Friday, June 08, 2007

Acorralada #102 – 6/7/02 – Thursday – Rene's Dimples Return!!!

Recap of yesterday's WWF event in Orlando. Octopus is leading Peyote by the hand through the lobby. She's going to have Puncho arrested for bigamy. Peyote just whines that she still loves her Varon. Octopus is wearing some cheesy purple one-piece polyester jumpsuit. Hideous can't begin to describe it. I'd be humiliated to be seen with her in an upscale hotel lobby if I was Peyote as well.

Fidiota and Dimwit are lamenting the evil Bruno. Bruno wants to see Dimwit suffer the worst possible pain because Maxi-Moron loves Dimwit more than Debora and Marfil. Bruno wants to die knowing Dimwit will NEVER see Mini-Max again! Orchestra of Doom. . .

More mother-daughter boring conversation about Puncho. "He's trash!" v. "I love him!" This boring scene is interrupted by Pasta. "What is SHE doing here? I want her out of MY house NOW after what she's done to MY daughter!" Now all three start fighting amongst themselves. Pasta storms out saying he wants Peyote out of his house immediately!

Maxi-Moron is faux crying. His eyes are squinty but I see no tears. His adam's apple is bobbing. He doesn't want to leave the hospital not knowing where his son is. Marfil talks him into going home with her. It's pointless for him to remain; they can return tomorrow morning. He finally agrees and they leave.

The Keanu Reeves look-alike doc is re-bandaging The Mummy's hand. He wants to know if she plans to undo the bandages around her face. Mummy says no. They discuss her wounds. Her face will be OK, I believe, but all her hair has been burned off. She and Sylvie can now bond over wigs.

Dimwit and Fidiota are still discussing Bruno and the missing baby.

Debora tells Doc Keanu that her name is Raisa Campos. She has no family. Apparently someone saw the fire and rescued her. Pobre de Raisa. After DoK leaves, she tells us no one can know she's alive. Everyone is going to pay for what has happened to her, including Dimwit!

Emili-Oh and Caramel are in la sala talking to Little Doormat. Little Doormat tells them about Mini-Max and asks about Orlando. "Let me tell you about what happened in Orlando!"

Lala is "nursing" Puncho's wounds, by pressing on them to cause the most pain. She basically says he deserves what he got for having both wives at the same hotel. Puncho doesn't get it. He's a Varon! He wants to go to Perfumes 'R Us and punch Emili-Oh. Lala doesn't like that idea. Finally Lala slaps his face in the same place he got punched by Pasta and/or Emili-Oh.

Octopus is waiting for Pasta with a drink in her hand. Pasta walks in and wants to know if Peyote is finally gone. "There's something you need to know about her. . ." says Octopus. The OoD strikes an ominous chord.

Sandy and Sylvie are drinking in Paco's Palace. Sandy looks like a raccoon with blue make-up surrounding her eyes. Sylvie, ah Sylvie. She's got some sort of lavender wig that makes her look like a Lhasa Apso. I think she's got pony tails sticking out both sides of her head. They are lamenting their bad luck with men, but Sandy points out Puncho is the lowest of low! Of all the gin joints in the world, who should walk in but Camila and Doc Evil. Oh, they are NOT happy to see Sylvie!

Eugenia is helping Isabel clean the apartment. They are discussing what to do about the baby. Isabel is afraid if she tells the police, they will think she stole the baby.

Fidiota is tucking in Dimwit for the night. Heartfelt music plays in the background. As Fidiota enters the hall, she runs into Caramel and Gaby. "It's best to let Dimwit sleep right now. You can see her in the morning."

Yolanda, Rene, Lunkhead, Emili-Oh, Marfil, and Max are discussing Bruno. Max says something about Bruno daring to do something, but I couldn't understand. The Orchestra of Doom did, since they hit a crescendo and we cut to commercial. Does anyone know what this was all about? I was too tired to replay it eighty times to figure it out.

Pasta and Octopus fight about Peyote living there with them. Octopus says Peyote needs her. Pasta calls her an unfit mother. About the only thing they can agree on is Puncho being a loser. Pasta wants Peyote gone. He storms off and Octopus comments that if only that imbecile knew Peyote is his daughter.

Camilla, Iggy, and Sylvie exchange words. Finally a fight breaks out and everyone in the bar is involved, extras included.

Emili-Oh and Maxi-Moron are discussing the missing Mini-Max. Emili-Oh apologizes for not telling Max that Max was the father of Dimwit's baby. Emili-Oh was sworn to secrecy by Octopus and didn't want to lose his job at the factory. Max says he understands. Max's Adam's apple is bobbing in and out while Max is trying to force himself to cry for the scene. He goes back to lemon sucking mode with a single Glycerine Tear of True Dolor slipping from his eye.

The Miami jail has never seen this much action. The set designers have been working overtime. Everyone from Pasta's bar has been hauled in. With a touch of reality, Iggy and Camila have been thrown into the same cell. Sandy and Sylvie are thrown into another. In true telenovela fashion, who should Sylvie and Sandy be sharing a cell with but the transvestites! Happy reunion time, but the reunion is cut short. A fight ultimately breaks out between the two sets of cells. CFM's and purses fly back and forth and everyone is shouting. Peppy disco music plays in the background.

It's the next morning and Dimwit is on her way to the hospital, against Fidiota's orders. She tells Gaby and Caramel she is going to renounce Max to Bruno, in order to find the whereabouts of Mini-Max.

Diablo is in the Library pacing back and forth. He tells us he can walk normally now, but he's going to play the role of invalid for Dimwit's sake. Only Puncho knows the truth. He needs to be able to walk in case Bruno spills the beans about his involvement with Mini-Max's disappearance. Suddenly we see the door crack open. "Tu!" says Diablo. "Now you know my secret!"

Little Doormat wants Dimwit to tell Max first, but Dimwit refuses. She has to renounce Max forever. ***Can someone explain to me why Dimwit doesn't just tell Bruno what Bruno wants to hear? I suppose if she did the logical thing, we wouldn't be calling her Dimwit.***

Max is having a conversation with the police commissioner. Yolanda asks what's going on and if he's heard any news. They then talk about Bruno being an evil woman. Marfil overhears and defends her mother and yells at Yolanda. Maxi-moron heads off to the hospital with Marfil scurrying after him. Yolanda follows them out.

The nurse takes Mummy for a walk. Dramatic music plays. Who should walk in but Dimwit. The Mummy is impactada. Dimwit recognizes the Mummy's eyes. "What's your name?" Dramatic music plays. Commercial.

Diablo starts yelling about "Now you know my secret!!! Come here right now and close the door!!!" Poor Nancy walks in and Diablo starts strangling her and threatening to kill her if she says a word to anyone. Maybe now Nancy will get Diablo out of her system. Why would anyone want to hurt poor, sweet, innocent Nancy? She's even more naïve than Little Doormat! Jorge really needs to save her.

The nurse tells Dimwit Mummy's name is Raisa. Dimwit wants to know why she can't speak for herself. The nurse says Raisa is timid. She has burns on her hand and face. Dimwit excuses herself and our "fiery" Little Formerly-Blonde Weasel gets hysterical. She wants to return to her room pronto. She doesn't care what the DoK says! Once back in her room, she decides to take her vengeance on everyone while she's in Mummy mode.

Dimwit goes into Bruno's room and talks to DoK. In violation of HIPAA, DoK tells Dimwit Bruno is not doing well. They are expecting the worst.

Diablo is still throttling Nancy. He keeps yelling at her to keep quiet. Tears are pouring down Nancy's face. He stops strangling her long enough to make her promise not to say a word to ANYONE, including his mother, that he can walk. When she asks why, he says he has his reasons. He promises her if she keeps his secret, he will dump Dimwit and love her. Only her. They can be together forever. Nancy the Ninny believes him and swears she won't say a word. As they hug, Diablo rolls his eyes at the camera.

Maxi-Moron arrives at the hospital with Marfil. As Marfil is running into Bruno's room, Max wants to know if Bruno has said anything about the whereabouts of Maxito. "Not a word," says DoK.

Rene is visiting Yolanda. He wants to propose something. "What?" asks Yolanda. "When Maxito is found, I want us to get married." The Big Doormat starts to protest, but Rene says he doesn't want to talk about the age thing again. I don't want them to talk about the age thing again either. At the end of the scene, it looks like Yolanda is seriously thinking about it.

Marfil enters Bruno's room where Dimwit is waiting at Bruno's side. Bruno is still asleep.

Little Doormat calls Max and tells him that Dimwit is going to renounce him in order to find out where their son is. O of D. Commercial.

Rene is still begging Yolanda to say yes. I'm on the edge of my chair. Finally she agrees and we get to see the dimples I've been missing all these episodes! Those dimples are worth the 45-minute wait! Rene is so excited he lets out a whoop as he exclaims "We're engaged!" Yolanda actually softens and appears the happiest I've seen her these past 102 episodes. I bet she's thinking that if the show ends soon, maybe she'll get to wear better clothing on her next telenovela.

Max rushes into Bruno's room looking for Dimwit. "Did she promise anything to Bruno?" Marfil has no idea what he's talking about. Bruno is still asleep. Marfil wants to know what Dimwit was promising. "Nothing," says Max.

Cousin Eddie's wife Princess Fiona is swigging brandy, lounging on the bed, and uttering the name "Maximiliano! I've never been able to forget your kisses." This is too disturbing for me to even contemplate any further. Thankfully, the scene is short.

Diablo is screaming at Little Doormat for meddling in his marriage and calling Max. He is reading her the riot act when Fidiota comes downstairs and wants to know what all the yelling is about. "Nothing" they say in unison. Diablo rolls away and Fidiota tells Gaby she's on her way into court to talk to the judge about the case against Little Doormat. They hug.

Dimwit is talking to DoK. She has to promise Bruno she'll dump Max in order to find out where her baby is. Her baby needs her. She needs to make the sacrifice. Now DoK doesn't look like Keanu Reeves to me. The heat in Arizona must be affecting my eyesight.

DoK agrees to let Dimwit see Bruno and make her pact with the devil, but he needs to check Bruno first.

Eugenia is bringing the newspaper and milk to Isabel. The baby recording starts playing in the background. As they go to check on him, the camera pans to the unread paper. Front and center is an article about the stolen baby.

DoK asks Bruno if she can handle another visitor. Dimwit want to promise her something. Marfil wants to know what. Bruno agrees to see Dimwit. DoK motions Dimwit in and makes Bruno promise to not get agitated. Bruno wants to be alone with Dimwit. Once Dimwit and Bruno are alone, they stare at each other while the O o D hammers away.

As Eugenia is leaving, she tells Isabel to relax and read the paper. Isabel picks up the paper and sees the article about Maxito. She runs to the door screaming for Eugenia to come back quickly!

Dimwit promises a million times she'll dump Max. She and the baby will move a bazillion miles away where Max will never find them. She swears. Bruno gloats. Show ends.

Credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #292 6/7/07 The End Is Near

Lety goes into Aldo’s office and overhears him telling someone on the phone that he needs another 1-1/2 million dollars in order to get his restaurant back. Lety asks Aldo to forgive her for not trusting him. He asks if she went to talk to Fern and she confirms. He notes that it’s odd that she would not take his word as truth when he promised that their was no hanky-panky with Carmaniac, yet Lety did not have a problem believing it from Fern. Lety apologizes for this too. Lety wants to talk about the money. He says don’t worry about it. His only concern is her happiness. They hug, but Aldo’s smile melts into a "Qué the hell" look.

Fern gets a call from Jacks who offers his usual threats about finding Aurora and finishing the series. Fern reminds him that it’s his (Jacks’s) fault that Aurora disappeared. Just then his cell phone rings; it’s Aurora. He answers Aurora but puts down the phone to say goodbye to Jacks. He starts to talk to Aurora, then pulls the phone away to ask himself why Lety would want to come back as Aurora again. Just then Aldo walks in to the office and, completely ignoring the fact that Fern is on the phone, abruptly says that he needs 1.5 million dollars of the money his is owed. Fern sarcastically tells him to feel free to walk in without knocking. Before he can realize the implications of what he’s about to say, Fern thinks aloud "Aha! This explains why Le--- sssss…" He doesn’t finish the word but Aldo guesses that he meant "Lety" He asks what Lety has to do with this. On the other end of the phone, Lety also heard Fern. She panics because it appears Fern knows her secret.

Fern covers his mistake by saying "Lady Aurora… Aurora like to be referred to as Lady Aurora." Aldo accepts this weak explanation and leaves. On the other end of the line, Lety is relieved. Fern tells Aurora that they must tape 12 additional episodes of Agente Corazon Corazon Amor, and they must start right away. Lety hangs up and begs to nobody in particular that no one find out her secret.

In the Vortex of Stupidity and Public Pronouncements, Saimon declares that everyone is invited to his and PM’s wedding.

Weeks Later -- Fern, Marcia, and Omar walk into the courtyard of a bright yellow apartment building. From the balcony, a crowd of people shushes them in unison. Alicia runs in, calling behind her for Tomas to hurry up. Again the balcony crowd shushes them. Next, Juanito runs looking very nice in a taupe suit and his signature cap. What a cutie-pie! He yells adorably that his papi coming. PM and Saimon (a.k.a. PMS) walk in as wedding music plays.

Saimon welcomes his guests in his usual baroque manner. He offers them a drink but humbly advises that there is only enough for one drink per guest. Irmita steps in and says that they woke up poverty and threw it in the street. Lety reveals that everyone pitched in in order to make it a real party. The cuartel says they brought the food. Celco, Lopez, and Lobo brought the beverages. Fern says he and Omar unfortunately could not contribute due to lack of funds, however they volunteer to be waiters for the evening. Cheers all around.

Meanwhile, a band has set up at the far end of the courtyard. The music starts. Fern and Marcia dance funny (but funny on purpose, not by accident like you-know-who). They try to get Omar to dance but he is in a glum mood. We move around the crowd to see how much fun everyone is having.

In Saimon’s living room, which is being used to keep all the hors d'oeuvres and boxes of beverages, Fern and Omar gather boxes as Fern tells Omar to snap out of it. Omar still can’t believe that Caro let some other fulano, um… light her fire. Fern asks how Omar knows this for sure. Omar recounts how he overheard them. [As you may recall, what he actually heard was Caro and an electrician discussing the electrical outlet that burned out in her apartment. Omar, in keeping with the Tres Son Compania theme, completely misunderstood the conversaion and assumed the worst.]

Lety runs into Lola and compliments her on her new look. Lola’s hair is down – that’s, she actually got rid of the bun today! It’s in a shoulder-length bob and it’s a very flattering shade of dark honey blonde.

On the balcony, the kids are discussing Jaimito’s decision to ditch his real dad. The kids remind him of the life of luxury he would have, had he gone to live with his dad in Gringolandia (Gringo Land). Jaimito clarifies for them that his dad is not in Gringolandia, he’s right there [points to Saimon on the dance floor], it’s Saimon Joseph Contreras. Awwwhhhhh! [By the way, I am so, so, so glad that they did not stretch out this baby daddy storyline.]

Fern dances past Lety so goofily that even Aldo has to laugh.

Lety sees that Caro is watching Omar. She grabs Caro and the two walk past Omar. Caro gives Omar a nasty look.

Lobo introduces a singer as the new queen of grupero music, Lidia Avila. The singer looks like she could be Caro’s sister. She toasts the happy couple and then sings a song that does not impress me. More shots of everyone dancing happily. Marcia in particular is incredibly light-hearted and whimsical. Okay, who stole the evil-bitter Martian Marcia and replaced her with this fun human version?

In Saimon’s living room, Lety and Caro discuss Omar. Caro thinks that if he had good intentions, he would have said something to her by now. It’s been weeks since she threw the necklace back at him and he hasn’t uttered a word, left a voice message, or anything. Changing the subject, she asks Lety about the Aurora project. Lety excitedly tells her that they finished taping the series and no one discovered he secret identity. Caro asks if Lety is ever going to tell Aldo the truth. Lety thinks that she might, but not until they are old and grey. For now, she’s getting married soon, which will make her happiest woman in the world. (Uh-huh, you just keep repeating that, Lety-rora, but we still don’t believe you.)

In her usual tacky manner, Alicia notes loudly that her wedding was much better than this one. Tomas advices that it’s better that she not say that, since he still has not finished paying for it. The cuartel have a good laugh at this. Alicia retorts that PM couldn’t even afford a whole dress. The camera pans from PM’s feet upward so we can see for ouselves how short her dress is. (Her dress really is short – my initial thought was that it must be some seven year old’s first communion dress).

Jasmine shows up with el Cheque in tow. Lola demands to know who invited her. El cheque is impactado by Lola’s new look. Jasmine says she clearly heard Saimon announce in the Vortex that everyone was invited. Lola reminds el Cheque that he still owes 2 months of child support. Cheque explains that he has too many expenses at the moment. Jasmine smiles snidely on.

The party continues and Alicia says something that got my attention, "Los cuernos no se pueden ocultar" (You can’t hide the horns). My husband thinks this must be related to the saying we discussed last week, "poniendole los cuernos" (putting on horns – which means cheating on someone), but I’m not convinced. Any ideas out there?

On the street, there are a couple of cops in their squad car. They call in to headquarters to advise that they found "them."

Fern goes to the living room for more refreshments. Caro makes as rushed exit, leaving Lety alone with him. He notes that Celso ordered him to get more drinks; he thinks it’s funny that Celso is ordering him around. He takes off his jacket and hands it to Lety before picking up a box and walking out. Lety embraces his jacket. She says the scent reminds her of when she first fell in love with him.

Aldo and Celso walk in for more boxes. Lety drops jacket. After they leave, she picks up jacket and Fern’s wallet falls out. She picks up the wallet and a piece of paper that fell out with it. She opens the wallet and giggles because he still keeps her picture in it. Then she looks at the piece of paper. She sees that it’s the newpaper clipping of Aurora, the one with the glasses and ‘stache penciled in.. Oh-oh… Lety panics again! Don Fern knows she’s Aurora!

Tomas walks in and Lety shows him the pic. She says the worst thing is she doesn’t know how long Fern has known. Tomas thinks that maybe she is misinterpreting the situation. Lety agrees; she thinks that if Fern knew, he would have said something by now. Fern walks in. Lety hands him the wallet. He thanks her as he opens it. He sees the Auro-Lety pic is missing and looks up. Lety holds up the pic for him.

Jasmine flirts with Omar and Caro stands nearby being jealous and neurotic. Omar brushes off Jasmine.

Tomas leaves and Lety says "You know…" Fern responds "I know… what?" He adds "Oh, you think that I think that I know…" She asks him to go on, but he doesn’t. She gets impatient and asks whether he knows or not. Fern hesitates but finally confirms that he does know. Lety begins to apologize. Fern interrupts her and says there’s no need. He adds that he kept the secret to protect her and her relationship with Aldo. Lety hugs him in gratitude. It’s a nice long hug, and Fern takes the opportunity to breath in deeply the scent of her hair gel. He says that what he really wants to know is, how did she do it the day of the contract signing, when she had to run in as Lety, then run out, and run back in as Aurora. They laugh about it. Sparks fly.

El Cheque and Lola continue to bicker. Snoozerville.

Jasmine continues to hit on Omar. Caro, the previously mature and rational fairy-godmother, has now become the adolescent and annoying stalker. Martha, walks over to Caro and says she (Martha) observes that she (Caro) is observing Omar. Caro tries to deny it. Irma walks over and asks Caro if she likes Omar. Caro again tries to deny it but then admits that she does, just a little. They make her dance but her heart is not in it. Omar stands in a corner looking miserable. Martha’s daughter does a silly dance for the camera.

Fern and Lety continue to joke about Aurora’s adventures. She feels bad about the trick se played on Omar. Fern thinks it was genius and Omar deserved it. Aldo walks in as they continue to giggle. Fern explains to Aldo that Lety was telling him some viejas anecdotas (old anecdotes – and technically, this is not a lie). Aldo puts his arm around Lety possessively and leads her out. Fern thinks aloud that Aldo better be more secure, of he’ll make the same mistakes Fern made.

In the courtyard, the silly dancing continues. The cuartel wants Caro to ask Omar to dance. Caro replies that it’s men who should ask women to dance. PMS try to get Omar to ask Caro to dance, but he says he won’t, even if they drag him. [This is worse than a junior high dance.] Irma tells Fern about the situation with Caro and Omar. Fern agrees that something must be done.

Fern, whistling and dancing funny, walks up to Lety, who is dancing with Aldo. He asks to see her and assures Aldo that he (Aldo) will have her the rest of his life, but right now he (Fern) needs her assistance in order to help two friends find love. Fern has a quick huddle with Lety, then goes to drag Omar away. Meanwhile, Lety drags Caro away. F&L push C&O into the living room and then bolt out, closing the door behind them. Caro bangs on the door, yelling at them to let her out and to not leave her alone with this… Omar asks "This what?" She responds "This mujeriego (womanizer)." He appears to find this accusation rather ironic, but doesn’t defend himself.

Celso and Lopez bring everyone to the front of the apartment building. They have a surprise for the newlyweds -- fireworks. Cheers from the crowd of guests. [Nice, but I think a toaster or a nice silverware set would have been a more sensible choice for a couple with economic limitations like this one). Tomas gives them a surprise too -- a honeymoon in Acapulco. More cheers from the crowd. PMS take off in their moped. The cuartel are happy that one of their own got hitched. Sara says she still has hopes for herself too.

Cops show up. Lobo protests, but they say they are not here to bust up the party, they are here to arrest el Cheque. Lola and el Cheque are like "Qué the hell?" Jasmine looks uneasy. Oh-oh…

A commentor mentioned earlier this week that when we get to the last week of a novela, the network replaces the next-day teasers with a less specifc "grand finale" teaser. Well, guess what? We didn’t get any previews at the end of LFMB today, only a message advising that the end is near! Wahhhh! But in sad times like these, this gem always cheers me up. Enjoy!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

The World of Maniguis

Fellow La Fea fans, I think I have found the answer to the Maniguis question: Maniguis appears to refer to a Mexican comic TV character--a blond transvestite. This must be a jokey reference to PM's blondness--it's almost as bad as "Oxy" as an epithet, to tell you the truth.

Anyway, there are lots of YouTube videos to watch--and they are quite funny. It's interesting that in Mexico they would have run this very gay-themed show. But then I have found it interesting that they have the openly gay Luigi character as well.


Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday June 7 - Thelma in a bathtub, Gaspar in a wrestling ring, and Alvaro in a rage (as usual)

Thelma begged Emilio, "Please, I don't want a divorce." She started yelling it wasn't enough for him that she loved him and she'd had his child. She said she wouldn't give him a divorce.

Emilio told her to calm down and think it over. She chased him out of the room, yelling, "You are to blame for what I'm going to do!"

Aida (aka Doctor Loca) told her boss they could do the DNA test on Alina because she was alive, after all.

Back at the Valtierra house, Thelma was locked in her room, drinking, smoking, and crying. Singing Aunt called to her through the door. Thelma refused to let her in. She told herself, "I want to die."

Singing Aunt went to Emilio and said she was worried about Thelma.

Meanwhile, Thelma cried and swallowed some pills while sitting in a tub full of water.

Elsewhere: Someone showed Hugo the video of Alfonsina shooting the hotel clerk. Hugo claimed not to recognize her, then told himself he would get the money back from Alfonsina.

Mariana went to prison to see Alvaro (aka Don Loco). Seeing her standing there in her walker, he asked, "Are you cured?"

Yeah, no thanks to you, Bro! But no, that's not what she said. She just said she had to talk to him. "There is something you must know. I have to tell you the whole truth." She sat down.

Don Loco asked, tolerantly enough for him, if she'd married the "good-for-nothing doctor." Mariana said no. She kept hemming and hawing, saying he might not react well to her news because he'd always been possessive and violent.

Finally she came out with it: "Alfonsina lied. Jose's letter wasn't for Soledad, it was for me. I was Jose's woman, and we had a daughter, who died." She added that Alina was Alvaro's daughter, then asked why he wasn't saying anything in response to all this.

Alvaro replied that he didn't believe a word of it, she had invented it all to protect Soledad! Mariana insisted it was true. Don Loco yelled, "That is a lie! Soledad cheated on me!" He banged his fist on the table, said Alina was a bastard etc. etc. -- the usual.

Mariana observed, "How bad you are, Alvaro." She told him to talk to Soledad and Alina. Nastily he informed her that Alina was dead.

After recovering from her surprise, Marina yelled, "You committed the worst mistake of your life. Alina is your blood. Open your eyes!"

Don Loco said Mariana was a liar like Soledad, all women were the same, and he never wanted to see Mariana again in his life, so there!

Mariana mused that one day he would realize he was wrong, but it was already too late for him to repent.

Back at the Valtierra casa, the unconscious Thelma was slipping under water as Emilio kept talking to Singing Aunt in another room. SA said she knew Thelma had done ugly things, but Thelma loved Emilio and SA was afraid for her.

Finally Emilio got around to checking on Thelma, with Singing Aunt tagging along. He banged on Thelma's door, then heard the baby crying and kicked the door open. (Why is that always so easy on these soaps? What's the point of doors at all if they're so flimsy?)

Instead of looking for Thelma, Emilio made a beeline for her abandoned glass, picked it up, and observed insightfully that she had been drinking.

Singing Aunt -- who for some reason seems to have an occasional brain despite being a character on this show -- found Thelma. SA sobbed while Emilio scooped Thelma out of the tub and shouted her name.

Meanwhile, at Coral's house: Some guy -- I think it was Dr. Loca's boss, although I didn't really recognize him without Dr. Loca simpering across a desk at him -- visited Soledad and Alina and told them he wanted to do a DNA test to prove whether Alina was Alvaro's child.

(He didn't say what the DNA test had to do with the charges against Don Loco -- if Alina wasn't his child, would that make it OK for him to shoot Emilio twice? -- but whatever.)

Soledad agreed to the test. What's His Name assured them he would keep it secret that Alina was actually alive, so Alina agreed to have the test, too.

After he left, Coral told Soledad and Alina that she had named her shop Coral's Boutique.

At the Valtierra house: Thelma, soaking wet and wearing a pink bathrobe that matched Emilio's pink shirt, sat on her bed drinking tea and apologizing to Emilio. He grunted in his usual sensitive, charming way that he wanted a divorce. No wonder she loves this guy.

I think Thelma threatened to kill herself. Emilio ordered her to think of their son, "What kind of mother are you?" (Um, maybe a depressed, suicidal mother who needs some professional help, Emilio?)

Thelma went on saying she loved him but Emilio insisted he wouldn't be happy with her, he could never forget what she did to Alina.

She said, "Let the dead rest in peace!" and Emilio said in his deadpan way, "You are wrong. For me Alina always exists." Lucky Alina.

After Emilio left the room (my grandmother pointed out that he ends every scene the same way, by stalking out of a room), Thelma told herself Emilio would stay with her till death did them part. Uh oh.

Elsewhere: An agitated Mariana told Malena and Dr. Love how badly Don Loco had reacted to her revelation. Later, after she went to sleep, Dr. Love told Malena he was afraid the stress would send Mariana into a catatonic state.

Meanwhile, Don Loco raved to Dr. Loca that he'd always thought Mariana was an honest girl, but it turned out she was a traitor like all the others.

Dr. Loca -- who seems to have regained some of her slutty senses where Don Loco is concerned -- said maybe Mariana had told the truth. Don Loco raved some more and mentioned that Mariana had turned out to be just like their mother.

Dr. Loca perked up and asked if he wanted to talk about his mother. I'll bet she read something in her psychology text books about how mothers are to blame for everything.

Elsewhere: Bratty Gaby told her father, Rodrigo, that she wanted Alina to live with them. "I found out that she has a dog and once lived in a cave -- so forget all that stuff about my mother being irreplaceable!" OK, she didn't say exactly that, but close enough. These writers are so realistic.

Alina chatted with Soledad. They agreed that it was too late for them to ever forgive Don Loco for all he'd done to them.

Back in jail: Dr. Loca asked Don Loco if he thought all women were like his mother. He ranted. Dr. Loca said some of Alina's hair had been found on her clothing -- enough to do a DNA test to prove whether he was right about Soledad or sick from jealousy. Don Loco scowled.

And now it was time for Gaspar's luchador (pro wrestling) match! He was announced to the audience as Intocable ("Untouchable") and he came out wearing -- no, not his torn overalls -- an actual costume! It looked to me like a cowboy hat and a Buffalo Bill-type jacket with a fur collar.

The jacket didn't stay on him for long; after hugging the agitated Luba, he jumped into the ring bare-chested and started fighting three or four guys at once. Gaspar, of course, was not winning. It all looked very staged, but Luba hid her eyes in distress.

The announcer said, "The punishment of Intocable! How barbaric! The audience screams! The audience is furious!"

Gaspar left the ring briefly. Luba cried and begged him, "No more!" but he returned to the ring. The announcer said, "The crowd is enthusiastic. His debut until now has been frustrating. Only a miracle can do it!"

The bad guys kept throwing Gaspar around while Luba shrieked. Finally he was thrown out of the ring and sprawled on the ground, apparently unconscious, to Luba's dismay. She shook him and screamed. His manager also knelt over him and looked worried.

What -- does this mean Gaspar really WAS injured? It isn't just a stunt? I guess Luba was right to worry, after all.

Later Luba and the manager had a conversation that I almost completely missed, but I think she said Gaspar was in a bad state and the manager said something about him surviving the night.

(I'm hoping he took a second blow to the head that will restore his lost intelligence -- maybe then he can seek out Thelma and finally make His Muñequita fall in love with him -- OK, it's farfetched, but this is "Duelo de Pasiones" we're talking about, after all.)

Frank had a conversation with the still-imprisoned Orlando that I didn't follow, something about it being tough to prove the charges against Orlando. You'd think that would please Orlando, but no, he acted annoyed and snarled to himself that he wanted to confront Emilio and wouldn't have pity on him or Thelma.

Alina introduced Gaby to Tonqui. (Rodrigo called him Ponqui -- ha ha! I guess Caray Caray recappers aren't the only ones confused by the dog's name.) Overcome by the Power of Tonqui, Gaby asked Alina if she wanted to be her new mommy. Alina said, "For the moment, your papa and I are just friends."

Alfonsina went back to Sierra Escondida -- why? What's she going to do there with all that money?

The teenaged boy, Tito, told Hugo he had seen Alfonsina. Hugo confronted Alfonsina and hit her, demanding, "Where is my money?"

Alfonsina feigned ignorance, but he said he'd seen her on the tape, hit her again, and called her a thief. He started choking her, but Tito ran in and rescued her. Hugo apparently hit his head because he was knocked unconscious.

Alfonsina swore to Tito she hadn't done anything wrong, Hugo had just gone crazy. They started to move Hugo somewhere.

Back in Valtierraville: Emilio told Angel that Thelma wasn't the mother his son needed.

Angel got a phone call from Coral, asking him to attend the opening of Coral's Boutique. He claimed Coral wanted Emilio to attend, too (I don't think that's true. So, after spending the whole show trying to keep Alina and Emilio apart, is Angel now trying to reunite them?)

Angel added that Soledad wanted to see Emilio, too. Emilio was surprised to hear that Soledad was with Coral.

At the episode's end, Don Loco was found GUILTY on all counts and sentenced to TWENTY FIVE YEARS IN PRISON! WOO HOO!

Vocabulary word from this episode:
grabación = recording


Duelo - Wed. June 6 - Perros de Verdad / Police

Intro by Sylvia: Luba shows Gaspar her wanted poster. "How pretty," he gushes. Luba sets him straight. It means people are looking for her. "Are they going to try to kill us, like the Cacique?" asks Gaspar, beginning to panic. Luba says if they're found they'll go to jail forever. Thanks to stupid Vera the police probably think she killed Flor. Luba says they need to beat it before the cops get their hands on them.

Intro by Lynn: Thelma arrives for dinner with Rodrigo and Alina dressed in a silk nightgown. She sits down next to Rodrigo who explains that Alina has gone to the restroom. Thelma can’t wait to meet her. We see legs walking towards their table then the camera pans to the face that accompanies the legs. Its not Alina/Flor but none other than the lovely Dr. Loca. Thelma is at a loss of words, stumbling for something to say to "Alina" she tells her that she is beautiful as she quickly excuses herself to go to the bathroom. La Dr. Loca turns to Rodrigo after Thelma leaves and asks him to explain why he wanted her to pretend to be her patients’ dead daughter.

Thelma, heading to the bano, is intercepted by Emilio. He demands to know why she didn’t tell him she was going to see Rodrigo. He demands to know what's going on.

Gaspar whines about not being able to do Lucha fighting if they are busy hiding out from the law. What are they to do?! There is a knock at the door and Tropicasas (the lucha coach) enters saying he is bringing good news. Gaspar immediately lets slip that maybe the good news is that the police aren't looking for them. Luba shoves Gaspar back by his face and starts to question Tropicasas about what good news? Did they win the lottery? Tropicasas says that he has a fight set up for Gaspar! But its not in the city, but not too far away. They will have to leave. Luba gets a pleased look on her face.

Thelma tells Emilio that she is having dinner with Rodrigo and his girlfriend, he can go and see. They were there to plan a surprise party for him.

Soledad and Alina laugh over what is happening with Rodrigo's dinner with Thelma. They share silly chit chat when Alina reveals that Rodrigo has a daughter. Soledad is shocked to learn this. Alina tells her mother that the daughter doesn't want anyone to replace her mothers memory, of course. Alina feels that Rodrigo must be fighting the memory of his deceased wife just like she is doing with Emilio.

Emilio scolds Thelma and tells her she has to go with him. Thelma fights back saying she wants to stay. Emilio ends the conversation by grabbing Thelma by her arm leading her out of the restaurant.

Rodrigo discuss things with Dr. Loca. He wants her discretion with the information he wants to share. He tells her that Don Locos dead daughter is who he is in love with. Alina Montellano is alive. Viva!

Rod explains why Alina had to pretend to be dead, the horrors she suffered! He argues that the doctora should abandon Don Locos case. Dr. Loca admits that she thought what Don Loco was accused of was fantasy, not real. She promises that she wont let Loco use her. She knows how to take care of herself.

A random guard walks into a room and finds a dead guard on the ground with a gunshot wound.

Hugo/Gasca gets a phone call. He answers questions about his safety box and then goes to check if the key to the box is still in his possession. It isn’t. He thinks that someone killed the guard with his gun and his key is missing! He vows Don Loco will pay for his trickery.

Meanwhile Alfonsia peaks into bathroom stalls to see if anyone is in the bathroom with her after she leaves a room where a maid is tied up and lying on the floor. She is carrying a metal briefcase that she sets on the bathroom counter. She tells herself she needs to calm down and buy a ticket to Veracruz. She opens the briefcase and we see it is filled with stacks of money.

Thelma tells the singing aunt that the Alina Montellano she met has class not like the stupid Flor. Singing Aunt is shocked that Thelma’s friend would be dating a woman with the same name as Thelma’s worst enemy. What a story! Thelma gloats that a least this way she didn’t have to have anyone killed.

Rodrigo argues to Alina that it will be difficult for her to avoid Emilio. It’s a small town and they could run into each other easily. Soledad pipes up wondering if maybe Emilio knows that Alina is alive?

Dr. Loca reads about the psychiatric description of someone such as Don Loco. The doorbell rings and she is interrupted by her fiancé. She tells him that sometimes she gets scared about what she learns about her patients. They leave for dinner together.

Alina argues that Emilio needs to be by his kids’ side, blah blah blah. Rodrigo argues that they (he and Alina) deserve an opportunity. Alina lets him kiss her hand.

Emilio has a fantasy of what his wedding night romance would be like with Alina. White rose petals everywhere, soft lights and Alina…… He wakes to say how he loves her.

Rodrigo and his nanny discuss Alina’s strange past; living in a cave with a witch! Gaby his daughter enters the room demanding food and to go to the park even though it is a school day. The nanny talks to Gaby telling her how her father needs to have a life of his own, not just taking care of her. Alina shows up and asks to take Gaby to school. Gaby gives her the evil eye.

Coral and Soledad talk about their inauguration party plans. Coral has hired a pretty young girl who used to be Barrera de Amor, Claudia. ‘

Nanny tells Gaby that she is being rude to Alina. Gaby doesn't care. Nanny tells her then she is the one who will miss out, cause Alina is like a princess in a book, she lived in a cave with two monsters, one being a very strong giant. The girl is captivated with this story and goes up to Alina asking her if it is true. Alina smiles and tells her it is true and she will tell her all about it on their way to school. Off they go happy happy.

Right before the next meeting with the Judge, Don Loco tells Dr. Loca to imagine what it would be like if the person you most trusted cheated on you. He exclaims that "Soledad cheated on me". They invented all these stories so that I would look crazy. He slides up to her, touching her arms, wanting to know if she is starting to believe the others and not him. She tells him to stop and calls a guard to come get him.

Luba worries about Gaspar’s safety as they are heading for the Lucha Libre Tour bus to freedom. She tells him to hold on so she can give him a blessing so that nothing bad will happen to him. She looks out the doorway and spots a policeman. She tells Gaspar that there are dogs outside. Not dogs like Tonky/Donky sweet little cave dwelling doggie but “perros de verdad”– police. They wait hiding around the doorway until the coast is clear of police to board the bus.
The Judge who reigns over Don Locos life asks Hugo if he has anything to say in favor of Don Loco. Hugo tells the Judge and all the others there plus Loco who stands behind bars that Don Loco committed all and every one of the crimes that he has been accused; Loco is to blame.
Gaspar and Luba finally load themselves into the Lucha Libre Tour bus.
Don Loco goes ballistic hearing Hugo say he is guilty. Hugo pipes up that Loco and his lawyer tried to bribe him with a lot of money. Loco shouts some more screaming that Hugo is a disgusting traitor. The Judge tells the room that he will announce his verdict shortly.
Alina, Rodrigo and Gaby arrive at the school with Alina finishing her story about her life in Sierra Escondida. Gaby goes off to school and Rodrigo takes the opportunity to tell Alina that he has looked a long time to find someone to fill his wife's place. Will she marry him?
Alvaro/Don Loco and his twisted lawyer argue about their error in judgement with Hugo. The attorney says at one point that Loco is in a serious jam. Loco doesn't like this; the attorney had said he would get Loco out. Loco shouts at his attorney trying to drive the point home that he promised to get him out so get him out! The lawyer changes the subject and says one thing he will do is get all the money they gave to Hugo back. Loco doesn't like that. He wants Hugo dead.
The maid that was tied up on the ground is found by a coworker. She tells her friend that a woman hit her on the head and tied her up. They go to call the police.
The lawyer tells Loco he is not a murderer. Loco doesn't care Hugo must die. The lawyer tries to explain that to kill is not just a simple thing. Loco demands death. The lawyer relents saying he will do it for friendship, but Loco better not forget the debt he will owe him.
Alina promises to think about marrying Rodrigo.
Singing Aunt goes to chat with Emilio. At first she tries to talk him into treating Thelma better for the child's sake. Emilio is having none of it. He tells her that Thelma caused all the damage that has gone on and separated him from the woman he loved. He will never forgive Thelma.
Claudia and Angel flirt at the shop. He learns she doesn't have a boyfriend and will be at the party unescorted. Coral enters the shop and tells Angel she wants to talk to him about Alina. Claudia pretends to be working as she listens in on the conversation.
Emilio tells the Singing Aunt that no love exists between he and Thelma. The Singing Aunt tells him to talk to Thelma about divorce then.
Mariana is nervous to contact Loco. Malena and the doctor Ricardo try talk her into returning to Mexico City.
Coral tells Angel that Alina still loves Emilio. She things its time that Emilio know the truth that Alina is alive.
Mariana tells her friends that she wont return to Mexico. She is going to talk with Loco. Malena and Ricardo worry that all the pressure will hurt Mariana and cause a relapse.
Angel argues that its not the RIGHT time to let Emilio know that Alina is alive. Coral is incredulous that he would suggest that Emilio should stay at the side of the crazy Thelma. Soledad enters the shop and notices Angel likes Claudia.
The Singing Aunt tells Emilio to be nice when he talks with Thelma. He commends her on her nobility as he promises to be compassionate.
Loco tells Batneck that he is going to escape.
Coral gives Soledad a dress for free from the shop to wear to the party. They discuss how they need to make Alina look great. Alina walks in and fills the ladies in on her newest marriage proposal.
Batneck tells Loco that escaping is too dangerous. Loco ignores his concerns and tells Batneck that he will live like a King when he gets out.
Coral states that Alina will never love Rodrigo. They rehash the same old argument of Emilio is married, he needs to be there for his kid.
Emilio goes up to Thelma's room to talk. He tells her that he wants them to come to an agreement so that she will give him a divorce.
Tomorrow (today) Marianna tells Don Loco that she needs to tell him the truth.


La Fea Más Bella #291 6/6/07 PM says goodbye then hello, Lety is an emotional roller coaster, and flowers from a false friend

Ok, all is here now. Sorry again about the delay, I am traveling and had sleep dep issues, show watching issues, and wireless network issues rolled in with a work project that required my attention and I am sorry you had to wait for this, but hope this is still helpful. It's been a rough 24 hours. The stars just weren't aligned for me. Thanks for your anticipation!!

Lety tells herself to calm down. The cuartel comes in and wants to know what the heck. Lety tells them she’s decided to suspend her wedding with Aldo.

When then flash to Simon talking to Jaimito in an amusement park and telling him that he bought this balloon for him to remember him by. Jaime says but it’s going to deflate and then can’t save it forever. Simon says no, well let it go into the air together don’t worry you’ll always remember me. He says of course I will remember you. They both cry. How sad.

Lety confirms that yes that’s what she’s going to do. Lola asks if there is no way to fix this, that you won’t find a another guy like Aldo. Irma puts in a plug for Fer and Sara says no way that traitor is not good enough for her. Sara tells her she has to calm down and think well about this. Lety insists he betrayed her and she’ll never be happy. At this the cuartel decides they will leave. Now Lety wonders what the heck. A plot is a foot. Lola claims yes they have a kilo of work, and Sara says they have to get a coffee and contemplate this harsh decision of hers. Lety looks at Aurora’s picture in her camera. She convinces herself she’s making the decision to cancel because Aldo doesn’t deserve a grand diva like her. She switches to a picture of herself and wonders how she will deal with them learning that she is Aurora. She decides marriage just isn’t for her, not with Aldo, nor Fer.

Half the cuartel runs in and tells the boys still sparring that they have something important to tell Fer. Fer says after he lets Domensolin see what he’s capable of. They say no now and pull him away. Suffocating and choking insults exchange. Just then the other half of the cuartel “Camp Aldo” (Sara and Lola) run in and tell him they have to tell him something important. Lety has decided not to marry you. Aldo is impactado.

Clearly Camp Fer has shared the same info with him and he is elated because she shouldn’t marry him anyway of course she should marry me. Camp Fer agrees, they like Aldo but know Lety will only be happy with you. They tell him he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. Juana tells him he is the champion. He smiles like a little boy given a lollypop.

Camp Aldo tells him he needs to talk with Lety and talk her out of it or else the enemy traitor will take advantage. He doesn’t get it. They say this is a grave situation you betrayed her and she dramatizes it for effect. He insists that he is incapable of betraying Lety. Lola asks well is he not in love with her anymore?

I liked Sanson kissing Celso.

Aldo tells them look, Lety is the love of my life, I’m not going to lose her. They say but what about Don Fer. He says no, I know she loves me and I love her and this will work out. He kisses Sara’s hands and tells them thanks but run along.

Fer is walking with his half of the cuartel being convinced he now has the grand opportunity. Camp Aldo watches on. He says nothing would make him happier than to get her back. He walks in to her office on the way to his cave and tells her he needs to tell her something, then reason gets a hold of him and he can see she is a bit upset so he decides he shouldn’t tell her, so he says nothing and continues on, throwing her a big kiss behind her back, then covers by stretching when she turns around in the middle of it. Lety looks very despondent. Poor Lety.

Aldo is despondent too in his office. He flashes back to their “si” poem in the park when he asked her to marry him. He smiles.

Lety thinks about it too, and starts crying that she’s not going to marry him.

Aldo tells himself how much he loves her.

The cuartel fight like us about which man is better. It comes to blows until Irma and Martha say their friendship is more important than all this. Irma says we can’t doing anything anyway about this affair of the heart. Marta makes a food comment and the cuartel shockingly remind her of her promise. They retreat to the their meeting room to reconfirm their friendship.

We see Julieta come in off the elevator. She sees Tomy and Ali and she hides. He is questioning that she ate 12 hamburgers and 18 hotcakes. She tells him the treatment makes her hungry but he is worried about the baby. She leaves and Juli sneaks up on Tomy telling him she came to see Fer but doesn’t want Lety to know. When she tells him it’s because Lety should marry Fer not Aldo, Tomy gets mad and tells her no way he’s a traitor he’s a bad guy etc. and Juli starts laughing because Fer is behind him. They go off and Tomy wonders what’s up.

Juli apologizes for bothering him and he says she is never a bother for him she can tell him whatever she wants. She starts by asking him to confirm that he was a womanizer. He admits, but that was way before. She says her real question is whether when he was with Marcia did he have women that were friends. He laughs very nervously and says well in his case it and usually it’s very hard for men to have female friends in that situation. Juli says yes, that’s what has me confused, because Aldo says the photo with the woman means nothing to him, she’s just a friendShe wants to know what he thinks as a man. . Fer is shocked that she saw a picture and wants more details. She tells him they were holding each other. He asks if they were with or without clothes. She says with clothes. Though it kills him to say this, he finally says he just doesn’t think Domensolin is the kind of guy to be unfaithful and that Lety really loves him. Juli is shocked at his selfless maturity. Thanks heavens. I’m glad someone is.

Tomas is trying to convince Lety she’s making the wrong decision. She says she can’t pardon him. Tomas tries to ask her what he rally did, it’s just a photo. She’s made because they never talk seriously. So in his 007 voice he asks what she thinks she’s going to do. She says she will take a photo with some guy and send it so he knows how she feels. Tomy wonders where she’ll find someone. They end up laughing anyway.

On the way out of the office Juli repeats that he is right, that Aldo would never cheat. The cuartel over hears this and makes their respective judgments, yeah he’s leaving Lety alone, or boo he’s not going to fight.

Juli and Fer go to Aldo’s office. They whisper about who should go first. They go in, and Aldo and Carmaniac are in an embrace. They are muy impactados, but Fer eeks out a bit of a hopeful smile.

Aldo tells them, look how can I tell you that this isn’t what it seems. Juli says it seems there’s nothing to explain. Fer says that they both believed in you. Carmaniac pipes up that she should explain. Al says it’s useless. Juli says no let her explain what we saw with our own eyes. She says we are just friends and I only came to say goodbye it’s true, I even offered to explain what happened in Puerto Vallarta to Lety. She continues that Aldo is very in love with Lety and he would never even look at another woman. Oh it was a nice touch that she touched Juli’s hands. She leaves. Fer says I better go too, but he whispers that it was a friendly hug.

The cuartel discusses again for some reason something to do with her divorce.

Juli tells Aldo that when he ahs children he wil understand he says he already does. He assures her he loves her daughter and will give his life to make her happy. They make up. Juli is happy.

Fer comes out with Carmaniac and confirms that everything she said is true, and she swears it is and he says perfect and kisses her goodbye. What did she tell him????

Just then PM shows up with her son and asks to speak to Fer but he doesn’t have time right now. She tells the cuartel she’s saying good bye that their flights leave tonight. Simon gets a sad smile.

Fer gets an idea. Fer shows up in Lety’s office with flowers, he says they are not from him, they must be from the fry boy and tells her to look at the card. She does and they are from him and Fer tells her to go run and thank him. She says ok and goes. He smiles his bittersweet smile that turns to sad because it appears he made her happy even though he’s not.

Lety runs into Aldo’s office. She tells him she loves him over and over again and he says that great but what happened to change your mind. She said because I’m a fool and you always know how to make me feel better. She thanks him for the flowers and he doesn’t understand. She asks how he can’t understand when he sent them. He says he didn’t send them. She says but the card says you did. He swears he didn’t and she wonders who. She figures it out, Aldo too knows it was Fer. She thinks it was disrespectful, how could he dare. He reads the card. A love without trust isn’t true love, and I need yours to keep on living. Fer wrote this love note pretending to be me. He shouldn’t have meddled but why do you think he did this. He did this to make us content. What else could have gotten us back together like this. Lety wants Fer to explain why he did this to get us to reconcile. Aldo too is intrigued as to why he did this.

Lety asks herself how she should handle this with Fer. Lopez is telling PM she has no additional salary due to her. The cuartel wish her the best and tell Jaime to take care of his Mom. Simon too chokes back tears as he says goodbye. PM says she ahs to say goodbye to Lety and Fer. Jaime says he wants to stay with Simon. He doesn’t want to go to his Dad. PM wants to know how he decided that.

Fer talks to himself wondering how the flower trick went down, he thinks maybe Aldo wouldn’t let on that he didn’t send them. Just then he opens the door and Lety falls in. He wonders what she was doing she tries to hide that she was listening in, but changes the subject and wants to know about the flowers (flores) Fer says Jorge Flores told you something? What did he say. She said no not him the flowers. He finally admits that Aldo didn’t deserve that you were so mad at him.

Simon is happy because he says Pm wanted to go to the US because she thought Jaimito wanted to go and vice versa. So it turns out they aren’t going and she tells Lopez she doesn’t resign.

Fer rehashs that Carmaniac explained everything and he doesn’t blame Aldo. She still wants to know why he did. He admits that he wants to see her happy and he knows that she loves Aldo so to see her happy he did this.

PM tells Jaime’s Papa they aren’t coming. They are happy there, and he didn’t exactly show any concern when she was pregnant, so they are fine with their friends and their loves and maybe one day he can come to Mexico to meet his son.

Aldo is talking to Gerardo on the phone about the possibility of getting back his restaurant. He says he’s only short a million but he explains that Aurora disappeared. He tells him he’ll think about it and he’ll call him back later. Lety comes back to him after having listened to his conversation and he asks how it went with Mendiola. She brings up that he needs Conceptos to pay him back the debt. He says he was talking about that and it was always his dream to have that restaurant and she knows that. She says of course your restaurant by the she and she promises to do everything to pay him back as soon as possible. He tells her not to worry. He wants to know what happened with Fer. She says well I was wrong. You have nothing going on with Carmaniac. Aldo gets a weird smile and we close.


Zorro Monday June 4/ Wednesday June 6 : Where a soccer game preempts Tuesday's episode and you get two, two, two recaps in one.

I typed this up in a hurry sorry for typos, I'll come back later to clean them up......

At Esmeralda’s ‘grave’, Almudena faints and Diego catches her. Mariangel does a fantastic job of acting concerned for her aunt. Mangle appears to be somewhat anguished. Is she dead, she wails and for good measure, Mangle starts to pray. They rush Dena to Agapito, our jack of all trades. Aga checks her out and tells Diego that his stepmother has a weak heart. Thankfully, Aga’s got some good drugs and he administers one to Dena. Afterward, he pulls Diego aside and says that he’s done all he can, the rest is up to Dena. If Dena doesn’t snap out of the depression, it very well could be the death of her. In the background it appears that Mangle is listening in on this conversation, but I can’t be so sure.

Maria Pia cries out that she still loves Fernando. Alejandro seems impactado and gives us acting face number 10 to let the audience know this. Maria Pia begs for forgiveness because it is the truth, she does love FS even with all of the terrible things he has done, she still loves him (I know just how you feel, Maria Pia). Meanwhile, Fernando is just laying on the ground and Arturo Peniche gives us the more sub textual performance, but we (a savvy audience) can tell that his Fernando is deeply moved by Maria Pia’s confession. MP starts to cry and actually throws a bit of a pity party for herself, she states that she doesn’t deserve anything, blah, blah, blah. Alej takes the time to let Fernando know that he won’t be making a shish kabob out of him today, because he won’t get blood on his sword for the love of his sister. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you somewhere down the road. Alej orders Fernando to steer clear of Maria Pia. Alej’s going to take care of his sister now and if FS so much as comes close to her, Al will have to kill him if he tries.

Sgt/Pvt Garcia (SAM) is excited to hear that Esme’s alive. He almost shouts out the news to the entire cantina. Auggie tells him to keep it down. SAM’s bewildered. Didn’t they witness Esme’s funeral and burial? So who’s in the grave?, he asks. Auggie fills SAM in on what he knows. He tells SAM that Montero is holding his wife, but no one can know. SAM thinks it is cruel to not tell Dena because she is suffering so much. Oh yeah, and they should tell Diego because a love like his for Esme’s is a rare thing. Auggie is insistent. They have to keep it quiet and he gets SAM to swear on is mother that he won’t tell a soul.

Ricardo Montero pays a little visit to his wife in la casa escondida. He starts off with his usual taunting, but espies the bottle of wine Auggie left for Esme. He goes nuts and knows immediately that Auggie has been betraying his orders. Monty tells Esme that Auggie will pay with his life. Esme insists it wasn’t him, but Monty’s no fool he knows it has to be Auggie.

Fernando returns home and is walking on cloud 6---she finally admitted she loves him. He’s stunned that she revealed the secret she’s been guarding in her heart for so long. Now she won’t be able to run from me, he says, he won’t allow it. He really needs to hear the adage, if you love someone set them free……

Heading home in their carriage, Mangle mentally rehashes Monty keeping Esme alive. She gets angry and thinks that Monty will have to get rid of her sister!!

Alej tells Maria Pia that Fernando won’t be bothering her anymore. She tells him that she can’t keep running from him anymore and she doesn’t know what to do. She decides she needs to face her life and that she’s going to return to the hacienda. Alej wonders why she’s not going back to the convent.

Auggie lets SAM know that he’s got some money hidden, he won’t say where he got the money, but if anything were to happen to him, SAM should get it and use it to care for his wife and kids. SAM tells Auggie to be careful.

Esme rages in her basement cell. She’s upset with Montero and swears he’s going to pay for all of the innocent people he’s killed.

Auggie heads toward Monty’s hide-away and comes across three of Monty’s goons. Ever the brave man, Auggie pulls out his sword and faces off against three pistols.

Mangle and Diego share a drink. She tries to play the role of concerned wife asking about her husband’s former lover. She can’t carry it off. She comes from an new angle and says that her baby is growing and all it is going to need is love from both parents (yes, studies have show that fetal alcohol syndrome can be prevented---not by not drinking, as you might think, but rather by the love of both parents, so pour me another one Diego). Diego isn’t falling for her clever little tricks. He wants to hammer out the details of their separation. He tells Mangle that he’ll make sure that she’ll have money and that she won’t be socially ostracized. Mangle throws her glass and storms out of the room. She heads upstairs and proceeds to have a hissy fit. She wants it all!!! (I’m sure she’s talking about the money).

Dolores lectures Dena about not eating.

Selenia and Olmos discuss the potion she’s making for him. She tells him that the tears are the most important ingredient. She also lets Olmos know that it will take 111 days to take effect. This doesn’t make Olmos happy.

Diego goes to find Mangle. He tells her he didn’t mean to insult her, but they need to find a way that is best for the both of them. Mangle says that he needs to get over Esme because life goes on. She says she went to Esme’s grave to ask for forgiveness from her sister, because the two of them had their differences. Mangle, angling again, says to Diego that they are still alive and she makes a move on him. He steps away and says just think about my offer.

Auggie faces off against the three goons and they have him backing up. Suddenly, out of no where, there is a suspicious hole in the ground---freshly dug and just about the size of a grave. Auggie gets backed into it and the three men each get off a shot at close range. I’m saddened, but a little hopeful that these men have bad aim just like everyone else in this show or perhaps Auggie will have a miraculous recovery like both Maria Pia and Sara Kali (both shot at close range) or like Diego and Tobias---both shot while being Zorro, then there was Renzo’s recent gunshot wound, and didn’t Esme get shot in the arm---am I leaving anyone out? However, the thugs put an end to my hopes by throwing the dirt on Auggie’s body…there’s no Agapito near by to dig him up. So let’s pause for a moment in memory of Aguirre, he was a man who didn’t always make the best choices, but he had a good heart.

Monty fills Pizarro in on discovering that Auggie was feeding Esme. They’ll need a new guard now. Piza asks what’s up with Auggie (dare I think he looks a bit concerned? This can’t actually be for Auggie, it must be because of the snafu to his plans). Monty tells Piza to choose a guard loyal to him and get him to guard Esme. Piza leaves the room and starts to have an asthma attack. Someday, he swears, I’ll be the one in charge and I’ll give the orders for your execution, Montero.

Diego rehashes with Alej about what happened with Dena at Esme’s grave. Alej fills Diego in on what happened with Maria Pia and Fernando.

Maria Pia tells Padre Tomás that she’s leaving the convent. She knows Fernando is bad, but she loves him and she admitted it. PT says I thought you were trying to get rid of that feeling, but love is like that sometimes you can’t shake it. PT wonders what this means about the vows MP took. She tells him that she’s in limbo (not the Catholic kind) because she’s not a wife to God nor can she be one to Fernando.

The Marquesa gives Fernando a warning. She lets him know that she knows about him keeping Sara Kali/Mercedes locked up for so many years. He’s going to eventually pay for that. Feranando says that if the Marquesa thinks that Mercedes could have taken the Crown, she’s sadly mistaken. No one in court would have taken her seriously, she’d have never lasted there.

The Queen is talking to el Duco (who looks rather handsome today, I didn’t recognize him right away). She’s upset because her Council won’t let her go to America because of potential danger to her personal safety. Well, she decides, she’s the queen and she’s got absolute will. If she wants to go, she’ll go, Council be damned.

Piza brings SAM on board with the Esme hiding. SAM does a fairly good job at acting like Esme being alive is brand new information. Piza promises that SAM will get promoted back to sergeant when this gets over. Piza tells SAM that Auggie failed and they both know how Monty deals with people who fail.

Olmos reports to Mangle about the de la Vega assets and how the property is distributed. Mangle figures with the child she’s good for about half the money (based on what logic, I couldn’t really tell you). She flashes Olmos some leg and he tells her that she got a letter sent over from her father’s house (the one he had forged). He offers to go get it for her. Mangle finds out that it is a letter from Santiago’s sister.

SAM gets Auggie’s family out of town.

MC goes to see Monty and tells him that he’ll be punished for the rotten things he’s done, but mostly for the death of Esmeralda. Monty says he’s gotten no complaints from his superiors. She says she’s leaving, but that he’ll be watched while she’s gone. Monty tells her to have a nice trip. She assures him she’ll be back and leaves. Monty mutters to himself that he’s sure she won’t.

Zorro in the Fox Cave tells Bernardo that he was able to hit Monty where it hurts.

SAM visits Esme and tells her that he’ll take good care of her. She asks about Auggie and SAM says that he’s sure some bad things have happened to Auggie. Esme cries and blames herself. SAM says that Esme can count on him and he’ll help her in any way he can.

Monty is ticked when Piza tells him that SAM is Esme’s new guard. Piza says that SAM wants to get back in Monty’s good graces, so he should easily be controlled. Monty’s not so sure, SAM’s been known to talk to Diego. Piza says SAM will keep his distance from de la Vega. Moving on to a new subject, the two men discuss the explosives experts. Monty wants them killed right after they do their job, he doesn’t like to leave witnesses around. He goes to get the money to pay the men out of his secret room, he moves a wall sconce and reveals his secret chamber. However, there is no money in the room, just a big ‘Z’ on the wall. Monty is livid. END OF EPISODE

Monty freaks out!!! He wants to know how Zorro got in the secret chamber. He goes on ranting and punches out the first soldier/guard who responds to all his yelling. Piza says he’ll send some men out to search for Zorro, he can’t be too far away.

Out riding in the countryside, Zorro has a flood of memories of Esme.

Esme tells SAM she doesn’t believe that Pizarro is truly on her side after all that has happened. SAM says that Piza thinks that helping Esme, the queen’s daughter, will advance his career. Mid sentence SAM starts yelling at Esme that she’ll get no food from him. It is just for show because Monty has arrived. He tells SAM to leave him alone with his wife and SAM looks worried *ulcer 1.

Mangle reads the letter and she’s too sad to finish it. Olmos offers to read it for her. He’s got his hanky handy. Mangle wonders if the letter is to let her know that Santiago got married. Nope, Olmos says, it is to inform her that Santiago is dead.

The Marquesa says goodbye to Alej and says she’ll miss los de la Vega. She warns Alej to be careful, just because Fernando and Monty are on their best behavior now, that won’t always be the case. She tells Al she’d hoped to find Mercedes while she was here, but she didn’t. Al says he’ll keep an ear to the ground and if he finds out her whereabouts he’ll let MC know. MC does a fair bit of fawning over Dolores and Dolo cries because MC is leaving.

Piza plots with the explosive experts on how they are going to blow up the carriage. The TNT guys say that they can make it look accidental because there is a lot of mining in the area where the carriage will pass through. Piza says there will be serious problems if the carriage doesn’t blow up.

Esme asks Montero about Auggie. Monty asks about Zorro. Esme says she’s not talking and Monty seems happy because now he can torture her some more. He tells her that he’ll kill her baby first, then he’ll kill her, slowly.

Zorro hands out money to the poor all the while thinking that he’s doing this for Esme.

Renzo and Nutty Ana Camila (NAC) talk about Esme and his love for her. NAC says his heart will heal and that life gave him another opportunity.

Monty gives SAM his rules for watching Esme. He tells the thugs to keep an eye on SAM and that SAM should be searched for food before going into the house. SAM wonders if he’ll get out of this mess alive.

Mangle cries and rants and cries. Finally she faints and Olmos uses the hanky for her tears.

Maria Pia says her goodbyes at the convent. Nice words are expressed from the nuns. Padre Tomás looks on sadly. Maria Pia expresses regret about how everything came down. Just a note, have you looked at PT’s hair….I was just wondering how they do that, because I’m sure that actor really doesn’t have hair like that…do you think he’s bald and it is a little toupee ring, or something? (Man can you tell I’m getting sick of these Maria Pia and the nun scenes).

Prudencio gossips to Fernando about Maria Pia being spotted leaving the convent in her street clothes. Fernando says that he knew she’d leave, he knows her better than he knows his own self. Soon, he adds, you’ll be in my arms again.

NAC writes a letter to her family, asking them to give money to the gitanos. For the price of a cup a coffee a day, her family can adopt a poor gitano child and they’ll receive monthly newsletters on his/or her progress. Jonas thinks NAC should deliver the message personally, but she says no seeing her would be too hard on her mother. So Jonas decides to send Javier (oh yeah, another one who got shot and recovered---come to think about it didn’t Jonas get shot when Fernando raided the gitano camp? Or did he just get clubbed with a butt of the rifle?) to Santa Cruz to deliver the letter. NAC says how happy she is to find the gitanos and be able to help them out. Laisha angrily says that NAC can’t buy her way into their community.

Yumi is back (UGH!). Alej sees her riding into the hacienda and seems happy to see her. He goes down to greet her and they exchange pleasantries about family. He tells her that there has been no change with Dena, she’s still broken hearted over Esme. Yumi says she’s got some stuff from her abuela to give to Dena. She heads up and finds Dena in bed. They rehash Dena’s visit to Esme’s grave and how sad she is. Dena says again that she’s going to die.

Mangle is spread out on her bed, dressed somewhat like a go go girl. She rereads the letter she got from Santiago. She gets upset because in the letter he declares his love for Esme and that he’s leaving because he knows that Esme is only a child. Damn you Esme!! You’ll pay for this!!

Alej talks to Diego about how worried he is for Dena *ulcer 2. He starts to talk about when he was younger and a reckless captain, how he found meaning when he met Regina. Diego says he can relate, that’s how he felt with Esme. Alej goes on about how depressed he got after Regina died, but all he had to do was look at Diego and that helped him overcome his depression. Diego gave him the will to live, and Dena needs something like that to help her.

Mangle goes to Esme and curse her out. She tells Esme that she never opened Santiago’s letter until today and how she cried over it. Today she found out that Santiago left because of Esme and now he’s dead. Esme says she’s sorry and Mangle tells her to shut up. She threatens Esme, and how she knows that Esme’s going to suffer because her lover, Montero, will do anything she asks. Esme is shocked to hear that her sister has shacked up with Monty. Mangle slaps Esme and chokes her.

Olmos goes to see Selenia and gives her the hanky with the tears. It is the last thing needed for the potion. He questions Selenia’s powers and asks for proof. Selenia says it’s not good to fool with mother nature!! Actually, she just gets angry and with a flash of her ruby ring, she tells Olmos to take a look in the mirror and see what Mangle will see once she takes the potion. Olmos follows orders and looks. He looks all dapper in the mirror and this is pleasing to Olmos.

Piza finds Agapito and wants to know the truth about Sara Kali, is she really dead? He tells Aga that Zorro told him that Sara Kali is alive. Aga is alarmed that Zorro would talk and he questions Piza. Piza says that it wasn’t Zorro exactly—or at least he didn’t believe it was Zorro, it was someone trying to trick him and find out more about his personal life. He threatens Aga and then leaves.

Tobias is bathing and Catalina decides to make a move. Tobi isn’t having it (familiar ---that’s because we’ve seen this before). Tobi calls Cat a hussy and brazen. Cat is confused, she’s supposed to be this way with her husband. Tobi shoos her away and says to himself that he can’t touch her until he knows that Pizarro’s touch is off her skin.

Maria Pia arrives at the hacienda. She and Diego rehash the latest. Maria Pia tells Diego she doesn’t know what she’s going to do, but she compares herself to the clothes still hanging in her closet----old and forgotten.

SAM finds Esme and they rehash Mangle’s visit. SAM swears he’s got to do something to help her.

MC’s carriage heads out of town. She tells SEC that she loves los de la Vega and wants to protect them always. She also hates Monty and Fernando and she’ll make sure they pay for all the bad things they’ve done.

Diego confabs with his papa. They talk about MC’s leaving and all of her good qualities. Alej tells Diego he’s worried for her (ulcer 3) and Diego wants some clarification, when did she leave town?

Esme decides she needs to escape. She starts to pile up bags of seed stored in the basement. Way up high, there is a barred window or some other opening. She climbs up the bags and reaches for it. Am I the only one concerned because she’s wearing a flowing dress and is dangling above a lit torch?

The TNT guys (all wearing brand spanking new boots) meet with Piza and lay down their powder trail. Piza reminds them they need to be exact, they’ll only have one chance to get it right. On a perch above them, Zorro says we’ll see about that. END OF EPISODE/ Ulcers 3


Acorralada #101 Wednesday 6/6/07 Panchi loses his mojo

Today, we are still trying to get Bruno to reveal the baby's whereabouts. I will shorten the suspense for all by summarizing these long and repetitive scenes. Bruno asks to have Diana sent in. She wants to see her suffer. She makes Diana humiliate herself with tears. She blames her for Marfil's unhappiness and Debora's death. Finally, she says she will tell her where the baby is for something in exchange--she wants her to give up Max for the happiness of her daughter Marfil. Diana says she has already given him up--there is nothing between them. But you still love him, says Bruno, and he loves you. I want you not to love him and him not to love you. Diana says she can't control another person, and besides, he needs to work at the factory. But there's nothing between them. Dimwit strikes again! Bruno begins to have another heart attack. Or fake heart attack, I'm not sure.

Diana goes back in the hall, where Marfil and Max and Diego are waiting. Marfil doesn't want her to go back in, because she is intent on protecting her mama! She really wants her mother to die without revealing the truth, but she is not letting on. This is pretty much where we end up.

In another room at the hospital, we see the Mummy getting ready to reveal herself. She takes the bandages off her severely wounded hand and holds it up for us to see. Then she flashes back to when she was getting burned. Then she says "I can't feel my hand!"

Diana goes home at the end and finds her mother drinking and tries to get her to stop.

Larry and Yolanda rehash news on the beach. Yolanda doesn't want to reveal her relationship to Max yet, because he is preoccupied with the kidnapping.

Now for a new development: New characters! We see Camila and Iggy strolling on the beach and lamenting how they have no money. Suddenly Iggy's cell phone rings, and it's his cousin Eduardo, who he hasn't seen in two years. Eduardo is very rich and is coming from California (we see him in his mansion) to work for two years. He is going to rent a place, it seems, and Iggy offers him the run of his homeless shelter. (This part makes no sense, because if the guy is so rich, why would he want to stay in Iggy's little apartment?) Eduardo asks why Iggy isn't at the hospital, and Iggy says, oh, things, you know. After the call, Iggy and Camila figuratively high-five at their sudden good luck. The arrival of cousin Eddie will solve their dinero problems.

Anyway, Eduardo has a wife who he's crazy about. She's out shopping, he says. She just loves shopping. The camera cuts to a scene of wifey in bed with some shirtless hunk. He must be her personal shopper.
Later, she comes home, and they discuss the move to Miami and their upcoming stay with cousin Iggy. She wants to go to the movies, but he is too busy. She's very excited about the move to Miami. She seems to harbor a great desire to get it on with Iggy, I think, and she says that once she's in Miami she will have men who pay attention to her.

Finally, the Orlando vacation comes to a dramatic conclusion!
Puncho is in the pool kissing some strange girl. He pulls away from her just in time for Caramelo to come downstairs in another thong bikini. She starts kissing him. Paco comes out and tells her that Paola was there. Meanwhile, Octy is upstairs telling Paola that Caramelo is there. Paola runs downstairs, and the fun begins. Paola and Caramelo start the usual bitch-slap fest and go into the pool. Then Paco, Emilio and Puncho start exchanging blows and also fall into the pool. The action continues with a five-way free-for-all. Finally it is over, and Puncho is much the worse for wear, with his face bloodied.

Caramelo doesn't want to leave, and she cries that she still loves him. Paco tries to convince her that Pancho is trash, and she should divorce him and take up with a nice working stiff, like Emilio, who respects women. She cries some more.

Meanwhile, Paola is trying to clean Puncho's wounds, and she gets angry because she thinks he had planned the trip knowing Caramelo would be there. For once, he is in the clear, but no matter. Finally, she leaves with Octy. Pancho is left looking in the mirror and lamenting how his fieritas have disobeyed him. He begins to look and sound delusional and mad.

Meanwhile, the others still don't know that Paco is Paola's father!


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Destilando 6/6: Smarmy Frankie gets lucky. Sofia continues with the Chinese Water Torture approach to ensuring inheritance.

Once again captions have disappeared from local Univision. Tonight was the first time I've ever recapped without reading the screen! So it's going to be vague - feel free to fill in details. Hopefully subtitles will be back by next week.

Gaviota is depressed, she wants to hide away and sleep, she feels bad about bagging her job at Montalvo's but she can't take any more. Italian Bennie has taken the two jimadoras off to Cuernavaca for R&R but Gav just mopes around, tears leaking from her eyes, which can't do much for Bennie and which even de-bounces her mom somewhat.

Smarmy Frankie is lurking around Isa, in the dark, saying her husband should be dedicated to her, he shouldn't abandon such a marvellous woman (pours on the compliments). She cries, cue the sexy saxophone music and they have at it. Afterwards she tells him to get out, she vvvvannts to be alone.

Meanwhile Rod drinks in a bar, listening to a love song, kisses-of-yore-ing. (We need a better term for flashbacks which include nothing but kisses and embraces. And by the way these kisses-of-yore flashbacks are as tired as Rod's wornout cassette, we need some NEW kisses and enough already with the old ones.) Rod is way too drunk to drive so he spends the night in a hotel conveniently near the bar (but he still drives there, shame).

Gav, in Cuernavaca, cries and remembers Christmas Eve, how they kissed and he told her she's the only woman he's able to love.

Next morning Sofia and Grannie are sitting around the mansion doing nothing, as usual. A phone call with Elvira reassures them: Rod is at work and Gav isn't. Sofia gets a greasy obnoxious smile and tells Pilar: This means Rod and Mariana Franco were NOT together last night (Christmas) ...

At the office, Rod is not working; he is making many phone calls, maybe all to the same number, trying to find Gav/Mariana. Oñate pops in with more crooked documents to be signed. Rod actually asks a question about the tequila and the ports in question! [Without captions, I could not capture the details of the business conversations.] Rod signs. Oñate, wearing his yukky Uriah Heep smile, wants Mariana to sign too.

[If somebody peered over a document at ME with that creepy self-satisfied grin - I would not sign. -- Ed.]

Videgaray shows up and tells Rod: "You're being used, by Aaron, to cover up dirty business, and other tequila kingpins are beginning to realize there's something suspicious going on at Montalvo Inc. -- and it's your head plastered on the bullseye." Rod is impactado into - and out of - the commercial break.

Videgaray reiterates: "Aaron is not the man you grew up with." He suggests Rod do some investigating himself in three ports Videgaray suspects to be part of the "irregular" shipments - but insists Rod keep it completely to himself. He says some employees and possibly even family members are probably involved, and he shouldn't tell anybody what he's up to. Rod tells Videgaray he completely trusts Mariana and would like to share this investigation with her - but of course she's not around.

In Cuernavaca Italian Benny pops in with breakfast for the girls and a day of sightseeing is planned. Gav is very lackluster. Benny says she should see a shrink, he happens to know a great one. After some resistance Gav agrees to go.

Pilar and Sofia, since they have nothing else to do, traipse into Rod's office. He's still trying to call Gaviota. They ask if he's serious about leaving Isa. He says yes. Sofia asks nosy questions. He says stay out of my personal business and reiterates: I don't love Isa. Sofia asks, "Where were you last night?" "In a hotel alone - hoping to avoid the very inquisition I'm getting right now. And Mariana is gone on vacation and I don't even know where." He says he'll take care of Isa (oh, I'm sure her lawyer will see to that). Grannie and Sofia want him to move back home.

The travel agent calls Elvira to give Rod his full itinerary for the upcoming super-secret secret spying mission. Elvira helpfully repeats all the details with clarity as Oñate listens around the corner (twirling his moustache and memorizing every word). He gives her candy. [Operant conditioning.]

Rod comes out, snatches his itinerary, asks Elvira if anybody knows about it, she says no, he reminds her it's a super-secret secret and she should be more discreet.

Oñate, who suspects Videgaray has instigated Rod's planned investigation, calls Aaron. Aaron goes ballistic, fearing that his whole scheme will be exposed. He orders Oñate to figure out some way to keep Rod from figuring out what's going on in the three ports. Minerva overhears the furious phone call and comes in asking cheerfully: "Oh, is this about your irregular exports?" "Shut up," Aaron explains as he pinches her lips closed and tells her it's a super-secret secret.

Patricio and Aaron have a very unfriendly conversation - I think Aaron's ordering Pat to help Oñate hide the illegal shipments (if anybody wants to add details, please do). Lluvia comes in - I don't think Patricio's told her about the crooked stuff he's been lured into. Aaron has a kneejerk lascivious reaction to his former lover. Pat sends him packing.

Isa is ripping big pink bows off her Christmas tree, doorbell rings, it's Smarmy Frankie, he wants to pick up where they left off last night, she seems pissed and tells him to go try his "my phone is broken may I please use yours" line someplace else, he says he's nevvvver done anything like this before, he grabs her, she says suéltame (let me go) and then they grab each other and go at it again and the clothes start to come off and - cue the doorbell!

"It's Rodrigo!" she hisses and they both start to put their clothes back on, but no, it's Sofia, who's come to reassure Isa that Rod was NOT with Gav last night and - yes - to urge her for the 1500th time to reconcile with Rod for the good of the family (ie for Sofia's own inheritance). Isa says she's decided never to go back but Sofia doesn't take no for an answer and just nags, nags, nags.

[When we did this, my mother would unsympathetically mock us, saying "drip, drip, drip." She called this kind of nagging "Chinese Water Torture." -- Ed.]

Meanwhile smarmy Frankie is fakely pretending to make a phone call (to justify his presence) and Sofia eyes him. He leaves ("Thanks, neighbor!") and Sofia, favorably impressed by his purple shirt and sleazy aura, says she'd like to be introduced to him. Isa looks unenthusiastic, then tells Sofia: "I'm leaving town to get over the pain Rod's caused me, I'll visit friends in Acapulco." Sofia gets teary thinking about the possibility that due to Isa's divorce she, Sofia, may one day have to raise herself up off the sofa and go get a job. They say goodbye. Smarmy Frankie is lurking in the hallway - after Sofia leaves he's right back trying to munch on Isa some more. Isa isn't in the mood because Rod could come home at any moment and she doesn't need more problems.

Rod rehashes to James ("She doesn't believe in my love!") while Gav, simultaneously, rehashes in Cuernavaca to the Virgincita ("When I looked in his eyes, I believed - but afterwards, not so much...")

Italian Bennie takes her to see his friend Dr. Erica the psychologist who is, of course, a babe. Gav recaps her dilemma yet again and asks Dr. Erica if it's possible that a man could really love only one woman as Rod swears is the case...

Tomorrow: at least one brand new never-thought-bubbled-before kiss!


Acorralada #100 Tuesday 6/5/07 A giant rehash festival

Not much happens in this episode, so I will recap quickly. Can you believe we have watched 100 episodes of this doo doo?

Isabel is still taking care of the baby with the help of the neighbor lady in rollers.

Gaby and Silvia bond.

Rene and Larry discuss how bad things are--the baby is missing, Gaby will be on trial for murder, and Kiki and Gaby are engaged!

At the Orlando hotel, Paco and Octavia are trying to get Paola to leave Puncho. Puncho is telling them to MYOB. When Octy tells him that Paola is too good for a delinquent like him, Puncho reminds Octy that she's hasn't exactly been on good behavior herself. Later, Paco and Octy see Puncho and Paola making out by the side of the pool. Octavia once again laments the comedown her high-class daughter has made in taking up with a naco.

At the hospital, they are still trying to get Bruno to divulge the baby's whereabouts. Max shakes her, and she has a heart attack, and might not be able to tell them where she is. There is much consternation. This goes on and on for several scenes, with nothing but repetition. Back at Mansion Manicomio, the nutty assemblage wrings their collective hands over the situation, but Diego thought bubbles that he hopes Bruno dies without revealing his involvement and where the baby is.

We see the following variants:
Marfil visits her mom alone, and she wishes her mother would die without revealing where the baby is. Fedora drinks in the hall while vowing to find the baby.
Diego shows up, obviously needing to take matters into his own hands. He wheels into Bruno's room, over the objections of Fedora. He and Marfil exchange knowing glances about how it would suit both of them if Bruno died without revealing the baby's whereabouts. If the baby never reappeared, this strong link or lasso (lazo) between Diana and Max would be gone and they would return to their respective spouses. Marfil seems to be egging Diego on to kill Bruno.

They leave, and Bruno calls Diana in for a special conference. She vows that she will never reveal where the baby is, and she's going to die, and it is her special revenge for all the bad things that have happened to her.

Max vows that he will find the baby even if Bruno dies. They set about getting the TV stations alerted so someone can report the existence of the baby. I suppose roller lady will see this and reveal location of the baby.

Granny DS cries that it is her fault the baby is gone. Gaby comforts her.

At the end, Bruno calls for the doctor and seems to want to say something, but my recording cut off. I think they have shifted the timing of the show, and I may have to start recording for a few minutes extra at the end of the hour.


Duelo - Tuesday 6/5/07 - In which Malena should be recruited by the Lucha Libre Academy

Stupid Soledad backpedals from almost spilling the beans to Emilio that Alina is alive. She tells him she didn't mean to say what she said, she's just dazed and confused by all that has happened. They talk about Orlando being the one who allegedly raped Alina, but it turns out he was an opportunist who lied about it anyway. Soledad says at least Alina didn't have to suffer That Particular Shame.

Emilio regrets not having been able to help Alina. Soledad assures him that Alina is at peace, she's sure Alina knows the truth. Emilio says since Alina died he has no reason to live. Alina was everything to him.

Singing Auntie sobs in grief for Maxi Pork Kebab even though he was an uncouth boor. Thelma tells her she's pathetic being in love with a dead guy. "Oh yeah..." counters Auntie,"you're married to a guy who has nothing but contempt for you!" Thelma hisses she's glad Max died because he threatened to ruin her plans. Auntie pisses Thelma off by saying she pities Thelma and her unhealthy love.

Emilio tells Soledad that tomorrow he plans to testify against Alvaro. He will also tell the court what a disgrace his uncle was.

Next Morning:

Alina tells Coral that she wants to see Emilio just one more time, even if from afar. She acts all sad and pathetic until Coral agrees to go with her to the jail so they can hide behind a wall or something and spy on Emilio.

Just as there is only one church in town, there also seems to be only one hotel...Hugo leaves his room and Alfonsina starts to break in. Just then Mariana, Malena and Dr. Love come hobbling down the hallway and Alfonsina slithers off to hide. Oops! Silly Dr. Love, he got them on the wrong floor. He loudly announces what their correct room number is and they leave. Alfonsina sees them and thought bubbles that Mariana must be there to tell the patron the truth, that she (Alfonsina) is the one who deliberately started the misunderstanding that turned into this telenovela.

Rodrigo goes to Coral's to "protect" Alina but she's not there. Adela lets the cat out of the bag that Alina went to the courthouse because her father is in prison. He acts impactado and dashes off heroically.

Emilio enters the court and says he wants to testify that not only did DonLoco imprison and torture his wife and daughter, but he also tried to kill Emilio on two occasions. Shady Lawyer tries to discredit Emilio but Emilio says his military word of honor, and the words of honor of other military witnesses, will support what he says. I say lift your shirt and drop your pants and show them the bullet wounds.

Thelma visits Soledad in jail. After insulting all the members of the Montellano family she says she has a friend who happens to be dating an Alina Montellano. Doesn't Soledad find that to be quite the coincidence?

Soledad tries black is Thelma's soul that she mentions the name of Soledad's dead daughter? Boo hoo. Thelma doesn't fall for this tactic that used to work on DonLoco. She says she'll keep snooping until she finds out the truth.

Emilio testifies that Sierra Escondida was a lawless land and DonLoco was used to taking the law into his own hands. Shady Lawyer says Don Maximo said Emilio abused his military rank and power by messing with DonLoco. Emilio answers that DonLoco and Don Max were of the same ilk; they broke the law and protected each other. Emilio goes through the list of bad things that DonLoco and Max did but we all know them so no need to repeat them here.

DonLoco starts going loco against Emilio. Doctora Loca tries to intervene so that her patient can calm down but the judge orders her to backoff and for the trial to proceed. I wonder if the judge and warden are beginning to see through her professionalism?

Emilio concludes his testimony by confirming that Soledad and Elias never had a relationship that was anything but honorable. (How does he know this?) Alina and Coral peek around the corner to spy on the proceedings. They get to hear Emilio spout that Soledad and Alina were always honest, wonderful people and Alina was DonLoco's legitimate daughter. (Again, how does he KNOW this?) He says the word of Alina Montellano was all the proof of this that he ever needed. (Oh, OK.) She was a pure and honorable girl. Alina and Coral giggle and dash across the hallway.

Alina tells Coral that she still loves Emilio but it's better that he thinks she's dead. Of course Rodrigo has heard this because he walked up behind her. Instead of saying "Hi Rodrigo!" very loudly, Coral says nothing and keeps nodding her head in his direction until Alina finally turns around. Oops!

The judge states that after today's VERY CONVINCING testimony by Emilio, the defense will get to start their testimonies tomorrow. Don Loco starts going loco again and they drag him off to his cell.

Alina apologizes to Rodrigo and tells him she wants to go somewhere and explain everything.

Alfonsina hopes that she can get that cripple Mariana alone.

Ricardo and Malena have errands to run and leave Mariana alone. Alonsina creeps toward the room.

Alina fills Rodrigo in on the big mystery. He has been ordered to protect her because a lot of people, including her father and Emilio, believe she is dead. When her father was going to marry her off to Orlando she decided, with Luba's help, to take a potion that made everybody think she was dead. "Then Emilio doesn't love Thelma," asks Rodrigo? Alina tells him no, he only married Thelma for the baby and now she (Alina) doesn't want to destroy the marriage. Rodrigo tells her he understands and he will fight for her love. Now he has something to admit...that friend he had lunch with? That was Thelma. Alina is impactada.

Shady Lawyer visits DonLoco and scolds him for acting up in court. DonLoco says it's everybody's fault but his.

Alina tells Rodrigo that Thelma was the worst to her of anyone. Thelma mustn't know she's alive. Too late. Rodrigo tells Alina to be strong and have faith in him. They WILL have that dinner with Thelma. Alina looks at him like "*Que the hell?????" (*Becksterism)

Alfonsina pretends to be the maid and Mariana shuffles her walker to the door and opens it. "Damn cripple," shouts Alfonsina, "since when can you move?" Mariana tells her she can speak too, and she's going to tell everyone the truth. The letter was for her, not Soledad, also that Hugo and Alfonsina plotted to blackmail DonLoco with the cofre. She calls Alfonsina pure trash. Alfonsina slaps Mariana onto the bed then leaps on top of her and slaps her again.

Emilio tells the warden he will testify in Soledad's behalf. Sadly his tio was a bad person. The warden says in that case Soledad will surely be freed immediately.

Tina the nanny finds a letter in little Gaby's drawer. It says "Dear Mommy, I know you are in heaven watching down on daddy and me. I saw daddy kissing a hot babe and it made me mad. Was I wrong? Is daddy doing a good thing or a bad thing? What should I do?"

Emilio gets home and the phone rings. He picks it up at the same time Thelma does and hears her make plans to meet Rodrigo and his amiga at the club for dinner. She thought bubbles "Now we'll see about this Alina friend." Emilio thought bubbles "Thelma plans to go out without me. What's going on with Thelma and Rodrigo?"

Alfonsina shrieks "I'm going to kill you, you damn cripple!" Suddenly Malena runs in and yanks Alfonsina off by her braid. First she smashes the back of her head against the wall, then she flings Alfonsina across the room and onto the sofa where she jumps on her, pins her with her knees, and proceeds to strangle her. Alfonsina finally breaks free and rushes out, but not before Malena gives her a parting kick for good measure. Wow, rewind! It's even better the second time! Mariana says Malena is just like Superman, she arrived just in time. Malena is completely jacked up from the fight, all hyper, bouncing up and down and grinning.

Elias is happy to see Dr. Love and over a cup of coffee fills him in on what happened after he left Escondidaville.

Hugo returns to his room chuckling that after tomorrow he will return to Veracruz and Alfonsina won't see a centavo of the money. Shady Lawyer stops by for his daily threat and Hugo assures him he knows what to say in court because he wants the rest of his money. After the lawyer leaves Hugo decides to take a bath. He puts his gun on the nightstand.

Thelma lies to Emilio and tells him Rodrigo is no longer interested in meeting them for dinner. "We'll see," thought bubbles Emilio.

Malena and Mariana fill Dr. Love in on the beating that Malena gave to Alfonsina. Mariana is still all hot to tell DonLoco that Soledad never betrayed him and Alina really is his daughter.

Alina, Coral and Adela (with Rodrigo standing guard) get Soledad out of jail. Hugs all around. Soledad warns Alina about Thelma's visit to her in jail. Rodrigo admits to them that Thelma already knows about Alina thanks to him. Soledad tells him that Thelma is a very bad person and shouldn't know anything about Alina. He and Alina blow everyone's minds by saying they're going to have dinner with Thelma that night. Rodrigo looks confident but Alina not so much.

Shady Lawyer's secretary brings him an enevelope of forensic evidence. He looks at it, scowls, and says DonLoco must know immediately.

Thelma leaves her dark house and Emilio follows. "Thelma will get the surprise of her life," he mutters.

Angel, wearing his unibomber duds, has started a new sketch, apparently not Alina. He says "Claudia, could it be possible? Could Claudia be the love?"

Some masked luchadors (a couple of them look kind of like Coco Verde) stroll by Luba. She sees her wanted poster in the gym, "Is it me?" and tears it down, "Just in case!"

You've got to give Alfonsina credit, she's not going to let an ass whoopin' get her down. She knocks a poor chambermaid unconscious and steals her keys. She goes into Hugo's room and steals his gun while he's in the bath.

Shady Lawyer shows DonLoco the forensic evidence...the tomb of Alina Montellano was empty!

Alfonsina is on a roll. She goes down to the front desk, holds the gun to the clerk's head and orders him to open Hugo's safety deposit box. They go into the security closet where, unbeknownst to her, everything is filmed by a hidden camera. Ain't nobody gonna mistake Alfonsina with her getup. We see everything through the eye of the camera. As Alfonsina leaves she turns back around and, perfectly framed in the camera, shoots the clerk.

DonLoco and Shady Lawyer can't figure out why Alina's tumba was empty unless...unless...someone stole the body to prevent them from comparing the DNA! Who would profane a tomb in order to protect Soledad? DonLoco thinks it's Elias of course. Shady Lawyer suspects it's the person who protected the girl...that Luba. "That damn witch," shouts DonLoco, "It must be her!"

Luba shows Gaspar her wanted poster. "How pretty," he gushes. Luba sets him straight. It means people are looking for her. "Are they going to try to kill us, like the Cacique?" asks Gaspar, beginning to panic. Luba says if they're found they'll go to jail forever. Thanks to stupid Vera the police probably think she killed Flor. Luba says they need to beat it before the cops get their hands on them.

Rodrigo waits at the club. Thelma arrives all dolled up; she says she can't wait to meet his date, where is she? The camera pans to where Rodrigo points. We see a pair of legs sauntering toward the table in slow motion.

In the next "critical episode" - Hugo waves bye-bye to a ranting DonLoco. Emilio arrives at the club, does he see who is attached to the mystery legs?

By the way, there is a cool book called "Lucha Loco" by Malcom Venville. It has superb photos and bios of many luchadors. Check out the website to see some fantastic pictures and short on-line interviews with some of the fascinating characters in this sport.

amor malsano = unhealthy love
aturdita = dazed
calaña = ilk, a type
contudente = convincing
paliza = beating
patán = uncouth boor
Por si las moscas = just in case


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