo and Daniel that the Valladolid dogs bit him. Daniel is going to vaccinate him against rabies.

Jacinta tells Federico she wants him by her side when she greets the party guests that evening. He's worried it might look inappropriate. She says since Adolfo's death little by little Federico has become the man of the house. Since the estrangement of his mother he has become even dearer to her. He says her words honor him, especially considering the ingratitude of his mother. " and your mom are like oil and water." He kisses her hand and then stares hard at Adolfo's portrait. "I only wish Adolfo had had your character," she concludes.

Valeria confronts Jacinta and wants to know what she put in her milk. "Only a little something to help you sleep," answers the wicked old witch. Valeria says it's not right to drug her without consulting her first. (this is most certainly the oddest statement in tonight's episode.) Jacinta responds that nobody knows better than she (Jacinta) what is best for Valeria. While Valeria is a minor she will abide by Jacinta's rules, and that means no more Mr. Nobody. The day Valeria leaves the house without marrying well will be the day Jacinta disinherits her.

Manola and Nicolas are back in time for the fiesta. They lie about Gustavo's rehabilitation but Rodrigo acts like he doesn't believe them.

Gustavo discovers he can move his hands but decides he better keep it a secret or Manola will kill him. Ya think?

Party time!! Jacinta, Valeria and the guests are millling about the patio. Andres arrives, then Maite, Veronica and Jacaranda arrive. Jacinta looks shocked but not awed and the gossips seem to recognize Maite. (It occurs to me that perhaps Jacaranda isn't the best companion if Maite is to convince everybody that she wasn't a prostitute.) Andres looks pleased with himself, Valeria looks worried, Juanita smirks.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Barrera de Amor: July 3

Hi friends,

I'm leaving for Paris on Saturday - I'll be gone for three weeks, home for one week, then gone for two more weeks. So it won't be till mid-August that I'll be back for good and ready to resume Monday recapping. I hope you can get "Heridas" off to a good start without me - I'll be relying on your blogging to get me up to speed when I return!

So here's my last episode of Barrera, for real. I'm way too tired of this show to be funny today, sorry!

We start with the dispirited theme song, and then Manola and her dad in the dark, discussing their plan, which is to pretend Gustavo has gone off to the clinic while actually keeping him locked up in the house, with a new nurse who doesn't know what's been going on. Why don't they just kill him and stop talking about it? (Remember that Austin Powers scene with Seth Green?) Gustavo's thought bubble: "Uh, I'm a Goner."

The Maldonado brothers gaze upon their mother's portrait, recently completed by their sister, she of the lizard-facelift. The portrait features the famous diamond necklace; this causes Maite's father to fulminate about his great love for Eloisa-who-deserted-him and his wish to see the necklace again. As we know, Maite (his daughter) has it.

Federico catches Valeria and Andres kissing in the dark, but says he's on their side. "Leave it to me, I know how to manage Doña Jacinta." He points out Jacinta could have Andres put in jail since Valeria is a minor - so, reluctantly, the lovers agree, though Andres has been seeking an opportunity to tell the old harpy his intentions are honorable. Federico goes right off and snitches to Jacinta, and they hatch a plan. She disparages the lovers as having a relationship "de tajo," anybody?

To add verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, Manola and her dad go to the airport to call home and say "We're on our way to the clinic!" They don't know what to do if Rodrigo insists on seeing his father...

I forget who calls Federico a "lambiscon" (bootlicker), maybe Juanita, who thinks the lovers were idiots to trust Federico, and that they better look out for Rodrigo as well.

In the first of Unibrow's two scenes in this episode, he is 1/8" tall, on a horse with Nutria way across a field. She is doubtful she will survive her treatments. He tells her he's glad she's been so nice to his kids. Way to go. In the second scene, he says she'll be cured and she, acting, yells that her cancer is not curable. He just stands there.

Veronica tells Maite and Victor: "My therapist is good, we talk about my "real" mother and I cry." They say crying is good. Then Jacaranda tells her psychiatrist buddy Carlos (who figured out Veronica has multiple personalities): "I really want to know what's going on in that crazy little head." They discuss his going to Aguascalientes to observe Veronica. It turns out Carlos knows Jacinta already - because he was hired (by Rafael) to help her - he in fact gave her the poison powders and was paid well. Jacaranda says, well then none of this is a coincidence, because it was Rafael who called you in on that day when Magdalena (Veronica's mother), unfortunately, died. "Yes, Rafael has called me over the years when he had little jobs..."

Jacinta goes to church, receives the obsequious thanks of the padre, and asks him to celebrate a birthday mass for Valeria, who has fallen under bad influences. She tries to blame Remedios and then finishes, "We must banish the demons of the flesh," as she fingers her throat. Her look of alarm is a bit overdone, perhaps she swallowed a frog.

Of all our subplots, perhaps the dullest is Federico's sulking about his mother marrying Octavio. They run across each other and come to blows, he shouts he'd rather be an orphan than have her for a mother.

Jacinta is in a dark cellar gloating over her leftover packets of powder. "I wonder if they're still effective after all these years?" She mixes one into a milk drink, almost tries it herself, and then takes it off to Valeria, who doesn't really want it. "DRINK THE DAMN MILK." "Later," Jacinta thought-bubbles, "you'll understand everything I've done is in your best interests."

Remedios tells Octavio she did not accept Pedro's offer (to leave Jacinta and marry her) because Pedro's father begged her not to.

In a bar, Sergio speculates with the sulking Federico that his father may have been Pedro Valladolid. Federico barges into his mother's apartment yelling, TELL ME WHO ... blah blah and Octavio surprisingly stands up and says, "I. I am your father." This completely dumbfounds Federico who goes off, drinks some more, and is disgusted that his father was a mediocre nobody. If his father isn't Pedro Vallodolid, then Federico doesn't care who he is. Octavio tells Remedios - who is very displeased with his interference - that he thought this might bring them all closer together.

Unaware that Valeria is tossing and turning in a drugged dream, Andres sneaks across the grass to visit her and is attacked by a crazed dog. Luckily for him, Baldo is in the neighborhood and immediately scares the dog off with gunshot and takes Andres home to get patched up. Juanita figures this was Federico and Jacinta's doing, but does not believe Jacinta would harm her own grand-daughter Valeria. Andres goes out to try again.

Veronica, snuggled into Maite's arms, says Valeria may seem to have everything but she doesn't have a mother's love. "Valeria's mother must have been a really rotten woman to abandon her like that." Maite objects.

Clotilde is about to take some food up to Valeria but Jacinta forbids it, barking "Leave her alone." Sergio slouches in, and when Clotilde explains about the tray, and that Jacinta often used to punish Valeria by denying her meals, Sergio says he'll take the tray up. He enters Valeria's bedroom to find Andres hunched worriedly over his drugged, sweating, sweetie.

And that's all folks! See you on the other side. Have a great six weeks!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Barerra, Friday, June 30

It’s going to be tough to follow up on Sylvia’s excellent recap but here goes.
Big let down on the bull cliff hanger. The bull paws the ground aggressively but doesn’t charge. After staring at it transfixed for a second or two, Andres gets on his horse, pulls Valeria up behind him and they ride away. Not very exciting.

Victor and Guillermo have a little conversation wherein it is revealed that they both used to swim and they both like old motorcycles. Guillermo expresses his admiration for Victor’s adopting an orphan with Maite. Victor says, “Enough about me. How many children do you have?” Guillermo reveals that he has no children, he doesn’t want any children because he doesn’t plan to get married. He asks Victor where he rides his motorcycles. Victor says that he rides them on the track or in various places and Guillermo says maybe they could go out motorcycle riding together. This conversation was accompanied by significant looks.

Well, the bull didn’t have to charge. It did the job of getting Valeria and Andres back together. Andres swears on the rosary that Valeria gave him that he will never cheat on her. Now that all that is settled, Andres wants Valeria to meet his parents – without telling Unibrow who she is until he gets to know her.

Veronica is in a restaurant with Jacaranda in her extremely withdrawn personality (Veronica, that is). A very cute guy is checking her out. Jacaranda encourages her to catch his eye. She does. He comes over and asks to sit at the table. We hear the noise and the music and Vera appears. Within seconds of meeting this Alejandro, she is all over him. Carlos comes to the table and regards sexy Veronica quizzically.

Jacinta and Federico are walking in the garden discussing Sergio. If he is really ill, Jacinta won’t throw him out. “But suppose he’s faking it” asks Federico. Jacinta says that they must check out the doctor that Sergio said would verify the diagnosis. Federico says that he will take of this in his brown-nosing way. Meanwhile, Sergio is listening to the conversation and smoking behind a wall. It looks like he was fibbing about being at death’s door.

A big long scene between Remedios and Octavio with no fewer than three sepia pointless recollections of incidents when Adolfo and Federico were children. The upshot is that Octavio suggests that maybe Remedios would like to teach in an elementary school. He will look into this.

Back to the restaurant with Vera-nica, Alejandro, Carlos and Jacaranda. Veronica is flirting outrageously with the very cute Alejandro. She asks for his phone number and he gives it to her and leaves just as timid Veronica comes back with no memory of a cute guy being at their table. Veronica says that the same thing happened in Canada. Carlos wants to know what happened in Canada.

Manola is consulting with Gustavo’s doctor. “Is there any chance that my husband is going to improve?” she asks. The doctor says there is hope. The most recent tests done on Gustavo were very promising. “Has he made any movements at all in his extremities?” asks the doctor. “None at all, unfortunately,” Manola lies. “How strange.” responds the doctor. He goes on to tell Manola that when Gustavo can move his extremities, he needs intensive physical therapy. Manola’s thought bubble is that she has to act quickly before it is discovered that Gustavo isn’t going to die.

Maite is moping that Valeria is having another birthday separated from her. She vows that this will be the last time they will be so separated.

Jacinta is in her bedroom holding something that looks like a big piece of glass. Whatever it is, her father in law gave it to her and it is very precious. Adolfo wasn’t worthy of it but now she plans to give it to Federico when she tells him about the Valladolid blood running in his veins.

Meanwhile, Federico thinks, “who would have thought that one day he would have almost taken the place of Adolfo Valladolid.” He has a sepia memory of trying to one up Adolfo as a child. Then he goes through the “if’s”. If he is Pedro’s son, that would explain why Jacinta treats him so well and if he is a Valladolid, then his son, Rodrigo, is one too and would have a claim on both the Zamora and the Valladolid properties.

The prize for figuring out that Veronica has multiple personalities goes to Carlos who explains it to Jacaranda.

Manola tells her parents and Rodrigo that Gustavo needs to go to a clinic in the US that specializes in care for people in his condition. Rodrigo looks thoughtful, which is quite a stretch for him.

Unibrow is talking to Mario, the bullfighter friend of Andres. He is going to buy some wine. Andres comes in. Unibrow is surprised that they know each other. The bullfighter guy says that he and Andres share an avocation. Oops. Unibrow doesn’t know about Andres fighting bulls. Andres says that wine is their common avocation and oh by the way, did you know that Mario is a “matador?” Unibrow didn’t know. Andres says that they won’t discuss bullfighting since Unibrow is against it. “I am not against the ‘fiesta brava’ says Unibrow. I just don’t want my son involved in it.

Manola and Nicolas bamboozle Rodrigo into believing that Gustavo has to go this clinic in Houston this very night.

Jacaranda lets slip to Veronica and Maite that her friend Carlos is a psychiatrist.

Mario’s father is a big connoisseur of wine and he is going to place a big order with Unibrow’s vineyard. Andres says that people should drink locally produced wine. Mario invites Unibrow to dinner but he has another engagement. Andres accepts so that he can “work out” the details of the order. Unibrow buys this and leaves. Andres explains that his father is totally opposed to bullfighting and that’s why he hasn’t told him about what he has been up to. Mario thinks Andres should tell his father about his activities.

Juanita explains to her brother Baldo about the Daniel/Valeria problem. Baldo says she should forget Daniel but she can’t, of course, anymore than Baldo can forget Veronica. Love stinks.

Jacinta is giving orders for the preparations for the Valeria’s 18th birthday party to her staff. Cleotilde unwisely says that she misses Remedios who could organize a party down to the last details. Jacinta says that no one is indispensable and proceeds to say nasty things about how ungrateful, etc. Remedios is.

The gossipy ladies encounter Remedios. They are bitchy and she is evasive. The plot does not advance.

Manola and Nicolas hustle the nun out of Gustavo’s room pretending that he is about to leave for the clinic. Manola has to conceal the fact that Gustavo is squeezing her hand. When the nun is gone, Manola tells Gustavo that he going someplace where he won’t be able to interfere with her plans again.

The restaurant staff assures Maite that they can run things while she is away in Aguascalientes. Jacaranda can help too. Of course, says Jacaranda, but she is so depressed from losing her husband that she has to see a shrink and blah, blah blah. Maite buys this load of crap and suggests that Jacaranda come with them to Aguascalients. Jacaranda is pleased. This is what she wanted.

Vera and Violeta discuss the possibilities of the birthday party. Since Andres won’t be there, maybe Valeria will hook up with Rodrigo. That would leave Andres for Vera. But wait, Rodrigo is cute too and he will inherent money. “You can’t have both of them,” wails Violeta but Vera wants whatever Valeria has.

Andres tells Nutria about the bull fight. Surprise, surprise, she thinks he should tell Unibrow but Andres wants to wait until he has more success so that his father will see that this is his profession not a hobby.

Gustavo, wearing what appears to be football (American) helmet and trussed up like a chicken is about to be loaded into an ambulance while Rodrigo says goodbye. He is not happy about this arrangement but Manola and Nicolas put on a good show.

Federico is once again wondering about his parentage. Nothing new.

Jacinta is scourging herself when Sergio comes into the room. He sees the whip and says that he can’t believe Jacinta has sufficiently grave sins to require such penitence [if he only knew!]. Predictably, Jacinta responds that everyone is a sinner and should do penitence. She goes on to threaten Sergio that if he tells anyone about her unusual religious practice, she will throw him out on the street.

Valeria is thinking that here is another birthday without [guess] her mother! Why did her mother abandon her? Was she a bad person like Jacinta says? The appearance of Andres interrupts her thoughts.
We see Gustavo being put into a bed. For our benefit, Manola and Nicolas explain to one another that this isolated abandoned house is the perfect place to get Gustavo out of the picture.

That is where the TiVo stopped.


La Fea Más Bella #27-28 Part Eleven

The veeedeocleeep that Luigi is going to get stuck shooting with video instead of 35mm is for an artist named Benny Ibarra. Luigi has shot some test footage with Magali, the woman Fernando picked up at the cocktail party, and when he shows it to the suits from Benny’s record company they are in love. Luigi preens and soaks in the praise. Marcia tells Fernando that the record company has even agreed to give them a cut of some CD sales, assuming Benny’s sales go up after the release of the video. Also, every female within 10 miles fights the urge to throw their legs open with Benny in the building. Like if Tom Jones visited where YOU work. Tom Jones looks like Bob the neighbor from “That 70’s Show” but apparently is second only to Wilt Chamberlain for the all-time scoring record. But I digress.

Lety tells Fernando that Bat-guy is still asking her where to deposit her kickback. Fernando is very excited, he has been waiting for the subject to come up again. He calls Bat-guy’s hot boss on the phone and tells her “My assistant says that your guy there offered her a bribe.” Based on his half of the conversation that we hear, she is shocked I tell you SHOCKED to hear that such a thing is happening right under her nose. SHOCKED. Fernando doesn’t believe it either. He tells her, “here’s what you’re going to do. Take the money you were going to give her, and give it to Conceptos. Just do it, trust me, you don’t want to fight with me about this.” Then he smiles, she has agreed. So there’s a little cash in his pocket. Meanwhile, Lety is still getting paid something like 50 pesos per hour even though she’s acting CFO/VP. I actually paused the recording out of frustration after this scene. I looked at my wife and she was obviously thinking the same thing as me. Lety is the absolutely DUMBEST smart person in the entire country of Mexico. Her father might lose his job, her mother appears to be on some kind of happy pills, her best friend is the Mexican version of Squiggy (from Laverne & Shirley), the ’89 LeBaron loan payments are enough to put the family into bankruptcy apparently, and she WON’T ASK FOR A DAMN RAISE. I believe there was even a cuss word or two in the ensuing conversation. We really got lathered up about that. Remember, at least a month of shows has gone by since she took on additional duties. What a complete wuss. Boo, Lety, booo.

So of course you know what happens next. As soon as I start the tape again……

Omar tells Fernando, basically, “Fernando, you idiot, you keep giving her all this stuff to do and keep drawing her tighter into your little web and you’re still paying her like she’s an intern.” Fernando looks stunned. Gosh golly gee Omar it never crossed my mind. I’m so great and the president of a company but I can’t even think to keep my own assistant paid right. So he calls Lety in after Omar leaves and tells her he’s giving her a big raise, I think he said 800 Pesos. That must be per week. She says “800 Pesos?” like he said 10 Million Dollars. Yeah and I’ll let you keep my pocket change too. Fernando thinks she isn’t satisfied with that, so he bumps it up to 900. She is about to say “900 Pesos?” and Fernando, like you and me, sees that this could go on all night. He says yeah 900 Pesos, thank you, good night, I’ll be here all week. This is followed by the typical Lety swooning, dreaming, imagining kissies, etc.

Luigi has the scenery all drawn up on boards in his office. However, today is another one of those days where Paula Maria’s son got kicked out of school again or something and Lola’s ex-husband dropped her kids off too. So, after some wandering around, the kids end up in Luigi’s office. They see the pictures and decide to color them in, not knowing what they are. Lola’s young son has a dinosaur stamp, a stamp like you press on an inkpad and then on paper. He stamps little dinosaurs all over everything. Then we see Luigi instructing some painters to get the boards from his office and make sure the scenery matches his drawings. You see what’s going to happen here right? Later Luigi comes back and finds his veedeo scenery painted with dinosaurs! It’s pretty funny, mostly to see his super-gay reaction. This guy makes Jack McFarland from Will & Grace look like Sam Malone from Cheers he’s so gay. Fernando shows up, has an equally comical reaction, then they scream at the painters, then the kids, then the painters start working to fix it all up again. The whole thing was funny but a bit pointless.

More stuff happens with the shadow company. Fernando tells the plan to Lety, she’s surprised about the whole thing but of course she’ll do it, she’d take bamboo slivers under her nails for Fernando. They do some paperwork. This whole storyline is kind of a bore, though it does give a reason to keep Tomas and RoboPapa involved in the story later on rather than just for their usual shticks. Fernando tells Lety, about as many times as Omar told Paula Maria to keep their tryst quiet, that she can’t tell anyone about the shadow company. “Yeah, it’s totally legit, oh yeah totally, but uh you can’t tell anyone or I’ll have you disappear. Heh. It’s all legit though, really.”

Marcia the Unblinking Eye complains to Fernando’s mother some more about Fernando and how much influence Lety has on him. Lety is working on cutting costs and Fernando is backing it up 100%. Of course cutting costs is a good idea when you are losing money, but since it was Lety’s idea Marcia hates it.

For the 10th time of 100 times, Luigi asks Fernando where his new camera is. “heh it’s on the way really Luigi totally I was just checking on it this morning, really.” Fernando’s job has turned into walking around the building lying to people. And scoping out models. That’s about it.

Fernando then tells Lopez the creepy nasty HR guy to clean out Olarte’s old office, he’s moving Lety in there. Then he tells Lety, who starts to cry. He can’t believe it. She won’t go. He says don’t you want a window or something? Nope. She gives him some crap about wanting to be close to do all their business and he buys it. What a rube. He says fine, whatever you want. She goes into her office for the whole dreamy swoony thing she does. I know the first two notes of the music for when she does this, so I can roll my eyes about it before she even gets started now. Good times.

Lety brings Tomas in on her new shadow company. Fernando moved 100,000 Pesos into that company’s account, Lety wants Tomas to invest it for her. In direct violation of Fernando’s order to NOT TELL ANYBODY. Really, he couldn’t have been more clear. Here’s what Lety did: “uh huh, don’t tell anyone. Got it. Hey Tomas check this out…..” Nice work Lety. You’ll never get to be Mrs. Fernando if you do stuff like that. She ends up selling him 1% of the company, so he can work as an owner and not just an employee. To have rights with the money or something like that.

It’s the morning of the big Benny Ibarra veeedeo shoot and nobody has arrived in the office yet. Fernando is beside himself. As people arrive one by one, he bites their heads off one at a time. Finally everyone is there and there’s no one left to yell at.

Omar tells Fernando that Luigi is going to flip when he finds out there is no 35mm camera coming, just a new video camera. No duh Omar, good thing we pay you so much. Advice like that is priceless. Aren’t there some ladies working somewhere that you should be giving the constipation face to?

Tomas immediately lets his new status go to his head and he buys some business cards. He’s Donaldo Trump. Lety goes to work and continues to tell Fernando that she hasn’t told anyone about the company.

Saimon is having a little fun with the dancers from the video. As the world’s only messenger who wears a suit, he gets to pull his “I’m an executive” routine and starts teaching them to dance. He’s having a grand old time until he doesn’t notice Fernando standing right behind him trying to do the General Zod from Superman II thing with his eyes into the back of Saimon’s head. One more notch in the belt for Fernando, he might actually get to yell at every single person in the company today.

Fernando tells Lety that he’s going to L.A. tomorrow and that he’s leaving HER in charge of the company while he’s gone! Boy oh boy wait until the Unblinking Eye and Jessica Rabbit find out about THAT.


Friday, June 30, 2006

Barrera de Amor, Tuesday June 29

Lynn is right. Barrera is one long run-on sentence...

After Federico and Manola make sex and she says she may be able to marry him if Gustavo dies, he retorts that if he does marry it won't be to her. Yeah right, Federico, we believe you.

Sergio wants to make a good impression on Jacinta's friends who are coming over for dinner. Bertha, gossip #1, dressed like an over the hill Madonna (singer not saint), shows up early. Sergio kisses "Berthita's" hand and ogles her gigantic ring. She says unfortunately Letitia (gossip #2) is indisposed and cannot make it to dinner.

Valeria is moping in her room and dreaming about Andres. "Andres, you cannot leave me for another, you can't."

Letitia shows up to the dinner and is surprised to see Bertha whom she thought could not make it. Turns out they lied to each other hoping the other wouldn't go to dinner without her "friend." These ladies are bush-league schemers, no wonder they are in very minor roles.

Maite calls Teodoro at the winery. Unibrow answers and immediately recognizes her voice. "Maite, is it you??" Frozen facial expression from Unibrow, then to Maite, back to Uni, then to Maite, back to Uni, then Maite. I'm not kidding, I counted, it was really that many times! The director decides Unibrow's lack of expression will not improve so he gets to speak, telling Maite that it is he, Luis Antonio. She tells him he has confused her with somebody else and hangs up.

The gossips love the meal and compliment Remedios. Oops, social blunder. They are told that Remedios left to marry an old (and how) suitor. Sergio brings up their childhood AGAIN and Jacinta says AGAIN that Pedro senior practically adopted her. All that she is she owes to Don Pedro Valladolid.

Maite tells Victor that Luis Antonio answered the phone at Teodoro's work and they recognized each other's voices. What was he doing there? She'll worry about it tomorrow, now she wants to think of something happier, like going to Valeria's birthday party...where Jacinta can insult her, threaten her in private with her big stick and maybe even poison her again for old time's sake. OK, I added that last part.

Sergio says goodbye to the gossips, and Jacinta tells him "enough flattery (zalamerias) already, let the ladies leave!" When they are alone he thanks her for the wonderful evening, she made him feel right at home. "But it is NOT your home," she reminds him. Tomorrow they will speak of his departure.

Valeria is still moping in her room when Jacinta enters to talk about Valeria's upcoming birthday party. She tells Valeria her party, a socially important one where all the "big names" are invited will be the perfect time to make Rodrigo Zamora her boyfriend and forget about that torero guy. Valeria breaks down into sobs. Nice job cheering up the angst-ridden granddaughter!

Victor reminds Maite that Jacinta terrifies her so how is she going to pull off going to Valeria's birthday party? Her plan is that Veronica will go since she's Valeria’s friend and they, as her parents, will escort her. Victor worries that the people of Santa Maria might recognize her. Maite says they will go straight to the hacienda and not hang around town. She can buy a cap or a hat and some glasses to disguise herself. Victor says "Yes, and a bag to put over your head so nobody will notice." I thought that was kind of funny.

Jacaranda and Veronica are talking. Jacaranda asks her if she wants to be as rich as Valeria. Veronica turns into Vera and Vera says she's going to very very rich, instead of envying Valeria it is Valeria who will be envious. Jacaranda says "you sure you're feeling OK because all of a sudden you seem like somebody else." "No, I like to be like this, and not like that stupid Veronica!" Jacaranda gets the HUH???? face, says Veronica's name and Vera turns back into Veronica who answers Jacaranda's original question (again) saying she doesn't care to be as rich as Valeria, she's very content and money isn’t important. Jaca tells her she just said the opposite a second ago. Veronica panics and dashes out of the room.

Valeria is STILL moping. "Andres my love, you can't stop loving me, you can't deceive me."

Veronica is thrilled when Maite tells her they are going to Valeria's party. Veronica has been concerned about her because Valeria hasn't answered any of her e-mails, it's strange.

Juanita asks lap dog Federico to help her throw Sergio out of the hacienda.

Valeria asks Tio Sergio for love advice. Is it true that women like men in certain professions? Oh yes, men in uniforms attract women. Do older women like younger men? "Yes, when I was young mature women paid me for my company." (Aha, he was a gigolo!!) Valeria is more bummed than ever.

You know how after the commercial they do a little lead-in with still shot of one of the characters? This time it's a close-up of Victor, shirtless, doing a bicep curl. He's got quite a six pack. This, for me, was the high point of the episode.

Pancho can't concentrate on his produce deliveries because he's got Maite on the mind. She doesn't pay attention to him and there is that guy Ulises who keeps patrolling around her, it gets worse every day. Guillermo asks Pancho about Maite's relationship with Victor, were they married? Pancho says they got together to adopt the orphaned Veronica but they aren't a couple. Victor is a special kind of guy. Guillermo gets a pensive, far-off look. Good call Jean.

Veronica sees Jacaranda's strappy gold heels and has a flashback of seeing her mother's feet when she was killed. She tells Victor that Jacaranda's sandals are like the ones her mother was wearing the day she died. But wait a minute, no, she remembers nothing, she's confused. Victor thinks the shrink can help her remember so she can face her demons.

Manola visits Gustavo who is looking slightly less dead since I saw him last week. She holds a mirror up to his face and asks if he still sees the robust man who was always ready to make important decisions. "You are but a shadow of what you were." Dang, she's mean!! He thinks "I'm not going to stay this way forever. One day I'll be what I once was, then you're going to pay." He touches her hand and she freaks. She she must move fast before he regains his faculties.

Manola tells Nicolas that Gustavo moved his hand. They agree that if he recovers and opens his mouth she'll go to jail. She says if it weren't for that stupid Federico not letting her have a second go at him she wouldn't have this problem, what to do what to do? Nicolas says "keep a cool head for now until we come up with a plan." This father and daughter are quite a pair.

Sergio sees Nutria at the doctor's office. She says her new treatment has given her hope.

Juanita is walking along the road with a basket of goodies. Rodrigo drives us, jumps out of his car and asks, "are you going to visit your grandma Little Red Riding Hood (Caperuza)? Better watch out for the hungry wolf!" He grabs her apple and takes a bite, starts fondling her and making racist remarks, "you're not so ugly with a bath to get rid of the fleas." What a creep! Daniel drives up and chases him off, saving Juanita from the big bad wolf.

Andres, Unibrow and Gordo are in the vineyard and Uni wants to know why Andres is limping. Guess he hurt his hamburger. Uni tells Gordo that he experienced something strange, there was a call from a woman, he's sure it was Maite's voice. Gordo says that can't be, it must be the effect of moving back to Santa Maria.

Federico tells Sergio that he has to leave the hacienda without making a fuss. Sergio should gather his things and leave willingly or Federico will have to use force. Sergio runs to the library and tells Jacinta she can't throw him out in his condition. He is condemned to die. He has an incurable disease and has little time to live. She looks like she wishes he were already dead.

A ranch hand has brought Valeria her horse. Suddenly Andres arrives (and nearly knocks her over! Haven't they heard of retakes?) She's angry. He doesn't know why. He should know why. He doesn't know why. The women! What women? The women in the photo and don't try to hide it. It was just a photo, where's the trust? She runs to her horse and rides off in a huff "to think." After all that moping and sobbing all she wants to do is ride away? Young love is so tedious. Andres jumps on the ranch hand's horse in hot pursuit.

Back at the hacienda Jacinta asks Sergio "what kind of cock-and-bull story (patraña) is this illness?" He tells her he has lung cancer. Jacinta, always sensitive, says "of course, I told you since you were a boy what a risk smoking is." Anyway, she ends up believing him.

Daniel drives Juanita home. He can't believe that Rodrigo is Gustavo's son, they are so different. And how about a coffee sometime?

Jacinta says Sergio can stay. Nobody can say that Doña Jacinta Valladolid threw her dying brother out into the street.

Pancho accuses Maite of being more interested in Ulises than him. No, she tells him, she is equally uninterested in them both. She has to concentrate on Veronica's shrink visits. Oh, by the way, she heard the voice of her one true love recently and it brought back a flood of memories, she saw his face in her mind. (Scary thought.) Pancho's ardor is not dampened by this ball-busting revelation and he tells her she can always "look to him" if she needs a friend.

As Valeria gallops toward the hacienda gate it spontaneously closes in front of her horse. She is thrown and lands in a heap in the dirt. Luckily the dashing Andres is right behind her and he jumps off to assist. All of a sudden they hear a menacing snorting and pawing at the ground. It is an angry bull...and so close...whatever will they do?!?!?!


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pictures of your dedicated recappers now posted on the left.

Have a look. These are the people who stay up late and watch these shows and take notes for you! You're welcome!


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday, June 28 Barrera de Amor

Federico figures out that he is most likely the son of Pedro Valladaloid. Mi Padre! He talks to himself of his plans to get his hands on ALL the fortune and how things are continuing as he has planned. He He He.

Federico, Jacinta and Valeria are having a meal together. Jacinta derives pleasure from asking Valeria what is up with her. She notes how yesterday she was so happy ..... Federico interrupts to talk about the toros and the corrida. Federico wants to buy some of the offspring of the winning bulls hoping to mix the blood of their cows with the new ones. Once again Jacinta notices Valeria's silence and she starts to describe in a crude manner how the bulls are killed. Saying that the bullfighters are assassins. Valeria is shocked and leaves the room. Jacinta tells Federico that Valeria needs to give up the torerro by what ever way. Even if she has to be cruel. Valeria later has bad dreams and thoughts replaying what Jacinta said and of what could happen to Andres during the bullfight.

Nuria has been worried about the safety of Andres. Andres finally calls and lets her know he is well he wasnt hurt in the bullfight. Jacaranda and Nicolas are in bed together. Or I should say sitting at the foot of his hotel room bed. Jacaranda accuses Nicolas of not wanting her anymore because she no longer has money. Nicolas denies this and says he wont get a divorce because his wife is ill. Leukemia. Jacaranda buys this load of junk.

Same junk was passed around the house of Nuria and Unibrow. Unibrow believes Nurias tumor has been cured and or is getting better. (Later in the show) He then tells her that Manola wants his help. Nuria warns him that Manola is frivolous (slut) but she believes that Unibrow wont fail her. Right? she queries him.

Federico asks Jacinta when was the affair of Pedro and his mother. Jacinta side steps the subject claiming she never was interested in the details and that the wife is always the last to know. She admits that "Todavia me lastima" that she is still hurt from what happened. Then she talks to her dead father in laws picture saying Federico must be close to knowing who his father is. He cant know yet......

Rodrigo has his ex-girlfriend trapped in an alleyway with his hand over her mouth. He warns her not to talk with Baldomero or he will hurt her. Teodoro comes to tell Valeria that Andres is safe.

Maite (Excuse me Maria Teresa) is having bad flash back to her marriage and Unibrow. Victor tells her to get over it. Unibrow married someone else! Blah Blah Blah GET OVER IT!

The guy who manages the dairy whose name I can never remember is seen talking with his Tia who is drunk on sherry (Jerez), with pink rollers in her hair. She tells him how she cant wait to be presented formally to Jacintas brother. Gross! She compares Sergio to Yul Brenner in the movie the King and I. The cow manager says he thinks that Jacinta is full of secrets. The tia then tells him about how Adolfo raped Maite. She tells him how Maite was pictued in a magazine in a whore house and because of that Jacinta was able to take Valeria away from Maite. The tia hopes that no one finds out what happened especially Valeria. The two talk and both dance around the subject of how Jacinta showed the whole town the photo of Maite in the brothel.

Manola is sitting on Gustavos bed foaming/latheirng up his face for a shave. She tells him how Unibrow always liked her and how Unibrows wife has a brain tumor. Manola then says how she cant wait to have an affair with Unibrow when they are both widows! Then Manola goes on to talk about running into Maite. Gustavos eyes are panicked as he hears all these scary stories. Manola admits that she cant kill him now so not to worry..... (Where was the beeping sound as his heart pressure rose?)

Andres gets to sign autographs and is told he is the new prince of bullfighting. Jacinta comes to Valerias room to talk about Andres. Valeria argues politely with her but Jacinta is convincing. Jacinta goes on to tell her many ways that Andres is no good for Valeria. Valeria needs a man with "position" in order to marry and then there will be the problem with Andres being a bullfighter..... The girls will follow him. Flash to Andres surrounded by women. El Gordo's (Dionisio) girlfriend scares the girls away... but not before their (Andres and Gordo's Girl) photo is snapped by a photographer.

Another meal with the residents of the Hacienda Valladaloid. Breakfast it appears. Valeria asks why is Jacinta not happy with the arrival of Sergio. Jacinta says that she "isn't unhappy that he is there. Sergio wasn't a model of a brother. And if it wasn't important to find me during all those years then I don't see why I have to have an interest in him now." The house maid walks in with a tray of breakfast food for Sergio saying that he wanted it delivered to his room. Jacinta says she will take it. In the hallway outside Sergios door Jacinta pours salt all over the breakfast. Jacinta watches with pleasure when he tries the salt tainted food. Sergio pretends it is delicious. She tells him that it is a welcome and a goodbye. Confused Sergio asks what despedida? Jacinta says that he can only stay here for a few days not for the rest of his life. Sergio decides in his mind that he will have to figure out how to win time.....

Maite is caught knowing too much about Jacinta by Veronica. Unibrow talks to Teodoro about the beautiful woman he met in the hospital. He would like one of his sons to marry a woman like her...... Andres calls to say he made a excellent contract to sell their wine in that town. Valeria and Juanita discuss why Jacinta told Valeria such bad things about bullfighters. Juanita goes into town to look for information about Andres's bullfight. (Photos anyone?) In Dionisio's room Andres and El Gordo look over the picture of Andres that came out in the newspaper. They are gleeful about the future for el torerro Andres.

Manola and Federico fight and then make sex. (It's not love so they can't be making love.) Afterward they fight over whether Manola really loves Federico or not. Federico recounts how Manola had to marry Gustavo while pregnant with Rodrigo. He ends his tirade my saying that he WAS a Don Nadie. ERA! He was! She says the only thing she wants from him is for him to help her kill Gustavo! When Gustavo is dead, she insinuates, she will be able to marry Federico. It looks like he fell for it.


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